Ced 106 - Properties of Assessment

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• To know and define the different Properties of Assessment

• To differentiate each Properties

• To show the importance of different Properties of Assessment

to the learning of the students
Properties of Assessment
Properties of Assessment
The quality of the assessment instrument and method used in
education is very imortnat since the evaluation and the judgement
that the teacher gives on students are based from the information
he/she obtain using these instruments. Accordingly theachers
follow a number of procedures to ensure that the entire
assessment is valid and reliable.
The Properties of Assessment
1. Validity
- is the most important thing to be taken into account in
preparing or selecting an instrument to be used in
assessment. As teachers, we would first and foremost want
that the data or information we get in using an instrument
should serve its purpose.
- is defined as, the extent to which the instrument
measures what it sets out to measure. Teachers must
identify the expected learning outcomes and goals of
the course in order to appropriately assess student
There are several types of validity that must be considered:

1. Content validity
• checks if the content of the test represents the domain it needs to
assess. Experts in the field are the usual validators at this level.

2. Criterion-related validity
• assesses if a certain test is correlated with or predictive against a
specific criterion.

3. Construct validity
• usually checks the intelligence or motivation of learners and verifies
whether the test shows patterns as anticipated in the theoretical
2. Reliability
- Reliability of tests is also considered to check its consistency
and dependable.
There are several ways to check the reliability of tests:

1. Test-retest reliability
• checks the consistency of the obtained results when it is administered
to the same group of students in two different situations.

2. Cronbach’s alpha and split-half reliability

• are recommended to check internal consistency.

3.Interrater reliability
• is used to study the effect of different raters or observers using
the same tool and is generally estimated by percent agreement,
3. Practicality
• means "efficient and suitable”

• capable of being done, effected, or put into practice

• choosing reality over theories or ideas

An assessment should be practical in the

✔ Teachers should be familiar with the test

✔ The number of items is not complicated
✔ It must be Implementable
Factors that Determine Practicality
1. Ease of administration
• Instruction must be complete and Precise

2. Proper Mechanical Make up

• Pictures or tests must be printed clearly and
appropriate font size
Factors that Determine Practicality

3. Low Cost
• The papers/materials must be available cheaply and available

4. Ease of Scoring
• Answer keys are prepared
• The test should be easy to score and scoring should be clear
You are a public school teacher and you tell your students to
bring a laptop each for an activity.
Mrs. Serrano is a teacher from Pulo Elementary School and she
chooses face-to-face exams rather than online exams.
Sir Solomon had a busy week and he forgot to make an answer
key to the exam he made.
4. Efficiency

- using the least amout of inputs to achieve the highest

amount of output.
- The term "efficiency" refers to the peak level of performance
that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount
of output. Efficiency requires reducing the number of unnecessary
resources used to produce a given output, including personal time
and energy.
- is a measurable concept that can be determined using the ratio
of useful output to total input. Increased efficiency minimizes the
waste of resources such as physical materials, energy, and time
while accomplishing the desired output.
Short Quiz!
• Give and explain the 4 Properties of

• 5 points each

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