Solution Thermodynamics

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ChE 307

Chapter 11

Kaniz Fatema
Assistant Professor
ChE, BUET, Dhaka-1000

J a n u ary 2 0 2 2

Solution Thermodynamics -Theory
• Property depends strongly on composition, P and T
• Multi-component gases or liquids undergo composition changes
• Purpose - to develop the theoretical foundation for application of
thermodynamics to gas mixture and liquid solution
• New property - chemical potential
• New class of thermodynamic properties - partial properties
• Gas mixtures – fugacity
• New class of solution properties - excess properties

Solution Thermodynamics-Theory
What is the most important property?
 Gibbs free energy, G and chemical potential, μ
 For pure component, G=G(P, T)
 For a homogeneous mixture, containing i components -
G=G(P, T, n1,

Fundamental Property Relation
Gibbs energy to the temperature and pressure in any closed
system is expressed as,

where n is the total number of moles of the system.

An appropriate application is to a single-phase fluid in a closed

system wherein no chemical reactions occur.

Fundamental Property Relation
For open system-

The derivative in the final term is called the chemical potential

of species i in the mixture.

(11.1) [extensive property]

The Chemical potential
Consider a closed system containing of two phases in equilibrium.
Within this closed system, each individual phase is an open
system, free to transfer mass to the other.

for each phase:

d(nG)   (nV)  dP  (nS)  dT   μi dn i

d(nG)   (nV)  dP  (nS)  dT   μi dn i

Total system property :

nM  (nM)   (nM) 
d(nG)  (nV)dP  (nS)dT   μi dn i   μi dn i

The Chemical potential
 Phases  and .
 Free mass transfer between phases  and  
 Two phases are closed, and at equilibrium.

 At constant P and T, two phases are in equilibrium

when chemical potential of each species is the
same in both phases.

  provides a measure of the work a system is capable

of, when a change in mole numbers occurs e.g.,
chemical reaction or a transfer of mass

11.3 Partial properties
The partial molar property
- extensive property
- changes with ni
- at constant T, P and xj.

Partial property and molar property (except for

ideal solution).

M = solution properties, e.g., V, U, H, S, G

Mi = pure species properties, e.g., Vi , Ui , Hi , Si , Gi

Mi = partial properties, e.g., Vi , U i , H i , S i , G i

11.3 Partial properties contd…

The chemical potential and the partial molar

Gibbs energy are identical; i.e.,

11.3 Partial properties contd…

Equation for solution property, M

The total differential of nM is:

 (nM)  (nM)
d(nM)    dP    dT   M i dni
 P T,n  T  P,n

Since ni = xin

  M   M    
 dM-   dP-   dT-  M i dx i  n   M   x i M i  dn  0
   P  T,x   T  P,x i   i 

11.3 Partial properties contd…

n and dn are independent and arbitrary as a system can be chosen of any size.

  M   M    
 dM-   dP-   dT-  M i dx i  n   M   x i M i  dn  0
   P  T,x   T  P,x i   i 

dM   xi d Mi  Mi dxi
i i

11.3 Partial properties contd…

Gibbs / Duhem equation: Change in thermodynamic property with T, P and x.

 M   M 
  dP    dT-  x i d M i  0 (11.13)
  P  T,x   T  P,x i

dM   xi d Mi  Mi dxi
i i

Special case:
constant T and P,

11.3 Partial properties contd…

For a binary system

Derivation – CT q

For a binary system, the partial properties

are readily calculated from M and xi.

11.3 Partial properties contd…
Partial Molar Properties in Binary Solutions
Example 11.3:
The need arise in a laboratory for 2000 cm3 of an antifreeze
solution consisting of 30 mol% methanol in water. What
volumes of pure methanol and of pure water at 25C must be
mixed to form the of antifreeze, also at 25C ? Partial molar
volumes and pure-species molar volumes, both at 25C , are:

V1  38 .632 cm 3 mol  1 V1  40.727 cm 3 mol  1

V 2  17 .765 cm 3 mol 1 V 2  1 8 .068 cm 3 mol 1

11.3 Partial properties contd…
Partial Molar Properties in Binary Solutions

11.3 Partial properties contd…

The line drawn tangent to

the V-x1 curve at x1=0.30,
illustrates the values of

= 38.632 cm3mol-1 and

= 17.76 cm3mol-1

11.3 Partial properties contd…
Relations among Partial Properties

Counterpart thermodynamic equation for species in solution

Maxwell relation,
d(nG)  (nV)dP  (nS)dT   Gi dni ( 11.17 )
 V   S 
   -   ( 6 .16 )
  T  P,n   P  T,n

We have two additional equations:

  Gi   (nS)    Gi   (nV) 
   - and    
 T   n    n 
  P,n  i  P,T,n j  P  T,n  i  P,T,n j

11.3 Partial properties contd…
Relations among Partial Properties

Every equation that provides a linear relation among thermodynamic properties

of a constant-composition solution, has a counterpart equation connecting the
corresponding partial properties of each species in the solution.

11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures

Dalton’s Law of partial pressure

Pi  yi Pt where yi 
Pt   Pi

Gibbs’s Theorem

n = ni + ∑ nj

11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures contd…
Gibbs’s Theorem

Ideal gas
- Model gas
- Comprised of imaginary molecules
- Volume of a molecule is zero
- Molecules do not interact

Properties of each species is independent of

the presence of others Josiah Willard Gibbs

Basis for Gibbs’s theorem.


11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures contd…
Gibbs’s Theorem
Full description of ideal gas behavior, the equations

1. Enthalpy, independent of P

Analogous equation for Uig and other properties that are independent of P.

11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures contd…
Gibbs’s Theorem
2. Entropy, dependent on P

Integration from Pi to P, Summability relation, Rearranging –

The left side is the entropy change of mixing for ideal gases.

11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures contd…
Gibbs’s Theorem
3. Gibbs energy, G

Parallel relation –
dG = VdP – SdT

Elimination of Giig -

Integration - or,

Integration constant = = function of T only [at a constant T ]

11.4 Ideal-Gas Mixtures contd…
Gibbs’s Theorem
Summability relation –

These equations are simple and provide a full description of ideal-gas behavior.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species

For convenience, Gi and µi is expressed in terms of U and S.

µi approaches negative infinity when either P or yi approaches zero

[ ln(0) = undefined ]

‘Fugacity’ is introduced to replace µi

For a real fluid, an analogous equation from 11.27 is –

Here, fugacity of pure species i, fi replaces P

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species contd…

= residual Gibbs energy = GiR

fi/P = fugacity coefficient = φi

Complete definition of fi

The ideal-gas-state fugacity of i is equal to its pressure.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species contd…

For the special case of an ideal gas,

GiR = 0
φi = 0

Φi can be expressed in terms of Z.

Φi and thus fi can be calculated from PVT data.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species contd…

Fugacity from virial coefficient

Zi is given by:

Second virial coefficient, Bii is a function of T only

for a pure species.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Pure Species contd…

Fugacity from cubic equations of state

- van der Waals,

- Redlich/Kwong,
- Soave/Redlich/Kwong,
- Peng/Robinson equations

Class Test 1
Chapter 10, 11 Theory based
Date # June 01, 2022
Time # 8.30 am
Room # OAB 254, 255, 256
Short math (example or similar)

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: VLE for Pure Species

VLE in terms of fugacity

Saturated vapor - [eqn 6.66, 2 phases at

Saturated liquid –

An alternative formula with fugacity coefficient -

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid

Fugacity of pure liquid [subcooled/


Fugacity in pure liquid is calculated in 2 steps.

1. Φi of sat’d vapor – eqn 11.34

fisat = Φi .Pisat

2. Fugacity change from the P increase

- Pisat to P [sat’d liq to compressed /
subcooled liq]
- Integrating from sat’d P to subcooled liq P:

- Another expression

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

Poynting factor, fugacity with constant volm

- Vi, the liquid phase molar volume is a very weak

function of P at T, well below Tc

- Vi can be assumed constant for Vil

- Solving for fi –

- The exponential function is known as Poynting factor.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

The lowest P in the steam table at 3000C= 1 kPa [ideal gas]

P* = fi* = 1 kPa

Now, apply eqn (A) at different P up to the sat’n P

Psat’n @3000C= 8592.7 kPa.

At P = 4000 kPa and 3000C

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

Selection of the reference condition


H and S from
steam table

Sat’n P from
steam table

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

Similar calculation for other P to draw the plot.

11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity of a Pure Liquid contd…

At sat’n, values are unchanged.

fi and Φi for liquid > Poynting factor eqn

Molar volume, Vil = volm of sat’d liq water at


11.5 Fugacity and Fugacity
Coefficient: Fugacity of a
Pure Liquid contd…

P, kPa fi, kPa ⲫi

4000 3611 0.90
8593 6739 0.78

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient

Species in solution
The eqn is analogous to that of in gas

The partial pressure is replaced by –

This is not a partial molar property, so a circumflex is

used rather than an overbar.

For phase eqm –


11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution contd…

The eqn for a partial residual property

• The residual properties measure the departure from

ideal-gas values.
• Logical use is for gas.
• They can also be used for liquids.

For partial residual Gibbs energy –

For chemical potential -

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Species in Solution contd…

The eqn for a partial residual property

The combined eqn –

Where –

It is called the fugacity coefficient of species i in solution.

In case of liquid, yi is replaced by xi.

For an ideal gas, is zero.

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: The Fundamental Residual-Property Relation

Extension of fundamental property relations to

residual properties
An alternative form of eqn 11.2 –

Introduction of fugacity coefficient –

Special case -

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient

Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of State

can be calculated from eqn of state.

Second virial coefficient which is a function of T and yi.

B11, B22 = pure-species virial coefficient

B12 = cross coefficient, mixture property

Both are functions of T only.

Eqns of B are called mixing rules.

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient

Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of State

Differentiation with respect to n1 -

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient: Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of State

11.6 Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient

Fugacity Coefficients from the Virial Equation of State

Therefore -

Multi-component mixture -

11.7 Generalized Correlation for the Fugacity Coefficient

General eqn for Fugacity Coefficient of pure species

Residual H, S can be applied.

for simplicity –

The integrals can be evaluated for different Tr and Pr. Tables E.13-16

11.8 The Ideal Solution

General eqn for Fugacity Coefficient of pure species

• Real solution behavior is compared with an ideal solution.

• Excess properties are introduced.

For an ideal soln –

Similar eqns for thermodynamic properties –

Summability relation -

11.8 The Ideal Solution contd…
The Lewis/Randall Rule

For i in ideal soln –

After eliminating the integration constant –

• This eqn is known as the Lewis/Randall rule.

• It is for a species in an ideal soln at all T, P and xi.

For coefficient -

11.9 Excess Properties
Excess Properties

• Deviations of liquid solutions are measured from ideal

solution, not from ideal gas.

• Thus, excess properties, analogous to the residual properties

are introduced.

11.9 Excess Properties contd…
Solution of gases

• The ideal-gas mixture is a solution, soln of ideal gases.

• It can be expressed with eqns analogous to those of ideal soln.

• A general relation for difference –

11.9 Excess Properties contd…
Solution of gases

• In terms of residual and excess properties –

• The partial-property relation –

• The fundamental excess-property relation -

11.9 Excess Properties contd…
The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity Coefficient

G is of particular interest.

For an ideal soln –

By difference –

Partial excess G –

Activity coefficient of i in soln –

For an ideal soln –

And therefore,

11.9 Excess Properties contd…
The Excess Gibbs Energy and the Activity Coefficient

Excess G incorporating γi –

VE, HE, and γi are experimentally accessible.

11.9 Excess Properties contd…

The nature of excess

1. All excess properties
become zero as either
species approaches

2. GE is approx.
parabolic in shape, HE
and SE have

3. The maximum or
minimum ME often
occurs near the


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