Application For Agro Processing Loan
Application For Agro Processing Loan
Application For Agro Processing Loan
Common Application Format for Agriculture Loans (Other than KCC, SHG, Jewel& other
specified documents)
S.No PAN No. Residential Address Aadhar Telephone No. Experience in the line of
No./DIN (Residence) activity (Years)
15. Relationship of Proprietors/ Partners/ Directors with the officials of the Bank/ Director
of the Bank: Please select (Yes/ No)
16. Banking/Credit Facilities (Existing) (₹. in lakh)
Type of Limit Outstanding Rate of Repayment
Banking Securities
Facilities (in lakh) as on Interest Terms
Term Loan
Cash Working Other
Credit Promoters
Sales Cycle in Inventory Debtors Creditors current
months assets
CO-Rural Banking Department
18. In case of term loan requirements, the details of machinery may be given as under:
Total Cost of
Machine ( in
case of
machine, the
Whether Contribution
Type of Purpose for breakup of Loan
Imported Name of being made
Machine/ which basic costs, Required
or Supplier by the
Equipment Required freight,
Indigenous promoters
customs duty
may be
19. Details of Collateral Securities Offered, if any, including third party guarantee
a) Third Party Guarantee:
Father Net
Name of / Residential Telephone No. worth Aadhar
S.No Mobile No. PAN No
Guarantor Spouse Address (Residence) (₹. in No.
name lakh)
22. a.) ID Proof (Any of following): Passport/ Voter Identity Card/ PAN Card/ Driving
Licence/ Job Card/ Aadhaar Card/
Identity Card (subject to the satisfaction of bank)
ID Proof No.
b.) Address Proof (Any of following):
Electricity Bill/ Telephone Bill/ Bank Account Statement of any other bank/ Letter
from reputed employer/ Letter from recognized public authority verifying the
address of the customer to the satisfaction of the bank/ Ration Card
Address Proof No:
I/We hereby certify/authorise that all information furnished by me/us is true, correct and
complete; that I/We have no borrowing arrangements for the unit except is in the
application; that there is no over dues/ statutory dues against me/us/promoters except as
indicated in the application; that I/We have not been declared as defaulter/wilful defaulter
by any Bank/FS and no Legal action has been taken/initiated against me/us by any
Bank/FIsI/We shall furnish all other information that may be required connection with my/our
application that this may also be exchanged by you with an agency you may deem fit and
you, your representatives or Reserve Bank of India or any other agency as authorised by
you, may at any time, inspect/ verify my/our assessment of account etc. in our
factory/business premises as given above; you may take appropriate safeguards/action for
recovery of Bank’s dues including publication of defaulters name in website/submission to
RBI; further agree that my/our loan shall be governed by the rules of your Bank which may
be in force from time to time..