Faith Explained Leo Trese
Faith Explained Leo Trese
Faith Explained Leo Trese
Digitized by JN
1. The Purpose of Man’s Existence
Why Am I Here?
Who Is God?
What Is Man?
6. Actual Sin
7. The Incarnation
Who Is Mary?
8. The Redemption
What Is Grace?
Wellsprings of Life
What Is Merit?
What Is Virtue?
Wonders Within Us
24. Baptism
25. Confirmation
Bread No Longer
Bread and Wine and Priest
So Close to Christ
29. Penance
30. Contrition
When Is Sorrow Real?
31. Confession
Plenary Indulgences
What Is a Priest?
Bishops—and Others
35. Matrimony
Responsible Parenthood
36. The Sacramentals
Agents of Grace
37. Prayer
Why am I here?
The first reason, then—the big reason why God made the universe
and us—was to give glory to himself, by showing forth his infinite
power and goodness. His infinite power is shown forth by the fact
that we exist. His infinite goodness is shown, by the fact that he wills
to share his ‘own infinite love and happiness with us. And if it seems
to us that God is egotistical to make things just for his own honor and
glory, it is because we can’t help thinking of God in human terms. We
think of him as a creature like ourselves. But the fact remains that
there just isn’t anything or anyone else that is more deserving of
God’s thought and God’s love than is God himself.
However, when we say that God made the universe (and us) for his
own greater glory, we do not mean of course that God needed any of
it. The glory that is given to God by the works of his creation is what
we call an “external glory.” It is something outside of God. It doesn’t
actually add anything to God. It is very much like an artist who has a
great talent for painting and a mind full of beautiful images. If the
artist puts some of those images on canvas for people to look at and
admire; it still hasn’t added anything to the artist himself. It hasn’t
made him any better or more wonderful than he was before.
So, God made us primarily for his own honor and glory. That is why
our first answer to the question “Why did God make us?” is, “God
made us to show forth his goodness.” But the principal way in which
God’s goodness is demonstrated is in the fact that he made us with
spiritual and immortal souls, capable of sharing his own happiness.
Even in human affairs we feel that the goodness of a person is
shown by the generosity with which that person shares himself and
his possessions with others. Likewise is the goodness of God
shown, above all, by the fact that he shares his own happiness, he
shares himself with us.
That is why, in answering from our own point of view the question
“Why did God make us?”, we say that he made us “to share with us
his everlasting happiness in heaven.” The two answers are like the
two sides of the same coin, front and back. It is God’s goodness that
caused him to share his happiness with us, and it is God’s sharing
his happiness with us that shows forth his goodness.
The girl’s address is under her picture, and the soldier gets up nerve
enough to write to her, hardly expecting an answer. Yet an answer
does come, and theboy and girl begin a regular correspondence.
They exchange pictures, they tell one another all about themselves.
Every day the soldier grows more and more in love with this girl he
has never seen.
Then, finally, the soldier is shipped home. For two years he has been
worshiping his girl from afar. Because of his love for her, he has
been a better soldier and a better man. He has tried to be the sort of
fellow that girl would want him to be. He has done the things she
would like him to do, and has kept from doing anything that would
displease her if she knew about it. It is actually a hunger for the girl
that he has had in his heart—and now he is coming home.
Can we imagine the happiness that will tingle in every fiber of that
boy’s being as he steps off the train and at long last takes his girl in
his arms? “Oh!” he exclaims as they embrace, “oh, if only this
moment could last forever!” His happiness is the happiness of love
fulfilled, love finding itself at last in complete possession of the
person loved. We call it the fruition of love. The boy always will look
back to this moment—this moment when his distant longing
suddenly is rewarded with the first actual meeting—he will look back
to this as one of the happiest moments of his life upon earth.
It is the best example, too, that we can give of the nature of the
happiness of heaven. It is a woefully imperfect example, a most
inadequate example, but it is the best that we can find. For the
primary happiness of heaven exists exactly in this, that we shall
possess the infinitely perfect God, and be possessed by him, in a
union so utterly complete that we cannot now even faintly imagine
the ecstasy of it.
This does not mean that it will continue on and on, through hours
and months and years. Time is something that belongs to the
perishable world of matter. Time is a measure of change. Once we
leave this world behind us, we also leave time as we know it. For us,
eternity will not be “a long time.” The succession of moments which
we shall experience in heaven—the type of duration to which
theologians have given the name of aevum—will not be a clock-
measured cycle of minutes and hours. There will be no feeling of
“waiting,” no sense of monotony, no looking ahead to tomorrow. For
us, “now” will be all that matters.
And it is right here—in the fact that no human ever is perfectly happy
in this life—that we have one of our proofs for the existence of
everlasting happiness beyond the grave. God, Who is infinitely good,
would not place in human hearts this desire for perfect happiness if
there were no way in which that desire could be satisfied. God does
not torture with frustration the souls whom he has made.
But even if the material or spiritual riches of this life could satisfy
every human want, there would still be the knowledge that one day
death would take it all from us—and our happiness would be
incomplete. In heaven, on the contrary, not only shall we be happy to
the utmost capacity of our heart, but we also shall have that final
perfecting happiness of knowing that nothing can take our happiness
from us. It is eternally secure.
What must I do?
But heaven is something more than a family reunion. God is the one
who will matter to all of us. On an infinitely higher scale, it will be
something like having an audience with the Holy Father. Each
member of the family who is visiting the Vatican is glad that the
others are there. But when the Pope steps through the door into the
audience chamber, it is to him that all eyes and thoughts are mainly
directed. Similarly, we shall know and love each other in heaven—
but we shall know and love each other in God.
God cannot fulfill something that does not even exist. If there is no
beginning of love for God in our hearts here upon earth, then there
can be no fruition of love in eternity. That indeed is why God has
placed us here upon earth: so that, by loving him, we may lay the
necessary foundation for the happiness of heaven.
Likewise, there is only one way in which we can prove our love for
God. That is by doing what God wants us to do, by being the kind of
human being he wants us to be. Love for God does not reside in the
emotions. Love for God does not mean that our heart must turn
handsprings when we think of him. Some people may feel their love
for God in an emotional way, but that is not at all essential. Because
love for God resides in our will. It is not in how we feel toward God,
but in what we are willing to do for God that our love for him proves
And the more we do for God here, the greater will be our happiness
in heaven. That may seem like a paradox, to say that some in
heaven will be happier than others, when already we have said that
everyone will be perfectly happy in heaven. But there is no
contradiction. Those who have loved God more in this life will find
greater joy in the fulfillment of that love in heaven. A man who loves
a girl a little will find happiness in marrying the girl. But a man who
loves a girl a lot will find even greater happiness than the first man,
in the fulfillment of his love. Similarly, as our love for God increases
(and our obedience to his will) so also does our capacity for
happiness-in-God increase.
All of this, then, is what the catechism means when it asks,” What
must we do to gain the happiness of heaven?” and answers by
saying, “To gain the happiness of heaven we must know, love and
serve God in this world.” That middle word, “love,” is the key word,
the essential word. But there is no love without knowledge, so we
must know God in order to love him. And there is no true love unless
it manifests itself in action—in the doing of what the loved one wants.
So we must also serve God.
“Wait a minute!” the worker well might say. “If this is going to mean
the difference between a pile of money and no job at all, I want more
than a book. A book is too easy to misunderstand. And besides, you
can’t ask questions of a book. How about getting somebody over
here from the place where they make these machines? He can tell
me all about it and see that I get it straight.”
God already has anticipated that question and has answered it. And
God has not merely put a book in our hands, to let us puzzle over it
as best we can. God has sent up Someone from ‘Headquarters” to
tell us the things we need to know and to do in order to work out our
destiny. God has sent no one less than his own Divine Son, in the
Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come upon earth for the single
purpose of dying upon the cross to atone for our sins. Jesus came
also to teach, and to demonstrate. He came to teach us the truths
about God that will lead to love for God—and to show us how to live
so as to prove that love.
As Peter and the other apostles were the core of the Church in the
beginning, so Peter’s successor, the Pope, and the other bishops
who have succeeded the apostles, are the core of the Church today.
It is into their hands that Jesus has entrusted the fullness of his
teachings. It is through them that the voice of Jesus comes to us. It
is they whom Jesus preserves from error when they tell us, “This is
what Jesus Christ teaches; this we must believe, this we must do!”
We, then, can be very sure that when we begin, “I believe in God,
the Father Almighty …” we are reciting in substance the very same
profession of faith which the first converts to Christianity—Cornelius
and Apollos and Aquila and Priscilla and all the rest—so proudly
recited and so joyfully sealed with their blood.
Some of the truths which we have in the Apostles’ Creed are truths
which, under ideal conditions, we could figure out for ourselves.
Such are the fact that God exists, that he is almighty, that he is the
creator of heaven and earth. Other truths are known to us only
because God has made them known—such as the fact that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God, and that there are three Persons in one
God. The whole body of truths which God has made known to us
(some of them things which we could have figured out by ourselves,
some of them things beyond the reach of our reason)—this whole
body of truth is called “divine revelation.” That is, it is truth which has
been revealed to us by God. (“To reveal” comes from a Latin word
which means “to draw back the veil.”)
With the passing years, men would make use of their God-given
intelligences to examine, compare and study the truths revealed by
Christ. Like a bud unfolding, the deposit of Christian truth would
respond to the thought and examination of great minds in each
Since the time of Christ there have been many times when God has
made things known privately to individual saints or holy people.
These messages are classified as “private” revelations. Unlike the
“public” revelations made to us through Christ and his apostles, they
command the assent only of those for whom they are made. Even
such famous apparitions as those at Lourdes and Fatima, or the
apparitions of the Sacred Heart to St Margaret Mary, are not what we
call “matters of divine faith.” If clear and certain evidence tells us that
the apparitions are genuine, we should be foolhardy to question
them. But even if we denied them, we should not be guilty of heresy.
Such private revelations are not a part of the “deposit of faith.”
While we are on the subject of divine revelation, we might take note
of the volume in which many of God’s revelations have been written
down for us: the Holy Bible. We call the Bible the Word of God,
because it was God himself who inspired the writers of the various
“books” which makeup the Bible. God inspired them to write down
the things which he wanted written, and nothing else. By his direct
action upon the mind and the will of the writer (whether Isaias or
Ezechiel or Matthew or Luke), God the Holy Spirit dictated what he
wanted written. It was, of course, an interior and silent dictation. The
writer would write in his own style of expression. He might not even
realize what was moving him to put down the things he was writing.
He might not realize that he was writing under the influence of divine
inspiration. Yet the Holy Spirit would be guiding every stroke of his
It is evident, then, that the Bible is free from error because the
Church, after a searching examination, has declared it free from
error. The Bible is free from error because God himself is its author,
the human writer being merely God’s instrument. The Church’s role
has been to tell us which of the ancient writing are the inspired ones,
and to preserve them, and to interpret them for us.
Who is God?
The principal proof for the existence of God lies in the fact that
nothing happens unless something causes it to happen. Cookies
don’t disappear from the cookie jar unless someone’s fingers
snitched them. An oak tree doesn’t grow up out of the ground unless
an acorn was dropped there. The philosophers express it by saying,
“Every effect must have a cause.”
perfect Spirit. Then there are angels, and finally there are human
souls. In each case there is an intelligence without dependence upon
physical substance for its actions. It is true that in this life our soul is
united with a physical body, and is dependent upon the body for its
activities. But this is not an absolute and permanent dependence.
When dis-united from the body at death, the soul still will function. It
still will know and love, even more freely than during its mortal life.
The catechism tells us that God is “an infinitely perfect Spirit.” This
means that there is nothing good or desirable or worthwhile that is
not found in God to an absolutely limitless degree. Indeed, it would
be better to turn it around and say that there is nothing good or
desirable or worthwhile in the universe that is not a reflection (a little
“splinter” may we say?) of that same quality as it exists
immeasurably in God. The beauty of a flower, for example, is a tiny
reflection of God’s unbounded beauty—much as a fugitive
moonbeam is a tiny reflection of the blazing light of the sun.
Someone may ask, “If God is so good, why does he allow so much
suffering and evil in the world? Why does he allow wars and crimes
and sickness and misery?” Whole books have been written on the
problem of evil, and we cannot hope to do justice to the subject here.
We can point out, however, that evil—physical as well as moral—as
it affects human beings, came into the world as a consequence of
man’s sin. Having set his plan for mankind in motion, having given
man a free will, God does not keep constantly stepping in to snatch
back his gift of freedom. With the free will that God has given us, we
must work out our destiny together until the end—with the help of
God’s grace if we will accept and use it—toward everlasting
happiness if we so direct ourselves, but freely to the end.
Evil is man’s idea, not God’s. And if the innocent and the good must
suffer from the depravity of the wicked, their reward in the end will be
the greater. Their pains and their tears will be as nothing in the joy
that will come. Meanwhile, God has always in his keeping those who
have God in their hearts.
God is infinitely wise too. He made all things in the first place, so
certainly he knows best how to use the things which he has made,
how best to plan for his creatures. One who is tempted to complain,
“Why does God do that?” or “Why doesn’t God do so-and-so?”
should remember that an ant has more right to criticize an Einstein
than has man with his limited intelligence to question the infinite
wisdom of God.
All of this, and more, is what we mean when we say that “God is an
infinitely perfect Spirit.”
Chapter 3
The Unity and Trinity of God
That is why God, in revealing to us the truth about himself, often has
to be content with simply telling us what the truth is; the how of the
truth is so far beyond our grasp in this life that even God doesn’t try
to explain it to us.
One such truth is the fact that although there is only one God, yet in
that one God there are three divine Persons—the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. There is only one divine nature, but there are
three divine Persons. In human affairs, nature and person are
practically one and the same thing; we say that nature and person
are “coterminous.” If there are three persons in a room, then there
are three human natures; and if there is only one human nature
present, then there is only one human person. So when we try to
think of God as three Persons possessing one and the same nature,
we find ourselves batting our head against the ceiling.
That is why we call such truths of faith as that of the Blessed Trinity a
“mystery” of faith. We believe it is so because God says it is so; and
he is all-wise and all-truthful. As to just how it can be so, we must
await God’s full unveiling of himself in heaven, to discover.
Theologians do of course cast some light upon the mystery for us.
They explain that the distinction between the three Persons in God is
based upon the relationship that exists between the three Persons.
There is God the Father, who looks into his divine mind and sees
himself as he really is, and forms a thought about himself. You and I
do the same thing, often. We turn our gaze inward, and see
ourselves, and form a thought about ourselves. It is a thought which
expresses itself in the silent words “John Smith” or “Mary Jones.”
But with God things are very different. It is of the very nature of God
to exist. There is no other way of thinking straight about God, except
to think of him as the Being who never had a beginning, the Being
who always was and always will be. The only real definition we can
give of God is to say, “He is who is.” That is the way, you will
remember, that God described himself to Moses: “I am who am.”
Now God the Father (God knowing himself) and God the Son (God’s
knowledge of himself) contemplate the divine nature which they
possess in common. As they gaze (we speak of course in human
terms), they behold in that nature all that is beautiful and good—all,
in short, that commands love—to an infinite degree. And so the
divine will moves in an act of infinite love—for the divine goodness
and beauty. Since God’s love for himself, like God’s knowledge of
himself, is of the very nature of God, it must be a living love. This
infinitely perfect, infinitely intense, living love which flows eternally
from Father and Son is he whom we call the Holy Spirit, “proceeding
from the Father and the Son.” He is the third Person of the Most
Blessed Trinity.
If the example which I used does not help us at all in our thinking
about the Blessed Trinity, we should not let ourselves feel frustrated.
We are dealing with a mystery of faith; no one, not even the greatest
theologian, can hope in this life to really understand it. At best, there
will merely be varying degrees in ignorance.
One error we must guard against in our thinking about the Blessed
Trinity: We must not think of God the Father as having “come first,”
and God the Son a little later, and God the Holy Spirit later still. All
three are equally eternal, possessing as they do the one divine
nature; God’s thought and God’s love are equally timeless with
God’s nature. And God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are not in
any way subordinate to God the Father; one is not more powerful,
nor wiser, nor greater than the other. All three possess the same
infinite perfection, an equality rooted in the one divine nature which
they equally possess.
Similarly, since God the Son is the knowledge or the wisdom of the
Father, we ascribe to him the works of wisdom; it was he who came
upon earth to make truth known to us, and to heal the breach
between God and man.
Finally, since the Holy Spirit is infinite love, we appropriate to him the
works of love, particularly the sanctification of souls, since
sanctification results from the indwelling of God’s love within the
God the Father is the Creator, God the Son is the Redeemer, God
the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. And yet what One does, All do;
where One is, All are.
Not only is it God’s creative will that has brought all things into
existence, it is God’s will also that keeps them in existence. If God
were to withdraw his sustaining will from any of his creatures, that
very instant the creature would cease to exist; it would fall back into
the nothingness from which it came.
The earliest works of God’s creation which are known to us (he
hasn’t necessarily told us everything) are the angels. An angel is a
spirit—that is, a being with an intelligence and a will, but without a
body, without any dependence at all upon matter. The human soul,
too, is a spirit, but the human soul will not be an angel, even during
the time after death when it is separated from the body, awaiting the
Nowadays there is much fanciful talk about “men from Mars.” These
supposed inhabitants of our neighboring planet usually are
represented as being much more intelligent and powerful than we
earth-bound mortals. But even the most ingenious writer of science
fiction could never do justice to the breath-taking beauty, the
surpassing intelligence, and the tremendous power of an angel. If
this is true of the lowest order of the angelic host—the angels
properly so called—what shall we say of the ascending orders of
pure spirits who are above the angels? They are identified for us in
the Bible as archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominations,
thrones, cherubim and seraphim. It is quite possible that an
archangel is as much above an angel in perfections as an angel is
above man.
Actually, of course, we know little about the angels, about their inner
nature or the degree of distinction between them. We do not even
know how many of them there are, although the Bible indicates their
number is very great: “Thousands of thousands ministered to him,
and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him,” says
the Book of Daniel (7:10).
Only three of the angels have been named for us: Gabriel (“Hero of
God”), Michael (“Who is like God”), and Raphael (“God hath
healed”). With regard to the angels, it almost seems that God has
been content to give us a quick peek into the marvels and the
magnificence that await us in the world beyond time and space. Like
the lines of perspective which in a painting draw attention to the
picture’s central theme, so do the rising choirs of pure spirits draw
our vision irresistibly to the supreme Majesty who is God—to God
whose infinite perfection is immeasurably beyond that of even the
exalted seraphim.
When God made the angels, he made each with a will that was
supremely free. We know that the price of heaven is love for God. It
is by making an act of love for God that a spirit, whether an angel or
a human soul, fits itself for heaven. The love must be proved in the
only way in which love for God can be proved—by a free and
voluntary submission of the created will to God, by what we
commonly call an “act of obedience” or an “act of loyalty.”
God made the angels with free wills so they might be capable of
making their act of love, their choice of God. Only after they had
done so would they see God face to face; only then would they enter
into that everlasting union with God which we call “heaven.”
God has not made known to us the nature of the test to which the
angels were put. Many theologians think that God gave the angels a
preview of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the human race and
commanded that they adore him … Jesus Christ in all his
humiliations, a babe in the manger, a criminal on a cross. According
to this theory, some of the angels rebelled at the prospect that they
would have to adore God in the guise of a man. Conscious of their
own spiritual magnificence, their beauty and their dignity, they could
not bring themselves to the act of submission that adoration of Jesus
Christ would demand of them. Under the leadership of one of the
most gifted of all the angels, Lucifer (“Light-bearer”), the sin of pride
turned many of the angels away from God, and there rang through
heaven the awful cry, “We shall not serve!”
And thus hell began. Because hell is, essentially, the eternal
separation of a spirit from Almighty God. Later on, when the human
race would sin in the person of Adam, God would give the human
race a second chance. But there was no second chance for the
sinning angels. Because of the perfect clarity of their angelic minds
and the unhampered freedom of their angelic wills, even the infinite
mercy of God could find no excuse for the sin of the angels. They
understood (to a degree that Adam never did) what the full
consequence of their sin would be. With them there was no
“temptation,” in the sense in which we ordinarily understand the
word. Theirs was what we would call a cold-blooded sin. By their
deliberate and fully aware rejection of God, their wills were fixed
against God, fixed forever. For them there was no turning back; they
did not want to turn back. Their choice was made for eternity. There
burns in them an everlasting hatred for God and all his works.
We do not know how many angels sinned; this is another point upon
which God has not chosen to inform us. From references made to
them in the Bible, we infer that the fallen angels (or “devils,” as we
commonly call them) are numerous. But it seems more probable that
the great majority of the heavenly host remained faithful to God,
made their act of submission to God, and are with God in heaven.
We do not know exactly the limit of their power. We do not know how
much control they have over nature, how much they may be able to
steer the course of natural events so as to bring us up against a
temptation—the point at which we must make a decision between
God’s will and our own will. We do know that the devil can never
force us to commit sin. He cannot get inside the human soul and
manipulate it to suit himself. He cannot destroy our freedom of
choice. He cannot, so to speak, make us say “yes” when we really
want to say “no.” But he is an adversary healthily to be feared and
Someone has said that even the worst sinner spends more time
doing things that are good and harmless than in doing things that are
bad. In other words, there is some good even in the worst of us.
Not the least of the horrors of hell will be the soul’s constant and
inescapable association with these spirits whose unrelieved malice is
a living and an active force. In this life we are uncomfortable and
unhappy if we find ourselves even briefly in the company of a
manifestly evil person. We hardly can bear to think what it would be
like to be linked for all eternity with a living depravity whose
completeness and driving force are immeasurably beyond those of
the most corrupt human.
And that would be a fatal mistake. Nothing would suit the devil better
than to have us forget about him, or ignore him—above all, stop
believing in him. An enemy whose presence is unsuspected, who
can strike from ambush, is a doubly dangerous enemy. The devil’s
chances of victory increase in proportion to the blindness and the
overconfidence of his victim.
What God has made, he does not unmake. What God has given, he
does not take back. Having given the angels intelligence and powers
of a high order, God did not revoke those gifts, not even from the
angels who sinned. If a mere human can tempt us to sin: if a fellow
worker can say, “Come on, Joe, let’s go out tonight and hit the hot
spots”; and if a neighbor woman can say, “Here is something I wish
you’d try, Mary—you owe it to yourself not to have another baby for a
while”—then certainly the devil can set before us temptations much
more devious and much less obvious.
Not all temptations come from the devil, of course. Many temptations
come from the world around us—even from our very friends and
acquaintances, such as those mentioned above. Temptations can
come also from the deep-seated forces within us which we call
passions, passions that often are rebellious and imperfectly
controlled as a result of original sin. But from whatever source the
temptation may come, we know that we can conquer it if we have the
will to do so.
God does not demand the impossible from anyone. He would not
demand of us unyielding love and absolute loyalty unless it were
possible for us to give them. Now, should we be troubled or
frightened by the fact that we are tempted? It is by conquering
temptation that we acquire merit before God. It is through temptation,
met and defeated, that we grow in holiness. There would be little
credit in being good if it were easy to be good. The great saints were
not men and women who had no temptations; in most cases they
were men and women who had tremendous temptations—and
became saints by their victories.
But there is such a thing as being possessed by the devil, really and
literally. As we have pointed out previously, the full extent of the
devil’s power over the created universe, including mankind, is
unknown to us. We do know that the devil can do nothing unless
God permits. Yet we also know that God, having set his creative plan
in motion, does not normally take back (either from the angels or
from humans) any of the powers he originally bestowed.
In any case, both the Bible and human history, as well as the
continuing experience of the Church, make it very plain that
diabolical possession does happen. Diabolical possession means
that the devil enters into the body of a person and takes control of
that person’s physical activities: his speech, his movements, his
actions. But the devil cannot take over control of the person’s soul;
the freedom of the human soul remains inviolate, and not all the
demons of hell can force it. During diabolical possession a person
loses control over his own physical actions to a stronger power—the
power of the devil. What the body does, is being done by the devil,
not by the person himself.
There is another form of influence which the devil may exert. This is
called diabolical obsession. In this case, the devil attacks a person
from without rather than from within. He may pick the person up and
dash him to the ground; cast him out of bed; torment him with
hideous noises and other manifestations. St John Vianney, the
beloved Curt of Ars, was one who suffered much from this type of
demoniac influence.
There is, of course, nothing to prevent a priest from using his power
of exorcism in a private, unofficial capacity. On a railroad train, for
example, a priest listened unhappily to a torrent of blasphemy and
profanity from the man in the seat ahead. Finally the priest said
silently, “I command you, Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son
of God, to go back to hell and leave this man alone!” The
blasphemous language stopped at once.
Another time the same priest spoke a similar private exorcism in the
presence of a married couple who were quarreling bitterly—and
immediately their anger subsided. The devil often is present and at
work, even outside the extreme cases of possession and obsession.
The angels who remained faithful to God are now with him in
heaven, engaged in the eternal love and adoration of God which one
day (we pray) will be our lot also. Their will now is God’s will. Like
our Blessed Mother and the saints, the angels are intensely
interested in our welfare, in seeing us come safely to heaven. They
pray for us, as do the saints. They use their angelic power (whose
extent again is unknown to us) to aid those who want and will accept
their aid.
What is man?
Man is the bridge between the world of spirit and the world of matter.
(It is obvious, surely, that we use the word “man” to designate all
members of the human race, male and female.)
When we look inside, the marvels of the body are even greater.
There are the tissues and membranes and muscles that make up the
organs: the heart and the lungs and the stomach and all the rest.
Each organ is made up of a galaxy of parts like a cluster of stars,
and each part of the organ, each cell, concentrates its labors on
doing the work of that particular organ—circulating blood, or
breathing air, or digesting air, or digesting food. The various organs
carry on their work twenty-four hours a day, without conscious
thought or direction from the mind. And (most amazing of all!)
although each organ seems exclusively intent on its own work, yet all
constantly work together for the good of each other and for the good
of the whole body.
Giving support and protection to the whole organism that we call the
body is the skeleton. It gives us the rigidity we need to be able to
stand and sit and walk. The bones provide the anchoring posts for
the muscles and tendons that make movement and action possible.
They also provide protection for the most vulnerable of the organs;
the cranium protects the brain, the vertebrae protect the spinal cord,
the ribs protect the heart and lungs. Besides doing all these, the
ends of the longer bones also help in the making of red blood
Our body is only one half of us, and the lesser half by far. But it is a
gift to be valued, a gift to be grateful for, a fitting habitation for the
spiritual soul which gives it life and power and meaning.
Like the animals, man has a physical body, yet he is more than an
animal. Like the angels, man has an immortal spirit, yet he is less
than an angel. In man, the world of matter and the world of spirit
meet. Body and soul are fused into the one complete substance
which we call a human being.
Man’s body and soul are not joined together in any casual sort of
way. The body is not merely an instrument which the soul uses in the
way that an automobile is the instrument of its driver. The body and
soul were made for each other. They are fused and linked together
so intimately that, in this life at least, neither can get along without
the other.
The closeness of the union that binds body and soul into one
personality is seen from the way body and soul interact upon each
other. If I cut my finger, it is not just my body that suffers; my soul,
too, suffers. All of me feels the pain. And if my soul is afflicted with
worry, my body takes part in the worry, and may develop ulcers or
some other disorder. If my soul is struck with fear or anger, the body
will reflect the emotion: my face will flush or grow pale, my heart will
beat faster; in a dozen ways my body will share the emotion with my
The fact that the body is such a marvelous work of divine planning
and power, with millions of tiny cells formed into the various organs
and all the organs working together in such wonderful harmony for
the good of the whole body—this fact should give us a faint idea of
what a magnificent piece of God’s handiwork the soul must be. It is,
we know, a spirit. In considering the nature of God, we discussed the
nature of a spirit. A spirit, we saw, is a conscious and intelligent
being that is not merely invisible (as air is invisible) but absolutely
immaterial: that is, with no physical matter in its makeup. There are
no molecules in a spirit; there are no atoms in the soul.
It is no wonder then that we say that God has made us to his own
image and likeness. While our body, like all things which God has
made, reflects the power and wisdom and greatness of God, yet it is
our soul which is very especially a portrait of its maker. It is a portrait
in miniature, and an imperfect one at that. But the spirit that gives us
life and being is an image of the infinitely perfect Spirit who is God.
The power of intelligence, by which we can know and understand
truth, and reason to new truths, and make judgments as to what is
right and wrong—in all this we mirror the all-wise and all-knowing
God. The power of free will by which we deliberately choose to act or
not to act, is a likeness of the infinite freedom which God possesses.
And of course our immortality reflects the eternal deathlessness of
Since God’s inner life consists in knowing himself (God the Son) and
in loving himself (God the Holy Spirit), we approach most closely to
the divine image when we use our intelligence to know God—by
reason and by the grace of faith now, and by the “light of glory” in
eternity; and when we use our free will to love the Giver of our
The entire human race is descended from one man and one woman.
Adam and Eve were the first ancestors of every human being. No
truth in the Bible is more clearly taught than this. The Book of
Genesis definitely establishes our common descent from that single
pair of first parents.
What, then, of the theory of evolution in its extreme form: that the
human race developed from a lower form of animal life, from some
species of ape?
This is not the place to examine in detail the theory of evolution, the
theory that all which exists—the world and everything in it—has
evolved from a formless mass of primitive matter. So far as the world
itself is concerned, the world of mineral and rock and lifeless matter,
there is solid scientific evidence that the fashioning of the world was
a slow, gradual process extending over a long period of time. Some
guesses run as high as two billion years.
The search for the “missing link” goes on. Every now and then
ancient bones are discovered in caves and excavations. For a little
while there is great excitement—and then it is found that the bones
are definitely human or definitely those of an ape. We have had the
“Peking man” and the “Java ape man” and the “Foxhall man,” and a
host of others. But the halfway creature, a little more than an ape
and a little less than a human, has still to be unearthed.
The whole point of interest to us, however, is that it will not, in the
end, matter to us so far as our faith is concerned. God could have
fashioned man’s body, if he so chose, through a process of
evolution. He could have guided the development of a particular
species of ape until it reached the point of perfection that he wanted.
God then could have created spiritual souls for a male and a female
of that species and we would have had the first man and woman:
Adam and Eve. It still would be true that God made man out of the
slime of the earth.
The search for the “missing link” will go on, and Catholic scientists
will take part in that search. They know that since all truth comes
from God, there can be no clash between scientific fact and religious
fact. Meanwhile, the rest of us are not disturbed. However God may
have chosen to make our bodies, we know that it is the soul that
matters most. It is the soul that lifts the animal’s eyes from the
ground—from the limited search for food and sex, for pleasure and
avoidance of pain. It is the soul that lifts our eyes to the stars so that
we may see beauty and know truth and love what is good.
All of us could boast, if we wanted to, about the first ancestors on our
family tree, Adam and Eve. As God made them, they were wonderful
persons indeed. God did not make them just ordinary human beings
subject to the usual laws of nature, such as inevitable decay and
finally death, a death that would be followed by a merely natural
happiness in which there would be no vision of God. Neither did God
make them subject to the usual limitations of human nature, such as
the necessity to acquire knowledge by laborious study and
investigation, and the necessity to maintain by painful vigilance the
control of the spirit over the flesh.
In the gifts which God bestowed upon Adam and Eve in the very first
moment of their existence, our first parents were wealthy beyond all
compute. First of all there were the gifts which we classify as
“preternatural” gifts, as distinguished from “supernatural” gifts.
Preternatural gifts are those that do not belong, by right, to human
nature—and yet they are not entirely beyond the capacity of human
nature to receive and to possess.
On the physical level, their great gifts were freedom from suffering
and freedom from death. As God made Adam and Eve, they would
have lived out their allotted span upon earth wholly free from pain
and suffering—pain and suffering which ordinarily would have been
inevitable for a physical body in a physical world. When their years of
temporal life were completed, they would have entered into eternal
life body and soul, without having to experience the dreadful
separation of soul from body which we call death.
But greater than any of these preternatural gifts was the supernatural
gift that God bestowed on Adam and Eve. This was nothing less
than a sharing, by God, of his own nature with Adam and Eve. In a
marvelous way which we shall never fully understand until we see
God as he is in heaven, God let his love (which is the Holy Spirit)
flow into, and occupy, the souls of Adam and Eve. It is a very
inadequate example, of course, but I like to think of this flow of God’s
love into the soul as somewhat like the flow of blood in transfusion.
Somewhat as the patient is joined to the blood donor by the flow of
the donor’s own blood, so were the souls of Adam and Eve joined to
God by the flow of God’s own love into their souls.
The new kind of life which Adam and Eve possessed as a result of
their union with God, this supernatural life, is what we call
“sanctifying grace.” Later on we shall talk more at length about
sanctifying grace, since it plays such an all-important part in our own
spiritual lives.
But we can see at once that if God chooses to share his own life with
a soul here upon earth, in time—it also means that God will share his
own divine life with that soul eternally, in heaven.
And that is the kind of ancestors you and I had. That is Adam and
Eve as God made them.
A devoted father is not content merely to fulfill his bare duty toward
his children. He is not content to feed them and clothe them and give
them the minimum of education the law demands. In addition, the
benevolent father will supply his children with every possible comfort
and convenience; he will give them every advantage his means will
God likewise was not content to give to his creature, man, simply
those gifts to which a human being is entitled by his nature.
Marvelously designed though the human body be, and wonderfully
endowed though the human soul is, with intelligence and free will—
this still was not enough for God. These were the things which
human beings, by their very nature, were entitled to. God went far
beyond these and conferred on Adam and Eve such preternatural
gifts as freedom from suffering and death and the supernatural gift of
sanctifying grace. In God’s original plan, if we may call it that, these
gifts were to be passed on by Adam to his posterity. They were gifts
which you and I ought to be enjoying today.
Just one thing was required of Adam in order that he might confirm
these gifts, and make these gifts secure to his descendants—he
must, by a free act of choice, give his love irrevocably to God. It was
for this that God made all human beings: that they might give glory to
God by their love for God. And their love for God was to be, in a
sense, the coin by which they would make secure the supernatural
destiny of face-to-face union with God in heaven.
We know what happened. Adam and Eve failed the test. They
committed the first sin, the original sin. And their sin was not simply
one of disobedience. Like the sin of the fallen angels, it too was a sin
of pride. The tempter whispered to them that if they ate of this fruit,
they would be as great as God, they themselves would be gods.
Yes, we know that Adam and Eve sinned. But what is hard for us to
realize is the enormity of their sin. Today we look upon sin as
something that is, to a degree, inevitable—considering human
ignorance and human weakness.
Sin is lamentable, yes, but not surprising. We are likely to forget that
before the fall there was no ignorance, there was no weakness. It
was with complete clarity of mind, and with complete control of
reason over passion, that Adam and Eve sinned. There were no
extenuating circumstances; there was positively no excuse. It was
with their eyes wide open, we might say, that Adam and Eve chose
self in preference to God.
The tragedy of it is that it was not Adam’s sin alone. Because all of
us were present, potentially, in our common father Adam. All of us
suffered when he sinned. By God’s decree, he was the ambassador-
at-large of the entire human race. What Adam did, we all did. He had
the opportunity to nut us, his family, spiritually on easy street. He
refused to do so, and all of us must suffer the consequences.
Because our human nature fell from grace in its very origin, we say
that we are born “in the state of original sin.”
When I was a child and first heard about the “stain of original sin,”
my child mind pictured original sin as a big black blot on the soul. I
had seen plenty of stains on tablecloths and clothing and blotters—
coffee stains and berry stains and ink stains. So of course it was
easy for me to picture a nice white soul covered with an ugly splotch
of black.
Growing older, I learned (as we all do learn) that the word “stain” is a
very broad metaphor when applied to original sin. Aside from the fact
that there could be no actual “stain” on a spirit, I came to understand
that our heritage of original sin is not something that is “on” the soul
or “in” the soul. On the contrary, it is something which is absent from
the soul, something that ought to be there—the supernatural life
which we call sanctifying grace.
Similarly, when we say that “we are born in the state of original sin,”
we mean that we are born with a soul that is spiritually dark, a soul
that is lifeless so far as supernatural life is concerned. Then when we
are baptized the light of God’s love pours into the soul. Our soul
becomes bright and beautiful, vibrantly alive with the supernatural
life which is the result of God’s indwelling, the result of our union with
him—the life which we call sanctifying grace.
We have not lost, any of us, anything which we are by right entitled
to. The gifts—preternatural and supernatural—which God bestowed
on Adam were not qualities which were due to us by reason of our
human nature. They were gifts beyond our desserts, gifts which
Adam could have passed on to us had he made his act of love, but
nothing which we can claim as our due.
If, before I was born, some wealthy man had offered my father a
million dollars in return for doing some small job the millionaire asked
him to do—and my father turned the offer down, then surely today I
could not blame the millionaire because I was poor. It would be my
father’s fault, not the fault of the rich man.
In the same way, if I am born into the world without the gifts which
Adam could so easily have earned for me, I cannot blame God for
the failure that was Adam’s. On the contrary, I should bless the
infinite mercy of God which did, in spite of everything, restore the
greatest of those gifts—through the merits of God’s own Son, Jesus
Since Adam, only one human being (besides Christ) has possessed
a perfectly balanced human nature: the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Because Mary was destined to be the Mother of the Son of God, and
because it was repugnant that God should have any contact,
however indirect, with sin, Mary was preserved from the very first
moment of her existence, from the spiritual darkness of original sin.
From the very instant of her conception in Anna’s womb, Mary was
in union with God, her soul was flooded with his love, she was in the
state of sanctifying grace. This unique privilege of Mary’s—the first
step in our redemption—we call her Immaculate Conception.
The story illustrates rather well the plight of the human race after the
sin of Adam. We know that the higher the dignity of a person is, the
more serious is the offense committed against that person. If a man
throws a rotten tomato at his next-door neighbor, he probably will
suffer nothing more than a black eye. But if a man were to throw a
rotten tomato at the President of the United States, the F.B.I. would
close in and the man might not be at home for his meals for a long
That is why the sin of Adam left the human race in much the same
predicament as the man at the bottom of the quarry. There we were,
down at the bottom, with no possible way of getting back out by
ourselves. Whatever a human being may do, is finite, or measurable,
in its value. If the greatest of saints were to lay down his life to atone
for sin, the value of his sacrifice would still be a limited value.
Indeed, if every member of the human race, from Adam until the last
survivor at the end of the world, were to offer his life to pay
humanity’s debt to God, the payment still would be inadequate.
Collectively it would be a great payment, but it still would not be an
infinite payment. It just is not within the power of man to do anything
of infinite worth.
After Adam’s sin, our fate would have been a hopeless one if no one
had come along to throw us a rope. It was God himself who threw us
that rope; it was God himself who solved our dilemma. The dilemma
was that, since only God is infinite, only God would be capable of an
act of atonement which would repair the infinite malice of sin. Yet he
who would undertake to pay for human sin, would need to be human
if he were really to take our sins upon himself, really to represent us.
When Adam sinned and Christ, the second Adam, atoned for that
sin, the story wasn’t ended. Christ’s death upon the Cross did not
mean that henceforth men would be compelled to be good. Christ by
his atonement did not take away the freedom of the human will. If we
are to be capable of proving our love for God by our obedience to
God, then we must be left free for the choice that obedience
For example, it is a mortal sin to tell a lie under oath. But if I think
that perjury is a venial sin, and I commit perjury, that would be a
venial sin for me. Or, if I were to swear falsely because my
questioner took me by surprise and I was rattled (lack of sufficient
reflection), or because great fear of consequences lessened my
freedom of choice (lack of full consent), then again it would be venial
Such sins are called “venial”’ from the Latin word “venia,” which
means “forgiveness.”’ Venial sins are readily forgivable by God, even
without the sacrament of penance; a genuine act of sorrow and
purpose of amendment will suffice for forgiveness.
This does not mean that venial sin “doesn’t matter.” Any sin is at
least a partial failure in love, an act of ingratitude toward God, who
loves us so much. In all creation there is no evil so great as a venial
sin, excepting only mortal sin. Venial sin is by no means a harmless
laxity. Every venial sin brings punishment in its train, here or in
purgatory. Every venial sin lessens a little the love of God in our
hearts and weakens our resistance to temptation.
It might be well to point out also that just as a sin that is objectively
mortal might subjectively be a venial sin, due to special
circumstances, such as ignorance or lack of full advertence, so also
a sin which on the surface seems venial might become a mortal sin
under special circumstances.
For example, if I thought it was a mortal sin to steal a dime, and stole
the dime anyway, then for me it would be a mortal sin. Or if I stole
the dime from a newsboy and ran the risk of disgracing myself and
my family, the evil possibilities of my act would make it a mortal sin.
Or if I kept stealing a dime or a quarter at a time until I had
accumulated a large amount—maybe a hundred dollars—then my
sin would be a mortal sin.
But if complete obedience to God and his will is our intention and our
desire, we shall have to worry about none of these things.
Chapter 6
Actual Sin
If a man drives a knife into his heart, that man is dead. If a man
commits a mortal sin, he is spiritually dead. The story of mortal sin is
as simple as that—and as real as that.
He has lost heaven, of course, this soul in mortal sin; he has lost
heaven if he should die thus cut off from God. There is no way of
establishing union with God beyond the grave.
The very purpose of this life upon earth is to prove our love for God
by our obedience to God. Death ends our time of opportunity, our
time of trial. There is no chance for a change of heart hereafter.
Death “freezes” the soul forever in the state in which death finds the
soul—God loved, or God rejected.
With heaven lost, there is no alternative for the soul but hell. All
sham is stripped away. The mortal sin which seemed, at the time of
its commission, but a simple bit of temporizing with self, now shows
up in the cold light of God’s justice for what it really is: an act of price
and rebellion, an act of hatred for God which is implicit in every
mortal sin. And there bursts upon the soul the awful, burning,
torturing hunger and thirst for the God for Whom the soul was made,
the God whom that soul shall never find. The soul is in hell.
Indeed, we may sin not only by doing what God has forbidden (sin of
commission), but we may sin also by failing to do what God has
commanded (sin of omission). It is a sin to steal—but it also is a sin
to fail to pay our just debts. It is a sin to work unnecessarily on
Sunday, but it also is a sin to fail to worship God on Sunday in the
We know that for a sin to be a mortal sin, three things are necessary.
If any of the three are missing, it is not a mortal sin.
Even a change of mind cannot wipe out the sin. If a man decided
today that he was going to commit fornication tomorrow; and then
tomorrow had a change of heart and decided not to—there still
would be yesterday’s mortal sin upon his soul. Today’s good
resolution cannot wipe out yesterday’s evil intent. We are supposing,
of course, that his mind in the first instance was definitely made up.
We are not talking here of a person who may be undergoing severe
temptation, a person who may struggle with himself for hours or
even days. If such a person finally gains the victory over self and
says a definite “no!” to the temptation, he has committed no sin.
On the contrary, he has shown great virtue and has acquired great
merit before God. There is no need to feel guilty because temptation
has been strong or stubborn; anyone could be good if it were easy to
be good. There would be no credit in that. No, the person we have
been talking about is the person who positively decides to commit a
sin, although a change of mind or lack of opportunity actually
prevents him from carrying out his intention.
This is not to say that the outward action doesn’t matter. It would be
a mistake to infer that once a person has made up his mind to sin he
might as well go through with it. On the contrary, putting the evil
intent into practice and really doing the deed does add to the gravity
of the sin, does intensify its malice. This is especially true when the
outward sin causes harm to another, as by theft; or causes another
to commit sin, as in unchaste relations.
Just as sin is, essentially, the opposing of our will to God’s will; so
too the practice of virtue consists simply in the wholehearted effort to
identify our will with God’s. That is difficult only if we depend upon
our own strength, instead of depending upon God’s grace. An old
theological axiom puts it this way: “To him who does what in him lies,
God’s grace will not be wanting.”
It helps, too, to know our own weaknesses. How well do you know
yourself? Or, to put it negatively, do you know what your outstanding
fault is?
You may have several faults; most of us do. But you may be sure
that there is some one fault, more prominent than the others, that is
your greatest obstacle to spiritual growth. Spiritual writers describe
such a fault as one’s “predominant passion.”
What are these seven dominating vices of human nature? The first is
pride, which is defined as an inordinate seeking after one’s own
honor and excellence. It would take too much space to list all the
sins that can stem from pride. Excessive ambition, over-reliance on
one’s own spiritual strength, vanity, boastfulness—these are only a
few. Or, in contemporary language, “keeping up with the Joneses,
social climbing, “be the first to own one”— and others of like ilk.
Next on the list is the vice of lust. It is easy to recognize that the
gross sins against chastity have their origin in lust; but it nourishes
other sins too. Many acts of dishonesty, injustice and deceit can be
traced to lust; loss of faith in one’s religion, or despair of God’s mercy
frequently are the fruits of lust.
These, then, are the seven capital sins: pride, covetousness, lust,
anger, gluttony, envy and sloth. Doubtless we have the laudable
habit of examining our conscience before we go to bed at night, and
certainly before going to confession. Hereafter it would be profitable
to ask ourselves not merely “What sins, and how many,” but “Why?”
Chapter 7
The Incarnation
Who is Mary?
Because this union of the divine and the human in one Person is
such a unique union, with no counterpart in human experience to
which we can compare it, it is therefore completely beyond our
comprehension. It ranks with the Blessed Trinity as one of the great
mysteries of faith. We call this particular mystery the Incarnation
(from the Latin word “caro,” which means “flesh”). In St John’s
Gospel we read that “Verbum caro factum est—The Word was made
flesh.” That is, the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God
the Son, was incarnated, was made man. This union of the two
natures in the one Person, Jesus Christ, has a special name; it is
called the “hypostatic union” (from the Greek word hypostasis, which
means “that which lies underneath”).
This was but a further beautifying of a soul that had received a still
greater grace in its very beginning. When God created the soul of
Mary, at the instant of her conception in Anna’s womb, he had
exempted her soul from the otherwise universal law of original sin.
To Mary was given the heritage that Adam had lost. From the first
moment of her beginning her soul was united with God. Not for a
single instant would she whose Son would crush Satan’s head be
under his dominion.
The young man whom God chose for this role of Mary’s champion
and Jesus’ guardian was a saint in his own right. The Gospel
describes Joseph by saying simply that he was “a just man.” This
word “just” in its original Hebrew connotation meant a man
possessed of all the virtues. It was the equivalent of our modern
word “saintly.”
It was while she was still with her parents, before she had taken up
residence with Joseph, that the angel appeared to Mary. It had been
by the free choice of Adam that sin had come into the world; God
willed now that it should be by the free choice of Mary that salvation
should come. The God of heaven and earth waited upon a maiden’s
When, having heard the angel’s message, Mary bowed her head
and said, “Be it done to me according to thy word,” at that instant
God the Holy Spirit (to whom are ascribed the works of love)
conceived within her womb the body and soul of a male child to
which God the Son immediately united himself.
Because it was by her own free consent that Mary chose to be the
mother of the redeemer, and because it was freely (and so
intimately!) that she shared in his passion, Mary is acclaimed by the
Church as the Co-Redemptress of the human race.
It is this grand moment of Mary’s consent and our own salvation that
we commemorate each time that we recite the Angelus.
And it is no wonder that God preserved her body, from whom his
own body was taken, from the corruption of the grave. In the fourth
mystery of the Rosary, and annually on the feast of the Assumption,
we celebrate the fact that Mary’s body, after death, was reunited with
her soul in heaven.
“I wish that I were twins, so that I could get my work done.” Many of
us probably have made a remark something like that at times when
we have been especially busy. It is an idea that can lead us to an
interesting bit of fantasy.
Supposing that I were really twins, with two bodies and two souls
under the direction of the one single personality which is me. Both
bodies would work together as a unit on whatever task might engage
me. It would be especially convenient if there were a ladder to be
carried or a table to be moved. And both minds would always be
working together on whatever problem might face me. This would be
particularly nice in disposing of worries and arriving at decisions.
As the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Son, Jesus
existed from all eternity. From all eternity he was generated or
“begotten” in the mind of the Father. Then, at a certain point in time,
God the Son united himself, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, not
merely to a body like ours, but to a body and soul—a complete
human nature. The result was one single Person, acting always in
harmony, acting always together, acting always as one identity.
The Son of God did not merely push a human nature around as a
workman might push a tool. The Son of God was (and is) in and with
his human nature with a personality as single and undivided as we,
in our fantasy, were in and with the twin human natures which we
A mother is not just the mother of her child’s physical body; she is
the mother of the complete person whom she bears. The complete
Person whom Mary bore is Jesus Christ, God as well as man. The
child whom she bore, in the stable at Bethlehem nineteen and a half
centuries ago, in a certain sense, has God as his Father twice. The
second Person of the Blessed Trinity has God as his Father from all
eternity. Jesus Christ had God as his Father also when, at the
Annunciation, the Holy Spirit conceived a child within Mary’s womb.
Anyone who has a dog fancier for a friend knows that there is
considerable truth in the old saying, “Love me, love my dog.” Silly as
such a state of mind may seem to us, I am sure that any man or
woman would subscribe to the statement, “Love me, love my
How then could anyone profess to have a genuine love for Jesus
Christ without also having a love for his Mother? The objection that
honor given to Mary is honor taken from God! the criticism that
Catholics have added a second mediator to the “one mediator
between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus,” shows how little
understood is the truth of Christ’s genuine humanness. Because
Jesus loves Mary not merely with the impartial love which God has
for every soul, not merely with the special love which God has for
every soul, not merely with the special love which God has for holy
souls; Jesus loves Mary with the perfect human love which only the
Perfect Man could have for the perfect Mother. He who belittles Mary
does Jesus no service. On the contrary, he who dishonors Mary by
reducing her to the stature of a “good woman,” dishonors God in one
of his most noble works of love and mercy.
The greatest single fact in our lives is our Christian faith. Our entire
lives, indeed the culture of the whole Western world, is built around
our firm conviction that Jesus Christ lived and died. It would seem
obvious that we should want to know all that we can about the life of
him who has so influenced us personally, and the world as well.
At the very least, we should have read the complete story of Christ’s
life as it is told to us in the New Testament by Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John. After doing that, the Gospel narrative will take on much
more meaning for us if we read a book-length biography of Jesus.
For our purpose here it must suffice to touch very briefly upon some
of the highlights in the earthly career of Jesus Christ, Son of God
and Son of man. After the birth of Jesus in the stable cave at
Bethlehem on the first Christmas day, the next great event was the
coming of the wise men from the East, guided by a star, to adore the
newborn King.
It was a very significant event for us who are not Jews. It was the
means which God took to show, publicly and clearly, that the
Messias, the Promised One, had not come merely to save the Jews.
That was the almost universal belief among the Jews themselves:
that when the Messias came, he would be the exclusive property of
the children of Israel, and would lead their nation to greatness and
glory. But with the calling of the wise men to Bethlehem, God made it
plain that Jesus was to be the Savior of the Gentiles, or non-Jews,
as well as the Savior of his chosen people. That is why the coming of
the Magi is called by the Greek name “Epiphany,” which means “a
public showing.” That is why, too, the event was of such importance
for you and for me.
After the visit of the Magi, the subsequent flight of the Holy Family
into Egypt to escape Herod’s murderous plans, and their return from
Egypt to Nazareth—the next glimpse we have of Jesus is when he
accompanies Mary and Joseph to celebrate the great Jewish feast of
the Passover at Jerusalem. The story of the child’s separation from
his parents, and their discovery of him three days later in the Temple,
is familiar to us. Then the Evangelist St Luke brings us up short
before dropping the veil of silence upon the youth and young
manhood of Jesus. “And Jesus advanced in wisdom,” says St Luke,
“and age and grace before God and men” (2:52).
That phrase, “Jesus advanced in wisdom,” brings up a question that
might be worth discussing for a moment; the question of whether
Jesus, in growing up, had to learn things as other children do. To
answer that we have to remember that because Jesus had two
natures, human and divine, he also had two kinds of knowledge. He
had the infinite knowledge which God has: the knowledge of all
things. Jesus had this knowledge, of course, from the very beginning
of his existence in Mary’s womb. As a human being, Jesus had
another kind of knowledge, his human knowledge. His human
knowledge, in turn, was of three kinds.
First there was the beatific knowledge which his human nature had
from the moment of his conception, a knowledge which was the
result of his human nature being united to a divine nature. This is
similar to the knowledge which you and I will have when we see God
in heaven. But there also was in Jesus an infused knowledge, such
as God gave to the angels and to Adam. It is a knowledge directly
conferred by God, a complete knowledge of created things, a
knowledge that does not have to be laboriously reasoned out from
the evidences supplied by the senses.
A navigator may know, by his charts and his instruments, that he will
encounter a certain island at a certain point in the ocean. Yet when
he finds the island, the navigator adds experimental knowledge to
his previous theoretical knowledge. In somewhat the same way
Jesus knew from the beginning what it would be like, for example, to
walk. But he acquired the experimental knowledge of what it is like to
walk only when his legs were strong enough to bear him.
And so, at the age of twelve, St Luke leaves the child for another
eighteen hidden years at Nazareth.
It is not by the size of our job that God measures us, but rather by
the fidelity with which we try to do the thing that he has placed in our
hands to do—the wholeheartedness with which we try to make his
will ours.
And just as man’s betrayal of himself had been caused by his refusal
to give God his love (a refusal expressed in the act of disobedience,
which is sin), so also Christ’s work of redemption was in the form of
an act of infinitely perfect love, expressed in the act of infinitely
perfect obedience that comprised his whole life upon earth. Christ’s
death upon the cross was the climax of this act of obedience; all that
went before Calvary, and all that followed after, was a part of his
sacrifice too.
But, in the plan of God, that was not enough. God’s Son would carry
his act of infinitely perfect obedience to the point of completely
“emptying” himself, to the point of death on Golgotha, or Calvary—
which means the “Place of the Skull.” Calvary was the peak, the
summit, of the redemptive act. Nazareth, like Bethlehem, was a part
of the slope that led to it. By the very fact that Christ’s sufferings and
death were so far beyond the price that really needed to be paid for
sin, God has made unforgettably plain to us the twin lessons of sin’s
infinite evil, and God’s infinite love for us.
It was when he was about thirty years old that Jesus began that
phase of his work which we commonly call his public life. This began
with his first public miracle at the wedding feast at Cana and
continued through the ensuing three years. During these three years
Jesus traveled up and down the countryside, preaching to the
people, teaching them the truths which they must know, and the
virtues which they must practice, if they wished to benefit by his
Very early in his public life Jesus chose the twelve men who were to
be the first rulers in his new kingdom, the first bishops and priests of
his Church. For three years Jesus instructed and trained his twelve
apostles for the task that was to be theirs—the task of solidly
establishing the kingdom which he was founding.
Chapter 8
The Redemption
That was the position of Palestine in the time of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Rome was top boss, but the Jews had their own king, Herod,
and were governed by their own parliament, or council, which was
called the Sanhedrin. There were no political parties as we know
them today, but there was something very much like our modern
political “machine.” This political machine was made up of the Jewish
priests, to whom politics and religion were one and the same thing;
the Pharisees, who were the “blue bloods” of their day; and the
Scribes, who were the lawyers. While there were some exceptions,
most of these men were the type whom we would nowadays classify
as “crooked politicians.” They had nice soft jobs for themselves, and
they were lining their pockets at the expense of the common people,
whom they oppressed in a thousand ways.
That was the situation as Jesus walked the highways and by-ways of
Judea and Galilee, preaching his message of God’s love for man,
and man’s hope in God. As he worked his miracles and spoke of the
kingdom of God that he had come to establish, many of his hearers
took his words literally—they thought in terms of a political kingdom
rather than a spiritual kingdom. They talked of making Jesus their
king right then and there, a king who would subdue the Sanhedrin
and throw out the hated Romans.
Word of all this reached the ears of the priests and the Scribes and
the Pharisees. These corrupt men began to fear that the people
might indeed stage a revolution, might indeed cast them out of their
cozy and profitable offices. Their fear was turned to bitter hatred
when Jesus publicly condemned them for their covetousness, their
hypocrisy, their hardness of heart. They plotted among themselves
as to how they might silence this Jesus of Nazareth who was such a
threat to their peace of mind. Several times they sent out lynching
parties with the purpose of stoning Jesus to death or casting him
over a cliff. But each time Jesus (who was not yet ready to die)
slipped easily through the cordon of would-be assassins. Finally they
began to search for a “finger man”—someone who would be close
enough to Jesus to deliver him safely into their hands without any
slip-up, someone whose loyalty they could buy.
Judas Iscariot was their answer. And, unfortunately for Judas, Jesus
now was ready to die. His task of revealing the fullness of God’s
truths to mankind was completed; his work of training the apostles
was finished. And so he waited, lying in the pool of his own bloody
sweat, for Judas to come. The bloody sweat was forced from his
physical organism by his divine knowledge of the agony that awaited
But even more than the knowledge of the agony was the
accompanying knowledge that for so many his blood would be shed
in vain. There in Gethsemani his human nature was allowed to taste
and to know, as only God can know, the infinite evil of sin in all its
awful horror.
So Judas came, and his enemies took Jesus away to a trial that was
a mockery of justice. Sentence of death already had been passed by
the Sanhedrin even before the paid and contradictory witnesses
were heard. The charge was simple: Jesus claimed to be God. That
was a blasphemous thing for a man to claim. Blasphemy was
punishable by death; to death Jesus must go. Then on to Pontius
Pilate, the Roman governor. He must confirm the death sentence,
since the infliction of capital punishment was not permitted to the
subject nations. Only Rome could take a man’s life.
Until Jesus died upon the cross and paid the price of man’s sin, no
human soul could enter heaven, none could see God face to face.
And yet, in the many centuries that had elapsed since Adam, there
surely had been great numbers of men and women who had
believed in God and his mercy and obeyed God’s laws. Since such
souls were not deserving of hell, they existed (until the crucifixion) in
a state of purely natural happiness, without any direct vision of God.
They were happy very much as we on earth would be happy if
everything were just perfect for us.
The state of natural happiness in which these souls awaited the full
unveiling of God’s glory is called limbo. It was to these souls that
Jesus appeared, while his body lay in the tomb, to announce to them
the glad tidings of their redemption; to escort them personally, we
might say, as His first fruits to God the Father.
Since Christ’s death upon the cross was a real death, it was his soul
that appeared in limbo; his lifeless body, from which his soul was
separated, lay in the tomb. During this time, however, his divine
person remained united both to his body and to his soul, ready to
draw them together again on the third day.
Because Christ had promised that he would, he rose from the dead
on the third day. He had promised, also, that it would be by his own
power, and not by that of another, that he would return to life. It was
this that would give the final and inescapable proof of the fact that he
was, as he claimed to be, God himself.
It was in a glorified body that Jesus rose from the dead, a body
glorified even as our bodies will be after our own resurrection. It was
a body that was “spiritualized,” freed from the limitations of the
physical world. It was (and is) a body that could no longer suffer or
die; a body that radiated the brightness and beauty of a soul united
with God; a body that physical matter could not impede, and which
could pass through a
solid wall as if the wall did not exist; a body which had no need to
travel by laborious steps, but which could pass from place to place
with the speed of thought; it was a body free from such organic
necessities as food and drink and sleep.
Having risen from the dead, Christ did not, as we might have
expected, ascend immediately into heaven. Had he done so, the
skeptics who disbelieved (and they still are with us) in his
resurrection would have been even harder to convince. It was partly
for this reason that Jesus chose to remain forty days upon earth.
During this time he appeared to Mary Magdalen, to the disciples on
the road to Emmaus, to his apostles several times. But we may be
sure that our Lord made many other appearances besides the ones
mentioned in the Gospels: to individuals (his Blessed Mother,
surely?) and to whole crowds of people (St Paul mentions one such
appearance, when more than five hundred were present). No one
ever would be able to ask, in honesty, “How do we know that he is
risen? Who saw him?”
There he “sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty.” Being
himself God, he is in all things the Father’s equal; and as man he is
above all the saints in the closeness of his union with God the
Father, with supreme authority as King over all creatures. Like
converging rays of light focused in a lens, all creation became
focused in him, became his, when he took our human nature for his
own. Through his Church he rules souls in matters spiritual; but even
in matters purely civil and temporal, his will and his law must come
first. And his title to supreme ruler over men was made doubly
secure when he redeemed them, purchased them, with his precious
In the Bible, in the Acts of the Apostles (19:2), we read that St Paul
came to the city of Ephesus, in Asia. There he found a small group
of people who already believed in the teachings of Jesus. Paul
asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became
believers?” Their answer was, “We have not even heard that there is
a Holy Spirit.”
That, for many Catholics, is just about the sum of their knowledge of
the Holy Spirit. And yet we can have but little understanding of the
work of sanctification that goes on within our souls unless we know
the place of the Holy Spirit in the divine scheme of things.
The existence of the Holy Spirit —indeed the doctrine of the Blessed
Trinity—was all but unknown until Christ unveiled the truth to us. In
Old Testament times the Jews were surrounded by idolatrous
nations. More than once the Jews turned from the worship of the one
God who had made them his chosen people, to the worship of many
gods as practiced by their neighbors. As a consequence, God,
through his prophets, hammered away at the idea of the oneness of
God, the unity of God. He did not complicate things by revealing to
pre-Christian man that there are three Persons in God. It remained
for Jesus Christ to give us this marvelous insight into the inner
nature of the Deity.
This living image of himself which God has in his mind, this idea of
himself which God has been generating (or “giving birth to”) in his
divine mind from all eternity, we call God the Son. God the Father we
might say is God in the eternal act of “thinking about” himself. God
the Son is the living (and eternal) “thought” which results from that
thinking. Both the thinker and the thought are of course within one
and the same divine nature; there is only one God, but these are two
And it does not stop there. God the Father and God the Son behold,
each of them, the infinite lovableness of the other. And so there flows
between these two divine Persons a divine love. It is a love so
perfect, of such infinite ardor, as to be a living love, and we call this
love the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Like two
volcanoes exchanging a single stream of fire, Father and Son
eternally reciprocate this living flame of love. That is why we say, in
the Nicene Creed, that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and
the Son.
Three divine Persons, each distinct from the other two in his
relationship to each of the others and yet possessing one and the
same divine nature, possessing that nature, too, in absolute unity.
Since they possess the divine nature equally, there is no
subordination of one to the other. God the Father is not wiser than
God the Son. God the Son is not more powerful than God the Holy
However, we have to keep in mind that the three divine Persons are
inseparable. In terms that are human (but not theologically exact) we
might say that none of the three divine Persons does anything
separately or alone, outside the divine nature. Within that divine
nature, within the Godhead, each Person has his own particular
activity, His own particular relationship, one to the other. God the
Father is God knowing himself, God “seeing” himself; God the Son is
God’s living image of himself; and God the Holy Spirit is God’s love
for himself.
But “outside himself” (if we may speak so loosely), God acts only in
his perfect unity; no divine Person does anything by himself. What
one divine Person does, all three do. Outside the divine nature, it is
the Blessed Trinity who always acts. To use a very homely and
inadequate example. I might say that the only place my brain and
heart and lungs do anything by themselves is inside me; each of
them doing its own proper job for the good of the other. But outside
me, brain and heart and lungs work inseparably together. Wherever I
may go, whatever I may be doing, brain and heart and lungs are in
on it as a unit. None of the three goes off on a separate activity of its
But we often speak as though they did. We say that a man is “long-
winded,” as if it were only his lungs which did all the talking. We say
that a man is “stout-hearted,” as though courage were entirely a
matter of the heart. We say that a man is “brainy,” as though a brain
could think without blood and oxygen. We ascribe to one particular
organ a job that all of them are working on together.
Now let us make the tremendous jump from our own lowly physical
organs to the three living Persons who constitute the Blessed Trinity.
Then perhaps we can understand a little better why it is that the work
of sanctifying souls is assigned to the Holy Spirit.
Since God the Father is the source of principle of the divine activity
which goes on within the Blessed Trinity (the knowing-and-loving
activity), he is considered to be the beginning of everything. That is
why we assign to the Father the work of creation. Actually, of course,
it is the Blessed Trinity who creates—whether it be the universe or
an individual soul. What one divine Person does, all Three do. But
we appropriate to the Father the act of creation. Because of his
relationship to the other two Persons, the role of Creator fits the
Father best.
Then, since it was through the second Person, God the Son, that
God united a human nature to himself in the Person of Jesus Christ,
we attribute the work of redemption to God the Son, the living
wisdom of God the Father. Infinite Power (the Father) decrees
redemption; Infinite Wisdom (the Son) puts the decree into
execution. However, when we refer to God the Son as the
Redeemer, we remain conscious of the fact that God the Father and
God the Holy Spirit were also inseparably present in Jesus Christ.
Absolutely speaking it was the Blessed Trinity who redeemed us. But
we appropriate to the Son the act of redemption.
What is Grace?
Such gifts as these, supernatural though they be, operate outside us.
It would not be incorrect to call them “external graces.” The word
“grace,” however, when it is used simply and by itself, refers to those
invisible gifts which reside in the soul, or operate in the soul. So we
build up our definition of grace a little more, by saying that it is an
interior supernatural gift of God.
However, once Adam and Eve had sinned, they (and we their
descendants) were not only undeserving of grace; they (and we)
became actually unworthy of anything beyond the ordinary natural
gifts pertaining to human nature. How could God’s infinite justice,
outraged by original sin, be satisfied so that His infinite goodness
might operate once again to mankind’s benefit?
The answer to that question rounds out for us the definition of grace.
It was Jesus Christ, we know, whose life and death made
satisfaction to the divine Justice for mankind’s sin. It was Jesus
Christ who merited for us, earned for us, the grace which Adam had
so lightly tossed away. And so we complete our definition by saying:
Grace is an interior supernatural gift of God bestowed on us through
the merits of Jesus Christ for our salvation. Who would have thought
that so few words could contain so much meaning!
When we were born our soul was, spiritually speaking, dark and
empty—spiritually dead. There was no bond of union between our
soul and God. There was no intercourse, no communication,
between our soul and God. If, without baptism, we had reached the
use of reason and had died without committing a single personal sin
(a purely imaginary hypothesis, actually impossible), we still would
not have gone to heaven. We would have entered into a state of
natural happiness which, for want of a better name, we call limbo.
But we never would have seen God, face to face, and as he really is.
This is a point that bears repeating—the fact that by our nature as
human beings we have no right to that direct vision of God which
constitutes the essential happiness of heaven. Not even Adam and
Eve, before their fall, had any right to heaven. In fact, the human
soul, in what we might call its purely natural state, simply has not got
the power to see God; it has not got the capacity for intimate,
personal union with God.
But God did not leave man in this purely natural state. When he
created Adam, God gave Adam all that he was entitled to as a
human being. But God went further; he gave to the soul of Adam a
certain quality or power which would make it possible for Adam to
live in close (although invisible) union with him in this life. Because
this special quality of soul —this power of union and
intercommunication with God—was completely above the natural
powers of the soul, we call it a supernatural quality of the soul, a
supernatural gift.
The way that God imparted this special quality or power to the soul
of Adam was by the indwelling of himself in Adam’s soul. In a
wonderful manner that must remain a mystery to us until judgment
day, God “took up residence” in Adam’s soul. And much as the sun
in the sky imparts light and warmth to the surrounding atmosphere,
so also did God in Adam’s soul impart this supernatural quality which
is nothing less than a sharing, to a degree, in God’s own life.
Sunlight is not the sun; but it flows from the sun, it is the result of the
sun’s presence. So also this supernatural quality of soul that we
speak of is distinct from God, yet flows from him and is the result of
his presence in the soul.
This supernatural quality of the soul has another effect. It not only
enables us to live in close union and communication with God in this
life; it also prepares the soul for another gift which God will add after
death. That gift will be the gift of supernatural vision, the power to
see God face to face, as he really is.
When we are baptized we receive sanctifying grace for the first time.
God (the Holy Spirit by “appropriation”) takes up his abode within us.
By his presence he imparts to our soul that supernatural quality
which makes it possible for God, in a grand and mysterious manner,
to see himself in us and therefore to love us. And, because this
supernatural quality of soul, this sanctifying grace, was purchased
for us by Jesus Christ, we are bound by it to Christ, we share it with
Christ—and God consequently sees us as he sees his Son—and we
become, each of us, a child of God.
These, then, are our three needs with regard to sanctifying grace:
first, that we preserve it permanently and until the end; secondly, that
we recover it immediately if we have lost it by mortal sin; thirdly, that
we seek to grow in sanctifying grace with an eagerness that sees the
sky as the limit.
Now none of these three things is easy to do. In fact, by our human
wisdom and strength alone, none of these three things is even
possible. Like a bombed victim wandering dazed and weakened
from the ruins, so has human nature staggered down through the
centuries from the explosive rebellion of original sin—judgment
permanently warped, will permanently weakened. It is so hard to
recognize danger in time; so hard to look honestly at the greater
good that needs doing; so hard to turn our gaze from the hypnotic
beckoning of sin.
Actual grace may work upon the mind or upon the will; usually upon
both. Actual grace is given by God always for one of the three
purposes mentioned above: either to prepare the way for the first
infusion of sanctifying grace (or to restore it when lost); to preserve
sanctifying grace in the soul; and to increase it. The operation of
actual grace may be clearer if we trace its work in an imaginary
person who has lost sanctifying grace through mortal sin.
First God illumines the mind of the sinner so that he may see the evil
of what he has done. If the sinner accepts this grace, he admits to
himself, “I have offended God in a serious matter; I have committed
a mortal sin.” The sinner can, of course, reject this first grace; he can
say, “What I did wasn’t so awfully bad; lots of people do worse things
than that.” If he does reject the first grace, there probably will be no
second. In the normal course of God’s providence, one grace begets
another. This is the meaning of Christ’s words when he says, “To
everyone who has shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but
from him who does not have, even that which he seems to have
shall be taken away” (Matt 25:29).
But supposing the sinner accepted the first grace, then the second
grace follows. This time it is a strengthening of the will, which
enables the sinner to make an act of contrition:
“Dear God,” he groans inwardly, “if I die like this, I’ll lose heaven and
go to hell, and it’s a shabby way I’ve treated you, in return for all your
love. Dear God, I’ll not do that again!” If the sinner’s sorrow is perfect
(stemming mainly from his love for God), then sanctifying grace is at
once restored to his soul; God at once reunites the soul to himself. If
the sorrow is imperfect, based mainly on fear of God’s justice, then
there will be a further impulse of grace. His mind enlightened, the
sinner will say, I must go to confession.” His will strengthened, he will
resolve, “I shall go to confession.” And, in the sacrament of Penance,
sanctifying grace is restored to his soul. That is a concrete instance
of how actual grace works.
Let us suppose that I have been bedridden with a long illness. Now I
am recuperating, but I have to learn to walk again. If I try to walk
alone, I shall fall on my face. So a good friend undertakes to help
me. He puts his arm around my waist, and I lean heavily on his
shoulder. Gently he propels me across the floor; I am walking again!
Actually, as I walk my friend is doing most of the work, but there is
one thing my friend cannot do for me; he cannot pickup my feet. If I
will not even try to put one foot in front of the other; if I just let myself
hang, a dead weight, clinging to my friend, then my friend’s help is
wasted. In spite of him, I will not walk.
In much the same way we can let God’s grace go unused. By our
own indifference or sloth—and even worse, by our positive
resistance—we can frustrate the operation of God’s grace in our
soul. Of course, God can, if he chooses, give us so much grace that
our human will is carried along with almost no effort on our part. This
is what theologians call efficacious grace, as distinguished from
merely sufficient grace. Efficacious grace actually accomplishes its
purpose. It not only is sufficient to our spiritual needs, but in addition
is strong enough to overcome the weakness or obduracy which
might cause us to neglect or resist the grace.
All of us, I am sure, at one time or another have had experiences like
this: We are faced with a strong temptation; perhaps we even know
by past experience that this is a temptation which usually defeats us.
We breathe a half-hearted prayer for help, not even sure in our own
mind that we want to be helped. And lo and behold! the temptation
disappears. Thinking about it afterwards, we can’t honestly say that
we conquered the temptation; rather, it just seemed to evaporate.
We have had the experience, too, of doing an action that is, for us,
unexpectedly generous or self-sacrificing or compassionate. We feel
a shock of pleased surprise. “Really,” we admit secretly to ourselves,
“that wasn’t like me at all.”
In both of these examples we have had graces that were not merely
sufficient, but graces that were efficacious. These examples are of
the more striking kind. But actually, any time that we do good or
abstain from evil, our grace has been efficacious; it has
accomplished its purpose. This is true even when we are conscious
of some effort on our part, even when we feel that we have been
through a struggle.
“God’s grace surely was with me,” but on judgment day we shall see
that for every grace which we have recognized, there have been a
hundred or ten thousand other, more hidden, graces of which we
have been totally unconscious.
Our surprise too will be mixed with shame. We go through life, most
of us, patting ourselves on the back for our little victories. We said no
to that drink which would have been one too many; we changed our
mind about going out with that person who might have meant sin for
us. We held our tongue when we wanted to make a biting and angry
reply. We rolled out of bed for weekday Mass when our body was
crying in protest.
And then on judgment day we shall get our first square look at
ourselves. We shall see the full picture of the workings of grace in
our life. We shall see how little we ourselves had to do with our
heroic decisions and our supposedly noble deeds. Almost, we can
imagine God smiling at us in loving amusement as he sees our
chagrin; as he hears us exclaim in confusion, “Why God! It was you
all the time!”
Wellsprings of life
There are, as we well know, two sources of divine grace: prayer and
the sacraments. Once we have received sanctifying grace through
baptism, then it is by means of prayer and the other six sacraments
that sanctifying grace is increased in the soul. If we lose sanctifying
grace through mortal sin, then it is by means of prayer (disposing us
for forgiveness) and the sacrament of Penance that sanctifying grace
is restored to the soul.
This kind of mental prayer, in which the mind thinks about some
divine truth—perhaps about some word or action of Christ—with the
result that the heart (really the will) is moved to greater love and
fidelity to God—this kind of prayer is commonly called meditation.
While it is true that almost any practical Catholic will, at least
intermittently, practice a certain amount of meditation, yet it needs
pointing out that normally there will be no notable spiritual growth
unless a person gives some of his prayer time regularly to mental
prayer. That is why the Canon Law of the Church requires that every
priest devote some time daily to mental prayer. Most religious orders
prescribe a full hour of mental prayer daily for their members.
For the average person, a very simple and fruitful form of meditation
would be to read a chapter of the Gospels each day. It should be at a
time and in a place that is as free as possible from noise and
distractions. It should be read thoughtfully and slowly. Then a few
minutes should be given to turning over in one’s mind what has been
read; giving it a chance to sink in, applying it to one’s own life; letting
it lead, as it normally will, to a resolution of some kind.
This wonderful inner life which is ours—this sharing in God’s own life
which we call sanctifying grace—is increased through prayer. It is
increased also by means of the sacraments, the sacraments which
follow after baptism. The life of an infant increases with every breath
he draws, with every ounce of food he takes, with every movement
of his unformed muscles. So too do the other six sacraments build
upon the life-beginning, the first accession of sanctifying grace which
baptism gives.
But the flow of life does not end as, at the consecration of the Mass,
we touch divinity. Now the process reverses itself. As we, with and
through Christ, have reached up to God, so God in turn, in and
through Christ, reaches down to us. In a mystery of union which
must leave even the angels gasping, God comes to us. This time
God does not use water or oil or gesture or spoken word as the
carrier of his grace. This time it is Jesus Christ himself, God’s own
Son, really and personally present under the appearances of bread,
who skyrockets the level of sanctifying grace within us.
There is a point that bears noting here with regard to the life-giving
power of prayer and the sacraments alike. It has been emphasized
that grace, in all its forms, is a free gift of God. Whether it be the
beginning of holiness in Baptism or growth in holiness through
prayer and the other sacraments—every bit of it is the work of God.
No matter what heroic acts I might perform, without God’s grace I
never could save myself.
However, this must not lead me to think that prayer and the
sacraments are magic formulas which will save me and sanctify me
in spite of myself. If I think that, then I shall be guilty of that religious
“formalism” of which Catholics often are accused. Religious
formalism results when a person thinks that he becomes “good”
simply by going through certain motions, speaking certain prayers
and taking part in certain ceremonies. Against Catholics in general
the accusation is most unjust, but the charge would rightly be leveled
against an individual Catholic whose spiritual life was limited to the
automatic and unthinking recitation of certain fixed prayers—with no
lifting of the mind and heart to God; and to the force-of-habit or
sense-of-duty reception of the sacraments, with no conscious
striving for closer union with God. In short, God can penetrate the
soul only insofar as self will let him.
What is merit?
In the news dispatches I once read of a man who built a new house
for his family. He did most of the work himself and put all his savings
into the materials. When the house was completed after many
months of labor, the man found to his horror that he had built it on
the wrong lot, another man’s lot. The owner of the lot calmly took
possession of the house, while the builder could only weep for his
wasted time and money .
Merit has been defined as that property of a good work which entitles
the doer to a reward. All of us, I am sure, will agree that generally
speaking it requires an effort to do what is right, what is good.
Whether it is feeding the poor, or giving aid to the sick, or doing a
kind turn for a neighbor, it is easy to see that there is some sacrifice
of self involved. It is easy to see that such actions have a value, that
they can lay claim, at least potentially, to a reward. But they can lay
no claim to a reward from God if God has had no part in the doing of
the deeds. They can lay no claim to a reward from God if there is no
communication between God and the doer. No matter how hard a
workman might labor, he cannot claim compensation for his work if
he has neglected to put his name on the payroll.
That is why it is only the soul that is in the state of sanctifying grace
which can gain merit for its actions. Indeed, it is being in the state of
sanctifying grace that gives eternal value to an action. Human
deeds, so long as they are purely human, have no supernatural
significance at all. It is only when these deeds become the work of
God himself that they have a divine worth. And our deeds are in a
sense the work of God himself present in the soul when the soul is
living the supernatural life which we call sanctifying grace.
This is so true that even the least of our actions has a supernatural
value when it is performed in union with God. Whatever God does,
even when he does it through us as his free and willing instruments,
has a divine worth. That is why even the least of our actions,
provided it be a morally good action, is meritorious so long as we
have the intention, at least habitual, of doing all for God.
Since merit is “that property of a good work which entitles the doer to
a reward,” we next ask, logically, what our reward is to be? Our
supernaturally good actions will merit, but what will they merit? They
will merit a triple reward: an increase in sanctifying grace, eternal life,
and an increase of glory in heaven. With regard to the second phase
of this reward—eternal life—it might be of interest to note this point:
for the baptized infant, heaven is a heritage by virtue of the infant’s
being an adopted child of God incorporated in Christ, but for the
adult Christian, heaven is a recompense as well as a heritage, a
reward we can earn, because God has promised it to those who
serve him.
However, to achieve the eternal life and the increased glory that we
have merited, we must, of course, die in the state of sanctifying
grace. Mortal sin wipes out all merit, just as a bank crash can wipe
out one’s life savings. And there is no merit to be gained beyond the
grave. There is no merit that we can gain in hell or in purgatory—not
even in heaven. This life and this life only is the time of testing, the
time of merit.
For you and for me, and in practical everyday terms, what does it
mean to live in the state of sanctifying grace? To answer that
question, let us take two men who work side by side in the same
office (or it could be a factory, a store, a farm). To the casual
observer, the two men are very much alike. Both do the same kind of
work, both are married, both have families; both of them lead what
might be called “respectable” lives. One of the men, however, is what
we would term a “secularist.” He practices no religion, he gives little,
if any, thought to God. His philosophy is that it is up to him to make
his own happiness, to get all that he can out of life. “If you don’t get it
yourself,” he will say, “no one else is going to get it for you.”
Now we turn our attention to the other man, who works at the next
desk or machine or counter. The second man seems almost the
identical twin of the first: in family status, home, work, personality.
But there is an incalculable difference which the casual eye will not
easily spot. The difference lies first of all in intention. The second
man’s life is not based on a philosophy of “common decency” or
“owe it to myself.” At least not mainly. The natural loves and human
urges which he shares in common with all mankind have been
transformed in him by a higher love and a higher urge: the love of
God, and the desire to do God’s will.
His wife is not merely his companion of the fireside. She also is his
companion of the altar. He and she are partners with God, helping
one another on to holiness, cooperating with God in the creation of
new human beings destined for eternal life. His love for his children
is not a mere extension of himself; he sees his children as a solemn
trust from God; he sees himself as a steward who one day will have
to answer for their souls. His love for them, as for his wife, is part of
his love for God.
His job is not merely a chance for advancement and for material
gain. It is a part of his priestly fatherhood, the means of providing for
the material needs of his family, a part of the pattern of God’s plan
for him. He gives his job the best he has got because he
understands that he is an instrument in God’s hands for the
completion of God’s creative work in the world. For God, only the
best will do. And so it goes through his day. His natural friendliness
is imbued with a spirit of charity. His generosity is perfected by
detachment. His thoughtfulness partakes of the compassion of
Christ. Not perhaps that he thinks of such things often; certainly not
that he goes through his day in self-conscious righteousness. But he
has begun his day by pointing it where it should be pointed—towards
God and away from self. “0 my God,” he has said, “I offer up to Thee
all my thoughts, words, actions and sufferings of this day….” He has
perhaps made the best beginning of all by starting his day with
But there is one other thing necessary to make this man a truly
supernatural man. His right intention is necessary, but alone it is not
enough. His day must not only be directed to God, it also must be
lived in union with God if it is to have any everlasting value. In other
words, he must be in the state of sanctifying grace.
What is virtue?
Before going any further, perhaps we should recall what the word
“virtue” means. In religion virtue is defined as a “habit or permanent
disposition which inclines a person to do good and to avoid evil.” For
example, if you have the habit of always telling the truth, then you
have the virtue of veracity or truthfulness. If you have the habit of
being strictly honest with regard to the rights of others, then you
have the virtue of justice.
These three virtues are infused into our soul along with sanctifying
grace, in the sacrament of baptism. Even the baptized infant
possesses these three virtues, although he will not be able to
exercise them until he reaches the age of reason. Once we receive
these three virtues they are not easily lost. The virtue of charity, the
ability to love God with a supernatural love, will be lost only if, by
mortal sin, we deliberately separate ourselves from God. When
sanctifying grace goes, charity goes also.
But even with charity gone, faith and hope may still remain. We lose
the virtue of hope only by a sin against hope—by the sin of despair,
in which we no longer trust in God’s goodness and mercy. Hope also
would be lost, of course, if faith were lost. We certainly will not trust
in a God in whom we do not believe. And faith itself will be lost only
by a grievous sin directly against faith, by a refusal to believe what
God has revealed.
Besides the three great virtues which we call the theological or divine
virtues, there are four other supernatural virtues which are infused
into the soul at baptism along with sanctifying grace. Because these
virtues do not pertain directly to God but rather concern our attitude
towards persons and things in relation to God, they are called moral
virtues. Aside from faith, hope and charity, all other virtues are moral
virtues. The four of which we speak, the four supernatural moral
virtues which are infused into the soul with sanctifying grace, are
prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.
These four virtues have a special name of their own; they are called
the four cardinal virtues. The word “cardinal” comes from the Latin
word cardo, which means “a hinge.” Prudence, justice, fortitude and
temperance are called cardinal virtues because they are the “hinge”
virtues, the key virtues upon which all the other moral virtues
depend. If a man is truly prudent, just, spiritually strong and
temperate, then he will possess all the other moral virtues too. We
might say that these four contain within themselves the seeds of all
the other virtues. For example the virtue of religion, which disposes
us to offer to God the worship which is his due, stems from the
cardinal virtue of justice. Religion, incidentally, is the highest of all
the moral virtues.
“Faith” is a good word to start with. Of the three divine virtues which
are infused into our soul at the time of our baptism, faith is the most
basic. It is obvious that we cannot hope in nor love a God in whom
we do not believe.
Divine faith is defined as “the virtue by which we firmly believe all the
truths God has revealed, on the word of God revealing them, who
can neither deceive nor be deceived.” There are two key phrases
there: “firmly believe,” and “word of God.” They will merit
But not all certainty is faith. I do not say that I believe something if it
is something I can plainly see and understand. I do not say that I
believe that two plus two equals four. I know that two plus two equals
four. It is something which I can understand and prove to my own
satisfaction. Knowledge of this kind, concerning facts which I can
perceive and grasp, is called understanding rather than belief.
For the same reason, true faith must be complete. It would be folly to
suppose that we can pick and choose among the truths God has
revealed, according to our taste. To say, “I believe in heaven, but not
in hell”; or “I believe in baptism but not in confession,” is to say, in
effect, “God can be wrong.” The logical conclusion then is, why
believe God at all?
Hope is defined as “the virtue by which we firmly trust that God, who
is all-powerful and faithful to his promises, will in His mercy give us
eternal happiness and the means to obtain it.” In other words, no one
loses heaven except by his own fault. So far as God’s part is
concerned, our salvation is certain. It is only our part—our
cooperation or non-co-operation with God’s grace—that is uncertain.
It follows, too, that our hope must be a firm hope. Hope that is weak
belittles God, either his almighty power or his infinite goodness. This
does not mean that we should not have a wholesome fear of losing
our soul. But the fear should stem from lack of confidence in
ourselves, not from lack of confidence in God. If even a Lucifer could
reject grace, then we also have within us the capacity for failure—but
the failure will not be God’s. It is only a stupid person who will say, in
repenting of sin, “O God, I am so ashamed of being so weak!” The
hopeful person would say, “O my God, I am so ashamed of forgetting
how weak I am!” A saint might be described as one who has the
utmost distrust of his own strength, and the utmost confidence in
It is well to bear in mind also that the basis of Christian hope applies
to others as well as to ourselves. God wills the salvation, not just of
me, but of all men. That is why we never should weary in our prayers
for sinners and unbelievers, especially for those who may be close to
us by blood or friendship. It is the teaching of Catholic theologians
that God never entirely withdraws his grace even from the most
obdurate sinners. When the Bible speaks of God hardening his heart
against a sinner (for example, Pharao who resisted Moses), it is
really only a poetic way of describing the sinner’s own reaction. It is
the sinner who hardens his own heart by resisting God’s grace.
On that solid foundation of God’s love and care and wisdom and
power, we stand secure. We do not fall into a black mood of
despondency when “things go wrong.” When our plans are upset,
our expectations thwarted and failure seems to dog our every step,
we know that in some way God is working all this out to our ultimate
good. Even the terror of the hydrogen bomb and the shadow of
Communist threats will leave us unshaken, because we know that
the very evils which men fashion God will somehow work into his
It is this same trust in God’s providence that comes to our aid when
we are tempted (as who is not, sometimes?) to think that we are
smarter than God; that we know better than he, under these
circumstances, what is best for us. “Maybe it is a sin, but we just
can’t afford another baby”; “Maybe it isn’t quite honest, but I’ve got to
stay in business”; “I know it seems a bit crooked, but politics is like
that.” It is when alibis like these start to rise to our lips that we beat
them down with our trust in God’s providence. “It looks as if doing
the right thing is going to be rough on me,” we say, “but God knows
all the circumstances. He’s smarter than I am. And he cares. I’ll
string along with him.”
The only one of the three divine virtues which will remain with us
forever is the virtue of charity. In heaven faith will give way to
knowledge; there is no longer any need to “believe in” the God whom
we actually see. Hope also will disappear, as we actually possess
the happiness for which we hoped. But charity will not disappear. On
the contrary, only in that breathless ecstatic moment when we see
God face to face will the virtue of charity which was infused into our
soul at baptism reach the fullness of its capabilities. It is then that our
love for God, so muted and so weak in this life, will blaze up like an
exploding rocket. Finding ourselves united with the infinitely lovable
God who alone can fulfill the human heart’s capacity for love, our
charity will express itself forever in an act of love.
With a love also that is pleasing to God, in spite of the fact that it is
God, in a sense, who is doing the loving.
Wonders within us
And, of course, we don’t feel any of that, at least not usually. The
awesome transformation that takes place in us in baptism does not
take place in our body—in our brain or nervous system or emotions.
It takes place in the inner core of our being, in our soul. It is beyond
the reach of intellectual analysis or emotional reaction. But what if by
some miracle we could be fitted with a pair of glasses that would
enable us to see our soul as it really is in the state of sanctifying
grace, adorned with all its supernatural gifts? Then I am sure that we
would walk about in a daze of perpetual wonderment at the
lavishness with which God has equipped us to deal with life here and
to prepare for life hereafter.
Taking them one by one, there is first the gift of wisdom. Wisdom
gives us a right sense of proportion so that we esteem the things of
God; we value goodness and virtue at their true worth and see the
goods of the world as stepping-stones to sanctity, not as ends in
themselves. The man, for example, who misses his weekly bowling
night in order to attend the parish mission is being guided by the gift
of wisdom, whether he realizes it or not.
The third gift, that of counsel, sharpens our judgment. By its aid we
perceive—and choose—the course of action that will be most
conducive to God’s honor and our own spiritual good. It is a
dangerous step he takes who makes a major decision in the state of
mortal sin, whether it be a decision as to vocation, job, family
problem, or any of the other choices that constantly face us. Without
the gift of counsel, human judgment is all too fallible.
The gift of fortitude almost explains itself. Every good life must be to
some degree a heroic life. There always is the hidden heroism
required for the conquest of self. Sometimes a still higher heroism is
called for, when the doing of God’s will means the risk of losing
friends or money or health. And there is the highest heroism of the
martyrs, when life itself is sacrificed for love of God. It is not without
purpose that God strengthens our human weakness with his gift of
Finally there is the gift of fear of the Lord. This balances the gift of
piety. It is right that we look to God with eyes in which there is love
and trust and tender reverence. But it equally is right that we should
never forget that God is our all-just Judge to whom we shall one day
have to answer for the graces that he has given us. Remembering
that, we shall have a wholesome fear of offending him by sin.
Every catechism that I have ever seen lists the “twelve fruits of the
Holy Spirit”—charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-
suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency and chastity. But, so
far as I have been able to observe, it is seldom that the twelve fruits
get more than a passing mention in religious instruction classes.
Even more rarely are they explained in sermons.
Or, turning to another figure of speech, we might say that the twelve
fruits are the broad brush-strokes which outline for us the portrait of
a truly Christian man—or woman. Perhaps the simplest procedure
would be to see what that portrait looks like. What kind of person is it
who lives habitually in the state of sanctifying grace, and who tries
perseveringly to subordinate self to the working of grace?
He is a kind person. People come to him with their troubles, and find
in him a sympathetic listener; they go away feeling better just for
having talked with him. He is interested in the enthusiasms and the
problems of others; he is especially considerate of children and the
aged, of the unhappy and the unfortunate. This is benignity.
He stands solidly for what is right, even when it means standing
alone. He is not self-righteous; he does not judge others; he is slow
to criticize and still slower to condemn; he is forbearing with the
ignorance and the weakness of others. But he will not compromise
principle, he will not temporize with evil. In his own religious life he is
invariably generous with God, never seeking the easiest way out.
This is goodness.
His love for Jesus Christ makes him recoil from the thought of being
an ally of the devil, from the thought of occasioning sin to another. In
dress and deportment and speech, there is a decency about him—or
her—which fortifies rather than weakens others in their virtue. This is
The second cardinal virtue is justice, which perfects our will (as
prudence perfects our intelligence) and safeguards the rights of our
fellow man: his right to life and freedom, to the sanctity of the home,
to his good name and honor, and to his material possessions. An
obstacle to justice that readily comes to mind is prejudice. Prejudice
denies a man his human rights, or hampers him in the achievement
of those rights because of his color or race or nationality or religion.
Another obstacle might be a natural stinginess, close-fistedness —a
temperamental defect that might be the result of childhood
deprivation. It would be our duty to labor at the removal of such
barriers as these, if the supernatural virtue of justice were to have full
play within us.
There are other moral virtues besides the four cardinal ones. Here
we shall mention but a few, and each of us, if he be honest with
himself, can discover his own obstacles. There is filial piety (and its
extension, patriotism), which disposes us to honor, love and respect
our parents and our country. There is obedience, which disposes us
to do the will of our superiors as a manifestation of God’s will. There
are veracity and liberality and patience and humility and chastity and
others besides. But on the whole, if we are prudent and just and
courageous and temperate, the other virtues will pretty well follow,
like children behind Mother and Dad.
What, then, does it mean to have a “Christian spirit”? It is not an
easy term to define. It means, of course, having the spirit of Christ.
That in turn means viewing the world as Christ views it; reaching to
the circumstances of life as Christ would react. The truly Christian
spirit is nowhere summarized for us better than in the eight
beatitudes with which
But to return to the beatitudes: they get their name from the Latin
word beatus, which means “blessed,” the word with which each of
the beatitudes begins. “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” Christ tells us,
“for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This is the first of the eight
beatitudes, and it reminds us that heaven is for the humble. The poor
in spirit are those who never forget that all that they are and all that
they have is from God. Whether it be talents or health or
possessions, whether it be even a child of their own flesh, they have
nothing, in the absolute sense, which they can rightly call their own.
Because of this poverty of spirit, this willingness to surrender back to
God whatever of his gifts he may choose to take, their very adversity,
when it comes, is a claim upon God for grace and merit. It is a
pledge that the God whom they value above all things else, will
indeed be their everlasting reward. With Job they say, “The Lord
gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the
Lord!” (1:21).
“Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.”
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children
of God.” As I listen to Christ saying that, I must ask myself whether I
am a center of peace and harmony in my own home, an island of
good will in my neighborhood, a mender of discord in the place
where I work. It is a sure path to heaven.
“Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven.” And with the eighth beatitude we hang
our head in shame as we recall the small inconveniences our own
religion costs us—and think of (and pray for) the tortured souls of our
brethren behind the Iron and the Bamboo Curtains.
Chapter 11
The Catholic Church
St Paul tells us, of course, that not even the best of us can ever be
absolutely sure that we are in the state of sanctifying grace. But
moral certitude is all we ask for; the kind of certitude we have when
we have been baptized or (in the sacrament of penance) absolved.
The peace of mind, the happy confidence which such assurance
brings indicate to us one of the reasons why Jesus Christ
established a visible Church. The graces which he purchased for us
on Calvary Jesus could have dispensed to each individual soul
directly and invisibly, without need of outward sign or ceremony.
However, being mindful of our human need for visible assurance,
Jesus chose to channel his graces through visible symbols. He
instituted the sacraments so that we might know when and how and
what kind of grace we were receiving. Visible sacraments
necessitated a visible agency in the world to be the custodian and
the dispenser of the sacraments—and that visible agency is the
Church which Jesus established.
The need for a Church was not, obviously, limited to a need for a
keeper of the sacraments. No one could be expected to want the
sacraments unless he first knew about them. No one could be
expected to believe in Christ, even, unless he knew about Christ.
Unless Christ’s whole life—and death—were to be in vain, there had
to be a living voice in the world which would proclaim Christ’s
teachings down through the centuries. It would have to be an audible
voice, it would have to be a visible speaker whom all men of good
will could recognize as one having authority. Consequently Jesus
founded his Church not merely to sanctify mankind by means of the
sacraments but first of all to teach mankind the truths which Jesus
taught, the truths necessary for salvation. A moment’s reflection will
bring home to us the fact that if Jesus had not founded a Church
even the name of Jesus Christ would be unknown to us today.
Having said all this, we yet realize that we have been looking at the
Church only from the outside. Just as a man is more than his visible,
physical body, so also is the Church infinitely more than a mere
outward visible organization. It is the soul of a man that makes him a
human being. And it is the soul of the Church which makes the
Church a living organism as well as an organization. Just as the
indwelling of the three divine Persons gives to the soul that
supernatural life which we call sanctifying grace; so also does the
indwelling of the Blessed Trinity give to the Church her
unquenchable life, her everlasting vitality. Since the work of salvation
(which is the work of divine Love) is ascribed to the Holy Spirit by
appropriation, it is therefore the Holy Spirit whom we acknowledge
as the soul of the Church—of the Church of which Christ is the
From the dust of the earth did God fashion the body of Adam, and
then—in the beautiful imagery of the Bible—God breathed a soul into
the body, and Adam became a living man. In much the same way did
God create his living Church.
In the Person of Jesus Christ, God first designed the body of his
Church. This was a task spread over three years, from Jesus’ first
public miracle at Cana until his ascent into heaven. It was during this
time that Jesus chose his twelve apostles, destined to be the first
bishops of his Church. For three years he instructed them and
trained them for their duties, their task of establishing the kingdom of
God. During this same time Jesus designed the seven sacraments—
the seven channels through which would flow into men’s souls the
graces Jesus would gain for men upon the cross.
The triple duty (and power) of the apostles—to teach, sanctify and
govern—was to be passed on by them, through the sacrament of
holy orders, to the men whom they would ordain and consecrate to
carry on their work. The bishops of today are the successors of the
apostles. Each bishop of today has received his episcopal power in
an unbroken continuity from Christ through the apostles. And the
supreme power of Peter, whom Christ made the head of all, resides
today in the Bishop of Rome, whom we lovingly call our Holy Father.
That came about, in the designs of Providence, by reason of the fact
that Peter traveled to Rome and died there as the first bishop of that
city. Consequently, whoever is Bishop of Rome is automatically the
successor of Peter and therefore possesses Peter’s special power
as teacher and ruler of the entire Church.
This, then, is the body of his Church as Jesus Christ created it: not
merely an invisible brotherhood of men united only by bonds of
grace; but a visible society of men with authoritative leadership and
governance. It is what we call a hierarchical society, with the
admirable and solid proportions of a pyramid. At the top is the Pope,
the spiritual monarch with supreme spiritual authority. Immediately
below him are the other bishops, whose jurisdiction, each in his own
diocese, flows from union with Peter’s successor. Below them are
the priests, to whom the sacrament of holy orders has given the
power to sanctify (as in the Mass and the sacraments), but not the
power of jurisdiction (the power to teach and govern). A priest
possesses the power of jurisdiction only to the extent that it is
delegated to him by the bishop whom he was ordained to assist.
Finally, there is the broad base of God’s people—the baptized souls
for whose sake all the rest of it exists.
Again, this is the body of the Church as Jesus constituted it during
his three years of public life. Like the body of Adam, it awaited only
its soul. That soul Christ promised when he told his apostles before
his ascension: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit
comes upon you, and you shall be witnesses for me in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria and even to the very ends of the earth”
(Acts 1:8). We know well the story of Pentecost Sunday—the tenth
day after our Lord’s ascension, the fiftieth day after Easter
(Pentecost means “fiftieth”). “And there appeared to them [the
apostles] parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:3-4). And now the
body so marvelously fashioned by Jesus through three patient years
suddenly comes to life. The Living Body rises and begins to walk
abroad. It is the birthday of Christ’s Church.
Then the Holy Father went on, in his encyclical, to make plain that
the Church is far more than just a juridical organization. It is the very
body of Christ, a body so special that it must have a special name—
the mystical body of Christ. Christ is the head of the body; each
baptized soul is a living part, a member of the body; and the soul of
that body of the mystical body of Christ, is the Holy Spirit.
And it is the soul, of course, that gives life and unity to all these
separate parts, to all these individual cells. When the digestive tract
changes food into our bodily substance, the new cells are not added
onto the body in casual fashion like a plaster stuck onto the skin. The
new cells become a living part of the living body, because the soul
has become present in the new cells just as it is in the rest of the
But we adore God in other ways besides the Mass. We adore God
by prayer and by sacrifice, and by the practice of the virtues of faith,
hope and charity, especially by the virtue of charity. Charity means
love, love for God, and love for the souls whom God has made and
for whom Jesus has died. As members of Christ’s mystical body, as
sharers in his eternal priesthood, we are driven by a zeal to labor
actively with Christ in his work of redemption. To be true to our
vocation as baptized Christians, we must have this zeal for souls.
We must be apostles, all of us, and if we belong to the laity we are
called “lay apostles.”
Both of those words come from the Greek language. In Greek, the
word “apostle” means “someone who is sent.” The twelve men whom
Jesus sent into the world to establish his Church are called the
Twelve Apostles, written with capital letters. But they were not to be
the only Apostles. At the baptismal font Jesus sends every one of us
forth to continue what the twelve apostles began. We too are
apostles, with a small “a.”
The word “lay” also originates in the Greek language. Quite simply, it
means “people.” We know that in the Church there are three broad
classifications of members. There are the clergy. This term includes
the bishops, priests and all seminarians. Then there are the religious
— men and women who live in community life and make the vows of
poverty, chastity and obedience. Thirdly, there are the laity, the
people. This term embraces everyone baptized who is neither a
cleric nor a religious.
But we are all called to be apostles. We are all expected to help the
mystical body of Christ grow and be healthy. Christ expects each of
us to labor for the salvation of the world—the little part of the world in
which we live: our own home, our neighborhood, our parish, our
diocese. He expects us in our own lives to make him visible to those
with whom we live and work and recreate. He expects us to feel a
sense of responsibility for the souls of others, to be saddened by
their sins, to be worried at their unbelief. Christ expects us to give
support and active assistance to our bishops and priests in their
gigantic task.
All this is only a little bit of what it means to be a lay apostle. And
when our apostolate is carried on by us not as private individuals or
as members of a private group but officially, under the direction of
our bishop, and with a mandate from him, then our apostolate
reaches its fullness, and we are engaged in what is called catholic
Chapter 12
The Marks and Attributes of the Church
Since his wisdom is the wisdom of God, we would expect that Jesus
Christ in establishing his Church would be no less intelligent than
modern merchandisers. We would expect Jesus to mark his Church
in such a way that all men of good will could easily recognize it.
Especially would we expect this in view of the fact that Jesus
founded his Church at the cost of his own life. Jesus did not die upon
the cross “just for the fun of it.” He did not make it a matter of free
choice for men to belong to his Church or not to belong, as they
might prefer. His Church is the gate of heaven through which
everyone (at least by implicit desire) must enter.
First there is unity.“And other sheep I have that are not of this fold.
Them also I must bring,” Jesus says, “and they shall hear my voice,
and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd” (John 10:16). Or
again: “Holy Father, keep in thy name those whom thou has given
me, that they may be one even as we are” (John 17:11).
Then there is holiness. “Sanctify them in the truth.. . And for them I
sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth” (John
17:17, 19). That was our Lord’s own prayer for his Church, and St
Paul reminds us that Jesus Christ “gave himself for us that he might
redeem us from all iniquity and cleanse for himself an acceptable
people, pursuing good works” (Titus 2:14).
The square is then completed with the note of apostolicity. The word
itself is a bit of a jawbreaker; but it means simply that any Church
claiming to be Christ’s own must be able to trace its lineage in
unbroken continuity back to the apostles. It must be able to show its
legitimate descent from Christ through his apostles. Again, Jesus
himself speaks: “And I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock
I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
it” (Matt 16:18). Speaking to all the apostles: “All power in heaven
and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I
have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto
the consummation of the world” (Matt 28:18-20). St Paul drives
home this point of apostolicity when he says to the Ephesians,
“Therefore, you are now no longer strangers and foreigners, but you
are citizens with the saints and members of God’s household: you
are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ
Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone” (Eph 2:19-20).
No matter how mistaken you may be about something, it will get your
“dander” up if someone tells you flatly that you are wrong. And as
they carefully explain to you why you are wrong, you get more
stubborn by the minute. Maybe not always. Maybe not at all if you
are a saint. But in general, human nature is like that. That is why it
seldom does any good to argue about religion. We should be ready
to discuss religion at the drop of a hat, but never to argue. The
minute we say to someone, “Your religion is wrong and I’ll tell you
why,’ we have slammed the door of the person’s mind. Nothing that
we say afterwards will get in. On the otherhand, if we know our own
religion well, and explain it in intelligent and kindly fashion to our
neighbor who is not a Catholic, there is a good chance that he may
listen to us. If we can show that the Catholic Church is the true
Church established by Jesus Christ, we don’t have to tell him that his
church is not the true Church. He may be stubborn, but he is not
stupid. He can be trusted to make his own deductions. Keeping that
in mind, then, we proceed to examine the Catholic Church to see
whether it bears the trademark of Christ —whether Jesus has
unmistakably stamped it as his own.
We look first of all for the unity which our Lord said must characterize
his flock. We look for this unity in three dimensions: unity of belief,
unity of leadership, and unity of worship.
We know that the members of Christ’s Church must exhibit unity of
belief. The truths which they hold are the truths made known to us by
Jesus Christ himself; they are truths which have come to us directly
from God. There are no “truer” truths which the human mind can
know and accept than truths revealed by God. God is truth. He
knows all things and cannot be mistaken. He is infinitely truthful and
cannot lie. It is easier to believe that there is no sun in the sky at
midday, for example, than to believe that Jesus could be mistaken
when he says that there are three Persons in one God.
This theory of “private judgment” has led quite naturally one step
further: to the denial of all absolute truth. There are many men today
who claim that truth and goodness are relative terms. Something is
“true” as long as the generality of men find it helpful, as long as it
seems to work. If it helps you to believe in God, then believe in God,
but be ready to cast the belief aside if it begins to get in the way of
progress. The same thing holds for what we call “good.” A thing is
good, or an action is good if it contributes to the welfare and
happiness of humanity. But if chastity, for example, seems to slow up
man’s onward march in an ever-changing world, then chastity
ceases to be good .In short, that may be called good or true which is
here and now useful to the community, to man as a constructive
member of society, and it is good or true only so long as it continues
to be useful. This philosophy is called pragmatism. It is very hard to
discuss truth with a pragmatist, because he has cut the ground from
under your feet by denying that there is any real, absolute truth.
About all that the believing Christian can do is to pray for him—and
try to show him by a truly Christian life that Christianity does work.
The foregoing has been a bit of a sidetrack to our main theme, which
is that no church can claim to be Christ’s own unless all its members
believe the same truths, since they are God’s truths, eternally
unchangeable and the same for all people. We know that in the
Catholic Church all do believe the same truths. Bishops, priests and
first-grade children; Americans and Frenchmen and Japanese; white
or colored; every Catholic, everywhere, means exactly the same
things when he recites the Apostles’ Creed.
We are united not only in the things we believe but also are united
under the same spiritual leadership. It was Jesus Christ who made
St Peter the chief shepherd of his flock and provided that Peter’s
successors until the end of time would be the head of his Church
and the guardian of his truths. Loyalty to the Bishop of Rome, whom
we lovingly call our Holy Father, will ever be the binding center of our
unity—and the test of our membership in Christ’s Church. “Where
Peter is, there is the Church!”
One in faith, one in head, one in worship. Here is that unity of which
Christ prayed, the unity which he pointed to as one of the marks
which would identify his Church forever. It is a unity which we find
only in the Catholic Church.
The strongest arguments against the Catholic Church are the lives of
bad Catholics and lax Catholics. If you were to ask a lukewarm
Catholic, “Is one church as good as another?” he probably would
answer indignantly, “Of course not; there is only one true Church, the
Catholic Church.” And then he will do his best to prove himself a liar
by swapping the same dirty stories with his non-Catholic friends, by
getting drunk with them at the same parties, tomcatting with them at
the same conventions, exchanging with them the same malicious
gossip, buying the same contraceptives—perhaps even exceeding
them a bit by the sharpness of his business practices or the dirtiness
of his politics.
We know that such men and women are in the minority, but even
one would be too many. We know too that we must expect that there
will be unworthy members in Christ’s Church. Jesus himself
compared his Church to a fish net in which bad fish are caught along
with the good (Matt 13:4750); to a field of grain in which weeds grow
up with the wheat (Matt 13:24-30); and to a wedding feast at which
one of the guests does not have on a wedding garment (Matt 22:11-
The sinners then are with us to stay. To the end of the road they will
be the cross that Christ in his mystical body must carry on his
shoulder. Yet, Jesus pointed to holiness as one of the distinguishing
marks of his Church. “By their fruits you will know them, ‘ he said.
“Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? Even so,
every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.”
(cf. Matt 7:16-17.)
Now that is true, every word of it, but it is not an easy point to get
across to a non-Catholic acquaintance, especially if he has spent
last night “doing the town” in the company of Joe Doakes, who is a
member of the Holy Name Society at St Pia’s parish. We know that
Jesus Christ founded the Church, and that all other churches were
founded by mere men. But the Lutheran probably would pooh-pooh
the idea that Martin Luther founded a new church; he would say that
Luther merely “purified” the ancient church of its errors and abuses.
The Episcopalian doubtless would have a similar answer: Henry VIII
and Cranmer did not start a new church; they merely cut loose from
the “Roman branch” and established the “English branch” of the
original Christian church. The Presbyterian would say the same of
John Knox, and the Methodist of John Wesley, and so on through
the long list of Protestant sects. All of them doubtless would claim
Christ as their founder.
Much the same thing would happen when, as proof of the Church’s
divine origin, we pointed to the fact that the Church teaches a holy
doctrine. “My church teaches a holy doctrine, too,” our non-Catholic
acquaintance very likely would answer. “I cheerfully concede that,”
we might reply. “I certainly believe that your church is an advocate of
virtue. But I also believe that no church promotes Christian charity
and asceticism as fully as does the Catholic Church.” Quite probably
our friend still would demur and brush aside “holiness of doctrine” as
a matter of opinion.
But at least we could point to the saints, couldn’t we, as proof of the
fact that the holiness of Christ is at work in the Catholic Church? Yes,
we could; and it is a pretty tough piece of evidence for anyone to
evade. The many thousands of men and women and children who
have led lives of super-eminent sanctity, and whose names make up
the calendar of the saints: these are pretty hard to explain away, and
there is nothing like them in any other church. However, if our
discussant is glib in the terminology of modern psychology, he may
double-talk his way around the saints with such words as “hysteria,”
“neurosis” and “sublimation of basic drives.” In any case, the saints
are storybook people to him. You can’t show him a saint, right here
and now.
So what does that leave us? It just leaves us ourselves, you and me.
Our interested friend (we suppose that he is) may claim Christ as his
founder too, may claim a holy doctrine for his church, too, may
bypass the saints as an arguable point. But he can’t escape us; he
cannot be blind and deaf to the testimony of our lives. If every
Catholic whom our imaginary inquirer meets is a person of
outstanding Christian virtue: kind and patient and unselfish and
sympathetic; chaste and charitable and reverent in speech; honest
and truthful and a stranger to all double-dealing; generous and pure
and temperate in conduct—what kind of impression would that
Just in our own country alone, if our 31,000,000 Catholics led that
kind of life, what a thunder of witness that would be to the holiness of
Christ’s Church! We have need to remind ourselves time and time
again that we are our brother’s keeper. We may not indulge our petty
weaknesses and our self-love and think that all is well when we have
dusted ourselves off in confession. It is not only for our sins, but for
the souls who may have missed heaven because of us that we shall
have to answer one day to Christ. Thirty-one million did I say? Let’s
forget about the other 30,999,999; let’s concentrate right now, you on
you and me on me. Then will the mark of holiness in the Catholic
Church be vindicated at least in the little area where we live and
All the time, all the truths, all the places. That, in capsule form,
describes the third of the four marks of the Church. it is the third side
of the square which is the “trademark” of Christ, the hallmark which
proves the divine origin of the Church. It is the stamp of genuineness
which only the Catholic Church bears.
When we say that the Catholic Church (with a capital “C”) is catholic
(with a small “c”) or universal, we mean first of all that the Church
has been in existence at all times, from Pentecost Sunday right
down to today. The pages of any history book will bear this out—and
it doesn’t have to be a Catholic history book, either. The Catholic
Church has had a continuous existence of nineteen hundred and
more years, and it is the only church of which this is true.
Not only is the Catholic Church the only church whose uninterrupted
history goes all the way back to Christ; it also is the only church
which teaches all the truths taught by Jesus, as he taught them. The
sacraments of penance and extreme unction, the Mass and the real
presence of Jesus in the eucharist, the spiritual supremacy of Peter
and his successors the Popes, the efficacy of grace and man’s ability
to merit grace and heaven—some or all of these are rejected by the
various non-Catholic churches. In fact there are churches today
which claim the name of “Christian” which even question whether
Jesus Christ is truly God. There is not a single truth revealed by
Jesus Christ, however (whether personally or through his apostles),
which the Catholic Church does not still declare and teach.
Besides being universal in time (all the years since Pentecost) and
universal in doctrine (all the truths taught by Christ), the Catholic
Church also is universal in extent. Mindful of her Founder’s
commission to make disciples of all nations, the Catholic Church has
carried Christ’s message of salvation to every latitude and longitude
on the face of the globe, wherever there are souls to be reached.
The Catholic Church is not a “German” church (Lutheran), or an
“English” church (Episcopalian), or a “Scotch” church (Presbyterian),
or a “Dutch” church (Reformed), or an “American” church (hundreds
of different sects). The Catholic Church is in all these countries and
in every other country, besides, where missionaries have been
permitted to penetrate. But the Catholic Church belongs to no nation
and to no race. It is at home in every land, but is the property of
none. This is as Jesus Christ willed it. His Church is for all men. It
must be world-wide. The Catholic Church is the only church of which
this is true; it is the only church which is everywhere, throughout the
Catholic or universal—in time and truths and territory; that is the third
mark of the true Church of Christ. And the fourth mark, which
completes the square, is “apostolicity.” This means simply that the
church which claims to be Christ’s own must be able to prove its
legitimate descent from the apostles, upon whom as a foundation
Jesus established his Church.
God has given to man the power of reason, and he expects man to
use this gift. There are two ways in which the power of reason may
be abused. One way is by not using it. A person who has not learned
to use his reason is the person who takes as gospel truth everything
he reads in newspapers and periodicals, no matter how “slanted” the
news may be. He is the person who will accept without question the
most extravagant claims of salesmen and advertisers and is the
gullible tool of smart propagandists. He is awed by prestige; if a
famous scientist or industrialist says there is no God, then, of course,
there is no God. In other words, this non-thinker likes his opinions
ready-made. It is not always laziness which makes the non-thinker.
Unfortunately sometimes parents and teachers are the cause of this
mental apathy when they discourage the natural curiosity of youth
and squelch every normal ‘ why” with a “because-I-said-so!”
God still wants all men to belong to the Church which he has
established. Jesus Christ still wants one fold and one Shepherd. And
we ought to want our relatives and friends and neighbors to have the
greater certainty of salvation which we ourselves have in Christ’s
own Church: the greater fullness of truth, the greater security in
knowledge of what is right and wrong, the unmatchable helps offered
by the Mass and the sacraments. We wear our own faith lightly
indeed if we can mix with people day after day without ever asking
ourselves, “What can I do to help this man (or woman) to recognize
the truth of the Catholic Church, and to become one with me in the
mystical body of Christ?” The Holy Spirit lives in the Church forever,
but so often he must wait upon me to find entrance into the soul of
that man beside me.
Chapter 13
The Communion of Saints and the Forgiveness of Sins
The word “saint” derives from the Latin word “sanctus,” which means
“holy.” Every Christian soul, incorporated with Christ by baptism, and
harboring within himself the Holy Spirit (so long as he remains in the
state of sanctifying grace) is holy, is a saint in the original meaning of
the word. Nowadays, of course, the word “saint” is limited generally
to those who are in heaven. But it is the original meaning of the word
that we are using when we say, in the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe …
in the communion of saints.” The word “communion” here means
“union with” (again from the Latin), and we are saying that we
believe that there exists a union, a fellowship, an intercourse among
all souls in whom dwells the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. This
fellowship includes first of all ourselves, members of the Church here
upon earth. Our “branch” of the communion of saints is called the
Church militant—that is, the Church still struggling, still fighting
against sin and error. If we should fall into mortal sin, we do not
cease to be members of the communion of saints; but we are cut off
from all spiritual interchange with our fellows as long as we continue
to exclude the Holy Spirit from our soul.
The souls in purgatory also are members of the communion of
saints. They are established in grace forever, even though their
minor sins and debts of penance have still to be purged away. They
cannot yet see God, but the Holy Spirit is in them and with them,
never again to be lost. We often refer to this branch of the Church as
the Church suffering.
There is, finally, the Church triumphant, made up of all the souls of
the blessed in heaven. This is the everlasting Church. Into it will be
absorbed, after the last Judgment, both the Church militant and the
Church suffering.
The saints in heaven pray for the souls in purgatory and for us. We
for our part must reverence and honor the saints. Not just because
they can and will pray for us; but also because our love for God
demands it. An artist is honored when his works are praised. The
saints are masterpieces of God’s grace; when we honor them, we
are honoring their maker, their sanctifier and their redeemer. Honor
given to the saints is not honor taken from God. On the contrary, it is
honor given to God in a manner which he himself has indicated and
desires. And it is worth remembering that when we honor the saints,
we are undoubtedly honoring many of our own loved ones who now
are with God in heaven. Every soul in heaven is a saint, not just the
canonized ones. That is why, in addition to special feast days for
certain canonized saints, the Church dedicates one day to the honor
of the whole Church triumphant, the Feast of All Saints on November
It is obvious that we upon earth must also pray for and help one
another if we are to be faithful to our obligations as members of the
communion of saints. We must have a truly supernatural love for one
another, practicing the virtue of fraternal charity in thought and word
and deed, especially by performing the spiritual and corporal works
of mercy. If we are to assure ourselves of permanent membership in
the communion of saints, we dare not take lightly our responsibilities
Chapter 14
The Resurrection and Life Everlasting
We live and we labor, for a few years or for many—and then we die.
This life, as we well know, is a time of testing and of trial; it is
eternity’s proving ground. The happiness of heaven consists
essentially in the fulfillment of love. Unless we enter eternity with
love for God in our hearts, we would be absolutely incapable of
experiencing the happiness of heaven. Our life upon this earth is the
time that God has given us to acquire and to prove our love for him.
We must prove that our love for God is greater than any of his
created gifts, such as pleasure or wealth or fame or friends. We must
prove that our love can withstand the pressure of man-made evils,
such as poverty or pain or humiliation or injustice. Whether we are
on the heights or in the depths, at every moment we must be able to
say, “My God I love you!”—and prove what we say by our actions.
For some the road is short, for others long. For some the road is
comparatively smooth, for others rough. But for all of us the road
ends. We die.
Death is simply the separation of the soul from the body. Through
the ravages of time or of disease or of accident, the body becomes
damaged to the point where the soul no longer can continue to
operate through the body. At this point the soul leaves the body, and
we say that the person is dead. The exact instant at which the soul
leaves the body can seldom be known. The heart may have stopped
beating, breathing may have ceased, but the soul may still be
present. This is proved by the fact that sometimes persons
apparently dead are revived by artificial respiration or other means.
Unless the soul still were present, they could not be revived. That is
why the Church permits a priest to give conditional absolution and
conditional anointing of the sick for as long as two hours after
apparent death, just in case the soul may still be present. Once the
blood has begun to congeal, however, and rigor mortis has set in, we
know definitely that the soul has left the body. What happens then?
At the very instant the soul leaves the body, it is judged by almighty
God. Even while those about the bedside are crossing the hands
upon the breast and gently closing the sightless eyes, the soul
already has been judged; the soul already knows what its eternal
fate is to be. This judgment of the individual soul immediately after
death is called the particular judgment. It is a tremendous moment
for all of us. It is the moment for which all our years upon earth have
been spent, the moment towards which our whole life has been
directed. For all of us it will be pay day.
Where will this particular judgment take place? Probably right there
on the spot where we die, humanly speaking. Beyond this life there
is no “space” or “place” in the sense in which we ordinarily
understand these words. The soul doesn’t have to “go” someplace to
be judged. As to the form which this particular judgment will take, we
can only guess. All that God has revealed to us concerning the
particular judgment is that it will happen; that is all we need to know.
The description of the particular judgment as a judicial proceeding,
with the soul standing before God seated upon his throne, with the
devil on one side as the prosecuting attorney and the guardian angel
on the other as the defense attorney—all this, of course, is poetic
imagery and nothing more. Theologians speculate that what actually
takes place probably is that God illumines the soul so that the soul
sees itself as God sees it—sees the state it is in, of grace or of
unforgiven sin, of God-loving or God-rejecting—and sees what its
fate is to be in accordance with the infinite justice of God. It is a fate
which cannot be changed, a sentence which cannot be reversed.
The time of preparation and trial is ended. God’s mercy has done all
that it can. Only God’s justice prevails now.
What comes next? Well, let us get the worst over with first. Let us
consider the lot of the soul which has chosen self in preference to
God, and which has died without turning back to God; in other
words, the soul which dies in the state of mortal sin. Having
deliberately cut itself off from God during life; having died without
that bond of union with God which we call sanctifying grace, it has
now no means by which it can establish contact with God. It has lost
God forever. It is in hell. For such a soul, death, judgment and hell
are simultaneous.
What is hell like? No one knows exactly, because no one has ever
come back from hell to describe it to us. We know that in hell there is
everlasting fire, because Jesus himself has said so. We also know
that it is not the kind of fire we see in our stoves and furnaces. That
fire could not afflict the soul, which is a spirit. All we know is that
there is in hell a “pain of sense” (as the theologians term it) of such a
nature that it cannot be better described by any other word in our
human language than by the word “fire.”
But what matters most is not the “pain of sense.” What matters most
is the “pain of loss.” It is the pain of loss, the eternal separation from
God that constitutes the worst of hell’s suffering. I suppose that
within the framework of revealed truths each person views hell in his
own way. To me, the soul-shuddering thing about the thought of hell
is its awful loneliness. I think of myself as standing nakedly alone in
a vast emptiness that is filled only with hatred, hatred for God and
hatred for myself, wishing that I could die and knowing that I cannot,
knowing too that this is the destiny which I have freely chosen for
myself in exchange for some mess of pottage, and all the while there
is being dinned into my ears the voice of my own jeering conscience:
“This is forever … no rest … no surcease … forever … forever . ” But
no picture of hell that words or brush can paint will ever be as bad as
the reality. God spare us all!
The “beatific vision” is the cold theological term for the magnificent
reality which beggars human imagining or description. That reality is
not merely a “vision” in the sense of “seeing” God. It is a union with
God; God possessing the soul and the soul possessing God in a
unity so ravishingly complete as to be infinitely beyond the ecstasy of
the most perfect human marriage. As the soul “enters” heaven, the
impact upon it of the Infinite Love that is God would be so shattering
as to annihilate the soul, if God himself did not give to the soul the
strength it needs to endure the happiness that is God. If we are able
for a moment to tear our thoughts from God, how petty then shall we
think the worst of our earthly sufferings and trials to have been; what
a ridiculously small price we shall have paid for the searing, tearing,
choking, spiraling happiness that is ours. It is a happiness, too, that
nothing can take from us. It is a telescoped, concentrated instant of
pure bliss that will never end. This is happiness eternal, this is the
essential happiness of heaven.
There are other incidental joys also that will be ours. There will be
our joy in the company of our glorified Saviour Jesus Christ, and of
our Mother Mary, whose sweet love and beauty we so long have
admired from a distance. There will be our joy in the companionship
of the angels and the saints, including our own family members and
friends who preceded or who followed us to heaven But these joys
will be only the tinkling of little bells compared to the crashing
symphony of God’s love that beats upon us.
But what if, when we die, the particular judgment finds us neither
severed from God by mortal sin, nor yet with that perfect purity of
soul required for union with the all-holy God? This, indeed, is very
likely to be the case, if we have been content to remain upon the
level of spiritual mediocrity: parsimonious in prayer, dodging self-
denial, making compromise with the world. Our mortal sins, if any,
may have been forgiven in the sacrament of penance (do we not
say, in the Creed, “I believe in … the forgiveness of sins”?); but if
ours has been a “comfortable” religion, it is not likely that we shall be
capable, in our last moments, of that perfect and selfless love for
God which is required for a plenary indulgence. So here we are in
Judgment: neither deserving of hell nor fit for heaven. What
becomes of us?
It is evident that no one can know “how long” purgatory lasts for any
individual soul. I have put “how long” in quotes because, while there
is duration beyond the grave, there is no “time” as we know it; no
nights and days, no hours and minutes. However, whether we
measure purgatory by duration or by intensity (and an instant of
twisting torture can be worse than a year of mild discomfort), the fact
remains that the soul in purgatory cannot lessen or shorten its own
sufferings. But we the living can help that soul, by the mercy of God;
and the frequency of our remembrance, and the endurance of our
remembrance, whether of an individual soul or of all the faithful
departed, will be measured only by our love.
If there is one thing that is certain, it is the fact that we do not know
when the world will end. It may be tomorrow, it may be a million
years from now. Jesus t nself, as we read in the twenty-fourth
chapter of St Matthew’s Gospel, has indicated some of the portents
that must precede the world’s dissolution. There will be wars and
famine and pestilence; there will be the reign of Antichrist; the sun
and the moon will be darkened and the stars will fall from the
heavens; the cross will appear in the sky. Only when all these has
happened shall we “see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of
heaven with great power and majesty” (Matt 24:30). That, however,
tells us very little: there already have been wars and famine and
pestilence. The Communist domination very easily could be the rule
of Antichrist. The spectacles in the sky could happen at any time,
and all the prophecies would be fulfilled. On the other hand, the wars
and famines and plagues that the world has witnessed up to now
may be as nothing compared to those which actually precede the
world’s end. We just do not know. We can only be ready.
Because the body of a person in whom grace has dwelt has been
truly a temple of God, the Church always has insisted upon great
reverence being shown to the bodies of the faithful departed. They
are committed with loving prayers and ceremony to graves which
have been especially blessed to receive them. One human person
who escaped the corruption of the grave was the Mother of God. By
the special privilege of her assumption, the body of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, united to her immaculate soul, was glorified and taken
into heaven. Her divine Son, who had taken his flesh from hers, took
her unto himself in heaven—an event which we commemorate on
August 15, the Feast of the Assumption.
The world ends, the dead rise again—and then comes the general
judgment. The general judgment will find Jesus Christ occupying the
throne of divine justice which has replaced his throne of infinite
mercy—the cross. The last judgment will hold no surprises for us, as
far as our own eternal fate is concerned. We already shall have
undergone our own particular judgment; our souls already will be in
heaven or in hell. The purpose of the last judgment is primarily to
give glory to God by manifesting to all mankind God’s justice, and
wisdom, and mercy. The whole of life, which so often has seemed to
us like a tangled skein of unrelated events, sometimes harsh and
cruel, and even unjust and stupid—all now will be unfolded before
us. We shall see how the jigsaw piece of life that we have known, fits
into the great magnificent whole of God’s plan for man. We shall see
how God’s wisdom and power, his love and mercy and justice have
been at work through it all. “Why does God let this happen?” so often
we have complained “Why doesn’t God do thus and so?” so often we
have asked. Now at last we shall know all the answers. The
sentence which was passed upon us in our particular judgment now
will be publicly confirmed. All our sins—and our virtues too— .will be
exposed to public view. The shallow sentimentalist who said, “I don’t
believe in hell; God is too good to let a soul suffer forever,” now will
find that God is not, after all, a doting grandmother. God’s justice is
just as infinite as his mercy. The souls of the damned, in spite of
themselves, now will glorify God’s justice forever, as the souls of the
just will everlastingly glorify his mercy. For the rest, let us turn to the
twenty-fifth chapter of St Matthew’s Gospel, and let Jesus himself
(verses 34-46) tell us how to prepare for that last and awful day.
And here the story of man’s salvation ends, the story that the third
Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit, has written. With the
end of the world, and the resurrection of the dead, and the final
judgment, the Holy Spirit’s work is ended. His work of sanctification
began with the creation of Adam’s soul. For the Church it began on
Pentecost Sunday. For you and me it began on the day of our
baptism. As time ends and only eternity remains, the Holy Spirit’s
work finds its fruition in the communion of saints, now one single
company in everlasting glory.
Chapter 15
The Two Great Commandments
And let it be noted that God’s law is not composed of arbitrary “do’s”
and “don’t’s” set up by God just to make the going hard for us. It is
true that God’s law does test the strength of our moral fiber, but that
is not its primary purpose. God is not a capricious God. He has not
set up his commandments as so many hurdles to be cleared in an
obstacle race for heaven. He is not sitting back, grimly waiting to
pounce upon the first hapless mortal who falls on his face.
The law of God which governs human conduct is called the moral
law, from a Latin word mores, which means “way of acting.” The
moral law is distinguished from physical laws by which God governs
the rest of the universe, such as the laws of astronomy, the laws of
physics, the laws of reproduction and growth. Physical laws bind all
created nature by necessity. There is no escaping them, there is no
freedom of choice. If you step off the edge of a roof, the law of
gravity takes over inevitably—unless you substitute another physical
law (of air pressure) by using a parachute. The moral law, however,
binds us in a different way. It operates within the framework of free
will. So we may not disobey the moral law—but we can disobey. So
we say that by the divine law we are morally bound but physically
free. If we were not physically free, we could not merit. If we were
not free, our obedience would not be an act of love.
Besides the divine natural law, there also is the divine positive law.
Under this heading are those actions which are good simply because
God has commanded them or evil simply because God has
forbidden them. They are actions whose goodness is not rooted in
the very nature of man, but is imposed by God for the perfecting of
man according to God’s plan for him. A very simple example of
divine positive law is the obligation we are under to receive the Holy
Eucharist because of the explicit command of Christ.
To love means not to count the cost. A mother would not dream of
measuring the sweat and tears she expends upon her children. It
would not occur to a husband to gauge his fatigue as he watches at
the bedside of his sick wife. Love and sacrifice are almost
synonymous terms. That is why obedience to God’s law poses no
problem to one who loves God. That is why Jesus sums up the
whole of God’s law in the two great commandments of love.
“And one of them, a doctor of the law, putting him [Jesus] to the test,
asked him, `Master, which is the great commandment in the law?’
Jesus said to him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole
heart, and with thy whole soul, and thy whole mind. This is the
greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
depend the whole Law and the Prophets’ ” (Matt 22:35-40).
This means, in turn, that we shall hate whatever may in any way hold
our neighbor back from God. We shall hate the injustices and the
man-made evils which may be obstacles to his growth in holiness.
We shall hate racial injustice, substandard housing, inadequate pay,
exploitation of the weak and the ignorant. We shall love and we shall
labor for .all that will contribute to our neighbor’s goodness and
happiness and fulfillment.
God has made the task somewhat easier for us by spelling out, in
the Ten Commandments, our principal duties to God himself, to our
neighbor and to ourselves. The first three commandments outline for
us our duties to God; the other seven indicate our principal duties to
our neighbor—and indirectly to ourselves. The Ten Commandments
were given by God originally, engraved on two slabs of stone, to
Moses on Mount Sinai. They were ratified by our Lord Jesus Christ:
“Do not think that I have come to destroy the law or the Prophets. I
have not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Matt 5:17). Jesus “fulfilled”
the Law in two ways.
Here, then, are the divine directives which tell us how we shall fulfill
our nature as human beings and how we shall achieve our destiny
as redeemed souls: the Ten Commandments of God, the seven
spiritual and the seven corporal works of mercy, and the
commandments of God’s Church.
There are, for example, the corporal works of mercy. They are called
“corporal” from the Latin word “corpus,” meaning “body,” because
they pertain to our neighbor’s physical and temporal welfare. As
gleaned from the Bible, they are seven in number: (1) to feed the
hungry; (2) to give drink to the thirsty; (3) to clothe the naked; (4) to
visit the imprisoned; (5) to shelter the homeless; (6) to visit the sick;
and (7) to bury the dead. In his description of the last judgment (Matt
25:34-40), our Lord Jesus Christ makes our performance of these
corporal works of mercy the test of our love for himself: “Amen I say
to you, as long as you did it for one of these, the least of my
brethren, you did it for me.”
But none of this will relieve us, of course, from obligation to render
direct and personal help to our brethren when the opportunity—or,
rather let me say, when the privilege—of doing so presents itself. I
dare not say to the poor man at my door, “I gave to the Community
Chest; go and talk to them.” Let us note, too, that Christ has many
disguises. If we try to be too “prudent” in our giving, scientifically
assaying the “worthiness” of a need, inevitably there will come a time
when Christ will catch us napping. Jesus spoke often of the poor, but
never did he say anything about the “worthy” poor. If it is for love of
Christ that we give, then the worthiness or unworthiness of the
recipient will not concern us much. We should not encourage
idleness by imprudent giving; but we have need to remember this: to
neglect giving help to a poor family on the plea that they are a
shiftless lot, or the father drinks, or the mother is a poor manager
(which means that we punish the children for the defects of their
parents) is to endanger the salvation of our soul. The truth is as stark
as that.
There are other ways, obviously, in which we practice the corporal
works of mercy besides providing food and clothing and rent-money
to those in dire distress. In today’s world it is not easy to “visit the
imprisoned” as it was in our Lord’s time. Most prisoners are limited in
visitors to members of their own immediate families. But it is possible
for us to contact the chaplains of prisons and jails and to ask what
we can supply that will be helpful to the prisoners. Rosaries,
prayerbooks, scapulars? Cigarettes, reading material, games? (It so
easily could be you or I behind those bars!) Even better than visiting
the imprisoned is work that will prevent imprisonment. Whatever we
can do to make our neighborhood a more wholesome place, by
providing recreation facilities and creative activities for youth,
extending a helping hand to a youngster teetering on the edge of
delinquency—such works as these will more than qualify with Christ.
“To visit the sick.” How fortunate are physicians and nurses, whose
entire lives are devoted to the fulfillment of the sixth corporal work of
mercy—provided, of course, that it is love for God which animates
their work and not merely money or “humanitarian” motives. But the
illness of our brethren is a Christian challenge to all of us. Christ
goes with us in each call that we pay to one of his suffering
members; a call that will comfort and cheer, even if it does not heal.
Time spent in reading to a convalescent or a blind person, or in
relieving a wife for a few hours from the care of a sick husband or
child—there is tremendous merit in any of these. Even a get-well
card, sent out of love for Christ, will win his smile.
When we labor, out of love for God, to ease the burdens of our fellow
man, we do something very pleasing to God. When we strive, by
means of the corporal works of mercy, to lighten our neighbor’s load
of sickness and poverty and misfortune, heaven indeed does smile
upon us. Yet man’s eternal happiness is of immensely greater
importance than his physical and temporal wellbeing. Consequently,
the spiritual works of mercy exert an even more pressing claim upon
the Christian than do the corporal works.
“To admonish the sinner” is a duty that rests most urgently upon
parents and only a little less urgently upon teachers and others who
may be charged with the formation of youthful character. The duty is
plain; what is not always so clearly perceived is that example speaks
to youth so much more loudly than precept. If there is intemperance
in the home, if there is too great a preoccupation with money and
worldly success, if there is uncharitable talk in the presence of the
children or constant angry bickering between the parents, if Dad
makes, and brags of, petty chiselings and Mom is heard telling polite
lies over the telephone—well, may God have mercy on the children
whom they are schooling in sin.
It is not only parents and teachers, of course, who have the duty to
“admonish the sinner.” To all of us belongs the responsibility of
leading others to virtue, according to the degree of our influence. It is
a duty that must be discharged with intelligence and prudence.
Sometimes a sinner will only become obstinate in his sin when
corrected, especially if the correction is administered with any
appearance of self-righteousness. (“I am not drunk; lea’ me alone;
Charlie, another double Scotch.”) It is essential that our admonition
be made gently and with evident love, with a consciousness of our
own faults and weaknesses.
“To instruct the ignorant.” The human intellect is a gift of God which
God wants us to use. All truth, both natural and supernatural, has its
source in God and reflects God’s infinite perfection. Consequently,
anyone who contributes to developing the human mind and to
imparting the truth is doing a truly Christian work if he be motivated
by love of God and neighbor. Here again parents play the primary
part, with teachers second only to parents. This includes teachers in
public schools, even though they be limited to secular subjects: all
truth is God’s truth. It is not hard to see why teaching is such a noble
vocation, one which can be made a real road to sanctity.
“To bear wrongs patiently” and “To forgive all injuries.” Ah, there is
the rub. All that is human in us, all that is merely natural, cries out
against the reckless driver who cut in front of us, the friend who
betrayed us, the neighbor who spread lies about us, the clerk who
cheated us. It is here that we touch the tenderest nerve of self-love.
It is so hard to say, with Christ on his cross, “Father, forgive them, for
they do not know what they are doing.” Yet, say it we must, or we are
not Christ’s own. It is in this that our love for God passes its supreme
test—it is in this that our love for neighbor proves itself to be
genuinely supernatural.
Finally, “To pray for the living and the dead.” We all do, of course; if
we know what it means to be a member of Christ’s mystical body
and of the communion of saints. But even here selfishness would
enter if our prayers were limited to our own needs and those of our
own family and immediate friends. The circle of our prayers must
encompass the world —as does the love of God.
Chapter 16
The First Commandment of God
Man’s highest destiny is to give honor and glory to God. It is for this
that we were made. Any lesser reason for creating us would have
been unworthy of God. It is quite correct to say that God made us for
eternal happiness with himself. But our own happiness is the
secondary reason for our existence; it is the consequence of fulfilling
the prime purpose for which we were fashioned: to glorify God.
Assuming, then, that the sin of idolatry is no problem for us, we can
direct our attention to the positive meaning of the first
commandment. It is true of most of the first commandment, as it is
true of most of the others, that the negative form, “Thou shalt not,” is
a literary device which emphasizes, in capsule form, our positive
duties. Thus, by the first commandment we are commanded to offer
to God alone the supreme worship that is due him as our Creator
and our final destiny. And that positive obligation of giving supreme
worship covers a lot more ground than merely abstaining from
It cannot too often be repeated that to lead a good life calls for much
more than mere abstention from sin. Virtue, like a coin, has two
sides to it. To keep oneself from what is positively evil is only one
side of the coin. On the other side is the necessity of performing the
good actions which are the very opposite of the bad ones which we
have renounced. And so it is not enough to pass by a heathen idol
without tipping our hat. We also must actively offer to the true God
the worship that is his due. The Catechism sums up our duties in this
respect by saying that “we worship God by acts of faith, hope, and
charity, and by adoring him and praying to him.”
The virtue of faith, we know, is infused into our souls, along with
sanctifying grace, when we are baptized. But the virtue of faith would
lie dormant in our soul if we did not put it to use by making acts of
faith. We make an act of faith whenever we give conscious assent to
the truths which God has revealed; not necessarily because we fully
understand the truths; not necessarily because the truths have been
scientifically demonstrated to our satisfaction; but primarily because
God has revealed the truths. God, being infinitely wise, cannot make
a mistake. God, being infinitely truthful, cannot lie. Consequently,
when God says that something is so, we can ask for no greater
certainty than that. There is more certainty in God’s word than in all
the test-tubes and all the logical reasoning in the world.
For a person who is not a Catholic, this means that the moment he
begins to suspect that he does not possess the true religion revealed
by God he immediately is bound to seek it. When he has found it, he
is bound to embrace it—to make his act of faith. Perhaps we should
not judge, since only God can read the heart. But every priest
encounters, in the course of this work, persons who seem to be
convinced that the Catholic faith is the true faith and yet remain
outside the Church. It seems that they count the cost too great: loss
of friends, or of business, or of prestige. Sometimes their motive is
fear of giving offense to parents, as though loyalty to human parents
should ever come before our higher loyalty to our Father, God.
As for us who already possess the true faith, we must be sure that
we do not rest upon our laurels. We must not complacently assume
that, because we attended a Catholic school or Catechism class in
our youth, we know all that we need to know about our religion. An
adult mind needs an adult understanding of God’s truths. To listen
attentively to sermons and religious instructions, to read Catholic
books and periodicals, to take an active part in religious discussion
clubs—these are not mere matters of choice, to be indulged in if we
feel like it. These are not “pious practices” for “devout souls.” Some
degree of growth in the knowledge of our faith is an essential duty,
stemming from the first commandment. We cannot make an act of
faith to a truth or truths which we do not even know. Many of our
temptations against faith, if we have any, would disappear if we took
the trouble to learn more about our faith.
Not only must we seek to know the truth. Not only must we give
interior assent to the truth. The first commandment requires also that
we make outward profession of our faith. This obligation becomes
operative whenever God’s honor or our neighbor’s good might
otherwise suffer. God’s honor suffers any time that failure to profess
our faith is equivalent to a denial of our faith. This obligation does not
apply only to those extreme cases where an outright demand is
made upon one to deny his faith-as in ancient Rome or modern
Communist countries. It applies also in the daily lives of all of us. We
may fear to profess our faith because it will mean a loss of business,
or because it will make us “conspicuous,” or because we fear raised
eyebrows or ridicule. The Catholic man attending a convention, the
Catholic student attending a secular university, a Catholic woman
attending her card club—in these and a hundred similar instances,
there easily can arise circumstances when to hide one’s faith will be
equivalent to denial—and God’s honor will suffer.
But there are certain specific and grievous sins against faith which
merit special mention. There is first of all the sin of apostasy. The
word “apostate” may look something like the word “apostle”; in
meaning, however, the two words are almost opposites. An apostle
is one who spreads the faith. An apostate is one who completely
abandons the faith. Apostates are to be found in almost every parish:
people who will tell you that they once were Catholics but that they
don’t believe in any of it any more. Very often apostasy is the end-
result of a bad marriage. A Catholic marries outside of the Church,
perhaps to a divorced person or to a partner who refuses to have the
marriage witnessed by a priest. Cut off from the flow of God’s grace,
the Catholic’s faith withers and dies, and he ends up with no faith at
Apostasy is not the same thing as laxity. There may be a lax Catholic
who hasn’t attended Mass or received holy communion for ten years.
Usually sheer laziness is at the root of such neglect. “I work hard all
week; I need my rest on Sunday morning,” he may say. If you ask
this man what his religion is, he will answer, “Why, I’m a Catholic, of
course.” Usually he will go on to defend himself by saying that he is
a better Catholic than “lots of people who go to church every
Sunday.” That is an overworked piece of rationalization that every
priest has to listen to time and time again.
The point is, however, that this lax Catholic is not yet an apostate. In
a vague sort of way he does intend, at some time in the formless
future, to get back to the practice of his religion. If he dies before
doing so, he will not necessarily be denied Christian burial—not if the
pastor can find any evidence at all that the man did still retain his
faith and was repentant at the hour of death. It is a mistaken notion
that the Church denies Christian burial to everyone who missed his
so-called “Easter duty.” It is true the Church does take Easter-time
communion as plain evidence that a person does profess the true
faith. If that evidence is at hand, then no further questions need be
asked. But the Church is still the loving Mother even of her wayward
children. She will lean over backwards to give Christian burial if there
is any evidence at all that the dead person still professed the true
faith and was sorry for his sins—provided the person did not die
excommunicated or manifestly unrepentant. Christian burial by no
means guarantees that the soul will go to heaven; but the Church
does not want to compound the sorrow of the survivors by denying
Christian burial if any valid excuse for it can be established.
Besides the complete rejection of the Catholic faith, which is the sin
of apostasy, there also can be a partial rejection of one’s faith, and
this is the sin of heresy. One who commits the sin of heresy is called
a heretic. A heretic is a baptized person who refuses to believe one
or more of the truths revealed by God and taught by the Catholic
Church. A truth revealed by God, and solemnly proclaimed as such
by the Church, is termed a dogma of faith. The virgin conception of
Jesus—the fact that he did not have a human father—is an example
of a dogma of faith. The fact that the Holy Father, St Peter’s
successor, is infallible when he officially teaches a doctrine of faith or
morals to all Christendom also is a dogma. Another example is the
fact that God created Mary’s soul free from original sin—the dogma
of the Immaculate Conception.
These are but a few of the dogmas which, interwoven with each
other, make up the fabric of Christian faith. To reject one is, in
substance, to reject all. If God, speaking through his Church, could
be wrong on one point, there is no particular reason for believing
God on any point. There is no such thing as being “slightly heretical”
any more than there is any such thing as being “slightly dead.” We
sometimes feel that the members of the High Episcopalian church
(or Anglo-Catholics) are very close to the Catholic Church because
they believe almost everything which we believe and have
ceremonies like our ceremonies of the Mass, have confessionals in
their churches, and wear vestments and use incense. But in truth the
phrase “almost a Catholic” is as meaningless as the phrase “almost
This certainly does not mean that Catholics may not join in prayer
with persons of other faiths. However, when it is a matter of a public
non-denominational or ecumenical religious service, Catholics must
be guided by the directives of their bishops regarding such joint
“My Daddy will fix it. He can do anything.” “I’ll ask my Daddy; he
knows everything.” Every parent finds himself, or herself, deeply
touched at times by the child’s absolute confidence in the limitless
power and knowledge of Daddy and Mommy. Indeed, it is a
confidence that sometimes can prove embarrassing when Daddy or
Mommy finds it hard to deliver according to expectations. But it
would be a strange sort of parent who would not feel an inner thrill of
pleasure at such manifest acts of unquestioning trust on the part of
his children.
We honor God by our faith in him. We honor God by our hope in him.
But most of all do we worship God by our love for him. We make an
act of love every time that we give expression—either internally in
mind and heart, or externally by words or actions—to the fact that we
do love God above everybody and everything else for his own sake.
“For his own sake” are key words. True charity, or love for God, is
not motivated by what God has done for us, nor by what God is
going to do for us. In true charity we love God solely—or at least
mainly—because he is so good and so infinitely lovable in himself.
Genuine love for God is not a mercenary, self-seeking love, no more
than is the love of a child for his parents.
It is true that a child owes much to his parents and hopes for much
from his parents. But true filial love goes far beyond these selfish
motives. A normal child still will love his parents even if they have
lost all their possessions and can do nothing, materially speaking, for
the child. So too does our love for God rise above his benefits and
his mercies (although these may be a starting point) and fasten upon
the infinite lovableness of God himself.
It bears noting that love for God resides primarily in the will and not
in the emotions. Quite conceivably a person might feel perfectly cold
towards God on a purely emotional level and yet might have a very
strong love for God. It is the fixing of the will upon God that
constitutes true love for him. If habitually we have the desire to do all
that God wants us to do (simply because he wants it) and the
determination to avoid all that he does not want us to do (simply
because he does not want it), then we have love for God, regardless
of how we feel.
If we love God rightly and truly, it follows, of course, that we love all
those whom he loves. That means we love every soul whom God
has created and for whom Christ has died, barring only the souls in
Since we love our neighbor (meaning everyone) for the sake of God,
it does not particularly matter to us whether our neighbor is naturally
lovable or not. It helps a lot, of course, if our neighbor is naturally
lovable; but then there is less merit in our love. However, whether he
be handsome or ugly, mean or kind, pleasant or repulsive—our love
for God makes us want to see everyone get to heaven, since that is
what God wants. And we’ll do all that we reasonably can to help our
neighbor get there.
It plainly can be seen that supernatural love for our neighbor does
not reside in the emotions, any more than does love for God. On a
natural level we might feel quite a strong distaste for some particular
person and yet have a truly supernatural love for him . Our
supernatural love, or charity, would be evidenced by our desire for
his welfare, by our desire especially for his eternal salvation, by our
willingness to pray for him, by our forgiveness of any injuries he may
have inflicted upon us, by our refusal to entertain bitter and vengeful
thoughts concerning him.
What, then, are the principal sins against charity? One sin would be
to fail to make an act of charity, knowingly, when it is our duty to do
so. Our duty to make an act of charity arises, in the first instance,
when we become aware of our obligation to love God for his own
sake, and our neighbor for love of God. We also have the duty to
make an act of charity in those temptations which can be overcome
only by an act of charity—for example, in a temptation to hatred. We
are obliged, too, to make an act of love often during life (this is part
of our duty to worship God) and above all in the hour of our death, as
we prepare to meet God face to face.
Finally, there is the sin of sloth, a sin against the supernatural love
we owe ourselves. Sloth is a spiritual laziness by which we
disesteem spiritual things (such as prayer and the sacraments)
because of the effort involved.
Faith is not easily lost. If we cherish and cultivate the gift of faith
which God has given us, we shall not become apostates or heretics.
To cherish and to cultivate it means, among other things, to make
frequent acts of faith; an act of faith being simply a grateful avowal to
God of the fact that we do believe in him and in all that he has
revealed. An act of faith should be one of our daily prayers.
To cherish and cultivate our faith also means that we never stop
trying to learn more about our faith. So that we may have a better
understanding of what it is that we believe, we shall be attentive to
sermons and instructions and read Catholic periodicals and books
that will enlarge our knowledge of the faith. When opportunity offers,
we shall take part in religious discussion clubs.
To cherish and cultivate our faith means above all that we shall live
our faith, that we shall lead a good life in accord with the principles
which we profess. An act of faith becomes a jumble of meaningless
words on the lips of one whose daily actions shout: “There is no
God; or, if there is, I don’t care what he wants.”
Our concern for our faith also will steer us away from any type of
literature which might imperil our faith. However highly praised by the
critics a book may be, however sophisticated a magazine may seem
—if they are opposed to what we as Catholics believe, then they are
not for us. And it will be not only official Church indications that will
guide us in our reading. Our own well-formed conscience will warn
us away from many publications which may never reach the eyes of
the Church’s official censors.
Our answer is that, quite honestly, we are afraid. We are afraid not of
finding out that we are wrong but of finding out, too late, that we are
weak. Original sin has dimmed our reason and weakened our will.
Faith requires no small degree of sacrifice. What God wants is so
often not what we want, humanly speaking. The little devil of self-
love tells us that life could be so much easier if we didn’t believe.
Yes, quite honestly we are afraid that some clever writer may
succeed in inflating our ego to the point where, like Adam, we shall
decide to be our own god. And, whether the censorship be that of
the Church or that of our own conscience, we do not deem it a denial
of our liberty. The refusal of poison to the mind is no more a
frustration of liberty than is denial of poison to the stomach. We do
not have to drink carbolic acid in order to prove that we have a good
However, if ours is a healthy faith, there is little likelihood that the sin
of sacrilege will be any problem for us. For the majority of us, the
most pertinent point will be the need to show due reverence for
religious articles and holy things which we personally use. There is
the matter of keeping the holy water in a clean container and in a
decent place; handling the Bible with reverence and giving it a
position of honor in the home; burning our soiled scapulars and
broken rosaries, rather than throwing them in the trash; overlooking
the human infirmities of priests or religious whom we may dislike and
speaking of them with respect because of the God-ownership that
we see in them; conducting ourselves with reverence in church,
particularly at baptisms and weddings, when hilarity may tend to
make us forgetful. Reverence such as this is the outer garment of
our faith.
When we pray to our Blessed Mother and to the saints in heaven (as
we should) and beg their help, we know that whatever they may do
for us will not be done of their own power, as though they were
divine. Whatever they may do for us will be done for us by God,
through their intercession. If we value the prayers of our friends here
upon earth and feel that their prayers will help us, then surely we
have the right to feel that the prayers of our friends in heaven will be
even more powerful. The saints are God’s chosen friends, heroes in
the spiritual combat. It pleases God to encourage our imitation of
them and to show his own love for them by dispensing his graces
through their hands. Nor does the honor we show to the saints
detract one whit from the honor that is due to God. The saints are
God’s masterpieces of grace. When we praise them, it is God—who
made them what they are—whom we honor most. The highest honor
that can be paid to an artist is to praise the work of his hands.
We honor the statues and the pictures of the saints, yes; and we
venerate their relics. But we are not adoring these representations
and relics. No more so than a hardheaded businessman is adoring
the picture of his sainted mother before which he places a fresh
flower every morning, or the lock of whose hair he carries reverently
in his wallet. And when we pray before the crucifix or the image of a
saint, in order to better fix our mind upon what we are doing, we are
not so stupid (let us hope) as to suppose that the plaster or wooden
image has in itself any power to help us. That would be a sin against
the first commandment, which forbids the making of images in order
to adore them. But we do not, of course, adore them.
Chapter 17
The Second and Third Commandments of God
First of all, there must be a good reason for taking an oath. God is
not to be invoked lightly as our witness. Sometimes it is necessary
for us to take an oath; for example, if we are a witness in a court of
law or are being inducted into an office where we must swear to
uphold the constitution. Sometimes, too, the Church calls upon us to
take an oath, as when godparents swear to the baptism of a person
whose baptismal record cannot be found. At other times we may not
have to take an oath, but some good purpose may be served by
guaranteeing, with an oath, the truth of what we say—as when God’s
honor or our neighbor’s welfare or our own may be at stake. To take
an oath when there is no need or reason for it, to interlard our
conversation with such phrases as, “May God strike me dead if it
isn’t true,” “As God sees me, I swear it is true,” and similar phrases,
is a sin. Usually the sin is venial if we are speaking the truth
because, as with profanity, it is done in thoughtlessness rather than
in malice.
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse,” says St
Paul in his epistle to the Romans (12:14). To curse means to wish
evil upon some person or place or thing. A form of curse that
frequently is heard upon the lips of those who have little regard for
the honor of God’s name is “God damn you!” The meaning of these
words is “May God send you to hell!” It is easy to see why such a
curse would be a mortal sin, if a person spoke the words deliberately
and really meant what he said. To ask God to send to hell a soul
whom he has created, a soul for whom he died, is a most serious act
of dishonor towards our infinitely merciful Father. It also would be a
grievous sin against charity. Charity binds us to wish for, and to pray
for the salvation of all souls—not for their eternal condemnation.
When a child comes in from play with a newly learned word such as
these upon his lips, parents would make a great mistake to appear
profoundly shocked and to tell the child that such language “is a big
sin, and God won’t love you any more.” To tell a child that, is to give
him a distorted idea of God and a tangled conscience that perhaps
never will quite get straightened out. Sin is too awful an evil to be
used as a bogeyman to teach a child good manners. It should be
enough to tell a child quietly: “That isn’t a nice word, Joey; it isn’t a
sinful word, but it’s what we call a vulgar word, and Mother (or
Daddy) wishes you wouldn’t use it.” For most youngsters, a request
such as this will be enough. If a child’s lapses are too frequent, it
may be necessary to explain to him that there is a sin of
disobedience involved. But always, in the moral education of
children, there should be adherence to the truth.
In such blasphemies as these latter ones, there is, of course, the sin
of heresy or infidelity as well as the sin of blasphemy. Any time that a
blasphemous utterance contains a denial of a particular truth of faith
—a denial of God’s goodness or justice, for example, or a denial of
the Blessed Mother’s virginity, or of the power of prayer—then the
sin of heresy is joined to the sin of blasphemy. (A denial of the faith
in general would be the grave sin of infidelity.)
Our opportunities for honoring God’s name are not, obviously, limited
to oaths and vows. There is, for example, the quite common and
very praiseworthy practice of bowing the head or tipping the hat at
the name of Jesus, whether pronounced by ourselves or by
someone else in our hearing. When we hear the name of God or of
Jesus misused by another, there is the admirable habit of making
instant reparation by saying silently, “Blessed be God” or `Blessed
be the name of Jesus.” There is also the public reparation which we
make for blasphemy and profanity each time that we join in reciting
the Divine Praises.
Our reverence for God’s name will lead us, too, to find a special joy
in those prayers which are primarily prayers of praise—such as the
“Glory be to the Father,” which we recite so often, and the “Gloria”
and the “Sanctus” of the Mass. We may even be moved to make use
of the Book of Psalms as our occasional prayerbook, those beautiful
hymns of David in which praise of God is sung and sung again—as
in the 112th Psalm, which begins:
A song which was quite popular during World War I has a line
something like this: “Oh, it’s nice to get up in the morning, but it’s
nicer to stay in bed.” It is a rare Catholic who has not, at one time or
another, voiced a similar sentiment as he rolled out of the sheets on
a Sunday morning, feeling quite heroic as he arose in obedience to
the third commandment of God: “Remember thou keep holy the
Lord’s day.”
The fact that there is a Lord’s day is something which follows quite
logically from the natural law. The natural law (that is, man’s
obligation to be true to his nature as a creature of God) demands
that we adore God. It demands that we acknowledge our complete
dependence upon God and that we thank him for his goodness to
us. In practice we know that it would be impossible for the average
human to maintain, all the time, a conscious state of adoration. And
so it is to be expected that a definite time, or times, be set aside for
the discharge of this absolutely necessary duty. It is in accordance
with this need that one day out of seven has been set aside on which
all men, everywhere, must consciously and deliberately give to God
the homage which is his by right.
We know that in Old Testament times it was the seventh day of the
week—the Sabbath day—which was observed as the Lord’s day.
That was the law as God gave it to Moses on Mount Sinai:
“Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day” (Exodus 20:8). However,
with the establishment of the New Law by Christ, the positive
Liturgical Law passed away. The early Christian Church determined
as the Lord’s day the first day of the week, our Sunday. That the
Church had the right to make such a law is evident from the many
passages in the Gospels in which Jesus confers upon his Church the
power to make laws in his name. For example, “He who hears you,
hears me” (Luke 10:16) and “Whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven” (Matt 16:19).
The reason for changing the Lord’s day from Saturday to Sunday lies
in the fact that to the Christian Church the first day of the week had
been made doubly holy. It is the day on which Jesus conquered sin
and death by his resurrection from the dead, to give assurance of
our future glory. It is the day, too, which Jesus chose for the sending
down of the Holy Spirit—the birthday of the Church. It is very likely,
also, that the Church changed the Lord’s day for a psychological
reason: to emphasize the fact that the Old Testament worship of the
Hebrews, which had been a preparation for the coming of the
Messias, was now at an end. The Christian religion was not a mere
“revision” of the worship of the Synagogue; the Christian religion was
God’s final plan for the salvation of the world. The curtain of
completion was drawn across the Sabbath. Christians would not be
merely another “sect” among the Jews; they would be a new people
with a new Law and a new Sacrifice.
Nothing is said in the Bible about the change of the Lord’s day from
Saturday to Sunday. We know of the change only from the tradition
of the Church—a fact handed down to us from earliest times by the
living voice of the Church. That is why we find so illogical the attitude
of many non-Catholics, who say that they will believe nothing unless
they can find it in the Bible and yet will continue to keep Sunday as
the Lord’s day on the say-so of the Catholic Church.
“Remember thou keep holy the Lord’s day.” “Yes,” we say, “but how
must I keep it holy?” In her role of divinely established legislator, the
Church answers our question by telling us that first and above all we
must keep the Lord’s day holy by assisting at the holy Sacrifice of
the Mass. The Mass is the perfect act of worship, given to us by
Jesus so that we might, with him, offer adequate honor to God.
But now, in the sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus has provided a gift that
really is worthy of God, a perfect gift whose value is proportionate to
God—the gift of God’s own Son, co-equal with the Father. Jesus, the
great High Priest, made that offering of himself as Victim, once and
for all on Calvary, where he was slain by the executioners. However,
you and I could not be there on Calvary to unite ourselves with Jesus
in the offering of this Gift to God. So Jesus has given us the sacrifice
of the Mass in which, through the change of the bread and wine into
his own body and blood that were separated at his death on Calvary,
he endlessly renews the offering of himself to the Father and gives
us a chance to unite ourselves with him in the offering, gives us a
chance to unite our love with his, to make ourselves a part of the Gift
that is being offered. There could surely be no better way than this to
keep the Lord’s day holy and to sanctify the week that lies ahead.
However, our love for God surely will raise our appreciation of the
Mass above the level of the measuring stick of sin. We shall be in
our place before Mass begins and will remain until the priest has left
the sanctuary. We shall unite ourselves with Christ in the offering of
the sacrifice and will follow the Mass attentively in prayer book or
missal. If we do miss Mass, it will be only because a grave reason
prevents our attendance: sickness, whether our own or of someone
for whom we must care; distance and lack of transportation; or some
unforeseen emergency that must be dealt with even at the cost of
However, parents who truly love each other in God, and their
children as gifts of God, may be comforted to know that not much
else is needed, even if they never read a single book on child
psychology (although such reading is surely advisable if the books
read are sound).
They can make a lot of mistakes without doing the child any lasting
harm. Because in such a home the child will feel loved, and wanted,
and secure; he will grow up to be emotionally stable and spiritually
All of us, without exception, have duties to our parents. If our parents
are dead, then our duties are quite simple: we remember them in all
our prayers and Masses and occasionally have a Mass offered for
the repose of their souls. If our parents are still living, then our duties
will depend upon our age and our status and theirs. Or perhaps it
would be more correct to say that the way of fulfilling our duties will
vary according to age and status. Because, of course, all children,
even though they themselves be married with families of their own,
share the basic duties of love and respect for their parents.
Usually the debt of love is not a hard one to pay, mothers and fathers
being what they are. But the duty of love does not cease in those
cases, fortunately rare, where a parent proves to be unlovable on the
natural level—a brutal father, for example, or a deserting mother.
Then the child must love with the supernatural love that Christ
commands us to have towards all unlovable people, even towards
our enemies. We must wish them well, desire their eternal salvation,
and pray for them. No matter what they may have done to us, we
must be willing to extend them a helping hand, if and when we can.
Concerning the duty of respect for parents, the most difficult period
of a child’s life is the period of adolescence. These are the “growing-
up” years when the child is torn between the need for dependence
on his parents and the emerging urge for adult independence. It is a
stormy time for almost every youngster. Wise parents will try to
temper their firmness with understanding and patience.
It is only to human life that the fifth commandment, “Thou shalt not
kill,” refers. Animals have been given by God to mankind for man’s
use and convenience. It is no sin to kill animals for any reasonable
cause, such as the elimination of pests, the providing of food, the
performance of scientific experiments. It would be a sin to injure or
kill animals without reason; but the sin would lie in the abuse of
God’s gifts. It would not be a sin against the fifth commandment.
The fact that human life belongs to God is so obvious that the gravity
of the sin of murder—the unjust taking of another’s life— is
recognized even through the light of reason by all men of good will.
The gravity of the sin of suicide—the deliberate taking of one’s own
life—is equally apparent. Since the person who deliberately takes his
own life dies in the very act of committing a mortal sin, he cannot be
given Christian burial. In practice, however, it is very seldom that a
Catholic in his right mind will take his own life; and Christian burial is
never denied when suicide seems to be the result of mental
derangement, even temporary.
Our life is not our own. It is a gift from God, and we are his stewards
in the care of it. That is why we must do all that we reasonably can to
safeguard our own life and the life of our neighbor. It is plain enough
that we become guilty of sin if we deliberately do physical harm to
another; guilty of a mortal sin if the injury we do is a serious one.
That is why fighting is a sin against the fifth commandment, as well
as a sin against the virtue of charity. And because anger, hatred, and
revenge can so easily lead to doing physical injury to others, they
also are sins against the fifth commandment in addition to being sins
against charity. If a fort is to be defended (in this case, life), the
approaches to the fort must also be defended. Consequently the fifth
commandment proscribes all that might result in the unjust taking of
life or unjust physical injury.
Some practical applications flow from this. It is evident that one who
deliberately drives a car in a reckless manner is guilty of grave sin,
since he exposes his own life and the lives of others to unnecessary
danger. This would be true also of one who drives a car knowing that
his faculties have been deadened by alcohol. The drunk driver is a
sinner as well as a criminal. In fact, drunkenness itself is a sin
against the fifth commandment, even when the sin is not aggravated
by car-driving. Excessive drinking, as well as excessive eating, are
sinful in the first place because they injure the health of the
overindulger. Excessive drinking much more easily becomes a
mortal sin than excessive eating, because intemperance in drink can
lead to many other evil effects. Drunkenness becomes a mortal sin
when it so befuddles a person that he no longer knows what he is
doing. But even a lesser degree of deliberate excess in drinking may
be a mortal sin because of harmful consequences: damage to
health, or scandal given, or duties to family or God neglected. The
habitual and heavy drinker who judges himself free from serious sin
simply because he always knows the time of day usually is deceiving
himself; it is very seldom that grave harm is not being done to
himself or others by his constant drinking.
Our responsibility to God for the life he has given us requires that we
take reasonable care of our health. To expose our health to danger,
deliberately and unnecessarily, or to neglect seeking medical help
when we know or suspect that we have an illness which could be
cured would be to fail in our duty as God’s stewards. There are, of
course, people who become too preoccupied with their health, never
happy unless they are taking medicine. We call them
hypochondriacs. Their trouble is in their minds rather than in their
bodies. They are to be pitied because their sufferings are very real to
The life of the whole body is more important than any of its parts:
consequently, it is permissible to have an organ or a member
removed in order to preserve life. Obviously, the amputation of a
gangrenous leg or the excision of a tumored ovary is morally right. It
is sinful, however, to mutilate the human body unnecessarily;
mortally sinful if the mutilation is serious either in itself or in its
effects. A man or a woman who would have an operation performed
directly to cause sterility would be guilty of grave sin; as would also
be the surgeon who performs such an operation. Some states have
laws providing for the sterilization of the insane and feebleminded.
Such laws are contrary to God’s law, since not even the government
has the right to mutilate an innocent person. Much less has the
government the right to kill or to permit the killing of an innocent
person. So-called “euthanasia”—putting an incurable sufferer to
death in order to end his misery-is a grave sin, even if the sufferer
asks for it. Life belongs to God. If incurable suffering is part of God’s
plan for me, then neither I nor any human authority has the right to
circumvent God’s will.
Moving now from the realm of action to the realm of thought, we note
that hatred (bitter unforgivings which wishes harm to another or
rejoices in his misfortune) and vengefulness (which seeks ways to
“get even” with another) almost always will be mortal sins.
Theoretically it might be possible to hate “just a little” or to seek “just
a little” revenge. But in practice the “just a little” is not so easily
The gravity of the sin of anger is not so simple to assess. Anger
which is directed at an evil deed and not at a person (and which is
not excessive) is no sin at all. This is what we call righteous anger. A
good example is the anger of a parent (remember, not excessive!) at
the misconduct of a child. The parent still loves the child but is angry
at the child’s wrong conduct. Anger, however, which is directed at
persons—usually at someone who has hurt our pride or interfered
with our convenience—and not at their evil deeds, is sinful anger.
We may say, in general, that whenever we are angry because of
what has been done to ourselves rather than because of what has
been done to God, ours is the wrong kind of anger. Most such anger
is of the unthinking and “flare-up” sort and is not grievously sinful.
However, if we realize that we are sinfully angry at someone and we
deliberately continue to feed and fan our anger, our sin does become
grave. Or, if we have a hot temper by nature and we know we have a
hot temper yet make no attempt to control it, then also we could
easily become guilty of mortal sin.
There is one final way in which we may fail in our observance of the
fifth commandment: by giving bad example. If it is a sin to kill or
injure the body of our neighbor, it is even more serious to kill or to
injure his soul. Any time that wrong words or actions of my own are
such as to encourage sin in another, I myself become guilty of the
sin of scandal, the sin of bad example; a mortal sin, if the possible
harm I do is serious. Spiritually as well as physically, I am my
brother’s keeper.
Chapter 19
The Sixth and Ninth Commandments of God
There are two mistaken attitudes toward sex, both of them fairly
common. One is the attitude of the modern hedonist—a hedonist
being a person whose highest aim in life is pleasure. A hedonist
looks upon the sexual power as a personal possession whose use is
no one else’s business except his own. To him (or her) the purpose
of the genital organs is for self-gratification and physical thrills,
nothing more. This is the attitude of the man-about-town and the
bachelor girl of easy virtue, who dally often but never love. It is the
attitude, too, of the men and women who appear often in the divorce
courts, always seeking new worlds to conquer.
Then there is the other mistaken attitude, that of the prude, which
looks upon sex as something nasty and degrading; as a necessary
evil with which the human race has been saddled. The procreative
faculty must be used, of course, for the propagation of the human
race, but the act of physical union between husband and wife
remains a defiling sort of thing which hardly bears thinking of. This
unfortunate pattern of thought usually is acquired in childhood
through the misguided training methods of parents or teachers. In
their efforts to train the child to purity, adults sometimes give a child
the impression that the private parts of his body are bad and
essentially shameful rather than special gifts from God to be
reverenced and cherished. The child gathers that sex is something
that “nice people don’t talk about,” not even in their own home or to
their own parents. The worst feature of this state of mind is that it
tends to be self-perpetuating; the child trained in such a tradition
passes it on in turn to his children. It is a mistaken concept of sex
that mars many an otherwise happy marriage.
The truth is that the procreative power is a wonderful gift with which
God has endowed humanity. God didn’t have to make the human
race male and female. He could have made human beings a non-
sexed type of being, himself creating each body (as he does create
each soul) by a direct act of his own. Instead, God in his goodness
chose to share his creative power with mankind so that the beautiful
institutions of marriage and parenthood might come into being. So
that, too, through human fatherhood we might better understand the
paternity of God, his justice and his providence; and through human
motherhood, might better understand God’s maternal tenderness,
his mercy and compassion. So that the way might be paved, also, for
the holy maternity of Mary, and so that in future time we might better
understand the union between Christ and his Spouse the Church.
For all these reasons, and doubtless for other reasons buried in the
depths of divine wisdom God made man male and female. With
himself at the apex, God established a creative trinity—husband,
wife, and himself; husband and wife acting as God’s instruments in
the formation of a new human body, God in a sense standing by at
their beck and call, ready to create an immortal soul for the tiny body
that, under God, their love has fashioned.
Not that it is any sin for husband and wife (to whom, and solely to
whom the exercise of the procreative faculty belongs)—not that it is
a sin for husband and wife to seek and enjoy pleasure in their marital
embrace. On the contrary, God has attached a keen perpetuation of
the human race. With no impulsion from physical desire and no
reward of immediate pleasure, spouses might be reluctant to use
their God-given power in the face of the burdens of prospective
parenthood. God’s command to increase and multiply might be
frustrated. Since God has given the pleasure, it is not a sin for
husband and wife to enjoy the pleasure, so long as God’s purpose is
not positively excluded.
But for many people—and at one time or another probably for most
people—that God-given pleasure poses a danger and a stumbling
block. As a result of original sin, the perfect control which reason
should exert over the body and its desires has been gravely
weakened. Under the urgent proddings of rebellious flesh, there is a
hunger for pleasure of sex, regardless of God’s purposes and
regardless of the strict limitation (within Christian marriage) which
God placed upon the use of sex. In other words, we are afflicted with
temptations against the virtue of chastity.
This is the virtue which God demands of us in the sixth and ninth
commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery” and “Thou shalt
not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” We recall that the commandments as
we have them are intended to be memory helps: pigeonholes in
which we can classify our various duties to God. Each
commandment mentions specifically one of the most serious sins
against the virtue to be practiced (“Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt
not steal”) and under that one heading are grouped all the duties and
all the sins of an allied nature. Thus, not only is it a sin to kill, it is
also a sin to damage property or to defraud. Similarly, not only is it a
sin to commit adultery—carnal intercourse when one (or both) of the
participants is married to someone else; it is also a sin to commit
fornication—sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons; it is
also a sin to indulge in any deliberate actions, such as touches with
oneself alone or with another, for the purpose of arousing the sexual
appetite outside of marriage. Not only is it a sin to covet a neighbor’s
wife; it is also a sin to willingly entertain unchaste thoughts or desires
concerning any person.
Chastity—or purity—is defined as the moral virtue which rightly
regulates all voluntary expressions of sexual pleasure in marriage
and excludes it altogether outside the married state. Sins against the
virtue of chastity differ from sins against most other virtues in one
notable point: a. thought, word, or action against the virtue of
chastity, if fully deliberate, is always a mortal sin. One may violate
other virtues, even deliberately, and yet sin venially because of the
slightness of the matter. A person may be slightly intemperate,
slightly dishonest, slightly untruthful. But no one can be “slightly”
unchaste if his violation of purity is fully voluntary. Whether in thought
or word or deed, there is no “small matter” touching this virtue.
The reason should be quite plain. The procreative power is the most
sacred of all man’s physical gifts, the one which involves God most
directly. Its very sacredness makes its defilement the more
malicious. Add to this the fact that sex (to use the common term) is
the very wellspring of human life. Poison the spring, and you have
poisoned humanity. That is why God has erected a high, tight fence
around the spring and has posted signs for all to see: NO
TRESPASSING! God is adamant that his plan for the creation of new
human life shall not be twisted from his hand and distorted into an
instrument to satisfy a perverse greed for pleasure and excitement.
The only time that a sin against chastity can be a venial sin is when
there is a lack of full realization or a lack of full consent.
In our contemporary American culture, there are two “soft” spots that
have need of special emphasis in a discussion of the virtue of
chastity. One is the widespread practice of steady company-keeping
on the part of adolescents. As early as the eighth and ninth grades,
boys and girls are pairing off, “going steady,” exchanging rings and
pins, spending two and three nights a week in one another’s
company. Such steady company-keeping (going always and
frequently with the same person of the opposite sex for a long period
of time) is always a danger to purity. For those old enough to get
married and able to get married should they so wish, the danger is
justified; a reasonable courtship is necessary in order to find a
suitable partner for marriage. But for young adolescents who are in
no position to be married. for several years, steady company-
keeping is a sin because it is an unjustified occasion of sin, one
which foolish parents all too often encourage because they think it is
We need to remind ourselves, too, that the bigger the temptation, the
more grace God will give us—if we want it, if we will use it, if we will
do our part. God will never let us be tempted beyond our ability (with
the help of his grace) to resist. No one can ever say, “I sinned
because I couldn’t help it.” Our part, of course, is to avoid
unnecessary danger; to be faithful to prayer, especially in time of
weakness; to be frequently at confession and holy communion and
holy Mass; to have a very real and personal devotion to Mary, our
Mother Most Chaste.
Chapter 20
The Seventh and Tenth Commandments of God
Two other failures in justice will complete the major offenses against
the seventh commandment. One is the receiving of goods which we
know to be stolen, whether the stolen goods are given to us freely or
whether we pay for them; and strong suspicion is equivalent to
knowledge in this respect. In the eyes of God, the receiver of stolen
goods becomes equally guilty with the thief. It is a sin also to keep
found articles for ourselves without making a reasonable effort to find
the owner. The extent of such an effort (inquiry and advertisement)
will, of course, depend upon the value of the article; and the owner, if
discovered, is bound to reimburse the finder for whatever expenses
his inquiries have entailed.
Another principle is that the article itself which was stolen (if it was
an article) must be restored to the owner, together with any natural
profit which resulted from the article; the calves, for example, from a
stolen cow. It is only when the article is no longer in existence or
damaged beyond use that restitution may be made in cash value
A simple lie—a lie which does no harm and is not told under oath—is
a venial sin. Simple lies are the kind that braggarts tell about
themselves (and sometimes fishermen tell). They are the lies which
people tell to save embarrassment to themselves or to someone
else. They are the, lies of which practical jokers are fond. Whatever
may be the reason for departing from the truth, a lie is always a sin.
God gave us the gift of communicating our thoughts to others in
order that we might communicate truth. Any time we use speech or
actions to communicate falsehood we are abusing one of God’s gifts;
we sin.
It follows that there is no such thing as “a little white lie.” Moral evil,
even the moral evil of a venial sin, is greater than any possible
physical evil. It would not be permissible for me to commit even a
venial sin in order to save the whole world from destruction.
However, it should be mentioned that I may, without sin, give a false
answer to someone who is unjustly trying to get the truth from me.
What I say in this instance may be false, but it is not a lie. It is a
lawful means of self-defense when there is no other alternative.
How many laws of the Church are there? Most people probably
would answer, “six,” since that is the number listed in the Catechism.
Actually there are more than 2,000 laws of the Church. They are
contained in an official book called the Code of Canon Law. Many of
these laws already have been abrogated by recent Popes (for
example in the matter of the Eucharistic fast) and by the decrees of
Vatican Council II. [The Code of Canon Law is at present undergoing
a complete revision which will require several years to finish.
However, the six basic laws of the Church singled out by the
Catechism will not be repealed, however much they may be modified
in application. These are the ones we commonly call the six
commandments of the Church. They are: (1) to assist at Mass on all
Sundays and holydays of obligation; (2) to fast and to abstain on the
days appointed; (3) to confess our sins at least once a year; (4) to
receive holy communion during the Easter time; (5) to contribute to
the support of the Church; and (6) to observe the laws of the Church
concerning marriage.]
In her role of spiritual guide, it is the duty of the Church to make our
faith a living faith; to make real and vital the persons and events
which have gone into the making of Christ’s mystical body. For this
reason the Church sets aside a few days of the year to be observed
as sacred days. On these days the Church recalls to our minds
certain great events in the lives of Jesus himself, or of his Blessed
Mother, or of the saints. The Church underlines the need for such
periodic recollection by making these days of equal dignity with the
Lord’s day—commanding us, under pain of mortal sin, to assist at
Mass, and to abstain, if possible, from our everyday work.
In the calendar of the Church there are ten such days, and in most
Catholic countries all ten are observed. In our own country, however,
the Church has eased the burden of the American workingman
(whose employer will take no cognizance of holydays) and has
reduced the number of holydays of obligation to six: Christmas
(December 25), when we celebrate the birth of our Lord; the Octave
Day of Christmas (January 1), when we celebrate the Solemnity of
the Motherhood of Mary; Ascension Thursday (forty days after
Easter), when we mark our Lord’s glorious return to heaven; the
Assumption (August 15), when we rejoice at our Blessed Mother’s
bodily entrance into heaven; All Saints’ Day (November 1), when we
honor all the saints in heaven, including our own loved ones there;
and the Immaculate Conception (December 8), when we
commemorate the fact that God created Mary’s soul free from
original sin—the first step in our redemption.
The Church insists first of all that the virtue of penitence be
exercised in persevering faithfulness to the duties of one’s state in
life, in the acceptance of the difficulties arising from one’s work and
from human coexistence, in a patient bearing of the trials of earthly
life and of the utter insecurity which pervades it. (Paul VI, Apostolic
Constitution on Fast and Abstinence, “Poenitemini”, 1977, Chapter II,
Furthermore, the Church, fulfilling her duty as our guide and teacher,
establishes a minimum of penance that all of us, within a certain set
of limits, must perform. She does so by setting aside certain days as
days of abstinence (when we may eat no meat), and still other days
as days of both fast and abstinence. In Lent, the days of penitence to
be observed under obligation throughout the Church are all Fridays
and Ash Wednesday. Abstinence is to be observed on every Friday
which does not fall on a day of obligation, while abstinence and fast
is to be observed on Ash Wednesday … and on Good Friday.
The law of abstinence forbids the use of meat, but not of eggs; the
products of milk or condiments made of animal fat.
The law of fasting allows only one full meal a day, but does not
prohibit taking some food in the morning and evening, observing—as
far as quantity and quality are concerned—approved local customs.
To the law of abstinence are bound those who have completed their
14th year of age. To the law of fast are bound those of the faithful
who have completed their 21st year and up until the beginning of
their 60th year. (Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution.)
However, the Church does want to make sure that no one goes on
indefinitely living in the state of mortal sin at a constant peril to his
eternal salvation. Hence the Church requires that anyone conscious
of having a mortal sin to be confessed explicitly (even though the sin
may already have been remitted by perfect contrition) must receive
the sacrament of Penance within a year. Similarly, in her concern for
souls, the Church establishes an absolute minimum of once a year
for the receiving of holy communion. Jesus himself said, “Unless you
eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall not
have life in you” (John 6:54). There are no ifs or ands there. Either
members of Christ’s mystical body receive holy communion or they
do not go to heaven. We naturally ask, “How often should I receive
holy communion?” Christ through his Church then answers us: “As
often as you can; weekly, even daily, if possible. But as an absolute
minimum you must receive holy communion at least once a year—
and that during the Easter time; in the United States between the
first Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday.” If we fail to give Jesus this
minimum of love, then we become guilty of a mortal sin.
That he might be with us always with the power of his grace, Jesus
fashioned for us the seven sacraments. He confided the sacraments
into the keeping of his Church. He gave to his Church the authority
and the duty to make the necessary laws which would govern the
giving of the sacraments and the receiving of them. Matrimony is one
of these sacraments. It is important for us to realize that the Church
laws regulating the reception of the sacrament of Matrimony are not
mere man-made rules. They are Christ’s own directives, given
through his Church.
The laws of the Church also require that a Catholic marry a Catholic.
The Church does grant a dispensation for a Catholic to marry one
who is not a Catholic. In such an instance, the prospective spouses
must follow the laws of the Church regulating such marriages. The
Catholic party will be expected to give, by a dedicated Catholic life,
good example to the non-Catholic partner. The Catholic party always
must be resolved to do his or her utmost to raise the children, if any,
in the Catholic faith. Unfortunately, the result of a mixed marriage
often is the weakening or loss of faith on the part of the Catholic
spouse; or loss of faith on the part of children who see their parents
divided on the matter of religion; or lack of complete happiness in the
marriage because a basic ingredient, unity of faith, is lacking. It is
with the reluctance of a Mother who has nineteen hundred years of
sad experience behind her that the Church grants a dispensation for
a mixed marriage.
But it is not enough to believe with a merely passive faith. If our faith
has real meaning for us, it will move us to action. The second broad
field of theology, therefore, concerns itself with what we must do in
the light of what we believe. It examines our duties to God, to
ourselves, and to our neighbor—duties imposed by God himself in
his commandments—and his further directives given through his
God could have done it that way, of course; no one can put limits
upon God’s power. But God chose to be consistent. He chose to
deal with man, in this matter of grace, in the same manner in which
he had made man—through a union of the material and the spiritual,
of body and of soul. We are citizens of two worlds, living now in the
world of visible things from which our knowledge comes to us, even
our knowledge of God; yet citizens, too, of an invisible world which is
to be our permanent abode. It is in accordance with this duality of
nature that Jesus provided for the dispensing of his grace. The grace
itself would be invisible, as by its nature it must be; but it would be
through the visible things with which we deal daily that the grace
would come to us.
And so God took the common things from the world about us—
objects which we could taste and touch and feel, words that we
could hear and gestures that we could understand — and made
these the carriers of his grace. He even proportioned the sign to the
purpose for which the grace was given: water for the grace which
cleanses, the appearances of bread and wine for the grace which
nourishes and gives growth, oil for the grace which strengthens. To
this combination of outward sign and inner grace, welded together by
Christ, the Church gives the Latin name of sacramentum, — a holy
thing. With this background, we embark upon our excursion into the
realm of sacramental theology.
The outward signs, we recall, are God’s way of treating us like the
human beings we are: conveying his unseen grace into our spiritual
souls through material symbols which our physical bodies can
perceive—things and words and gestures. In the signs which
constitute the physical part of a sacrament, theologians distinguish
two elements. There is the “thing” itself which is used, and this is
called the “matter” of the sacrament; for example, the application of
water to a person being baptized. We can see that this action in itself
is meaningless unless its purpose is in some way specified. We
might simply be giving the person a shower bath, or wetting down his
hair preparatory to combing it, or playing a practical joke. There has
to be some word or gesture that will give meaning to what we do.
This second element in the sign of a sacrament—the words or
gestures which give significance to what is being done—is called the
“form” of the sacrament. In baptism the application of the water is the
matter of the sacrament; the words, “I baptize thee in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” are the form of the
sacrament. The two together make up the “outward sign.”
We know that no human power, not even the inely guided but
humanly applied power of the Church, could attach an inward grace
to an outward sign. This is something that only God can do; which
brings us to the second element in the definition of a sacrament:
“instituted by Christ.” Between the time he began his public life and
the time he ascended into heaven, Jesus fashioned the seven
sacraments. When he ascended into heaven, that put a period to the
making of sacraments. The Church cannot institute new sacraments.
There never can be more or less than seven, the seven Jesus has
given us: baptism, confirmation, holy eucharist, penance, anointing
of the sick (formerly called extreme unction), holy orders, and
Although Jesus did completely specify the matter and form of some
of the sacraments—notably baptism and the holy eucharist—this
does not mean that he necessarily fixed the matter and form of all
the sacraments down to the last detail. Concerning some of the
sacraments (confirmation, for example) he probably left it to his
Church, the keeper and the giver of his sacraments, to specify in
detail the broad matter and form assigned by Christ.
God gives us the spiritual life which is sanctifying grace and then
does all that he can (short of taking away our free will) to make that
life operative within us; all that he can to expand that life and
intensify it; all that he can to preserve and protect it. Consequently, in
addition to the sanctifying grace which is common to all the
sacraments, there are other special helps which God wills to give us,
helps keyed to our particular spiritual needs and our particular state
in life. The specific kind of help which each sacrament gives is called
the “sacramental grace” of that particular sacrament.
The first thing that happens to us, in the natural order, is that we are
born. In birth, we not only receive life but also the power to renew life
—the regenerative power by which bodily cells are continuously
replaced and repaired and life is continued. It would seem to us very
apposite, then, that there should be a sacrament which not only
would give us spiritual life (sanctifying grace) but also would confer
upon us the power (sacramental grace) to preserve and ceaselessly
to renew that life. It is no surprise to discover that God has given us
such a sacrament—baptism—in which we not only receive
sanctifying grace but also a continuing chain of graces enabling us to
preserve and extend that grace by the practice of the virtues of faith,
hope, and charity.
After birth, the next great thing that happens to us in the physical
order is that we grow up, we mature. Should we not then have a
sacrament which confers spiritual maturity, freeing us from childhood
fears and weaknesses, making us strong and fearless and apostolic
in the profession and practice of our faith? It is quite in line with our
own reasoning to find that we have such a sacrament—confirmation
—which not only increases our basic vitality (sanctifying grace) but
also establishes a permanent fund of actual graces (sacramental
grace) upon which we may draw in order to be strong and active and
productive exemplars of Christian living.
After birth and maturity the third great phenomenon of our physical
being is death: we are born, we grow up, we die. To prepare us to
meet with confidence that dreaded moment of physical dissolution,
we have the sacrament of extreme unction, with its own special
sacramental grace which comforts us in our sufferings and, by
supporting us in any final temptations that may assail us, enables us
to face eternity unafraid.
Besides the three great epochs of life, there are the two great needs
of life: the need for food so that we may grow and be healthy, and
the need for medicine, that we may be cured of sickness and
inoculated against disease. Behold, we do have two sacraments
which do for us spiritually what food and medicine do for us
physically: the sacrament of the holy eucharist, whose special
sacramental grace is growth in supernatural charity (love for God
and neighbor); and the sacrament of penance—inoculation against
sin—whose special sacramental grace is to cure us of the spiritual
illness of sin and to help us resist temptation.
Besides the three great stages in life and the two crucial needs of
life, there are the two great states in life which impose upon us grave
responsibility for the souls of others; the priesthood and marriage.
And so we are quite prepared to discover that there are two
sacraments, holy orders and matrimony, which give to their
recipients each its own sacramental grace, which will enable priests
and spouses to discharge, creditably before God, the sometimes
heavy burdens of their state in life.
If you dip your finger in holy water and make the sign of the cross,
you will receive grace; actual grace always, if you do not resist it,
and also increase in sanctifying grace if you are already free from
mortal sin and you perform the action devoutly. Holy water is a
sacramental, and the sacramentals get their power, their efficacy,
mainly from the prayers which the Church offers (for example, in the
ceremony for the blessing of the holy water) for those who use the
sacramental. It is the prayer of the Church which makes a
sacramental a means of grace. The outward sign of the sacramental
—in this case the water—of and by itself has no power to give grace.
The newborn baby comes into the world with a soul which is
supernaturally dead. The infant has the fullness of natural life. He
has all the capacities and powers (some of them still undeveloped)
which by strict right belong to the nature of a human being. He has
the ability to see and hear and feel. He has the latent power to think
and to remember and to love. He has all that is due to a human
nature—and nothing more.
In his depthless love, God then chose to give each inidual a chance
to gain for himself the gift which Adam had failed to gain for the
human race as a group. God himself, in the Person of Jesus Christ,
made infinite atonement for the infinite malice of Adam’s ingratitude.
Being both God and Man, Jesus bridged the abyss between
humanity and inity. He (as only God could) made adequate
satisfaction for man’s unpayable debt; he atoned for original sin. (We
are reminded here of a loving father who takes money out of his own
bank account to pay the bank for a debt owed to it by a wayward
With those of us who are “born in the Faith” and baptized as infants,
our acceptance is a passive one. We might say that God, in his
anxiety to dwell in our soul, presumes our acceptance; although,
when godparents are available, they do make formal acceptance of
the supernatural life in the name of the child. But, whether it be the
passive acceptance of the infant or the explicit acceptance of the
adult, when the sacrament of baptism is administered, the spiritual
vacuum which we call original sin disappears as God becomes
present in the soul, and the soul is caught up into that sharing of
God’s own life which we call sanctifying grace.
It often happens that a couple who find that they cannot have
children of their own adopt one or more children. When the adoption
papers have been signed by the judge, the adopted child becomes—
really and truly as far as the law is concerned—the son or daughter
of the adopting parents. Usually such parents love their adopted
children just as much as though the children were their own flesh
and blood. In fact, if they could, they gladly would give their own
flesh and blood to each adopted child. If there were any way to do it,
they would share their own nature with the child so that he might
truly be the image of themselves.
But of course they cannot do so. No matter how tiny the adopted
baby may be, he cannot be placed in his new mother’s womb, there
to absorb her physical characteristics and those of the father. Neither
has medical science discovered any way in which the genes of the
adopting parents can be injected into the child’s veins in order to
fashion him, physically and mentally, in the pattern of his foster
Baptism does not restore the preternatural gifts which were lost for
us by Adam: freedom from suffering and death, from ignorance, and
inordinate inclinations of passion. But who cares? These are
insignificant compared to the supernatural gifts which are restored.
Here is a newly baptized soul, beautiful with a beauty which even the
most wild-eyed artist could not imagine, splendid with a splendor
which ravishes the onlooking angels and saints. Here is a soul that
already is in heaven except for the formality of a few (even though
they be numbered a hundred) quickly passing years. That is what
This is only a little of what it means to bear within our soul the “mark”
of baptism. Besides the “configurative” aspect of the baptismal
character which we have discussed above, theologians also point to
its distinguishing effect, by which it differentiates between those who
are members of the Church, Christ’s mystical body, and those who
are not. Indeed, it is the impression of the baptismal character upon
the soul that makes us members of the Church. In addition to being
a configurative and a distinguishing sign, the baptismal character
also is classified as an obligative sign; that is, it imposes upon us the
obligation to discharge the duties that go with our Christlikeness, our
membership in Christ’s Church. This means to lead a life according
to the pattern that Christ has given us, and to give obedience to
Christ’s representatives, our bishops and especially our Holy Father
the Pope. It might be observed here that every baptized person is a
member of Christ’s Church as long as the bond of union is not
broken by heresy, schism, or the most severe form of
excommunication. But even these latter—baptized persons who are
severed from actual membership in the Church—still are subject (as
are all men) to Christ and subject to his Church (as are all baptized
persons). Unless specifically exempted (as the Church does exempt
baptized non-Catholics in regard to certain laws), they still are
subject to the laws of the Church.
If someone were to ask you, “What is the most important thing in life
for everybody without exception?,” I wonder whether you would
come up with the right answer, instantly and without hesitation. You
would, if your Catholic training has been adequate. You would whip
back the answer, “Baptism!” without a second thought.
For parents, this means that they should not unduly delay the
baptism of their newborn child. The infant’s hold on life is too frail,
the danger of sudden sickness and death too great, to risk any
unnecessary postponement of baptism.
An official copy of one’s baptismal record can be had for the asking
at the parish of baptism. There is no charge for such a transcript
when it is needed for a church purpose such as first holy
communion. There may be a small charge if it is for some other
purpose, such as proving citizenship or to qualify for an old-age
pension. Incidentally, parents should make sure that a child, when he
is old enough to understand, knows the church of his baptism. It
doesn’t happen often, but it does happen sometimes, that a person
comes to arrange for his marriage and does not know where to go or
where to write for his baptismal certificate; the family moved while he
was a child, and his parents both have died. It can be very difficult in
such cases to establish the fact of baptism.
Aside from these exceptions, any good Catholic, thirteen years old or
older, is eligible to be a godparent at baptism, including brothers and
sisters. In baptism, however, a spiritual relationship is contracted
between the person baptized and his godparents, a relationship
which is very real and which is an impediment to marriage between
the two. If an adult is to be baptized, the fiance or fiancee should not
act as sponsor; otherwise, it would be necessary to obtain a
dispensation for the future marriage.
The absent person will be the real godparent. It is his (or her) name
which will go down in the baptismal record. It is he (or she) who will
contract the spiritual relationship with the child. It is he (or she) who
will have a lifelong responsibility to the godchild. A sponsor should
retain a friendly interest in his godchild as long as both shall live.
Anyone, even one of the parents, may take the place of the absent
person at the baptismal font. No spiritual relationship is contracted
by the one who “stands in” for the absent godparent.
The blessing requires no more than five minutes. There are some
short versicles, such as, “Our help is in the name of the Lord—who
made heaven and earth.” Then there are two longer prayers for the
mother, followed by Psalm 66, which begins “May God have pity on
us and bless us….” This is followed by more short versicles, then the
final prayer and blessing. Our space does not permit us to give the
words of the entire blessing here, but let us quote a portion of the
longest of the prayers:
In the new English Ritual (for which we thank Pope Pius XII), the
blessing after childbirth is not just for the mother; it now is for the
mother and child. If the mother is well enough to accompany the
baptismal party to church, she and the baby can receive this
blessing after the child’s baptism. Otherwise she can ask for the
blessing later, when she is able to take the baby to church.
Like the blessing before delivery, the blessing after childbirth also
has several parts, including the recitation of Mary’s joyful hymn, the
Magnificat: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in
God my Savior.” Here let us just quote briefly from the two central
prayers. For the mother: “Almighty, everlasting God, … look with
kindness on this thy servant, who comes rejoicing to thy holy temple
to give thanks to thee, and grant that after this life she and her child
may, by the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, attain
to the joys of everlasting life.”
And for the child: “0 Lord Jesus Christ, … anticipate the needs of this
child … with thy tender blessings, and grant that no evil may corrupt
his (her) … mind, but that, advancing in age, in wisdom, and in
grace, he (she) … may live so as to please thee always….”
The Holy Father has given us one entirely new blessing in the new
English Ritual. It is a special blessing after childbirth for a mother
whose child has died. The blessing is built around Psalm 120, which
begins, “I lift up my eyes toward the mountains; whence shall help
come to me?”
This custom goes back to the very earliest days of the Christian
Church. Converts to the faith were baptized on the day before Easter
Sunday. Each was vested with a baptismal robe, which was worn in
joy for the ensuing eight days. In the official calendar of the Church,
the Sunday after Easter still is called “Dominica in Albis—the Sunday
of the White Robes”—because it was on that day that the neophyte
Christians laid aside their baptismal robes.
“Peace be with you.” That is the greeting which the priest speaks, in
the name of the Church, to the infant who has been brought for
baptism. It is an appropriate greeting. The peace of soul which only
the grace of God can give will be the inevitable result of baptism, if
no obstacle is placed to the operation of grace. For centuries little
Switzerland has been an island of peace amid the warring nations of
Europe, a last point of contact and communication in troubled times.
Similarly is a baptized Christian who knows and loves and lives his
faith a little island of peace—and strength—in that small segment of
the world which is his. To the troubled souls among whom he lives
and works, the vital Catholic often is the last point of contact with the
supernatural. In the midst of confusion and unhappiness he is a
beacon of hope, a calm reminder that life does have a meaning and
a destiny which no pettiness of men can destroy.
The celebrant greets all present, and especially the parents and
godparents, reminding them briefly of the joy with which the parents
welcomed their children as gifts from God, the source of life, who
now wishes to bestow his own life on these little ones. (From The
Rites of the Catholic Church as Revised by the Second Vatican
Ecumenical Council, Baptism for Children, no. 36.)
After the reading of a passage from the gospel, the celebrant gives a
short homily, explaining to those present the significance of what has
been read. His purpose will be to lead them to a deeper
understanding of the mystery of baptism and to encourage the
parents and godparents to a ready acceptance of the responsibilities
which arise from the sacrament.
Then follows the prayer of the faithful and the invocation of the
The priest now prepares the infant for entrance into the Church by
detaching him from any claim that Satan may have upon him. He
says a prayer of exorcism and then anoints the child on the breast
with the oil of catechumens.
After the reading of the Gospel, the homily and the exorcism, it is
time for entrance into the Church — or into the baptistry, if the
previous ceremonies have taken place outside the baptistry gates.
When they come to the font, the celebrant briefly reminds the
congregation of the wonderful work of God whose plan is to sanctify
man, body and soul, through water. He then blesses the water, and
touches it with his right hand.
The time has come now, in the baptismal ceremony, for the
pronouncing of the baptismal vows.
“On your part, you must make it your constant care to bring them up
in the practice of the faith. See that the ine life which God gives them
is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow always stronger in their
“If your faith makes you ready to accept this responsibility, renew
now the vows of your own baptism. Reject sin; profess your faith in
Christ Jesus. This is the faith of the Church. This is the faith in which
these children are about to be baptized.”
Next the celebrant asks for the threefold profession of faith from the
parents and godparents:
Celebrant: “Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, died, and was
buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of
the Father?”
Celebrant: “Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic
Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?” Parents and
godparents: “I do.”
And the climax of the great event, to which all else has been leading,
is here. The mother (or the father) holds the baby, face up over the
font, with the head tilted down a little so that the water will run from
the forehead over the infant’s head (and not into his eyes). In some
places, following local custom, the godmother (or godfather) holds
the child.
To me, who have baptized so many babies, this has always been a
most solemn moment. I think of all the host of heaven gathered
around the font, in eager anticipation as a new member is about to
be added to the mystical body of Christ and the communion of
saints. I think of almighty God himself standing by, waiting, we might
say, in impatient love for the moment when he can enter into this
soul. I think of the tremendous miracle of grace that is about to
occur, and almost can feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit’s presence.
(And we take it all so casually: “We had the baby baptized last
With hand poised the priest now tips the baptismal shell, and the
saving water flows over the child’s head as the priest, speaking
again in Latin, pronounces the words which Christ himself gave for
this sacrament: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” thrice making the sign of the cross with
the water as he speaks the words. In imagination we think of the life-
saving waters as closing over the child’s head to bury forever man’s
ancient burden of sin, so that the child may rise triumphantly from
the waters, a new man in Christ. This particular symbolism of
baptism was more graphic in ancient times, when baptism was often
given by complete immersion. But even in today’s baptism by
infusion (pouring) the meaning still is there.
Then the white baptismal robe is placed upon the child whom the
celebrant addresses by name: “You have become a new creation,
and have clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white garment the
outward sign of your Christian dignity. With your family and friends to
help you by word and example, bring that dignity unstained into the
everlasting life of heaven.” The celebrant takes the Easter candle
and says: “Receive the light of Christ.” Someone from the family
(e.g., the father or godfather) lights the child’s candle from the Easter
candle. The celebrant then says: “Parents and godparents, this light
is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child of yours has
been enlightened by Christ. He (she) is to walk always as a child of
the light. May he (she) keep the flame of faith alive in his (her) heart.
When the Lord comes, may he (she) go out to meet him with all the
saints in the heavenly kingdom.”
And on the same note of peace with which he welcomed the child at
the door, the priest bids farewell: “Go in peace … and may the Lord
be with you. Amen.”
The parents have offered their child to God. God has given the child
back to them, a saint.
That is why our Lord Jesus Christ has thrown this sacrament “wide
open” in case of urgent need. In such a case—when an unbaptized
person is in danger of death, is eligible to receive the sacrament, and
no priest is available—then just anybody may baptize. Even a non-
Catholic, even an atheist, can validly administer baptism, so long as
he has the intention at least of “doing whatever it is that the Catholic
Church does” by this ceremony, and performs the act correctly.
The act itself is as simple as any act could be. It consists in pouring
plain tap water on the forehead of the person to be baptized and at
the same time pronouncing audibly the words (while the water is
being poured), “I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” These are words that every Catholic
should know as well as he knows his own name. Someone’s eternal
salvation may one dedepend upon the knowing of these words. In
solemn baptism administered in church, the water used is of course
the baptismal water, especially blessed each year on Holy Saturday.
In private baptism, however, plain water is used, in preference even
to holy water.
If the baby should become suddenly ill at home before he has been
baptized, then a member of the family can (and should) baptize the
child. An infant’s hold on life is pretty frail at best, and sometimes the
margin between life and death is rather narrow. In such an event
there is no need to wait for the priest. The baptism will be just as
effective, no matter who gives it. And the Baptism should be given
unconditionally—that is, without any ifs or ands. Whether he lives or
dies, this is the child’s baptism. It will not be repeated.
No one who has reached the age of reason loses heaven except
through his own fault. It is an article of Christian faith, defined by the
Church, that God gives to every soul He creates sufficient grace to
be saved. No one ever will be able to say: “I lost heaven because I
couldn’t help it.”
When a person who loves God knows about baptism and wants to
be baptized, we call that explicit baptism of desire. When a person
ignorant of baptism loves God and has the desire to do all that God
wants, we call that implicit baptism of desire. In other words, the
desire for baptism is contained implicitly in the desire to do God’s
will. If the person knew about baptism and knew that God wanted
him to receive it, the person would be baptized; what God wants, he
The term “martyr” is reserved officially for one who has suffered a
bloody or a violent death for Christ. In the days when the Church
was formulating her definition of martyrdom, death at the hands of
Christ’s enemies was usually quick, if not always merciful. It
remained for our modern “civilized” age to refine methods of torture
by which death could be made to last for years and a man could be
killed without leaving a mark upon his body. There are many souls
today in Communist prisons and slave-labor camps who are
suffering what the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen has called “dry
martyrdom.” There can be no questioning the reality of their
martyrdom. Their agony of mind and body may last for years.
Whether they die of dysentery or other prison-contracted disease or
are left to freeze to death where they drop of exhaustion—it will be a
martyr’s palm that they bear with them into eternity. And doubtless
many among them—especially in China—are catechumens who
never had the opportunity to be baptized before their imprisonment.
Chapter 25
Being born and growing up are two different events in a person’s life.
We all recognize that fact. We also recognize that there is a close
dependency between the two events. It is obvious that a person
cannot grow up unless first he has been born. It is almost as obvious
that the purpose of birth has been to some extent frustrated if the
process of growing up does not follow. We feel sympathy for the
dwarf, whose full physical development has been thwarted by some
glandular defect. We feel pity for the idiot, whose mental growth has
been arrested by some defect of the brain cells. We are born in order
to grow, and in growth our birth is perfected.
In order that we may have such a concern for Church and neighbor,
in deed as well as in feeling, the sacrament of confirmation gives us
a special grace and a special power. Just as the “mark” or character
of baptism made us sharers with Christ in his role of priest, giving us
the power to participate with him in ine worship, so also the
character of confirmation makes us sharers with Christ in his role of
prophet or teacher. We now participate with him in the task of
extending his kingdom, of adding new souls to his mystical body. Our
words and our works are directed not merely to our own
sanctification but also to the purpose of making Christ’s truths alive
and real for those around us.
That definitely is not the true and dynamic concept of the grace and
the power of confirmation. The confirmed Christian—whether we call
him a spiritual soldier or a spiritual adult—goes forth joyfully in the
fulfillment of his vocation. Strong in his faith and with an ardent love
for souls which stems from his love for Christ, he feels a continual
concern for others. He feels a restless discontent unless he is doing
something worthwhile for others—something to ease their burdens in
this life, and something to make more secure their promise of life
eternal. His words and his actions proclaim to those around him:
“Christ lives, and he lives for you.” The grace to do this is the grace
which Jesus promised to his apostles (and to us) when He said: “You
shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you
shall be witnesses for me…. even to the very ends of the earth”(Acts
We do not know exactly when, during his public life, Jesus instituted
the sacrament of confirmation. This is one of the “many other things
that Jesus did” which, as St John tells us, are not written down in the
Gospels (see John 21:25). We know that the tradition of the Church
(the teachings of the Church which have been handed down to us
from our Lord, or from his apostles inspired by the Holy Spirit) is of
equal authority with Sacred Scripture as a source of ine truth. If a
“Bible-only” friend thrusts out his jaw and says, “Show it to me in the
Bible; I don’t believe it unless it’s in the Bible,” we do not fall into that
trap. We answer sweetly by saying: “Show me in the Bible where it
says that we must believe only what is written there.”
It is from this passage, and the attempt of the magician Simon to buy
the power to give confirmation, that we get the word “simony”—the
name given to the sin of buying and selling sacred things. That,
however, is a very minor point. The real significance of this passage
lies in what it tells us about the sacrament of confirmation. It tells us
that while confirmation is a complement to baptism, a completing of
what was begun in baptism, nevertheless confirmation is a
sacrament distinct from baptism. The Samaritans already had been
baptized, yet it still was necessary for them to receive the “laying on
of hands.” The passage also tells us the way in which confirmation
was to be given: by the placing of the hand of the one who confirms,
upon the head of the one to be confirmed, with a prayer that he may
receive the Holy Spirit.
The Constitution also says that the law gives the faculty to confirm to
other priests, including “priests who, in virtue of an office which they
lawfully hold, baptize an adult … or receive a validly baptized adult
into full communion with the Church.”
From ancient times the Popes also have given permission to the
priests of the Greek Catholic Church to administer the sacrament of
confirmation. In the Greek Catholic Church the priest who baptizes a
child also gives confirmation immediately afterwards. In the Latin
Catholic Church, as we know, confirmation is not customarily given
until after a child has made his first holy communion.
Pope Pius XII, who did so much to make the sacraments more easily
available to the people, did a most fatherly thing in 1947. He gave
permission to all pastors, everywhere—when a bishop is not
available—to administer the sacrament of confirmation to any
unconfirmed person within their parish who might be in danger of
death from sickness, accident, or old age. In our own country it does
not often happen that a person reaches adulthood without being
confirmed. However, if it ever should happen that a member of the
family is in danger of death and has not been confirmed, the pastor
should be informed of that fact. He will administer the sacrament of
confirmation along with the last sacraments.
This will hold true even if it is a baby who is in danger of death. While
confirmation in the Latin Catholic Church is given normally only to
children who have reached the age of reason, that limitation does
not apply to children who are in danger of death. So long as a child
has been baptized, he has a right also to confirmation if he is
threatened by death. Parents should be quick to notify the pastor if
such a crisis should occur in their family. If God should take the child,
let him enter heaven with the glorious character of confirmation, as
well as the character of baptism upon his soul.
After the homily the candidates stand and the bishop questions
them. After their profession of faith, he says: “My dear friends: in
baptism God our Father gave the new birth of eternal life to his
chosen sons and daughters. Let us pray to our Father that he will
pour cut the Holy Spirit to strengthen his sons and daughters with his
gifts and anoint them to be more like Christ the Son of God.
Then, after a brief pause for silent prayer, the bishop stands facing
those who are to be confirmed. With his hands extended, the bishop
invokes the Holy Spirit upon the confirmation candidates saying the
following prayer: “All-powerful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
by water and the-Holy Spirit you freed your sons and daughters from
sin and gave them new life. Send your Holy Spirit upon them to be
their Helper and Guide. Give them the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of
knowledge and reverence. Fill them with the spirit of wonder and
awe in your presence. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Then comes the essential part of the ceremony, in which each
candidate is anointed with chrism on the forehead with the laying on
of the hand. For this part some bishops sit at the altar and the
candidates come one by one to kneel before the bishop. Other
bishops prefer to have the candidates kneel while the bishop himself
proceeds from one to the other. In either case, as he places his hand
upon the head of the confirmandus (the one to be confirmed), the
bishop simultaneously traces, with his thumb, the sign of the cross
on the person’s forehead—having first dipped his thumb in the holy
chrism. While doing this he addresses the candidate by name and
says: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” The newly
confirmed responds: “Amen.”
Chrism is one of the three kinds of holy oil which a bishop blesses
each year at his Mass on Holy Thursday. The other two kinds of holy
oil are the oil of catechumens (used in baptism) and the oil of the
sick (used in anointing of the sick). The holy oils are composed
ordinarily of pure olive oil. From ancient times, olive oil has been
looked upon as a strengthening substance: so much so that athletes
were accustomed to bathe in olive oil before taking part in athletic
contests. The significance of the holy oils used in the administration
of the sacraments is then very evident: the oil represents the
strengthening effect of God’s grace. Besides the distinct and special
blessing which each holy oil receives, chrism has another difference:
balm has been mixed with it. Balm is a fragrant substance procured
from the balsam tree. In the holy chrism it symbolizes the “sweet
odor” of virtue; it tells of the spiritual fragrance, the attractiveness
that should characterize the life of him who puts his confirmation
graces to work.
The cross which is traced upon the forehead of the person being
confirmed is a powerful symbol if it is really understood and acted
upon. It is quite easy to know whether I do understand and act
accordingly. I have only to ask myself: “Do I actually live as though
there were a visible cross branded on my forehead, marking me as
‘Christ’s man’ or ‘Christ’s woman’? In my daily life, do I really bear
witness to Christ? By my attitude towards others, by my treatment of
those around me, by my actions in general, do I proclaim: ‘This is
what it means to be a Christian; this is what it means to live by the
Gospel’?” If the answer is no, then it means that there is a lot of
grace being wasted—the special grace of confirmation. It is a grace
which is available to me in abundance if I will but use it; the
strengthening grace which will enable me to overcome my human
pettiness, my cowardice in the face of human opinion, my
fearfulness of sacrifice.
Sometimes the dangers to our faith are from without. The dangerous
state of the person who is suffering active persecution by
imprisonment or torture—as are so many Christians in Communist
countries—is obvious. We plainly can see his need for the grace of
confirmation. The dangerous state of those of us who live—as in
America—in an atmosphere of religious indifferentism is not so
obvious but is just as real. The danger of contagion is always
present. We do so want to be a “good fellow” like everyone else. The
temptation to soft-pedal our faith, to “not take it so seriously,” is
almost inescapable. It is the grace of confirmation which will help us
to preserve our sense of values and keep us on an even keel.
In saying that the holy eucharist is the greatest of all the sacraments,
we are stating the obvious. Baptism of course is the most necessary
sacrament; without baptism we cannot get to heaven. Yet, despite all
the wonderful things that Baptism and the other five sacraments
accomplish in the soul, they still are but instruments of God for the
giving of grace; while in the holy eucharist we have not merely an
instrument for the giving of grace—we have the actual Giver of grace
himself, Jesus Christ our Lord, truly and personally present.
The sacrament of Christ’s body and blood has had many names in
the course of Christian history. Such names as bread of angels,
Lord’s supper, and sacrament of the altar are familiar to us. But the
name which has endured from the very beginning, the name which
the Church officially gives to this sacrament, is that of holy eucharist.
This name is taken from the account of the institution of the holy
eucharist as it is given in the Bible. All four of the sacred writers—
Matthew (26:26-28), Mark (14:22-24), Luke (22:19-20) and Paul (I
Cor 11:23-29)—who describe the last supper, tell us that Jesus, as
he took the bread and wine into his hands, “gave thanks.” And so
from the Greek word “eucharistia” which means “a giving of thanks”
we have the name of our sacrament: the holy eucharist.
The catechism points out that the holy eucharist is both a sacrifice
and a sacrament. As a sacrifice the holy eucharist is the Mass, that
ine action in which Jesus, through the agency of the human priest,
changes the bread and wine into his own body and blood and
continues through time the offering which he made to God on
Calvary—the offering of himself for mankind. It is at the consecration
of the Mass that the sacrament of the holy eucharist comes into
being (or is “confected” as the theologians say); it is then that Jesus
becomes present under the appearances of bread and wine. As long
as the appearances of bread and wine remain, Jesus remains
present and the sacrament of the holy eucharist continues to exist
there. The act by which we receive the holy eucharist is called holy
We might say that the Mass is the “making” of the holy eucharist and
holy communion is the receiving of the holy eucharist. In between
the two, the sacrament of the holy eucharist continues to exist (as in
the tabernacle) whether we receive it or not.
Jesus had laid the foundation for his promise the preceding day.
Knowing that he was going to put a tremendous strain on the faith of
his hearers, he prepared them for it. Seated on a mountain side,
across the Sea of Galilee from Capharnaum, Jesus had been
preaching to the great crowd that had followed him there. As evening
drew near he prepared to dismiss the crowd. However, moved both
by compassion and in preparation for the morrow’s promise, Jesus
worked the miracle of the loaves and fishes. He fed the vast crowd
(the men alone numbering five thousand) with five loaves and two
fish; and when it was over his disciples gathered up twelve baskets
of left-over scraps. This miracle would (or should) be in the minds of
hearers when they would listen to him the next day.
Having sent the crowd away, Jesus went further up the mountain to
pray, as he so often did, in solitude. The crowd however was not so
easily got rid of; they wanted to see more miracles and hear more
words of wisdom from this Jesus of Nazareth. So they camped there
for the night, and watched the disciples put off from shore (without
Jesus) and head for Capharnaum in the only boat that was there.
That night Jesus, having finished his prayer, came walking across
the stormy waters to join his disciples in their boat, and arrived at
Capharnaum with them.
The next morning the crowd could not find Jesus. When boats from
Tiberius came along, the discouraged searchers gave up their quest
and took passage on the boats to Capharnaum. They were amazed
to find Jesus there ahead of them; he had not been in the only boat
which departed the previous night. It was another wonder, another
miracle by which Jesus sought to strengthen their faith (and the faith
of his disciples) for the test that was soon to come.
His disciples and such of the crowd as could find entrance, gathered
about him and in Capharnaum’s synagogue. It was there and then
that he made the promise from which we today draw strength and
life: the promise of his own flesh and blood as our food; the promise
of the holy eucharist.
“I am the living bread that has come down from heaven,” Jesus says.
‘If anyone eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I
will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” The Jews on that
account argued with one another saying, “How can this man give us
his flesh to eat?” Jesus therefore said to them, “Amen, amen, I say
to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his
blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last
day. For my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed …
This is the bread that has come down from heaven; not as your
fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this bread shall live
forever.” … Many of his disciples therefore, when they had heard
this, said, “This is a hard saying. Who can listen to it?” But Jesus,
knowing in himself that his disciples were murmuring at this, said to
them, “… The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But
there are some among you who do not believe.” … From this time
many of his disciples turned back and no longer went about with him.
This brief extract from St John’s sixth chapter contains the two points
which most interest us at the moment; the two points which tell us,
months before the last supper, that it will be the true and real body
and blood of Jesus Christ which will be present in the holy eucharist.
We know that Martin Luther rejected the doctrine of the true and
substantial presence of Jesus in the holy eucharist, a doctrine which
had been firmly believed by all Christians for fifteen hundred years.
Luther did admit some sort of presence of Christ, at least at the
actual moment of receiving holy communion. But as other Protestant
churches sprang up in the fields fertilized by Luther, more and more
they refused to accept belief in the real presence. In most Protestant
churches today, the Lord’s supper or the communion service is held
to be merely a memorial rite commemorative of the Lord’s death;
with the bread still remaining bread and the wine still remaining wine.
In trying to escape from the doctrine of the real presence, Protestant
theologians have tried to explain away Christ’s words as not being
meant in a real sense, but only in a spiritual sense, or figuratively.
But there can be no “watering down” of Christ’s words without doing
violence to their very evident meaning. Jesus hardly could have
been more emphatic: “My flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink
indeed.” There just was no way in which our Lord could have put it
more plainly. In the original Greek in which St John wrote his gospel,
the Greek word which in verse 55 is translated as “eat” is really
closer, in its original meaning, to the English words “crunch” or
There are four accounts of the Last Supper given in the Bible, by
Matthew (26:26-28), Mark (14:22-24), Luke (22:1920) and Paul (I
Cor 11:23-29). St John, who gives us the account of the promise of
the holy eucharist, did not bother to repeat the story of the institution
of this sacrament. He was the last of the apostles to write a Gospel,
and knew of the other descriptions which already had been written.
St John chose instead to give us the beautiful words of our Lord’s
final talk with his disciples at the last supper.
No words of Jesus could have been plainer than these. “This”: that
is, “This substance which I hold in my hands, which as I begin
speaking is bread, and as I finish speaking is no longer bread, but
my own body.” “This cup”: that is, “This cup which as I begin
speaking contains wine, but which as I finish speaking contains no
longer wine, but my own blood.” “This is my body,” and “This cup is
… my blood.” The
apostles took Jesus literally. They accepted the fact (and what an act
of faith it was!) that the substance which still looked like bread, was
now the body of Jesus; and that the substance which still had all the
appearances of wine, now was the blood of Jesus. This was the
doctrine which the apostles preached to the infant Church. This was
the universal belief of all Christians for a thousand years. In the
eleventh century a heretic named Berengarius questioned the truth
of the real presence and taught that Jesus was speaking only
figuratively, that the consecrated bread and wine wasn’t really his
body and blood. This heresy of Berengarius was condemned by
three Church Councils, and eventually Berengarius retracted his
error and returned to the fold. The doctrine of the real presence
remained the undisputed belief of Christians for another five hundred
That the apostles did believe that Jesus meant exactly what he said,
is evident from the fact that Christians, from the very beginning,
believed in the real presence of Jesus in the holy eucharist. They
could have got this belief nowhere else except from the apostles.
And who, better than the apostles, should know what Christ did
mean? They were there. They could—and surely did—ask all the
questions they might wish, as to what Jesus meant by these words.
We sometimes forget that very little of what passed between Jesus
and his disciples is found in the Gospels. It would take a tall stack of
books to contain three years of conversation, of questions and
answers, of teachings.
It is beyond belief that Jesus would have left his disciples in such
error. At other times, many other times, Jesus corrected his apostles
when they misunderstood him—and in matters much less serious
than this. To cite but one example, in Matthew’s Gospel (16:6-12)
Jesus tells the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees
and Sadducees. They think Jesus is talking of real bread, and begin
to mumble that they have none. Jesus patiently points out that He is
talking about the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees, not
about edible bread. At other times when Jesus uses metaphors, the
sacred writer himself will make the meaning plain; as when Jesus
says, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”; and
John (2:19-21) explains that Jesus was speaking of the temple of his
body. So often we find such incidents in the Gospels; and yet we are
asked to believe that at the solemn moment of the last supper Jesus
is using a new and strange figure of speech without explaining what
his meaning really is.
Bread no longer
Exactly what did happen when Jesus at the last supper (and the
priest this morning at Mass) said, “This is my body,” over the bread,
and “This is my blood,” over the wine? We believe that the
substance of the bread completely and totally ceased to exist, and
that the substance of Christ’s own body replaced the annihilated
substance of the bread. We believe that the wine entirely ceased to
exist as wine, and that the substance of Christ’s own blood replaced
the wine. We also believe that Jesus, by his almighty power as God,
preserved the appearances of bread and wine, in spite of the fact
that their substances were gone.
Jesus Christ is present in the holy eucharist, whole and entire, under
the appearance of bread and wine. He is simultaneously present in
every single sacred host on every altar throughout the world, and
under the appearance of wine in every single consecrated chalice
wherever Mass is being offered. Moreover Jesus is present, whole
and entire, in every part of every sacred host, and in every drop
contained in the consecrated chalice. If a sacred host is ided—as the
priest does ide the large host at Mass—then Jesus is wholly present
in each of the ided parts. If a crumb were to drop from the sacred
host, or a drop were spilled from the chalice, Jesus would be present
in that crumb and in that drop.
This is one reason why the sacred linens have to be washed with
care, once they have been used at Mass. The sacred linens include
the corporal, upon which the sacred host and chalice rest during
Mass; the pall, the square linen cloth which covers the chalice during
Mass; and the purificator, the little linen towel with which the priest
wipes his lips after consuming the Precious Blood, and with which he
dries his fingers and the chalice after washing out the chalice with
wine and water.
Jesus of course does not leave his place “at the right hand of God” in
heaven to become present in the holy eucharist. He still is in heaven
as well as on the altar. In fact it is the glorified body of Jesus, his
body as it is in heaven today, which is present under the appearance
of bread and wine. In the holy eucharist Jesus is present just as he is
at the time of his presence. At the last supper for example it was the
“passible” (that is, still mortal) body of Jesus which was present after
he spoke the words of consecration, since Jesus had not yet died. If
the apostles had celebrated Mass during the three days Jesus was
in the tomb, it would have been his dead body which was present.
His bloodless body only would have been present under the
appearance of bread, and his bodiless blood only (soaked into
Calvary’s soil) under the appearance of wine. His ine nature would
have been present also, since both body and blood were inseparably
united to his Godhead; but his soul would not have been present; his
soul was in limbo.
Perhaps this is getting us too far into the realm of philosophy. The
points that we wish to make are, first of all that Jesus is not present
in the sacred host in miniature, a tiny and shrunk-up Jesus. He is
there in the fullness of His glorified Person, but in a spiritualized way,
without any extension in space. He has no height nor breadth nor
The second point is that Jesus does not multiply himself so that
there are many Jesus’s; nor does he ide himself up among the many
hosts. There is but the one Jesus, whole and unided. His
multilocation is not the result of multiplication or ision; it is the result
of the suspension of the laws of space as far as his sacred body is
concerned. It is as though he himself stayed in one place, and all
parts of space were brought to him, were pinpointed in him. It is easy
to see why the holy eucharist is called—and is—the sacrament of
unity. When we receive holy communion we are where Jesus is; we
and our fellow-communicants all over the world. Space has
dissolved for us, and we are there together—one in Christ.
How long does Jesus remain present in the holy eucharist? Only as
long as the appearances of bread and wine remain. If a sudden fire
were to destroy the sacred hosts in the tabernacle, Jesus would not
be burned. The appearance of bread would be changed to the
appearance of ashes, and Jesus would be gone. When, after holy
communion, our digestive processes have destroyed the
appearance of bread within us, Jesus no longer is bodily present;
only his grace remains.
At the last supper Jesus changed bread and wine into his own body
and blood. At the same time He commanded his apostles to repeat
this same sacred action in time to come. “Do this in remembrance of
me,” was the solemn charge which Jesus gave to the apostles.
Obviously Jesus does not command the impossible; consequently
with this command went also the necessary power, the power to
change bread and wine into his body and blood. With the words, ‘Do
this in remembrance of me,” Jesus made his apostles priests.
This power to change bread and wine into the flesh and blood of the
Savior was passed on by the apostles to the men whom they chose
to share their labors and to carry on after they would be gone. These
successors of the apostles passed their priestly power on, in turn, to
others. Generation after generation, through nineteen hundred
years, the power of the priesthood (the power to change bread and
wine into the body and blood of Jesus) has been transmitted through
the sacrament of holy orders. From bishop to bishop to bishop, to the
priests of today the power has come.
The action by which the bread and wine is changed into our Lord’s
body and blood, is called the Mass. Our Lord himself, at the last
supper offered the first Mass. The word “mass” is of course an
English word, and comes from the latin word missa, which means
“dismissal.” The word Missa as a name for the sacred action by
which Jesus becomes present in the holy eucharist, was the result of
a custom in the early Christian Church. No one except baptized
Christians was allowed to assist at the complete eucharistic sacrifice.
Prospective converts (called “catechumens”) had to leave after the
gospel and sermon were finished. Both to them after the sermon,
and to the rest of the assembly at the end of the service, the priest
gave an official admonition: “Go, it is the dismissal”; which in Latin
islte missa est, even as we have it at the end of Mass today. By a
quirk of language the word missa came to be used as the name for
the complete eucharistic service.
It is only bread made from wheat flour that can be changed into the
body of Christ. It was wheaten bread that Jesus used at the last
supper; it must be wheaten bread always that is used for the holy
eucharist. If the words of consecration were pronounced over bread
made from any other kind of grain, rye or oats or barley for example,
Transubstantiation would not take place.
Any kind of wheaten bread will do. In the Latin Catholic Church
however it is required that unleavened bread only be used; that is,
bread made without yeast. This ancient law of the Latin Church is
based on the great likelihood that Jesus himself used unleavened
bread, since he celebrated the last supper on the “first day of the
azymes,” the seven-day period during which the Jews ate only the
unleavened bread called “mazzoth.”
Because it was grape wine that Jesus used at the last supper, it is
only grape wine that can be used for Mass. If the words of
consecration were pronounced over wine made from any other fruit
(such as cherry wine or elderberry wine), or over any other kind of
wine at all, the words would have no effect. Our Lord’s body and
blood would not become present. It is only the pure, fermented juice
of the grape that can be used for Mass.
The wafers of unleavened bread that are used in the Mass of the
Latin rite, are made of pure wheat flour with nothing added but water.
They are prepared and baked by communities of Sisters who
specialize in this holy work. Each week the Sisters fill the standing
orders which they have from the various parishes which they supply.
Once the bread and wine have been changed into the body and
blood of the Lord Jesus, our Savior remains present as long as the
appearances of bread and wine remain intact. In other words Jesus
is present in the holy eucharist, not just during Mass, but as long as
the sacred hosts consecrated at Mass continue to retain the
appearance of bread. This means that we owe to the holy eucharist
the adoration which is due to God, since the holy eucharist contains
the Son of God himself. We adore the holy eucharist with the
worship of latria, the type of worship which may be accorded only to
The Forty Hours Devotion was first introduced in Milan, Italy, in the
sixteenth century. Originally it was actually forty continuous hours of
adoration before the holy eucharist solemnly exposed, in memory of
the forty hours during which the sacred body of Jesus lay in the
tomb. In our part of the world, the Forty Hours Devotion usually is
spread over three days, with no adoration during the night hours,
and with the total time of adoration often less than forty hours. The
Forty Hours Devotion is held in every parish and house of religion
once each year. The bishop assigns the dates to each parish and
religious community so that every week, someplace in the diocese
(unless it be a very small diocese) the Forty Hours Devotion is being
held. Thus a continuous year-round adoration is offered to Jesus in
the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Chapter 27
The Mass
In the course of centuries the word, “sacrifice,” has lost much of the
sharpness of its meaning. It even has come to signify something
rather painful and therefore distasteful: the giving up of something
we would like to have or would like to do.
Originally, however, the word “sacrifice’ had only one meaning. It
was applied to the action by which a gift was offered to God. That
still is the strict and most proper meaning of the word. It is from two
Latin words, sacra meaning holy, and facere meaning to do or to
make, that our English word “sacrifice” comes. A thing was made
holy by being taken from human ownership and human use, and
offered to God by a symbolic act of giving.
Among the people who have worshiped the true God, we distinguish
three periods of history. The period from Adam until the time of
Moses is called the Patriarchal Age. During this era the people of
God tended to live in tribes, bound together by ties of blood. They
were ruled by the patriarch of the tribe, who was the living ancestor
from whom the members of the tribe had descended. Noah for
example was a patriarch, as was Abraham. The patriarch was also
the priest for his family (or tribe) and presided at the offering of
sacrifices to God.
When God raised up Moses to lead his people from Egypt to the
Promised Land, God made some changes. God specified exactly the
kinds of sacrifices that were to be offered to him from then on; and
God established an official and hereditary priesthood. Henceforth
Aaron (the brother of Moses) and Aaron’s male descendants were to
offer the sacrifices for the whole Jewish nation. This was to continue
until the final period of religious history would begin with the coming
of Christ. This period, from Moses until the advent of the Messiah, is
called the Mosaic Age.
With the coming of Jesus Christ a new age began, the Christian Age
in which you and I are living. All that had gone before was but a
preparation for this final stage in God’s plan for man’s salvation. The
Patriarchal Age and the Mosaic Age were full of prophecies and
figures which kept pointing, like signposts along a highway, to Christ
and his “good tidings” and his perfect sacrifice. We have only to
recall Melchisedech, a priest of the Patriarchal Age who offered
bread and wine (Gen 14:18-20). Later, in the Mosaic Age the
Psalmist prophesies concerning Jesus: “Thou art a priest forever
according to the order of Melchisedech” (Ps 109:4). Or we can turn
to the prophet Malachias who foretells the day when God no longer
will find pleasure in sacrifices of sheep and oxen, because ” … from
the rising of the sun even to the going down, my name is great
among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there
is offered to my name a clean oblation: for my name is great among
the Gentiles, saith the Lord of hosts” (Mal 1:11).
This turns our attention to the reason why the Mass is called the
perfect sacrifice. All other sacrifices previous to the Mass suffered
from one great defect: the gifts which were offered had no real value
at all as far as God was concerned. They simply gave back to God
things which he himself had created to begin with—bullocks and
lambs and bread and wine. Even all the gold in Fort Knox would in
itself mean nothing to God. The Lord was pleased with the gifts of
men only because he chose to be pleased; he graciously accepted
their little presents as an expression of their love.
But in the sacrifice of the Mass a new and wonderful element enters.
Now for the first time (and daily) mankind can offer to God a gift that
is worthy of God: the gift of God’s own Son, a gift of infinite value
even as God is infinite. Here now is a gift which God does not merely
deign to accept; here is a gift (we dare to say it) which God has got
to accept, a gift which he cannot refuse, a gift which is precious even
to God; it is the gift of God to God.
Memorial, banquet and sacrifice; the Mass is all three. But most
especially the Mass is a sacrifice; the sacrifice which will endure until
time ends.
In a true sacrifice the gift is removed from human use and in some
way destroyed, as a symbol of the fact that it is being given to God.
In pre-Christian sacrifice the gift (if an animal) was slain upon the
altar. Often the gift would be consumed in fire upon the altar. Wine
would be offered by pouring it into the ground at the foot of the altar.
This destruction of the gift (“God, we give it back to you!”) is
essential to the idea of sacrifice.
There is a special name for the gift that is offered to God in sacrifice.
It is called the victim of the sacrifice. The word, “victim,” is another
word that has acquired new meanings through the centuries. We
now speak of the victim of an accident or the victim of a swindler. But
originally the Latin word victima meant specifically the gift which was
offered in sacrifice.
This brings us to the final requisite for a genuine sacrifice: there must
be a priest. The one who offers the sacrifice must have the right to
represent the group in whose name the gift is offered. Whether he be
patriarch-priest, king-priest or Aaron-priest, he must have the right to
speak to God in the name of God’s people. Directly or indirectly, he
must have his mandate from God. Strangely enough the word,
“priest,” is one word that has not acquired any other meaning. Even
today, when used literally, priest has only one specific meaning; it is
applied only to a man who offers sacrifice. That is why non-Catholic
clergymen are not called priests. They do not offer sacrifice; they do
not believe in sacrifice.
It should be clear why we call the Mass the holy sacrifice. All the
essentials of a true sacrifice are here. There is first of all the Gift, the
infinitely precious gift, the infinitely perfect victim: God’s own Son.
There is the group which offers the gift: all baptized Christians in
union with Christ’s vicar on earth, the Pope; that is, the mystical body
of Christ. There is also the priest: the man who in the sacrament of
holy orders has received from God not only the mandate but also the
power that is required for the offering of this sublime gift—the power
to change bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
That is where the destruction of the Victim takes place: on the cross.
Each inidual Mass is not a new sacrifice in which Jesus dies anew.
Each Mass is but a continuation, a prolongation through time, of the
once-for-all death of Christ upon the cross. To use a modern term we
might say that the Mass re-activates for us the sacrifice of Calvary.
The Mass makes present and effective for us, right here and now,
the Victim on the altar of the cross. The death of Jesus is more than
a mere fact of history. It is an eternal sacrifice. There are no
yesterdays with God. In the infinite Mind of God, to whom all things
past are present, Jesus hangs eternally upon the cross.
It is not an easy truth to grasp, but it is the truth: that at Mass time
and distance are annihilated in a mystical sense; and you and I
stand beneath the cross as the Son of God offers himself in sacrifice
for us.
In the Mass Jesus Christ the Priest offers himself, the perfect victim,
the infinitely precious gift, to God for us. Why? What is the
significance of the Mass, what is its purpose?
The Mass has a fourfold purpose, and these four purposes or aims
are rooted in the relationship that exists between God and ourselves.
God is the Lord and master of all creation. Everything that exists, he
has made. We are God’s creatures, God’s property; body and soul
we belong to him. From the very nature of this relationship of
creature to Creator, certain inescapable duties arise.
In short, man must adore God. To adore God is man’s first duty.
Adoration is the most basic element of prayer and is the primary
purpose of every sacrifice. Adoration is consequently the primary
purpose of the Mass. In the Mass for the first time mankind is able
adequately to adore God in the Person of God’s own Son who
represents us.
The primary purpose of the Mass is to give honor and glory to God.
However the effects of the Mass do not stop there; even as He offers
infinite homage to God, Jesus Christ in the Mass also bestows great
graces upon us. The graces which God, through the merits of his
Son, gives to us through the Mass are called the “fruits” of the Mass.
Besides the general fruit of the Mass, there also is a special fruit
which is applied to the person or persons (living or dead) for whom
the Mass is offered by the officiating priest. When we give a stipend
for a Mass, it is this special fruit which is directed to the person for
whom we are having the Mass offered—whether for ourselves or for
someone else. We no doubt are aware that the ancient custom of
giving a stipend when we request a Mass, has its origin in St Paul’s
dictum (1 Cor 9:13) that they who serve the altar also should have
their share with the altar. We never should ask, “How much does a
Mass cost?” The Mass is infinite in value and no price can be put
upon it. The stipend is not a price that we pay, it is an offering that
we give. And once a priest has accepted a stipend, whether for a
Low Mass or a High Mass, he is bound in conscience under pain of
mortal sin to see to it that a Mass is offered according to the donor’s
Besides the general fruit and the special fruit of the Mass, there is a
third fruit which the Mass produces: the graces which are the
personal share of the priest who celebrates the Mass and which will
contribute to his own sanctification and to the reparation of his own
sins. This is called (naturally) the personal fruit of the Mass.
All that we can say with any degree of certainty is that (all things else
being equal) a High Mass does add to the extrinsic honor which the
Mass offers to God, and thereby does reinforce our prayer. We
should emphasize the word “extrinsic,” because nothing of course
can alter the essential honor which Christ gives to God in the Mass.
If we are going to request a Mass, and we can make it either a High
Mass or a Low Mass—then we shall do better to request a High
Mass. That is as far as human wisdom can carry us in judging the
relative “value” of one Mass against another.
Here we have the holy sacrifice in its essence, in its basic simplicity:
the consecration and the communion. Besides these essentials of
sacrifice there are other incidental circumstances which are of
interest to us. There is the fact that Jesus “gave thanks.” The words
of his prayer of thanksgiving have not been recorded by the
Evangelists, but it is this prayer of thanksgiving which is reflected in
the canon of today’s Mass, especially in the preface which
introduces the canon. We also know from the gospel of St John
(13:4-10) that Jesus preceded the last supper with the washing of his
apostles’ feet, a symbolic rite of purification which finds an echo in
the Confiteor which precedes the Mass. It is St John also (14-17)
who records for us the beautiful address of Jesus to his apostles at
the last supper—a forerunner surely of the sermon which is a part of
our Sunday Mass.
In any event the first Christian communities, when they gathered for
the “Breaking of Bread,” followed quite closely the simple ceremonial
of the last supper. However, the first Christians were Jews. They did
not at first realize how complete was to be their break with the now
abolished (by God) religion of the Old Testament. They continued to
attend and to take part in the services of the synagogue, and would
meet privately in groups for the “Breaking of Bread.” Eventually the
Christians were expelled from the synagogues by their fellow Jews.
They then began to preface the “Breaking of Bread” with a prayer
service modeled on the synagogue service. The synagogue service
consisted basically of two readings, one from the books of Moses
and one from the books of the prophets, followed by a sermon and
with prayers interspersed between them. In adopting this service
from the synagogue the Christians “baptized” it, and began to use
readings from the New Testament as well as from the Old
Testament. This is how the first part of our present Mass (epistle,
gospel, sermon and other prayers) originated. This is really a
preparatory service for the Mass proper. It is called the Fore-Mass or
the Mass of the Catechumens. It gets the name “Mass of the
Catechumens” from the fact that in early Christian times this
preparatory service was the only part of the Mass that prospective
converts were allowed to assist at; not until they were baptized could
they remain for the entire Mass.
By the year 150 A.D. the fundamental structure of the Mass was
established. However, the prayer-content of the Mass continued to
be expanded through another four and a half centuries. By the time
of Pope St Gregory the Great, who died in the year 604 A.D., the
development of the Mass was pretty well completed.
It was during this period, between St Justin and St Gregory, that the
element of prayer was added to the element of instruction in the
Mass of the Cathechumens, the preparatory part of the Mass. In St
Justin’s time there were the two readings, one from the Old
Testament and one from the Gospels, and the sermon. By St
Gregory’s day the Introit, the Kyrie, the Gloria and the Collect had
been prefixed to the readings and the sermon. In commenting on
each part we will use the Latin name for convenience sake. And note
that the “Mass of the Catechumens” is usually called the “Liturgy of
the Word.”
The introit procession is one of four processions which were a part of
the Mass in ancient times. The other three processions were the
gospel procession through the church to the “gradus” or step where
the deacon would chant the Gospel; the offertory procession when
the members of the congregation would bring their offerings of bread
and wine and other gifts to the altar; and the communion procession
when the congregation would come in orderly ranks to partake of the
sacrifice. During each of these processions an appropriate psalm
would be sung by the choir and the people. Happily three of these
processions—the introit, offertory and communion processions—
have been revived as a result of the liturgical renewal.
After the Introit comes the Kyrie Eleison of the Mass. This cry for
God’s mercy is in the Greek language and goes back to the days
(before the fourth century) when Greek was the liturgical language of
Rome. The Kyrie is a relic of an ancient Roman custom. The people
would gather at one church (the church of assembly) when they
would meet the Pope or other bishop and his assistants. All would
then go in procession to another church (called the station church)
for the celebration of Mass. During this procession all would join in
singing a litany of acclamations to God. When these processions
were discontinued (about the sixth century) a shortened form of the
acclamations was retained as a part of the Mass: the Kyrie eleison
and Christe eleison. Another survival of these station processions
appear in our missals. We notice that each Lenten Mass in the
missal is designated as being the station Mass of a certain church.
For example, the Third Sunday in Lent is headed, “Station at St
Lawrence Outside the Walls.” That is the church where the Pope or
other bishop would celebrate Mass on that day.
Just when the Gloria in excelsis Deo became a part of the Mass we
do not know, except that originally it was chanted only in the Mass
on Christmas night. By the sixth century it also was chanted in Mass
on Sundays and certain feast days, but only by the Pope. Ordinary
priests were allowed to chant the Gloria only in their Easter Mass. It
was not until the twelfth century that these restrictions were lifted and
the Gloria became a part of every Mass of joyful character.
The prayer which the priest recites at Mass immediately after the
Gloria (or after the Kyrie if there is no Gloria) is called the Collect.
Nowadays in the missal this prayer is called simply the Oratio or
prayer. It gets the name Collect from the fact that in the era of
Station Masses, this prayer was recited by the Pope or bishop in the
church of assembly (ecclesia collecta) before the procession set out
for the station church. When these processions were discontinued,
the Collect became an integral part of the Mass.
There are three parts to the Mass of the Faithful. There is first of all
the offertory, which begins with the offertory verse just before the
unveiling of the chalice and ends at the preface of the Mass; then
there is the canon, the very heart and center of the Mass, which
begins with the preface and ends just before the Pater Noster, finally
there is the communion of the Mass, which begins with the Pater
Noster until the end. The significance of these three parts of the
Mass is this:
In the offertory we present our gift, our love, our self (represented by
the bread and wine); we unite ourselves with Christ who is about to
present himself, the perfect gift, to the Most Blessed Trinity. In the
canon of the Mass Jesus consecrates our gift and carries us with
himself, the infinitely perfect gift, to God. In the communion of the
Mass God, having accepted our gift and transformed it into the
infinitely precious Person of his Son, returns the gift to us. In the
offertory we united ourselves with Jesus in spirit; in the communion
we are united with Jesus in reality, to grow and to live unto life
At the table near the altar the gifts were accepted by a deacon who
placed them on the table, emptying the wine flasks into a larger
container and gathering the bread into a large linen cloth. During this
offertory procession the congregation would alternate with the choir
in singing an appropriate psalm.
When all the gifts had been presented, the deacon would take to the
celebrant at the altar as much of the bread and wine as would be
needed for the holy sacrifice, including that which would come back
to the people as God’s gift to them in holy communion. After the gifts
had been accepted and placed on the altar, those who had handled
them would wash their hands; this is the origin of the washing of the
priest’s fingers which occurs in today’s Mass. Then the celebrant
would offer a prayer over the bread and wine which had been
selected for the Sacrifice. This was the only offertory prayer offered
by the priest. It appears in our present Mass as the “Secret” prayer
just before the preface. It gets its name from the fact that the gifts
chosen for the Sacrifice were called in Latin the “secreta,” “the things
selected and set aside.”
The gifts have been made ready on the altar, and a preliminary
offering of the gifts has been made. The offertory of the Mass has
ended with the pronouncing of the Secret prayer over the bread and
wine. We have come now to the most solemn part of the holy
sacrifice, the canon of the Mass. The canon is introduced by the
hymn of praise called the preface; a hymn of praise to the king who
is about to come and to ascend his throne, the cross. The canon
ends with the “Little Elevation” just before the Pater Noster.
The word canon means “rule.” In the Greek language from which it
comes, canon could mean either a carpenter’s rule or a rule of
conduct. This central part of the Mass is called the canon because it
is now a fixed and relatively unchangeable part of the Mass. In the
early days of the Church this part of the Mass was called the
Eucharistia or prayer of thanks, and was not a fixed prayer. It was
largely an extemporaneous prayer on the part of the priest in which
the priest would give detailed thanks to God for his many benefits
and graces, climaxed by the description of Christ’s wondrous Gift of
his body and blood at the Last Supper. Gradually some of these
prayers (probably those of bishops who were especially revered)
came to be generally adopted and widely used. Little by little the
canon as we know it began to take form and to “jell.”
With the Pater Noster, the communion, the third part of the Mass of
the Faithful begins. Like other parts of the Mass, this also developed
gradually through the centuries. It should be noted first of all that in
former times, in fact up until the Middle Ages, it was taken for
granted that everyone who assisted at Mass would also receive holy
communion. For the first thousand years of Christian history the
people had a true understanding that the Mass is “our Mass.” All
participated in the Mass to the fullest possible extent, which meant of
course partaking of the Victim of the sacrifice, receiving back from
God the transformed gift which had been offered; in other words,
receiving holy communion. During the Middle Ages this sense of
active participation seems to have diminished, and as a
consequence the people became lax and neglectful in the matter of
receiving holy communion. Pope St Pius X and Pope Pius XII both
have labored mightily to bring back the concept of holy communion
as an integral part of the Sacrifice, urging all of us to make every
Mass a communion Mass insofar as we possibly can.
“The eyes are the windows of the soul.” This ancient aphorism
reminds us that we are humans, not angels. All our knowledge
comes to us through our physical senses. If it were possible for a
person to be born and to survive minus all sense perception—with
no sense of sight, of hearing, of taste, of smell, of touch—that
person’s mind would be an absolute blank, regardless of how well-
formed a brain he might have. The spiritual soul would be present,
but all avenues to knowledge would be closed. Not only our
knowledge, but our emotions and our internal attitudes also depend
upon our bodily senses. We want sweet music for our sentimental
moods, and peppy marches for our parades. We want soft lights for
restfulness, and bright lights for excitement.
During the first three or four hundred years of Christian history, when
the faithful gathered for the celebration of the Eucharist, the priest
wore the ordinary clothing of the layman. In those days a man’s
ordinary garment was a long flowing robe, a form of the Roman
“toga.” When the Roman empire was conquered by the barbarian
tribes from northern Europe towards the end of the fourth century,
the style of men’s dress began to change, but priests continued to
wear the long flowing robe when celebrating Mass. Thus the oldest
of the Mass vestments in the alb (from the Latin word albus which
means white), the long white robe which the priest puts on over his
cassock, his “everyday” clothes. The alb signifies purity of heart, and
in symbol the priest puts the world behind him as he dares to offer
the holy Lamb of God. In ancient times the Roman toga was bound
about the waist with a cord or girdle, and this girdle also survives as
a Mass vestment which is called the cincture. The cincture is a cord
of braided linen or wool and is a symbol of chastity, of restraint of
physical desire.
Along about the eighth century it became the custom for the priest to
come to the altar with his head covered by a hood. Eventually this
hood became stylized as the vestment which now is called the amice
(from the Latin word amictus meaning simply a covering). The amice
is a white linen cloth of oblong shape, about 16 x 20 inches in size,
with long tapes sewn to two of its corners. In a few religious orders
the amice still is worn as a head-covering at the beginning of Mass.
For other priests however the rule is to touch the amice to the top of
the head as the priest begins to vest for Mass, and then to bring it
down around the shoulders and tie it about the chest with the tapes
provided for the purpose. The Church has made the amice a symbol
of the “helmet of salvation” of which St Paul speaks: armor for the
head against the attacks of Satan.
While the alb is the oldest of the vestments, the amice is the first
vestment which the priest puts on. With the amice about his
shoulders the priest then dons the alb, and then fastens the cincture
about his waist. Clothed in white, the priest now is ready to assume
the vestments which vary in color from day to day, from feast to
feast. There are two of these colored Mass vestments: the stole and
the chasuble.
The priest next puts on the stole, a long band of colored cloth which
goes over the shoulders and hangs down in front, crossed upon the
priest’s breast. The stole came into use about the fourth century, and
seems to have derived from the official robe worn by Roman court
judges; it was adopted by the Church as a symbol of priestly
authority. From a robe it evolved into the narrow band of cloth which
is its form today. In her liturgy the Church equates the stole with
the”robe of immortality” which clothes the Christian soul.
The last vestment which the priest puts on is the chasuble. This is
the large colored vestment, usually ornamented, which hangs from
the shoulders front and back. Because of its enveloping nature it
gets its name from the Latin word casula which means “little house.”
In Christian symbolism ft denotes the yoke of Christ, the yoke of
Christian and priestly responsibility. Chasubles are made in two
styles. The voluminous chasuble which hangs down at the sides
over the arms is called a Gothic chasuble; a chasuble which is cut
away at the sides so as to leave the arms free, is called a Roman
chasuble. In its origin, the chasuble is simply a gradual adaptation of
the outer cloak worn by men in the early centuries of Christian
Green is the color which clothes the earth when nature rises from the
death of winter. Green therefore is the color of hope, expressive of
our hope for eternal life. Green is the color used on the Sundays-
ordinary time, and on weekdays also during ordinary time, when the
Mass is not that of a saint or of another feast. ‘The somber shade of
violet has become associated with penance, and so it is used on
Sundays and weekdays (which are not feast days) of Advent and of
Lent. It may also be used in Masses of the dead. Black of course is a
symbol of mourning; it may be worn by the priest in Masses for the
Besides these five liturgical colors there are two substitute colors.
For festive occasions cloth-of-gold vestments may be worn in place
of white, red or green. On two Sundays of the year, Gaudete Sunday
(the third Sunday of Advent) and Laetare Sunday (the fourth Sunday
of Lent) rose colored vestments may be worn instead of violet. On
these two Sundays the Church takes a peek ahead to the joy that is
coming, and lightens a little the dark color of penance.
At Mass the chalice may be covered with a veil which is the same
color as that of the vestments. On top of the veiled chalice there
rests a square-shaped pocket or pouch which is called a burse.
Inside this burse is the folded corporal, the square linen cloth which
the priest will unfold upon the altar beneath the chalice. This square
of linen is called a corporal because upon it will rest the body (Latin:
corpus) and the blood of Jesus. Like the chalice veil, the burse also
is of the color of the day’s vestments.
The veil over the chalice reminds us that this is a sacred vessel, to
be shielded reverently from view except when in actual use. All the
vessels of the altar are treated with equal reverence. The ciborium
(which in Latin means “bread-container”), the golden cup which
contains the small sacred hosts which are distributed in holy
communion; and the monstrance in which Jesus is enshrined at
solemn exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: these
vessels also are veiled (in white) when not in use.
The chalice which the priest now places upon the altar must have a
cup of non-absorbent material; the-base may be of any other solid or
worthy material. Vessels made from metal ordinarily are guilded on
the inside, since we deem that nothing less than precious metal is
worthy to have contact with the precious blood of God. The same
rule applies to the small shallow plate called the paten, which at
present is nested upon the chalice, and upon which rests the large
altar bread which is to be changed into the body of Christ. The
surface of the paten is likewise ordinarily gold-plated, since hereon
will lie the sacred host.
Resting on the top of the paten beneath the chalice veil is a stiffened
square of linen cloth, called a pall. The pall will be used as a cover
for the chalice during the Mass. Underneath the paten and lying
across the chalice is another accessory, the purificator. This is a
small towel of fine linen with which the priest will wipe out the
chalice, before the offertory and after the chalice has been purified
with wine and water at the end of Mass. Corporal, pall, and
purificator: these are the sacred linens of the Mass.
All the prayers and readings that are recited and sung in Mass of the
Roman rite, are contained in a book called the Roman Missal. This
book also contains the detailed directions for the ceremonies which
the Church prescribes for the offering of the Mass. In the Roman
Missal the prayers and readings are printed in black, while the
directions are printed in red. The directions or instructions are called
the rubrica of the Mass, from the Latin word ruber which means
Our Mass book is called the Roman Missal to distinguish it from the
Mass books used by the Catholic Church of the Oriental or Eastern
rites. We must remember that Latin is not the only language in which
the Mass is offered, nor are the ceremonies of the Latin rite the only
ceremonies that are used in the celebration of Mass. It is only by
what we might call an accident of history that Latin is now the
dominant language of the Catholic Church. Even at Rome itself,
Greek was the official language of worship for the first three hundred
years of Christian history. It was in the fourth century that the Church
adopted Latin, which had replaced Greek as the language of the
people, so that the people might participate more fully in the holy
When a person first begins to use a daily missal, he may find the
Roman Missal (even in its English translation) a confusing book. The
structure of the Mass itself is fairly simple. There is first of all the
Mass of the Catechumens which is the prayer-and-instruction
preparation for the Sacrifice. Chen there is the Mass of the Faithful
which includes the Offertory, the canon or consecration, and the
communion of the Mass. If the structure of the missal followed this
structure of the Mass itself, it would be no trick at all to use a daily
The ordinary and the canon offer no difficulty. In these two sections
of the missal we go smoothly and easily from prayer to prayer—until
suddenly we come to a point where we have to insert a reading or a
prayer from the proper of the Mass. It is here that the beginner is
likely to be tempted to discouragement in his use of the daily missal.
It still would be comparatively simple if there were just one set of
propers in the missal, following neatly one after the other according
to dates. However in the Catholic Church we have two calendars:
the calendar of the saints and the calendar of the season. The
technical names for these are the Sanctoral Cycle (from the Latin
word “sanctus” meaning saint) and the Temporal Cycle (from the
Latin word “tempus” meaning time).
In the sanctoral cycle the feasts of the saints, of our Blessed Mother
and of our Lord follow nicely in succession according to dates. But in
the temporal cycle the structuring of the missal faces two obstacles.
First of all any designated Sunday will fall on a different date each
year, since the number seven does not ide evenly into 365. For
example the First Sunday of Advent (the fourth Sunday preceding
Christmas) will be on a different date from year to year.
The second obstacle to an easy Church calendar lies in the fact that
Easter is what we call a “movable” feast, and varies from year to
year. This is because Jesus rose from the dead the day after the
Jewish feast of the Passover, and the date of Easter is fixed by the
same ancient rule which fixed the date of the Passover.
Consequently Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after
the spring equinox—the spring equinox being March twenty-first. The
date of Easter Sunday thus may vary by as much as a month from
year to year, depending upon the phase of the moon after the
twenty-first of March.
This makes all the feast days which depend upon Easter (such as
Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi) vary also from year to
year. The same is true of the Sundays which precede Easter and of
the Sundays of ordinary time. This is why, in using our daily missal,
we cannot always pick the right proper for the Mass of the day just
by turning to a certain date in the missal. If the proper of the Mass at
which we are assisting is taken from the proper of the season, we
have to know what week it is in the temporal cycle: whether for
example it is the third week in ordinary time or the third week in Lent
or the third week of the Easter Season.
Even when the Mass at which we assist is a feast day Mass with a
fixed date, we may encounter complications. We discover that not
every feast day has a proper all its own. Sometimes the same proper
does for many saints or for several feasts. These propers which are
shared in common by many saints or feasts are found in a separate
section of the missal which is called the common of the saints. Thus
the proper of the Mass in honor of St Anselm on April 21 is found in
the common of the saints and is the Mass for a Bishop-Confessor
and Doctor of the Church. The proper of the Mass in honor of our
Lady of the Snows on August 5 is found in the common of the saints
under the title, common of feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It may
seem like a contradiction in terms to speak of a proper which is
common, but not as the missal uses the words.
In spoken word and in song, we fulfill our important role in the Mass
as members of the Assembly, as members by baptism of the body of
Christ. We listen attentively as Jesus speaks to us in the readings
and the homily of the Mass. During the silences of the canon, we
follow in our missals the prayers which the priest is reciting at the
altar. By our active participation the Mass takes on new significance
as our supreme act of worship, offered in union with Christ and with
our brother-participants. Especially does the use of our own tongue
make us more vividly aware that we are a part of what is happening
at the altar.
In the Mass Jesus, through the visible ministry of his ordained priest,
is offering to the most Blessed Trinity an act of adoration. It is an act
of adoration which is worthy of God because it is offered by God’s
own Son. It is an act of adoration which is expressed in an act of
infinite love; infinite love which in turn has been validated by the
infinitely perfect obedience of Jesus to his Father’s will.
In the Mass Jesus gathers us about himself. From the heart of each
of us he accepts our mite of love for God and gives that mite an
eternal significance by uniting it with his own infinite love. Together,
we and Jesus approach God as one. We are one single victim, one
single gift placed before the ine throne. There may be ten of us or
ten thousand, but whichever way the Father looks, it is his son whom
he sees. And, as God’s love flows out to Jesus, it is the Father’s love
for his Son which innundates the heart of each of us.
If we genuinely are one with Christ, we must see all others through
his eyes—as souls to be loved, souls to be saved, no matter how
unattractive may be the outer shell of those souls. If there is a single
soul whom we hate, truly hate, we destroy entirely our capacity for
union with Jesus and cut ourselves off from all real participation in
the Mass. If there be lesser grudges, short of hate but willingly clung
to, we shall be far out on the fringes of the many-in-one who, in the
Mass, have the right to acclaim, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts!”
Victimhood freely embraced and charity universally practiced: these
are the dispositions which make up effective participants in the
Mass. We have a right to rejoice that Vatican Council II has given us
a greater part of the Mass in the vernacular. Unquestionably we gain
much more from the Mass in the way of instruction and in ease of
external participation. There are important gains. However, they are
secondary gains. The essence of our participation, whether the
language be Latin, English or Swahili, still must have its source
within us.
Fifteen hundred years ago in the Roman empire, Latin was the
everyday language of the people. When the people assisted at Mass
they knew what was happening. More than that, they helped to make
it happen. They prayed with the priest and they sang with the priest,
and they did so with complete understanding because the Mass was
in their own tongue. In the offertory and communion processions
they moved back and forth to the altar, bringing their gifts and
receiving their gift. Taking such an active part in the Mass, it was
easy for them to realize that they were members of a community, the
Christian community, engaged with Christ as their head in his work
of reconciling man with God.
The Mass lost none of its essential value. In it Jesus Christ still
offered himself through the ministry of the priest as the perfect gift,
the perfect sacrifice to God. The Mass still was (and is) the great
action, the great work of Christ in his Church, adoring God and
redeeming man. But when the people ceased to take an active part
in the Mass, the Mass did lose much of its secondary value: its value
as an instructor in Christian living and as a builder of the Christian
mentality. When they participated actively in the Mass, the Christian
people had a constant living reminder of their oneness with Christ
and with each other.
As they spoke and chanted the prayers of the Mass, the people
relived with Christ his passion, his death and resurrection. Theirs
was a joyous religion because they were reminded so vividly that
Christ had conquered sin and death, and by his resurrection had
pledged them eternal life. Theirs too was a Christ-centered religion;
they went from church conscious of their obligation to share in
Christ’s work of redemption, conscious of their responsibility to their
We can be grateful that recent Holy Fathers, St Pius X and Pius XII
in particular, labored so devotedly to restore the liturgy to its rightful
place as the center of Christian life and worship. The twentieth
century probably will be recorded in church history as the age of the
liturgical revival. It is almost incredible how much was accomplished
within the reign of Pope Pius XII. He first laid the groundwork with
those wonderful encyclical letters on the mystical body and on the
liturgy. Then came the relaxation of the eucharistic fast, permission
for evening Mass, approval of the vernacular ritual, which permits the
use of our own language in many of the sacramental ceremonies
and blessings of the church, the restoration of the Holy Week
services so that the people might participate actively. And Vatican
Council II, under Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, has carried forward
much farther the work of liturgical reform.
Vatican Council II reshaped the Liturgy so that the Mass might once
again exert the fullness of its attraction as the focal point of Christian
piety and Christian action. It is for us now to enlarge our
understanding of the Mass and to deepen our love for the Mass. It is
for us to make more complete the giving of self in union with Christ in
the Mass—and to live the Mass by carrying our self-giving into our
everyday activities.
Chapter 28
Holy Communion
So close to Christ
It is in that august action which we call the Mass, that bread and
wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus. Yet it would be a
great mistake to think that the Mass is merely the means or the tool
by which the holy eucharist comes into being. The Mass has a
purpose of its own. It is a sacrifice which renews for us, through all
time, the sacrifice of the cross. However the Mass is such a big topic
that we should like to defer discussion of it until later. Before we take
up a consideration of the holy eucharist as a sacrifice, we should like
to pursue our investigation of the holy eucharist as a sacrament.
This marvelous blending of the soul with Jesus is a very special kind
of union. Obviously we do not become “part of God.” We are not
united to Jesus by a hypostatic union, such as the union which exists
between the sacred Humanity of Christ and his ine nature. The union
with Jesus which holy communion effects in us is however in a class
by itself. It is much more than the “ordinary” union with God which
the Holy Spirit establishes in us by sanctifying grace; yet it is less
than the ultimate and most intimate union with God which will be
ours in the beatific vision in heaven. It is neither hypostatic nor
beatific; it is simply communion.
Being united with Christ in this close and personal, this very special
union, we are necessarily united also with all others who are “in”
Christ, all others who are members of his mystical body. Union with
Christ in holy communion is the bond of charity which makes us one
with our neighbor. We cannot experience the growth in love for God
which our union with Jesus imparts, without also experiencing a
growth in love for our fellow man. The fruitfulness of our holy
communions is suspect if we find in ourselves no lessening of racial
and national prejudices, of neighborhood resentments; if we find in
ourselves no increase in neighborliness, in compassion, in patience
and forbearance towards others.
One observation perhaps we should make. The love for God and
neighbor of which we are speaking is not a sentimental love, not
necessarily even an emotional love. We may grow in love for God
and neighbor, and grow greatly, without “feeling” the love in an
emotional way, as we do feel our human attachments. Even at best,
mere feeling is an unreliable guide. Let us not worry because our
emotions seem untouched. It is by what we become and what we do
that we must gauge the effectiveness of our worthy and frequent
holy communions.
When our organism takes in food, and transforms the food into our
own substance, what is the result? In the earlier years of our life the
most noticeable result is growth; as we eat, we gain in stature and in
strength. Another effect of food is that it preserves life; it constantly
replenishes the burned-up and wornout cells of the body, and
provides the body with the elements which will ward off infection.
Food has a medicinal value, too; many illnesses need no other
medication than a proper balancing of the sick person’s diet.
First of all there is the spiritual growth which follows upon the
repeated increases in sanctifying grace which our holy communions
impart. It is characteristic of every sacrament either to give or to
increase sanctifying grace. Each of the other sacraments however
has a specific purpose of its own in addition to the bestowal of
sanctifying grace. Baptism cleanses from original sin, penance
forgives mortal sin, confirmation strengthens faith, matrimony
sanctifies marriage, and so on. But in the holy eucharist we have the
one sacrament whose principal purpose is to increase sanctifying
grace, repeatedly and often, through personal union with the giver of
grace himself. That is why the holy eucharist is preeminently the
sacrament of spiritual growth, of increase in spiritual stature and
That also is why the soul already must be in the state of sanctifying
grace when we receive holy communion. Physical food cannot
benefit a dead body, and the holy eucharist cannot benefit a dead
soul. Indeed, a person who knowingly would receive holy
communion while in the state of mortal sin, would add a new
dimension of guilt to his already sinful state: he would commit the
grave sin of sacrilege. In the very act of outwardly offering himself to
Jesus for the unionin-love which is the essence of holy communion,
he would be opposing Jesus by that rejection of God which is
inherent in all mortal sin.
Material food will not restore a dead body to life, but it will restore a
weak body to health. Similarly the reception of the holy eucharist will
not forgive mortal sin, but it will forgive venial sin—presuming of
course that the communicant has sorrow for his venial sins. Here
again it is love that does the work. What we might call the “charge” of
love which Jesus unleashes upon the soul in this moment of
personal union, is a purifying force; it purges the soul from all lesser
infidelities. Whatever accumulation of venial sin may encumber the
soul, it is dissolved and annihilated (if repented) as Christ’s love
makes contact with the soul.
Food will not restore life, but it will preserve life. It follows then that
another effect of holy communion is to preserve the soul from
spiritual death, to preserve the soul from mortal sin. One step in that
direction already has been taken when venial sin has been forgiven,
since venial sin is the easy gradient which leads to the sharp and
sudden drop of mortal sin.
Holy communion unites us with Christ and intensifies our love for
God and for neighbor. It increases sanctifying grace. It remits venial
sin, lessens concupiscence, and thus preserves us from mortal sin.
Finally, as good food should, it readies us for work. A frequent
communicant who receives worthily and fruitfully cannot possibly
remain wrapped up in himself. As love for Christ more and more fills
his horizon, he feels the urge to do things for Christ and with Christ.
Powered by the graces of holy communion, he becomes an apostolic
Every baptized Catholic who has attained to the use of reason and
who has the necessary knowledge, may and should receive the
sacrament of the holy eucharist.
Mentally ill persons who are completely out of touch with reality may
not receive holy communion. If they have lucid intervals, periods of
rational awareness, they may and should receive holy communion at
such times, Or, if their mental illness is only partial and they still are
capable of distinguishing between the holy eucharist and ordinary
bread, then also they may receive holy communion.
Assuming that a person has the use of reason and possesses the
necessary knowledge, what else is required for a worthy holy
communion? One primary requisite is freedom from mortal sin. The
holy eucharist is the sacrament of spiritual growth, not the sacrament
of spiritual birth or of spiritual medicine. It presupposes that he who
receives It is already living the life of grace. The holy eucharist is the
sacrament of loving union between Jesus Christ and the soul; it
would be monstrous to attempt such a union when the soul is at
enmity with God by grave and unrepented sin. Knowingly to receive
holy communion while in the state of mortal sin would in itself be a
new mortal sin. It is the sin of sacrilege, an abuse of God’s most
gracious gift to us: the gift of himself.
Some three hundred years ago there arose in the Church a heresy
known as Jansenism. This heresy took its name from a French
bishop, Jansen, who wrote a book on the topic of grace, a book
which was over-rigorous in its teachings. The Jansenist heresy
maintained that only the most holy people should receive holy
communion frequently, and that no one should dare to approach the
holy table without extensive preparation and long practice of virtue.
In site of its condemnation by several Popes, this heresy spread
widely through the Church and persisted, to some degree, up to our
own century. It was not until Pope St Pius X issued his famous
decree on frequent holy communion, that Jansensism really received
its death blow.
Pope St Pius made it plain that, in addition to being free from mortal
sin, the only other spiritual requirement for a worthy holy communion
is that we receive holy communion with a right intention. The most
perfect intention would be an eager desire to be united with Jesus
because of our great love for him. It may be that we have not as yet
reached this perfection of disposition, this state of hungering love.
However, there are lesser intentions that still are right intentions. To
receive holy communion out of a desire to conquer temptation and
keep from sin, is a right intention. To receive Holy Communion
because we want to grow in grace; to receive Holy Communion
because Jesus has promised heaven to those who do receive him in
this sacrament; indeed, to receive Holy Communion in a spirit of
obedience, simply because we know that Jesus wants us to—all of
these are right intentions. All of these reasons, or anyone of them,
qualify us to receive Holy Communion.
With any kind of a right intention, and with a soul that is free from
mortal sin, we infallibly will receive grace from our holy communion.
The amount of grace we receive will depend upon the perfection of
our dispositions. The more ardent our love for Jesus Christ, the
fewer our unrepented venial sins, the more unreserved the offering
of self which we make to Jesus Christ—then the greater shall be our
The eucharistic fast
We Catholics have reason to bless, again and again, the name of his
Holiness Pope Pius XII. For several hundred years it was the law of
the Church that anyone wishing to receive holy communion must
abstain from all food and drink, even from water, beginning at
midnight on the day of holy communion. There were exceptions for
the sick and the dying, but that was the general law for the rest of us.
The reasons for this law, as also for the present law governing the
eucharistic fast, are both spiritual and practical. The spiritual reason
is the Church’s desire that we show special reverence towards Jesus
in the holy eucharist, and that we show that reverence by an act of
self-denial—by abstaining from other food and beverage for a
specified time before partaking of the body of Christ. The practical
reason is the Church’s desire to guard against possible irreverence
to the holy eucharist, an irreverence which could result from stomach
sickness if food and drink, particularly alcoholic drink, were
consumed too close to the time of our holy communion.
The period of the eucharistic fast, that is, abstinence from food or
alcoholic drink, is reduced to about a quarter of an hour for:
1. the sick who are living in hospitals or at home, even if they are not
confined to bed;
While we are ticking off such practical items, it may be useful also to
mention the special love which priests have for those communicants
who, at the railing, put back their heads, open their mouths wide, and
extend their tongues out beyond the lower lip. Fortunately most
communicants do just this. However, it is surprising how often at a
crowded communion railing the priest is obliged to falter and fumble
before an unraised head, or barely parted teeth, or a tongue that
does not protrude. If we are in doubt as to our own cooperation here,
a mirror will afford us an easy check upon ourselves.
There is a lot of water in the Pacific Ocean; but a pint bottle will hold
only a pint of that water, no matter how deep in the ocean we may
dip the bottle. Similarly is our soul limited in its capacity for grace.
Being a finite creature, no human soul ever can have an infinite
capacity for grace; no human soul ever can absorb all the grace
available in holy communion.
This does not mean that we at present are getting from holy
communion all the grace that we can get. It does not mean that we
cannot increase our capacity for grace. If it is not an empty bottle,
but rather a bottle three-quarters filled with sand which we lower into
the ocean; then we shall come up, not with a pint of water but with
only a fourth of the bottle’s real capacity. Only God can know what is
the top capacity for grace of any inidual soul. But we all can be sure
that none of us has reached his top capacity.
We increase our capacity for grace as we empty the sand out of the
bottle, as we remove the obstacles to grace which clutter up our
soul. The first and most bulky of these obstacles is attachment to
venial sins (a worthy holy communion presupposes freedom from
mortal sin). So long as there is a single deliberate venial sin which
we are unwilling to abandon (a continuing grudge perhaps against
the boss, alcoholic intemperance short of drunkenness, or tea-cup
gossip with a tinge of malice?) just so long are we contracting our
soul’s capacity for grace.
After the venial sins are gone, there still are the imperfections to deal
with, the failings which show that our love for God still is short of
being wholehearted. There is stinginess and half-heartedness in
prayer, for example, or selfish reluctance to inconvenience ourselves
for the good of our neighbor; there is lack of effort to resist our
irritability and impatience, or childish conceit in our appearance or
our talents. Whatever our own imperfections may be, they probably
add up to a good many grains of sand in the bottle.
This fact illuminates also the statement that, “One holy communion
can make a saint.” It is true that Our Lord could, by the very miracle
of grace, transform a sinner into a saint in one holy communion.
Normally however God permits that growth in sanctity be an organic
growth, gradual and steady like the growth of a child, hardly
perceptible from day to day. Again, one grace builds upon another. It
is better for our humility that we do not see too clearly the progress
that we make.
Surely one conclusion that emerges here, is the need to make every
holy communion count just as powerfully as we can. This entails a
good immediate preparation for each holy communion, arousing
ourselves to sentiments of repentance, of faith, of love, of gratitude;
trying hard to push ourselves into a genuine act of self-giving, to
make our own will one with God’s. All this we do, of course, if we join
prayerfully and with sincerity in the offering of the Mass.
Then there are those precious minutes after holy communion, when
our Lord Jesus has us, we might say, in His embrace. “Thanksgiving
after communion” means renewed avowals of love as well as of
gratitude. It means a brave asking of the question, “Lord, what wilt
thou have me to do?” and an even braver listening for the answer
that will come. If the final blessing finds us with one foot in the aisle,
poised for a quick flight home to our coffee—then we are short-
changing ourselves pitifully of graces that our Lord Jesus has not yet
finished giving to us. Barring exceptional circumstances, fifteen
minutes of thanksgiving after holy communion should be our habit,
even if it means remaining for a few moments after the Mass is
The word “penance” has two meanings. First of all, there is the virtue
of penance. This is a supernatural virtue by which we are moved to
detest our sins from a motive made known by faith, and with an
accompanying purpose of offending God no more and of making
satisfaction for our sins. In this sense the word “penance” is
synonymous with “penitence” or “repentance.” Before the time of
Christ the virtue of penance was the only means by which men’s sins
could be forgiven. Even today, for those outside the Church in good
faith, not possessing the sacrament of penance, it is the only means
for forgiveness of sins.
By his death on the cross, Jesus Christ redeemed man from sin and
from the consequences of his sin, especially from the eternal death
that is sin’s due. So it is not surprising that on the very day he rose
from the dead Jesus instituted the sacrament by which men’s sins
could be forgiven. It was on Easter Sunday evening that Jesus
appeared to his apostles, gathered together in the Upper Room,
where they had eaten the last supper. As they gaped and shrank
back in a mixture of fear and dawning hope, Jesus spoke to them
reassuringly. Let St John (20:19-23) tell it: “Jesus came and stood in
the midst and said to them, ‘Peace be to you!’ And when he had said
this he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore
rejoiced at the sight of the Lord. He therefore said to them again,
‘Peace be to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you.’ When
he had said this, he breathed upon them, and said to them, `Receive
the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them;
and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.’ “
This power to forgive sin which Jesus conferred upon his apostles
was not, of course, to die with them; no more so than the power to
change bread and wine into his body and blood, which he conferred
upon his apostles at the last supper. Jesus did not come upon earth
just to save few chosen souls. He did not come just to save the
people who lived on earth during the lifetime of his apostles. Jesus
came to save everybody who was willing to be saved, down to the
end of time. He had you and me in mind, as well as Timothy and
Titus, when he died on the cross.
It is evident then that the power to forgive sins is a part of the power
of the priesthood, to be passed on in the sacrament of holy orders
from generation to generation. It is the power which every priest
exercises when he raises his hand over the contrite sinner and says,
“I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” We have heard those words
often enough. If they do not sound familiar, it is because we usually
hear them in Latin. They are called “the words of absolution.”
Every priest has the power to forgive sins. But in practice he needs
something else besides. He needs what is called “jurisdiction.” The
sacrament of penance is akin to a legal proceeding; the priest listens
to the evidence, the priest pronounces judicial sentence. We know
that in civil law a judge from one state cannot try cases in another
state unless the governor of the second state appoints him for that
purpose. Without such an appointment the out-of-state judge would
have no jurisdiction. Similarly, a priest cannot exercise his power as
spiritual judge in the sacrament of penance unless and until the
bishop of the diocese gives him permission to do so. Without that
permission the priest has no jurisdiction; he cannot validly absolve
from sins. His power to absolve, moreover, is limited to the diocese
for which he has jurisdiction. A priest from the New York
archdiocese, for example, could not validly hear confessions in the
Brooklyn diocese unless the Bishop of Brooklyn gave him permission
to do so, or unless he was a New York pastor to whom one of his
parishioners came in Brooklyn.
Just think of all that the sacrament of penance does for us! First of
all, if a person has cut himself off from God by a grave and
deliberate act of disobedience against God (that is, by mortal sin),
the sacrament of penance reunites the soul to God; sanctifying grace
is restored to the soul. At the same time, the sin itself (or sins) is
forgiven. Just as darkness disappears from a room when the light is
turned on, so too must sin disappear from the soul with the coming
of sanctifying grace.
Finally, besides all its other benefits, the sacrament of penance gives
us the right to whatever actual graces we may need, and as we need
them, in order that we may make atonement for our past sins and
may conquer our future temptations. This is the special “sacramental
grace” of penance; it fortifies us against a relapse into sin. It is a
spiritual medicine which strengthens as well as heals. That is why a
person intent upon leading a good life will make it a practice to
receive the sacrament of penance often. Frequent confession is one
of the best guarantees against falling into grave sin. It would be the
height of stupidity to say, “I don’t need to go to confession because I
haven’t committed any mortal sins.”
It should be noted that “loving God above all things else for his own
sake” does not mean that we necessarily have to feel that love in a
human way, emotionally. We might easily have a more ardent love,
emotionally, for certain human beings that we have for God; but that
does not mean that we would choose those human beings in
preference to God. St Blanche, mother of St Louis (King Louis IX of
France), provides a good example here. There is no question about
the ardent mother-love which Blanche had for her son. And yet she
once said to Louis, “I would rather have you dead at my feet than to
have you commit a single mortal sin.” If we can honestly say that in a
pinch, if he required it of us, we would give up anyone and anything
for God—then we have perfect love for God. And if it is that kind of
love that inspires our sorrow for sin, we have perfect contrition.
Theologians list four qualities that are essential for true contrition.
The first and obvious requirement is that our sorrow be interior.
When we say to God, “I am sorry for having offended you,” it is no
mere act of politeness that we are performing. It is not a dutiful bit of
courtesy. Our heart must be in our words. Quite simply, we must
mean what we say. It does not follow that we must necessarily feel
our sorrow. Like love, sorrow is an act of the will, not an upsurge of
emotion. Just as we may love God quite genuinely without feeling
our love, so too we may have a very solid sorrow for our sins without
having it cause any emotional reaction. If we are quite honestly
determined to abstain, with the help of God’s grace, from anything
that might seriously offend him, then we have sorrow which is
In the third place, our sorrow must be supreme. That is, we must
really see the moral evil of sin as being the greatest evil that exists—
greater than any physical or merely natural evil that could occur. It
means that, as we tell God we are sorry for our sins, we are
determined that we shall, with the help of his grace, suffer anything
rather than offend him again. That phrase “with the help of his
grace,” is an important one. Supreme sorrow does not rule out a
wholesome fear that we might sin again if victory depended upon our
own human strength. On the contrary, we should have a distrust of
ourselves and our self-sufficiency; we should acknowledge how
much we must depend upon God’s grace. At the same time we know
that God’s grace will never fail us if we do our part. It would be a
great mistake to test the supremeness of our sorrow by imagining
extraordinary temptations. For example, it would be meaningless for
a man to ask himself, “I wonder whether I would be chaste if I were
locked in a room with a nude and seductive woman.” Without our
own fault God will not let us be faced by temptations that are beyond
our power of resistance; and if he does allow extraordinary
temptations, we can always be sure that he will give the
extraordinary graces that will be needed.
Jesus did make the telling of our sins an essential part of the
sacrament of penance. In bestowing the power to forgive sins upon
his priests on Easter Sunday night, our Lord said, “Whose sins you
shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall
retain, they are retained” (John 20:23). Jesus, with the infinite
wisdom of God, did not use words carelessly; and his words do not
make sense unless they presuppose the confession of sin. How
could the apostles and the priests who would succeed them know
what sins to forgive and what sins not to forgive if they did not know
what the sins were? And how could they know what the sins were
unless the sinner himself would tell?
After baptism there is only one thing which can separate us from
God. That is mortal sin: a knowing, deliberate refusal to do God’s will
in a serious matter. The primary purpose of the sacrament of
penance is to restore to the soul of a sinner the God-life (sanctifying
grace) which he has lost. Consequently, the sins which we must tell
in confession are the mortal sins committed after baptism which we
have not previously confessed.
Since venial sin does not extinguish in us the life of grace, we are
not obliged to mention our venial sins in confession. It is profitable to
mention them, even though we are under no obligation. Nothing can
give us greater certainty that our venial sins have been forgiven than
submitting them to the absolution of the priest. Moreover, from the
sacrament of penance we shall receive special graces enabling us to
avoid those particular venial sins in the future. The fact remains,
however, that venial sins can be forgiven outside confession by an
act of genuine sorrow (at least, if it is perfect contrition) and a
purpose of amendment.
Not only the actual telling of our sins but also the manner of their
telling is important for the making of a good confession. Since the
whole spirit of the sacrament of penance is one of repentance for
acknowledged error, it is plain that we should bring to our confession
a profound humility of heart. Any such attitude as, “Well, after all, I’m
not so bad,” or “I guess I’m no worse than anybody else,” or
“Everybody commits these sins; they can’t be so terrible,” would of
course be fatal to the making of a good confession.
There is only one thing that will vitiate our confession and make it a
“bad” or sacrilegious confession. That is to omit telling, knowingly
and deliberately, a sin which we are certain is mortal and ought to be
confessed. To do that is to refuse to fulfill one of the conditions upon
which God has made his forgiveness contingent. If we do not “come
clean’ with God, we cannot go clean from His tribunal of forgiveness
4. Listen attentively while the priest tells you your penance, and also
to any advice he may have to offer. If you cannot hear him well, tell
him so. And if you have any questions to ask or counsel to seek,
don’t hesitate to speak up.
6. Finally, spend a little time after confession in thanking God for the
graces that have just come to you—and in performing the penance
which the priest has assigned.
There are two kinds of punishment attached to mortal sin. There is,
first of all, the eternal punishment which is its necessary
accompaniment—the eternal loss of God. This eternal punishment is
forgiven when the guilt of the sin is forgiven, whether in the
sacrament of baptism or that of penance.
A story (not real-life, of course) will illustrate this point. It is told that a
certain man went to confession after many years of irreligious living.
The priest prescribed, as a penance, that the man should pray the
rosary every day for a month. “But Father!” the man objected, “I’ve
been so ungrateful to the good God all these years; surely I ought to
do much more than that!” “If you are that sorry,” answered the priest,
“perhaps the rosary daily for a week would be enough.” Then the
penitent broke down and began to weep. “I am so ashamed,” he
sobbed. “God has loved me so and borne with me so long in my
sinfulness; there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him now. “If you are that
sorry,” replied the priest, “then it will be enough to say for your
penance five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys, once.”
The size of the penance will depend upon the gravity of the sins
confessed; the greater the number and the seriousness of the sins,
the more arduous we may expect the penance to be. Yet the
confessor does not wish to prescribe a penance beyond the ability of
the penitent to perform. If ever we should be given a penance in
confession which we feel is impossible for us to fulfill, we should
mention the difficulty, whatever it is, to the confessor. He will adjust
the penance accordingly.
Once the penance has been established and given us, we are bound
in conscience to discharge it, and to discharge it in the way it was
given. For example, if we are told to recite the Acts of Faith, Hope,
and Charity each day for a week, it would not be right for us to “get it
over with” by saying each one seven times in one day.
However, prayer for prayer and deed for deed, nothing else will
satisfy for the temporal punishment due our sins so certainly and so
richly as the sacramental penances given in confession. These
official penances have a sacramental efficacy, an atoning power that
no privately assumed penance can match.
But God by positive design wills that we should share with Christ in
his work of satisfying for sin. God makes the application of Christ’s
merits to our own debt of temporal punishment dependent upon our
willingness to do penance ourselves. The real value of our personal
penances is insignificant in God’s sight; but their value swells to a
tremendous worth because of their union with the merits of Jesus.
That is why, also, our prayers and works and sufferings can be
offered in satisfaction for the sins of others as well as for our own.
God wills that we should share in the work of redemption. It is part of
our privilege as members of Christ’s mystical body to be able, with
Christ, to satisfy for the temporal punishment due to the sins of
others. Mindful of the possibilities, we shall be watchful for the
opportunities. In every illness (even today’s little headache), in every
disappointment and every sorrow, we shall see the raw material from
which satisfaction may be fashioned and souls saved. And we shall
never suffer from the temptation (rare, surely!) to feel that the priest
gave us “too big a penance.” If we don’t need it ourselves,
somewhere there is a soul who does.
Chapter 32
Temporal Punishment and Indulgences
As the foundation of her spiritual treasury, the Church has the infinite
satisfactory merits of Jesus Christ himself. Because Jesus is God,
everything that he did and suffered was of infinite value. By his life
and death he established an inexhaustible store of satisfactory merit,
sufficient for the needs of mankind until the end of time. To this
treasury have been added the satisfactions of our Blessed Mother
(which she did not need herself), the satisfactions of the saints which
were beyond their own needs, and the extra satisfactions of all
members of Christ’s mystical body.
Plenary indulgences
Plenary indulgences can be gained only once during the day except
in the case of danger of death. In this they differ from partial
indulgences, which can be gained as often in the day as one
performs the prescribed work, unless the directions specifically state
The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after the
performance of the prescribed work. Nevertheless it is fitting that
communion be received and the prayers for the intentions of the
Supreme Pontiff be said the same day the work is performed. (Paul
VI, Apostolic Constitution “The Doctrine of Indulgences”.)
Since the Church has direct authority over her living members, the
indulgences which we gain for ourselves are absolutely certain in
their effects provided we have fulfilled all the necessary conditions.
Such is the teaching of a considerable number of reliable
theologians. The Church, however, does not have direct authority
over the souls in purgatory. Indulgences offered for them are offered
by way of suffrage—that is, as a petition to God begging him to apply
the indulgence to the particular soul or souls for whom it is gained
and offered. Whether or not the indulgence is applied to that soul or
souls rests with the mercy of God. We can hope that the specified
soul will receive the indulgence which we have gained for him; but,
since we cannot know for sure, the Church allows us to offer more
than one indulgence for the same departed soul.
2. For the erection of the Way of the Cross fourteen crosses are
required, to which it is customary to add fourteen pictures or images,
which represent the stations of Jerusalem.
But if the pious exercise is made publicly and if it is not possible for
all taking part to go in an orderly way from station to station, it
suffices if at least the one conducting the exercise goes from station
to station, the others remaining in their place.
Those who are “impeded” can gain the same indulgence, if they
spend at least one half-hour in pious reading and meditation of the
passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Enchiridion of
As he anoints, the priest says: “Through this holy anointing may the
Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Amen. May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you
The “remains of sin” from which anointing of the sick cleanses the
soul include that moral weakness of soul which is the result of sin,
both of original sin and our own sins. This weakness—even to the
point of spiritual indifference—is likely to afflict that person especially
who has been a habitual sinner. Here again, the soul of the sick
person is tempered and prepared against the possibility of any last
moment conflict with the world, the flesh, and the devil.
But perhaps “hopelessly” is not a good word. Every priest who has
had much experience in caring for the sick can recall some
remarkable and unexpected recoveries that have followed after the
anointing of the sick.
Every Catholic who has reached the age of reason can and should
receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick when in danger of
death from sickness, accident or old age. Since the purpose of
anointing of the sick is to comfort the soul in anxieties and heal the
effects of sin and to strengthen the soul against the possibility of sin,
it is plain that this sacrament is not for infants. Neither is it for
mentally afflicted adults who have lacked the use of reason their
whole life long. Such persons have not committed sin and cannot
commit sin; anointing would have no effect upon them.
When the priest is notified, he may ask for details concerning the
patient’s condition. He may decide that a hurry-up visit and
immediate anointing are not indicated. But every pastor likes to know
who are ill or bedridden in his parish. As a good shepherd he likes to
visit the disabled members of his flock if only to impart a blessing
and speak a cheerful word. Even when the anointing does not seem
to be called for, the priests of the parish do want to bring holy
communion to those who are confined to their homes for any
considerable length of time. We should never fear that the priest will
resent being asked to call upon a sick member of our family, even
though the sickness is not “unto death.”
One further point needs noting with respect to calling the priest. That
is the fact that the anointing of the sick will have its spiritual effects
as long as the soul still is present in the body if the person had the
state of grace or sorrow for sin before losing consciousness. We
never can be sure when the soul separates itself from the body. The
fact that breathing and heart action have stopped is no guarantee
that the soul is gone. For this reason the Church allows the priest to
administer the sacrament up to several hours after apparent death
has occured.In case of sudden death, therefore, as by accident or
heart attack, the priest should be called. Unless and until
decomposition has set in, the soul still may be present. The priest
still can administer conditional anointing.
The candles should be lighted before the priest arrives. One of these
candles (or a third lighted candle) should be carried by the person
who goes to the door to admit the priest. As he enters the home the
priest will say, “Peace to this house.” The one admitting the priest will
answer (if he knows the answer), “And to all who live here.” The
priest is led silently to the sickroom. He will kneel and place upon the
table the burse containing the sacred host, then will rise to sprinkle
the invalid and the room with holy water. Other members of the
family who may be in the sick room should kneel as the priest enters.
After the sprinkling and its accompanying prayer, the priest will nod
to the others present, and while the priest hears the sick person’s
confession, they should leave the room, closing the door as they
When the priest reopens the door, the family should reenter and
kneel. If the sick person himself or herself is unable to recite the
Confiteor, one of the others present should do so. After giving the
sick person holy communion, the priest will rinse out the pyx (the
small gold case in which the sacred host was contained) with a
spoonful of water. As this water cannot be poured down an ordinary
drain, the priest will be grateful if there is a plant in the room, so that
he can pour this water into the earth of the flower pot.
What is a priest?
Since men have offered sacrifice to God from the very beginning of
the human race so also have there been priests from the very
beginning. In the first period of Biblical history—the age of the
Patriarchs—it was the father of the family who was also the priest. It
was the father of the family who offered sacrifice to God for himself
and his family. Adam was priest for his family; so were Noah and
Abraham and all the other family heads priests for their families. In
the time of Moses, however, God directed that the priesthood of his
chosen people, the Jews, should henceforth belong to the family of
Aaron of the tribe of Levi. The oldest son in each generation of
Aaron’s descendants would be the high priest and the other Levites
would be his assistants.
When the Old Law ended with the establishment of the New Law by
Christ, the priesthood of the Old Law also came to an end. The New
Law of love would have a new sacrifice and a new priesthood. At the
last supper Jesus instituted the holy sacrifice of the Mass. In this
new sacrifice the gift offered to God would not be a mere token gift,
such as a sheep or an ox or bread and wine. The gift now, for the
first time and always, would be a gift worthy of God. It would be the
gift of God’s own Son; a gift of infinite value, even as God himself is
infinite. In the Mass, under the appearances of bread and wine,
Jesus would daily renew the once—and—forever offering which,
upon the cross, he made of himself to God. In the Mass he would
give to each of us. his baptized members, the opportunity to unite
ourselves with him in that offering.
But who would be the human priest who would stand at the altar—
the human agent whose hands and whose lips Christ would use for
the offering of himself? Who would be the human priest to whom
Christ would give the power of making the God-Man present upon
the altar, under the appearances of bread and wine? There were
eleven such priests, to begin with. (It is not certain that Judas was
present at the time the apostles were made priests.) At the Last
Supper, as we know, Jesus made his apostles priests, when he gave
them the command (and with the command, the power) to do what
he had just done. “Do this,” he said, “in remembrance of me” (Luke
It was this power, the power to offer sacrifice in the name of Christ
and of Christ’s mystical body, his Church (which means you and me
united to Christ by baptism), which made the apostles priests. To this
power of changing bread and wine into his body and blood, Jesus on
Easter Sunday night added the power to forgive sins in his name.
“Receive the Holy Spirit,” He said; “whose sins you shall forgive, they
are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are
retained” (John 20:22-23).
It was as deacons that these men were ordained, not yet as priests.
But it gives us the picture of the apostles sharing, and passing on to
others, the sacred power which Jesus had bestowed upon them. As
time went on, the apostles consecrated more bishops to carry on
their work. These bishops in turn ordained other bishops and priests,
and these bishops in their turn, still others. So that the Catholic priest
of today can truly say that the power of his priesthood has come
down, in the sacrament of holy orders, in an unbroken line from
Christ himself.
Let the boy ask himself: “Do I have reasonably good health?” There
is no need to be a superman, but a sickly constitution is not likely to
persevere through twelve years of study beyond the eighth grade.
Let the boy also ask himself, “Do I have a reasonably fair ability to
study and to learn?” There is no need to be a genius, but the studies
in the seminary are stiffer than the average high school and college
outside. A consistently bad report card would point away from the
likelihood of a vocation.
Then let the boy ask himself: “Do I go to confession often and do I
receive holy communion frequently?” If the answer is no, this is a
defect that quickly can be remedied; just start receiving more often
now. Finally, the boy should ask himself: “Do I live habitually in the
state of sanctifying grace; do I avoid mortal sin?” If the answer to this
is negative, this defect also can quickly be remedied, with the help of
prayer and the sacraments. For a boy to consider the priesthood, it
isn’t necessary to be a saint. If that were necessary, we would have
very few priests. But it is necessary that he want to be better than he
is. Good health, intelligence, and virtue—these gifts of nature and
grace are prerequisites to a call to the priesthood.
If a boy can answer yes to the above four questions, if he has
finished or is finishing the eight grade, and if he can find in his heart
the generosity to offer himself to God—then by all means he should
talk to his pastor about the possibility. of going to the seminary. And
the parents, when the boy mentions his thoughts to them, should
give the boy every encouragement. They should not push him, but
they should encourage him. More than one vocation has been lost
because of the false prudence of parents who said, “Wait until you’re
through high school,” or “Wait until you finish college.” As though
there should be any waiting when God is calling! There is no danger
that any boy will be “pressured” into staying in the seminary. On the
contrary, he will have to prove that he has the goods in order to
This is what the boy can do, and what his parents can do. What all of
us can do is to make a daily intention, in our prayers and our
Masses, for present priests and seminarians—with a special plea
that still more boys may hear God’s voice and head towards the
There are two notable ways in which the sacrament of holy orders
differs from the other sacraments. One is the fact that holy orders
can be administered only by a bishop. Only a bishop has the power
to ordain priests. An ordinary priest cannot pass his power on to
another. The second way in which holy orders differs from other
sacraments is that holy orders is not received all at once. When we
are baptized, we are completely baptized by the single pouring of
water. When we are confirmed, we are completely confirmed in a
single ceremony. Holy orders, however, is given by degrees, by
successive steps.
For most, this second step in the sacrament of holy orders will be
their last. No priest would or could wish for more. As he bends each
morning over the bread and the wine, lending his lips to Christ as he
speaks Christ’s words, “This is my Body …. This is my Blood,” the
priest time and again feels all but crushed by the sense of his own
unworthiness, by the consciousness of his human weakness. He
would be crushed, too, if it were not for the grace of the sacrament of
Holy Orders, which God infallibly gives to those who humbly ask it.
It is, of course, this power to offer sacrifice, this power to offer the
perfect gift to God in the name of God’s people, that distinguishes a
priest from a Protestant minister. It would not be incorrect to call a
priest a minister; he is a minister, a servant of Christ and of Christ’s
flock. He is a preacher, too, and might rightly be called a preacher,
as he delivers God’s message of salvation Sunday after Sunday.
However, while it would be correct enough to call a priest a minister
or a preacher, it would not be correct to call a Protestant minister a
priest. The minister does not have the power to offer sacrifice, which
is precisely what makes a priest a priest. Indeed, Protestant
ministers—except the clergy of the High Episcopalian Church—do
not even believe in such a power. The High Church—or Anglican—
clergy do consider themselves priests, but unfortunately they are
mistaken. There is no one who can impart to them the power of the
Bishops—and others
The third and top step of the sacrament of holy orders is that of
bishop. When a new bishop is needed to head a diocese or to
perform some other high-level work of the Church, the Holy Father
as Peter’s successor designates the priest who is to be raised to the
episcopacy. This priest then receives his third “laying on of hands”
from a bishop (deaconship and priesthood have gone before) and
himself becomes a bishop. To his previous power to offer Mass and
to forgive sins there is now added the power to administer
confirmation in his own right and the exclusive power which only a
bishop possesses: the power to administer the sacrament of holy
orders, the power to ordain other priests and to consecrate other
Deacon, priest, bishop; these are the three steps in the sacrament of
holy orders. Above the order of bishop there is no further spiritual
power that God gives to men. Then what about the Pope? Does he
not have more power than an ordinary bishop? And what about
cardinals and archbishops? Where do they come into the picture?
No, the Pope does not have any more spiritual power than any other
bishop. He does have more authority, more extensive jurisdiction
than any other bishop. Because he i, the bishop of Rome, the
successor of St Peter, the Pope has authority over the entire Church
of Christ. He makes laws for the entire Church. He designates the
priests who are to become bishops, and assigns bishops to their
dioceses. He also enjoys a very special privilege which Jesus
conferred on St Peter and St Peter’s successors: the privilege of
infallibility. By this ine privilege God preserves the Holy Father from
error whenever he makes a definitive pronouncement to the
universal Church on matters of Christian faith or moral conduct,
using the fullness of his teaching authority. But the Holy Father’s
essential priestly power is no greater than it was on the day when he
was first consecrated a bishop.
At the head of each diocese is a bishop. The bishop who rules over
a diocese is called the ordinary of the diocese. The title of ordinary
distinguishes a ruling bishop from a titular bishop. A titular bishop is
one who does not have a diocese of his own to rule. When he is
consecrated a bishop, he is given title to an extinct diocese—usually
a diocese embracing some city in Asia or Africa which ceased to
exist centuries ago. A titular bishop may be assigned to assist the
ordinary of a large diocese, in which case he is called an auxiliary
bishop. Or he may be engaged in some non-diocesan work, such as
head of a Catholic university or papal delegate.
At this point someone may say, “But what about monsignors? Where
do monsignors fit in?” The title of Monsignor, with the right to wear a
purple cassock instead of black, is an honor conferred on a priest by
the Holy Father, usually at the request of the bishop in whose
diocese the priest labors. Usually the priest to whom such an honor
comes is a member of the bishop’s “official family”—chancellor,
secretary, vicar-general, Propagation of the Faith director, and so on;
or he is a pastor whose exceptional work seems to merit special
recognition. The bestowal of the monsignorship puts upon a priest
the seal of his bishop’s high approval but does not give any increase
of priestly power or authority.
Chapter 35
In planning the human race, God could have provided for the
propagation of mankind in some similar fashion. Under such a plan,
each human being would grow wider and wider, with a double set of
organs gradually forming. At the proper moment the two halves of
the person would split apart—and there would be two human beings
instead of one.
But God didn’t do it any other way. He chose to make man male and
female, and to give him the power, in partnership with Himself, to
produce new human life. By the act of intimate union which we call
sexual intercourse, man and woman would fashion a physical image
of themselves; and into this new body so wondrously begun God
would infuse a spiritual and immortal Soul. It is God, then, Who
bestowed upon humans the power of procreation—as the sexual
faculty is called. It is God who planned and who gave to men and
women their genital organs. It is God who (to guarantee the
perpetuation of the human race) attached to the use of those organs
a high degree of physical pleasure. Since God is the author of sex
and since all that God does is good, it follows then that sex in itself is
something good. Indeed, because of its close relationship with God
who is a partner to the reproductive act, sex is not merely something
good, it is something sacred and holy.
To assure the right use of the procreative power, God founded the
institution of marriage: the lifelong and irrevocable union of one man
and one woman. The necessity of such a union is apparent, since it
is essential not only that children be born but that they be lovingly
reared and cared for by the father and mother who bring them into
the world. Our juvenile courts and mental hospitals bear daily
witness to the evils that follow when the unity and permanence of
marriage are forgotten.
But it was not merely for the purpose of peopling the earth that God
instituted marriage. “It is not good that the man is alone,” said God
as Adam slept in Eden. “I will make him a helper like himself.” It is
God’s design that man and woman should complete each other,
draw strength from each other, contribute to one another’s spiritual
growth. It is in the lifelong espousal of one man and one woman,
wherein minds and hearts as well as bodies are fused into a new
and richer unity, that this purpose of God is achieved.
With the coming of Jesus, these exceptions to the oneness and the
permanence of marriage were ended. Up to the time of Christ,
marriage, although a sacred union, was still only a civil contract
between a man and a woman. Jesus, however, took this contract,
this exchange of marital consent between man and woman, and
made the contract a conveyer of grace; he made marriage a
sacrament, the sacrament of Matrimony among Christians.
Matrimony is defined as “the sacrament by which a baptized man
and a baptized woman bind themselves for life in a lawful marriage
and receive the grace to discharge their duties.”
No matter how selfless a couple may be, it is not easy for them to
face the prospect of responsible parenthood, with all the sacrifices
that entails. Especially it is not easy to face the prospect of an
ultimate judgment, in which they will have to answer to God for the
souls of the children who have been
entrusted to them. If ever there was a state of life which called for
grace, this is it.
And, in Christ’s new plan for mankind, there was a further need for
grace in marriage. It would be upon parents that Jesus must depend
for the continual replenishment of his mystical body: that unionin-
grace whereby all baptized Catholics are one in Christ. From now
on, for Christian parents it would not be enough to beget, rear,
educate, and train offspring. From now on Jesus would expect
parents to form and nurture the souls of their children in the pattern
of sainthood. Without guiding grace and strengthening grace, this
would be a hopeless task.
The rare case in which a priest’s presence is not required for the
sacrament of matrimony is not practical for us, but it is interesting. If
a baptized couple wish to marry but it will be impossible for them to
reach a priest for thirty days or more, the Church legislates that they
may exchange marital consent in the presence of two witnesses and
it will be the sacrament of matrimony. This could happen, for
example, in a country under persecution, such as Russia; or in a
missionary country where a priest is seen but seldom in outlying
parts. If one of the parties to the proposed marriage should be in
danger of death, then even the thirty-day clause does not hold; if a
priest cannot be had, the couple may marry each other in the
presence of two witnesses; and it is the sacrament of matrimony that
they receive.
That is, there can be no remarriage for such persons so far as God
is concerned. They can, of course, secure a civil orce (with the
consent of the bishop) if it is necessary to protect themselves against
a vicious or a deserting spouse. But the civil orce cannot break the
marriage bond. If such persons enter into a civil union with a new
spouse, it means that they cut themselves off from God’s grace and
live in habitual sin. They barter their eternal happiness for the sake
of the few years of added comfort which their second “marriage” may
bring. Even this comfort must be tainted by the knowledge that they
have separated themselves from God.
That is why we say that the indissolubility of the marriage bond flows
from the natural law, even aside from any positive decree on the part
of God. It is based on the very nature of man as he is.
Yes, someone may say, that is all very true. But couldn’t there be a
dispensation in cases of exceptional hardship? Unfortunately, there
can be no exceptions if God’s plan is to succeed. When a man and a
woman know that “this is for life,” that they have to make a go of their
marriage—then ninety-nine times out of a hundred they will. If
adultery were grounds for severing the marriage bond with the right
to remarry, or brutality or desertion, then how easy it would be to
provide the grounds. We have seen that very result exemplified in
our own country, as our orce-and-remarriage rate grows and swells.
No, this is a case where God must hold the line firmly or God’s
cause is lost.
One practical conclusion that flows from all this is that a Catholic
should never, in good conscience, keep company with a orced
person whose true wife or husband still lives. Such company-
keeping is of itself ordinarily a grave sin, even though marriage is not
intended. The occasion of sin, the danger of eventual involvement, is
always present.
For the wise person who feels that marriage is his or her vocation,
what are some of the elementary steps in the choice of a life
partner? A most basic precaution, obviously, is to choose a Catholic
partner. A husband and wife who cannot kneel at the altar and the
Communion rail together, who cannot live by a shared set of moral
principles, who cannot pray the same prayers together with their
children, begin their married life under a terrific handicap. And the
only way for a person to make sure of marrying a Catholic is, of
course, to have dates with none but Catholic companions. The
problem of mixed marriages is as simple as that. If Catholic boys
dated none but Catholic girls, and Catholic girls none but Catholic
boys, how could there be any mixed marriages? The trap that
catches many is the casual just-this-once date with a non-Catholic
companion. “Oh, Mother, don’t be silly. It isn’t that serious. I don’t
have to marry him just because I go out with him once or twice!” The
words sound familiar, do they not? The catch is that little by little it
does become serious. The heart becomes deeply involved, and the
head goes out the window. “He’s better than lots of Catholic boys I
know” is the stubborn defense. That well may be; but then it isn’t a
good idea to marry a bad Catholic boy either.
“Can I live happily and holily with this person in Christian marriage—
forever?” Several may be weighed in the balance and discarded
before the right one is found.
However, no bride and groom who are seeking all the grace they can
obtain for the fulfillment of their vocation will want to forego a Nuptial
Mass. The Nuptial Mass is a special Mass with a very special
blessing which the Church provides in her liturgy for those who are
embarking upon the holy vocation of marriage. There is a special
Mass of Ordination in the liturgy for the young man who is offering
himself to God in the priesthood. There is a special Mass of
Consecration for the offering of a new church edifice to God. It is not
surprising, then, that there is a Nuptial Mass for the couple who are
dedicating themselves to God as co-operators in his work of creation
and redemption, as a little “church-within-a-church” in the mystical
body of Christ. It is a measure of the importance which the Church
attaches to the sacrament of matrimony.
A Catholic couple, both esteeming marriage as a vocation under
God, receiving the sacrament of matrimony after a chaste courtship
in which prayer and the sacraments have kept God close, kneeling
together to receive holy communion at their Nuptial Mass—there is a
marriage upon which they, and all who love them, can pin their
Responsible parenthood
Agents of grace
The word “sacramental” looks very much like the word “sacrament.”
Indeed the word “sacramental” means “something like a sacrament.”
Yet there is a big difference in meaning between the two words. A
sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ for the purpose of
giving grace to souls. A sacramental also is an outward sign; but the
sacramentals have been instituted by the Church and do not of
themselves give grace. Rather, they dispose us for grace by
arousing in us sentiments of faith and love which make a claim upon
God for answering grace. Whatever grace we may obtain through
the use of sacramentals comes to us because of our own interior
dispositions and because of the power of the Church’s prayers which
back up the sacramentals.
Over the water the Church prays that it may “become an agent of ine
grace in the service of thy mysteries, to drive away evil spirits and
dispel sickness, so that everything in the homes and other buildings
of the faithful that is sprinkled with this water may be rid of all
uncleanness and freed from every harm. Let no breath of infection,
no disease-bearing air, remain in these places. May the wiles of the
lurking enemy prove of no avail. Let whatever might menace the
safety and peace of those who live here be put to flight by the
sprinkling of this water, so that the healthfulness obtained by calling
upon thy holy name may be made secure against all attack.”
Then, after the salt has been mixed with the water, the Church begs
God “to look with favor on this salt and water which thou hast
created. Shine on it with the light of thy kindness. Sanctify it by the
dew of thy love, so that, through the invocation of thy holy name,
wherever this water and salt is sprinkled it may turn aside every
attack of the unclean spirit and dispel the terror of the poisonous
serpent. And wherever we may be, make the Holy Spirit present to
us who now implore thy mercy.”
And that is holy water. The Church has taken two common elements
of man’s daily life and has made them instruments of grace. Not
conveyers of grace, not direct carriers of grace as are the
sacraments. Only the personal power of Jesus himself could do that.
But with all the power that is hers as Christ’s mystical body the
Church speaks to God a covering plea for all those who will devoutly
use this water blessed in Christ’s name.
Some sacramentals are things, and some are actions. Besides holy
water there are many things which the Church blesses and by her
blessing sets aside to be used for religious purposes. Included is the
wide range of things which we call objects or articles of devotion:
candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rosaries, scapulars,
images of our Lord, the Blessed Mother, and the saints.
Sacramentals which are actions are the various blessings and
exorcisms which the Church imparts through her bishops and
priests. Some of these blessings are of a dedicatory nature, as when
the Church blesses a chalice, an altar, Mass vestments, or some
other thing that is to be set aside and used exclusively for ine
worship. Other blessings are simply invocative, bespeaking God’s
bounty and protection in regard to the thing or person which is
blessed, such as the blessing of a home, of an automobile, of fields
and crops, of infants, and of the sick. Few people know how many
blessings the Church has provided in her armory of sacramentals.
There is a blessing—which means an official prayer with all the
power of Christ-in-his-Church behind it—for almost every major need
or tool of human living.
It hangs upon the wall or stands upon the mantel of the principal
room of the house; its replica also may be found in the bedrooms.
The value of the crucifix as an aid to prayer and to Christian living is
obvious. There is no symbol which so vividly reminds us of the
infinite love of God for man as does the image of God’s own Son
skewered to the cross that we might have eternal life. Nothing could
better move us to sorrow for our sins than this visual presentation of
Jesus paying the price of our sins. Nothing could better buoy us up
in our daily trials and discouragements than this image of the
agonized Christ giving meaning and value to suffering.
The Catholic home will possess two blessed candles tucked away in
an easily accessible drawer. Better still, perhaps they stand in
candlesticks flanking a crucifix upon a chest or mantel. The use of
lamps or candles as accessories to religious worship seems to have
been a universal practice in man’s history. Even among pagans, and
of course among the ancient Jews by God’s own designation,
candles played an important part in religious ceremonies. In the early
Christian Church, candles or other lights were a necessity, as the
holy sacrifice was offered in the pre-dawn darkness or in the
blackness of the catacombs. It is not surprising that the connotation
of the candle as a symbol of Christ the Light of the world, who “has
visited us, to shine on those who sit in darkness and in the shadow
of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79),
should have impressed the imaginations of the early Christians.
The Church very soon sanctified this symbolism by definitely
prescribing the use of candles in ine worship: they must burn at
Mass, in the administration of most of the sacraments, and at many
other religious ceremonies. If a priest brings holy communion to a
sick person, Christ the Light of the world meets Christ in the
eucharist at the door, and candles burn upon the bedside table.
Blessed candles may burn beside the crucifix as the household
kneels for family night prayers or the family rosary. Blessed candles
may be lit in times of severe storms or deep trouble as a reminder of
God’s providence and as an act of faith in His loving care. On
baptismal anniversaries the candles may burn upon the supper table
as a reminder of the light of faith which was enkindled at the
baptismal font for the one who celebrates. There are many reasons
why blessed candles are to be found in Catholic homes.
Since we are God’s very own, down to the last fractional inch of us,
we owe God our complete and absolute loyalty. We are the work of
his hands even more than a watch is the work of its maker. There is
nothing that he has not the right to ask of us. If we choose to disobey
God, the malice of our act is far greater than that of the most
unnatural son who would raise his hand against a loving and
sacrificing mother. If the angels had bodies, surely they would
shudder to behold the depth of ingratitude involved in sin. It follows,
then, that the third purpose of prayer must be to acknowledge our
sinfulness, to beg God’s pardon for our rebellions, and to make
atonement (here rather than hereafter) for the debt of punishment
that we have incurred.
When we offer prayers of petition, asking God for our needs, we are
not of course telling God something that he does not already know.
God knows what we need far better than we know it ourselves; he
has known all our needs from all eternity. A prayer of petition for
ourselves focuses our attention on our own necessity and keeps
alive our awareness of God’s goodness; in prayer of petition for
others, we are given opportunity for limitless acts of charity. It is for
these reasons, and not to jog his own memory, that God wants us to
offer prayers of petition. God knows what we want, but he wants us
to know it too; and he wants us to care enough to ask.
Vocal prayers need not be audible prayer. We may, and often do,
pray silently, but moving our lips and tongue as when we recite the
rosary privately. But if we make use of words as we pray, even
though we speak the words silently, our prayer still is classed as
vocal prayer. Sometimes, too, actions may take the place of words in
prayer. A reverent genuflection to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,
for example, or a wordless sign of the cross, or an inclination of the
head at the sound of the Holy Name: such bodily gestures as these
are prayer by action and are classified as vocal prayer even though
no word is spoken.
The truth is, most of us talk too much to God; we don’t give God
enough chance to talk to us.
own pleasure.
Indeed, not until we reach heaven and then know all that God has
done shall we be aware of all the gifts and graces that have come to
us in response to prayers which, at the time, seemed to go
unanswered. Sometimes we can see the substitute answer here and
now; quite often, not.
First and before all, I shall pray for myself, for the grace to live and
die in the state of grace. Does that sound selfish? It isn’t. It is the
right kind of self-love, the kind of self-love God wants us to have.
Under God each of us is the keeper of his own soul, with the primary
responsibility of achieving the eternal union with himself for which
God made us. If we fail in that responsibility, we have failed in
everything. All other petitions fade into insignificance compared to
the importance of our prayer for a happy death—for “the grace of
final perseverance,” as it is called. No day should begin without
some such plea as this: “Give me, 0 God, the graces I need to do
your will here and to be happy with you hereafter.”
The right kind of self-love—the urgent desire to live and die in the
grace of God—also is the measure of our love for our neighbor:
“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Consequently, prayers for the spiritual
welfare of one’s neighbor take precedence over prayers for temporal
favors for self. Jesus already has answered the question, “Who is my
neighbor?” My neighbor is anyone in need whom I can help. In
matters spiritual, that embraces the entire world—and the souls in
We shall pray for our country and for the officials who govern it, that
they may direct wisely our nation’s destiny in accordance with God’s
will. We shall pray (if our conscience is at all sensitive) for all who
may have suffered any harm at our hands, especially for those who
may have suffered spiritually through our bad example, our neglect,
or our failure in charity. “Dear God, let no soul suffer or be lost
through any fault of mine,” is an orison that should rank high on our
list. And of course we shall pray for the souls in purgatory, our
neighbors who have to depend upon us so completely in their
Tom and his wife, so the story goes, were returning home from
shopping. As they passed a church the wife suggested, “Tom, let’s
stop in and make a visit.” “What’s the use?” Tom answered. “We
haven’t got our prayer books.”
But there are some basic prayers that we ought to know by heart.
When we kneel in the morning, still half-drugged with sleep, it is
good to be able to speak familiar words that rise easily to our lips. At
nighttime, too, we often are grateful for memorized prayers that put
little strain on a tired brain. Likewise, when driving the car or working
at some monotonous task, remembered prayers can be repeated
and still leave a bit of the mind attentive to the job in hand.
In such instances, freed from the necessity of thinking how to say it,
we can give our attention to the meaning of what we say. However, it
should be noted that even when we make use of memorized prayers
it is not essential that we advert to the actual meaning of all the
words we use. We have enlisted our vocal organs in the service of
God but it suffices for good prayer if our conscious mind simply
directs itself to God with sentiments of faith and trust and love.
It can be in our own words: “O my God, all that I do, say, think, and
suffer today I want to do, say, think, and suffer for love of you.” Then
must follow an attempt to make our day acceptable to God, a real
effort to identify our will with his. Perhaps during the day we can
occasionally renew our morning offering, especially in moments of
stress. Just a reminder to ourselves, “This is for God,” will ease
some rather heavy burdens.
Yet we are not content with the praise that God is receiving. In our
love for him we shall not be content until all men everywhere shall be
his faithful subjects and shall join in a universal and everlasting
peace. So we pray, “Thy kingdom come.” We pray that God’s grace
may find its way into the hearts of all men, to establish there his
dominion of love. We pray that Christ’s words may be realized: that
“there shall be one fold and one shepherd”; that Christ’s visible
kingdom on earth, his Church, may become the haven of all
mankind. We pray, too, for the advent of his kingdom in heaven; that
we and all for whom Jesus died may reign with him there in his
eternal glory. The hearts and hands of missionaries all over the world
are fortified as millions of us daily pray, “Thy kingdom come!”
Good parents know the needs of their children for food, clothing,
shelter, toys, books, picnics, and all the rest. Nevertheless, parents
are pleased when a child acknowledges the source of what comes to
him so easily. Parents are pleased when a child asks for something,
even though it is something which he already is slated to get. In this
parents do but reflect the paternal love of God of which they are
agents and the human exemplars.
It is no surprise to us, then, that the second part of the Lord’s Prayer
concerns itself with the needs of the one who prays. And with what
beautiful simplicity does Jesus phrase it! Left to ourselves we could
so easily jabber on endlessly, “Please, God, give us enough food
and decent clothes and a comfortable house and a reasonably good
car and good health and success in our work and new glasses and
bridge-work and a pleasant vacation and … oh, yes, the graces we
need to lead good lives and especially to overcome this confounded
temper of mine and ….”
It could develop into quite a long litany. But Jesus calmly cuts right
across the whole of it and compresses it all into seven words, “Give
us this day our daily bread.” The word “bread” here is symbolic of all
our needs, spiritual as well as physical. We can add our own
personal litany if we will. Our detailed list will be a continuing
acknowledgment of our dependence upon God and will be pleasing
to him as a consequence. But when we say, “Give us this day our
daily bread,” we really have said it all.
Consider how the lilies of the field grow…. How much more you, 0
you of little faith!” (Matt 6:25-30).
“Don’t worry so,” is the message that Jesus folds into the phrase
“this day our daily bread”; “Don’t worry about whether rain spoils
tomorrow’s party or whether you lose your job next week or whether
that pain will turn out to be cancer. Don’t you suppose that God
knows the whole story, that he cares, that he will be with you no
matter what happens, and that it never will be as bad as you fear?
Today’s trials are enough for anyone; ask for what you need today;
you and God can take care of tomorrow when it comes.”
Then comes the really hard part of the Lord’s Prayer: “and forgive us
our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.” It is not hard to ask God’s
forgiveness for our sins; but sometimes it is very hard to make God’s
forgiveness of us depend upon our forgiveness of someone else.
This is especially true if we have suffered a genuine injury at the
hands of another—if we have been betrayed by one whom we
thought a friend or if someone has spread tales and damaged our
reputation or if we have been treated unjustly by our boss.
We can get to heaven without reading the Bible. If that were not so,
then people who are unable to read would be in a very hopeless
state. If it were necessary to read the Bible in order to get to heaven,
most of the people who lived before the invention of printing (about
five hundred years ago) also would find heaven closed to them.
We know that Jesus did not make salvation dependent upon the
ability to read or to own a Bible. Jesus did not command his
apostles, “Go and write down everything I have said so that the
people can read it.” Rather did Jesus say, “Go and preach! Go and
teach!” His truths were to be spread (as they had to be spread
before the printing press was invented) mainly by the spoken word. It
is true that some of the apostles and some of their companions, such
as Mark and Luke, did commit to writing many things about the life
and doctrines of our Lord. But the oral teachings of the apostles are
just as truly the word of God as are their written works which we find
in the New Testament of the Bible.
The oral teachings of the apostles have been handed on, from
generation to generation, through the Popes and bishops of the
Catholic Church. The Latin word for something which is handed on is
traditio; consequently these oral teachings of the apostles are called
the Tradition of the Church. Tradition dating from Christ or his
apostles and the Bible are equally important as sources of ine truths.
We must draw upon both of them for a full knowledge of Christ and
his teachings. In fact, many parts of the Bible would be difficult to
understand aright if we did not have Tradition to guide us in
interpreting them.
The oral teachings of the apostles were, of course, eventually put
into written form, for the most part by the early Christian writers
whom we call the Fathers of the Church. Much of the Tradition of the
Church has been enshrined in the decrees of Church Councils and
in the ex cathedra pronouncements of the Popes. In the last analysis
it is only the Church which can separate the wheat from the chaff
and say which truths are a part of Tradition; the Church in the person
of the Pope or a General Council (all the bishops of the world)
presided over by him, or of the bishops in union with the Pope
teaching in their dioceses throughout the world.
The Bible and Tradition are not two separate sources of Christian
truth. With us, as with our Protestant brothers, the Bible is the rule of
faith. But with us it is the Bible as interpreted for us by the
uninterrupted Tradition of the Christian Community, the Church. With
the Protestant churches it is the Bible as interpreted by each inidual
according to his own understanding of what it says. There is an old
saw to the effect that he who tries to be his own doctor has a fool for
a physician. Even more truly we might say that he who sets himself
up as his own Pope has a fool for a spiritual guide. To the ignorant,
the unwary, and the self-seeking the Bible can be twisted to yield
almost any meaning a person may want to read into it. The Bible
itself gives us warning on this score. St Peter, in his second Epistle
(3:16), speaking of the writings of St Paul, says: “In these epistles
there are certain things difficult to understand, which the unlearned
and the unstable distort, just as they do the rest of the Scriptures
also, to their own destruction.”
This is the Bible (from the Greek word biblion, meaning “the book”).
It contains seventy-three isions, or “books,” as they are called—
some of which have been dropped from some Protestant editions of
the Bible. Written by different authors (all inspired by God), the Bible
begins with the book of Genesis, ascribed to the patriarch Moses,
and ends with the book of the Apocalypse, written by the apostle St
John. God, we might say, has gone to a lot of trouble to give us the
Bible. Surely he expects us to read it.
The Church makes extensive use of the Bible in the liturgy. Many
parts of the Mass, much of the ine Office, and a goodly part of other
official rites are drawn from the Bible. The Bible also is the treasure-
book of all priests who preach; most sermons are an enlargement
upon some basic truth found in Sacred Scripture. In view of these
facts—but especially in view of the fact that the Bible is God’s own
inspired word—it is surprising that more Catholics do not read the
Bible regularly for their own personal enrichment and spiritual
We shall find all this, and more, if we read the Bible regularly and
with the prayerful reverence that is due the word of God. A partial
indulgence is granted to those who, with the veneration due the ine
word, make a spiritual reading from Sacred Scripture. A plenary
indulgence is granted, if this reading is continued for at least one half
an hour.