Travel Reading Fcplus Blue
Travel Reading Fcplus Blue
Travel Reading Fcplus Blue
READING You are going to read a magazine article about a rally driver. For questions 1-8,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
8 In the last paragraph, the writer suggests that taking part in the rally
You are going to read a magazine article about wild camping. For questions 16-30,
choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.
A Luis Gallivan
B Anna Cresswell
c Thomas Parsons
D Jennie Martinez
Which person
Tip Strip
enjoys the idea of facing some risks while camping? I 16
Question 16: Find a
similar way of saying
compares attitudes to wild camping now and in the past? I 17
'enjoys facing risks'.
Question 21: Find
mentions the inexpensive nature of wild camping? 18 II 19
a similar way of
saying 'unwilling to
was forced by circumstances to share a camping experience? I 20
Question 27: Be careful! is unwilling to recommend areas suitable for wild camping? 21
paragraph B refers
to 'an accident', is pleased to have shown others how to enjoy camping? 22
paragraph C refers to
'dangerous activities'
and paragraph D refers accepts that parents may be concerned about their children? 23
to 'a disaster'. Which
one is the correct refers to the need to travel light when wild camping? 24
answer here?
explains how a negative experience made her avoid camping
for a while? 25
says more people are beginning to see the attraction of wild camping? 26
friend to a remote Camping in the wild rather than at organised Jennie Martinez
spot but we each had campsites is a great way of getting away Camping was an
different plans. She from it all and getting back to nature. Four integral part of my
wanted to stay the experienced wild campers tell us why. early years, and
night in a tent, whilst I've managed to
I was wanted to head pass on some of my
back home before bedtime. As it happened, enthusiasm to my own children. In striving for
I was so exhausted that I ended up sharing little luxuries like hot showers, 'mild' campers
the tiny uncomfortable tent with her. I must miss out on the delights of wild camping.
say the experience put me off wild camping There are very comfortable state-of-the-art
for months, until I reminded myself that if I tents available nowadays if you want a bit of
hadn't stayed, I'd never have witnessed that comfort, and they don't cost that much. Once
breathtaking sunset which more than made you're hooked on wild camping, nothing else
up for all the discomfort. Then there's the will do and you get not to mind occasional
excitement that comes from making yourself problems with ants or wasps. The lack of
slightly vulnerable: out in the wild with nobody fellow travellers makes me feel that the great
watching over you. And I never have to book, views and the starlit skies have been laid on
if the weather's disappointing I don't go, if it expressly for my own personal enjoyment. But
turns cold I go home. This is as stress-free as camping in wild places also means having to
holidays get. But I'm a bit fussy about taking observe a few basic rules. For instance, during
everything I need, even if it means a heavier a particularly dry season, it's best to avoid
backpack: for example, I must have a folding high fire-risk areas. I'll always remember a
chair, a thin self-inflating mattress and a pile of time when I was camping with friends and we
good books. noticed that somebody had failed to extinguish
a small fire completely. We managed to put it
out, but it could have been a disaster.
You are going to read a magazine article about people who work in the tourist
industry. For questions 16-30, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be
chosen more than once.
A Claire Davies
B Peter Gattoni
c Maria Falcon
D Patrick O'Connor
E Connie Ferguson
Which person
says people shouldn't feel discouraged if they don't earn much at first? 20
support and information throughout the trip.
Thinking of a 'It is important to allow people to do what
they want, while at the same time making
career in tourism? sure everybody is back on the minibus by the
agreed time. And you must know the history of
The tourist industry offers a range of jobs places you visit really well. Years back, I was
and career opportunities. So what sort of embarrassed when a holidaymaker spotted
person do you need to be to work in tourism? some incorrect details in a commentary I was
To begin with, you need to like people and giving. Since then I've managed to attend
enjoy the challenge of working in a customer regular local history classes to make sure it
focussed environment. doesn't happen again.'
Claire Davies is twenty-one and is a
receptionist in a five-star hotel. She says that If the work of a tour guide seems a bit
what appeals to her most is the diversity of tame, Patrick O'Connor says that the job
the challenges she faces every day - from of adventure travel guide certainly offers
dealing with phone calls in different languages excitement. Patrick leads trips to exotic
to making bookings for restaurants. She first locations around the globe, and he's quick
came to the hotel when she was on a year's to remind us that you need experience in a
work experience from university and now range of adventurous disciplines. 'People on
works part-time, which allows her to continue these holidays are doing potentially dangerous
with her degree course in management. Her activities, such as kayaking or diving. It's
advice to anyone considering a career in crucial to be able to exercise good judgment
hotels in not to be put off by the thought of low in difficult situations and be resourceful when
wages at the start. Having the right degree or dealing with the emergencies that are bound
diploma is no guarantee of promotion, but the to arise. Once, I forgot to give somebody a
right attitude and good communication skills life jacket and it could've been serious. This
will get you a long way. is a relatively new career, so educational
institutions are only just beginning to offer
programmes and qualifications.'
But of course it's not just about hotels. Peter If you're thinking of becoming a travel
Gattoni is a chef in an Italian restaurant that agent, Connie Ferguson says you may want
attracts what is called the 'gourmet tourist', to give this career choice a little more thought.
whose holiday is never complete without the 'The job outlook isn't good right now because
opportunity to try out the latest dishes. Peter of the Internet. It's become much easier for
went straight into employment after school, but people to make their own travel arrangements,
that's not something he'd recommend. 'Had I though many people still need the advice of a
taken a full-time college course as my parents travel professional.' Unlike other tourist jobs,
wanted, I would have made faster progress. you're based in an office, but you may get
There's a shortage of first-class chefs, so the opportunity to visit some destinations to
many companies are now advertising good evaluate the facilities on offer. Connie started
salaries, including profit-related pay, to chefs by working as a reservations clerk in the
with the right qualifications and experience, travel agency, but the manager soon realised
though these advantages are more likely to she had the skills to become a travel agent.
come from the big-name restaurants and hotel 'Clients are well-informed and expect expert
chains.' advice. I'm hoping to be able to start my own
online travel business soon.'
And what about a job as a tour guide? If you
enjoy communicating with large groups of Tourism offers something for everyone, with
people, as Maria Falcon does, it's a great job. varying degrees of responsibilty. The nature
Maria accompanies groups of holidaymakers of the job varies from working on a ski slope to
on package tours. She knows she plays a developing marketing strategies to preparing
central role in ensuring that people enjoy gourmet meals. But for all tourism jobs you
their holiday by providing them with practical need to be adaptable, enjoy problem-solving
and think on your feet.