Small Diesel Engine Service Manual
Small Diesel Engine Service Manual
Small Diesel Engine Service Manual
mmmmmmmmmBmm mmmm
mnual • Is* edition
^/uudhhhhmmhi^hkotkl*: r —i i m nrmmwB^ J
and Repair
Small Diesel
Engines Up To
160 Cubic Inches
799 Displacement
(1st Edition)
Continental 2
Farymann (Briggs & Stratton) 7, 12
Kirloskar 17
Kubota 22, 30, 37
Lister 46, 52, 57
Lombardini 66, 72, 78, 86, 93
Onan 99
Peugeot 116
Volkswagen 124
Wisconsin 130, 138
Published by
®Copyright 1982 by Intertec Publishing Corp. Printed in the United States of America.
All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial or pictorial content, in any manner,
is prohibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from use of the information contained herein.
Publication of the servicing information in this manual does not imply approval of the manufacturers of the prod-
ucts covered.
All instructions and diagrams have been checked for accuracy and ease of application; however, success and safety
in working with tools depend to a great extent upon individual accuracy, skill and caution. For this reason the
publishers are not able to guarantee the result of any procedure contained herein. Nor can they assume responsibili-
ty for any damage to property or injury to persons occasioned from the procedures. Persons engaging in the pro
cedures do so entirely at their own risk.
700 Terrace Street
Muskegon, Michigan 49443
The Model TMD27 engine is a water- speed is determined by engine applica- engine running at 1600 rpm. Manufac-
cooled, four-cylinder, four-stroke diesel tion and is adjusted by turning high turer recommends using a suitable tim-
engine. Crankshaft rotation is counter- speed screw (H). ing light to set injection timing.
clockwise at pto end and number 1 If injection timing cannot be correctly
cylinder is cylinder nearest pto end of FUEL SYSTEM set as outlined previously, refer to IN-
engine. Firing order is 1-3-4-2. JECTION PUMP section as injection
Metric fasteners are used throughout FUEL FILTERS. An external fuel pump gear may be improperly timed.
engine. filter is mounted on side of engine.
Renew fuel filter after every 400 hours
of operation or sooner if required. COOLING SYSTEM
MAINTENANCE BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. To bleed Model TMD 27 is liquid cooled and
LUBRICATION fuel system, remove bleed screw on fuel uses a water pump mounted on the
filterbody. Allow gravity to force fuel engine front to circulate coolant. Corro-
Recommended engine oil is SAE flow or operate priming lever on fuel sion resistant anti-freeze or an anti-
5W-20 for temperatures below minus transfer pump until air-free fuel flows, corrosion additive should be used in the
18° C.(0° F.), SAE 10W for then reinstall filter body bleed screw. engine coolant.
temperatures between minus 18°C.(0° Loosen injection pump bleed screws A thermostat is located under the
F.) and 0° C.(32° F.), SAE 20W for (V-Fig. Cl-1) and operate fuel transfer coolant outlet. Thermostat opening
temperatures between 0° C.(32° F.) and pump priming lever until air-free fuel temperature is 81° C.(180° F.).
24° C.(75° F.). API oil classification flows, then tighten bleed screws (V).
should be CD or CE. Oil sump capacity is Loosen fittings for high pressure injec- BELT TENSION
5.7 liters while an additional liter of oil is tion lines at injectors. Rotate engine
contained in the oil filter. Manufacturer crankshaft to operate fuel injection Belt deflection measured midway be-
recommends renewing oil after every 50 pump until air-free fuel flows from injec- tween water pump and crankshaft
hours of operation. tion lines. Retighten injection lines. pulleys should be approximately 13 mm
using thumb pressure. Belt tension is ad-
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT INJECTION PUMP TIMING justed by repositioning alternator.
Idle speed should be 800-1000 rpm and The injection pump should be properly
is adjusted by turning idle speed screw timed when timing marks scribed on
(I -Fig. Cl-1). Maximum governed timing gear cover, adapter plate and
pump mounting flange are aligned.
Loosen adapter plate and injection
pump mounting nuts, then rotate plate
or pump as required to align marks.
If timing marks are not present or
believed false, rotate engine so number
1 piston is at top dead center on com-
pression. Remove inspection plate on
side of injection pump, loosen pump
mounting nuts then rotate pump so line
“A” on pump drive plate is aligned with
flat end of snap ring as shown in Fig.
Cl-2. It may be necessary to loosen and
rotate adapter plate if rotating pump
Fig. Cl-1 — Typical view of fuel Injection pump. Fig. Cl -2 -Injection timing is correct when
will not align line “A” and snap ring end.
Loosen vent screws (V) to bleed fuel. Turn screw scribed line “A” aligns with snap ring end and
(I) to adjust Idle speed or screw (H) to adjust high
Injection timing should occur at 15-17 number 1 piston is at top dead center on com-
speed. degrees before top dead center with pression.
REPAIRS towards pulley side of pump. Housing
willbe damaged if shaft is removed from Both valves ride in renewable valve
impeller side of pump. guides. Refer to CYLINDER HEAD
Reverse disassembly procedure for section for valve guide installation.
TIGHTENING TORQUES reassembly, however, install pulley (10) Intake valve face angle is 29° 45’ and
before impeller (3). However, do not in- valve seat angle is 30° 15’. Exhaust
Refer to following table for tightening stall cover (1) until pulley (10) is installed valve face angle is 44° 45’ and valve seat
torques. All values are in newton so shaft can be supported to prevent angle is 45° 15’. Valve seat width for all
meters. damage to bushing and seal. valves should be 1.62-3.2 mm.
Intake and exhaust valve guide inner
Camshaft nut 88-95 VALVE TAPPET GAP diameter is 8.692-8.717 mm. Intake
Connecting rod 61-68 valve stem diameter is 8.642-8.660 mm.
Crankshaft pulley 163-176 Valve tappet gap is adjusted with Intake valve stem clearance should be
Cylinder head engine at normal operating 0.032-0.075 mm
with a maximum
M10 68-75 temperature. Remove rocker cover for allowable clearance of 0.125 mm. Ex-
M12 122-129 access to rocker arms and adjust valve haust valve stem diameter is 8.622-8.640
Flywheel 68-75 tappet gap to 0.36 mm
for intake valves mm. Exhaust valve stem clearance
Flywheel housing 61-68 and 0.46 mm
for exhaust valves. should be 0.052-0.095 mm
with a max-
Glow plug 31-38 imum allowable clearance of 0.142 mm.
Injection pump gear 27-34 CYLINDER HEAD Valve spring pressure should be 235
Injector 68-75 newtons at 42.0 mm
and 466 newtons
Main bearing 150-162 R&R AND OVERHAUL. Drain at 32.88 mm. Installed spring height is
Manifolds coolant, then detach coolant hoses. 42.0 mm.
M8 20-24 Remove intake and exhaust manifolds.
M10 34-40 Detach glow plug wire. Disconnect fuel INJECTOR
Oil pan 14-19 injection lines,remove injectors and cap
Oil pump 20-24 or plug fuel openings to prevent con- WARNING: Fuel emerges from injector
Rocker cover 7-8 tamination. Remove rocker cover and with sufficient force to penetrate the skin.
Rocker arm shaft 23-27 rocker arm shaft assembly. Extract When testing injector, keep yourself clear
push rods being careful not to dislodge of nozzle spray.
hoses and remove drive belt. Unbolt and lengthwise or 0.075 mm measured linesand adjacent area with a suitable
remove water pump. across head. Precombustion chamber in- solvent and compressed air. Disconnect
Refer to Fig. Cl-3 and disassemble serts must be flush or project up to 0.076 high pressure and by-pass lines from in-
pump as follows: Pull pulley (10) off mm above head surface. jector, then cap lines to prevent con-
Intake valve seat angle is 30° 15’ and tamination. Unscrew injector from
shaft then remove cover (1). Pull im-
peller (3) off shaft and remove seal
exhaust valve seat angle is 45° 15’. cylinder head, then remove and discard
assembly (4). Detach snap rings (6). Valve guides are renewable. Bottom of heat shield (9 -Fig. Cl-5).
Drive or press shaft (9) out of housing valve guide should be 40.0 mm from Before installing injector, be sure in-
head surface. Valve guide inside
diameter is 8.692-8.717 mm with a max-
imum allowable diameter of 8.775 mm.
Maximum allowable clearance be-
tween rocker arms and shaft is 0.13 mm.
Install cylinder head by reversing
removal procedure. Use three steps
when tightening cylinder head screws
and follow sequence shown in Fig. Cl-4.
Tighten M10 cylinder head screws to
68-75 N-m and M12 screws to 122-129
N-m. Retighten cylinder head screws
with engine at normal operating
w 0 vy ©©
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Fig. Cl-3 — Exploded view of water pump. Fig. Cl-5 — Exploded view of fuel miector.
1. Cover 6. Snap ring 1. Body
Seal assy.
Shaft assy.
® (D (D CD
Pressure pin
Nozzle nut
“0” ring Fig. Cl-4 — Cylinder head tightening sequence. 5. Spacer 9. Heat shield
5. 10. Pulley
jector bore and seating surface in head ical,emerging in a straight axis from ing gear cover and install a timing pin.
are clean and free of carbon. Install a nozzle tip. If pattern is wet, ragged or Installinjection pump so pump gear
new heat shield (9). Install injector and intermittent, nozzle must be overhauled mates with drive gear and aligns with
tighten to 68-75 N-m. Reconnect injec- or renewed. timing pin. Refer to INJECTION PUMP
tor lines. TIMING section and time pump.
OVERHAUL. Hard or sharp tools,
complete job of testing emery cloth, compound or
grinding OIL PAN
and adjusting injectors requires use of other than approved solvents or lapping
special test equipment. Only clean, ap- compounds must never be used. An ap- The oil pan is sealed by RTV form-in-
proved testing oil should be used to test proved nozzle cleaning kit is available place gasket. Apply a 2 mm
bead of
injectors. Injector nozzle should be through a number of specialized sources. gasket material as shown in Fig. Cl-7.
tested for opening pressure, seat Wipe all dirt and loose carbon from ex- Gasket surfaces of oil pan and crankcase
leakage and spray pattern. terior of nozzle and holder assembly. must be clean and dry before applying
When operating properly during test, Refer to Fig. Cl-5 for exploded view and gasket material.
injector nozzle will emit a buzzing sound proceed as follows:
and cut off quickly with no fluid leakage Secure injector body a soft jawed
at seat. vise or holding fixture and remove noz-
Before conducting test, operate tester zle nut Place all parts in clean
lever until test oil flows, then attach in- calibrating or diesel fuel as they are
oil Piston and connecting rod are removed
jector. Close valve to tester gage and removed, using a compartmented pan as a unit after removing cylinder head
pump tester lever a few quick strokes to and using extra care to keep parts from and oil pan. If not present, make marks
be sure nozzle valve is not stuck, which each injector together and separate on rod and cap for reassembly. Unscrew
would indicate that injector may be ser- from other units. rod cap retaining screws, detach rod cap
viceable without disassembly. Clean exterior surfaces with a brass and extract piston and rod.
wire brush, soaking in an approved car- When assembling piston and rod,
OPENING PRESSURE. Open valve bon solvent if necessary, to loosen hard piston pin installation is easier if the
to testergage and operate tester lever carbon deposits. Rinse parts in clean piston is heated prior to pin insertion.
slowly while observing gage reading. diesel fuel or calibrating oil immediately Install piston and rod assembly so notch
Opening pressure should be 13.0-13.5 after cleaning to neutralize the solvent (N-Fig. Cl-8) is towards water pump
MPa (1885-1960 psi). and prevent etching of polished sur- end of engine. Tighten connecting rod
Opening pressure is adjusted by vary- faces. Tighten nozzle nut (8) to 68-75 screws to 61-68 N m.
ing thickness of shim (2 -Fig. Cl-5). N-m when installing on injector body
( 1 ).
SEAT LEAKAGE. Injector nozzle tip
should not leak at a pressure less than GLOW PLUGS All pistons are equipped with two com-
10.8 MPa (1560 psi). To check for pression rings and an oil control ring.
leakage, actuate tester lever slowly and Each cylinder is equipped with a glow The piston pin is fully floating in piston
as gage needle approaches suggested plug. Glow plugs are connected in and rod.
test pressure, observe nozzle tip. Hold parallel with each glow plug grounded Piston clearance is measured using a
pressure for 10 seconds; if drops appear through mounting threads. Before 13 mmwide, 0.08 mm
thick feeler gage
or nozzle tip becomes wet, valve is not suspecting a glow plug malfunction, and a suitable pull scale. Invert the
seating and injector must be disassem- determine that current is reaching glow piston, keeping pin bore parallel to
bled and overhauled as later outlined. plugs. Tighten glow plugs to 31-38 N m. • crankpin, and insert piston with feeler
gage 90 degrees from pin bore into
NOTE: Leakage of tester check valve or
connections will cause a false reading,
INJECTION PUMP cylinder until piston is approximately 50
when 2. 3-4. 5 kg pull is required to with- lined. Remove timing gear cover (note Remove cover (5 -Fig. Cl- 10) and in-
draw feeler gage. that oil pan is attached to timing gear spect gears and pump body for excessive
Piston ring end gap should be cover). Unscrew camshaft nut, then use wear or damage. The oil pressure relief
0.40-0.65 mm for compression rings and suitable pullers to slide camshaft gear valve is accessible after removing snap
0.30-0.60 mm for the oil control ring. and injection pump gear off end of cam- ring (9). Be sure “0” ring located be-
Piston ring side clearance for all rings shaft. Remove tappets, camshaft re- tween pickup tube and pump body seals
should be 0.050-0.082 mm. tainer plate and camshaft. properly. If oil pickup screen is renewed,
Piston pin diameter is 28.571-28.575 Diameter of camshaft bearing journal position new screen on pickup bowl so
mm with a maximum wear limit of nearest gear end is 47.511-47.536 mm lead disc is directly across from pickup
28.562 mm. Piston pin bore in piston while diameter of bearing journal at op- tube opening.
should be 28.578-28.583 mm. Piston pin posite end is 42.748-42.774 mm. Center Reverse removal procedure for in-
clearance in connecting rod should be bearing journal diameter is Tighten oil pump mounting
0.013-0.028 mm. 44.336-44.361 mm. Camshaft bearing screws to 20-24 N-m. Refer to CAM-
clearance should be 0.064-0.114 mm. SHAFT AND TAPPETS section when
CONNECTING ROD Tappet outside diameter is installing camshaft gear. Refer to OIL
AND BEARINGS 25.311-25.324 mm. Maximum allowable PAN section for oil pan installation.
tappet clearance is 0.13 mm.
Connecting rod is equipped with a re- Reverse camshaft removal procedure FLYWHEEL AND
newable bushing in the small end and in- for installation while noting the follow- FLYWHEEL HOUSING
sert type bearings in the big end. ing: Align crankshaft and camshaft gear
Clearance between rod bearing and marks shown in Fig. Cl-9. Insert a suit- The flywheel housing is secured to the
crankpin should be 0.016-0.080 mm. able bar through the fuel transfer pump cylinder block by special cap screws in
Maximum bearing clearance is 0.091 opening in cylinder block to prevent the upper holes which have sealing
mm. Standard crankpin diameter is camshaft movement from knocking out bands. Failure to use these special cap
49.187-49.212 mm. Rod side play should rear expansion plug while driving injec- screws will result in oil leakage. Fly-
be 0.15-0.28 mm. tion pump gear and camshaft gear onto wheel runout should not exceed 0.20
The small end bushing inner diameter camshaft. Do not attempt to force gears mm. Tighten flywheel housing screws to
is 30.150-30.175 mm. Install bushing so onto camshaft with camshaft nut as 61-68 N m and flywheel screws to 68-75
oil holes are aligned then, if necessary, camshaft end may break. Tighten cam- N-m.
ream to desired diameter. shaft nut to 88-95 N m. Camshaft end•
INJECTORS R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove and remove seal halves from cap and
oil pump, remove water pump and belt block.
crankshaft pulley. Remove oil pan and To install seal, lubricate seal lip, apply
timing gear cover. Unscrew camshaft a light grease to back of seal half and
nut, then use a suitable puller to remove carefully slide seal into position in block
camshaft and crankshaft gears. with lip pointing towards engine. Install
Unscrew oil pickup bracket, then seal half in rear main bearing cap with
remove oil pump. lip towards engine.
Fig. C1-10— Exploded view
of oil pump.
1. Pump body
2. Hollow dowel
3. Outer gear
4. Inner gear
5. Cover
6. Pressure relief valve
7. Spring
8. Plug
9. Snap ring
To install rear main bearing cap, apply
a light coat of RTV sealer to surface
(S-Fig. Cl-11) of bearing cap. Install
rear main bearing cap in cylinder block
and tighten cap screws to 150-162 N m. •
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
15A430 1 75 mm 55 mm 243 cc
18A430 1 82 mm 55 mm 290 cc
Engines covered in this section are not adjustable. Maximum governed If injection timing is incorrect, remove
single-cylinder, air-cooled, diesel speed is determined by engine applica- injection pump and remove
or install
engines. Crankshaft rotation is counter- tion. shims (G-Fig. Fl-2) as required. Add-
clockwise at flywheel end of engine. ing shims will retard injection timing
Metric fasteners are used throughout FUEL SYSTEM while removing shims advances injection
engine. timing. Be sure to reinstall removed
FUEL FILTER. A renewable fuel pump parts after checking timing.
located in the fuel tank. Renew
filter after every 50 hours of operation
or sooner if required. REPAIRS
gravity feed type of fuel system, air
should be bled from system as fuel injec-
Refer to the following table for
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W tightening torques. All values are in
0° C.(32° F.), tion pump operates. However, bleeding
for temperatures below newton meters.
time may be shortened by loosening then
SAE 20W20 for temperatures between
0° C.(32° retightening fuel line fittings, starting
F.) and 30° C.(86° F.), and Connecting rod 30
first at fuel tank and working to fuel in-
SAE 30 for temperatures above 30° Cylinder head 30
jection pump. Retighten fitting when
C.(86° F.). API classification for oil Injection pump 30
air-free fuel flows.
should be CD. Fill oil sump to full level Injector retainer plate 5-6
on dipstick. Manufacturer recommends Main bearing support 30
renewing oil after first 20 hours of Rocker arm cover 8.4-9.
operation and after every 100 hours INJECTION PUMP TIMING
Both models are equipped with an oil Injection pump timing is adjusted us-
pump toprovide pressurized oil for ing shim gaskets (G-Fig. Fl-2) between
lubrication. The oil pickup (2 -Fig. Fl-1) pump body and mounting surface on
may be removed from the gear cover for crankcase. To check injection timing
periodic cleaning and inspection. proceed as follows: Disconnect high
pressure line from injection pump, then
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT unscrew delivery valve holder (1) and
remove spring (6), shim (5), spring guide
Low idle speed is determined by (4) and delivery valve (7); do not remove
detents in the speed control lever and is valve seat. Reinstall delivery valve
holder (1) and connect a suitable spill
pipe to valve holder. Aim spill pipe at a
receptacle to catch discharged fuel.
Move throttle control to full open posi-
tion. Rotate engine flywheel slowly in
counter-clockwise direction until fuel
just stops flowing from spill pipe.
Measure distance from reference mark
on flywheel housing to top dead center
mark on flywheel. Measured distance
should be 18 mmif maximum governed
and screen
more. Measured distance should be 1. Delivery valve holder 5 Shim
Fig. Fl-1 -Oil pickup (2) is
within plus or minus 2 mm of desired
2. “O” ring 6. Spring
removable from front cover (1). Oil drain plug (3) 3. Gasket Delivery valve
screws into pickup mounting flange. distance. 4 Spring guide 11. Fuel injection pump
— 1 i
take valve.
Install a new “0” ring (27 -Fig. Fl-4) TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the
around push rod tube before installing injection nozzle with sufficient force to
cylinder head. Model 18A430 is penetrate the skin. When testing, keep
equipped with a head gasket while yourself clear of nozzle spray.
Model 15A430 is not so equipped.
Tighten cylinder head retaining nuts in a If a suitable test stand is available, in-
crossing pattern to a torque of 30 N m.• jector operation may be checked. Only
Install clip (20 -Fig. Fl-3) so clip bears clean, approved testing oil should be
against end of push rod tube. Push rod used to test injector.
2. When operating
nearer cylinder is connected to intake properly during test, injector nozzle will
valve rocker arm. emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly
with no fluid leakage at seat.
COMPRESSION RELEASE Opening pressure should be 20.0 MPa.
Opening pressure is adjusted by varying
Compression release (31 - Fig. Fl-4) is thickness of shims (2 -Fig. Fl-5).
14 ^2 " 17.
Exhaust valve
Intake valve
19. Studs
20. Push rod tube retainer
21. Rocker arm shaft
22. Intake valve spring
23. Valve seal
24. Washers
4T- 20 25. Breather
26. Intake rocker arm
Reverse removal procedure to install gear mark is aligned with mark in tappet flywheel top dead center mark (M - Fig.
connecting rod while noting the follow- housing bore of front cover as shown in Fl-12) is aligned with threaded hole (H)
ing: The connecting rod side with a paint Fig. Fl-11. Install gasket and front in crankcase. Position camshaft gear so
mark should be towards the fuel injec- cover on crankcase being careful not to gear mark is three teeth to left of timing
tion pump. Install rod cap so stamped disturb camshaft gear (three long mark in tappet housing bore in cover as
numbers (N-Fig. Fl-8) on rod and cap screws are located in top two holes and shown in Fig. Fl-13. Install gasket and
are on same side. Tighten connecting bottom left hole). After tightening front front cover on crankcase being careful
rod nuts to 30 N m. •
cover screws, recheck timing marks not to disturb camshaft gear (three long
(M-Fig. Fl-10 and T-Fig. Fl-11). screws are located in top two holes and
FRONT COVER Gear timing is correct if marks (M - Fig. bottom left hole). After tightening front
Fl-10) are within 6.35 mm
of alignment cover screws, recheck timing marks.
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To when marks (T-Fig. Fl-11) are aligned. Gear timing is correct if marks (M - Fig.
remove front cover (1 - Fig. Fl-9), drain
NOTE: Do not attempt to force front
Fl-10) are within 6.35 mmof alignment
oil, then remove rocker arm cover and when marks (T-Fig. Fl-11) are aligned.
cover into place. Interference of governor
extract push rods. Remove push rod Complete remainder of assembly by
mechanism may prevent front cover from
tube hold down clip (20 -Fig. Fl-3) and reversing disassembly procedure.
mating with crankcase. Use procedure in
slide push rod tube up into cylinder
following paragraph to install front cover.
head. Remove fuel injection pump. Un- OIL PUMP
screw six front cover screws and remove cover cannot be installed using
If front
front cover; it may be necessary to preceding procedure, use the following R&R AND OVERHAUL. Remove
rotate engine crankshaft if governor procedure: Rotate engine crankshaft so the front cover as previously outlined
mechanism snags. for access to the oil pump. Remove oil
When reinstalling front cover, cam- pump components (69 through 73 -Fig.
shaft and crankshaft gears must be cor- Fl-7). Be careful when handling oil
rectly timed using the following pro-
cedure: Rotate crankshaft so top dead
center mark on flywheel is aligned with
reference mark on crankcase as shown
in Fig. Fl-10. Rotate camshaft gear so
Fig. Fl-8— View of connecting rod and cap Fig.Fl-10— Piston is at top dead center when
showing location of stamped numbers (N) which marks (M) on flywheel and crankcase are
must be on same side after assembly. aligned.
pressure relief valve plate (71) and housing (31 -Fig. Fl-4), and com-
spring (72) as oil pressure may be af- T ponents (100 through 103 -Fig. Fl-9).
fected. Oil pump (70) is available only as Remove snap ring (81) and press cam-
a unit assembly. Install oil pump by shaft (78) out of bearing (80). Then,
reversing removal procedure. Do not press bearing (80) out of front cover (1).
overtighten oil pump screws. Inspect cam lobes and bearing jour-
Oil pressure may be measured by nals and renew camshaft if excessively
removing plug in injection pump side of worn or damaged. Inspect tappets and
crankcase and connecting a suitable tappet housing bores. The manual
gage to plug hole. Oil pressure with starter handle is supported by guide
engine at normal operating temperature (103) and starter end engages pin (77) in
should be at least 80 kPa at low idle camshaft end. Inspect guide (103), pin
speed and no more than 400 kPa at max- (77) and camshaft end for damage.
imum engine speed. Oil pressure is not Reverse removal procedure for in-
adjustable. stallation. It is necessary to twist rather
than drive guide (103) into position in
GOVERNOR front cover. Install front cover as out-
as nut (86). Install retaining ring (87), camshaft, remove front cover as out- beveled face towards “0” ring. Install
then engage long end of spring (93) with lined in FRONT COVER section. Re- Belleville washers (45) with concave
boss on side of front cover. Engage move tappet and compression release faces towards each other.
Model No. Cyl. Bore Stroke Displ.
25A430 1 80 mm 82 mm 412 cc
36A430 1 95 mm 82 mm 581 cc
36E435 1 95 mm 82 mm 581 cc
71A437 2 95 mm 82 mm 1162 cc
95A437 2 105 mm 90 mm 1558 cc
engines covered in this section are loosening locknut (L-Fig. F2-1) and bleed screw. On all engines, loosen high
four-stroke, air-cooled diesel engines. turning screw (I) so detent can be pressure injection line at injector, then
Crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise relocated in plate. Maximum governed rotate engine crankshaft to operate fuel
at flywheel end of engine. Number 1 speed is determined by governor and injection pump until air-free fuel flows
cylinder on two-cylinder models is engine application. from injection line. Retighten injection
nearer flywheel. line.
Metric fasteners are used throughout FUEL SYSTEM
FUEL FILTER. A renewable fuel
located in the fuel tank. Renew
every 500 hours of operation
filter after
Injection pump timing is adjusted us-
ing shim gaskets (G-Fig. F2-2) between
or sooner if required.
LUBRICATION pump body and mounting surface on
crankcase. To check injection timing
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W fuel system, loosen fuel line fitting at
proceed as follows: Disconnect high
for temperatures below 0° C(32° F), pressure line for number 1 cylinder from
fuel injection pump
or bleed screw on
SAE 20W20 for temperatures between pump, if On gravity flow
so equipped.
injection pump, then unscrew delivery
0° C(32° F) and 30° C(86° F), and SAE valve holder (H) and remove spring and
systems, open fuel valve until air-free
30 for temperatures above 30° C(86° F). delivery valve; do not remove valve seat.
fuel flows at pump then tighten fuel line
API classification for oil should be CD. Reinstall delivery valve holder (H) and
fitting or bleed screw. On engines
Fill oil sump to full level on dipstick. connect a suitable spill pipe to valve
equipped with a fuel transfer pump,
Manufacturer recommends renewing oil holder. Aim spill pipe at a receptacle to
open fuel valve and operate pump
after first 20 hours of operation and catch discharged fuel. Move throttle
primer lever until air-free fuel flows at
after every 100 hours thereafter. control to full open position. Rotate
pump then tighten fuel line fitting or
engine flywheel slowly in counter-
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT clockwise direction until fuel just stops
flowing from spill pipe. Measure
Low idle speed may be adjusted by distance from reference mark on
flywheel housing to top dead center
mark on flywheel. Refer to Fig. F2-3 for
desired measured distance for correct
injection timing. Measured distance
should be within plus or minus 2 of mm
distance listed in Fig. F2-3.
If injection timing is incorrect, remove
injection pump and remove or install
shims (G-Fig. F2-2) as required. Add-
ing shims will retard injection timing
while removing shims advances injection
Fig. F 2 2 —View showing fuel Injection pump
timing shim gaskets (G) and delivery valve timing. Be sure to reinstall delivery
holder ( H ). valve and spring into pump.
Fig. F 2 3 — Table
listing fly 25a1*30 15 20 25 30 35 40
wheel TDC position for prop-
36a!* 30 15 22 30 33 37
er ignition timing. Refer to
text. 36E435 10 14 20 25 27 30
Fig. F 2-1 — Adjust low idle speed by loosening 71AI+37 21 21 23 27 IKHHt
locknut (L), then turn screw (I so detent can be
relocated In plate. 9SA437 25 29 31 38
Connecting rod, COMPRESSION RELEASE (N-Fig. F2-5 and F2-6), then move
95A437 80 lever (L) until resistance is felt in-
FUEL TRANSFER PUMP Only clean, approved testing oil should vent entry of foreign material. Detach
be used to test injector. When operating snap rings retaining piston pin, remove
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Clean properly during test, injector nozzle will piston pin, then separate piston from
area around fuel pump then disconnect emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly connecting rod. Do not interchange com-
fuel lines. Immediately cap or plug all with no fluid leakage at seat. Opening ponents between cylinders on twin-
openings to prevent contamination. pressure should be 19.6 MPa. cylinder models.
Remove fuel pump being careful not to Thoroughly clean all injector com- Nominal standard cylinder bore
lose or damage shims between pump and ponents in a suitable solvent. Clean in- diameter is 80.02-80.04 mm
on Model
crankcase. Refer to Fig. F2-7 for a side orifice end of nozzle tip with a 25A430, 105.00-105.02 mm
on Model
cross-sectional view of pump. wooden cleaning stick. When reassem- 95A437, and 95.04-95.06 mm
on all
Before installing fuel pump, measure bling injector, make certain all com- other models. Piston ring end gap
plunger height (H-Fig. F2-7) and ponents are clean and wet with clean should be 0. 3-1.0 mm
on Model 25A430,
distance from pump mounting surface diesel fuel oil. 0.5-1. 5 mm on Model 95A437, and
on crankcase to pump lobe base circle on 0. 4-1.0 mm on other models.
camshaft. Install shims between pump INJECTION PUMP Position piston on rod so combustion
and crankcase so plunger height is 1 mm chamber in piston crown is located as
greater than distance from crankcase R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove shown in Fig. F2-8 and install piston pin.
surface to cam. For instance, if plunger injectionpump, clean area around injec- Compress piston rings and slide cylinder
height is 62.5 mm
and distance from tion pump, disconnect all fuel lines from down over piston and studs. With
crankcase to cam is 61.0 mm, then a 0.5 pump and immediately cap or plug all cylinder installed and held against
mm shim would be installed. Do not openings to prevent contamination. crankcase, position piston at top dead
overtighten mounting screws when in- Remove crankcase breather, then reach center and measure distance from
stalling pump. Bleed fuel system as through crankcase opening and discon- piston crown to top edge of cylinder.
previously outlined after connecting fuel nect governor link from pump. Unscrew Piston crown height should be 0.7- 1.0
lines. pump retaining screws and remove mm on Model 25A430, 0.8-1.05 mm on
pump being careful not to lose or Models 36A430 and 36E435, 0.775-1.05
INJECTOR damage shim gaskets (G-Fig. F2-2). mm on Model 71A437 and 0.775-1.075
The injection pump should be tested mm on Model 95A437.
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove and overhauled by a shop qualified in
injector, first clean dirt from injector, in- diesel fuel injection pump repair. CONNECTING ROD
jection line, return line and cylinder When installing pump, engage gover-
head. Disconnect return line and injec- nor link with pump control rack. Tighten REMOVE AND REINSTALL. The
tion line and immediately cap or plug all injection pump screws to 19 N-m. If connecting rod and crankshaft on Model
openings. Remove injector. pump is renewed or overhauled, or 25A430 are a unit assembly; refer to
If a suitable test stand is available, in- original shim gaskets are not used, refer crankshaft section for removal. To
jector may be checked. to INJECTION PUMP TIMING section remove connecting rod on all other
and adjust pump timing. models, remove cylinder(s), then remove
WARNING: Fuel leaves the injection
crankcase side cover. Reach through
nozzle with sufficient force to penetrate
CYLINDER, PISTON, cover opening, unscrew rod cap retain-
the skin. When testing, keep yourself
PIN AND RINGS ing screws, remove rod cap through side
clear of nozzle spray.
cover opening and remove rod and
R&R AND OVERHAUL. The cylin piston.
der is removable after removing Models 36A430 and 36E435 are
cylinder head. After cylinder is re- equipped with a roller type rod bearing
moved, cover crankcase opening to pre- while Models 71A437 and 95A437 are
equipped with an insert type bearing. housing opening of crankcase. On Model Reassembly is reverse of disassembly.
Undersize rod bearings are available for 25A430, the camshaft mark will be When installing camshaft assembly in
Models 71A437 and 95A437. Standard slightly to left of crankcase mark (M). crankcase, place tool number 7480676
crankpin journal diameter is (N-Fig. F2-11) in rear injection pump
74.985- 65.015 mm on Model 71A437 and mounting holes as shown in Fig. F2-11.
75.015 on Model 95A437 with a Twin-Cylinder Models Rotate crankshaft so number 1 piston is
bearing clearance of 0.03-0.05 for mm at top dead center on exhaust stroke. In-
both models. REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To sert camshaft assembly and mate cam-
Reverse removal procedure to install remove the camshaft on twin-cylinder shaft and crankshaft gears so mark on
connecting rod. Be sure locating pin and models, remove cylinder heads, push rod camshaft gear is aligned with pointer on
hole (L-Fig. F2-9) are properly mated tubes and compression release tool (N). Remove special tools and com-
when installing rod cap on rod. Tighten assembly. Install tool number 7480634 plete assembly.
rod screws to 80 N m
on Model 95A437
• (T-Fig. F2-11) in compression release
or to 65 N m
on all other models.
• opening and attach tool to cam followers GOVERNOR
so followers are held away from cam
CAMSHAFT AND TAPPETS lobes. Remove fuel injection pump, fuel Single-Cylinder Models
transfer pump and oil dipstick. Rotate
Single-Cylinder Models camshaft so “O” mark (O) on camshaft REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To
end is towards top of engine. Unscrew remove governor, remove breather on
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To camshaft bearing housing screws and top of crankcase then reach through
remove camshaft, remove cylinder head remove camshaft assembly. If bearing opening and disconnect governor link
and push rod tube. Unscrew retaining housing will not remove easily, jack (4 - Fig. F2-12) from injection pump. De-
nuts and remove tappet housing from screws may be threaded into holes pro- tach speed control lever (21), spring re-
crankcase. Remove fuel injection pump. vided in housing to push housing free. tainer (18) and spring (17) from shaft
Unscrew camshaft bearing housing Inspect cam lobes and renew camshaft (10). Remove crankcase end cover adja-
screws and remove camshaft assembly. if excessively worn or damaged. Inspect cent to camshaft end. Unscrew and
If bearing housing will not remove easi- tappets and tappet housing bores. remove stud (11) from shaft. Detach “E”
ly, jack screws may be threaded into
holes provided in housing to push hous-
ing free.
Inspect cam lobes and renew camshaft
ifexcessively worn or damaged. Remove
snap rings to separate bearing from
camshaft bearing housing. The gear end
of the camshaft rides in a bushing in the
crankcase and is accessible after remov-
ing crankshaft. Inspect tappets and tap- Fig. F2-11 — Install tools
7480634 (T) and 7480676 (N)
pet housing bores. as outlined in text for twin-
Reassembly is reverse of disassembly. cylinder camshaft service.
When installing camshaft assembly in C. Camshaft gear
F. Cam followers
crankcase, rotate crankshaft so piston is N. Tool 7480676
at top dead center, then insert camshaft O. Camshaft “0” mark
T. Tool 7480634
so mark on camshaft gear is aligned
with mark (M-Fig. F2-10) in tappet
ring (15) and withdraw governor shaft Twin-Cylinder Models Models 71A437 and 95A437 is sup-
(10) from side of crankcase while remov- ported by a bushing. Standard
ing governor fork (8) assembly through REMOVE AND REINSTALL. crankshaft journal diameter at governor
end of crankcase. Remove pin (1), turn Governor service is similar to single- end should be 64.985-65.015 on mm
governor flyweight stud (T) clockwise cylinder governor outlined in preceding Model 71A437 or 79.985-80.015 on mm
(left-hand threads) and remove governor section. However, governor is mounted Model 95A437. Clearance between
flyweight assembly. on oil pump and governor/oil pump crankshaft journal and bushing should
Flyweight assembly is designed assembly is removed as a unit through be 0.04-0.08 mm. Bushing is available in
according to engine governed speed and crankcase end cover opening. Separate standard size and in 0.5 and 1.0 mm
is available as a unit assembly. Be sure governor from oil pump after removal. undersizes.
correct flyweight assembly is installed. Carefully align oil pump mounting screw Flywheel end main bearing on Models
Reverse disassembly procedure to in- holes when installing governor/oil pump 71A437 and 95A437, and main bearings
stall governor components. Long end of assembly. Reverse disassembly pro- on all other models are anti-friction type
governor spring (6) must engage notch cedure to install governor. Refer to bearings. Inspect bearings and crank-
in crankcase while short end of spring is single-cylinder governor section and ad- shaft on all models and renew if dam-
against back side of governor arm (8) so just position of screw (7 -Fig. F2-12) as aged or excessively worn. Inner bearing
spring tension will force fork arm outlined. races should be heated to approximately
towards end of crankcase. With all 100° C(212° F) before installation on
governor components installed, adjust CRANKSHAFT crankshaft.
) The crankshaft gear is
position of screw (7) as follows: Rotate AND CRANKCASE removable and should be heated to ap-
crankshaft so flyweights (2) are posi- proximately 180° C(360° F) before in-
tioned with mating surfaces vertical. R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove stallation on crankshaft. Install
Loosen locknut (9). Using a small crankshaft, remove camshaft, flywheel, crankshaft gear so when gear is viewed
screwdriver, spread flyweights apart as governor and connecting rod (On Model from crankshaft end, keyway (K-Fig.
far as they will go. Turn screw (7) so it 25A430 the connecting rod must remain F2-14) is centered on two gear teeth (T).
just contacts pin (1), release flyweights, with crankshaft). Unscrew main bearing Connecting rod, rod bearing and
then turn screw in an additional V2 -turn. support nuts and remove main bearing crankshaft are a unit assembly on Model
Without disturbing screw, tighten support (P-Fig. 2-13). If main bearing 25A430 and individual components may
locknut. support will not remove easily, jack not be serviced separately.
screws (J) may be threaded into holes Reverse removal procedure for in-
provided in support to push support free stallation. Tighten main bearing support
from crankcase. Remove crankshaft. retaining nuts to 30 N-m. Note
The governor end of crankshaft on assembly of thrust ring components at
flywheel end as shown in Fig. F2-15.
Outer circumference of thrusi ring
should be smooth as it contacts crank-
case oil seal. Install Belleville washers
(1) so concave sides face each other.
T Belleville washer (1A) is only used on
Model 95A437 and must be installed
with concave face towards thrust ring
( 2 .
1401 Cherry Hill Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21225
KA-27 1 68 76 276
Model KA-27 is an air-cooled, single- The renewable oil filter element BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. Due to
cylinder diesel engine. Crankshaft rota- should be renewed after every 500 hours gravity feed type of fuel system, air
tion may be clockwise or counterclock- of operation. should be bled from system as fuel injec-
wise depending on application. tion pump operates. However, bleeding
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT time may be shortened by loosening then
retightening fuel line fittings, starting
MAINTENANCE To adjust idle speed, remove cover
(C-Fig. KR1-1), loosen locknut, then
first at fuel
tank and working to fuel in-
pump. Retighten fittings when
LUBRICATION turn idle speed screw (I). Idle speed air-free fuel flows.
should be 1200-1250 rpm. Do not turn
Recommended crankcase oil is SAE out screw (I) too far as it must remain in INJECTION PUMP TIMING. Injec-
10W for temperatures below 5° C(41° contact with lug on governor arm so pump timing is adjusted using shims
F), SAE 30 for temperatures between engine can be stopped. Maximum speed (G-Fig. KR1-3). To check injection
5° C(41° F) and 35° C(95° F) or SAE 40 on variable speed models is adjusted by pump timing proceed as follows: Dis-
for temperatures above 35° C(95° F). turning high speed adjusting screw connect high pressure line from injection
Crankcase oil should pass specifications (H-Fig. KR1-2). Maximum governed pump then unscrew delivery valve
for MIL-L-2104A. Crankcase oil capaci- speed under load should be 1500, 2000, holder (H) and remove spring and
ty is 1.8 liters. 2500 or 3000 rpm depending on engine delivery valve assembly. Reinstall
is pressure fed to engine com-
Oil model. delivery valve holder (H) and connect a
ponents by a gear type pump. Oil suitable spill pipe to valve holder. Aim
pressure should be 245-294 kPa with FUEL SYSTEM spillpipe at a receptacle to catch dis-
engine warm and running at operating charged fuel. Move throttle control to
speed. An oil pressure gage may be con- FUEL FILTER. A renewable fuel fullopen position. Rotate engine fly-
nected after removing plug inside of oil filter is located below fuel tank on side of wheel slowly in running direction
filter housing. To adjust oil pressure, engine. Manufacturer recommends (engines are designed for clockwise or
remove oil filter housing and turn ad- renewing fuel filter element after every counter-clockwise rotation) until fuel
justing screw in back of filter housing. 500 hours of operation. just stops flowing from spill pipe. Note
rated rpm of engine and refer to follow-
ing table for desired injection timing:
Fig. KRf-2—High speed on variable speed Fig. KR1-3 — injection timing Is adjusted by vary-
Fig. KR1-1 - Remove cover (C) for access to idle engine s is adjusted by turning adjusting screw ing thickness of shim gasket (G). Refer to text for
speed screw (!) on governor. Refer to text. (H). timing procedure.
TIGHTENING TORQUES outer diameter is 12.050-12.062 and mm nuts securing injector retainer plate to
cylinder head bore is 12.000-12.027 mm. 24.5 N-m.
Refer to the following table for tight- Clearance between rocker shaft and
ening torques. All values are in newton rocker arm bushing should be TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the
meters. 0.065-0.101 mm. Maximum allowable injection nozzle with sufficient force to
clearance is 0.15 mm. penetrate the skin. When testing, keep
Connecting rod 39.2 Tighten cylinder head nuts in a cross- yourself clear of nozzle spray.
Cylinder head 29.4 ing pattern to 29.4 N-m. Measure
a suitable test stand is available, in-
Flywheel 176.4 clearance between piston at top dead
jector operation may be checked. Only
Injection pump 24.5
clean, approved test oil should be used to
Injector retainer plate 24.5
test injector. When operating properly
Main bearing support 24.5
during test, injector nozzle will emit a
Rocker arm stand 78.4
18 19 20
Fig. KR1-6— View Injection pump.
Fig. KR1 -4 — Exploded view of cylinder head.
1. Delivery valve holder 11. Spring seat
Rocker arm assembly Is not shown. 2. “0" ring 12. Pin
1. Injector retainer 9. Valve guide 3. Spring 13. Spring
2. Injector 10. Rocker stand stud 4. Delivery valve 14. Plunger
3. Copper washer 11. Push rod tube seal 5. Delivery valve seat 15. Spring retainer
4. Dowel 12. Dowel Fig. KR1 - — Exploded view of injector. 6. Barrel 16. Tappet
5. Keys 13. Intake valve seat 1. Body 5. Spacer 7. Pump body 17. Circlip
6. Spring retainer 14. Exhaust valve seat 2. Shim 6. Valve 8. Pin 18 Outer roller
7. Valve spring 15. Intake valve 3. Spring 7. Nozzle 9. Control rack 19. Inner roller
8. Washer 16. Exhaust valve 4. Push pin 8. Nozzle holder 10. Pinion 20. Pin
buzzing sound and cut off quickly with move breather adjacent to pump, then Clearance between piston pin and con-
no fluid leakage at seat. reach through breather opening in necting rod should be 0.030-0.054 mm;
Opening pressure with a new spring crankcase and disconnect governor link maximum allowable clearance is 0.15
(3 -Fig. KR1-5) should be 14.2-14.7 MPa (4- Fig. KR1-13) from pump. Discon- mm. Refer to CONNECTING ROD sec-
while opening pressure with a used nect fuel lines from pump and im- tion.
spring should be approximately 13.2 mediately cap all openings to prevent Cylinder standard bore diameter is
MPa. Opening pressure is adjusted by contamination. Remove pump being 68.06-68.08 mm. Standard piston
varying number and thickness of shims careful not to lose timing shims. diameter is 67.97 mm. Piston clearance
(2). Valve should not show leakage at Injection pump should be serviced by a should be 0.09-0.11 mm.
orifice spray holes for 10 seconds at 12.2 shop experienced in fuel injection pump Assembly is reverse of disassembly.
MPa. repair. Refer to CYLINDER HEAD section for
Refer to INJECTION PUMP TIMING cylinder head installation.
OVERHAUL. Clamp injector body section after pump installation if
(1-Fig. KR1-5) in a vise with nozzle tip original timing shims were not installed CONNECTING ROD
pointing upward. Remove nozzle holder or timing is believed incorrect.
nut (8). Remove nozzle (7) with valve (6) R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
and spacer (5). Invert injector body (1) CYLINDER, PISTON, connecting rod, remove cylinder as out-
and remove push pin (4), spring (3) and PIN AND RINGS lined in previous section then remove
shims (2). Thoroughly clean all parts in a side cover (C - Fig. KR1-8) for access to
suitable solvent. Clean inside orifice end R&R AND OVERHAUL. The cylin- connecting rod big end. Unscrew rod
of nozzle with a wooden cleaning stick. der is after removing
removable screws and remove rod cap through side
Orifice spray holes may be cleaned by in- cylinder head as previously outlined. cover opening then remove rod out top
serting a cleaning wire slightly smaller After cylinder is removed, cover crank- of engine.
than spray holes. case opening to prevent entry of foreign Connecting rod big end clearance
When reassembling injector, make material. Detach snap rings (2 -Fig. should be 0.031-0.083 mm. Undersize
certain all components are clean and wet KR1-7) then use a suitable puller to with- rod bearings are available. The connect-
with clean diesel fuel oil. Tighten nozzle draw piston pin (3). Remove piston from ing rod small end bushing is renewable.
nut (8) to 58.8 N m. • connecting rod. Inner diameter of small end bushing is
Piston ring end gap should be 24.03-24.05 mm
and clearance between
INJECTION PUMP 0.25-0.40 mm for compression rings and piston pin and rod bushing should be
0.20-0.35 mm for oil ring. Maximum 0.03-0.054 mm.
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Re piston ring end gap is 0.6 mm for com- Install piston and rod so numbered
pression rings and 0.5 mm for oil ring. side of rod is away from side cover open-
Piston ring side clearance should be ing. Install rod cap through side cover
0.11-0.14 mm
for top compression ring, opening then install and tighten rod cap
0.09-0.12 mm
for second compression screws to 39.2 N-m. Attach side cover
ring and 0.05-0.08 mm
for oil ring. Max- to crankcase and refer to previous sec-
imum ring side clearance is 0.25 for mm tions for installation of cylinder and
top compression ring, 0.20 for sec- mm cylinder head.
ond compression ring and 0.15 for mm
Piston pin bore diameter in piston is AND PUSH RODS
23.996-24.009 mm
and piston pin outer
diameter is 23.996-24.000 mm. R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
push rods and tappets, remove cylinder
head and detach push rod tube (6 -Fig.
KR1-9). Unscrew retaining nuts and
remove tappet guide (2) and tappets
from crankcase. Remove fuel injection
pump. Unscrew camshaft bearing hous- Reassembly is reverse of disassembly. stall governor components. Long end of
ing (3 -Fig. KR1-10 and KR1-11) screws When installing camshaft assembly in governor spring (6) must engage notch
and remove camshaft assembly. If bear- crankcase, rotate crankshaft so piston is in crankcase while short end of spring is
ing housing will not remove easily, jack at top dead center then insert camshaft against back side of governor arm (8) so
screws may be threaded into holes pro- so “I” mark on gear is aligned with mark spring tension will force fork arm
vided in housing to push housing free. in tappet guide opening of crankcase as towards end of crankcase. Refer to Fig.
Two different camshafts are used and shown in Fig. KR1-12. KR1-15 when installing spring (17 - Fig.
are not interchangeable. The camshaft KR1-13) and spring retainer (18). Short
shown in Fig. KR1-10 is supported at end of spring (17) on constant speed
outer end by bushing (5) while the cam- GOVERNOR engines should engage slot (C-Fig.
shaft shown in Fig. KR1-11 is supported KR1-15) of spring retainer (18) while
at outer end by ball bearing (5). To R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove short spring end on variable speed
disassemble bushing supported cam- governor, remove breather on top of engines should engage slot (V). Long
shaft assembly, remove thrust plate crankcase then reach through opening end of spring on all engines must engage
(6- Fig. KR1-10) and slide camshaft out and disconnect governor link (4 -Fig. lug on side of crankcase so lever
of housing (3). Detach gear (9) from cam- KR1-13) from injection pump. Detach (21 - Fig. KR1-13) is tensioned upwards.
shaft. Bushing (5) may be renewed if speed control lever (21), spring retainer After governor installation refer to
necessary. To disassemble bearing sup- (18) and spring (17) from shaft (10). ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT sec-
ported camshaft, unscrew Allen screw Remove end cover (E-Fig. KR1-14). tion.
and remove steel sleeve (12 -Fig. Unscrew and remove stud (11 -Fig.
KR1-11). Pull gear (9) off shaft, detach KR1-13) from shaft. Detach “E” ring OIL PUMP
snap ring (10) and slide shaft out of bear- (15) and withdraw governor shaft (10)
ing (5). Remove snap rings (2) and from side of crankcase while removing R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
remove bearing (5) from housing (3). governor fork (8) assembly through end oilpump, remove end cover (E-Fig.
Inspect components and renew if re- of crankcase. The governor flyweight KR1-14), then unscrew three Allen
quired. Inner end of camshaft (7 -Fig. assembly (2) may be removed by turning screws securing oil pump and remove oil
KR1-10) rides in crankcase bushing stud (T) after removing pin (1). pump. If oil pump is difficult to remove
while steel sleeve (12 -Fig. KR1-11) at- Governor flyweight assembly (2) is de- due to binding or a close fit, it will be
tached to camshaft (7) rides in crankcase signed according to engine governed necessary to remove crankshaft so
bushing. Clearance between crankcase speed and direction of crankshaft rota- pump may be tapped loose from inside
bushing and camshaft (7- Fig. KR1-10) tion. Governed speed may be 1500, 2000, crankcase.
journal or camshaft sleeve (12 -Fig. 2500 or 3000 rpm. Flyweight assembly To disassemble oil pump, detach snap
KR1-11) should not exceed 0.20 mm. is available only as a unit assembly. ring (8- Fig. KR1-16) and remove gear
Renew tappet guide (2 -Fig. KR1-9) if When installing a new governor, be sure (5). Unscrew oil pump housing screws,
tappet bores are out-of-round more than correct flyweight assembly is installed. then tap gently on shaft to dislodge oil
0.05 mm. Reverse disassembly procedure to in- pump components. Oil pump is available
only as a unit assembly and should be
renewed if components are damaged or
excessively worn. Gear backlash should
not exceed 0.12 mm. Two different oil
pumps are used according to crankshaft
rotation. Be sure new pump matches
Fig. KR1-10— Exploded view crankshaft rotation.
of bushing-supported cam-
Reverse disassembly procedure for
shaft used on some engines.
1. Seal
2. Oil deflector
Bearing housing
5. Bushing
Thrust plate
7. Camshaft R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
8. Dowel
9. Gear
Fig. KR1-14 — Remove end cover (E) for access to shaft gear. Heat gear prior to assembly Crankshaft end play should be
governor and oil pump. to ease installation. 0.15-0.30 mm and is controlled by thrust
Main bearing clearance is 0.053-0.093 washers (10-Fig. KR1-7). Thrust
crankshaft, unscrew flywheel nut and
mm. Standard crankpin journal washer thickness is 2.31-2.36 mm.
diameter is 39.975-39.991 mm and rod Install crankshaft by reversing
using a suitable puller remove flywheel.
bearing clearance is 0.031-0.083 mm. removal procedure. Tighten main bear-
NOTE: On engines with clockwise Undersize main and rod bearings are ing support nuts to 24.5 N •
550 West Artesia Blvd.
P.O. Box 7020
Compton, Calif. 90224
All Kubota engines in this section are FUEL SYSTEM primer pump button should be de-
liquid-cooled, single-cylinder, four- pressed 5 to 6 times for smaller engines
stroke diesel engines. FUEL PRIMER. All models are and 8 to 9 times for larger engines. Use
equipped with a fuel primer to aid start- of primer pump will depend on ambient
and EA450-NB or 2.3 liters for all other ing fuel filter after every 100 hours of
models. operation.
All models
equipped with a
pressure lubrication system. The oil
drain plug (D-Fig. Kl-2) also serves BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. Refer to
as oil pickup and a screen filter is at- Fig. Kl-3 for view of fuel system. To
tached to end of drain bolt. The drain bleed system, loosen fuel line (3) fitting
bolt should be removed and filter at injection pump, open fuel valve and
cleaned after first twenty hours of re tighten fitting when fuel appears. Dis-
operation and after every 100 hours connect high pressure fuel line (2) from
thereafter. injector (1). Rotate engine to operate in-
Refer to OIL PUMP section for pump Fig. Kl-2— View showing location of oil drain jection pump then reconnect fuel line
service. plug (D) and oil pressure relief valve (R). when air-free fuel flows from fuel line.
INJECTION PUMP TIMING. Injec- control to full open position. Rotate tighten delivery valve holder to 44.1
tion pump timing is adjusted using shims engine flywheel slowly in counter- N-m.
(5 -Fig. Kl-3). To check injection pump clockwise direction until fuel just stops
timing proceed as follows: Disconnect flowing from spill pipe. Mark (M-Fig. GOVERNOR
high pressure line from injection pump Kl-5) on fan cover should be aligned
then unscrew delivery valve holder with “F” mark on flywheel which should All models are equipped with a fly-
(1-Fig. Kl-4) and remove valve spring provide injection timing of 19-21 weight type governor attached to the
(3) and delivery valve assembly (5). degrees BTDC. If injection timing is in- crankshaft gear. Refer to Fig. Kl-6 for
Reinstall delivery valve holder (1) and correct, remove injection pump and an exploded view of governor
connect a suitable spill pipe to valve remove or install shims (5 - Fig. Kl-3) as mechanism.
holder. Aim spill pipe at a receptacle to required. Adding shims will retard injec- Maximum no-load governed speed
catch discharged fuel. Move throttle tion timing while removing shims ad- should be 2540-2580 rpm while low idle
vances injection timing. Each shim speed should be less than 1000 rpm.
alters injection timing approximately Fuel limiting device (components 9
IV2 degrees. Tighten injection pump through 17 -Fig. K1-6A) should be ad-
mounting screws to 23.5-27.4 N-m. justed by loosening nut (14) then turning
Reinstall delivery valve and spring and spring housing (10) so excessive smoke
13. Throttle shaft
14. Key
15. “O” ring
16. Idle speed screw
17. Spring
18. Throttle lever
head nuts to specified torque using a and withdraw injector unit. SEAT LEAKAGE. Nozzle tip should
crossing pattern. Tighten rocker arm When sure
installing injector, make not leak at a pressure less than 10.7
stand nut to specified torque. Adjust machined seating surface in cylinder MPa (1562 psi.). To check for leakage,
valve tappet gap as outlined in following head bore is completely clean and free actuate tester lever slowly and as gage
section and compression release as out- from carbon build-up. Use a new copper needle approaches suggested test
lined in a previous section. washer underneath injector nozzle. Turn pressure, observe nozzle tip. Hold
retaining stud nuts both finger tight, pressure for 10 seconds; if drops appear
VALVE TAPPET GAP then tighten alternately and evenly one- or nozzle tip becomes wet, valve is not
sixth turn at a time to a torque of seating, and injector must be
Valve tappet gap should be adjusted 23.5-27.4 N-m. Start and run engine, disassembled and overhauled as later
with engine cold and piston at top dead listening for pressure leaks around noz- outlined.
center on compression. Remove rocker zle seating washer. Correct pressure
cover and turn adjusting screws in leaks by checking to be sure stud nuts BACK LEAKAGE. If nozzle seat was
rocker arms so valve gap for both valves are tightened evenly and injector unit is satisfactory as previously tested, check
is 0.16-0.20 mm
for Models EA400-N, not cocked. injector and connections for wetness
EA400-NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB or which would indicate external leakage.
0.195-0.235 mm for all other models. TESTING. A complete job of testing If no leaks are found, bring gage
and adjusting the injector requires use pressure up to 10.7 MPa (1562 psi.),
VALVE SYSTEM of special test equipment. Only clean, ap- release lever and observe the time re-
proved testing oil should be used in quired for gage needle to drop to 3799
Both valves ride directly in cylinder
tester tank. Nozzle should be tested for kPa (550 psi.). For a nozzle in good con-
head. Maximumallowable clearance be- opening pressure, seat leakage, back dition, this time should not be less than
tween valve stem and valve guide is 0.1 leagage and spray pattern. WTien tested, six seconds. A faster drop would in-
Valve guide diameter should be nozzle should open with a high-pitched dicate a worn or scored nozzle valve
7.010-7.025 mm
on EA400-N, EA400- buzzing sound, and cut off quickly at end piston or body, and nozzle valve should
7.960- EA450-N and EA450-NB or of injection with a minimum of seat be renewed.
8.015-8.030 mm for all other models. leakage and a controlled amount of back
Valve stem diameter should be NOTE: Leakage of tester check valve or
6.975 mm
on EA400-N, EA400- Before conducting test, operate tester
connections will cause a false reading,
NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB or showing up in this test as fast leakback. If
lever until fuel flows, then attach injec-
7.975 mm
for all other models. tor. Close valve to tester gage and pump
a series of injectors fail to pass this test,
Valves seat directly in head. Valve the tester rather than injector units should
tester lever a few quick strokes to be
seat and face angles are 45 degrees. be suspected.
sure nozzle valve is not stuck, and that
Valve seat width should be 1.4 mm. possibilities are good that injector can be
When depth of valve head from cylinder returned to service without disassembly.
SPRAY PATTERN. Spray pattern
head surface exceeds 1.5 mm, then head should be well atomized and slightly con-
surface should be machined. ical, emerging in a straight axis from
nozzle tip. If pattern is wet, ragged or
Valve springs are interchangeable. to tester gageand operate tester lever
Valve spring free length should be 38.5 intermittent, nozzle must be overhauled
slowly while observing gage reading.
mm while installed height is 33 mm. Opening pressure should be 11.76-12.26
or renewed.
Valve spring pressure at installed height MPa (1704-1775 psi).
should be 66.7 Newtons with a minimum Opening pressure is adjusted by add- OVERHAUL. Hard or sharp tools,
allowable pressure of 56.9 Newtons. ing or removing shims in shim pack emery cloth, grindingcompound or
Rocker arm bushings (6- Fig. Kl-7) (6 -Fig. Kl-9). Adding or removing one other than approved solvents or lapping
are renewable. Bushing ID should be 0.1 mm (0.004 inch) thickness shim will compounds must never be used. An ap-
14.002-14.050 mm. Diameter of rocker change opening pressure approximately proved nozzle cleaning kit is available
stand (12) shafts should be 13.973- 980 kPa (140 psi). through a number of specialized sources.
13.984 mm. Maximum clearance be- Wipe all dirt and loose carbon from ex-
tween shaft and bushing is 0.15 mm. terior of nozzle and holder assembly.
Refer to Fig. Kl-9 for exploded view
INJECTOR and proceed as follows:
Secure nozzle in a soft jawed vise or
WARNING: Fuel emerges from injector holding fixture and remove cap nut (9).
with sufficient force to penetrate the skin. Place all parts in clean calibrating oil or
When testing injector, keep yourself clear diesel fuel as they are removed, using a
of nozzle spray. compartmented pan and using extra
care to keep parts from each injector
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Be together and separate from other units
fore removing an injector or loosening which are disassembled at the time.
injector lines, thoroughly clean injector, Clean exterior surfaces with a brass
linesand surrounding area using com- wire brush, soaking in an approved car-
pressed air and a suitable solvent. bon solvent if necessary, to loosen hard
To remove injector unit, first remove carbon deposits. Rinse parts in clean
high pressure line leading from pump to diesel fuel or calibrating oil immediately
injector. Disconnect bleed line by remov- after cleaning to neutralize the solvent
Fig. Kl-9 — Exploded view of injector.
ing banjo bolt or by pulling line from and prevent etching of polished sur-
1. Nozzle body
banjo nipple fitting (8 -Fig. Kl-9). Re- 2. Nozzle valve 6. Shim faces.
Spacer Pressure fitting
move two stud nuts securing ears of in- 3.
4. Pressure pin
8. Return fitting
Clean nozzle spray hole from inside us-
jector body to left side of cylinder head 5. Spring 9. Nozzle nut ing a pointed hardwood stick or wood
splinter asshown in Fig. Kl-10. Scrape flusher adapter. Reclean all parts by INJECTION PUMP
carbon from pressure chamber using rinsing thoroughly in clean diesel fuel or
hooked scraper as shown in Fig. Kl-11. calibrating oil and assemble while parts All models are equipped with the injec-
Clean valve seat using brass scraper as are immersed in cleaning fluid. Make tionpump shown in Fig. Kl-4. The injec-
shown in Fig. Kl-12, then polish seat us- sure adjusting shim pack is intact. tion pump should be tested and over-
ing wood polishing stick and mutton Tighten nozzle retaining nut (9 -Fig. hauled by a shop qualified for diesel in-
tallow as in Fig. Kl-13. Kl-9) to a torque of 78.4-98.1 N-m. Do jection pump repair.
Back flush nozzle using reverse not overtighten, distortion may cause If rack removed and must be re-
(9) is
valve to stick and no amount of over- installed, align marks (M-Fig. Kl-14)
tightening can stop a leak caused by on pump body and rack and master
scratches or dirt. Retest assembled in- tooth (T-Fig. Kl-15) must align with
jector as previously outlined. mark (M) on rack.
The injection pump tappet is actuated
by cam (9 - Fig. Kl-16) which is attached
to camshaft (3). Inspect cam each time
injection pump is removed.
Tighten injection pump screws to
23.5-27.4 N m and refer to INJECTION
2. Tappet 9. Injection pump cam 16. Snap ring 24. “O” ring
3. Camshaft 10. Snap ring 17. Snap ring 25. Pump cover
4. Key 11. Idler shaft 18. Starter gear 26. Hose
5. Bearing 12. Washer 19. Key 27. Breather cover
6. Bearing retainer 13. Idler gear 20. Bearing 28. Gasket
Fig. Kl-13— Polish seat using polishing stick 7. Gear 14. Bushing 21. Pin 29. Breather assy.
and mutton tallow. 8. Gear 15. Slotted washer 22. Starter shaft 30. Gasket
The oil pressure relief valve ball after removing gearcase. Inspect com- PISTON AND ROD UNITS
(6 -Fig. K1-6A) and spring (5) are ponents and renew any which are ex-
located in gear cover. Oil pressure is not cessively worn or damaged. REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
adjustable. Piston and connecting rod are removed
GEAR TRAIN as a unit after removing cylinder head,
GOVERNOR crankcase cover (41 -Fig. Kl-23) and
Should the camshaft gear, crankshaft balancer shafts (9 -Fig. Kl-22). Un-
All models equipped with a
are gear, idler gear or either balancer gear screw rod cap retaining screws, detach
flyweight type governor as shown in be removed, refer to Fig. Kl-21 and rod cap and extract piston and rod from
Fig. Kl-6. The flyweight assembly is at- align timing marks on gears as shown. head end of engine.
tached to crankshaft gear (28) and ac- Note that timing dots are found on cam- When assembling piston and rod, ar-
tuates governor lever (9) which controls shaft and crankshaft gears while row on original equipment piston crown
the position of fuel injection pump rack numbers are used on balancer gears. should be on same side as rod and cap
(9 -Fig. Kl-4). Timing dots and a number are stamped alignment marks as shown in Fig.
Governor components are accessible on the idler gear. Kl-25. Install piston and rod in engine
so piston arrow (A) points towards
BALANCER SHAFTS engine top. Replacement piston does not
have arrow on crown and may be in-
R&R AND OVERHAUL. The stalled in either direction. Install rod cap
balancer are accessible after
shafts so marks (M) on rod and cap are aligned
removing gearcase. Remove idler gear and tighten rod screws to 29.4-34.3 N •
(13 -Fig. Kl-16), then unscrew bearing on EA400-N, EA400-NB, EA450-N and
retainer (14 -Fig. Kl-22) and extract EA450-NB, or to 49.0-53.9 N-m on all
balancer shafts (9). Inspect shafts, gears other models.
and bearings and renew if damaged.
When reinstalling balancer assemblies, PISTON AND RINGS
refer to GEAR TRAIN section for prop-
er timing of balancer gears. All models are equipped with three
compression rings and an oil control ring NB or 27.000-27.021 mm for all other Models EA400-N, EA400-NB, EA450-N
surrounding an aluminum piston. Piston models. and EA450-NB, or 48.010-48.056 mm
and rings are available in standard size Note location and shape of piston for all other models. Clearance between
only. rings in Fig. Kl-26. Ring end gap should bearing and crankpin should be
measured perpen-
Piston diameter is be 0.2-0. 4 mm
for all rings. Ring side 0.035-0.097 mm. Bearings are available
and 12 mm from
dicular to piston pin clearance should be 0.04-0.07 for mm in 0.25 and 0.50 mm undersizes.
bottom of skirt on Models EA400-N, the top compression ring and 0.02-0.05 Inner diameter of small end bushing is
EA400-NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB or mm for all other rings. 25.025-25.040 mm
for Models EA400-N,
11.5 mm from bottom of skirt on all EA400-NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB,
other models. Piston diameter should be PISTON PIN or 27.025-27.040 mm
for all other
77.885-77.915 mm
on Models EA400-N models. Clearance between bushing and
and EA400-NB, 83.885-84.915 on mm A full floating piston pin is used on all piston pin should be 0.014-0.038 for mm
Models EA450-N and EA450-NB, models. Clearance between pin and all models.
Fig. K1-23— Exploded view of crankshaft, piston, rod and block assemblies.
1. Seal housing 8. Hollow dowel 15. Screw 22. Piston rings 29. Sleeve
2. “0" ring 9. Bearing carrier 16. Crankshaft 23. Piston 30. “0" rings 36. Coupler
3. Bearing 10. “O” ring 17. Weights 24. Connecting rod 31. "0" ring 37. Oil pressure light
4. “O” rings 11. “0” ring 18. Bearing 25. Plug 32. Hollow dowel 38. Bearing retainer
5. Oil sleeve 12. Snap ring 19. Bushing 26. Key 33. Plug 39. Cylinder block
6. Snap ring 13. Washer 20. Retainer 27. Bearing 34. Hollow dowel 40. Gasket
7. “0” ring 14. Bearing 21. Piston pin 28. Gear 35. “O” ring 41. Cover
tappetsaway from lobes and withdraw case. Disassemble as required. Refer to GEAR TRAIN section for
camshaft while being careful not to When
inspecting components, be sure proper timing of crankshaft gear.
dislodge tappets. oil sleeve (5) is clean and serviceable as
Camshaft lobe height for intake and pressurized oil is directed through sleeve ALTERNATOR
exhaust lobes is 27 mm
with a wear limit from passage in seal housing (1) to
of 26.5 mm
for Models EA400-N, crankshaft for rod bearing lubrication. Models EA400-NB, EA450-NB,
EA400-NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB, Inner diameter of sleeve should be EA500-NB and EA600-NB are equipped
or 33.5 mm with a wear limit of 33 mm 48.000-48.025 mm
while corresponding with an alternator mounted behind the
for other models.
all diameter of crankshaft should be fan. The fan serves as the alternator
Diameter of plain bearing end of cam- 47.975 mm. Be sure “0” rings (4) rotor. Alternator output should be 8
shaft is 21.967-21.980 mm
while bearing seal effectively or low pressure may volts with 3.1 amperes current at alter-
bore in crankcase is 22.000-22.021 mm. result. nator speed of 6800 rpm.
Refer to GEAR TRAIN section when Note balancer weights (17) attached to
camshaft for proper alignment
installing crankshaft on Models EA400-N, EA400-
of gear timing marks. Check backlash NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB.
between camshaft and crankshaft gears. Crankshaft crankpin diameter is Models E A400-NB, EA450-NB,
Backlash should be 0.048-0.14 mm for all 43.975 mm for Models EA400-N, EA500-NB and EA600-NB are equipped
models. Gear must be renewed if back- EA400-NB, EA450-N and EA450-NB, with an electric starter as shown in Fig.
lash is excessive. or 47.959-47.975 mm
for all other Kl-30. Minimum brush length is 10 mm
models. Rod bearings which are 0.25 while wear limit of commutator is 29
undersize are available. mm diameter. With no load imposed on
Crankshaft end play should be starter and using an 11.5 volt source,
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove 0.05-0.46 mm and is not adjustable. Be the starter shaft should rotate at 3500
crankshaft, remove flywheel, balancer sure bearing is seated against bearing rpm or more while drawing less than 90
shafts and piston with rod as previously retainer when measuring end play. amperes current.
outlined. Remove housing (1-Fig.
Kl-23) and unscrew bearing carrier (9)
retaining nuts, then withdraw crank-
shaft and bearing assembly from crank-
Bore Stroke Displ.
Model No. Cyls. (mm) (mm) (cc)
D650-B 3 64 70 675
D750-B 3 68 70 762
D850-B 3 72 70 855
D850-BC 3 72 JO 855
Z500-B 2 68 ,
70 508
Z600-B 2 72 70 570
ZB500C-B 2 68 70 508
ZB600C-B 2 72 70 570
All Kubota engines in this section are CC. Crankcase capacity is 4.6 liters on INJECTION PUMP TIMING. Injec-
liquid-cooled, four-stroke diesel engines. Models D650-B, D750-B, D850-B and tionpump timing is adjusted using shims
Number 1 cylinder is nearest cylinder D850-BC, 2.6 liters on Models Z500-B (16- Fig. K2-2). To check injection pump
to crankshaft pulley. Firing order is and Z600-B, and 3.1 liters on Models timing proceed as follows: Disconnect
1-2-3 for three cylinder engines. ZB500C-B and ZB600C-B. high pressure line for number 1 cylinder
All models are equipped with a from injection pump, then unscrew
delivery valve holder (1 - Fig. K2-1) and
MAINTENANCE pressure lubrication
directed from the oil pump to the oil
system. Oil is
FUEL FILTER. A combination fuel
valve and filter assembly is attached to
engine. Filter is renewable and should
be discarded after every 400 hours of
Fig. K2-4 — Exploded view of timing gear cover and associated components. Be sure “O’ rings (29) are
In place when installing cover (23).
Main bearing screws CYLINDER HEAD specified torque following sequence in
No. 1 19.6-23.5 Fig. K2-6A. Using a suitable measuring
Nos. 2&3 29.4-34.3 R&R AND OVERHAUL. Drain gage such as soft solder or Plastigage,
Oil pump 9.8-11.8 coolant, detach radiator hose then insert gage between each valve and
Rocker arm stand 16.7-20.6 remove and exhaust assemblies.
inlet piston crown while rotating crankshaft
Timing gear cover 9.8-11.3 Remove fan belt and disconnect injec- through top dead center. Minimum
tion lines. Remove rocker arm cover and allowable valve-to-piston clearance is 0.6
COMPRESSION PRESSURE rocker arm assembly. Unscrew
cylinder mm. Clearance may be increased by in-
head retaining screws and remove head. stalling a shim gasket (20 -Fig. K2-6)
Compression pressure should be 3138 Check flatness of head surface using a between cylinder head and head gasket.
kPa for Models D650-B, D750-B, Z500-B straight edge placed along sides and Shim gasket thickness is 0.2 mm.
and ZB500C-B or 3236 kPa for all other across mating surface. If a feeler gage Reverse removal procedure to
models. of 0.03 mm
thickness will pass under reinstall cylinder head. Refer to Fig.
straight edge, then head must be resur- K2-6A for cylinder head tightening se-
VALVE TAPPET GAP faced. If head is resurfaced, check valve- quence. Tighten cylinder head and
to-piston clearance as outlined in follow- rocker arm stand fasteners to specified
Valve tappet gap should be adjusted ing paragraph. torques. Adjust valve tappet gap and
with engine cold and piston at top dead To check valve-to-piston clearance, in- compression release as outlined in
center on compression. Remove rocker stall head and gasket with valves and following and preceding sections.
cover and turn rocker arm adjusting springs installed but with injectors
screws so valve gap for both valves is removed. Tighten head fasteners to VALVE SYSTEM
0.145-0.185 mm.
Both valves ride directly in cylinder
head. Maximum allowable clearance be-
tween valve stem and valve guide is 0.1
mm. Valve guide diameter should be
7.010-7.025 mm
while valve stem
diameter should be 6.960-6.975 mm.
Valves seat directly in head. Valve
seat and face angles are 45 degrees.
Valve seat width should be 2.1 mm.
When depth of valve head from cylinder
head surface exceeds 1.1 mm, then head
surface should be machined.
Valve springs are interchangeable.
Valve spring free length should be
35.1-35.6 mm
while installed height is 31
mm. Valve spring pressure at installed
height should be 73.5 Newtons with a
minimum allowable pressure of 64.7
Newtons. i
ing wood polishing stick and mutton switch, indicator lamp, glow plug con- oilpump, first remove timing gear cover
tallow as in Fig. K2-11. nections and ground. Using an ohm- as previously outlined then unscrew and
Back flush nozzle using reverse meter, check resistance of each glow remove pump.
flusher adapter. Reclean all parts by plug in turn. Resistance between glow Clearance between inner and outer
rinsing thoroughly in clean diesel fuel or plug terminal and cylinder head should rotor measured as shown in Fig. K2-13
calibrating oil and assemble while parts be approximately 1.6 ohms. is 0.11-0.15 mm with an allowable limit
are immersed in cleaning fluid. Make of 0.2 mm. Clearance between outer
sure adjusting shim pack is intact. INJECTION PUMP rotor and pump body measured as
Tighten nozzle retaining nut (10 -Fig. shown in Fig. K2-14 is 0.07-0.15 mm
K2-7) to a torque of 58.8-78.4 m. Do N • All models are equipped with an injec- with an allowable limit of 0.25 mm. In-
not overtighten, distortion may cause tion pump similar to type shown in Fig. dividual pump components are not
valve to stick and no amount of over- K2-1. The injection pump should be available; pump must be serviced as a
tightening can stop a leak caused by tested and overhauled by a shop unit assembly.
scratches or dirt. Retest assembled in- qualified in diesel injection pump repair. Oilpressure relief ball (26 -Fig. K2-4)
jector as previously outlined. The injection pump tappets are ac- and spring (27) are located in timing
tuated by lobes on injection pump cam- gear cover. Oil pressure should be 441
GLOW PLUGS shaft (12 -Fig. K2-2). Inspect camshaft kPa and is not adjustable.
each time injection pump is removed.
Glow plugs are parallel connected with Tighten pump retaining nuts to
each individual glow plug grounding 23.5-27.4 N m and refer to INJECTION
through mounting threads like a spark PUMP TIMING section.
plug. Indicator light will glow after
All models are equipped with a flyball
about 30 seconds if unit is operating TIMING GEARS AND COVER type governor as shown in Fig. K2-2.
satisfactorily and will fail to glow if cir-
Ball movement against governor sleeve
cuit is open. REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To
(4) actuates governor lever (8 -Fig.
Glow plugs are rated at 10.5 volt, 7 remove timing gear cover, remove cover
K2-4) which is connected to fuel injec-
ampere capacity. If indicator light fails just below injection pump and detach
tion control rack. Flyball movement is
to glow when start switch is held in governor spring (5 -Fig. K2-4) from
balanced by governor spring (5).
“Heat” position an appropriate length of governor arm (7). Detach control linkage
Governor components are accessible
time, check for loose connections at (2). If radiator obstructs
to control lever
after removing timing gear cover. In-
crankshaft pulley removal, then drain
spect components and renew any which
coolant and relocate radiator. Remove
are excessively worn or damaged.
fan belt and fan, then unscrew crank-
shaft pulley nut and using a suitable
puller, remove crankshaft pulley.
Unscrew and remove timing gear cover. PISTON AND ROD UNITS
Refer to Fig. K2-12 for proper align-
ment of timing marks on crankshaft, REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
idler, camshaft and injection pump cam- Piston and connecting rod are removed
shaft gears. Backlash between any two as a unit after removing oil pan, oil
gears should be 0.04-0.11 mm. Refer to pickup and cylinder head. Unscrew rod
appropriate sections for gear service. cap retaining screws, detach rod cap and
Fig. K2-11 — Polish seat using polishing stick
When installing timing gear cover, be extract piston and rod.
and mutton tallow.
sure three “O” rings (29 -Fig. K2-4) are Note that numbers are stamped on
in place. Tighten timing cover screws to sides of rod and cap and should be on
9.8-11.3 N-m. same side when assembled. Install
I 3 I 2 G piston and rod units so numbers on rod
OIL PUMP and cap are toward fuel injection pump
side of engine. Tighten rod screws to
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove 26.5-30.4 N-m.
of camshaft
K2-16— Exploded view CAMSHAFT
and Idler gear
1. Snap ring R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
2. Slotted washer camshaft, remove cylinder head and tim-
3. Bushing
4. Idler gear ing gear cover as previously outlined,
5. Washer then remove tappets. Unscrew camshaft
6. Idler shaft
7. Snap ring retainer plate (9 -Fig. K2-16) and with-
9. Retainer
draw camshaft from cylinder block. If
10. Piug necessary, press camshaft gear (8) off
11. Key camshaft.
12. Push rod
13. Tappet Camshaft lobe height should be 26.88
14. Camshaft
mm with a wear limit of 26.83 mm. Cam-
shaft bearing journal diameter should be
32.934-32.950 mm
while inner diameter
of renewable camshaft bearings is
PISTON AND RINGS between pin and connecting rod bushing 33.000-33.025 mm. Maximum allowable
is 0.014-0.038 mm. clearance between camshaft journal and
All models are equipped with two com- bearing is 0.15 mm. With camshaft sup-
pression rings and an oil control ring CONNECTING ROD ported in V-blocks at outer bearing jour-
surrounding an aluminum, cam-ground AND BEARINGS nals, maximum allowable runout
piston. Piston and rings are available in
measured at either center bearing jour-
68.000- oversize.
0.5 Connecting rods are equipped with a nal is 0.02 mm.
Standard piston diameter measured at renewable bushing in the small end and When installing camshaft gear on
skirt perpendicular to piston pin is insert type bearings in the big end. Inner camshaft, first install retainer (9 -Fig.
64.019 mmfor Model D650-B, diameter of big end bearing should be K2-16). Heat camshaft gear to approx-
68.019 mm
for Models D750-B, 37.004-37.050 mm
while clearance be- imately 80° C (176° F) and push gear on-
Z500-B and ZB500C-B, or 72.000-72.019 tween bearing and crankpin should be to camshaft until there is 0.07-0.22 mm
mm for all other models. Piston to 0.029-0.091 mm. Bearings are available clearance between retainer and side of
cylinder clearance should be 0.11-0.149 in 0.20 and 0.40 mm
undersizes. camshaft journal as shown in Fig.
mm for Model D650-B or 0.115-0.154 Small end bushing inner diameter is K2-17. Refer to TIMING GEARS AND
mm for all other models. 20.025-20.040 mm. Clearance between COVER section to properly align cam-
Piston pin boss inner diameter should piston pin and bushing is 0.014-0.038 shaft gear timing marks during installa-
be 20.000-20.013 mm
for all models with mm. tion.
a wear limit of 20.03 mm.
Piston ring end gap is 0.25-0.40 mm
for compression rings and 0.20-0.40 mm
for oil ring on all models. Maximum
wear any ring is 1.25 mm. The
limit for
top compression ring is a keystone type
and side clearance is not measured. Side
clearance for second compression ring
should be 0.085-0.112 mm and for oil
ring should be 0.020-0.052 mm.
A full floating piston pin is used on all
models. Clearance between pin and
piston bosses should be 0.002 mm
terference to 0.010 mm
loose. Clearance
8 9 14
CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS liners. Install cylinder liner so distance Alternator should produce 14 volts
from top of liner to cylinder block head maximum with a minimum charging cur-
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove surface is plus or minus 0.025 mm. rent of 8V2 amperes at alternator speed
crankshaft, remove pistons and rods, Standard inner diameter of cylinder of 4250 rpm.
timing gear cover, crankshaft gear, fly- liner is 64.000-64.019 mm for Model
wheel and seal carrier (22 -Fig. K2-18). D650-B, 68.000-68.019 mm for Models ELECTRIC STARTER
Free bearing carriers (25, 26 and 27) by D750-B, Z500-B and ZB500C-B and
unscrewing locating screws (31 -Fig. 72.000-72.019 mm for other models.
all Refer to Fig. K2-21 for an exploded
K2-18 or K2-19). Carefully withdraw The cylinder liner may be bored for 0.5 view of Nippon Denso electric starter
crankshaft and bearing carrier assembly mm oversize piston installation. used on all models. Minimum brush
out rear of cylinder block. Note that length is 10.7 mm
while wear limit of
bearing carriers are a tight fit in commutator is 30.7 mm
diameter. With
cylinder block to prevent oil loss be-
tween oil passages in block and bearing
ELECTRICAL no load imposed on starter and using an
11 volt source, the starter shaft should
carriers. Remove screws securing bear-
ing carrier halves and separate halves
SYSTEM rotate at 5000 rpm or more while draw-
ing less than 50 amperes current.
from crankshaft. Note that main bear- ALTERNATOR Pinion engagement depth is adjusted
ing carriers are not interchangeable. by turning hook (H-Fig. K2-21). With
Standard main journal diameter is Alternator (2 - Fig. K2-20) is mounted starter pinion in engaged position,
43.934-43.950 mm. Main bearing on water outlet (3) and drives fan (1). distance between collar (8) and pinion
clearance for front bearing (15 -Fig. The alternator is available only as a unit should be 0. 1-0.4 mm. Turn hook (H) so
K2-18) should be 0.034-0.106 mm
while assembly. pinion engagement depth is correct.
clearance for all other bearings should
be 0.034-0.092 mm. Main bearings are
available in standard sizes only.
Crankshaft end play should be
0.15-0.31 mm and is controlled by thrust
washers (29) which are available in stan-
dard thickness only. Install thrust
washers so grooved side is away from
bearing carrier.
Standard size of crankpin journals is
36.959-36.975 mm. Rod bearings are of-
fered in 0.20 and 0.40 mm
To reinstall crankshaft, reverse
removal procedure. Tighten rear bear-
ing carrier screws to 19.6-23.5 N-m and
screws of center bearing carriers to
29.4-34.3 N-m. Tighten carrier locating
screws (31) to 29.4-34.3 N-m. Install
seal carrier so top mark is towards head
surface and tighten screws in a diagonal
pattern to 9.8-11.8 N-m.
All models are equipped with dry type Fig. K2-20— View of alternator and tensioner pulley.
Fan Crankshaft pulley
cylinder liners. Use suitable removal and 1.
9. Collar
2. 6. 10. Tensioner pulley 14. Washer
installation tools to renew defective 3. Water outlet 7. Lockwasher 11. Bearing 15. Belt tension adjusting
4. Gasket 8. Washer 13. Sleeve screw
Bore Stroke Displ.
Model No. Cyls. (mm) (mm) (cc)
D1102-B 3 76 82 1115
D1102-BC 3 76 82 1115
D1302-B 3 82 82 1299
D1402-B 3 85 82 1395
S2200-B 6 76 82 2231
S2600-B 6 82 82 2598
V1502-B 4 76 82 1487
V1502-BC 4 76 82 1487
V1702-B 4 82 82 1732
V1902-B 4 85 82 1861
VT1502-B 4 76 82 1487
Z751-B 2 76 82 743
Z851-B 2 82 82 866
All Kubota engines in this section are Refer to OIL PUMP section for pump timing proceed as follows: Disconnect
liquid-cooled, four-stroke diesel engines service. high pressure line for number 1 cylinder
having two, three, four or six cylinders. from injection pump then unscrew
FUEL SYSTEM delivery valve holder (1-Fig. K3-2) and
remove valve spring (2) and delivery
MAINTENANCE FUEL FILTER. A renewable fuel valve assembly (4). Reinstall delivery
filter is mounted on side of engine. Filter valve holder (1) and connect a suitable
LUBRICATION element should be renewed after every
400 hours of engine operation.
Recommended crankcase oil is SAE
10W-40 with API classification CB or
CC. Crankcase capacity is 6.7 liters for remove bleed screw on fuel
fuel system,
Models D1102-B, D1102-BC, D1302-B
filter bracket, then open fuel valve.
and D1402-B; 12.7 liters for Models
Reinstall bleed screw when air-free fuel
S2200-B and S2600-B; 9 liters for pump
flows. Unscrew injection bleed
Models V1502-B, V1502-BC, V1702-B,
screw (B-Fig. K3-1), open fuel valve,
V1902-B and VT1502-B; 3.7 liters for then reinstall bleed screw when air-free
Models Z751-B and Z851-B.
fuel appears. Disconnect high pressure
All models are equipped with a
fuel lines from injectors. Rotate engine
pressure lubrication system. Oil is
to operate fuel injection pump, then
directed from the oil pump to the oil
reconnect fuel lines when air-free fuel
pressure relief valve and oil filter. Oil is
flows from fuel lines.
routed through an oil passage in the
cylinder block to themain bearings then INJECTION PUMP TIMING. Injec
through crankshaft oil passages to the Fig.K3-3— View of “FI" injection timing mark on
tion pump timing is adjusted using shims flywheel of all models and timing mark (M) on
crankpins. The cylinder block oil (S-Fig. K3-1). To check injection pump end plate of models so equipped. See text.
passage also routes oil to the cylinder
head to lubricate the valve train.
Normal oil pressure is 294.2-441.3 kPa
for Models S2200-B, Z751-B and Z851-B Fig. K3-2 — Exploded view of
or 294.2-392.2 kPa for all other models. injection pump used on four-
cylinder engines. Other
models are similar. A jet-
start cock is installed in
place of bleed screw (20) on
some models.
1. Delivery valve holder
2. Spring
3. Shim
4. Deliver valve assy.
5. Plunger
6. Inlet fuel fitting
7. Gaskets
8. Pump body
9. Plate
10. Control rack
11. Control sleeve
12. Washer
13. Spring
Fig. K3-1 — Injection timing is adjusted by add- 14. Spring seat
ing or deleting shims (S) between pump and
16. Guide pin
engine block. A jet-start cock (5 — Fig. K3-12) is 17. Roller
installed in place of bleed screw (B) on some 18. Pin
models. 19. Pin
spill pipe to valve holder. Aim spill pipe by qualified personnel only. High idle COOLING SYSTEM
at a receptacle to catch discharged fuel. speed should be 2800 rpm for Model
Move throttle control to full open posi- S2200-B or 3000 rpm for all other All engines are liquid cooled with
tion. Rotate engine flywheel slowly in models. Turn high idle speed screw (3) Models Z751-B and Z851-B
counter-clockwise direction until fuel for adjustment. thermo-siphon circulation w'hile all other
just stops flowing from spill pipe. On Maximum fuel limiting stop should be models are equipped with a water pump.
models equipped with a Awheel hous- set to prevent excessive smoke level at Recommended pressure rating for
ing, remove timing cover. Flywheel slight overload. To make adjustment, radiator cap is 88.25 kPa (13 psi). On all
mark “FI” should be aligned with timing remove seal cap, loosen jam nut and models except Z751-B and Z851-B, ther-
mark (M-Fig. K3-3) on cylinder block turn spring housing (21) in to low-er mostat opening temperature is
rear plate or timing pointer on Awheel smoke level or out to raise smoke level. 80.5-83.5° C. Fan belt tension is correct
housing. To adjust injection timing, Some models are equipped with a if finger pressure applied to belt at mid-
remove injection pump and add or delete “torque rise” adjustment screw (12). point between alternator pulley and
shims (S-Fig. K3-1). Each shim alters Position of screw is set at factor}' and crankshaft pulley defiects belt 7-9 mm.
timing approximately IV2 crankshaft manufacturer does not recommend fur-
degrees. Add shims to retard timing or ther adjustment. AIR FILTER
delete shims to advance timing. Be sure
pump control rack pin properly engages COMPRESSION RELEASE All models are equipped with a dry
operating fork when installing pump. type renewable air filter. Manufacturer
Tighten pump retaining nuts or screws All models are equipped with a com- recommends blowing out filter after
to 23.5-27.4 N-m. Reinstall deliver}" pression release which holds exhaust ever}' 100 to 200 hours of operation and
valve and spring and tighten deliver}' valves open slightly w'hen compression renewing filter after six cleanings or one
valve holder to 39.2-49.0 X-m. release lever (1-Fig. K3-5) is rotated. year.
To adjust compression release, rotate
GOVERNOR engine crankshaft so piston in cylinder
being adjusted is at top dead center on REPAIRS
models are equipped with a Ayball
All compression. Remove cover (8), loosen
type governor mounted on front end of locknut (3) and back out adjusting screw
fuel injection pump camshaft. Refer to (2). Rotate compression release lever to
Refer to following table for tightening
Fig. K3-4 for an exploded view of gover- engaged position. Turn adjusting screw'
torques. All values are in newton
nor linkage. (2) in until it contacts exhaust rocker
Slow idle speed for all models is 800 arm, then turn screw an additional IV2
rpm and is adjusted by turning idle turns. Tighten locknut and adjust re-
Connecting rod 36.3-41.2
speed screw (30 -Fig. K3-4). High idle maining cylinders. Check operation of
Crankshaft nut
speed and maximum fuel limiting stop compression release being sure exhaust
S2200-B, S2600-B 196-215
screws are sealed and should be adjusted valves do not contact pistons.
All other models 137-156
Crankshaft seal carrier 23.5-27.4
Cylinder head
S2200-B, S2600-B 73.5-83.4
All other models 73.5-78.4
Flywheel 98.1-107.9
Injection pump 23.5-27.4
Injector nozzle nut 29.4-49.0
Main bearing retainer screw ..63.7-68.6
Fig. K3-4 — Exploded view of timing gear cover and associated components.
1. Speed control 10. Plunger 20. Locknut
2. Control lever 11. Spring 21. Maximum fuel 29. Spring
High idle adjusting 12. Set screw limiting screw Low idle adjusting
K3-5 — Exploded view of valve cover and
3. 30.
screw 13. Pivot pin 22. Gasket screw
4. Plate 14. Pivot block 23. Valve seat 31. Gasket compression release components.
5. Control arm 15. “0* rings 24. Relief valve ball 32. Locknut 1. Compression release 4. Screw
6. Governor spring 16. Pin 25. Spring 33. Gasket shaft 5. Vent tube
7. Start spring 17. Cap 26. Gear 34. Cap nut 2. Compression release 6. Valve cover
8. Governor arm 18. Cap nut 27. Oil pump 35. Cap screw 7. Breather
9. Governor lever 19. Gasket 28. Gasket 36. Oil pressure sender 3. Locknut 8. Cover
Main bearing screws 29.4-34.3 springs installed but with injectors re- tween valve stem and valve guide is 0.1
Oil pump 9.8-11.8 moved. Tighten head fasteners to mm. Valve guide diameter is 8.015-8.030
Rocker arm stand 17.4-20.3 specified torque following sequence in mm while valve stem diameter is
Timing gear cover 23.5-27.4 Fig. K3-9. Using a suitable measuring 7.950-7.975 mm.
gage such as soft solder or Plastigage, Valves seat directly in head. Valve
WATER PUMP insert gage between each valve and seat and face angles are 45 degrees.
piston crown while rotating crankshaft Valve seat width should be 2.1 mm.
All Models Except Z751-B through top dead center. Minimum When depth of valve head from cylinder
And Z851-B allowable valve-to-piston clearance is 0.9 head surface exceeds 1.3 mm, then head
mm. Clearance may be increased by in- surface should be machined.
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove stalling a shim gasket (20 -Fig. K3-10) Valve springs are interchangeable.
water pump,
drain coolant and if between cylinder head and head gasket. Valve spring free length should be
necessary, relocate radiator for access Shim gasket thickness is 0.15 mm. 41.7-42.2 mm
while installed height is
to pump. Remove fan belt, fan, spacer Reverse removal procedure to 35.15 mm. Valve spring pressure at in-
and pulley then unbolt and remove pump reinstall cylinder head. Refer to Fig. stalled height should be 117.7 Newtons
from timing gear cover. K3-9 for cylinder head tightening se- with a minimum allowable pressure of
Using a suitable puller, pull flange quence. Tighten cylinder head and 100.0 Newtons.
(2 -Fig. K3-8) off shaft. Disengage rocker arm fasteners to specified Rocker arm bushings (6 -Fig. K3-10)
circlip (3), then push shaft and bearing torques. Adjust valve tappet gap and are renewable. Bushing ID is
assembly (4) out front of housing. compression release as outlined in 14.002-14.043 mm
while rocker shaft
Disassemble as required. following and preceding sections. OD is 13.973-13.984 mm. Maximum
Shaft and bearings (4) are available allowable clearance between shaft and
only as a unit assembly. VALVE TAPPET GAP rocker arm bushing is 0.15 mm.
Jo'^ 5 4 12
cylinder head fasteners, 0 0 O
follow sequence in drawing
(A) for two-cylinder engines;
drawing (B) for three-cylinder
engines; drawing (C) for four-
cylinder engines; drawing
(D) for six-cylinder engines.
pressed air and a suitable solvent. leakage and spray pattern. When tested, SEAT LEAKAGE. Nozzle tip should
To remove injector unit, first remove nozzle should open with a high-pitched not leak at a pressure less than 12.7
high pressure line leading from injection buzzing sound, and cut off quickly at end MPa (1846 psi). To check for leakage, ac-
pump to injector. Disconnect bleed line of injection with a minimum of seat tuate tester lever slowly and as gage
by removing nut and banjo fitting, or by leakage and a controlled amount of back needle approaches suggested test
pulling line(s) from banjo nipple fitting leakage. pressure, observe nozzle tip. Hold
(2 -Fig. K3-11). With pressure and Before conducting test, operate tester pressure for 10 seconds; if drops appear
bleed-back lines removed, unscrew injec- lever until fuel flows, then attach injec- or nozzle tip becomes wet, valve is not
tor from its mounting position on tor. Close valve to tester gage and pump seating, and injector must be
cylinder head. tester lever a few quick strokes to be disassembled and overhauled as later
When installing injector, make sure sure nozzle valve is not stuck, and that outlined.
that machined seating surface in possibilities are good that injector can be
NOTE: Leakage of tester check valve or
cylinder head is completely clean and returned to service without disassembly.
connections will cause a false reading,
free from carbon build-up. Use a new
OPENING PRESSURE. Open valve showing up in this test as fast leakback. if
copper washer underneath injector noz-
to testergage and operate tester lever a series of injectors fail to pass this test,
zle and tighten injector carefully to
slowly while observing gage reading. the tester rather than injector units should
29.4-49.0 N-m.
Opening pressure should be 13.7 MPa be suspected.
(1990 psi).
TESTING. A complete job of testing Opening pressure is adjusted by add- SPRAY PATTERN. Spray pattern
and adjusting the injector requires use ing or removing shims in shim pack should be well atomized and slightly con-
of special test equipment. Only clean, ap- (5 -Fig. K3-11). Adding or removing ical, emerging in a straight axis from
proved testing oil should be used in one 0.1 mm thickness shim will change nozzle tip. If pattern is wet, ragged or
tester tank. Nozzle should be tested for opening pressure approximately 980 intermittent, nozzle must be overhauled
opening pressure, seat leakage, back kPa (140 psi). or renewed.
diesel fuel as they are removed, using a through mounting threads like a spark governor arm (8). Detach control linkage
compartmented pan and using extra plug. Indicator light will glow after to control lever (5). Remove fan belt and
care to keep parts from each injector about 30 seconds if unit is operating fan then unscrew crankshaft pulley nut
together and separate from other units satisfactorily and will fail to glow if cir- and using a suitable puller remove
which are disassembled at the time. cuit is open. crankshaft pulley. Unbolt and remove
Clean exterior surfaces with a brass Glow plugs are rated at 10.5 volt, 7 timing gear cover.
wire brush, soaking in an approved car- ampere capacity. If indicator light fails Refer to Fig. K3-21 for proper align-
bon solvent if necessary, to loosen hard to glow when start switch is held in ment of timing marks on crankshaft,
carbon deposits. Rinse parts in clean “Heat” position an appropriate length of
diesel fuel or calibrating oil immediately time, check for loose connections at
after cleaning to neutralize the solvent switch, indicator lamp, glow plug con-
and prevent etching of polished sur- nections and ground. Using an ohm-
faces. meter, check resistance of each glow
Clean nozzle spray hole from inside us- plug in turn. Resistance between glow
ing a pointed hardwood stick or wood plug terminal and cylinder head should
splinter as shown in Fig. K3-15. Scrape be approximately 1.6 ohms.
carbon from pressure chamber using
hooked scraper as shown in Fig. K3-16.
Clean valve seat using brass scraper as INJECTION PUMP
shown in Fig. K3-17, then polish seat us-
ing wood polishing stick and mutton All models are equipped with an injec-
tallow as in Fig. K3-18. tion pump similar to type shown in Fig.
Fig. K3-15- Use a pointed hardwood stick to
Back flush nozzle using reverse K3-2. The injection pump should be clean spray hole as shown.
flusher adapter. Reclean all parts by tested and overhauled by a shop
rinsing thoroughly in clean diesel fuel or qualified in diesel injection pump repair.
calibrating oil and assemble while parts The injection pump tappets are ac-
are immersed in cleaning fluid. Make tuated by lobes on injection pump cam-
sure adjusting shim pack is intact. shaft (14 -Fig. K3-20). Inspect camshaft
Tighten nozzle retaining nut (10 -Fig. each time injection pump is removed.
K3-11) to a torque of 58.8-78.4 N-m. Do Tighten pump retaining nuts to
not overtighten, distortion may cause m
23.5-27.4 N •
and refer to INJECTION
valve to stick and no amount of over- PUMP TIMING section.
tightening can stop a leak caused by
scratches or dirt. Retest assembled in- TIMING GEARS AND COVER
jector as previously outlined.
GLOW PLUGS remove timing gear cover, drain coolant
and relocate radiator. Remove cover Fig. K3-16—Use a hooked scraper to clean car-
Glow plugs are parallel connected with just below injection pump and detach bon from pressure chamber.
each individual glow plug grounding governor spring (6 -Fig. K3-4) from
J 3 I 2 G
models are equipped with a flyball
type governor as shown in Fig. K3-20.
Ball movement against governor sleeve
(6) actuates governor lever (9 -Fig.
K3-4) which is connected to fuel injec-
tion control rack. Flyball movement is
balanced by governor spring (6).
Governor components are accessible
after removing timing gear cover. In-
spect components and renew' any w'hich
are excessively worn or damaged.
PISTON PIN K3-25). Heat camshaft gear to approxi- Main bearings are available in standard
mately 80° C (176° F) and push gear on- sizes only.
A full floating piston pin is used on all to camshaft until there is 0.07-0.22 mm Crankshaft end play should be
models. Clearance between pin and clearance between retainer and side of 0.15-0.31 mm and is controlled by thrust
piston bosses should be 0.011 mm
in- camshaft journal as shown in Fig. washers (27) which are available in
terference to 0.011 mm
loose. Clearance K3-26. Refer to TIMING GEARS AND standard thickness only. Install thrust
between pin and connecting rod bushing COVER section to properly align cam- washers so grooved side is away from
is 0.014-0.038 mm. shaft gear timing marks during installa- bearing carrier.
tion. Standard size of crankpin journal is
CONNECTING ROD 43.959-43.975 mm. Rod bearings are of-
AND BEARINGS CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS fered in 0.20 and 0.40 mm undersizes.
To crankshaft, reverse
Connecting rods are equipped with a R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove removal procedure. Tighten bearing car-
renewable bushing in the small end and crankshaft, remove pistons and rods, rier screws to 29.4-34.3 N-m. Tighten
insert type bearings in the big end. Inner timing gear cover, crankshaft gear, fly-
diameter of standard big end bearing wheel and seal carrier (23 -Fig. K3-27).
should be 44.010-44.052 mm
while Free bearing carriers (28) by unscrew-
clearance between bearing and crankpin ing locating screws (30 -Fig. 3-28) in
should be 0.035-0.097 mm. Bearings are underside of block and also in side of
available in 0.20 and 0.40 undersizes. block on Model S2200-B. Carefully with-
Small end bushing inner diameter is draw crankshaft and bearing carrier
23.025-23.040 mm. Clearance between assembly out rear of cylinder block.
piston pin and bushing is 0.014-0.038 Note that bearing carriers are a tight fit
mm. in cylinder block to prevent oil loss be-
tween oil passages in block and bearing
CAMSHAFT carriers. Remove screws securing bear-
ing carrier halves and separate halves
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove from crankshaft. Note that main bear-
camshaft, remove cylinder head and tim- ing carriers are not interchangeable.
ing gear cover as previously outlined Standard main journal diameter is
then remove tappets. Unscrew camshaft 51.921-51.940 mm. Main bearing clear- Fig. K3-28—View showing location of locating
screw which secures bearing carrier to
retainer plate (11 - Fig. K3-25) and with- ance for front bearing (17 -Fig. K3-27)
block. Model S2200-B is also equipped with
draw camshaft from cylinder block. If is 0.040-0.118 mm
while clearance for all screws in side of block that secure bearing car-
necessary, press camshaft gear (10) off other main bearings is 0.040-0.104 mm. rier.
Camshaft lobe height should be 33.36
mm with a wear limit of 33.31 mm. Cam-
shaft bearing journal diameter should be
39.934-39.950 mm
while inner diameter
of renewable camshaft bearings is
40.000-40.025 mm. Maximum allowable
clearance between camshaft journal and
bearing is 0.15 mm. With camshaft sup-
ported in V-blocks at outer bearing jour-
nals, maximum allowable runout
measured at either center bearing jour-
nal is 0.08 mm on Model S2200-B or 0.02
mm for all other models.
When installing camshaft gear on
camshaft, first install retainer (11-Fig.
Fig. K3-27— Exploded view of piston, rod and crankshaft assembly. Lower section of bearing carrier
(28) on Model S2200-B are retained by side screws as well as screw (30).
1. Piston rings 9. Nut 17. Bearing 25. Bearings
2. Piston 10. Washer 18. Crankshaft 26. Bearing
3. Piston pin 11. Pulley 19. Plug 27. Thrust washers
10 13 C 4. Retainer 12. Oil seal 20. Ball bearing 28. Bearing carriers
5. Bushing 13. Spacer 21. Gasket 29. Washer
Fig. K3-26- Install gear on camshaft (14) so
(10) 6. Connecting rod 14. “0” ring 22. Gasket 30. Screw
there is 0.007 0.22 mm clearance (C) between re- 7. Bearing 15. Oil slinger 23. Seal carrier 31. Rear bearing carrier
tainer (11) and side of front camshaft journal. 8. Screw 16. Gear 24. Oil seal 32. Screw
carrier locating screws to 63.7-68.6 resistance should exist across voltage STARTER. Refer to Fig. K3-31 or
N •
m. Install seal carrier (23). regulator coil. K3-32 for an exploded view of electric
Touch ohmmeter leads to N&E ter- starter,
CYLINDER LINER minals of regulator. Reading should be
approximately 32 ohms. MODEL Z751-B. Minimum brush
models are equipped with dry type
All Infinite resistance should exist be- length is 10.7 mm
while minimum com-
cylinder liners. Use suitable removal and tween B terminal and any other ter- mutator diameter is 32.5 mm. With no
installation tools to renew defective minal unless regulator cover is removed load imposed on starter and using an 11
liners. Install cylinder liner so distance and light relay armature pushed down to volt source, the starter shaft should
from top of liner to cylinder block head connect lower set of points. With ar- rotate at 5000 rpm or more while draw-
surface is plus or minus 0.025 mm. mature depressed, zero resistance ing less than 50 amperes current,
Standard cylinder liner inner diameter should exist between L & B terminals Pinion engagement depth is adjusted
is 76.000-76.019 mm
on Models and 100 ohms resistance should exist be- by turning hook (H-Fig. K3-31). With
D1102-B, D1102-BC, S2200-B, V1502-B, tween E &B terminals. starter pinion in engaged position,
V1502-BC, VT1502-B and Z751-B; or
82.000-82.019 mm
on Models D1302-B,
S2600-B, V1702-B and Z851-B. The Fig. K3-30 — Exploded view
cylinder liner may be bored to accept a of typical alternator.
0.5 mm oversize piston. 1.
3. Spacer
4. Pulley
5. Fan
End frame
Oil felt
Bearing retainer
14. Rectifier
2. Gasket
read zero. If cover is removed and upper 3. Brush plate
4. Brush spring
voltage control points manually opened, 5. Gasket
11 ohms resistance should exist across 6. Drive gear
7. Driven gear
resistor. 8. Switch assy.
Touch ohmmeter leads L & E ter-
to 9. Ball
10. Clutch assy.
minals of regulator. Ohmmeter should 11. Gear housing
read zero. If cover is removed and light
relay points opened, 100 ohms
distance between collar (8) and pinion posed on starter and using an 11 volt pinion engagement depth is correct.
should be 0. 1-0.4 mm. Turn hook (H) so source, the starter shaft should rotate at
pinion engagement depth is correct. 6000 rpm or more while drawing less ALL OTHER MODELS. Minimum
than 45 amperes current. brush length is 12.7 mm while minimum
Pinion engagement depth is adjusted commutator diameter is 29 mm. With no
MODELS D1102-B, D1102-BC AND by turning hook (H-Fig. K3-31). With load imposed on starter and using an
Z851-B. Minimum brush length is 12.7 starter pinion in engaged position, 11.5 volt source, the starter shaft should
mm while minimum commutator distance between collar (8) and pinion rotate at 3500 rpm or more while draw-
diameter is 32.5 mm. With no load im- should be 0. 1-0.4 mm. Turn hook (H) so ing less than 90 amperes current.
555 East 56 Highway
Olathe, Kansas 66061
Lister diesel engine type can be iden- eating oils. Oil specifications must equal remove delivery valve holder, delivery
tifiedby the last two digits of engine or better API service classification CC. valve and spring (see Fig. L3A). If fuel
number found on plate (Fig. LI) at- Engines, run with high load factor or if flows from pump, turn crankshaft
tached to air shield or fan shroud. sulphur content of fuel exceeds 0.6%, clockwise until flow ceases. Replace
Engines are four-stroke, vertical, should use API service CD grade delivery valve holder and turn
single-cylinder with direct fuel injection. lubricating oils. crankshaft counter-clockwise until fuel
Standard crankshaft rotation is clock- be changed every 125 hours
Oil should starts to flow. Then, slowly turn in
wise from flywheel end. Metric threads or more often if engine is operated clockwise rotation until flow stops.
are used throughout engine. under heavy load or dusty conditions. When flow stops, firing mark on
Recommended oil for temperatures flywheel should be in line with mark on
below 5° C. is SAE 10W, between 5° C. fan shroud. If not, shims of 0.127 mm
MAINTENANCE and 30° C. is SAE 20/20W and above and 0.254 mm
below pump body must be
30° C. is SAE 30. The oil sump capacity added or removed to adjust timing. Add
STARTING PROCEDURE is 1.5 liters. shims to retard timing, subtract shims
to advance timing. When timing is cor-
Normally engine will be manually rect, torque pump bolts to 8.8 N m.
Model I clockwise / /
n n i r
Fig. LI— View of typical
engine identification plate
used. To insure use of prop-
er parts and specifications,
use complete number.
and a tapped hole in intake port for an
oil priming cup used for cold starting.
Exhaust valve guide is a press fit into
both halves of head. Intake guide is a
press fit into the lower half. An “0” ring
and retaining plate is used on intake
guide. When installing new guides, in-
Fig. L5 — Two speed controls are used, constant speed (A) and variable speed (B). Speed adjustments
are similar. Refer to text for details.
1. Speeder spring 3. Maximum speed 5. Link locknuts
2A. Speed adjusting 2B. Idle speed screw screw (variable) 6. Speed control lever
screw (constant) (variable) 4. Governor link pin
stallwith lettering at the top and with nut and recheck clearance. Repeat pro- Ring End Maximum
12.35-12.60 mm
of guide projecting cedure for both valves. Gaps New Wear
above casting. Running clearance for To adjust compression release lever, Firing ring . . 0.30-0. 46mm 0.61mm
both guides is 0.06 mm
with maximum piston must be at TDC with both valves Compression
wear clearance of 0.089 mm. A 7.899 closed. Turn adjusting screw until ring 0.20-0. 36mm 0.56mm
mm gage must pass through exhaust rocker arm begins to depress valve and Expander
guide after installation. If not, ream then turn screw one full turn clockwise. Scraper . .0.20-0. 36mm 0.56mm
guide to 7.899-7.919 mm. Slotted
Valve seat angle is 45.5° with a seat PISTON, PISTON PIN Scraper . .0.20-0. 36mm 0.56mm
width of 1.65-2.29 mm
for intake and AND RINGS
1.00-1.15 mm on early models and Ring Side Maximum
1.65-2.01 mm on late models for the ex- A
low expansion aluminum alloy Clearance New Wear
haust. Valve face angle is 44.5-45°. piston with recessed combustion Firing Ring* 0.00-0. 06mm 0.10mm
Check valve seats and valves for nicks, chamber is used. Piston is 82.398-82.423 Compression
cracks or pitting. Reface valves and mm in diameter and has an initial Ring 0.051-0. 101mm 0.14mm
regrind seats as necessary. If valves or clearance in cylinder bore of 0.127 mm Expander
seats are damaged beyond further ser- with maximum wear clearance of 0.22 Scraper . .0.051-0. 101mm 0.14mm
vice, renew valves and/or cylinder head. mm. The piston pin is a push fit. The pin Slotted
Valve spring free length is 43.7-45.5 rides in a copper faced steel backed Scraper . .0.051-0. 101mm 0.14mm
mm. Renew spring if free length is 42.5 bushing in small end of connecting rod. * Special gage required.
mm or less. Piston pin diameter is 28.5674-28.5725
To adjust valve clearance, turn piston mm and has a running clearance of
to TDC on firing stroke (both valves 0.0385-0.0556 mm
with a maximum CYLINDER BARREL
closed). Loosen locknut and turn ad- wear clearance of 0.064 mm. AND CONNECTING ROD
justing screw until 0.13 clearancemm Piston is fitted with four rings; a bar-
(engine cold) is obtained. Tighten lock- rel face chrome firing ring, a taper faced Standard cylinder bore is
compression ring, a spring expander 82.550-82.575 mm. If cylinder is scored
scraper ring and a slotted scraper ring or badly worn, it must be resized to
fitted below piston pin. Ring clearances 0.255, 0.51 or 1.22 oversize. Whenmm
are as follows: installing cylinder assembly, flat sided
Fig. L11 — Exploded view of
crankshaft, connecting rod
and piston.
1. Crankshaft gear
2. Main bearings
3. Thrust washers
4. Key
5. Crankshaft
6. Connecting rod bearings
7 Oil seal
8. Rod bolt
9. Piston rings (4 used)
10. Piston
11. Connecting rod
12. Piston pin bushing
13. Piston pin v.
14. Retaining ring
cylinder fins face the flywheel. remove tappet and guide. Disconnect oil
A forged steel connecting rod is used feed pipe. Remove retaining clips from
with a steel backed copper lead bearing push rod guides and lift push rods and
Fig. L14 — A self regulating plunger-type oil
which is precision finished. Rod bearing guides out (making sure push rod tube pump is used. An external pipe (B) carries oil to
has a running clearance of 0.033-0.077 rubber seals are retained). Lift off flywheel end main bearing and cylinder head.
mm and maximum wear clearance of governor lever, link and speeder spring. Gears, governor camshaft and underside ol
piston are splash lubricated.
0.100 mm. Rod bearings are available in Slide thrust sleeve assembly off. Lift
undersizes of 0.255, 0.510 and 1.22 mm valve tappets and remove camshaft.
for use with reground crankshaft. Reinstall camshaft aligning timing
Torque connecting rod nuts to 21 N-m. marks as shown in Fig. L8.
Small end of rod is fitted with a copper To renew camshaft ball bearing,
faced bushing. New bushing to new remove roll pin from hub of cam gear.
piston pin clearance is 0.0385-0.0556 Support camshaft assembly on hub of
mm with a maximum wear clearance of bearing race and push cam through gear
0.064 mm. and bearing. Press new bearing on cam-
shaft and install key. When installing
CAMSHAFT cam gear apply pressure to gear hub. In-
stall new roll pin.
The steel camshaft is supported by a is53.955-53.967 mm. Running clearance
ball bearing at the gear end and a CRANKSHAFT AND for main bearings is 0.034-0.089 mm
bushing sealed by an expansion plug at MAIN BEARINGS with maximum wear clearance of 0.120
the flywheel end. Renew ball bearing if mm. Main bearings are two-piece inserts
it feels rough when rotated. Bushing has The crankshaft is a graphite casting and are not interchangeable. Top half of
a running clearance of 0.051 with amm and runs in two steel backed main bear- bearing has an oil groove and hole which
maximum wear clearance of 0.090 mm. ings. A new crankshaft journal diameter must be properly located. Undersized
A metal shim (33- Fig. L10) fitted be-
tween thrust washer and gear hub ad-
justs end play. Camshaft end play is
0.13-0.255 mm. Shims of 0.13, 0.25 and
0.4 mmthicknesses are available. Only
one shim of appropriate thickness must
be used.
To remove camshaft, drain and
remove fuel tank and cylinder head.
Drain and remove sump, oil pump and
plunger. Disconnect speeder spring and
remove fuel pump. Remove locating
screw for fuel pump tappet guide and
bearings of 0.255, 0.51 and 1.02 mm are splitthrust washers. Thrust washers are OIL PUMP
available. installed between crankshaft and main
New crankpin diameter is 53.967- bearing housing and between crankshaft A self regulating plunger type pump is
53.980 mm. Running clearance of new and crankcase. Crankshaft end play is used (Fig. L14). Pump delivers 68.95
rod bearing on new crankpin is 0.033- 0.13-0.23 mm. End play is adjusted by kPa at 1000 rpm. An external pipe,
0.077 mm with maximum wear clear- installing 0.13 mm
or 0.25 mm
shims be- secured by swivel union plugs is used.
ance of 0.100 mm. Crankshaft end play tween main bearing housing and Gears, governor, camshaft and under-
is adjusted by steel backed copper based crankcase. side of piston are splash lubricated.
MODEL No. Cyl. Bore Stroke Displ.
ST1 1 3% in. 3VZ in. 38.7 cu. in.
ST2 2 3 3A in. 3V2 in. 77.4 cu. in.
ST3 3 3 3A in. 3V2 in. 116.1 cu. in.
Engines in this section are four-stroke If operating temperatures fall below tighten when air free flow is obtained
type with vertical cylinders and direct 10° F., SAE 10W should be used. From (Fig. L26).
fuel injection. Engine type can be iden- 10° to 85° F. use SAE 20/20W. Above
tified by last two digits of engine 85°, SAE
30 weight oil is called for. FUEL PUMP. A separate Bryce
number found on plate attached to fuel All engines in this section are full Berger fuel pump is fitted for each
pump housing door (Fig. L25). Crank- pressure lubricated. Refer to Fig. L28 cylinder. It is recommended that all ser-
shaft rotation may be either clockwise or for cross-sectional view of lubrication vice of fuel pump(s), other than renewal,
counter-clockwise as viewed from fly- system. be carried out by an approved service
wheel end. department.
FUEL SYSTEM To check fuel pump timing, set control
lever to “start” position and turn fly-
MAINTENANCE No. 2 diesel fuel is recommended for wheel so “Z” mark on flywheel is op-
most conditions. No. 1 diesel fuel should posite mark on fan shroud. Remove
STARTING PROCEDURES be used for light duty or cold weather delivery valve holder, valve and spring.
operation. If fuel flows from pump, turn crankshaft
Engines may be equipped with either a The fuel filter should be renewed in direction ofnormal engine rotation
manual or electric start. In cases where every 1500 hours. When filter element is Replace delivery valve
until flow ceases.
final drive is from gear end, manual
must be bled from system
serviced, air holder and turn crankshaft backwards
starting can be from flywheel end
in the following until fuel starts to flow, then turn in op-
through geared-up starter. Refer to Ac- Make sure fuel tank is full. Loosen posite direction until flow ceases. Blow
cessory Section. from top of holder to make sure
each bleeder valve one at a time on filter fuel
To start engine, pull control lever out body and outlet banjo fitting. Retighten flow has stopped. The firing mark on the
and allow it to rotate counter-clockwise valves when air free fuel flow is ob- flywheel should be opposite mark on the
until it is against top stop in a vertical
tained. Loosen bleeder valve on each fan shroud. If not, shims of 0.005 and
position and move compression release fuel pump (start nearest to fuel tank); 0.010 inch thicknesses below pump body
lever towards flywheel. Prime cylinders
and oil system by turning engine slowly
3 to 20 turns. After priming, crank
engine until maximum
speed is obtained
Engine No. of Flywheel Mfg. Build
Serial Cyls. rotation Date No.
and release compression release lever. No. Anti- / /
Model clockwise
CAUTION: Do not allow handle to con-
/ /
027-04007 J
Engines must use H.D.
lubricating oils that equal or better API
specifications for CC classification. If
engines are operated under heavy loads
or high temperatures, or if sulphur con-
tent in fuel exceeds 0.6%, API service
classification CD/SE or CD/SD oils are
Fig. L26- When
serviced, air
fuel filter is
must be bled
^ nQ
recommended. Recommended oil from fuel system. Loosen
change interval is every 250 hours each bleeder valve one at a
operation with filter change at same time. Retighten valves when
air free fuel flow is obtained.
time. Check oil level daily.
Crankcase capacities are:
ST1 3.5 pts.
install correct weights and springs and screw clockwise %-turn and lock
adjust properly, contact an authorized REPAIRS tion.
in posi-
Service Department.
Governor lever (Fig. L32) operating
the fuel pump(s) is carried in a fulcrum
Recommended tightening torques are
bearing in the crankcase. The bearing
as follows. Values are in ft.-lbs. Cylinder head consists of two parts.
extends approximately 0.750 inch from
Connecting rod nuts 32 Top half (top plate) is cast iron and con-
face of crankcase and is adjusted as
Cylinder head nuts 50 tains the rocker arms, valve springs and
Flywheel retaining screw 300 breather tube. Lower half (cylinder
Set engine control to “RUN” position
Injector cap nut & locknut 65 head) is aluminum alloy and contains the
and adjust linkage until calibration
Delivery valve holder 40 valve seats. Valve guides are a press fit
marks (A -Fig. L30) line up with sides
Injector pipe nuts 21 and hold the halves together.
of fuel pump bodies within 0.005 inch.
Pump racks must move freely after this Injector clamp nuts 15 To check piston to cylinder head
Rocker adjusting screws 15 clearance, place two pieces of lead wire
adjustment. Adjust governor lever
Flexible couplings 8 0.048 inch thick on head, clear of valve
fulcrum (B) so that when calibration
Balance weight setscrews 32 recesses and as near as possible in line
marks are in position, distance (C) is
with piston pin. Tighten head to correct
V2 -inch.
To set clearance (G-Fig. L30), main-
VALVE COVER AND torque and crank piston past TDC twice.
tain correct clearance and rotate
COMPRESSION RELEASE Remove measure lead
cylinder head and
Fig. L32 — Governor lever is carried in a fulcrum Fig. L34 — Vle w of constant speed governor Fig. L35— Variable speed governor weight
bearing in the crankcase. weight assembly. assembly used on ST engines.
case door and gear cover. Disconnect
speeder spring. Remove fuel pump(s),
fuel pump tappers), tappet guide
locating pin and guide. Set oil pump to
bottom of its travel and depress pump
return spring (Fig. L38) until pump push Fig. L41 —
Exploded view of
rod is below level of camshaft bushings. typical fuel pump and hous-
Hold valve tappets up and remove cam- ing assembly.
1. Injector gasket
2. Injector seal
Examine cam bushings for scars or 3. Injector
4. Injector clamp
wear. Check cam lobes and gear for any 5. Roller
chipping or damage. When reinstalling 6. Retaining pin
7. Roller bushing
camshaft, reverse order of removal and 8. Roller pin
line up “0” timing marks on cam gear 9. Tappet guide locating pin
10. Tappet
and crankshaft gear (Fig. L36). 11. Tappet cap
12. Tappet guide
Fuel pump clamp
14. Shim (0.005 or 0.010 inch)
Fuel pump rod
17. Spring
The steel crankshaft rides in two-piece 18. Shackle
steel backed copper lead lined main 19. Spring
20. Spring clip
bearings. Intermediate main bearings 21. Ftiel pump
are used in multi-cylinder engines; one 22. Stop sleeve
23. Pin
in ST2 and two in ST3. The intermediate 24. Fuel pump housing door
bearings are the split shell type con- 25. Gasket
26. pump housing
tained in a housing located in crankcase 27. Gasket
by a hollow dowel which is tapped on one 28. Engine control assembly
MODEL No. Cyl. Bore Stroke Displ.
HR2 2 4Vi in. 4 V2 in. 127.5 cu. in.
Engines in this section are four-stroke may be found on some engines. Refer to
No. 2 diesel fuel is recommended for
type with vertical cylinders and direct Accessory Section for service.
most conditions. No. 1 diesel should be
fuel injection. Engine type can be iden- Before starting, check fuel and oil
used for light duty or cold weather con-
tified by last two digits of engine levels. If engine is equipped with fuel
ditions. Fuel filter should be renewed
number found on plate attached to fuel primer pump, prime fuel filter by using
every 1500 hours or more frequently if
pump housing door (Fig. L49). Standard lever on pump. Move compression
operated under dusty or dirty condi-
crankshaft rotation is counter-clockwise release levers away from flywheel and
as viewed from flywheel end. crank engine slowly 3-10 times accord-
Whenever fuel filter is changed or fuel
ing to temperature and period of “down
lineopened, air must be bled from the
time” in order to prime oil system and
MAINTENANCE combustion chambers. In cold weather,
system. To bleed system, fill fuel tank
and remove fuel pump door. Loosen
lift overload stop to allow pumps to
STARTING PROCEDURES deliver extra fuel (Fig. L50). After prim-
bleed screw on top of fuel filter body;
tighten when air-free flow is obtained.
ing, crank engine until maximum speed
HR engines have a manual crank start Start with fuel pump nearest the filter
is obtained and release compression
as standard equipment. Electric starters and loosen bleed screws one at a time.
release levers.
Tighten screw when air-free flow is ob-
CAUTION: Do not allow handle to con- tained.
tinue to rotate on running shaft.
CAUTION: Care should be taken to pre-
engine is equipped with an electric
If vent large flow of fuel into crankcase.
starter, do not crank engine more than
10-15 seconds at a time. FUEL PUMP. A separate Bryce
Berger fuel pump used for each
LUBRICATION cylinder. It is recommended that all ser-
vice of fuel pumps, other than renewal,
Lister recommends lubricating oils be performed by an approved Service
with API service classification of CC or Department.
governor lever operates the fuel pumps. CYLINDER HEAD inch with maximum wear clearance of
Governor weights and springs may be AND VALVE COVER 0.005 inch.
serviced separately. To insure use of Inspect valve seats for nicks, cracks or
correct parts and adjustments, contact Valve cover contains the compression pitting. Regrind seats or if not suitable
an authorized Service Department. release assembly. Whenever any service for further service, renew cylinder head.
To calibrate fuel pump linkage and set is done on head or valve train, com- Valve seat angles should be 45.5°. Seat
governor, set engine control to “RUN” pression release should be adjusted. Ac- width should be 0.107-0.127 inch for in-
position. Adjust fuel pump linkage so cess to release adjustment is through oil take and 0.100-0.114 inch for exhaust.
calibration marks (1-Fig. L55) coincide filler cap. To adjust, turn piston to TDC Valve face angles are 45°-45.5°.
with sides of pump bodies within 0.005 and move compression release lever Rocker arm bushing bore is 1.0000-
inch. Rack must move freely after ad- towards flywheel. Loosen locknut and 0.10005 inches. Rocker shaft is 0.9985-
justment. Adjust overload stop (7 -Fig. adjust screw until exhaust valve touches 0.9990 inch in diameter. Initial clearance
L55) so when it touches overload trip piston. Back the screw off V2 -turn and is 0.001-0.002 inch with maximum wear
(10), calibration marks are aligned with tighten locknut. Repeat procedure for clearance of 0.003 inch.
edge of pump bodies. each cylinder. To adjust valve clearance, turn crank-
To set governor, lift overload trip. Ad- Cylinder head consists of two parts. shaft until piston is at TDC with both
just rod (9) (remove cotter pin and screw Top half (top plate) is cast iron and con- valves closed and loosen locknut. Adjust
in or out), with calibration marks tains breather tube, valve springs and screw to obtain correct clearance.
aligned, so the distance between gover- rocker arm assemblies. The lower half Tighten locknut and recheck clearance.
nor weight and bottom edge of thrust (cylinder head) is aluminum alloy fitted Repeat procedure for each cylinder.
bearing is V2 -inch. with valve seats (Fig. L57). Valve guides Both valves have 0.002 inch clearance
Engines equipped with variable speed are a press fit. Note: The two rubber (cold).
governors use an adjustable idling blanking plugs in top face of the heads
spring (insert- Fig. L55). The spring should not be removed. PISTON, PISTON PIN
rides against fuel pump and applies After servicing cylinder head, piston AND RINGS
pressure on pump rack to eliminate to cylinder head clearance should be
“hunting” or surging. To adjust idling checked. To check clearance, place two Piston is made of low expansion alloy.
spring (3), main speeder spring (11) pieces of lead wire 0.062 inch thick on Piston diameter (at bottom of skirt) is
must be completely loosened. Rotate ad- cylinder head, clear of valve recesses 4.2425-4.2435 inches. Running
justing sleeve (5) until idle speed is about and combustion chamber and as near as clearance of new piston in new cylinder
one third rated engine speed. Main possible in line with piston pin. Tighten is 0.0095 inch with maximum wear
speeder spring should be adjusted so it head to torque of 80 ft.-lbs. and turn clearance of 0.016 inch. The words
just begins to increase engine speed. piston twice past TDC. Remove head “CAMSHAFT SIDE” are stamped on
Idle speed is 750-850 rpm. and measure lead wire. Thickness top of piston and must be installed
should be 0.042-0.045 inch. Shims of toward camshaft.
0.003 inch placed between cylinder head Each piston is equipped with five
REPAIRS and gasket adjust clearance. rings: A barrel faced chrome firing ring;
2 taper faced compression rings; one
TIGHTENING TORQUES spring expander scraper ring above
VALVE SYSTEM piston pin and one slotted scraper ring
Recommended tightening torques are
below piston pin. Ring clearances are as
as follows: Values given are in ft.-lbs. Valve spring free length should be
follows (measurements are in inches):
Connecting rod nuts 68 2.242-2.328 inches. Lister recommends
Cylinder head nuts 80 that valve springs be renewed after 6000
Flywheel set screw 400 hours of operation. Valve guides are a
New Wear
Injector cap nuts 65 press fit. Intake guide is fitted with a
Ring Gap Clearance Clearance
Injector clamp nuts 15 rubber seal, (the guides are not inter- *
Fire ring *
Injector pipe nuts 21 changeable). Valve stem diameter is
Fuel pump delivery valve 0.3718-0.3723 inch and valve guide bore
rings 0.019-0.026 0.038
holder 40 is 0.3745-0.3753 inch. Clearance for new
Top scraper
Valve rocker nuts 15 valve stem to new guide is 0.0022-0.0035
ring 0.026-0.036 0.048
scraper 0.021-0.028 0.038
bushing with a 0.003 inch maximum Connecting rod and cap are marked on
wear clearance. Pistons and rings are one side with “double” cylinder numbers
available in 0.010, 0.020 and 0.040 inch (11, 22 or 33). When reinstalling rod and
oversizes. piston assembly, all marks must face
camshaft side of engine. Torque rod bolt
CYLINDER BARREL nuts to 68 ft.-lbs.
Standard bore 4.253-4.254 inches. If
dividers. A is used on
cast iron bushing OIL PUMP basic wiring diagram used on ST and
gear end and secured by oil supply line
is HR engines.
plug. All bushings, except locating Rotary oil pump is driven by an idler
bushings, are a press fit with a new gear from crankshaft gear. Working oil FUEL SYSTEM
clearance of 0.0023-0.0032 inch and pressure is 30-45 psi. To remove oil
maximum wear clearance of 0.005 inch. pump, drain oil and remove end cover. LIFT PUMP. A fuel lift pump, when
Install bushings with “O” mark towards Unbolt and remove pump assembly. required, is fitted on the crankcase door
top. Locating bushing new clearance is Renew oil pump if clearances (Fig. L63)
0.002-0.0037 inch with maximum wear are as follows:
clearance of 0.005 inch. Install with Point A 0.080 in.
locating hole to top. Camshaft end play Point B 0.007 in.
is 0.005-0.010 inch. End clearance 0.006 in
Timing marks on camshaft and crank-
shaft should be aligned as shown in Fig.
L58. Fuel pump timing should be SERVICING LISTER
checked as described in Fuel System
paragraph. ACCESSORIES
Steel crankshaft rides in steel backed MANUAL STARTERS. All Lister
copper lead lined split bushings at either diesels have manual starting as standard
end of shaft. The center bearing is equipment. Normal starting is from
located in crankcase by a hollow dowel gear end (Figs. L75, L76 and L77). On
pin. New bearing clearance is LT engines and some ST engines, start-
0.002-0.004 inch with maximum wear ing can be effected from flywheel end
clearance of 0.006 inch. Crankshaft end through geared-up starting (Figs. L78 Fig. L75—To manually start LT engines, set
play is 0.005-0.010 inch and can be ad- and L79). engine control (A) to start position and move
justed with shims installed between LT units bolt directly to flywheel and compression release lever (B) towards flywheel.
main bearing housing and crankshaft. use a radius arm (10 -Fig. L78) to
Shims are available in thicknesses of stabilize gear box. ST units are bolted to
0.003, 0.005 and 0.010 inch. Undersize fan shroud and use a dog plate (11 - Fig.
bearings are available in 0.010, 0.020 L79) on the flywheel to engage starter.
and 0.040 inch for use with reground Both units use normal engine oil to
crankshaft. lubricate gears. Fill to oil plug level. All
parts shown may be serviced separately.
1. Gearcase
2. Washer
3. Bushing
4. Felt ring
5. Bushing
6. Ratchet and gear
7. Washer
8. Drive gear bushings
9. Starting handle
10. Radius arm
11. Cover
12. Gasket
13. Collar
14. Felt ring
15. “0” ring
16. Washer
17. Drive gear
18. Washer
19. Intermediate gear
20. Detent spring
21. Intermediate gear
22. Intermediate gear
23. Washer
24. Shaft extension
25. Clutch housing
26. Ball
27. Felt seal
28. Radius arm bracket
29. Radius arm bushing
Fig. L80- V :
cw of typical 12 volt wiring used on ST and HR engines. Lister uses a Motorola alternator
# MR12N600 on all engines.
distance from push rod to face of CLUTCH. Some ST models are Some HR models are equipped with a
crankcase door (E-Fig. L83). Distance equipped with a multi-plate set type single plate clutch for direct drive (Fig.
should be 0.018-0.020 inch. To adjust, clutch (Fig. L84). The lever operated L85) or with a reduction gear (Fig. L86).
remove rod and lengthen or shorten ad- clutch is self-locking. The
capacity is oil Clutch lubrication is supplied by engine
juster as required. Reinstall push rod approximately %-pint of SAE 10 weight lubrication through a restrictor plug fit-
and pump. oil. ted in end of crankshaft.
Fig. L86 — Exploded view of direct-drive clutch with 2:1 reduction gear used on HR engines.
9. Toggle lever and 16. Camshaft gear 25. Gasket
1. Oil seal link 17. Dowel 26. Clutch housing
2 . Retaining ring 10 . Operating yoke 18. Spigot ring 27. Operating shaft
3. Washer 11 . Key 19. Split bearing 28. Inspection cover
4. Ball bearing 12 Operating lever
20. Gasket 29. Plug
5. Washer 13. Spring 21. Adapter 30. Gasket
6. Retaining ring 14. Plunger 22. Clutch hub 31. Operating lever
7. Clutch shaft assy. 15. Crankshaft gear 23. Clutch plate assy. 32. Gasket
8 . Fulcrum assy. 24. Adjusting ring 33. End cover assy.
To adjust clutch, stop engine and to transmit full power without slip. reduction gear may be attached to fly-
remove inspection cover. Pull plunger Clutch output shaft must turn freely in wheel end on Models ST2 and ST3 (Fig.
(26 -Fig. L84 or 13 -Fig. L85) and “neutral” position. L87). The gear assembly is secured to
rotate adjusting ring (27 -Fig. L84 or fan shroud and a splined drive engages
21 -Fig. L85) clockwise one to three with a shaft extension bolted to the fly-
holes. Check “feel” of clutch lever. Do wheel. A multi-purpose gear lubricant is
not adjust more tightly than is necessary REDUCTION GEAR. A 2:1 or 3:1 used in gear box.
Fig. L87 — Exploded view of 2:1 or 3:1 reduction gear used on some ST engines.
1 . Clutch shaft assy. Drain plug 17. Oil seal 23. Gear case end cover
2. Oil seal 10. Gasket 18. Bearing housing 24. Roller bearing
3. Gasket 11. Bearing 19. Oil ring 25. Retaining ring
4. Adapter 12. Gear (2:1 or 3:1) 20. Bearing 26. Pinion (2:1 or 3:1)
5. Bearing 13. Spacer 21. Inner spacing 27. Packing shim
6. Snap ring 14. Bearing washer 28. Oil breather
7. Gear case 15. Secondary shaft 22. Outer spacing 29. Dipstick
8. Cotter pin 16. Key washer 30. Adapter
3402 Oakcliff Road, B-2
Doraville, Georgia 30340
500 1 70 mm 68 mm 262 cc
520 1 78 mm 68 mm 325 cc
530 1 82 mm 68 mm 359 cc
Lombardini Model 500, 520 and 530 high speed screw (H). Maximum gov- INJECTION PUMP TIMING
engines are four-stroke, air-cooled diesel erned speed under load should be 3600
engines. The cylinder head and cylinder rpm. Injection pump timing is adjusted us-
block are aluminum. Crankshaft rota- ing shim gaskets (G-Fig. Ll-3 and
tion is counter-clockwise at pto end. FUEL SYSTEM Ll-4) between pump body and mounting
Metric fasteners are used throughout surface on crankcase. To check injection
engine. FUEL FILTER. The fuel filter may pump timing, unscrew delivery line (D)
be located inside the fuel tank as shown fitting from delivery union (1-Fig.
in Fig. Ll-3 or a cartridge type filter as Ll-5). Unscrew delivery union and
MAINTENANCE shown in Fig. Ll-4 may be used. Renew
fuel filter after every 300 hours of
remove spring (3), washer (4) and valve
(5), then screw delivery union (1) into
LUBRICATION operation or sooner if required. pump body. Move throttle control lever
to full speed position. Rotate engine in
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. If normal direction (clockwise at flywheel
for temperatures below 0° C (32° F), equipped with cartridge filter (F-Fig. end) so piston is on compression stroke.
SAE20W for temperatures between 0° Ll-4), unscrew bleed screw and allow
C (32° F) and 20° C (68° F), and SAE 40 fuel to flow until air-free, then retighten
for temperatures above 20° C (68° F). screw.
API classification for oil should be CD. On gravity flow fuel systems (Fig.
Oil sump capacity is one liter. Ll-3), loosen fuel line fitting on injection
A renewable oil filter is located in side pump and allow fuel to flow until air-
of engine block. Manufacturer recom- free, then retighten fitting.
mends removing filter (22 -Fig. Ll-1) On models equipped with a fuel pump
and installing a new filter after every (L-Fig. Ll-4), loosen fuel line fitting on
300 hours of operation. injection pump and operate fuel pump
primer lever until air-free fuel flows
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT from fitting, then retighten fitting.
On all models, loosen high pressure in-
speed is adjusted by turning idle
Idle jection line at injector. Rotate engine
speed screw (I -Fig. Ll-2). Idle speed crankshaft to operate injection pump un-
should be 1000-1050 rpm. Maximum til air-free fuel flows from injection line.
Note fuel in delivery union will spill out Ll-4); install shim gaskets to retard in- (C-Fig. Ll-7) in exhaust valve rocker
of union. Stop engine rotation at mo- jection timing. Shim gaskets are arm. Adjust compression release gap
ment fuel ceases to spill out of union. available in thicknesses of 0.1, 0.3 and AFTER adjusting exhaust valve tappet
Timing dot (R-Fig. Ll-6) on fan plate 0.5 mm. Reinstall removed pump com- gap. With compression release lever (L)
should align with injection timing dot (I) ponents after checking injection timing. in off position, clearance between ad-
on fan shroud. Correct injection timing Tighten injection pump retaining screws justing screw and shaft should be 0.9- 1.1
is26° 20’ to 28° 20’ for Model 500 before to 29 N m. •
serial number 1447084, Model 520 Diameter of compression release shaft
before serial 1448128 and Model 530 (26-Fig. Ll-8) is 9.37-10.00 mm
before serial number 1457466. Correct REPAIRS lobe height is 8.45-8.50 mm.
injection timing is 29° 20’ to 31° 20’ for
models after the aforementioned serial TIGHTENING TORQUES
numbers. To advance injection timing, CYLINDER HEAD
remove shim gaskets (G-Fig. Ll-3 and Refer to following table for tightening AND VALVE SYSTEM
torques. All values are in newton
meters. Manufacturer does not recommend
removing a hot cylinder head as defor-
8 Connecting rod 33.3 mation may result.
Crankcase cover 29 Valve face angle is 45 degrees and
9 Cylinder head 39.2 minimum valve head margin is 0.5 mm.
Flywheel 147 Valve seat angle is 45 degrees with a
Injection pump 29 seat width of 1.4-1. 6 mm. Valve seats
10 Injector nozzle nut 60-90 are renewable and must be installed
Injector retainer plate 12 with head heated to 160° -180° C
Oil pump 11.8 (320°-356° F). Valve seals are used on
intake valves. Valve stem diameter is
VALVE TAPPET GAP 6.98-7.00 mm while valve guide
13 diameter is 7.03-7.05 mm. Desired valve
Valve tappet gap may be adjusted stem clearance is 0.03-0.07 mm. Valve
14 after removing rocker arm cover. Valve guides are renewable and oversize valve
tappet gap should be 0.15 mm for both guides are available. Exhaust valve
15 valves with engine cold. Note that there guide is bronze. Note locating ring
are two adjusting screws (Fig. Ll-7) in (15- Fig. Ll-8) around top of each
16 exhaust rocker arm on some models. guide. The cylinder head should be
Adjusting screw (V) nearer rocker arm heated to 160°-180° C (320°-356° F)
shaft is used to adjust valve clearance when installing valve guides.
17 while outer screw (C) adjusts compres- Valve spring free length should be 42
sion release gap on models so equipped. mm. Valve spring pressure should be
225.4 newtons at 32 mm.
LI-5— View pump.
Delivery union
10. Pin
COMPRESSION RELEASE The rocker arms are supported by
2. "0" ring 11. Clip rocker arm shaft (6). Desired clearance
Control sleeve
Some models are equipped with a between shaft and rocker arms is
5. Delivery valve 14. Spring seat manual compression release so the ex- 0.03-0.06 mm. Renew shaft and rocker
7. Delivery valve seat
15. Spring
16. Spring retainer
haust valve may be held open to aid arms if clearance exceeds 0.1 mm.
8. Barrel 17. Tappet starting. Compression release com- The cylinder head gasket is available
9. Pump body 18. Spacer
ponents (24 through 29 -Fig. Ll-8) are invarying thicknesses. Gasket thickness
mounted in the cylinder head. Rotating is determined by measuring piston
shaft (26) will force the exhaust rocker height at top dead center (TDC) as
arm (10) to slightly open the exhaust shown in Fig. Ll-9. Measure from piston
valve. crown togasket seating surface of
The compression releaseis adjusted cylinder. Subtract measurement from
by turning outer adjusting screw 0.6-0. 7 mm to obtain required gasket
thickness. Cylinder head gaskets are stand is available, in-
If a suitable test INJECTION PUMP
available in thicknesses of 0.5 mm, 0.6 jector operation may be checked. Only
mm, 0.7 mm and 0.8 mm. clean, approved testing oil should be Refer to Fig. Ll-5 for view of injection
Tighten cylinder head nuts in a cross- used to test injector. When operating pump. Disassembly and reassembly is
ing pattern to 39.2 N m. • properly during test, injector nozzle will evident after inspection of pump and
emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly referral to Fig. Ll-5. Note that slot in
INJECTOR with no fluid leakage at seat. barrel (8) must align with pin (10) and
Opening pressure with a new spring helix in plunger (12) must face pin (10).
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To (4 -Fig. Ll-10) should be 20.5-22.5 MPa The following tests may be used to
remove injector, first clean dirt from in- while opening pressure with a used check injection pump if necessary test
jector, injection line, return line and spring should be 19.6-21.5 MPa. Open- equipment is available. With a suitable
cylinder head. Disconnect return line
ing pressure is adjusted by varying pressure gage connected to delivery
and injection line and immediately cap number and thickness of shims (5). union (1), operate pump. With control
or plug all openings. Unscrew retainer
Valve should not show leakage at orifice sleeve (13) at mid-point, pump pressure
plate nuts and lift off retainer plate
spray holes for 10 seconds at 17.6 MPa. should be at least 29.4 MPa. Pump
(1-Fig. Ll-10) being careful not to lose
pressure should be at least 39.2 MPa
dowel pin (2). Injector may now be care- OVERHAUL. Clamp nozzle body with control sleeve in maximum fuel
fullyremoved from cylinder head. Do (3 -Fig. Ll-10) in a vise with nozzle tip position. To check delivery valve, move
not lose shims between injector and pointing upward. Remove nozzle holder control sleeve (13) to mid-point position
cylinder head.
nut (11). Remove nozzle tip (9) with and operate pump. After maximum
Tighten injector retaining plate nuts
valve (10) and spacer (8). Invert nozzle
to 12 N-m. If accessible, measure pro-
body (3) and remove spring seat (6),
trusion of nozzle into combustion
shim (5) and spring (4). Thoroughly clean
chamber. Nozzle tip should extend 2.5- all parts in a suitable solvent. Clean in-
3.0 mm above adjacent combustion side orifice end of nozzle tip with a
chamber surface. Adjust position of noz- wooden cleaning stick. The 0.20 mm
zle by installing shims between injector
diameter orifice spray holes may be
and cylinder head. Shims are available in cleaned by inserting a cleaning wire
thicknesses of 0.5 mm
and 1.0 mm. slightly smaller than spray hole. When
TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the reassembling injector, make certain all
injection nozzle with sufficient force to components are clean and wet with
penetrate the skin. When testing, keep clean diesel fuel oil. Tighten nozzle
yourself clear of nozzle spray. holder nut (11) to 60-90 N-m.
pressure is reached, pressure should (13 -Fig. Ll-5) pin with governor arm fork shaft rotates, governor lever (L)
drop sharply to a pressure 2940-4900 (F-Fig. LI- 11). Tighten pump retaining forces arm (F) against a pin in the fuel
kPa less than maximum pressure if screws to 29 N m. Loosen clamp nut (N) injection pump control sleeve thereby
delivery valve is operating properly. then move throttle lever (T) to full throt- changing fuel flow to cylinder. Throttle
Maximum delivery rate of pump is 44-46 tle. Push governor lever (L) in until it lever (T) operates through governor
cc at 1800 rpm for 1000 pump strokes. stops thus moving injection pump con- spring (S) to control engine speed.
Outside diameter of tappet (17) is trol sleeve to maximum delivery. Governor components must move
27.96-27.98 mm while maximum Tighten clamp nut (N). freely for proper governor operation.
allowable clearance in tappet guide bore Torque control screw (C-Fig. Ll-2 Governor spring (S-Fig. Ll-11) free
is 0.10 mm. Thickness of spacer (18) and Ll-12) allows additional fuel usage length should be 56.9-57.0 mm. At a
should be 3.45-3.55 mm. under high torque load. The tip (T-Fig. spring length of 71.9-72.0 mm, spring
When installing injection pump, place Ll-12) is backed by spring (S). Tip (T) tension should be 13.7-15.7 newtons.
shim gaskets (G-Fig. Ll-3 or Ll-4) must travel 0.2-0. 3 mm when 400-430 Spindle (8- Fig. Ll-13) diameter is
under pump then engage control sleeve grams is forced against tip. To adjust 7.95 mm. Desired clearance between
torque control screw, run engine at high spindle and bores in oil pump body (13) is
idle with no load and turn screw so there 0.06-0.10 mm
with a maximum
is 2. 1-2.3 mm gap (G) between tip (T) allowable clearance of 0.15 mm.
and lever (L). Tighten locknut. On most 3600 rpm models, hook
Refer to INJECTION PUMP TIMING governor spring end in second hole from
section to time injection pump. governor lever end.
CAMSHAFT, CAM FOLLOWERS push rod connects exhaust cam follower or three compression rings and an oil
AND PUSH RODS and rocker arm. control ring. Piston ring end gap is
0.25-0.40 mm for all compression rings
The camshaft rides directly in crank- PISTON AND ROD UNIT and 0.20-0.35 mm for the oil ring. Max-
case cover and crankcase bulkhead and imum side clearance is 0.22 mm for top
is accessible after removing crankcase REMOVE AND REINSTALL. compression ring, 0.17 mm for second,
cover -Fig. Ll-14). Cam followers (7
(3 Piston and connecting rod may be re- and if used, third compression ring and
and on stud (9) and transfer mo-
8) pivot moved after removing cylinder head and 0.12 mm for oil control ring.
tion to push rods (26) which pass oil pan. Clearance between piston pin and
through tube (28) to rocker arms. In ad- When installing piston and rod, note bushing should be 0.015-0.030 mm.
dition to valve actuating lobes, a lobe is that depression (D - Fig. Ll-16) in piston Renew pin if excessively worn or
ground on the camshaft to operate the crown is closer to one side of piston. In- damaged.
fuel injection pump. stall piston so depression side of piston Piston to cylinder wall clearance
Oil passages in the camshaft may be is nearer flywheel. Some pistons also should be 0.11-0.14 mm
with a maximum
cleaned after removing plug (11). Be have an arrow embossed in piston crown allowable clearance of 0.28 mm. When
sure plug is securely reinstalled. Lobe as shown in Fig. Ll-16. Properly in- determining clearance, measure piston
height for intake and exhaust valves stalled, arrow on piston crown will point diameter at a point 2 mmfrom bottom of
should be 33.14-33.15 mm
while lobe towards flywheel. piston skirt perpendicular to piston pin.
height for injection pump should be The connecting rod and cap have Piston and rings are available in stand-
33.99-34.00 mm. Camshaft bearing jour- machined serrations which must mate ard size and oversizes of 0.50 mm and
nal diameters are 19.937-19.950 and mm during assembly. Match marks on rod 1.0 mm.
25.937-25.950 mm. and cap must be on same side. Tighten
Desired clearance between cam connecting rod screws to 33.3 N m. • CONNECTING ROD
followers and pivot stud (9) is 0.03-0.06
mm with a maximum clearance of 0.1 PISTON, PIN AND RINGS The connecting rod small end is fitted
mm. with a renewable bushing. Clearance
Install camshaft so timing marks The piston may be equipped with two between piston pin and bushing should
(M-Fig. Ll-15) are aligned. If timing be 0.015-0.030 mm. An insert type bear-
marks are absent from gears, proceed as ing is used in connecting rod big end. De-
follows: Position piston at top dead sired rod bearing clearance is 0.03-0.06
center (TDC) then install camshaft so in- mm while maximum allowable clearance
take cam follower is on opening side of is 0.10 mm. Big end bearings are avail-
cam lobe and exhaust cam follower is on able in undersizes of 0.25 mm and 0.50
closing side of cam lobe. If necessary, mm.
remesh gears so cam followers are at
same height. Mark gears for future CRANKSHAFT AND
reference. CRANKCASE
Depth of camshaft in crankcase must
not be greater than 0.10 mm as The crankshaft is supported by
measured from thrust face (TF-Fig. bushing (12- Fig. Ll-14) in the crank-
Ll-15) to crankcase gasket surface (G). case bulkhead, bushing (43) in support
Camshaft end play should be 0.10-0.30 (44) and by roller bearing (2) in the
mm and is adjusted by varying thickness crankcase cover.
of crankcase cover gasket (4 -Fig. Desired bearing clearance for center
Ll-14). Apply Loctite to crankcase cover and flywheel end main bearings is
Fig. Ll-16— Install piston so depression (D) is
(3) screws and tighten to 29 N m. •
nearer flywheel side of engine. Some pistons 0.03-0.06 mm. Crankshaft journal
The push rods are contained in tube may have an arrow on crown and arrow must diameter for center and flywheel end
(28) and must cross between cam point towards flywheel. main bearings is 39.99-40.00 mm.
followers and rocker arms. Push rod
nearer cylinder connects intake cam
follower and rocker arm while outer |
Center and flywheel end main bearings ELECTRIC STARTER bolted to a cast aluminum backplate.
are available in standard size and under-
sizes of 0.5 mmand 1.0 mm. Crankshaft Early models are equipped with a ALTERNATOR
journal diameter at pto end is Prestolite MGL-4002A electric starter
27.94-28.00 mm. Crankshaft must be re- while later models are equipped with An alternator is mounted on the fly-
newed if pto end journal is worn more Bosch starter B. 00 1.2 14. 002. wheel end of engine to recharge the bat-
than 0.10 mm. The Prestolite starter is secured by tery. The stator is secured to the engine
clamps to the cylinder block and a rub- crankcase while a ring of magnets is car-
The crankshaft has drilled oil passages ber spacer ring between starter pinion ried by the flywheel. Note wiring
to circulate oil. Expansion plugs located housing and steel stamped backplate is schematic in Fig. Ll-17. The magnet
adjacent to crankpin may be removed to used to properly locate starter. Rubber ring may be removed from the flywheel
clean oil passages, however, new plugs spacer ring thickness should be iffaulty. Stator and rotor are available
must be installed securely. 14.5-15.5 mm. The Bosch starter is only as an assembly.
Model No. Cyls. Bore Stroke Displ.
710 1 90 mm 94 mm 598 cc
720 1 95 mm 94 mm 666 cc
Lombardini Model 710 and 720 should be 1000-1050 rpm. Maximum BTDC and is adjusted using shim
engines are four-stroke, air-cooled diesel governed speed is adjusted by turning gaskets (G-Fig. L2-4) between pump
engines. The cylinder block and cylinder high speed screw (H). Maximum gov- body and mounting surface on crank-
head are aluminum. Crankshaft rotation erned speed under load should be 3000 case. To check injection pump timing,
is counterclockwise at pto end. rpm. unscrew delivery line (D) fitting from
Metric fasteners are used throughout delivery union (1-Fig. L2-5). Unscrew
engine. FUEL SYSTEM delivery valve holder and remove spring
(3), washer (4) and valve (5), then screw
FUEL FILTER. The delivery valve holder (1) into pump body.
located inside the fuel tank as shown in
filter is
Move throttle control lever to full speed adjust valve clearance while outer screw
position. Rotate engine in normal direc- (C) adjusts compression release gap.
tion (counterclockwise at pto) so piston
is on compression stroke. Note fuel in COMPRESSION RELEASE
delivery valve holder will spill out of
union. Stop engine rotation at moment A manual compression release is
fuel ceases to flow out. Timing dot located in the cylinder head so the ex-
(R-Fig. L2-6) on fan plate should align haust valve can be held open to aid start-
with injection timing dot (I) on fan ing. Rotating shaft (24 -Fig. L2-8)
shroud. To advance injection timing, forces the exhaust rocker arm to slightly
remove shim gaskets (G-Fig. L2-4); in- open the exhaust valve.
stall shim gaskets to retard injection The compression release is adjusted
timing. Reinstall removed pump com- by turning outer adjusting screw
ponents after checking injection timing. (C-Fig. L2-7) in exhaust valve rocker
Tighten injection pump retaining screws arm. Adjust compression release gap
to 29 N m. • AFTER adjusting exhaust valve tappet
gap. With compression release lever in
off position, clearance between ad-
REPAIRS justing screw and shaft should be 0.9-1.
TIGHTENING TORQUES Diameter of compression release shaft
Connecting rod 49
Delivery valve
Control sleeve
Spring seat
6. Gasket 15. Spring
Crankcase cover 24.5 7. Delivery valve seat 16. Spring retainer
Do not remove a hot cylinder head as 8. Barrel 17. Tappet
Cylinder head 58.8
head may deform. 9. Pump body 18. Spacer
Flywheel 294
Valve face angle is 45 degrees and
Idler gear 19.6
minimum valve head margin is 0.4 mm.
Injection pump 29.4
Valve seat angle is 45 degrees with a
Injector nozzle nut 60-90
seat width of 1.4-1. 6 mm. Valve seats
Injector retainer plate 9.8
are renewable and must be installed
Main bearing support 29.4
with head heated to 160° -180° C
Oil pump body 9.8 (320°-356° F). A valve seal is used on
Oil pump gear 49
the intake valve. Valve stem diameter is
V c
with no fluid leakage at seat.
Opening pressure with a new spring
Fig. L2-8— Exploded view of (4- Fig. L2-9) should be 21.6-22.5 MPa
cylinder head. while opening pressure with a used
1. Intake rocker arm spring should be 20.6-21.6 MPa. Open-
2. Valve adjusting screws
3. Rocker stand ing pressure is adjusted by varying
4. Plate number and thickness of shims (5).
5. Exhaust rocker arm
6. Washer Valve should not show leakage at orifice
7. Snap ring spray holes for 10 seconds at 19.1 MPa.
8. Compression release
adjusting screw
9. Spring retainer
10. Valve spring OVERHAUL. Clamp nozzle body
11. Washer
12. Valve seal
(3-Fig. L2-9) in a vise with nozzle tip
13. Intake valve guide pointing upward. Remove nozzle holder
14. Circlip
15. Exhaust valve guide nut (11). Remove nozzle tip (9) with
16. Cylinder head valve (10) and spacer (8). Invert nozzle
17. Intake valve seat
18. Exhaust valve seat body (3) and remove spring seat (6),
19. Intake valve shim (5) and spring (4). Thoroughly clean
20. Exhaust valve
21. Head gasket allparts in a suitable solvent. Clean in-
22. Locating screw side orifice end of nozzle tip with a
23. Pin
24. Compression release shaft wooden cleaning stick. The orifice spray
26. Spring
holes may be cleaned by inserting a 0.28
27. Pin mm cleaning wire. When reassembling
28. Compression release lever
injector, make certain all components
are clean and wet with clean diesel fuel
oil. Tighten nozzle holder nut (11) to
60-90 N-m.
The cylinder head should be heated to remove injector, first clean dirt from in-
160°-180° C (320°-356° F) when install- jector, injection line, return line and
ing valve guides. Refer to Fig. L2-5 for view of injection
cylinder head. Disconnect return line
Desiredclearance between rocker and injection line and immediately cap pump. Disassembly and reassembly is
arms and shafts is 0.03-0.06 mm. Max- evident after inspection of pump and
or plug all openings. Unscrew retainer
imum clearance is 0.1 mm. referral to Fig. L2-5. Note that slot in
plate (1-Fig. L2-9) being careful not to
Tighten cylinder head nuts in a cross- barrel (8) must align with pin (1C) and
lose dowel pin (2). Injector may now be
ing pattern to 58.8 N m. helix in plunger (12) must face pin (10).
carefully removed from cylinder head.
Do not lose shims between injector and
The following tests may be used to
INJECTOR cylinder head.
check injection pump if necessary test
Tighten injector retaining plate nuts
equipment is available. With a suitable
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To to 9.8 N-m. If accessible, measure pro-
pressure gage connected to delivery
valve holder (1), operate pump. With
trusion of nozzle into combustion
chamber. Nozzle tip should extend
control sleeve (13) at mid-point, pump
3. 5-4.0 mm
above adjacent combustion
pressure should be at least 29.4 MPa.
chamber surface. Adjust position of noz-
Pump pressure should be at least 39.2
zle by installing 0.5 mm
shims between
MPa with control sleeve in maximum
fuel position. To check delivery valve,
injector and cylinder head.
move control sleeve (13) to mid-point
position and operate pump. After max-
TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the
injection nozzle with sufficient force to
imum pressure is reached, pressure
should drop sharply to a pressure
penetrate the skin. When testing, keep
2940-4900 kPa less than maximum
yourself clear of nozzle spray.
pressure if delivery valve is operating
If a suitable test stand is available, in- properly. Maximum delivery rate of
jector operation may be checked. Only pump is 44-46 cc at 1800 rpm for 1000
clean, approved testing oil should be pump strokes.
used to test injector. When operating Outside diameter of tappet (17) is
properly during test, injector nozzle will 27.96-27.98 mm while maximum
emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly allowable clearance in tappet guide bore
is 0.10 mm. Thickness of spacer (18) crankcase cover. Refer to Fig. L2-13 for CAMSHAFT, CAM FOLLOWERS
should be 3.45-3.55 mm. an exploded view of oil pump. AND PUSH RODS
When installing injection pump, place Clearance between gears and pump
shim gaskets (G- Fig. L2-4) under pump body walls must not exceed 0.15 mm. R&R AND OVERHAUL. The cam-
then engage control sleeve (13 -Fig. Tighten oil pump mounting screws to shaft rides in the crankcase bulkhead
L2-5) pin with governor arm (42 - Fig. 9.8 N-m. Tighten oil pump drive gear and crankcase cover (2 -Fig. L2-14) and
L2-11). Tighten pump retaining screws nut to 49 N m. • is accessible after removing cover. Cam
pump mounted on the crankcase bulk-
head and is accessible after removing
Fig. L2-1 4 — Exploded view of camshaft, balancer and cam follower assemblies.
1. Seal 20. Camshaft
2. Crankcase cover 8. Bushing 14. Snap ring 21. Stud
3. Gasket 9. Pivot shaft 15. Balancer shaft 22. Pin
4. Bearing 10. Exhaust cam follower 16. Bearing 23. Washer
5. Pin 11. Spacer 17. Balancer 24. Side cover
Fig. L2-11 — Diagram of governor assembly. 6. Washer 12. Intakecam follower 18. Bearing 25. Gasket
Refer to text for operation and adjustment. 7. Idler gear 13. Washer 19. Bearing 26. Cylinder block
followers (10 and 12) pivot on shaft (9) followers are at same height. Mark jection pump.
and transfer motion to push rods gears for future reference.
(56 -Fig. L2-15) which pass through Camshaft end play should be 0.30-0.45 PISTON AND ROD UNIT
tube (57) to rocker arms. A lobe is mm and is adjusted by varying thickness
ground on the camshaft to actuate the of crankcase cover gasket (3 -Fig. REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
fuel injection pump. L2-14). Piston and connecting rod may be re-
Intake and exhaust lobe height should The push rods are contained in a tube moved after removing cylinder head and
be 29.36-29.56 mm
and injection pump (57 -Fig. L2-15) and must cross be- oil pan.
lobe height should be 42.6-42.8 mm. tween cam followers and rocker arms. Wheninstalling piston and rod, note
Bearing journal diameter should be Push rod nearer cylinder connects in- that depression (D-Fig. L2-16) in piston
19.98-20.00 mm
for both journals. take cam follower and rocker arm while crown is closer to one side of piston. In-
Pivot shaft (9 -Fig. L2-14) diameter outer push rod connects exhaust cam stall piston so depression side of piston
should be 14.973-15.000 mm. Maximum follower and rocker arm. Push rod tube is nearer injection pump. Some pistons
clearance between shaft and cam (57) is sealed by grommets (58) at both alsohave an arrow embossed in piston.
followers is 0.10 mm. ends. Properly installed, arrow on piston
Note that roller pin in cam follower is crown will point towards balancer.
welded to one side of cam follower. In- BALANCER Tighten connecting rod screws to 49
stall cam followers so welds are on op- N-m.
posite sides of followers and not REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To
together. Install camshaft so timing remove balancer weight and shaft, re- PISTON, PIN AND RINGS
marks on camshaft, crankshaft and idler move crankcase cover (2 -Fig. L2-14)
gear are aligned. If timing marks are ab- and side cover (24). Loosen clamp screw The piston is equipped with three com-
sent, proceed as follows: Position piston and while holding weight, withdraw pression rings and an oil control ring.
at top dead center, then install camshaft balancer shaft (15). Remove balancer Ring end gap is 0.35-0.55 mm
for all
so intake cam follower is on opening side weight (17) out side of engine. compression rings and 0.25-0.40 mm
of cam lobe and exhaust cam follower is Reverse disassembly procedure to in- the oil control ring. Maximum piston
on closing side of cam lobe (exhaust lobe stall balancer. Note that with piston at ring side clearance is 0.15 mm
for the
is adjacent to injection pump lobe). If top dead center (TDC), balancer weight top piston ring and 0.1 mm
for other
necessary, remesh gears so cam is down and slightly inclined towards in- rings.
Standard piston diameter measured at
bottom of piston skirt perpendicular to
piston pin is 89.85-89.86 mm for Model
710 and 94.85-94.86 mm for Model 720.
Piston to cylinder clearance should be
0.14-0.17 mm. Piston and rings are
available in standard size and oversizes
of 0.5 mmand 1.0 mm.
Piston pin diameter is 27.995-28.005
mm. Clearance between piston pin and
connecting rod bushing should be
0.015-0.025 mm. Maximum allowable
clearance is 0.070 mm.
The connecting rod small end is fitted
with a renewable bushing. Inner
diameter of bushing should be 28.020
mm. Clearance between piston pin and
rod bushing should be 0.015-0.025 mm crankcase bulkhead and support (75), Thrust washer (72 -Fig. L2-15) thick-
with a maximum allowable clearance of and by bearing (4 -Fig. L2-14) in the ness is 2.31-2.36 mm. Crankshaft end
0.070 mm. crankcase cover (2). play is adjusted by varying thickness of
An insert type bearing is used in con- Desired bearing clearance for center support gasket (73). Desired end play is
necting rod big end. Desired rod bearing and flywheel end main bearings is 0.10-0.30 mm. Tighten support retain-
clearance is 0.03-0.06 mm, while max- 0.03-0.07 mm. Standard diameter for ing nuts to 29.4 N m.
imum allowable clearance is 0.10 mm. center and flywheel end main bearing
Big end bearings are available in stand- journals is 49.99-50.00 mm. Center and ALTERNATOR
ard and undersizes. flywheel end main bearings are available
in standard and undersizes. Some models are equipped with an
CRANKSHAFT The crankshaft has drilled oil passages alternator and regulator. The stator is
AND CRANKCASE to circulate oil. Expansion plugs located attached to the crankcase cover while a
adjacent to crankpin may be removed to ring of magnets is carried by the fly-
The crankshaft is supported by sleeve clean oil passages, however, be sure new wheel. The magnet ring may be removed
bearings (46 and 74 -Fig. L2-15) in the plugs are installed securely. from the flywheel if faulty.
Model No. Cyls. Bore Stroke Displ.
this section are hours of operation. filters while all other models are
four-stroke, air-cooled engines.
diesel All models are with a equipped with a single renewable fuel
Crankcase, cylinders and cylinder head pressurized oil system. Refer to Fig. filter. Renew the fuel filter after every
are cast iron. Crankshaft rotation is L3-1 for a diagram of the oil circuit 300 hours of operation or sooner if re-
counterclockwise at pto end. Number 1 quired.
cylinder is cylinder nearest flywheel. ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT
Firing order is 1-3-2 on Models 833 and BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. To bleed
L40, and 1-3-4-2 on Models 834 and L54. Models 834 and L54 the fuel system on Models 834 and L54,
Metric fasteners are used throughout open the bleed screw on fuel filter hous-
engine. Engine application will determine ing then operate primer (M - Fig. L3-4)
engine speed settings. Manufacturer on fuel transfer pump until air-free fuel
recommends that personnel experienced
MAINTENANCE with Bosch fuel injection pumps should
adjust engine speed settings.
flows. Retighten bleed screw. Open the
fuel injection pump bleed screw (B), then
operate primer (M) until air-free fuel
LUBRICATION flows and re tighten bleed screw. Loosen
high pressure line fittings at injectors.
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W All Other Models Rotate engine to operate fuel injection
for temperatures below 0° C
(32° F),
pump until air-free fuel flows from fit-
SAE 20W for temperatures between 0° Idle speed is adjusted by turning idle
tings, then retighten fittings.
C (32° F) and 20° C (68° F), and SAE 40 speed screw (I -Fig. L3-3). Idle speed
To bleed fuel system on all other
for temperatures above 20° C (68° F). should be 900-950 rpm. Maximum
models, loosen bleed screw on fuel filter
API classification for oil should be CD. governed speed is adjusted by turning
housing then operate primer (M-Fig.
Oilsump capacity is 3.5 liters on Models high speed screw (H). Maximum gov-
L3-5) on fuel transfer pump until air-
832 and L27, 5.5 liters on Models 833 erned speed under load is 2200 rpm for
free fuel flows. Retighten bleed screw.
and L40, and 8 liters on Models 834 and Models L27 and L40, and 2600 rpm for
Open injection pump bleed screw, on
L54. Manufacturer recommends renew- Models 832 and 833.
models so equipped, or loosen inlet fuel
ing oil after every 100 hours of opera-
line fitting at injection pump. Operate
tion. FUEL SYSTEM primer (M) until air-free fuel flows, then
A renewable oil filter is mounted on
tighten bleed screw or fuel fitting.
side of crankcase. Manufacturer recom- FUEL FILTER. Models 834 and L54
Loosen high pressure line fittings at in-
mends renewing every 400
filter after are equipped with two renewable fuel
jectors. Rotate engine to operate fuel in-
jection pump until air-free fuel flows
then retighten fittings.
M. Primer
vance injection timing, remove shim
R. Fuel return line
T. Fuel transfer pump
Fig. L3 - — Fuel
diagram for Models 833
unscrew number cylinder delivery in-
1 H. Delivery valve holder T. Delivery valve seat
and L40. Models 832 and L27 are similar. jection line (D) fitting from delivery
D. High pressure delivery valve holder (25 -Fig. L3-9). Unscrew
line M. Primer lever
F. Fuel filter P. Fuel injection pump
G. Shim gasket R. Fuel return line
I. Injector T. Fuel pump
gaskets (G-Fig. L3-5); install shim CYLINDER HEAD head retaining nuts using a crossing pat-
gaskets to retard injection timing. AND VALVE SYSTEM tern, in 20 N-m increments, until final
Reinstall removed pump parts after torque of 78.4 N-m is reached.
checking timing. Tighten injection pump Valve face angle is 45 degrees and
retaining screws to 29.4 N-m. minimum valve head margin is 0.40 mm. INJECTOR
Valve seat angle is 45 degrees with a
seat width of 1.4- 1.6 mm. Valve seats REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To
FAN BELT TENSION are renewable and must be installed remove injector, first clean dirtfrom in-
with head heated to 160° -180° C jector, injection line, return line and
All models are equipped with a belt-
(320°-356° F). Valve seals are used on cylinder head. Disconnect return line
driven, cooling fan. Belt tension is ad-
intake valves. Valve stem diameter is and and immediately cap
injection line
justed by varying the number of shims
between fan pulley halves. Belt tension
8.98-9.00 mm
and valve guide inner or plug all openings. Unscrew injector
diameter is 9.03-9.05 mm. Desired valve retaining nuts and carefully remove in-
is correct when thumb pressure applied
stem clearance is 0.03-0.07 mm. Valve jector being careful not to lose shims
midway between pulleys deflects belt ap- guides are renewable and oversize between injector and cylinder head.
proximately 1 cm.
guides are available. Unscrew rocker Tighten injector retaining nuts to 19.6
arm shaft locating screw (3 -Fig. N-m. If accessible, measure protrusion
Exhaust manifold 19.6 mated with manifolds. Tighten cylinder jector operation may be checked. Only
Fan nut 34.3
Flywheel 343
Governor retainer 19.6
Idler gear 137
Fig. L3-10— Exploded view
Injector 19.6 of cooling fan. Models 834
Injection pump 29.4 and L 54 are equipped with
Intake manifold 19.6 two drive belts while one
belt is used on all other
Intermediate gear 137.2
Main bearing cap 49 1. Nut
Main bearing support 2. Washer
3. Pulley half
Center 49 4. Shims
End 39.2 5. Center pulley half
6. Drive pulley half
Oil pan 29.4 7. Washer
Oil pump 34.3 8. Fan housing
9. Spacer
Rocker arm shaft 12.7 10. Bearings 14. Washer
Timing gear cover 19.6 11. Shaft 15. Nut
Timing gear housing 19.6
Fig. L3-11 — Exploded view
COOLING FAN of cylinder head assembly.
1. Plug
2. Washer
All models are equipped with an axial 3. Locating screw
4. Rocker arm shaft
cooling fan to force air around the 5. Washer
cylinders and through the oil cooler at- 6. Exhaust rocker arm
7. Intake rocker arm
tached to the fan shroud. Fan housing 8. Adjuster screw
(8 -Fig. L3-10) is mounted on the timing 9. Spring retainer
10. Valve spring
gear housing. 11. Spring seat
12. Seal
Overhaul is evident after inspection of 13. Circlip
unit and referral to Fig. L3-10. Adjust 14. Exhaust valve guide
belt tension as outlined in FAN
BELT 15. Intake valve
16. Cylinder head
clean, approved testing oil should be INJECTION PUMP holder (H). If available, attach a spill
used to test injector. When operating pipe to holder. Connect an external fuel
properly during test, injector nozzle will Models 834 And L54 supply to injection pump fuel inlet so
emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly pump is gravity fed with fuel. Turn in-
with no fluid leakage at seat. R&R AND OVERHAUL. Models 834 jection pump shaft in a counter-clock-
Opening pressure with a new spring and L54 are equipped with a Bosch PES wise direction, as viewed at shaft end.
(5- Fig. L3-12) should be 21.6-22.5 MPa type fuel injection pump. If not present, Then, stop shaft rotation at mofrient fuel
while opening pressure with a used make timing marks for future reference stops flowing from delivery valve holder
spring should be 20.6-21.6 MPa. Open- on injection pump flange and mounting or spill pipe. Remove plug (P-Fig.
ing pressure is adjusted by turning ad- adapter. Disconnect fuel lines and con- L3-12A) and install a suitable screw that
justing screw (2). Valve should not show trol linkage, then unscrew retaining will bear lightly against pump shaft to
leakage at orifice spray holes for 10 nuts and remove fuel injection pump. prevent shaft rotation. If available,
seconds at 17.6 MPa. The injection pump should be tested Mercedes tool number 700-589-86-73
and overhauled by a shop qualified in may be used. Rotate engine crankshaft
OVERHAUL. Clamp nozzle body diesel fuel injection pump repair. so injection timing mark (I - Fig. L3-6 or
(7 -Fig. L3-12) in a vise with nozzle tip When installing injection pump, align L3-7) is aligned with reference mark
pointing upward. Unscrew nozzle holder timing marks on injection flange pump (M). Install injection pump on engine
nut (10), then remove nozzle (9) and and mounting adapter. If marks are not and tighten pump retaining nuts to 29.4
valve (8). Invert nozzle body (7) and present, proceed as follows: Mount in- N-m. Reinstall delivery valve and
remove adjusting screw (2), spring seat jection pump in a vise with delivery spring, fuel injection lines and drain plug
(4), spring (5) and push rod (6). valve holders (H-Fig. L3-8) pointing (P-Fig. L3-12A). If crankshaft or injec-
Thoroughly clean all parts in a suitable up. Loosen clamp (C) and remove tion pump shaft moved slightly during
solvent. Clean inside orifice end of noz- delivery valve holder (H) for number 1 installation, refer to INJECTION
zle with a wooden cleaning stick. The cylinder (farthest from mounting PUMP TIMING and recheck pump tim-
orificespray holes may be cleaned by in- flange). Remove spring (S) and delivery i»g-
serting a 0.20 mm
cleaning wire. When valve (D) then reinstall delivery valve
reassembling injector, make certain all All Other Models
components are clean and wet with
clean diesel fuel oil. Tighten nozzle R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
holder nut (10) to 49 N m. • injectionpump, disconnect fuel lines,
unscrew retaining screws and remove
pump. Do not lose shim gaskets (G-Fig.
The injection pump should be tested
and overhauled by a shop qualified in
pump repair.
diesel fuel injection
When installing pump, engage pin on
pump control rack with governor fork.
Tighten injection pump screws to 29.4
N m. If pump is renewed or overhauled,
TIMING GEARS Rotate camshaft so number 1 cylinder ing and crankshaft should be 0.04-0.08
intake valve tappet is opening (rising) mm. Renew pump housing if clearance
To remove timing gear cover, remove and exhaust valve tappet is closing (go- exceeds 0.13 mm. Maximum allowable
fan belt guard, fan belt and crankshaft ing down) then stop rotation when tap- backlash between gears is 0.15 mm.
pulley. Unscrew and remove timing gear pets are at same height above crankcase Maximum allowable clearance between
cover. Gears may be removed after un- surface. Install idler gear and mark gears and pump housing bore is 0.15
screwing retaining nut or screw and by crankshaft, idler and camshaft gears for mm.
using a suitable puller. Refer to Fig. future reference. Assembly is reverse of disassembly
L3-15 or L3-16 for view of timing gears. Tighten timing gear cover screws to procedure.
To remove the fuel injection pump 19.6 Xm.
Adjust fan belt tension as Xormal pressure with engine run-
The connecting rod small end is fitted
with a renewable bushing. Clearance be-
tween piston pin and rod bushing should
be 0.02-0.03 mmwith a maximum
allowable clearance of 0.07 mm.
An insert type bearing is used in con-
necting rod big end. Desired rod bearing
— Exploded
clearance is 0.04-0.07 mmwith a max-
Fig. L3-21 view of crankshaft, camshaft and idler assemblies.
35. Lockplate
imum allowable clearance of 0.10 mm.
1. Nut
2. Tab washer 13. Spacer 24. Pin 36. Piston Big end bearings are available in stand-
Camshaft gear 14. Pin 25. Pulley 37. Piston rings
ard and undersizes.
4. Lockplate 15. Washer 26. Nut 38. Piston pin
5. Retainer 16. Idler gear 27. Tab washer 39. Snap ring
Push rod
Thrust washer
28. Gear
29. Plug
Main bearing support
8. Tappet 19. Pin 30. Crankshaft 42. Lockplate
9. Plug 20. Idler shaft 31. Bearing 43. Main bearing cap All models are equipped with
10. Plug 21. Nut 32. Bushing 44. Thrust washer
11. Screw 22. Washer 33. Connecting rod 45. Nut removable cylinders. Standard cylinder
12. Tab washer 23. Hub 34. Rod cap 46. Lockplate
diameter is 100.00-100.02 mm.
Cylinders may be bored to accept over-
size pistons. Maximum allowable taper
or out-of-round is 0.1 mm.
Piston height in cylinder is adjusted
using shim gaskets (6 -Fig. L3-22).
With piston at top dead center, piston
crown should be 0.0-0. 1 mm
below top of
cylinder. Install shims (6) to obtain
desired piston height.
Models 834 And L54
The governor on Models 834 and L54
is contained in the fuel injection pump
housing. Governor service should be per-
formed by a qualified diesel fuel injec-
tion shop.
governor spring (31) to control engine Torque control screw (C-Fig. L3-24) models except 834 and L54. Remove
speed. allows additional fuel usage under high push rod tubes and push rods. Using
The governor shaft assembly (Fig. torque load. The torque control screw' suitable tools, hold up tappets so they
L3-23) may be removed after removing has a spring loaded tip w'hich contacts will not fall into crankcase as camshaft
timing gear cover. Unscrew retainer (6) lever (41). Torque control screw' must is removed. Remove camshaft gear,
screws and withdraw governor shaft. match governed speed of engine. Check then unscrew camshaft retainer (5 -Fig.
Inspect components for excessive wear operation by measuring force needed to L3-21) and withdraw' camshaft from
or damage. Components must move move tip the distance specified in the block. Remove oil pan for access to tap-
easily without binding. When installing following table: pets.
governor shaft, tighten retainer (6) The camshaft rides in sleeve bearings
screw's to 19.6 m. N • Maximum Standard camshaft
in the cylinder block.
To synchronize governor linkage with Governed Force Travel bearing journal diameter is 47.94-47.96
fuel injection pump, remove cover Speed (grams) (mm) mm. Camshaft bearing clearance should
(45 -Fig. L3-24) and loosen nuts be 0.10-0.14 mm
with a maximum
7276- L3-25) securing eccentric (39). 2200 400-420 1.00-1.10 allowable clearance of 0.20 mm. Cam-
7277- rotate eccentric in counter-clock-
Fully 2600 400-420 0.35-0.45 shaft bearings are available in standard
wise direction. With fuel injection pump 3000 625-650 0.35-0.45 and undersizes. Camshaft end play is
removed, install tool (T) number 0.4-0. 6 mm with a maximum allowable
2003-04 on Model 832 or number The torque control screw' may be dis- limit of 1.0 mm.
2003-05 on Model 833 so tool roller assembled for cleaning and lubrication, Outside diameter of tappets is
(R) engages fork on governor arm (27). but do not interchange components. 19.96-19.98 mm. Clearance between tap-
Rotate eccentric (39) until all play is re Torque control screw must be serviced pet and block should be 0.02-0.06 mm
moved from governor but tool roller (R) as a unit assembly. with a maximum allowable clearance of
is still free in fork. Tighten nuts (N), re 0.10 mm.
move tool and install fuel injection CAMSHAFT AND TAPPETS Reverse disassembly procedure for
pump. reassembly. Tighten camshaft retainer
Start spring (25 -Fig. L3-24) allows R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove screws to 19.6 N-m and camshaft gear
maximum fuel deliver,- when starting camshaft, remove cylinder heads and nut to 196 N-m. Refer to TIMING
engine. Spring free length should be 42 timing cover as previously outlined. GEARS section for proper gear timing.
mm. Remove fuel injection pump on all
Fig. L3-28— Wiring schemat-
Refer to Fig. L3-27 or L3-28 for wir- ic of models equipped with
an alternator warning light.
ing schematic. Note that circuit in Fig.
BR. Brown
L3-28 includes an alternator warning G. Green
light and the voltage regulator is dif- R. Red
Y. Yellow
ferent than the regulator used in circuit 1. Stator
Model No. Cyls. Bore Stroke Dispi.
904 2 90 mm 94 mm 1196 cc
914 2 95 mm 94 mm 1332 cc
L20 2 95 mm 94 mm 1332 cc
Engines covered
in this section
air-cooled diesel
MAINTENANCE C <32° F) and 20° C (68° F), and SAE 40
for temperatures above 20° C (68° F).
The crankcase is aluminum and the
LUBRICATION API classification for oil should be CD.
cylinders are cast iron. Crankshaft rota- Oilsump capacity' is 2.8 liters. Manufac-
tion is counterclockwise at pto end. turer recommends renewing oil after
Number one cylinder is nearer flywheel. Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W every 100 hours of operation.
Metric fasteners are used throughout for temperatures below 0° (32° F), C A renewable oil filter is mounted on
e ngine. SAE 20W for temperatures between 0° side of engine crankcase. Manufacturer
recommends renewing filter after every
400 hours of operation.
All models are equipped with a
pressurized oil system. Refer to Fig.
L4-1 for a diagram of the oil circuit.
FUEL FILTER. A renewable fuel
filter is located in the fuel tank. Renew
filter after every 300 hours of operation
or sooner if required.
P. Primer lever
R. Fuel return line
T. Fuel transfer pump
fuel flows from injection pump. Reinstall valve holder (25 -Fig. L4-4). Unscrew Injection pump 24.5
bleed screw (B). Loosen high pressure delivery valve holder (25) and remove Injector retainer plate 11.8
injection lines at injectors, then rotate spring (23) and delivery valve (22), then Intake manifold 24.5
engine crankshaft to operate fuel injec- screw delivery valve holder (25) back in- Main bearing center support halves 24.5
tion pump until air-free fuel flows from to pump. Move throttle control to full Main bearing support
injection lines. Retighten injection lines. speed position. Operate primer lever Center 39.2
(P-Fig. L4-3) while rotating engine in End 24.5
INJECTION PUMP TIMING normal direction (counterclockwise at Oil pan 24.5
pto) so number 1 piston is on compres- Oil pump gear 98
Injection pump
timing is adjusted us- sion stroke. Note fuel will flow out of Rocker arm stand 24.5
ing shim gaskets (G - Fig. L4-3) between delivery valve holder. Stop engine rota- Oil pump housing 24.5
pump body and mounting surface on tion atmoment fuel ceases to flow. Tim- Rope pulley 39.2
crankcase. Injection should occur at 26° ing marks (I and M-Fig. L4-5 or L4-6) Timing gear cover 24.5
45’ -28° 30’ before top
dead center. To should be aligned. To advance ignition
check injection pump timing, unscrew timing, remove shim gaskets (G-Fig. COOLING FAN
high pressure injection line of number 1 L4-3); installshim gaskets to retard in-
cylinder from injection pump delivery jection timing. Tighten injection pump All models are equipped with an axial
retaining screws to 24.5 N*m. Reinstall cooling fan to force air past the
removed pump parts after checking tim- cylinders. The fan housing (4 -Fig.
ing. L4-10) is mounted on the crankcase.
Alternator (7) is contained in the fan
FAN BELT TENSION housing with the alternator rotor
mounted on shaft (6).
All models are equipped with a belt- Overhaul is evident after inspection of
driven cooling fan. Belt tension is ad- unit and referral to Fig. L4-10. Adjust
justed by varying the number of shims belt tension as previously outlined.
between fan pulley halves. Belt tension
is correct when thumb pressure applied VALVE TAPPET GAP
midway between pulleys deflects belt ap-
proximately 1 cm. Valve tappet gap may be adjusted
after removing rocker arm cover. Valve
tappet gap should be 0.15 mm for both
Fig. L4-4 — Partial exploded view of fuel injection REPAIRS valves with engine cold. Note that there
are two adjusting screws (Fig. L4-11) in
TIGHTENING TORQUES exhaust rocker arm. Adjusting screw
14. Pump body
18. Packing 22. Delivery valve (V) nearer rocker arm shaft is used to
19. Barrel 23. Spring
20. Delivery valve seat 24. “0” ring Refer to the following table for
21. Gasket 25. Delivery valve holder
tightening torques. All values are in
newton meters.
Camshaft gear 196
Camshaft retainer 24.5
Connecting rod 49
Crankshaft pulley 294
Cylinder head 49
Exhaust manifold 24.5
Fan nut 24.5
Fig. L4-5 — Drawing of flywheel timing marks
used on some models. Fan pulley 7.8
Fig. L4-11 — Drawing showing location of ex-
1. Injection Fan pulley hub 24.5 haust valve tappet adjusting screw (V) and com-
M. Reference mark T. Top dead center Flywheel pression release adjusting screw (C).
Fig. L4-6 — Drawing of crankshaft pulley timing Fig. L4-10— Exploded view of cooling fan.
marks used on some models. 1. Pulley half 4. Fan housing 7. Alternator 10. Washer
I. Injection 2. Shims 5. Bearing 8. Spacer 11. Alternator housing
M. Reference mark T. Top dead center 3. Pulley hub 6. Shaft 9. Spacer 12. Fan
adjust valve clearance while outer screw CYLIN DER H EAD properly during test, injector nozzle will
(C) adjusts compression release gap. AND VALVE SYSTEM emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly
with no fluid leakage at seat.
not remove cylinder head while hot Opening pressure with a new spring
as head may deform. (4 -Fig. L4-13) should be 21.6-22.5 MPa
manual compression release is Valve face angle is 45 degrees and while opening pressure with a used
located on each cylinder head so the ex- minimum valve head margin is 0.4 mm. spring should be 20.6-21.6 MPa. Open-
haust valve can be held open to aid start- Valve seat angle is 45 degrees with a ing pressure is adjusted by varying
ing. Rotating shaft (28 -Fig. L4-12) seat width of 1.4-1. 6 mm. Valve seats number and thickness of shims (5).
forces the exhaust rocker arm to slightly are renewable and must be installed Valve should not show leakage at orifice
open the exhaust valve. with head heated to 160° -180° C spray holes for 10 seconds at 19.1 MPa.
The compression release is adjusted (320°-356° F). Valve seals are used on
by turning outer adjusting screw intake valves. Valve stem diameter is OVERHAUL. Clamp nozzle body
(C-Fig. L4-11) in exhaust valve rocker 7.98-8.00 mm
while valve guide (3 -Fig. L4-13) in a vise with nozzle tip
arm. Adjust compression release gap diameter is 8.03-8.05 mm. Desired valve pointing upward. Remove nozzle holder
AFTER adjusting exhaust valve tappet stem clearance is 0.03-0.07 mm. Valve nut (11). Remove nozzle tip (9) with
gap. With compression release lever in guides are renewable and oversize valve valve (10) and spacer (8). Invert nozzle
off position, clearance between ad- guides are available. Note locating ring body (3) and remove spring seat (6),
justing screw and shaft should be 0. 9-1.1 (13 -Fig. L4-12) around top of each shim (5) and spring (4). Thoroughly clean
mm. valve guide. Outside of oversize valve all parts in a suitable solvent. Clean in-
Diameter of compression release shaft guide must be machined so outer side orifice end of nozzle tip with a
(28-Fig. L4-12) is 11.95-11.97 mm diameter is 0.05-0.06 mm
greater than wooden cleaning stick. The orifice spray
while lobe height is 10.4-10.5 mm. hole in head. The cylinder head should holes may be cleaned by inserting a 0.28
be heated to 160°-180° C (320°-356° F) mm cleaning wire. When reassembling
when installing valve guide. injector, make certain all components
Desired clearance between rocker are clean and wet with clean diesel fuel
arms and shafts is 0.03-0.06 mm. Max- oil. Tighten nozzle holder nut (11) to
Spring retainer
22. Locating screw
TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the
8 . Valve spring 23. Washer injection nozzle with sufficient force to
9. Spring seat 24. Spring
Compression release
penetrate the skin. When testing, keep
10. 25. Detent ball
adjusting screw 26. Pin yourself clear of nozzle spray.
11. Valve adjusting 27. “O" ring Fig. L4-1 3 — Exploded view of injector.
screws 28. Compression release a suitable test stand is available, in-
If 1 . Clamp plate
12. Oil seal shaft Dowel pin
2. 7. Return line fitting
13. Retaining ring 29. Compression release jector operation may be checked. Only Nozzle body
3. 8 . Spacer
14. Exhaust valve guide lever
clean, approved testing oil should be 4. Spring 9 . Nozzle
15. Intake valve guide 30. Seals 5. Shim 10 Valve
16. Cylinder head 31. Push rod tube used to lest injector. Wben operating 6 . Pressure pin 11
Fig. L4-15 — Exploded view of crankshaft, camshaft and oil pump assemblies.
Refer to CYLINDER section and
48. Upper center bearing measure piston height in cylinder.
1. Bearing 17. Connecting rod 49. Lower center bearing
2. Nut 18. Bushing 33. Governor arm & shaft support PISTON, PIN AND RINGS
3. Washer 19. Rod bearing 34. End bearing support 50. Center main bearing
4. Camshaft gear 20. Rod cap 35. Bushing 51. Round nut
5. Retainer 21. Lockplate 36. “0” ring 52. Bearing The piston is equipped with three com-
6. Key 22. Nut 37. Main bearing 53. Nut
7. Fuel pump push rod 23. Washer 38. Key 54. Washer
pression rings and an oil control ring.
8. Push rod 24. Rope pulley 39. Governor rod 55. Gear Ring end gap is 0.35-0.55 mm
for all
Fan pulley
Drive shaft
compression rings and 0.25-0.40 formm
11. “0” ring 27. Gear 42. Key 58. Bearing retainer the oil control ring. Piston ring side
Cover plate
13. Piston
28. Governor hub
29. Balls
Main bearing
59. Bearing
60. Oil pump cover
clearance should be 0.15 mm
for top
14. Piston rings
15. Piston pin
30. Governor cup
31. Snap ring
45. Flywheel
46. Lockwasher
Outer rotor
Inner rotor
compression ring and 0.10 mm
for all
16. Snap ring 32. Seal 47. Cap screw W. Support screw other piston rings.
Standard piston diameter measured 2
mm from bottom of skirt, perpendicular
to piston pin, is 89.85-89.86 mm
Model 904 and 94.85-94.86 mm
Models 914 and L20. Piston to cylinder
clearance should be 0.14-0.17 mm.
Pistons and rings are available in stand-
ard and oversizes of 0.5 and 1.0 mm. Dif-
ference in piston weights must not ex-
ceed 6 grams.
Piston pin diameter is 27.995-28.005
mm. Piston pin clearance in rod should
1 12 10
Fig. L4- 16 — Exploded view of crankcase assembly. Remove plug (P) for access to oil pressure relief
1. Cover 6. Gasket 11. Oilpickup
2. Gasket 7. Pin 12. Air shroud 16. Cover Fig.L4-17— Arrow on piston crown should point
3. Cover Gasket 13. Cylinder Gasket
8. 17.
towards injection pump and depression (D)
4. Gasket 9. Gasket 14. Shim gasket 18. Filter adapter
5. Timing gear cover 10. Oil pan 15. “0" ring 19. Oil filter
should be near injectors.
be 0.015-0.035 mmwith a maximum on timing gears, proceed as follows: The play should be 0.03-0.11 mm. Inspect
allowable clearance of 0.05 mm. cylinder head, push rod tube and push bearing (52) in timing gear cover and
rods for number 1 cylinder must be re- renew if damaged.
CONNECTING ROD moved. Position number 1 piston at top To reassemble oil pump, reverse
dead center. If not previously removed, disassembly procedure. Install outer
The connecting rod small end is fitted detach camshaft gear from camshaft. rotor (61) with rounded outer edge
with a renewable bushing. Clearance be- Rotate camshaft so number 1 cylinder towards pump housing. Apply Loctite to
tween piston pin and rod bushing should intake valve tappet is opening (rising) outer surface of bearing (59) outer race.
be 0.015-0.035 mmwith a maximum and exhaust valve tappet is closing (go- Tighten oil pump screws to 24.5 N-m.
allowable clearance of 0.05 mm. Bushing ing down) then stop rotation when tap- Refer to TIMING GEARS section and
inner diameter is 28.020-28.030 mm. pets are same height from top surface of align oil pump gear timing marks.
An insert type bearing is used in con- crankcase. Without disturbing camshaft Tighten oil pump gear nut to 98 N- m.
necting rod big end. Desired rod bearing position, install camshaft gear. Mark Oil pressure with engine at normal
clearance is 0.03-0.07 mmwith a max- crankshaft, oil pump and camshaft temperature and running at 3000 rpm
imum allowable clearance of 0.10 mm. gears for future reference. Reinstall should be 343-392 kPa. To adjust oil
Big end bearings are available in stand- cylinder head. pressure, remove plug (P-Fig. L4-16)
ard and undersizes. Tighten camshaft gear nut to 196 and add or remove shims to vary relief
N m and oil pump gear nut to 98 N m. • valve spring pressure.
CYLINDERS Tighten timing gear cover screws to
24.5 N-m.
All models are equipped with CAMSHAFT AND TAPPETS
removable cylinders. Standard cylinder OIL PUMP
diameter is 90.00-90.02 mm for Model REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Re-
904 and 95.00-95.02 mm for Models 914 R&R AND OVERHAUL. The oil move cylinder heads, push rod tubes and
and L20. Maximum allowable taper or pump is mounted on end main bearing push rods. Remove timing gear cover,
out-of-round is 0.1 mm. support (34 -Fig. L4-15). To remove gear retainer (5 -Fig. L4-15) and cam-
With piston at top dead center, top of pump, remove timing gear cover and oil shaft gear (4). Remove fuel injection
piston must be even with cylinder top pump gear (55). Unscrew pump housing pump. Using suitable tools, pull valve
edge. Cylinder height is adjusted using screws and disassemble pump. tappets away from camshaft and secure
shim gaskets (14- Fig. L4-16) which are Refer to Fig. L4-19 and measure tappets so they will not fall into crank-
available in thicknesses of 0.1 and 0.3 clearance between inner and outer case when camshaft is removed. If tap-
mm. rotors (61 and 62). Clearance (A) should pets fall into crankcase, then crankshaft
be 0.01-0.06 mm with a maximum must be removed so tappets can be rein-
TIMING GEARS allowable clearance of 0.10 mm, and stalled. Withdraw' camshaft from crank-
clearance (B) should be 0.02-0.10 mm case. Remove oil pan for access to tap-
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Re- with a maximum allowable clearance of pets.
move belt guard and fan belt. Unscrew 0.20 mm. Width of inner and outer Inspect bearing (1) in timing gear
nut, then using a suitable puller, pull rotors should be 14.95-14.97 mm
and dif- cover and renew’ if damaged. Inspect
pulley off crankshaft. Remove timing ference in rotor widths must not be camshaft lobes and bearing journals.
gear cover. greater than 0.02 mm. Outer rotor outer Center journal diameter is
Use a remove gears.
suitable puller to diameter is 40.54-40.57 mm. Pump hous- 40.940-40.960 mm
w'hile rear journal
Note that retainer (5- Fig. L4-15) must ing bore is 40.60-40.63 mm. Clearance diameter is 29.940-29.960 mm. Cam-
be removed before pulling off camshaft between outer rotor and pump housing shaft journal clearance should be
gear (4). When installing camshaft gear, bore should be 0.03-0.09 mm
with a max- 0.040-0.085 mm
with a maximum
place gear on shaft so retainer groove is imum allowable clearance of 0.13 mm. allowable clearance of 0.10 mm. Max-
out. Align timing marks (M - Fig. L4-18) With pump cover (60 -Fig. L4-15) and imum runout measured at center journal
on models so equipped, when installing bearing retainer (58) installed and re- with camshaft ends supported is 0.10
gears. If timing marks are not present taining screws torqued, inner rotor end mm.
Tappet outer diameter is 13.96-13.98
mm while tappet bore in crankcase is
14.00-14.02 mm. Clearance should be 82.5-83.5 mm. center support halves (48 and 49).
0.02-0.06 mm with a maximum To adjust governor, remove cover Standard diameter of center main
allowable clearance of 0.10 mm. (24 - Fig. L4-20) and on Models 904 and bearing journal is 55.34-55.35 mm.
If removed, install tappets. Camshaft 914, back out torque control screw (C) 5 Standard diameter of outer main bear-
end play is controlled by camshaft gear or 6 turns. With engine stopped, check ing journals is 54.94-54.95 mm. Bearing
retainer plate (5). Retainer plate thick- to be sure start spring (6 -Fig. L4-20 clearance should be 0.05-0.09 for mm
ness is 5. 7-5. 8 mm
while groove in gear and L4-21) has removed slack in gover- center main bearing and 0.05-0.07 mm
(4) is 6.0-6. 1 mm. Camshaft end play nor mechanism. Loosen governor arm for outer main bearings with a max-
should be 0.2-0. 4 mm. Renew plate (5) screw (8) and move governor arm (5) imum allowable clearance of 0.12 mm.
and/or gear (4) if end play is incorrect. towards torque control screw (C) until End main bearings (37 and 43) must be
Refer to TIMING GEARS section for fuel injection pump control rack pin (P) reamed to size. Standard and undersize
gear installation. Tighten camshaft gear is in maximum fuel position. Tighten main bearings are available.
nut to 196 N-m. screw (8). Install control cover and run Standard crankpin journal diameter is
engine at high idle speed of 3150 rpm for 49.989-50.000 mm
and rod bearing
GOVERNOR Models 904 and 914 or 2350 rpm for clearance should be 0.03-0.07 with a mm
Model L20. Turn torque control screw maximum allowable clearance of 0.10
All models are equipped with a flyball (C) in until engine speed just begins to mm. Standard and undersize rod bear-
type governor mounted on the crank- decrease, then turn torque control screw ings are available.
shaft. As the flyballs (29 -Fig. L4-15) in an additional IV2 turns on Models 904 Serrated parting surfaces of center
move in and out against cup (30), fork and 914 or 2.2 turns on Model L20. support halves (48 and 49) must be
and lever assembly (33) forces push rod Tighten torque control screw locknut. aligned during assembly. With support
(39) against pin (1 - Fig. L4-20 or L4-21). For access to governor flyball screws tightened to 24.5 N-m, center
Pivot flange (4), lever (16) and governor assembly, remove timing gear cover and support outside diameter should be
arm (5) are forced to rotate thereby crankshaft gear. 154.980-154.990 mm
and inside
moving fuel injection pump control rack diameter should be 59.074-59.093 mm.
pin (P). Throttle lever (25) operates CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS Maximum out-of-round for either
through pivot arm (12) and governor diameter is 0.01 mm.
spring (13) to control engine speed. R&R AND OVERHAUL. The crank When main bearing (37) in
Torque control screw (C) on Models shaft rides in sleeve bearings in the end support (34 -Fig. L4-22), distance
904 and 914 allows additional fuel usage crankcase bulkhead and end bearing
under high torque load. The tip is spring support (34 -Fig. L4-15), and in insert
loaded. The tip should recede 0.5-0. bearings in center support halves (48 H 5 P
mm when 470-500 grams force is applied and 49).
to tip. Torque control screw is available To remove the crankshaft, remove fly-
only as an assembly. wheel, pistons and rods, and governor as
Start spring (6) returns the fuel injec- previously outlined. Unscrew center
tion pump control rack to maximum fuel support retaining screw (W). Unscrew
position to aid in starting. Spring free end support (34) retaining nuts and
length is 29.5-30.5 mm. remove end support. Carefully extract
Governor spring (13) free length is crankshaft and center bearing support
69.5-70.5 mm. With a force of 56.84 from crankcase. Do not lose round nut
newtons, spring length should be (51). If necessary, unscrew and separate
12 3 4 10 H 11 C
6 1
(A) from bearing (37) to inside surface of Engine 14 Amp 21 Amp Connect voltmeter to red lead and re-
support should be 5 mm. RPM Alternator Alternator maining yellow lead and repeat test. If
Crankshaft end play should be 1500 18.5-20 Volts 30-32 Volts voltage is insufficient, or the difference
0.15-0.25 mm and is not adjustable. End 2000 24-25 Volts 45-47 Volts between tests is greater than 5 volts,
support (34-Fig. L4-15) width 2500 31-32 Volts 57-58 Volts then renew alternator. Stator and rotor
measured at (B) should be 33.90-33.95 3000 37-38 Volts 68-69 Volts are available only as a unit assembly.
mm. Width of gear end main bearing
journal measured from shoulder to
thrust face as shown at (C-Fig. L4-23)
should be 34.10-34.15 mm. A worn end
support or crankshaft wall cause ex-
cessive end play.
Reassembly is reverse of disassembly.
Fig. L4-25- Wiring schemat-
Tighten screws securing center support ic of models not equipped
halves to 24.5 N
m. Tighten end support
with an alternator warning
retaining nuts to 24.5 N-m. Tighten light.
B. Black
center support retaining screw to 39.2 BL. Blue
N-m. BR. Brown
R. Red
W. White
1. Alternator
2. Voltage regulator
Model No. Cyls. Bore Stroke Displ.
L8 1 85 mm 90 mm 510 cc
L10 1 95 mm 90 mm 638 cc
L14 1 102 mm 100 mm 817 cc
LDA96 1 95 mm 90 mm 638 cc
LDA100 1 100 mm 90 mm 707 cc
LDA450 1 85 mm 80 mm 454 cc
LDA510 1 85 mm 90 mm 510 cc
LDA820 1 102 mm 100 mm 817 cc
All models are four-stroke, single- pressurized oil system. Refer to OIL BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. To bleed
cylinder, air-cooled diesel engines. PUMP section for service. fuel system, loosen fuel line fitting on
Crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise fuel pump and
allow fuel to flow until
at pto end. ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT air-free, then retighten fitting. Loosen
Metric fasteners are used throughout high pressure injection line at injector,
engine. Idle speed is adjusted by turning idle then rotate engine crankshaft to operate
speed screw (I -Fig. L5-1). Idle speed injection pump until air-free fuel flows
should be 1000-1100 rpm. Maximum from injection
MAINTENANCE governed speed is adjusted by turning line.
line. Retighten injection
18 19 20
Fig. L5-3— View of fuel injection pump.
1. Delivery valve holder 1 1 . Spring seat
2. “0 ring 12. Pin
3. Spring 13. Spring
4. Delivery valve 14. Plunger
5. Delivery valve seat 15. Spring retainer
Fig. L5-2 — Diagram of fuel system. 6. Barrel 16. Tappet
D. High pressure delivery 7. Pump body 17. Circlip
line Injector 8. Pin 18. Outer roller
Fig. L5-1 — Refer to text for engine speed adjust- F. Fuel filter
delivery valve (4) then screw delivery Oilpump gear 19.6 minimum valve head margin is 0.4 mm.
valve holder (1) into pump body. Move Pto bearing support Valve seat angle is 45 degrees with a
throttle control to full speed position. L8, LDA450, LDA510 24.5 seat width of 1.4-1. 6 mm. Valve seats
Rotate engine in normal direction All other models 39.2 are renewable and must be installed
(counterclockwise at pto) so piston is on Pto flange 225.4 with head heated to 160° -180° C
compression stroke. Note fuel in Rope pulley (320°-356° F). A valve seal is used on
delivery valve holder will spill out. Stop L8, LDA450, LDA510 34.3 the intake valve. Valve stem diameter is
engine rotation at moment fuel ceases to All other models 39.2 6.98-7.00 mm
on Models L8, LDA450
flow out. Timing dot (R-Fig. L5-4) on and LDA510 or 7.98-8.00 mm on all
fan plate should align with injection tim- VALVE TAPPET GAP other models. Valve guide inside
ing dot (I) on fan shroud. Ignition timing diameter is 7.03-7.05 mm
on Models L8,
should occur at 22° -23° BTDC on Model Valve tappet gap may be adjusted LDA450 and LDA510 or 8.03-8.05 mm
L8, 23°45’-25°30’ on Models LDA450 after removing rocker arm cover. Valve on other models. Desired valve stem
and LDA510, and 25°15’-26°45’ on all tappet should be 0.20 for both mm clearance for all models is 0.03-0.07 mm.
other models. valves with engine cold. Valve guides are renewable and oversize
To advance injection timing, remove valve guides are available. Note locating
shim gaskets (G-Fig. L5-2); install shim COMPRESSION RELEASE ring (12) around top of each guide. Out-
gaskets to retard injection timing. side of oversize valve guide must be
Reinstallremoved pump components A manual compression release is machined so outer diameter is 0.05-0.06
and tighten delivery valve holder to located in the rocker arm cover so the mm greater than hole in head. The
34.3-39.2 N-m. Tighten injection pump exhaust valve can be held open to aid cylinder head should be heated to
retaining screws to 29.4 N m. starting. Exhaust valve should be low- 160°-180° C (320°-356° F) when install-
ered approximately 1 from valve mm ing valve guides.
seat when compression release is
REPAIRS operated. Compression release may be
Valve spring pressure should be 294
newtons at valve spring length of 25.2
adjusted by varying thickness of rocker mm on Models L8, LDA450 and
arm cover. LDA510 or 25.8 mm on all other models.
Refer to following table for tightening
The rocker arm shaft on Models L8,
CYLINDER HEAD L10 and L14 is drilled to allow passage 7
Cylinder head surface must not be de- INJECTION PUMP PISTON AND ROD UNIT
formed more than 0.30 mm. The
cylinder head and cylinder may be Refer to Fig. L5-3 for view of injection REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
lapped together to improve mating sur- pump. Disassembly and reassembly is Piston and connecting rod may be re-
face. evident after inspection of pump and moved after removing cylinder head and
Push rod tube seals should be inspect- referral to Fig. L5-3. Note that slot in oil pan.
ed and discarded if damaged. Push rod barrel (6) must align with pin (8). Align
When installing piston and frod, note
nearer cylinder connects to intake marks on pinion (10) and rack (9). that depression in piston crown is closer
rocker arm while outer push rod con- The following tests may be used to to one side of piston. Install piston so
nects to exhaust rocker arm. check injection pump if necessary test depression side of piston is nearer ex-
Tighten cylinder head nuts to 49 N m • equipment is available. With a suitable haust. Some pistons also have an arrow
on Models L8, LDA450 and LDA510 or pressure gage connected to delivery embossed in piston. Install piston so ar-
to 58.8 N m on all other models.
• valve holder (1), operate pump. With row points toward injection pump.
control rack (18) at mid-point, pump Install cap on connecting rod so bear-
pressure should be at least 29.4 MPa. ing tangs are on same side and tighten
Pump pressure should be at least 39.2 rod screws to 29.4 N-m on Models L8,
INJECTOR MPa with control rack in maximum fuel LDA450 and LDA510 or 44.1 N-m on
position. To check delivery valve, move
control rack (9) to mid-point position and
all other models.
12. Lockplate
juster (3). Valve should not show 13. Plate
leakage at orifice spray holes for 10 14. Key
15. Crankshaft 18
seconds at 19.1 MPa. 16. Key
17. Push rods
Thoroughly clean all parts in a suitable 22. Snap ring
23. Rocker arm
solvent. Clean inside orifice end of noz- 24. Stud
zle tip with a wooden cleaning stick. The 27. Plate
28. Gear
orifice spray holes may be cleaned by in- 29. Governor balls (6)
With piston at top dead center, top of
piston should be 0.9-1. 0 mm
cylinder top edge. Cylinder height is ad-
Fig. L5-8 — Exploded view of
justed by varying shim gaskets (2 -Fig.
1. CyHnier
2 x-— gasket
4. Sea]
5. Pdo bearing smnt
6. Gasket
7. Bearing
Gears are accessible after removing
6. Bearing pto bearing support (5 -Fig. L5-8).
10. Gasket Crankshaft and camshaft gears are em-
11. 03 pan bossed with marks (M-Fig. L5-10)
12. Mart tearing
IS Dowei pans which should be aligned as shown. If
14. v tearing
crankshaft and camshaft gears are not
15. Sr.'tr. gasket
16. Mart tearing SCT>tet marked, proceed as foDows: If not
17. Sea]
previously removed, remove cylinder
16. Air shroud
head, push rod tube and push rods. Posi-
tion crankshaft so piston is at top dead
center. Intake valve tappet (nearer
cylinder should be opening (rising) and
Standard Piston An insert type bearing is used in con- exhaust valve tappet should be closing
Model Piston Dia. Clearance necting rod big end. Desired rod bearing (going down). Valve tappets should be
(mm) (mm) clearance is 0.03-0.06 for Models mm same height above crankcase when
L8. LDA450 and LDA510 or 0.05-0.06 piston is at top dead center. If not. refer
L8 84.88-84.90 0.10-0.14 mm for all other models. Maximum to CAMSHAFT section and remove
L10 94.85-94.87 0.13-0.17 allowable clearance for all models is 0.1 camshaft, then install camshaft so it is
L14 101.84-101.86 0.14-0.18 mm. Big end bearings are available in correctly timed with crankshaft. Mark
LDA96 94.85-94.87 0.13-0.17 standard and undersizes. crankshaft and camshaft gears for
LDA1O0 99.82-99.83 0.17-0.20 future reference.
LDA450 84.88-84.90 0.10-0.14 CYLINDER
LDA510 84.88-84.90 0.10-0.14 CAMSHAFT, TAPPETS
LDAS20 101.84-101.86 0.14-0.18 AD models are equipped with a AND PUSH RODS
removable cylinder. Standard cylinder
Pistons and rings are available in diameter is 85.90-85.02 for Models mm REMOVE .AND REINSTALL. To
standard size and oversizes of 0.5 mm L8. LDA450 and LDA510. 95.00-95.02 remove camshaft, remove cylinder head,
and 1.0 mm. mm for Models L10 and LDA96, push rod rube, push rods, valve tappets
Piston pin diameter is 22.995-23.000 100.00-100.02 mm
for Model LDA100. and fuel injection pump. Remove pto
mm on Models L8, LDA450 and and 102.00-102.02 mm
for Models L14 tearing support (5 -Fig. L5-8I and with-
LDA510 or 27.995-28.000 on allmm and LDA820. Maximum allowable taper draw camshaft.
other models. Piston pin clearance in rod or out-of-round is 0.1 mm. Inspect camshaft for excessive wear
bushing should be 0.020-0.035 mm. Max-
imum allowable clearance is 0.07 mm.
The connecting rod small end is fitted
with a renewable bushing. Clearance be-
tween piston pin and connecting rod
bushing should be 0.015-0.025 mm. Max-
imum allowable :learar.:e it 171 mm.
Fig l. 5-11 — Exploded view of governor and control linkage. Governor fork (65) contacts governor cup
(31 -Fig. L5-7).
£ jGJ> Knot'
Pja;e 46. Pitot screw 55. Ann 62. Screws
Gasfeet 49. Ann 56. Spring 64. Sf'nng piales
50. Lera- 57 Tonjae control rod 65. Fork
51. lick 56 Pin 66. ring
ic-rer 52. Housing 59 Act. 67. Bracket
Fig.L5-10—View showing c I
Corey 53. Pit. 60. Shaft I. Low idle speed screw
marks (U) on crankshaft and c s* gear: 54 Gasket 61. Stecer H. High speed screw
and damage. Diameter of both camshaft plates are used on Models LDA450 and should not exceed 0.15 mm. Maximum
bearing journals is 17.96-17.98 mm. LDA510. clearance between ends of gears and
Height of injection pump lobe (lobe To stop engine, stop knob (40) is mounting surface of pump body is 0.15
nearest gear) should be 33.45-33.55 mm turned counterclockwise which forces mm.
while lobe height for intake and exhaust governor arm to move fuel injection Apply a thin coating of sealer to
should be 33.95-34.05 mm. pump control rack to no-fuel position. mounting surface of pump body. Install
Reassembly is reverse of disassembly. All models except L8, L10 and L14 are pump and tighten mounting screws to
Refer to TIMING GEARS section to equipped with a torque control rod (57) 39.2 N
m. Tighten oil pump gear nut to
time camshaft and crankshaft. Note that and spring (56) which allows the gover- 19.6 N-m.
Install timing gear cover.
tappets have roller offset to one side and nor arm (59) additional movement for The oil pressure relief valve is located
a notched sliding surface on the opposite additional fuel usage under high torque on inner face of main bearing support
side. Install tappets so sliding surfaces load. By pulling stop knob (40) away (16 -Fig. L5-14). To remove main bear-
are together and rollers are on opposite from engine, stop arm (44) will slide off ing support, remove crankshaft pulley
sides. The push rods are contained in a tip of torque control rod (57) and allow or crank starter, flywheel and shroud.
tube and must cross between tappets governor arm to move forward so max- Unscrew retaining nuts and remove
and rocker arms. Push rod nearer imum fuel is delivered during starting. main bearing support. Inspect pressure
cylinder connects intake tappet and Governor mechanism is accessible relief valve components and renew if
rocker arm while outer push rod con- after removing pto bearing support damaged or excessively worn. Reinstall
nects exhaust cam follower and rocker (5 -Fig. L5-8), however, the oil pan relief valve by reversing disassembly
arm. must be removed for access to nut procedure.
(35 -Fig. L5-7) so governor shaft can be Normal oil pressure with warm oil is
GOVERNOR withdrawn from crankcase. Inspect 49-98 kPa at idle and 245-392 kPa at full
governor components and renew any throttle.
Most models are equipped with a fly- which are damaged or excessively worn.
ball type governor while some models Mechanism must move freely for proper CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS
may be equipped with flyweights. The governor operation.
governor shaft is shown in Fig. L5-7 To adjust governor, pto bearing sup- R&R AND OVERHAUL. Remove
while governor linkage is shown in Fig. port (5 -Fig. L5-8) and gasket must be crankshaft pulley or crank starter then
L5-11. The flyball assembly (G-Fig. removed. Move throttle lever (45 -Fig. remove flywheel. Remove piston and
L5-12) is rotated by the crankshaft. The L5-11) to full throttle position. Loosen connecting rod as previously outlined.
crankshaft rotates flyball assembly spring plate screws (62) then move Remove pto bearing support (5- Fig.
(G-Fig. L5-12) which bears against fork governor arm (55) towards crankcase L5-8) and air shroud (18). Remove main
(65 -Fig. L5-11). As the flyballs move, opening and measure distance from pto bearing support (16) and withdraw
the shaft attached to the fork is rotated bearing support mating surface of crankshaft from crankcase.
thereby moving governor arm (55). Arm crankcase to upper part of governor Crankshaft main bearing journal
(55) mates with fuel injection control arm. Distance between crankcase sur- standard diameter on Models L8,
rack pin to regulate fuel flow. Throttle face and governor arm should be 22 mm LDA450 and LDA510 is 41.99-42.00 mm
lever (45) operates through governor on Models L8, LDA450 and LDA510 or for pto end and 39.99-40.00 for mm
spring plates (64) to control engine 28 mm on all other models. Retighten flywheel end. Main bearings (12 and 14)
speed. One spring plate is used on spring plate screws (62). on Models L8, LDA450 and LDA510 are
Models L8, L10 and L14, two spring available in standard and 1.0 under- mm
plates are used on Models LDA96, OIL PUMP AND RELIEF VALVE sizes. Main bearings must be reamed to
LDA100 and LDA820, and three spring obtain clearance of 0.04-0.06 mm. Max-
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove imum allowable bearing clearance is
oil pump, remove pto bearing support 0.10 mm.
(5 - Fig. L5-8) and using a suitable puller Crankshaft main bearing journal
remove pump gear (3 -Fig. L5-13). Un- standard diameter on Models L10, L14,
screw pump screws and remove pump LDA96, LDA100 and LDA820 is
from crankcase bulkhead. Maximum 44.99-45.00 mm for both main bearings.
clearance between gears and pump body Main bearings are available in standard
and 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm undersizes
which should not require reaming. Main
bearing clearance should be 0.06-0.08
mm with a maximum allowable clear-
ance of 0.10 mm.
Reverse disassembly procedure to in-
stall crankshaft. Crankshaft end play
should be 0.10-0.30 mm and is adjusted
by varying thickness of gasket (15 -Fig.
L5-8). Tighten main bearing support
nuts to 29.4 N-m on Models L8, Fig. L5-1 5 — Exploded view
LDA450 and LDA510 or to 39.2 N m on
ofmanual crank starter used
all other models. on Models L8, L10 and L14.
1. Snap ring
2. Cap
4. Flange
5. Ring gear
Models L8, L10 and L14 are equipped 6. Pinion
7. Crank
with a crank type manual starter as 8. Cover
shown in Fig. L5-15. Starter repair is 9. Case
1400 73rd Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432
DJA 1 3V» 3% 30
DJB 2 3V* 3% 60
DJBA 2 3V4 3% 60
DJC 4 3V4 3% 120
DJE 2 3Vz 3 5/s 70
RDJC 4 3V4 3 Vs 120
RDJE 2 3V2 3 5/8 70
RDJEA 2 3Vz 3Vs 70
RDJF 4 3% 3 5/b 140
These ONAN engines make up a two minutes. Oil pressure should in- tects the engine by breaking the connec-
“family” of diesel-fueled power units dicate at least 20 psi. Relief valve is non- tion when oil pressure drops below 14 psi.
having many
features and specifications adjustable. Engines are protected by Push reset button before attempting to
in common. Models with an “R” prefix, centrifugal and/or oil pressure safety restart engine. Some DJA models may
such as Model RDJC, are liquid-cooled switches and may have an also have a high temperature safety
while all other models are air-cooled. All owner/operator installed time delay switch installed in decompressor control
models are equipped for electric starting relay so that a cranking engine can build circuit. Check wiring diagrams.
only, with current production engines up sufficient oil pressure (13-15 psi). At
using a 12-V automotive type starting about 900 crankshaft rpm, lubricating
motor. Some earlier models of DJA
engine-generator sets are exciter
oil pressure builds up to close these pro-
(one cylinder) engines are furnished with
an automatic compression release device
which works by spring pressure to crack
an exhaust valve open to relieve engine
compression during starting. See ap-
propriate paragraph in text which
follows. Fig. 0200— View of full-pres-
sure oil system used on
PREHEATING. engine is cold and
If ONAN diesel engines. DJC
(four cylinder) model shown.
air temperature is 55° F or above,
By-pass valve is non-adjust-
preheat for 30 seconds and while holding able and normally opens at
preheat switch, switch fuel solenoid 25 psi. Valve spring, when
switch “ON” (two and four cylinder compressed to 1-3/16 inches,
should test at 2.225-2.235
models) and engage starter. Hold
lbs. All models are equipped
starter switch until engine starts and with full-flow oil filter.
runs. Solenoid contacts can be burned if
switch is released too early or if starter
is used to bump engine over for service.
Crankcase capacities are: FUEL INJECTION PUMP
DJA 2 V2 quarts
DJB, DJBA, DJE 3 quarts No. 2 diesel fuel is recommended for Model DJA is equipped with an
RDJE, RDJEA 3 quarts most conditions. No. 1 diesel fuel should American Bosch Model PLB injection
DJC, RDJC, RDJF 6 quarts be used for light duty or cold weather pump, later Model DJE is equipped with
Add V2 quart when filter is changed. operation. either a Bryce or Kiki injection pump
while all other models are equipped with
If operating temperatures fall below BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. The fuel an American Bosch Model PSU injection
0° F, SAE 5W-20 or 5W-30 weight oil system is essentially self-bleeding ex- pump. Refer to following pump sections
should be used. From 0° F to 32° F, use cept for initial start after unit has been for injection pump timing:
SAE 5W-20, 10W, 5W-30 or 10W-30 disassembled or opened, as for renewal
weight. Above 32° F, SAE 30 weight oil of filters. Refer to Fig. 0201, 0202 or BOSCH MODEL PLB. On Model
is called for. 0203. To bleed the system, loosen bleed DJA equipped with American Bosch
All engines of this section are full plug on top of secondary fuel filter (early PLB injection pump, injection starts at
pressure lubricated. Refer to Fig. 0200 models) or disconnect injection pump 17° BTDC, corresponding to “PC” (port
for cross-section view of lubrication fuel return line (late models); then ac- closing) mark stamped on flywheel. Ad-
system. tuate primer lever on primary fuel pump justment is made by changing the
until air-free fuel flows. Return primer number and thickness of a shim pack
lever to normal operating position after which is fitted between pump mounting
bleeding operation is completed. pad on crankcase and pump body mount-
ing flange.
NOTE: If cam which drives transfer
Shut off the fuel and disconnect and
pump is at full lift, priming lever cannot be
remove the injection pump. Cap all con-
operated. Turn engine one revolution to
nections as they are loosened to prevent
Fig.0205 — American-Bosch diesel injection pumps used on ONAN engines except later Model DJE
Fig. 0203— View showing bleeding air on Model equipped with Bryce or Kiki injection pump. Model PLB (view A) is fitted to DJA models and model
DJE equipped with Bryce or Kiki injection pump. PSU (view B) is used on all others.
until cylinder ison compression stroke 0206. Subtract 1.670 in. (Port Closing for insertion of a timing button of prop-
and “PC” flywheel mark is aligned. Us- Dimension) from the measured depth to er thickness between pump plunger and
ing a depth micrometer, measure the determine shim pack thickness. Shim tappet. Refer to Fig. 0207. All engines
distance from pump tappet to mounting pack thickness should be 0.006-0.052 are factory-timed and port closing mark
inch. If the calculated thickness does not appears at a point on flywheel which
fall within these limits, recheck may be at 19°, 21° or 25° BTDC de-
measurement and/or check for camshaft pending on production series or
or tappet wear or improper assembly. specification letter of a particular
Shims are available in an installation engine. Coding of timing button and
shim kit which contains all necessary port closing dimension are stamped on
thicknesses. pump flange as shown in Fig. 0208.
Two methods for timing injection
BOSCH MODEL PSU. Models DJB, pumps are used. If pump is renewed,
DJBA, DJC, RDJC, RDJE, RDJEA, procedure number one to time new
RDJF and early Model DJE are pump to engine. Second method is re-
equipped with an American Bosch Model quired if timing dimensions are
PSU injection pump. Maximum injection unavailable or if major parts such as
point (full throttle) and stop control are crankcase, crankshaft or flywheel are
located on injection pump operating renewed.
lever. Adjust full throttle setting during
gradual load increase so that control METHOD I. Shut off fuel supply, dis-
lever just stops at smoke point. connect all lines, unbolt and remove
Minimum stop screw should be set to pump. Protect open lines from dirt and
Fig. 0206 — Use a depth micrometer as shown to
set injection pump timing on model DJA. See just cut off fuel injection at closed throt- damage. Use the following formula to
text. tle position. calculate button thickness:
Port closing dimension (old
pump) 1.109 in.
Fig. 0209— Table of timing button codes and thicknesses. Refer to text for instruction in use of this table.
case. replace plug. IM-
Remove -wire and as necessary, then start and run engine. until fuel flow from line stops. This is
PORTANT: Do not alter thickness of Recheck maximum and minimum throt- port closing point and injection begins.
pump mounting shims. This shim pack tle stops. Check position of mark. If port closing
controls proper mesh of drive gear on (PC) mark and timing pointer are
camshaft and driven gear on pump. H. Begin by installing aligned, the installed timing button is
ring which seals pump body to crankcase pump which has been fitted with stand- correct. If timing pointer is ahead of
should be renewed if defective. Recon- ard timing button which may be blank port closing mark, then timing is early,
nect fuel supply, leakoff and injector (unmarked) or marked No. 11. Refer to and a thinner button is called for. If tim-
lines and throttle linkage. Bleed system Fig. 0211 and remove cap nut from ing pointer falls between PC and TDC
delivery valveand deliver}' valve holder, marks, timing is late and a thicker tim-
then out deliver}* valve spring.
lift ing button is needed. In order to select a
ROTATE FACE GEAR UNTIL Reinstall holder and cap nut. Note that correct button, carefully measure the
early models do not have a delivery space between PC mark and timing
valve holder. pointer. Each 1710-inch (0.1) on flywheel
Now, rotate flywheel in counterclock- circumference is equivalent to
wise direction to a point about 15° 0.003-inch of button thiclaiess.
before port closing mark in compression EXAMPLE: Button installed in pump
stroke of No. 1 cylinder. NOTE: An easy for test is standard: 0.104 inch thick.
way to measure 15° is to count ring gear Flow of fuel stops 0.2 inch after PC
teeth or cooling fins on flywheel, divide mark is passed, indicating late timing.
that number by 24 and lay off resulting Referring to table, Fig. 0209, it will be
number of teeth (or cooling fins) on cir- noted that button of Code 4 or D, Part
cumference of flywheel ahead of port No. 147A150 is 0.110-inch thick or 0.006
closing mark. Mark with chalk. (2 X 0.003) thicker than standard but-
Place fuel control at wide open and ton. Installing this button in place of test
separate injection fuel line from No. 1 button should time injection pump cor-
nozzle. Observe open end of fuel line, rectly.
Fig. 0210— View to illustrate technique for lock- pump priming lever of transfer pump Reinstall delivery valve spring which
ing PSU injection pump when timing engine. while slowly turning Awheel clockwise was removed for this procedure. Torque
delivery valve holder to 65-70 ft.-lbs. and
its cap nut to 55-60 ft.-lbs., then com-
plete injection pump installation and
DELIVERY VALVE test run the engine.
CAP NUT GASKET Fig. 0211 — Exploded view of equipped with a Bryce or Kiki injection
DELIVERY VALVE delivery valve assembly of pump. Bryce and Kiki injection pumps
HOLDER PSU injection pump. Note
are similar with no difference in servic-
(Tor^j* to AS - 70
that only delivery valve
ft- lbs.
spring is removed when us- ing. Refer to Fig. 0212 for view of pump.
ing Method II to time two Injection pump timing should occur at
and four cylinder engines. 14-22 degrees BTDC. Shims between
See text for procedure.
the injection pump and adapter are used
to adjust injection pump timing. If injec-
tion pump, adapter or gasket is new,
DELIVERY VALVE DELIVERY VALVE follow procedure in Method I to time in-
(Torqus to 55-60 fL lbs.)
GASKET jection pump. If pump, adapter or
gasket is not renewed or pump timing is
to be checked, follow timing procedure
in Method II.
Bleed fitting
ARM SHAFT METHOD I. To determine thickness
Fig. 0212— View showing
Bryce or Kiki fuel injection
pump used on later Model
DEVICE Fig. 0213— Measure distance from adapter face
(CAPPED) to base circle of cam
lobe to determine shim
HIGH PRESSURE thickness for correct injection timing. Refer to
of shims for correct injection pump tim- wheel slowly clockwise until fuel just taining screws to 20-24 ft.-lbs. Reinstall
ing, gasket and adapter then
install stops flowing from spill pipe. Injection delivery valve (4 -Fig. 0213), volume
secure adapter with capscrews tight- pump port is now closed and PC mark on reducer (3) and valve spring (13) after
ened to 20-24 ft.-lbs. Using a depth flywheel and timing pointer should be timing adjustment. Tighten delivery
micrometer, measure distance from aligned as in Fig. 0207. If PC
shown valve holder (2) to 29-33 ft.-lbs. on Bryce
adapter face to base circle of either cam- mark is present on flywheel,
not pump or to 44-47 on Kiki pump.
shaft lobe as shown in Fig. 0213. Sub- measure around flywheel rim from TC Injection pump timing for remaining
tract this reading from the standard mark. A distance of 0.1 inch equals one cylinder may be checked using above
dimension of 3.2598 inches and the degree of crankshaft rotation. Ignition procedure. Timing differential between
result is the required shim thickness be- timing is adjusted using shims (See Fig. cylinders should be 2.5 degrees or less.
tween pump and adapter. Note that on 0212) installed between pump and
early DJE models the standard dimen- adapter. Shims are available in thick-
sion is 3.2540 inches and “3.2540” is nesses of 0.002, 0.003, 0.006, 0.010, GOVERNOR (FUEL) SOLENOID.
printed adjacent to pump on engine. 0.014 and 0.018 inch. Tighten pump re- This special-purpose solenoid is an op-
Shims are available in thicknesses of tional item usually associated with two-
0.002, 0.003, 0.006, 0.010, 0.014 and speed governors furnished on diesel
0.018 inch. Tighten pump mounting Wl»l tOCONTIOL engines. It is referred to as a governor
screws to 20-24 ft.-lbs. solenoid because it overrides governor
control of injection pump throttle lever.
METHOD II. If pump, adapter or See Fig. 0215 for typical mounting ar-
gasket have not been renewed, the rangement.
following spill timing procedure may be When solenoid is energized by current
used to check injection pump timing. flowing through its windings, plunger is
Disconnect high pressure fuel line of retained within solenoid body and con-
cylinder being timed from injection trol of throttle is by governor action.
pump. Unscrew delivery valve holder When no current is flowing and solenoid
(2 -Fig. 0214) and remove valve spring de-energizes, then plunger spring forces
(13), volume reducer (3) and delivery plunger outward against throttle arm to
valve (4), then reinstall delivery valve hold throttle closed.
holder (2). Attach a spill pipe made of old
injector line with a gland nut to delivery TESTING. Use a 12-volt input to
valve holder and aim spill pipe at a check operation of solenoid plunger.
receptacle to catch discharged fuel. Series-connected ammeter should indi-
Move fuel control arm toward front of cate about 1 amp through holding coil
engine to full fuel position while simul- when plunger is withdrawn into
taneously holding plunger in on fuel solenoid. If current exceeds1 amp by a
.g :11? :
1218 - _*re governor
standard icnstant spee: sprng Basic
nac.nanism mowing saiusr speei and sensitivity adjustments re-
narrr j/» atm j tr-zaatea sna main me same with variable mgner
iguta-znaten nonets, z erer
speeds set at iesired Leveis bv throttle
to text.
control or solenoid position.
Some larger engine models were
UNLOCKED) equipped with a high temperature safety
switch for protection from overheating.
Switch is normally closed, but opens to direct flow system, water is routed culated around the exhaust manifold
half engine if compartment air directly to the engine block then dis- after passing through the engine block.
temperature rises to 240° F. due to charged. In the standpipe system shown Two 160° F. thermostats contained in
problem incooling system caused by in Fig. 0223, water circulates through housings attached to the cylinder heads
blockage or shutter failure to open. the engine then returns to a standpipe to must open before water enters the
When engine compartment temperature be mixed with fresh, cool water. The water jacket surrounding the exhaust
drops to about 190° F. switch will hottest water rises in the standpipe and manifold. A by-pass line circulates water
automatically close and engine can be re- is drained off. In the wet manifold prior to thermostat opening. On all
started. system shown in Fig. 0224, water is cir- systems, the water discharge line must
be sufficiently large so water flow is not capscrews not tightened. Install intake ing the self-locking nut on rocker arm
impeded. manifold and torque nuts to specifica- support stud as shown in Fig. 0227.
tion, then torque cylinder heads to 44-46
NOTE: An effort of 4-10 ft.-lbs. should
CRANKCASE BREATHER ft.-lbs. observing sequence in Fig. 0226.
be required to turn the nut. Less torque
Adjust valve tappet gap and compres-
would indicate a loss of locking ability
The crankcase breather is located in- sion release linkage as outlined in ap-
and nut should be renewed to prevent a
side the rocker cover as shown in Fig. propriate paragraphs. Cylinder head
change in tappet gap adjustment.
0225. Crankcase breather (41) vents should be retoruqed and valves read-
crankcase fumes into the intake port. In- justed after the first 50 hours of engine
spect breather after every 200 hours of operation.
All renewable insert type valve seats
VALVE TAPPET GAP are stellite, ground to a 45° seat angle.
Intake valves, stellite-faced, are ma-
REPAIRS Valve tappet gap should be set cold
with piston 10° to 45° past TDC on
chined to a 42° face angle and exhaust
valves, also stellite faced, are machine
TIGHTENING TORQUES power stroke. Flywheel can be turned by finished to 45°. These angles must be
removing air intake grille and using a maintained. Manufacturer recommends
Recommended tightening torques for socket wrench on flywheel cap screw. against handlapping which could blunt
all models are as follows. Values are in Correct valve clearance is 0.011 inch for sharp contact at seating surface. Width
ft.-lbs. intake valve and 0.008 inch for exhaust of valve seat band should be 1/32 to
valve on Model DJA. Model DJB, prior 3/64-inch. Valve head margin should be
Connecting rod 27-29 to specification D, calls for both intake at least 1/32-inch. Renew valves when
Cylinder head 44-46 and exhaust valves to be set to 0.004 margin is cut below this minimum.
Exhaust manifold 13-15 inch. Beginning with specification D, in- Hardened valve seats are renewable.
Flywheel 65-70 take valve is set to 0.009 inch and ex- To remove old seat, use ONAN
tool No.
Fuel pump 15-20 haust valve to 0.007 inch. Models DJBA 420A272 mounted in a drill press as
Gear case cover 15-20 and DJC use this 0.009 inch intake and shown in Fig. 0228. Set tool for a
Glow plug 10-15 0.007 inch exhaust valve setting for en- 1/64-inch cut from inner margin of seat.
Injection nozzle 20-21 tire production. Valve clearances are: Rind which remains may be easily peeled
Injection pump 18-21 for Model DJE intake- 0.010 inch, ex- from recess. Use care not to damage
Intake manifold 13-15 haust-0.007 inch; for Model RDJC in- valve seat counterbore.
Rocker arm cover 8-10 take-0.011 inch, exhaust-0.016 inch; In earlier production, exhaust and in-
Rocker arm stud 35-40 for Models RDJE, RDJEA and RDJF in- take valve seat inserts were inter-
take-0.017 inch, exhaust-0.017 inch. changeable, however, for current
CYLINDER HEAD Be sure to move each piston of two models, intake valve seat counterbore
cylinder models past TDC on power diameter is 1.361-1.362 inches and
To remove the cylinder head, it is first stroke before adjusting its valve clear-
necessary on liquid-cooled models to ance.
drain coolant and disconnect interfering For four cylinder models, adjust
hoses. Remove the decompression valves in regular engine firing order
solenoid (DJA only), rocker box cover, (1-2-4-3). To begin, set number one
fuel injector and manifolds. Push rods cylinder on power stroke at 10°-45° past
and push rod tube shields will be loose TDC as just outlined, and adjust both
when head is removed. See Fig. 0225. valves to specification. Then, rotate
Both intake and exhaust valve are crankshaft V2 turn (180°) and set valves
equipped with release type valve rotator of number two cylinder. Adjust valves of
caps. Lift off and identify the caps as number four and number three cylinders
head is removed, so they can be rein- in that order after turning crankshaft
Fig. 0227— Procedure for setting valve clearance
stalledon the same valves when unit is one-half turn before making ad- of valve-ln-head engines. See text for correct
reassembled. Install cylinder heads with justments. Valves are adjusted by turn- valve lash.
diameter for exhaust valve seat is INJECTOR paragraph. Pressure is adjusted by turn-
1.364-1.365 inches. Renewal seat inserts ing pressure adjusting screw shown in
are available in 0.002, 0.005, 0.010 and WARNING: Fuel emerges from injector Fig. 0230. Screw may be turned after
0.025 inch oversizes as well as standard. with sufficient force to penetrate the skin. unscrewing plug and loosening cover.
Hard alloy type must be used for ex- When testing, keep your person clear of Tighten cover to 45-50 ft.-lbs. after final
haust valves. The seat should have the nozzle spray. screw adjustment and reinstall plug.
0.002-0.004 inch interference fit in its Unscrew cover (C) and loosen locknut
bore. When new seats are installed, first All models except later DJE models (L) on Kiki and early Bosch injectors to
clean the counterbore, heat cylinder are equipped with American-Bosch pin- turn adjusting screw. After final screw
head to 325° F. in an oven, and chill tle type injector nozzles. Opening adjustment, tighten locknut (L) and
seats with dry ice. Install immediately. pressure is factory adjusted to cover (C) to 45-50 ft.-lbs. Do not
After seat has been renewed and valve 1900-1950 psi; pressure will decrease to disassemble a unit which can be re-
and seat have been ground, temporarily approximately 1750 psi as the spring turned to service without disassembly.
install the valve. Lay a straight edge takes a set. Later Model DJE is
NOTE: Do not attempt to disassemble,
across gasket surface of cylinder head equipped with Diesel Kiki injection
clean or overhaul an injector unit unless
and measure the clearance between nozzles. Opening pressure is factory ad-
the proper tools are available.
straight edge and valve head. Clearance justed to 2130-2200 psi; pressure may
should be at least 0.030 inch; if it is not, decrease to approximately 1950 psi as Fig. 0230 shows a cross sectional view
valve must be reseated until 0.030 inch the spring takes a set. of nozzle holder and nozzle valve. Be ex-
clearance exists. Overall flatness of If engine does not start or does not tremely careful when nozzle unit is
cylinder head should measure under run properly and the injector is handled, not to strike or damage the
0.003 inch, checked against straight- suspected of being at fault, remove and protruding nozzle valve pintle. Any
edge. reposition the unit where spray pattern damage will deform the spray pattern
Valve stem diameter on all models, is can be observed or attach unit to a noz- and make the unit unfit for further use.
0.3405-0.3410 inch for intake valve and zle tester. Turn engine over with starter Note assembly order in Fig. 0230.
0.3405-0.3415 inch for exhaust valve. or actuate tester handle. Spray pattern
Recommended stem to guide clearance should be conical in shape with a solid INJECTION PUMP
is 0.0015-0.003 inch for intake valve and core as shown in right hand view, Fig.
0.003-0.005 for exhaust. 0229. If spray pattern is ragged or not Model DJA is equipped with an
The straight valve guides are inter- symmetrical or if nozzle drips, install a American Bosch Model PLB injection
changeable for intake and exhaust valve, new or rebuilt unit or disassemble, clean pump, later Model DJE is equipped with
and both must be reamed after installa- and adjust the injector unit. If spray pat- either a Bryce or Kiki injection pump
tion to provide proper valve stem clear- tern is satisfactory and tester unit is while all other models are equipped with
ance. Valve guides should extend available, adjust opening pressure to an American Bosch PSU injection
11/32-inch above machined spring seat pressure specified in preceding pump.
when guide is installed. Ream intake
valve guide to 0.3425-0.3435 inch and
exhaust valve guide to 0.3445-0.03455
inch after installation.
Valve springs are interchangeable for
intake and exhaust valves. Springs have
a free length of 1 7/b inches and should
test 45-49 lbs. at closed length of 1.528
When engine has been reassembled,
adjust valve clearance and compression
release linkage of Model DJA as pre-
viously outlined.
Fig.0229— Comparison views of poor (left) and AIR-COOLED
good (right) injector spray patterns. See text tor
Unless the shop is equipped with the on piston should face front of engine and 0.003-0.005 inch and diesel engine
necessary calibration stand and witness marks aligned. pistons should be renewed if this
overhaul data, disassembly of pump clearance exceeds 0.006 inch in grooves
NOTE: On diesel engines after specifi-
should not be attempted. for chromed top compression rings. End
cation P, valve relief cut-outs on heads of
When injection pump is removed, time gaps should be staggered equally around
pistons are faced in same direction as
and bleed the unit during reinstallation, piston when installing and gap of ring
stamped reference numbers on connect-
and adjust governor linkage, as outlined expander should be opposite (180°) from
ing rod, or bearing insert lock recess if no
in previous MAINTENANCE para- gap of oil control ring. See Fig. 0232.
number is imprinted on rod. Tighten con-
graphs. Tighten injection pump mount- Standard cylinder bore diameter is
necting rod cap screws to 27-29 ft.-lbs.
ing screws alternately and evenly to a 3.4995-3.5005 inches for Models DJE,
torque of 20-24 ft.-lbs. when unit is rein- RDJE, RDJEA and RDJF. Standard
stalled. cylinder bore diameter for all other
RINGS & CYLINDER models is 3.2495-3.2505 inches. Some
WATER PUMP engines are factory equipped with 0.005
Piston is equipped with three com- inch oversize pistons and rings. These
Models RDJC, RDJE, RDJEA and pression rings and one expander type oil engines are identified by an “E” follow-
RDJF equipped with a radiator cooling control ring. Rings are marked “TOP” or ing the serial number. Pistons and rings
system use a water pump to circulate otherwise identified. Recommended end are available in oversizes of 0.005, 0.010,
coolant. Refer to Fig. 0231 for a view of gap is 0.010 inch for all piston rings. 0.020 and 0.030 inch, as well as stand-
pump. Note the external by-pass line to Ring side clearance should be ard. Recommended piston skirt clear-
circulate coolant while thermostat is
Connecting rod and piston unit can be
removed from above after removing
cylinder head and engine oil base.
Manufacturer emphasizes that a ridge Fig. 0232— Piston and con-
reamer be used at top of cylinder bore necting
10. rod assemblies for
diesel engines. Note ring ar-
before attempting to remove piston. The
rangement and refer to text
forged connecting rod contains for other details.
renewable, precision bearings which are
available in undersizes of 0.002, 0.010, 1 . Piston pin retainer
2. Piston pin
0.020 or 0.030 inch as well as standard. 3. Piston
Upper and lower bearing halves are 4. Connecting rod
5. Chrome compression rings
interchangeable. (note bevel placement)
Standard crankpin diameter for all 6. Plain compression ring
7. Oil control ring (cast iron)
models is 2.0597-2.0605 inches with (note vents at bottom)
recommended diametral clearance of 8. Rod cap screw
9. Connecting rod bushing
0.001-0.003 inch. Two bushings are in- Bearing half
#-Scraper recess
stalled in piston pin end of connecting
rod so as to leave an oil groove at center
between bushings which is 1/16 to
7/64-inch wide when outer ends of bush-
ings are pressed flush in bore. Drill a
3/ 16-inch oil hole through bushings at
top end of rod before reaming bushings.
Final sizing of bushings calls for
diametral clearance of 0.0002-0.0007
inch. Standard diameter of piston pin is
0.9899-0.9901 inch with a 0.002 inch
oversize available.
When installing assembled piston and
connecting rod, notch or “FRONT” mark
HOUSING GASKET Fig. 0233 — Cross-section view of crankshaft main bearings to show proper installation. Note rear oil
ance is 0.0015-0.0075 inch when meas-
ured 90° from piston pin. Diameter of
standard piston is 3.493-3.494 inches for
Diameter of standard piston for all other
models is 3.243-3.244 inches. Diameter
is measured just below oil ring groove at
Fig. 0234 — Exploded view of right angles to piston pin.Use a hone fit-
crankshaft and flywheel typ-
ical of “ J ” series. Model DJB
ted with 100 grit stones to rebore a
shown. tapered or out-of-round cylinder. When
1. Crankshaft cylinder is about 0.002 inch from desired
2. Timing gear
3. Retainer washer bore size, finish-hone cylinder wall with
4. Lock ring 300 grit stones to correct inner diameter
5. Flywheel
6. Ring gear being sure to leave a “cross-hatch” pat-
7. Flywheel capscrew tern for satisfactory break in of oversize
8. Timing gear key
9. Flywheel key pistons and rings.
16. Flywheel washer
17. Drive gear key
The crankshaft is supported in two
lead-bronze sleeve bearings pressed into
crankcase and rear bearing plate. Four
cylinder engines have an additional split
center main bearing. Bearings are preci-
sion type and do not require reaming
after installation. Oil holes must be
aligned when bearings are installed, as
shown in Fig. 0233. Crankshaft thrust
washers are retained by lock pins as
Crankshaft main journal diameter is
2.2437-2.2445 inches. Crankpin
diameter is 2.0597-2.0605 inches.
Recommended crankpin bearing clear-
ance is 0.001-0.0033 inch and recom-
mended main bearing clearance is
Fig. 02 35 — Exploded view of camshaft and governor sensor assemblies. Diesel Model DJB isshown. 0.0020-0.0033 for DJAand DJB,
Camshaft Thrust washer Injection pump drive
Block assembly
Bearing plate
4. End main bearings
'4A. Center main bearing
*4B. Bolt, center main
•4C. Pin, center main
5. Thrust washer pin
6. Thrust washer
7. Cam bearing, front
8. Cam bearing, rear
*8A. Cam bearing, center
9. Oil tube
10. Camshaft plug
12. Crank seal, rear
13. Bearing piate bolt
14. Oilfill tube
15. Gasket
16. Cap & gage
17. Cap gasket
18. Breather tube cap
19. Breather tube
21. Baffle
22. Oil base
24. Drain plug
27. Gear cover dowel
“Four-cylinder models
Fig. 0236 — Exploded view of cylinder, crankshaft and oil base assemblies typical of this engine
series. Model DJBA is shown.
Models DJC, RDJC and RDJF. Main Tighten rear bearing plate retaining Space between seal lips should be filled
and rod bearings are available in under- cap screws to a torque of 40-45 ft.-lbs. with cup or fiber grease before installing
sizes of 0.002, 0.010, 0.020 and 0.030 when reassembling engine. Tighten oil over crankshaft ends.
inch as well as standard. Crankshaft base mounting screws to 32-38 ft.-lbs. Engines equipped with some types of
thrust washers are available in standard Refer to Figs. 0234 through 0236 for drive reduction gears do not have a rear
thicknesses only, and crankshaft end typical exploded views of engine assem- oil seal as engine oil also lubricates gear
play of 0.010-0.015 inch is controlled by blies. assemblies. See instruction plate on
varying the thickness of gasket pack be- Front crankshaft oil seal is set into reduction drive housing for details.
tween rear main bearing plate and timing gear cover and rear seal is fitted
crankcase. If more than 0.015 inch total into crankshaft bearing plate. If renewal CENTER MAIN BEARING. All four
gasket thickness is required, use one or is required, old seals are driven out from cylinder models have a third main bear-
more steel shims to avoid excessive inner side after cover and/or plate have ing. Specifications for center main jour-
gasket compression. been removed using properly fitted driv- nal and bearings are the same as for
If crankpin journal must be resized, ing tool. New seals are installed with front and rear mains. Refer to Fig. 0237
crankpin fillets must be shot peened to open side facing inward; front seal is for details of assembly. Upper bearing
relieve metal stress. Renew crankshaft driven flush with outer side of gear half is rotated into position while turn-
instead of regrinding if facilities for cover and rear seal should bottom flush ing crankshaft. Be sure “FRONT” on
shot-peening are not available. with rear surface of bearing end plate. bearing housing faces toward crank-
shaft gear and that oil passages are
aligned. After installing position dowels,
lower-half bearing insert and center
main bearing cap, torque capscrews to
97-102 ft.-lbs.
PLACE UPPER BEARING HOUSING The camshaft gear is a press fit on
/ ., i
Fig. 0238 — Correct placement of front and rear
camshaft bearings. These are precision bear-
ings, not to be bored or reamed. Available in
standard size only.
journal is 1.1875-1.880 inches. Four rearward and crankshaft pulled for- There are no procedures for adjustment
cylinder engines have a three-bearing ward. If clearance is excessive, renew of this starter.
camshaft. Center journal diameter is spacer washer (1) or crankshaft washer Service is generally limited to cleaning
1.2580-1.2582 inches. (3). and careful lubrication, renewal of start-
Governor weight unit is mounted on ing motor brushes (4 used), brush ten-
camshaft gear and governor cup rides OIL PUMP sion springs and starter motor and drive
on a center pin pressed into camshaft as housing bearings. See STARTER
shown Check the distance
in Fig. 0239. The engine is fully pressure lubricated MOTOR TESTS for electrical check-out
center pin extends from front face of and all oil is circulated through a full procedures for starter armature and
camshaft gear. Distance must be flow filter. Oil pressure should be 25 psi field windings.
25/32-inch as shown to give the proper or higher with engine at operating speed Solenoid-shift style starter (B-Fig.
travel to governor cup. Governor cup and temperature. 0242) uses a coil solenoid to shift starter
must be a free spinning fit on center pin. The gear type oil pump is driven by pinion into mesh with flywheel ring gear
Renew the cup if race surface is grooved timing gear and is accessible after and an over-running (one-way) clutch to
or rough, or if cup is excessively loose on removing gear cover and oil base. The ease disengagement of pinion from fly-
center pin. Renew any flyballs if they by-pass valve is located in rear bearing wheel as engine starts and runs.
have flat spots, grooves, or rust pitting. plate and retained by a socket head pipe
Starter clutch will burn out if
Center pin must be renewed if removed plug.
held contact with flywheel for overlong
from camshaft for any reason.
periods. Starter switch must be released
When reinstalling the camshaft, align ELECTRIC STARTERS
quickly as engine starts.
timing marks as shown in Fig. 0240. In-
stall crankshaft washer and snap ring, Two styles of battery-driven electric All parts of starter are available for
then check camshaft end play as shown starter motors are used. Bendix-drive service. Solenoid unit and starter clutch
in Fig. 0241. Clearance (Y) should be starter shown at A -Fig. 0242 is de- are renewed as complete assemblies.
0.007-0.039 inch with camshaft pushed signed to engage teeth of flywheel ring
gear when starter switch is depressed to
close circuit causing starter motor to
turn. Engagement of starter pinion with
ring gear by means of spiral shaft screw
within Bendix pinion is cushioned by ac-
tion of its coiled drive spring so that
starting motor can absorb the sudden
loading shock of engagement. Engine
manufacturer recommends that com-
plete Bendix drive unit be renewed in
case of failure, however, if a decision is
made to overhaul starter drive by ob-
taining parts from manufacturer of the
starter (Prestolite), be sure that correct
drive spring is used. Length of spring is
0240 — Align crankshaft and camshaft tim- critical to mesh and engagement of
Fig. Fig. 0243 — Check starter pinion to ring gear
ing marks as shown when installing camshaft. starter pinion to flywheel ring gear. clearance as shown. Adjustment details in text.
Refer to Figs. 0243 and 0244 for ad- to armature shaft as installed in hous- grounding to shaft (or core) using ohm-
justment check points to measure fly- ing. To adjust pinion clearance against meter setup as shown in Fig. 0246. A
wheel ring gear to starter pinion pinion stop (Fig. 0244), remove mount- low (Rxl scale) continuity reading in-
clearance and the gap between pinion ing screws which attach solenoid dicates that armature is grounded and
and pinion stop on starter shaft. Starter magnetic coil to front bracket and pinion renewal is necessary.
pinion to ring gear clearance (Fig. 0243) housing assembly and select a proper It is good procedure to mount ar-
is adjusted during starter assembly by thickness of fiber packing gaskets to set mature on a test bench or between lathe
proper selection of spacer washers fitted required clearance. Be sure that plunger centers to check for runout of com-
is pressed inward as shown when mutator or shaft. If shaft is worn badly,
measuring. renewal is recommended. If com-
Starting motor brushes require mutator runout exceeds 0.004 inch,
renewal when worn away by 0.3 inch. reface by turning.
Original brush length is 0.55 inches.
Commutator must be clean and free GROUNDED FIELD COILS. Refer
from oil. Use No. 00 sandpaper to clean to Fig. 0247 and touch one ohmmeter
and lightly polish segments of com- probe to a clean, unpainted spot on
mutator; never use emery cloth or any frame and the other to connector as
abrasive which may have a metallic con- shown, after unsoldering field coil shunt
tent. Starter motor commutators do not wire. A low range reading (Rxl scale) in-
0.02-0 06 Clearance
need to have mica separators between
segments undercut. Mica may be flush
with surface.
dicates grounded coil winding. Be sure
to check for possible grounding at con-
nector lead which can be corrected,
Fig. 0244 — Measure clearance between starter while grounded field coil cannot be re-
pinion and pinion stop with feeler gage as STARTER MOTOR TESTS paired and calls for renewal.
Place armature in growler as shown in
cedure shown in Fig. 0248 and check all
Fig. 0245 and hold a hack saw blade or
four brush holders for continuity. If
similar piece of thin steel stock above
there is no continuity or if a high
and parallel to core. Turn growler “ON”.
resistance reading appears, renewal is
A short circuit is indicated by vibration
of blade and attraction to core. If this
condition appears, renew armature.
NO-LOAD TEST. When starter is
Fig. 0246— Test for grounded armature com- Fig. 0249 — Schematic bench test of starting
mutator by placing ohmmeter test probes as Fig. 0248— Ohmmeter used to check for breaks motor. Note that ammeter is connected In series
shown. Probe shown touching shaft may also be or opens in field coil windings. Be sure to check with load and voltmeter is connected “across”
held against core. See text. lead wires. the load-in parallel. Refer to text tor test values.
armature is wired as shown in Fig. 0250. mechanical regulator to a full-wave rec- connected across open leads to check for
This starting procedure may be used tifier which converts this regulated correct resistance values. Identify leads
on Model DJA. In cases where exciter alternating current to direct current for by reference to schematic.
cranking is inoperative, due to battery battery charging. Later models are From lead 7 to lead 8 0.25 ohms
failure or other cause, unit may be start- equipped with a fuse between negative From lead 8 to lead 9 0.95 ohms
ed by use of a manual rope starter. In (-) side of rectifier and ground to pro- From lead 9 to lead 7 1.10 ohms
some cases, a recoil type “Readi-Pull” tect rectifier from accidental reversal of Variance by over 25% from these
starter may be furnished for standby battery polarity. See schematic, Fig. values calls for renewal of stator.
use. 0252. Maintenance services are limited
In case exciter cranking system will to keeping components clean and insur- RECTIFIER TESTS. Use an ohm-
not operate, isolate starter solenoid ing that wire connections are secure. meter connected across a pair of ter-
switch and battery from DC field wind- minals as shown in Fig. 0253. All rec-
ings and perform a routine continuity TESTING. Check alternator output tifier leads should be disconnected when
check of all components by use of a volt-
ohmmeter. See Fig. 0250 for possible
test points. If problem does not become
apparent as caused by battery (low
voltage), defective starter solenoid,
short or open circuit in lead wires or DC
brushes, it will be necessary to check out
Fig.0252 — Schematic of fly-
wheel alternator circuits for
location of test and check
points. Refer to text for pro-
Fig. 0253— Test each of four
diodes in rectifier using Volt-
Ohmmeter hook-up as
shown. See text for proce-
Fig. 0251 — Typical
flywheel alternator she TERMINALS
exploded view. In some models, regulator (6) /•
testing. Check directional resistance on bulkhead or firewall separate from just. Lubricate according to instructions
through each of the four diodes by com- engine for protection from shock and on unit plate.
paring resistance reading when test pulsating motion.
leads are reversed. One reading should
Engine should not be run with battery
be much higher than the other.
disconnected, however, this alternator
NOTE: Forward-backward ratio of a system will not be damaged if battery
Typical reduction gear unit is shown in
diode is on the order of several hundred terminal should be accidentally
Fig. 0255. Ratio of 1:4 is common in in-
ohms. separated from binding post.
dustrial applications. Lubrication calls
If a 12-V test lamp is used instead of for use of SAE 50 weight motor oil or
an ohmmeter, bulb should light, but dim-
CLUTCH SAE 90 gear oil. Refer to instructions
ly. Full bright or no light at all indicates printed on gear case for guidance. In
When optional Rockford clutches are
that diode being tested is defective. most cases, a total of six plugs are fitted
furnished with these engines, an adapter
Voltage regulator may be checked for into case for lubricant fill or level check.
flange is fitted to engine output shaft for
high charge rate by installing a jumper Plug openings to be used are determined
mounting clutch unit and a variety of
lead across regulator terminals (B and by positioning of gear box in relation to
housings are used dependent upon ap-
C-Fig. 0252). With engine running, horizontal or vertical. It is recommend-
plication and model of engine or clutch
battery charge rate should be about 8 ed that square plug heads be cut off
used. Refer to Fig. 0254 for guidance in
amperes. If charge rate is low, then those plugs not to be used to fill, check
adjustment and proceed as follows:
alternator or its wiring is defective. or drain so as to eliminate chance of er-
Remove plate from top of housing and
If charge rate is correct (near 8 amps), ror by overfill or underfill. All parts
rotate engine manually until lock screw
defective regulator or its power circuit is shown are available for renewal if need-
(1-Fig. 0254) is at top of ring (2) as
indicated. To check, use a 12-V test lamp ed in overhaul.
shown. Loosen lock screw and turn ad-
to check input at regulator terminal (A).
justing ring clockwise (as facing through NOTE: In some installations, no shaft
If lamp lights, showing adequate input,
clutch toward engine) until toggles can- seal is fitted between engine crankcase
regulator is defective and should be re-
not be locked over center. Then, turn and reduction gear housing. In these
ring in reverse direction until toggles cases, with a common oil supply, engine
NOTE: Regulator, being mechanical, is can just be locked over center by a very oil lubricates gears and bearings of reduc-
sensitive to vibration.Be sure to mount it firm pull on operating lever. If a new tion gear unit and gear oil is not used. Be
clutch plate has been installed, slip sure to check nameplate or operator’s
under load to knock off “fuzz” and read- manual.
Fig. 0255 — Exploded view of typical reduction gear set. See text for service details.
Housing & cover 7. Shims 12. Bearing cup 17. Bearing spacer
Fig. 0254 — Procedure for adjustment of Rock- Dowel pins (2) 8. Oil seal 13. Bearing cone 18. Shaft
ford clutch. Gasket (engine) 9. Pinion washer 14. Driven gear 19. Key
1. Ring lock & screw Cover gasket 10. Pinion key 15. Gear key 20. Bearing cone
2. Adjuster ring 3. Clutch lever Bearing retainer 11. Pinion gear 16. Snap ring 21. Bearing cup
One Peugeot Plaza
Lyndhurst, New Jersey 07071
engines. Models XD2PS and XD2PT are Roto Diesel injection pump, turn idle
turbocharged. All engines have a cast speed screw (I - Fig. Pl-2). Adjust throt-
iron cylinder block and aluminum tle stop screw so engine decelerates to
Recommended oil is API classification
cylinder head. idle speed without stalling. Note on
CD. be SAE 30 for
Oil viscosity should
Cylinders are numbered 1 through 4 fixed speed engines that an electrical
ambient temperatures above 15° C. (59°
with number 1 cylinder nearest fly- device stops engine, however, in case
F.), SAE 20 for ambient temperatures
wheel. Firing order is 1-3-4-2. Crank- electrical stop device malfunctions, idle
between minus 7° C. (20° F.) and plus
shaft rotation is counterclockwise at fly- lever stop (P) may be rotated so idle
15° C. (59° F.), and SAE 10 for ambient
wheel end.
temperatures below minus 7° C. (20°
speed lever will completely close pump
fuel circuit thereby stopping engine.
The engineis equipped with a
pressurized system. Oil pressure at
working speed should be 300 kPa with
oil temperature at 80° C. (176° F.).
FUEL FILTER. The fuel filter
should be drained after every 50 hours
of operation or more often to remove
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT contaminants. Filter element should be
renewed after every 200 hours of opera-
Low idle speed should be 700-750 rpm tion.
on Models XDP 4.88 and XDP 4.90,
800-850 rpm on Model XD2P 4.94 and BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. To bleed
750-800 rpm on Models XD2PS and
Low idle speed on models equipped
with Bosch fuel injection pump is ad-
justed by turning screw (I -Fig. Pl-1).
To adjust low idle speed on engines
equipped with a Roto Diesel injection
pump and variable speed control, be
Fig. PI-1 — Low late speed on Bosch fuel injec- sure idle speed control is set for slow idle
tion pump is adjusted by turning screw (I). speed (not fast idle) and turn adjuster at
fuel system on engines equipped with To bleed fuel system on engines locate piston at firing position noted in
Roto Diesel injection pump, open fuel equipped with Bosch injection pump, following table:
tank valve and fuel filter bleed screw open fuel tank valve and open bleed
(B-Fig. Pl-5). Operate pump handle (P) screw (1-Fig. Pl-6). Operate filter Piston
until air-free fuel flows from bleed screw pump handle (P) until air-free fuel is dis- Degrees Position
hole. Close filter bleed screw. Open fuel charged from hose (H), then close bleed Model BTDC BTDC
injection pump bleed screw and operate screw (1). Open screw (2) and operate
filter pump handle until air-free fuel ex- pump handle until resistance is felt, then XDP 4.88* 24° 4.29-4.39 mm
its pump bleed screw hole. Close pump close screw. Loosen injection pump inlet XDP 4.90 25° 4.86-4.96 mm
bleed screw. Loosen fuel injection lines fitting and allow fuel to flow until air is XD2P 4.94 24° 4.49-4.59 mm
at injectors. With throttle open, rotate expelled then tighten fitting.Loosen XD2PS,XD2PT 0.78-0.82 mm
engine until air-free fuel flows from in- fuel injection lines at injectors. With
jection lines, then reconnect lines. throttle open, rotate engine until air- * Timing specifications in table are for
free fuel flows from injection lines, then Model XDP 4.88 engines which operate
reconnect lines. at speeds in excess of 3000 rpm. For
Model XDP 4.88 engines operated at
INJECTION PUMP TIMING. 3000 rpm or less, degrees BTDC are 15°
Number 4 piston must be placed in firing and piston position BTDC is 1.67-1.77
position to check injection timing or in- mm.
stall and time injection pump. To deter- After number 4 piston has been placed
mine piston position, remove valve cover in timing position, refer to appropriate
and without dislodging push rod from following section. Stamp timing marks
tappet, disconnect exhaust rocker arm on engine for future reference.
of number from push rod.
4 cylinder
Rotate rocker arm away from number 4 ROTO DIESEL PUMP. With number
cylinder exhaust valve. Using a suitable 4 piston in firing position as previously
spring compressor, remove exhaust outlined, remove pump inspection plate
valve spring. Allow exhaust valve to rest (1 - Fig. Pl-8) and note timing groove (2)
on piston then mount a dial gage so gage in pump drive sleeve. If pump is
contacts valve stem thereby reading separated from engine, rotate drive
piston travel.Be sure valve does not gear so groove (2) is aligned with timing
Fig. PI -6— View of fuel filter used on models bind in valve guide. Rotate engine so pin guide (3). If pump is mounted on
equipped with Bosch fuel Injection pump. number 4 piston is on compression and engine, groove (2) should be near timing
pin guide (3), if not, remove pump and
rotate drive gear. Install timing pin
(6-Fig. Pl-9) and dial gage as shown in
Fig. Pl-10. If not installed, mount
pump on engine and tighten support
plate screws to 19.6-24.5 m. Pump re- N •
XDP 4.88,
ing screws so pump
secure but is Connecting rod 51.5-61.2 XDP 4.90 *0.15-0.20 *0.25-0.30
rotatable. If not previously marked, Cylinder head XD2P 4.94 0.30-0.35 0.30-0.35
stamp marks on block arid flywheel or With flanged injectors 63.7-73.5 XD2PS,XD2PT 0.15 -
pulley to indicate number 4 piston tim- With threaded injectors
ing position. Rotate crankshaft and zero XDP 4.88, XDP 4.90 58.8 ‘Initial adjustment after cylinder head
dial gage at bottom dead center of pump XD2P 4.94, XD2PS, XD2PT . 78.4
. . installation on models with flanged in-
plunger travel. Rotate crankshaft and Exhaust manifold 19.6-24.5 jectors is: intake 0.25-0.30 mm; exhaust
return to number 4 piston timing posi- Flywheel 0.35-0.40 mm. After 20 to 50 hours
tion. Rotate pump so dial gage indicates XDP 4.88 63.7-68.6 operation, readjust to table specifica-
0.29-0.31 mmand tighten pump screws All other models 73.5-78.4 tions.
to 14.7-19.6 N-m. Timing marks should Injection pump 14.7-19.6
be stamped on pump support plate and Injection pump gear ROCKER ARMS AND SHAFT
mounting flange for future reference. Bosch 4. 9-7.
Remove timing tools. Roto Diesel 21.6-25.4 R&R AND OVERHAUL. Remove
Injection pump support plate . . 19.6-24.5 valve cover for access to rocker arm
COOLING SYSTEM Injector shaft assembly. Unscrew retaining nuts
Flange type 14.7-19.6 and lift off rocker shaft. Push rods may
All engines are liquid cooled and Threaded type 88.2 be removed by carefully separating push
equipped with a water pump to circulate Intake manifold 19.6-24.5 rod from tappet so tappet does not leave
coolant. Due to aluminum construction Main bearing 98-117.6 its bore.
of cylinder head, an ethylene glycol Oil pan 7.4-12.2 Rocker arms and shaft are lubricated
based antifreeze solution or anti- Oil pump cover 4. 9-7. by engine oil routed through an external
corrosive additive should be used in Rocker shaft See text oil line to cylinder head, then through an
coolant. Timing gear cover 7.4-12.2 oil passageway to oil sleeve (4 -Fig.
Thermostat opening temperature is Water pump 7.4-12.2 Pl-13).
65° C. (149° F.). Water pump pulley nut 29.4-39.2 Minimum rocker shaft diameter is
18.96 mm. Rocker arm bushing is re-
REPAIRS When assembling rocker shaft
Compression pressure should be assembly, install sleeve (4) on shaft so
TIGHTENING TORQUES 300-400 kPa with engine temperature chamfered hole in shaft is aligned with
approximately 80° C (176° F.) and screw hole in sleeve. Place copper
Refer to following table for tightening
crankshaft rotated with starter. washer (6) on oil sleeve locating screw
torques. All values are in newton
(5) then install and tighten screw to
WATER PUMP 4. 9-7. 3 N m. Note that washers (3) and
and on models so equipped, tighten piston height above block surface with Before conducting test, operate tester
outer rocker shaft stand screws to 19.6 piston at TDC. If piston standout is lever until test oil flows, then attach in-
N m. Remove shims from rocker shaft lower than 0.84 mm
on Model XD2P jector. Close valve to tester gage and
ends and be sure rocker arms rotate 4.94 or lower than 0.79 mm
on Models pump tester lever a few quick strokes to
freely. XD2PS or XD2PT, install 1.58 mm
thick be sure nozzle valve is not stuck, which
head gasket. If piston standout is higher would indicate that injector may be ser-
CYLINDER HEAD than 0.84 mmon Model XD2P 4.94 or viceable without disassembly.
higher than 0.79 mm
on Models XD2PS Opening pressure is adjusted by turn-
R&R AND OVERHAUL. Drain or XD2PT, install 1.70 mm
thick head ing adjusting nut (2 -Fig. Pl-16). Refer
coolant, then detach coolant hoses and gasket. Tighten screws in two steps to to following table for opening pressure
water pump belt. If desired, remove torque listed in TIGHTENING on Roto Diesel injection nozzles:
water pump. Disconnect fuel injection TORQUES section.
lines, remove injectors and cap or plug Injector Opening
fuel openings to prevent contamination. Type Pressure (MPa)
Disconnect glow plug wire. Remove in-
take and exhaust manifolds. Detach ex-
Both valves ride in renewable valve
RDN OSDC 6577 11 0 - 12.0
and cut off quickly with no fluid leakage 3. Washer 7. Nozzle nut
ness (F) is 3.975-4.025 mm while height (H) is 4. Spring 8. Nozzle valve
18.50-18.80 mm. at seat. 5. Injector body 9. Nozzle
OVERHAUL. Hard or sharp tools, injectors; refer to Roto Diesel section TURBOCHARGER
emery cloth, compound or
grinding while noting the following.
other than approved solvents or lapping Opening pressure for Bosch injectors Models XD2PS And XD2PT
compounds must never be used. An ap- should be 11.0-12.0 MPa (1594-1739 psi)
proved nozzle cleaning kit is available on Models XDP 4.90 and XD2P 4.94, or A Garret AiResearch Model T03
through a number of specialized sources. 12.5-13.5 MPa (1812-1957 psi) on Models turbocharger is used on Models XD2PS
Wipe all dirt and loose carbon from ex- XD2PS and XD2PT. Opening pressure and XD2PT. Refer to Fig. Pl-18 for a
terior of nozzle and holder. Refer to Fig. is adjusted by varying thickness of shim
cutaway drawing of turbocharger. Oil to
Pl-16 for a cross-sectional view of injec- (2 -Fig. Pl-17). lubricate and cool turbocharger bearings
is provided by pressurized engine oil
Secure injector body a soft jawed
(5) in GLOW PLUGS routed through an external oil line.
vise or holding fixture and disassemble Return oil is directed to a fitting in side
injector, being careful not to drop or Each equipped with a glow
cylinder is of engine block.
damage nozzle valve Place all parts
(8). plug. Glow
plugs are connected in The turbocharger is equipped with an
in a clean calibrating oil or diesel fuel as parallel with each glow plug grounded integral wastegate which regulates tur-
they are removed using a compart- through mounting threads. Before bocharger at a maximum pressure of 60
mented pan and using extra care to keep suspecting a glow plug malfunction, kPa. The wastegate valve (V-Fig.
parts from each injector together and determine that current is reaching glow Pl-19) is seated in turbine housing by
separate from other units. plugs. To check individual glow plugs, spring (S) with the valve stem attached
Clean exterior surfaces with a brass remove electrical strap between glow to diaphragm (D). When pressure in
wire brush, soaking in an approved car- plugs. With negative battery terminal compressor housing (C) reaches 60 kPa,
bon solvent if necessary, to loosen hard grounded to engine, connect a test light diaphragm (D) overcomes spring
carbon deposits. Rinse parts in clean between positive battery terminal and pressure and moves the valve off its
diesel fuel or calibrating oil immediately glow plug electrode. If test light turns seat. Exhaust gases bypass the turbo-
after cleaning to neutralize the solvent on, then glow plug is good. If test light charger turbine thereby reducing tur-
and prevent etching of polished sur- remains off, then glow plug is defective bine and compressor speed which results
faces. Tighten nozzle nut (7) to 63.7 and must be renewed. in reduced pressure in compressor hous-
unit assembly as overhaul is accom- tensioner body (5) and shoe (6) is 0.5-1.
plished at factory. When installing mm. Tighten idler retaining nut to 49 All Models So Equipped
turbocharger, oil cavity of center hous- N m. Turn tensioner adjusting screw (S)
ing should be filled with oil and oil line so shoe (6) bounces against chain. Crankshaft, camshaft and idler gears
from engine should be primed with oil. Loosen rubbing block (1) nuts and place are accessible after removing timing
This procedure is necessary to prevent a straightedge on chain from camshaft gear cover. Remove injection pump to
dry starting of turbocharger and possi- to injection pump sprockets to back up service injection pump
drive gear.
ble early failure of bearings. chain. Press rubbing block (1) against To install camshaft gear, heat gear to
chain and tighten nuts. 250° C. (482° F.) prior to installation on
TIMING CHAIN camshaft end. There must be 0.05-0.15
AND SPROCKETS REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Tim mm clearance between camshaft re-
ing chain and sprockets are accessible tainer and gear hub.
All Models So Equipped after removing chain cover. The injec- End play of idler gear on idler shaft
tion pump must be removed if chain and should be 0.05-0.35 mm.
CHAIN TENSION ADJUSTMENT. sprockets are to be removed. Loosen Timing gears are stamped with timing
Chain slack is removed during engine idler sprocket retaining nut and rotate marks which must be aligned during
operation by a hydraulically actuated idler eccentric to loosen chain. Unscrew assembly. Tighten timing cover screws
chain tensioner (5- Fig. Pl-20) which injection pump sprocket (2 -Fig. Pl-20) and nuts to 7.4-12.2 N-m. Install injec-
uses pressurized engine oil to force chain then remove sprocket while disengaging tion pump as previously outlined.
tensioner shoe (6) against the timing chain. If required, remove camshaft,
chain. crankshaft, and idler sprockets.
To adjust chain tensioner, loosen idler Refer to Fig. Pl-21 for a cross-
(3) Turn idler eccentric
retaining nut. sectional view of injection pump
counterclockwise so gap between chain sprocket carrier. If sprocket or carrier R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
assembly is renewed, check clearance oilpump, remove oil pan, then unscrew
flange screw (F-Fig. PI -25) and taper
between sprocket hub and timing chain
cover with gasket installed. Clearance screw (R). Oil pump is serviced as a unit
should be 0.06-0.94 mm. assembly.
The camshaft sprocket must be heated To install pump, insert pump into
cylinder block so taper hole in body is
to 250° C. (482° F.) prior to installation
aligned with taper screw (R) and install
on camshaft end. There must be
0.05-0.15 mm clearance between cam-
screw with copper washer. Tighten
shaft sprocket hub and camshaft re-
screw to 19.6-24.5 N-m. Install flange
screw (F) without a gasket and lightly
tighten. Measure gap between flange
Notein Fig. Pl-22 the three timing
mark configurations used on the crank-
screw (F) and boss as shown in Fig.
Pl-25. Select and install a shim
shaft sprocket of new engines. Replace-
0.05-0.10 mm thicker than measured
ment crankshaft sprockets have only
gap. Tighten flange screw to 79-98 N m.
one timing mark.
PISTON AND ROD UNITS compression rings should be 0.30-0.45 chain.Unscrew camshaft retainer plate
mm on Model XDP 4.88, 0.38-0.63 mm screws and withdraw camshaft.
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. on Model XDP 4.90, 0.35-0.60 on mm Camshaft journal diameter is
Piston and connecting rod may be re- Model XD2P 4.94 and 0.25-0.45 on mm 41.925-49.950 mm. Camshaft bearing
moved after removing cylinder head and Models XD2PS and XD2PT. Oil control clearance should be 0.05-0.11 mm.
oil pump. Unscrew rod cap retaining ring end gap should be 0.15-0.30 on mm Standard tappet diameter is 23.95-23.96
nuts, remove rod cap and extract piston Models XD2P 4.94, XD2PS and XD2PT. mm. Oversize tappets with a diameter of
and rod. Oil control ring on Models XDP 4.88 and 24.15-24.16 mm
are available. Tappet
Connecting rod marks and indentation XDP 4.90 must not be altered. clearance should be 0.04-0.08 mm.
in piston crown must be on same side. To install camshaft, reverse removal
Install piston and rod so piston crown in- PISTON PIN procedure. Be sure camshaft journals
dentation is towards injection pump side and lobes are adequately lubricated.
of engine. Tighten rod nuts to 51.5-61.2 A full floating piston pin is used in all Referto TIMING GEARS AND
N-m models. Piston pin diameter is SPROCKETS or TIMING GEARS sec-
30.000-30.006 mm
for Models XD2PS tion to install camshaft sprocket or gear.
PISTON AND RINGS and XD2PT or 28.000-28.006 mm for all Be sure camshaft journals and lobes are
other models. adequately lubricated. Align gear timing
Model XDP 4.88 and XDP 4.90 pistons marks on models so equipped. Tighten
are equipped with three compression CONNECTING ROD camshaft retainer plate screws to
rings and an oil control ring. Model AND BEARINGS 14.7-19.6 N-m. On models equipped
XD2P 4.94, XD2PS and XD2PT pistons with a timing chain, refer to TIMING
are equipped with two compression Connecting rods are equipped with a CHAIN AND SPROCKETS section and
rings and an oil control ring. renewable bushing in the small end and install chain. Refer to OIL PUMP sec-
Pistons of Models XDP 4.88 and XDP insert type bearings in the big end. tion for pump installation.
4.90 are classed “A” or “B” according to Bushing inner diameter is 30.007-30.020
piston size. Piston size should be mm on Models XD2PS and XD2PT or CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS
matched with cylinder liner. Refer to 28.007-28.020 mm on all other models.
CYLINDER LINER section. Piston Clearance between big end bearing and R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove
class letter is stamped on piston crown. crankpin should be 0.040-0.092 mm on crankshaft, remove flywheel and timing
Class A piston diameter is 87.700-87.730 all models. Rod side play should be gear or chain cover. Remove timing
mm for Model XDP 4.88 and 0.010-0.025 mm. chain on models so equipped. Remove
89.705-89.735 mm
for Model XDP 4.90. Connecting rods are graded according pistons and rods. The crankshaft can be
Class B piston diameter is 87.720-87.750 to weightand stamped with a number (1 removed after detaching main bearing
mm for Model XDP 4.88 and 89.725- through 5) or letter (A through H). caps.
89.755 mm forModel XDP 4.90. Piston Renew rod with one of same weight Standard main journal diameter is
diameter is measured perpendicular to grade. 54.994-55.021 mm. Main bearing
piston pin, 74 mm from bottom of piston clearance should be 0.040-0.098 mm for
skirt. Piston clearance should be CAMSHAFT AND TAPPETS all journals. Undersize main bearings
0.27-0.32 mm for Model XDP 4.88 or are available.
0.295-0.315 mm for Model XDP 4.90 us- R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove Crankshaft end play is controlled by
ing piston diameter previously listed. camshaft, remove valve cover and push thrust washers attached to center main
Pistons of Models XD2P 4.94, XD2PS rods. Remove tappet cover and extract bearing. Crankshaft end play should be
and XD2PT are classed “A” through ‘H” '
tappets.Remove oil pan and oil pump. 0.08-0.29 mm. Thrust washers are
according to piston Piston class let-
size. Detach timing chain or gear cover, and available in thicknesses of 2.30-2.33 and
ter is stamped on piston crown. Class A on models so equipped, remove timing 2.50-2.53 mm. Install thrust washers
pistons are standard size while class C, with smooth side towards main bear-
E and G pistons are major oversize ings.
pistons. Class B, C, F and H pistons are Crankpin standard journal diameter is
slightly larger than standard or oversize 54.994-55.021 mmon Models XD2PS
pistons. For instance, a class C piston is and XD2PT, and 49.984-50.011 on all
0.200 mm oversize and a class D piston other models. Rod bearing undersizes
is 0.215 mm larger than standard. are available.
Where possible, the slightly larger To install crankshaft, reverse removal
piston may be installed without boring procedure. Tighten main bearing cap
to the next oversize. Measure piston screws to 98-117.6 N-m. Rolling torque
diameter perpendicular to piston pin, necessary to turn crankshaft with
76.5 mm from bottom of piston skirt on pistons installed should not exceed 58.8
Model XD2P 4.94 or 73.4 mm
from bot- N-m.
tom of piston skirt on Models XD2PS
and XD2PT. Piston clearance should be CYLINDER LINER
0.34-0.39 mm on Model XD2P 4.94 or
0.37-0.42 mm on Models XD2PS and Models XDP 4.88 and XDP 4.90
Top piston ring end gap should be Models XDP 4.88 and XDP 4.90 are
0.30-0.45 mmon Model XDP 4.88, equipped with wet type cylinder liners.
0.38-0.63 mm on Model XDP 4.90, Cylinder liner lower end is sealed by a
0.40-0.65 mm on Model XD2P 4.94 and Fig. i — Measureclearance between flange
rubber ring. Cylinder liner standout
0.25-0.45 mm on Models XD2PS and screw and boss as outlined in text. Taper above block surface should be
XD2PT. Piston ring end gap for middle aw (R) holds oil pump in block.
0.025-0.085 mm. tom of bore with one or two notches. Model XDP 4.88 or 90.00-90.02 mm for
Cylinder liners are classed according Class “A” cylinder liners have one notch Model XDP 4.90. Cylinder liner bore
to bore size to match with pistons. Refer and class “B” cylinder liners have two diameter of class B liners is 88.02-88.04
to PISTON AND RINGS section. The notches. Cylinder liner bore diameter of mm for Model XDP 4.88 or 90.02-90.04
liner is marked on the outer edge at bot- class A liners is 88.00-88.02 mm for mm for Model XDP 4.90.
3737 Lake-Cook Road
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
The Volkswagen Model 068.2 engine on engine side of pump. With engine at NOTE: Timing belt tension and valve
is a four-stroke, liquid-cooled diesel. The normal operating temperature, turn low timing affect injection pump timing. If belt
cylinder block is cast iron and the idle speed screw (I) to obtain a low idle tension is incorrect or belt has slipped
cylinder head is aluminum. speed of 850-950 rpm. Turn high idle over gear teeth, refer to TIMING BELT sec-
Cylinders are numbered 1 through 4 speed screw (H) so maximum engine tion.
with number 1 cylinder nearest crank- speed does not exceed 4000 rpm on con-
shaft pulley. Firing order is 1-3-4-2. tinuous duty engines or 5000-5500 rpm
Install VW
tool 2068 (T-Fig. Vl-2) on
flywheel end of cylinder block (B) as
Crankshaft rotation is counterclockwise for intermittently loaded engines.
shown. Rotate flywheel so number 1
at flywheel end.
piston is on compression and TDC mark
FUEL SYSTEM (M) is aligned with tip of timing tool (T).
: r i
m =
— 10 4 2 6 8
o O O O o
o o o o o
7 5 1 3 9
Fig. VI-8- Exploded view of cylinder head assembly. Shim S) adjusts valve tappet gap. Fig. Vl-9 — Cylinder head tightening sequence.
locked and removed. special test equipment. Only clean, ap- through a number of specialized sources.
Valves ride in guides pressed in proved testing oU should be used to test Wipe all dirt and loose carbon from ex-
cylinder head. Refer to CYLINDER injectors. Injector nozzle should be terior of nozzle and holder assembly.
HEAD section for renewal. Valve stem tested for opening pressure, seat Refer to Fig. Vl-10 for exploded view
diameter is 7.97 mm
on intake valve or leakage and spray pattern. and proceed as follows:
7.95 mm
on exhaust valve. When operating properly during test, Secure injector body (1) in a soft jawed
Valves seat on non-renewable inserts injector nozzle will emit a buzzing sound vise or holding fixture and remove noz-
in cylinder head. Valve seat angle is 45 and cut off quickly with no fluid leakage zle nut Place all parts in clean
degrees for both valves. Valve seat at seat. calibrating oil or diesel fuel as they are
width should be 2.0 mm
for intake valve Before conducting test, operate tester removed, using a compartmented pan
or 2.4 mm
for exhaust valve. Valve face lever until test oil flows, then attach in- and using extra care to keep parts from
angle is 45 degrees for both valves and jector. Close valve to tester gage and each injector together and separate
valve margin should not be less than 0.5 pump tester lever a few quick strokes to from other units.
mm. be sure nozzle valve is not stuck, which Clean exterior surfaces with a brass
would indicate that injector may be ser- wire brush, soaking in an approved car-
INJECTOR viceable without disassembly. bon solvent if necessary, to loosen hard
carbon deposits. Rinse parts in clean
WARNING: Fuel emerges from injector OPENING PRESSURE. Open valve diesel fuel or calibrating oil immediately
with sufficient force to penetrate the skin. to testergage and operate tester lever after cleaning to neutralize the solvent
When testing injector, keep yourself clear slowly while observing gage reading. and prevent etching of polished sur-
of nozzle spray. Opening pressure should be 11.8-12.8 faces. Tighten nozzle nut (8) to 68.6 N •
MPa (1700-1850 psi). when installing on injector body (1).
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Be- Opening pressure is adjusted by vary-
fore removing an injector or loosening ing thickness of shim (2 -Fig. Vl-10). In- GLOW PLUGS
injector lines, thoroughly clean injector, creasing or decreasing shim thickness
lines and adjacent area with a suitable by 0.5 mm will change opening pressure Each cylinder is equipped with a glow
solvent and compressed air. Disconnect approximately 490 kPa (70 psi). plug. Glow plugs are connected in
high pressure and by-pass lines from in- parallel with each glow plug grounded
jector, then cap lines to prevent con- SEAT LEAKAGE. Injector nozzle tip through mounting threads. Before
tamination. Unscrew injector from should not leak at a pressure less than suspecting a glow plug malfunction,
cylinder head, then remove and discard 10.8 MPa (1560 psi). To check for determine that current is reaching glow
heat shield (9 -Fig. Vl-10). leakage, actuate tester lever slowly and plugs. To check individual glow plugs,
Before installing injector, be sure in- as gage needle approaches suggested remove electrical strap between glow
jector bore and seating surface in head test pressure, observe nozzle tip. Hold plugs. With negative battery terminal
are clean and free of carbon. Install heat pressure for 10 seconds; if drops appear grounded to engine, connect a test light
shield (9) with concave side towards or nozzle tip becomes wet, valve is not between positive battery terminal and
combustion chamber as shown in Fig. seating and injector must be disassem- glow plug electrode. If test light turns
Vl-11. Install injector and tighten to bled and overhauled as later outlined. on, then glow plug is good. If test light
68.6 N m. Reconnect injector lines.
remains off, then glow plug is defective
NOTE: Leakage of tester check valve or
and must be renewed.
connections will cause a false reading,
TESTING. A complete job of testing
showing up in this test as fast leakback. If
and adjusting injectors requires use of
a series of injectors fail to pass this test,
the tester rather than injector units should
Refer to Fig. Vl-1 for view of injection
be suspected.
pump. The injection pump should be
tested and overhauled by a shop
SPRAY PATTERN. Spray pattern qualified in diesel injection pump repair.
should be well atomized and slightly con-
To remove injection pump, disconnect
ical, emerging in a straight axis from
fuel lines and cap openings to prevent
nozzle tip. If pattern is wet, ragged or
contamination. Disconnect control
intermittent, nozzle must be overhauled
cables. Detach timing belt cover, loosen
or renewed.
belt tensioner pulley and slide timing
belt off injection pump sprocket. Using a 0.05-0.2 mm. Place a straightedge 44.1 N •
m. If new pistons or rods are in-
suitable puller, remove sprocket from across face of body and measure gap be- stalled, refer to CYLINDER HEAD sec-
pump shaft. Remove pump retaining tween straightedge and ends of gears. tion and determine head gasket thick-
screws and remove pump. Maximum allowable gap is 0.15 mm. ness.
When installing pump, tighten pump Tighten pump base screws to 9.8
retaining screws to 24.5 N-m and N-m. pump and tighten pump
sprocket nut to 44.1 N m. Refer to TIM-
• mounting screws to 19.6 N-m.
ING BELT AND VALVE TIMING sec- All pistons are equipped with two com-
tion to install timing belt and to INJEC- pression rings and an oil control ring.
TION PUMP TIMING section for pump PISTON AND ROD UNITS Oversize pistons and rings are available.
timing. Refer to ENGINE SPEED AD- Clearance between piston and cylinder
JUSTMENT section if idle or high REMOVE AND REINSTALL. bore should be 0.03 mm. Measure piston
engine speed requires adjustment. Piston and connecting rod are removed diameter approximately 15 from mm
as a unit after removing cylinder head bottom of piston skirt and perpendicular
OIL PUMP and oil pump. Unscrew rod cap retaining to piston pin.
nuts, detach rod cap and extract piston Piston ring end gap is 0.3-0. 5 for mm
R&R AND OVERHAUL. The oil and rod. compression rings and 0.25-0.40 for mm
pump is driven by intermediate shaft Marks (M-Fig. Vl-15) cast in rod and oil ring. Maximum allowable end gap is
(8 -Fig. Vl-13) gear and a gear coupled cap must be on same side when install- 1.0 mm for any ring. Side clearance is
to oil pump drive shaft (14). To remove ing cap on rod. Install piston and rod 0.06-0.09 mm
for top compression ring,
oilpump, remove oil pan and unscrew oil units so marks (M) are nearer inter- 0.05-0.08 mm
for second compression
pump mounting screws. mediate shaft side of engine and arrow ring and 0.03-0.06 mm
for oil ring. Max-
Remove oil pump base and pickup (17). on piston crown points towards crank- imum allowable side clearance is 0.2 mm
Backlash between pump gears should be shaft pulley end. Tighten rod cap nuts to for compression rings and 0.15 for mm
oil ring.
Fig. Vl-13— Exploded view Piston pin is full floating and retained
of intermediate shaft and oil by circlips in piston. Piston pin removal
pump assemblies. and installation is eased if piston is
1. Screw
2. Washer heated to approximately 60° C. (140°
<5 3.
6. Carrier
“O” ring
8. Intermediate shaft AND BEARINGS
9. Filter mount
10. Nipple
11. Oil filter Connecting rod is equipped with a
12. Bushing renewable bushing in the small end and
13. Pump body
14. Drive shaft & gear insert type bearings in the big end.
15. Driven gear
16. Relief spring
Clearance between rod bearing and
17. Pickup crankpin should be 0.028-0.088 mm.
18. Screen
19. Cap
Maximum bearing clearance is 0.12 mm.
Maximum rod side play is 0.37 mm.
wheel and seal carriers at both ends of
crankshaft. The crankshaft can be re-
moved after detaching main bearing
Main bearing clearance is 0.03-0.08
mm with a maximum limit of 0.17 mm.
Crankshaft end play is 0.07-0.17 mm
with a maximum limit of 0.37 mm.
Crankshaft end play is controlled by Fig • V116 - Exploded
of starter.
center mam bearing.
Crankshaft seals are located in seal
carriers which are attached to front and
rear of cylinder block. Seals may be re-
newed without detaching seal carriers,
however, if seal carriers must be re-
moved, note that two screws in each end
of oil pan are threaded into seal carriers.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53219
WD1-340 1 75 mm 78 mm 345 cc
WD1-350 1 75 mm 78 mm 345 cc
WD1-430 1 84 mm 78 mm 432 cc
WD1-660 1 95 mm 95 mm 673 cc
WD1-670 1 95 mm 95 mm 673 cc
WD1-750 1 100 mm 95 mm 746 cc
1500-1800 rpm while maximum gov- loosen fitting for high pressure injection
LUBRICATION erned speed under load may be 2200 or line at injector. Rotate engine
3000 rpm depending on engine applica- crankshaft to operate fuel injection
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W tion. pump until air-free fuel flows from injec-
for temperatures below 0° C. (32° F.),
tion line. Retighten injection line.
SAE 20 for temperatures between 0° C. FUEL SYSTEM
(32° F.) and 20° C. (68° F.), and SAE 40
for temperatures above 20° C. (68° F.).
FUEL FILTERS. A fuel filter is
API oil classification should be CD. Oil located in the fuel tank on all models and Injection pump timing is adjusted us-
sump capacity is 0.95 liters on Models some engines may be equipped with an ing shim gaskets (G-Fig. Wl-3) be-
WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430 or 2.8
external fuel filter. Renew fuel filters tween pump body and mounting surface
liters on all other models. Manufacturer
after every 200 hours of operation or of crankcase. Refer to INJECTION
recommends renewing oil after first 25
sooner if required. PUMP section for pump removal and in-
hours of operation and after every 100
hours of operation thereafter.
To check injection pump timing, un-
A renewable oil filter is located on the BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. On
oil pickup tube of all models. Remove gravity-feed fuel systems, a fuel return
screws securing oil pickup (P-Fig. line and check valve are connected to the
Wl-1) and withdraw pickup from crank- fuel injection pump as well as the fuel
case. Oil pickup filter should be renewed supply line. Fuel supply line should bleed
after every other oil change. air automatically up to fuel injection
Models WD1-660, WD1-670 and pump on gravity flow systems. To bleed
WD 1-750 are equipped with a renewable high pressure injection line, loosen fit-
external oil filter. Renew filter after ting for high pressure line at injector,
then rotate engine crankshaft to operate
screw high pressure injection line from Cylinder head 68.6 stem clearance should be 0.040-0.070
injection pump delivery valve holder (1). Fan 15.7 mm on Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and
Unscrew delivery valve holder (1) and Flywheel 588 WD1-430 or 0.070-0.100 mm on all other
remove spring (6), shim (5), spring guide Gear cover 24.5 models.
(4) and delivery valve (7), then screw Injection pump 29.4 Valve guides are renewable. Heat
delivery valve holder (1) back into pump. Injector retainer plate 9.8 cylinder head to 200° C. (392° F.) when
Move throttle control to full speed posi- removing or installing valve guides. To
tion. Rotate engine in normal direction VALVE TAPPET GAP remove valve guide, press guide out top
(counterclockwise at pto) so piston is on of cylinder head. When installing valve
compression stroke. Fuel will flow out of Valve tappet gap may be adjusted guide note that guide may have a
delivery valve holder -it may be afterremoving rocker arm cover. Valve locating flange or a circlip (10 -Fig.
necessary to connect a gravity-flow fuel tappet gap with engine cold should be Wl-6). Press guide into head from
tank to injection pump if engine is not so 0.15 mm for exhaust valve (1-Fig. rocker arm side of head so guide flange
equipped. Stop engine rotation at mo- Wl-5) and 0.10 mm for intake valve (5) bottoms or circlip seats in groove.
ment fuel ceases to flow. Timing mark on Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and Reassemble by reversing disassembly
(R-Fig. Wl-4) should be within 3 mm of WD1-430, or 0.20 mm for both valves on procedure. Install new “0” rings on com-
injection timing mark (N) on crankcase. Models WD1-660, WD1-670 and pression release shaft. Install new upper
To advance injection timing, remove WD1-750. seals on push rod tubes. Tighten
shim gaskets (G-Fig. Wl-3); install cylinder head nuts to 68.6 N m. •
Connecting rod 49
M8 29.4
M12 68.6
penetrate the skin. When testing, keep and immediately cap all openings. Refer PISTON, PIN,
yourself clear of nozzle spray. to GOVERNOR section and detach side RINGS AND CYLINDER
control cover. Unscrew pump retaining
a suitable test stand is available, in-
jector operation may be checked. Only
screws and remove fuel injection pump. R&R AND OVERHAUL. Remove
Do not lose shim gaskets (G-Fig. cylinder head as previously outlined. If
clean, approved testing oil should be
Wl-3). Pump components (17 through piston and cylinder do not require ser-
used to test injector. When operating
22 -Fig. Wl-8) will remain in crankcase. vice but only removal, proceed as
properly during test, injector nozzle will
If tappet assembly must be removed, follows: Rotate crankshaft so piston is at
emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly
reach inside side cover opening and top dead center. Lift cylinder up until
with no fluid leakage at seat.
place a magnet against guide pin (21). piston pin is exposed, remove piston pin
Opening on Models
Detach clip (22) and use magnet to retainer, withdraw piston pin and
WD1-340, WD1-350
and WD1-430
remove guide pin (21). Slide tappet (18) remove cylinder and piston as a unit. If
should be 20.1-21.1 MPa. Opening
out of crankcase. piston, rings or cylinder requires ser-
pressure on Models WD1-660, WD1-670
Refer to Fig. Wl-8 for an exploded vice, lift cylinder off crankcase, remove
and WD1-750 should be 24.0-25.0 MPa.
view of fuel injection pump. The injec- piston pin retainer, withdraw piston pin
Opening pressure is adjusted by varying
tion pump should be tested and and remove piston.
number and thickness of shims (2 -Fig.
overhauled by a shop qualified in diesel Standard size pistons and cylinders
Wl-7). Valve should not show leakage at
orifice for 10 seconds at 17.6 MPa.
fuel injection pump repair. are color-coded red, yellow, blue or
Reverse removal procedure to green. A paint dot is located on inside of
reinstall pump. Tighten pump retaining piston and on outside of cylinder. Piston
OVERHAUL. Clamp injector body
(1-Fig. Wl-7) in a vise with nozzle
screws to 24.5 N-m on Models diameter is measured 12 mmfrom bot-
WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430 or to tom of piston skirt on Models WD1-340,
pointing upward, unscrew nozzle holder
nut (8) then remove injector components
29.5N m on all other models. If pump is WD1-350 and WD1-430 or 18 mmfrom
renewed or overhauled, or original shim bottom of piston skirt on all other
shown in Fig. Wl-7. Thoroughly clean
gaskets are not used, refer to INJEC- models. Refer to following table for
all parts in a suitable solvent. Clean in-
fuel injection pump, disconnect fuel lines
Red or Blue or
Yellow Green
WD1-340, WD1-350
Piston 74.930-74.940 74.940-74.950
Cylinder 75.000-75.010 75.010-75.020
Clearance 0.06-0.08 0.06-0.08
Piston 83.925-83.935 83.935-83.945
Cylinder 84.000-84.011 84.011-84.022
Clearance 0.065-0.086 0.066-0.087
WD1-660, WD1-670
Piston 94.920-94.930 94.930-94.940
Cylinder 95.000-95.011 95.011-95.022
Clearance 0.070-0.091 0.071-0.092
Maximum allowable piston clearance Piston Ring Clearances
is 0.2 mm. Refer to following table for
piston ring clearances (all clearances are End Gap Side Clearance
in millimeters).
Piston pin clearance in rod bushing WD1-350, WD1-360,
should be 0.02-0.04 mm
with a maximum WD1-430
clearance of 0.10 mm. Piston pin Top ring 0.25-0.40 0.050-0.082
clearance in piston should be 0.002-0.011 Second ring 0.30-0.45 0.050-0.082
mm with a maximum clearance of 0.060 Oil ring 0.25-0.40 0.040-0.072
Reverse disassembly procedure for
reassembly. Arrow (A- Fig. Wl-10) on
piston crown must point towards fly- WD1-660, WD1-670,
wheel end of engine. With piston at top WD1-750
dead center, clearance between piston Top Ring 0.35-0.55 0.072-0.100
crown and top edge of cylinder should be Second ring 0.35-0.55 0.072-0.100
0.8-0. 9 mm. Install cylinder shim Oil ring 0.25-0.40 0.040-0.072
gaskets (32 -Fig. Wl-11) as required to
obtain desired clearance.
to Fig. Wl-12 for an exploded view of
governor linkage. To remove or inspect
governor linkage, unbolt side cover (68),
rotate cover 90 degrees clockwise to
disengage governor spring (60) and
remove side cover assembly. Remove
gear cover (83) if easier access to gover-
nor is desired. Pull shaft (65) from
crankcase to remove lever (56) and pivot Fig. Wl-10— Arrow (A) on piston crown must
(58) being careful not to drop spacer (57) point towards flywheel.
tion. Refer to OIL PUMP section if governed speed is limited to 2200 rpm or located in gear cover (83) and should be
flyweight assembly (46-Fig. Wl-11) 3000 rpm depending on governor spring adjusted to provide acceptable power
must be removed. used. Long end of pivot spring (59) is without excessive smoke. With engine
warm and under no load, accelerate
engine quickly. If smoke is excessive
turn screw (84) clockwise. If additional
fuel is needed turn screw counter-
clockwise. Carefully turn screw in
Vs-turn or less increments.
GOVERNOR section and remove gover-
nor and control linkage. Remove gear
? ' i
cover if not previously detached. Unbolt
and remove oil pump and governor
j assembly. Press gear and governor
assembly (46- Fig. Wl-11) off oil pump
gear shaft (43). Inspect oil pump gears
and housing and renew if damaged or
worn excessively. Maximum gear
backlash is 0.30 mm. Maximum gear
depth (D-Fig. Wl-13) is 0.10 mm. Max-
imum radial clearance (C) between side
of gear and housing is 0.15 mm. Reverse
disassembly procedure to assemble oil
pump. Be sure thrust washer (45 -Fig.
Fig. Wl-11 — Typical exploded view of crankcase. Balancer (41) is not used on Models WD1-340, Wl- 1 1) is on oil pump shaft before press-
WD1-350 and WD1-430. ing governor assembly onto shaft.
20. Oil seal 28. Cover 37. Felt
21. Oil drain plug 29. Camshaft bushing 38. Crankcase half 46. Balancer assy.
The oil pressure relief valve (23 - Fig.
22. Crankcase half 30. Main bearing 39. Bushing 47. Push rod Wl-11) is located in side of crankcase.
23. Oil pressure relief 31. Cylinder 40. Key 48. Circlip
valve 32. Shim gasket 41. Balancer 49. Pin Oil pressure is adjusted by removing or
24. Spring 33. Gasket 42. Driven gear 50. Camshaft gear adding shims (25). Refer to LUBRICA-
25. Shim 34. Main bearing 43. Drive gear & shaft 51. Camshaft
26. Washer 35. Dowel 44. Oil pump body 52. Shims TION section for oil pressure testing.
27. Plug 36. Balancer gear 45. Thrust washer 53. Thrust washer
81 82 83 connecting rod, drain engine oil and
detach flywheel. Remove piston and CRANKSHAFT Withdraw crankshaft and rod assembly
cylinder as previously outlined. Unscrew AND CRANKCASE then remove rod if desired.
crankcase screws (eleven screws on Crankshaft main bearing journal
Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove diameter should be 45.984-46.000 mm
WD 1-430; twelve screws on all other crankshaft, drain engine oil and detach on Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and
models) and position crankcase with flywheel. Unbolt side cover (68 -Fig. WD 1-430, or 55.981-56,000 mm
on all
gear cover (83 -Fig. Wl-12) down. Lift Wl-12), rotate cover 90 degrees clock- other models. Main bearing clearance
off flywheel side crankcase half wise to disengage governor spring (60) should be 0.054-0.095 mm
on Models
(22 -Fig. Wl-11) and remove connecting and remove side cover assembly. WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430. Main
rod. Remove fuel injection pump, piston and bearing clearance on Models WD1-660,
Inspect connecting rod and crankpin. cylinder as previously outlined. Remove WD1-670 and WD1-750 should be
If crankshaft must be removed, refer to cover (28 -Fig. Wl-11) or transfer fuel 0.04-0.08 mm. Maximum main bearing
CRANKSHAFT AND CRANKCASE pump, if so equipped. Unscrew crank- clearance for all models is 0.12 mm.
section. case screws (eleven screws on Models Main bearings (30 and 34 -Fig. Wl-11)
Crankpin diameter should be WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430; are available in standard and 0.25 and
48.221-48.237 mm
on Models WD1-340, twelve screws on all other models) and 0.50 undersizes. If main bearings must
WD1-350 and WD1-430, or position crankcase with gear cover be renewed, remove any components in
59.981-60.000 mm
on all other models. (83 -Fig. Wl-12) down. Lift off flywheel crankcase which may be damaged by
Rod bearing clearance on Models side crankcase half (22- Fig. Wl-11). heat. Heat crankcase to 150° C. (300°
WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430 F.), then using a suitable press remove
should be 0.030-0.072 mm
with a max- and install main bearings.
imum clearance of 0.10 mm. Rod bear- If camshaft bushing (29) must be
ing clearance on Models WD1-660, renewed, heat crankcase half (22) to 150
WD1-670 and WD1-750 should be ° C. (300° F.) prior to removal and in-
0.040-0.10 mm
with a maximum clear- stallation.
ance of 0.12 mm. Rod bearings are If removed, install connecting rod on
available in standard and 0.25 and 0.50 crankshaft and tighten rod nuts to 34.3
mm undersizes. N* m on Models WD
1-340, WD
1-350 and
The small end rod bushing is WD1-430, or 49 N*m on all other
renewable; refer to PISTON, PIN, models.
RINGS AND CYLINDER section. To install crankshaft on Models
Reverse removal procedure to install WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430,
connecting rod. Tighten rod nuts to 34.3 rotate camshaft so timing mark
N m on Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and
• (M-Fig. Wl-14) on camshaft gear is
WD1-430, or 49 N-m on all other aligned with arrow (A) on crankcase. In-
models. Be sure thrust washer (53 -Fig. sert crankshaft into pto crankcase half
Wl-11) is on camshaft end. Tighten (38 -Fig. Wl-11) so crankpin is at top
eleven crankcase screws on Models dead center. Recheck camshaft gear
WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430 to timing mark. With crankpin at top dead
29.4 N-m. On Models WD1-660, center, timing marks (M and A -Fig.
WD1-670 and WD1-750, tighten ten M8 Wl-14) should be aligned.
crankcase screws to 29.4 N-m and two To install crankshaft on Models
Fig.W1-15 — View of large camshaft gear timing
M12 crankcase screws to 68.6 N-m. mark (LM) and crankcase notch (N) on Models WD1-660, WD1-670 and WD1-750,
WD 1-660, WD1-670 and WD1-750. rotate camshaft so large timing mark
(LM-Fig. Wl-15) is aligned with notch standard size and 0.25 and 0.50 mm pin (49 -Fig. Wl-11) in gear enters
(N) in crankcase. Insert crankshaft into undersizes. notch in camshaft flange. Install cam-
pto crankcase half (38 -Fig. Wl-11) so Intake and exhaust cam lobe heights shaft gear screws. Place original shims
red paint mark (P-Fig. Wl-16) is should be 32.775-33.025 mm
on Models (52) on camshaft and install governor
aligned -with small camshaft gear timing WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-430. In- linkage and gear cover. Tighten gear
mark (SM). Rotate crankshaft until red take cam lobe height on Models cover screws to 24.5 N m. Complete re-
paint mark (P-Fig. Wl-17) on crank- WD1-660, WD1-670 and WD1-750 mainder of assembly by reversing
shaft gear is adjacent to balancer gear. should be 39.966-40.216 mm and ex- disassembly procedure, but do not in-
Red paint mark (P) must align with haust cam lobe height should be stall side cover.
balancer gear mark (M). If marks (P and 39.966-40.216 mm. Fuel injection cam Check camshaft end play which should
M) do not align, hold camshaft gear in lobe height should be 34.925-35.075 mm be 0.10-0.30 mm on Models WD1-340,
place, withdraw crankshaft, rotate on Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and WD1-350 and WD1-430 or 0.20-0.40 on
balancer so marks (P and M) will be WD 1-430 or 40.857-41.107 mm
on all all other models. Install or remove shims
aligned then reinsert crankshaft into other models. (52) as needed to obtain desired end
crankcase. When properly mated, To install camshaft, insert gear play. Attach governor spring (60 -Fig.
balancer gear mark (M) and red paint (50-Fig. Wl-11) into crankcase through Wl-12) and install side cover (68).
mark on each crankshaft
(P) wall align side cover opening and mate gear with
rotation,and red paint mark (P-Fig. crankshaft gear. On Models WD1-340, BALANCER
Wl-16) will align with small camshaft WD1-350 and WD1-430 with crankpin at
timing mark (SM) when large camshaft top dead center, camshaft timing gear Models WD1-660, WD1-670
timing mark (LM-Fig. Wl-15) is mark (M-Fig. Wl-14) must be aligned And WD1-750
aligned with crankcase notch (N). with arrow (A) on crankcase. On Models
On all models, install rubber ring WD1-660, WD1-670 and WD1-750, red REMOVE AND REINSTALL.
(11-Fig. Wl-9) and oil seal (20-Fig. paint mark (P-Fig. Wl-16) on crank- Models WD1-660, WD1-670 and
Wl-11) with seal lip inward. Be sure shaft gear must align with small cam- WD 1-750 are equipped with a balancer
thrust washer (53) is on camshaft end. shaft gear timing mark (SM) w hile large
(41 -Fig. Wl-11) which is driven by gear
Install crankcase half (22) but do not ap- camshaft gear timing mark (LM-Fig. (36) which meshes with the crankshaft
ply sealant to gasket or crankcase. Wl-15) must align with crankcase notch gear.
Tighten eleven crankcase screws on (N). While holding camshaft gear in To remove balancer, remove crank-
Models WD1-340, WD1-350 and mesh with crankshaft gear, insert cam- shaft as previously outlined then remove
WD1-430 to 29.4 N-m. On Models shaft into crankcase and through cam- gear cover being careful not to lose cam-
WD1-660, WD1-670 and WD1-750, shaft gear. Rotate camshaft so locating shaft shims (52). Use a suitable puller to
tighten ten M8 crankcase screws to 29.4
N-m and two M12 crankcase screws to
68.6 N-m.
Crankshaft end play should be
0.10-0.35 mm on Models WD1-340,
WD1-350 and WD1-430, or 0.20-0.40
mm on other models. If end play is
and WD1-750.
cover. Maximum allowable camshaft
1. Crank
journal clearance is 0.15 mm. If the 2. Shaft
3. Pin
crankcase bushing (29-Fig. Wl-11) re- 4. Bushing
quires renewal, refer to following sec- 5. Shaft
6. Bushings
tion as crankcase must be disassembled 7. Housing half
and heated for bushing installation. To 8. Gasket
9. Dowel
renew bushing (81 -Fig. Wl-12), heat 10. Pin
gear cover (83) to 150° C. (300° F.) 11. Output gear & shaft
12. Pin
before removal or installation. Be sure 13. Pin
crankshaft seal (79) is not damaged by 14. Spring
15. Gear (29 teeth) 17. Gear (21 teeth) 19. Adapter
heat. Camshaft bushings are available in 16. Gear (23 teeth) 18. Housing half 20. Crank jaw
remove gear (36) from balancer shaft. ing halves to 150° C. (300° F.) before Wl-18) must be at least 1/16-inch from
Inspect balancer, gear and bushings removing and installing bushings. crank jaw as shown in Fig. Wl-20. In-
(39 -Fig. Wl-11 and 82 -Fig. Wl-12). Manufacturer recommends renewing stall shims (S) between starter and
Renew if damaged or excessively worn. both bushings for a particular shaft. engine to obtain desired clearance.
Crankcase or gear cover must be heated When assembling starter, adequately
to 150° C. (300° F.) when removing or grease all internal components. Be sure
installing bushings. Remove any com- starter operates properly after assembly
ponents which may be damaged by heat. without binding or sticking. Manufac-
To install balancer, insert balancer in- turer recommends filing down area
to crankcase then use a suitable press to (R-Fig. Wl-19) of crank jaw so starter
install gear (36 -Fig. Wl-11) onto pin disengages easier. With starter
balancer shaft with timing gear mark mounted on engine, starter pin (13 - Fig.
(M-Fig. Wl-17) gear cover
out. Install
being sure to install camshaft shims
(52 -Fig. Wl-11). Refer to CRANK-
crankshaft installation and reassembly.
Fig. Wl-18 an exploded view of
crank type manual starter used on some
models. Unscrew housing mounting
screws to remove starter from engine.
Unscrew housing screws and separate
housing halves (7 and 18) for access to
Fig. Wl-20 — Output shaft pin (13) must be at
starter components.
least 1/16-Inch from crank jaw (20) when disen-
Inspect starter components for Fig. Wl-19— File away area (R) on crank jaw to gaged. Install shims (S) between starter housing
damage and excessive wear. Heat hous- dimensions shown for easier disengagement. and engine to obtain clearance.
Model No. Cyls. Bore Stroke Displ.
WD2-860 2 84 mm 78 mm 864 cc
WD2-1000 2 86 mm 86 mm 1000 cc
Engines covered in this section are after unscrewing test port plug (T-Fig. On engines equipped with a fuel trans-
air-cooled, two-cylinder, four-stroke W2-1). Refer to OIL PUMP section to fer pump, loosen fuel supply line fitting
diesel engines. Crankshaft rotation is adjust oil pressure. on injection pump
then rotate engine
counterclockwise at pto end. Number 1 crankshaft operate fuel transfer
cylinder is nearer pto end of engine. pump until air-free fuel flows from fuel
Metric fasteners are used throughout
ENGINE SPEED ADJUSTMENT line. Retighten fuel supply line and
engine. loosen fittings for high pressure injec-
Idle speed is adjusted by turning idle
tion lines at injectors. Rotate engine
speed screw (I -Fig. W2-3) and high
MAINTENANCE speed is adjusted by turning high speed
screw (H). Idle speed should be
crankshaft to operate fuel injection
pump until air-free fuel flows from injec-
tion lines. Retighten injection lines.
LUBRICATION 1500-1800 rpm while maximum gov-
erned speed under load is 3000 rpm. INJECTION PUMP TIMING
Recommended engine oil is SAE 10W
for temperatures below 0° C. (32° F.), FUEL SYSTEM Injection pump timing is adjusted us-
SAE 20 for temperatures between 0° C. ing shim gaskets (29— Fig. W2-4) be-
(32° F.) and 20° C. (68° F.), and SAE 40 FUEL FILTERS. A fuel filter is
tween pump body and mounting surface
for temperatures above 20° C. (68° F.). located in the fuel tank and an external
on crankcase. Refer to INJECTION
API oil classification should be CD. Oil fuel filter is mounted on side of engine.
PUMP section for pump removal and in-
sump capacity including oil filter is 2.0 Renew fuel filters after every 200 hours stallation.
liters. Manufacturer recommends of operation or sooner if required.
To check injection pump timing, un-
renewing oil after25 hours of
screw high pressure injection line of
operation and after every 100 hours of BLEED FUEL SYSTEM. On number 1 cylinder from injection pump
operation thereafter. gravity-feed fuel systems, a fuel return
delivery valve holder (I). Unscrew
An external oil filter (F -Fig. W2-1) is line and check valve are connected to the
delivery valve holder (1) and remove
located on side of engine and should be fuel injection pump as well as the fuel
spring (5), spring guide (4) and delivery
renewed after first 25 hours of opera- supply line. Fuel supply line should bleed
valve (6), then screw delivery valve
tion, then after every other oil change. A air automatically up to fuel injection
holder (1) back into pump. Move throttle
renewable oil filter is located on the oil pump on gravity flow systems. To bleed control to full speed position. Rotate
pickup tube. Remove screws securing oil high pressure injection lines, loosen fit-
engine in normal direction (counter-
pickup (P-Fig. W2-2) and withdraw tings for high pressure lines at injectors
clockwise at pto) so number 1 piston is
pickup from crankcase. Oil pickup filter then rotate engine crankshaft to operate
on compression stroke -it may be
should be renewed after every other oil fuel injection pump until air-free fuel
necessary to connect a gravity-flow fuel
change. flows from injection lines. Retighten in-
tank to fuel injection pump if not so
Oil pressure with engine warm and jection lines.
equipped. Note fuel will flow out of
running at full speed should be 274 kPa.
delivery valve holder. Stop engine rota-
An oil pressure gage may be connected
tion at moment fuel ceases to flow. Tim-
ing mark (R-Fig. W2-5) should be
within 3 mm
of injection timing mark (N)
on crankcase. To advance injection tim-
ing, remove shim gaskets (29 -Fig.
Fig. W2-1 — View showing location of external oil Fig. W2-3 — View showing location of high speed
filter (F).Unscrew plug (T) and connect oil Fig. W2-2— Remove oil pickup (P) for access to adjusting screw (H). Idle speed screw is located
pressure gage to measure oil pressure. internal oil filter. behind speed control lever at (I).
W2-4); install shim gaskets to retard in- CYLINDER HEAD must be installed with head heated to
jection timing. Reinstall removed pump AND VALVE SYSTEM 200° C. (392° F.). There should be an in-
parts after checking timing. terference fit of 0.079-0.120 mm
R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove tween outside diameter of seat and bore
cylinder heads, disconnect high pressure in cylinder head.
REPAIRS and return fuel injection lines. Im- Valve stem diameter is 6.945-6.960
mediately cap fuel lines. Remove muf- mm for both valves and valve guide in-
TIGHTENING TORQUES fler, air cleaner, exhaust and intake side diameter is 7.000-7.015 mm. Valve
manifolds. Turn compression release stem clearance should be 0.040-0.070
Refer to the following table for lever so connecting tang and slot on mm with a maximum allowable valve
tightening torques. All values are in
compression release shafts are vertical stem clearance of 0.2 mm. Valve guides
newton meters. as shown in Fig. W2-7. Remove rocker are renewable. To remove valve guide,
arm covers, unscrew cylinder head re- press guide out top of cylinder head. To
Connecting rod 34.3
taining nuts and remove cylinder heads. install valve guide, position locating ring
Crankcase See text Remove and discard rubber seals (10- Fig. W2-9) on guide, then press
Cylinder head 44.1
(R-Fig. W2-8) on cylinder head studs guide into head from top side of head
Fan 34.3
and upper push rod tube seals. with ring end up. Press guide into head
Flywheel 176.4
Valve face angle for both valves is until locating ring is seated in head
Gear cover 24.5
45V2 degrees and valve seat angle is 45 groove.
Injection pump 24.5
degrees. Valve seats are renewable and Reassemble by reversing disassembly
Injector retainer plate 9.8
procedure. Install new “0” rings on com-
Main bearing center support halves 39.2 pression release shafts and install shafts
Main bearing center support See text. . .
7. Delivery valve seat 30. Gasket at exhaust rocker arm (1) and 0.10 at intake Fig. W2-8—View showing location of rubber
9. Fuel injection pump 31. Cover rocker arm (5). seals (R) on cylinder head studs.
INJECTOR wooden cleaning stick. When reassem- piston and cylinder do not require ser-
bling injector, make certain all com- vice but only removal, proceed as
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. To ponents are clean and wet with clean follows: Rotate crankshaft so piston to
remove injector, first clean dirt from in- diesel fuel oil. Tighten nozzle holder nut be removed is at top dead center. Lift
jector, injection line, return line and (8) to 49 N-m. cylinder up until piston pin is exposed,
cylinder head. Disconnect return line remove piston pin retainer, withdraw
and high pressure injection line and im- INJECTION PUMP piston pin and remove cylinder and
mediately cap or plug all openings. Un- piston as a unit. If piston, rings or
screw retainer plate and remove injector R&R AND OVERHAUL. To remove cylinder requires service, lift cylinder off
and copper washer. pump, disconnect fuel lines
fuel injection crankcase, remove piston pin retainer,
Reverse removal procedure to and remove cover (31 -Fig. W2-4) adja- withdraw piston pin and remove piston.
reinstall injector. Installa new copper cent to pump. Place a clean rag under- Standard size pistons and cylinders
washer -Fig. W2-10). Tighten injec-
(9 neath control rod (24) so cotter pin (25)
tor retaining plate nuts to 9.8 N m. • cannot fall into crankcase. Then, remove
cotter pin (25) and detach control rod
TESTING. WARNING: Fuel leaves the end from pump control rack pin. Un-
injection nozzle with sufficient force to screw pump retaining nuts and remove
penetrate the skin. When testing, keep fuel injection pump. Do not lose shim
yourself clear of nozzle spray. gaskets (29).
Refer to Fig. W2-11 for an exploded
If a suitable test stand is available, in-
view of fuel injection pump. The injec-
jector operation may be checked. Only
tion pump should be tested and
clean, approved testing oil should be
overhauled by a shop qualified in diesel
used to test injector. When operating
fuel injection pump repair.
properly during test, injector nozzle will
Reverse removal procedure for rein-
emit a buzzing sound and cut off quickly
stallation. Tighten pump retaining nuts
with no fluid leakage at seat.
to 24.5 N-m. If pump is renewed or
Opening pressure should be 19.6-20.6 overhauled, or original shim gaskets are
MPa. Opening pressure is adjusted by not used, refer to INJECTION PUMP
varying number and thickness of shims
TIMING section and adjust pump tim-
(2 -Fig. W2-10). Valve should not show
leakage at orifice for 10 seconds at 18.0
are color-coded red, yellow, blue or Standard Piston/Cylinder Diameter
green. A paint dot is located on inside of
piston and on outside of cylinder. Piston Red or Blue or
diameter is measured 12 mm
from bot- Yellow Green
tom of piston skirt on Model WD2-860 or
15 mm from bottom of piston skirt on WD2-860
Model WD2-1000. Refer to following Piston 83.925-83.935 83.935-83.945
table for standard piston and cylinder Cylinder 84.000-84.011 84.011-84.022
sizes (all dimensions are in millimeters):
Pistons and rings are available in 0.5
and 1.0 mm oversizes.
Piston 85.920-85.930 85.930-85.940
Piston clearance should be 0.066-0.086
Cylinder 86 000 - 86.011 86 011 - 86.022
mm for Model WD2-860 and 0.071-0.091
. .
compression ring side clearance should W2-18) for access to governor and Reassemble by reversing removal pro-
be 0.050-0.082 mm
for Model WD2-860 linkage. Do not lose camshaft shims (95) cedure. Install shims (71 - Fig. W2-15) in
and 0.070-0.102 mm
for Model which may remain on gear cover. Mark their original location. Install spring (74)
WD2-1000. Oil ring side clearance shims (71 -Fig. W2-15) so they may be so long end is connected to intermediate
should be 0.040-0.072 mm
for both returned to original position. lever (75) as shown in Fig. W2-16.
models. Governor gear (69) is pressed on oil Tighten gear cover nuts to 24.5 N m. •
Reverse disassembly procedure for pump drive gear shaft (65) so oil pump Maximum fuel delivery screw (T - Fig.
reassembly. Arrow (A -Fig. W2-13) on and governor unit must be removed to W2-18) is located in gear cover (98) and
piston crown must point towards fly- press governor gear off shaft. Governor should be adjusted to provide acceptable
wheel end of engine. With piston at top gear and flyweights (69) are available power without excessive smoke. With
dead center, clearance between piston only as a unit assembly. Install thrust engine warm and under no load, ac-
crown and top edge of cylinder should be washer (68) on shaft before pressing celerate engine quickly. If smoke is ex-
0.8-0. 9 mm. Install cylinder shim governor gear assembly onto shaft. cessive turn screw (T) clockwise. If addi-
gaskets (3 -Fig. W2-12) required to ob- Distance (D-Fig. W2-17) between tional fuel isneeded turn screw counter-
tain desired clearance. speed control rod ends should be 129 clockwise. Carefully turn screw in
mm. Remove cover (31 -Fig. W2-14) Vs-turn or less increments.
GOVERNOR and place a rag underneath control rod
so cotter pin cannot fall into crankcase.
REMOVE AND REINSTALL. Refer Detach cotter pin securing rod end and OIL PUMP
to Fig. W2-15 for an exploded view of withdraw control rod (24). Adjust length
governor and control linkage. Remove of control rod by turning rod end R&R AND OVERHAUL. Refer to
cover (83) and gear cover (98 -Fig. (73 -Fig. W2-17). GOVERNOR section and remove gover-
nor and oil pump unit. Press governor
off oil pump gear shaft (65 -Fig.
W2-15). Inspect oil pump gears and
housing and renew if damaged or worn
excessively. Oil pump housing and gears
are available individually. Reverse
disassembly procedure to assemble oil
pump. Be sure thrust washer (68) is on
oil pump shaft before pressing governor
W2-14) is located adjacent to oil filter. To remove crankshaft, remove flywheel and alternator.
Oil pressure is adjusted by removing or cylinders, pistons and camshaft as Remove covers (33) at crankcase
installing shims (42). Refer to LUBRI- previously outlined. Remove electric joints -there is only one cover if engine
CATION section for oil pressure testing.
camshaft, refer to previous sections and
remove cylinder heads and fuel injection
pump. Remove push rods and push rod
tubes. Extract and mark tappets so they
can be returned to original bores. Refer
to GOVERNOR section and remove
governor linkage. Remove fuel transfer
pump on models so equipped. Set aside
shims (95 -Fig. W2-18) for future use.
Detach gear (94) from camshaft (91),
then rotate camshaft so flat (F-Fig.
W2-19) on camshaft flange coincides
with crankcase projection (P). Carefully
withdraw camshaft.
The camshaft is supported by
bushings in the gear cover and crank-
case. To inspect bushing (58 -Fig.
W2-14) in crankcase, remove flywheel
Fig. W2-1 4 — Exploded view of crankcase assembly.
and cover (54). If camshaft bushing (58)
9. Fuel injection pump 37. Nut 46. Screw 54. Cover
must be renewed, disassemble crank- 24. Control rod 38. Seal 47. Upper main bearing 55. Gasket
case. Maximum allowable camshaft jour- 28. Pin 39. Tube support half 56. Flywheel crankcase
29. Shim gasket 40. Oil pressure relief 48. Thrust washers section
nal clearance is 0.2 mm. Camshaft 31. Cover valve 49. Main bearing 57. Gasket
32. Socket head screw 41. Spring 50. Lower main bearing 58. Camshaft bushing
bushings are available in undersizes of
Shim Main bearing
33. Cover 42. support half 59.
0.25 and 0.50 mm. 34. Main bearing 43. Washer 51. Screw 60., Center crankcase
35. Pin 44. Plug 52. Inner seal ring section
To install camshaft, rotate crankshaft 36. Pto crankcase section 45. Gasket 53. Oil seal 61. Oil drain plug
so number 1 piston is at top dead center.
Insert camshaft gear (94 -Fig. W2-18)
through control linkage opening in
crankcase so dowel pin (101 -Fig.
W2-20) side of gear is towards end of
crankcase. Insert camshaft through
camshaft gear into crankcase while
noting flat (F-Fig. W2-19) on camshaft
flange which must coincide with crank-
case projection (P). Engage camshaft
gear with crankshaft gear so camshaft
gear timing mark (M-Fig. W2-20) is
aligned with crankcase timing arrow
(A). Hold camshaft gear then rotate
camshaft so camshaft flange notch
engages camshaft gear pin (101). Install
camshaft screws and recheck timing
marks. Place original shims (95 -Fig.
W2-18) on camshaft and install governor
linkage and gear cover. Tighten gear
cover nuts to 2.4.5 N m. Check camshaft
Fig. W2-15 — Exploded view of oil pump, governor and linkage.
H. High speed screw
R&R AND OVERHAUL. Refer to 1. Idle speed screw 70. Push rod 77. Lever & shaft 84. Washer
Fig. W2-14 for an exploded view of 36. Pto crankcase section 71. Shims 78. Shaft 85. Lever
05. Drive gear 72. Governor arm 79. Locknut 86. Locknut
crankcase which is constructed in three 66. Driven gear 1
Fig. W2-16— View of governor linkage. Long end Fig. W2-19—Turn camshaft (91) so flat (F) on Fig. W2-21 — View showing location of socket
of spring (74) attaches to pivot (75). flange will pass crankcase projection (P). head screw (32) in pto crankcase section.
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