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Reclaiming the Value of Cotton Waste Textiles: A New
Improved Method to Recycle Cotton Waste Textiles via
Acid Hydrolysis
Edvin Ruuth 1, * , Miguel Sanchis-Sebastiá 2 , Per Tomas Larsson 3 , Anita Teleman 3 ,
Amparo Jiménez-Quero 4 , Sara Delestig 4 , Viktor Sahlberg 4 , Patricia Salén 4 , Marjorie Sanchez Ortiz 4 ,
Simran Vadher 4 and Ola Wallberg 1

1 Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

2 ShareTex AB, Norra Villavägen 17, SE-237 34 Bjärred, Sweden
3 RISE Bioeconomy, Drottning Kristinas väg 61, SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
4 Division of Glycoscience, Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry,
Biotechnology and Health, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Alba Nova University Centre,
Roslagstullsbacken 21, SE-114 21 Stockholm, Sweden
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: The fashion industry is becoming one of the largest emitters worldwide due to its high
consumption of raw materials, its effluents, and the fact that every garment will eventually contribute
to the vast amount of waste being incinerated or accumulating in landfills. Although fiber-to-
fiber recycling processes are being developed, the mechanical properties of the textile fibers are
Citation: Ruuth, E.; Sanchis-Sebastiá, typically degraded with each such recycle. Thus, tertiary recycling alternatives where textiles are
M.; Larsson, P.T.; Teleman, A.; depolymerized to convert them into valuable products are needed to provide end-of-life alternatives
Jiménez-Quero, A.; Delestig, S.; and to achieve circularity in the fashion industry. We have developed a method whereby cotton waste
Sahlberg, V.; Salén, P.; Sanchez Ortiz, textiles are depolymerized to form a glucose solution, using sulfuric acid as the sole catalyst, with a
M.; Vadher, S.; et al. Reclaiming the
high yield (>70%). The glucose solution produced in this process has a high concentration (>100 g/L),
Value of Cotton Waste Textiles: A
which reduces the purification cost and makes the process industrially relevant. This method can be
New Improved Method to Recycle
applied regardless of the quality of the fibers and could therefore process other cellulosic fibers such
Cotton Waste Textiles via Acid
as viscose. The glucose produced could subsequently be fermented into butanediol or caprolactam,
Hydrolysis. Recycling 2022, 7, 57.
precursors for the production of synthetic textile fibers, thus retaining the value of the waste textiles
recycling7040057 within the textile value chain.

Academic Editors: Mikael Skrifvars

Keywords: waste textiles; cotton; recycling; valorization; acid hydrolysis; sulfuric acid
and Nawar Kadi

Received: 23 June 2022

Accepted: 10 August 2022
Published: 12 August 2022 1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral The environmental impact of the textile industry is immense, not only because of its
with regard to jurisdictional claims in high consumption of raw materials and its effluents, but also because every piece of textile
published maps and institutional affil- produced will sooner or later contribute to the vast amount of waste textiles [1,2]. The
iations. fashion industry struggles with misinformation and, consequently, there is uncertainty
regarding the exact amount of waste textiles being generated today [3]; however, according
to Ruiz, total textile fiber production is expected to surpass 120 million tons annually
by 2025 [4]. Due to wear and tear, these textiles will eventually be damaged beyond
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. usefulness and, as such, all textiles are ultimately discarded. Only a small fraction of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. these waste textiles is currently being recycled, the vast majority either being landfilled or
This article is an open access article
incinerated [5]. The reason for this lies in the complexity of the material [2]. Firstly, textiles
distributed under the terms and
consist of a combination of components, such as buttons, seams, and zippers, which must
conditions of the Creative Commons
be separated from the actual fabric. Secondly, fabrics often consist of a mixture of several
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
types of fiber that may differ considerably from each other on the polymer level. These
fibers thus have very different chemical and mechanical properties, and there is no single

Recycling 2022, 7, 57.

Recycling 2022, 7, 57 2 of 15

method of recycling all types of fiber. Before any form of recycling can take place, the
textiles must therefore be sorted based on the types of fiber they include. Polyester and
cotton are by far the most frequently used kinds of fibers, and, in total, more than 95% of
all fibers produced today are either synthetic or cellulose-based [6].
Since cellulose-based fibers constitute more than a third of all textile fibers produced
annually, methods for recycling cellulosic textiles are a suitable target for research. Various
recycling methods have been developed to recycle cotton textiles, which is by far the most
common cellulose-based fiber [6]. One example is that of the Swedish company Renewcell,
which turns cotton waste textiles into dissolving pulp [7]; however, existing methods have
limitations. There is currently no commercial-scale process for cellulosic textile recycling
other than on the fiber and polymer level, which means that the polymers, or entire fibers,
are extracted in some way, treated, and turned into new fibers that can be used to produce
new textiles. Such processes require a certain quality of polymers and fibers; if they are
too short or damaged, they cannot be recycled in this manner. Thus, since the degree
of polymerization of cellulosic fibers decreases during use and with each regeneration
process [8,9], there is need for additional, tertiary recycling methods capable of recycling,
or in other ways valorizing, textile fibers, regardless of their quality.
One promising alternative for valorization of waste textiles of low quality is to degrade
the polymers to their monomeric constituents. These monomers can then be converted
into monomers for the production of synthetic textiles, valuable chemicals, or biofuel. In
the case of cellulose, as in cellulose-based waste textiles such as cotton, hydrolysis using
sulfuric acid is an interesting option. Acid hydrolysis of cellulose, and lignocellulosic
biomass in general, has been studied since 1819 and has, during the last two centuries, seen
a lot of development, improvement, and implementation [10–18]. The two-step sulfuric
acid hydrolysis is a particularly effective variant, whereby the substrate is exposed to
hydrolysis at different conditions with regard to temperature and concentration of sulfuric
acid. Indeed, two-step hydrolysis using sulfuric acid is a common method to determine the
content of structural carbohydrates in lignocellulosic samples [19,20]. Cotton waste textiles,
being a source of relatively pure cellulose, share similarities with general lignocellulosic
biomass in that it is remarkably hard to hydrolyze into reducing sugars [21,22]. While
virgin cotton has a relatively high resistance toward hydrolysis, due to its high degree of
crystallinity and long polymeric chains [11–14,23], cotton once converted into textiles has
been shown to exhibit even higher resistance towards hydrolysis. Virgin cotton has been
reported to hydrolyze completely at room temperature in 55% sulfuric acid, while similar
and more drastic conditions failed to achieve the same when cotton textiles were used as
the substrate [22,24]. These similarities between cotton waste textiles and lignocellulosic
biomass have led to several successful studies on the use of techniques typical for hydrolysis
of general biomass for saccharifying cotton waste textiles [21,25].
We have recently developed a method whereby cotton waste textiles can be depoly-
merized to form a glucose solution [22]. We succeeded in transforming the cotton textiles
into an acidic glucose solution, using sulfuric acid as the sole catalyst, while achieving
a high yield. While other researchers have managed to hydrolyze cotton textiles before,
no one has, to the best of our knowledge, been able to produce a highly concentrated
product, while at the same time maintaining a high yield. The purpose of this study
was thus to optimize the operating parameters of this newly developed process as a step
toward industrial commercialization, by producing a highly concentrated product while
maintaining a high yield. Using sulfuric acid as the sole catalyst improves the production
rate considerably compared to an enzymatic approach and a concentrated product allows
for easier separation and downstream handling. In summary, the operating parameters of
this newly developed process were optimized in this study by testing and evaluating the
effect of different combinations of temperature and acid concentrations. It was concluded
that it is possible to use the proposed technique to produce glucose at a high concentration
(>100 g/L) and at a high yield (>70%). The reactivity and recyclability of the residual waste
formed during treatment were also investigated.
Recycling 2022, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15

(>100 g/L) and at a high yield (>70%). The reactivity and recyclability of the residual waste
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 3 of 15
formed during treatment were also investigated.

2. Materials and Methods

2. Materials
2.1. Collection and Methods of Cotton Waste Textiles
and Preparation
2.1. Collection and Preparation of Cotton Waste Textiles
The cotton waste textiles used in this study were discarded bed linens unfit for re-
andcotton waste
labelled 100%textiles used
cotton, in thisbystudy
donated were discarded
the authors’ bedfamily,
friends and linens employees
unfit for re-
selling, and labelled 100% cotton, donated by the authors’ friends
at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Lund University, and a collection and family, employees
point of
at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Lund University, and a collection
a Swedish organization that collects and sorts textiles for charity and recycling. The cotton point
of a Swedish organization that collects and sorts textiles for charity and recycling.
waste textiles were used as a proxy for cellulose-based textiles in general. It is by far the The
most waste textiles
common were used
cellulose-based as a proxy
textile, and if for
process works for textiles in general.
a material It is by
with such a
far the most common cellulose-based textile, and if the process works for
high resistance towards hydrolysis as cotton waste textiles, it should be no problem adapt-a material with
such a high resistance towards hydrolysis as cotton waste textiles, it should be no problem
ing it to other cellulosic fibers, such as viscose waste textiles [6,14,18,22,26]. Prior to the
adapting it to other cellulosic fibers, such as viscose waste textiles [6,14,18,22,26]. Prior to
experiments, buttons, seams, labels, and other parts not made of cotton were removed
the experiments, buttons, seams, labels, and other parts not made of cotton were removed
from the textiles. The textiles were subsequently cut into smaller pieces, approximately 2
from the textiles. The textiles were subsequently cut into smaller pieces, approximately 2
by 2 cm, using a circular textile knife (Ø 45 mm, Stoff & Stil, Malmö, Sweden). The material
by 2 cm, using a circular textile knife (Ø 45 mm, Stoff & Stil, Malmö, Sweden). The material
was then mixed thoroughly to ensure representability of the samples.
was then mixed thoroughly to ensure representability of the samples.
Several two-stepacid
two-step hydrolysis
acid hydrolysisexperiments were
experiments conducted,
were consisting
conducted, of pre-hy-
consisting of pre-
hydrolysis with concentrated sulfuric acid, followed by post-hydrolysis with dilutesulfuric
with concentrated sulfuric acid, followed by post-hydrolysis with dilute sulfuric

Figure1.1.Schematic of of
Schematic thethe
two-step textile
two-step hydrolysis
textile process
hydrolysis using
process different
using concentrations
different of sul-of
furic acid.
sulfuric acid.

2.2.1. Pre-Hydrolysis
2.2.1. Pre-Hydrolysis
The pre-hydrolysis step was performed by exposing 100 g of dry waste textiles to 134
The pre-hydrolysis step was performed by exposing 100 g of dry waste textiles to
g of an 80 wt.% sulfuric acid solution, corresponding to a solids loading of 0.744 g dry
134 g of an 80 wt.% sulfuric acid solution, corresponding to a solids loading of 0.744 g dry
textiles/g sulfuric acid solution. Treatment was conducted in a water bath at a temperature
textiles/g sulfuric acid solution. Treatment was conducted in a water bath at a temperature
of 30 °C for one hour, according to the method described in our previous study [22].
of 30 ◦ C for one hour, according to the method described in our previous study [22].
The influence of the concentration of sulfuric acid in the pre-hydrolysis step on the
The influence of the concentration of sulfuric acid in the pre-hydrolysis step on the
crystallinity of the cellulose from the cotton waste textiles was investigated. The samples
crystallinity of the cellulose from the cotton waste textiles was investigated. The samples
were prepared by exposing 5 g of dry waste textiles to 6.72 g of sulfuric acid of different
were prepared by exposing 5 g of dry waste textiles to 6.72 g of sulfuric acid of different
concentrations (60 wt.%, 72 wt.%, and 80 wt.%) at 30 °C for 1 h. These samples, together
concentrations (60 wt.%, 72 wt.%, and 80 wt.%) at 30 ◦ C for 1 h. These samples, together
with a sample of untreated cotton waste textiles, were then studied using wide-angle X-
with a sample of untreated cotton waste textiles, were then studied using wide-angle X-ray
ray scattering (WAXS) analysis with an Anton Paar SAXSpoint 2.0 system (Anton Paar,
scattering (WAXS) analysis with an Anton Paar SAXSpoint 2.0 system (Anton Paar, Graz,
Graz, Austria)
Austria) equipped
equipped with with a Microsource
a Microsource X-rayX-ray
sourcesource (Cu K-alpha
(Cu K-alpha radiation,
radiation, wave-
length 0.15418 nm) and a Dectris 2D CMOS Eiger R 1M detector (DECTRIS,
0.15418 nm) and a Dectris 2D CMOS Eiger R 1M detector (DECTRIS, Baden-Daettwil, Baden-
Daettwil, Switzerland)
Switzerland) with a 75with
× 75a µm
75 ×2 75 µmsize.
2 pixel size. All measurements were performed
All measurements were performed with a
with a beam of approximately 500 µm in diameter
beam of approximately 500 µm in diameter and a beam and a path
path pressure of about
of about 1–
1–2 mbar.
The sample-to-detector distance was 109.1 mm during the measurements. Samples were
mounted on a Multi-Paste holder (Anton Paar, Graz, Austria). Six frames of 15-min duration
were read from the detector, giving a total measurement time of 1.5 h per sample. The
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 4 of 15

transmittance was determined and used to scale the intensity. The software used for
instrument control was SAXSdrive, version 2.01.224, and post-acquisition data processing
was performed using SAXSanalysis, version 4.01.047 (both from Anton Paar, Graz, Austria).

2.2.2. Post-Hydrolysis
The post-hydrolysis step was performed by diluting the gel formed in the pre-hydrolysis
step with varying amounts of water, in order to achieve concentrations of sulfuric acid
in the mixture between 10 wt.% and 30 wt.%. The samples were thoroughly mixed and
treated in an autoclave for one hour at 80 ◦ C, 100 ◦ C, or 121 ◦ C. After autoclaving, the
samples were cooled to 80 ◦ C, before being evacuated from the autoclave and vacuum
filtered through a filter cloth with a pore size of 100 µm. The liquid and solid fractions were
subjected to further analysis.

2.3. Recyclability of the Solid Residue

The recyclability of the solid residue from the process was investigated by treating an
amount corresponding to 7 g dry matter of solid material recovered as solid residue from
the post-hydrolysis step of a previous cycle of treatment, using two different approaches.
In the first approach, called the dry method, the solid residue recovered after vacuum
filtration was dried and milled using a knife mill (Retsch GmbH, Haan, Germany) and
sieved to obtain fractions with a size of 1 mm. The dried and milled solid residue was then
mixed with new cotton waste textiles and subjected to a second cycle of treatment. In the
second cycle, the pre-hydrolysis step was performed as described in Section 2.2.1, and the
post-hydrolysis step was carried out at 100 ◦ C with 15 wt.% sulfuric acid for one hour.
In the second approach, called the wet method, the solid residue was dispersed in
water and then added to the post-hydrolysis step in the second cycle of treatment. The
conditions in the post-hydrolysis step were the same as in the dry method, namely 100 ◦ C
and 15 wt.% sulfuric acid. In both recycling approaches, the total mass used was halved
compared to the experiments described in Section 2.2, and the mass ratio of substrate
(cotton waste textiles and recycled solid residue) to sulfuric acid was kept at the same level
in the post-hydrolysis step.

2.4. Compositional Analysis of Cotton Waste Textiles and the Products following Two-Step
Acid Hydrolysis
The total solids (TS) content of the cotton waste textiles was analyzed in triplicate by
drying the textiles in an oven (105 ◦ C) overnight and weighing. The cellulose content was
analyzed according to NREL standards [19], with the exception that, instead of being milled
through a 1 mm screen, the textiles were cut into lengths of 10 mm, according to ISO 1833-1
for quantitative chemical analysis of textiles [27]. The fraction assigned to acid-insoluble
lignin using the protocol developed by Sluiter et al. was denoted non-cellulosic material,
since the residual material after completed hydrolysis was an unidentified mixture of
non-cellulosic threads, dyes, and other additives typically used in textile manufacture, and
impurities introduced during the lifetime of the textiles. Cellulose analysis was performed
in sextuplicate.
Glucose and degradation by-products from the compositional analysis and the acid
hydrolysis experiments on cotton waste textiles were analyzed by high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) using a Shimadzu LC-20 AD HPLC system equipped with a
Shimadzu RID 10A refractive index detector (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). The
chromatography column used together with the HPLC system was an Aminex HPX-87H,
with a Cation-H MicroGuard column (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) at 50 ◦ C.
The eluent was 5 mM sulfuric acid, at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min and a pressure of 50 bar.
The TS content of the solid samples generated during acid hydrolysis was analyzed by
drying the samples in an oven (105 ◦ C) for 48 h and weighing. The water-insoluble solids
(WIS) content was determined by thoroughly washing the samples before drying them in an
oven (105 ◦ C) and weighing, according to the NREL protocol developed by Sluiter et al. [28].
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 5 of 15

The TS measurements were performed in triplicate and the WIS measurements were
performed in duplicate.

2.5. Collection, Two-Step Hydrolysis, and Compositional Analysis of Viscose Waste Textiles and
Its Derivatives
The viscose waste textiles used in this study were sorted at, and provided by, a textile
sorting facility. Only textiles consisting of 100% viscose were selected for this study. Buttons,
seams, and other non-textile components were removed from the waste textiles prior to
shredding into a size of approximately 3 by 3 cm and delivery.
The two-step acid hydrolysis of the viscose waste textiles was performed by first
exposing 25 g of dry textiles to 126 g of 80 wt.% sulfuric acid for 1 h at 30 ◦ C. After
completed pre-hydrolysis, 568.5 g of water was added to the mixture to reach a sulfuric
acid concentration of 15 wt.%. The mixture was thoroughly mixed and treated for 1 h at
121 ◦ C in an autoclave. Upon completed post-hydrolysis, the mixture was allowed to cool
before samples were taken from the supernatant.
The total solids content of the viscose waste textiles was determined gravimetrically in
triplicates, before and after freeze-drying samples of around 500 mg at 25 ◦ C. The polysac-
charide content of the viscose waste textiles was analyzed following the acid hydrolysis
method developed by Saeman et al. [29]. The hydrolysates from the compositional analysis
of the raw material, as well as the supernatant samples from the hydrolysis experiments,
were separated and quantified by high-performance anion exchange chromatography with
pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) on an ICS6000 system (Dionex, Sunnyvale,
CA, USA), as described elsewhere [30]. The monosaccharide contents were calculated in
reference to a standard mixture (0.005–0.01 mg/mL) containing fucose, rhamnose, arabi-
nose, xylose, galactose, glucose, mannose, galacturonic acid, and glucuronic acid (Sigma
Aldrich, Stockholm, Sweden).

2.6. Calculations
The glucose yield was calculated based on the total amount of glucose in the raw
material, as determined in the compositional analysis. The total amount of glucose in
the waste textiles corresponds to 1.11 times the cellulose content, since water is added to
the cellulose during hydrolysis. The total amount of glucose in the solid residue used in
recycling experiments was calculated twice, following two different assumptions. The first
value was calculated assuming that the dry matter of the solid residue consisted only of
glucan, while the second value was calculated assuming that all non-cellulosic material in
the raw material was recovered in the solid residue. In both cases, the liquid trapped in the
solid residue was assumed to have the same composition as the liquid product obtained
from vacuum filtration where the solid residue was recovered. The glucose yield in the
experiments was subsequently calculated by multiplying the glucose concentration in the
liquid product by the volume of the liquid product and then dividing by the total amount
of glucose in the raw material (see Equations (1)–(3)).

c glucose V
Ywaste textiles = (1)
ηWT mWT wcell · 1.11

c glucose V
Ymix, pure SR = mSR,liq (2)
ηWT mWT wcell · 1.11 + mSR,dry · 1.11 + ρ I c glucose,I

c glucose V
Ymix, impure SR =   mSR,liq
ηWT mWT wcell · 1.11 + mSR,dry − mSR, non−cell · 1.11 + ρ I c glucose,I

where Ywaste textiles denotes the glucose yield from waste textiles, Ymix, pure SR the glucose
yield from a mixture of waste textiles and recycled solid residue where the solid residue is
assumed to consist purely of glucan, and Ymix, impure SR denotes the glucose yield from a
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 6 of 15

mixture of waste textiles and recycled solid residue where the solid residue is assumed to
contain impurities in the form of non-cellulosic material found in waste textiles. c glucose
denotes the glucose concentration in the liquid product, V is the volume of the liquid
product, ηWT is the dry matter content of the waste textiles, mWT is the mass of waste
textiles used in the experiment, wcell is the mass fraction of cellulose within the waste textiles
(determined in the compositional analysis), and 1.11 is a correction factor corresponding to
the weight increase when water is added to cellulose/glucan during hydrolysis. mSR,dry
denotes the dry weight of the recycled solid residue, mSR,liq is the weight of the liquid
trapped in the recycled solid residue (before drying), ρ I is the density of the liquid trapped
in the recycled solid residue (before drying), c glucose,I is the glucose concentration in the
liquid trapped in the recycled solid residue (before drying), and mSR, non−cell is the dry
weight of non-cellulosic material present in the recycled solid residue, assuming that all
the non-cellulosic material present in the waste textiles is recovered in the solid residue
after the vacuum filtration step.
Since a significant amount of material was lost during vacuum filtration after the post-
hydrolysis step, i.e., neither recovered in the liquid fraction nor the solid, (see Section 3.2.2.
for further discussion on material losses), the values of the glucose concentration of the
liquid product obtained from the HPLC analysis required adjustment to reflect the actual
glucose concentration in the liquid fraction after the post-hydrolysis step. The prolonged
exposure to vacuum allowed volatile components of the mixture to evaporate and, since the
most volatile component in the product mixture was water, it was assumed that these mass
losses corresponded to pure water losses. Moreover, the filtration time varied depending on
the conditions used in the post-hydrolysis step, which led to differences in the magnitude
of the mass losses. Thus, in order to ensure valid comparisons of the glucose concentration
in the different experiments, the effect of vacuum filtration was eliminated by adjusting
the glucose concentrations obtained from the HPLC analysis, by assuming the mass losses
during vacuum filtration to be pure water, according to Equation (4):

c glucose V
c glucose,adjusted = (4)
V + mlost /ρw

where c glucose, adjusted is the concentration of glucose after the post-hydrolysis step, c glucose is
the glucose concentration of the liquid product after vacuum filtration measured by HPLC
analysis, V is the volume of the liquid product after vacuum filtration, mlost is the mass lost
during the vacuum filtration step, and ρw is the density of pure water at room temperature.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Composition of Cotton Waste Textiles
According to the compositional analysis, the cellulose content of the cotton waste
textiles used in this study was 92% (standard deviation 1%). The blue jeans used in the
study by Jeihanipour et al. were found to have a cellulose content of 93% (±1%) [21],
while Buchert et al. reported that raw cotton fibers, before the addition of dyes, contained
3.6% non-cellulosic components, which corresponds to a cellulose content of 96.4% [31].
Thus, the results of the compositional analysis of the waste textiles were deemed to be
consistent with previous findings.

3.2. Optimization of the Two-Step Acid Hydrolysis

3.2.1. Pre-Hydrolysis
The change in crystallinity of cotton waste textiles upon exposure to sulfuric acid at
varying concentrations in the pre-hydrolysis step is shown in Figure 2. As the textiles
were exposed to increasing concentrations of sulfuric acid, the distinct pattern typical
of crystalline cellulose I [32] seen in the measurements on the raw material (Textiles, no
acid) gradually faded away until individual equatorial reflections could no longer be
distinguished (at 80 wt.% sulfuric acid). This loss of distinct equatorial reflections in
the diffractogram indicates a loss of crystalline regions in the sample, i.e., the cellulose
The change in crystallinity of cotton waste textiles upon exposure to sulfuric acid at
varying concentrations in the pre-hydrolysis step is shown in Figure 2. As the textiles were
exposed to increasing concentrations of sulfuric acid, the distinct pattern typical of crys-
talline cellulose I [32] seen in the measurements on the raw material (Textiles, no acid)
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 gradually faded away until individual equatorial reflections could no longer be distin- 7 of 15

guished (at 80 wt.% sulfuric acid). This loss of distinct equatorial reflections in the diffrac-
togram indicates a loss of crystalline regions in the sample, i.e., the cellulose has been de-
has into an amorphous
been de-crystallized state [33]. Asstate
into an amorphous shown
our previous
shown in ourstudy, the perfor-
previous study,
manceperformance of theacid
of the two-step two-step acid process
hydrolysis hydrolysis process is on
is dependent dependent
the sulfuricon acid
the sulfuric
acid concentration
tration in the pre-hydrolysis
in the pre-hydrolysis step; concentrations
step; concentrations below 80 wt.%below
in the 80 wt.% in the step
pre-hydrolysis pre-
hydrolysis step had
had a significant a significant
negative impact negative impact on of
on the efficiency thethe
processof theThe
[22]. process [22].ofThe
results the
results of the WAXS measurements presented in Figure 2 illustrate the
WAXS measurements presented in Figure 2 illustrate the favorable effect of the high con- favorable effect
of the highofconcentration
centration sulfuric acid of sulfuric
in the acid in thestep,
pre-hydrolysis pre-hydrolysis
as the rate ofstep, as the rate of
acid-catalyzed acid-
catalyzed hydrolysiscellulose
ysis of amorphous of amorphous cellulose
is known to be issignificantly
known to behigher
than thathigher than that
of crystalline
of crystalline
cellulose cellulose [14,18,34].

Figure2.2. WAXS
Figure WAXSdiffractograms
cotton waste
cotton textiles
waste treated
textiles withwith
treated varying concentrations
varying concentra-
of sulfuric
tions acid inacid
of sulfuric the in
pre-hydrolysis step. step.
the pre-hydrolysis

3.2.2. Optimization
3.2.2. Optimization of of the
the Post-Hydrolysis
Post-Hydrolysis Step
In general,
In general, aa higher
higher temperature
temperature and higher
higher sulfuric acid concentration in the post-
hydrolysis stepled
to aa lower
lower glucose
as can
can be
be seen
seen in
in Figure
Figure 3a.
3a. The
The lower
lower glucose
yield at
yield at higher
higher temperatures
temperatures can can be
be explained
explained by by increased
increased by-product
by-product formation
formation during
experiments 121 ◦°C,
at121 presence of any by-products
C, while the presence by-products was below the quantification
limit inexperiments
performed atat
100 ◦ C°C
100 and 80 ◦80
and C.°C. A higher
A higher formation
formation of by-products
of by-products was
was expected
expected at higher
at higher temperatures
temperatures and increased
and increased acidity, acidity, asbehavior
as similar similar behavior
has been has been
for lignocellulosic biomass [17,35]. Increasing the concentration of sulfuric acid in the post-
hydrolysis step during experiments at 121 ◦ C did indeed increase by-product formation,
which partly explains the decrease in glucose yield. However, although the glucose yield
decreased in a similar manner when increasing the sulfuric acid concentration at 100 ◦ C,
the concentration of by-products remained below the quantification limit. Moreover,
the increase in by-product formation did not correspond completely to a decrease in
glucose production when increasing the concentration of sulfuric acid when running at
121 ◦ C. The conversion of cellulose into hydrolysates, i.e., the fraction of cellulose that was
hydrolyzed into either glucose, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), or levulinic acid (common
glucose yield decreased in a similar manner when increasing the sulfuric acid conc
tion at 100 °C, the concentration of by-products remained below the quantification
Moreover, the increase in by-product formation did not correspond completely to
crease in glucose production when increasing the concentration of sulfuric acid whe
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 ning at 121 °C. The conversion of cellulose into hydrolysates, i.e., the 8fraction of 15 of cel
that was hydrolyzed into either glucose, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), or levulini
(common by-products in the degradation of glucose and the only ones detected d
by-products inthe theHPLC analysis),
degradation of decreased
glucose and with
only onesconcentrations
detected during of the
HPLC acid, at bo
analysis), decreased with increasing concentrations of sulfuric acid, at both 100 C andof sulfuri
°C and 121 °C (Figure 3b). This suggests that increasing the concentration◦

121 ◦ C (Figure (which corresponds

3b). This suggests that to aincreasing
decrease in thethe water content,
concentration of which
sulfuric is acid
(whichduring h
corresponds toysis) halts hydrolysis,
a decrease in the water leaving part which
content, of the material unreacted,
is consumed duringpossibly
hydrolysis) in the form
halts hydrolysis, leavingsugars.
part ofTo thetest this hypothesis,
material unreacted, the duration
possibly ofform
in the the post-hydrolysis
of oligomeric step (1
sugars. To test and 30 wt% sulfuric
this hypothesis, acid) was
the duration of increased to 3 h. When
the post-hydrolysis stepthe ◦ C and 30
(100duration waswt%increased
sulfuric acid) was increased to 3 h. When the duration was increased to 3 h, the conversion glucose
the conversion of cellulose into hydrolysates remained at 45%; however, the
of cellulose into by eight
hydrolysates remainedpercentage
at 45%; points,
however,whichthecorresponded to the increase
glucose yield decreased by in lev
eight percentageacid. The fact
points, whichthatcorresponded
the conversion to of
increaseinto hydrolysates
in levulinic acid. remained
The fact that unchanged
the conversionincreasing theinto
of cellulose temperature
100 °C tounchanged
121 °C) and upon
the duration
increasing of the
temperature (from ◦C 1
(from toto
1213 h)◦ C)
and the durationthat ofthethe
post-hydrolysisof the
step sulfuric
(from 1acidto solutio
the that
3 h) demonstrates greatest effect on the degree
the concentration of hydrolysis
of the sulfuric of the had
acid solution raw thematerial
greatest in effect
the post-hydr
on the degree step at sufficient
of hydrolysis temperatures
of the raw material andin residence times (100 °C,
the post-hydrolysis 1 h),
step at while increasing th
temperatures and residence times ◦
(100 C, 1further
h), while increasing the residence time and
idence time and temperature mainly led to increased by-product formation
temperature further mainly led to increased by-product formation.

80 80

Cellulose conversion into

hydrolysates (%)
60 60
Glucose yield (%)

40 40

20 20 100 °C
100 °C

121 °C 121 °C
0 0
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
Acid concentration (wt%) Acid concentration (wt%)

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Glucose yield 3.
(a)Glucose yield (a) of
and conversion and conversion
cellulose into of cellulose into
hydrolysates (b)hydrolysates
obtained with(b)different
obtained with di
combinations of sulfuric acid concentration and temperature in the
combinations of sulfuric acid concentration and temperature in the post-hydrolysis step. post-hydrolysis step.

Interestingly, the decrease inthe decrease inwith
hydrolysates hydrolysates
increasingwith increasing concentrations
concentrations of sulfuric of su
acid did not lead to a proportional increase in solids recovery.
acid did not lead to a proportional increase in solids recovery. Throughout the experiments Throughout the e
at both 100 ◦ C ments
and 121 at◦both
C, the100 °C recovery
solid and 121 °C, the solid
remained recovery
about remained
20%. This about
indicates 20%.
that, as This ind
the concentration of sulfuric acid was increased, a larger fraction of the cotton waste textiles of the
that, as the concentration of sulfuric acid was increased, a larger fraction
was converted waste textiles was
into oligomeric converted
glucose into
chains, oligomeric
which were too glucose
short tochains, which were
be recovered in thetoo short
recovered in the solid residue but too long to be detected
solid residue but too long to be detected in the HPLC analysis. We found similar results in the HPLC analysis.
in We
similar results in our previous study, when increasing the
our previous study, when increasing the concentration of sulfuric acid at a high temper- concentration of sulfuri
ature (130 ◦ C) at
leda to
an temperature
increase in the (130 °C) ledoftomaterial
amount an increase in the
neither amount in
recovered of the
solid neither
residue nor detected as monomers in the HPLC analysis, together with higher by-product togethe
ered in the solid residue nor detected as monomers in the HPLC analysis,
formation [22].higher by-product
An alternative formation
explanation [22].beAn
could thealternative
formation explanation
of unknown couldcompoundsbe the format
during the treatment that might avoid detection in the HPLC analysis. Nonetheless, it has
been shown that during treatment with inorganic acids, the rate of depolymerization of
cellulose decreases until it levels off, after which it remains relatively unchanged despite
further treatment [12]. This phenomenon has been reported more recently during the
hydrolysis of cotton textiles using sulfuric acid at similar conditions to those in the present
study [24], which supports the hypothesis that the material not recovered as solid residue
or monomers in this study is indeed oligomeric glucose chains in the liquid product.
While the glucose yield decreased at higher sulfuric acid concentrations in the post-
hydrolysis step, the glucose concentration in the liquid product increased, as can be seen in
Figure 4. Although the glucose yield decreased with increasing sulfuric acid concentrations,
tively unchanged despite further treatment [12]. This phenomenon has been reported
more recently during the hydrolysis of cotton textiles using sulfuric acid at similar condi-
tions to those in the present study [24], which supports the hypothesis that the material
not recovered as solid residue or monomers in this study is indeed oligomeric glucose
chains in the liquid product.
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 9 of 15
While the glucose yield decreased at higher sulfuric acid concentrations in the post-
hydrolysis step, the glucose concentration in the liquid product increased, as can be seen
in Figure 4. Although the glucose yield decreased with increasing sulfuric acid concentra-
tions, the lower
the lower waterwater content
content in more
in the the more concentrated
concentrated acidacid
led led to the
to all all the components
components in
in the
the liquid
liquid product
product becoming
becoming moremore concentrated,
concentrated, including
including glucose.


100 °C
Glucose concentration (g/l)
121 °C




10 15 20 25 30
Acid concentration (wt%)

Glucoseconcentration in the
concentration liquid
in the product
liquid at different
product combinations
at different of sulfuric
combinations acid con-
of sulfuric acid
concentration and temperature in the post-hydrolysis step. The values are adjusted assumingloss
and temperature in the post-hydrolysis step. The values are adjusted assuming all of
all loss
mass during filtration was evaporated water.
of mass during filtration was evaporated water.

AsAscan canbebeseen
seen in in
Figure 4, the
Figure glucose
4, the concentration
glucose concentration in the inliquid product
the liquid was con-
product was
sistently higher at a temperature of 100 °C than
◦ at 121 °C. This

consistently higher at a temperature of 100 C than at 121 C. This is consistent with the is consistent with the fact
that moreglucose is lostisdue
glucose lostto by-product
due to by-productformation at higher
formation temperatures.
at higher temperatures.TheseThese
cose losses became so high that when the acid concentration was
glucose losses became so high that when the acid concentration was increased from 20 wt.% increased from 20 wt.%
toto3030wt.%wt.%(at(at121 °C),
121 thethe
◦ C), glucose
concentration decreased,
counteracting the fact
the that
fact the
system is 1.5 times more diluted at 20 wt.% than at 30 wt.%.
the system is 1.5 times more diluted at 20 wt.% than at 30 wt.%. This is supported This is supported by the
that conversion of cellulose to hydrolysates
of cellulose to hydrolysateswas the was same at both
the same at100
both °C100
and◦ C121
with ◦C
30 wt.%
with 30 sulfuric acid, indicating
wt.% sulfuric that by-product
acid, indicating that by-product formation constitutes
formation the difference
constitutes be-
the difference
tween the results at the two acid concentrations. Interestingly,
between the results at the two acid concentrations. Interestingly, Figure 4 shows that Figure 4 shows that the
the glucose concentration
concentrationwas consistently
was consistently aboveabove
100 g/L 100ing/L
the experiments
in the experiments performed at 100
°C, except ◦ when using a sulfuric acid concentration below 15
at 100 C, except when using a sulfuric acid concentration below 15 wt.% in the post- wt.% in the post-hydrolysis
step. Since by-product
hydrolysis step. Sinceformation
by-product wasformation
limited atwas 100 limited at 100 ◦the
°C, increasing C, acid concentration
increasing the acid
the post-hydrolysis step proved to step
in the post-hydrolysis be anproved
effectiveto bewayan of increasing
effective waythe glucose con-
of increasing the
centration, at the expense
glucose concentration, at of
thethe glucose
expense of yield; however,
the glucose thehowever,
yield; effect was thelower
acid concentrations
at sulfuric above 20 wt.%.
acid concentrations aboveAdditional
20 wt.%. experiments were performed
Additional experiments were at 80 °C, butat
were ◦ found to be significantly inferior to 100 °C, both in◦terms
80 C, but were found to be significantly inferior to 100 C, both in terms of glucose of glucose yield and con-
centration due to low
and concentration due reactivity (data not(data
to low reactivity shown). not shown).
materialusing usingsulfuric
sulfuricacid acidiningeneral,
general,and and
particular,has hasseen
[10,15,19,34].As Ascan
canbe be
seenin inTable
Table 1,1, Kong-Win
Kong-Win Chang et et al.
al. were
were able
ableto toachieve
celluloseusing usingconcentrated
sulfuricacidacid in
in the pre-hydrolysis step, step, followed
followedby bypartial
neutralization and subsequent post-hydrolysis using sodium
neutralization and subsequent post-hydrolysis using sodium hydroxide [17]. The yield hydroxide [17]. The yield was
impressive, but the process required large quantities of sulfuric acid, resulting in a very
low solids loading. However, post-consumer cotton textiles exhibit significantly higher
resistance toward hydrolysis than cellulose from other sources, including virgin cotton. In
an attempt to overcome the stability of cotton textiles, Sasaki et al. studied a microwave-
assisted method to directly hydrolyze cotton towels [36]. The microwave-assisted direct
hydrolysis had a very low glucose yield, and a subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis step
was necessary to improve the process (Table 1). Similarly, Kuo et al. achieved high
glucose yields by pretreating waste textiles with sulfuric acid followed by an enzymatic
hydrolysis step [37]. Despite the high glucose yields achieved by Sasaki et al. and Kuo et al.,
both methods required the use of enzymes, and the solids loadings were notably low,
which in turn led to a low glucose concentration in the solution (Table 1). At low solids
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 10 of 15

loadings, the technology developed in this study was in our previous study shown to
be capable of achieving glucose yields above 90% [22]. After the optimization in the
present study, our technology also possesses the benefit of being able to produce glucose
solutions with concentrations above 100 g/L, while retaining a glucose yield above 70%
and operating at high solids loadings (ten times higher compared to Kuo et al.). In general,
our process has similarities to that developed by Farone and Cuzens aimed at processing
general lignocellulosic biomass, in that both methods are based on two-step, sulfuric-acid-
catalyzed, hydrolysis processes, giving comparable results [15]. The notable difference is
that the process presented in this study is optimized with regard to saccharifying post-
consumer cotton waste textiles. In summary, the inherent resistance toward hydrolysis
of cotton textiles was overcome by the exposure to the concentrated sulfuric acid in the
pre-hydrolysis step, while the moderate temperature in the post-hydrolysis step allowed
for efficient saccharification and prevented by-product formation. Finally, the optimized
solids loading in the pre-hydrolysis step and the concentration of sulfuric acid in the
post-hydrolysis step resulted in a high glucose yield and a product of high concentration.

Table 1. Reported yields, product concentrations, and raw material solids loadings from studies
producing glucose from cellulose and cotton waste textiles, including the present study.

Glucose Solids Loading

Study Glucose Yield (%) Concentration (Dry G Matter Raw Material Used
(G/L) /G Solution)
Cellulose from
Kong-Win Chang et al. [17] 98 - 0.03
steam-pretreated straw
Sasaki et al. without enzymes [36] 29 - 0.03 Cotton towels
Sasaki et al. with enzymes [36] 78 - 0.02 Cotton towels
Kuo et al. [37] 80 45 0.08 Waste cotton T-shirts
Our previous study [22] 92 3 0.06 Waste cotton bed linens
Present study 72 109 0.74 Waste cotton bed linens

In this study, cotton waste textiles were used as a proxy for general cellulosic waste
textiles. This was partly done since it is the most abundant type of waste textiles within the
category of cellulosic waste textiles, which means that it accurately represents the majority
of said waste category and is comparably easy to collect in larger quantities [6]. Secondly,
cellulose found in cotton is harder to hydrolyze compared to cellulose from other cellulosic
textiles due to its high degree of polymerization and crystallinity [14,18,22,26]. Furthermore,
optimizing the process to overcome this resistance towards hydrolysis exhibited by cotton
waste textiles would ensure that the other types of cellulose-based waste textiles could be
valorized following the same process. To confirm this assumption, an experiment where the
two-step acid hydrolysis process was applied to waste textiles consisting of 100% viscose
was conducted. The results show that a yield above 80% could also be achieved from
viscose waste, which confirms that the process could be extrapolated to other types of
cellulosic waste textiles as well.
In order to provide a viable valorization option to all cellulose-based waste textiles
unfit for fiber recycling and fiber regeneration, the process should be able to treat fiber
blends, as well as textiles made of only one type of fiber. This is because a large fraction of
today’s textiles is blended with other fiber types to combine the benefits from different fiber
types in a single fabric. Nevertheless, the process proposed in this paper shows promise in
this regard as well. Other researchers have shown that it is possible to use sulfuric acid as a
separating agent for separating polyester from cellulosic fibers when those are blended in a
single fabric. The resistance of polyester to the damaging effect of sulfuric acid allowed
the researchers to separate polyester at high recovery rates from blends of polyester and
cotton, as well as polyester and rayon [24]. While fabrics where cellulosic fibers are blended
fiber types in a single fabric. Nevertheless, the process proposed in this paper shows
promise in this regard as well. Other researchers have shown that it is possible to use
sulfuric acid as a separating agent for separating polyester from cellulosic fibers when
those are blended in a single fabric. The resistance of polyester to the damaging effect of
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 sulfuric acid allowed the researchers to separate polyester at high recovery rates11fromof 15
blends of polyester and cotton, as well as polyester and rayon [24]. While fabrics where
cellulosic fibers are blended with polyester are common, the textile market consists of var-
ious fiber blends containing cellulosic fibers and, as such, a more thorough study is
with polyester are common, the textile market consists of various fiber blends containing
needed in order to measure the effectiveness of this process in each of those cases.
cellulosic fibers and, as such, a more thorough study is needed in order to measure the
effectiveness of this process in each of those cases.
3.3. Recyclability of Solid Residue
3.3. Recyclability
When the solid of Solid Residue
residue from a previous treatment cycle of cotton waste textiles (i.e.,
the filter
When cake
theobtained after vacuum
solid residue filtration)treatment
from a previous was mixed with
cycle offresh cotton
cotton waste waste textiles
textiles (i.e.,
and processed once more, the overall glucose yield, based on the theoretical
the filter cake obtained after vacuum filtration) was mixed with fresh cotton waste textiles content of
monosaccharides in the combined material, decreased (Figure 5).
and processed once more, the overall glucose yield, based on the theoretical contentTwo different values of
the glucose yield in
monosaccharides were
the calculated: one assuming
combined material, that (Figure
decreased the solid 5).residue obtained
Two different afterofvac-
values the
glucosefiltration consisted
yield were purelyone
calculated: of glucan
the the
other assuming
solid residuethat all theafter
obtained non-cellulo-
sic material
filtration present purely
consisted in the raw material
of glucan and was
therecovered in the solid
other assuming that residue after vacuum
all the non-cellulosic
filtration, as described
material present in theinrawSection 2.6. These
material assumptions
was recovered serve
in the solidas an upperafter
residue and vacuum
a lower
limit of theasoligomeric
filtration, described sugars recovered
in Section in the
2.6. These solid residue
assumptions being
serve asrecycled.
an upperThe andtrue glu-
a lower
limitcontent of the solid
of the oligomeric residue
sugars is between
recovered in the these two values,
solid residue beingwith someThe
recycled. non-cellulosic
true glucan
content ofbeing recovered
the solid residueinisboth the solid
between these residue and with
two values, the liquid fraction after vacuum
some non-cellulosic material
being recovered in both the solid residue and the liquid fraction after vacuum filtration.

100 Assuming pure glucan solid residue

90 Assuming impure solid residue
Glucose yield without solid residue recycling
Glucose yield (%)

Dry method Wet method

Figure 5. Glucose
Glucose yield
yield after
after acid
acid hydrolysis
hydrolysis of
of cotton
cotton waste
waste textiles
textiles combined
combined with the solid
solid residue
from a previous treatment cycle. The two values of the yield were calculated assuming that the solid
residue contained non-cellulosic impurities
contained non-cellulosic impurities (pink)
(pink) or
or not
not (blue
(blue with
with white
white dots).

The slight decrease

The slight decrease in in glucose
causedby bythe
previous cycle is likely due to the low reactivity of the recycled solid residue
cycle is likely due to the low reactivity of the recycled solid residue rather than rather thana
reduction in overall efficiency. Lower reactivity of the recycled solid residue
in overall efficiency. Lower reactivity of the recycled solid residue is supported is sup-
ported by the fact that the crystallinity of cellulose can be increased following
by the fact that the crystallinity of cellulose can be increased following partial hydrolysis. partial hy-
drolysis. Sannigrahi et al. [34] showed that partial acid hydrolysis increased
Sannigrahi et al. [34] showed that partial acid hydrolysis increased the crystallinity of the crystal-
linity of cellulose
cellulose and attributed
and attributed this to thethis
fact to the
that thefact thatamorphous
more the more amorphous
regions of theregions of the
cellulose are
hydrolyzed arefirst,
effectivelyfirst, effectively concentrating
concentrating the moreregions
the more crystalline crystalline regions
in the sample. in the
alternative explanation could be formation of unknown products during treatment and/or
post-processing that reduces the reactivity of the remaining solid residue.
It can be assumed that the degree of hydrolysis of the fresh waste textiles was not
negatively affected by the addition of recycled solid residue, as replacing part of the waste
textiles with a material with a lower reactivity means the remaining fresh waste textiles
experienced less competition for the catalyst. In fact, assuming that the glucose yield from
fresh waste textiles remained the same, the glucose yield from the recycled solid residue
was 20–30% using the dry method, and 15–25% using the wet method. This illustrates the
much lower reactivity of the recycled solid residue than the fresh waste textiles, whose
glucose yield was approximately 72%.
In the case of the wet method, the solid residue was not added until the post-hydrolysis
step, and since the mass of substrate (waste textiles and recycled solid residue) was chosen
so that the ratio of substrate to sulfuric acid was kept at the same level in the post-hydrolysis
step between the wet method, the dry method and the original method described in
Section 2.2, the solids loading in the pre-hydrolysis step was decreased. As shown in our
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 12 of 15

previous study, a decrease in solids loadings in the pre-hydrolysis step corresponds to an

increase in the degree of hydrolysis of the raw material in the process [22]. This implies that
the glucose yield of the fresh waste textiles in the wet method could have been higher than
assumed, and consequently the values presented on the glucose yield of the recycled solid
residue are likely exaggerated and should be regarded as upper limits. This significant
decrease in reactivity emphasizes the importance of maximizing the once-through glucose
yield of the process, and that the solid residue should be used for other purposes, possibly
as a solid fuel, as solid residue from sulfuric-acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of lignocellulosic
biomass has been shown to burn well [15].

3.4. Product Requirement and Post-Processing

The glucose produced in this process can be used as a platform chemical for various
products. Attractive alternatives include butanediol and caprolactam, which are used to
produce spandex and nylon, respectively [38–40]. This is especially attractive since using
waste textiles as a raw material for new textile production would keep the value of the waste
textiles within the textile value chain, reduce the consumption of virgin raw materials, and
reduce waste. Another option is to ferment the glucose into ethanol for biofuel production.
Generally, post-processing of glucose involves microbial metabolic conversion, thus the
glucose solution must be microbially compatible. It has been reported that the optimal
glucose concentration for ethanol production using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a very common
microorganism in fermentation, is 55 g/L [41]. S. cerevisiae is regarded as a rather robust
microorganism, tolerating high glucose concentrations before fermentation is inhibited,
while other microorganisms require lower glucose concentrations in order to function
optimally. Additionally, since producing products of low concentrations adds to the costs
associated with separation and recovery, it is advantageous to produce a concentrated
product [42]. This reduces transportation costs, and the product can be readily diluted to
target values, such as 55 g/L in the case of bioethanol production. We therefore suggest a
minimum concentration of 100 g glucose/L for the product.
There are, however, challenges associated with the purification of the glucose solution.
Before any microbial post-processing can take place, the glucose must be separated from
the sulfuric acid in the product mixture. This is important not only with respect to microbial
compatibility, since the low pH of the solution would prevent any microbial growth, but
also with respect to recycling of the sulfuric acid. Without an efficient method of separating
and recycling the sulfuric acid, the process would generate large amounts of waste and
become unsustainable. The focus of this research has been to study and optimize the
parameters in order to achieve a process that produces a concentrated product, while at
the same time maintaining a high yield. Consequently, since downstream processing and
purification of the product was not included in the focus of this study, separation of the
sulfuric acid from the glucose solution remains to be investigated further. Several methods
and techniques have been suggested for the separation of sugars from acid-containing
hydrolysate of lignocellulosic materials, including ion exclusion chromatography, solvent
extraction, electrodialysis, and membrane technology, but further research is needed to
determine their applicability in this case [43,44]. However, should the separation prove
to be uneconomic, alternative approaches, such as intermediate, partial separation of the
sulfuric acid between the pre-hydrolysis step and the post-hydrolysis step using membrane
filtration, might help increase feasibility. This would further decrease the water consump-
tion in order to reach the lower concentration of sulfuric acid in the post-hydrolysis step,
possibly increasing the glucose concentration even further, without affecting the glucose
yield. Ultimately, exchanging the sulfuric acid for enzymes in the post-hydrolysis step
would bypass the glucose–acid separation challenge completely. Since pre-hydrolysis
left the cotton waste textiles completely de-crystallized, this intermediary material could
possibly suit as a perfect substrate for enzymatic hydrolysis, since the problems related
to increased apparent crystallinity would be minimized, something that has previously
Recycling 2022, 7, 57 13 of 15

been reported during acidic pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass prior to enzymatic

hydrolysis [34].

4. Conclusions
The proposed process provides a fast and efficient method of transforming cotton
waste textiles into glucose, and very likely most cellulose-based waste textiles. The results
of the current study show that it is possible to achieve glucose yields above 70% from cotton
waste textiles, while exceeding a benchmark for the glucose concentration of 100 g/L, which,
to the best of our knowledge, has not yet been reported in the literature. This was achieved
while maintaining an optimal, high textile-to-sulfuric acid ratio in the pre-hydrolysis step of
0.74 g dry textiles/g 80 wt.% H2 SO4 , during which the cellulose in the textiles was shown
to be completely de-crystallized. An operating temperature of 100 ◦ C in the post-hydrolysis
step is superior to both higher and lower temperatures, resulting in both a higher yield and
concentration of glucose, due to the significant by-product formation at 121 ◦ C and the low
reactivity at 80 ◦ C. Finally, the proposed process does not rely on enzymes and can easily
be modified to accommodate different requirements on the product; however, recycling of
the sulfuric acid remains an interesting subject for future studies.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.R., M.S.-S., P.T.L. and O.W.; Data curation, E.R. and
A.T.; Formal analysis, E.R. and A.T.; Funding acquisition, M.S.-S., P.T.L. and O.W.; Investigation, E.R.,
A.T., A.J.-Q., P.S., S.V., M.S.O., S.D. and V.S.; Methodology, E.R., M.S.-S., P.T.L., A.T. and O.W.; Project
administration, E.R. and O.W.; Resources, E.R., A.T., A.J.-Q. and O.W.; Supervision, M.S.-S. and O.W.;
Validation, E.R., A.T., A.J.-Q., P.S., S.V., M.S.O., S.D. and V.S.; Visualization, E.R., M.S.-S. and A.T.;
Writing—original draft, E.R. and A.T.; Writing—review and editing, E.R., M.S.-S., P.T.L., A.T., A.J.-Q.
and O.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Swedish Energy Agency [project number 51217-1].
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data is contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to posthumously acknowledge and extend their grati-
tude to Lars Stigsson at ShareTex AB for his valuable discussions and support to the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.

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