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Morphology of Flowering Plants 77

1. Coconut fruit is a 9. Stems modified into flat green organs

(a) berry (b) nut performing the functions of leaves are known
(c) capsule (d) drupe. as
(NEET 2017) (a) phylloclades (b) scales
(c) cladodes (d) phyllodes.
2. In Bougainvillea, thorns are the modifications (NEET­I 2016)
10. Cotyledon of maize grain is called
(a) adventitious root (b) stem
(a) coleoptile (b) scutellum
(c) leaf (d) stipules.
(c) plumule (d) coleorhiza.
(NEET 2017) (NEET­I 2016)
3. The morphological nature of the edible part of 11. Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in
coconut is flowers of
(a) cotyledon (b) endosperm (a) Fabaceae (b) Poaceae
(c) pericarp (d) perisperm. (c) Liliaceae (d) Solanaceae
(NEET 2017) (NEET­I 2016)
4. The term ‘polyadelphous’ is related to 12. The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla
(a) gynoecium (b) androecium is also called
(c) corolla (d) calyx. (a) vexillum (b) corona
(NEET­II 2016) (c) carina (d) pappus.
5. How many plants among Indigofera, Sesbania, (NEET­I 2016)
Salvia, Allium, Aloe, mustard, groundnut, 13. The wheat grain has an embryo with one large,
radish, gram and turnip have stamens with shield shaped cotyledon known as
different lengths in their flowers? (a) scutellum (b) coleoptile
(a) Three (b) Four (c) epiblast (d) coleorhiza.
(c) Five (d) Six (2015)
(NEET­II 2016) 14. Among China rose, mustard, brinjal, potato,
6. Radial symmetry is found in the flowers of guava, cucumber, onion and tulip, how many
(a) Brassica (b) Trifolium plants have superior ovary?
(c) Pisum (d) Cassia. (a) Three (b) Four
(NEET­II 2016) (c) Five (d) Six
7. Free­central placentation is found in
(a) Dianthus (b) Argemone 15. Axile placentation is present in
(a) pea (b) Argemone
(c) Brassica (d) Citrus.
(c) Dianthus (d) lemon.
(NEET­II 2016)
8. Which of the following is not a stem modification? 16. Roots play insignificant role in absorption of
(a) Tendrils of cucumber
water in
(b) Flattened structures of Opuntia
(a) pea (b) wheat
(c) Pitcher of Nepenthes (c) sunflower (d) Pistia.
(d) Thorns of citrus (NEET­I 2016) (2015)

26. In China rose the flowers are

17. K (5) C(5) A 5 G(2) is the floral formula of (a) zygomorphic, hypogynous with imbricate
(a) Petunia (b) Brassica aestivation
(c) Allium (d) Sesbania. (b) zygomorphic, epigynous with twisted
(2015 Cancelled) aestivation
(c) actinomorphic, hypogynous with twisted
18. Perigynous flowers are found in aestivation
(a) China rose (b) rose (d) actinomorphic, epigynous with valvate
(c) guava (d) cucumber. aestivation (NEET 2013)
(2015 Cancelled) 27. Among flowers of Calotropis, tulip, Sesbania,
19. Keel is the characteristic feature of flower of Asparagus, Colchicum, sweet pea, Petunia,
(a) Aloe (b) tomato Indigofera, mustard, soybean, tobacco and
(c) tulip (d) Indigofera. groundnut, how many plants have corolla with
(2015 Cancelled) valvate aestivation?
(a) Six (b) Seven
20. Leaves become modified into spines in (c) Eight (d) Five
(a) onion (b) silk cotton (Karnataka NEET 2013)
(c) Opuntia (d) pea. 28. Inflorescence is racemose in
(2015 Cancelled) (a) brinjal (b) tulip
21. Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions (c) aloe (d) soybean.
in (Karnataka NEET 2013)
(a) apple (b) banana 29. In a cymose inflorescence the main axis
(c) tomato (d) potato. (a) has unlimited growth
(2014) (b) bears a solitary flower
22. When the margins of sepals or petals overlap (c) has unlimited growth but lateral branches
one another without any particular direction, end in flowers
the condition is termed as (d) terminates in a flower.
(a) vexillary (b) imbricate (Karnataka NEET 2013)
(c) twisted (d) valvate. 30. How many plants among China rose, Ocimum,
(2014) sunflower, mustard, Alstonia, guava, Calotropis
23. Which one of the following statements is and Nerium (oleander) have opposite
correct? phyllotaxy?
(a) The seed in grasses is not endospermic. (a) Three (b) Four
(b) Mango is a parthenocarpic fruit. (c) Five (d) Two
(c) A proteinaceous aleurone layer is present (Karnataka NEET 2013)
in maize grain. 31. Placentation in tomato and lemon is
(d) A sterile pistil is called a staminode. (a) parietal (b) free central
(2014) (c) marginal (d) axile. (2012)
24. An example of edible underground stem is 32. Cymose inflorescence is present in
(a) carrot (b) groundnut (a) Solanum (b) Sesbania
(c) sweet potato (d) potato. (c) Trifolium (d) Brassica. (2012)
(2014) 33. Phyllode is present in
25. Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, (a) Asparagus (b) Euphorbia
china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, (c) Australian Acacia (d) Opuntia.
guava, bean, chilli, plum, petunia, tomato, rose, (2012)
Withania, potato, onion, aloe and tulip how 34. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils
many plants have hypogynous flower? in flowers of
(a) Fifteen (b) Eighteen (a) Aloe (b) tomato
(c) Six (d) Ten (c) Papaver (d) Michelia.
(NEET 2013) (2012)
Morphology of Flowering Plants 79

35. How many plants in the list given below have

composite fruits that develop from an (c)
(d) . (2011)
Walnut, poppy, radish, fig, pineapple, apple,
tomato, mulberry. 42. Flowers are zygomorphic in
(a) Four (b) Five (a) mustard (b) gulmohur
(c) Two (d) Three (c) tomato (d) Datura.
(2012) (2011)
36. The coconut water and the edible part of coconut
43. The ovary is half inferior in flowers of
are equivalent to
(a) peach (b) cucumber
(a) endosperm (b) endocarp
(c) cotton (d) guava.
(c) mesocarp (d) embryo.
44. A drupe develops in
37. Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the
(a) mango (b) wheat
(c) pea (d) tomato.
(a) Fabaceae (b) Asteraceae
(c) Solanaceae (d) Brassicaceae. (2011)
(2012) 45. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly
matched while the remaining three are correct?
38. Which one of the following organisms is
(a) Penicillium – conidia
correctly matched with its three characteristics?
(a) Pea: C 3 pathway, endospermic seed, (b) Water hyacinth – runner
vexillary aestivation (c) Bryophyllum – leaf buds
(b) Tomato: twisted aestivation, axile (d) Agave – bulbils
placentation, berry (Mains 2011)
(c) Onion: bulb, imbricate aestivation, axile 46. Which one of the following figures represents
placentation the placentation in Dianthus?
(d) Maize: C3 pathway, closed vascular bundles,
(Mains 2012) (a) (b)
39. How many plants in the list given below have
marginal placentation?
Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Sun
hemp, Chilli, Colchicum, Onion, Moong, Pea, (c) (d)
Tobacco, Lupin
(a) Four (b) Five (Mains 2011)
(c) Six (d) Three 47. Whorled, simple leaves with reticulate venation
(Mains 2012) are present in
40. Which one of the following statements is (a) Calotropis (b) neem
correct? (c) China rose (d) Alstonia.
(a) In tomato, fruit is a capsule. (Mains 2011)
(b) Seeds of orchids have oil­rich endosperm. 48. Sweet potato is homologous to
(c) Placentation in primose is basal. (a) potato (b) Colocasia
(d) Flower of tulip is a modified shoot. (c) ginger (d) turnip.
(2011) (Mains 2011)
41. The correct floral formula of chilli is 49. In unilocular ovary with a single ovule, the
placentation is
(a) (a) marginal (b) basal
(c) free central (d) axile.
(b) (2010)

50. Keel is characteristic of the flowers of Statements :

(a) gulmohur (b) Cassia (i) In vexillary aestivation, the large posterior
(c) Calotropis (d) bean. petal is called­standard, two lateral ones
(2010) are wings and two small anterior petals are
51. Ovary is half­inferior in the flowers of termed keel.
(a) guava (b) plum (ii) The floral formula for Liliaceae is
(c) brinjal (d) cucumber. .
(iii) In pea flower the stamens are
52. The technical term used for the androecium
in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis)
(iv) The floral formula for Solanaceae is
(a) monadelphous (b) diadelphous .
(c) polyandrous (d) polyadelphous. The correct statements are
(2010) (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (ii)
53. The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (iii) and (iv).
maize is comparable to which part of the seed (Mains 2010)
in other monocotyledons?
58. The floral formula is that
(a) Cotyledon (b) Endosperm
(c) Aleurone layer (d) Plumule of
(2010) (a) soybean (b) sunhemp
54. Which one of the following is a xerophytic (c) tobacco (d) tulip.
plant in which the stem is modified into the (2009)
flat green and succulent structure? 59. A fruit developed from hypanthodium
(a) Opuntia (b) Casuarina inflorescence is called
(c) Hydrilla (d) Acacia (a) sorosis (b) syconus
(Mains 2010) (c) caryopsis (d) hesperidium.
55. Aestivation of petals in the flower of cotton (2009)
is correctly shown in 60. An example of axile placentation is
(a) Dianthus (b) lemon
(c) marigold (d) Argemone.
(a) (b) (2009)
61. Cotyledons and testa respectively are edible
parts in
(a) walnut and tamarind
(c) (d) (b) french bean and coconut
(c) cashew nut and litchi
(Mains 2010) (d) groundnut and pomegranate.
56. The correct floral formula of soyabean is (2009)
(a) 62. An example of a seed with endosperm,
perisperm, and caruncle is
(b) (a) coffee (b) lily
(c) castor (d) cotton.
(c) (2009)
63. The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig encloses
(d) (Mains 2010) a number of
57. Consider the following four statements (i), (ii), (a) berries (b) mericarps
(iii) and (iv) and select the right option for two (c) achenes (d) samaras.
correct statements. (2008)
Morphology of Flowering Plants 81

64. Dry indehiscent single­seeded fruit formed from (a) It reduces the vigour of the plant.
bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is (b) It adversely affects the fertility of the plant.
(a) berry (b) cremocarp (c) The seeds exhibit long dormancy.
(c) caryopsis (d) cypsella. (d) The seeds cannot be stored under normal
(2008) conditions for the next season. (2005)
65. Replum is present in the ovary of flower of 74. Which of the following represents the edible
(a) sun flower (b) pea
part of the fruit of litchi?
(c) lemon (d) mustard.
(a) Mesocarp (b) Endocarp
(2008) (c) Pericarp (d) Juicy aril (2005)
66. The fruit is chambered, developed from inferior
ovary and has seeds with succulent testa in 75. Edible part of mango is
(a) guava (b) cucumber (a) endocarp (b) receptacle
(c) pomegranate (d) orange. (c) epicarp (d) mesocarp. (2004)
(2008) 76. Juicy hair­like structures observed in the lemon
67. Endosperm is consumed by developing embryo fruit develop from
in the seed of (a) exocarp
(a) pea (b) maize (b) mesocarp
(c) coconut (d) castor. (c) endocarp
(2008) (d) mesocarp and endocarp. (2003)
68. Which of the following is a flowering plant 77. Geocarpic fruit is
with nodules containing filamentous nitrogen­ (a) potato (b) peanut
fixing micro­organism? (c) onion (d) garlic. (2002)
(a) Crotalaria juncea
78. Edible part in mango is
(b) Cycas revoluta
(a) mesocarp (b) epicarp
(c) Cicer arietinum
(c) endocarp (d) epidermis.
(d) Casuarina equisetifolia (2007)
69. Pentamerous actinomorphic flowers,
bicarpellary ovary with oblique septa, and fruit 79. Bicarpellary gynoecium and oblique ovary
capsule or berry, are characteristic features of occurs in
(a) Liliaceae (b) Asteraceae (a) mustard (b) banana
(c) Brassicaceae (d) Solanaceae. (c) Pisum (d) brinjal. (2001)
(2006) 80. Tetradynamous conditions occur in
70. Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from (a) Cruciferae (b) Malvaceae
(a) a multilocular monocarpellary flower (c) Solanaceae (d) Lilliaceae.
(b) a unilocular polycarpellary flower (2001)
(c) a multipistillate syncarpous flower 81. In which of the following plant sunken stomata
(d) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a are found?
common axis. (2006) (a) Nerium (b) Hydrilla
71. In which of the following fruits, the edible part (c) Mango (d) Guava (2001)
is the aril ? 82. What is the eye of potato?
(a) Litchi (b) Custard apple (a) Axillary bud (b) Accessory bud
(c) Pomegranate (d) Orange (2006) (c) Adventitious bud (d) Apical bud
72. Long filamentous threads protruding at the end (2001)
of a young cob of maize are 83. Edible part of banana is
(a) hairs (b) anthers (a) epicarp
(c) styles (d) ovaries. (2006) (b) mesocarp and less developed endocarp
73. Why is vivipary an undesirable character for (c) endocarp and less developed mesocarp
annual crop plants? (d) epicarp and mesocarp. (2001)

84. Which is correct pair for edible part? 94. A plant bears fruit, has a column of vascular
(a) Tomato­thalamus tissue and a tap root system. This plant is a
(b) Maize­cotyledons (a) angiosperm and dicot
(c) Guava­mesocarp (b) gymnosperm and dicot
(d) Date palm­mesocarp (2001) (c) angiosperm and monocot
85. Which is expressing right appropriate pairing? (d) gymnosperm and monocot. (1994)
(a) Brassicaceae ­ sunflower 95. Hypanthodium is a specialized type of
(b) Malvaceae ­ cotton (a) fruit (b) inflorescence
(c) Papilionaceae ­ catechu (c) thalamus (d) ovary.
(d) Liliaceae ­ wheat (2000) (1994)
86. Pneumatophores are found in 96. Pulses are obtained from
(a) the vegetation which is found in marshy (a) Fabaceae (b) Asteraceae
and saline lake (c) Poaceae (d) Solanaceae.
(b) the vegetation which found in acidic soil (1993)
(c) xerophytes
97. Epipetalous stamens with free filaments and
(d) epiphytes. (2000)
fused anthers occur in
87. Hair found in the inflorescence of Zea mays (a) Asteraceae (b) Solanaceae
are the modification of (c) Liliaceae (d) Poaceae.
(a) style (b) stigma (1992)
(c) spathe (d) filaments. (2000)
98. Floral formula of tomato/tobacco is
88. Geocarpic fruits is
(a) carrot (b) radish (a) + K4–5A10G(2) (b) + K2+2C4A2+4G1
(c) ground nut (d) turnip. (2000)
(c) + P2A3G1 (d) + K(5)C(5)A5G(2) .
89. Angiosperm, to which the largest flowers
belong, is (1992, 1989)
(a) total root parasite 99. Botanical name of cauliflower is
(b) partial root parasite (a) Brassica oleracea var. capitata
(c) total stem parasite (b) Brassica compesteris
(d) partial stem parasite. (1999) (c) Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
90. The plant, which bears clinging roots, is (d) Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera.
(a) screw pine (b) Podostemon (1991)
(c) Trapa (d) orchid. 100. + K(5)C(5)A(5)G(2) is floral formula of
(a) Liliaccae (b) Solanaceae
91. Floral features are chiefly used in angiosperms
(c) Asteraceae (d) Fabaceae.
identification because
(a) flowers can be safely pressed
(b) reproductive parts are more stable and 101. Epipetalous and syngenesious stamens occur
conservative than vegetative parts in
(c) flowers are nice to work with (a) Solanaceae (b) Brassicaceae
(d) flowers are of various colours. (1998) (c) Fabaceae (d) Asteraceae.
92. Which plant will lose its economic value, if (1991)
its fruits are produced by induced 102. Fruit of Mangifera indica is
(a) berry (b) drupe
(a) Orange (b) Banana
(c) capsule (d) siliqua. (1991)
(c) Grape (d) Pomegranate
(1997) 103. A family delimited by type of inflorescence is
93. Which of the following is a ‘true fruit’? (a) Fabaceae (b) Asteraceae
(a) Banana (b) Fig (c) Solanaceae (d) Liliaceae.
(c) Apple (d) Pear (1996) (1991)
Morphology of Flowering Plants 83

104. Syngenesious condition is found in 109. Oil reserve of groundnut is present in

(a) Asteraceae (b) Labiatae (a) embryo
(c) Solanaceae (d) Fabaceae. (b) cotyledons
(1991) (c) endosperm
(d) underground tubers. (1990)
105. Vegetative reproduction of Agave occurs through
(a) rhizome (b) stolon 110. New banana plants develop from
(c) bulbils (d) sucker. (a) rhizome (b) sucker
(1991) (c) stolon (d) seed. (1990)

106. Velamen is found in 111. Mango juice is obtained from

(a) epicarp
(a) roots of screwpine
(b) mesocarp
(b) aerial and terrestrial roots of orchids
(c) endocarp
(c) leaves of Ficus elastica
(d) pericarp and thalamus. (1989)
(d) aerial roots of orchids.
(1991) 112. Which one yields fibres?
107. In groundnut the food/oil reserve is present in (a) Coconut (b) Oak
(a) epicarp (b) mesocarp (c) Teak (d) Sisso (1988)
(c) endosperm (d) cotyledons. 113. Micropyle of seed is involved in the passage
(1990) of
108. Tegmen develops from (a) male gamete (b) pollen tube
(a) funiculus (c) water (d) gases. (1988)
(b) chalaza 114. Fruit of groundnut is
(c) inner integument (a) legume (b) caryopsis
(d) outer integument. (1990) (c) berry (d) nut. (1988)

Answer Key

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (d)
51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (c)
61. (d) 62. (c) 63. (c) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (c) 67. (a) 68. (d) 69. (d) 70. (d)
71. (a) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (d) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (d) 80. (a)
81. (a) 82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (d) 85. (b) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (c) 89. (a) 90. (d)
91. (b) 92. (d) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (a) 97. (a) 98. (d) 99. (a) 100. (b)
101. (d) 102. (b) 103. (b) 104. (a) 105. (c) 106. (d) 107. (d) 108. (c) 109. (b) 110. (b)
111. (b) 112. (a) 113. (c) 114. (a)

1. (d) : Coconut fruit is fibrous drupe with a fibrous the septa meet so that an axile column bearing ovules
mesocarp. is formed e.g., shoe flower (pentalocular), lemon
2. (b) 3. (b) (multilocular), etc.
4. (b) : Polyadelphous condition represents 16. (d) : Pistia (water lettuce) is a floating aquatic
cohesion of stamens. In this condition stamens of a plant. In aquatic plants, roots are generally poorly
flower are fused by their filaments only to form many developed and do not take part in absorption of water.
groups, e.g., Citrus. Water is absorbed by the general body surface in these
5. (b)
17. (a) : The given floral formula is of Family
6. (a) : The flowers of Brassica are radially
Solanaceae. Among the given options, only Petunia
symmetrical whereas flowers of Trifolium, Pisum and
belongs to Family Solanaceae. Allium is a member
Cassia are zygomorphic.
of Family Liliaceae, Sesbania is of Family
7. (a) : Free central placentation is found in Leguminosae and Brassica is a member of Family
Dianthus. Parietal placentation is present in Argemone Brassicaceae or Cruciferae.
and Brassica whereas Citrus has axile placentation
18. (b) : If gynoecium is situated in the centre and
in ovary.
other parts of the flower are located on the rim of the
8. (c) : Pitcher of Nepenthes is a modification of thalamus almost at the same level, it is called
leaf. In Nepenthes, the pitchers are meant for catching perigynous. The ovary here is said to be half inferior,
and digesting insects. The lamina is modified into
e.g., plum, rose, peach.
pitcher. The leaf apex gives rise to a coloured lid for
attracting the insects. 19. (d) : The flowers of Family Papilionaceae have
butterfly shaped corolla (papilionaceous corolla).
9. (a) : Phylloclades are flattened green stems
Posterior or outermost petal is the largest and is called
which have taken over the function of photosynthesis
standard or vexillum, two lateral petals are similar
while cladodes are only the branches of stem that are
and generally clawed, are called wings or alae and
modified to take over the function of leaves. Cladodes
the two anterior petals called keel are fused enclosing
may not be flattened as in Ruscus aculeatus, cladodes
stamens and carpels. This type of petal arrangement
are leaf­like with spiny tip whereas in Asparagus, they
is found in bean, gram, pea, Indigofera etc.
are slightly flattened, fleshy, straight or curved pointed
structures which develop in clusters in the axil of scale 20. (c) : In xerophytic plants, the leaves modify into
leaves. sharp, pointed spines e.g. Aloe, Solanum surattense,
Opuntia, Asparagus etc. This modification is either
10. (b)
for protection of plant or to lessen transpiration, or
11. (c) : Members of Liliaceae possess tricarpellary, for both.
syncarpous gynoecium with superior ovary. The ovary
21. (c) : A true fruit consists of a pericarp (fruit wall)
is trilocular with two to many ovules in each loculus.
formed from ovary wall and seeds formed from
12. (a) : The posterior large bilobed petal of a ovules. Pericarp is divisible into epicarp, mesocarp
papilionaceous corolla is called standard or vexillum. and endocarp. Tomato is a berry fruit derived from
It overlaps the two smaller lateral petals known as bicarpellary, syncarpous, bi­to tetralocular ovary with
wings or alae. swollen placentae. Berry consists of a membranous
13. (a) : The seeds of monocotyledonous plants have skin represented by epicarp. Mesocarp is the middle
only one cotyledon. In family Poaceae (e.g., wheat,
fleshy part. Endocarp, septa and placentae are pulpy
maize etc.), this cotyledon is called scutellum, situated
and edible. All parts of the fruit, except the small
towards lateral side of embryonal axis. It provides
seeds, are edible.
nourishment to the developing embryo.
14. (d) : China rose, mustard, brinjal, potato, onion 22. (b) : Aestivation is the arrangements of accessory
and tulip are the plants that have superior ovary floral organs (sepals or petals) in relation to one
whereas in guava and cucumber, ovary is inferior. another in floral bud. It may be of open, valvate,
15. (d) : Axile placentation occurs in syncarpous twisted or imbricate type. In imbricate aestivation
pistils. The ovary is partitioned into two or more there is an irregular overlapping of petals by one
chambers. Placentae occur in the central region where another. It has three subtypes besides imbricate proper
Morphology of Flowering Plants 85

i.e., quincuncial, ascending imbricate and descending 29. (d) : Cymose inflorescence is also called definite
imbricate or vexillary. Cassia, Pisum, etc., show or determinate inflorescence. Growth of the peduncle
imbricate aestivation. is definite. Here, the terminal bud is modified into a
23. (c) : Grass seeds are endospermic. Mango is a flower. Flowers develop in basipetal succession, i.e.,
seeded fruit. A sterile pistil is called pistillode and a mature flowers are towards the apex and young flower
sterile stamen is called staminode. Maize grains buds are towards the base. Flowers open in centrifugal
consist of fruit wall, seed coat, endosperm and sequence, i.e., flowers open from centre to the
embryo. The endosperm occupies most of the grains periphery of the inflorescence e.g., Solanum,
interior and consists of two parts, horny aleurone layer Ranunculus, Datura, Gossypium, etc.
and mainly storage layers. The aleurone layer lies 30. (a) : In opposite phyllotaxy, two leaves are borne
immediately below the grain covering and is 1­3 cell on the opposite sides of a single node. It is of two
thick. Aleurone cells are thick walled with cytoplasm types; (a) opposite and superposed, (b) opposite and
filled with aleurone grains which produce enzymes decussate. Ocimum, guava and Calotropis have
during seed germination to mobilise stored nutrients. opposite decussate phyllotaxy.
24. (d) : Carrot and sweet potato are root 31. (d) : Placentation is the arrangement of ovules
modifications while edible part of groundnut is seeds. within the ovary. It is of different types namely,
Potato is an edible underground stem. marginal (pea), parietal (mustard, Argemone), axile
25. (a) : In the hypogynous flower the gynoecium (China rose, tomato, lemon) and free central
occupies the highest position while the other parts (Dianthus, Primrose).
are situated below it. The ovary in such flowers is 32. (a) : Refer to answer 29.
said to be superior, e.g., mustard, China rose and 33. (c) : In several species of Acacia found in the
brinjal. All the given plants except bitter gourd, deserts of Australia the bipinnate lamina is absent.
pumpkin, cucumber, guava, plum and rose have Instead petiole and part of the rachis become flattened
hypogynous flower. into sickle­shaped structure for performing the
26. (c) : In China rose the flowers are actinomorphic function of food synthesis. Such a flattened petiole
i.e., it can be divided into two equal radial halves in which carries out the functions of the lamina is called
any radial plane passing through the centre; they are phyllode. Formation of phyllode is a mechanism to
hypogynous, i.e., the gynoecium occupies the highest reduce transpiration because (i) it is vertically placed
position, while the other parts are situated below it; and (ii) has fewer stomata.
they have twisted aestivation i.e., one margin of petal 34. (d) : Gynoecium is the female reproductive organ
overlaps that of the next one and so on. of a flower. It may be apocarpous (pistils separated)
27. (b) : The mode of arrangement of the sepals or e.g., Michelia or syncarpous (fused) e.g., tomato.
petals with respect to one another in the floral bud is 35. (d) : A composite or multiple fruit is a group of
termed as aestivation. Aestivation is of different types fruitlets which develop from the different flowers of an
­ valvate, twisted or contorted, imbricate, quincuncial, inflorescence. It is of two main types, sorosis (e.g.,
vexillary, convolute, and plicate. In valvate mulberry, pineapple, jack fruit) and syconus (e.g., peepal,
aestivation, sepals or petals or tepals just touch each banyan, fig, etc.)
other without any overlapping. Calotropis, tulip, 36. (a) : Coconut fruit is a drupe. It has a
Asparagus, Colchicum, Petunia, mustard and tobacco membranous epicarp, fibrous mesocarp and stony
have valvate aestivation. endocarp. The endocarp encloses a single seed with
28. (d) : Racemose inflorescence is also called brown testa that contains a small embryo and a white
indefinite and indeterminate type. Growth of the oily endosperm (edible part) with watery fluid called
peduncle is indefinite. Here the terminal bud will not coconut water.
modify into a flower. Flowers develop in acropetal 37. (a) : Vexillary or descending imbricate
succession i.e., mature flowers are towards the base aestivation is a characteristic of family Fabaceae. In
and the younger ones towards the tip of the peduncle. it, the posterior largest petal (standard) overlaps two
Flowers open in centripetal succession i.e., opening lateral petals (wings) which in turn overlap two
of flowers proceeds from the periphery to the centre anterior petals (keel). It is also called pailionaceous
of the inflorescence. Peduncle may be unbranched or corolla.
branched. Soybean belongs to family Fabaceae which
38. (c)
has racemose inflorescence.

39. (c) : Gram, arhar, sunhemp, moong, pea and 47. (d) : In Alstonia, five or more leaves arises from
lupin belong to Family Fabaceae which is each node, so it shows whorled phyllotaxy. The leaves
characterized by marginal placentation. are leathery, sessile, simple which are elliptical or
40. (d) : Tulip is the common name for any member ovate or wedge shaped at the base. It is used in
of the thousands of varieties and about 100 species traditional medicines.
of bulbous perennial plants comprising the genus 48. (d) : Sweet potato is homologous to turnip as
Tulipa of the flowering plant Family Liliaceae. A bulb both are having same origin i.e., both are root but
is an underground vertical shoot that has modified modified for different functions. Sweet potato is a
shoot (or thickened leaf bases). As flower is regarded modified root for storage and vegetative propagation
as a modified stem with shortened internodes and
while turnip is modified for storage only.
bearing at its nodes and structures that may be highly
modified leaves. A flower structure forms on a 49. (b) : In basal type of placentation the ovary is
modified shoot or axis with an apical meristem that unilocular and ovules and generally reduced to one
does not grow continuously. borne at the base of the ovary, e.g., compositae.
41. (b) : Chilli is the member of Solanaceae, in 50. (d) : Refer to answer 19.
which flowers are bisexual ( ) , actinomorphic ( ); 51. (b) : Refer to answer 43.
calyx – 5 and gamosepalous, corolla – 5 and 52. (a) : China rose of Family Malvaceae possess
gamopetalous ; androecium – 5, free, epipetalous numerous stamens. The filaments of stamens are
basifixed, inferior; gynoecium – bicarpellary, united in one group thus forming a staminal tube
syncarpous and ovary superior. around the style. Such stamens are called
So, floral formula of chilli is Å + K (5)C(5) A 5 G – ( 2) . 53. (a) : Scutellum is the tissue in a grass or wheat
42. (b) : Flowers of gulmohur have bilateral or maize seed that lies between the embryo and the
symmetry. So, they are called zygomorphic. Datura, endosperm. It is the modified cotyledon, being
mustard and tomato have actinomorphic flowers. specialized for the digestion and absorption of the
43. (a) : If gynoecium is situated in the centre and endospserm.
other parts of the flower are located on the rim of the 54. (a) : Opuntia is a xerophytic plant which lives in
thalamus almost at the same level, it is called dry habitat. The plant has fleshy organs where water
perigynous. The ovary here is said to be half inferior, and mucilage are stored. The stem is modified into
e.g., plum, rose, peach. flat green structure, therefore, Opuntia is also called
44. (a) : Drupe is a fleshy fruit that develops from as phylloclades.
either one or several fused carpels and contains one 55. (d) : In cotton, china rose and lady’s finger
or many seeds. The seeds are enclosed by the hard margins of sepals or petals overlap that of the next
protective endocarp (pericarp) of the fruit, e.g.,
one this mode of arrangement (aestivation) is called
mango. In mango the pericarp is well differentiated
into an outer thin epicarp, a middle fleshy edible
mesocarp and an inner stony hard endocarp. 56. (c) : The plants belonging to the Family Fabaceae
45. (b) : The examples of runners are doob grass, such as soyabean, pea, sem, moong, gram, etc have
Oxalis, Centella etc. These plants have long and thin the floral formula
internodes and branches creep over the surface of soil. .
Such plants develop adventitious roots at nodes on
lower side. When long branches breakup by any 57. (b) : Flowers in pea have diadelphous stamens.
method they form new plants. The floral formula for Solanaceae is
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia) is the example of offset. .
This is sub aerial modification of stem. It is like runner 58. (c) : The floral formula of tobacco is
but internodes are thick and short.
. It belongs to the family
46. (b) : The figure given in option (b) represents the
free central placentation. In free central placentation, Solanaceae. The flower is actinomorphic, bisexual, 5
ovary is unilocular and ovules are borne on the axis sepals gamosepalous, 5 gamopetalous corolla, 5
in the center of the ovary and septa are absent. It is epipetalous stamens and 2 carpels syncarpous having
seen in Dianthus and Primrose. superior ovary.
Morphology of Flowering Plants 87

59. (b) : Syconous fruit develops from a 66. (c) : In pomegranate, the whole fruit is covered
hypanthodium inflorescence, e.g., Ficus. by a hard rind made up of exocarp and a part of
Hypanthodium is a box like inflorescence where the mesocarp. It develops from multilocular syncarpous
box is formed by the flesly receptacle. It opens to inferior ovary. Mesocarp forms plate like infolding
exterior by a single pore called ostiole. The hollow (i.e. chambered) and the seeds are covered by
pear shaped fleshy receptacle encloses a number of endocarp and contain bright red succulent testa.
minute male and female flowers, it becomes fleshy 67. (a) : During the process of the development of
and forms the fruit. the embryo, the food stored up in the endosperm is
60. (c) : In marigold of Asteraceae the ovary is continuously drawn up by the developing embryo and
superior, 2 or 3 locular, placentation is axile,ovules 1 thus completely exhausted. Such seeds are known as
to many per locule, style 1, stigma 2 or 3 lobed. exalbuminous or non­endospermic. The common
examples are : exalbuminous – gram, pea, bean,
61. (d) : Groundnut is dry, one chambered, one
tamarind, orchid, etc.
seeded fruit developing from a superior bi or poly
carpellary ovary. The edible part is cotyledons and 68. (d) : Casuarinaceae is the family of
embryo lobe. Pomegranate is balausta type of fruit. dicotyledonous flowering plants placed in the order
The fruits develop from multilocular syncarpous Fagales. Casuarina is a member of the family,
characterized by drooping equisteoid twigs, are
inferior ovary. Testa is fleshy & edible.
evergreen, and monoecious or dioecious. The roots
62. (c) : In castor seed testa and tegmen are united have nitrogen fixing nodules that contain the soil
together. Seed coat is tough and bright due to actinomycetes called Frankia which is filamentous
scleroprotein. Over narrower end a brownish pad is bacteria.
found which is called caruncle. Caruncle is
69. (d) : A pentamerous actinomorphic flower is one
carbohydrate in nature. This protects micropyle and
where the floral parts are in multiples of five and the
develops as an integumental outgrowth after
flower can be divided into two equal halves in more
fertilization.Below seed coat a very thin membrane is
than one plane. Gynoecium is bicarpellary,
found over kernel and called perisperm (the persistant syncarpous, forming a superior bilocular ovary. Each
nucellus).Below perisperm there is a large, white, locule has many ovule on axile placentation. Members
swollen and oily mass called endsoperm. of solanaceae are characterised by the presence of an
63. (c) : Syconus develop from hypanthodium type obliquely placed septum in the ovary and highly
of inflorescence. The flask shaped fleshy receptacle swollen placentae.
encloses female flower which produces small achene 70. (d) : Pineapple is a sorosis type of fruit that
like fruitlets and has a small pore protected by scale develops from spike or spadix inflorescence. Here
leaves. Example : syconus of fig (Ficus carica). the flowers fuse by their succulent tepals and axis
64. (d) : Cypsella is a dry, one chambered, one seeded bearing the flowers becomes fleshy or woody, thus
fruit developing from an inferior, bicarpellary ovary, forming a compact mass. These are composite or
e.g., sunflower, marigold, cosmos, etc. Caryopsis or multiple fruits. In pineapple fleshy axis, bracts, fused
grain is a small, dry one seeded fruit developing from perianth and pericarp are edible.
superior monocarpellary ovary. Pericarp fused with 71. (a) : In litchi, aril forms the edible part in fruit. It
the seed coat, e.g., rice, wheat, maize, etc. Cremocarp is a collar like out growth from the base of the ovule
is a bilocular, two seeded fruit developing from an forming a kind of third integument. Aril is also found
inferior bicarpellary ovary. It is characteristic fruit of in Asphodelus, Trianthema and Ulmus.
umbelliferae, e.g., Coriander, Cuminum, etc. Berry Litchi is a nut. In litchi, the epicarp and mesocarp
or bacca develops from mono or multicarpellary (layers of pericarp) together become leathery and the
superior or inferior syncarpous ovary with axile or endocarp is membranous.
parietal placentation, e.g., tomato, banana, brinjal,
72. (c) : In maize the male inflorescence occupies
guava, grapes etc.
the terminal position on the main axis, whereas the
65. (d) : Replum is a false septum formed due to the female inflorescence (ear or cob) is borne on modified
ingrowth of parietal placenta. This makes the ovary lateral branches in the axils of leaves. The ear
bilocular. It is mainly seen in the ovary of flowers of producing branch has short intenodes and bears a
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Family e.g., mustard, female spike at its apex. Each spikelet has a pair of
candytuft etc. small membranous glumes and two florets. The

feathery styles of the female florets are long and

emerge out of the cobs to expose stigma for wind
73. (d) : An annual plant is one that completes its
life cycle in a single season i.e., a seed germinates
and the mature plant so produced dies, having
produced seeds, within the season. Vivipary on the
other hand is the phenomenon of germination of seed
Fig. : Floral diagram of S olanum nigrum.
or spore in situ on mature plant even before it release.
It is not possible for annual plants because in these 80. (a) : In tetradynamous condition there are six
plants, the mature plant cannot store seeds as it dies stamens, 4 are long and 2 are short i.e., 4 + 2
after producing seeds. arrangement of stamens. It is characterstic feature of
74. (d) : Refer to answer 71. Cruciferae members. In Liliaceae 6 stamens are
arranged in whorls of 3 each (3 + 3). In Solanaceae
75. (d) : Mango (Mangifera indica) of Family
there are 5 stamens they are epipetallous and
Anacardiaceae is a drupe. The edible part in mango
polyandrous. In Malvaceae there are numerous
is mesocarp.
stamens that are monadelphous.
76. (c) : Lemon is a hesperidium type of fruit. It is
81. (a) : Usually the stomata are placed at the same
many chambered fleshy fruit developing from a
level as the adjoining epidermal cells (e.g.,
multicarpellary, syncarpous, multilocular, superior
Helianthus, Mangifera). In xerophytes the stomata
ovary bearing seeds on axile placentation. The leathery
are sunken as they are located in a cup­shaped
epicarp of hesperidium has many glands of aromatic
depression (e.g., Nerium). It is an adaptation to reduce
oil. The mesocarp, represented by white fibres, is fused
to the epicarp. The epicarp and mesocarp together form the loss of water in xerophytic plants.
the rind. The endocarp is thin and papery. It projects 82. (a) : A tuber is the swollen tip of the underground
inwards and forms many compartments. The inner wall branch. Tubers are round or oval in shape. Each tuber
of endocarp gives out many juicy succulent hairs which has many notches on the surface called ‘eyes’. These
form the edible part of the fruit. Hesperidium is a are in fact axillary buds which grow into new plants
characteristic fruit of the rutaceae; e.g., Citrus during favourable conditions. Unlike other
aurantifolia (lemon), Citrus reticulata (orange). etc. underground stems, tubers do not give off adventitious
epicarp seed roots; e.g., Solanum tuberosum (potato).
mesocarp 83. (c) : Banana is a berry. It develops from
monocarpellary or multicarpellary syncarpous ovary.
hairs Epicarp makes the rind of the fruit, mesocarp is fleshy
and endocarp is thin and membranous. The edible
portion of banana is endocarp and less developed
Hesperidium of lemon
84. (d)
77. (b) : Peanut is geocarpic fruit.
85. (b) : Malvaceae is also known as cotton family
78. (a) : Refer to answer 75.
or mallow family. The plants of this family are
79. (d) : Brinjal or Solanum melongena belongs to cosmopolitan in distribution, although more common
family solanaceae. The fruits are rich in iodine. They in tropical (warm) regions. Gossypium (cotton) is an
are used in the form of vegetable. Gynoecium is important genera of this family.
bicarpellary, syncarpous, forming a superior bilocular
Sunflower belongs to family Compositae. Wheat
ovary. Each locule has many ovule on axile
placentation. Members of Solanaceae are belong to family Poaceae. Catechu belongs to family
characterised by the presence of an obliquely placed Mimosaceae.
septum in the ovary and highly swollen placentae. 86. (a) : These special roots, called pneumatophores
The oblique septum is probably due to shifting in the or knees, develop in mangrove plants, i.e., plants
position of the ovary. growing in saline marshes. These roots grow vertically
Morphology of Flowering Plants 89

upward and are negatively geotropic. Air enters these 94. (a) : In angiosperms, seeds are produced inside
roots through minute breathing pores called the ripened ovary called fruit. However in
pneumathodes, present on the tips of vertical roots. gymnosperms the seeds are not produced inside a
These plants include Rhizophora, Heritiera, fruit. In angiosperms vascular tissue includes both
Avicinnia, etc., and are found in Sundarbans of West tracheids and vessels and in gymnosperms the
Bengal. vascular tissue contains only tracheids and not vessels.
87. (a) : In maize style is very long. It comes out of Tap root is the primary root that develops from the
the cob to expose stigma for wind pollination. These radicle. It forms lateral branches which are further
are collectively known as silk. branched to form tertiary roots. These are generally
found in dicotyledons. In monocotyledons, primary
88. (c) : Groundnut is geocarpic fruit.
root is short lived, tap root is absent and adventitious
89. (a) : Rafflesia is a specialised total root parasite roots are found. The given description is about
as the vegetative parts of its body are reduced and the angiospermic dicot.
whole body is within the host root and only structure
95. (b) : Inflorescence is the cluster of flowers or
which is visible outside, is the biggest flower. The
arrangement of flowers on the floral axis.
diameter of the flower is one meter and its weight is Hypanthodium is the characterstic inflorescence of
about 10 kg. Its pollination is done by elephant. The Ficus (Family Moraceae). Here a cup­shaped cavity
flowers are fleshy white and they emit smell, which with an apical opening or ostiole is formed by a fleshy
resembles the smell of decaying meat. receptacle, which is guarded by inwardly projecting
90. (d) : Clinging roots arise from the nodes of stem hairs and bear flowers on the iner wall of the cavity,
and penetrate the stem of the host plant. It helps in i.e., female ( + ) flowers at the base and male ( )
fixing the plant to the host. It is found in orchids. flowers above.
Orchids bear three types of roots ­ clinging roots for ostiole
fixation, absorbing roots for absorbing mineral salts male
and water and epiphytic roots for absorbing moisture flowers

from air. female

91. (b) : Floral features are used to identify because flowers

reproductive parts are more stable and conservative fleshy

than vegetative parts. axis
92. (d) : Development of fruits without fertilization bract
is called parthenocarpy and such fruits are called Hypanthodium (longitudinal section)
parthenocarpic fruits. 96. (a) : Pulses are obtained from Fabaceae. Pulses
Since in pomegranate juicy testa is the edible part are very economically as well as nutritionally very
and parthenocarpy will make the fruit seedless and important for human beings.
hence they will be useless. 97. (a) : Epipetalous stamens with free filaments and
93. (a) : A fruit is a ripened ovary. On the basis of fused anthers occur in Asteraceae. Asteraceae possess
the formation of fruits, they are classified into two five stamens with free filaments. This family shows
types ­ true fruits and false fruits. True fruits are syngenesious condition in which anthers are united
developed from the ovary only. Banana is a fleshy forming a tube around the style.
fruit ­ berry. It develops from multicarpellary 98. (d) : Refer to answer 58.
syncarpous superior or inferior ovary. The pericarp 99. (a) : Botanical name of cauliflower is Brassica
of berries is differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and oleracea belongs to variety capitata. Family of
endocarp (like drupes) but the endocarp is not stony cauliflower is Cruciferae.
as in drupes. Apple and pear are pome. Pome is a 100. (b) : Refer to answer 57.
false fruit in which the edible part is thalamus where
101. (d) : Syngenesious condition is found in
the true fruit remains embedded. Fig is a composite
Asteraceae. It is the condition when stamens are
fruit. These fruits are the products of the whole
united by their anthers (filaments free). Epipetalous
inflorescence together with its component parts. condition is also seen here.

102. (b) : Refer to answer 64. The seeds developing from bitegmic ovule have two
103. (b) : A family delimited by type of inflorescence layers. The outer layer is called testa and inner layer
is Asteraceae. Asteraceae possess head or capitulum or tegmen develops from inner integuments.
inflorescence, which is racemose and is surrounded 109. (b) : Refer to answer 107.
by an involucre of bracts. 110. (b) : Suckers are the sub­aerial modification of
104. (a) : Refer to answer 98. stem. They grow obliquely upward from the main
105. (c) : Vegetative reproduction in Agave occurs stem producing roots from the underground nodes.
through bulbils. Bulbils are the specialised buds The sucker like structures in banana are also called
vegetative or floral that modify into a swollen structure. sword suckers, which give rise to new leafy trunk.
It seperates from the parent plant and on approach of 111. (b) : Refer to answer 75.
favourable condition gives rise to new plant.
112. (a) : Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is commercial
106. (d) : Velamen is found in aerial roots of orchids. fibres yielding crop. Fibres originate from the upper
In many epiphytic orchids, the aerial roots are covered epidermal surface of seed.
by a hygroscopic velamen tissue. They absorb water
from the atmosphere. 113. (c) : Micropyle of seed is involved in the passage
of water. Micropyle plays an very important role in
107. (d) : In groundnut the food/oil reserve is present absorbing water during the time of germination.
in cotyledons. It is very important commercial crop
of Leguminosae. 114. (a) : Fruit of groundnut is legume. It is developed
from monocarpellary ovary but dehisces by both
108. (c) : Outer protective covering of seed is called
sutures from apex downward.
seed coat which develops from integuments of ovules.

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