Takeda, 1986
Takeda, 1986
Takeda, 1986
Int. J. Heat Et Fluid Flow 0142-727X/86/040313-06$3.00@ 1986 Butterworth 8 Co (Publishers) Ltd 313
Y. Takeda
Transmitter ,~I ]
" X Measuringline
r I
B ........ "
g ....... v
of echo
this work is 4 m m in diameter. Since a prototype
flowmeter was used, which was equipped only with a
DAC output, the profiles obtained were displayed on the
oscilloscope and photographs were taken of its display. 1~12mm
Poiseuille f l o w .am ; I . ~ - -
A schematic layout of the experimental setup is illustrated . _ = _'P_~_ _
Taylor vortex f l o w
The experiments were carried out in a rotating double
cylinder. The diameters of the inner and outer cylinders
were 10 and 11 cm, respectively, and the height of the
water layer was 6.0 cm. The outer cylinder was fixed and
only the inner one was rotated. The rotation speed, set by
observing the flow, was such that the Ta number was
definitely beyond the critical value for the production of a
roll structure. The axial velocity profile was measured by
setting the transducer vertically upward on the bottom
face of the container. Two measurements were performed
for one rotation speed, one along the outer surface and
another along the inner.
Taylor v o r t e x f l o w
Fig 8 is an illustration of a typical vertical cross-section of
the roll structure in a Taylor vortex flow in a rotating
+ ~11 cm
~10 cm
- "4"
Trx Trx
(In) (Out)
10006 ......
Fig 7 Comparison of velocity profiles of Poiseuille flow I I
for various Re numbers Fig 8 Roll structure of Taylor vortex
double cylinder. Fig 9 is a measured profile of the read and the velocity profiles were reconstructed and
longitudinal velocity for Ta = 2066, where (a) is the outside plotted in Fig 10. This structure is in good agreement wit h
surface of the gap and (b) is the inside. On the echo signal the theoretical calculation of Ref 2. The distance between
the reflection from the top surface is recorded and it can be two crossings of the zero line correspond to the size of o n e
used for calibrating the distance on the picture. roll. It gives an aspect ratio for the cross-section of a roll of
Oscillatory behaviour is clearly obtained. As seen in Fig 8, about 1.2, which also agrees fairly well with Ref 2.
the velocity along one boundary reverses its direction
from roll to roll. Moreover, on both boundaries at the
same height, the velocity has the same amplitude but with Conclusion
opposite signs. The phases of both measured profiles are By making use of the external blood flowmeter, which is a
opposite to each other, which implies that the velocity is stand-alone machine for medical use, the feasibility of the
opposite and demonstrates the roll structure of the flow. application of a Doppler shift ultrasonic technique to
For this Ta number, the rolls are not fully established in velocity profile measurement. It is concluded that, in
the middle part of the system. In this region the velocity principle, the device is applicable for this purpose.
has actually decreased below detection threshold. The advantage of this method is that spatial
However, on the upper and lower part of the system the information on flow behaviour can be obtained
roll structure is well developed. These profiles were also instantaneously. The accuracy of the velocity
Fig 9 Profile of longitudinal velocity for Taylor vortex flow (Ta = 2066): (a) outside of gap; (b) inside
Distancefrom bottom
Fig 10 Measured vertical velocity profile of Taylor vortex (Ta = 2066)
Valve technology 26-28 January 1987 The Center for Professional Advancement, Palestrinastraat 1, 1071
Amsterdam, The Netherlands LC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pressure vessel design and 16-19 February 1987 The Center for Professional Advancement, Palestrinastraat 1, 1071
analysis Amsterdam, The Netherlands LC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10th B P M A Technical 24-26 March 1987 BHRA Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ,
conference on pumps Cambridge, UK UK
Large scale applications of heat 25-27 March 1987 BHRA Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ,
pumps Oxford, UK UK
11th international conference 8-10 April 1987 BHRA Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ,
on fluid sealing Cannes, France UK
International meeting on heat 13-17 April 1987 Lyon, Professor J. F. Sacadura, INSA de Lyon, LMFT Bat. 302-20 Ave.
transfer France Albert Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
1987 lEA Heat pump 28-30 April 1987 Ms Pamela J. Lewis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Building
conference Orlando, Florida, USA 9102-2, PO Box Y, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
International conference on 12-14 May 1987 Bowness-on- BHRA Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ,
f l o w induced vibrations Windermere, UK UK
3rd international conference on 18-20 May 1987 BHRA Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AJ,
multi-phase f l o w The Hague, The Netherlands UK
32nd A S M E International gas 31 May-4 June 1987 IGTC, 4250 Perimeter Park South, # 108 Atlanta, Georgia, 30341,
turbine conference and exhibit Anaheim, California, USA USA
Twentieth iidwestern 31 August-2 September 1987 Professor Hamilton, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue
mechanics conference (20th Indiana, USA University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA
1987 A S M E cogen-turbo 2-4 September 1987 IGTC, 4250 Perimeter Park South, # 108 Atlanta, Georgia 3041,
Montreux, Switzerland USA
6th turbulent shear f l o w 7-9 September 1987 Professor F. W. Schmidt, Secretary, Dept of Mechanical
symposium Toulouse, F,ance Engineering, The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA
16802, USA
Second international 21-23 September 1987 Dr S. M. Fraser, LDA Conference, Mechanical and Offshore
conference on laser Glasgow, Scotland, UK Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XJ, UK
International symposium on 15-20 November 1987 Dr J. H. Kim, Electric Power Research Institute, PO Box 10412,
natural circulation New York, NY, USA Palo Alta, California 94303, USA
International fluid p o w e r 18-22 April 1988, Mr Mike Wells, International Fluid Power, Exhibition, Station
exhibition Birmingham, UK Approach, Long Lane, HiUingdon, Middlesex UB10 9NR, UK
318 V o l 7, N o 4. D e c e m b e r 1 9 8 6