Mrs Brill & Robertson Aye Audition

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GEORGE: "Winifred, never confuse efficiency with 2 sna would be em with the children, NIFRED "Ifonly we could find somet a t— sive could manage Mies Andrew's standards of efficiency, Shik be eee a ee ee OO HK = = Yessod werein themes: No Wes det then aks ae ke an ar-mybarr-cks No wonder them nies axe divesn — invemne Were iv ing in maadchouse = Given inesine Were liv ing ia 2 mad-howe i ‘Sary roppms s . Pitt mosso, * G Chey Tree Lane GEORGE: “Now, Winieadyieyou-deasant fo please me.." WINIFRED: "Yousoul do, George" Chery Thee Lane ae ea Has GEORGE: “ry well, Then place an advertisement in The Times stating that Jane and Michael Benks require the best possibly nanny atthe lowest possible wage See egg ‘MICHAEL: "We'd bettr give them ours. Before they make another mistake!” GEORGE: "I would stress that-" JANE: “Father” WINIFRED: “Whats that you're holding dar?” JANE. "We've written our ov advertisement.” ii mos ioe a GEORGE: Whatom.’ WINJFRED: "Please, George. [think we should hear it" GEORGE: “Now, Winitted. None of your theses, ug WINIFRED: “it won't hust to listen JANE: "Wanted. Anan. GPORGE: "Adorable? Well, hats debatable, Last say” For two adorable lldzen Wa Suddenly slower ree Ure

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