Times NIE Oct 25
Times NIE Oct 25
Times NIE Oct 25
Educationists and Discover your skill sets by From quiz to vocab W STUDENT EDITION
TODAY’S experts talk about how
physical books are our
trying out worksheets
curated for you in
building, illustrations
and cartoon strips, R
‘lifelong friends’ Skill Sift Wizard’s Corner has it all
Newspaper in
PAGE 2 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 watch
raded Response Action “When I read
Plan — GRAP — is a set it, I cried…
of emergency measures
somewhere, I saw myself in this
that kick in to prevent
further deterioration of air quality story. A lot of things happened in
once it reaches a certain threshold Manoj’s life. Despite so many
in the Delhi-NCR region. struggles, he succeeded in life.
It was approved by the Supreme
Court in 2016 and notified in 2017.
He really inspired me.” The
IMPLEMENTATION: From 2021 on- movie is based on a book that
wards, the GRAP is being imple- revolves around IPS officer Manoj
mented by the Commission for Air Kumar Sharma’s life. A village
Quality Management (CAQM). Till WHAT
2020, the Supreme Court-appointed Isro prefers women fighter test TWO OPTIONS boy, born into a poor family, who
Environment Pollution Authority pilots and female scientists for its
The manned mission of a despite failing grade XII, goes on
used to order States to implement much-awaited human space flight to become an IPS (Indian Police
GRAP. The EPCA was dissolved programme Gaganyaan mission short duration is expected
and replaced by the CAQM in 2020. and future projects, the space by 2025, Somanath said. Service) officer.
agency chief S Somanath said. “Right now, the candidates
He also said Isro would send a
are from Air Force fighter ‘BEDI WILL CONTINUE TO
QUALITY? CAQM relies on air
female humanoid Vyommitra — a test pilots, a different cat-
quality and meteorological fore-
robot that re- egory. We are not having
casts by the Indian Institute of sembles a hu-
Tropical Meteorology (IITM) and Vyommitra, women fighter test pilots.
man — in its
the India Meteorological TAKE THE QUIZ unmanned Ga- the female- So, once they come in,
Department (IMD). 1. What does the term ganyaan space- looking space- that is one route.”
craft next year. faring human- The second option is
“Smog” refer to? “But we have to
oid, can speak when there would be more
MONITORING AIR STAGE IV (Severe MUMBAI TOO FACES SMOG, a) Sewage in water find out such
STAGE I (Poor Air Quality Plus - AQI over 450): b) A mixture of smoke possible (wom- in English and scientific activity. Then,
Four-wheelers registered
AND B-TOWN REACTS... en) candidates scientists will come as
- AQI 201-300): Enforce and fog in the air Hindi
What has happened to the air in in the future,” astronauts. More pos-
NGT / SC’s order on over- outside Delhi will not be c) A weather pattern Somanath said.
aged diesel / petrol vehicles. allowed to enter the Mumbai ..?? I tried to walk in my sibilities for women rime Minister Narendra Modi
city, barring EVs, CNG balcony... and I felt like I was 2. What is Acid Rain? will arise then.
STAGE II (Very Poor- AQI The ambitious mission expressed anguish on
inhaling dust... only dust,” actor a) Rain that is too aims to send humans into
301-400): Targeted actions and BS-VI diesel vehi- Currently, possibil- Monday at the death of leg-
cles and those carrying Juhi Chawla tweeted. She acidic to drink space on a low Earth orbit of
to combat air pollution at ities are few as endary spinner Bishan Singh Bedi
b) Rainfall with 400 km for three days and
identified hotspots. essential items. recalled the air being blissfully there are no
high levels of bring them safely back to and said he will continue to
Regulated operations of die- clear during the Covid lockdown. the Earth. women
pollutants that inspire future generations of
sel generators across sectors AQI is a figure fighter
can harm the The statement cricketers. “Deeply saddened by
in the NCR. used by govt Is it construction dust, waste test
environment came a day after the passing of noted cricketer
STAGE III (‘Severe’- AQI agencies to burning, stubble burning, indus- pilots.”
c) Rain that is purple Isro successful- Shri Bishan Singh Bedi ji. His pas-
401-450): Impose strict measure the air pollu- trial emissions or all? Mumbai ly launched
tion levels. As the AQI in colour sion for the sport was unwaver-
restrictions on BS III petrol has had worse AQI than Delhi its TV-D1 test
goes up, it means vehicle ahead ing and his exemplary bowling
and BS IV diesel four-wheel- since the beginning of this year. levels of pollutants
that pollution has of the Gag- performances led India to numer-
ers and may suspend physi- So much for being a coastal city. 2. b) Rainfall with high
shot up, demanding ous memorable victories. He will
cal classes in schools for Doesn’t seem to make a differ- smoke and fog in the air mission.
rapid action ence anymore,” Dia Mirza tweeted. continue to inspire future gener-
children up to Class 5. Answer: 1. b) A mixture of
ations of cricketers,” PM said.
With nursing staff app, India may resume visas to Canada if…. Supreme Court puts a full
teen lends help to elders
DIPLOMATIC PARITY: India invoked the pro-
vision of parity in Canada’s diplomatic presence
in the country in view of concerns over interfer-
stop to manual sewer cleaning
ence in New Delhi’s affairs by Canadian person- he Supreme Court has
Simra Faisal, grade XII, The Shri Ram School, Aravali, is on a nel, said External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. directed the Centre,
mission to bridge the healthcare gap in India. Seeing the lack of He further said that the relationship between states to ensure erad-
India and Canada right now is going through a ication of manual sewer
geriatric care support in India, she has developed an app Kea, which difficult phase, adding that India has problems cleaning in phases.
provides medical staff support to senior citizens. Here’s her story... with certain segments of Canadian politics.
What is manual
[email protected] end of the workshop series, all WHAT ABOUT VISAS?: The external affairs sewer cleaning?
What led to Project Kea? 12 women trainees were given minister said that India is likely to resume the The manual sewer clean-
Kea was created when I saw my certificates outlining the skill issuance of visas to Canadians if it sees progress ing involves physically en-
mother struggling to find a regis- development training, and the in the safety of Indian diplomats in Can- tering sewer lines or manholes to gases such as hydrogen sul-
tered nurse with skill sets. Finding trained women are confident to ada. “If we see progress in (the) safety remove blockages, sediment, or phide, methane, and ammonia,
a registered nurse with a degree is enter the workforce as medical of our diplomats in Canada, we
THE VIENNA CONVENTION: other debris that may be ob- which can be toxic when in-
a challenge, especially when the attendants. The idea is therefore would like to resume issuance of SIGNIFICANCE Jaishankar said India’s deci- structing the flow of wastewater. haled in high concentrations.
family is looking for a to not only help senior visas there.” As per the Immigration, sion to ensure parity in dip- This process is often undertaken Prolonged exposure can lead to
healthcare support staff citizens but also the Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, lomatic presence with in areas where mechanical equip- respiratory issues, dizziness,
during an emergency. I marginalised sections TIMING: Jaishankar’s Canada is backed by the ment cannot effectively reach or headaches, and in extreme cas-
researched and found of our society. comments came days after Indian students staying in Canada with Vienna Convention and where there is no access to mod- es, even death.
that there is a shortage Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau valid study visas have gone up from accused Canada of fail- ern sewer cleaning technology. CONTACT WITH HAZARDOUS
of over 4 million nurses How has it been alleged that India’s actions 1,71,505 in 2018 to 2,18,540 in 2019, ing to uphold the Vi- SUBSTANCES: Sewage can contain
in India. This is what led
me to fill this gap with
received so far?
One of our neighbours
are making normal life dif-
ficult for millions of people
1,79,510 in 2020, 2,16,500 in 2021, and a enna Convention.
The Vienna Conven-
How does it affect the a variety of hazardous substanc-
es, including chemicals, patho-
an app. needed a nurse for in both countries. staggering 3,19,000 in 2022. In 2023, tion is an international health of a worker? gens, and contaminants. Direct
their mother. She came Also on October 20, Canada Canada saw 4,34,899 int’l students, pact that regulates trea- EXPOSURE TO TOXIC FUMES: contact with these substances can
How does your app to Kea and we sent her reduced its diplomatic pres- of which 1,75,021 (around ties among sovereign Sewers often contain harmful lead to health complications.
collaborate with the NEWSMAKER a medical help as per ence in India and also suspend-
40%) are from India.
states, acting as a codifica-
nursing staff ? requirement. The ed visa and in-person consular tion of customary internation- Send us your opinion to [email protected] on how lives of
Kea has onboarded nearly 35 nurse also was satisfied going services in three cities – Bengaluru, al law and state practice con- garbage collectors and people working in unsanitary
nurses and 17 attendants, and it through us, as she got a good pay Mumbai and Chandigarh. cerning treaties.
has also provided three nurses with no involvement of middlemen
conditions need to improve in India
and eight attendants to people in commission. The patient’s family
dire need. Kea has onboarded 12 was happy as the nursing cost was
enjoy spending time working on it ndoubtedly, Taylor Swift is one of the course was launched on ‘Psychology of Taylor Swift: Advanced
and reaching out to patients and biggest celebrities in the world and an Topics of Social Psychology’.
their kin. I spent a lot of time stud- Stanford
icon for Gen Z. Her music and lyrics are It will be handled by a PhD
ying the healthcare system and considered to be one of a kind by millions. University AND NOW BERKLEE TOO… student of Psychology from
nursing situation. Since on the per- support my family and take care of The singer is so big and influential that The course on
Berklee College of Music is launching a the university, Alexandra
sonal front, I was in a similar situa- myself, I didn’t face an issue bal- many universities across the world singer’s music was
new class next semester focused on Taylor Wormley. Alexandra said that
tion as those looking out for nurs- ancing Kea with academics. I feel are offering courses based on her organised by a student
Swift’s songwriting. The course, titled she got the idea to start the
ing help, Kea was more like a mis- happier knowing that I can make work. Let us take a look at these from Stanford University
‘Songs of Taylor Swift’ will go into in-depth course after she attended
my parents proud with Kea and my universities that offer courses called Ava Jeffs. It is
sion. Since I was used to juggling analysis of the artist’s choices in composi- the singer’s ongoing Eras Tour
academic results. on Taylor Swift’s music.. titled ‘The Last Great
tasks since grade VI, in order to tion and lyrics. in Arizona.
American Songwriter:
02 “Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are
people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the
covers of a book.” – E.B. WHITE, AUTHOR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2023
ids have a deep connection with books. Even a e should have Oprah Winfrey-like celebrity rec-
year old child loves to go through a picture ommending books. We need star celebrities, books when it comes to sensory
book. Remember ‘Baby’s Day Out’ where who are voracious readers themselves, like stimulation. Turning the
toddler, Bink, hadn’t even learnt to speak but Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir or Twinkle pages, holding the book, enjoying
is obsessed by his book . . . “Boo”. Khanna who can recommend its weight, smelling the pages
As an author, I have seen that mystery, fear books to Gen Z. This would give a relax and immerse us in a differ-
for the unknown, thrillers, are some genres boost to the ‘pursuit of reading’. ent experience altogether.
ANITA KRISHAN, author ad man and influencer psychiatrist
ovelist and writer which you go through as you flip flashes in blue light out of the and happy moments that
Franz Kafka once through pages of a book — read- display, a book has a way of com- shaped her life.
described a book as ing and evolving as you meander municating with our inner SHREYA MANIAR,
“an axe that breaks through paras of emotions. selves, perhaps, because all our
the frozen sea in- As people swipe left and senses are involved – the touch, class XII, Prakash
side us”. What better way to sum right restlessly on their mobile the smell, feeling of bonding and College, Kandivali,
up a reading experience — screens, trying to read what memories etched on its surface. Mumbai
book that has left a
mark on me is ‘Who
Will Cry When You
Book carnivals Add drama Some food for thought... Die?’ By Robin
Sharma. It
and credit points
3 5
Introducing young On a special day, like JK Rowling’s birthday, make it a ‘food taught me how
Reading carnivals minds to the captivat- based on the era day’ and allow kids to get Potter-themed we should not
can be conducted in ing realm of dramat- foods. Similarly, on Roald Dahl’s birthday, allow kids to just exist, but
schools. Schools can ics and play acting can bring foods mentioned in his books. When reading Famous live our life to
devise fun book stands ingeniously rekindle their Five, imagine a picnic lunchbox! A ‘Battle of Books’ can also the fullest. I
for favourite children’s penchant for reading. The theatrical be conducted in schools wherein children brainstorm the names agree on the
writers with activities stage allows children to step up from and characteristics of characters/ genre / names fact that not all days can be
like Book Bingo, role plays, charades, vote for a book and the confines of ordinary prose and im- of the writers/ plot in the form of a quiz from lived with happiness, but
walkathons. Each month can be devoted to a particular merse themselves in the vibrant tapes- the books they have read. overcoming those days is
genre of books. Teachers can award credit points for the try of characters and narratives. VINODA HARIKRISHNA RAO, vice-principal, what makes us grow with-
number of hours devoted to reading books on MOITREYEE MUKHERJEE, principal, Army in as a person. I would
a daily basis. The Brigade School, Malleswaram, Bengaluru like to pass on this book
Public School Barrackpore, to anyone
PRATHIBA V, principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya,
West Bengal who
Vaduthala, Ernakulam Try Bee Breathing Snake pose to add visual tracking skills in kids. wants to
Snuggle up together Visual tracking is the ability to move your eyes have a
with a book, try a few from left to right and vice-versa. This skill will more
Peer reading bee breaths to relax and
focus before you begin
help children in reading. Make the book a fun
element in life. meaningful
circles breathing or reading —Bh- JYOTI NAIR, regional director, New life.
With ‘peer read- ramari Pranayam. Ask MANINI SHAH,
ing circles’, chil- your yoga teacher about the Horizon Scholars School, Kavesar
dren can be Spider pose, Dolphin pose, Thane, Mumbai class XII, HBK
brought back to the Floating Feather breath and School,
h ab i t o f re a d i n g . Ahmd
Groups of four or five
children can be
formed and they can be asked to exchange their
Create ‘addas’ and Create micro libraries THE JAPANESE ART
corners at home
favourite books with a specific time limit. On I don’t believe that the absence of OF HOARDING BOOKS is
completion of reading, different activities like Re a d i n g b e g i n s at public libraries or coffee book shops referred to as “tsundoku”.
group discussion on their views home. If parents have a leads to a decrease in the number of
regarding those books, pres- habit of reading books, readers. Those with a passion for reading Tsundoku is a term that
entation of a skit with children observe and take will find multiple ways to continue their describes the act of acquiring
characters from all those on the habit. Plato had used reading habits. But building micro li- books and letting them pile up,
Want books etc should be
conducted. This will
the word ‘mimesis’ or imi-
tation. So, the environment
braries is a great idea and it gives easy
access to books.
unread. For some, the act of col-
lecting books is a way to sur-
help in inculcating at home exudes the power and joy of reading. At
to the habit of reading on
a regular basis.
home, build addas, where the whole family
gathers to read. This adda should be a ‘no-
correspondent and chief principal, Shri
typically an old
or well-loved one.
round themselves with knowl-
edge, providing a sense of com-
principal, Udgam School
WiFi zone’.
SOUMI DAS, teacher, Mother’s International
Natesan Vidyasala, Mannivakkam,
feeling of disorientation and emo-
fort and security.
your own for Children, Ahmedabad School, Delhi tional exhaustion felt after finishing a
particularly absorbing book.
book club?
Here are What kind of a BIBLIOPHILE’S DILEMMA: The struggle of
having too many books to read and not
enough time to read them all.
DUSTJACKET ARTISTRY: Refers to the aes-
thetic appreciation of the artwork and de-
sign on a book’s dust jacket (the detachable
outer cover of a hardcover book).
lence in Learning Assessment. The ubodh Public School,
school has secured first position Near Airport, Sanganer,
both at the city and state levels for celebrated a triumphant
its remarkable excellence in learn- event in its ongoing commit-
ing assessment. This outstanding ment to environmental educa-
achievement highlights the school’s tion and wildlife conservation
unwavering commitment to pro- by hosting a spectacular Ani-
moting academic excellence and mal Rally for its Nur- class II
pioneering educational practices. students.
Under the visionary leadership On October 4, the school
of chairperson, Devyani Jaipuria, grounds came alive with vi-
Dharav High School has pursued brant young minds as the rally
holistic education, recognising unfolded, serving as a dynam-
each student's multifaceted nature. ic educational platform to un-
The school’s approach places equal derscore the vital importance
emphasis on cognitive, physical, of preserving the intricate
emotional, and spiritual growth, balance within the food chain
ensuring students are well-pre- and advocating for the welfare
pared for the future. School princi- of animals, thus contributing
pal, Seema Sehajpal’s exemplary to wildlife conservation. The
leadership played a pivotal role in event witnessed students tak-
achieving this milestone. ing center stage, with each
child transforming into an
iconic Indian animals. This
What truly stood out dur-
ing the rally was the unwa-
vering passion and dedica-
ractical knowledge is the ultimate tion displayed by the stu-
asset that provides long-term divi- dents. With fervent enthusi-
dends. Ryan International School, asm, they led the rally, pas-
Jagatpura, organized an educational trip sionately chanting slogans
for class XI and XII students to a Biotech- and conveying powerful
nology Lab recently. Students were enthu- messages to inspire change
siastic about this educational adventure and raise awareness about
as they experienced DNA isolation, wit- the significance of animal
nessed the magic of genetic material, conservation and its direct
explored vermicompost for organic soil link to wildlife preservation.
creation, and toured the clinical path lab, Principal Sarika Gaur ex-
gaining insights into medical diagnostics. pressed immense pride in the
This visit was unforgettable, filled with students' dedication and said,
knowledge, discovery, and learning. It left "Our students have exempli-
a lasting impression on these young fied the values of responsible
minds, inspiring their academic journeys citizenship and empathy for
and future pursuits. all living beings. The success
of the Animal Rally is a tes-
tament to our school's holistic wildlife conservation." dedication to fostering envi- ship, and active participation
ilak Public School, in collabo- concepts, such as the anemometer, Additionally, the students actively They too treaded into the skills, and discipline be-
ration with the coordination reflectivity scale, Doppler Radar, var- p a r t i c i p at e d i n a n e x p e r i m e n t , swimming pool and reflect- sides water safety skills,
and support of Radhe Sharma, ious thermometers, etc. where they harnessed solar radia- ed their floating skills and and their risk for drown-
director of the Meteorological Center During their visit, the students tion to ignite paper. some basic swim strokes in ing is reduced significant-
in Jaipur, organized an educational had the opportunity to explore the Overall, this visit was a brilliant their limited access to 5.5 ly. “Incorporating a swim-
visit for 43 geography students on Oc- hydrogen center, where hydrogen is and enriching experience for the stu- feet of 7 feet sized pool. ming pool into school facil-
tober 11. This excursion proved to be generated through chemical pro- dents, deepening their understanding The safety of students was ities can offer a broad ho-
an exceptional and enlightening ex- cesses. This hydrogen is then used of various geographical concepts and guaranteed as pool safety rizon, well-rounded expe-
perience for the students. They gained to fill balloons, providing crucial shedding light on the intricacies of was the top most on the rience,” said the school
insights into various instruments and data on wind speed and direction. weather forecasting. school’s and the coach’s director, Karuna Yadav.
04 To sift is to isolate that which is most important after examining it thoroughly.
With newsy challenges, writing practice and working on your critical thinking
skills, this daily page is here to help you sift and skill
Pics: Istock
Thinking, Creativity & You can use this page daily to:
Innovation, Collaboration, 1. Enhance critical and creative thinking skills
Communication 2. Increase news awareness
2. Write a caption for this.
n Literacy Skills: Information 3. Start a discussion on important
Literacy, Media Literacy, current topics
Technology Literacy 4. Expand worldviews
n Life Skills: Flexibility and 5. Improve writing skills
Wield a pencil, sharpen your Adaptability, Leadership and 6. Enhance visual thinking 3. Have you ever experienced nature’s
mind and get cracking. Try fury? Describe that experience. Use your imagination to record the moment
this Times NIE worksheet that is Do give us your feedback and how you found this page useful. seen in photograph
set to keep your brain ticking Please write to us at [email protected]
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Waves crash against a
lighthouse after the top was ripped off, in South
YOUR OPINION Shields, northeastern England. Authorities urged
vigilance as the region braced for heavy rain and
Question 1: Which gale-force winds. Owen Humphreys/PA via AP
of these languages
is not commonly
spoken in Israel?
c Hindi
c Hebrew
c English
c Arabic
eflecting on the mental state of the digitally- Which European out a case for bail on merits, saying
driven society at large, a Japanese man Question 2: What is the chemical state prime min- court. Can you use it in a sentence? evidence against him was inadequate
to corroborate he went to Bangla-
claims to be earning a good living by provid- in chillies that causes the burning ister recently vis-
ing companionship to strangers. In an article that sensation? ited Israel? desh.
published on The Economic Times, the man states c Capshaw c Joe Biden WRITE SENTENCE HERE
that “he merely gives company to strangers”. De- c Capybara c Rishi Sunak
spite having thousands of followers and perhaps, c Capsaicin c James Macron
even more ‘digital friends’, people feel the need to c Caprese c Valdimir Putin Corroborate:
hire someone to just feel ‘secure’, ‘looked at’, ‘heard’
or just be, he states. The 38-year-old man from Tokyo Answers: 1. Hindi; 2. Capsaicin; 3. Greta Thunberg; 4. Rishi Sunak
named Shoji Morimoto charges 10,000 yen (approx-
imately Rs 5,633) per booking. According to a report
by Reuters, Morimoto has gone to over 4,000 sessions
in the last 4 years. His job has taken him to a park
with a person who wanted to play on a see-saw. He
has also beamed and waved through a train window remember. They use repetition and
at a complete stranger who wanted a send-off. With rhyme and keep the language sim-
over 250k followers on X, Morimoto said that most ple. Remember that recall is the
of his clients contact him on the micro-blogging site. Creating a piece of music that can most important part of a jingle. Create a chat between Rhea and Ryan
sell a product can be creatively Something too fast can leave out
Students, tell us your opinion in the space below: demanding, but it can also be quite important information about the
Prompts: 1. Have you ever gotten lonely? Write a poem or a rewarding. The purpose of a jingle product or service.
paragraph on loneliness in a bustling city. 2. How can we help is to relay important information g Research your audience: Re-
lonely people? 3. Is the internet making people more lonely? about the product in an unforget- searching your audience is critical
Why/why not? 4. Being alone and being lonely. Elaborate. table way. Here are a few tips: when crafting the perfect jingle.
g Know your product: To write Knowing who you’re trying to
a great jingle, you need to know reach and what they respond to
what your product is. will help you create a message that
g Know your competitors: An- resonates with them.
other thing you’ll want to do before g Listen to famous jingles: It
writing is to study your competi- sounds simple, but you can’t write
tors. Do any of them have jingles? a great jingle without knowing
How do they differentiate them- what one sounds like. Listen to as
selves from others or position their many jingles as you can.
unique selling points? Students, how about you attempt a jingle WHAT’S HAPPENING?
g Keep it short and simple: The for your favourite food brand in the space A currency trader is pictured through the symbol
best jingles are simple and easy to given on the side. for the Indian Rupee on the floor of a trading
firm in Mumbai
n the following questions, the asser-
tions and reasons have been put
forward. Read both statements
carefully and choose the correct alter-
native from the following: a) Both the
Assertion and Reason are correct
and the Reason is the correct expla-
nation of Assertion; b) The Asser-
tion and Reason are correct but the
Reason is not the correct explana-
tion of the Assertion; c) The Asser-
tion is true but the Reason is
false; d) The Assertion is isms in natural simple
ANSWERS: 1. A; 2. A.
false but the Reason is true harmless substances.
2: Assertion: The balance
between the gravitational
pull of the sun and the will help you with critical thinking as
QUESTIONS: forward motion of the it encourages you to analyse and
1: Assertion: Polythene planets results in stable, evaluate information. It also
bags and plastic con- elliptical orbits.
tainers are non-biode- Reason: The force of gravity
increases scientific literacy and
gradable substances. keeps celestial bodies like cognitive flexibility, helping you to
Reason: They can be bro- planets in orbit around the look at perspectives.
Share your thoughts at [email protected] ken down by microorgan- sun.
True meaning of
class VIII,
OF EDUCATION? An educated individual always knows
how to behave socially. Education
does not just mean about learning dif-
hen man real- How the idol is made Rukmini Devi ferent subjects and staying up to date
ised that The artisans begin their work in sum- Public School, with general knowledge. An individ-
there exists mer. The pratima (idol) is shaped from Delhi ual is said to be educated when they
an energy which gov- the clay of the Ganges or Hooghly. The can apply all they have learned in
erns everything in this clay base is mixed with straw and hay, their personal and professional lives
universe and beyond, kneaded, and then sculpted into the fine effectively. What is as vital as gaining
he tried to give some form and shape to idols we see. They still hold on to the age- knowledge is that the knowledge you
that divine power, which the people of old custom of the ‘Vishvakarma Sutras’ possess should only be used for con-
Bengal call Durga. where the procedure and proportions of structive purposes and for the welfare
the idols are mentioned in detail. Most of your fellow human beings and not Wow! See that shooting star,
of the artisans here are small-scale art- to harm anyone. For instance, there I think it is a piece of art.
Artisans of Kumortuli
ists, some of them downtrodden and is this growing buzz about mastering The star is very shiny,
Kumortuli, near Rabindra Sarani in forgotten, even though they are the ones he primary aim of educa- the art of ethical hacking. An indi- But I see it very tiny.
Northern Kolkata, is a city of sculptors who light up our puja festivities. Some tion is to give the oppor- vidual who learns hacking can use it
who weave magic into their clay Devi popular idol artisans like Kaushik Ghosh SUKHMAN tunity of acquiring for both right and wrong purposes, You have so much,
sculptures with their masterful touch. and Sanatan Rudra Pal have been ac- SINGH BRAR knowledge and skills and it depends on the individual to That can’t be told in phrase.
Apart from sculpting idols for various claimed as talented craftsmen in the class VIII, that will enable people to make that choice. It’s on a very high height,
festivals, the artists’ community here global art community but the rest are St Stephen’s develop their full potential and be-
also exports them. Once a congregation unsung and unknown. Next time when come successful members of society.
On which we fly kites.
School, NIMISHA SONI, class XI, Heritage Girls
of fleeing artisans from different parts you see a Durga Ma idol, remember a lot It improves not only the personal School, Udaipur JAINI HARSH ANTANI,
of Bengal, during British colonisation, of hard work has made it what it is. Chandigarh
the idol-makers of Kumortuli are now Do you want to be our next contributor? Share your thoughts at class X, St John’s High
the people who make the Durga Puja, an DEBADRITA PAUL, class VIII, Adamas World [email protected]. You can also log in to toistudent.com School, Mumbai
occasion of grandeur and creativity. School, Kolkata
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So the best way to pull
yourself up is by indulging in mind teasers and laughter riots. Need a
chill pill? Get into the WIZARD’S CORNER! 05
RULE 1 - Each row must contain the
numbers from 1 to 9, without
RULE 2 - Each column must contain
the numbers from 1 to 9, without
repetitions GUESS THIS PLACE
RULE 3 - The digits can only occur HINT: This place is a big facility related to Isro.
FIND OUT THE MEANING OF THIS POPULAR PHRASE once per block Name the place and the district as well as the
state it is located in. Find out the purpose of
its existence.
WHICH STATEMENT IS b. The mother means
The mother CORRECT? that the boy should
a. The mother means that the make use of the right
said to her
boy should buy some hay on opportunities that
little boy,
district of Andhra Pradesh.
days when the weather is sunny. come to him. barrier island off the Bay of Bengal in the Tirupati
“‘Dear child, base for the Indian Space Programme. Sriharikota is a
Sriharikota, the Spaceport of India, provides launch
‘make hay ANSWER: Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR,
while the sun
explaining to her little boy in a metaphorical way.
means taking advantage of favourable circumstances, which is what the mother was
Answer: The second answer is correct. The ‘make hay while the sun shines’ phrase
Place the four numbers in the first, third,
fifth, and seventh boxes and whichever
Find the answers somewhere in the page operators you want to use in the second,
fourth, and sixth boxes in the correct order
to get the answer. Use the numbers only once.
KNOW YOUR can’t be understood
3) Magus
1) Mystical
magician’s apprentice
CHECK YOUR 3) Limpid
X + —
knower of all things
gargoyle VOCABULARY lame
1 5 7 8
2) Limpet the art museum Easy 5 + 8 - 7 + 1 = 7
master’s wand, the warrior was now a mouse. Latin transfigurare. river seal the movies Medium 5 + 8 - 1 - 5 = 7
aitherios. 5) Change in form or appearance; as, Transfigured by the crutch Hard 6 + 4 - 5 - 2 = 3
delicacy; as, An ethereal glow shone in the darkened tent. Greek
shellfish 5) Demagogue
magus.” Persian magu (member of priestly caste). 4) Airy, of unearthly
leech rabble-rouser
ten commandments
than the rest, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was once dubbed “the northern
heaven. Greek allegoria. 3) One who knows all things; as, Thought wiser
told in John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, is an allegory of a journey to member of a jury panel
2) A story that disguises its meaning; as, The story of Christian’s travels, discussion between ten or
sense of the mystical images in his text. Old French mystique. more people
1) Of spiritual meaning or significance; as, The scholar tried to make
5) rabble-rouser
2) shellfish
1) woody
poison,’ is a
tasteless bluish-white
metal that turns grey
on exposure to air.
Idiom -etrics
Riding with the
1) refifcou 3) ramstut
a) officer a) astrut
This popular but ancient idiom
EVERY CLOUD HAS A she had not attempted folk dance b) confection b) traumas
can be traced to the year 1634,
and thought of ‘giving it a whirl.’ c) fixture c) stratum
SILVER LINING when the distinguished poet John
MEANING: Every hard or sad
situation has a hopeful or STRAIGHT FROM THE
Milton coined the phrase ‘silver
lining’ in his poem, ‘Comus: A
1 Toto, a Sino-Tibetan language spoken by tribal
Toto people, is written in which script?
d) coiffure d) muster
ing 65 from 53 balls in a 130-run
opening stand alongside Ibra-
Afghanistan coach Jona-
than Trott said the pitch condi-
The build-up of competition GLENN MAXWELL
BEAT PAKISTAN, SAYS him Zadran. Rahmat Shah’s tions favoured spinners. “I In 2019, Afghanistan came tan-
unbeaten 77 and 86-run partner- think when you’ve got the op- talizingly close to defeating Pa-
EXCITED GURBAZ ship with skipper Hashmatullah tions like we do it’s foolish not kistan, but lost. The competi-
icknamed the “Big
Shahidi were significant as well. to use them,” he said. tion became even more intense Show” for his ability to
fghanistan clinched during a recent tri-series. Af- hit big sixes without
their first-ever ODI Photo: PTI ghanistan had earlier struggled
triumph over Paki- to match Pakistanin five other
any fuss, Glenn Maxwell is
stan when they ODI matches. one of the most attractive
chased down a tar- batsmen around the world,
get of 283 for the loss of only two
Babar at a loss especially in the limited-
Photo: PTI
wickets at the ICC Men’s Crick-
et World Cup 2023 on Monday. Pakistan captain Babar Azam overs format. His aggressive
This was their highest-ever rued his team’s failure to put batting style at any position
chase in ODI history. The stun- pressure on Afghanistan with
ning victory snapped a seven- spin. Pakistani spinners took
from an opener to the No.7 slot, handy off-spin bowl-
match losing streak against no wickets in Chennai but con- ing, and delightful fielding put him into the mould of
Pakistan in ODIs since 2012. ceded 6.23 runs an over. AGENCIES a perfect all-rounder. He is also great at judging
Afghanistan players celebrate after winning the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup
2023 match against Pakistan, at MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai slower balls and, commonly uses his ‘swivel slog
How they plotted their win So happy. Big win. That was sweep’ to send the ball deep into the stands.
Young Afghanistan opener Rah- RARE PUBLIC JOY SWEEPS OVER KABUL really special, waiting for a long
manullah Gurbaz has said their the streets of the capital. time for this game. Wow! Six-
team was resolute in breaking
■ Fireworks and celebratory
Ecstatic passengers hung off seven years we were waiting for INTERNATIONAL DEBUT
their streak of ODI losses
gunfire raked Kabul’s skies as
Afghans celebrated their stun- car doors as pedestrians this kind of game. Whenever we Maxwell was picked for the 2012-13 India tour
against Pakistan ahead of their
record-breaking run-chase and ning defeat of Pakistan, a rare danced and played music faced them, they always beat when he made his Test debut.
said that “he was waiting badly” burst of public jubilation since despite an effective ban on us. That was the first time ODI debut against Afghanistan in a one-off in
to beat the neighbours. The the Taliban takeover. song and dance dictated by the that we beat them.”
21-year-old was pivotal to Af- Taliban government. the United Arab Emirates in 2012.
■ Hundreds of fans swarmed RAHMANULLAH GURBAZ
ghanistan’s victory with a blaz- Rahmanullah Gurbaz
Auz middle order woes Tasmania. He knocked 110 off 52 balls with nine
Photo: AFP olstered by the revival of
their batting firepower, a
rejuvenated Australia will
Australia will need to add firepower
in their middle order, especially with
ONE-DAY CRICKET fours and eight sixes.
look for another dominating Steve Smith and Mar nus La- ngland batter Joe Root admit- In 2013, the Aussie was a surprise pick in the
Indian T20 League player auction by Mumbai
show but need to be cautious facing buschagne struggling. Glenn Max- ted that he is unsure about
a tenacious Netherlands in New well and Marcus Stoins haven’t ex-
how long one-day cricket will He played a significant role in Australia’s World
Delhi on Wednesday. actly set things on fire.
After a disappointing start, the In bowling, Hazlewood has been survive, saying the format’s future Cup win in 2015. He scored a 51-ball century against
five-time champions tur ned it successful in keeping things tight, will depend on what the next gen- Sri Lanka. Fastest-ever by an Australian and second
around with two solid performances Zampa returned with two four-wick-
eration of players and fans want. fastest in the history of the tournament.
against Sri Lanka and Pakistan but et hauls. Starc continued his dream
they know very well that they can run and would fancy his chances. The prevailing perception that ODIs
ill-afford to take the Dutch lightly. Skipper Pat Cummins needs to do are undergoing a gradual and pain- OTHER STATS
more to lead from the front. ful decline has not been disproven
In fine form Spin will come into play He smashed an unbeaten 65-ball 145 in a T20I
The Netherlands have The Netherlands at the Feroz Shah Kotla
during the initial two and a half Joe Root match against Sri Lanka in September 2016 to win
been one of the success will look to take a cue track. Australia will weeks of the ICC Men’s Cricket
back critics and eventually a place in the ODI team.
stories of this show- from Afghanistan to keep hope Maxwell provides World Cup in India as there is a
piece event as they their story alive, having Zampa with the sup- scarcity of closely contested tional cricket. It shouldn’t be down He also returned to the Test team against India
stunned an in-form returned to the WC after a port at the other end.
matches and stadium attendance to, ‘is it bringing the most money in 2017 and got a century in Ranchi.
South Africa at Dha– All eyes will also
hiatus. Armed with a gang of has been lacklustre for matches
ramsala after return- be on the deteriorat- for the sport?’ It should be what Maxwell was bought for a whopping 14.25 cr by
ing to the World Cup steady all-rounders, they have ing air quality of the that don’t involve the host team. people want to watch, and what’s RCB for the 14th season of the IPL.
after a 12-year hiatus. shown they are capable of national capital,
They will look to take a winning but will need which has been a con-
“There’s talk of whether this format going to engage the next genera-
cue from Afghanistan to better execution. cern during an interna- is relevant any more, in interna- tion of players. ,” he added. IANS
Pat Cummins keep their story alive. tional fixture in the past. PTI
Photo: AP
Photo: GETTY IMAGES anathan, who Irrespective of Ram- DIGVIJAY HIGHEST he former No. 1 Andy Murray de-
grabbed the Dhar- kumar’s win, the 28-year- SEEDED INDIAN feated German Yannick Hanfmann
wad Men’s World old begins the tournament 7-5, 6-4 to reach the second round at
Digvijay Pratap Singh is the Andy Murray
Tennis Tour title, would be with the tag of ‘unseeded’ the Swiss Indoors Basel, snapping a three-
keen to sustain his win- player. Nick Chappell of highest-seeded Indian at match losing streak. The Brit will next face
ning ways as he contends the USA has been given No.3, while Bogdan Bobrov Argentine Tomas Martin Etcheverry, who
in the ITF Davanagere the top billing in a strong is seeded second. Florent ousted eighth seed Sebastian Korda 6-3,
Men’s World Tennis Tour, field that will compete for Bax of France is seeded 1-6, 6-3. This is Murray’s third appearance
the main round of which, a total prize purse of US $ at the ATP 500 event.
began in Davanagere, Kar- 15,000. ANI fourth while Sidharth Rawat He reached the sec-
is seeded fifth. SD Prajwal This is Murray’s
ond round last year
Photo: PTI
Dev, Rishab Agarwal, and third appearance at and had not previ-
Niki Poonacha bring up the the ATP 500 event. ously played in Ba- The big-serving German saved one set
He reached the sec- sel since 2005. point in the first-set tie-break at 6/7 before
rear of the top eight seeds
Jan-Lennard he won 88 per cent (15/17) of points behind
respectively. ond round last year Struff snapped a his first serve in the second set to earn his
The winner of the singles and had not previous- four-match losing first Top 50 hard-court win of the season
title will earn USD 2160 and ly played in Basel streak, when he eli– after one hour and 36 minutes. He will next
15 ATP points while the run- since 2005. minated Christo- play fourth-seed Hubert Hurkacz or Ser-
pher Eubanks. bian Dusan Lajovic. IANS
ner-up will be richer by USD
Virat Kohli
1272 and eight ATP points. Photo: GETTY IMAGES
four minutes thanks to a lovely chip from José Gayà.
Who has scored the highest number of Robert Navarro was shown a red card for Cadiz
the fifties in the World Cup 2023 so far? with 2-0 victory in the 22nd, and three minutes later Hugo Duro
added a second for the hosts. It was Valencia’s first
ottenham Hotspur’s best start to a top-flight sea- Hugo Duro league win since mid-September and lifted it into
A Rohit Sharma B Azam Babar C Steve Smith D Virat Kohli son for more than 60 years got even better as a 2-0 eighth place. Cadiz is now six games without a win
Q3: Fosbury Flop, which was seen in the home win over Fulham sent them two points clear and sits in 16th place with nine points from 10 match-
at the Premier League summit. Captain Son Heung- es.
news, is associated with which sports? min’s seventh league goal and James Maddison’s first Cadiz plays Sevilla at home on Saturday, while
home strike secured a seventh win in nine league games. Valencia is away to Athletic Bilbao the next day. AP
A Cricket B Chess C High Jump D Hockey Son curled a right-foot effort into the top corner in
Malaysia in the he gold rush for India in by clocking her personal best place for India in shooting and a first
men’s singles the ongoing 4th Asian of 59.73s. ANI in pistol event.
badminton final Para Games continued The Indian had earlier qualified for
at Victor with Deepthi Jeevanji bagging the top eights with a score of 581, which
Denmark Open in a gold medal in the women’s helped him clinch the eighth spot in the
400m-T20, and setting a new qualification round. With China having
Jyske Bank Arena Asian Para record and games already exhausted their two Olympic quo-
in Odense, record on Tuesday. Deepthi, tas in the event and only one of the two
Denmark. with a record timing of 56.69s, Koreans eligible, Sarabjot had his task cut
Weng Hong secured a top podium finish out needing a high finish. He shot to the lead
ahead of Thailand’s Orawan after the first five shots which was crucial and
Yang won the Kaising who gave her personal as the two Chinese caught up and went past him,
title. best time of 59.00s and still had Sarabjot was able to maintain his composure and
to settle for silver. Japan’s register yet another international podium finish. PTI
Photo: AP
Niina Kanno bagged a bronze Deepthi Jeevanji