Ecosystem 1
Ecosystem 1
Ecosystem 1
a) A-Osmosis, B-Photosynthesis, C-Respiration, D-Burning of fuel wood, E-Forest food chain, F-Limestone
b) A-Photorespiration, B-Respiration, C-Respiration, D-Burning of organic debris, E-Pond food chain, F-
c) A-Respiration, B-Photosynthesis, C-Respiration, D-Combustion of fossil fuels, E-Aquatic food chain, F-
Coal, oil
d) A-Respiration, B-Photosynthesis, C-Respiration, D-Burning of forest, E-Terrestrial food chain, F-Forest
5. Large unit of land having different types of plants and animals, is called
a) Uniform vegetation b) Biome c) Ecosystem d) Niche
6. Which of the following is known as the sedimentary cycle because its reservoir is a sedimentary rock?
a) Carbon cycle b) Hydrologic cycle c) Nitrogen cycle d) Phosphorus cycle
7. In ecological succession the communities in near equilibrium with the environment, are called
a) Climax communities b) Ecofriendly communities
c) Seral communities d) Pioneer communities
8. Dried plant parts such as leaves, bark, flowers, etc., and dead remains of animals including faecal matter,
drop over the soil, constitute
I. below ground detritus
II. above ground detritus
III. litter fall
Choose the correct option
a) I and II b) I and IV c) II and III d) I and III
9. In the following, there is no difference.
a) Trophic level-I and herbivores b) Primary consumers and herbivores
c) Primary carnivores and trophic level-II d) Secondary consumer and herbivores
10. Consider the following statements about carbon cycle
I. Carbon is released into the atmosphere
II. The atmospheric input of carbon from rainfall is greater
III. Carbon gas is exchanged between organisms and atmosphere during respiration
Which of the statement given above are correct?
a) I and II b) I and III c) II and III d) I, II and III
11. Ecological pyramids were discovered by
a) Elton b) Odum c) Reiter d) None of these
a)Conformer Regulator Partial regulator
b) Regulator Partial regulator Conformer
c) Partial Regulator Regulator Conformer
d) Regulator Conformer Partial regulator
47. The ecological niche of population is a
a) Geographical area that it covers b) Place where it lives
c) Set of conditions and resource it uses d) None of the above
48. Inverted pyramid is found in
a) Biomass pyramid of aquatic system b) Energy pyramid of grassland
c) Biomass pyramid of grassland d) Pyramid of number of aquatic system
49. If a predator is overexploits its prey in a ecosystem then what might be consequences of this?
a) Prey might be extinct b) Predator might be extinct
c) Both (a) and (b) d) No affect on prey and predator
50. Which of the following organisms form the decomposers?
a) Pteris b) Bacteria c) Saprophytic fungi d) Both (b) and (c)
51. Osmotrophs belong to
a) Primary consumers b) Secondary consumers c) Top carnivores d) Decomposers
52. Greater primary productivity depends upon
a) Rain (humidity) b) Availability of nutrients
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
53. Word detritus includes
a) Dead plant parts b) Remains of animals c) Animal excretions d) All of these
54. Decomposition of organic matter is brought about by
a) Protozoa b) Plants c) Microorganisms d) None of these
55. Some of the stages in the hydrarch are labelled as
I. Marsh meadow stage
II. Reed swamp stage
III. Submerged plant stage
IV. Phytoplankton stage
V. Submerged free floating plant stage
Identify the choice that represents the correct sequence of these stages
a) IV, III, V, II and I b) III, V, I, II and IV c) II, IV, III, I and V d) IV, V, III, II and I
56. The correct sequence of food chain is
a) Grass → insect → bird → snake b) Grass → bird → insect → snake
c) Snake → bird → insect → grass d) Grass → snake → bird → insect
57. When the number of organisms at successive levels are plotted they assume the shape of a pyramid. This
is called the pyramid of
a) Biomass b) Number c) Energy d) None of these
58. Which kind of pyramid is represented by the given diagram
a) A b) B c) C d) None of these
190. Choose the area which will take minimum time for succession
a) Newly created reservoir b) Bare rock
c) Buried or cut forest d) Newly cooled lava
191. Each tropical level has a certain mass of living material at a particular time called
a) Standing crop b) Biomass
c) Branching lines d) Progressive straight line
192. What is the rate of secondary production in the energy pyramid given below?
a) A-20 J, B-2 J, C-0.2 J b) A-200 J, B-20 J, C-2 J c) A-400 J, B-40 J, C-4 J d) A-40 J, B-4 J, C-0.4 J
300. In an ecosystem, in which an organism occupies a specific place in a food chain
a) Branching lines b) Progressive straight line
c) Trophic level d) Standing crop
301. Pollution caused by persistent pesticides is relatively more hazardous to which type of organisms?
a) Herbivores b) First level carnivores
c) Producers d) Top carnivores
302. All are true for climax community except
a) Rapidly keeps on changing to reach equilibrium b) Final community
c) End of succession d) Stable
303. Productivity is the rate of production of biomass expressed in terms of
I. (kcal m)OR yr OP
II. g O: yr OP
III. g OP yr OP
IV. (k cal mO: )yr OP
Choose the correct option
a) II b) III c) II and IV d) I and III
304. Excessive moisture inhibit the process of decomposition due to
a) Anaerobiasis b) Aerobiasis
c) Photoxidation d) Photophosphorylation
305. Select the true statements
I. Gross primary productivity is equal to the net primary productivity minus respiration
II. Gross primary productivity is equals to net primary productivity plus photosynthesis
III. Net primary productivity is equal to photosynthesis plus respiration
IV. Net primary productivity is equal to gross primary productivity minus respiration
V. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional
a) I, II and III b) I, IV and V c) II and III d) IV and V
306. Which of the following statements regarding food chain is false?
a) In an aquatic ecosystem, grazing food chain is the major conduit for energy flow
b) In terrestrial ecosystems, a large fraction of energy flows through detritus food chain
c) The detritus food chain begins with dead organic matter
d) Primary consumers belong to the first trophic level
307. Phytoplanktons
a) Actively floating microscopic plant b) Floating angiosperm
c) Benthic organisms d) Passively floating microscopic plant
308. Which of the following pair is a gaseous type of biogeochemical cycle?
a) Nitrogen and carbon cycle b) Phosphorus and carbon cycle
c) Nitrogen and sulphur cycle d) Sulphur and carbon cycle
309. Which zone of a lake has no photosynthetic organism?
a) Profundal zone b) Littoral zone c) Limnetic zone d) Both (b) and (c)
310. The second stage of hydrosere is occupied by the plants like
a) Salix b) Vallisneria c) Azolla d) Typha
311. If decomposers are removed what will happen to the ecosystem?
a) Energy cycle is stopped b) Mineral cycle is stopped
c) Consumers cannot absorb solar energy d) Rate of decomposition of mineral increases
312. If a single plant species is removed from a food web, then most likely
a) An animal species will fill the unoccupied niche
b) Other plants will produce enough food for herbivores
c) Dependent herbivores will have to find new food sources
d) Carnivores will be unaffected by the loss
313. Food chain starts with
a) N: -fixation b) Osmosis c) Respiration d) Photosynthesis
314. Fungi in a forest ecosystem is
a) Producer b) Decomposer c) Top consumer d) Autotroph
315. The ultimate energy source of ecosystem is
a) Solar energy b) Biomass c) Producer d) Carbohydrates
316. Lichen is the pioneer vegetation on which succession?
a) Hydrosere b) Lithosere c) Psammosere d) Xerosere
317. Benthic organisms are found in
How many food chains are there in the food web shown above?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7
339. Which one of the following is one of the characteristics of a biological community?
a) Stratification b) Natality c) Mortality d) Sex ratio
340. In the given formula, what does ‘a’ represent?
Use of energy in food
Assimilatory efLiciency = × 100
a) Energy obtained through primary producer b) Biomass at own level
c) Biomass at lower trophic level d) Energy obtained through food
341. Term ‘ecosystem’ was given by
a) Odum b) Koestler c) Tansley d) Mobius and Forbes
342. Most diverse organisms of an ecosystem are
a) Producers b) Consumers c) Carnivores d) Decomposers
343. Primary succession is the development of communities on
a) Cleared forest area b) Previously unoccupied sites
c) Fresh harvested crop field d) Pond filled after a day season
344. Select the incorrect food chain
a) Grass → frog → vulture
b) Grass → grasshopper → frog → snake → eagle
c) Grass → deer → lion
d) Phytoplankton → zooplankton → fish (perch) → fish (bass) → man
345. Which one of the following correctly represents as organism and its ecological niche?
a) Vallisneria and pond b) Desert locust (Scistocerca) and desert
c) Plant lice (aphids) and leaf d) Vultures and denes forest
346. Given below is one of the type of ecological pyramids
1) b 2) b 3) b 4) c 185) a 186) a 187) c 188) a
5) b 6) d 7) a 8) c 189) b 190) c 191) a 192) b
9) b 10) d 11) a 12) a 193) d 194) b 195) a 196) a
13) a 14) c 15) d 16) b 197) d 198) a 199) c 200) a
17) d 18) a 19) b 20) a 201) a 202) b 203) d 204) a
21) c 22) c 23) b 24) c 205) d 206) d 207) d 208) a
25) b 26) d 27) c 28) a 209) c 210) b 211) c 212) c
29) c 30) b 31) a 32) a 213) c 214) b 215) b 216) c
33) a 34) a 35) b 36) d 217) c 218) a 219) d 220) a
37) d 38) d 39) b 40) a 221) d 222) c 223) b 224) d
41) d 42) d 43) b 44) d 225) c 226) c 227) a 228) d
45) b 46) d 47) c 48) a 229) a 230) d 231) b 232) c
49) c 50) d 51) d 52) c 233) d 234) a 235) b 236) a
53) d 54) c 55) a 56) a 237) a 238) b 239) a 240) d
57) b 58) c 59) d 60) d 241) b 242) b 243) a 244) a
61) b 62) c 63) d 64) d 245) d 246) d 247) a 248) d
65) a 66) b 67) c 68) b 249) a 250) a 251) d 252) a
69) a 70) b 71) c 72) d 253) b 254) b 255) b 256) b
73) a 74) d 75) c 76) a 257) b 258) a 259) d 260) b
77) a 78) b 79) c 80) b 261) c 262) a 263) d 264) d
81) d 82) c 83) a 84) b 265) c 266) b 267) b 268) d
85) d 86) d 87) c 88) b 269) c 270) a 271) b 272) a
89) d 90) c 91) b 92) c 273) d 274) c 275) d 276) c
93) c 94) a 95) b 96) a 277) a 278) a 279) c 280) a
97) a 98) b 99) c 100) b 281) b 282) a 283) c 284) d
101) a 102) c 103) b 104) c 285) c 286) c 287) c 288) d
105) a 106) b 107) d 108) b 289) a 290) a 291) d 292) c
109) b 110) b 111) b 112) b 293) d 294) a 295) c 296) c
113) c 114) a 115) d 116) b 297) a 298) a 299) a 300) c
117) a 118) b 119) d 120) c 301) d 302) a 303) c 304) a
121) b 122) d 123) a 124) c 305) d 306) d 307) d 308) a
125) a 126) b 127) a 128) d 309) c 310) b 311) b 312) c
129) c 130) b 131) c 132) a 313) d 314) b 315) a 316) b
133) d 134) b 135) c 136) b 317) c 318) c 319) b 320) c
137) b 138) d 139) a 140) b 321) a 322) a 323) c 324) a
141) d 142) a 143) d 144) c 325) b 326) d 327) a 328) b
145) c 146) c 147) a 148) a 329) c 330) a 331) d 332) a
149) a 150) d 151) a 152) c 333) b 334) d 335) a 336) d
153) d 154) d 155) a 156) d 337) a 338) c 339) a 340) d
157) d 158) b 159) a 160) c 341) c 342) d 343) b 344) a
161) d 162) a 163) d 164) a 345) c 346) b 347) a 348) a
165) d 166) b 167) c 168) a 349) c 350) b 351) d 352) b
169) a 170) c 171) d 172) b 353) c 354) d 355) d 356) b
173) a 174) c 175) a 176) c 357) a 358) b 359) b 360) c
177) d 178) b 179) b 180) c 361) b 362) c
181) d 182) b 183) d 184) a
197 (d)
The end result of decomposition is the production
of dark brown, smelling, humus rich organic
matter and inorganic substance like carbon
dioxide, water and nutrients
198 (a)
190 (c) In sedimentary cycle, the main reservoirs are soil
Buried or cut forest already has soil humus and and rocks, q. u.,sulphur cycle, phosphorus cycle,
some vegetation (underground stems). So in etc.
buried or cut forest, succession is easy and is 199 (c)
completed A certain mass of living material at each trophic
191 (a) level of an ecosystem at a particular time is called
Each trophic level has a certain mass of living standing crop.
crop The standing crop is measured as
material at a particular time called the standing the mass of living organisms (biomass) or the
crop. The standing crop is measured as the number in a unit area.
biomass of living organisms (biomass), as the 201 (a)
number in a unit area Vertical distribution of different species
192 (b) occupying different levels is called stratification,
We know that plant only utilisexd 1-2% of total q. u.,in a forest ecosystem, trees occupy top
energy incident on earth. In the given dustion vertical strata or layer, shrubs the second and
100000 Kcal/m: /yr salar radiation is incident on herbs and grasses occupy the bottom layers
earth. So plant producer utilize 1% of 100000 202 (b)
kcal m: /yr and that 1% is Phytoplankton → Submerged plant stage A →
100000 × 1 Submerged free floating plant stage B → Read
= = 1000 kcal/m: /yr swamp stage C → Marsh-meadow stage → Scrub
And from produces to the next level only 10% stage D → Forest plant stage
Pzzz×Pz 203 (d)
will goes, so = 100 kcal/m: /yr will be
Pioneer community is the Ist biotic community,
transferred to primary consumer which is called
which develops in barren area. Pioneer
secondary production
community is established over a previously bare
194 (b)
By the process of leaching, water-soluble
204 (a)
310 (b)
302 (a) Second stage of hydrosere is occupied by
Climax community is stable and is in equilibrium submerged aquatic plants, q. u., Hydrilla,
with the environment Vallisneria. The third stage has free floating
303 (c) plants, q. u., Azolla (floating aquatic fern). The
The rate of biomass production per unit area over fourth stage is reed swamp plants like typha, salix
a time period by plants during photosynthesis is includes deciduous trees and shrubs, which
called productivity. It is expressed in g O: yr OP or constitute the sixth (wood land stage) and climax
(k cal mO: )yr OP stages
304 (a) 312 (c)
Warm and moist environment favour Herbivores are primary consumers, they are
decomposition. Low temperature and mainly depend on the plants for their food needs.
anaerobiosis inhibit decomposition If a single plant species is removed, then they
305 (d) have to find new or other food sources.
The rate at which organic compounds are formed 313 (d)
in a green plants or in a population of green plants Food chain starts with photosynthesis. The green
per unit time and area is known as the gross plants always occupy first level in any given food
primary productivity. It is usually measured as an chain and are commonly termed as the primary
increase in the stored energy or an increase in the producers
biomass. GPP is utilised by plants in respiration 314 (b)
306 (d) Ecosystem is composed of biotic components and
All animals depend on plants directly or indirectly abiotic (non-living) components. The biotic
for their food needs. They are hence, called components of forest ecosystem are primary
consumers and also heterotrophs.
heterotrophs If they feed on consumers (e.g., rabbit, moles, deer, squirrels,
the producer, the plants (belonging to the first grasshoppers, etc), secondary consumers (e.g.,
trophic level), they are called primary consumers. carnivorous, birds, snake, lizard, etc) and
356 (b)