DRM832 1 Dragon PTN Legacy Services A4 E Screen
DRM832 1 Dragon PTN Legacy Services A4 E Screen
DRM832 1 Dragon PTN Legacy Services A4 E Screen
Basic Configuration
Dragon PTN Legacy Services
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translation, conversion into any electronic medium or machine scannable form is not permitted,
either in whole or in part. An exception is the preparation of a backup copy of the software for your
own use.
The performance features described here are binding only if they have been expressly agreed when
the contract was made. This document was produced by Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH
according to the best of the company's knowledge. Hirschmann reserves the right to change the
contents of this document without prior notice. Hirschmann can give no guarantee in respect of the
correctness or accuracy of the information in this document.
Hirschmann can accept no responsibility for damages, resulting from the use of the network
components or the associated operating software. In addition, we refer to the conditions of use
specified in the license contract.
You can get the latest version of this manual on the Internet at the Hirschmann product site
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 8
1.1 General ....................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Manual References ...................................................................................... 9
7. VOICE ...................................................................................................................... 48
List of figures
Figure 1 Create External E1 Link .................................................................................................... 9
List of Tables
Table 1 Legacy Application / IFM / Service Type Overview .......................................................... 8
Table 2 Manual References ........................................................................................................... 9
Table 3 7-SERIAL: Compare ‘Serial Ethernet’ → Circuit Emulation ......................................... 21
Table 4 Services: Serial Ethernet Monitoring 'Module' Fields .................................................... 30
Table 5 Services: Serial Ethernet Monitoring 'Port' Fields .......................................................... 30
Table 6 Service Name and Type Selection: Protocol Screens Overview ..................................... 34
Table 7 Service Name and Type Selection: Protocol Overview................................................... 35
Table 8 Services: Circuit Emulation Monitoring 'Module' Fields ................................................. 44
Table 9 Services: Circuit Emulation Monitoring 'Bundle' Fields .................................................. 44
Table 10 2W/4W Voice E&M Settings ......................................................................................... 46
Table 11 VLAN Tagging/Untagging .............................................................................................. 52
Table 12 8-FXS Port Properties (Remote Extension) ................................................................... 58
Table 13 Translated Pattern Parameters .................................................................................... 60
Table 14 8-FXS Port Properties (SIP-Server) ................................................................................ 61
Table 15 Bonding Combinations ................................................................................................. 68
Table 1 Smart SFP Alarms ............................................................................................................ 74
Table 2 Bitrates (bps)................................................................................................................... 75
Table 3 Allowed Tunnel Types per Service Type ......................................................................... 77
Table 4 Test & Loopback Support................................................................................................ 87
Table 5 Loopback Settings ........................................................................................................... 88
Table 6 BERT Settings .................................................................................................................. 89
Table 7 Tone Generator/Level Meter Settings ............................................................................ 91
Table 8 Test and Loopback: E1/T1 Monitoring Fields ................................................................. 92
Table 9 Test and Loopback Performance: C37.94 Monitoring Fields.......................................... 94
Table 10 Test and Loopback Performance: 2W/4W Voice Monitoring Fields ............................ 95
Local Mode
Optical Low Speed Serial / C37.94
Serial Ethernet
Circuit Emulation (SAToP/CESoPSN)
E1 / T1 / C37.94 / Serial / 2W/4W Voice (only CESoPSN) / CODIR / Optical Low Speed
Smart SFP (uses service type ‘Ethernet’ over Dragon PTN but transports STM/OC frames
from an SDH/Sonet network)
Optical Low Speed Serial 2-OLS Local Mode: Optical Low Speed Serial §2
Local Mode at the source side means the conversion of incoming Serial signals into E1
signals, both at the front panel of the IFM. No IFM backplane or Dragon PTN network or
Dragon PTN bandwidth is involved. The IFM just acts as a local Serial to E1 converter via an
internal loopback. At the destination side, the conversion is just vice versa.
Prerequisite: make sure that you created links of type ‘External E1 Link’ (see figure below)
between the two 2-OLS IFMs. These links can be created as via Dashboard → Network
Hardware → Links → → (Link type) ‘External E1 Link’. More info in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Optical Serial
Fiber Links Dragon PTN MPLS-TP
Optical Serial
Fiber Links
External Network
Example: SDH
External E1 Links External E1 Links
Figure 2 Local Mode: Optical Low Speed Serial via 2-OLS IFMs
Create Services
The services wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:
FM0 Encoded Data 0
bit time
Page: Service Endpoint Selection: It is point-to-point, so only select two end-points. The
end-points are the optical serial ports of the 2-OLS IFMs connected to that External E1 link.
Note: Within one 2-OLS IFM, [port 1 <-> port3] and [port 2 <-> port4] are always linked via
a fixed local loopback including the conversion. E.g. It means that if port3 is used in the
External E1 Link, port1 must be selected (and not port2) as end-point. Selecting ports can
be done in two ways:
Via the table. The tree view can be expanded/collapsed via clicking the expand/collapse
buttons. Just click the Selected checkbox to select the desired port;
Via clicking the node icons in the network drawing, see general example in §13;
Page: (Tunnel Selection: No tunnel must be selected in this service setup. The Dragon PTN
network will not be used. After this service setup, a special tunnel with tunnel type
‘External’ has been created automatically.)
Page: Port Settings:
Short Haul Link: (refers to E1 ports on the 2-OLS IFM): Long E1 links (>200m, Long Haul)
have more E1 signal attenuation than shorter E1 links (<200m, Short Haul). As a result,
the E1 signal levels or sensitivity ('0' or '1') on the receiver side depend on the usage of
Long Haul/Short Haul links. Check this parameter for Short Haul links and uncheck it
(=default) for Long Haul links. This parameter can be set on port level in the IFM or at
service creation.
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the configuration
load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load
process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info;
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs should
be able to communicate.
Forced Power Mode
Within one 2-OLS IFM, the E1 ports will slave to the external network e.g. SDH (=Rx Clock).
The optical serial ports uses the same clock as the clock on their associated E1 ports
(=Through Timing). Port 1 is linked to Port3 and Port2 is linked to Port4;
Clock Source:
Optical Serial Port1: Through Timing;
E1 Port3: Rx Clock;
Optical Serial Port2: Through Timing;
E1 Port4: Rx Clock;
Apply your changes and load these changes into the Dragon PTN network.
You also could use OLS testers, two 2-OLS IFMs and a direct E1 link between the 2 E1 ports (=
exclude the external SDH network) to test your Local Mode. Configure the ‘Clock Source’
port settings as indicated in the figure. You could also play with the ‘Link Enabled’ port
setting to enable/disable a link.
Internal Clock
Serial Rx Clock
Link 2-OLS
Tester 2
Through Timing
Link Dragon PTN
2-OLS Through Timing
Tester 2
Rx Clock 4
Rx Clock
2.6 Monitoring
2.6.1 (Configuration) Network Hardware Tile
It can be verified if a local loopback or local mode is active on the IFM. Go to Dashboard →
(Configuration) Network Hardware → Devices →IFM→ Specific → Internal Connection. If
this parameter is ‘True’, a local loopback is active on your IFM.
CAUTION: The configuration that you see here is the service configuration done via the
service wizard. Port settings could be tuned manually via §2.2.3 and as a result could be
different from these service settings. Always verify these port settings, to know the exact
port setting in the live network.
Cloud icon =
External E1 Link
Local Mode at the source side means the conversion of incoming C37.94 signals into E1
signals, both at the front panel of the IFM. No IFM backplane or Dragon PTN network or
Dragon PTN bandwidth is involved. The IFM just acts as a local C37.94 to E1 converter via an
internal loopback. At the destination side, the conversion is just vice versa.
Prerequisite: make sure that you created links of type ‘External E1 Link’ (see figure below)
between the two 2-C37.94 IFMs. These links can be created as via Dashboard → Network
Hardware → Links → → (Link type) ‘External E1 Link’. More info in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Optical C37.94
Fiber Links Dragon PTN MPLS-TP
Optical C37.94
Fiber Links
External Network
Example: SDH
External E1 Links External E1 Links
Create Services
The services wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:
Protocol: C37.94:
Number of Timeslots: (=default, read-only). Not relevant.
Page: Service Endpoint Selection: It is point-to-point, so only select two end-points. The
end-points are the C37.94 ports of the 2-C37.94 IFMs connected to that External E1 link.
Note: Within one 2-C37.94 IFM, [port 1 <-> port3] and [port 2 <-> port4] are always linked
via a fixed local loopback including the conversion. E.g. It means that if port3 is used in the
External E1 Link, port1 must be selected (and not port2) as end-point. Selecting ports can
be done in two ways:
Via the table. The tree view can be expanded/collapsed via clicking the expand/collapse
buttons. Just click the Selected checkbox to select the desired port;
Via clicking the node icons in the network drawing, see general example in §13;
Page: (Tunnel Selection: No tunnel must be selected in this service setup. The Dragon PTN
network will not be used. After this service setup, a special tunnel with tunnel type
‘External’ has been created automatically.)
Page: Port Settings:
Short Haul Link: (refers to E1 ports on the 2-C37.94 IFM): Long E1 links (>200m, Long
Haul) have more E1 signal attenuation than shorter E1 links (<200m, Short Haul). As a
result, the E1 signal levels or sensitivity ('0' or '1') on the receiver side depend on the
usage of Long Haul/Short Haul links. Check this parameter for Short Haul links and
uncheck it (=default) for Long Haul links. This parameter can be set on port level in the
IFM or at service creation.
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the configuration
load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load
process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs should
be able to communicate.
Clock Source:
C37.94 Port1: Through Timing;
E1 Port3: Rx Clock;
C37.94 Port2: Through Timing;
E1 Port4: Rx Clock;
Apply your changes and load these changes into the Dragon PTN network.
Internal Clock
C37.94 Rx Clock
Link 2-C37.94
C37.94 1
Tester 2
Through Timing
Link Dragon PTN
2-C37.94 Through Timing
C37.94 1
Tester 2
Rx Clock 4
Rx Clock
Local Mode?
CAUTION: The configuration that you see here is the service configuration done via the
service wizard. Port settings could be tuned manually via §3.2.3 and as a result could be
different from these service settings. Always verify these port settings, to know the exact
port setting in the live network.
Cloud icon =
External E1 Link
4.1 General
Supported IFMs: 7-SERIAL. More information on this IFM in Ref. [8] in Table 2.
7-SERIAL IFMs can use either ‘Serial Ethernet’ or ‘Circuit Emulation → Serial’ services.
Depending on your needs and application, you can choose either one or the other. The table
below compares both types. This chapter describes the Serial Ethernet, for a description of
the Circuit Emulation → Serial service, see §5.
Link Serial
P2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P3 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
combi combi combi
P5 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
P6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓
combi combi
P7 ✓ spare spare ✓ spare ✓ spare spare spare
Create Services
The services wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:
A node can have a maximum of 32767 MAC addresses. By default, per new Serial
Ethernet service, 256 MAC addresses will be added to each LER node of the tunnel in
which the service resides (not for point-to-point tunnels). If the maximum number of
MAC addresses on a node has been reached, an error warning will pop up. After this
warning, you will have to decrease the number of MAC addresses in this node from the
other services first via clicking the MAC limit button (see Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2 for
more info). See the figure below:
MAC Limit Master/Slave
In this service, at least one master (maximum two masters) and one or more slaves
(maximum 156 slaves) must be selected. By default, the end-point is set as Slave
but can be changed to Master by clicking the Master/Slave cell of the desired end-
point and selecting Master, see figure above. In some network drawings the Master
will be indicated by the icon.
When two masters are selected, one of them will be the active one and the other
one will be the backup master. Which one is the active/backup master will be
decided by the serial protocol itself.
The (active) master will initiate commands or requests to their slaves. The backup
master and all the slaves will see this request. Only the addressed slave will process
the request and send a response back to the (active) master. The backup master
and all the other slaves will see the slave response.
Page: Quality of Service Parameters Detail: see §12. Leave this page as it is, defaults are
Page: Pseudo Wire Label Selection: leave this page as it is, defaults are OK;
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the configuration
load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load
process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs should
be able to communicate over the Dragon PTN network.
b. Multidrop Consistency
Multidrop Consistency is a polling mechanism, within a Serial Ethernet service, between the
master(s) port(s) and the slave ports to check whether the slaves are still alive. The master
IFM is the IFM connected to the master application, the slave IFM is the IFM connected to
the slave application. Each slave will see the poll requests to other slaves as well, but only
answers the poll request addressed to itself.
Checked (=default): the polling occurs every 500 ms. If a polling error occurs, the necessary
alarms will be raised. If there are two masters, both masters poll independently of each
Unchecked: no polling occurs at all. No alarm will be raised or nothing will be reported in
HiProvision when a slave is missing.
Polling results can be monitored, see §4.6.5.
Serial data is collected at the front ports and the payload data bits are buffered until one of
the Advanced Mode events below is triggered. After the trigger, the payload data is
packetized and sent over the Dragon PTN network.
Advanced Mode:
Number of payload data bytes (=block) received at the front (Fixed Block size);
Periodic transmit timer expires (Fixed Transmit Timer);
Detection of a line termination character (Delimiter Line Termination Character);
Timeout occurs after the last received byte (Delimiter Timeout).
Each mode is explained more in detail below:
Fixed Block Size (=default): Whenever ‘N’ payload data bytes are received at the front port,
a packet including ‘N’ bytes will be sent through the Dragon PTN network. Configure ‘N’ in
the Block Size field (default=8 bytes, range[1..1000] bytes). If ‘N’ is never received, the
packet will be sent anyway after a specific timeout based on ‘N’ and the bitrate. A small
‘N’ results in an inefficient bandwidth but a low delay and vice versa.
Fixed Transmit Timer: Configure the Transmit Timer (default = 10 ms, range [0-10000] ms).
This timer is started whenever a serial data message enters a front port of the
4.6 Monitoring
4.6.1 (Configuration) Network Hardware Tile
A detailed and similar monitoring set-up description (adding counters to graphs etc…) can be
found in ‘Port Performance’ → ‘CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring’ in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Data Rx Packet Error packets The number of received erroneous data packets. The packets had for example a
(ingress) CRC error.
Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;
Seconds With Parity Errors seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that frames with parity errors
(ingress) were received
Seconds With Framing Errors seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that frames with framing errors
(ingress) were received
Seconds With Overrun Errors seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that buffer overrun errors
(ingress) occurred
Rx Good Characters characters The number of valid or good received characters. A good character contains 8 bits
(ingress) and has no errors in it. Character validation is based on start/stop/parity bits.
Tx Good Characters characters The number of valid or good transmitted characters. A good character contains 8
(egress) bits and has no errors in it. Character validation is based on start/stop/parity bits.
Step2: Click
Master1 IFM
These slaves could not be
polled by the Master
Master2 IFM → Multidrop Consistency Alarm
5.1 General
A Circuit Emulation service (=CES) is a point-to-point packetized TDM service. The following
CES types are available:
SAToP (=Structured Agnostic TDM over Packet) → transport all channels transparently;
CESoPSN (=CES over Packet Switched Network) → customized channel transport;
Differential Clocking / Hitless Switching / Single Path;
The following protocols are supported:
Create Services
The services wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:
Note: The referred IFM manuals in Table 2 often show a lot more info and pictures on the
mentionned parameters and settings below. Read the manual of involved IFMs as well!
SAToP or
Service Name and Type Selection Screen Service Name and Type Selection Screen
Protocol Supported IFMs Supported Usage: Usage: Mux/ Diff. Hitless Specific
(Refs. in Table 2) Ports SAToP CESoPSN Demux Clocking Switching Parameters
(SAToP) (+Single Path)
E1 2-OLS, 2-C37.94, E1 ✓ ✓ --- ✓ ✓ Page: Circuit Emulation Parameters: Short Haul on E1
4-E1-L/4-T1-L, Ports
C37.94 2-OLS, 2-C37.94, C37.94, E1, T1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Number of Timeslots: for CESoPSN, the number of
4-E1-L/4-T1-L, (at least one timeslots that must be transported can be selected.
16-E1-L/16-T1-L C37.94 port Circuit Emulation Parameters: Short Haul on E1/T1 Ports
2W/4W Voice 4-2/4WEM 4-2/4WEM --- ✓ --- --- ✓ - 2W/4W Mode: transportation mode 2W or 4W mode
(See also §6) selector.
- Multidrop: check if you want to use multidrop
(=combining several PTP services with the same
master), unchecked means one PTP service.
FM0 Encoded Data 0
bit time
Note: The referred IFM manuals in Table 2 often show a lot more info on Differential
Clocking, Clock Source settings etc.. (Synchronization / Clock Distribution / Network
Timing). So make sure to read the required IFM manual as well.
Hitless Switching:
unchecked (=default): possible data and/or synchronisation loss when switching
from active to backup path or vice versa, e.g. because of cable break;
checked: no data and/or synchronisation loss when switching from active to backup
path or vice versa, e.g. because of cable break;
Single Path (Hitless Switching): The service can already start up with only one link up,
coming out of a two-links-down situation with single path enabled. Do not use this
option when ‘Differential Delay’ is important for your application.
Note: Per port, an extra Info field can be filled out later on via Network Hardware →
Devices → Select Node/IFM/Port → Generic → Info.
Page: Tunnel Selection: Select the desired tunnels for your service. More info on tunnels,
tunnel selection and allowed tunnels can be found in §11;
Page: Hitless Tunnel Selection (only visible with ‘hitless switching’ enabled): if no tunnel is
listed, it means that no point-to-point tunnel without protection is available anymore. This
type of tunnel is needed to create the protection path for hitless switching. Create a new
point-to-point tunnel without protection first.
Page: Circuit Emulation Parameters:
Port Parameters (only on E1/T1 ports → in E1, T1, C37.94 protocol):
Short Haul Link: Long E1/T1 links (>200m, Long Haul) have more E1/T1 signal
attenuation than shorter E1/T1 links (<200m, Short Haul). As a result, the E1/T1
signal levels or sensitivity ('0' or '1') on the receiver side depends on the usage of
Long Haul/Short Haul links. Check this parameter for Short Haul links and uncheck
Page: Quality of Service Parameters: QoS (=Quality of Service) is a service traffic handling
process in order to provide sufficient service delivery and bandwidth for critical
applications. HiProvision provides a few QoS mechanisms, based on the parameters
Priority (range [0..5], default = 4): priority that will be assigned internally in the Dragon
PTN node. 0 indicates the lowest priority (=least important). In the Dragon PTN
network, higher priority traffic will be processed before lower priority traffic so that
high priority traffic will not be compromised.
Frame Size: The CES IFMs convert their incoming signals from the LAN side into
Ethernet packets towards the CSM. The Frame Size is the size of these Ethernet
packets. The better you know the traffic (and its frame sizes) in your network, the
better you can tune the consumed bandwidth on the WAN side. The Frame Size
indicates the Ethernet frame size = payload + Ethernet overhead.
Frame Size is read-only;
Frame Sized depends on:
Page: Service Name and Type Selection → Differential Clocking on or off;
Page: Circuit Emulation Parameters → TDM Frames per Ethernet Packet.
Page: Quality of Service Parameters Detail: see §12. Leave this page as it is, defaults are
Page: Pseudo Wire Label Selection: leave this page as it is, defaults are OK;
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the configuration
load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load
process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs should
be able to communicate over the Dragon PTN network;
Optimise Jitter Buffer (default = True): The default is OK for most applications. In some
special cases, tuning this parameter might be necessary.
CAUTION: If differential delay is important and must be as low as possible then make sure
to leave Optimise Jitter Buffer = True
Send Data: It can be configured when an adaptive (*) SAToP service starts sending data.
Immediately (=default): Start sending immediately;
After Clock PreLocked: after 120 seconds for 16-E1-L/16-T1-L IFMs, after 15 seconds
for the other IFMs;
After Clock Locked: after the 'Clock Recovery State' field on port level is in the 'Locked'
NOTE: (*): One of the both service ports has property Clock Source set to
NOTE: Make sure that both ports of the service are configured the same.
Bundle ID
5.6 Monitoring
5.6.1 (Configuration) Network Hardware Tile
A detailed and similar monitoring set-up description (adding counters to graphs etc…) can be
found in ‘Port Performance’ → ‘CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring’ in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Data Rx Packet Error packets The number of received erroneous data packets. The packets had for example a CRC error.
Data Rx Information kbps The reserved module bandwidth for only the payload data on the ingress side. This value
Bandwidth remains the same until the HiProvision bandwidth configuration changes.
Data Tx Information kbps The reserved module bandwidth for only the payload data on the egress side. This value
Bandwidth remains the same until the HiProvision bandwidth configuration changes.
Data Reserved Full kbps The reserved full module bandwidth including both overhead and payload data. This value
Bandwidth remains the same until the HiProvision bandwidth configuration changes.
Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Note: Clear the counter values by clicking ;
Note: 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P' value in cell = previous value;
Total Buffer Initial Fill Level µs The start level of the buffer right after
resetting/rebooting the IFM
Total Buffer Size µs This is the reserved jitter buffer size. It is the verify the Service wizard →
absolute maximum that a buffer level can reach. Circuit emulation parameters /
The size is based on the configuration QoS configuration in HiProvision
Total Buffer Minimum Level µs The minimum (current) level that has been no drifting, and close to
reached so far minimum size (0) due to
network jitter or hitless path
interruption, verify buffers
configuration, buffer too small?
Total Buffer Current Level µs The current fill level of the buffer if this level is drifting, verify
clocking settings master/slave
Total Buffer Maximum Level µs The maximum (current) level that has been no drifting, and close to maxsize
reached so far (=size buffer) due to network
jitter, verify buffers
configuration, buffer too small?
Total Buffer Underrun count The number of times that a buffer has underrun. verify clock settings
A buffer underrun occurs when the buffer is master/slave, jitter buffer might
filled slower than packets in the buffer are be too small.... verify the Service
processed. As a result, the buffer will finally run wizard → Circuit emulation
empty which results in an underrun. If an parameters in HiProvision
underrun occurs, the buffer will be reset to the
initial level.
Hitless Sequence Error count The number of times that a sequence number
error occurred
Hitless Overflow count The number of times that the hitless buffer (in verify the Service wizard →
FPGA) overflow occurred Circuit emulation parameters /
QoS configuration in HiProvision
Reserved Information kbps The reserved bundle bandwidth for only the
Bandwidth payload data. This value remains the same until
the HiProvision bandwidth configuration
Reserved Full Bandwidth kbps The reserved full bundle bandwidth including
both overhead and payload data. This value
remains the same until the HiProvision
bandwidth configuration changes.
Note: Click the Refresh button for the latest results; Clear the counter values by clicking ; 'C' value in cell = current value; 'P'
value in cell = previous value;
Service → Port Echo On Master Off (=default) / On If Multidrop = Yes, Echo on Master will be configurable. This feature allows
slaves to communicate with each other. If Echo on Master = On, slaves can
communicate with each other.
Service → Port Send Condition - Active E Signal If Multidrop = Yes, the condition for sending or transmitting voice signals over
(only for Voice, not - Rx signal > 50 mV the Dragon PTN network can be configured to one of the indicated values.
for E&M) - Rx signal > 10 mV NOTE: the Send Condition does not influence E&M, E&M will always be
(=default) transmitted. For 2-Wire Voice, it is advised to use ‘Rx signal > 50 mV’.
- Never send
Hardware → Tx Signal Level -15 dB → +18 dB 0 dB = Default. Tx Signal can be amplified in the indicated range in steps of 3
Port Property dB.
Hardware → Rx Signal Level -15 dB → +18 dB 0 dB = Default. Rx Signal can be amplified in the indicated range in steps of 3
Port Property dB.
E&M Signaling
NOTE: the Send Condition has only impact on the Voice/Data. E&M will always be transmitted.
Service → Port Echo On Master Off (=default) / On If Multidrop = Yes, Echo on Master will be configurable. This feature allows
slaves to communicate with each other. If Echo on Master = On, slaves can
communicate with each other.
Hardware → E&M Signaling Type 2, 3, 4, 5 Select the E&M signaling type.
Port Property
Hardware → M Signal Mode Transparent / Fixed Transparent:
Port Property The E-signal on the other side is transmitted transparently to the M output.
What comes in on the E side of the other side, goes out transparantly on the M
side. If M = transparent on the slave, the E-signal on the master comes out
transparently on the M of the slave. If M = transparent on the master, the E-
signal of any of the slaves goes out transparently on the M of the master
The M output will be fixed Off or On depending the ‘M Signal Ouput’ setting.
Hardware → M Signal Output Off/On The M output will be fixed Off or On.
Port Property
The destination module will receive the transported timeslots from the Dragon PTN network
and regenerate the voice data and the E&M signaling from it to finally output it on its voice
port. Indicate in the service creation if you want to use 4 or 2wire. Make sure that the
Multidrop setting disabled. Each end-point or port must be located in a different node.
The figure below shows a multidrop example between one master and three slaves.
In HiProvision,
create 3 PTP services Resulting Behavior = Multidrop
Master Slave1
Dragon PTN
+ shared
Master Slave1
Dragon PTN
= Master Slave2
+ PTN Slave3
Master Slave3
Dragon PTN
Figure 43 Multiple PTP Services with Same Master result in Multidrop Behavior
7.1 General
Supported IFMs: 8-FXS (for analog voice), all IFMs with Ethernet ports (for voice over IP).
More information on these IFMs can be found in Ref. [8] in Table 2.
A Voice service requires at least one analog (8-FXS) and one Ethernet (4-GC-LW, ….) port.
The Voice service can set up connections between both analog phones (via 8-FXS) and SIP
elements (client, server, trunk) over the Dragon PTN network. SIP elements can be
connected to the Dragon PTN network via Ethernet IFMs (e.g. 4-GC-LW, ..., 9-L3A-L). This
service operates VLAN based and is routable (with Gateway IP address). Depending on
where the call handling must be done, two different modes can be selected:
Remote extension (FXO Gateway): call handling via FXO gateway to analog public or pri-
vate telephone networks;
SIP-server: call handling done in dedicated external SIP server;
A general analog Voice service example can be found in the figure below:
Analog Voice
Analog Voice
Ethernet IP
Packetized Voice
Analog Voice
Public (PSTN, ISDN, ...)
Private (PBX)
SIP Client
SIP Server SIP
/ IP PBX Trunk
Create Services
The services wizard opens. The list below summarizes every page in the wizard:
VLAN ID: Set the default VLAN ID in the range [3-3699, 3802-4000] for the Ethernet
ports in this service. Ethernet packets with this VLAN ID will be forwarded in this
service, other VLAN IDs and untagged packets will be dropped. This behavior can be
overruled by a more advanced VLAN processing in the ‘VLAN Tagging/Untagging’
feature further on this wizard;
Mode: Remote Extension (FXO Gateway), SIP-Server, see §7.3 for more information;
Routable (including Gateway IP address): Enable this when your 8-FXS IFMs, FXO
Gateway or SIP Server are spread over multiple VLAN IP subnets. When enabling it, also
fill out the Gateway IP address via which the FXO Gateway or SIP Server can be reached.
One routed voice service is allowed per 8-FXS IFM.
A node can have a maximum of 32767 MAC addresses. By default, per new Voice
service, 256 MAC addresses will be added to each LER node of the tunnel in which the
service resides (not for point-to-point tunnels). If the maximum number of MAC
addresses on a node has been reached, an error warning will pop up. After this warning,
you will have to decrease the number of MAC addresses in this node from the other
services first via clicking the MAC limit button (see Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2 for more
info). See the figure below:
MAC Limit
FXS Ports:
Consumed per pair
Ethernet Port
Page: VLAN Tagging/Untagging: HiProvision supports VLAN processing for voice services.
The Voice service is always VLAN based.
ATTENTION: By default, the VLAN processing behavior in this wizard page is as
described previously in the ‘Service Name and Type Selection’ page in this wizard: Only
forward packets (ingress and egress) with the configured VLAN ID and drop all the other
packets. When changing the settings in the ‘VLAN Tagging/Untagging’ page, it will
overrule the default behavior.
The possible VLAN processing actions are described in the table below. Each port in the
service can be configured with its own VLAN processing. For applying the same VLAN
Untagged: Tag and forward Incoming untagged Ethernet packets will be tagged with the
(<configured VLAN ID>) configured VLAN ID in the range [2-3699, 3802-4000] and
Priority Tagged: Drop Incoming priority tagged Ethernet packets will be dropped.
Priority Tagged: Tag and forward Replace the priority tag (=VLAN ID 0) in the incoming Ethernet
(<configured VLAN ID>) packet with the configured VLAN ID in the range [2-3699,
3802-4000] and forward it.
Egress Keep Tag The VLAN or Prio tag is kept when sending out the Ethernet
packet (transparent transport of packets).
Untag The VLAN or Prio tag is removed from the Ethernet packet
when sending out the packet.
Page: Tunnel Selection: Allowed tunnels for this service type: point-to-multipoint, logical
ring. See §11 to select the desired tunnel;
Page: IP Configuration: Each 8-FXS module in a Voice service must be assigned an IP
address to allow registration to the FXO gateway or the SIP Server later on. Fill out the IP
Range Start and click the Auto Assign button. As a result, the 8-FXS modules will get an IP
address assigned from this IP range. So all the phones connected to the ports within the
Page: Quality of Service Parameters: QoS (=Quality of Service) is a service traffic handling
process in order to provide sufficient service delivery and bandwidth for critical
applications. HiProvision provides a few QoS mechanisms, based on the parameters
Priority: configures the priority that will be assigned internally in the Dragon PTN node.
0 indicates the lowest priority (=least important). In the Dragon PTN network, higher
priority traffic will be processed before lower priority traffic so that high priority traffic
will not be compromised.
Normal (=Non-HQoS) tunnel used: priority range [0..4], default = 3.
HQoS tunnel used: priority is inherited from the Tunnel Application Priority [0..6],
Average Frame Size: The 8-FXS IFMs convert their incoming signals from the LAN side
into Ethernet packets towards the CSM. The Average Frame Size is the size of these
Ethernet packets. The better you know the traffic (and its frame sizes) in your network,
the better you can tune the consumed bandwidth on the WAN side. The Average Frame
Size indicates the Ethernet frame size = payload + Ethernet overhead.
Priority >1: Average Frame Size = 64 bytes, read-only.
Priority <=1: Average Frame Size is configurable.
Additional Ethernet Port Bandwidth: The Ethernet ports in a voice service consume a
bandwidth which consists of voice channels and some additional bandwidth.
Number of Voice Channels: (default=1, maximum depends on the available
bandwidth on the links) The number of voice channels that go via this port.
HiProvision will reserve 100 kbps per voice channel;
Additional Bandwidth (kbps): (default=0, maximum depends on the available
bandwidth on the links) The additional or extra bandwidth that this port requires in
this service to serve non-voice or different applications if any e.g. FTP server, ...
Page: Quality of Service Parameters Detail: see §12. Leave this page as it is, defaults are
Page: Service Back End Port Selection (only if Ethernet L2/L3 IFMs have been selected in
the service): This page shows which Back Back End ports are used towards the CSM, in the
participating L2/L3 IFMs in the Voice service. The line towards the CSM shows the
bandwidth usage, 0% means all bandwidth still available on that port. Another Back End
port can be selected if desired. More info on back end ports in Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2.
Page: Pseudo Wire Label Selection: leave this page as it is, defaults are OK;
MSTP Region Selection (only when modifying the Voice service involved in Regions/MSTP
(see MSTP in Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2) and adding a L2/L3 IFM which is still part of the default
MSTP Region): A configured Voice service can overlap different MSTP regions. When
adding a L2/L3 IFM to this service, the IFM will run with default MSTP settings available on
the IFM itself (not visible in HiProvision) and indicated by 'Default Region'. Loop protection
is guaranteed via this 'Default Region'. If you want to assign this IFM immediately to an
existing MSTP Region, select one from the Region drop-down list. If not, leave 'Default
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the configuration
load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load
process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs should
be able to communicate over the Dragon PTN network.
11 14
Analog Phones
SIP Trunk
7.3.2 Prerequisite
A Voice service must have been created.
7.3.3 Configuration
Go to Dashboard → (Configuration) Protocols → Protocol Categories → Other → Voice
Protocol → (Protocols) .
Depending on the configured voice type in the service, the settings will differ:
Service Properties:
DTMF Transmit Mode: DTMF is a voice-frequency signaling system that generates
tones when the caller presses numbers on its phone. This field has only impact when
the call has already been set up. During a call, when the caller is requested to enter
some extra numbers for selecting a menu (e.g. press '1' for sales, '2' for services etc...),
the selected DTMF Transmit Mode below configures how these entered numbers are
transmitted on the line. Make sure that this setting matches the setting in the FXO
Gateway. Click Next>>;
Audio Passthrough: Transports the DTMF tones transparently inband between the
two SIP endpoints, the caller and callee. The tones are encoded within the voice.
When using this method, it is strongly advised to use a G711 Audio Codec (G729
could compress the tones too much resulting in unrecognized tones at the receiving
Rtp (=advised for Remote Extension (FXO Gateway)): Inband method that sends
DTMF tones separately in dedicated RTP packets, distinct from audio packets.
Sip (=default, advised for SIP server): Inband method that sends DTMF tones
separately in dedicated SIP packets, distinct from audio packets.
8-FXS Port Properties: Each phone connected to an 8-FXS port has some properties that
can be configured in this page. Click the arrow in the Device Name column to
expand/collapse the node to show/hide the 8-FXS ports in this service. Configure the port
property via clicking a cell in the port row and start typing to enter or select a value;
Display Name <text> Name that must be displayed on the telephone display on the receiver side (=callee) when
(=future support) a call is set up.
Telephone Number <number> Telephone number that is assigned to the telephone connected to this 8-FXS port (=caller).
Auth User Name <text> User name assigned to this FXS port. This user name will be used in the SIP messages to
authenticate this FXS port to the VoIP Gateway when it requests some client
Auth Password <text> Password assigned to this FXS port. This password will be used in the SIP messages to
authenticate this FXS port to the VoIP Gateway when it requests some client
Audio Codec G711a Encoding/Decoding standards that encodes/decodes analog voice into digital data or vice
(=default) versa. G711a is the preferred Codec. Fallback to one of the other Codecs is possible if the
G711u SIP-server or remote side does not support this preferred Codec.
G729 The G711 codec provides an uncompressed high voice quality but requires almost 3 times
more bandwidth (87 kbps) than the G729 codecs (32 kbps) which transmit a more
compressed voice quality. So G729 calls have less voice quality than G711 calls, but are still
good enough for most calls. So it is a tradeoff between voice quality and bandwidth.
When using the Audio Passthrough DTMF transmit mode (see previous), it is strongly
advised to use a G711 Audio Codec whereas the G729 could compress the tones too much
resulting in unrecognized tones. The G711u (=µlaw) Codec is mostly used in Northern-
America and Japan whereas G711a (=A-Law) is mostly used in the rest of the world.
VoIP Gateway <ip address> Default = IP address of the VoIP Gateway (or SIP server port).
Remote SIP Port <number> Default = 5060. Indicates the remote SIP port that the VOIP Gateway is listening to for SIP
traffic. The local SIP port on the 8-FXS IFM is not configurable and is by default 5060.
Review: if ok, click Finish. The configuration load manager will be invoked.
Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load process
of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
NOTE: Monitoring info available via Dashboard → (Monitoring) Protocols→ Other → Voice
or via Dashboard → (Monitoring) Performance → Port Performance → CSM
Ethernet Port Monitoring or CSM, L2 and L3 IFM Ethernet Port Monitoring.
b. Configuration
Information: Click Next>>;
Service Selection: select the Voice service in the list for which you want extra configuration
and registration settings. Only the voice services without Voice Protocol configuration yet
will be listed. Click Next>>;
Service Properties:
DTMF Transmit Mode: See §7.3.4;
Dial Plan - Translation Pattern (default = e#r*~, use Reset button to set back to default):
The Dial Plan specifies how a 8-FXS IFM must interpret digit sequences dialed by the
caller, and how to convert the digit input into an outgoing dial string. The rules will be
applied to all the 8-FXS IFMs in the service. Optional, click the Configure button to
configure a more advanced Dial Plan - Translation Pattern. NOTE: it is also possible to
overwrite this field manually without using the Dial Plan wizard (for advanced users!).
Parameters Description
| separates different possible patterns
r repeat by following a number (1-9), letter (a-z for 10 to 35 times) or "*", “+”
or "." to mean any number of times (255 times)
! disallows pattern
8-FXS Port Properties: Each phone connected to an 8-FXS port has some properties that
can be configured in this page. Click the arrow in the Device Name column to
expand/collapse the node to show/hide the 8-FXS ports in this service. Configure the port
property via clicking a cell in the port row and start typing to enter or select a value;
Display Name <text> Name that must be displayed on the telephone display on the receiver side
(=future support) (=callee) when a call is set up.
Telephone Number <number> Telephone number that is assigned to the telephone connected to this 8-FXS
port (=caller).
Auth User Name <text> User name assigned to this FXS port. This user name will be used in the SIP
messages to authenticate this FXS port to the SIP Server when it requests
some client authentication.
Auth Password <text> Password assigned to this FXS port. This password will be used in the SIP
messages to authenticate this FXS port to the SIP Server when it requests
some client authentication.
Use Hot Line Dialing Yes/No Hotline means that if you pick up a phone or initiate a call, an immediate
direct connection will be set up with the configured 'Hot Line Dialing Number'
without the need of manual dialing a number yourself. A client that has a
hotline configured will not be able to call any other number besides the hot
line number.
Hot Line Dialing <number> Default = empty. Indicates the number that must be dialed when a client with
Number 'Use Hot Line Dialing=Yes' picks up a phone to initiate a call.
Yes: The call waiting feature is enabled on this client. This client can
temporarily suspend or set on hold the first call to accept a second incoming
call. This client can switch between the two calls.
SIP Server <ip address> Default = IP address of the SIP Server.
SIP Server (R) <ip address> Default = IP address of the Redundant SIP Server.
Registration Server <ip address> Default = IP address of the Registration Server. Current behavior:
(=future use) Registration will be done on the SIP Server.
Registration Server (R) <ip address> Default = IP address of the Redundant Registration Server. Current
(=future use) behavior: Registration will be done on the SIP Server.
Remote SIP Port <number> default = 5060. Indicates the remote SIP port that the SIP server is listening to
for SIP traffic. The local SIP port on the 8-FXS IFM is not configurable and is by
default 5060.
Review: if ok, click Finish. The configuration load manager will be invoked.
Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the load process
of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new HiProvision
configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more info.
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
7.6 Troubleshooting
The protocols monitor can help in troubleshooting. See §7.7.5.
A detailed and similar monitoring set-up description (adding counters to graphs etc…) can be
found in ‘Port Performance’ → ‘CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring’ in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
In a general SHDSL link setup between a customer and network side, one link partner must
act as the CO (=Central Office) and the other link partner must act as the CPE (=Customer
Premises Equipment). Within the Dragon PTN solution, the 4-DSL-LW module is by default
configured as CO. If both SHDSL link partners are configured in the same device mode, the
SHDSL link will not synchronize and as a result will not come up. A general SHDSL example
can be found in the figure below.
+ Switch
Unit Type.
PAF Mode;
The powering of the 2-OLS IFM can be configured by the ‘Forced Power Mode’. The setting
of this parameter determines whether a CSM is required in the node for powering the 2-OLS
IFM. Go to Network Hardware → Devices → 4-DSL-LW → Specific → Unit Type.
The ‘Device Mode’ (CO or CPE) of the 4-DSL-LW module depends on the configuration in
HiProvision and some DIP switch settings in on the IFM (see Ref. [3] in Table 2).
The ‘Device Mode’ configuration in HiProvision will always be the master setting. In
HiProvision, configure the ‘Unit Type’ parameter on IFM level as follows:
Only when there is nothing configured in HiProvision for this IFM, the DIP switch settings on
the IFM board itself come into play.
NOTE: When using the SHDSL link as LAN, make sure to configure the local and the remote
LAN SHDSL links with the same bonding or PAF mode;
Table 15 Bonding Combinations
When changing the bonding or PAF mode, in some cases the bonded SHDSL links will go
down until the new mode has been negotiated again between the CO and CPE.
b. ShdslMinLineRate
Configure the SHDSL Minimum Line Rate (range [192…5696] kbps). The default value is 192
kbps. It can be configured in steps of 64 kbps.
c. ShdslMaxLineRate
Configure the SHDSL Maximum Line Rate (range [192…5696] kbps). The default value is 5696
kbps. It can be configured in steps of 64 kbps.
d. PAM Mode
The line coding or PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) can be configured. When the value is
changed, the link has to be disabled and enabled again.
PAM Mode:
Auto Select (=default) ;
16 Pam: uses 3 bits (16 codes) for encoding, possible between 192-3840kbps;
32 Pam: uses 4 bits (32 codes) for encoding, possible between 768-5696kbps;
e. Region
The Region can be configured. When the value is changed, the link has to be disabled and
enabled again.
f. Forced Power Back Off Mode (No/Yes) / Power Back Off Value (0..31) (Future)
(Future support) The power back off algorithm enables 4-DSL-LW IFMs to adjust transmit
power according to conditions on the line. Operators can use this feature to manage and
reduce crosstalk noise on the network. When the value is changed, the link has to be
disabled and enabled again.
Yes: Lower the transmitter power level of the modem with the ‘Power Back Off Value’. This
reduces interference to other transmission systems operating on adjacent pairs bundled
in the same cable. The transmit power will be reduced adaptively in function of the
estimated cable attenuation.
No: do not lower the transmitter power;
8.4 Monitoring
8.4.1 (Configuration) Network Hardware Tile
The SHDSL link status can be verified via the port settings. Go to Dashboard →
(Configuration) Network Hardware → Devices →select IFM→ select port → Specific:
Link State: The link should come up. As a result, the link status should indicate ‘up’.
SNR: as a result of the line probing, the signal-to-noise ratio (=SNR) will be filled out
automatically in dB. SNR is an indication of the quality of the signal on the SHDSL link. If
the quality or the SNR is too poor, the SHDSL link will not come up. The longer the SHDSL
link, and the higher the automatically selected line rate due to line probing, the lower the
SNR will be. Make sure that the SNR is at least 6dB or higher. If the measured SNR is lower
than 6dB, disable ‘Line Probing’ and set the Maximum Line Rate lower, until SNR is higher
than 6dB.
8.4.2 Other
Other monitoring info ethernet service related and is similar to the monitoring info in the
manual Ref.[2Eth] in Table 2.
9.1 General
Smart SFP is a hot-pluggable optical transceiver that converts incoming STM/OC frames from
a fiber-optic SDH/SONET network into Ethernet frames or vice versa for outgoing frames.
This conversion occurs at ports or IFMs that support smart SFP, see Ref.[14] in Table 2.
Smart SFPs must be used in a point-to-point (1st/2nd Smart SFP, see figure below) port based
Ethernet service over Dragon PTN.
As a result, Dragon PTN allows to transparently transport synchronous digital bit streams
from an SDH/SONET network via the IFMs that support smart SFP. The available Smart SFPs
can be found in Ref. [14] in Table 2.
For clocking/synchronization, SyncE (see Ref. [2Net] in Table 2) must be configured in the
nodes that have Smart SFPs plugged in.
4-GO-LW: 4-GO-LW:
1st Smart SFP on 2nd Smart SFP on
Port4 (LAN) Port4 (LAN)
SyncE SyncE
Network Network
1. Configure SyncE (see Ref. [2Net] in Table 2) in the nodes that have plugged in the Smart
2. In HiProvision, configure a point-to-point port based Ethernet service with these two
Smart SFP ports.
Click Dashboard → Configuration → Connections → Services → to open the
services wizard. See figure below. The services wizard opens. The list below
summarizes every page in the wizard
Create Services
Page: VLAN Tagging/Untagging: leave this page as it is, defaults are OK.
Page: Tunnel Selection: Allowed tunnels for this service type: a normal point-to-
point tunnel without HQoS. See §11 to select the desired tunnel;
Page: Quality of Service Parameters: Configure the exact values below:
Priority = 1
Maximum Frame Size = 1522 bytes (=default)
Frame Size Mode = custom frames;
Small Frame = 1% : 64 bytes;
Custom Frame = 99%: 848 bytes;
Large Frame = 0%;
Bandwidth & Burst Size Mode: Endpoint Based;
Endpoint (useful) Bandwidth:
STM-1/OC-3 Smart SFP: 167 Mbps (or 167 000 kbps);
STM-4/OC-12 Smart SFP: 655 Mbps (or 655 000 kbps);
Page: Quality of Service Parameters Detail: see §12. Leave this page as it is, defaults
are OK;
Page: Pseudo Wire Label Selection: leave this page as it is, defaults are OK;
Page: Review: The selected service ports will be shown: if ok, click Finish, the
configuration load manager will be invoked.
Page: Load: The configuration load manager is a tool that starts and monitors the
load process of a HiProvision configuration. Click the Load button to load the new
HiProvision configuration into the live network. See Ref. [2Mgt] in Table 2 for more
CAUTION: While the loading to the Dragon PTN network is in progress, do not turn off,
shut down or restart the HiProvision Server or Agent, since this may cause database
corruption and network problems!
After this step, your customer applications connected to the front ports of the IFMs
should be able to communicate over the Dragon PTN network.
3. If your Smart SFPs are plugged in and the port is up, HiProvision must show both basic SFP
and Smart SFP info after selecting the ports, see figure below. Also the Link Active (LA) LED
of the IFM will blink immediately after plugging in the Smart SFPs.
4. Each Smart SFP has its own MAC address. It is possible to add extra security to the point-
to-point connection. You can configure that the 1st Smart SFP only communicates with the
2nd one and vice versa. This can be done by filling out the Destination MAC Address of the
MAC Address
- Clear Counters
2 nd Smart SFP port - Reboot
9.3 Alarms
Some alarms are provided which can be found in the table below.
Pull out Rx & Tx at 1st Smart SFP Loss Of Signal, Rx Loss Of Frame Tx Loss Of Frame, No TDM Payload
Stop Ethernet traffic going to 1st Smart SFP Local Packet Loss, Tx Loss Of Frame Remote Packet Loss
Pull out WAN link between two Dragon PTN Local Packet Loss, TX Loss Of Frame Local Packet Loss, TX Loss Of
nodes Frame
NOTE: If one tunnel cannot cover the required service path, multipoint, logical ring and
subring tunnels can be combined into one big tunnel to provide the path. Tunnels
must be combined in a Tunnel Combination Point, which is a node in which one
tunnel ends and the other tunnel starts, see figure below.
Tunnel 1 Tunnel 2
11 14 21 24
10 12 15 16 22 25 26
A 13 23
Combination Point
tunnels list
Tunnels list: The allowed or shown tunnels in the tunnel list depend on your service type.
Table 3 Allowed Tunnel Types per Service Type
Match (x/y):
x: number of reachable service ports (or termination points) via this tunnel;
y: number of selected service ports (or termination points);
Perfect match: e.g. 2/2: all the selected service ports belong to nodes that are all linked
to this tunnel. This tunnel can transport the service;
When the real or measured average frame size is reasonably lower than the configured
average frame size, extra delay and/or frame loss can occur! Frame loss can be detected
and verified via the 'Disc In Packets'/'Disc Out Packets' counters, see ‘Port Performance’ →
‘CSM Ethernet Port Monitoring’ in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
When the real or measured average frame size is reasonably higher than the configured
average frame size, a lower BWE will be obtained but traffic will not be influenced.
12.1 General
After configuring the ‘Quality of Service Parameters’ page in the service wizard and clicking
Next>>, the page with ‘Quality of Service Parameters Detail’ shows up. See figure below. This
Some values are configured, others are calculated by HiProvision based on the configured
values. E.g. if the service values are configured, the according service port values will be
calculated automatically. Both configured and calculated values are visible in both the
network drawing and tables in the Ports and LSPs tabs.
CAUTION: For legacy services, this ‘Quality of Service Parameters Detail’ must not be
adapted. The Ports and LSPs values should remain as calculated by HiProvision. Changing
these values could result in packet loss.
layout layout
zoom in/out devices/links ports
[1] = Node input: for this service, a useful bandwidth of 1274 kbps is available from link →
[2] = Node input: for this service, a gross bandwidth of 1712 kbps and gross burst size of
172 bytes is available from link → node;
[3] = Node output: for this service, a useful bandwidth of 1274 kbps is available from node
→ link;
[4] = Node output: for this service, a gross bandwidth of 1712 kbps and gross burst size of
172 bytes is available from node → link;
[1] = Node input: for this service, a useful bandwidth of 1360 kbps and a useful burst size
of 128 bytes is available from application → node;
12.4.1 General
If you want to configure new services, it is always nice to know how much bandwidth has
been reserved (or configured) already on the link or how much is still available. This
paragraph shows all the info you need to about bandwidth usage within Dragon PTN, in
order to configure it as efficiently as possible.
WAN links in the Dragon PTN network are Ethernet 1G, 10G or 40G links. They can carry 1,
10 or 40 Gbps in both directions on the link.
Max. Service Bandwidth = Maximum available bandwidth on a link that a Dragon PTN user
can configure in HiProvision when programming an Ethernet service. It also means that no
other services are configured yet on this link.
Max. WAN Link Bandwidth = Link Capacity:
The Link Capacity is by default the same as the original bandwidth of the selected link
type (1 Gbps, 10 Gbps or 40 Gbps links). However, the Link Capacity can be downscaled
to a lower bandwidth if desired, see Link Capacity in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Reserved Bandwidth depends on:
DCN Channel Bandwidth: The DCN channel bandwidth is by default 40 Mbps but can
be downscaled to 1.5 Mbps if desired. It is advised to keep 40 Mbps. See DCN Channel
in Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Configured Average Frame Size: Small Frames (64 bytes) is more overhead than Large
Frames (1522 bytes).
MACsec (1-10G-LW): A link with MACsec on has more overhead than a link with
MACsec off;
PHY Mode setting (LAN/WAN) (1-10G-LW): WAN setting has more overhead;
The less reserved bandwidth, the more service bandwidth can be configured for
‘x’ = service bandwidth including ‘L2 Ethernet Frame’ data and MPLS-TP overhead;
‘y’ = endpoint bandwidth including only ‘L2 Ethernet Frame’ data;
‘y’ is always less than ‘x’ with the maximum of ‘x’ depending on all the existing overhead
described above;
By default, the service bandwidth is configured the same in both directions, but can be
tuned individually if desired.
Links table
Link Details
In the network drawing: clicking the button relayouts the percentage labels on the
Status color = color indication of the bandwidth occupation percentage. The list below
shows the colors for the default occupation ranges. The ranges can be modified via the
color sliders:
green (0-30%): low;
orange (30-60%): medium;
red (60-80%): high;
dark red (80-100%): critical;
Percentage label Status color: e.g red Status color sliders Bandwidth occupation percentage
0% 100%
→ red link
Color slider
Clicked link
c. Link Details
In the figure below, the selected link shows all its tunnels including all its configured services.
Each service also shows its bandwidth. The total bandwidth for the link in one direction from
Node x → Node y, is the sum of the DCN bandwidth and all individual service bandwidths in
that link in that direction, see figures below.
The ‘Min. Total Link Bandwidth’ including DCN: Indicates the minimum bandwidth that the
configured services can address when consuming the bandwidth in the least efficient way
(small packets, frame size = 64 bytes). As a result, when programming an additional service
in a more efficient way (e.g. frame size = 500 bytes), this value will increase. The more
efficient you use the bandwidth, the more total bandwidth can be consumed.
The bandwidth occupation for this link in this direction is 65% (= 543.6/841.937). This results
in a red status color for the link according to the color slider settings. The used DCN
bandwidth is also shown and depends on the link type, see Ref. [2Net] in Table 2.
Link Bandwidth = (DCN) + Sum (service bandwidths) Min. Total Link Bandwidth
543.6 = (40) + (400 + 50 + 3.6 + 50)
DCN Bandwidth
Zoom in Zoom out
Pn = Service Priority n
brown LAN port = available for this service, the port number is shown in the port
icon when hovering over it;
brown bold LAN port = selected for this service;
white LAN port = unavailable for this service, cannot be selected (correct port type but
already taken by another service or wrong port type);
white filled WAN port = Cannot be selected. In most of the cases, available means not
taken at all by any service. In case of an Ethernet IFM (see Ethernet service in Ref. [2Eth]
in Table 2) it could mean a VLAN port as well which has already one or more VLAN based
Ethernet services configured;
Only on L2/L3 IFMs (see also Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2 for more info):
brown LAG port = available for this service;
brown LAG port = selected for this service;
white LAG port = unavailable for this service, cannot be selected (correct port type
but already taken by another service or wrong port type);
Only on L3 IFMs (see also Ref. [2Eth] in Table 2 for more info):
brown router : available VRF (=Virtual Routing and Forwarding) port which can be
included in the service. Click this icon if this service must only reach possible virtual
router and not the front ports in this IFM. If you click this icon, the front ports on this
IFM will become unavailable for this service and vice versa.
white router : 1) unavailable VRF port for this service because already included in
another service... or 2) automatic included VRF port because normal L3 IFM LAN ports
are selected for this service in this IFM.
Loopbacks: on backplane or front port both supporting two directions: towards line
(=application) or network;
BERT: test traffic generation and verification = Bit Error Ratio Tester;
Tone Generation/Level Metering: test tone signal generation.
14.2 Loopbacks
14.2.1 General
A loopback can be configured on the backplane (=IFM settings) or front port (=port settings).
It just loops back the received traffic on an Rx pin towards its associated Tx pin on a specific
port. If a backplane loopback has been configured enabled, all the ports on the IFM will be in
loopback. Each loopback can be enabled towards the line interface (=application side) or
network side. An overview can be found in the figure below.
all ports looped back
Port n
Tx Dragon Tx Dragon
Rx Rx
Line Line
all ports looped back
Port n
Rx Dragon Rx Dragon
Network PTN PTN
Tx Tx
Network Network
Loopback Line On/Off Enable/Disable the backplane loopback towards the line or application.
Data As a result, all/no ports in service will be looped back on the backplane!
The test results of the test traffic can be easily monitored via the 'Test & Loopback
Performance' in the Dashboard → Monitoring → Performance tile, see also §14.6.
Backplane Port n
Rx Dragon Tx Dragon
Tx Rx
Network Line
14.3.2 Configuration
To configure BERT, go to Dashboard → Network Hardware and select a supported IFM or
port (from Table 4) in the device list. The BERT settings are shown in the 'Test and Loopback'
section on the right-hand side. Always load the configuration into the network to activate
them. Activating BERT will also generate a 'Test and Loopback active' alarm in HiProvision.
BERT Rx Direction Port 1 Line Port n Line: If BERT is enabled, BERT module listens to the line or
Port 1 Network application side to receive and verify test traffic via port n
Port 2 Line Port n Network: If BERT is enabled, BERT module listens to the
Port 2 Network network side to receive and verify test traffic via backplane port n
BERT Tx/Rx Enable True/False Enable/Disable both the transmit and receive functionality on the
BERT module, only for the C37.94 ports, not for the E1 and T1
7-SERIAL IFM BERT Tx Direction Line Line: If BERT is enabled, BERT module transmits test traffic towards
4-CODIR IFM Network the line or application side via the BERT Tx Port (=front port)
2-OLS IFM Network: If BERT is enabled, BERT module transmits test traffic
towards the network side via the BERT Tx Port (=backplane port)
BERT Tx Port Port 1..4 The port on which the BERT module will transmit test traffic either
(4-CODIR) on the front or backplane port, based on the selected direction.
Port 1,2,4,6
Port 1,2
BERT Rx Direction Line Line: If BERT is enabled, BERT module listens to the line or
Network application side to receive and verify test traffic via the BERT Rx
Port (=front port).
Network: If BERT is enabled, BERT module listens to the network
side to receive and verify test traffic via the BERT Rx Port
(=backplane port).
BERT Rx Port Same ports as The port on which the BERT module will listen to receive test traffic
BERT Tx Ports and verify it. Either on the front or backplane port, based on the
selected direction.
BERT Tx/Rx Enable True/False True: BERT module will transmit test traffic on the Tx port and
listen on the Rx port to verify incoming test traffic.
BERT Bitrate <value 1…n> Set the bitrate for asynchronous CES. The resulting bitrate = n *
(only CES on 7-SERIAL 7-SERIAL: n=24 4800 bps. 4800 bps (with n=1) is ok if 1200 bps or 2400 bps are
and 2-OLS IFM) 2-OLS: n=64 required. For synchronous CES, always the service bitrate is taken.
E1/T1 Port BERT Pattern Select PRBS 2e9-1 PRBS = Pseudo Random Bit Sequence;
(3) PRBS 2e11-1 Select which bit test pattern must be generated by BERT:
PRBS 2e15-1 PRBS 2e9-1: Maximum of 8 consecutive zeros and 9 consecutive
QRSS ones. Bit pattern length = 511 bits.
PRBS 2e11-1: Maximum of 10 consecutive zeros and 11
consecutive ones. Bit pattern length = 2047 bits.
PRBS 2e15-1: Maximum of 14 consecutive zeros and 13
consecutive ones. Bit pattern length = 32767 bits.
QRSS (= Quasi Random Signal Source): Modified version of PBRS
that allows 20 consecutive ones. Bit pattern length = 1048575 bits.
BERT Tx/Rx Direction Line Line: If BERT enabled, BERT module transmits test traffic towards
Network the line or application side and listens to the same side to receive
test traffic and verify it.
Network: If BERT enabled, BERT module transmits test traffic
towards the network side and listens to the same side to receive
test traffic and verify it.
BERT Tx/Rx Timeslot <number> The number is a decimal representation of the timeslots that have
BERT enabled. Each timeslot represents a bit of the 32/24 timeslots
in E1/T1, with
E1: timeslot 0, 1, …,31 = 1st, 2nd,…,32nd bit
T1: timeslot 1, 2, …,24 = 1st, 2nd,…,24th bit
BERT Tx Enable True/False BERT module will transmit/not transmit test traffic on the Tx port
BERT Rx Enable True/False True: BERT module will listen on the Rx port and verify the
incoming test traffic
False: BERT module will not listen on the Rx port for incoming test
Note: by default, all the test traffic generation has been disabled
(2): Only ports that are not configured yet in a Serial Ethernet service will show up
(3): E1/T1 port on either 4-E1-L/4-T1-L, 16-E1-L/16-T1-L, 2-C37.94 IFM or 2-OLS
Level Meter Port1..4 Select the port which incoming voice signal must be measured.
Port Example: test tones will be have approximately following levels:
Selection Test tone 1000Hz: 1V ptp @ 600 ohm results in -6.81dbm
Test tone 1500Hz: 1.5V ptp @ 600 ohm results in -3.92dbm
These measured levels can be viewed in §14.6.4.
4-2/4WEM Port Tone No Tone Generator No Tone Generator: Disable the test tone generation
Generator 1000 Hz /1500 Hz n Hz: The test tone generator will generate an n Hz test signal on
this port
Note: by default, all the test tone generation has been disabled
IFM3 BERT Port 2 loopback
to network to network
Node 5 Node 6
IFM3 IFM4 Port2
Dragon PTN Rx
Rx Tx
port 2 port 2
Test traffic
BERT Bit Error Counter bit errors increasing = NOT OK: The number of bit errors received
by the BERT receiver, this should be zero for a
successful test.
BERT Sync Loss True/False True: the BERT receiver is not synchronized with the True: Verify the clocking
BERT transmitter, the measurement is failing. settings, BERT settings, broken
False: the BERT receiver is synchronized with the BERT paths, ….
BERT Good Seconds seconds increasing = OK: The total amount in seconds that the
test traffic received by the BERT receiver was OK,
meaning synchronized and no errors
BERT All Zeros Seconds seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that
the BERT receiver was receiving all zeros
BERT All Ones Seconds seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that
the BERT receiver was receiving all ones
BERT Error Seconds seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in seconds that
the BERT receiver was receiving bit errors, an increasing
value does not result in synchronization loss
Measure Time (seconds) seconds The total amount in seconds that the BERT receiver has
been measuring
BERT Sync Loss True/False True: the BERT receiver is not synchronized True: Verify the clocking settings,
with the BERT transmitter, the measurement BERT settings, broken paths, ….
is failing.
False: the BERT receiver is synchronized with
the BERT transmitter.
BERT Sync Loss Seconds seconds increasing = NOT OK: The total amount in True: Verify the clocking settings,
seconds that the BERT receiver is not BERT settings, broken paths, ….
synchronized with the BERT transmitter
BERT Bit Error Counter number increasing = NOT OK: The number of bit
errors received by the BERT receiver, this
should be zero for a successful test.
BERT Good Seconds seconds increasing = OK: The total amount in seconds
that the test traffic received by the BERT
receiver was OK, meaning synchronized and
no errors
Signal Level (dBm) dBm The 'Signal Level (dBm)' of an incoming voice signal can be measured if 'Level Meter'
has been enabled on a specific port, see also §14.4 for more information and to know
which port is being measured. The accuracy of the measurement is +/- 0.5 dBm.
BWE Bandwidth Efficiency
CAR IP Central Alarm Reporter Internet Protocol
CES Circuit Emulation Service
CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network
CRMI Committed Rate Measurement Interval
CSM Central Switching Module
CSV Comma Separated Values
DCN Data Communication Network
HQoS Hierarchical Quality of Service
IFM InterFace Module
IP Internet Protocol
L2 Layer2
LAN Local Area Network
LER Label Edge Router
LPS Linear Protection Switching
LSP Label Switched Path
LSR Label Switching Router
MAC Media Access Control