Performance Task in ENGLISH 10
Performance Task in ENGLISH 10
Performance Task in ENGLISH 10
Quarter 3 – Week 4
Name Score
DIRECTIONS: You are tasked to make a short poem expressing your ideas and
feelings about critiquing a literary selection. Write your reflection through a poem.
Put your output on a separate sheet (Note: Read the rubric carefully as your guide in
giving points to your Performance Task your PT is equivalent of 60% in your grades)
CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Logical No
progression discernable
progression of
of organization.
ideas with a Organization
ideas. Transitions
Transitions are not
N structure that clear.
are present.
Structure enhances the Transitions
present Connections
Transition thesis. are
equally between
Transitions are present.
throughout ideas seem
mature and
the confusing or
answer. incomplete.
The answer is
and Statement
enthusiastic. may
The emerge
language is strongly
Statement is
natural yet on occasion,
Statement confusing,
thought- then retreat
is consistent hard to
STYLE provoking. It behind
and strong. follow.
Statement, brings the general,
Sentences Language is
Sentence topic to life. vague,
have vague. No
structure Statement is tentative,
varied variety
smooth, or abstract
structure. in sentence
skillful, and language.
coherent. Sentence
Sentences are structure
strong and shows
expressive some variety.
with varied
MECHANICS Punctuation, Punctuation, A few errors Distracting
Spelling, spelling, spelling, and in errors in
punctuation, and capitalization punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization capitalization are generally spelling, spelling,
are correct, with capitalization. capitalization.
correct. No few errors. (3-4)
errors. (1- 2)