HTML5 and CSS3 Illustrated Complete 2nd Edition Vodnik Solutions Manual 1
HTML5 and CSS3 Illustrated Complete 2nd Edition Vodnik Solutions Manual 1
HTML5 and CSS3 Illustrated Complete 2nd Edition Vodnik Solutions Manual 1
Unit Objectives 2
202: Create an Ordered List 2
204: Create an Unordered List 3
206: Creating a Description List 4
PPT 1.1
HTML5 and CSS 3 – Illustrated 2nd Ed. Instructor’s Manual: Unit H Page 2 of 12
Students will have mastered the material in Unit G when they can:
Create an ordered list Debug tables
Create an unordered list Span columns and rows
Create a description list Format a table with CSS
Create a navigation bar using a list Apply a table-like structure to other
Insert a table elements
Introduce the concept of an ordered list.
Provide an overview of the structure of an ordered list, explaining that this type of list is created
using the <ol> element and that each item in the list is created using the <li> element.
o Point out that all the li elements for a list must be nested within the opening and closing <ol>
o Point out that the content of each list item is contained between opening and closing <li> tags.
Explain that the default marker for each list item is determined by the user agent and is typically
Arabic numerals. Point out that a specific marker can be set using the CSS list-style-type property.
Refer to TABLE H-1 to discuss widely supported values for the CSS list-style-type property for the
ol element.
Point out that the start attribute receives a number as a value, which is used to specify the start
number or alphabetical character for the list.
TABLE H-1: Widely supported values for the CSS list-style-type property for the ol element
1. Quick Tip: Note that each h3 heading is grouped with its related elements using the semantic
section element, which helps user agents identify a discrete unit of related content within a
larger document.
HTML5 and CSS 3 – Illustrated 2nd Ed. Instructor’s Manual: Unit H Page 3 of 12
2. Quick Tip: Developers commonly use this rule to ensure consistency in ordered lists across
browsers and devices.
3. Quick Tip: To increase the distance between list item markers and content, add padding to the li
1. Critical Thinking: Ask students to consider whether it is possible to nest one ordered list in another
ordered list. How can they accomplish this? How should each of the lists be numbered?
2. Quick Quiz:
a. T/F An ordered list is created using the <ol> tag. (T)
b. T/F An ordered list cannot include more than 100 elements. (F)
c. T/F The list-style-type property is used to set the marker for each list item. (T)
d. If you remove the default numbering, you are required to specify the __________ for each
ordered list in your document. (Answer: list-style-type)
Introduce the concept of an unordered list.
Provide an overview of the structure of an unordered list, explaining that such a list is created using
the <ul> element and that each item in the list is created using the <li> element.
o Point out that all the li elements for a list must be nested within the opening and closing <ul>
o Point out that the content of each list item is contained between the opening and closing <li>
Explain that each list item is displayed with a bullet at the start of each line. Point out that the
default bullet character is a solid circle, but a specific bullet shape can be set using the CSS list-style-
type property.
Point out that the one disadvantage to using custom bullets is that you cannot set the height and
width attributes of the bullet image.
Use TABLE H-2 to discuss the values of the CSS list-style-type property for the ul element.
TABLE H-2: Values for the CSS list-style-type property for the ul element
HTML5 and CSS 3 – Illustrated 2nd Ed. Instructor’s Manual: Unit H Page 4 of 12
1. Quick Quiz:
a. T/F The tag used for list items in an unordered list is different from the one used in an
ordered list. (F)
b. T/F The default bullet character is a solid circle. (T)
c. T/F The bullet character can be set to an empty circle by setting the value of the list-style-
type property to disc. (F)
2. Critical Thinking: Suppose that you are creating a website for an organization. They want the site to
include a photo gallery providing links to each of the images. Each link includes the date and context in
which the photo was taken, as well as a thumbnail of the photo. Is it possible to create such a web page
using an unordered list? If not, explain why. Otherwise, explain how you can create the web page.
1. Ask students to add their CV to their personal web page. Instruct them that any information on the
CV that has a specific timeline, such as education or work experience, should be listed in a
numbered list, starting with their most recent experience. You can specify the type of marker to
use, or let students pick their own. Any information on the CV that does not have a specific
timeline, such as skills or spoken languages, should be included in a bulleted list. Once again, you
can specify which bullet students should use or let them select their own.
Explain the concept of a description list as a list that includes name-value pairs for each list item.
Point out that this was previously known as a definition list due to its originally intended use.
Provide an overview of the structure of a description list, explaining that such a list is created using
the <dl> element, and that each item in the list contains a term defined using the <dt> element, and
a description defined using the <dd> element.
Explain that you can provide multiple descriptions for each item included in a description list by
including multiple <dd> elements following a <dt> element.
Point out that the default display layout of description list items has the second line, which is the
description line, indented beneath the first line, which is the term line, and includes an additional
space between each item-description pair.
Tell students that the closing <dt> and <dd> tags aren't required in HTML but these tags are
required in XHTML. Point out that it is considered good practice to include these tags because the
HTML5 and CSS 3 – Illustrated 2nd Ed. Instructor’s Manual: Unit H Page 5 of 12
tags help the developer and others stay oriented when reading the code. Additionally, the closing
tags are required in order to apply a CSS style sheet to these tags.
1. Quick Tip: Starting with HTML5, dl is recommended as a semantic marker for any content that
includes items and descriptions.
2. Quick Tip: A description list item can include multiple dt items (for instance, for a term with
multiple spellings) and/or multiple dd items (for instance, to show multiple definitions of a term).
3. Clues to Use: Specifying custom bullets
In addition to choosing from the standard selection of bullet characters using the list-style-type
property, you can instead choose to specify an image to display as the bullet character using the
list-style-image property. The syntax is the same as that for specifying a background image: the
text url followed by the path and filename of the image file, enclosed in quotes and parentheses.
For instance, the code
ul {
specifies the file browntri.gif, located in the images folder, as the bullet character for unordered
1. Classroom discussion: Have the class brainstorm to name at least fifteen websites that use a
description list. What kind of information does each description list include?
2. Quick Quiz:
a. T/F Each term in a description list must include at least one description. (F)
b. T/F Like ordered and unordered lists, description lists use the li element to mark list items.
c. Description lists were previously known as lists due to their originally intended use.
1. Ask students to create a telephone directory of all the students in the class using a description list.
The list may include multiple phone numbers for each student, but the type of phone number
included must be specified in the list.
Another document from that is
random and unrelated content:
(Photographs by T. G. Lemmon)
[1] Ancient Ruins in Southwestern Colorado. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr.
(Hayden Survey) for 1874, Washington, 1876.
[2] The situation of a spring near Hovenweep Castle indicates that the Great
House may be the Hovenweep Castle of early writers.
[3] Report on the ancient ruins of Southwestern Colorado. Tenth Ann. Rept.
U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. (Hayden Survey) for 1876, Washington, 1879.
[4] The Prehistoric Ruins of the San Juan Watershed in Utah, Arizona,
Colorado, and New Mexico., Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. v, no. 2, 1903.
[5] The Circular Kivas of Small Ruins in the San Juan Watershed. Amer.
Anthrop., n. s. vol. xvi, no. 1, 1914.
[6] Memoirs Amer. Anthrop. Asso., vol. v, no. 1, 1918.
[7] Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. v, no. 2, 1903.
[8] The Excavation of the Cannonball Ruins in Southwestern Colorado.
Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. x, no. 4, 1908.
[9] The Archaeology of McElmo Canyon, Colorado. El Palacio, vol. iv, no. 4,
Santa Fe, 1917.
[10] The dimensions of buildings and towers given in this article are welcome
additions to our knowledge, but from lack of ground plans one can not fully
determine the arrangement of rooms designated in individual ruins.
[11] A Prehistoric Mesa Verde Pueblo and its People. Smithson. Rept. for
1916, pp. 461-488, 1917. Far View House—a Pure Type of Pueblo Ruin. Art
and Archaeology, vol. vi, no. 3, 1917.
[12] The situation of the cemetery, one of the characters of Prudden’s “unit
type,” appears constant in one kiva buildings, but is variable in the pure type,
and, as shown in the author’s application of the unit type to the crowded
condition in Spruce-tree House and other cliff-houses, does not occur in the
same position as in pueblos of the pure type open to the sky.
[13] In his valuable study, Pueblo Ruins of the Galisteo Basin, New Mexico
(Anthrop. Papers of the Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. X , pt. 1, 1914), Mr.
Nelson figures (Plan I, B) an embedded circular kiva in what he calls the
“historic part” of the Galisteo Ruin, but does not state how he distinguishes
the historic from the prehistoric part of this building. The other kivas at
Galisteo are few in number and not embedded, but situated outside the house
masses as in historic pueblos.
[14] Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the
Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West in
1859, under the command of Capt. J. N. Macomb, p. 88, Washington, 1876.
[15] Memoirs Amer. Anthrop. Asso., vol. , no. 1, 1918.
[16] Houses and House-life of the American Aborigines. Cont. N. Amer.
Ethn., vol. , pp. 189-190, 1831.
[17] Prudden excavated a unit type ruin from one of the Mitchell Spring
mounds. (Amer. Anthrop., vol. , no. 1, 1914.)
[18] Op. cit., pp. 398-399.
[19] Op. cit., p. 190.
[20] Although the kivas of Mud Spring Ruin have not been excavated there is
little doubt from surface indications that they belong to the unit type.
[21] Tenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. (Hayden Survey) for 1876, pl.
xlviii, fig. 2, 1879.
[22] Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey Terr. (Hayden Survey) for 1874, Washington,
[23] Op. cit.
[24] Op. cit., pp. 377-378.
[25] Op. cit., p. 400.
[26] Op. cit., pl. xl.
[27] Mr. Van Kleeck, of Denver, has offered this ruin to the Public Parks
Service for permanent preservation. It is proposed to rename it the Yucca
House National Monument.
[28] Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. x, no. 4, pp. 596-610, 1908.
[29] Op. cit., pp. 428-429.
[30] It is premature to declare that the kivas in circular ruins do not belong to
the vaulted-roofed type simply from want of observation to that effect. In
Penasco Blanco and other ruins of the Chaco Canyon group, as shown in
ground plans, they appear to be embedded in secular rooms. Additional
studies of the architectural features of circular pueblos are desirable.
[31] The letter referring to the circular ruin near Dolores was prepared by Mr.
Emerson, the discoverer of this ruin, and was transmitted to the Smithsonian
Institution as part of a phase of cooperative work with the Forest Service, by
Mr. Gordon Parker, superintendent of the Montezuma Forest Reserve.
[32] Also see detailed map of construction of Sun Dial Palace (fig. 4).
[33] Fewkes, J. W., The First Pueblo Ruin in Colorado Mentioned in Spanish
Documents. Science, vol. xlvi, Sept. 14, 1917.
[34] Diario y Dereotero de las nuevas descubrimientos de tierras a los r’bos
N. N. OE. OE. del Nuevo Mexico por los R. R. P. P. Fr. Silvester Velez
Escalante, Fr. Francisco Atanacio Dominguez, 1776. (Vide Sen. Ex. Doc. 33d
Congress, No. 78, pt. 3, pp. 119-127.)
[35] Attention may be called to the fact that often we find very commodious
caves without correspondingly large cliff-houses, even in the Mesa Verde.
[36] Sun Temple, however, is a seeming exception and follows the McElmo
rule of proximity; several large cliff-dwellings occur under the cliff on which
this mysterious building stands.
[37] Taken from a point across the canyon, the only one from which both
houses can be included in the same photograph.
[38] For a good example of cliff-houses at different levels, see Cliff-
Dwellings in Fewkes Canyon, Mesa Verde National Park, Holmes
Anniversary Volume.
[39] Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Spruce-tree House. Bull.
41, Bur. Amer. Ethn., 1909.
[40] The name Ruin Canyon, often applied also to Square Tower Canyon, is
retained for this canyon.
[41] Smithson. Misc. Colls., vol. 68, no. 1, 1917.
[42] Our knowledge of the entrances into kivas of the vaulted-roofed type is
not all that could be desired. Kiva D of Spruce-tree House has a passageway
opening through the floor of an adjacent room, and Kiva A of Cliff Palace has
the same feature. Doctor Prudden has found lateral entrances from kivas into
adjoining rooms in his unit type pueblo. The majority of cliff-dwellers’ kivas
show no evidence of lateral entrances.
[43] Mr. Jackson, op. cit., p. 415, regarded it likely that the towers were
“lookouts or places of refuge for the sheep herders who brought their sheep
or goats up here to graze, just as the Navajos used to and as the Utes do at the
present time.” This explanation is impossible, for there is no evidence that the
builders of the towers had either sheep or goats, the Navajos and the Utes
obtaining both from the Spaniards.
[44] The tower figured by Prudden (Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. v, no. 2, pl.
xviii, fig. 2) as a “round tower” is really semicircular, as shown in the ground
plan (fig. 14) here published.
[45] Ibid., pp. 241, 263, 273.
[46] Among the older photographs seen by the author are those of W. H.
Jackson, prints of which are on exhibition in the State Historical Museum at
Denver, Colo.
[47] The “unit type” was first recognized by Doctor Prudden in his
illuminating studies of the pueblos of the San Juan Basin. The author was the
first to point out its existence in cliff-houses of the same area.
[48] Circular Kivas in San Juan Watershed. Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. 16, no.
1, 1914.
[49] Excavation of the Cannonball Ruins in southwestern Colorado. Amer.
Anthrop., n. s. vol. x, no. 4, 1908.
[50] Explorations in southeastern Utah. Amer. Journ. Archæol., 2d ser., vol.
xiv, no. 3, 1910.
[51] This tower is reputed to be the home of a mountain lion, hence the name
Lion House.
[52] A good figure of these cavate rooms is given by Holmes, op. cit.
Comparing the photograph with his figure it appears that their surrounding
shale has worn away somewhat in the last four decades.
[53] Tenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. (Hayden Survey) for 1876, p. 414,
[54] The use of these objects as heirlooms in the Antelope altar of the Hopi
supports the tradition of the Snake people that their ancestors brought them
from the San Juan.
[55] Temples of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent Sun God, are circular
buildings like towers.
[56] The likeness of the Mesa Verde cliff-houses to the pueblos of Chaco
Canyon was long ago suggested by Nordenskiöld. The excavation of Far
View House proved that suggestion to be true.
[57] This subject is treated at length in my report on Casa Grande in the
Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
[58] These acculturation modifications due to Hispanic influences in modern
pueblos are too well marked to need more than a mention.
[59] The author uses the words “pure type” instead of “unit type” as a general
term to denote “one-unit types,” “two-unit types,” “three-unit types,” etc.
[60] Amer. Anthrop., n. s. vol. viii, no. 1, 1906.
[61] Fourteenth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pt. 1, p. 523. This village is
spoken of as “lately destroyed;” in other words it was a ruin in 1540.
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