Mastering Human Leadership

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Changing our workplaces with
purpose and empathy

Table of Contents

Introduction 3 Why Human Leadership? 5 Conclusion 12

What employees are really telling us 4 The Impact of Human Leadership 6 Endnotes 15

The Skills of a Human Leader 7

Storytelling and Influence 8

Communication 9

Change Management 10

Coaching and Development 11

Mastering Human Leadership 2

What employees are really telling us
When we look at how employees are feeling in the workplace
today, it’s tempting to see things in a negative light.
Caitlin Duffy, Research Director in Gartner’s HR practice, said:
“The intent to leave or stay in a job is only one of the things 59%
of employees are
that people are questioning as part of the larger human story
A 2023 report by Gallup revealed that employee engagement “quiet quitting”
we are living.
rose to a record high in 2022, with 23% finding work
meaningful.1 But it also added that 59% of employees “You could call it the ‘Great Reflection’...It’s critical to deliver
surveyed worldwide were “quiet quitting,” and putting in the
minimum amount of work. Additionally, 51% admitted they
value and purpose.”

According to Gallup’s State of the American Manager report,

of “quiet quitters” say
were either tentatively or actively seeking a new job.
70% of the variance in employee engagement scores is down engagement and culture would
When people are disengaged at work, they are more likely to to the manager. 3 So managers who are willing to learn the right improve their workplace
move. But they are also less likely to be productive and bring leadership skills — and companies that are willing to invest in
their best ideas to the table. them — have a crucial advantage when it comes to retaining

However, there is a bright side to this. Because employees are

and attracting the best talent in their fields.
of employees are tentatively or
also telling us very clearly what they want. Mastering a more human style of leadership does not just
make a company a more pleasant place to work. It also actively seeking a new job
Forty-one percent of those who were “quiet quitting” cited enables a more positive, engaged culture to take root, which
engagement and culture as the thing they’d change to make has a dramatic effect on productivity, talent retention and
their workplaces better. Similarly, 82% of surveyed employees acquisition, and even professional development.
surveyed by Gartner in 2023 stressed the importance of
being seen as a person within their organization. Just 45% of
employees believed their organization actually treated them
this way. 2

Mastering Human Leadership | Introduction 4

Why Human
The impact of human leadership How can strong leadership
skills benefit your company?
Strong leadership has a dramatic effect on how
Human leadership is not just a luxury. At a time This applies to people with leadership roles throughout the
your workforce performs and how you achieve your
of tight budgets and widespread change, it’s company, not just top executives. A SHRM survey in 2020
goals. According to a Harvard Business Review study,
often a company’s greatest asset. indicated that 50% of surveyed workers felt their performance
people who worked at companies where leaders had
would improve if their direct supervisor received extra people
Teams are being asked to do more with less. A Netsuite and created a culture of trust reported:9
management training.7 survey of Chief Financial Officers in 2023 suggested
that 99% of business leaders were predicting budget cuts if Gartner research showed that highly-engaged employees
the economy goes into recession.4 Eighty-three percent said
they expected to face a critical talent shortage this year, but
improve team performance by up to 27%.8 But only 29% of
those surveyed believed their leader was a human leader. 74%
less stress
more energy at work
39% anticipated reducing hiring budgets due to the
So how do ambitious leaders meet that challenge?
economic situation.

50% 13%
Employee stress is at an all-time high, with 41% of employees
saying they experienced a lot of stress in their previous work
day. 5 But that same report says employee stress is significantly higher productivity fewer sick days
lower when they are engaged at work. While 56% of those who
were actively disengaged said they felt a lot of stress, just 30%

76% 29%
of engaged employees said the same.

Better leaders encourage employees to feel empowered and

more engagement more life satisfaction
engaged. They encourage them to participate, develop and
take on greater responsibilities, and offer them a reason
to stay — or join from elsewhere. Poorly-trained managers
prompt employee turnover, with 50% of employees who quit
their jobs blaming their manager.6
less burnout

Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 6

The skills of a human leader
The time to start learning to become a human What do you need to be an effective leader?
leader is now.
There are four main elements that make up an impactful and
To perform at their best, companies and organizations need inspiring leader today. These are:
employees at all levels who can demonstrate leadership
qualities in a variety of situations.
By using resources such as Coursera’s Leadership Academy, Encouraging employees to follow you without
you can develop your abilities and help teams to do their best coercion or manipulation
work — even in challenging circumstances.
Communication and storytelling
Sharing messages in a way that inspires and
informs your team

Change management
Planning and delivering new ideas effectively and
bringing your team with you

Coaching and mentoring

Encouraging and developing your employees to
meet their potential

Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 7

The skills of a human leader

Influencing Course recommendation

Leaders are under pressure to achieve, often Managers at all levels who wish to master this skill should
with fewer resources than before. focus on:11

This pressure could drive some to fall back on authority, • Identifying the people you want to influence and building
passing down orders and expecting action. connection with them

However, it is clear that employees respond far better to an • Listening, rather than just talking Strategic Leadership: Impact,
approach which focuses on influencing action rather than Change, and Decision-Making
demanding it.
• Encouraging people to buy-in to your plan by empowering Specialization
and involving them
Influencers choose to encourage teams to achieve goals What you’ll learn:
• Recognizing and acknowledging good work in others
through empathy and trust. They seek buy-in before pushing • The neuroscience behind effective
for change. They are not afraid to be human and transparent — As leadership expert John C Maxwell says, “Leadership is decision-making
and sometimes even vulnerable. influence. Nothing more. Nothing less.”12 • Methods of managing and supporting the
people around you
Twenty-nine percent of managers interviewed for Coursera’s
Making of a Modern Leader survey said that the most • How to understand common leadership
important trait to learn in challenging times was to practice mistakes and prevention strategies
empathy, compassion and patience.10 Fifty-seven percent • How to balance the rational and emotional
said the best way to motivate teams was by example, and to make the best possible decisions
56% added that leaders should prioritize motivating a team to
ensure success.
Find out more
Influencer leaders recognize that even the most conscientious
employees need to feel heard and valued to do their
best work.

Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 8

The skills of a human leader

Communication and storytelling Course recommendation

Communication has always been a vital skill for According to research by Stanford University Marketing
an effective leader. Professor Jennifer Aaker, “stories are remembered up to
22 times more than facts alone.”16 This means that sharing
Good communication reduces conflict, confusion and stress. your message should go beyond simply sharing statistics. A
Notably, a blind survey of 9,100 employees at tech companies powerful story can make employees feel more connected to
showed that poor leadership and uncertain direction was the your work and help you when making requests of others.17 University of Illinois’ course on
largest driver of employee burnout.13
Leading Teams: Building Effective
As author and coach Jeff Gothelf says, “it will take practice,
Human leaders practice communication which is empathetic, Team Cultures
but when done well, good storytelling can make a major
compassionate — and above all two-way. As consultant Gyzel impact on your team, your organization, and your What you’ll learn:
Pialat says, “transformational leaders remind their teams that entire career.”18
they are not working alone, but are a vital part of the team.”14 • The concept of culture and why it’s
important for effective teamwork
One important way good leaders do this is through • Building psychological safety, including the
storytelling. Storytelling helps teams to understand not just importance of diversity, equity, inclusion,
what should be done, but why it should be done, and why and belonging and how to cultivate these
it matters. elements in teams

As cultural anthropologist Mary Catherine Benson says, • The value of purpose-driven work and its
“the human species thinks in metaphors and learns through positive impact on performance
stories.”15 When we hear a story, we are much more likely to • The value of problem-solving culture and
listen and engage. how to generate a sense of creativity

Find out more

Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 9

The skills of a human leader

Change management Course recommendation

Change has always been a constant, in business Those who fail to plan or communicate change effectively risk
and in life. failing, or — worse — damaging their team’s willingness to
engage in future change. According to Gartner, the willingness
Today’s managers must adapt to the widespread impact of the of employees to support change in their organization fell from
pandemic, as well as macroeconomic uncertainty, and shifting 74% in 2016 to just 43% in 2022. 21 This difference between the
attitudes to work. In addition, working from home and hybrid need for change and a team’s willingness to do it is called the Macquarie University’s course on
working arrangements are increasingly common, and often “Transformation Deficit.” Leading Transformations:
highly prized.
Manage Change
Leaders do not have unlimited chances to deliver the change
A Deloitte survey of financial services institutions in 2023 that’s needed. This is why they need to prioritize clear and What you’ll learn:
indicated that only 18% of senior and next-generation leaders detailed planning, strong communication and conversation,
would welcome a return to the office for three or four days a • Design successful change initiatives by
and clear and realistic goal-setting. Those that demonstrate
week, and 66% said they would likely leave their role if ordered adopting a balanced and reflective
the ability to master and carry out change will be highly valued
to return for five days a week.19 change mindset
in workplaces across the world.
• Generate leadership strategies that are
Leaders may also find themselves contending with talent mindful of the complexity and challenges
shortages, supply chain issues, weather and climate of change and mobilize energy for
disruptions, and the demand for increasing digitalization transformation
and automation.
• Create change cycles that effectively
It has never been more important to approach change in the apply tools and techniques for orienting,
right way. Leaders should learn to strategically plan their performing, and evaluating change
approach, engage their team, revisit their plan frequently, set
realistic expectations, and be mindful of company culture. 20
Find out more

Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 10

The skills of a human leader

Coaching and development Course recommendation

A good leader is always learning. Meeting today’s challenges requires people throughout the
organization to be able to act with purpose, confidence and
Workplaces are constantly changing, and it is vital to keep competence, and building these skills within the workforce is
track of the skills required to innovate and remain relevant. more powerful and sustainable than investing a lot of money
attempting to recruit.
However, great leaders understand that it is not just necessary
to develop themselves. UC Davis’ Coaching Skills for
This is why it is vital for a leader to empower their employees
Managers Specialization
to pursue their development and give them the opportunity to
There is a hunger for professional development running
build their skills through online courses or internal training. What you’ll learn:
throughout today’s organizations. PWC’s Workforce of the
Future survey indicated that 74% of respondents were keen By acting as a coach or mentor, a leader can also build • What coaching is and how to differentiate
to learn new skills to remain employable. 22 Meanwhile, a 2023 stronger connections with employees, and give them a sense between the myriad roles managers
LinkedIn report found that ages 18-34 prized opportunities that they are being treated with respect, empathy are expected to perform: managing,
for development and learning more than the work itself when and compassion. mentoring, leading, and training
choosing a new role. Thirty-five percent said career growth • How to collaboratively develop
was the most important factor, with 31% citing the ability to Leaders should be able to listen to what their employees need
expectations with those you lead
learn new skills. Just 18% in that age group cited and want and empower them to develop in a way that benefits
• The “Thought Model,” a coaching
work/life balance. 23 both them and the organization.
technique you can use to develop better
Developing employees makes them feel valued and thinkers and better performers
encourages them to stay at — or move to — a company. It gives • How to use the “Coaching Algebra”
them a sense of purpose and belonging and gives them the technique in typical performance
skills and experience to tackle larger and more scenarios managers encounter
impactful projects.

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Mastering Human Leadership | Why Human Leadership? 11

Your best people want human leaders
Leaders play a crucial role in determining the turnover, higher engagement scores and better well-being.
success of an organization. Although these qualities have been important for good
leadership in the past, today they are non-negotiable —
Low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion — or particularly to compete in today’s new talent landscape.”
9% of global GDP. 24 What’s more: the quality of a manager
accounts for as much as 70% of the variance in Many employees believe that their managers have not
employee engagement. yet mastered these skills. But those that do stand out in a
competitive marketplace — giving their companies a huge
This doesn’t just apply to those at the top of the ladder. advantage when it comes to attracting and retaining the best
Managers at all levels — and even individual contributors — talent and empowering them to reach their full potential.
can influence the success and culture of an organization by
learning skills like communication and influencing, coaching,
and professional development.

According to Caitlin Duffy, Director of Research in the Gartner

HR Practice, “organizations that are able to develop more
human leaders will find that these leaders’ teams have less
Leadership Academy from Coursera
Train leaders at scale, build human skills across all teams, and drive
organization-wide transformation with the Leadership Academy from
Coursera. Featuring job-based learning programs for employees at
all levels, content from leading MBA programs and companies, and
reporting to track, measure, and benchmark actual skills developed.

Learn more about the Leadership Academy

from Coursera or talk to us today.

Learn more Talk to consultant

Mastering Human Leadership | Conclusion 14

13. Poor leadership adding to employee burnout at companies
1. State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, Gallup, 2023
like Amazon, Microsoft, HR Dive, 2018
2. Employees Seek Personal Value and Purpose at Work. Be
Prepared to Deliver, Gartner, 2023 14. Transformational Leadership in the Digital Era, Training
Industry, 2020
3. State of the American Manager, Gallup
15. Storytelling as Part of Effective Leadership, Forbes, 2021
4. CFOs Walking the Tightrope Between Short-Term Budget
Cuts and Long-Term Efficiency, Oracle, 2023 16. Harnessing the Power of Stories, Stanford University, 2019

5. State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, Gallup, 2023 17. Mastering the Art of the Request, Harvard Business
Review, 2023
6. The 15 Skills to Include When Training a New Manager,
Together, 2023 18. Storytelling Can Make or Break Your Leadership, Harvard
Business Review, 2020
7. 84% of US Workers Blame Bad Managers for Creating
Unnecessary Stress, SHRM, 2020 19. Cultivating Employee Engagement in Financial Services,
Deloitte, 2023
8. Gartner HR Research Identifies Human Leadership as the
Next Evolution of Leadership, Gartner, 2022 20. 7 Reasons Why Change Management Strategies Fail and
How to Avoid Them, Harvard University, 2022
9. The Neuroscience of Trust, Harvard Business Review, 2017
21. Employees are Losing Patience with Change Initiatives,
10. The Making of a Modern Leader, Coursera, 2023
Harvard Business Review, 2023
11. Strengthen Your Ability to Influence People, Harvard
22. Workforce of the Future, PWC, 2018
Business Review, 2020
23. Building the Agile Future, LinkedIn, 2023
12. 5 Expert Tips on Becoming an Influencer and Leader,
ATD, 2018 24. State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, Gallup, 2023

Mastering Human Leadership | Conclusion 15

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