A Wog Boro Etal 44320171
A Wog Boro Etal 44320171
A Wog Boro Etal 44320171
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Optimum poultry enterprise combinations among small holder farmers
Awogboro, Yusuf and Yusuf
perceive to be high yielding with high targeted such as poultry. Theobjective of the
market value. Farm diversification at study wasto investigate the optimum
optimal level therefore remains one of the poultry enterprise combination among
best alternative strategies to alleviate small holder farmers in Osun State, Nigeria
poverty through increase and stable farm
income under conditions of resource Research methodology
constraints and price instability. Poultry Study area
farming in Nigeria is characterized by Osun-State is situated in the south western
mixed poultry farming. Several farmers part of Nigeria. The major sub- ethnic
diversify with the aim of reducing risk and groups in Osun-State are Ife, Ijesha, Oyo,
increasing profitability. The principles of Ibolo and Igbomina of the Yoruba tribe. The
enterprise combination in farm state comprises three agro-ecological zones
management is often confronted with the rain forest (Ife-Ijesha), derived savannah
problem of what enterprise should take up, (Oshogbo) and guinea savannah (Iwo)
how far should we go in combining the zones. Economically, the state is
enterprise with another or replacing an predominantly rural and agrarian in outlook
enterprise, depend partly on the with larger percentage of its people being
interrelationship between different farmers.The main hub of poultry production
enterprises and the price of products and in the country is located within the
inputs (Adejobi and Kormawa, 2003). It is a southwestern states of the country (Oyo,
known fact that a typical farmer anywhere Osun, Ogun and Lagos). Osun State was
in the world has limited level of resources. chosen for the study because of the special
He is faced with the problem of myriads of interest of the state Government as at the
choices for allocating farm resources time this study was conceived in poultry and
between the different enterprises so as to its products in her O'meal project which
optimize production objectives by making increased the demand for poultry and its
efficient utilization of the available products in the state.
resources and combining the enterprises in Data Collection and Sampling Technique
an optimal manner. Identifying the best The data for the study wereprimary data
farm plan is a difficult task for small scale collected from one hundred and seventy
farmers with low level of literacy nine (179) poultry farmers from five Local
(Ohajianya and Oguoma, 2009). In a Government Areas (Osogbo, Ede north, Ife
regional/ inter-regional frame work, linear central, Ifelodun and Atakumosa west). A
programming approach has been used for two-stage sampling technique was used to
studies in optimum resource allocation and collect data. The first stage involved a
resource requirement in many countries selection of five local government areas
(Onyenweaku, 1980; Alam, 1994; Alam et based on the population of poultry farmers,
al., 1995; Schipper et al., 1995 and Sama, size and availability of market for the
1997). Within Nigeria, application of linear poultry products. Osogbo, Atakumosa west,
programming models to farm enterprises in and Ife central are more densely populated
various states has also been reported (Osuji, than Ede-north and Ifelodun local
1978; Tanko, 2004; Igwe et al., government Areas. The second stage was
2013).However, the livestock component the random selection of thirty six (36)
particularly animals whose production poultry farmers from each local
cycles last within a year are yet to be fully Government who are engaged in broilers,
Optimum poultry enterprise combinations among small holder farmers
layers or cockerel or a combination of two the linear program matrix represents the
or three of the enterprises (i.e, broiler- profit maximizing poultry combination and
layers, broiler-cockerel or broiler-cockerel this solution can be tested for changes in
and layers). These poultry enterprises were resource availability under alternative
the major poultry enterprise from each local livestock combination. This same technique
government area. was utilized by Adesiyan et al. (2004) and
Method of data analysis Bamiro et al. (2012)
Descriptive statistics was used to describe Max Z = ÓPJX J = P1X1 + P2X2+…… +PNXN
the socio-economic characteristics of the J=1 i=1
respondents in the study area. These Where
characteristics include farming experience, Z= The objective function (gross margin)
age, level of education, marital status, PJ= price/unit of activity(contribution of Z
household size and motive for farming. for each unit of activity j for j = 1,2,…n)
Budgetary analyses was employed to XJ = level at which activity is to be
determine cost and returns to the produced/number of units of activity j,for j
combination categories on the farm using = 1,2,…n
gross margin analysis and net farm income Subject to;
analysis A11 X 1+ A12 X2+………….+ A1NXN ≤B1
Gross margin analysis A21 X1+ A22 X2+………….+ A2NXN ≤B2
GM = TR-TVC (i)
Where, A31 X1+ A32 X3+………….+ A3NXN ≤B3
GM = Gross margin (N); TR = Total AM1 X 1+ A M2X2+………….+ AMNXN ≤ BN
Revenue (N); TVC = Total variable cost (N) X 1 ,X 2 ,………….X N > 0 that is Non-
Net farm income analysis negativity restrictions
NFI=TR-TC (ii) Where; Z = The objective function (gross
Where, margin)
NFI = Net Income (N); TC = Total cost (N) m = Number of resources
Linear programming technique was n = Number of activities
employed to determine the optimum CJ = Net price/unit of activity (contribution
enterprise combinations among the poultry of Z for each unit of activity j for j = 1,2,…n)
farmers in the study area. The model was XJ = level at which activity is to be
used to obtain combination of enterprises produced/number of units of activity j,for j
that maximizes total gross margin (farm = 1,2,,…n
income) of an average poultry farmer in the BI = Amount or resources available for i =
study area subject to resource constraints. 1,2,…………..
Linear programming tools find easy AIJ = Amount of ith resource consumed by
application in optimization problem, where each unit of activity j.
the aim is to maximize or minimize a linear Subject to m constraints which can be
objective function subject to a set of linear express as follows:
constraints. For optimal poultry Activities in the model: the poultry
combination problem, the linear enterprise combinations are:
programming is considered appropriate X1 = sole layers
because the farmer is interested in a poultry X2 = sole broilers
enterprise combination that maximizes his X3 = sole cockerel,
or her gross margin. Thus, the solution of
Awogboro, Yusuf and Yusuf
Optimum poultry enterprise combinations among small holder farmers
a household size of less than 5, 54.7 percent since they had very high percentage of fixed
had household between 5 and 7 while about cost. The most flexible is broiler/cockerel
3.4 percent had household size above 7. production enterprise with the least
The result also showed that 62 percent of percentage of fixed cost. The result further
the respondents had higher education; 20.6 showed that cost of feed takes the lion share
percent had secondary school education, in all combinations. The result further
while only 3.9 percent had primary school revealed that the gross margin per
education. This is in consonance with the production cycle for sole layers, sole
findings of Ologbon et al. (2012), Bamiro broilers, and sole cockerel were ? 516,000,
et al. (2013) that majority of poultry ? 142,551, and ? 27,500, respectively.
farmers have higher education. Almost While the gross margin for layers/broilers,
about46.4 percent of the respondents were layers/cockerel, broiler/cockerel, and
farmers, 19.0 percent were artisan, 17.9 layers/broiler/cockerel were ? 611,600,
percent were traders, while 15.6 percent of ? 638,150, ? 39,420 and ? 308,450,
the respondents were civil servant/ paid respectively. The benefit cost ratio showed
worker. Furthermore, about 20.1 percent of for every ? 1 invested, ? 1.79 was realized
the respondents acquired their poultry farm on sole layers, ? 1.67 on sole broilers, ? 1.57
through inheritance, 35.2 percent obtained on sole cockerel, ? 1.92 on layers/broilers,
theirs through lease/ rent while 44.7 percent ? 1.71 on layers/cockerel ? 1.66 on
purchased their poultry farm. The table also broiler/cockerel and ? 1.64 on
indicated that majority (38.5 percentage) of layers/broilers/cockerel. Furthermore, the
the respondents wereinvolved in the Gross Ratio (GR) is expected to be less than
production of sole broilers, 25.7 percent one as any value greater than one means a
wereinvolved in the production of layers/ loss. Gross ratio for each of the enterprises
broilers, 13.4 percent wereinvolved in the were 0.56 for sole layer, 0.60 for sole
production of sole layers, 11.7 percent broiler, 0.62 for sole cockerel, 0.52 for
wereinvolved in the production of layers/ layers/broilers, 0.58 for layers/cockerel,
Cockerel/broilers,4.5 percent 0.60 for broiler/cockerel and
wereinvolved in the production of sole layers/broilers/cockerel. This implies that
cockerel, 3.4 percent of the respondents enterprise 4 is the most profitable while
wereinvolved in the production of enterprise 3 is the least profitable. The
layers/cockerel while 2.8 percent of the Operating Expense Ratio (OER) for each
respondent wereinvolved in the production enterprise shows that 54 percent of gross
of broilers/cockerel. revenue was used for operating expense by
Budgetary Analysis enterprise 1; 55 percent was used by
Costs and returns structure for each enterprise 2; 56 percent was used by
poultry enterprise enterprise 3; 50% was used by enterprise 4;
The cost-return structure of the poultry 55% was used by enterprise 5; 58 % was
firms in the study area was further used by enterprise 6; and 57% was used by
examined to ascertain the most profitable enterprise7. The Net Income Ratio (NIR)
enterprise and the results are presented in obtained indicates that 44 % of gross
Table 2. The result indicated that farmers revenue went into the equity of enterprise 1;
involved in sole layers production are about 40% went into enterprise 2; 36% went
likely to encounter problems in terms of the into enterprise3; 48% went into enterprise
ease of conversion into other combinations 4; 41% went into enterprise 5; about
Awogboro, Yusuf and Yusuf
40%went into enterprise 6; and 39% went enterprise 4 is the most profitable while
into enterprise 7. These showed that enterprise 3 is the least.
Table 1: Distribution according to Socio-Economic characteristics of respondents
Variables Frequency Percentage
Below 30 46 25.7
31-40 65 36.3
41-50 35 19.6
51and above 33 18.4
Male 126 70.4
Female 53 29.6
Christianity 59 33
Islam 117 65.4
Traditional 3 1.7
Single 25 14.0
Married 139 77.1
Divorce 9 5.02
Separated 7 3.91
Below 5 75 41.9
5-7 98 54.7
8-10 3 1.7
Above 10 3 1.7
No formal 18 10.1
Adult literacy 6 3.4
Primary 7 3.9
Secondary 37 20.6
Tertiary 111 62
Purchase 36 20.1
Lease/rent 63 35.2
Inherited 80 44.7
Farming 28 46.4
Trading 32 17.9
Civil servant 83 15.6
Artisan 34 19.0
Others 2 1.1
Sole layers 24
Sole broiler 69
Sole Cockerel 8
Layers/Broilers 46
Layers/Cockerel 6
Broiler/Cockerel 5
Layers/ Cockerel/Broiler 21
Source field survey 2015
The cost-return structure results presented production wherein they concluded that
in Table 2 confirmed the findings feed cost is the major important single cost
ofBamiroet al. (2013) on livestock item associated with poultry
Optimum poultry enterprise combinations among small holder farmers
production.However, all the indicators that poultry enterprise is still profitable in
employed in cost and return analysis show the study area.
Table 2: Return structure and profitability ratios of enterprise combinations inpoultry
among Small-holder farmers in Osun State
Variables Sole broilers Sole Layers/broil Layers/ Broiler/ layers/
cockerel er cockerel cockerel broilers/
Cost of feed 101,754.5 24,325 332,285 281,960 35,840 288,017.9
Total fixed cost 14647.34 4975 19,777.81 19,320.83 3,880.02 32,248.41
Total variable cost 176,134.2 34,695 616,785.3 354,660 116,220 397,151.2
Total cost 190,781.53 396,70.00 636,563.09 373,980.83 433,899.60 429,399.6
Revenue from sales 318,684.78 450,975.61 146,000 100,000
of broiler
Revenue from sales 62,187.50 47,916.67 53,800
of cockerel
Revenue from sales 114,000 119111.11
of spent hen 187,434.15
Revenue from sales 589,952.91 476,233 478,592.779
of eggs
Total Revenue 318,684.78 62,187.5 1,228,362.67 638,149.67 199,800 710,098.34
Gross margin ( TR- 142,550.584 27,492.500 611,577.39 39,420 308,447.15
TVC) 283,489.67
Profit 127,903.24 22,517.50 591,799.58 264,168.84 79,699.99 276,198.74
Benefit cost Ratio 1.67 1.57 1.93 1.71 1.66 1.64
Operating expense 0.55 0.55 0.50 0.58 0.57
ratio 0.56
Net income ratio 0.40 0.36 0.48 0.41 0.40 0.39
Gross ratio 0.60 0.63 0.51 0.57 0.60 0.60
Source: field survey, 2015
Awogboro, Yusuf and Yusuf
Table 3:Sensitivity Analysisfor linear programming analysis
Variable Current COST Min COST Max COST Reduced Cost
X1 515938 -infinity 847274 331336
X2 142551 -infinity 290903 148353
X3 27492.5 -infinity 31559.0 4066.49
X4 611577 532773 +infinity 0
X5 638149.67 -infinity 469172 185683
X6 39420 -infinity 57234.3 17814.3
X7 308447 -infinity 835036 526589
Constraint Current RHS Min RHS Max RHS Dual Price
Feed 10000 0 15177.5 137.888
Labor 13 3.77139 +infinity 0
Capital 2117500 1395160 +infinity 0
Source: Field survey 2015
Optimum poultry enterprise combinations among small holder farmers
Awogboro, Yusuf and Yusuf