Phan 1 - Embedded C Programming and The Atmel AVR 2nd Edition - Created PDF by HuyNam

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re FUNCTIONS LBL Proton 1.8.2. Functions that Return Values, 1.9.3 Multidimensional Arrays 9.4 Pointers to Functions 1.10 STRUCTURES AND UNIONS 1.10.4 Structures .. 1102. Arrays of Struc 1.10.3. Pointers to Structures .. 1.10.4 Unions .. 1.10.5 Typedef Operator 1.10.6 Bucs and Bitfel 1.10.7 Sizeof Operai 1.11 MEMORY TYPES 1.11.1 Constants andVariables 1.11.2 Pointers 1.11.3. Register Variables 65 sfrb and sfrw 66 1.12 REAL-TIME METHODS .. 69 1.12.1 Using Interrupts 69 1.12.2 Real-Time Executives 2 1.123 Seate Machines ..... 78 ; 1.13 PROGRAMMING STYLE, STANDARDS, AND GUIDELINES : 80 ‘1.14 CHAPTER SUMMARY .. ; PREFACE INTRODUCTION Gio HED WE NNO CHAPTER I SEDDED c UANGUREE TUTORIAL 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1.2 INTRODUCTION 1.3 BEGINNING 1.4 VARIABLES 1.6.1 Assignmens and Ari Bitwise C 1.6.2 Logical and Relational Ope Logical Operators Ralatidnal Operators 1.63 Increment, Decrement, and Compound Assignment Increment Operators sia bo bo» eas ks nO AND putchar{) .... et s STANDARD OUTPUT “FUNCTIONS 3.4.1 Puc Sering—pits) 3.4.2 Put String FLASH—putsfi) 3.4.3 Print Formatted—print{t) 3.44. String Print Formatted—sprint{]) 3.5 STANDARD INPUT FUNCTIONS 25.1 Get String—gets() 3.5.2 Scan Formatted—sconfl) .. 3.5.3. Scan String Formatted—sscanf{) 3.6 PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVES 3.6.1 The #include Directive 3.6.2 The #cefine Directive 263 The sifdef, #ifndef, Helse, and #encif Directi 3.84 The #pragma Directrve #pragma warn #pragma opt Hpragma oprsize #pragma Savereg #pragma regalloc #pragma promotechar .. #pragma uchar #pragma library 3.6.5 Other Macros and Directives 3.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY .. 3.8 EXERCISES - 39 Pape TORY, ACTIVITIES sabe : phan mim NISION ¢ oer AN CHAPTER 4 THE CODEVISIONAVR C COMPILER AND IDE 4.1 OBJECTIVES .... 4.2 INTRODUCTION . 4.3 IDE OPERATION 43.1 Projects... Open Existing Projects Create New Projects Configure Projects Close Project...

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