Identification of Flavonol and Xanthone Glycosides From Mango
Identification of Flavonol and Xanthone Glycosides From Mango
Identification of Flavonol and Xanthone Glycosides From Mango
Flavonol O- and xanthone C-glycosides were extracted from mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. “Tommy
Atkins”) peels and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization
mass spectrometry. Among the fourteen compounds analyzed, seven quercetin O-glycosides, one
kaempferol O-glycoside, and four xanthone C-glycosides were found. On the basis of their
fragmentation pattern, the latter were identified as mangiferin and isomangiferin and their respective
galloyl derivatives. A flavonol hexoside with m/z 477 was tentatively identified as a rhamnetin glycoside,
which to the best of our knowledge, has not yet been reported in mango peels. The results obtained
in the present study confirm that peels originating from mango fruit processing are a promising source
of phenolic compounds that might be recovered and used as natural antioxidants or functional food
Germany). Aliquots of 2.5 g of the lyophilizate were weighed into an that are not sufficiently retained on conventional reverse phase
amber glass round-bottomed flask. After addition of 0.5 g of ascorbic systems. They have been demonstrated to be highly suitable
acid, the flask was flushed with nitrogen and the mixture extracted for the determination of phenolic compounds from apple and
with 50 mL of aqueous acetone (80%, v/v) for 3 h under stirring. The pear (17, 18) and strawberry (19). As can be seen from Figure
extract was centrifuged (10 min, 4000 rpm), and the residue extracted
1, about twenty major compounds were separated and detected
with 50 mL of aqueous acetone for 10 min. The organic solvent was
removed from the combined supernatants by evaporation in vacuo at
at 370 nm, fourteen of which could be characterized and
30 °C. The aqueous solution was transferred into a graduated flask identified.
and made up to 50 mL with deionized water. After microfiltration (5 Compound 1 was readily identified as mangiferin (Figure
µm), aliquots of 20 mL were used for further purification. Polyamide 2), a xanthone C-glycoside occurring in a variety of plants (20).
CC6 (2 g, 0.05-0.16 mm) (Macherey-Nagel, Dueren, Germany) was Compound 2 displayed identical UV and mass spectrometric
filled into an Econo-Pac column (BioRad, Munich, Germany) and data and was therefore assigned to isomangiferin (Figure 2).
successively conditioned with 25 mL methanol and 50 mL deionized Mass spectrometric analysis of both compounds showed a
water prior to application of the peel extract to the column. After
pseudomolecular ion of m/z 421 and a loss of 120 amu (atom
washing with water (50 mL), the polyphenolic fraction was recovered
by elution with methanol (100 mL). The eluate was evaporated to
mass units) in the MS2 event (Table 1), a fragmentation behavior
dryness, and the residue was dissolved in 0.5 mL of aqueous methanol. typical of C-glycosides. In contrast to flavonoid O-glycosides,
The solution was membrane-filtered (0.45 µm, Whatman Inc., Clifton, C-glycosides do not generate abundant aglycone ions (21).
NJ) and used for HPLC. While no evidence for the presence of homomangiferin was
HPLC Analysis. The separation of phenolic compounds was obtained, two compounds (3 and 4) also displaying xanthone
performed using an Agilent HPLC, series 1100 (Agilent, Waldbronn, UV spectra were detected. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed
Germany) equipped with ChemStation software, a model G1322A a pseudomolecular ion of m/z 573. In the MS2 event, a loss of
degasser, a model G1312A binary gradient pump, a model G1329/ 152 amu indicative of a galloyl moiety was observed. Because
1330A thermoautosampler, a model G1316A column oven, and a model further fragmentation (MS3, MS4) was almost identical to
G1315A diode array detector. The column used was a 150 × 3.0-mm
mangiferin and isomangiferin, it is concluded that these
i.d., 4-µm C18 Hydro-Synergi (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA), with a
4.0 × 2.0-mm i.d. C18 ODS guard column, operated at a temperature compounds represent galloylated xanthone C-glycosides. The
of 25 °C. The mobile phase consisted of 2% (v/v) acetic acid in water occurrence of mangiferin 6′-O-gallate has been described in
(eluent A) and of 0.5% acetic acid in water and acetonitrile (50:50, mango leaves, but no evidence was obtained for the presence
v/v; eluent B). The gradient program was as follows: 0-25% B (15 of its isomer (22). Because the nongalloylated xanthone gly-
min), 25-30% B (35 min), 30-80% B (10 min), 80-100% B (5 min), cosides elute in the order mangiferin-isomangiferin, it is
100-0% B (0.5 min). The injection volume for all samples was 4 µL. reasonable to assume that mangiferin 6′-O-gallate elutes prior
Simultaneous monitoring was performed at 320 nm (xanthones), and to the isomangiferin derivative. Mangiferin has been shown to
370 nm (flavonols) at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. Spectra were recorded be the predominant constituent of mango stem bark aqueous
from 200 to 600 nm (peak width 0.2 min, data rate 1.25/s). decoctions traditionally used as a nutritional supplement in Cuba
LC-MS Analyses. LC-MS analyses were performed with the same (23). Furthermore, there is ample evidence that mangiferin
HPLC system as described above connected in series with a Bruker
displays a multitude of pharmacological effects such as hypo-
(Bremen, Germany) model Esquire 3000+ ion trap mass spectrometer
fitted with an ESI source. Negative ion mass spectra of the column lipidemic (24), antidiabetic (25), antioxidant (26,27), hepato-
eluate were recorded in the range m/z 50-1000. Nitrogen was used as protective (28), as well as immunomodulatory, antiviral, and
the dry gas at a flow rate of 10.0 L/min and at a pressure of 60.0 psi. antitumor (29-31) activities. Very recently, inhibitory effects
The nebulizer temperature was set at 365 °C. Collision-induced in bowel carcinogenesis of male F344 rats have also been
dissociation spectra were obtained with a fragmentation amplitude of described (32). Therefore, extracts from mango peels represent
1.2 V (MS/MS) and 1.5 V (MS>2) for flavonoids, 1.2 V (MS/MS) a valuable source of mangiferin and further xanthone glycosides.
and 1.7 V (MS>2) for xanthones, 1.2 V (MS/MS and MS3) and 1.7 V Compounds 5-11 were identified as quercetin O-glycosides
(MS4) for xanthone gallates, 1.5 V (MS/MS) for flavonoid aglycones.
(Figure 3) based on their UV and mass spectra and by
Helium was used as the collision gas (1.2 × 10-5 mbar). Quercetin
3-O-galactoside was used for the optimization of ionization parameters. comparison with standard substances (Table 1). Compound 14
represented the quercetin aglycone. It is interesting to note that
the profile of flavonol glycosides obtained in the present study
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is almost identical to that found in mango puree concentrate in
Extraction and Purification of Phenolic Compounds. In previous investigations (13), with quercetin 3-O-galactoside and
our previous study, polyphenolics were extracted from a quercetin 3-O-glucoside being the predominant compounds.
commercial mango puree concentrate with organic solvents and However, at that time, only part of these flavonol glycosides
fractionated on Sephadex LH20. The eleven fractions obtained could be identified, owing to the lack of reference samples.
after elution with water-methanol mixtures were analyzed for Improved methods and the availability of a greater range of
their phenolic compounds, yielding phenolic acids, mangiferin, standard substances now allowed the unambiguous identification
flavonol glycosides, and a gallotannin (13). However, this of most of the flavonol glycosides extracted from mango peels.
procedure proved to be time consuming, tedious, and hardly Consistent with the results of a very recent study on the
applicable to routine analysis of a great number of samples. collision-induced dissociation of flavonoid glycosides (33),
Therefore, phenolic compounds from mango peels were purified homolytic and heterolytic cleavage was observed under the mass
by solid-phase extraction using polyamide. Hydrolyzable tannins spectrometric conditions applied. In most cases, quercetin
were not considered in the present study because their isolation glycosides produced a Y0- ion at m/z 301 as the predominant
and characterization is currently underway and will be reported fragment caused by heterolytic cleavage. The formation of the
in a separate communication. radical aglycone as the main fragment was observed only for
HPLC Analysis of Xanthone and Flavonol Glycosides. A compounds 5 and 9. The data given in Table 1 for the MS3
stationary phase with hydrophilic endcapping was used for the event include fragments recorded for both pathways.
analysis of phenolic compounds. Such types of phases have been Compound 5 showed a pseudomolecular ion of m/z 595
developed especially for the separation of very polar analytes identical to quercetin 3-O-arabinoglucoside (peltatoside), how-
5008 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 51, No. 17, 2003 Schieber et al.
Figure 1. Separation of xanthone C- and flavonol O-glycosides by high-performance liquid chromatography (370 nm). Peak assignment: (1) Mangiferin,
(2) isomangiferin, (3) and (4) mangiferin gallate and isomangiferin gallate (tentatively identified), (5) quercetin 3-O-diglycoside, (6) quercetin 3-O-galactoside,
(7) quercetin 3-O-glucoside, (8) quercetin 3-O-xyloside, (9) quercetin 3-O-arabinopyranoside, (10) quercetin 3-O-arabinofuranoside, (11) quercetin 3-O-
rhamnoside, (12) kaempferol 3-O-glucoside, (13) rhamnetin 3-O-glycoside, (14) quercetin (aglycone).
Table 1. UV Spectra and Characteristic Ions of Xanthone and Flavonol Glycosides Extracted from Peels of Mangifera indica L. cv. “Tommy Atkins”a
[M −H ]- HPLC-ESI(−)-MSn experiment
peak identity HPLC-DAD λmax [nm] m/z m/z (% base peak)
1 mangiferin 241, 258, 275sh, 318, 366 421 −MS2 [421]: 403 (22), 331 (99), 301 (100)
−MS3 [421 f 301]: 273 (88), 258 (100)
2 isomangiferin 241sh, 256, 275sh, 317, 365 421 −MS2 [421]: 403 (10), 331 (90), 301 (100)
−MS3 [421 f 301]: 273 (73), 258 (100)
3 mangiferin gallateb 241, 258, 275sh, 318, 366 573 −MS2 [573]: 421 (100), 403 (10), 331 (11), 301 (14)
−MS3 [573 f 421]: 331 (40), 301 (100)
−MS4 [573 f 421 f 301]: 273 (100), 258 (30)
4 isomangiferin gallateb 241sh, 256, 275sh, 317, 366 573 −MS2 [573]: 421 (100), 403 (38), 331 (19), 301 (22),
283 (76), 259 (23)
−MS3 [573 f 421]: 331 (32), 301 (100)
−MS4 [573 f 421 f 301]: 273 (75), 258 (100)
5 quercetin 3-O-diglycoside 232, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 355 595 −MS2 [595]: 301 (51), 300 (100), 271 (19)
−MS3 [595 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (51)
−MS3 [595 f 301]: 272 (53), 256 (51), 179 (80), 151 (100)
6 quercetin 3-O-galactoside 232, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 353 463 −MS2 [463]: 301 (100), 300 (34)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (64)
−MS3 [463 f 301]: 179 (79), 151 (100)
7 quercetin 3-O-glucoside 232, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 353 463 −MS2 [463]: 301 (100), 300 (22)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (65)
−MS3 [463 f 301]: 179 (94), 151 (100)
8 quercetin 3-O-xyloside 232, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 354 433 −MS2 [433]: 301 (100), 300 (18)
−MS3 [433 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (47)
−MS3 [433 f 301]: 179 (97), 151 (100)
9 quercetin 3-O-arabinopyranoside 231, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 354 433 −MS2 [433]: 301 (77), 300 (100)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (49)
−MS3 [433 f 301]: 179 (100), 151 (81)
10 quercetin 3-O-arabinofuranoside 230, 257, 266sh, 296sh, 352 433 −MS2 [433]: 301 (100), 300 (11)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 300 (21), 271 (100), 255 (69)
−MS3 [433 f 301]: 179 (98), 151 (100)
11 quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside 231, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 350 447 −MS2 [447]: 301 (100), 300 (32)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (54)
−MS3 [447 f 301]: 179 (100), 151 (90)
12 kaempferol 3-O-glucoside 232, 265, 294sh, 347 447 −MS2 [447]: 447 (22), 285 (94), 284 (100), 255 (31)
−MS3 [447 f 284]: 255 (100)
−MS3 [447 f 285]: 267 (34), 257 (100), 256 (64),
241 (31), 229 (51), 213 (30), 163 (28)
13 rhamnetin-hexoside 231, 257, 355 477 −MS2 [477]: 315 (100), 314 (29)
−MS3 [477 f 314]: 299 (100)
−MS3 [477 f 315]: 300 (23), 193 (25), 165 (100)
14 quercetin 230, 255, 266sh, 302sh, 371 301 −MS2 [301]: 179 (89), 151 (100)
Std mangiferin 240, 258, 275sh, 318, 366 421 −MS2 [421]: 403 (16), 331 (100), 301 (98)
−MS3 [421 f 301]: 273 (67), 272 (18), 258 (100)
Std quercetin 3-O-arabino-glucoside 231, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 355 595 −MS2 [595]: 301 (100), 300 (28), 271 (10)
−MS3 [595 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (63)
−MS3 [595 f 301]: 179 (96), 151 (100)
Std quercetin 3-O-galactoside 232, 256, 266sh, 296sh, 353 463 −MS2 [463]: 301 (100), 300 (31)
−MS3 [463 f 300]: 271 (100), 255 (50)
−MS3 [463 f 301]: 179 (92), 151 (100)
Std kaempferol 3-O-glucoside 232, 265, 294sh, 347 447 −MS2 [447]: 447 (35), 285 (84), 284 (100), 255 (33)
−MS3 [447 f 284]: 255 (100)
−MS3 [447 f 285]: 267 (32), 257 (100), 256 (69),
241 (21), 229 (44), 213 (30), 197 (19), 163 (23)
Std isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside 255, 265sh, 297sh, 354 477 −MS2 [477]: 477 (76), 357 (18), 315 (37), 314 (100)
−MS3 [477 f 314]: 286 (27), 285 (100), 271 (93), 243 (23)
−MS3 [477 f 315]: 300 (100)
Std rhamnetin 230, 256, 370 315 −MS2 [315]: 300 (26), 193 (37), 165 (100)
a Data of selected reference compounds (std) are also included. b Tentatively identified.
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