Test Bank For Essentials of Medical Language 4th Edition David Allan Rachel Basco Download
Test Bank For Essentials of Medical Language 4th Edition David Allan Rachel Basco Download
Test Bank For Essentials of Medical Language 4th Edition David Allan Rachel Basco Download
2) Which term means the percentage of total blood volume composed of red blood cells?
A) Hematocrit
B) Hemoglobin
C) Complete blood count
D) Partial prothrombin
E) Hemoptysis
Version 1 1
A) Index
B) Parenteral
C) Fibrin
D) Microcytic
E) Globulin
5) Serum is identical to plasma except that it does NOT contain which item(s)?
A) Albumin
B) Globulin
C) Waste products
D) Clotting proteins
E) Hormones
A) Nutrients
B) Red blood cells
C) Waste products
D) Hormones
E) Enzymes
A) erythr/o
B) leuk/o
C) -cyte
D) -osis
E) -emia
Version 1 2
A) Red
B) Without
C) Blood
D) Less than
E) Under
10) The large, white blood cell that removes bacteria, foreign particles, and dead cells is
known as a(n):
A) erythroblast.
B) erythrocyte.
C) neutrophil.
D) macrophage.
E) osteoblast.
11) Which of the following is NOT true of the red blood cell?
A) It transports oxygen.
B) It transports carbon dioxide.
C) It transports nitric oxide.
D) It lives 120 days.
E) It produces antibodies.
Version 1 3
12) In the term hemoglobin, what does hemo- refer to?
A) Protein
B) Nutrients
C) Blood
D) Clotting
E) Indicator
13) Which of the following words means sticking together to form clumps?
A) Hemolysis
B) Agglutination
C) Anemia
D) Macrocytosis
E) Incompatible
A) Hormones
B) Waste products
C) Oxygen
D) Pallor
E) Minerals
A) Blood
B) Pertaining to
C) Protein
D) Disease
E) Hidden
Version 1 4
16) Which of the following words has a suffix that means destruction?
A) Anemia
B) Viscosity
C) Pallor
D) Erythroblast
E) Hemolysis
17) Alice Adams is an African-American who suffers from a chronic illness that causes her
blood to have abnormally shaped cells that become sticky, clump together, and block capillaries
in her body. What is the medical term for her illness?
A) Pernicious anemia
B) Erythroblastosis
C) Hemolytic anemia
D) Sickle cell anemia
E) Arthritic anemia
A) Hematocrit
B) Eosinophils
C) Hemoglobin
D) Hemoptysis
E) Hematemesis
Version 1 5
A) Occult
B) Hypotension
C) Hypoxic
D) Cyanosis
E) Hypochondriac
20) What is the advantage of the biconcave shape of the red blood cell?
21) Which of the following is NOT part of the body's attempts to control or stop bleeding?
A) Production of antibodies
B) Vascular spasm
C) Binding and adhesion of platelets
D) Production of molecules that make prothrombin
E) Strands of fibrin working to pull the clot fibers closer together
22) Which of the following does NOT influence red blood cell production?
A) Glucose
B) Iron
C) Folic acid
D) Amino acids
E) Vitamin B12
Version 1 6
A) Neutrophils
B) Eosinophils
C) Basophils
D) Monocytes
E) Lymphocytes
A) Cyanosis
B) Jaundice
C) Turgor
D) Pallor
E) Erythema
A) To age
B) Granules
C) Cell
D) Without, not
E) White
A) Basic
B) Attraction
C) Cell
D) Structure
E) White
Version 1 7
A) fluid.
B) blood.
C) clot.
D) nucleus.
E) protein.
Version 1 8
31) What findings in the laboratory blood study indicate that an acute infection may be
32) Which of the following terms has a suffix that means deficiency?
A) Antibody
B) Polymorphonuclear
C) Neutropenia
D) Hypoxic
E) Erythroblast
A) Neutrophil
B) Erythrocyte
C) Eosinophil
D) Monocyte
E) Basophil
Version 1 9
35) Which of the following terms has a word element meaning clot?
A) Erythrocytes
B) Pernicious
C) Thrombocytopenia
D) Aplastic
E) Mononucleosis
37) What is the correct spelling of the term for cancer of the blood forming tissues?
A) Leukemia
B) Lukemia
C) Leucopenia
D) Lucopenia
E) Lukocytosis
38) Which type of laboratory report lists the percentages of the various kinds of leukocytes in
a blood sample?
Version 1 10
A) Differential white blood cell count
B) Hematocrit
C) Hemoglobin
D) Red blood count
E) Prothrombin time
39) What is the medical term for a specific protein evoked by an antigen?
A) Heparin
B) Globin
C) Monocyte
D) Antibody
E) Basophil
A) Thrombocyte
B) Monocyte
C) Erythrocyte
D) Leukocyte
E) Fibroblast
41) What is the term for an excessive number of white blood cells?
A) Leukocytosis
B) Leukopenia
C) Leukoneogenesis
D) Leukoblastosis
E) Leukomyocytosis
Version 1 11
A) Erythrocytes
B) Thrombocytes
C) Leukocytes
D) Granulocytes
E) Globulins
43) What condition occurs when the clotting mechanism is activated simultaneously
throughout the cardiovascular system?
A) Thrombocytopenia
B) Purpura
C) Von Willebrand disease
D) Disseminated intravascular coagulation
E) Glomerulonephritis
44) Which of the following terms refers to the process of blood clotting?
A) Coagulation
B) Agglutination
C) Extravasation
D) Evisceration
E) Mastication
A) Ingests debris
B) Produces new platelets
C) Forms fibrin
D) Attaches to a diseased blood vessel as a clot
E) Forms collagen fibers
Version 1 12
46) What is the term for the study of blood disorders?
A) Cytology
B) Hematology
C) Histology
D) Plasmology
E) Immunology
47) James Johnson has inherited a blood condition from his mother. He has a deficiency in
the coagulation factor called factor VIII. The medical name of Mr. Johnson's condition is
A) Embolus
B) Thrombus
C) Hematoma
D) Epistaxis
E) Wheal
49) What term is derived from a Greek word meaning plug or stopper?
A) Warfarin
B) Fibrin
C) Thrombus
D) Embolus
E) Clot
Version 1 13
50) What happens to the red blood cells in hemolytic disease of the newborn?
51) Mrs. Jones is to have hip surgery next Tuesday. She and her doctor discussed using an
autologous blood transfusion. What does this mean for Mrs. Jones?
A) The blood transfusion Mrs. Jones receives from another donor will be tested to assure
compatibility with her own blood.
B) Mrs. Jones will be receiving both blood and a plasma expander to maintain her blood
C) Mrs. Jones will be receiving her own blood, which she donated and stored before her
D) Mrs. Jones will be recruiting a blood donor so that she is assured of the donor's good
E) The blood that will be used for the transfusion will be automatically dispensed from
the blood bank.
52) Which of the following words has an element that refers to color?
A) Thrombocyte
B) Epistaxis
C) Extravasation
D) Hematoma
E) Erythema
53) Which of the following words has an element that means blood?
Version 1 14
A) Hemostasis
B) Fibroblast
C) Thrombocyte
D) Coagulation
E) Platelet
A) Productive
B) Hibernating
C) Inactive
D) Formative
E) Nonproductive
55) What is the term for a cancer of the skin often seen in AIDS patients?
A) Shiley sarcoma
B) Crohn blastoma
C) von Willebrand adenoma
D) Kaposi sarcoma
E) Fowler carcinoma
A) I
B) Ig
D) Im
Version 1 15
A) edema.
B) histamine.
C) insulin.
D) enzymes.
E) hormones.
A) Sexual intercourse
B) Mosquito bite
C) Sharing needles
D) Contaminated blood products
E) Transplacental
Version 1 16
A) Autoimmune
B) Evisceration
C) Hemorrhage
D) Anaphylaxis
E) Wheals
A) Attenuation
B) Hyperimmune
C) Anaphylaxis
D) Histamine
E) Hypersensitivity
A) Autoimmune
B) Hypersensitivity
C) Tincture
D) Solution
E) Vaccine
65) What is the meaning of the Latin origin for the term immune?
Version 1 17
A) Protected from
B) Reaction
C) To build up
D) Inside cells
E) Against
67) The lymphatic system absorbs excess interstitial fluid and returns it to what area?
A) The kidney
B) The liver
C) The stomach
D) The intestine
E) The bloodstream
A) Serum
B) Albumin
C) Macrophages
D) Cellular debris
E) Vitamins
69) When interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries, it is known as:
Version 1 18
A) debris.
B) a solution.
C) lymph.
D) plasma.
E) a colloid.
71) Which of the following are found in the lymph nodes and break down the foreign matter
that enters the body?
A) T cells
B) Helper cells
C) Filters
D) Macrophages
E) Leukocytes
A) Right atrium
B) Right subclavian vein
C) Right ventricle
D) Right inferior vena cava
E) Right jugular vein
Version 1 19
73) What is the medical term for a substance that produces hypersensitivity?
A) Irritant
B) Chemical
C) Pollen
D) Allergy
E) Allergen
74) What is the medical term that means the state of being protected?
A) Immunology
B) Immunize
C) Immunity
D) Immunologist
E) Immunosuppressed
A) Inoculate
B) Immunize
C) Inject
D) Parenteral
E) Antibody
A) Thymus
B) Timely
C) Total
D) Thorax
E) Tester
Version 1 20
77) Where do B lymphocyte cells (B cells) mature?
A) In the spleen
B) In the lymph node
C) In the pancreas
D) In the thymus
E) In the bone marrow
A) Tonsils
B) Adenoids
C) Spleen
D) Liver
E) Pancreas
79) The organ that serves as a reservoir for red blood cells and platelets is the
A) tonsils.
B) liver.
C) pancreas.
D) heart.
E) spleen.
80) Clusters of lymphocytes and other cells that are constant features in the lymph nodes, and
the tonsils are called lymphatic:
Version 1 21
A) fibroblasts.
B) plasma cells.
C) plasminogen.
D) helper cells.
E) follicles.
A) filter lymph.
B) store monocytes.
C) mature B lymphocytes.
D) produce red blood cells.
E) phagocytize bacteria.
A) Thymus
B) Kidney
C) Spleen
D) Liver
E) Pancreas
A) Lymph node
B) Nares
C) Uvula
D) Tonsil
E) Epiglottis
Version 1 22
84) What is the medical term for the single mass of lymphoid tissue in the midline at the back
of the throat?
A) Uvula
B) Pharynx
C) Adenoid
D) Adenoma
E) Tonsil
85) Which of the following terms means the process of ingestion and destruction?
A) Blastosis
B) Parasitic
C) Phagocytic
D) Phagocytosis
E) Lysis
A) To create an opening
B) Surgical removal of
C) Drainage of fluid
D) To destroy
E) Transplant
Version 1 23
88) What does the suffix of the word splenomegaly mean?
A) Pain
B) New growth or tumor
C) Enlarged
D) Ruptured
E) Regrowth
89) What is the correct spelling of the term that means the surgical removal of the tonsils?
A) Tonsellectomy
B) Tonsilectomy
C) Tonselectomy
D) Tonsilsectomy
E) Tonsillectomy
91) What type of bacteria is the usual cause of infection in the tonsils?
A) E. coli
B) Gram-negative rods
D) Streptococcus
E) Staphylococcus
Version 1 24
92) Hypersplenism causes what to happen in the bloodstream?
A) Hypovolemia
B) A decrease in the number of blood cells and platelets
C) A release of immature lymphocytes
D) Overproduction of B cells
E) A propensity to hemorrhage
A) erythema.
B) peripheral vascular disease.
C) lymphedema.
D) necrosis.
E) lymphadenopathy.
A) shape-shifting.
B) pathogenesis.
C) mutation.
D) antibody production.
E) mitosis.
95) When the immune system responds to exposure to a pathogen identical to a pathogen to
which it has already responded, the response is based upon:
Version 1 25
A) suppression.
B) regression.
C) lactation.
D) migration.
E) memory.
96) Discrimination on the part of the immune system between "self" and "nonself" develops
A) Before birth
B) In infancy
C) Upon exposure to a pathogen
D) Upon exposure to chemicals
E) Throughout life
97) The ability of an organism to withstand the effects of an antagonistic agent is called:
A) immunity.
B) discrimination.
C) resistance.
D) elimination.
E) antibiotic.
A) opportunistic.
B) immunity.
C) toxin.
D) epidemic.
E) flora.
Version 1 26
99) What does the root of the word attenuated mean?
A) To clump
B) To weaken
C) To mimic
D) To produce
E) To destroy
A) Pertaining to
B) Action
C) To acquire
D) To inject
E) Process
101) The clear, yellow liquid that is the non-cellular part of the blood is called:
A) globulin.
B) albumin.
C) plasma.
D) hematocrit.
E) hemoglobin.
102) Which of the following words has a prefix that means deficient or below?
A) Hematocrit
B) Fibrinogen
C) Hypochromic
D) Homeostasis
E) Sedimentation
Version 1 27
103) Mrs. Jones' doctor ordered a CBC as part of her routine yearly physical exam. This test
will give what type of information?
A) An indication of the function of the kidneys at clearing toxins from the blood.
B) The percent of oxygen that is present in the blood.
C) The amount of sodium and other electrolytes in the blood.
D) The number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in the blood.
E) The amount of sugar in the blood.
104) The profession that specializes in the study of the amount of vitamins and nutrients a
person should take in for optimal health is a(n):
A) hematologist.
B) physiologist.
C) oncologist.
D) allergist.
E) nutritionist.
105) Urea is
106) Which of the following words has a prefix that refers to a number?
A) Biconcave
B) Macrophage
C) Viscosity
D) Creatinine
E) Enzyme
Version 1 28
107) In the medical term fibrinogen, what does the suffix mean?
A) Clot
B) Fiber
C) Leak
D) Form
E) Color
108) A genetic disorder found most commonly in African Americans, Africans, and some
Mediterranean populations which is characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin
causing RBCs to change shape is
A) pernicious anemia.
B) erythroblastosis.
C) hemolytic anemia.
D) sickle cell anemia.
E) arthritic anemia.
109) The patient’s chart documents the patient’s diagnosis as PA. The cause of this disorder is
due to:
A) red.
B) bacterial infection.
C) deficiency in iron.
D) a genetic mutation.
E) deficiency in vitamin B12.
110) Of the following statements, which one is correct regarding the biconcave shape of the
Version 1 29
A) The shape makes the RBC more resistive to stress.
B) The shape enables a more rapid flow of gases into and out of the RBC.
C) The shape allows the RBC to live longer.
D) The shape controls the amount of water entering the RBC.
E) The shape allows the RBC to bind oxygen more easily.
A) White
B) Excessive
C) Deficiency
D) Cell
E) Production
A) deficiency.
B) all.
C) blood.
D) cell.
E) bladder.
113) The type of anemia in which the bone marrow is unable to produce sufficient new red
cells, white cells, and platelets is
A) hemolytic anemia.
B) sickle cell anemia.
C) pernicious anemia.
D) iron-deficiency anemia.
E) aplastic anemia.
Version 1 30
114) Which of the following words means below normal levels of oxygen in tissues, gases or
A) Occult
B) Hypoxia
C) Hypotensive
D) Cyanosis
E) Hemolysis
115) Which of the following terms has a word element that means protein?
A) Erythroblastosis
B) Immunoglobulin
C) Hemostasis
D) Macrophage
E) Lymphocyte
A) Pernicious anemia
B) Hodgkin disease
C) Multiple myeloma
D) Leukemia
E) Hemophilia
117) In order to determine the spread of Hodgkin disease, the physician would order a(n):
A) electromyography.
B) doppler study.
C) excoriation.
D) hematocrit.
E) lymphangiogram.
Version 1 31
118) Mononucleosis is caused by a pathogen abbreviated as:
A) pertaining to.
B) slow down.
C) blood.
D) control, stop.
E) forming.
A) thrombocytopenia.
B) henoch-Schöenlein purpura.
C) multiple myeloma.
D) hemophilia.
E) disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Version 1 32
122) A bone marrow biopsy is often performed as part of a diagnostic work-up for which types
of diseases?
A) purpura
B) petechia
C) hematoma
D) thrombus
E) lesion
A) Coagalopathy
B) Polycythemia
C) Himophelia
D) Diseminate
E) Striptokinaise
A) petechias.
B) petechium.
C) petechii.
D) petechiae.
E) petechies.
Version 1 33
126) The word which comes from the Greek meaning purple is
A) erythema.
B) bilirubin.
C) purpura.
D) petechia.
E) warfarin.
127) The word element that is the root in the word coagulopathy means:
A) disease.
B) blood.
C) platelet.
D) bruise.
E) clumping.
A) Enzyme
B) Cell
C) Curved
D) Action
E) Vessel
129) Following open heart surgery and mitral valve replacement, a patient was required to take
Coumadin. This medication is classified as an:
A) antibiotic.
B) anticoagulant.
C) anti-inflammatory.
D) antihistamine.
E) antipyretic.
Version 1 34
130) Which of the following terms has a prefix that means many or much?
A) Macrocyte
B) Biconcave
C) Oxyhemoglobin
D) Agglutinate
E) Polycythemia vera
B) Hgb.
D) H.
132) A 40-year-old female patient was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. Which of the
following is the most probable cause for this type of anemia?
Version 1 35
134) Of the following terms, which one has a suffix that means resembling?
A) Precursor
B) Immunoglobulin
C) Lymphoid
D) Polymorphonuclear
E) Incompatible
135) Which of the following laboratory blood tests evaluates blood coagulation?
A) Hematocrit
B) Mean corpuscular volume
C) Prothrombin time
D) White blood cell count with differential
E) Rh antigen studies
136) Which substance binds strongly to fibrin and dissolves clots that have caused heart
A) Streptokinase
B) Warfarin
C) Heparin
D) Aspirin
E) Coumadin
137) A patient with a low platelet count because the body’s immune system destroys its own
platelets is
Version 1 36
D) Ab.
E) Ig.
A) Indexes
B) Indeses
C) Indeces
D) Indices
E) Indixes
139) What is the correct spelling of the term that means widely scattered throughout the body
or an organ?
A) Disseminate
B) Diseminate
C) Dessiminate
D) Disemminate
E) Dissimenate
140) Blood that is present in a substance but not enough that it can be seen or detected without
the aid of laboratory testing is
A) microcytic.
B) occult blood.
C) anemic.
D) petechiae.
E) hemorrhagic.
Version 1 37
141) Which of the following words has a root element that means to pour?
A) Transfusion
B) Erythroblastosis
C) Autologous
D) Agglutinate
E) Hemolyze
142) Annie Lawrence has a diagnosis of a bleeding ulcer in her stomach. Her physician has
ordered a transfusion of packed red blood cells. What will this transfusion do for Ms. Lawrence?
A) coumadin
B) streptokinase.
C) heparin.
D) RhoGAM.
E) aspirin.
A) nucleus.
B) shape.
C) pertaining to.
D) many.
E) change.
Version 1 38
145) An increase in the number of eosinophils is commonly caused by:
A) viral infections.
B) allergic reactions.
C) cancer.
D) patients receiving chemotherapy.
E) bacterial infections.
A) condition.
B) germ cell, immature.
C) large.
D) oval.
E) sphere.
148) A lab test that will determine the percentage of each type of white blood cells is called:
Version 1 39
A) monoclonal antibodies
B) human normal immunoglobulins
C) monoclonal antibodies
D) hyperimmune specific antibodies
E) immunosuppressant drugs
150) Dr. Moran, an oncologist, prescribed __________ to treat the patient’s advanced
A) excessive neutrophils.
B) deficient immunoglobulin production.
C) deficiency of neutrophils.
D) the blood has a neutral pH.
A) excessive neutrophils.
B) deficient immunoglobulin production.
C) deficiency of neutrophils.
D) the blood has a neutral pH.
153) The patient with a low white blood cell count was diagnosed with:
Version 1 40
A) leukopenia.
B) pancytopenia.
C) leukemia.
D) thalassemia.
154) A tissue that has the appearance of being lymph tissue is described as being:
A) myeloid.
B) leukemic.
C) hemophilic.
D) lymphoid.
A) mm
B) mm2
C) mm3
D) mm4
A) Viral infection
B) Whooping cough
C) Allergic reaction
D) Tuberculosis
157) A blood clot that left its site of development and traveled via the blood to another
location is termed:
Version 1 41
A) warfarin.
B) corpuscle.
C) embolus.
D) thrombus.
161) Which of the following answers correctly orders the steps in coagulation?
Version 1 42
A) Prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin clot
B) Fibrinogen, prothrombin, thrombin, fibrin clot
C) Prothrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin clot, fibrin, thrombin
D) Fibrin clot, prothrombin, fibrin, thrombin, fibrinogen
162) In order to reduce blood flow to a damaged blood vessel, the blood vessel will first:
A) coagulate.
B) vasodilate.
C) sclerose.
D) vasoconstrict.
A) fibrin.
B) monocyte.
C) myeloid.
D) fibroblast.
A) warfarin.
B) heparin.
C) pradaxa.
D) streptokinase.
E) aspirin.
Version 1 43
C) PT.
D) tPA.
169) A patient with blood type O receives a transfusion of red blood cells that are type B.
Which of the following situations is likely to occur?
Version 1 44
A) The patient will be able to accept the transfusion without any issue.
B) Red blood cell agglutination.
C) Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
D) Development of toxins.
170) A patient with blood type AB receives a transfusion of packed red blood cells that are
type A. Which of the following situations is likely to occur?
A) The patient will be able to accept the transfusion without any issue.
B) Red blood cell agglutination.
C) Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
D) Development of toxins.
C) para.
Version 1 45
A) to bleed in large amounts.
B) state of equilibrium in the body.
C) controlling bleeding.
D) lack of blood supply to a tissue.
175) You are reviewing the chart of a patient with sickle cell anemia. The respiratory therapist
notes that the patient is complaining of SOB at rest. What does the abbreviation SOB mean?
A) Monoocytes
B) Eosinophil
C) Basophil
D) B cell
E) T cell
Version 1 46
A) clotting protein.
B) lymphocyte.
C) antibody.
D) granulocyte.
FILL IN THE BLANK. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or
answers the question.
178) A medical specialist in disorders of the blood is called a _________.
179) A clot attached to a diseased blood vessel or heart lining is called a _________.
Version 1 47
Answer Key
1) C
A hematologist cares for patients with blood diseases. Pancytopenia is a
blood disease which is a decrease in the number of all blood cells. A 4th°
skin burn and a papule would be treated by a dermatologist. Endocarditis
would be cared for by a cardiologist. An orthopedic surgeon would care
for a patient with a comminuted fracture.
2) A
A hematocrit is the percentage of total blood volume composed of red
blood cells.
3) B
Blood plasma is 91% water.
4) C
Fibrin is the protein component of a clot.
5) D
Serum is plasma without the clotting proteins.
6) B
Red blood cells do not dissolve in plasma.
7) E
The suffix -emia refers to blood.
8) B
The prefix and the word anemia is an- which means without.
9) C
The blood carries albumin but does not produce albumin.
Version 1 48
10) D
A macrophage is a white blood cell that removes bacteria, foreign
particles, and dead cells.
11) E
Red blood cells do not produce antibodies.
12) C
In the term hemoglobin, the prefix hemo- means blood.
13) B
The term agglutination means sticking together to form clumps.
14) D
The term pallor means a condition of paleness of skin.
15) D
In the term hemoglobinopathy, the suffix is pathy- which means disease.
16) E
The medical term hemolysis has the suffix -lysis which means
17) D
The condition sickle cell anemia is associated with abnormally shaped
cells that tend to clump together blocking capillaries.
18) C
The protein hemoglobin gives red blood cells the red color.
19) C
The medical term hypoxic means deficient in oxygen. Cyanosis is a sign
of low oxygen levels.
20) B
Version 1 49
The biconcave surface area enables a more rapid flow of gases into and
out of the cell (disk).
21) A
Antibodies are substances involved in the immune response.
22) A
Glucose does not influence red blood cell production.
23) A
Neutrophils increase in the presence of a bacterial infection.
24) D
Pallor is a condition that refers to the paleness of skin.
25) D
In the term agranulocyte, the prefix is a- which means without.
26) B
The suffix -phil means attraction. This is based on what type of dye the
cell attracted.
27) E
In the term hemoglobin the suffix is -globin which means protein.
28) A
Antibodies are immunoglobulins.
29) B
Pernicious anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells due to
vitamin B12 deficiency.
30) E
A colloid is a liquid containing suspended particles. The plasma is
considered a colloid.
Version 1 50
31) B
Leukocytosis is an elevation of white blood cells. White blood cells are
elevated in the presence of an infection. Pancytopenia is a deficiency of
all types of blood cells. Erythropenia is a deficiency of only red blood
cells. Polycythemia is a condition of excess production of red blood
32) C
The suffix that means deficiency is -penia, which is found in the term
33) D
The monocyte is a type of white blood cell categorized as an
agranulocyte. The neutrophil, eosinophil, and the basophil are all
categorized as granulocytes. The erythrocyte is a red blood cell.
34) A
The red blood cell can have antigen A and/or antigen B on its surface.
35) C
The medical term thrombocytopenia contains the combining form
thromb/o which means clot.
36) B
T cells and B cells are leukocytes that are categorized as lymphocytes.
37) A
Leukemia is the term for cancer of the blood forming tissues. It is
associated with a high number of leukocytes and their precursors.
38) A
A differential white blood cell count list the percentages of the various
kinds of leukocytes found in a blood sample.
39) D
Version 1 51
An antibody is a protein evoked by an antigen.
40) A
A platelet is also known as a thrombocyte.
41) A
Leukocytosis is the term for excessive number of white blood cells.
42) B
Thrombocytes are considered to be formed elements of the blood that
play a key role in hemostasis, the controlling of blood flow.
43) D
Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a clotting mechanism that is
activated throughout the entire cardiovascular system.
44) A
Coagulation is the medical term that refers to the process of blood
45) E
A fibroblast forms collagen.
46) B
Hematology is a medical term that means study of blood disorders.
47) C
James Johnson has hemophilia, which is the medical name for a
deficiency in the coagulation factor called factor VIII.
48) C
A hematoma is the medical term for the word bruise. Its suffix is -oma
which means tumor of, and its root is hemat- which means blood.
49) D
The Greek word embolus means plug or stopper.
Version 1 52
50) A
In hemolytic disease of the newborn, there is excessive destruction of
the red blood cells.
51) C
With an autologous blood transfusion, Mrs. Jones will be receiving her
own blood, which she donated and stored before her surgery (auto =
52) E
The medical term erythema has the prefix eryth- which means red.
53) A
The medical term hemostasis has the combining form hemo- which
means blood.
54) C
The word dormant means inactive.
55) D
A form of skin cancer often seen in AIDS patients is Kaposi sarcoma.
56) B
The abbreviation for immunoglobulin is Ig.
57) B
Histamine is released during hypersensitivity reactions.
58) B
A mosquito bite is not a common means of transmission of HIV.
59) B
A weakened immune system has a deficient defense against pathogens
invading the body.
60) E
Complement fixation occurs in the immune system, not the digestive
Version 1 53
61) D
An immediate, severe, allergic response is termed anaphylaxis.
62) E
An exaggerated, abnormal reaction to an allergen is hypersensitivity.
63) C
Immunodeficiency is failure of the immune system.
64) E
A vaccine is a preparation to generate active immunity
65) A
The meaning of the Latin origin for the term immune is protected from.
66) D
Lymphatic capillaries and vessels are located in the interstitial spaces.
67) E
The emphatic system absorbs excess interstitial fluid and returns it to the
68) D
Cellular debris is removed from the tissues by the lymphatic system.
69) C
When interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries it is known as
70) A
The areas of concentration of the lymph nodes are the neck, axilla, and
71) D
Macrophages found in the lymph nodes break down the foreign matter
that enters the body.
Version 1 54
72) B
The right lymphatic duct drains into the right subclavian vein.
73) E
An allergen is a substance that produces hypersensitivity.
74) C
The medical term that means the state of being protected is immunity.
75) B
To immunize means to make resistant to an infectious disease.
76) A
The T in T cells stands for thymus.
77) E
B lymphocyte cells mature in the bone marrow.
78) C
The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ.
79) E
The spleen serves as a reservoir for red blood cells and platelets.
80) E
Follicles are spherical masses of cells containing a cavity. Follicles are
present in lymph nodes and tonsils.
81) E
One of the functions of the spleen is to phagocytize bacteria and other
foreign materials.
82) A
The thymus is located in the center of the chest.
83) D
The tonsil is located in the entrance to the oropharynx.
Version 1 55
84) C
The adenoid is a single mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat.
85) D
The term phagocytosis means the process of ingestion and destruction.
The suffix -sis means process of whereas the suffix -ic means pertaining
86) A
The plasma cell is active in the formation of antibodies.
87) B
The suffix in the medical term splenectomy is -ectomy and it means
surgical removal of.
88) C
The suffix in the medical term splenomegaly means enlarged.
89) E
The proper spelling of the medical term that means surgical removal of
the tonsils is tonsillectomy.
90) B
The term lymphadenopathy means any disease process affecting a lymph
91) D
Streptococcus is the type of bacteria that is the usual cause of infection
in the tonsils.
92) B
Hypersplenism causes a decrease in the number of blood cells and
platelets in the bloodstream.
93) C
Version 1 56
Tissue swelling caused by lymphatic obstruction is called lymphedema
(edema = swelling).
94) C
A change in the structure or physiology of bacteria in response to an
antibiotic is called mutation.
95) E
When the immune system responds to exposure to a pathogen identical
to a pathogen to which it has already responded, the response is based
upon memory.
96) A
Discrimination on the part of the immune system between 'self' and
'nonself' develops before birth.
97) C
The ability of an organism to withstand the effects of an antagonistic
agent is called resistance.
98) C
The medical term that means poison is toxin.
99) B
The root attenu- of the word attenuated means to weaken.
100) E
The suffix -ation in the word vaccination means process.
101) C
Plasma is the clear, yellow liquid that is the non-cellular part of the
102) C
Version 1 57
The medical term hypochromic has the prefix hypo- which means
deficient or below.
103) D
A CBC is a complete blood count that returns the numbers of each type
of blood cell found in the blood.
104) E
A nutritionist specializes in the study of food and liquid requirements for
normal function of the human body.
105) A
Urea is a waste product of cells. It is a component of urine.
106) A
The medical term biconcave has the prefix bi- which means two.
107) D
The suffix in the medical term fibrinogen is -gen which means form.
108) D
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder found most commonly in African
Americans, Africans, and some Mediterranean populations which is
characterized by the production of abnormal hemoglobin causing RBCs
to change shape.
109) E
PA is the abbreviation for pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia is due
to a lack of vitamin B12.
110) B
The biconcave shape enables a more rapid flow of gases into and out of
the RBC (red blood cell).
111) C
Version 1 58
The suffix in leukopenia means deficiency.
112) B
The prefix in the medical term pancytopenia is pan- which means all.
113) E
Aplastic anemia is the type of anemia in which the bone marrow is
unable to produce sufficient new red cells, white cells, and platelets.
114) B
The medical term hypoxia has the suffix -ia which means condition of,
the prefix hypo- which means below, and the root ox- which means
115) B
The medical term immunoglobulin has the root -globul- which means
116) B
Hodgkin disease, also known as Hodgkin lymphoma, is a cancer that
affects lymph nodes.
117) E
Hodgkin disease is a type of cancer of the lymph nodes. In order to
determine how far the cancer has spread, the physician could order a
lymphangiogram which is an x-ray of the lymph nodes and vessels.
118) B
The Epstein- Barr Virus is the infective agent in Mononucleosis.
119) D
In the medical term hemostasis, the suffix is -stasis, which means to
control, stop.
120) A
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An opportunistic infection occurs when the body?s immune system is
weakened, such as with HIV or AIDS. A person with a healthy immune
system would be able to keep the pathogen from causing an infection.
121) D
Hemophilia is an inherited coagulation disorder passed on from mother
to son.
122) A
A bone marrow biopsy can be used as part of a diagnostic work-up for
aplastic anemia, leukemia, and lymphoma.
123) B
A petechia is a pinpoint hemorrhagic spot in the skin.
124) B
Polycythemia is spelled correctly. The correct spelling of the other terms
is coagulopathy, hemophilia, disseminate, and streptokinase.
125) D
The plural form of petechia is petechiae.
126) C
Purpura is the medical term that comes from the Greek meaning purple.
127) E
The root in the term coagulopathy is coagul- and it means clumping, or
128) A
In the term streptokinase, the suffix is -ase and it means enzyme.
129) B
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Coumadin is a medication to prevent prothrombin and fibrin formation,
which would prevent clot formation. Because it prevents clot formation,
it is classified as an anticoagulant.
130) E
The medical term polycythemia vera has the prefix poly- which means
many or much.
131) B
Hemoglobin is abbreviated as Hgb.
132) E
A common cause of iron-deficient anemia is heavy menstrual bleeding.
133) D
Basophils migrate to damaged tissues to secrete heparin. Heparin is an
134) C
The medical term lymphoid has the suffix -oid which means resembling.
135) C
Prothrombin time determines the amount of time it takes for the blood to
136) A
Streptokinase is a substance binds strongly to fibrin and dissolves clots
that have caused heart attacks.
137) B
Version 1 61
ITP is the abbreviation for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, which
is a low platelet count due to an abnormal immune response. EBV is the
abbreviation for Epstein-Barr virus which can cause mononucleosis.
PTT is the abbreviation for prothrombin time, a measure of the amount
of time it takes for the blood to clot. Ab is the abbreviation for antibody.
Ig is the abbreviation for immunoglobulin.
138) D
The plural form of the term index is indices.
139) A
The correct spelling of the term is disseminate.
140) B
Occult means hidden. Occult blood is present in a substance, but cannot
be seen with the naked eye.
141) A
The medical term transfusion means to pour.
142) D
A transfusion of packed red blood cells will increase the oxygen-
carrying capacity of the blood. The main function of red blood cells is to
transport gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitric oxide).
143) D
HDN is the abbreviation for hemolytic disease of the newborn. The
medication given to prevent this process is RhoGAM, the abbreviation
for Rhesus immune globulin.
144) B
Morph/o is the combining form that means shape.
145) B
Eosinophils are increased in allergic reactions.
Version 1 62
146) E
Spher/o is the combining form that means sphere.
147) A
Ciclosporin (Sandimmune) is a calcineurin inhibitor used to prevent and
treat transplant reactions.
148) C
DIFF is the abbreviation for differential which describes the percentage
of each type of white blood cells.
149) D
Hyperimmune specific immunoglobulins come from donors and are
given to patients to treat specific viral infections, such as rabies.
150) D
Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) is an immune checkpoint inhibitor it has
been to increase patient survival rates in patients with advanced
151) A
The medical term neutrophilia means an increase in the number of
152) C
The medical term neutropenia has the suffix -penia which means
deficiency and the combining form neutr/o which means neutral. The
neutrophil is named because it picks up a pH neutral dye.
153) A
The medical term leukopenia has the suffix -penia which means
deficiency and the combining form leuk/o- which means white.
Pancytopenia is a medical term that means deficiency in all blood cells.
154) D
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The medical term lymphoid has the suffix -oid which means resembling
and the root lymph- which means lymph.
155) C
The abbreviation for cubic millimeter is mm3.
156) D
An increase in monocytes will occur with a tuberculosis infection.
157) C
An example of an embolus is a blood clot that formed in one area of the
body, became dislodged, and traveled to another part of the body. The
embolus blocks blood flow.
158) A
DIC is the abbreviation for disseminated intravascular coagulation. This
is a condition that causes severe bleeding throughout the body.
159) D
Purpura is bleeding into the skin from arterioles.
160) B
Von Willebrand disease is a hereditary bleeding disorder. It is a protein
deficiency of the factor VIII complex.
161) A
The correct orders for the steps in coagulation are prothrombin,
thrombin, fibrinogen, and then fibrin clot.
162) D
When the blood vessel vasoconstricts, it narrows its diameter, which
limits the amount of blood that can enter it.
163) D
The fibroblast is a cell that forms collagen fibers.
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164) D
Streptokinase is a medication that is given to dissolve clots.
165) C
The abbreviation for prothrombin time is PT.
166) B
A person’s blood type is determined by its antigen on the red blood cell.
They will have the opposite blood type antibody in the plasma.
Therefore a person with blood type A has the A antigen on the red blood
cell and the anti-B antibody in the plasma.
167) A
A person’s blood type is determined by its antigen on the red blood cell.
They will have the opposite blood type antibody in the plasma.
Therefore a person with blood type B has the B antigen on the red blood
cell and the anti-A antibody in the plasma.
168) D
A person’s blood type is determined by its antigens on the red blood
cell. They will have the opposite blood type antibody. Therefore a
person with blood type O has no antigens on the red blood cell and the
anti-A antibody and the anti-B antibody.
169) B
A person with type O blood has anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their
plasma. The anti-B antibodies in the patient's plasma will react with the
B-antigens on the donor's red blood cells, causing agglutination
170) A
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A person with type AB blood has no anti-A or anti-B antibodies in their
plasma. Therefore, there is nothing in the plasma that would react with
the A antigens on the donor red blood cells.
171) E
The blood type is determined by the type of antigens present on the red
blood cell. Type AB blood has both the A and B antigens on the red
blood cell. Because both antigens are present, there cannot be anti-A or
anti-B antibodies in plasma. The presence of Rh makes the blood
positive (+), the absence of Rh makes it negative (-).
172) D
A paramedic has earned the credential EMT-P. When signing off on
documentation, they would follow their name with EMT-P.
173) C
Hemostasis means controlling bleeding. To bleed in large amounts is
hemorrhage. A state of equilibrium in the body is homeostasis. The lack
of blood supply to a tissue is ischemia.
174) A
The prefix pro- means before, the root word -thrombin means clot.
Prothrombin is a protein secreted by the liver.
175) D
SOB means shortness of breath. The patient has labored breathing.
176) D
The B cell differentiates into a plasma cell. It produces antibodies which
are proteins. In this case the antibodies are produced in response to
bacteria or toxins.
177) C
Version 1 66
Test Bank for Essentials of Medical Language, 4th Edition, David Allan Rachel Basco
Version 1 67