Monograph (Cha0406) MULA - Dead Leaves Fall (Oef)
Monograph (Cha0406) MULA - Dead Leaves Fall (Oef)
Monograph (Cha0406) MULA - Dead Leaves Fall (Oef)
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Chaosium Inc. Proudly Presents
With Tales By
John A. Almack
Jon Hook
Rick Hudson
Timothy Hutchings
Joseph M. Isenberg
Tim Moriarity
Oscar Rios
Jeff Woodall
Simon Yee
Table of Contents
Fear in a Bottle Great Old Ones on the
Adventure by John A. Almack
Great White Way
Adventure by Joseph M. Isenberg
The Lock-In
Adventure by Jon Hook
The Costume Party
Adventure by Tim Moriarity
The Ilsley Variant
Adventure by Rick Hudson
Adventure by Oscar Rios
The Confessions of St. Augustine,
Chapter CCLXVIII 13 Black Candles
Adventure by Tim Hutchings Adventure by Jeff Woodall
DEAD LEAVES FALL is published by Chaosium Inc. DEAD LEAVES FALL © 2011 Chaosium Inc. as a whole; all rights reserved. Text for DEAD
LEAVES FALL is © 2011 by the respective authors. “Chaosium Inc.” and “Call of Cthulhu” are registered trademarks of Chaosium Inc. Similarities
between characters in DEAD LEAVES FALL and persons living or dead are strictly coincidental.
Address questions and comments by mail to
Chaosium Inc., 22568 Mission Blvd. #423, Hayward, CA 94541-5116 U.S.A.
Our web site always contains the latest release information and current prices.
Chaosium publication 0406
ISBN10: 1-56882-361-4/ ISBN13: 978-1-56882-361-4
Published in October 2011. Printed in the United States.
Fear in a Bottle
Wherein the investigators follow the trail of a dead thief,
find clues about an ancient evil and learn what they have to fear in a bottle.
By John A. Almack
Illustrations by Verric
“And Zhothaqqua begot Zvilpogghua, who be- recalling the antediluvian history of his people
gat the virgin Sfatlicllp, who is the Fallen Wis- (see section below), he does not notice the ob-
dom.” vious irony in this reckless course of action.
- Robert M. Price and Laurence J. Cornford, For his insane plan to succeed, Ssethraas had
“The Epistles of Eibon” to first obtain a magical artifact called the Flask
of Eibon. It was unearthed earlier this year at
Scenario Considerations an excavation of a presumed Shoshone Indian
The setting for this adventure is the witch- burial site and recently put on innocuous dis-
haunted town of Arkham, Massachusetts, and play at the local Exhibit Museum. In typical
its nearby environs during the last couple of serpent man fashion, he chose to use someone
days before Halloween in 1929. It is intend- else to do the hard work retrieving the item for
ed for two to five investigator characters hav- him. Preparing a week ahead of time, he used
ing past experience dealing with the Cthulhu the Black Binding spell on the freshly dug grave
mythos and is designed to be completed in one of a mobster to produce a zombie. Ssethraas
or two game sessions. Keepers may wish to ad- then cast Eyes of the Zombie to take direct con-
just the relative difficulty level for their own in- trol of his undead servant, broke into the mu-
dividual group of players. As written, it can seum at night and stole Eibon’s Flask.
be incorporated into an existing campaign as He now only has to wait three more days to
a sequel to other previously published works enact the completion of his nefarious scheme.
set in and around Lovecraft Country. In par- Assisted by a small number of degenerate ser-
ticular, keepers who have access to the “H.P. pent folk, and at the center of a circle of stand-
Lovecraft’s Arkham” and/or “Miskatonic Uni- ing stones imported from England last month,
versity” sourcebooks will find the additional Ssethraas will perform the necessary ritual cer-
background information that they contain use- emony to summon the Fallen Wisdom. He will
ful, but not mandatory, to running this scenario then offer up a human sacrifice to honor his in-
tended bride upon her return on All Hallows’
Keeper’s Information Eve.
This adventure concerns the somewhat mis-
guided attempt by an atavistic serpent man, Ss-
The Snake and the Toad
ethraas, to reverse the slow decline of his species Untold aeons ago, long before Mhu Thulan
known as the Curse of Yig. He hopes to do this was buried beneath glaciers of ice, the First Em-
by summoning forth a Great Old One named pire of the Serpent People fell with the coming
Sfatlicllp, a little-known relation of Tsathoggua, Age of the Dinosaurs. Those who were long
and mate with her, thereby reinvigorating his favored by Yig fled the destruction of Valusia
racial bloodline through her offspring. While and established places of refuge deep under-
Fear in a Bottle
ground. The greatest of these subterranean cit- law Knygathin Zhaum, Eibon of Mhu Thulan
ies was built in the red-litten cavern of Yoth, un- would grow up to become one the most pow-
der what would later become North America. erful mages of the Hyperborean Age. As fame
There they flourished in the dark for millions of of his thaumaturgical exploits spread through-
years, protected from the ravages of geological out the land, the people of the new capital in
changes occurring on the surface world above, Uzuldaroum (fearful of a repetition of events
and free to conduct experiments in biology to from decades previous) petitioned the sorcer-
increase their knowledge er for his aid in ridding themselves of the noto-
both sorcerous and scientific. It is believed rious voormi hybrid. Accepting the challenge,
that these advanced, serpentine researchers Eibon led a band of stout warriors a day’s march
created the primitive race of fur-covered voor- into the old city. Bravely he fought against the
mis at this time to serve as their slaves. protean thing that had once been Knygathin
Alas, it eventually came to pass that the Yo- Zhaum, ultimately destroying the horrid mon-
thic civilization would meet its doom when a strosity with fire and sorcery, but at the terrible
passage was discovered leading downward into cost of most of his followers. At first rejoicing
black, lightless N’kai. Returning from explo- in the news of the hard-won victory, the Hyper-
rations of the Stygian realm below, the serpent borean people quickly began to dread the wrath
men brought back idols of onyx and basalt de- of the loathsome spawn’s extra-terrene mother,
picting the amorphous, toad-like Tsathoggua. Sfatlicllp, and demanded that the existential
Many amongst them soon abandoned their pa- threat posed by her be dealt with as well, lest
tron deity Yig to worship their new found god. she bore more eldritch abominations.
This greatly angered the Father of Serpents and This subsequent task presented a quanda-
in retribution for this serious transgression he ry for the heroic magician. A devoted acolyte
placed the Curse of Yig upon his apostate chil- of Zhothaqqua (Tsathoggua) himself, Eibon
dren. They were cast out from the depths and knew that he could not simply slay the fecund
destined to slowly devolve into the unintelligent granddaughter of the Sleeper of N’kai for fear
snakes whence they were originally formed. of causing offense to his patron god. Instead,
One sect of Yig’s disciples who had remained the sorcerer had a sturdy bottle forged from
faithful to the jealous god retreated to the safe- meteoric “star metal”, which men considered
ty of caverns underneath the extinct volcanic sacred, and engraved it with arcane runes of
cones of Mount Voormithadreth and, though powerful magic. Thus so prepared to confront
few in number, still continued in their advance- the mother of Knygathin Zhaum, he then made
ments. However, this state of affairs would not the dangerous journey alone into the Eiglo-
last forever. The thralls of the serpent people, phian Mountains and up the summit of Mount
having attained true sapience while in captivity, Voormithadreth itself. Enduring constant ha-
finally grew strong enough to successfully re- rassment by the savage voormis, Eibon cau-
volt and escape from their ophidian overlords. tiously entered a fissure on the mountain slope.
The newly-freed voormis would go on to create There he encountered the Fallen Wisdom as she
their own thriving civilization in (then tropical) lay asleep in the cave. Prudently placing de-
Hyperborea, bringing with them the worship of fensive wards around Sfatlicllp beforehand, he
Tsathoggua that they had adopted themselves, then cast a spell taken from the Parchments of
long before the coming Age of Man. Pnom to bind her will to the metal container
whilst simultaneously entrapping her physical
The Flask of Eibon form within extra-dimensional space. This in-
Born in the same year as Commoriom’s aban- credible feat of thaumaturgy accomplished, the
donment due to the depredations of the out- mage is recorded to have gone on to have other
remarkable adventures.
Fear in a Bottle
Nothing is known about how, or even if, Ei- this backdrop of fear and uncertainty about the
bon ever made use of the flask that bears his future that your adventure begins.
name. Exactly what happened to it a century
later when the continent of Hyperborea suc- Beginning Play
cumbed to the great Ice Age also remains a How the players initially become involved
mystery. with investigating the theft of an artifact from
Eibon’s Flask may have been carried by Hy- the museum will depend on their characters.
perborean hands escaping the advancing ice Those with private eye backgrounds or contacts
sheets to Kranoria. Then when that colony be- within the Arkham Police Department may be
fell a horrible fate, it traveled westward with called in directly by Chief Detective Harden to
their tribal descendants who had intermarried assist in the formal investigation. Player char-
with the early Native Americans. acters who are students or have links to Miska-
Or it might have been stolen by the voormis tonic University can be asked by Curator Grewe
and brought with them (retracing the path of or another member of the MU faculty to quietly
ancient portal gates once used by their former conduct an informal inquiry into the burglary.
masters) back through N’Kai and into long de- Any that are employed as investigative reporters
serted Yoth. There it could have been uncov- for one of the local news services might simply
ered in the ruins by explorers from blue-litten be following up leads for a good story. It is even
K’n-yan who recognized the valuable tulu met- possible for those whose interests lie in more
al used in its crafting. antiquarian or occult subject matters to have
Whatever the case, the Flask of Eibon even- been tipped off about the apparent strangeness
tually became the property of degenerate ser- of the item by someone from the Eye of Ama-
pent people who still yet lived in the lands ra society shortly before the break-in occurred.
above. It was placed with veneration for one of The keeper is free to invent other plausible ra-
their dead inside a burial chamber, only to one tionales for their involvement, as desired.
day be found again by modern man. The players should also be given a copy of an
unusual news article (see Fear Papers #1) from
Investigator Information this morning’s paper, found buried between
In the last days of October, 1929, few believed more sensational stories about the continuing
the time of wealth and excess known as The financial slide on Wall Street, to further pique
Roaring Twenties would soon become history. their curiosity.
The inherent dangers of overspeculation and
long bottled up market forces reached an inevi- Dramatis Personae
table result on the 24th, “Black Thursday”, when The following is a list of important characters,
share prices on the New York Stock Exchange most or all of whom will be encountered by the
collapsed. The frightful djinn of market cor- investigators at some point during the scenario.
rection once released, the sense of panic among Complete statistics for each are located at the
investors continued into the following week as end of the adventure. Other people mentioned
the events were covered by newspapers across by name are less central to the plot and can be
the United States, even in sleepy college towns found in either “H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham” or
like Arkham. While the common men and “Miskatonic University”. Keepers may refer to
women would not experience the full horrors the relevant entries in those books or create en-
of the Great Depression until several months tirely new statistics for them, if required.
and years later, in the minds of the rich and
powerful it seemed as if their whole world were
suddenly coming to an abrupt end. It is against
Fear in a Bottle
Arturo “The Bear” Giovanni Nicodemus is officially at Miskatonic Uni-
versity to teach a course in Classical History
In life, Arturo was not a particularly good
and to replace Dr. Fuda, his fellow Hungarian
looking man, a fact that his current undead
countryman, while the latter professor takes an
condition has done nothing to improve.
extended sabbatical. Secretly, he has another
Standing at well over six and a half feet tall,
agenda as well.
with coarse facial features and a stocky frame
While still working in Czechoslovakia, Dr.
to match, he posed an intimidating figure even
Stavros came across fragments of a scroll that
before his death. His eyes have been surgically
had been found in the crypts of a local Ortho-
removed post-mortem by Ssethraas as part of
dox monastery. Deciphering the ancient and
a spell, not that the zombie really needs them
barely legible text, he discovered that it was a
to “see”. He had not been properly embalmed
portion of the legendary Pnakotica, a transla-
and therefore his mindless body continues to
tion in Greek of the equally fabled Pnakotic
rot, which will become increasingly obvious as
Manuscripts. This mysterious volume of eso-
time goes on.
teric lore was supposedly written by human
Belinda Chase (and possibly inhuman) scribes back in prehis-
Belinda is a lovely woman of twenty who is cur- toric times, the original of which is thought to
rently studying the exotic worlds of anthropol- no longer exist.
ogy and archaeology at Miskatonic University. After carefully making photostatic cop-
Her mother died during childbirth, while her ies of the crumbling scroll, he soon traveled
grandfather is Dr. Aaron Chase, the Director of to Arkham. He wanted to make an attempt at
the School of Rhetoric. Her most striking phys- comparative analysis with a later English ver-
ical traits are her pale skin and red hair, both of sion that is reportedly held in the Orne Library.
which she got from her dead mother. A mem- However, Dr. Armitage had previously placed
ber of the Gamma Delta sorority and several of that copy, along with many other tomes of for-
the academic clubs, Belinda has a reputation bidden knowledge, under lock and key in the
around Arkham of being a “good girl”, despite Restricted Collection shortly before his arriv-
taking an interest in outré topics not normally al. Nicodemus is now patiently waiting for a
considered appropriate for a lady. It is assumed response from the elder librarian to his petition
by most people in town that she will probably for gaining access to the restricted work.
marry someone like Paul, her boyfriend, right A man of some independent means, the pro-
after graduation and then move on to more so- fessor is presently staying in room 301 of the
cially acceptable pursuits. grand Hotel Miskatonic.
Belinda is totally unaware of any occult con- Paul Wilkenson
nection her grandfather might have to the Ros-
The only son of a prosperous, old family in
icrucians. She would likely find the idea fasci-
Arkham, Paul is fair-haired and clean shaven
nating, if she were to learn about it.
with the boyish good looks typically associated
Dr. Nicodemus Stavros with young manhood. An accounting student
Dr. Stavros is a visiting professor from Charles in his senior year at Miskatonic University, he is
University in Prague. A portly gentleman with often seen attired in a raccoon fur coat over an
a black beard, thinning hair and generally argyle sweater vest and a straw boater hat. Paul
swarthy appearance, he wears the stereotypical is a member of both the notorious Delta Phi
tweed jacket and pince-nez reading spectacles fraternity and the much more exclusive Shoot-
of an academic. It has been said by students ing Club, keeping a loaded hunting rifle locked
that his deeply-resonate speaking voice can be in the trunk of his sporty roadster convertible.
heard clear across the Quad.
Fear in a Bottle
He is also obviously much in love with his col- Since that time, Ssethraas has extensively
lege sweetheart, Belinda. traveled the world, from Europe and the Amer-
Paul will try to be courteous and helpful to icas to the Middle East and Central Asia, always
the investigators in their search for the missing seeking out more hidden knowledge and oth-
artifact. He is very familiar with the univer- ers of his kind. His journeys to mystical places
sity grounds and members of the faculty, and finally brought him to Arkham, home to many
knows the general locations of most important dark secrets.
places in town as well. About ten years ago, the serpent man set up
shop in town as an import broker. He uses the
Roger Kavanaugh contacts made during his travels to help facili-
A veteran of the Great War, Roger served in the tate shipments of foreign mechandise into the
United States Navy as a Machinist’s Mate in the country, as well as to provide cover for smug-
boiler room of a patrol vessel that escorted con- gling more questionable materials needed in
voys in the Bay of Biscay off the coast of France. his magical research. Until Dr. Armitage had
He is a rowdy sort of guy in his late thirties with most of the mythos-related works moved to the
prematurely graying hair, ruddy complexion, a Restricted Collection, Ssethraas also frequently
scraggly beard, and tattoos of an anchor and a perused the dusty grimoires on the shelves of
mermaid on his arms. Although still fast and the Orne Library.
strong for a man his age, his state of health His base of operation is inside a dilapidat-
has been suffering lately due to falling on hard ed warehouse located just down the street from
times. the Lucky Clover Cartage Company. He is on
After being discharged from the service, Ka- reasonably good terms with the legitimate side
vanaugh came back home to Arkham only to of that business, sometimes hiring one of their
find out that his wife had left him for another trucks to transport bulky items to a custom-
man. He soon began to drown his sorrows in er across town. Ssethraas does not interfere
cheap booze. Distraught over the loss and un- with Lucky Clover’s illicit activities, and in re-
able to find permanent employment, he eventu- turn, they do not pry into his. A majority of
ally ended up a vagrant, pan handling and do- the largely Irish drivers mistakenly believe him
ing the occasional odd job when sober enough. to be Jewish, owing to his keeping odd hours
Keepers are free to make whatever use of and lack of involvement with the Church, while
him as an additional resource to aid the investi- he does nothing to correct this rather racist as-
gators, as needed. sumption.
In his human guise as Samuel, the serpent
Ssethraas (a.k.a. Samuel Phineas Drake)
man appears to be an elderly Englishman who
Ssethraas is an atavistic serpent man, a throw- is almost completely bald, wearing a bowler hat
back to a bygone era when his race was still and frock coat that are at least a generation out
strong and powerful. Hatched from an egg in of style. He walks with a heavy ivory-topped
South Wales, he was raised in a cave by a small cane, which is expensive, but otherwise quite
band of degenerate serpent people who recog- ordinary. His most distinctive item of appar-
nized his superior potential. After he learned el is a pair of darkened glasses that are, in fact,
what little they could teach him of their culture, pure affectation. If they are removed, his eyes
history and magic, Ssethraas headed east to look perfectly normal (due to the powerful il-
England where he ambushed and devoured an lusion) and his vision is just fine without them.
unlucky human. Using the Consume Likeness He rarely comes outside into broad daylight
spell, he then assumed the unfortunate man’s where his serpentine shadow can be easily spot-
form and identity, becoming Samuel P. Drake. ted, for obvious reasons.
Fear in a Bottle
Except for a newly-created zombie, and a ground burial chamber, accidentally discovered
tribe of degenerate serpent folk secretly quar- by prospectors searching for gold in the moun-
tered at a cabin in Billington’s Woods, Ssethraas tains near Casper, Wyoming.
is not currently allied with any of the occult fac- The disturbing photograph of a tiny, mum-
tions or entities in town. Keepers could expand mified body (tentatively indentified as a Sho-
the scenario to include associations with other shone Indian girl) is also present. A caption
antagonists in their campaign, if they choose. states that the miniature mummy was sent to
Harvard University for further examination.
October 29th - Burglary At Any investigator looking at the photo and mak-
The Exhibit Museum ing a successful Anthropology roll will recall
folklore about the Nimerigar, a race of canni-
The day that the investigators arrive at the mu- balistic “little people” believed by many Na-
seum, the sky is darkened by foreboding clouds tive American tribes to inhabit caves out west,
that cast a pall of gloom over the entire town much like those described in tales of the Brit-
and perfectly reflect the mood of the popu- ish Isles.
lace. Entering through a splintered set of dou- A final descriptive label for the missing, sto-
ble doors, they are immediately met inside by len artifact only has “anomalous metal flask,
George Grewe, the museum’s curator. The po- possibly Spanish in origin, meaning of en-
lice have gone, and unless previously acquaint- graved symbols unknown” written on it.
ed with the curator, the man hurriedly tells the If asked where he was while the crime was
investigators that the museum is closed to the being committed, Curator Grewe claims he
public until further notice. Upon learning that went home and was preparing for bed. There is
they are here to help investigate the burglary, he nothing in the man’s story to suggest that he is
enthusiastically thanks them and quickly ush- not answering honestly.
ers the player characters into the adjoining An- When questioned about his whereabouts
cient Cultures room at the front of the building. during the break-in, Tetlow says that he had
Once there, they are introduced to Lucas Tet- completed his rounds and was cleaning the
low, the caretaker, just as he has finished clear- floors at the back of the museum when he
ing up broken glass with a broom and dustpan. heard Rhodey, his German Shepherd, barking
A large display case with a smashed win- at something around 11:00 PM. By the time he
dow stands alongside other exhibits, which ap- had made his way up to the front, whoever the
pear untouched. It has obviously been dusted intruder was had already left the building. Ob-
for fingerprints, taken as evidence earlier by servant characters who make a successful Psy-
the police detectives should a suspect be appre- chology roll realize that the man is probably
hended. A successful Spot Hidden roll reveals withholding some information.
that the culprit was quite big and apparent- In truth, the caretaker actually did see the
ly used bare hands. There are no visible trac- perpetrator at the scene of the crime.
es of blood, as would have been expected from If Lucas is what he seems to be, a slightly
the amount of glass shards. Have investigators slow-witted janitor, then both he and his dog
who spot this make SAN rolls with those that were terrified by the huge, undead burglar. The
fail losing a single point of Sanity. caretaker is simply too afraid to admit it.
The shattered display still contains sever- On the other hand, if the keeper is using
al noteworthy items collected from the recent the mythos-connected version of Tetlow, then
excavation made by Miskatonic University. A something else happened. The man had tried
nearby wall placard explains that the assorted to use Stop Heart on the exiting thief, initial-
objects (beaded turquoise jewelry, simple stone ly not aware the target of his spell was already
and wood tools, etc.) were found in an under- dead. When that failed, it sufficiently unnerved
Fear in a Bottle
him enough to allow the zombie a chance to es- of the skull, which is still covered by sparse, red
cape with the flask. hair. In fact, she was a full-grown, degenerate
Whichever the reason, the caretaker will re- serpent woman, but there is no way for the in-
sist all attempts at divulging this fact to the in- vestigators to determine that.
vestigators. Characters who examine the rubbings must
For more details about Grewe, Tetlow, and make two Cthulhu Mythos rolls. Those who
the overall layout and contents of the Exhibit successfully make the first will recognize the
Museum, please consult the appropriate sec- large symbol engraved on the stopper as a Pna-
tions in the “Miskatonic University” source- kotic Pentagram, a magical ward against evil. A
book. success on the second roll identifies the other
At this point, the players must now decide runes as Tsath-Yo script, but does not provide
exactly where to proceed next. They may re- any help with translation to those who cannot
main as a group or split up to follow individual read it.
leads. Listed below are likely areas where the At the keeper’s option, if unable to under-
player characters might want to continue with stand the Hyperborean language, then the play-
their investigation. ers may be allowed to make Occult rolls. If suc-
cessful, they remember hearing about a book
Investigations at Miskatonic (The Kranorian Annals, Fact or Fallacy? by
University Garson Casterwell), which mentions similar
runes and is among the unrestricted volumes
A logical place to start their search is to find in the Orne Library. Investigators can locate
out more about the artifact in question at Mis- the copy in the Occult section with a success-
katonic University. Curator Grewe can direct ful Library Use roll, then make a Luck roll to
them to the newly-built Jonathan Edwards Hall see if they glean enough information from the
northwest of the museum. The Department of appendices of the book to interpret the writing.
Archaeology is on the fourth floor of the build- Please reference the entries in “Miskatonic Uni-
ing, which is where the investigators meet Be- versity” for more information about this book
linda Chase, a pretty anthropology student. or its author.
She is currently assisting Dr. Francis Morgan, Either way, it takes 1D4 hours to translate
while he remains on location in Wyoming, by the engravings as a short incantation for the
filing papers and uncrating boxes of relics for Call/Dismiss Sfatlicllp spell. Once translated,
the department. After initial introductions are actually learning the Call portion or its reverse
made, Belinda can show the player characters requires 20-INT more days of study and a suc-
more photographs taken of the burial tomb, cessful INTx3 roll, barely enough time for even
along with sketches and notes about the items high INT characters to accomplish before Hal-
recovered, and charcoal rubbings made of the loween night. Those who do memorize the
strange runes on the flask itself. spell will then be able use it normally. Desper-
The photos show a natural, dusty cave paint- ate characters who try to cast the spell direct-
ed with many pictographs of a female image ly from the translation without having learned
holding twin snakes on the walls. A successful it are required to make an INTx1 roll, before
Archaeology roll suggests a link to bronze fig- checking to see if the spell itself succeeds.
urines of a “Snake Goddess” found in ancient When asked if she knows anything else about
Minoan culture. the flask, Belinda replies that Dr. Morgan theo-
A detailed description of the mummy re- rized it was an ampulla. They were small con-
ports that she appeared to be small child, pre- tainers for holding precious fluids, especially
served by the dry air in the enclosed chamber. oils used for religious purposes in and around
She was apparently killed by a blow to the back the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages.
Fear in a Bottle
How the object ended up in a North Amer- Investigations around
ican Indian gravesite is unknown. Perhaps it Arkham
was carried across the Atlantic Ocean by a
Spanish conquistador. Another area to search for clues is the neigh-
After receiving it, the flask was sent to the borhood immediately adjacent to the Exhibit
metallurgy department for analysis, which Museum. While the police failed to find any-
proved inconclusive. It was then carefully one willing to discuss the break-in, if the player
cleaned and put on display at the Exhibit Mu- characters casually ask around for witnesses to
seum. the crime, their efforts eventually lead them to
And the answer to the obvious question of Roger Kavanaugh, a man who is down on his
“what is in the bottle?” “Nothing,” she says luck. He only offers to tell them what he knows,
cheerfully. “Nothing to fear.” once they agree to buy him alcohol.
She then tells the player characters that they Unless they happen to have their own supply
are the third people to ask her about it this on hand, a successful Know roll from the play-
month. The second person was Dr. Nicode- ers lets them recollect the location of a speak-
mus Stavros, a professor in the ancient histo- easy on the north side of town across the Mis-
ry department, while the first was a funny, old katonic River. The bouncer at the door initially
Englishman. Belinda cannot seem to recall his balks at letting in Roger, due to his unkempt
name (in fact, Ssethraas never gave her one), clothes and shabby demeanor, but a successful
only that he wore dark eyeglasses. She assumes Fast Talk roll plus a small bribe will grant them
that he was one of Arkham’s many resident an- all entrance into the club “for one drink”. Inside
tiquarians and thinks she remembers seeing the bar, the generally low spirits of the other pa-
him once or twice at the library. trons are a sharp contrast to the garish Hallow-
Right before the investigators leave, a young een decorations festooned about the room.
gentleman arrives who nonchalantly kisses Be- After loosening his tongue with a glass of
linda on the cheek. While blushing, she intro- Canadian whisky, Roger begins his bizarre tale.
duces the man to the player characters as her The navy vet was looking for a safe place to
boyfriend, Paul Wilkenson. After getting ac- sleep for the night when he saw “a great bear
quainted, he reminds her about the big football of a man” shambling along West Street heading
game coming up on Thursday and inquires if northward from the direction of the museum.
she has her costume ready, which she does. If He thought the man was possibly drunk, un-
the investigators are now going to talk with Dr. til he saw his craggy face. The large man had
Stavros, Paul offers to escort them downstairs no eyes, just gaping holes where they had been.
to where the professor is conducting a lecture Those listening to this story must make SAN
on the history of Grecian architecture. rolls, for 0/1 Sanity loss.
Nicodemus may be approached by the char- Anyone glancing at the people sitting near-
acters when finished with his class. The man by, and who makes a successful Spot Hidden
is noticeably shocked upon hearing of the theft roll, sees one of the men overhear part of their
from the museum. He admits to being familiar conversation and silently mouth the words “the
with the artifact, but claims that he has no more bear”, as if it means something. Before the in-
knowledge about it or who might have stolen vestigators can react, however, the bartender
it than the players do. This is mostly true, al- motions to the bouncer to have them uncere-
though he does have some suspicions. The pro- moniously deposited outside. They have obvi-
fessor is busy tonight grading test papers, but is ously had enough to drink.
willing to research into the matter and promis-
es to contact them in a day or two, if he learns
anything important to the investigation.
Fear in a Bottle
Investigations at the Police Please read the applicable entries in “H.P.
Station Lovecraft’s Arkham” for more information
about the police department staff or the various
If the investigators have gotten a description of criminal elements in town.
the potential suspect from Roger, or even “the
bear”, they may now go to the Arkham Police Investigations at Potter’s
Station looking for answers. The desk sergeant Field
on duty smirks at them when given these details,
then leaves for a moment and returns bearing a Characters following the above line of clues to
folder. Within the folder are criminal records their conclusion will finally end up here just
for Arturo “The Bear” Giovanni, a small-time north of town.
street hoodlum who was once a member of the A successful Spot Hidden roll will allow an
Rocks gang of Italian youths. The police officer investigator to confirm that the dirt over Artu-
smiled because the former gangster’s records ro’s grave has been recently disturbed. Legal-
were filed under “deceased”. ly exhuming the body by court order requires
While refusing to show most of the sealed making a Law roll and a very good reason.
documents to the players, he does summarize Judge Randall is not likely to accept “suspicion
the autopsy report for them. Giovanni had of committing a burglary posthumously” as a
died from multiple gunshot wounds, the appar- valid excuse. If the coffin is disinterred, its lid
ent victim of a homicide. His body was later is found to be broken into. The corpse, as prob-
identified by Joe Portrello. Lastly, he notes that ably expected, is missing from the casket. Have
their suspect, having no known next of kin, was all players present make SAN rolls, for 0/1D2
buried in Potter’s Field at the town’s expense. Sanity loss.
An investigator may make a Know roll to see No more information can be learned during
if they recognize the name, Joe Portrello, as a daylight hours.
shadowy figure believed to be connected to the If the investigators should stake out the
Italian crime syndicate in Arkham. It is a clear gravesite at nighttime, they will ultimately at-
indication that Giovanni had “graduated” into tract the attention of a pack of ghouls. This
the mafia. requires another SAN roll, for 1/1D6+1 Sani-
Those prying into the exact circumstances of ty loss due to their number and the frighten-
the man’s death will soon run afoul of Detective ing circumstances. The ghouls will act strange-
Ray Stuckey, who quietly warns them not to in- ly wary of the player characters and not initiate
terfere with an official murder investigation. If combat.
they persist with their questions, the characters Any player attempting to parley with the
may spend the night as unwilling guests in a jail ghoul pack will need a successful Persuade roll
cell. The detective does not want Chief Nichols and either make a demonstration of strength
or Captain Keats to hear any rumors of an open or an offer of “food”. If communication can be
mob war brewing. established and they are questioned about the
If the police can be somehow convinced to grave robbery, then their leader will state that
compare the fingerprints taken from the mu- it was the work of “the snake who walks like a
seum to the ones found in Arturo’s file from a man.” He used dark magic to scare them and
previous arrest, they will turn out to be a match. steal their “rightful property.” Once befriend-
When the Chief of Detectives, Luther Harden, ed, the ghouls will let the investigators leave un-
learns about this, he harshly dismisses the find- molested.
ing and accuses the investigators of wasting the
department’s time and resources on someone’s
idea of an early Halloween prank.
Fear in a Bottle
October 30th - Murder At the investigators see the stunned gunmen star-
The Miskatonic Hotel ing out of the windows in disbelief at the flee-
ing zombie. The crumpled remains of Dr. Stav-
On Wednesday, the player characters may still ros lies on the floor, requiring SAN rolls from
be conducting investigations carried over from everyone who views it. Those that fail lose 1D4
the day before. Those that visited the graveyard Sanity.
last night might choose to sleep late today. A successful Spot Hidden roll allows an in-
Nothing exciting happens until the after- vestigator to find a business card (see Fear Pa-
noon, when the investigators are contacted via pers #2) lying next to the professor’s body, ap-
telephone by Dr. Stavros. The man is in a hur- parently fallen out of his jacket pocket during
ry and cannot speak at length, but wishes to see the attack.
them tonight around 7:00 PM at his hotel room A photostatic copy of the Pnakotica frag-
to discuss something that he has discovered, ment is in plain sight on a nearby table. Beside
which could be of interest. it, written on hotel stationary, is a partial trans-
Unless the characters arrive early, they never lation in English of one of the passages (see Fear
get the opportunity to talk with him again. Papers #3), which Dr. Stavros obviously meant
The professor had remembered chatting to give to the investigators. Reading this pas-
with Ssethraas in the Exhibit Museum last sage alone awards 1 point of Cthulhu Mythos
week, and following a hunch, confronted him to the character, but at the cost of 1D2 Sanity.
this morning at his warehouse office. Although The rest of the Greek copy, transcribed
Nicodemus learned nothing definitive and left from the words of a voormi sage, largely deals
without incident, the serpent man decides to with Hyperborean history and contains the
kill the troublesome human anyway. He puts spell Enjoin Pnakotic Pentagram (see descrip-
his own iconic glasses on the zombie to conceal tion in “Miskatonic University”). This specific
its lack of eyes, then sends it to the Hotel Mis- fragment, for those who can read it, takes 32
katonic to deal with him. weeks of study to gain +5 Cthulhu Mythos with
As the undead minion strolls through the 1D3/1D6 resulting loss of Sanity.
hotel lobby on the way up to the third floor, it Amongst the broken window glass on the
is spotted by one of Danny O’Bannion’s hench- ground outside, players can locate the crushed
men. The hired thug is confused to see a sup- pair of eyeglasses belonging to Ssethraas with
posedly dead guy still walking and runs to get another Spot Hidden roll.
reinforcements, while the zombie goes to room The investigators will only have a few min-
301 and busts down the door. Inside the room, utes to search the area for clues before the po-
the surprised professor is attacked by the mon- lice show up and cordon off the crime scene.
ster and quickly strangled to death. Several of All those present are immediately detained for
O’Bannion’s men then enter the hallway, and questioning and Chief Detective Harden is fu-
following the sounds of a struggle, they witness rious. If he hought the burglary was some kind
the murderous zombie standing over the body. of bizarre joke, then with a man now dead, it’s
The horrified men open fire on the animated no longer a laughing matter.
corpse just as it proceeds to crash through a When the men are interrogated by the po-
window and plunge three stories to the pave- lice detectives, they claim to have only been
ment below. It sustains 8 points of damage, but defending themselves against the “big mook
gets back on its feet and stumbles off into the who bumped off the stiff and scrammed out-
darkness, returning to the warehouse. ta window.” Asked why the assailant would do
If the players keep their scheduled appoint- that, one of them offers “maybe he was steamed
ment, they make it in time to hear gunshots about losing dough on the market.”
coming from above. Upon entering the room,
Fear in a Bottle
If the investigators are in a position to cor- which includes directions to the cabin, may
roborate their unlikely story, then they will earn also be obtained from City Hall with a success-
the men’s respect. In gratitude, the mobsters ful Credit Rating roll.
might be able to return the favor later, such as Searching the serpent man’s bedroom, a suc-
by giving them the location of the cabin in the cessful Spot Hidden roll discovers a leather-
woods from Lucky Clover’s delivery records. bound journal in a dresser drawer, concealed
Mr. O’Bannion himself, the owner of the under meager articles of clothing and other
Lucky Clover Cartage Company who also has personal effects. This handwritten book is in
a suite on the top floor of the hotel, is currently Aklo, requiring a successful Cthulhu Mythos
out of town in Boston dealing with his nervous roll to recognize. It otherwise appears to be in
“investors”. an unknown cipher.
For statistics of O’Bannion’s men, keep- If the players have some way to comprehend
ers may use some of the unnamed tough mugs it, they can learn much about serpent people
found in “H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham”, if needed. culture in general and his life in particular. The
journal takes 12 weeks to read, for 1D2/1D4
Drake’s Imports Sanity loss and +3 Cthulhu Mythos. It also in-
cludes notations on the spells Consume Like-
If the investigators go to the address listed on
ness and Contact Serpent Person (see New
the card, they find that it leads to a two-story
Spells below). If any of the investigators hap-
brick structure in the old warehouse district.
pen to know the Aklo language, they may be
Only a faded sign labeled “Drake’s Imports” in-
given excerpts of entries made in the last month
dicates that the building is actually in use. Both
(see Fear Papers #4) at no cost to Sanity.
the front and service doors are locked, however
The laboratory is used by Ssethraas for al-
the back alley entrance is open for the zombie’s
chemical experimentation. A heavy granite
expected return.
workbench dominates the lab. Atop the work-
Unless they somehow arrive before Nicode-
bench are miscellaneous beakers and glassware
mus is murdered, Ssethraas will have already
filled with noxious chemicals.
left for the cabin, leaving his damaged zombie
Players must make Idea rolls to determine
behind with simple orders to kill anyone who
potential uses for the reagents. With a success-
intrudes onto the second floor.
ful Chemistry roll, they can formulate a strong
The first floor is mostly vacant, having only
acid (1D4 damage), enough to equip each in-
a few crates containing undelivered goods (ori-
vestigator with a vial.
ental rugs for Anderson’s Furniture and Car-
pets, imported violins for Manelli’s Music Store,
etc.) stacked to one side. A washroom is locat-
October 31st - Kidnapping At
ed next to the stairs leading up. There is noth-
The Athletic Field
ing incriminating to be found here. Today is Halloween. It is also the day of an
The floor upstairs has been divided into of- afternoon collegiate football game between the
fice space and living quarters, with a makeshift Miskatonic Badgers and the Bears from Brown
lab adjoining the bedroom. University.
Inside the office, the characters can easily The players may have had another long
find a small safe. Unlocking the safe requires night or might have waited until this morn-
a successful Locksmith roll. Within the safe ing to investigate Drake’s Imports. If they have
are various unimportant papers, a quantity of spare time, one or more can even attend the fes-
money (totaling 1D6 x $100) in both U.S. and tive game being held at the athletic field outside
British currency, and the land deed to a prop- Arkham.
erty in Billington’s Woods. A copy of this deed,
Fear in a Bottle
At dusk, the investigators are approached Not knowing what else to do, he sought out the
wherever they are by Paul Wilkenson. The characters for their help in rescuing the girl.
young man is costumed like a Roman centu- Asked what exactly happened, Paul explains
rion (Mark Antony to his girlfriend’s Cleopa- that the couple had left the football game ear-
tra) and looks to be quite frantic. He has just ly and was returning to his car when they were
come from the Police Station, where he report- waylaid by what he mistook for a group chil-
ed that Belinda had been kidnapped. However, dren dressed as American Indians. At closer
upon seeing his outfit, they did not believe his range, he saw that they were, in reality, some
story and thought it was another college prank.
Fear in a Bottle
kind of hideous creatures. Trying to fend them at this point, have Paul suggest recruiting a few
off, he was hit over the back of the head and of his fellow fraternity brothers first. They can
knocked unconscious. When Paul awoke mo- be currently found lurking behind trees in the
ments later, all he saw was Belinda’s black wig Quad at Miskatonic University, wearing Egyp-
lying on the ground. Whatever they were, the tian mummy costumes and scaring the co-eds
attackers must have taken her with them into who pass by.
Billington’s Woods to the northwest.
With night falling, it will be virtually im- The Cabin in the Woods
possible to track the degenerate serpent people
The cabin is just a one-room clapboard shack
to their lair without the use of a bloodhound
off of Blair Road in the woods. Originally a
(or maybe a ghoul). If the investigators have
small hunting lodge, Ssethraas has converted it
learned the actual location of the cabin, they
into temporary housing for a group of degener-
will likely want to head there now. If the keep-
ate serpent folk.
er feels that they might need additional muscle
Fear in a Bottle
They were sent east to Arkham by their trib- Ssethraas offers the prone Belinda as a suit-
al shaman to contact Ssethraas concerning able sacrifice to the now free goddess, who ac-
the tomb robbers from Miskatonic University. cepts and flows over the helpless girl, smother-
In exchange for his assistance in exacting re- ing her to death. Make yet another SAN roll,
venge for the desecration of their sacred burial for 1/1D4+1 loss of Sanity.
grounds, they have agreed to help him with his The serpent man then disrobes and pro-
plan. ceeds to mate with the willing Great Old One.
Inside the cabin, primitive bedrolls are This last act completed and having no further
strewn about the hardwood flooring. A cast- use for him, Sfatlicllp crushes Ssethraas with
iron stove sits unused against one wall, while in her body. She then unhinges her jaw and swal-
a corner rests a canvas sleeping cot. There is no lows the hapless serpent man whole. Make a fi-
interior light source. nal SAN roll, for 0/1D6 more Sanity loss.
Belinda will be gagged and tied to the cot While the rest of the degenerate serpent folk
after her capture, to wait until it’s time to com- flee for their lives, the Fallen Wisdom wan-
mence with the summoning ceremony. A suc- ders off, eventually making her way back to her
cessful Spot Hidden roll made after she is gone grandfather in N’Kai and giving birth to a new
will find one of her costume earrings rolled un- race of monsters.
der the cot.
The Circle of Stones If the investigators prevent Ssethraas from car-
An obvious path behind the cabin leads up a rying out his scheme, they are awarded 1D10
small incline and deeper into the woods. At the Sanity Points each. If they also managed to
top of the slope, the serpent man and his west- rescue Belinda alive, they get 1D6 more Sanity
ern allies have placed a circle of standing stones back. If Ssethraas successfully frees Sfatlicllp,
in a clearing. but the characters are able to defeat her anyway,
Shortly before midnight, Ssethraas will mes- then double the above awards.
merize the kidnapped girl, then he and his fol- If the Flask of Eibon is returned to the Ex-
lowers will take her to the stone circle and hibit Museum, the player characters receive a
perform the ritual. If any investigators are $500 cash reward to split among them-
searching the nearby woods, have them make selves, plus a 10 percentile bonus to Credit
Listen rolls to hear raspy, chanting voices echo- Rating when dealing with Miskatonic Univer-
ing from the direction of the hilltop. With suc- sity staff in the future.
cessful Sneak rolls, they can quietly approach Curator Grewe takes the problematic flask
the ceremony undetected. and instructs the caretaker to place it the mu-
Witnesses to the ritual ceremony can see seum vault, where it may never be heard from again.
about half a dozen figures dimly illuminated by
a weird phosphorescence emanating from the New Spells
stone menhirs. In the center of the ring lies Be-
linda, apparently unharmed but unresponsive. Call/Dismiss Sfatlicllp: this obscure spell calls
Beside her stands an undisguised Sse thraas Sfatlicllp to the Flask of Eibon. The spell costs
wearing dark robes and gesturing with the the caster and other participants a varying
Flask of Eibon. As he chants the words to his amount of magic points, and the caster loses
spell, the others repeat in cacophonous unison. 1D10 Sanity points. The arrival of the deity
All those watching this scene must make SAN costs more Sanity points. The arrival of the de-
rolls, for 1D2/1D6+2 Sanity loss. ity costs more Sanity points. The caster must
perform the spell ritual with the stopper of
Eibon’s Flask removed. The spell can be suc-
Fear in a Bottle
cessfully cast only on moonless nights or un- Degenerate Serpent Folk
derground. These degenerate serpent people are from a
The Flask of Eibon is enchanted and im- western tribe that has interbred with humanity
proves the total chance of casting either Call or over the centuries. They are dwarfish crea-
Dismiss by 25 percentiles. tures that can pass for short, ugly humans at a
A written copy of the spell is known to be in distance. Up close, their ophidian ancestry is
the long lost Parchments of Pnom. unmistakable. In combat, they will try to gang
Contact Serpent Person: the spell costs 8 magic up on single opponents and prefer to use non-
points to cast, and 1D3 Sanity points. Unless lethal tactics against those who are unarmed.
there are no serpent people nearby, it succeeds STR CON SIZ DEX POW HP DB
automatically. The spell must be cast at a loca- #1 13 11 6 15 10 9 none
tion where pockets of serpent people are known #2 8 11 7 16 10 9 -1D4
to live underground, such as the wilderness ar- #3 9 12 7 11 11 10 -1D4
eas of the British Isles or American West. #4 10 13 8 12 11 11 none
#5 10 8 8 13 12 8 none
#6 11 10 10 14 8 10 none
Statistics #7 12 10 5 14 9 8 none
Arturo “The Bear” Giovanni, Zombie Minion Weapons: Bite 30%, damage 1D3+poison (POT
equals 1/2 CON);
STR 16 CON 15 SIZ 16 INT 0 POW 1
DEX 8 Move 6 HP 16
Claws(x2) 55%, damage 1D4+db;
Club 45%, damage 1D6+1+db.
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
Armor: none.
Weapons: Bite 30%, damage 1D3;
Spells: none.
Grapple/Strangle 50%, damage 1D6+db.
Skills: Climb 80%, Hide 85%, Sneak 80%.
Armor: none, but impaling weapons do 1 point
of damage, and all others do half rolled damage Languages: Aklo/Serpent Tongue 50%,
(round up). English 35%.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points to realize he Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points to see the de-
is a zombie. generate serpent folk.
Fear in a Bottle
Thomas 9 11 16 10 12 14 +1D4 Skills: Anthropology 81%, Art(Oratory) 75%,
Weapons: Fist/Punch 70%, damage 1D3+db; Credit Rating 65%, Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Histo-
ry 90%, Library Use 85%, Occult 25%, Persuade
Grapple 45%, damage special; 75%, Spot Hidden 45%.
Kick 45%, damage 1D6+db. Languages: English 46%, Greek 41%, Hungar-
Skills: Credit Rating 35%, Throw 45%, and 260 ian 95%.
more points distributed in academic/social
skills of the keeper’s choice.
Paul Wilkenson, age 23, Belinda’s Boyfriend
Languages: English 65%. STR 10 CON 11 SIZ 11 INT 14 POW 13
DEX 10 APP 12 EDU 12 SAN 65 HP 11
Ghoul Pack Damage Bonus: none.
The ghoul pack is led by #3, the most human- Weapons: Rifle* 55%, damage 1D6+2 (6
looking one. All of them are intelligent and rounds).
several can speak understandable English in
addition to their own language of gibberings Skills: Accounting 70%, Bargain 75%, Credit
and meepings. They do not normally feed on Rating 45%, Drive Auto 50%, Law 45%, Psy-
live prey, unless hungry or provoked to vio- chology 45%, Sneak 40%, Track 40%. prey, unless hungry or provoked to Languages: English 80%.
violence. *Can Impale
#1 19 14 12 15 13 13 +1D4
#2 14 14 13 16 13 14 +1D4 Roger Kavanaugh, age 37, Navy Veteran
#3 15 15 13 11 14 14 +1D4 STR 12 CON 9 SIZ 14 INT 11 POW 10
#4 16 16 14 12 14 15 +1D4 DEX 13 APP 10 EDU 13 SAN 50 HP 12
#5 16 11 14 13 15 13 +1D4 Damage Bonus: +1D4.
Weapons: Claws(x2) 30%, damage 1D6+db; Weapons: Fist/Punch 70%, damage 1D3+db;
Bite/Grapple 30%, damage 1D6+1D4 worry/ Grapple 45%, damage special;
round unless escape from grapple.
Head Butt 30%, damage 1D4+db;
Armor: firearms and projectiles do half of
rolled damage (round up). Knife* 45%, damage 1D6+db.
Spells: #3 knows Contact Ghoul. Skills: Climb 60%, Hide 30%, Jump 45%, Me-
chanical Repair 70%, Navigate 30%, Operate
Skills: Climb 85%, Hide 60%, Jump 75%, Listen Heavy Machinery 51%, Swim 45%, Throw 45%.
70%, Sneak 80%, Spot Hidden 50%, Track 65%.
Languages: English 75%, French 41%,
Languages: #1, #2 and #3 know English 75%.
German 21%.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points to see a ghoul.
* Can impale.
Dr. Nicodemus Stavros, age 43,
Sfatlicllp, Great Old One
Visiting Professor of Classical History
STR 8 CON 10 SIZ 15 INT 13 POW 11 “Hail to thee, Sfatlicllp! Great Mother-Sister
DEX 9 APP 10 EDU 19 SAN 55 HP 13 who shared with us the primal seed of stars,
who lent Thy holy body to our cause, bestow-
Damage Bonus: none.
ing thus upon us one who raged insatiate & rav-
Weapons: all at base chances. ening as flame through all the proud streets of
Fear in a Bottle
- Ann K. Schwader, “Voormi Hymn of Deliver- Bite 100%, damage 1/2 db+1D6 STR drain/
ance” round.
Sfatlicllp is the daughter of Ossadagowah and Armor: suffers only minimum possible dam-
the granddaughter of Tsathoggua. A Great Old age from all physical, non-enchanted weapons.
One in her own right, she is the mother of the Fire, chemicals, electricity, spells and enchant-
formless spawn and various other monsters. ed weapons harm Sfatlicllp normally.
Distant memories of her may be the basis of
legends as diverse as Grendel’s mother and the Fear Papers #1
drakaina of Greek mythology.
Unlike her paternal relatives, she is more (Article from the Arkham Advertiser, October
snake-like than batrachian with oily, pitch- 29th)
black scales, a pair of reptilian claws and ropey
tentacles sprouting from the top of her gro- Break-in At MU Exhibit Museum
tesque head like prehensile dreadlocks. Her
vaguely feminine upper torso rises from an
The police were called before dawn this
amorphous mass that composes her lower
morning to the scene of a nighttime bur-
body, as if she were half-submerged in a pool of
glary at the Miskatonic University Exhibit
tar. She can extend feelers and other append-
Museum on the corner of West and College
ages from this protean base at will.
Streets. Sources at the museum say that
Cult: Sfatlicllp has no known cult among hu- the person(s) responsible apparently forced
mans, although she was venerated under differ- the lock on the main entry doors and
ent names by the early Minoan and Egyptian then proceeded to smash open one of the
civilizations. All of the formless spawn and glass display cases in the Ancient Cultures
some few voormis remaining in parts of Asia section. Exactly what was stolen is still
may worship her as a mother goddess. unclear at this time, except that it was an
Other Characteristics: Sfatlicllp, much like her artifact of some historical importance and
formless spawn, may freely change her body with little intrinsic value. The authorities
shape to ooze through small cracks or form have started an investigation into the theft,
hundreds of rudimentary legs to move around but currently have no suspects. They are
quickly. now asking for anyone who may have been
a witness or have other information about
Attacks & Special Effects: Sfatlicllp can either
the crime to contact the Arkham Police
attack with a claw or make an attempt to grap-
ple with her tentacles, once per round. With a
successful grapple, she may then make an au-
tomatic bite attack on the same or later rounds.
Her sharp fangs cause damage while she drains
her victim’s blood at the rate of 1D6 STR points
Fear Papers #2(Business card)
each round.
Sfatlicllp, the Fallen Wisdom
Samuel P. Drake, Import Broker
STR 18 CON 21 SIZ 27 INT 18 POW 21
DEX 17 Move 10 HP 24
Dealing in fine imported goods
Damage Bonus: +2D6. From Europe and the Orient
Weapons: Claw 60%, damage db;
451 West River Street, Arkham, MA
Tentacles 80%, damage special;
Fear in a Bottle
Fear Papers #3
(Passage from the Pnakotica, translated from Greek)
And lo, it came to pass in the Year of the Crimson Serpent that Eibon the Unfathomable did
seek out she who had birthed Knygathin Zhaum. Great were the solitary hardships that he endured
in the Eiglophians, ancestral home to the voormis. And thus did he trespass under the holy peaks
of Voormithadreth. Verily, he did chance upon Sfatlicllp, our beloved Mother-Sister, as she slept
in her chambers. Wielding his runed flask, Eibon wove a mighty enchantment and banished her
to the outer darkness. Her formless progeny can only speak to the Fallen Wisdom in dreams,
while they await the time of her eventual return from the void.
Fear Papers #4
(Excerpts from the journal, written in Aklo)
Tuesday, October 1st
Today, I had one of the trucks from LC deliver the shipment of menhirs to the cabin. My cousins from the
west helped me to drag the stones uphill and arrange them properly into a circle. Tomorrow night, I will
begin the process of consecration.
Fear in a Bottle
Spells: knows all spells related to Tsathoggua, Armor: 1-point scales plus 3D6 (average 11)
Ossadagowah and the formless spawn, as well points of ablative protection from the Flesh
as any others desired by the keeper. Ward spell.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points to see Sfatli- Spells: Black Binding, Call/Dismiss Sfatlicllp*,
cllp. Consume Likeness, Contact Serpent Person*,
Eyes of the Zombie, Flesh Ward, Hands of Col-
ubra, Mesmerize.
Ssethraas, apparent age 59, Disguised Ser-
pent Man Skills: Anthropology 31%, Chemistry 31%,
STR 11 CON 9 SIZ 12 INT 16 POW 19
Cthulhu Mythos 50%, History 50%, Library
Use 75%, Occult 55%, Pharmacy 31%.
DEX 13 APP 0(8) EDU 14 Move 8 HP 11
Languages: Aklo/Serpent Tongue 85%, English
Use the statistic in parentheses when in dis- 81%, Hyperborean Tsath-Yo 30%, Welsh 36%.
guise. Artifact: the Flask of Eibon.
Damage Bonus: none. Sanity Loss: none while in disguise, but 0/1D6
Weapons: Bite 35%, damage 1D8+POT 9 poi- Sanity to see the serpent man’s true form.
son; Cane 45%, damage 1D8+db. * New spells.
Fear in a Bottle
The Lock-In
Written by: Jon Hook
Art by: Jon Hook
The Lock In
ture begins at noon on Saturday, October 31st, in her eyes, watching the investigators as they
Halloween. search the room.
Investigators that search the bookcase may
Part One – Jack Parker is attempt a Spot Hidden roll. A successful roll
Missing identifies several spiral notebooks Jack used
in school that have strange writings on sever-
The adventure opens with the investigators ar- al pages. A successful Idea roll informs the in-
riving at the home of Charlie and Betty Parker vestigator that the writings do not match any
at around noon. The Parkers are beside them- known language. In truth, the strange language
selves with worry over the disappearance of is Aklo, but only investigators with Cthulhu
their only son, Jack. He has been missing for Mythos knowledge will know that. Any inves-
ten days. The Parkers are anxious to help the tigator with at least 20% Cthulhu Mythos in-
investigators any way they can. As the investi- stantly recognizes the language as Aklo. Inves-
gators enter the Parker home they notice a fam- tigators with less than 20% Cthulhu Mythos
ily portrait prominently displayed; Charlie and can roll their skill to see if they recognize the
Betty have healthy body weights, but their son language. Any investigator skilled in Cthulhu
Jack is obese. Below are the Parker’s responses Mythos may attempt a skill roll to see if they
to questions the investigators might ask. can read the Aklo notes. A successful roll in-
“Do you know what Jack was doing when you forms the investigator of a few repeated passag-
last heard from him?” – Jack was on his way es, “the gospel of Glaaki,” “to serve in death as
home from school. in life,” and “food for worms is food.”
“Did Jack have any friends at school that he Investigators that search the desk may at-
might’ve talked to before allegedly running tempt a Spot Hidden roll. A successful roll iden-
away?” – Jack’s only real friends were the other tifies a calendar with the initials “T.O.” written
kids in his Teen Overeaters support group. on every other Saturday since the beginning of
the year, and the next “T.O.” date is today, Octo-
“What is Teen Overeaters? What do you know ber 31st. Today’s date is circled on the calendar,
about this support group?” – Several kids in and no other “T.O.” dates are written in the cal-
Jack’s school belong to it. They meet at the endar after Hal-
Arkham Public Library to discuss their prob- loween. The in-
lems and try to help each other as they try to vestigators also
loose weight. It’s run by a couple of clerks at the note that the last
library. week of Octo-
ber and the first
The Parkers agree to let the investigators week of Novem-
check out Jack’s room, if they ask. The Parker’s ber are noted as
have left his room just as it was the day he dis- “Art Show.” If
appeared. The police have previously searched the investigators
his room, but did not find any clues that they ask Betty Park-
deemed worthy to collect as evidence. The er about the art
room has a twin bed, a small desk, a bookcase, show, she will in-
a dresser, and a closet. The room looks like a form them that
typical teenage boy lives in it, except that there Jack had a piece
are no dirty clothes on the floor, (the Keeper of art accepted
should avoid pointing out the absence of dirty into the school’s
clothes until after a successful search of the art show on dis-
closet). Betty Parker hangs around with tears play at the library. Jack Parker
The Lock In
Online Search Results for John and Carol Haskell: Investigators that search the closet may at-
tempt an Idea roll. A successful roll informs the
Library Use Roll Search Result investigator that Jack’s dirty clothes hamper in
Fumble The investigator acceses a website the closet is empty. If the investigator asks Bet-
that infects the library computer ty Parker about the dirty clothes, or comments
network with an aggressive virus. about the empty hamper out loud so Betty can
hear, then she says that she collected his clothes
All future computer searches have
on the morning he disappeared, but has not yet
a -15% penalty.
washed them because they still hold his smell.
If the investigators check Jack’s dirty clothes
Normal Failure The investigator is unable to find in the laundry room, they discover some
any information on the Haskells. strange stains on a few of his undershirts (no
Spot Hidden roll required). The stains are oval
in shape, approximately 5”x3”, and a light red/
Normal Success The investigator discovers Haskell’s
brown in color. All of the stains are located in
social networking website. The site the lower abominable area of the shirts. A suc-
has not been updated in a while, cessful Chemistry roll (through the use of sim-
but it does have some information: ple household products) confirms the stains to
*John Haskell - author of “Architect be blood. If the investigators ask Betty Parker
about the stains she says, “Jack has a skin con-
of Your Own Future” and “How to
dition due to his excessive weight. He develops
Travel Route 66 on $66 a Day”.
sores in some of the folds of his skin.” Investi-
*Carol Haskell - Nutritionist for gators may attempt a Medicine roll after hear-
Miskatonic University Medical Center.
ing Mrs. Parker’s explanation. A successful roll
*Teen Overeaters - the support group informs the investigator that Mrs. Parker is de-
they started to help Arkham teens with scribing pressure/bed sores, and that her expla-
eating disorders.
nation has logical merit. In truth, the soars are
*There are pictures of John and Carol due to Y’Golonac’s feeding on the kids as they
with some overweight teens, including
Jack Parker (none of the photos are are indoctrinated into the cult.
tagged, so none of the kids are identifi
Part Two – Arkham Public
Critical Success The investigator discovers the Haskell’s Since it is Saturday, October 31st, school is
social networking website, and all of the closed today; so the investigators can’t continue
noted information above, plus two their investigation there. The clues in the Jack’s
additional points of interest: room strongly point to the Teen Overeaters
support group held at the Arkham Public Li-
*In the background of one picture is the
brary. If the investigators are floundering and
cover of a coffee table book with a
lost, a successful Idea roll can nudge them to
strange title: Revelations of Glaaki. continue their investigation at the library.
*The investigator notices that over The library is open from 10:00 AM to 5:00
the course of several pictures, (that were PM today. If the investigators go to the library
obviously taken in different seasons and during the normal operating hours, they en-
counter Donna Booth, a pleasant and help-
different times of the year), that none of
ful librarian. If the investigators ask her about
the kids are losing any weight. the Teen Overeaters support group, she is able
The Lock In
to tell them that John and Carol Haskell run Internet for additional clues; the investigators
it. She tells them that they are a sweet couple use their Library Use skill to search the web. If
that is doing a lot to combat childhood obesity the investigators do a search on John & Carol
in Arkham. She also tells them that the group Haskell or Teen Overeaters, that information is
meets at the library every other Saturday at 7:00 listed nearby. If they search for other informa-
PM, after the library has closed to the public. tion, then the Keeper needs to determine the
But, Donna is not sure if the group is meeting availability of that information and the accura-
today or not. On the circulation desk where cy/authenticity of that information. No mythos
the investigators meet Donna is a stack of fly- information is available on the web.
ers that map out the library for its patrons. Give If an investigator notices the book title,
the investigators Lock-In Papers 1A, 1B, and 1C “Revelations of Glaaki,” in one of the photos on
(found at the end of the scenario). the Haskell’s social networking website, that in-
A cork-board near the front doors to the li-
brary has public flyers and notices posted on it. Online Search Results for Teen Overeaters:
Investigators that check the cork-board may at-
tempt a Spot Hidden roll with a +25% bonus Library Use Roll Search Result
to their skill. With a successful roll, the inves- Fumble The investigator accesses a website
tigator discovers a Teen Overeaters poster an- that infects the library computer
nouncing that the support group will be meet- network with an aggressive virus.
ing at the library on Halloween, and that this
All future computer searches have a
meeting will be an overnight lock-in to help
-15% penalty.
support teens through the pressures of can-
dy indulgence. The meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
Hand the investigators Lock-In Papers 2. Normal Failure The investigator is unable to find
Investigators may search the library for any information on the group.
books on nearly any subject. The Keeper should
first make a secret Luck roll for the inquisitive Normal Success The investigator discovers an online
investigator to see if the book being sought is article from the Boston Globe on the
even available. It is suggested that the Keeper
support group. Give the investigator
modify the roll based on the rarity of the book
being sought, with multiple copies of common Lock-In Papers #3.
books getting a +25% bonus to their skill, no
modification for regular common books, un- Critical Success The investigator discovers the Boston
common books getting a -10% penalty to their Globe article on the support group,
skill, rare books getting a -20% penalty to
but as the investigator digs deeper
their skill, and uniquely individual books (i.e.: the following is also discovered:
mythos tomes) getting a -30% penalty to their
*The reporter on the article, Alvin
skill. The modern day Arkham Public Library York, is a pseudonym. The reporter
does not have any mythos tomes in its collec- that files articles under the name of
tion, (at least none that the librarians will tell “Alvin York” typically does deep
the public about). After the Keeper has made
undercover investigative reporting
the secret Luck roll, the investigator must then that usually results in a major
attempt a successful Library Use skill check to
revelation of some kind. Which
see if the book, if available, can be found. makes one wonder why Alvin York
The modern day Arkham Public Library invested the time to file the report
has computers available for public use. Inves- on Teen Overeaters.
tigators may use the computers to search the
The Lock In
vestigator is not be able to find any additional background have a -10% penalty on their Fast
information about it online, or in the library. Talk or Persuade roll.
The library closes at 5:00 PM, but the lock- Investigators that discover the Haskell’s true
in does not begin until 7:00 PM. Donna Booth address (785 W. River St, #227, in the Riverfront
is not able stay until the lock-in begins, and will Condominiums) find that they are currently
not ascend to letting the investigators stay in not home (they are gathering a few supplies for
the library unescorted until the lock-in begins. the lock-in). A successful Locksmith roll is re-
With a successful Fast Talk or Persuade roll, quired to enter the condo undetected. A suc-
Donna will give the investigators the home ad- cessful Mechanical Repair roll can also gain en-
dress on record for the Haskells, 602 Noyes St, try through any access to the condo, but only a
in the area of Arkham known as East Town. If critically successful roll results in an undetect-
the investigators go to that address, they find able entry. A regular successful roll results in
a small neighborhood park with playground damage to the entry point making it clear that
equipment. Obviously, the home address on re- someone broke into the condo. If an investiga-
cord with the library is false. The Haskells ac- tor fumbles the skill roll being used to gain en-
tually live at 785 W. River St, #227, in the Riv- try to the condo, then a neighbor has seen their
erfront Condominiums in Arkham’s Merchant nefarious activity, and has called the police.
Section of town. Due to a shortage of police officers, it is thirty
minutes before the cops can respond to the call.
Pa r t T h r e e –K i l l i ng T i m e It takes at least thirty minutes to give the
B e f o r e t h e L o c k -I n condo a quick search; it takes at least an hour to
give the condo a completely thorough search.
It is not required that the Keeper have access The search results are detailed nearby.
to the Chaosium gaming supplement “Arkham
Now,” the modern day setting of Arkham, Mas- Investigating Boston Globe
sachusetts. It’s assumed that the investigators
may want to pursue investigative leads that
Reporter – Alvin York:
have not been anticipated in this scenario. If the Investigators that want to follow-up on the
investigators do deviate from anticipated inves- Teen Overeaters article written by Alvin York
tigative threads, then the Keeper may find the may email either The Boston Globe publisher
“Arkham Now” supplement very helpful. But, or the reporter Alvin York. But the investiga-
a clever Keeper should be able to manage with- tor does not get any replies from emails. The
out the supplement by ad-libbing the locations investigator can successfully search for a phone
visited and actions taken by the investigators. number to The Boston Globe without making a
skill roll. If an investigator phones The Boston
Investigating The Haskells: Globe and asks to speak to Alvin York, that call
The Keeper should remember that it’s Saturday, is eventually routed to Managing Editor, Justin
so no public offices (like City Hall) are open Cline.
for investigators to inquiry about the Haskell’s “City desk, Justin Cline speaking. How may
true residential address. Neither John nor Carol I help you?”
has been convicted of a crime, so the Arkham Before any investigator is able to question
Police Department doesn’t have their address Cline, that investigator must first justify his
on record. But, any investigator with a medical worth and reasons to ask the questions. Any
background can attempt a Fast Talk or Persuade investigator that wants to speak to Cline must
roll with someone at the Miskatonic University first make a successful Credit Rating roll; in-
Medical Center to get Carol Haskell’s correct vestigators with a journalism or writing back-
home address. Investigators without a medical ground get a +15% bonus to their skill. Cline
The Lock In
does not have the time to chitchat with investi- The Van:
gators that fail their Credit Rating roll, and will The van is locked. A successful Locksmith
insist that they call back on Monday. roll opens any door; if the investigator is us-
Investigators that Cline does talk to must ing something similar to a “slim jim” to unlock
then roll their Fast Talk or Persuade to gain the door, there is a +15% bonus to the skill roll.
any information from Cline. Investigators with No skill check is required to smash a window
a journalism or writing background receive a to unlock a door. Once opened, the investiga-
+15% bonus on this skill as well. With a normal tors may search the van. With a successful Spot
successful roll, Cline tells the investigator: Hidden roll, the investigator discovers that the
“I can’t tell you anything more about the cheap carpeting on the floor in the back of the
piece Alvin filed on the Arkham couple. Be- van is loose and can be pulled back. The inves-
cause there’s nothing else to tell, there are no tigator finds a few discarded credit cards and
notes or other articles awaiting publication.” the driver’s license all for Erica Webb. If the in-
With a critically successful roll or two nor- vestigators try to leverage a police angle, maybe
mal successful rolls (one each from two differ- to try and raid the lock-in, they hit a dead end.
ent investigators), then Cline not only tells the Because Erica Webb has not been reported as
investigator the information above, but also the missing, and there is not enough evidence to
information below: warrant official police action.
Cline’s voice noticeably lowers as he says,
“Look… if you’re looking into Alvin’s arti- The Library:
cle, then maybe you can help me. As you may Between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM, several parents
know, “Alvin York” is a pseudonym, taken from drop their kids off at the library, while a few
the infamous Sergeant York of World War I. In kids walk to the library without their parents.
truth, Alvin York is Erica Webb, my fiancé.” If the investigators try to talk to the parents or
“She’s an investigative reporter, the best I’ve kids to try to dissuade them from attending the
ever seen. She’ll go undercover and in-depth lock-in, they need a critically successful Per-
with nearly every story she’s working on, but suade roll to do so. All of the kids have been
she always finds time to call or email me. It’s looking forward to this event, as have the par-
been nine days since I’ve heard anything from ents, and no one is inclined to believe the com-
her. I’m worried about her. Please find her and plete strangers warning them away from the
get her back to me.” event. All of the children attending the lock-in
are obese.
Part Four – The Lock-In Both John and Carol attend the front door
If the investigators are hanging around the li- of the library, unlocking and locking the doors
brary at 6:30 PM, they witness John and Carol as they grant each child entry. If the investiga-
Haskell arrive to the library in their car, an old tors try to talk to them, they refuse to talk to
white panel van. There are no windows in the them, saying that they are trying to create a safe
back section of the van. Investigators with law place for overweight children to celebrate Hal-
enforcement background may attempt to run loween. If the investigators are persistent, John
the license plates to locate the Haskell’s true will threaten to call the police, but it is a hollow
home address. Law enforcement investiga- threat. A successful Psychology roll informs the
tors not part of the Arkham police force must investigator that John has no intention to call
first make a successful Credit Rating roll with the police.
a +20% bonus to get access to police records, If the investigators scout the exterior of the
and then a successful Library Use roll to get the library they discover the various emergency ex-
Haskell’s home address. its and windows for the ground level around
the building, but there are no windows for the
The Lock In
basement level (years ago, when the building and transfer
was remodeled, egress windows from the base- them down to
ment were not required; and the building has the secret sub-
not been re-remodeled to install egress win- basement within
dows yet). All of the emergency exits are locked, the first thirty
and none of the windows are designed to open. minutes of the
All of the doors and windows are hooked-up to lock-in. So by
an alarm system. There are power junction box- the time the
es on the backside of the building. A success- investigators are
ful Electronic Repair disarms the alarm system able to disable
and the landline telephone system, since both the alarm system
systems share the same lines. Due to the com- and gain entry to
plexities of the alarm system, it takes 30 min- the library, the
utes to successfully disable the alarm. Only a Haskell’s should
critically fumbled skill roll will actually trigger already be in
the alarm; a simple failed skill roll results in no their temple to
change in the alarm system. Once the alarm is Y’Golonac.
disabled, a successful Locksmith roll opens any Carol Haskell
door. Library Details:
Most of the li-
The Haskell’s and the Lock-In: brary is normal and mundane. The library lo-
As soon as the kids arrived for the lock-in, cations noted in the “Lock-In Papers 1A, 1B,
the Haskell’s escorted them downstairs to the & 1C” are sufficient enough for any Keeper to
Community Room located on the Lower Level. guide a group of investigators through the li-
Once there, the Haskell’s served spiked punch brary. The modern Arkham Public Library
to the new kids attending the Teen Overeaters does not have any Mythos tomes available or
support group on this special night. In total, hidden for investigators to discover. This part of
fourteen kids are attending the lock-in, and the scenario details certain rooms in the library
of those, nine of that are key to this adventure.
them are willing Upper Level – Art Gallery: The current art
thralls to John show on display comes from students attend-
and Carol’s new ing Arkham Public High School. If an investi-
cult to Y’Golonac. gator spends less than thirty minutes in the gal-
The Haskell’s lery, a critically successful Spot Hidden roll is
drugged the five required to see a particular piece of art, but if
other kids so an investigator spends more than thirty min-
they wouldn’t utes in the gallery, then a normally successful
be able to resist Spot Hidden roll is sufficient. The piece of art in
being taken question is by none other than Jack Parker; see
down to their “Lock-In Papers 4” below.
secret worshiping Lower Level – Janitorial Supply Room: Next to
area located in the elevator is a door labeled “Janitorial Sup-
the secret sub- ply”. If the investigators are in the library during
basement. The normal operating hours, and they try the door-
Haskell’s are able knob, they discover the door to be locked. If the
to successfully investigators are in the library after hours, dur-
John Haskell
drug the kids ing the lock-in, after the Haskell’s have moved
The Lock In
the kids down to the secret sub-basement, and a +25% bonus to their skill roll. It is possible lift
they try the doorknob, they discover the door open the trap door without rolling the rubber
to be unlocked. mat off of it; if the investigators do not move the
Inside the first room of the Supply Room, the mat, the mat will flop back down over the trap
investigators find standard janitorial supplies. door after they descend through the trap door.
The second room of the Supply Room serves Once the trap door is opened, the investigators
as the storage room for all of the extra janito- see a sturdy aluminum ladder standing under
rial supplies (paper towels, toilet paper, mop the trap door. The trap door leads down to the
heads, garbage bags, etc). The door to the third library’s secret level (see map below).
room of the Supply Room is labeled “Electri- Secret Level: This secret level of the library dates
cal”. Inside, the walls of the room are lined with back to when the library was first founded back
electrical junction boxes that are wired to ev- in 1845. None of the current employees of the
erything electrical in the library. A large rubber library are aware of the secret level, not even the
mat that nearly fills the entire room covers the janitors. John incidentally discovered an old set
concrete floor of this room; the mat only expos- of floor plans to the library while researching
es a five-inch gap all the way around the room. a book he was working on, and it was not long
after that when he discovered the incomplete
Investigators with a successful Spot Hidden copy of “Revelations of Glaaki.”
roll in this room discover that under the mat is a
trap door. If an investigator informed the Keep- Secret Level – New Entrance: This room is
er that they were going to look under the map filthy and barren. The walls are thin with lots
during their search, then the investigator gains of wallboards missing, thus exposing the frag-
ile slats within the walls. The wooden floors
in this room (and throughout this secret sub-
basement level) have rotted to the point where
bare earth now shows through.
Secret Level – Empty Room: This room, like the
New Entrance room, is filthy and barren.
Secret Level – Former Boiler Room: This room
is also filthy and has fragile walls and a rotting
floor. A set of old boilers and pot-bellied stoves
are clustered in one corner of the room. They
are all rusted and fragile. Nothing is stored or
hidden in any of the old equipment. The old
boiler has a pipe that leads into an outer wall of
the room. If a person were to shout into that old
pipe their voice would be carried to an old vent
pipe on the side of the library. If it is daytime,
there is a 40% chance that someone will hear
the person shouting. If it is nighttime, there is
a 5% chance that someone will hear the person
Secret Level – Sewer Access: This room is filthy
like the others. This room has two functional
doors; both doors are shut tight. Any investi-
The Painting gator entering this room can easily see in the
The Lock In
dusty floor that people have recently come to both sets of double doors. With an easy Listen
this room and went through the door that leads +25% skill roll, the investigator hears chanting
to Secret Level – Corridor. The sewer cover is from beyond the sets of double doors.
old, heavy, and rusted into place. It takes a suc- In the far corner of the room is an ancient
cessful STR vs STR roll on the Resistance Table wooden stairwell that leads up to nothing. The
to successfully break the cover loose. The cover stairs have long collapsed and rotted into ruin,
is STR 15. If the investigators can get the cover and renovations that were done at the library
off, then two successful Navigation skill rolls decades ago long closed off the old and hazard-
will lead the investigators to safety in Arkham. ous stairwell.
Secret Level – Store Room: This room is filthy
like the others. There are mountains of old Secret Level – Ceremony Room: This room,
books down here, piled up in heaps; it is a cha- compared to the rest of this secret sub-base-
otic mess. The books are piled four feet high, ment, is very clean. Its clear that the earthen
and are concentrated in the nook at the back floor has been swept and that someone did
of the room. The books are moist and rotting, some light remodeling and maintenance here.
filled with mold spores that are creating an at- By the time the investigators find this room, the
mosphere that is toxic. Anyone entering this meeting and worship of Y’Golonac lead by John
room must make a CON x7 roll during their and Carol are in full swing.
first minute in the room. Each subsequent min- If the investigators enter the room while the
ute in the room will require a new CON roll at meeting is in session, they discover that ev-
a multiplier that is one less than the previous eryone is in the nude. The nine teenage cult-
multiplier (ie: CON x6 on minute two, CON x5 ists have painted strange runes on their bodies
on minute three, etc). Any failed CON roll in- in red paint. The five innocent kids that were
flicts 1 point of damage to the investigator. drugged have runes painted on their bodies in
Any investigator foolhardy enough to dig white paint. John and Carol are painted in both
through the pile of books will not find anything red and white paint.
other than more spores, molds, and fungi. Dig- Only candles light the room; each child
ging into the books kicks-up a much more in- holds a large candle, and there are dozens of
tense cloud of mold spores, requiring every- other candles scattered around the room. The
one in the room to make an immediate CON nine child cultists are seated in such a way as
vs STR roll on the Resistance Table. The mold to form a large circle. Inside the circle are the
spores are STR 12. Anyone failing this CON five kids that have been drugged; they are un-
check suffers 1D4 damage. The digging is all for conscious and are laying in a five-pointed star
naught, for there is nothing of interest in the pattern, so that their heads are all together at
pile of rotting books. the center of the star. John and Carol are pacing
Secret Level – Corridor: This room is slightly around the circle of children chanting prayers
less filthy than the other rooms. There is some to Y’Golonac from the Haskell edition of “Rev-
piles of old wood, most likely old broken up elations of Glaaki” (which John is carrying),
bookcases, but there are also three modern-day with the children repeating certain phrases on
square card tables and a dozen folding chairs in cue. The ceremony and prayers help facilitate
this room. Four battery-powered camping lan- Y’Golonac’s psychic attack on the unconscious
terns sitting on the tables light the room. Neatly children.
folded-up on the tables and chairs is shoes, cos- The goal of the ceremony is to subjugate the
tumes, and clothing. A Track +10% skill roll in- five new kids into the cult. If the investigators
forms the investigator that now the tracks in the do not interrupt the ceremony, then the new
dusty floor are of bare feet. The tracks lead into kids are successfully indoctrinated and pos-
sessed by a portion of Y’Golonac’s will, just like
The Lock In
the other kids already have been. If the investi- something to that effect, then they have forfeit-
gators enter the room they successful, but only ed surprise and combat will unfold normally.
temporarily, disrupt the ceremony; enraging John Haskell is fully possessed by Y’Golonac,
John and Carol into combat. and will transform into the Great Old One dur-
It is very easy for the investigators to get the ing the first round of combat. Y’Golonac has
jump on John and Carol and surprise them, also gifted Carol; she has been granted “The
but because the investigators do not know the Body and Strength of Y’Golonac”.
layout of the room until they enter it, its more
likely that the investigators pause their actions
just as they enter. The Keeper should only allow
the investigators the element of surprise if they
inform the Keeper that they are, “Bursting in
guns a-blazing,” for example. But, if the inves-
tigators only, “Open the doors and look in,” or
The Lock In
JOHN HASKELL – High Priest of Y’Golonac CAROL HASKELL – blessed by Y’Golonac
STR 11 CON 9 SIZ 11 DEX 12 INT 15 STR 11(20) CON 13 (17) SIZ 10 (17) DEX 13
APP 12 POW 13 EDU 17 HP 10 SAN 0 INT 14 APP 14 (4) POW 13 EDU 12
Age: 43 HP 12 (17) SAN 0
The Lock In
Once combat begins, Carol will cast The the Great Old One results in the death of John
Body & Strength of Y’Golonac on herself. Once Haskell, the investigators do not lose any SAN
transformed, Carol will punch and kick the in- for his death due to the nature of his death. If
vestigators, but once one is down, she will move the investigators can subdue, but not kill, Carol
onto another investigator. She is not trying to Haskell and the teenage cultists so they can be
kill any of them; she just wants to soften them turned over to the authorities, then they earn
up so Y’Golonac can feed on them. If her Hit 1D10 for the whole lot. If the investigators can
Points is reduced to 7 or less, she will try to flee. capture or destroy the John Haskell edition of
The teenage cultists will stay out of combat. “Revelations of Glaaki,” then they earn 1D8+2
They will drag the unconscious bodies of the SAN. Of course, the SAN earned by securing
other kids to a corner of the room and do their the book can just as easily be lost if they read
best to protect and defend the bodies so that the book.
Y’Golonac can have them later. The teenage If the investigators kill any of the cultists
cultists will only enter into combat if Y’Golonac (other than John), then they lose 2 SAN for
casts The Body & Strength of Y’Golonac on each murdered cultist. If any of the five inno-
them. cent children die, for any reason, the investiga-
The six columns in the room are load-bear- tors lose 3 SAN per child. If the ceiling should
ing columns. If four or more columns are de- collapse, the investigators lose 2D6+1 SAN.
stroyed, then the ceiling above will come crash-
ing down. Each column is made of brick and has Revelations of Glaaki – Haskell Edition:
15 HPs. Impale weapons do minimum damage Similar to the partial folio edition he discov-
to brick. If the ceiling does collapse, it will be ered, John Haskell wrote most of this edition
contained to just the Ceremony Room, and it of “Revelations of Glaaki” from research he
does 10D6 damage to each person in the room. conducted and then from dreams he received
A successful Dodge will reduce the damage by from Y’Golonac himself. This edition is writ-
half. It is possible that if Y’Golonac, or anyone ten in English, and despite the title is primar-
under the influence of The Body & Strength of ily a bible for the worship of Y’Golonac. Sanity
Y’Golonac, misses a fist attack, that they may Loss: 1D6/2D6. Cthulhu Mythos: +10%. Time
strike a column instead. So the Keeper should to read: 22 weeks. Spells: Body Warping of Gor-
keep careful notes on which columns have been goroth, Call/Dismiss Azathoth, Call/Dismiss
hit, and how much damage each one has taken. Shub-Niggurath, Contact the Crystallizers of
Dreams, Contact Eihort, Contact Glaaki, Con-
Conclusion tact Y’Golonac, Mental Suggestion, and The
Body & Strength of Y’Golonac.
If the investigators are able to search the Cer-
emony Room, a successful Spot Hidden roll
reveals four fresh graves in one corner of the New Spell – The Body & Strength of Y’Golonac:
room The graves contain the bodies of Erica
This spell reshapes the target’s body into a
Webb, the undercover journalist, and the three
form pleasing to Y’Golonac, adding hundreds
missing teenagers, including Jack Parker. SAN
of pounds of weight in both fat and muscle.
loss of 1/1D3 for the discovery of the bodies.
The caster must invoke the name of Y’Golonac
The ultimate goal for the investigators
and say a prayer aloud to him. The spell takes
should be to save the five innocent children the
1 round to complete. If the spell is cast upon
Haskells are trying to indoctrinate into their
an unwilling target, that target may attempt to
cult. The investigators earn 3 SAN for each in-
resist the spell with a POW vs POW roll on the
nocent child rescued. The investigators earn
Resistance Table; the caster of the spell is the
1D10 SAN for defeating Y’Golonac. Defeating
active POW. The spell cost the caster 6 Magic
The Lock In
Points and 2D6 SAN. If the target of the spell
is not the caster himself, the target must also
lose 2D6 SAN due to the pain their body goes
through when the spell is cast. Anyone view-
ing the transformation must also make a SAN
check for 1/1D8 SAN loss.
The spell is designed to add approximately
half a ton of weight and mass to the target. The
target’s STR, CON, SIZ, and APP are directly
affected by the spell, and any derived stats are
also affected. The spell changes the target’s STR,
CON, and SIZ to 2D6+12, roll for each stat.
The target’s APP is changed to 1D4+1. The spell
only last 3D6 rounds.
Lock In Papers #3
The Lock In
The Lock In Papers #1A-1C
The Lock In
The Lock In
Lock In Papers #2
The Ilsley Variant
A 1920’s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu
By Rick Hudson
In this scenario the players take on the role of ing other than varying levels of loss. Try to dis-
suade the players from resigning themselves to
veteran Investigators living in semi-retirement a Phyrric victory, keep dangling the carrot of
in 1950 Connecticut. A terrible accident un- hope before them.
balances their otherwise idyllic lives and they Be fluid, play fast and loose. Don’t drag
must deal with the repercussions. scenes out, either – if you see a further com-
Player’s Information: plication let the players have what they want.
The scenario can easily play out in three or four
Your band of Investigators have led long, hard
lives doing the world one good turn after an-
other. You’ve fought eldritch evil, Nazis, dark The Characters:
things from beyond – alien threats are com- This scenario is loosely tailored be run with the
monplace to you. Through it all you’ve kept included pre-generated characters, but it can be
a tenuous grasp on your sanity and your eth- used with a handful of retired PCs from your
ics. You are good people who have done great various campaigns. After all, most of them
things, and now is your time to rest. You’ve would eventually get out of the asylum/jail/bot-
earned it, but there’s one last thing you need to tomless void and would need a place to rest. Be
do, one last project is soon coming to its culmi- generous and let the players add a significant
nation. Now lets all listen to the radio and wait amount of skill points onto their old characters
for morning… – let them add to academic and physical skills,
Keeper’s Information: not the social skills. Skills aren’t what will get
the PCs out of this scenario so let them feel like
This is a scenario driven by the players, every-
they are getting a big treat with new, spendable
thing that happens will be influenced by their
skill points.
reactions to a single horrific, accidental killing
Regardless of whether you use pre-gens or
on Halloween night. You the keeper introduce
reactivate retired PCs, there will be some con-
nothing supernatural, nothing horrific beyond
ditions which will need to be insisted upon.
that first moment – leave that to the players. It’s
The first and most important condition is that
their job to stay alive and free until 6:26AM the
the PCs are all fundamentally good people,
following morning, it’s your job to use the mun-
heartless murderers will render the conceit of
dane world to make that as difficult as possible.
the scenario a non-starter. Emphasize that the
For the imploding style of this scenario,
PCs are good people, and that they are all on
think about stories like A Simple Plan – ev-
the brink of going insane – evil actions will be
ery action has repercussions which complicate
penalized with San loss.
the lives of the protagonists. This scenario is
not easy, there are no win conditions – noth-
“We can even find as much pleasure in lampoon- ance. A chorus of singing, dancing Deep One
ing his [Lovecraft’s] ideas and motifs as in taking hybrids also takes a bow upon the stage. The
them at face value.” Keeper may well be tempted to play these as
- Call of Cthulhu, 6th Edition straight terror elements, however, they are ab-
solutely nothing of the sort, and cost the inves-
“What did you mean, ‘kill the actors.’ Actors tigators little if any sanity loss when appearing
aren’t animals. Actors are human beings.” in a theatrical context. They are simply provid-
“They are? Have you ever eaten with one?” ed to allow for some madcap knock-about sil-
- Mel Brooks, “The Producers” liness of the sort for which the theater of the
period is known. The actual horror comes, cru-
Keeper’s Note: cially, off-stage as the investigators must thwart
a white-slavery ring operated by a madwoman
“Great Old Ones on the Great White Way” is and some Tcho-Tcho henchmen. Originating
a scenario for a small group of starting inves- in Manhattan, this ring preys upon star-struck
tigators. In addition to being a fertile period girls from the country, and ships them off to a
for the development of horror, mystery, and horrible fate in Burma. Lest the Keeper be un-
weird literature, the 1920’s saw the perfection der any misapprehension on this point, just as
of American musical theater, perhaps one of this scenario takes plot elements from Love-
the few innovative contributions of the United craftian horror and weaves it into the plot of a
States to world culture. Composers such as Ir- Broadway musical, it takes plot elements from
ving Berlin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Richard Broadway musicals, and uses them to furnish
Rogers and George Gershwin, among others, the horror.
invented what subsequently became the quint- While this scenario is set in October, 1922,
essential American musical form. The coinci- and can be played as a stand-alone scenario, it
dent flourishing of musical theater and horror can also be used as an introduction to a pub-
writing seems to call for a response. Thus, we lished campaign such as Day of the Beast, by
see in the year 2011 the premiere of “Herbert the simple expedient of substituting the theatri-
West, Re-Animator, the Musical,” at the Steve cal agent offered in the scenario, Sterling Han-
Allen Theater in Los Angeles. In the same vein, sen, for the theatrical agent found in the first
this scenario is offered to divert both Keeper part of Day of the Beast, Herb Whitefield. Giv-
and Investigator alike. en that Julius Marsh is one of the Innsmouth
As the scenario is written, there are, con- Marshes, the scenario can also serve, as writ-
tained within the context of a musical the- ten, for an introduction to Escape From Inns-
ater production, a number of standard Call of mouth. The date can be modified as needed
Cthulhu tropes. A hitherto unknown artistic to fit the chronology needed for that purpose.
branch of the Marsh family makes its appear- The scenario also draws upon some of the ideas
Great Old Ones on the Great White Way
presented in the source book, Secrets of New brids also attend Julius’ shows faithfully, though
York and can be used to draw investigators into usually heavily disguised.
a campaign centered on that city. So far, all of Julius Marsh’s shows have been both
Theatrically minded Keepers have many op- artistic and commercial failures, catastrophi-
portunities in this scenario to “ham it up” for cally bad. His accountant, Irving Kaminsky,
the entertainment of the players. There are a has pointed out a less ethical alternative. Not-
fair number of closely scripted scenes which ing that investors raise questions about success-
hearken back to well-known Broadway theat- ful shows, but rarely audit failures, Kaminsky
rical productions. A few snippets of songs are points out that producers of flops can effective-
presented in the text, and a longer song is in- ly keep any money left over. Thus, a low budget
cluded in the handouts for the Keeper to work dog may make more money than a high budget
through. hit. The problem becomes how to produce a
The scenario is probably best conceived of musical show so terrible that no audience will
as three or four acts. An introduction and gen- wish to see it.
eral investigation can be followed with a scene In the quest for the perfect failure, Marsh
at Mrs. Reardon’s boarding house, and an- and Kaminsky have engaged the services of a
other at the Marsh Theater. After the players very disturbed writer, Phipps Howard, of Cos
have worked through and either solved, or not Cob, Connecticut. Howard has produced a se-
solved, the very simple mystery provided, the ries of stories based on some alarming dreams
Keeper can show them what becomes when he has had, and some fairly good poems set to
Julius Marsh stages a play. The scenario ends music.
with a cast party which ties down a number of These horror stories have been turned into a
loose details, and bleeds into a dream sequence comedy, albeit a comedy in distinctly bad taste,
in which the Keeper may hand out sanity and by some of Marsh’s disreputable theater associ-
other rewards and penalties. ates. The whole play, set in ancient Rome, to
take advantage of some available sets and cos-
Plot Synopsis: tumes, has been called “The Stars are Right.”
Julius Marsh, one of the Innsmouth Marshes Phipps Howard does not know the extent to
who has not yet undergone the metamorpho- which his original, serious, work has been man-
sis into a Deep One hybrid, is trying to make gled by Marsh and Kaminsky. When he finds
a small fortune. His method is to start with a out, he will be upset. The composer, Zann, is
large fortune, and then doing shows on Broad- very nearly as disturbed as Howard.
way. These are uniform failures, and the news Marsh, who knows that more than just a bad
“Julius Marsh is doing a show,” is now greeted script and tuneless music are needed to ruin
with hoots of derision. As the scenario is writ- a production, has hired some of the worst ac-
ten, Julius carries the Innsmouth taint, and tors and dancers he can find, using the servic-
wants only a little more stress of failure in order es of a theatrical agent named Sterling Hansen.
for it to become complete. His relatives, waiting Hansen has referred two English immigrants
for the transformation, are happy to support his to him, Elsie Johnson, and Sue Lancaster. El-
efforts in the theater, and fund his shows rou- sie Johnson has no discernable talent at all, and
tinely. In addition, even though Deep One hy- has simply accompanied her friend Sue to the
brids in general, and the Marshes in particular, United States. Sue, on the other hand, has gen-
are insane, and evil, they are also a product of uine talent. Marsh has, accordingly, cast Elsie
the cultural milieu in which they were raised, in the lead female role, and consigned Sue to
and so occasionally enjoy a good night’s enter- the chorus and an understudy role. Sue’s tal-
tainment on the town. Thus, the Deep One hy- ent may or may not be supernatural in origin,
and there are some subtle hints that she may be
Great Old Ones on the Great White Way
more than she appears. This is left for the Keep- clients. Other investigators may be former cli-
er to resolve. ents, or relatives of clients. He has, on occa-
Elsie and Sue have lodged at the boarding sion, been known to hire private investigators
house of Mrs. Alice Reardon. Unbeknownst to track down errant clients in need of closer
to either of them, Mrs. Reardon has for some supervision.
years been drugging unsuspecting girls new to Investigators making Know rolls will recol-
the city, and sending them overseas in a white- lect that Schlockwitz’ deli is near enough to the
slavery ring. With the help of two Tcho-Tcho theater district to be favored by the casts and
assistants, Reardon places the victims on a ship, crews of the musical theater productions of
which hauls them to eventual death in Burma. Broadway. It is not unheard of for producers or
Mrs. Reardon, seeing Elsie and her lack of tal- composers of such shows to appear in the place,
ent, surmised that she would be nothing more either.
than a chorus girl, if that, in Marsh’s produc- Should the investigators accept, they will
tion, and so has kidnapped her. This has turned find Hansen waiting for them in a booth dis-
out to be a serious mistake, as Elsie has been creetly off to one side. After only the slightest
cast in a major role, and so her disappearance preliminary greetings, the party is interrupted
has not gone unnoticed. Mrs. Reardon has de- by two men who enter the deli, in an animated
cided to lie her way out of it, and is currently conversation about something. It is impossible
holding the girl in a ‘Chinese’ laundry operated to miss what they are saying, as their conversa-
by the Tcho-Tcho servants on the ground floor tion is quite loud. The older of the two men is
of her property. tall, and immaculately dressed in a dark busi-
When the scenario opens, on Monday, ness suit, elegantly fitted dress shirt, and a cra-
30 October, 1922, the Investigators are sum- vat rather than a tie. He has beautifully shined
moned by Sterling Hansen, a theatrical agent, shoes, and spats. His dark hair is well greased
to Schlockwitz’ delicatessen, a place well known down, and he has a thin mustache, also thor-
to the New York theatrical set, where he will set oughly waxed. The younger man is shorter, and
them to work on the problem of finding Elsie pear-shaped. He has thinning dark hair, and is
Johnson, preferably before the curtain rises on carefully shaved. His business garb, while cor-
Marsh’s new musical, on Halloween Night, 31 rect, is much less expensive and less well cared
October, 1922. for. He sports a yarmulke. Any investigators
with a theatrical background may have roll
Beginning Play: against Know x1/2 to recognize the taller man
as Julius Marsh, a rather unsuccessful theatri-
The investigators, who may or may not be
cal producer. His venue, the Marsh Theater, is,
known to one another, have been invited to
in fact, directly across the street from the deli-
have lunch with a casual acquaintance, Sterling
catessen. One or another of the pair exudes a
Hansen, at Schlockwitz’ delicatessen, at noon,
faintly fishy smell, as though a cod filet has been
on Monday, 30 October, 1922. Each received a
kept past its prime.
note, very brief, asking for the meeting, and ex-
The conversation of the pair ought to be act-
plaining that Hansen wants help with a delicate
ed out for the investigators:
problem. (Handout 1) (As mentioned in the
introduction, if the Keeper wishes to run Day of
the Beast at some point, Herb Whitefield may
“Allentown,” says the taller, “Allentown?”
be substituted for Sterling Hansen. Sterling is
“That’s what the landlady said, Julius, she
a theatrical producer, and has a wide range of
went back to Allentown last night,” says the
acquaintances. Singers and dancers are likely
to be well known to him, and may well be his
Sterling Hansen
Handout 2:
Review of Julius Marsh’s new musical, “The Laughing Queen of Scotland”
By H.L. Steyn, New York Weekly Messenger, November 1, 1919.
Julius Marsh’s new musical ‘entertainment,’ if it may be given that appellation, “The Laughing
Queen of Scotland,” opened last night at the Marsh Theater on West 43rd Street. “Laughing
Queen” purports to be a comedic adaptation of Shakespeare’s MacBeth, told from the point of
view of Lady MacBeth. All the production really shows is that there is more than one way for the
curse which superstitious actors ascribe to the ‘Scottish Play,’ to take effect.
Afflicted with tortured dialogue, emphysema tic singers, and, literally, wooden dancers,
‘Laughing Queen’ might well aspire to become a comedic turn, as a silly piece it might well prove
a modest success. Indeed, the audience all laughed out loud at the romantic duet between Lady
MacBeth and her hen-pecked husband, entitled, “One Hand Washes the Other.” One suspected
with a song as corny as that, surely someone’s leg was being pulled.
But the full scope of the tragedy of the evening only became apparent later, when the audi-
ence was subjected to the spectacle of the chorus, dressed as Burnham Wood, singing the “Shuffle
off to Dunsinane Cakewalk;” a mediocre song performed loudly by the orchestra. MacBeth may
or may not murder sleep, but a pit orchestra in a Marsh production clearly forestalls that happy
consummation, devoutly to be wished for….
The latest Julius Marsh production struggles manfully but clearly, someone needs a trip to the
woodshed out back, or some other shed.
“Oh, Poo!” claims to be a musical comedy, the term loosely applied here, about a magical
talking bear, seeking a quiet place in the woods while suffering from influenza, dysentery, chol-
era, dyspepsia, or, perhaps, simply, from having read the script and realized the misfortune of be-
ing caught in a Julius Marsh production. This distress spread to the audience like a contagion at
the Marsh Theater on West 43rdAvenue last night.
The sole reason we deign to notice the presentation at all is because this newspaper takes
seriously its obligations to protect the public health. People of refinement and good taste should
steer clear. Debs for President supporters will, of course, feel right at home. One question only
remains: Where does Marsh continue to get the money to fund this drivel?
Handout 4:
Review of Marsh production of “Kickin the Coriolanus”
By H.L. Steyn, New York Weekly Messenger August 19, 1922
After a nearly two year absence from the stage, Julius Marsh thunders down the Great White Way
once again with all the subtlety and wit of an invading horde with his latest attempt upon Western
Civilization, “Kickin’ the Coriolanus.’ One simply spent two hours hoping the barbarians would
show up and flatten the theater.
The only light moment of the evening came when the hero, attempting to make a dramatic
entrance into Rome, tripped over a poorly placed step on stage. It turned out that much of the pre-
cariously constructed set was balanced upon that step, and immediately fell forward towards the
orchestra pit. We regret to report that the orchestra was unharmed and able to continue its depre-
dations shortly thereafter. If the chorus line had moved as vigorously during the rest of the pro-
duction as they did at that moment they might well have diverted the audience. As it was, cho-
risters and actors all scrambled away to safety, leaving the hero to stand in a doorway as the set
collapsed around him.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor torn down in one either. But clearly, Marsh sets are built
with the expectation that their productions will have the life of mayflies. Perhaps this means that
the supply of Marsh funds has finally been drained.
Weapons: Knife, 30%; Rolling Pin (small club) Skills: Drive: 10%; Speak English, 75%; Pretend
40% not to Speak English 85%; Natural History 50%;
Martial Arts, 60%
Skills: Speak Aklo: 50%; Sing off key: 75%;
Dance clumsily: 75%; Pharmacy (make poi-
son): 80% Julius Marsh, Funny-Smelling Producer of
Funny-Smelling Musicals, 43
STR 16 CON 12 SIZ 14 INT 16 POW 10
Mei Huan, Tcho-Tcho Laundryman with DEX 09 APP 09 SAN 01 HP 13 EDU 14
Dirty Secrets, 25
STR 18 CON 12 SIZ 11 INT 14 POW 09 Damage Bonus: +1d4
DEX 13 APP 09 SAN 0 HP 12 Weapons: None
Damage Bonus: +1d4 Skills: Fast Talk 75% Has no other discernable
Weapons: Club: 45%; Handgun: 30% talents.
By Tim Moriarity
9:10 am - Guards attempt to take the manu- - The original settlers of the area encountered
script pages from Penelope Blakely. a Native American tribe known as the Anang
who inhabited the coastal region and used the
12:30 - 2:00 pm - Lunch island for religious rituals. The Anang were
3:00 pm - Guards come to get the amulet frag- hostile to foreigners and many bloody battles
ment (if Cromley doesn’t already have it). were fought with them before they were over-
7:00 pm - Party begins with dinner. run. The Anang were known for their savage
religious traditions that seemed to include hu-
11:45 pm - The ritual begins man sacrifice.
- In 1868, the Order of the Gate purchased
Crossroads Island and built a large mansion
The Costume Party
that was used as the residence and place of wor- until things settle down. The staff at the island
ship of this cult. The mansion was completed in help the guests take their luggage into the man-
1873 and estimates are that there were roughly sion. The staff does ask for the fragment of the
30 to 40 members of the cult by 1880. In 1881, amulet at this time. They will not force the issue
there was a severe thunderstorm that seemed to if the party refuses, but it simplifies the adven-
center around the island. After that storm, the ture later if they give the fragment up willing-
Order of the Gate was never seen again despite ly. If any of the investigators became seasick, it
the fact that the mansion did not seem to take should reduce the amount of time they have to
more than cosmetic damage from the storm. explore the mansion before the costume party.
- After the storm in 1881, there were reports of
a sea creature that attacked boaters and people
Chapter 2 - Pre-Party
near the shore late at night. The creature was Activities
never captured and disappeared eventually. Although the original mansion of the Order
- If the investigators pass a Library Use check, of the Gate was not elegantly adorned, the
they find a set of documents in the town hall renovated and updated mansion is beautifully
that talk about a military group that arrived in decorated. The mansion is huge and can easily
1881 to eliminate the “dangerous entity” ha- hold 40 or more guests comfortably, along with
rassing the town. The document suggests that staff. The mansion has 3 primary floors and a
this group tracked down a large and unidenti- small basement under the main building. The
fied entity and disposed of it on Crossroads Is- mansion consists of one large central section
land. The document is vague about details, but and east and west wings. Crossroads Island is
suggests that several members of the military small and rocky. There is a dock for boats, but
group were injured or killed in the encounter. no other buildings on the island other than the
mansion. Additionally, there is no electricity
Boarding the Boat on the island and all lighting is handled via gas
After exploring the town and performing the
desired research, they should board the boat to
the island. The investigators will not be allowed
Mansion Layout
to take any weapons to the island with them. If East Wing
the investigators resist, they will be assured that
1st Floor - Servant Quarters, Laundry, Linens
they can place the weapons in a safety deposit
and Cleaning Materials
box in town paid for by Cromley. Other guests
boarding the boat are distressed if the investi- There is nothing of interest in this section of the
gators insist on bringing weapons and cause a house. Investigators who explore this area will
commotion. The guards will not get into a fight find that the staff is busy preparing for the party
with the investigators, but will simply not al- and has little or no time to talk. Additionally,
low them to board. The local police will arrive they have all arrived recently and are not famil-
on the scene if the investigators become hostile iar with Cromley or the history of the house.
themselves. They simply know that they were offered good
The boat ride to the island is a bumpy one pay for the job and took it without question.
and characters must pass a simple CONx5 roll 2nd Floor - Guest Quarters (Including the In-
to avoid becoming seasick. Rain begins to fall vestigators’ Rooms)
harder the closer the boat comes to the island
and a storm is approaching. After arriving at In addition to the rooms of the investigators,
the island, the captain of the boat says that the there are 2 other rooms of interest on this floor.
waters are becoming too dangerous to go back The first is the room of Joseph Haney, the an-
STR 16 CON 15 SIZ 15 INT 10 POW 13
DEX 15 APP 9 EDU 13 SAN 60 HP 15
Dmg Bonus: +1D4
Weapons: Fist/Punch 75% 1D3+db,
45 Automatic 55% 1D10+2,
Fighting Knife 60% 1D4+2+db
Skills: Fist/Punch 75%, Kick 50%, Listen 40%,
Occult 10%, Spot Hidden 40%, Track 20%
ness. Its spawn sensed the passage and invad- Part One: Who are you going to call?
ed the home, causing still more deaths. Thalna
quickly closed this breach, again temporarily The scenario begins with investigators seeking
so, and again pushed onward with his experi- out the psychopompus, Oscarios Tabularius.
ments. By now everyone but him had fled the He then hires them to assist him in cleansing
house; his family abandoning their paterfamili- the Fluvius Villa. They learn that the soul con-
as to his obsession. ductor is simply a civic clerk with an interest in
Ultimately Thalna accomplished his goal, investigating the unknown, working as a psy-
unlocking the secrets of passing between worlds chopompus in his spare time. Oscarios looks
through the use of strange geometry. But his to the investigators as colleagues and partners
breakthrough triggered an immediate attack rather than hirelings. Keepers should use this
by a Hound of Tindalos, which was attracted to push investigators to take the initiative in the
by his clumsy experiments. Thalna survived scenario but also allow the NPC to motivate
the initial attack, but ingested some of the blu- them should the team become stalled.
ish ichor dripping from the hound. This trans- The Ad
formed him into a Tindalosian Hybrid.
Today the nexus is only active on three Investigators may answer a posted ad, painted
nights per year, May 9th, 11th and 13th. On on walls here and there across Rome. They
May 9th the first rip re-opens, filling the house might also hear the same information read
with Lumens. On May 11th the rent into Ab- from several news readers on the days before
hoth’s realm re-opens and its spawn wander the start of Lemuralia. Oscarios’ ad reads, or is
into the villa. On the final night of Lemuralia, announced, as follows:
May 13th, Thalna himself returns to his former “Stalwart and able bodied people are needed to
home and hungrily seeks out prey, feeding off assist in the cleansing of the villa of Sextus Fluvi-
human souls. us Thalna. Generous payment offered for each of
The investigators must locate and close all the three night of Lemuralia. Contact Oscarios
three doorways. They can only be found af- Tabularius, at the Trajan on the 7th of May.”
ter they open but by then creatures from those
realms are already entering the villa. Investiga- At The Baths of Trajan
tors must defeat the Lumens (which can sim- This bath complex has its own gardens and li-
ply be avoided), the horde of Spawn of Abhoth braries, as well as baths. Oscarios Tabularius is
(whom attack anything they find within the vil- at the baths from the time they open until they
la) and Fluvius Thalna, the Tindalosian Hybrid close on the 7th, interviewing potential assis-
(who attempts to drain the souls of any humans tants in the cleansing of the Fulvius villa. He
within his home). is a regular here and has left instructions that
The weak points can be closed by tossing a anyone asking for him be led to wherever he
mola salsa into them. Ultimately if all three is. This is either in the gardens, the historical
breaks are sealed, the house is cleansed of the libraries or the baths themselves. Once the in-
haunting. However the design of the house vestigators meet Oscarios, he interviews them
inherently attracts distortions upon the natu- to learn if they are qualified to help him (See ˆ
ral nexus point and will never be a wholesome The Interview). If they can pass the interview
place to dwell. Once cleansed of its malignant he tells them a bit about the task they are being
influences the building should be destroyed. hired to assist him with (See ˆ The Mission).
The Interview * The Villa was owned by the Fluvius family,
Oscarios questions prospective employees, try- who had a good name but had suffered finan-
ing to determine their skill set and how they cial hardships.
might be of help in this assignment. He asks * The Subura rose up around the villa, placing
about their education, their beliefs in Lemurs, the once stately home in the center of a slum.
magic and if they have any military training. * The builder of the house was a mathematician
While doing this he drops hints and asks slant- and engineer named Sextus Fluvius Thalna.
ed questions, hoping that investigators with
knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos might show * He vanished under mysterious circumstances
their hand. If investigators impress him, or ad- while in the house 80 years ago.
mit to having encountered the mythos previ- * Strange lights are seen drifting around inside
ously, he hires them and explains the mission. the house on every May 9th.
The Mission * Over the last 80 years more than a dozen
people have been murdered in and around the
Oscarios details the mission of cleansing the house during Lemuralia.
villa of Sextus Fulvius Thalna, also known as
The House of the Lemurs. Anyone native to * Lemurs sometimes escape the house and ter-
Rome knows of the villa’s reputation as the rorize the neighborhood on May 11th; most
most haunted building in the city, non natives
realize this upon making a halved Know roll.
Oscarios Tabularius
Oscarios informs the investigators of his plan.
He hopes to locate the centers of the haunt- This freedman in his mid thirties is obviously
ing, the weak spots where the spirits are seep- non-Italian, likely a mix of Germanic and His-
ing into the house and close them. Oscarios panian. He’s lived in Rome all of his adult life
will lead the investigators in the Lemuralia rit- and purchased his freedom six years ago. Os-
ual and has acquired three very special mola carios was a civic slave, owned by the state who
salsa cakes to appease the ghosts with. Tomor- worked in various governmental bureaucracies
row is the 8th of May, the day before Lemura- as a clerk. Today he is a freedman, choosing
lia begins. Oscarios asks well educated investi- Tabularius (meaning clerk) as his cognomens
gators to look into the history of the property. and continues to work as a civil servant.
The freedman is a Tabularius, with nearly twen- He is a bright man with an eye for details,
ty years experience in public service. He in- meticulous in his investigating and focused
structs investigators to mention his name while on tasks he is given. Stoic in his philosophies,
attempting to access most government record. it gives him a rather fatalistic outlook which
Investigators who say to any civic clerk in Rome makes him brave and reckless all at once. He is
they are working for Oscarios gain admittance more comfortable behind a writing table than
to such records with a successful Luck roll. anywhere he might actually be in harm’s way.
The people he hopes to hire are the sort who
Research into The House of Lemurs can watch his back if things go badly.
Investigators find 2-4 (1D3+1) items of the fol- Keepers can have Oscarios be a member of
lowing information per successful Library Use Societas Cryptaegidis (The Hidden Shield So-
roll. They can also learn 1 item per successful ciety). If so he’s newly promoted commander
Persuade roll when questioning anyone who re- in the process of gathering his own team. For
sides within 1000 yards of the Fluvius Villa. more information on this secret society see The
Legacy of Arrius Lurco from Miskatonic River
Press, page 12.
local residents spend Lemuralia with relatives ready to conduct the Lemuralia rituals and con-
elsewhere in the city. duct the ghosts to their proper afterlife.
* Last Lemuralia the two most successful psy- The Walk to the Villa
chopompus in the Empire attempted to drive
the ghosts from the Fluvius villa. They were a As the investigators travel at the villa they see
Greek named Jason and a Roman named Licin- neighbors are either locking themselves in for
the night or are leaving the area entirely. Most
ius Philo. The Greek was found the next day
drained of all fluids, a withered husk, while carry bags with them, as if they won’t be return-
Philo remains missing to this day. ing for several days. One old woman stops the
investigators, explaining that this block isn’t
* A vigilis, Vibius Papus, was patrolling the area safe right now and that they should leave the
forty years ago. He stopped and questioned a area before dark. By the time the investigators
man seen exiting the villa on May 13th. The arrive at their destination the entire area is ef-
man claimed to live there, giving his name as fectively deserted.
Flavius Thalna. The vigilis, not knowing the vil-
la’s history, allowed the man to leave. The next The House of the Lemurs
morning three people were reported missing Located in the Subura, the villa’s exact location
from the area and another was found complete- is given as: “In the center of the hollow dip in
ly drained of fluids. Vibius Papus died twenty the street, up the block from the pottery shop,
six years ago. behind those three identical insula (apartment
Keeper’s Note : Vibius Papus was driven insane buildings) that got build a few years back, just
by the sight of the Tindalosian Hybrid, his mind a short way from the public restroom. The big
blocked out specific portions of the encounter. empty place, you can’t miss it.”
He did encounter and question Flavius Thalna, The villa sits in the middle of the crowded
but let him go after his mind convinced him slum but no other buildings crowd in on it. All
that there was nothing wrong with his appear- other structures are built a respectable distance
ance. from the villa, as if builders were afraid of get-
ting too close. This leaves the entire block sur-
* The property is now owned by the City of
rounding the House of the Lemurs underdevel-
Rome, as no surviving family has laid claim to
it for more than six decades. It is an eyesore
While once beautiful the place is fallen onto
which civic authorities would love to see torn
serious decay. The plaster is flaking off, the
down. They are unwilling to do so until the
paint has long since faded, the roof leaks and
spirits residing the place are laid to rest, as they
sags. The floors are warped and all the furni-
believe anything constructed on the site would
ture is ruined by mold. Strangely no pigeons or
end up haunted as well.
rats dwell here, nor can ANY signs that ANY
animals have ever made this urban ruin their
Part Two: House of the lair. Those looking over the structure with a
Lemurs critical eye can figure out with an INT check
The investigators meet Oscarios as he leaves that it should have naturally caved in on itself at
work just before sundown. Like all good Ro- least 20 years ago.
mans he has a bath (at an area bathhouse) and a Entering the House
meal (from a street cart), inviting the investiga-
tors to join him and paying for their bath and/ Once inside Oscarios asks the investigators to
or if they do. He then walks with them into the explore the house, instructing them to look for
Subura, to the door of the House of the Lemurs, anything out of place and listen for any odd
sounds. He asks them to describe to him what
they see and hear; advising them to NEVER go * Gate #1 opens in the northern Ala (alcove)
off alone. “Stay in groups, or at least pairs, and on May 9th, releasing 3D12 dozen Lumens into
call out if you see anything”, he advises. The the villa.
psychopompus tries to remain with one of the * Gate #2 opens in the rear Triclimium (dining
investigators at all times, following his own room) on May 11th, and releases 2D4 Spawn of
rule. He explains, “We’ll wait and watch, and if Abhoth per hour.
the spirits make themselves known we’ll try to
put them to rest. “
The Lemuralia Ritual
The Plan This ritual is meant to cleanse the lingering
Oscarios plans to guide the spirits within the spirits from a home. The spirits are basically
house to their proper afterlife. He attempts to bribed with offerings, typically fava beans and
persuade them with the use of the Lemuralia special cakes. These cakes, called Mola Salsa,
ritual. If this fails Oscarios tries to find the are baked by the Vestal Virgins from the first
source of the Lemurs, which he suspects is a harvested wheat of a season. The ritual takes
gateway to Hades. Once he locates this passage- place during the Lemuralia festival, taking
way he attempts to seal it, exactly how he’s not place on the 9th, 11th and 13th of May.
entirely sure of. The head of the household stands bare-
foot and wears non-woven clothing free of
The House
any knots. This was because it was thought
The Fluvius villa matches the layout of a com- that footwear and knots interrupt the flow of
mon residence as detailed in the Cthulhu In- magic. He then makes a sign with his hands,
victus rulebook (See Welcome to Rome, Page joining middle finger and thumb, standing si-
13). Investigators making an INT times 3 check lently. Next he washes his hands with water
realize the angles of the walls, corners and ceil- from a fountain, turns around and gathers up
ings seem a bit off. Those who make this check the beans. These are tossed backwards as the
by more than half their needed score also re- person performing the ritual utters “haec ego
alize that in these places the dimensions seem mitto, his redimo meque meosque fabis”, nine
bigger on the inside of these rooms than they times. This translates to “I send these; by the
can possibly be giving their location within the beans I redeem myself and my dependents”.
house. Somehow the design of the villa allows it Once this is finished rings a set of copper sym-
to violate the laws of physics and investigators bols and cries out, again nine times, “Manes ex-
discovering this must make a Sanity Check for ite paterni!” or “Ghosts of my fathers be gone!”
0/1D2 points. The cakes of salted wheat are traditionally left
on the house’s lararium, or the shrine to the
The Gates
family’s personal spirits.
A detailed search of the house allows investiga- Unfortunately for the investigators this reli-
tors the opportunity to find various clues and gious ritual has no real magical effects. It does
signs as to where the weak spots in our real- not close the rents in the fabric of reality; ap-
ity are located. Investigators entering theses pease the Lumens, Spawn of Abhoth or the
locations should make a POW times 2 check, Tindalosian Hybrid who haunt the villa. How-
to sense that something just is not right in that ever, what is does is restore 1 point of Sanity
location. Those making a successful Spot Hid- to anyone partaking in the ritual, if they hon-
den check in these rooms notice that the decay estly believe that it may work (see Recovering
is especially bad, the walls showing signs of be- Sanity, page 82, in the Cthulhu Invictus source-
ing blacked and scorched in places. These loca- book).
tions are:
* Gate #3 opens in the Tablinum (office) on been turned upside down in the last year. Inves-
May 13th, and allows the Tindalosian Hybrid tigators who turn it upright (STR 30) discover
to re-enter this reality for the night. a beautiful Spatha (long sword), a puglio (large
knife) and a metal banded club. Oscarios can
Closing / Sealing a Gate identify these weapons as having belonged to
The three gates inside the House of the Lemurs his colleagues in the psychopompus communi-
open for between 3-5 hours (1D3+2). After that ty, Jason and Licinius Philo. All three weapons
the gates close until the next Lemuralia. The are enchanted, hidden here by Fluvius Thalna.
gates appear as a rip hanging in space, about
the width of a man’s spread arms. A gate can Part Three: Lemuralia, The
be closed before its usual span by either toss- First Night
ing an active Elder Sign or a freshly baked mola
salsa into one. An Elder Sign closes the gate On this night, at just about midnight, the first
forever, while the salted wheat cake only closes of the three gateways opens. There is a ripping
it for that particular day, allowing it to reopen sound followed by a smell, as if lightning has
normally the following year struck nearby, that fills the villa. Slowly 3D12
The unique shape of the house is the main glowing balls of light begin to slowly drift out
reason these gates exist, as the structure ampli- of the northern Ala.
fies the instability of the local nexus. Once the Fighting the Lumens
third and final gate is closed the entire house
begins to collapse in on itself. It is only the en- These creatures do not attack but simply drift
ergy of the instability that is keeping the natural about. If investigators avoid bumping into
aging of the house at bay. them they can easily bypass entering combat
with them. However, the Lumens are quite
The Hidden Lock thickly gathered around the riff they emerge
Hidden in the mud of the Impluvium (the from, so Investigators attempting to enter the
pool to catch rainwater in the villa’s atrium) is northern ala must make a standard DEX check
a leather bag. Inside it is a smooth river stone per round to evade contact with the drifting
with an odd sigil carved into it. The bag con- creatures. Investigators must travel through
tained a scroll as well but this has long since the room for two rounds before they can close
turned to mush. The scroll once explained what the riff with either an active elder sign of one
the stone was, what it did and how to construct of the mola salsa cakes. Investigators can enter
more. The sigil on the stone is an Elder Sign, the room, making a single DEX check, and then
made by the insane Fluvius Thalna in case he throw either the active elder sign or mola salsa
needed to quickly close one of the gates he was into the riff with a successful throw check.
attempting to open. Investigators attacking the creatures trig-
However, after becoming a Tindalosian Hy- ger a dangerous situation. Once threatened
brid, he realized the stone could pose a threat the creatures seek out targets, draining them of
to him. He could neither destroy it nor move it CON until either all the lumens or humans in
far. So he hid it, tossing it into the pool of scum- the villa are dead. Investigators with spells or
my water where it has sat for nearly 80 years. enchanted weapons could possible destroy all
Investigators must make a successful Cthulhu the lumens in the villa but such a conflict is un-
Mythos roll to identify what the stone is. necessary. Once the riff is successfully closed
the lumens slowly fade away at the rate of 2D4
The Hidden Weapons per hour, vanishing back to their home dimen-
Investigators making a successful Spot Hidden sion.
roll discover that a large stone flowerpot has
Lumens, Lesser Servitor Race. such attacks turn red, blister and scald, and
“And coming our way over the broad expanse, smoke for a short time. Such wounds never
skimming along at treetop level, was an oblong heal. Afterwards, the pain is surprisingly mini-
cluster of faintly glowing lights. Lights. That’s mal, but later infection is highly likely aggravat-
what they were. Not glowing spheres. Not UFO’s ing the injuries further.
or any of that nonsense. They had no discernible Alternately, these ghostly floating lights lure
substance. There were just lights. Globules of hapless investigators into deep woods, swamps,
light I’d never seen light behave that way before- or other dangerous and desolate areas. This
it didn’t seem right or natural for light to concen- technique is most often used to get victims lost
trate itself in a ball. Or perhaps it was the way or trick them into falling down wells, stepping
they moved, gliding through the night with such into quicksand, stumbling into alligator dens,
purpose, cutting through the dark, weaving from or otherwise getting them in harm’s way.
tree to tree, floating by the topmost branches, and
then forging a path to the next. Almost as if the LUMENS, Pine lights, Witch Lights, Corpse
trees were signposts.” Lights, Jack O‚Lanterns, Will-O‚-The
- F. Paul Wilson, “The Barrens” Wisps.
Lumens are also known by a number of dif- Char.rolls Averages
ferent names: Pine lights, witch lights, will-o‚- STR 1D4 2 -3
the wisps, jack o‚lanterns, corpse lights, fairy CON 1D6 3-4
lights, or fox fires. They are the guardians of
special places across the world called “nexus SIZ 1 1
points”. Twice a year at these points the “veils” INT 3D6 10-11
that obscure reality become detached and for a POW 3D6 10-11
short period of time offer glimpses of the true
nature and horrors of our world obscured from DEX 3D6+12 22-23
man’s normal perception. Four such points are Move 10 flying HP 2-3
known: one near the east coast of North Ameri- Av. Damage Bonus: N/A
ca in New Jersey called “The Barrens”, one in Ti-
bet, and one in each of the poles. Other nexus Weapons: Cold Burn 50%, Damage permanent
points may exist. People brave enough to follow loss of 1D6 CON.
the paths that the lumens traverse through the Armor: None, but immune to all forms
night skies are ultimately led to nexus points. of non-magical attacks.
Animals and vegetation shun areas where
Spells: A Lumen with an INT of 15 of more
lumens congregate. Over time any terrestrial
knows 1D3 spells.
life in an area of lumen activity becomes de-
formed and abnormal in both appearance and Skills: Track 25%.
behavior. Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 for Sanity points to see lu-
Lumens rarely attack unless they are dis- mens.
turbed or are required to defend themselves.
They normally travel in groups of a hundred of
more and can attack en masse.
ATTACKS: Lumens attack by passing though
and inside their victims, creating a strong cold,
burning pain. This causes the permanent loss
of 1D6 CON points per round. Wounds from
Part Four - Lemuralia, The tures, monstrous mutant things, queer human-
Second Night oids, amorphous blobs, ect. Some spawn of
Abhoth fly, some swim, some crawl, some don’t
On the second night of Lemuralia, at about move at all. Abhoth scoops up and reabsorbs
2am, the next riff opens. This riff carries with some of its children. Those that escape their
it the stench of a carnal rot, part cesspool and sire’s grasp wander about in dark and lightless
brothel and battle field. Immediately there is subterranean lairs of even venture up into the
the sound of slithering, hopping, flapping of world of men or into the Dreamlands.
wings; hooting, howling and gibbering coming Abhoth’s spawn are mostly simple minded
from the triclimium (dining room). The inves- creatures which act and react on impulse. A
tigators find themselves immediately under at- few of these creatures tend to the alien needs
tack. of their sire, but most simply wander away. Be-
cause every child of Abhoth is different, each
Fighting the Spawn of Abhoth
has a different mode of attack. The keeper
Every hour 2D4 spawn enter the house and at- should determine the specific form of attack
tack anything they find. Keepers can have them for each child he or she creates. Characteristics
enter in a mass wave or creep in a few at a time. for the Abhoth-spawn vary greatly. For most
They are hideous to behold, each appearing statistics, the keeper must first make a random
unique. The spawn that can fit through the riff dice roll to see how many dice the statistic has.
tend to be of the smaller sort, so the damage of For example, STR is listed as 1-4D10. So the
their attacks is only about 1D6 and their Dam- keeper should first roll a 1D4 and then roll that
age Bonus only 1D4. While they have no armor many 1D10.
and can be harmed by normal attacks, they do
regenerate quickly so combat with them could
SPAWN OF ABHOTH, Spoor of a Great Old One
be challenging to investigators. The best tactic
Char. rolls Averages
would be to close the riff as quickly as possible,
STR 1-4D10 10-18
even in mid-combat with the Spawn if neces-
sary. CON 1-6D6 9-16
SIZ 1-3D10 10-12
ABHOTH, SPAWN OF, Lesser Servitor Race INT 1D10 5-6
There were things like bodiless legs or arms that POW 1-6D6 9-16
flailed in the slime, or heads that rolled, or floun- DEX 1-3D6 6-8
dering bellies with fishes‚ fins; and all manner of Move 1-3D6-3 4-6
things malformed and monstrous, that grew in HP 10-14
size as they departed from the neighborhood of
Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6 (In this case 1D4)
Abhoth. And those that swam not swiftly ashore
when they tell in the pool from Abhoth, were de- Weapons: Various 1D100%, as per mode of at-
voured by mouths that gaped in the parent bulk. tack (in this case 45% and 1D6)
-Clark Aston Smith, “The Seven Geases” Armor: None, regenerates 1D20 hit points per
The spawn of Abhoth are the carious creatures round.
which the Great Old One Sloughs off from its Spells: None
great fertile bulk. Unlike Sub-Niggurath’s off-
spring, no two children of Abhoth are alike, yet Skills: Sneak 50%.
unlike the brood of Ubbo-Sathla, the Abhoth- Sanity Loss: varies from 0/1D2 Sanity points to
spawn are generally complex life forms. Some 1/1D10 for Sanity points to see a very horrible
appear as unfinished bodies of singular body spawn of Abhoth.
parts, while others look like prehistoric crea-
Spawn of Abhoth, The Villa Invaders (2D4 someone, to satisfy his ravenous hunger for a
per hour) human soul.
STR 14 CON 10 SIZ 10 INT 5 POW 9 The Final Battle
DEX 7 Move6 HP 10
Fluvius Thalna drops the decrepit cloak, show-
Damage Bonus: +1D4 ing the true horror of his appearance. His body
Weapons:Various bites, claws, fangs or con- is all cubes and angles, like a living man made
strictions 45%, 1D6+db of blocks. His appearance shifts dramatically,
as he moves to attack. This immediately re-
Armor: None, regenerates 1D20 points per
quires the investigators make a Sanity check
(see below).
Spells: None Fluvius Thalna is a very weak hybrid, due
Skills: Sneak 50% mainly to the fact that he is only released on
one night a year to feed. The nature of his exis-
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 points to see a Spawn of
tence means that he goes through long periods
Aboth, Villa Invader.
of near starvation. He is also still insane from
Part Five - Lemuralia, The his research. While his powers are formidable,
he is not very savvy in combat. Investigators
Final Night able to reduce him to zero hit points can defeat
The third and final inter-dimensional doorway him. Should investigators gain access to the Ta-
opens at 3am, with a racing wind and a wave blinum and close the gate, even if in mid com-
of dizziness washing over everyone. Two inves- bat with Fluvius Thalna, are also able to defeat
tigators can make an INT check to triangulate him as closure of the gate returns him to im-
the direction of the disturbance, which emanat- prisonment. If this is the third gate closed all
ed from the Tablinum (office). After a few mo- the gates are destroyed and the Tindalosian Hy-
ments a cloaked figure emerges from the office. brid is destroyed.
A wall suddenly appears where the door once
stood, which is as rotten seeming as the rest of Tindalosian Hybrids, Lesser Independent
the house. An investigator can batter through Race
this by inflicting 12 points of damage, or crash
“The figure that appeared was sharp and angu-
through it by beating a STR vs. STR 15 contest
lar and unrecallable as a bust of static electric-
on the resistance table. To close the gate and
ity. It was dark and it stood upright, and there
dispel the Tindalosian Hybrid, investigators
was a vaguely lupine are about it as it sprang
must enter the Tablinum.
forward∑ also something cold and partaking of
A meeting with Sextus Fluvius Thalna primal hunger which nothing in the universe
A figure exits the office of the villa, dressed in might fully satisfy.”
a filthy mold covered robe. It approaches the - Roger Zelazny, The Changing Land
investigators, asking who they are and why Tindalosian hybrids look like living cubist
they are in his home. He explains that this is paintings, all angles and sharp shapes. They
his property, gives his name as Sextus Fluvius generally try to maintain their human forms,
Thalna, and explains that they are trespassing. but their image often waves and ripples. Tin-
If the investigators claim to be psychopompus dalosians exist across hyperdimensonal realms,
attempting to cleanse the house of Lemurs, he and thus appear to shift and change when mere
thanks them for their efforts. Meanwhile, he is three-dimensional mortals can see only seg-
slowly trying to get within range of attacking ments of their being. They often dress in hood-
ed robes, billowing garments and veils, or long
trench coats and wide-brimmed hats to hide sacrificed, a hybrid can Twist Space around it
their Tindalosian features. When they don’t within a radius of POW feet. See nearby box
bother to keep human shape, their visible por- text for details.
tions change radically. Their hands appear as ATTACKS: Tindalosian hybrids may attack
conglomerates of triangular crystals reminis- with their hands/claws each round. They also
cent of wolfish claws. Their face is replaced by have several special attacks and effects.
what seems to be a wide gaping mouth, with a
set of long crystalline fangs. (The rest of a Tin- BITE: if a Tindalosian hybrid receives a spe-
dalosian hybrid is in other dimensions). Their cial success and the victim fails to Dodge, the
shape constantly shifts, as in small parts of them hybrid’s mouth seems to enlarge to the victim’s
were popping in and out of existence. Their size, while the victim seems to elongate, shrink,
exposed substance appears as a conglomerate and be sucked into the maw. The character is
of many angles, with no curves at all. The hy- gone. A hybrid can swallow up to its own SIZ
brids can extend a snake-like tongue of bluish *2.
color from these jaws. Although not obvious TONGUE: the process leaves a small painless
by sight, the soul immediately senses that this hole in the chest surrounded by traces of blue
is a predator, a wolf-like creature whose prey is ichor. Hybrids gain 1 magic point per point of
one’s inner essence. POW drained, up to their original maximum.
Tindalosian hybrids are not a naturally-oc- The tongue sucks the soul and all bodily fluids
curring species. They come into being through out of the victim at the rate of 1D2 POW and
magic and accident. By ingesting a bit of the 1D6 CON per round (the POW stays lost, but
blue ichor left behind by a hound of Tindalos, blood transfusions can restore the CON up to
a human may become infected (if he does not half of the total lost points). The tongue stays
die first) and mutate into a Tindalosian hybrid. attached until the hybrid disengages or the vic-
Certain spells and elixers may produce the tim dies or breaks away (STR vs. STR).
same effect. TINDALOSIAN HYBRIDS, Half-Breed Killers
A hybrid’s first priority is feeding, and it
Char. rolls Averages
must do so at least once a day. They like eat-
ing tasty souls, and always attack those with the STR 3D6+12 22-23
highest POW first. If surrounded and rushed, CON 3D6+12 22-23
a Tindalosian hybrid just rips, tears, and tosses
SIZ 2D6+6 13
people about. If it has enough magic points, it
delights in allowing opponents to flee and then INT 1D6+12 15-16
popping up in from of its prey, smiling as only POW 5D6 17-18
they can. It is very hard for a Tindalosian hy-
DEX 3D6+6 16-17
brid to keep itself looking human, since their
evil forms constantly shits, as is blatantly obvi- APP 3D6* / N/A 10-11* / N/A
ous in daylight, This is why the generally try SAN N/A N/A
to hide themselves beneath robes and coats. Move 10 HP 17-18
When they attack, they try to do it in the shad-
ows. Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6.
TIME-SPACE ABILITIES: a Tindalosian hy- Weapons: Claws 45%, damage 1D3+2d6
brid’s Hyper-Sight extends to an area of up to its Bite 38%, damage 1D6 + 2D6 + Swallow whole
POW X10 feet in radius per 1 magic point per (see above)
round. For 4 magic points per use, a hybrid can
Step-Through to another angle within POW*20 Tongue 70%, damage 1D2 POW drain (see
feet of itself. For one round per 5 magic points above)
Armor: 2-point skin. Regenerates 3 hit points Within a few minutes all that remains is a pile of
per round. Mundane weapons do minimum quickly rotting timber, plaster and paint. Inves-
damage. By expending 4 magic points per tigators and Oscarius can report to the questor
round, a hybrid can shift its physical essence that all spirits have safely been conducted to
further into hyperdimensional space, becom- their final rest. Within 2 weeks construction
ing completely immune to mundane weapons. begins on a large insula project, with several
In all cases, magical weapons and spells have ground floor shops. The investigators are offers
full effect. If a hybrid drops to zero or below, rent free residence in one of these apartments
it dissipates. It is up to the keeper whether as a reward, or possibly one of the shops with
the Tindalosian hybrid is then truly dead, or a successful Bargain roll. Should investigators
whether some fragment regenerates over a long not wish to take up residence in Rome‚s most
period of time. dangerous slum the questor offers them an ad-
Spells: all hybrids know 1D10 spells, at the ditional 1000 sesterii as a bonus after. He is in a
keeper‚s discretion. generous mood as this public relations victory
earns him a lot of votes and he wins election
Skills: Dodge 75%, Hide 75%, Jump 70z5, Lis- into a higher office. Investigators gain +2% to
ten 70%, Scent Humans 85%, Sneak 80%, Spot their Status scores as news spreads that they
Hidden 75%, and other normal human skills, were responsible for riding the city of it’s more
although usually with higher levels of science haunted house.
and psychology-related skills.
Happy Halloween!
Sanity Loss: None in human form; to see tin-
dalosian hybrid form costs 1D2/1D12 Sanity Sanity Awards
points. For Each dimensional riff closed 1D3
For closing all three dimensional riffs 1D6
The Next Day
If investigators manage to close all three gates
the house begins to fall down around their ears.
13 Black Candles
By Jeff Woodall
This adventure is nominally set during the tion it has a fine Inn by name of the Silver Bell.
This functions not only as an inn but also a tav-
colonial period just following the close of the ern serving ales, wine and food from the local
American Revolution however some adjust- farms.
ments can easily make it suitable for 1920’s or The majority of the inhabitants of Aylesbury
Modern. are farmers or craftsmen and their families.
It is late October and Squire Tom Roberts The investigators will arrive a couple of days
is giving his annual All Hallows Evening par- before the event and make arrangements to
ty in the town of Aylesbury, Connecticut. He stay at the Silver Bell inn. The proprietor Mat-
has given this party every year since the end of thew Silver will greet them. He show them their
the American Revolution. It is a huge event in rooms and informs them dinner will be served
which people from the town of Aylesbury are a six thirty.
invited as well as his family and friends from Upon arriving for dinner they will notice the
elsewhere. The investigators have been invit- very large dining room has customers in it most-
ed to attend. It is assumed that they investiga- ly drinking ale and wine. A woman in her thir-
tors are coming from out of town and minimal ties and a girl of about fifteen are serving them.
knowledge of the area. The young lady greets the investigators and in-
Aylesbury is a quite somewhat secluded vites them to a table in the corner and brings
town in the Northern area of Connecticut. It ale, bread,
has several out- cheese, fruit,
lying farms and vegetable stew
a few wood- and roasted
ed areas. The chicken. They
main part of the over hear talk of
town has a vari- the upcoming
ety of business- event and local
es ad building news and gos-
that would be sip. Overshad-
need in a Colo- owing all of this
nial Era com- is the sad news
munity. There of an eight-year-
is an Episcopa- old boy by the
lian church in name of John
the town, which Sampson who
most everyone has disappeared
attends. In addi- the night before
13 Black Candles
last. Search parties have been looking for him should gather near the pumpkin patch outside.
since the yesterday. Eventually four men come Several eager youngsters run noisily towards
in and everyone stops and looks at them. One the pumpkin patch followed by their parents
says, “We haven’t seen anything yet.” They are and other spectators.
then escorted to another room by the propri- The squire gives the signal to begin.
etor. The investigators may wish to aid in the The children run to it searching for candy
search for this boy. It must be remembered that and small toys as the adults look on. A sud-
during this time period kidnapping is a rare den very thick fog arises covering the field
thing in the United States. In other parts of the and nearby woods. The cawing of crows can
world it is common for children to be sold into be heard. This eerie fog causes an uneasy feel-
slave labor sometimes called indentured ser- ing among the viewers. The investigators may
vitude to make it sound nice. It is assumed by note that this is very unnatural. The adults be-
most that John Sampson has been hurt some- gin calling for the children to come back and
where or is lost. The investigators may be the most do. However twelve do not return. Par-
only ones who suspect wrongdoing. They can ents begin going onto the fog to search for their
aid in the search if they wish. The keeper can children and everything is chaos for about an
give them clues as seems appropriate. hour when the local minister calls for everyone
to calm down and begins a systematic search.
The party starts at 3:00 in the afternoon and Lanterns are brought out as well as weapons.
lasts until well after dark. There is to be music The footprints of the children can be found in
and dancing, food, games, ghost stories, fortune the field as well as some booted feet of larger
telling and a scavenger hunt for the children. people. Some of these larger ones all lead to the
The house is large place the party is held in- woods. An immediate search begins. Sudden-
side in the main hall. The hall decorated heavi- ly the situation breaks down again with many
ly with jack-o-lanterns causing and other room people blaming the squire who protests his in-
to glow with an orange light. There are tables nocence. One of the investigators may notice
laden with food of all kinds and casks of ale. that the elderly man who was playing violin is
Children are bobbing for apples in a corner. also missing. If they ask about him they find out
A group of musician plays in the corner while his name is Mike Little. In addition the school-
couples perform dances in the center. master is missing as well.
As the investigators enter luxurious home Any investigators with a successful idea roll
Squire Roberts and His wife Jane greet them. or occult check may note that the 12 children
They can mingle with the guests they are intro- now missing along with John Sampson equals
duced to various people. In their conversations to thirteen, just the right number for a witches
they will hear various gossip. For one thing the coven.
minister Sam Hart is not present, most people Any of them with a skill in tracking may no-
suggest he has apprehensions about the event tice that the boot sizes leading to the woods are
and has chosen not to attend this year. He has of people with very large feet but the weight of
attended the event in the past but never seemed the person is very light especially considering
to enjoy himself. People say he longs for the that they may be carrying a child.
days of Salem to return. Also they remark on
how marvelous the music is especially under The children were captured by the Crow people
Mike Little’s direction. He is an elderly man who have taken the children to the mansion of
playing a violin. Mike Little. All of the children are placed in a
At about a half on hour before sunset the hypnotic state.
squire announces the scavenger hunt held for
the children is to begin and that all the children
13 Black Candles
The members of the dark order of Baphomet few days after the event all of the children will
have all arrived and the ritual will begin at mid- disappear going to various localities where they
night. have set up arrangements to be cared for in a
The ritual they will employ will take several lavish lifestyle until the next time they will per-
hours to complete and on the dawn of All Hal- form the ritual fifty years hence.
lows Day the transfer will be complete with the Mike Little’s House
old bodies sacrificed by the Guardians with the
minds of the children in them. One of the largest houses in the entire state
The schoolmaster was one of the ones search- it was built about fifty years prior for another
ing for the children. He did not return and de- person. Mike Little moved in nearly two years
cided to go into the pine woods by himself. He ago and has become involved with the locals.
was found by the crow people and killed. A couple of miles out of town it is somewhat
Time is very important in this adventure. hidden away in a wooded area. He seldom has
The characters have one night in which to lo- visitors other than members of the cult. Few of
cate the children in order to save them. the town people have been to this place. He no
The Keeper can use any set time limit for his longer keeps human servants but has the Crow
or her group as desired. A suggested time lim- People do much of the required work.
it of three hours after the start of the All Hal- It has two levels the first contains a good-
lows Eve party with each half hour denoting an sized library, kitchen, drawing room, and din-
event. The keeper can let the players know the ing room. The library has books on various sub-
event if appropriate or the keeper may choose jects including the Occult. There are no mythos
to simply let the players know there is a time books in this room. The drawing room has the
limit and occasionally call out the time. This trophies of several animal on the walls as well
adds to the general paranoia and dread. as a cabinet containing three pistols and six
If the investigators are able to stop the ritu- muskets and gunpowder, ammunition, fuses,
al from taking place no permanent harm will some hunting knives and a saber. The kitchen
come to the children. They will however have to has a fireplace large enough to cook with a spit
face 13 cultists and the five crow people. and cauldron. It also contains various cooking
Interrupting the ritual will leave the chil- equipment. On All Hallows Eve the kitchen is
dren’s minds in the adult’s bodies and the adults in use to provide food for the Cult. There is a
in the children’s. They are also likely to face the small stairs leading down to a cellar that con-
avatar of Shub-Niggurath and the Crow people. tains various foodstuff and wine.
The cultist now possessing the bodies of the The upstairs contains four bedrooms and a
children will attempt to convince people to do water closet. In Mike Little’s Room there is a
away with the old bodies now containing the doorway hidden behind a wardrobe that leads
children’s minds. to the ritual chamber. The children will be kept
on the second level in the hidden ritual room.
If the investigators arrive at dawn or later they This room has an altar with various symbols
will find the children now possessed by the draw on it and a small statue of Baphomet. Un-
members of the order. The bodies of the elderly derneath the altar is the Book of the Dark Or-
people will be gone having been consumed by der of Baphomet. There is a large red rug on the
Shub-Niggurath avatar. The children’s souls are floor and black drapes on the walls. Candles
now lost forever. The investigators may not re- will light the room. In addition if the come in
alize at first what has taken place. When they upon the ritual each cultist will be paired with
do they will have to make decision on what to one of the children holding a large black can-
do next. Any attack on the children will prob- dle with a deep orange flame. The black candles
ably be seen as a criminal and immoral act and are specially made from human fat for this rit-
investigators may find themselves punished. A
13 Black Candles
ual. Sanity loss to see the statue and symbols is The Graveyard
0/1d3. If the ritual is taking place it is 1/1d6. If If perchance the investigators go to the grave-
Baphomet is eating the human bodies it’s a san- yard they will notice that two graves less than
ity loss of 3/3d4. a year old look as if they have been dug up re-
In addition to the house there is a barn that ap- cently. Uncovering the graves will reveal that
pears to be in disuse. In fact the barn is the hid- the bodies are gone. This was done by the crow
ing place of the crow people. Within are several people who were getting desperate and it was
large feathers and carrion of various animals done without Mike Little knowledge who has
the Crow People are feeding on. There are vari- insisted since their arrival a couple of months
ous weapons most with bloodstains upon them ago that they could only eat what they came
to be found as well. The schoolmaster’s body across in the pine woods. Investigators are like-
can be found in the barn ripening for a feast of ly to find more of the boot tracks that an ex-
the Crow People. pert tracker will note belongs to someone who
The Church doesn’t weigh very much. Also there are few of
the overly large crow feathers.
If the investigators search the church on the
night of the event they will find that the minis- The Pine Woods
ter has apparently hung himself. This large area of primarily large pine trees
There is a note that says only “I am guilty”. By has an evil reputation. It is said to be haunted
comparing his other writing with a successful by evil spirits, was once used by Indians for
check the investigators will note that it is a forg- strange rituals involving animal sacrifices. It
ery of his handwriting. With a successful med- has little game for hunters and the few who do
icine skill check an investigation of the minis- go into it for hunting hear strange sounds and
ters body will reveal several bruises around his see shadows that move in odd ways. Some have
body and the back of his head made by a blunt come out insane and only able to remember a
object and has caused severe internal bleeding. horrible walking corpse that chased them. It
In fact the crow people were sent to do away connects to various parts of the town and its
with the minister and make it look like he was paths are sometimes used by the more brave or
responsible for the children’s disappearance. foolhardy. Older children use it as a dare game.
Mike Little knew the minister was watching Investigators searching in here will find
him. prints of large boots. With a successful track
The reverend has a small house next to the check they can follow these to both the pump-
Church. If the investigators search they will kin patch by Squire Robert’s House and to Mike
come across his journal. Little’s house. The will also come across some
The reverend has been collecting informa- black feathers but very large. Those with a suc-
tion on Mike Little, which he has written in his cessful natural history, biology or other appli-
journal (See Reverend Hart’s Journal at the end cable skill check will note that it is a crow feath-
of the Scenario). er but much too large.
The Schoolhouse The legends surrounding the woods in regards
In John Sampson’s desk on his slate board is a to being haunted do have some truth to them.
crudely drawn picture of birds carrying weap- Long before the coming of the Europeans there
ons. was a group of Native Americans who lived in
this area. Among them was a man who went
mad and murdered several of his tribe in a
most horrible fashion. He was chased down
13 Black Candles
and killed on a stone formation in the center of Baphomet
these woods. Str 28 Con 20 Siz 28 Int 21
His spirit still roams the forest mainly near Pow 40 Dex 18 HP 28
the stone formation. He will continue to haunt
Damage Bonus +1d8
the woods so long as the woods and stone for-
mation remain. Weapons claw 60%, Bite 55%, gouge with horn
45%, kick 20%
San loss 2/2d8
Ghost of Madman
Int 14 Pow 20
The Cultist
1d6 sanity to see
Mike Little Leader of the Dark Order of Baphomet
He appears as a rotting corpse, hairless, with
fanglike teeth, long finger nails and covered in He plays the part of a lonely widower who
the blood of his victims. has recently moved into the area to forget his
grief and use the rest of his time helping oth-
ers. He is to the public a humble, gentle man
who gives freely of his time and resources. His
The Dark Order of Baphomet behavior in private is often very different. He
This group is comprised of 13 elderly people is a violent tempered individual who lashes out
(each in their sixties) who seek to renew their at the slightest offense. Taking vengeance to
lives by using an elaborate mind switch spell on the extreme on the smallest of slights. He has
13 children. In addition this group participates hinted at passing on his wealth to some of the
in every vice and sin known to man. They wor- children in the church whom he feels deserves
ship a being called Baphomet who is actually the help. All thirteen of the children chosen to
a fairly stable avatar of Shub-Niggurath. This be the new vessels of the coven are in his choir
being appears as the drawing by John Dee. The group. He is the leader of the cult and has been
group also performs ritual sacrifices at each with them since their beginnings. A small but
equinox and solstice. immensely cruel man with a vast knowledge of
The have been active since the dark ages and the occult. He passes himself off as a wealthy
have preformed this rite many times. None ex- philanthropist who is a church going man. He
cept Mike Little are the original members. As alone is aware that the Cult deals with some-
accidents and other reasons have caused the thing beyond Satanism. He is the leader of the
early death of a member. When this has hap- local church choir and also plays organ, piano,
pened they seek out a new member, always violin, and flute extremely well and is familiar
some twisted, desperate, evil individual whose with various pieces and styles music from all
depravities matched their own. over Europe.
None of the cultists aside from Mike Little lives Damage Bonus -1d4
in the area. All of them will arrive at his house
between October 29th and 31st. They come
in secret and are not noticed by anyone. They Female Cultist #2
avoid the inn and other public places. They are Str 9 Con 16 Siz 14 Int 10 Pow 10
put up in various rooms at Mike Little’s house. Dex 11 App 13 Edu 15 San 0 HP 15
All of them are elderly in her sixties but in good
health. If caught in the ceremony they will do Damage Bonus 0
whatever it takes to escape punishment.
Female Cultist #3
Male Cultist #2 Str 8 Con 11 Siz 13 Int 12 Pow 12
Str 11 Con 15 Size 12 Int 16 Pow 11 Dex 11 App 8 Edu 14 San 0 HP 12
Dex 7 App 13 Edu 13 San 0 HP 14 Damage Bonus 0
Damage Bonus 0
Female Cultist #4
Str 8 Con 9 Siz 14 Int 11 Pow 10
Male Cultist #3
Dex 12 App 17 Edu 11 San 0 HP 11
Str 13 Con 9 Siz 13 Int 16 Pow 6
Dex 12 App 13 Edu 13 San 0 HP 11 Damage Bonus 0
Female Cultist #6
Male Cultist #5 Str 10 Con 9 Siz 11 Int 9 Pow 9
Str 10 Con 11 Size13 Int 12 Pow 11 Dex 6 App 10 Edu 12 San 0 HP 10
Dex 8 App 10 Edu 10 San 0 HP 12
Damage Bonus 0
Damage Bonus 0
Female Cultist #7
Male Cultist #6
Str 9 Con 9 Siz 13 Int 13 Pow 12
Str 10 Con 9 Siz 11 Int 9 Pow 9
Dex 13 App 12 Edu 10 San 0 HP 11
Dex 6 App 10 Edu 17 San 0 HP 10
Damage Bonus 0
Damage Bonus 0
13 Black Candles
Book of the Dark Order of his apprentice Mike Little a younger son of a
Baphomet minor noble. In time John Smythe died of old
age and Mike Little gathered others with simi-
Written in Old English it describes the rituals lar interest. Over the years many members have
and celebrations of the cult. Its cover is the hide come and gone but always Mike Little remained
of some unknown reptile. On the first pages is the primary force behind the cult.
an illustration of Baphomet slightly different
Spells: The Rite of Renewal (Mass Mind Trans-
from John Dee’s. Much of it deals with occult
fer for up to 13 people), A Ritual Call Forth His
concepts and practices some of it deals with
Dark Majesty Baphomet(Contact Deity Shub-
Mythos knowledge.
Niggurath), To Call the Dark Friends(contact
The Dark Order of Baphomet began in the
Crow People), Raising the Mists of The Earth
year 1058 in Britain. Founded by a renegade
(raise fog), bind soul, enchant candle.
Monk John Smythe who compiled his knowl-
edge from the Necronomicon, paganism and Sanity Loss 1d2/1d4
occult lore from the Church. The book details Mythos Knowledge + 3%
Occult Knowledge + 8%
13 Black Candles
Crow Person Crow person sleeping potion
Str 2d6 Con 3d6 Siz 2d6+3 This serum will cause anyone failing a consti-
Int 3D6 Pow 3d6 Dex 3d6+6 tution check to become unconscious for 2d3
Move 9 San loss 1/1d6 The exact ingredients are known only to
Weapons by weapon type of claw 45% 1d3 Peck crow people.
40% 1d3.
All crow people know how to make a sleeping The Children
potion and use it on darts and other weapons. Each of the children has been selected by Mike
Little to replace each of the cultist. He has al-
Crow Person 1 ready taken John Sampson for himself. Unfor-
Str 3 Con 12 Siz 11 Int 12
tunately for him this has left some clues for the
Pow 7 Dex 12 HP 11
investigators. Going to the children’s homes
will reveal nothing of importance. The parents
Weapons Scythe 40%, Dart 45%, Claw 45% of the children are very willing to help anyone
1d3, Peck 40% 1d3 who offers proof of where their children are.
They can however become a murderous mob at
the slightest provocation and if they have any
Crow Person 2 reason to suspect the investigators may turn on
Str 6 Con 9 Siz 11 Int 10 them.
Pow 6 Dex 13 HP 10
1. John Sampson 2. Robert Ellis
Weapons: Wood Axe 40%, Dart 45%, Claw 45%
3. Thomas Humfrey 4. Thomas Smart
1d3, Peck 40% 1d3
5. George Howe 6. John Pratt
7. Agnes Wood 8. Joyce Archard
Crow Person 3
Str 8 Con 8 Siz 13 Int 13 9. Jane Jones 10. Elizabeth Glane
Pow 12 Dex 18 HP 10 11. Jane Pierce 12. Joan Warren
Weapons: Bow 40%, Dart 45%, Claw 45% 1d3 13. Elizabeth Viccars
Peck 40% 1d3
Weapons: Pitchfork 40%, Dart 45%, Claw 45% Weapons: Musket 35%
1d3, Peck 40% 1d3
13 Black Candles
Str 10 Con 11 Size 12 Int 12 Pow 11 Weapons: Musket 45%
Dex 8 App 10 Edu 10 San 55 HP 12
Innkeeper Str 9 Con 18 Siz 10 Int 12 Pow 11
Str 9 Con 18 Size 10 Int 12 Pow 11 Dex 13 App 9 Edu 16 San 55 HP 14
Dex 13 App 9 Edu 16 San 55 HP 14
Weapons: Pistol 35%, Musket 20%
Weapons: Saber 35%, Pistol 40% Skills: Biology 40%, Credit Rating 30%, First
Aid 45%, Latin 35%, Medicine 40%, Pharmacy
Silversmith 50%.
Str 11 Con 13 Siz 11 Int 12 Pow 10
Dex 13 App 12 Edu 14 San 50 HP 12
13 Black Candles
13 Black Candles
The Reverend Hart’s Journal
May 13, there is something odd about the new choir leader Mike
Little. I can’t quite place it. Many of the things he says do not
match with facts I know. In particular he claims to have at-
tended the College of William and Mary, however when I asked
him on particular of tenured professors there he seemed vague
and unable to recall certain specifics.
June 30, Mr. Little has proven to be quite the musician. He is
able to play a variety of instruments with a mastery I have
never seen before. He could very well play the courts of Europe
if had chosen. He has done quite well with the choir group if a
bit harsh. But still there is something odd about the man that I
canÕt quite place.
July 12, Mike Little’s behavior today was quite bizarre. He was
speaking to the trees seemingly. No one was there and all I
heard was the cawing and clicks of crows. When he saw me ap-
proach he quickly went down the road.
August 1, I heard Mike Little utter name Baphomet today, a
name which I have not heard in many years. He said it in only
a whisper and thought no one was around. Little did he know
in my youth I fought in the wars against Indians under Gen-
eral George Washington and learned by necessity to move with
little sound. I shall keep a closer eye on him. For Baphomet is
another name for the Archfiend himself.
October 30, He has been very cautious of late and I suspect he
knows I watch him. I have been unable to observe anything un-
usual for quite some time and I was beginning to think it was
all my imagination. Last evening I saw in conversation with
cloaked and hooded figures in the Pine Woods. I know not who
these people were but I suspect something is to happen on All
Hallows Eve a night of witchcraft if there ever was one. I will
keep watch on his house tomorrow night. I wonder if all this
has to do with the disappearance of John Sampson. I spoke with
the Squire but he is a Deist and considers me to be superstitious.
I will not speak with anyone else until I have some proof of
wrong doings. How things would have been different in Cotton
Mathers day.
13 Black Candles
Dead Leaves Fall
A 1920’s Call of Cthulhu Adventure
Scenario and Artwork by Simon Yee
13 Black Candles
to return the papers the day after Halloween. Skills: Bargain 35%, First Aid 36%, Listen 60%,
If he is put in a position where he has to give Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 65%,
over the papers, then he will try to keep the last He has a special skill of not being able to sleep
piece of paper because it is the only piece he has and has eyes throughout his body in different
not fully memorized. He will even invite the shapes and sizes. During his summoning of
players to the midnight ceremony to call forth Chaat he will fully transform into one of the
Chaat, although he obviously will not say it is Children of Chaat. Please read the section on
for those reasons, describing it as a transforma- the Children of Chaat for more details.
tion ceremony
Jeremiah Keats, age 44, Ex-Book Editor/Cult Carol Langston, Ex-Freak Side Show Attraction
Leader STR 18 CON 17 SIZE 19 INT 14 POW 12
STR 12 CON 13 SIZE 14 INT 14 POW 10 DEX 14 SAN 0 HP 18
DEX 14 APP12 EDU 14 SAN 22 HP 14 Damage Bonus: +1D6
Damage Bonus:+1D4 Carol used to be known as the Melting Lady be-
Spells: Summon Deep Ones, Contact Chaat, cause her skin was sloughing off her body and
Summon/Dismiss Chaat, tumor-like bulbs bubbled up on her skin to pop
in yellow puss during her time in the carnival.
Weapons: Fist/Punch 50% 1D3+1D4; Grapple After being seen by Dr. Earl Fairmount and es-
45% special; Head 25% 1D4+1D4, Kick 35% caping to the farm, she has pretty much shed
1D6+1D4; Butcher Knife 37%, 1D6 +1D4; 12 her human skin and is a full Child of Chaat with
gauge Shotgun 50%, 4D6/2D6/1D6 all the stats that go with it. Please see Children
of Chaat section for more details.
Dead Leaves Fall
Larry Wipple, Ex-Freak Side Show Attraction
And Plumber
STR 14 CON 13 SIZE 16 INT 14 POW 10
DEX 10 APP 6 EDU 14 SAN 4 HP 14
Damage Bonus: +0
Euphemia Vickers, Ex-Vaudeville Actress Regina was the nurse that helped the patients,
STR 18 CON 19 SIZE 20 INT 9 POW 16 called The Fellowship within the Water, escape
DEX 11 SAN 0 HP 19 from being killed by Dr. Earl Fairmount. In the
process of keeping the patients safe, she lost all
Damage Bonus: +1D6 of her sanity and is in a permanent state of cata-
Euphemia was a young scantily-dressed sing- tonia staring into space.
er for a travelling vaudeville act, but once her
skin became deformed into hard spiny tracks
she found hope with Dr. Earl Fairmount. Her
hopes were demolished by the nurse Regina Ceremony for Chaat
who revealed that Dr. Fairmount was killing his
patients. Euphemia fully transformed during At midnight, the ceremony for summoning
her first Halloween at the farm and has not left Chaat will start. 4 more members of The Fel-
since. Her transformation broke Regina Veit’s lowship within the Water will drive up to the
mind and created the catatonic state she cur- farm. The names of the 4 are Donovan, Felic-
rently exhibits. Please see Children of Chaat ity, Carmen and Eddy. If Jeremiah is dead and
section for more details. the papers lost at this point, then the 4 will still
transform all the way to become the Children
Dead Leaves Fall
of Chaat and slither into the Fox River at mid- Awards
night. If Jeremiah is able to perform the cer-
emony then they will all meet at the docks and 1D4 SAN for returning the five pages
start the ceremony. It will be a simple incanta- 1D8 SAN for stopping the ceremony.
tion by candle and The Fellowship within the
Water will begin to transform into the Children The Fellowship within the Water
of Chaat. Half-way into the ceremony, 4 Deep (those arriving at midnight)
Ones will appear from the Fox River and in-
form Jeremiah that the spell is incomplete with- Each of these members will be arriving, paired
out a human sacrifice. This will cause a pause up with each other in a car. Felicity will be
among the members of The Fellowship within coming with Donovan, and Carmen with Eddy.
the Water because they did not know this was They are the last of the group who are able to
part of the ceremony. There is a 35% chance still go unnoticed in society. They each have
that they will not go through with the sacrifice. minor deformities but are able to keep them
If so, then when the water God Chaat comes he hidden from sight. By the end of tonight they
will destroy Jeremiah in the most horrific man- will transform all the way to their true form.
ner that the keeper can describe to the players Please see the section titled Children of Chaat.
like crushing his head like a pimple. If The Fel-
lowship within the Water goes ahead with the
sacrifice, then they will need to find a suitable
STR 8 CON 13 SIZE 15 INT 12 POW 14
sacrifice. Without someone already captured
(like Earl or one of the investigators) or a per- DEX 10 APP 17 EDU 13 SAN 56 HP
son willing to be sacrificed, the members will
Damage Bonus:+0
select Regina Veit. The sacrifice will be grue-
some with the honored victim being pinned
down by the deep ones and Jeremiah taking a Felicity
knife and cracking open the victims ribcage to STR 14 CON 16 SIZE 14 INT 13 POW 16
withdraw the beating heart. (SAN 1/1D6 loss).
DEX 13 APP 13 EDU 14 SAN 67 HP 15
If Earl is alive and still around at this time,
then he will probably start killing members of Damage Bonus: +1D4
The Fellowship within the Water with whatev-
Weapon: .38 Revolver 87%, 1D10
er he has at hand and encourage investigators
to help.
After the sacrifice, it will take 5 rounds for Carmen
Chaat to form itself in the watery shape of the STR 12 CON 14 SIZE 18 INT 11 POW 12
conjuror Jeremiah and take The Fellowship
DEX 14 APP 16 EDU 11 SAN 34 HP 16
within the Water into its body before returning
to the dimension from whence it came (SAN Damage Bonus: +1D4
1/1D8 loss). The deep ones will then return to
the Fox River.
The 5 sheets of paper will be laying on what Eddy
is left of the docks. The investigators will be STR 14 CON 13 SIZE 16 INT 14 POW 10
able to take them without much problem and DEX 8 APP 16 EDU 14 SAN 22 HP 14
return them to Herman Berk in Chicago. This
will end the scenario. Damage Bonus: +1D4
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