Topics 10-2 Relationship Between Pressure and Density

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Topics 10-2: Relationship between Pressure and Density

Pressure is the measure of force acting on a unit area. Density is the measure of how closely any
given entity is packed, or it is the ratio of the mass of the entity to its volume. The relation between
pressure and density is direct. Change in pressure will be reflected in a change in density and vice-

Pressure and Density

The pressure and density relationship for ideal gases and fluids is mathematically written as-

Formula Terms SI units

P is the pressure of the ideal gas pascal or Pa

R is the universal gas constant R=8.31 J/mole/K0

For ideal gas P=ƥRT
T is the temperature of the ideal gas Kelvin or K0

Ƥ is the density of the ideal gas. Kg/m3

P is the pressure of the fluid pascal or Pa or bar

Ƥ is the density of the fluid lbm/ft3

V is the volume ft3

For fluids P=ƥVg/Agc
A is the area ft2

m is the mass lbm

g is the acceleration due to gravity ft/sec2

gc is the gravity constant 32.17lbm-ft/lbf-sec2

Read More: Ideal Gases

Pressure and Density Relationship

The pressure and density relation are direct. That is, the pressure is directly proportional to density.
Which means that –

• When pressure increases, density increases.

• When the pressure decreases, density decreases.
• When density increases, pressure increases.
• When density decreases, the pressure decreases.

Relation by its properties:

Density : The mass per unit volume of a substance “ ƥ = m / V ( Kg/ m3 )
Weight -density: Weight per unit volume ƥ = m / V ( Kg/ m3 ) = W / V ( Kg/ m3 ) ,
where W= m. g
Density and Weight density relation: D=W/V ( Kg/ m3 ), where W= m. g
D= ƥ. g where D= Weight – density
Weight – density is commonly used when we are concerned with effects depending upon force,
while density is used when mass is to be considered.

Specific Gravity: Relative density: Is a ratio of its density to that of some standard substance.

Usually, the standard of it is a water at the temperature of its maximum density at 4ᴼ C (39.2 F): Thus if
ƥ the density of the substance and ƥ w , density of water, the relative density ƥᵣ of the
ƥᵣ = ƥ / ƥ w , ƥᵣ = D/ D w
Thus to get ; density relative to water:
ƥ = (ƥ r ) ( ƥ w ) , Units are similar of those system similar to water.
Its bottom supports the weight of the fluid in it. Let us calculate the pressureexerted on the bottom by
the of the fluid. That pressure is the weight of the fluid mg divided by the area A� supporting it
(the area of the bottom of the container):


We can find the mass of the fluid from its volume and density

m=ρ V.

The volume of the fluid V is related to the dimensions of the container. It is


where A is the cross-sectional area and h is the depth. Combining the last two equations gives

m=ρ A h.

If we enter this into the expression for pressure, we obtain

P= (ρ Ah) g/A.

The area cancels, and rearranging the variables yields

P1=ρ g h.

This value is the pressure due to the weight of a fluid. The equation has general validity
beyond the special conditions under which it is derived here. Even if the container were not
there, the surrounding fluid would still exert this pressure, keeping the fluid static. Thus the
equation P1=ρ g h represents the pressure due to the weight of any fluid of average density ρ at
any depth ℎ below its surface. For liquids, which are nearly incompressible, this equation holds
to great depths.

Figure: The bottom of this container supports the entire weight of the fluid in it. The vertical
sides cannot exert an upward force on the fluid (since it cannot withstand a shearing force), and
so the bottom must support it all.

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