Red Hat Linux Command Line Quick Reference Card

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swelltechnology tsunami Red Hat Linux Command Line Quick Reference Card

Common Commands and Options Console Basics

Logging In
ls - list files in the current directory, or the files in another directory if a
When you first sit down to a Linux machine, you'll see a login prompt,
directory is given asking for your username first, and then your password. Note that Unix,
common options unlike some other operating systems, is case sensitive in most regards
-l long or more complete file information -a list all files (even hidden) including authentication. So enter your username and password exactly
example as the user was configured, including capital and lowercase letters.
ls -al /var/log/squid/access.log
cd - change the current working directory to the directory given Logging into a Linux machine can be done remotely, using either ssh or
telnet. ssh is recommended, as it is a secure protocol. To log in via
ssh simply type the name of your ssh client software, usually followed
cd /etc/squid by the username you wish to login as and the remote address you'd like
to log into. For example, using the OpenSSH ssh implementation, you
cp - copy one or more files to another location would type the following command:
common options
-a maintain permissions and recursively descend into $ ssh -l root
directories copying all files -R copy recursively including
directories After entering your password, you will be authenticated as the root user
examples and able to perform operations as though you were logged in on the
cp -R /home/joe /mnt/nfs/backup console.
mkdir - make a new directory
rmdir - remove an empty directory Privileged User or Superuser or root
common options Unix is a multi-user operating system, meaning that any number of
-p make or remove parent directories as needed, if possible people can have accounts on the system and any number of users can
example be logged in at the same time. To maintain sanity in an environment
mkdir -p /home/cpxuser/src/squid-2.4-test where many people share the same machine, or where the machine is
exposed to the internet, the system needs some form of access control
to keep users from interfering with other users or damaging the system.
rm - remove one or more files In Unix, this is generally referred to as permissions . When
common options performing system administration tasks that alter the behavior of the
-R recursively remove files from directories system, you will usually need to be logged into the system as the root
example user.
rm -R /temp/work-dir/*
When you are logged in as a normal, or unprivileged user, your shell
Network Configuration command prompt will likely be a US dollar sign, or $ . If logged in as the
root user your prompt will be a hash mark, or # . Use the su
Unix in general and Red Hat Linux in particular provide a Getting More Information
number of simple tools for administering and maintaining the Unix systems, like Linux, are usually self documenting if you know how
network functions in a server system. to ask for help.
command Thefrom
to switch commands to know are
an unprivileged userman androot
to the info. The
manpages and info documents while rarely easy to understand, can
often provide just enough information to help you find deeper answers in
If configuring network devices the important commands are a search of the internet or in a complete system reference.
ifconfig, netconfig, route and ping. To display the current
network configuration, use ifconfig: To read a manpage or an info page on a command, simply type man or
info followed by the command you'd like more information about. A
$ /sbin/ifconfig good place to start is the documentation for each of the documentation
To configure the Red Hat networking settings, use netconfig
while logged in as root: $ man man
$ info info
# /usr/sbin/netconfig
Another nifty trick is the apropos option of either of these commands.
This will start the menu-driven interface for configuring the Using the apropos option allows you to enter a word related to your
problem, without having to know the actual command name you need to
primary network interface on your system.
read about. The man apropos option is enabled with the -k option,
while for info it is --apropos.
To test connectivity between hosts on a network, use ping:
$ man -k network
$ ping $ info --apropos make
To temporarily alter a network interface address, you can also Note that while many manpages have been marked as deprecated in
use ifconfig: favor of their info counterparts, many people find info a difficult program
to use and the manpages more comprehensible and easy to use. The
# /sbin/ifconfig eth0 manpages are also more complete, covering more software.

Copyright © 2001 Joe Cooper <[email protected]>, Swell Technology

swelltechnology tsunami Red Hat Linux Command Line Quick Reference Card

Directory Structure Globbing, Grepping and Finding Files

For many new users, simply finding things is a difficult task. If Linux provides some great tools for dealing with your files. The first is
you don't already know that configuration files usually live in the built-in globbing that the shell provides, which allows you to enter
/etc, it probably isn't the first place you'll look for that type of file. just enough of a filename of directory to identify it, as well as locate all
filenames that match some criteria, among other things. The grep
The Linux filesystem structure is consistent, and makes sense
command allows you to find some given piece of data in a number of
once you understand it, but it is not an intuitively obvious layout. files. Finally, the find command will help locate a lost file.

bin - System executable tools, including cp, ls, mount, more, A glob in its most basic form is an * (often called "star" or "splat" when
and others. The bare minimum set of commands needed to spoken) which matches any number of any character. For example, if I
bring up a functional (though not very featureful) system. wanted to list all of the files in my directory with the letters "txt" in them, I
boot - The kernel boot images reside here. When a new could enter:
kernel is installed it will be installed here.
$ ls *txt*
dev - System devices, both physical and virtual. This is a
pseudo-filesystem that provides a file interface to the Or to list the contents of every directory that contains a specific date in
components of the system. Necessary in a Unix system the name:
because in Unix, everything is viewed as a file.
$ ls you
When /home/joe/*07-31*/*
are logged in as a normal, or unprivileged user, your shell
etc - Configuration files reside here. Nearly every configurable
command prompt will likely be a US dollar sign, or $ . If logged in as the
service on your system has a configuration file or configuration Other
user are
prompt too, thea?hash
will be matches
mark,one occurrence
or # of any
. Use the su
directory located in this directory. character.
home - Home directory for users. Each user will have a home
directory with the same name as their username located in this
commandif weto
need to find
switch fromananoccurrence
unprivilegedof some the root
user tospecific string user.
of text in
directory. one of 5,000 files, we can use grep. The command is followed by the
lib - System libraries live in this directory. A system library is string to match against and a filename, a list of filenames, or glob of files
an archive of program routines that provide user programs a to search for the text string. If it finds the string it will print a line
standard method to access the various functions of the identifying the file and display the line in which the string appears. To
operating system. find the file containing "blue shoes":
mnt - Filesystems that are generally mounted temporarily $ grep 'blue shoes' /home/joe/*.txt
usually go here. This would include floppy drives, CDROM
drives, and other removable media. Some sites place NFS
Finally, to find a file that we know the name of but can't locate amongst
mounts in this directory. our thousands of files, we use find. It takes at least two arguments: the
opt - Locally installed components. This directory is currently directory in which to begin the search, and the name of the file to find:
rarely used on Linux systems.
$ find . -name my-long-lost-file.txt
proc - The Linux kernel creates this filesystem on boot and fills
it with a wide range of files that provide access, either for To look for the file in the current directory and each of its subdirectories.
configuration or for viewing the contents of, many of the system
limits, settings, running processes, and a lot more.
root - The home directory for the root user. Software Installation
sbin - System bin, or the location of most of the system Installation of software under Red Hat Linux is achieved using rpm or
configuration and administration binary executable files. the Red Hat Package Manager. This package manager maintains a
database of all installed packages, their versions, and their
tmp - Temporary files, usually created by programs running on
dependencies. If all software is installed via packages, your system will
your system, reside here. These files are periodically cleaned be easier to maintain and keep up to date. It must be run by the root
from the system, and thus tmp should not be used for storage user.
of anything you don't want to be deleted.
usr - Within this directory is a second tier of directories. The following options are most commonly used:
Generally, user programs reside in one of the subdirectories of
-i install -U upgrade -F freshen -v verbose -h display a progress
meter -e uninstall or erase
/usr. For example, emacs lives in /usr/bin.
Current Working Directory and Dots
The -U option will install the package if a version is not already installed,
The term current working directory refers to the directory you are in
while the -F option only performs upgrades of packages that are already
currently. You may find the working directory using the pwd command.
present on the system.
Note the current directory is not in the path, thus simply typing the name
of an executable in the working directory will not succeed in running it.
For example, to upgrade Squid to the latest version:
To run a file in the working directory, you precede the filename with the
path to the file. Unix provides a shortcut to represent the working # rpm -Uvh squid-2.4STABLE1-i386.rpm
directory: a dot. So to run
To upgrade a number of packages from a directory, without installing
$ ./
any new packages:
Two dots represents the directory above the working directory. # rpm -Fvh /home/joe/RPMS/updates/*.rpm

Copyright © 2001 Joe Cooper <[email protected]>, Swell Technology

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