Appendix 2 - Additional Conveying Data

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Introduction ......................................................................................................................................738
Materials and Pipelines Listings ............................................................................................ 738
Material Properties Listings ................................................................................................... 742
Additional Conveying Data .................................................................................................................744
Low-Pressure Conveying........................................................................................................ 744
Coal ..........................................................................................................................................745
Sodium chloride (salt) ...............................................................................................................745
Sodium carbonate (heavy soda ash) ..........................................................................................746
Pearlite .....................................................................................................................................747
High-Pressure Conveying....................................................................................................... 747
Cryolite and fluidized bed ash....................................................................................................747
Pulverized coal..........................................................................................................................748
Lump coal and sandy alumina ...................................................................................................748
Potassium sulphate and potassium chloride...............................................................................750
Barite and cement.....................................................................................................................750
Aluminium fluoride and aluminium hydrate................................................................................751
Iron powder ..............................................................................................................................752
Pearlite .....................................................................................................................................754
Magnesium sulphate .................................................................................................................754
Alumina ....................................................................................................................................754
Zircon sand...............................................................................................................................755
Copper concentrate...................................................................................................................755
Coke fines.................................................................................................................................755
Bentonite ..................................................................................................................................756
Fluorspar ..................................................................................................................................756
Coal ..........................................................................................................................................758
Silica sand ................................................................................................................................758
Potassium sulphate ...................................................................................................................758
Sodium sulphate .......................................................................................................................760
Magnesium sulphate .................................................................................................................760
Pipeline Material .................................................................................................................. 760

Pneumatic Conveying Design Guide.

Copyright © 2016 David Mills. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Conveying data on a wide variety of materials has been used to illustrate the influence of material type,
and particularly material properties, on conveying capability and performance. The importance of
material grade has been highlighted, as well as the potential influence of material degradation as a
result of pneumatic conveying. Conveying data has also been used to show how scaling parameters for
pipeline bends, pipeline orientation, and pipeline material can be evaluated.
The main point with regard to conveying data, however, is its importance in system design.
Because different materials, conveyed under identical conditions of airflow rate and pressure drop,
can exhibit widely varying material flow rates, conveying data and scaling is widely used for system
design. The determination and specification of the minimum conveying air velocity is equally
To this end actual conveying data in the form of complete performance maps has been used
throughout. For most applications just one or two data points will be required, but the information on
materials presented will allow a wide range of pressure drop options to be considered and a choice
between dilute and dense phase conveying, where this is a possibility. Full details of each pipeline used
are also provided.


For reference purposes the different materials for which conveying characteristics have been presented
in this Design Guide are listed in Table A2.1. This data has been specifically used to illustrate dif-
ferences in conveying capability, power requirements, pipeline orientation, scaling parameters, and a
host of other conveying parameters throughout the Design Guide. This conveying data, however, can
be used for design purposes and for checking the performance of existing systems. The generation of
such data was a major feature of the program of work that was instigated by the Department of Trade
and Industry in the United Kingdom in 1980 specifically for this book.
The author and his colleagues have added to this data base over the years and so information on
other materials, and with other pipelines, is also included in this appendix for additional reference. The
figure numbers for the appropriate data are given in Table A2.1, together with the pipeline reference
number. Details and location within the Design Guide of the various pipelines used is presented in
Table A2.2.
Details of the pipelines used for conveying the various materials are presented in Table A2.2. The
number of the figure in the text is given for each so that a sketch can be viewed. Basic details are also
listed in the table.
The sketches of the pipelines show that many of the routings follow a prescribed pattern. This was
designed by the author for the benefit of the original Design Guide and for the specific purpose of
generating a wide range of conveying data. In the vertical plane the top three levels were for 53 mm
(2-inch nominal) bore pipelines. The next two levels were for 81 mm bore (3-inch nominal) bore
pipelines. The bottom two levels were for 105 mm (4-inch nominal) bore pipelines. A dimensioned
plan view of the laboratory in which they were installed is given in Fig. A2.1.
Pipeline lengths were varied from 50 m with number 3 to 163 m with number 17 so that scaling
parameters for conveying distance could be determined. Pipelines could also be built having a similar
conveying distance but a different number of bends, such as numbers 7 and 12 so that the influence of

Table A2.1 Reference List of Materials for Which Conveying Characteristics Are Presented
Figure number Reference
for conveying for pipeline Pipeline or
Material Type or condition data used material

Alumina Floury 13.21b 9

14.11b 9
Sandy 13.21a 9
14.3 3
14.11a 9
14.17 9 open
14.18 9 fluted bypass
14.19b 9 porous bypass
A2.7b 6
Alumina Calcined 12.5a 2
A2.14a 3
Alumina Hydrate 12.5b 2
A2.11b 18
Aluminium fluoride A2.11a 18
Ammonium chloride A2.2a 1
Barite 12.6b 2
14.5 3
16.15a 7
16.15b 12
16.28a 14 steel
16.28b 14 rubber
A2.9a 17
A2.13b 3
Bentonite A2.16a 5
Cement Ordinary Portland 11.8 6
12.10d 3
13.3 3
A2.9b 17
A2.17a 6
Oil well A2.18a 14 steel
A2.18b 14 rubber
Coal Pearls A2.3a 1
Minus 25 mm 12.7 2
A2.16c 5
A2.7a 6
Granular as supplied 13.26a 3
Granular degraded 13.26b 3
Pulverized A2.6 3

Table A2.1 Reference List of Materials for Which Conveying Characteristics Are Presented
Figure number Reference
for conveying for pipeline Pipeline or
Material Type or condition data used material
Coke Fines 12.15b 3
Copper concentrate 12.15a 3
Cryolite 11.13a 6
A2.4a 13
Dicalcium phosphate 48% 11.13b 6
13.24a 6
52% 13.24b 6
Fluidized bed combustor 12.8 2
A2.4b 5
Fluorspar A2.16b 5
Fly ash Coarse 13.23a 10
Fine 12.1a 1
12.9 2
12.14 3
11.11 10
13.23b 10
16.23 13
18.12a 15 a
18.12b 15 b
18.14 15 c
Iron powder 12.1b 1
14.4 3
A2.13a 3
Magnesium sulphate 20.3 16
12.13d 3
A2.17d 6
Nylon Pellets 13.10 8
Pearlite A2.3d 1
12.13c 3
Polyethylene Pellets 12.10c 3
13.7 3
Potassium chloride 11.6b 6
A2.8b 16
Potassium sulphate 16.2b 6
A2.8a 16
A2.17b 6
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Powder 12.6a 2
Resin 12.16a 4

Table A2.1 Reference List of Materials for Which Conveying Characteristics Are Presented
Figure number Reference
for conveying for pipeline Pipeline or
Material Type or condition data used material
Silica sand A2.16d 5
A2.2b 2
Sodium carbonate Soda ashdHeavy A2.3c 1
LightdFresh 13.28a 11
LightdDegraded 13.28b 11
Sodium chloride Salt A2.3b 1
Sodium sulphate A2.17c 6
Sugar GranulateddFresh 13.2 3
GranulateddDegraded 12.10b 3
13.25a 3
Terephthalic acid (PTA) 12.16b 4
Wheat flour 12.10a 3
Zircon sand 12.14b 3

Table A2.2 Reference List of Pipelines Used for Conveying Trials for Materials Listed Pipeline
Pipeline reference Figure number Bore Length Number of Bend geometry
number in text (mm) (m) bends (D/d)

1 12.2 53 35 8 5
2 12.4 53 34 7 5
3 12.11 53 50 9 24
4 12.15 53 50 8 e
5 A2.5 53 70 9 various
6 2.2 81 95 9 16
7 13.4 53 101 17 24
8 13.8 81 49 6 5
9 13.20 53 47 6 8
10 11.10 63 133 10 e
11 13.27 53 37 5 8
12 16.14 53 104 9 24
13 16.22 53 50 11 6
14 16.27 53 40 5 e
15a 18.10 53 115 10 e
b 53-68
c 53-68-81
16 20.2 105 95 9 12
17 A2.10 53 163 17 24
18 A2.12 53 98 13 e

FIG. A2.1
Plan of test loops for pipelines 3, 6, 7, 9.45 m 3.60 m 4.55 m 4.65 m
12, 16, and 17
Blow tank
8.00 m


the bends could be investigated. With seven rows of pipework, three levels of 53 mm bore pipeline, and
two rows each of 81 and 105 mm bore pipeline, identical pipelines could be constructed with pipe bore
being the only variable so that scaling parameters for this could also be established.


Much emphasis has been given to the various property values of the materials conveyed, partly because
of their influence on the mode of conveying that can be achieved with a material. These are particularly
important in contractual agreements and should be noted for reference by all parties involved. The
basic properties of size and density, where available, are listed in Table 2A.3.
In the program of work undertaken to determine the classification for pneumatic conveying pre-
sented in Fig. 13.16, bulk material properties based on air-to-material interactions were determined.
These values are presented, for the materials included in the investigation, in Table A2.4.

Table A2.3 Basic Property Values of Materials Tested

Mean particle Bulk density Particle density
Material size (mm) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)

Alumina Sandy 79 1040 3600

Calcined 66 750 3920
Hydrate 60 1110 2420
Aluminium e 1420 e
Ammonium e 900 1500
Barite 12 1590 4250
Bentonite 24 760 2300
Cement Ordinary 14 1070 3060
Coal Pearls 10,000 690 1320
Minus 25 mm 5600 750 1400

Table A2.3 Basic Property Values of Materials Tested Continued

Mean particle Bulk density Particle density
Material size (mm) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Granular As supplied 778 870 1550
Degraded 146 700 1550
Pulverized 84 393 1550
Coke Fines 800 e e
Copper 55 1660 3950
Fluidized 1200 1270 2500
Fluorspar 66 1580 3700
Fly ash Coarse 110 e e
Fine 25 700 1700
Iron powder 64 2380 5710
Magnesium 370 1380 2355
Pearlite 200 100 800
Polyethylene Pellets 4000 540 910
Potassium 580 1180 1990
Potassium 170 1240 2625
Polyvinyl Powder 90 615 990
Resin 120 490 1400
Silica sand 70 1250 2630
Sodium Soda ash, 340 1160 2500
carbonate heavy
Light 115
Sodium Salt 390 1220 2630
Sugar Granulated Fresh 460 890 1580
Degraded 170 655 1580
Terephthalic e 930 e
acid (PTA)
Wheat flour 90 510 1470
Zircon sand 120 2600 4600

Table A2.4 Additional Property Values for Some of the Materials Tested
Compaction Permeability deaeration rate
Material (%) (m3s/kg 3 10L6) (m/s 3 10L3)

Alumina Sandy 17 0.42 19

Barite 43 0.48 3.9
Cement Ordinary 40 0.71 3.0
Coal Granular As 14 42 24
Degraded 36 1.0 2.9
Pulverized 31 0.53 4.3
Copper 30 0.33 9.8
Fly ash Fine 49 0.6 2.0
Iron powder 34 0.34 7.0
Magnesium 29 6.3 17
Pearlite 30 5.7 8.8
Polyethylene Pellets 5 420 60
Potassium 16 11 26
Potassium 17 0.99 18
Polyvinyl Powder 22 1.2 8
chloride (PVC)
Silica sand 12 3.9 34
Sugar Granulated Fresh 10 20 13
Degraded 43 1.4 8.3
Wheat flour 37 1.3 6.2
Zircon sand 15 1.3 10


Further conveying data are included here for a few additional materials and for the conveying of some
materials in additional pipelines.

If only low-pressure air is available for conveying a material through a pipeline, such as that from a
positive-displacement blower or a vacuum system, and below about 1 bar gauge, a material will only
be conveyed in dilute phase through a pipeline, unless the conveying distance is short. Conveying
data for six different materials is presented. Each material was conveyed up to a maximum of about

0.5 bar in terms of conveying-line pressure drop. A low-pressure bottom-discharge blow tank was
used to feed each material into the pipeline. Although each material was conveyed in dilute phase,
there are significant differences in their conveying capability. The first two materials are presented in
Fig. A2.2.
The conveying characteristics for a group of four materials conveyed through the Fig. 12.2 pipeline
are presented in Fig. A2.3.

The coal presented in Fig. A2.3a is referred to as pearls. It has a mean particle size of approximately
10 mm, with a top size of about 20 mm. There were no operating problems in conveying this material
through the 53 mm bore pipeline, despite the relatively large particle size, although degradation of the
coal was a problem. Despite the large particle size, higher material flow rates were achieved than for
some of the fine granular materials tested in this pipeline. Because the coal has a very wide particle size
distribution and is very friable, there is no possibility of the material being conveyed in anything other
than dilute phase in a conventional conveying system.

Sodium chloride (salt)

The common salt conveyed very well, with a conveying performance similar to that of the coal. The
mean particle size of the salt was about 390 mm. Like the coal, this material has no dense phase
conveying capability and would not be conveyed in dense phase even if a very much higher air supply
pressure was available, in a conventional conveying system.

Conveying line Solids

pressure loading
4 drop (bar) ratio 4
24 20 Conveying line Solids
16 pressure loading
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

Material flow rate (tonne/h)

0.4 drop (bar)

12 ratio
3 3
0.3 8 0.5 10
2 2
6 0.4
0.2 6
4 0.3
1 1 4
0.1 0.2
2 2
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
(a) Air flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.2
Conveying characteristics for low-pressure dilute phase conveying. a) Ammonium chloride in pipeline no. 1;
b) Silica sand in pipeline no. 2

4 Solids loading 4
Conveying line
Conveying line Solids loading
pressure drop (bar)

Material flow rate (tonne/h)

pressure drop (bar) ratio
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

3 12 3
10 14
0.5 12
8 8
2 2 0.4
6 6
0.2 4 4
1 1
2 2
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
(a) Air flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air flow rate (kg/s)

Conveying line Solids loading

4 4 pressure drop (bar) ratio
0.5 16
Material flow rate (tonne/h)
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

3 Conveying line Solids loading 3 12
pressure drop (bar) ratio 10

10 8
2 0.5 2
8 0.3
6 6
0.3 4 0.2 4
1 1
2 2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
(c) Air flow rate (kg/s) (d) Air flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.3
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 1. a) Coal (pearls); b) Sodium chloride;
c) Sodium carbonate (soda ash); d) Pearlite

Sodium carbonate (heavy soda ash)

Soda ash has something of a reputation of being a difficult material to convey. Further data on soda ash,
albeit light soda ash, is presented at the end of Chapter 13. The fact that the material flow rate achieved
was rather low may be part of the problem, and part of the reason for showing the performance
characteristics of a wide range of materials is to illustrate the fact that a wide range of performance
capabilities must be expected, even in dilute phase flow. There is no obvious correlation between any

of the material properties and their performance ranking on Fig. 12.3, for example. The mean particle
size of the heavy soda ash tested was about 340 mm. This is yet another material with no natural dense
phase conveying capability.

Pearlite is an exfoliated-type material and had the lowest density of all the materials tested. The bulk
density was about 100 kg/m3 and the particle density 800 kg/m3. The mean particle size was about
200 mm. With this combination of properties the material is capable of being conveyed in dense phase
in a conventional conveying system, and further conveying characteristics for this material will be
found in the next section of this appendix on high-pressure conveying.

As mentioned earlier, a high-pressure pneumatic conveying test facility was built specifically for the
generation of conveying data for the Design Guide and so all of the materials included were tested over
a wide range of pressures in order to determine their full conveying capability.

Cryolite and fluidized bed ash

The next two sets of conveying data are for high-pressure conveying, although neither material was
capable of being conveyed in dense phase. Cryolite conveyed through the 53 mm bore, 50 m long
pipeline in Fig. 16.22 is presented in Fig. A2.4a, and fluidized bed combustor ash conveyed through a
53 mm bore, 70 m long pipeline, included here as Fig. A2.5 for reference, is presented in Fig. A2.4b.

Conveying line
pressure 16 Conveying line
6 drop (bar) 16 pressure
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

1.4 12 14 drop (bar)
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

1.2 10 12
Solids 2.0
4 loading
1.0 10
8 ratio
3 0.8 8 30
6 1.6
0.6 6 25
4 20
4 1.2
0.4 15
1 2 10
0.2 2 5 0.8
0 0
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.4
Conveying characteristics for high-pressure dilute phase conveying of materials. a) Cryolite in pipeline no. 13;
b) Fluidized bed ash in pipeline no. 5

FIG. A2.5 Pipeline details

Length 70 m
Sketch of pipeline no. 5
Bore 53 mm
Bends 9 90°
D/d 3 24
6 5
Return to

Supplementary air

Discharge from
blow tank

The minimum conveying air velocity for the bed ash was about 11 m/s and as a consequence, solids
loading ratios of up to about 35 were achieved with the high conveying pressures. Although the mean
particle size of the material was about 1.2 mm, it contained a high percentage of fines and so conveying
with an inlet air velocity of only 11 m/s was quite possible. The minimum conveying air velocity for
the cryolite was about 14 m/s, and so solids loading ratios were much lower. The mean particle size
was in the region of 3 mm, with a top size of about 8 mm, and a large proportion of fines.
Both of these materials are extremely abrasive and so it would be essential to reinforce all bends in
any pipeline conveying either of these materials. In an erosive wear conveying program, the bed ash
wore through a Booth bend (see Fig. 8.1b) in a relatively short period of time. It is suspected that the
impact energy of the large particles was sufficient to displace the protective cushion of particles
retained in the recessed pocket of the bend. Because of the large particles in these materials, partic-
ularly with the cryolite, it would also be recommended that all straight pipeline sections should be
suitably reinforced. An alloy cast iron pipeline or a steel pipe lined with basalt would be appropriate.

Pulverized coal
Conveying characteristics for pulverized coal conveyed through the 53 mm bore, 50 m long pipeline
number 3 (see Fig. 12.11) are presented in Fig. A2.6. This is another material that could only be
conveyed in dilute phase despite the fact that conveying-line pressure drop values of up to 1 bar were
employed. The mean particle size of the coal was about 84 mm, which is too granular to give the
material the necessary air retention. As a consequence, the minimum conveying air velocity for the
material was about 10 m/s, which explains why solids loading ratio values up to 40 were achieved.

Lump coal and sandy alumina

The conveying characteristics for two further materials that were conveyed through the 81 mm bore,
95 m long pipeline number 6 (see Fig. 2.2) are presented in Fig. A2.7. One material is 25 mm coal
and the other is sandy alumina. Neither material could be conveyed in dense phase despite the
availability of high-pressure air. The minimum conveying air velocity for the coal was about 12 m/s

Solids FIG. A2.6

Conveying ratio Conveying characteristics for
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

line pressure 40 pulverized coal through pipeline

drop (bar) 30 no. 3
8 0.8 1.0

4 0.4 10


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

and that for the alumina was about 14 m/s, and hence, the maximum values of solids loading ratios
were about 12 and 20 respectively.
With a conveying-line pressure drop of 1.6 bar, a maximum of about 14.5 tonne/h could be ach-
ieved with the coal, but only 9.5 tonne/h could be achieved with the alumina. These figures compare


Limit of
Solids conveying
ratio 10 Conveying 12
Conveying line pressure 1.6
18 line pressure 9 drop (bar)
drop (bar) 10
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

16 20 8
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

14 1.6 7 1.2
12 1.4 12 6 No go
1.2 5 6
8 1.0 8 4
6 0.8 3

4 0.6 4 2 0.4
2 0.4 1

0 0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.7
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 6. a) Minus 25 mm coal; b) Sandy

with 12 tonne/h for cryolite (see Fig. 11.13a) and 21 tonne/h for dicalcium phosphate (see Fig. 11.13b)
conveyed through exactly the same pipeline with a pressure drop of 1.6 bar.

Potassium sulphate and potassium chloride

The conveying characteristics for two materials that were conveyed through the 105 mm bore, 95 m
long pipeline number 16 (see Fig. 20.2) are presented in Fig. A2.8. These are potassium sulphate and
potassium chloride, neither of which could be conveyed in dense phase, and with a relatively low
pressure gradient, the maximum value of solids loading ratio for the potassium sulphate was only
about 5. The minimum conveying air velocity for these two materials was about 15 to 16 m/s. With a
conveying-line pressure drop of 0.8 bar, only 4.4 tonne/h of potassium sulphate could be conveyed.
This compares with about 10 tonne/h for cement in this pipeline (see Fig. 26.5), but for exactly the
same airflow rate, 49 tonne/h was conveyed with a pressure drop of 2.8 bar. To increase the flow rate
for both of the Fig. A2.8 materials, a larger bore pipeline would generally be recommended rather than
an increase in air supply pressure.

Barite and cement

The influence of conveying distance on the value of solids loading ratio that can be achieved with
dilute phase conveying was clearly shown in Fig. A2.8. Conveying distance has a similar influence

Limit of
Conveying line conveying
Solids pressure drop
9 9 (bar)
Limit of loading
ratio 8 7
8 Conveying line conveying 0.8 6
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

pressure drop 5
7 (bar) 7
6 4 6 0.6 4
1.0 No go
5 5 area
No go 0.8 3 3
4 area 4 0.4
3 2 3 2

2 0.4 2 0.2
1 1
1 0.2 1
0 0
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.8
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 16. a) Potassium sulphate;
b) Potassium chloride

with regard to materials that have dense phase conveying potential. Conveying data for both barite and
cement in a longer pipeline is presented in Fig. A2.9.
The pipeline used for these two materials was 53 mm bore and 163 m long. A sketch of the pipeline
is given in Fig. A2.10. This is shown in relation to the additional elements of 53 mm bore pipeline that
were available for alternative pipeline routings with this particular bore of pipeline in the laboratory
shown in Fig. A2.1.
Solids loading ratios for the materials in Fig. A2.9 are now below 100 despite the fact that air
supply pressures above 4 bar gauge were employed. With these two materials capable of being
conveyed in dense phase, the potential of using high air supply pressures can be clearly seen.
Compared with the materials conveyed through the larger bore and shorter length pipeline presented in
Fig. A2.8, material flow rates are very much higher and airflow rates required are much lower.

Aluminium fluoride and aluminium hydrate

Conveying characteristics for two further fine granular materials with no natural dense phase
conveying capability are shown in Fig. A2.11.
A sketch of the pipeline used for conveying these materials is shown in Fig. A2.12. The minimum
conveying air velocity for the aluminium fluoride was about 14 m/s and that for the aluminium hydrate
was about 13 m/s.

Conveying Conveying line
line pressure drop
20 pressure 80 70 60 (bar)
drop (bar) 50 20 Solids
4.2 4.6
40 loading
ratio 60 50
16 40
3.8 16
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

Material flow rate (tonne/h)

30 5.0
12 3.4
3.0 4.0
8 8
2.2 10
4 1.8 10
1.4 2.0
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.9
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 17. a) Barite; b) Cement

FIG. A2.10
Sketch of pipeline no. 17

Pipeline details
Length 163 m
Bore 53 mm
Bends 17 90
D/d 24

Conveying characteristics for a group of four materials conveyed through the Fig. 12.11 pipeline
with a top-discharge high-pressure blow tank are presented in Fig. A2.13.

Iron powder
The conveying characteristics for iron powder, presented earlier in Fig. 12.1b for low-pressure dilute
phase conveying, are shown again in Fig. A2.13a for the high-pressure conveying system. The dif-
ference between the two sets of data are quite remarkable and clearly illustrate the need for such test
work to be undertaken. With the low-pressure air, a solids loading ratio of only 6 could be achieved, yet

Solids Solids
loading ratio loading ratio
Limit of Limit of
7 7
conveying conveying
Conveying 16 2.0
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

6 Conveying
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

2.0 6
line pressure line pressure
5 drop (bar) 5 drop (bar) 12
1.6 12 1.6
4 4
No go area 1.2 No go area 1.2
3 8 8
2 2 0.8
4 4
1 0.4 1
0 0
0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.11
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 18. a) Aluminium fluoride;
b) Aluminium hydrate
Pipeline details FIG. A2.12
Length 98 m Sketch of pipeline no. 18
Bore 53 mm
Bends 13 90

Solids loading
Conveying Solids loading
28 28 ratio
line pressure ratio 80
Conveying 100 2.8
drop (bar) 120
100 2.4
80 line pressure 120
24 2.8 3.2 24 drop (bar) 60

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

2.4 50 2.0 50
20 20

16 2.0 40 40
1.6 30 12 30

8 20 8 1.2 20

0.8 10 4 0.8 10
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

20 20
Conveying Solids loading
line pressure ratio
16 drop (bar) 16

60 50
40 12
12 1.6 Solids loading
1.2 30
Conveying ratio
20 8
8 0.8 line pressure
drop (bar) 2.0 15
4 10 4 1.2 10
0.4 5
0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(c) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (d) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.13
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 3. a) Iron powder; b) Barite; c) Pearlite;
d) Magnesium sulphate

values of up to 120 are shown on Fig. A2.13a. If the data are compared with those for the flour in
Fig. 12.10a, it will be seen that for given conveying conditions, material flow rates achieved with the
iron powder are higher than those achieved with the flour despite the differences in density values.

Barite was also presented earlier, in Fig. 12.6b, and from the high-pressure conveying characteristics, it
will be seen that the conveying performance is similar to that of the iron powder, although material
flow rates are significantly better with the barite. With solids loading ratios above about 80 with this
material, the conveying-line inlet air velocity is down to 3 m/s. With the nature of these conveying
characteristics, however, the highest material flow rates are achieved with the lowest conveying air

Pearlite was considered in the low-pressure conveying group of materials earlier as will be seen from
Fig. A2.3d, and it will be seen this will also convey in dense phase and at low velocity. Material flow
rates and hence solids loading ratios are much lower than those for the flour, cement, barite, and iron
powder, but conveying-line pressure drop values are also much lower. It is believed that this limit is
caused by the exceptionally low value of bulk density with this material and that it was probably a
combination of blow tank discharge and pipeline conveying capabilities. For given values of
conveying-line pressure drop, material flow rates achieved with the pearlite are greater than those for
the previous materials considered.

Magnesium sulphate
Conveying characteristics for magnesium sulphate are presented in Fig. A2.13d and this is clearly the
poorest performing material of all those considered so far. That high pressure is not synonymous with
dense phase conveying is clearly shown with this material. It was a granular material and so had no
natural dense phase conveying capability. Provided that the minimum conveying air velocity was kept
above a value of about 14 m/s, however, the material would convey very well, but it must be recognized
that the material does require a relatively high velocity and that the resulting flow rate of the material
will be lower than that of most other materials. This does reinforce the point that is constantly being
made that a very wide range of conveying capabilities exists and so materials must be tested for the
purpose of system design.
Conveying characteristics for another two materials conveyed through the Fig. 12.11 pipeline with
a top-discharge high-pressure blow tank are presented in Fig. A2.14.

Low-pressure conveying characteristics for alumina were presented in Fig. 12.5. High-pressure
conveying characteristics for a calcined alumina are given here in Fig. A2.14a. The minimum
conveying air velocity was about 15 m/s and so as only 5.7 m3/min (0.116 kg/s) of air was available,
the maximum conveying-line pressure drop that could be used was only 1.4 bar. This data confirms the
statement made about this material, in relation to Fig. 12.5, that although having a relatively small
mean particle size, the material will not convey in dense phase even if a high pressure is available. The
mean particle size for this particular material does need to be much smaller for dense phase to be
possible with a conventional conveying system.

12 12
Solids loading
Conveying line
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

Material flow rate (tonne/h)

pressure drop (bar)
Solids loading
Conveying line ratio
8 20 8 pressure drop (bar)
15 15
4 10 4 1.2 10
0.4 5

0 0
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0 0.04 0.08 0.12
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.14
Conveying characteristics for further materials conveyed through pipeline no. 3. a) Alumina; b) Zircon sand

Zircon sand
Conveying characteristics for zircon sand are presented in Fig. A2.14b. Zircon sand has a mean particle
size of about 120 mm with a fairly narrow particle size distribution and as a consequence has very poor
air retention properties. It would only convey in dilute phase suspension flow and required a minimum
conveying air velocity of about 14 m/s. The bulk density of the material was about 2600 kg/m3 and the
particle density was 4600 kg.m3. This provides confirmation once again that high-density materials
present no problem with respect to pneumatic conveying and that at these particle sizes, density ap-
pears to have little influence on the minimum value of conveying air velocity.
Conveying characteristics for copper concentrate and coke fines conveyed through the Fig. 12.11
pipeline with a top-discharge high-pressure blow tank are presented in Fig. A2.15.

Copper concentrate
The copper concentrate is one of those materials that is on the borderline of dense phase conveying but
just does not have sufficient air retention capability. The mean particle size was about 55 mm and had a
fairly narrow size distribution. With high-pressure air, it could be conveyed down to a minimum
conveying air velocity of about 8 m/s but no lower. As a consequence, the maximum value of solids
loading ratio was about 45. The copper concentrate had a bulk density of about 1660 kg/m3 and a
particle density of 3950 kg/m3.

Coke fines
The coke fines, presented in Fig. A2.15b, are a petroleum coke derivative and had a mean particle size
of about 800 mm with a fairly wide particle size distribution. The minimum conveying air velocity for
the material was about 13 m/s. Compared with the sugar, the material flow rate for the coke is slightly
higher and the minimum velocity slightly lower. As a consequence, a solids loading ratio of about 25
was achieved, but this is still very much dilute phase conveying and is only high because of the very
high pressure gradient available with a 2 bar pressure drop in the 50 m long pipeline.

Solids loading
45 40 35
14 2.4 Solids loading
Conveying line 10 ratio
pressure drop (bar) Limit of conveying 2.0
12 30
2.0 20
Material flow rate (tonne/h)

Conveying line 1.6

Material flow rate (tonne/h)

10 25
pressure drop (bar)
1.6 6 1.2
8 20
No go
area 12
6 15
1.2 4 0.8
4 10
2 0.4
0.8 4
2 5

0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.15
Conveying characteristics for further materials conveyed through pipeline no. 3. a) Copper concentrate;
b) Coke fines

Conveying characteristics for another group of four materials are presented in Fig. A2.16. These
were all conveyed from a high-pressure top-discharge blow tank and through a 70 m long pipeline of
53 mm bore that is shown in Fig. A2.5.

The conveying characteristics for bentonite are shown in Fig. A2.16a. Bentonite is another of the
drilling mud powders. The material has a bulk density of about 760 kg/m3 and a particle density of
2300 kg/m3. The mean particle size of the bentonite was 24 mm and so was clearly capable of
low-velocity dense phase conveying. Figure A2.16a shows that it could be conveyed at solids loading
ratios up to 140 in this 70 m long pipeline, and with conveying-line inlet air velocities down to 3 m/s. It
will also be seen that the form of the conveying characteristics are very similar to those for fine fly ash,
with steeply sloping lines of constant pressure drop.

Similar data for fluorspar is presented in Fig. A2.16b. Material flow rates and solids loading ratios here
are very much lower, and this is partly because the minimum conveying air velocity was about 7 m/s.
The material, therefore, is clearly conveyed in dense phase, but has limited capability. The mean
particle size of the fluorspar was about 66 mm and so is in the transitional range of dense phase
capability. With a lower particle size the material would probably have full dense phase conveying

Solids loading Solids loading

ratio ratio 70 60
1.6 2.0 2.0 50
14 14
1.2 40
Limit of
12 12 conveying 30
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

10 10

No go
8 area 20
0.8 1.2
6 20 6

4 10
4 10 0.8
2 Conveying
Conveying line line pressure
pressure drop (bar) drop (bar)
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

14 14
Solids loading Solids loading
ratio Conveying ratio
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

12 line pressure
1.8 30 drop (bar) 2.4 25
10 Conveying 25 10
1.6 2.0
line pressure
8 drop (bar) 1.4 20 8 1.6
1.0 15 6 1.2 15
0.8 0.8
10 4 10
4 0.6
5 0.4
2 0.4 2 5

0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(c) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (d) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.16
Conveying characteristics for further materials conveyed through pipeline no. 5. a) Bentonite; b) Fluorspar;
c) Coal; d) Silica sand

capability, like the bentonite, although the material flow rate would probably be much lower. The bulk
density of the fluorspar was about 1580 kg/m3 and the particle density 3700 kg/m3.

The conveying characteristics for the coal in Fig. A2.16c are quite definitely dilute phase conveying.
Although solids loading ratio values of up to 30 have been achieved, this is only because high-pressure
air has been used and the coal contained a high proportion of fine material. The fines have helped to
lower the minimum conveying air velocity for the material to about 12 m/s, and as material flow rates
for coal are quite high in relation to other materials, as shown in Fig. 12.3, this has resulted in a high
value of solids loading ratio for dilute phase conveying.

Silica sand
Data for sand is presented in Fig. A2.16d. The sand had a mean particle size of 70 mm, with a fairly
narrow size distribution, and so there was no possibility of the material being conveyed in dense phase
in a conventional conveying system, even with high-pressure air available. The minimum conveying
air velocity was similar to that for the coal and so this is quite clearly dilute phase suspension flow. The
maximum value of solids loading ratio, however, was only 25, and this was only achieved with a
conveying-line pressure drop of 2.4 bar. The silica sand had a bulk density of about 1250 kg/m3 and a
particle density of 2630 kg/m3.
To complete the high-pressure data bank, and illustrations of material conveying characteristics,
four materials conveyed through the number 2 pipeline of 95 m long and 81 mm bore are presented in
Fig. A2.17. With a longer pipeline, the pressure gradient available for conveying is limited and with a
larger bore line, the airflow rate requirements are also very different.

The conveying characteristics for the cement were presented by way of illustration with Figs. 11.7 and
11.8 in Chapter 11 and are produced here in Fig. A2.17a for comparison purposes with other materials.
The cement could be conveyed in dilute phase with a conveying-line inlet air velocity of about
11 m/s but once again this is an insignificant part of the conveying characteristics because air supply
pressures of 4 bar gauge were able to be used for conveying the material. With high-pressure air the
cement could be conveyed quite reliably with conveying-line inlet air velocities down to 3 m/s and so
solids loading ratios of more than 100 were achieved. Although the air supply pressure was high, the
airflow rate required was relatively low because the air velocity required for conveying was low. As a
consequence, the airflow rate axis is only taken to 0.16 kg/s. The material flow rate axis is taken to
50 tonne/h and shows the potential capability of small-bore pipelines for the conveying of this type of

Potassium sulphate
The conveying characteristics for the potassium sulphate are presented in Fig. A2.17b. The minimum
conveying air velocity was about 14 m/s and the material conveyed very well, but the conveying
capability of the material, in terms of tonne/h, is probably the poorest of any presented here. With a
conveying-line pressure drop of 1.8 bar, the solids loading ratio was only about 7 with just 7 tonne/h

Solids loading 120 100

50 ratio 4.0
Solids loading
Conveying 80
Conveying Limit of ratio
line pressure line pressure conveying
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)
40 drop (bar) 8 drop (bar)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

3.0 7 6
30 6 No go
area 4
40 1.2
20 2.0 4 3
0.8 2
10 20
1.0 2
0 0
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

Solids loading
10 Conveying 1.8 9 8
Solids loading line pressure 7
Conveying ratio 9 drop (bar) 1.6
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

line pressure
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

16 drop (bar) 8 1.4 6

2.4 7
16 1.2 5
No go
12 2.0 14 6 area
No go 1.0 4
area 12 5
1.6 0.8
8 10 4 3

1.2 8
3 0.6 2
4 2
0.8 4 0.4 1
2 1
Limit of conveying
0 0
0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
(c) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (d) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.17
Conveying characteristics for materials conveyed through pipeline no. 6. a) Cement; b) Potassium sulphate;
c) Sodium sulphate; d) Magnesium sulphate

The conveying characteristics for potassium chloride, conveyed through this same pipeline, were
presented in Fig. 11.6b, and 7 tonne/h was conveyed with a conveying-line pressure drop of only 1 bar
and the minimum conveying air velocity was 15 m/s.

Sodium sulphate
The conveying characteristics for sodium sulphate are presented in Fig. A2.17c. This is a ground grade
of the material. The material had a low minimum value of conveying air velocity at about 11 m/s, and
this is why it was possible to convey the material with a conveying-line pressure drop of 2.4 bar and
achieve a solids loading ratio of 18, but there was no possibility of the material being conveyed in
dense phase.

Magnesium sulphate
The conveying characteristics for magnesium sulphate are presented in Fig. A2.17d. This material had
a mean particle size of about 225 mm and the minimum conveying air velocity was about 14 m/s. The
bulk density of the material was about 1020 kg/m3 and the particle density 2350 kg/m3. The conveying
capability was similar to that of the sodium sulphate, but as the conveying-line inlet air velocity was so
much higher, the maximum value of solids loading ratio achieved was only about 10.

In Chapter 16 the influence of pipeline material was investigated and in Fig. 10.28, data were presented
for barite conveyed through two pipelines of exactly the same length, bore, and geometry. One was
made of steel and the other was made of rubber and the conveying data for the two was analyzed and
found to be very different. Oil-well cement was also conveyed through these two pipelines and the
conveying characteristics are presented in Fig. A2.18 for reference.

180 150 120 100

1.6 Solids

Solids loading

loading ratio

20 20
Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

Material mass flow rate (tonne/h)

ratio 60


15 40 15 40

10 10
0.8 20 20

5 5 1.2
0.4 0.8
Conveying line Conveying line
pressure drop (bar) pressure drop (bar)
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
(a) Air mass flow rate (kg/s) (b) Air mass flow rate (kg/s)

FIG. A2.18
Conveying characteristics for oil-well cement conveyed through pipeline no. 14. a) Steel pipeline; b) Rubber
hose line

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