PADEROG Worksheet-6.1 TheInformationAge 2
PADEROG Worksheet-6.1 TheInformationAge 2
PADEROG Worksheet-6.1 TheInformationAge 2
FEL 04/22
JAN /22
Instructions: Fill-up the table below based on your experiences. Use the back sheets if necessary.
Times When You Can Use Social Media Times When You Should Not Use Social
Talking to loved ones the most convenient When expressing feelings Because there are so
from across the world way for us to stay in towards other certain many various types of
with our from around the person for reasons people media, doing so
world is contact loved may lead to judgment
ones by means of social from others, which could
media have an emotional and
on social mental impact on
Sharing motivational Some of us are battling in Cyberbullying Many Cases of suicide
words the background through social media record day by day, and
Perhaps in life, a simple platforms or some of its reason is
quotation brightens social media platform through bullying social
their working day or even for harassment and media. An act of
a person's life life. bullying. cyberbullying is
Using present nowadays.
Finding out your Friends With the election Sharing fake News about Sharing this type of
political biases approaching, it’s only candidates who for the information has
natural to running coming election never been good is
your thoughts with punishable by law.
your peers.
When difficulties in It is unavoidable to Have Using social media Scamming
learning problems understanding platform as medium for
widespread on social
my lessons I find or lectures, which is why media Inhumane acts are
modules. we look for or watch likewise, punishable
tutorial the videos by law.
Facebook or YouTube.
Science, Technology and Society College ofMathematics & Natural Sciences I Caraga State University I © 2018