3G Postpaid and Prepaid Data Service
3G Postpaid and Prepaid Data Service
3G Postpaid and Prepaid Data Service
* 11.00 PM to 07.00 AM
** This will increase the validity of main and dedicated accounts both.
*** Data charges beyond free usage shall be deducted from the available balance in his
main account.
Free data usage is available both from home L8A and while roaming.
Data charges for trial pack customers after use of 60MB /130MB or 15 days expiry shall
be as per his base plan.
* This will increase the validity of Main and dedicated accounts both.
Particulars Tariff
1 Call Charges Rs. / Min
2 Voice Call
3 Local - On-net 0.50
4 Local - Off-net 1.00
5 STD - On-net 1.00
6 STD - Off-net 1.20
7 Video Call
8 Local Video calls 1.50
9 STD Video calls 2.50
10 ISD Calls in Rs. / Min
As per 2G postpaid plan 225/prepaid
11 Voice Call
general plan tariff
12 Video Call Not available
13 P2P SMS Rs./SMS
14 Local 0.50
15 National 1.00
16 International 5.00
17 National Roaming Rs./Min
18 Voice - Local Outgoing 1.00
19 Voice - STD Outgoing 1.50
20 Voice Call - Incoming 1.00
21 Video Call - Local Outgoing 2.50
22 Video Call - STD Outgoing 2.50
23 Video Call - Incoming 2.00
Local/National SMS
24 1.00
25 International SMS (Rs./SMS) 5.00
Data usage charges
26 As per data plan
All other charges not covered As per prepaid plan 350 and
above postpaid plan FV 500
6. Top Up Validity Options: Data prepaid plans :-
7. Optional- Concessional tariff for night (11.00 PM to 07.00 AM) usage for Pre-Paid
& Post-Paid services :-
Promotional Offers
i) 50 Minutes free local video call will be allowed to all new 3G prepaid and postpaid
connections activated upto 31.12.2009.
ii) Customers purchasing 3G Data card from BSNL and activating the same will get free
data usage of 6 GB per month as 1GB day/any time and 5GB night usage for two
months, as a promotional measure for 90 days w.e.f. 15.08.2009. However, for getting
validity the customer has to recharge with data recharge voucher or fixed monthly
charges in case of postpaid connection. The free usage of 6 GB will be added to the free
usage available with the data plan. No other freebies may be allowed for the above data
iii) Incoming video call facility allowed to 2G customers with 3G enabled handsets will
continue to be allowed until further order.
Now, it has been decided by the BSNL to revise the 3G data tariff as under:-
3G Data service:-
Particulars Plan-99
Call charges Rs. / Min
Pulse rate for Local & STD call 60 sec
Local calls
On- net 0.49
Off - net 0.49
Reduced call charges 0.20
Night Calling (Own Network) NA
STD calls
On - net 0.49
Off - net 0.49
Reduced call charges NA
ISD Calls
Pulse rate for ISD call 60 sec
USA, Canada, UK, Srilanka 7.20
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Pakistan & Nepal 9.00
Europe (other than UK), Singapore, Thailand,
Malaysia, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE
Rest of the world 12.00
Call charges while in Roaming (Rs./Min)
Pulse rate for Roaming call 60 sec
O/G Local On-net 1.00
O/G Local Off-net 1.00
O/G STD On-net 1.00
O/G STD Off-net 1.00
I/C 1.00
SMS Charges in Rs. / SMS ( max. 100 character )
P2P SMS Charges while in Home LSA ( Rs. /
Local 0.49
National 0.49
International 5.00
P2P SMS Charges while Roaming ( Rs. / SMS )
Local / National 1.00
International 5.00
As determined by
Premium Non - P2P SMS
content provider
SMS Delivery Report (Rs.) 0.10
Freebles offered in 3G per month
Free Video call NIL
Free Data Usage in MB NIL
Video Calls (Home LSA) in Rs. / Min
Local Video Call 1.00
STD Video Call 1.50
ISD Video Call NA
National Roaming
Video Call Local O/G 2.50
Video Call STD O/G 2.50
Video Call ISD O/G NA
Video Call I/C 2.00
As per Optional
GPRS Usage Charges beyond free limit
GPRS Plans
Data usage charges (from home LSA
& National Roaming) (Rs. / 10 KB)
Freebles offered per month
Free Calls worth Rs. NIL
Free SMS worth Rs. NIL
Free Local Calls 50 Min*
Free STD Calls 50 Min*
Free I/C Calls while Roaming
in Min
Free O/G Calls while Roaming
in Min
Free SMS (Local/National) in Nos. 100
Free GPRS Usage in Home LSA (MB) NIL
A new night unlimited data plan under 3G postpaid and prepaid service is introduced
with the following terms and conditions:-
FMC/RCV in Data charges
Day/Anytime Night* Validity in
Rs. beyond free
usage in GB usage in GB days
(S. Tax Extra) usage Rs./MB
NEW 1999 15 U/L free 30 0.50
3G Promotional tariff
BSNL has decided to launch a limited period 3G Promotional tariff applicable for both
Postpaid and Prepaid as under:-
1)All local and National Video calls from home LSA will be charged @ Rs. 0.30 per
2)The above Promotional Tariff will be available for 90 days with effect from 1st
Revision in tariff of free data usage under Plan 725 and Plan 1500
under 3G post paid mobile services
BSNL has decided to increase the free data usage under 3G post paid plan 725 and plan
1500 as under:-
BSNL has offered on activation of 3G prepaid SIM through FRC(First Recharge Coupon)
as a promotional offer for 90 days with effect from 15.05.2010.
i) 100 Min. video call and 200 MB data free to be used within 30 days from the date of
ii) 1000 Local and 1000 National SMS free to be used within 30 days from the date of
BSNL has decided to allow all 2G prepaid tariff plans to 3G prepaid services and to
rationalize the 3G tariffs as under:-
b) In case of Assam, J&K and North East LSAs instructions issued by DoT/TRAI
validity is to be complied with.
c) The voice, SMS charges for the above mentioned 3G tariff plans (except 3G General)
will be
same as applicable to respective 2G tariff plans. For 3G GL, existing 3G General
charges will
d) The video call charges in case of 3G GL-“all@49” and GL-“1p/sec” will be as per 3G
General plan. In case of 3G Saral Anant plans “SA”, SA-“all@49” & SA “-“1p/sec” the
video call
charges will be as under:
Video call in Rs./Min Home LSA While Roaming
Local Video call On-net 1.00 1.00
Local Video call Off-net 1.00 1.00
STD Video call On-net 1.50 1.50
STD Video call Off-net 1.50 1.50
Incoming Video call Free 1.00
ISD Video call NA NA
e) All RCVs, top-up vouchers and STVs including “1p/sec” & “Student power” applicable
to 2G
tariff plan except GPRS STV may be applicable to 3G services.
f) All terms and conditions of Saral Anant plan including Minimum Recharge Condition
(MRC) of
Rs.200 once in every 180 days will be applicable to 3G Anant customers.
g) Usage Based Tariff (UBT) as applicable in 2G services will also be offered under 3G
h) The existing 3G top-up validity voucher of Rs.44, Rs.75, Rs.125 will be withdrawn. 3G
Rs.21 applicable to 2G customer will also be withdrawn.
i) The existing 3G data top-up voucher Rs.260 and Rs.325 and data trial pack Rs.62 will be
j) The existing data charges beyond free usage of Rs.1/MB applicable to postpaid and
data plan Rs.249 will be reduced to Rs.0.50/MB.
Free video call and Data usage allowed with FRC is modified as under :-
ii) The plan validity in case of 3G GL, GL-"all @ 0.49",GL-"1p/sec" is 180 days and in
case of 3G SA, SA-"all @ O.49", SA-"1p/sec" it is lifetime.
iii) The tariff validity in case of 3G SA-"all @ 0.49", SA-"1p/sec" is 365 days.
iv) The existing Minimum Recharge Condition options of Rs.100 and RS.50 for extension
Of validity applicable to 2G Saral Anant will also be applicable in case of 3G Saral
Anant (SA) tariff plan also.
BSNL has decided to waive off the Additional Fixed Monthly Charges (FMC) of Rs.25
applicable for
availing the 3G facilities.
BSNL has been decided to introduce the following data top-up voucher for 3G prepaid
bundled validity data plans.
Now, BSNL has been decided to revise the 3G data tariff as under :-
i) The data usage charges beyond free usage has been revised from existing RS.0.50/MB to
RS.0.01/10 KB in all data plans under postpaid and prepaid 3G mobile services.
ii) All other terms and conditions will remain same.
BSNL has been decided to launch one new FRC of Rs. 48 for activation of 3G Data Plan
with immediate effect.
Particulars FRC 48
MRP of FRC (incl. S. Tax) Rs. 48/-
Free usage value in Rs. NIL
Validity 180 days
Free Data usage 2 GB for 2(Two) months
Availability Through C-TOP-UP
Applicability Any Data Plan with sale of BSNL data card
Base Voice Tariff Plan As per prepaid General 120 plan