p.1 Primary One Math Notes Teacher - Ac

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1. Numeration system
i) Counting objects and numbers 1-20
ii) Counting and writing numbers 1-20
iii) Matching pictures to numbers
iv) Counting numbers from 21-50
v) Filling in the missing numbers
vi) Numbers which come after
vii) Numbers which come between
viii) Numbers which come before
ix) Comparing pairs of numbers up to 50 using smaller (less),/
x) Arranging the numbers from the smallest to the biggest
xi) Arranging the numbers from big to small
xii) Numbers words from 0 – 20, 21 – 35, 36-50
2. Sets
i) Definition
ii) Naming sets
iii) Drawing sets
iv) Empty sets
v) Matching sets
vi) Comparing sets
vii) Forming small sets from big set
viii) Forming a big set from small sets
ix) Joining sets
3. Operation on numbers
i) Addition of numbers less than 20 (horizontally and vertically)
ii) Word problems involving addition of numbers
iii) Adding using a numberline
iv) Subtraction of numbers less than 20 (horizontally and vertically)
v) Word statements involving subtraction
4. Place values
i) Tens and ones (drawing and counting )
ii) Counting in tens
iii) Counting tens and ones
iv) Filling in the missing tens and ones
v) Drawing sticks to show tens and ones
vi) Presenting numbers on the abacus
vii) Expanding numbers
viii) Adding tens and ones
ix) Word statements in addition of tens and ones

x) Subtraction of tens and ones

xi) Word statements in subtraction of tens and ones


Theme: our school
Topic : Numeration system
Counting objects and numbers from 1-20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Count and write the number
=________ = _________
=________ = _________

Counting and writing numbers 1-20

1, 2, 3, 4, ___, ___, 6, ___, 8, ___, 10, ____, ____, 13, ____, ___, 16, 17, ___, 19,

Matching pictures to numbers


Fill in the missing numbers

a) 2, 3, ___ ____, 6
b) 9, 8, ___, 6, ___, 4

Counting numbers from 21-50


21, 22, 23, 24,

 Reciting rhymes about numbers
 Counting orally from 0 – 50
 Copying numbers from charts/ chalk board 0 - 50
Fill in the missing numbers
a) 21, 22, ___, ___, 25, ___, ___, 28
b) 30, 31, ___, 33, ____, ___ 36
c) 41, 42, ____, ___, 45, ____, ____
Which number comes right after?
2, ____ 6, _____ 9,_____
12, ___ 16, ____ 19, _____
22, ____ 34, ____ 49, ____
_____ numbers comes right after 11?
_____ number comes after 16?
Which number comes just after 13? _____
What number come just after 40? _____
Which number comes between?
a) 3, ___, 5 b) 4, ____, 6
b) 7, ___, ____, 10 c) 9, ____, ____, 13
c) 22, ____, 24 f) 39, ___, 41
g) which number comes between 7 and 9?
h) What number is between 14 and 16?
What number comes right before?
_____, 3 ____, 7 ____, 9 ____11
____, 14 ____ , 19 ____,22 ____,24 ____,32
a) ______comes just before 10
b) _____comes just before 20
c) What number comes just before 12? ________

d) What number comes right before 29? ______

Circle the smaller (less) number
a) 4 and 2 b) 7 and 5 c) 1 and 9 d) 10 and 20
Under line the smaller (less) number
a) 12 and 22 b) 14 and 41 c) 6 and 9 d) 13 and 31
a) 2, 7, 9 b) 7, 6, 5 c) 1, 2, 3d) 10, 20, 30
Circle the greater (bigger) number
a) 4, 3, 1 b) 15, 5, 50 c) 7, 5, 9, 10
d) 8, 2, 12, 16 d) 40, 30, 10, 20 e) 21, 11, 31
Underline the greatest (biggest) number
a) 1, 2, 3 b) 11, 6, 5 c) 7, 2, 6
d) 10, 11, 9, 4 e) 22, 12, 32 d) 40, 30, 20, 10
f) 50, 10, 20, 30
Arrange the numbers from the smallest to the biggest
a) 7, 1, 2 ________________
b) 12, 18, 15 _______________
c) 5, 9, 3, 1 _____________
d) 50, 10, 20, 40, 30 ___________
Arrange the numbers from the biggest to the smallest.
a) 1, 2, 3, 4, ______
b) 5, 3, 6, _______
c) 10, 8, 9, ______
d) 6, 7, 8, 9
Number words from 0 – 20
0 zero
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four

5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
Number words from 21 – 35
21 twenty one
22 twenty two
23 twenty three
24 twenty four
25 twenty five
26 twenty six
27 twenty seven
28 twenty eight
29 twenty nine
30 thirty
31 thirty one
32 thirty two
33 thirty three
34 thirty four
35 thirty five

Write the missing number words

22 = __________________ 30 = ______________
24= __________________ 32 thirty two
26 = ______________________ 33 = ______________
27 = ________________________ 21 = ___________________

Write in figures

36 thirty six 43 ________________________

37 _______________ 44 ________________________
38 _____________________ 45 forty five
39 ______________________ 46 _______________________
40 forty 47 ________________________
41 forty one 47 ________________________
42 __________________ 48 forty eight
49 ____________________ 50 fifty

What is a set?

A set is a group of objects

Or A set is a collection of objects
Objects found in a set are called
Members or elements
Note: The introduction of sets must be done practically. (Organize the materials to be
used in time)
Name these sets

_________________________ _______________________

_________________________ _______________________

Draw these sets

a) A set of three flowers
b) A set of six boys
c) A set of ten oranges
d) A set of four chairs
e) A set of seven triangles
Empty sets: what is an empty set?

An empty set is a set without members

An empty set is a set with no members
Name this set
Draw an empty set

Matching sets with the same members

Matching sets with the same number of members.

1, 2, 3

a, b, c

Match correctly

Comparing members in the given sets


a) set A has _______________members

b) set B has _____________elements
c) how many members are in both sets?
NB Teacher to give more similar numbers)
Comparing sets using more or less
Set X Set Y

a) set Y has ______________members

b) Set X ha __________________memebrs
c) Which set has more members?
d) Which set has less members?
e) How many members are in set Y?

f) How many members are both sets?

Forming new sets

Forming big sets from small sets

Joining sets

and make

plus equals

4 + 0 = __________

_____ + _______ = __________

Addition of numbers less than 20 (horizontally)
3+5 = 2+4+ 0= _____
9+2= 3 + 7 + 5 = __________
5+0= 8+4+6=
3+6= 7+3+5=
11 + 4 = 13 cups + 5 cups =
10 books + 10 books =
Addition of numbers less than 20 (vertically)
5 6 7 6
+ 9 + 4 + 7 + 5

3 4 5 6
2 5 5 2
+ 1 + 7 + 5 + 0

1 0 1 2 1 6
+ 2 + 4 + 4

Word statements in addition of numbers

a) Four plus three equals ___________
b) Ten plus four equals ____________
c) Sarah ate 3 apples
Mary ate 7 apples
How many apples did they eat altogether?
d) Juma has 10 books
Ali has 5 books
How many books do they have altogether ?
Adding numbers using a numberline
a)4 + 2 =

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

b) 5+0=

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

c) 4+3=

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

e) 6+2=

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Subtraction of numbers less than 20 (horizontally)
a) 6–4= b) 9–0=

c) 9–3= d) 14 – 2 =
e) 10 – 4 = f) 12 – 6 =
g) 7–7= h) 16 – 4 =
Subtraction of numbers less than 20 (vertically)
9 7 1 2
- 6 - 2 - 7

8 1 0 1 5
- 5 - 3 - 5

Word statements involving subtraction

a) Nine take away three equals ___________
b) Ten minus two equals ___________
c) Twelve minus three equals ____________
d) Daddy had 10 books
He gave away 6 books
How many books remained?
e) Mary had 16 eggs. 9 eggs got broken
How many eggs remained?

Drawing and counting tens and ones
I = 1 ones IIIIIII = 7 ones
II = 2 ones IIIIIIII= 8 ones
III = 3 ones IIIIIIIIII = 9 ones
IIII - 4 ones IIIIIIIIII = 1 ten


IIIIIII = 6 ones
= 3 tens

= 4 ten

Counting in tens
1-, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 , 100
1 ten = 10 6 tens = ______
2 tens = 20 7 tens = ______
3 tens = 30 8 tens = _____
4 tens = 40 9 tens = _____
5 tens = ____ 10 tens = _____
Counting tens and ones (how many tens and ones?)
IIIIIIIIII I II = _______tens ______ones

= ______tens ______ones

= ____tens _____ones


Fill in the missing tens and ones
a) 42 = _____tens ______ones
b) 26 = ______tens ________ones
c) 80 = ______tens ____ones

d) 7 = _____tens _____ones
e) ______tens _____ones = 34
f) ______tens ______ones = 9
g) 3 tens 7 ones = _______
h) 2 tens 3 ones = _______
Draw to show tens and ones.
a) 4 = ___________________________________________________
b) 7 = __________________________________________
c) 12 = _______________________________________
d) 16 = ________________________________
e) 24 = _______________________________
f) 30 = _______________________________
Which number are shown on the abacus?

___ ___ = ____ _____ = ____ _____ =

Show the number on the abacus

24 = 40 = 52 =

Expanding numbers
13 = _____ + _____ 24 = ______ + _______
18 = _______+ _________ 39 = ______+______
10 = _______+______ 46 = _____+_______
23 = ______+________
What number has been expanded?

______ = 10 + 4 10 + 1 = ________
_____ = 10 + 7 20 + 0 = _____
____ = 20 + 3 40 + 9 = _____
____= 20 + 5 50 + 0 = ______
_____= 30 + 1 30 + 6 = _____
_____=40 + 3

Addition of tens and ones

1 2 2 2 4 3 3 4
+ 3 + 2 + 5 + 2 0

4 7 5 4
+ 3 0 + 2 4
Word statements in addition of tens and ones
1. Mary has 12 eggs. Sarah has 10 eggs. How many eggs do they have altogether?
2. Dan has 23 balls. Peter has 20 balls. They both have _______balls.
3. There are 13 boys and 14 girls in a class. How many pupils are there altogether?
Subtraction of tens and ones
2 4 1 6 3 2 5 4
- 4 - 5 - 2 - 2 4

3 2 4 3
- 1 2 - 2 0

Word statements in subtraction of tens and ones

1. Nakato has 24 sweets. She ate 12 of them. How many sweets remained?
2. Subtract 10 from 22
3. Mummy has 34 eggs. 20 eggs were bad. How many eggs were good?

4. Sarah put 32 glasses on the tray. 11 glasses got broken. How many glasses were


Topical break down term II 2016

1. Geometry
i) Basic shapes
j) Naming shapes
k) Shapes of different objects
l) Naming different things with a shape of a square eg circle
2. Length
i) What is length?
ii) Parts of the body used to measure length
iii) Other things used to measure length
iv) Comparing length using long, tall or short
v) Adding distance in metres (vertically and horizontally)
vi) Word statements involving addition of metres
vii) Subtraction of metres (horizontally and vertically
viii) Word statements in involving subtraction of metres
ix) Picture interpretation about distance
3. Numeration system
i) Ordinal numbers
ii) Numbers 50 – 100
iii) Writing numbers and number names 50 (fifty – 100)
iv) Matching numbers to their number names

v) Missing addends
vi) Grouping objects in twos
vii) Multiplying numbers by two (horizontally and vertically)
viii) Word statements involving multiplication of numbers by 2
ix) Dividing by 2
x) Word statement involving division of numbers by 2
4. Fractions
i) What is a fraction
ii) Making and shading wholes
iii) Making and shading halves
iv) Making and shading quarters
v) Making and shading other fractions
vi) Addition of fractions
vii) Subtraction of fractions
5. Measures
i) Telling times on the clock face
ii) Showing the given time on the clock face
iii) Addition of time in full hours (horizontally and vertically)
iv) Subtraction of time in full hours (horizontally and vertically)
v) Days of the week
vi) Months of the year
6. Graph
i) Picture graph
ii) Block graph
7. Subtraction of numbers using a number line
8. Revision of the covered work


Topic: Geometry
Basic shapes
Triangle rectangle square

Circle cone oval

Name the shapes

a 1
a) _______
b b)_____ 2 3
c c) _____
1. ________________
2. _______________
3. ________________
4. ________________
Shapes of different objects
Name different objects with a shape of a triangle
a) A sacket of milk
b) A roof top of a hut
c) A samosa
Name different objects with a shape of a rectangle
a) A door

b) A chalkboard
Name different things with a shape of a square
a) Top of the chair
b) Wire mesh
Name different things with a shape of a circle
a) A ball
b) A water melon
c) A clock face
d) An orange

Length is the distance between two points
Parts of the body used to measure length
Hand span
Other things we use to measure length
Comparing length of different objects
Use long , tall or short
A B Tree A is _____________

Tree B is ________________

Y Z Stick y is _________________
Stick Z is _______________

Compare using longer, taller or shorter

Ann Tendo Ann is ____________than Tendo
Tendo is ___________than Ann.

M Ruler M is ________than ruler N

Ruler N is ___________than ruler M
Adding metres (horizontally)
a) 2 metres + 3 metres = ___________metres
b) 7 metres + 4 metres= __________metres
c) 13 metres + 6 metres = _____________metres
d) 9 metres + 1 meter = _____________metres
Adding metres vertically
6 metres 8 metres 4 5m 1 0m
+ 3 metres + 4 metres + 2 3m + 2 4m

Word statements involving addition of metres

a) Joy moved 3 metres. Sarah moved 4 metres.
They both moved ____________metres
b) Bursar had 12 metres of a black cloth and 4 metres of a yellow cloth. How many
metres of cloth had the bursar?

c) Tom walked 10 metres and ran 5 metres. How many metres did he move

Subtraction of metres
a) 7 metres – 4 metres = ___________metrers
b) 9 metres – 2 meters = ___________metres
c) 20 m – 10 m = _________m
d) 13 m – 7 m = ______m
e) 6 metres 1 9 metres
- 4 metres - 1 6metres

h) 3 2m 4 0m
- 2m - 2 0m

Word statements for subtraction of metres

a) Tom had 6 metres of a red cloth. He sold 2 metres to his mother. How many
metres did he remain with?
b) ten metres minus six metres equals ____________metres
c) Joan had a sugarcane of 12 metres . She ate a piece of 5 metres. How many
metres of a sugarcane did she remain with?
Find the distance around the picture

7 metres

4 metres 3 metres

a) What is the distance from the ball to the tree?

b) How far is it from the hut to the ball?
c) What is the shortest distance?
d) What is the longest distance?
e) What is the distance between the tree and the hut?
f) Find the total distance around the pictures


Ordinal numbers are numbers which tell us places of position and dates correctly
Number Word
1st First
2nd Second
3rd Third
4th Forth
5th Fifth
6th Sixth
7th Seventh
8th Eighth
9th Ninth
10th Tenth
11th Eleventh
12th Twelfth
13th Thirteenth
14th Fourteenth
15th Fifteenth
16th Sixteenth
17th Seventeenth
18th Eighteenth
19th Nineteenth
20th Twentieth

1. Fill in the missing numbers
1st , 2nd ______, 4th , 5th , _____, ____, 8th
2. Write in numbers
Ninth _____________
Fifteenth _______________
Second ________________


Numbers 50 – 100

50, 51, 52,

Writing numbers and their number names
50 fifty 63 sixty three
51 fifty one 64 ____________
52 fifty two 65 _______________
53 ___________ 66 _______________
54 ___________ 67 _______________
55 _______________ 68 sixty eight
56 fifty six 69 sixty nine
57 ______________ 70 seventy
58 ______________ 71 __________
59 ____________ 72 _______________
60 sixty 80 eighty
61 sixty one 90 ninety
62 ____________ 100 one hundred
Match numbers to their number names
76 ninety one
50 one hundred
91 seventy six
100 fifty

Missing addends
Find the missing numbers

Example 1
2+3 = 5+3 = 4+5 = 10 + 7 =
Teacher will give examples in groups and individually then give an activity

Example 2
2+3=5 6 +2=8
Note: Draw balls for the bigger number and cross balls for the smaller number
Teacher will help pupils with more examples then give an activity
Example 3
4 +5=9 5+2=7

Note: Draw balls for the bigger number and cross for the small number, the remaining
balls are the answer.

Grouping in twos
Grouping objects in twos
1 two =

2 twos =

3 twos =

Multiplying numbers by 2 (horizontally)

1 x 2=

And more of this work up to 12

Multiplying numbers by 2 (vertically)
1 3 6 1 0
X 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

And more of this work to be given to pupils

Word problems with multiplication of numbers by 2
a) Juma has 2 eyes. How many eyes have 4 boys?
4 x 2 = 8

One girl has 2 ears. How many ears do 3 girls have?

3 x 2 = 6

A hen has 2 legs. How many legs do 6 hens have?

6 x 2 = 12

Put 2 eggs on each plate. How many eggs are on 5 plates?

5 x 2 = 10

Dividing numbers by 2
a) 2 ÷ 2 =1 b) 8 ÷ 2 =4

c) 10 ÷ 2 = 5 d) 4 ÷ 2 = _____

e) f) g)
2 8 2 14 2 6

Teacher will give more numbers

Word problem involving division of numbers by 2

Share 6 mangoes between 2 girls. How many does each get?
6 ÷ 2 = 3 mangoes
b) ten divided by 2 equals
10 ÷ 2 = 5
c) Share 16 sweets equally between 2 boys

d) Daddy had 8 bananas. He shared them between 2 children. How many bananas
did each child get?
Teacher will give more examples, then an activity


What is a fraction?
A fraction is part of a whole
New words
Whole Half Shade Fraction Quarter

A whole apple A whole orange A whole banana


One of the two equal parts cut is called a half.

Teacher will help pupils cut different fractions from different whole and name them.

Note: The parts cut must be of the same size.

Name the shaded fraction (work will be prepared and pasted in pupils’ books)
Making and shading wholes
A whole triangle
A whole circle
A whole pawpaw
Making and shading halves
= ½ a half

= ½ a half

Making and shading quarters

= ¼ a quarter

= ¼ a quarter

= ¼ a quarter

Making and shading other fractions

1/ 3 a third

= 1 /3 a third

= 3/ 6
= 2/4
Addition of fractions
2 + 1 = 3 Note: Add numbers on top only and choose 5
5 5 one number from those down.

4 + 2 = 4+2 = 6
8 8 8 8
More work will be given to pupils following the above examples
Subtraction of fractions
3 - 2 = 3-2 = 1 note: Subtract numbers up, then
4 4 4 4 choose one number from down

7 - 5 = ____ 4 - 2 =
8 8 10 10

2 - 1 = 5 - 1 =
3 3 7 7
Teacher will give more work following the above examples

Telling time on a clock face
A clock face has 2 or more hands on it
A short hand is the hour hand
A long hand is the minute hand
They both move around the clock but one moves faster than the other
When the long hand move and point straight in 12, the time will be that number the
short one is pointing to.
It is 4 o’clock

More work on telling time

Work will be done and pasted in their books
Showing time on a clock face.

It I 9 o’clock It is 2 o’clock

More work to be done on papers and pasted in their books

Adding time in full hours

5 hours + 3 hours = ___________hours
8 hours + 2 hours = _________hours
2 hours + 4 hours = __________hours

3 hours 6 hours 7 hours

+ 4 hours + 7 hours + 5 hours

Subtraction of time in full hours

9 hours – 4 hours = ___________hours
8 hours – 3 hours = __________hours
12 hours – 8 hours = __________hours

9hours 10 hours 12 hours

- 6 hours - 8 hours - 4 hours

Days of the week

We have seven days in a week.
All days of the week have names beginning with capital letter
Sunday is the first day of the week.
Monday is the second day of the week
Tuesday is the third day of the week
Wednesday is the fourth day of the week
Thursday is the fifth day of the week
Friday is the sixth day of the week
Saturday is the seventh day of the week

Fill in the missing days of the week

a) Sunday, Monday, __________, ________________, _________, Friday
b) Thursday, Wednesday, ______, ________, __________
c) When do Christians go for prayers?
d) Moslems pray on _______________
e) The seventh day Adventists pray on _____________
f) On ______________________Christians go for prayers.

Note: 60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = one day
7 days = 1 week
2 weeks = fortnight
4 weeks = 1 month
12 months = one year

Months of the year

There are twelve months of the year
January 1st
February 2nd
March 3rd
April 4th
May 5th
June 6th
July 7th
August 8th

September 9th
October 10th
November 11th
December 12th

a) How many months make a year?
b) Fill in the missing letters
Jan_____ary Feb___u___ry J____ne A____ ____ust
c) Fill in the missing months of the year
January , February, ___________, __________________May
August , September, _______________, __________________, December

Graph 1
Teacher will help pupils get the ideas of graph from real objects

Sarah Peter Alum Sofia

1. Who has more flowers
2. Who has fewer flowers?
3. How many flowers has Alum?
4. Who has three flowers?
5. How many flowers do they have altogether?

Graph 2
A graph of apples

Kasifa Loy Maria

1. How many apples does Loy have?
2. Who has three apples?
3. How many apples do they have altogether?
4. Who has most apples?
5. Who has the least number of apples?
Graph 3
A farmer planted trees on different days



1. How many trees were planted on Tuesday?
2. On which day did he plant the least number of trees?
3. How many trees did he plant on Monday?
4. How many trees did he plant altogether?

Study the graph and answer the questions that follow

Five children have boxes

Tom Tonny Tina Tasha Trinity

a) How many boxes does Tonny have?

b) Who have the same number of boxes?

c) How many boxes has Trinity?
d) How many boxes do they have altogether?

Use a number line to get the answer

a) 8 – 2 = ___________

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

b) 9 – 7 = _______

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

More work will be given.

Revision of the covered work.

Topical breakdown for term III

1. Weight(mass)
i) What is weight?
ii) Things we use to weigh
iii) Comparing weight
iv) Addition of weight – vertically and horizontally
v) Word statements involving addition
vi) Subtraction of weights – vertically and horizontally
vii) Word statements involving subtraction
2. Capacity
i) What is capacity
ii) Examples of liquids
iii) Objects/containers we use to measure liquids
iv) Comparing capacity
v) Measuring using non standard units
vi) The standard unit for capacity
vii) Addition in litres
viii) Word statements (addition)
ix) Subtraction in litres
x) Work statements (subtraction)
xi) Mixed exercises of addition and subtraction
3. Addition with re-grouping
i) Add two digit numbers with re-grouping
ii) Word statements (addition)
4. Money
i) What is money?
ii) History of money
iii) Uganda currency
iv) Features on money
v) Comparing money
vi) Addition of money
vii) Word statements
viii) Subtraction of money
ix) Word statements
5. Shopping
6. Mathematical statements on addition
i) Subtraction
ii) Multiplication
iii) Division
iv) Number families

v) Multiplication by 3
vi) Division by 3
vii) Multiplication by 3
viii) Division by 3


Topic: Measures
Weight (mass)
1. What is weight?
a) Weight is how heavy or light something is
b) We can tell how heavy or light something is after weighing it
2. We can weigh some objects using non standard tools eg. Tins, baskets, pots etc
3. We measure mass (weight) in kilograms (kg) and grams (g)
4. Examples of things we weigh
- Sugar - Maize flour
- Peas - Bread
- Salt - Beans
- Meat - Rice
- Millet - Cassava flour
Comparing weight using heavy or light
a) A stone is _________________
b) A paper is _______________
c) A table is _____________
d) A feather is ___________
e) A brick is ____________
f) A pen is ______________
Comparing weight using heavier than or lighter than
Table cup

a) A table is ______________________a cup.

b) A cup is ____________________a table.

pencil stone

a) A pencil is _______________________a stone

b) A stone is ____________________a pencil.

a) Juma is __________________Tom
b) Tom is ______________________Juma

Addition of mass in kilograms

a) 1 kg + 3 kg = b) 9kg + 2 kg =
c) 7kg + 2 kg + 4kg d) 8kg + 0kg + 5kg =
e) 9kg f) 8kg g) 1 0 kg 2 1kg
+ 5kg 4kg + 1 3kg + 1 5kg
+ 2kg
Word statements involving addition of mass
Aunt bought 3kg of sugar. Uncle bought 5kg of sugar
How many kilograms did they buy altogether?

Joan had 7kg of salt. Dan had 9kg of salt. How many kilograms did they have

Add 12kg plus 10kg.

Subtraction of mass in kilograms

10kg - 4kg = _____kg b) 12kg – 9kg =____kg
7kg – 2kg = ____kg d) 14kg – 7 kg = _____kg
8kg 9kg 14kg 11kg

- 4kg - 3kg - 4kg - 10kg

Word statements
a) Subtract 9kg – 5kg
b) Daddy bought 14kg of meat. We ate 6kg. How many kilograms remained?
c) There were 34kg of rice in the basket. Mummy cooked 20kg. How many
kilograms remained?

What is capacity?
Capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold.
Examples of liquids
a) Water
b) Milk
c) Juice
d) Paraffin
e) Tea
f) Petrol
g) Diesel
h) Glue
i) Cooking oil
Container used to measure liquids
a) Bottles
b) Jugs
c) Jerrycans
d) Basins
e) Cups
f) Glasses
g) Tins
h) Gourd
i) Bucket
Comparing capacity using less or more
Bottle tin

a) Which object carries more water?

b) Which object carries less water?
Drum jerrcan

a) Which container holds more water?

b) Which container holds less water?
Reference MK 1 page 102
Measuring using standard units
We measure liquids in litres (1) other measure are milliliters (ml)i.e medicine , water,
soda, juice
Practical measuring of water in different quantities
a) A plastic mug holds ½ of water
b) A small plastic bottle holds ½ litre of water
c) A bottle of beer contains ½ litres of beer
a) How many mugs of water can fill five litre bottles?
b) How many mugs of water can fill a one litre bottle?
Reference MK nk 2 page 150
Adding in litres (vertically and horizontally)
a) 1 litre + 2 litres = 3 litres
b) 4 litres + 3 litres _____litres
c) 5 litres + 2 litres = _____litres
2 5 litres 3 3 litres

+ 2 3litres + 5 0 litres

Ref: MK bk 2 page 151

Word problems involving addition of litres

a) Juma had 2 litres of milk. He added 4 litres of water in milk. How many litres
did he get altogether?
b) Tom had 8 litres of water. He bought more 2 litres of water. How many litres
did he buy altogether?
c) Grace has 7 litres of soda. Akello has 5 litres of soda. How many litres do they
have altogether?
Subtracting litres horizontally and vertically
a) 10 litres - 1 litre =_________ litres
b) 15 litres - 7 litres = ________litres
c) 12 litres - 3 litres = _________litres

d) 8 litres e) 5 litres
- 3 litres - 2 litres

f) 4 8 litres g) 3 7 litres
- 2 6 litres -2 0 litres

Word problems involving subtraction of litres

a) Mummy had 8 litres of milk. She sold 2 litres. How many litres did she remain

b) Sarah had 16 litres of oil. She used 7 litres to fry pancakes. How many litres
Mixed exercises on addition and subtraction of litres
a) 6 litres +4 litres =_________ litres
b) 5 litres + 2 litres = ________litres
c) 10 litres - 5 litres = _________litres

d) 1 0litres e) 1 4 litres f) 2 4 litres

- 2 litres -1 0litres + 1 1 litres

Addition with regrouping (carrying)

1 8 1 9 6 9
+ 3 + 4 + 6
2 1 2 3 7 5
11 13 15

3 7 5 4 8 9
+ 4 + 8 + 9

Adding two digit numbers to two digit numbers with regrouping

4 5 6 9
+ 4 5 + 6
6 0
4 6 5 7 2 9

+ 2 8 + 1 4 + 3 7

Money :This is what we use to buy what we want.
Discuss the use of money
History of money
Long ago, people used to exchange goods for goods and services for services (barter
trade). Later, they introduced cowrie shells.
When the Indians came, they introduced rupees. The rupees also got expired and now
we have the present currency called shillings.
Currency used by different countries
Uganda – shillings
Kenya – shillings
England – pounds
America - Dollars
Rwanda - Farang
Nigeria - Naira
There are two forms of money used in Uganda
These are
1. Coins

2. Notes (paper money)

50shillings coin
100 shillings coin
200 shillings coin
500 shillings coin
1000 shillings coin

1000 shillings note
2000 shillings note
5000 shillings note
10,000 shillings note
20,000 shillings note
50,000 shillings note

Features on money
a) A coin of 50 shillings has a head of a cob and the coat of arms
a coin of 100 shillings – a cow and a coat of arms
a coin of 200 shillings – a fish
a coin of 500 shillings – a head of a crested crane
a coin of 1000 shillings – a crested crane

Changing money/ comparing different money denominations

Shs. 100 = shs 50 + shs. 50
Shs. 200 = shs. _____ + shs ____ +shs. ____ + shs. ______
a) Shs. 300 = shs. _______ + shs. _______ + shs. _______

b) How many coins of 100 make shs. 200?

c) How many coins of 100 make shs. 500?
Addition of money vertically and horizontally
a) i) Shs. 100 + Shs. 100 = Shs 200
ii) Shs. 100 + Shs. 100 = __________
iii) Shs. 500 + Shs. 200 = __________

b) i) shs. 50 ii) shs. 150

+ shs 50 + shs. 50

a) Jane had shs. 200. Peter had shs. 300. How much money do they have altogether?

b) There are shs. 400 in the tin and shs. 200 in the box. How much money is there

c) Tom picked shs. 500 on the way to school. john picked shs. 300. How much
money do they have altogether?

Subtraction of money

shs. 600 ii) shs. 700 iii) shs. 300

- shs 400 - shs. 200 + shs 200

Ref : Mk Bk 2 page 127

Oxford Primary MTC Bk 2 page 58

Word problems involving subtraction of money

a) You have shs. 500. You spent Shs. 200. How much is left?

shs. 500
- shs 200

b) You have Shs. 200. You have spent shs. 100. How much is left?

shs. 200
- shs 100

c) Eva had shs. 300. She lost shs. 100. How much money did she remain with?

shs. 300
- shs 100

d) Susan had shs. 700. She bought a ruler at shs. 300. How much money did she
remain with?

shs. 700
- shs 300

An apple an egg an orange a cup

Shs. 500 shs. 200 shs. 150 shs. 300

a) What is the cost of an egg?
b) Which item costs shs. 300?
c) A ______________costs shs. 500.
d) What is the cost of an egg and a cup?
e) Study the price list and answer the questions

Item Price

Pencil shs. 50 each

Sweet shs. 50 each

Book shs.100 each

Matchbox shs. 50 each

Ice cream shs. 500 each



a) How much is a pencil?

b) What is the cost of a sweet?

c) How much is a tin of ice cream?

d) How much will one pay for two match boxes?

e) What is the cheapest item?

f) A ______________is the most expensive item .



Number families of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Which two numbers add up to 2
First list all the numbers from 0 up to 2
01, 2

Choose the first and the last numbers

O + 2 = 2
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 0 = 2
Which pairs of numbers add up to 4?
0 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

O + 4 = 4
1 + 3 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 0 = 4
3 + 1 = 4
Which pairs of numbers add up to 4?

0 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5

O + 5 = 5
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 2 = 5
4 + 1 = 5
5 + 0 = 5
Up to 1

1. Grouping in threes.

1 group of three = 3

2 groups of three = _________

3 threes = _________

Up to 12
Multiplying numbers by 3 [ horizontally ]

1 x 3 =

2 x 3 =

3 x 3 =

4 x 3 =

And more of this work up to 12

Multiplying numbers by 3 [ vertically ]

1 3 7 1 2
x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3

More of this work to be given to pupils

Word problems with multiplication by 3
a) A stool has 3 legs. How many legs. How many legs do 2 stools have?
2 x 3 = 6 _______ legs.

b) There are 3 eggs in a tray

How many eggs are there in 4 trays?

3 x 4 = 12 eggs



Dividing numbers by 3 [ horrizontally]

6 ÷ 3 = ________ 9 ÷ 3 = ________
12 ÷ 3 = _______

Dividing numbers by 3 [vertically ]

7 1 3
3 21 3 3 3 9

Teacher will give more examples and then an activity

Word problems involving division of numbers by 3

a) Mummy had 6 bananas. She shared them equally among 3 children. How
many bananas did each get?

6 ÷ 3 = ______

Each child got 2 bananas

b) Nine divide by three equals _____________

c) Share 12 pencils equally among 3 boys

12 ÷ 3 = _______

Each child get 4 pencils


d) What do we get when we share 3 apples equally among 3 girls?

3 ÷ 3 = _______ apple


Mathematical statements on addition
Words used in addition
- Add - Total
- Altogether - Plus
- And - Put together
- Both - More
- Sum

a) Two plus five equals _________________________________

b) What is the sum of three, two and four?
c) Jane has four apples. John has three apples
How many apples do they have altogether?
d) Find the total of five and six oranges
e) What is six and four?
f) Tom had six books. Teo had five books.
Both had ___________books altogether.
g) Daddy had 2 sweets. Mummy gave him more 7 sweets. How many sweets did
daddy have altogether?

Mathematical statements on subtraction

Words used in subtraction
- Subtraction - Minus
- Take away - Remain
- Less - Remove
a) Subtract 4 mangoes from 11 mangoes

b) What is 8 take away zero

c) Twelve minus six equals ________________________________________
d) What is four less two? __________________________________________
e) A hen had 8 eggs. Five eggs were broken. How many eggs remained?
f) Remove 4 pens from 10 pens. How many pens remain?
Mathematical statements on the multiplication
Words used in multiplication
- Multiplication
- groups of
- times
Note: teacher will give examples using words above.
Mathematical statements on division
Words used in division
Note : Teacher will give examples using words above.

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