p.1 Primary One Math Notes Teacher - Ac
p.1 Primary One Math Notes Teacher - Ac
p.1 Primary One Math Notes Teacher - Ac
Count and write the number
=________ = _________
=________ = _________
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
Number words from 21 – 35
21 twenty one
22 twenty two
23 twenty three
24 twenty four
25 twenty five
26 twenty six
27 twenty seven
28 twenty eight
29 twenty nine
30 thirty
31 thirty one
32 thirty two
33 thirty three
34 thirty four
35 thirty five
Write in figures
What is a set?
_________________________ _______________________
_________________________ _______________________
a, b, c
Match correctly
Joining sets
and make
plus equals
4 + 0 = __________
3 4 5 6
2 5 5 2
+ 1 + 7 + 5 + 0
1 0 1 2 1 6
+ 2 + 4 + 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
b) 5+0=
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
c) 4+3=
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
e) 6+2=
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Subtraction of numbers less than 20 (horizontally)
a) 6–4= b) 9–0=
c) 9–3= d) 14 – 2 =
e) 10 – 4 = f) 12 – 6 =
g) 7–7= h) 16 – 4 =
Subtraction of numbers less than 20 (vertically)
9 7 1 2
- 6 - 2 - 7
8 1 0 1 5
- 5 - 3 - 5
Drawing and counting tens and ones
I = 1 ones IIIIIII = 7 ones
II = 2 ones IIIIIIII= 8 ones
III = 3 ones IIIIIIIIII = 9 ones
IIII - 4 ones IIIIIIIIII = 1 ten
= 4 ten
Counting in tens
1-, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 , 100
1 ten = 10 6 tens = ______
2 tens = 20 7 tens = ______
3 tens = 30 8 tens = _____
4 tens = 40 9 tens = _____
5 tens = ____ 10 tens = _____
Counting tens and ones (how many tens and ones?)
IIIIIIIIII I II = _______tens ______ones
= ______tens ______ones
= ____tens _____ones
d) 7 = _____tens _____ones
e) ______tens _____ones = 34
f) ______tens ______ones = 9
g) 3 tens 7 ones = _______
h) 2 tens 3 ones = _______
Draw to show tens and ones.
a) 4 = ___________________________________________________
b) 7 = __________________________________________
c) 12 = _______________________________________
d) 16 = ________________________________
e) 24 = _______________________________
f) 30 = _______________________________
Which number are shown on the abacus?
Expanding numbers
13 = _____ + _____ 24 = ______ + _______
18 = _______+ _________ 39 = ______+______
10 = _______+______ 46 = _____+_______
23 = ______+________
What number has been expanded?
______ = 10 + 4 10 + 1 = ________
_____ = 10 + 7 20 + 0 = _____
____ = 20 + 3 40 + 9 = _____
____= 20 + 5 50 + 0 = ______
_____= 30 + 1 30 + 6 = _____
_____=40 + 3
4 7 5 4
+ 3 0 + 2 4
Word statements in addition of tens and ones
1. Mary has 12 eggs. Sarah has 10 eggs. How many eggs do they have altogether?
2. Dan has 23 balls. Peter has 20 balls. They both have _______balls.
3. There are 13 boys and 14 girls in a class. How many pupils are there altogether?
Subtraction of tens and ones
2 4 1 6 3 2 5 4
- 4 - 5 - 2 - 2 4
3 2 4 3
- 1 2 - 2 0
4. Sarah put 32 glasses on the tray. 11 glasses got broken. How many glasses were
v) Missing addends
vi) Grouping objects in twos
vii) Multiplying numbers by two (horizontally and vertically)
viii) Word statements involving multiplication of numbers by 2
ix) Dividing by 2
x) Word statement involving division of numbers by 2
4. Fractions
i) What is a fraction
ii) Making and shading wholes
iii) Making and shading halves
iv) Making and shading quarters
v) Making and shading other fractions
vi) Addition of fractions
vii) Subtraction of fractions
5. Measures
i) Telling times on the clock face
ii) Showing the given time on the clock face
iii) Addition of time in full hours (horizontally and vertically)
iv) Subtraction of time in full hours (horizontally and vertically)
v) Days of the week
vi) Months of the year
6. Graph
i) Picture graph
ii) Block graph
7. Subtraction of numbers using a number line
8. Revision of the covered work
a 1
a) _______
b b)_____ 2 3
c c) _____
1. ________________
2. _______________
3. ________________
4. ________________
Shapes of different objects
Name different objects with a shape of a triangle
a) A sacket of milk
b) A roof top of a hut
c) A samosa
Name different objects with a shape of a rectangle
a) A door
b) A chalkboard
Name different things with a shape of a square
a) Top of the chair
b) Wire mesh
Name different things with a shape of a circle
a) A ball
b) A water melon
c) A clock face
d) An orange
Length is the distance between two points
Parts of the body used to measure length
Hand span
Other things we use to measure length
Comparing length of different objects
Use long , tall or short
A B Tree A is _____________
Tree B is ________________
Y Z Stick y is _________________
Stick Z is _______________
c) Tom walked 10 metres and ran 5 metres. How many metres did he move
Subtraction of metres
a) 7 metres – 4 metres = ___________metrers
b) 9 metres – 2 meters = ___________metres
c) 20 m – 10 m = _________m
d) 13 m – 7 m = ______m
e) 6 metres 1 9 metres
- 4 metres - 1 6metres
h) 3 2m 4 0m
- 2m - 2 0m
7 metres
4 metres 3 metres
1. Fill in the missing numbers
1st , 2nd ______, 4th , 5th , _____, ____, 8th
2. Write in numbers
Ninth _____________
Fifteenth _______________
Second ________________
Missing addends
Find the missing numbers
Example 1
2+3 = 5+3 = 4+5 = 10 + 7 =
Teacher will give examples in groups and individually then give an activity
Example 2
2+3=5 6 +2=8
Note: Draw balls for the bigger number and cross balls for the smaller number
Teacher will help pupils with more examples then give an activity
Example 3
4 +5=9 5+2=7
Note: Draw balls for the bigger number and cross for the small number, the remaining
balls are the answer.
Grouping in twos
Grouping objects in twos
1 two =
2 twos =
3 twos =
Dividing numbers by 2
a) 2 ÷ 2 =1 b) 8 ÷ 2 =4
c) 10 ÷ 2 = 5 d) 4 ÷ 2 = _____
e) f) g)
2 8 2 14 2 6
d) Daddy had 8 bananas. He shared them between 2 children. How many bananas
did each child get?
Teacher will give more examples, then an activity
= ½ a half
= ¼ a quarter
= ¼ a quarter
= ¼ a quarter
= 1 /3 a third
= 3/ 6
= 2/4
Addition of fractions
2 + 1 = 3 Note: Add numbers on top only and choose 5
5 5 one number from those down.
4 + 2 = 4+2 = 6
8 8 8 8
More work will be given to pupils following the above examples
Subtraction of fractions
3 - 2 = 3-2 = 1 note: Subtract numbers up, then
4 4 4 4 choose one number from down
7 - 5 = ____ 4 - 2 =
8 8 10 10
2 - 1 = 5 - 1 =
3 3 7 7
Teacher will give more work following the above examples
Telling time on a clock face
A clock face has 2 or more hands on it
A short hand is the hour hand
A long hand is the minute hand
They both move around the clock but one moves faster than the other
When the long hand move and point straight in 12, the time will be that number the
short one is pointing to.
It is 4 o’clock
It I 9 o’clock It is 2 o’clock
September 9th
October 10th
November 11th
December 12th
a) How many months make a year?
b) Fill in the missing letters
Jan_____ary Feb___u___ry J____ne A____ ____ust
c) Fill in the missing months of the year
January , February, ___________, __________________May
August , September, _______________, __________________, December
Graph 1
Teacher will help pupils get the ideas of graph from real objects
Graph 2
A graph of apples
1. How many apples does Loy have?
2. Who has three apples?
3. How many apples do they have altogether?
4. Who has most apples?
5. Who has the least number of apples?
Graph 3
A farmer planted trees on different days
1. How many trees were planted on Tuesday?
2. On which day did he plant the least number of trees?
3. How many trees did he plant on Monday?
4. How many trees did he plant altogether?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
b) 9 – 7 = _______
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
v) Multiplication by 3
vi) Division by 3
vii) Multiplication by 3
viii) Division by 3
pencil stone
a) Juma is __________________Tom
b) Tom is ______________________Juma
Joan had 7kg of salt. Dan had 9kg of salt. How many kilograms did they have
Word statements
a) Subtract 9kg – 5kg
b) Daddy bought 14kg of meat. We ate 6kg. How many kilograms remained?
c) There were 34kg of rice in the basket. Mummy cooked 20kg. How many
kilograms remained?
What is capacity?
Capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold.
Examples of liquids
a) Water
b) Milk
c) Juice
d) Paraffin
e) Tea
f) Petrol
g) Diesel
h) Glue
i) Cooking oil
Container used to measure liquids
a) Bottles
b) Jugs
c) Jerrycans
d) Basins
e) Cups
f) Glasses
g) Tins
h) Gourd
i) Bucket
Comparing capacity using less or more
Bottle tin
+ 2 3litres + 5 0 litres
a) Juma had 2 litres of milk. He added 4 litres of water in milk. How many litres
did he get altogether?
b) Tom had 8 litres of water. He bought more 2 litres of water. How many litres
did he buy altogether?
c) Grace has 7 litres of soda. Akello has 5 litres of soda. How many litres do they
have altogether?
Subtracting litres horizontally and vertically
a) 10 litres - 1 litre =_________ litres
b) 15 litres - 7 litres = ________litres
c) 12 litres - 3 litres = _________litres
d) 8 litres e) 5 litres
- 3 litres - 2 litres
f) 4 8 litres g) 3 7 litres
- 2 6 litres -2 0 litres
a) Mummy had 8 litres of milk. She sold 2 litres. How many litres did she remain
b) Sarah had 16 litres of oil. She used 7 litres to fry pancakes. How many litres
Mixed exercises on addition and subtraction of litres
a) 6 litres +4 litres =_________ litres
b) 5 litres + 2 litres = ________litres
c) 10 litres - 5 litres = _________litres
1 8 1 9 6 9
+ 3 + 4 + 6
2 1 2 3 7 5
11 13 15
3 7 5 4 8 9
+ 4 + 8 + 9
+ 2 8 + 1 4 + 3 7
Money :This is what we use to buy what we want.
Discuss the use of money
History of money
Long ago, people used to exchange goods for goods and services for services (barter
trade). Later, they introduced cowrie shells.
When the Indians came, they introduced rupees. The rupees also got expired and now
we have the present currency called shillings.
Currency used by different countries
Uganda – shillings
Kenya – shillings
England – pounds
America - Dollars
Rwanda - Farang
Nigeria - Naira
There are two forms of money used in Uganda
These are
1. Coins
1000 shillings note
2000 shillings note
5000 shillings note
10,000 shillings note
20,000 shillings note
50,000 shillings note
Features on money
a) A coin of 50 shillings has a head of a cob and the coat of arms
a coin of 100 shillings – a cow and a coat of arms
a coin of 200 shillings – a fish
a coin of 500 shillings – a head of a crested crane
a coin of 1000 shillings – a crested crane
a) Jane had shs. 200. Peter had shs. 300. How much money do they have altogether?
b) There are shs. 400 in the tin and shs. 200 in the box. How much money is there
c) Tom picked shs. 500 on the way to school. john picked shs. 300. How much
money do they have altogether?
Subtraction of money
a) You have shs. 500. You spent Shs. 200. How much is left?
shs. 500
- shs 200
b) You have Shs. 200. You have spent shs. 100. How much is left?
shs. 200
- shs 100
c) Eva had shs. 300. She lost shs. 100. How much money did she remain with?
shs. 300
- shs 100
d) Susan had shs. 700. She bought a ruler at shs. 300. How much money did she
remain with?
shs. 700
- shs 300
An apple an egg an orange a cup
Item Price
O + 4 = 4
1 + 3 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 0 = 4
3 + 1 = 4
Which pairs of numbers add up to 4?
0 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5
O + 5 = 5
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 2 = 5
4 + 1 = 5
5 + 0 = 5
Up to 1
1. Grouping in threes.
1 group of three = 3
3 threes = _________
Up to 12
Multiplying numbers by 3 [ horizontally ]
1 x 3 =
2 x 3 =
3 x 3 =
4 x 3 =
1 3 7 1 2
x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
3 x 4 = 12 eggs
7 1 3
3 21 3 3 3 9
a) Mummy had 6 bananas. She shared them equally among 3 children. How
many bananas did each get?
6 ÷ 3 = ______
12 ÷ 3 = _______
3 ÷ 3 = _______ apple