A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles Into Composite Floor Tiles: A Case Study From Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso

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A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor

Tiles: A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso

Article in Journal of Material Science & Engineering · August 2015

DOI: 10.4172/2169-0022.1000201


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Kehinde Alao Olusegun Abayomi Olalere

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Oluwaseun Ruth Alara

RMIT University


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Temitope et al., J Material Sci Eng 2015, 4:6
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Material Science & Engineering

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ISSN: 2169-0022

Research Article
Research Article Open

A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite

Floor Tiles: A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso
Temitope AK1*, Abayomi OO2, Ruth AO3 and Adeola AP4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

The adverse effect associated with the surge in uses of non-biodegradable plastic products include the blockage
of drains, suffocating some animal life, who accidentally take them as food, grounds impermeable to water and
several other hazards. The need then arises to finding a safe means converting these plastic waste products into
other useful and harmless items.
The method adopted involves the collection of the plastic materials from trenches, drainages, streets, dump sites
and from eateries around Ogbomoso metropolis. These were sorted and washed before the Shredding Process was
carried. Melting of the Shredded Plastics and poured into a dimensioned wooden mould and Cured for some days.
It could be shown from the crushing test that the conventional tiles fail under slight heavier loads of 34 kN as
comparable to the 29 kN failure load of the composite tiles. However the water absorption test has no effect on both the
conventional and the composite tiles respectively. Furthermore, the flammability test carried out on the conventional
tiles shows a slight change as compared to the composite tiles which split under the effect of flame. Moreover the
composite tiles recorded a higher value than that of the conventional tiles. The tests show that the composite floor tiles
are cheaper, durable, and affordable as compared to the ceramic tile. Hence, the performances of the composite floor
tiles though are a little less than that of the commercial ceramic floor tiles yet appear a reasonably good substitute at
more reasonable rate.

Keywords: Composite floor tiles; Conventional tiles; Plastic waste; in the water body. The entire length of road from Lagos State to Benin
Recycling; Sawdust; Flammability lined with millions of old and used containers deposited by travellers.
Some of these wastes that litters the streets find their ways into drains,
Introduction trenches and canals, thereby clogging drains and hindering the
Plastic is defined as synthetic or semi-synthetic materials which are free flow of water and consequently leading to flooding [4]. The
polymeric and are composed of large molecules of organic substances expanding population and increased preference for packaged
known as monomers. The large molecules that are formed during a commodities are worsening the negative environmental impacts of
process known as polymerization are known as polymers [1]. these plastics [4].

The major divisions of plastics are thermoplastic and the In view of all the hazards that accompany the improper disposal
thermosetting polymers. Thermoplastics are the form of plastics that do of plastic wastes, the need then arise for an alternative means to
not undergo chemical changes in their composition when subjected to manage the plastics waste. The only means of adequately take care of
heat and can be remoulded into another shape even after solidification. several tonnes of plastic wastes being disposed is through the adoption
Thermosetting on the other hand are non-recycled polymers which of recycling process. This recycling process will go a long way to
undergo an irreversible chemical changes when subjected to heat, contribute to a cleaner environment. Plastic recycling is the process of
they melts and take a shape once after which they cannot be moulded recovering plastic wastes and turning old or scrap plastic into useable
into another shape. The role of plastics in human lives cannot be over products that can re-enter the manufacturing chains. This will in turn
emphasized ranging from use as household appliances, packaging generate revenue, create more job opportunities and reduce the hazards
materials, potable water and beverage containers, kitchen utensils, associated with improper disposal of plastic wastes [3].
furniture, toys, automobile parts, polythene bags etc [2]. Attributed the
great attention given to their use as due to their generally light, cheap
and durability nature and this account for their preference over other *Corresponding author: Temitope AK, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, E-mail:
materials [3].
[email protected]
Pure water sachets are products of plastics which are used widely in Received August 13, 2015; Accepted August 22, 2015; Published August 30,
Nigeria for various purposes, among such function is in the packaging 2015
of pure potable water. This when consumed and disposed can pose Citation: Temitope AK, Abayomi OO, Ruth AO, Adeola AP (2015) A Pilot
a great environmental problem if not disposed properly. Empty Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor Tiles: A
polythene plastic containers are rampant in the nook and cranny of the Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso. J Material Sci Eng 4: 201.
Nigerian landscape. Plastic materials are non-biodegradable material
and when find their way into the soil prevents water from getting to the Copyright: © 2015 Temitope AK, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
root of the plants and also restrict the stretching of the plant root. Some unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
of it hinders the exchange of gases for respiration by plants and animals original author and source are credited.

J Material Sci Eng

ISSN: 2169-0022 JME, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 6 • 1000201
Citation: Temitope AK, Abayomi OO, Ruth AO, Adeola AP (2015) A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor Tiles:
A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso. J Material Sci Eng 4: 201. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000201

Page 2 of 5

Literature Review Mechanical recycling techniques: It comprises of some processes,

which are shredding, melting and pelletizing of waste plastics. Plastics
Plastic must be sorted prior to mechanical recycling techniques. Mostly,
Plastic is a type of synthetic or non-synthetic polymer, similar in sorting is done manually. Advancements have been made in sorting
many ways to natural resins found in trees and other plants. Polymers plastics. The technology introduced in sorting plastics automatically
can be defined as any of various complex organic compounds produced includes using X-ray fluorescence, infrared and near infrared
by polymerization, capable of being moulded, extruded, cast into spectroscopy, electrostatics and flotation. These sorting techniques
various shapes and films or drawn into filaments and can then be used are used in large scale recycling. Owing to the expensive nature of this
for manufacturing textile fibres [5]. sorting technology, sorting will be done manually. After the sorting
exercise, the plastics are shredded into smaller sizes (between 5 mm2–
According to Fagbemiro, describe plastics as polymers. Polymers 10 mm2). The shredded plastics are melted and moulded directly into a
can be defined as materials made from many units [6]. Polymer is seen new product or melted and formed into pellets or granules [10].
as a chain which is made up of various smaller units. These units could
be carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and silicon. Chemical or feedstock recycling techniques: Feedstock recycling
technique describes a range of plastic recovery procedures to make
Recycling of plastics wastes plastics, which breaks down polymers into their constituent monomers,
which in turn can be used again in refineries, or petrochemical and
Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste
chemical production. Some of the numerous ranges of feedstock
plastics and refining the material into useful products, sometimes
recycling techniques currently being explored include: (i) Pyrolysis, (ii)
completely different in form from their original state [7]. In years
Hydrogenation, (iii) Gasification and (iv)Thermal cracking.
past, various works have been done on recycling of plastic wastes
by many researchers. According to Kalilu, attributed that large Feedstock recycling has a greater flexibility over composition
quantities of horticultural, domestic and industrial wastes are and is more tolerant to impurities than mechanical recycling. It is
generated and deposited in landfills [4]. The horticultural wastes very expensive and requires very large quantities of used plastic for
are biodegradable while a good number of the industrial wastes reprocessing to be economically viable [10].
are not and as thus, will pose threat to health, drainage and urban
planning. Wood
Owing to the rapid upsurge in the price of building materials, a Wood is the hard fibrous substance composing mostly of the stem and
young man from Kodungallur, in Thrissur district in India devised a branches of a tree or shrub and covered by the bark. The inner core of the
way of making floor tiles from plastic waste. First, the plastic waste wood is called the heartwood while outer layer is called the sapwood [11].
is being powdered in a machine after which it is mixed with liquid Uses of wood: Wood is one of the most useful and versatile
asphalt and chipped metal before being heated. This type of tiles is seen materials available. It has found suitability for general use due to the
to have numerous advantages over conventional cement tiles. Some of advantages it has over other materials.
the advantages are that the plastic tiles are relatively cheap, requires
less time for production and relatively lighter when compared to the Some of the various uses of wood are listed below:
cement tiles [8]. ƒƒ It is used as fuel: Wood has valuable quantities as a fuel and is
Advantages of recycling plastic wastes: Recycling of plastic clean, efficient and renewable energy source. Wood fuel may
wastes has so many advantages to human being and the ecosystem be available as firewood, charcoal, chips, sheets, pellets, and
when compared with all other methods of solid waste management sawdust.
adopted. Some of the numerous advantages of recycling of plastic Basically, when burnt, they provide a great amount of heat energy.
wastes are: This energy can be used for cooking and heating, and occasionally for
• Reduction of the use of fresh raw materials [7]. fuelling steam engines and steam turbines that generate electricity.

• Conservation of energy used for production of fresh products. ƒƒ Construction: Wood is an important construction material since
human began building shelters, bridges and boats. It has found
• It creates job opportunities [9]. use in the construction of scaffolds, mould, frames, interior
• Emission of poisonous gases such as carbon-dioxide, carbon- doors, roof construction and exterior cladding.
monoxide, nitrogen-oxide and sulphur-oxide are reduced [10]. Sawdust as waste product: Generally, wood is biodegradable
• Conservation of non-renewable fossil fuels- plastic production [12]. Before a desired finished product is derived from wood, it has
to go through so many processes. Some of these conversion processes
uses 8% of the world’s oil production, 4% as feedstock and 4%
include falling down of the tree, debarking, sawing, sanding, milling,
during manufacture [10].
lathing, drilling, chipping and carving. During the conversion process,
• As plastic wastes that litter the streets and choke drainages which off cuts are generated which pose as nuisance and are seen as having
serve as breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies are reduced, limited use to human being. These off cuts produced tend to attract
diseases associated with these vectors will also reduced [2]. pests and micro-organisms to wherever they are found. They cause
infections and sicknesses to human beings if found around the home.
Plastic wastes recycling techniques: There are basically two types
of plastic wastes recycling techniques. They are: Methodology
• Mechanical recycling techniques and Materials and equipment used in the production of compos-
• Chemical recycling techniques. ite tiles: The materials required for this research work were

J Material Sci Eng

ISSN: 2169-0022 JME, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 6 • 1000201
Citation: Temitope AK, Abayomi OO, Ruth AO, Adeola AP (2015) A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor Tiles:
A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso. J Material Sci Eng 4: 201. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000201

Page 3 of 5

sourced locally. The composite floor tile was produced from finely defined sun-dried saw dust is then added to the mixture. The
through the blending of water sachets, bottles and saw dusts. mixture is stirred to allow for uniformity of the blended mixture. This
Other materials include charcoal, cardboards. is then poured into a pre-designed wooden mould that has a card
board for the interior. The edge of the mould were gently banged on
The equipment used in this work is listed below: the ground continuously, this is to allow for even spreading of the
ƒƒ eighing Scale molten material which aids the escape of bubbles that can cause a
crack in the composite. The curing process involves the cooling of
ƒƒ Hydraulic Hot Press the composite material to allow for solidification. This is done for
ƒƒ Metal Slab 20 minutes in air (Figure 1).
ƒƒ Measuring Cylinder
Laboratory tests on the composite produced
ƒƒ Hand Trowel
Tests were carried out on the composite samples to ascertain their
ƒƒ Sieve
suitability for floor tiling and compared with the mechanical tests on
ƒƒ Hand glove the conventional tiles. These tests include the water absorption test,
ƒƒ Wood Stirrer crushing test, frictional test, and the flammability test.
ƒƒ Coal pot Water absorption (Cold and hot testing): In cold absorption
ƒƒ Mouth mask testing, the weight of the composite and conventional tile before
ƒƒ Scissors immersion into the cold water was determined using a scale of capacity
of 5 kg. After 24 hours of immersion, the weight of both the pilot
ƒƒ Razors
produced composite and conventional tiles was taken again.
ƒƒ Knives
However the hot absorption test involves weighting the composite
Procedure into pilot scale production of composite floor tiles and conventional sample using the weighing scale and thereafter
The steps involved in the production of the floor tiles are detailed dipping into boiling water for 30 minutes. A stone was then placed on
below: the composite and conventional material to prevent it from floating.
After 30 minutes the composite was reweighed and the quantity of
Collection of raw materials: The plastic materials were collected water absorbed was obtained.
from trenches, drainages, streets, dump sites and from eateries around
Ogbomoso metropolis. The reason for using this area as case study is Crushing test: The Universal Testing Machine (U.T.M) was
due to large volume of plastics wastes generated by these selected area. used to carry out this test. Here the dimension of the composite and
To effectively collect these plastic wastes the areas where plastics wastes conventional material were reduced to 100 mm in length and breadth
are generated in large quantities were identified. and thickness is of 35 mm. This was placed in the machine and loading
was applied until there is a noticeable fracture in the composite and
Sorting, washing and shredding process: This involves the conventional material. The failure load was thereby obtained.
separation of plastic materials into categories and this is done
according to the Plastic Identification Code (PIC). This is done in Frictional coefficient test: The frictional coefficient test is used
bigger establishment with the aid of an automated sorting system. to obtain the slip properties of the tiles produced, this is done by
However for this work a manual sorting system was employed for the placing the composite and conventional sample on a level platform,
pilot scale production. and a known mass of match box, toothpaste tube and a stone was
placed on the composite. With one end of the material in position, the
Detergent and water was used to wash the already sorted plastic opposite end of the composite was continuously raised such that the
materials and thereafter leave to dry. The reason for washing process is material inclines at an angle. The angle of inclination was continuously
to remove label attached to bottles and to get rid of contaminants such increased until the mass placed on top of the composite rolled off. At
as adhesives and dirt. However, the shredding process in a small scale this point the value of the angle of inclination was taken; this is called
recycling process employs the rapid granular method in shredding the
dried sorted plastic materials. It is however worthy of note that the
shredding process was carried out with the aid of scissors.
Collection of a sun-dried sawdust and sieving operation: The
waste products from saw dusts were collected during wood milling
operations of oganho, gmelina. Mahogany and iroko tree. After the
various types of sawdust were collected, they were placed separately,
directly under the sun. This was to dehydrate the sawdust for just one
day, being in powdery form, the drying was quite fast. The sun-dried
saw dust was sieved to different degree of fineness. The fine particles
were used to provide the fine surface finishing while the larger particles
were used to give a rough/coarse surface finish.
Melting of the shredded plastics and curing process: An
aluminium pot is placed on a heat source (charcoal) for close to
3 minutes and 320 g of the shredded water sachet and other plastic
waste component inclusive. The shredded material is then allowed Figure 1: A Panel of the composite tiles produced from the recycled plastic
to melt completely inside the heated aluminium pan. A 100 g of the

J Material Sci Eng

ISSN: 2169-0022 JME, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 6 • 1000201
Citation: Temitope AK, Abayomi OO, Ruth AO, Adeola AP (2015) A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor Tiles:
A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso. J Material Sci Eng 4: 201. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000201

Page 4 of 5

the angle of repose. This was done using different materials of different which will readily shatter into new smaller sharp pieces under sudden
weight and surface finish. loading or when released from a height and these can cause serious
injuries to human beings.
The Frictional coefficient is obtained using the equation below:
Frictional coefficient µ (N/Kg) = Tan θ (1) Results from frictional coefficient test

Flammability tests (Composite and conventional) The different material used for the frictional coefficient tests were
toothpaste tube, match box, and stone. Their weight and coefficient of
• Composite testing: The composite sample was place in the friction are calculated as shown in Tables 1 and 2. Given that the angle
direction of heat from an oxy-acetylene gas for about one second. of repose as ø, weight of material as L, and the coefficient of friction as
The process was repeated but the duration of the release of heat µ (Figure 2).
on the composite was increased to 5 seconds.
Comparing the values of frictional coefficients of the composite
• Conventional testing: A piece of conventional tile was thrown and that of the conventional tiles, it can be deduced that the composite
into the fire and left for 2 minutes before taken out of the fire. has higher frictional coefficient than the conventional tiles and this will
This was repeated for duration of 2 minutes and observation was promote more friction. For this reason the composite tiles produced
made for both cases. from the recycled plastics can be used as home floor tiles and reduced
the risk of slipping on tiles which could cause injury to human being.
Results and Discussion
Results from flammability tests (Composite and conventional)
Results from water absorption cold and hot testing
• Test on composite tiles: It was observed that after heat was
Cold testing: The following results were obtained for the cold supplied to the surface of the composite for durations of 1
absorption test carried out: second and 5 second separately, and the heat was taken away,
Weight of the composite before emersion A= 0.32 kg there was just a little noticeable change in the surface of the
composite. This means that the composite did not burn after the
Weight of the composite sample after cold immersion B = 0.32 kg heat was taken away from. It can therefore be concluded that
Amount of water absorbed = Weight after immersion - weight
before emersion = B-A = 0.32-0.32 =0.00 kg Material
Angle of repose Weight of Frictional coefficient
(ø) Material ( L) µ(N/kg)
From the above result the composite tiles produced from the Toothpaste tube 17.5 0.040 0.315
recycled plastic has a zero absorbing capacity when immersed in cold Match box 24 0.020 0.445
water. This is comparable to the conventional ceramic tiles sold in the Stone 26 0.080 0.488
market, which also had a water resistant. Hence, the composite tiles
Table 1: Determine the Frictional Coefficient for different materials on the
produced from the recycled plastic bottles and water sachet can act as
Composite tile.
an alternative in place of the ceramic tiles.
Weight of Material Frictional
Hot testing: The amount of water absorbed during the hot Material Angle of repose ø
(L) coefficient µ(N/kg)
absorption test was obtained as follow at:
Toothpaste tube 16.5 0.040 0.296
Weight of the composite before emersion A= 0.32 kg Match box 15 0.020 0.268
Stone 19 0.080 0.344
Weight of the composite sample after hot immersion B = 0.32 kg
Table 2: Determine the Frictional Coefficient for different materials on the
Amount of water absorbed = Weight after immersion - weight Conventional tile.
before emersion = B-A = 0.32-0.32 = 0.00 kg
From the calculation above, it can be observed that there was no 0.46
water absorption by the composite after 30 minutes of immersion in
boiling water. Also there was no crack on the composite sample tested, 0.44
this show the ability of the tiles to resist heat from the boiling water. 0.42 Composite

With the above observation, it is pertinent to note that, the


composite produced from a recycled water sachet /plastic bottles
possess the ability to resist heat from the boiling water. Hence the
composite tiles can be used as floor and wall tiles for both bathroom 0.36
and kitchen.

Results from the crushing test 0.32

The value of the failure load of the composite was 34 KN which is 0.3
considerable and this is a reason why the composite can be seen as an
alternative for tile production. For a material to be used as floor tile it
must have high load carrying capacity as people and items of various 0.26
0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
weight will be stationary or moving on the tile. Also, it was also noticed WEIGHT OF MATERIAL
that the composite did not shatter under sudden loading. Hence, it
Figure 2: A graph of material weight against frictional coefficient.
has high ductility. This is one major setback for the conventional tiles

J Material Sci Eng

ISSN: 2169-0022 JME, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 6 • 1000201
Citation: Temitope AK, Abayomi OO, Ruth AO, Adeola AP (2015) A Pilot Recycling of Plastic Pure Water Sachets/Bottles into Composite Floor Tiles:
A Case Study from Selected Dumping Site in Ogbomoso. J Material Sci Eng 4: 201. doi:10.4172/2169-0022.1000201

Page 5 of 5

Mechanical Tests Conventional Tiles Composite Tiles Conclusion

Crushing Test 34.00 kN 29.00 kN
It was concluded that plastic wastes (pure water sachets and plastic
Water Absorption Cold Tests 0.00 kg 0.00 kg
bottles) which pose hazards to human beings and the environment
Water Absorption Hot Tests 0.00 kg 0.00 kg
can be converted into useful plastic based products such as utensils,
Flammability Tests Slight changes flame Split under flame plastic chairs, key holders, infant bench, flower vase, tiles and buttons
Average Frictional Coefficient 0.303 N/kg 0.416 N/kg by adopting a simple recycling method which can be carried out by
Table 3: Summary of Some of the Mechanical Test Carried Out. small cottage industries. It is recommended that recycling should
be adopted as the main method plastic waste management as it has
the composite has less flammability. This is an advantage for the various advantages such as reduction of the hazards that improper
composite as it makes it good substitute for floor tiling. This also waste management constitute and also to reduce the tapping into fresh
means that on exposure of the composite to fire hazards like in raw materials for development of products over the methods of plastic
the case of fire incidence in homes, it will take considerable time waste management.
before the composite will burn off.
• Test on conventional tiles: It was observed that the conventional
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respectively. Furthermore, the flammability test carried out on the are essential to make the Environment Greener and Safer.
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tiles which split under the effect of flame. Moreover the composite tiles Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
recorded a higher value than that of the conventional tiles. 12. Is Wood Biodegradable.

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