Assessment Final Project

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Course Code : UGQB3043


Course Leader :

Learning Outcomes : CLO2: Prepare written documents such as business proposals,

meeting minutes reports, cover letters and resumes
CLO4: Respond appropriately during job interviews

Total Marks : 30%

Issue Date/week : Week 1

Submission Date : Week 6

Plagiarism Notice :

According to UNITAR International University Academic Regulations, Section

5.10 Plagiarism:

o 5.10.1 Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as

if they were the student’s own.
o 5.10.2 Plagiarism is an offence and will be subject to disciplinary action as
prescribed in the Students Disciplinary Rules and Regulations.
o 5.10.3 All work submitted as part of the requirements for any assessment must
therefore be expressed in the student’s own words and incorporate his own
ideas and judgments. Direct quotations from the published or unpublished
work of another must always be clearly identified as such and a full reference
to the source must be provided.

UGQB3043 Business Communication

Assignment 1 Guidelines and Rubrics

Final Project – 30%

Start: Week 1

Due Dates: Week 6

Learning outcomes

CLO2: Prepare written documents such as business proposals, meeting minutes reports, cover
letters and resumes
CLO4: Respond appropriately during job interviews

Instructions/Writing Prompts

This project requires students to prepare a Cover Letter and Resume. Then, individually,
students are required to make a short video Interview.


Students are to assume that they are searching for a job after graduating. Please refer the
guidelines as follows:

1. Search for any job vacancy advertisement based on your chosen field (e.g., business
administration, accounting, journalism, IT, finance, culinary, hotel, tourism etc) from any
source (newspaper, Job Street website etc). Make a copy of the job advertisement.

2. Prepare your cover letter and resume by following block format (for cover letter) as learnt
in the online class. The recipient in the cover letter and resume depends on the job
advertisement chosen earlier. Please attach the copy of the advertisement with your cover
letter and resume.

3. The cover letter and resume will be submitted together with the job advertisement (as one
softcopy) the same day as the video interview (Week 6).


1. Font: Arial

2. Size: 11

3. Spacing: 1.5 (for Cover Letter only)


All students are required to answer THREE (3) common interview questions/statements. The
questions are as follows:

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. How do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

3. What contributions can we expect from you to the company?

Students are required to answer the questions/statement above by recording themselves in a

video of not more than 2 minutes. Your answer will be based on the position and field that you
are applying. Students are expected to dress appropriately, and professional language is
expected to be used in the video. Students are expected to speak, not read a text etc.

Deliverables: Final Project Cover Sheet, Final Project Submission Sheet, Job Advertisement
Copy, Resume, Cover Letter, Video Interview and Rubrics

Note: If the files are too big, compress them into ONE (1) Zip File

Rubrics (Resume 10%)

Criteria 4-5 3 2 1 Score

Audience and Audience and Audience and Audience and
Function purposeof the purposeare purposeare less purposeare not
resume are strong present but could clear, and weak clear.
and clear. be stronger. parts remain.

Format of the Format is mostly Format is Format is hard to

resumeis clear. clear.Each major confusing. Major see.Major
Form (functional or Each major section includes sections are sections are
chronological) & section includes most of the missing missing
content required required information information
information information (objective (objective
(objective (objective statement, statement,
statement, statement, names, names, dates, names, dates,
names, dates, dates, locations, locations, etc.). locations, etc.).
locations, etc.). etc.).

Resume shows a Resume shows an Resume shows a Resume does not

very professional appropriate less professional have a
Effectiveness appearance, appearance, tone, appearance, professional
tone, andstyle. and style. Some tone, andstyle. appearance,
inconsistencies Several tone, or style.
remain. weaknesses need Much revision is
attention or needed.

Writer follows all Writer follows most Writer follows Writer has
guidelines for guidelines, but someguidelines, difficulty
Grammar & spelling,grammar, some sentences but sentences following
mechanics usage, are unclear, contain multiple guidelines;most
mechanics, etc. uneven, or errors and are sentences
Sentences are contain errors. difficult to contain
strongand have understand. numerous errors
a varied and cannot be
structure. understood.

Total out of 20 possible points (4 criteria x 5

maximum points)

Rubrics (Cover Letter 10%)

Criteria 4-5 3 2 1 Score

Audience and Audience and Audience and Audience and
Function purposeof the purposeare purposeare less purposeare not
resume are strong present but could clear, and weak clear.
and clear. be stronger. parts remain.

Format of the Format is mostly Format is Format is hard to

resumeis clear. clear.Each major confusing. Major see.Major
Form (functional or Each major section includes sections are sections are
chronological) & section includes most of the missing missing
content required required information information
information information (objective (objective
(objective (objective statement, statement,
statement, statement, names, names, dates, names, dates,
names, dates, dates, locations, locations, etc.). locations, etc.).
locations, etc.). etc.).

Letter shows a Letter shows an Letter shows a less Letter does not
very professional appropriate professional have a
Effectiveness appearance, appearance, tone, appearance, professional
tone, andstyle. and style. Some tone, andstyle. appearance,
inconsistencies Several tone, or style.
remain. weaknesses need Much revision is
attention or needed.

Writer follows all Writer follows most Writer follows Writer has
guidelines for guidelines, but someguidelines, difficulty
Grammar & spelling,grammar, some sentences but sentences following
mechanics usage, are unclear, contain multiple guidelines;most
mechanics, etc. uneven, or errors and are sentences
Sentences are contain errors. difficult to contain
strongand have understand. numerous errors
a varied and cannot be
structure. understood.

Total out of 20 possible points (4 criteria x 5

maximum points)

Rubrics (Video Interview 10%)

Criteria 1 2 3 4-5 Score

Overall appearance is Appearance is Overall Overall appearance is

untidy somewhat neat veryneat
untidy appearanc
Choice in clothing is Choice in clothing Choice in clothing Choice in clothing is
inappropriate for any job is inappropriate isacceptable for appropriate for any
(** This should
interview (torn, unclean, (shirt un-tucked, the type of jobinterview
relate to the core
wrinkled) tee-shirt,too much interview
jewellery, etc.) Very well groomed
area and may be
Poor grooming Well groomed (hair, make-up, clothes
industry specific)
Grooming attempt (i.e. shirt tucked pressed,etc.)
isevident in, jewellery
blends with Overall appearance
clothing, minimal is business-like
Speaking is unclear – very Speaking is unclear Speaking is clear Speaks clearly and
difficult to understand –lapses in sentence withminimal distinctly with no lapse
message ofwhat is being structure and mistakes in insentence structure
said (i.e. mumbling) grammar sentence structure and grammar usage;
and grammar speaks concisely with
Volume is inappropriate for Volume is correct pronunciation
interview (i.e. spoke too uneven(varied) Volume is
loudly, too softly) appropriat Volume conveys
e businesstone

Fidgeted – (i.e., constant Fidgeted –(i.e., Minimal fidgeting No fidgeting; consistently

movement of hands and movement of hands (i.e., occasionally used physical gestures,
feet); none or very poor and feet frequently); shifting); average use facial expressions and
use of physical gestures, minimal use of of physical gestures, body movements in a
facial expressions and physical gestures, facial expressions manner which enhanced
Body Language body movements facial expressions and and body the interview process
detracted from the body movements in a movements in a
interview process manner which manner which
enhanced the enhanced the
interview process interview process

Does not look at persons Sits up straight; Sits up straight, good Sits up straight, excellent
involved in the interview average posture; posture; establishes posture; looks relaxed and
process; keeps head establishes eye eye contact with confident; establishes eye
Posture and Eye
down; minimal eye contact with interviewers during contact with interviewers
contact; does not have interviewers during the interview 80 - during the interview 90-
good posture; slouching the interview 70 -80% 90% of the time 100% of the time
of the time
Lack of interest and Somewhat Shows basic Appropriately interested
enthusiasm about the interestedin the interestin the and enthusiastic about
General Attitude
interview; passive and interview; shows interview; shows theinterview process
indifferent little some
enthusiasm enthusiasm
Answers with “yes’ or Gives well- Gives well- Gives well-constructed,
“no” and fails to constructed constructed confident responses that
Responses to elaborate or explain; responses, but sounds responses, does not are genuine
Questions talks negatively about rehearsed or unsure sound rehearsed,
past employers student somewhat
hesitant or unsure


Course Code : __________________________

Course Title : __________________________

Course Leader : __________________________

Lecturer : __________________________

Title of Assignment : __________________________

Submission Date : __________________________

Student’s Affirmation :

I, ____________________________________________________ acknowledge the submission of this

assignment. I will be responsible if this assignment is found plagiarized and will bear the


Student’s Signature: Lecturer’s Signature:

__________________________ ______________________

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