Voucher Topamax
Voucher Topamax
Voucher Topamax
• Do you take over-the-counter or prescription medications more than twice a week for migraine pain?
• Are these medications no longer helpful for you?
• Do you have 2 or more migraine attacks a month that impact your daily activities for 3 or more days?
• Do migraines impact your work, family, or social life? Please provide specific examples.
• In between migraine attacks, do you think about when the next one may strike and what the impact will be?
Please provide specific examples.
• Do you make contingency plans or take other actions in anticipation of a possible migraine attack?
Please provide specific examples.
Free trial offer for up to 42 (25 mg)
Conditions of Use:
• This voucher must be attached to the original prescription
and retained by pharmacy for audit purposes for the period
• Limited to 1 TOPAMAX free trial voucher redemption of 3 years or the usual period for which your pharmacy
per person. records are kept, whichever is longer.
• Ortho-McNeil Neurologics, Inc., reserves the right to rescind, • For additional information or questions regarding pharmacy
revoke, or amend this offer at any time without notice. processing or rules and regulations governing this program,
• This voucher is not valid through mail-order pharmacies. please call the Help Desk at 1-800-750-9835.
• Subject to eligibility restrictions listed on this voucher. • I certify that: i) I have dispensed the TOPAMAX product to an
eligible patient, ii) I have not submitted and will not submit a
To the Physician:
claim for reimbursement to the patient or any third-party
• In order to use this voucher, your patient will require a valid payer, and iii) my participation in this program complies with
signed prescription for up to 42 TOPAMAX 25 mg tablets.
all applicable laws and contractual or other obligations I have
• Please provide your patient with a separate prescription if as a pharmacy provider.
you wish them to continue beyond this trial.
• Also refer to eligibility restrictions.
Recommended Initial Dosing: Pharmacist’s Signature Date
TOPAMAX should be taken at the dose recommended by the Eligibility Restrictions:
healthcare professional to achieve the best results and to help Claims for any product dispensed pursuant to terms of voucher
minimize side effects. shall not be submitted to any public (eg, Medicaid) or private
Morning Dose Evening Dose (eg, insurance company) payer for reimbursement. The selling,
purchasing, trading or counterfeiting of this voucher is prohibited
Week 1 none 25 mg by federal law, and such activities may result in imprisonment for
Week 2 25 mg 25 mg not more than 10 years or fines not more than $250,000, or both.
Week 3 25 mg 50 mg No purchase or co-pay required. No substitutions permitted. Not
(2-25 mg tablets) valid through mail-order pharmacies. Void where prohibited by
law. Void outside the USA. Ortho-McNeil Neurologics, Inc.,
Week 4 & beyond 50 mg 50 mg reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this offer at any
time without notice. NO PHOTOCOPIES ACCEPTED.