Illuminati Formula Chapters3 Mind Drugs

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Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler



The science of Pharmacology (drugs) has given the Programmers a vast array
of mind-altering and body-altering drugs. Some of the drugs are not used to
directly alter the mind, but to change the body (make the skin burn), or
make the person vomit, or some other reaction that can be harnessed to
further their nefarious programming goals.


One of the sites which has done research/programming into MPD and drug
action on the brain has been Bethesda, MD where Dr. Irwin J. Kopin was
Chief of the Laboratory of Clinical Science, at the National Institute of
Mental Health. He was active in research into how drugs can affect the


When this author studied differential equations, and higher mathematical it

became clear that everything can be reduced to a mathematical
explanation. Sometimes a mathematical notation is easier and clearer, than
other explanations. This author suggests that drugs that affect the mind
could be classified on three scales:

Scale X: the wakefulness or arousal scale, which runs from a coma, to

asleep, to alert, to hyperalert

Scale Y: the attitude, or affect scale, that is one's manner of feelings,

responses etc., running on a scale from suicidal and depressed to euphoric,
blissful and elated.

Scale Z: the integration of reality scale, which runs from confusion,

delusions, and psychotic thoughts to integrated, clear, lucid thinking.

Many (if not all) of the drugs that were listed in Vol. 2 and this chapter can
be plotted along one of these scales, and sometimes 2 or 3 of these scales,
which means an x,y, z axis configuration can be used to compare such
drugs. In terms of naturally occurring brain substances which are
manufactured synthetically and injected according to the programmers’
needs, it could be stated that the original purpose of the substance can be
malevolently tampered with.



The distribution into the brain of a drug is dependent upon many factors.
Under microscopic-level inspection, one discovers a person’s brain is
physically constructed to allow certain molecules to enter into the brain in
certain complex ways. Just because a substance is put into the blood
doesn’t mean it gets into brain tissue. Researchers have discovered such
drug properties such as lipid solubility, the ionization, its tissue-protein
bonding abilities, and its molecular size all play a role in how well drugs get
into the brain. Further, the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) which will be
discussed indepth in Chapter 8 can play a role in drug absorption. Several
studies during the 1960’s showed that the removal of drugs or substances
from the CSF, can reduce the effective concentration of a drug in the
extracellular spaces which make up perhaps 12% of the brain’s volume.
These physical factors are not the only factors involved.

Researchers have repeatedly discovered that different people respond to

mind-changing drugs in many different ways--including two different people
having opposite responses to the same drug. There have been a number of
studies about this phenomena, including: (SarwerFoner, 1957), (Henninger,
et. al., 1965), (Rickels & Downing, 1966), (McNair et al., 1966). Over the
years, it has been discovered that a person’s mental abilities, expectations,
prior drug experience, age, sex, race, personality traits, and personality
types can all potentially influence how a mind-altering drug will effect a
person. For instance, a sedative drug administered to an extroverted
confident athlete caused the athlete to feel anxiety and disorientation. In
contrast, an introverted nervous intellectual felt calmness when the same
drug was administered. Particle size of the drug and the rate of dissolution
will help determine the rate at which a drug is absorbed (and eliminated)
into the body. For instance, when colloidal silver has been produced by a
process that yields small particles, it will cleanse the body, while larger
particles of colloidal silver will kill a person. Different companies and
different preparations of the same drug may have different outcomes upon
the body. The persistence of a drug in the body is calculated by
programmers using half-lives of a drug. This means that at one half-life, one
half of a drug is left in the body. At two half lives, one-half of one-half is
left or (1/4). At three half-lives there will be 1/8 left of original drug. In
other words, the rate of elimination decreases with time. When heroin is
processed into morphine, its characteristics change. The heroin takes affect
quicker, but doesn’t last as long as morphine. This is because of enzyme
mechanisms in the liver and how they react to the morphine in contrast to
the heroin. Different drugs react differently with the complex enzyme
mechanisms of the liver. Phenobarbital amazingly increases the enzyme
content of the endoplasmic reticulum with habitual use of the drug.
Phenobarbital will then enhance a particular type of toxicity. Low doses do
not hurt the body, but there is a threshold where damage from
phenobarbital will begin occurring to the liver and kidneys. This is a
sampling of why it is important that the Illuminati use extremely skilled
medical personnel in the application of programming drugs. The
programmers are far more skilled than most legitimate therapists in
understanding how much of what drug to give to which alter personality.
The mental makeup of an alter will influence how that alter will respond to
drugs. Some deeper alters can resist drug influence due to training. Some
deeper alters are so fine-tuned that they only need small doses. With their
superior knowledge of how a System of Multiple Personalities has been
created within a victim’s mind, the programmers have a distinct edge over
deprogrammers in how to administer drugs. On top of that the
programmers, place in all types of programming to prevent anyone but the
programmers (or approved people) from administering drugs. An example of
how strong the mind can be over drugs--is when the programmers "SET THE
STAGE", "PRESENT THE SCRIPT’ and then use Seconal to obtain deeply
embedded programming commands. Setting the stage is a programming
term for talking to the victim in such a way that the mind is receptive for
what the programmer wants the victim’s mind to do. Presenting the script is
the actual set of commands that the programmer gives to the victim. For
instance, the programmer functioning as a hypnotist tells the victim that a
powerful sedative will be given but that part of the mind will be strong
enough to overcome the sedative effect of seconal. The victim is instructed
"WHEN YOU HEAR THE WORD [trigger power code word, for instance: ZEBRA
given and the person is placed in an isolation chamber. A good programmer
skilled in hypnotism can actually get a victim’s mind to respond under the
influence of seconal in an isolation chamber. Then the programmer will lay
in deeply embedded commands while the person is in a sleep deeper than a
twilight sleep. When the human body receives several different kinds of
drugs, sometimes drugs compete with each other during the
excretion/elimination phase. This may create a buildup or a retention of
one of the drugs. As discussed in Vol. 2, the programmers don’t like to use
combinations of several drugs because it complicates things. There is still a
great deal of unknowns concerning adverse drug reactions. Some people do
not show an allergic response to a drug until it is administered several
times. Because of the potential for allergic reactions or side effects, the
Programmers are helped because the programming centers, according to ex-
programmers are extremely well stocked with different drugs, & the
Programmer can if need be shift to an alternative programming drug. Most
slaves are programmed to stay away from the use of drugs, except those
drugs that the programmer/handler approves. By reducing the use of drugs
of all kinds, the problem of adverse drug reactions, and other complications
is reduced for the programmers. Some people who are health freaks who
stay away from drugs are actually carrying out a front program for their
MORE PROGRAMMING DRUGS (these were not listed in the Vol.2 Formula

Acetophenzine aka Tindal--(this anti-psychotic has been used on multiples,

it mutes anxiety, suspiciousness and delusions. it would fall more into the
control category of uses rather than for actual programming.)

Amines--(this is a general term for many types of the brain’s own chemicals
used to produce moods, and feelings)

Damiana--(aka Mex. Witching Herb, the extract is used w/ other herbs

during progamming for a relaxed pleasure state.) »An example is Damiana-
Biack Kava Kava-Valerian-Skullcap-Wild Lettuce Opium, which makes a "it’s-
nothing-but-a-dream" state.

Chloral hydrate--(which is a hypnotic put in pill form such as chioral

betaine, Beta-Chlor, and given with something like a glass of milk. About
500 mg. of Chloral hydrate are given for a hypnotic for an adult.)

Cyciohexamide--(produces retroactive amnesia)

Cylert--a type of speed

Datura aka Jimsonweed, or thorn apple--(sometlmes used to help a child

conjure up their personal spirit.)

Iminodibenzyis-- (used for sedation)

Lettuce Opium--(tradition Hopi shaman trance drug)

Mandrake--(from the Mandragora plant, an ancient occult drug, a traditionai

witchcraft drug for causing people to sleep)

Methaqualone--(a rapid hypnotic drug that produces a dissociative high, it

can be used to put someone into a coma)

Pemoline-magnesium hydroxide (aka PMH, helps enhance conditioned

avoidance training by acting as a stimulant, is helpful for repetitive learning
situations by a general alerting effect on the mind)

Phenothiazines--(used to raise the threshold of electrical stimulation

tolerance, to tranquilize or induce sleep)

Rowan--traditional sleeping/death herb of witches; May Day is also called

Rowan Tree Witch Day.

Seconal, aka Seconal Sodium or Secobarbital Sodium--(a popular

programming drug to stabilize programming, to set in deep programming
into the base of the mind such as dates and codes, and to block out memory
of missions by slaves, see various paragraphs below for more explanations.
Used in 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 mg. increments. A tubal pregnancy/birth can be
hid in a woman by 300-400 mg., while surgery on an adult man may require
500 mg.)

Tetradoxyn (made from the Puffer Blowfish, used by Voudoun, & others to
create a zombie state)

In our discussion of drugs used in programming, this chapter will expand

upon the previous book by discussing the application of drugs to:

a. to stabilize the programming after torture b. hiding the codes

c. building in deeply embedded structures and beliefs, and the creation of

false identities

b. to influence the memory by drugs c. to stimulate instinctual behaviors

d. to create moods and attitudes by synthetically manufacturing and

injecting the brain’s own natural amines.


The total mind-control of the Illuminati is called "trauma-based mind-

control" because repeated traumas are inflicted upon the victim is a very
systematic calculated inhumane way. The tortures and stress are all parts of
a programming package. After a particular harsh session of programming the
victim’s mind will be in a high state of terror, shock, dissociativeness and
splintering. The victim’s mind can’t take much more, and the potential of
having uncontrolled splintering of the victim’s mind and thereby having the
destruction of the mind and programming threatens the programmers’
control. The programmer wants the mind and body to rest so that the
programming can set in, without destabilizing events occurring. For
instance, after severe water torture (drowning) the programmer will want
the programming (hypnotic script) to set in, and he will give seconal (aka
seconal sodium or secobarbital sodium) to induce a deep sleep. Sleep occurs
within 10 to 15 minutes. Sometimes a victim's heart has been pushed to its
limits during a trauma and they must shut the body down to let the victim
rest. Seconal is a drug of choice for this. Seconal is administered in hospitals
or programming sites where trained personnel know how to give the drug.
Dirty psychiatrists, who understand the relationship between drugs and
human behavior and who are either programmers themselves or assistants to
programmers often are the ones who give the victims drugs like seconal.


The complete list of researchers who have studied the effect drugs have on
memory would require a massive book. However, we will just mention a few
that pertain to this book briefly. One of the places the effect of drugs on
memory was researched was at the Univ. of California at Irvine, CA. Another
was at institutions in the Boston, Mass. area such as the Massachusetts
General Hosp., in Boston. Dr. Talland in Boston tested the effects of PMH on
human memory. He discovered PMH could help people relearn material that
had been partially forgotten. The Illuminati programmer Cameron (aka Dr.
White) also tried out various approaches including the administration of RNA
and RNA- synthesis stimulants. John C. Lilly, who admits being a member of
an Esoteric Mystery School, was a government researcher on the use of LSD
to program people. He did part of his work on LSD programming at the
Maryland Psychiatric Research Center under admitted government financing.
His book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer
(NY: Julian Press, 1967, & revised format 1972) is an excellent paper trail of
how the Illuminati has used LSD to program total mind-controlled slaves.
Originally, the book was given out only to a few select people. The book
attempts to hide what it talks about behind a long intro, long sentences, big
words and arcane psychological terms, but it does spell out how they do the
mind-control programming with LSD. A section later in this chapter will lay
out for the reader how they do this.


The drugged victim feels like he is looking through a keyhole and the
hypnotic voice of the programmer is the key hole. The world may be very
shadowy and drawn in on itself. The mind has its attention on the


The human memory process can be basically broken down into 3 phases, the
registration phase, the retention phase and the retrieval phase. Great
amount of research has gone into how to use drugs to manipulate each of
those phases. Great amount of research also went into how to measure
people’s abilities to a. learn, b. remember, c. and to do non-learned
behavior such as arm-hand steadiness and visual time reaction.


Scopolamine was found to impair short-term memory. It was discovered that

retrograde amnesia could be created by electroshock several hours after the
brain had learned something. This lesson caused the Illuminati and those
working in mind control with them to use cattle prods and stun guns.

If a person performed something they were to forget they can be stunned or

given scopolamine to deaden their memory. A quick anesthetic applied
immediately after something has been done might also impair the retention
of what had happened. Yet another way is seconal, which will be discussed
soon. Low doses of analeptic drugs given about 10 to 20 min. before training
were found to help learning. Analeptic drugs include bemegride,
diazadamantanol, pentylenete-trazol, picotoxin, and strychnine. It was
discovered that strychnine helps enhance classical conditioning. It can be
administered either before or after the learning has taken place. It is
believed that memory storage is enhanced by strychnine and strychnine
sulfate. Strychnine was also found to help protect the mind’s memory
against the effect of electroshock. Abusers out on the street have been
turning to GHB and Rohypnol to decrease inhibitions and to cause memory
loss in their victims. Rohypnol (which sells for up to $10 a tablet) is
dependable but more expensive than the GHB. A number of women who
have been raped by adding these drugs to their alcoholic drinks at the Club
Boca, Palm Beach, FL made the paper after they were drugged and raped
after partying at the club. (The Palm Beach Post, Mar., 1996 pp. 1B, 10B.)
GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate) is a compound essential to the body. It acts
similar to a neurotransmitter. It helps release the Human Growth Hormone
and removes inhibitions around intimacy, as well as some other beneficial
effects. GHB crosses the blood-brain barrier and metabolizes into GABA.
GHB’s high degree of safety was proved over 25 years of research, and was
basically an established fact before the FDA and the media demonized GHB.
Several sources seem to indicate that the FDA banned GHB --not because it
has dangerous side effects, which it doesn’t have inspite of the established
media’s disinformation campaign with half truths--but because it is not
patented by the drug companies and would cut into their profits.

GHB also has a great aphrodisia effect. It reduces inhibitions to have sex,
but because the woman clitoris is more sensitive it interferes with female
orgasms. However, when the women do achieve it, it is longer and more
intense, according to GHB researchers. (This author got much information
on GHB from the Centurion Aging Research Lab.) GHB is described here
because it is a drug that is known by the type of people who use sexual
slaves and other people, and its use and misuse pertain to mind control.
Like so many things involved with mind-control, GHB and many other items
could be put to positive uses if used in the proper way. Sometimes the
programmers use drugs rather than ECS (Electroconvulsive shock) to destroy
the memory in slaves after they have done some mission for the Illuminati,
the Syndicates, or Cult they belong to. The decision to use drugs rather than
ECS is largely personal tastes. The very sadistic programmers enjoy using
ECS, while the less sadistic ones often use the drugs, which in some
instances actually perform better, but are not as violent to the victim of
mind control. Retroactive amnesia can be caused by an intracerebral or a
subcutaneous (under the skin) shot of Acetoxycycloheximide,
cyclohexamide, or puromyxcin. A more sophisticated technique incorporates
the drug seconal (aka Seconal sodium), the victim’s dissociativeness (the
MPD), and hypnosis. Seconal is a strong sedative that puts people into sleep.
The programmers have considered it "wonderful". The victim’s mind is
conditioned hypnotically to be able to remember the drugged-seconal state.
Then the hypnotic command is given that if anything about a particular
mission is remembered, the person will immediately trigger (pull-up to the
front of the mind) the seconal memory. This is why many therapists discover
their clients getting sleepy when they get close to certain thoughts, or when
they try to do therapeutic work.

Chapter 4 provides some of the programming codes, some of which are

standard and some of which are unique to a particular slave. Seconal was
the standard drug used during the 1950’s and 1960’s to hide the
programming codes in the mind’s memory. The procedure is to give a small
child under 50 lbs. perhaps 10 mg. of seconal. The programmer has already
"SET THE STAGE" and presented the script. After the child goes into its deep
sleep, the programmer pulls the child’s mind awake hypnotically (actually
to be technically correct, the programmer pulls up those alters/parts of the
mind that the programmer wants to work with). The child may awake on an
satanic altar or other programming setting. The child is then programmed.
After the programming, which may include satanic rituals, the child slave is
given 20 mg. more of seconal and allowed to go into a sleep again. A cover
program (a cover story--that is a false code will be planted hypnotically in
front of the real code. "IF YOU SHOULD REMEMBER THIS..." If a slave starts
to remember any code, in spite of the hypnotic commands not to, and all
the threats and alters trained to protect the codes, etc. then the
programming to sleep kicks in. Also remember that the codes are placed in
when the victim is groggy, so to pull up the memory will cause the slave to
abreact the drugged-state. Not all the alters are drugged. In setting the
stage, the programmer orders some alters to back off from feeling or
associating the experience. They are hypnotically commanded not to
experience the drug’s effects, or to only experience it in a partial manner.
This can be done with small amounts of seconal. Larger amounts of seconal
will override the mind’s ability to block the drug’s effects. The
programming experience where the codes are put in, will likely be
remembered by the slave as something similar to the following, a sleepy
blurry picture of a nurse, then a doctor and a table, and then an IV, then
the memory fades, and the slave gets sleepy thinking about it.

It should be pointed out that the mind has strong natural abilities to
dissociate painful memories. Not only must the victim try to retrieve
memories by fighting the mind’s natural dissociative abilities, the victim
must fight the hypnotic suggestions, the irrationality of conflicting ideas due
to the false cover memories laid in, the DRUG memories attached to induce
sleep if the victim remembers, the memory shattering from the shock of the
stun guns, and the fear of countless other threats internal and external if
the memory is recovered. It is no surprise that most victims of this
horrendously abusive mind-control have front alters who are totally unaware
of the mind-control and abuse.

PROGRAMMING WITH LSD-25 (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)

The Programmers use controlled and manipulated LSD trips for mind-control
purposes when layering in the programming for the Illuminati slaves. The
victim’s mind is trained and mentally prepared before actually being
subjected to the drug. The programmers understand how the mind
unleashes its fears, including its fear of LSD itself, while under the drug, so
that small doses are given at first and then increased. This is so the victim
of mind-control can learn to face and manage the effects of the drug.

When the Illuminati want to set the foundations for a system, they will use
LSD in a sensory deprivation tank on a child to program in such things as:
the hell-pit (a dungeon in a castle), the images of evil guardians, worlds &
stars & galaxies which contain alters, the outer space in a system, and the
protective program where the mind spreads out like molecules and loses the
ability to think. The sensory deprivation tank will be set at 92.0 to 95.0 F.
isothermal skin, saltwater suspension, zero light, near zero-sound levels.
The victim will be naked without contact with the side of the tank and in
remote isolation for several hours. Electrodes can be hooked up to shock the
victim if they move to prevent the victim from wanting to move. Victims
usually are conditioned to like the sensory deprivation tank before they are
programmed inside it with LSD. After having listened to two ex-programmers
describe LSD sensory deprivation programming, this author was amazed to
discover that the LSD programmer John Lilly had actually written a book
about how to do the programming! (John Lilly was also into witchcraft &
aliens.) The government wasn’t quite as thrilled with his book as I was, they
withdrew research funds from him in 1968 when only a few copies of his
book came out. And now finally almost twenty years later, the human LSD
programming that John Lilly described is finally being put into its larger
context--that of trauma-based total mind-control. On page 126-127, Lilly
explains that implanted programs in the child can be placed in below the
level of the mind’s awareness, but which will affect their entire outlook on
life, and which will control their thinking and behavior far into adulthood.
The programs can even be done to control the most basic functions of life.
Lilly says that the programming possible with the use of LSD is "...not
achievable outside the use of LSD-25. This amount of control can be said to
resemble other ways of achieving control and visual projection but in actual
intensity I know of no other way to achieve it. Hypnosis is a possible
exception." (Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human
Biocomputer, p. 20) On page 19, Lilly states that LSD can be used to change
an experience to have a negative or a positive charge on it. Sometimes
people who work with the mind refer to negative experiences as "negative
charges on an experience", and good experiences as "experiences with a
positive charge". Apparently, according to Lilly, the brain can switch
chemical charges on an experience and shift its attitude from viewing as
either positive or negative. In fact, this very thing is done during Illuminati
programming. For instance, it may be done if a memory surfaces that the
programmer doesn’t want the alter being programmed to understand. This
last paragraph is interesting when one realizes that under LSD the
subconscious mind is allowed to release its thinking into the conscious. If a
person has been traumatized, the subconscious mind under LSD will release
the trauma memories and flood the person with horrible thoughts. So before
one can get to the transcendental wonderful creative thoughts, a person has
to deal with this garbage. The sub-conscious erupts like molten magma.
Before the child is given the LSD, the child is going to have to be mentally
prepped. Just as Seconal could only be used after the hypnotist programmer
had SET THE STAGE, so also with the LSD. The LSD programmer if he is
experienced will have an idea how the victim will react to the drug. Each
person reacts in his or her own way, but there are patterns of reaction. The
programmer will hypnotically warn the victim, YOU’RE NOT TO FEAR such
and such thought. They may tell the victim that it is just their imagination,
when it is repressed memories of trauma surfacing. The programmer will let
one alter carry the true feelings (such as fear) of the surfacing traumas, and
another to carry the story line being programmed in with LSD. The
programmer may have to calm the victim down while they are in the tank.
The Illuminati use hypnosis in conjunction with the LSD programming trips.
They also use some other mind-control items too. Further, LSD is not the
only programming hallucinogenic that they have used for some of this type
of programming, they have tried Peyote, but LSD seems to be the drug of
choice. On page 20, Lilly describes the use of mirrors along with LSD to
create visually projected images. The Illuminati programmer will play a
movie, a script over and over so that it is constantly in the forefront of the
victim’s mind. Then the stage is set and the script (such as TAKE WHAT YOU
SEE INTO THE MIRROR) is hypnotically given. The victim goes under LSD and
in about 15 minutes reaches their LSD high. Most people can be talked to by
the programmer during the programming, and the programmer can get some
feedback from what is happening in the victim’s mind. The victim will be
placed in front of a mirror. Then the victim will project the image that was
repeatedly shown him or her (say for instance, Alice In Wonderland, or
Tinkerbell, or Mickey Mouse) onto their own image in the mirror. A special
state of consciousness is induced where the person’s perception is altered
and they see the projected image as their own reflection. While watching
the projected image on the mirror, the mind under LD will also project its
own feelings and facial features into the mirror. If the victim is angry,
happy, in pain, admiring themselves, etc. then projected image (for
instance, Mickey Mouse) will also been seen this way. Using this type of
programming, the programmers can create twinning parts. That is if two
people are to be twinned, parts that see themselves as the other person are
created using the LSD mirror programming. Ceremonies and demons will also
be added to strengthen the twinning, and this may be done to a 13 year old
teenager within the Illuminati. These projections can be maintained and
worked with for about 30-40 min. during the drug’s high. After this length of
time fatigue sets in and the person must rest before being brought to
another high. A clean slate alter can be prepared by the script and then will
actually believe that it saw itself as the projected image. By the time, the
session is through the clean slate alter believes it is Alice in Wonderland or
whatever character the programmer(s) wants it to be. During the trauma of
an LSD programming trip, the mind may see flickering images, melting,
mosaics and other things. These distortions can form a cover memory if the
programmers wants them too. During the sensory deprivation tank
experience under LSD, the victim can be asked to open their eyes, or close
them. If asked to form a mental screen, the victim under LSD will see a
blank screen differently if their eyes are open as compared to closed. If the
victim is allowed to look while in a dark tank out into the darkness under
LSD, they will visualize themselves as merging with the infinite universe and
not even having a body. This memory is used to build in the outer space of a
system. On page 32, Lilly describes the type of programming used to create
an Infinity, a Rubicon, or Outer Space within a system. He says, "The self is
still centered at one place but its boundaries have disappeared and it moves
out in all directions and extends to fill the limits of the universe as far as
one knows them. A person taking LSD may experience, whether being
programmed or not, that they are in touch with all the stars of the universe.

LSD distortions in reality can also be used to protect the programming. If

the mind gets too close to remembering something, then the mind triggers
automatically a memory of its molecules expanding into the universe and
losing their ability to think. This is simply a controlled LSD memory. When
external stimuli is ceased, the brain takes over the spaces that were
formerly occupied in the thinking process by external reality, and replaces it
with feelings and thoughts from the internal mind. Lilly states on pg. 24 that
when programming people under LSD, "The blank screen is the most difficult
one to work with but is the least ‘driving’ of the group. The blank screen
interferes least with one’s creative efforts;..." In other words, if the victim
is closed off to external stimuli, the mind can focus all its energy into free
associative creativity. Once the victim is in isolation, religious music can
cause the brain to free associate religious visions, cartoon voices can cause
the brain to free associate the cartoon figures, etc. The
Illuminati/Intelligence agencies must wait 3 to 6 months between LSD
programming sessions. If they do it more often, they run the risk of hooking
the person’s mind on the drug state. Then the person will lose interest in
reality, and simply try to escape reality into the LSD world as a drug addict.
From recollections from ex-programmers and victims, its clear that as the
child victim is traumatized during the [SD sensory deprivation (including
being shocked) experiences it goes through a sequence or chronology of
changes which are noted in detail by the programmers. Certain splits occur
at certain points in time which will be used for special tasks. For instance,
at a particular extreme moment the victim may go into a "nothingness state"
which is between life and death, where the mind quits perceiving that it has
a body. This is not an out-of-body experience, it is a nothingness experience
due to an extreme near-death experience. This clean slate can be used for
the Cabalistic programming of the Ain Soph Aur. The Ain Soph Aur is the
cosmic egg from which the universe supposedly began, ain = vacuum, soph
limitless, and aur = limitless light. For Satanists they interpret this to the
light at the top of the pyramid, Lucifer. Alters created in such a fashion may
be placed in a succession of realms. If true Caballism is followed this will
consist of 4 realms (worlds) of 10 clean slates. These four worlds are
Atziluth = boundless world of divine names, Briah the Archangelic World of
Creations Yetzirah = the Hierarchal World of Formations Assiah = the
Elemental World of Substances

The child victim in the sensory deprivation tank is not allowed to move
without being shocked. Gradually the will of the victim is broken by the
total control the programmer maintains over the child in the tank. But the
will of the child continues to be broken until the will of the child to live is
broken. At this point, when the mind has given up the will to live, the
programmer (or assistant programmer) will tell the child in the tank, "If you
create such and such types of persons and such and such no. of them
(perhaps 10 or 20 are asked for) then you can come out and we’ll stop
hurting you. Give me a signal that you’ve done your job and I’ll stop hurting
you when the job is done. Move a finger or blink your eyes three times if
you’ve done your job." Blinking three times generally feels the safest for the
child, and is generally the limit of what the mind and body can muster to
save themselves. The alters, which are made when the mind & body have
lost the will to live, are the dissociated parts that will be made into suicide
alters. Their breathing is very shallow, they are in pain in the tank. When
these parts take the body, they still function in that state. Years later, if
the adult body has these suicide alters take the body, there is a good
chance they will commit suicide, if not simply die from the shallow
breathing. Lilly states on page 31, "One experiences [under LSD
programming] an immediate internal reality which is postulated by the self.
It is apparent to me that one’s own assumptions about this experience
generates the whole experience. The experienced affects, the apparent
appearance of other persons, the appearance of other beings not human,
one’s own past phantasies, one’s own self-analysis, each can be
programmed to happen in interaction with those parts of one’s self beyond
one’s conscious awareness."

While the victim is in the sensory deprivation tank, the programmer can ask
the victim to create guard alters within the castle images they create.
These are equivalent to the imagery that is done in witchcraft. These image
alters are not the same as a trauma-created dissociative alter. The following
are the type of beliefs that can be programmed into a person in the sensory
deprivation tank under LSD no matter what their prior beliefs (this is
substantiated by Lilly, pages 4 1-49 and ex-programmers).

a. The person could successfully park the body and leave the body
somewhere, astral project and explore new universes. The victim can be
brought during an LSD trip to this thinking and experience the astral
projection from around 20 mm. to 2 hours.

b. The victim can be made to feel as if they are a tiny mote, a tiny dot, a
single microflash of energy in their own view of time, a mere particle. Time
can become infinity and the victim a mere microflash. The victim during this
experience seeks a god who is a great being to control him. This is used in
the Illuminati alien programming to program in the evil and good aliens, or
evil or good gods. The gods or the aliens on such a programming trip will not
be so strange that the victim as a mote can’t understand their purposes and
activities. In other words, the aliens on programming trips like this turn out
humanoid. The victim experiences being nurtured by these beings or the
god(s) that he sees. The victim may perceive these aliens on the trip
experimenting with us. One UFO researcher and author about the aliens has
used his LSD trips to research aliens. Sad to report, this researcher is a
programmed multiple. It is easy to see how the mind could think that it was
learning about aliens, because this is a common easy-to-create LSD
programming script. Again in summary, this second set of beliefs is that the
person is a mere mote, a small flash in infinite time. When an alter of a
slave thinks or goes internally where it shouldn’t, this programming is
attached to the mind so that the victim loses sight of who they are and feels
very insignificant and only a dot.

c. The next program that LSD naturally lends itself to, is that the victim is
only part of a vast computer, only part of a vast mind. For some reason, the
LSD is able to hit a part of the mind that regulates the perception of free-
will. In this type of programming, the victim under LSD is convinced that he
or she has no free will and must participate each second with some larger
mind or computer.

d. Personalities that have been seen externally by the victim will be

incorporated within the person’s internal world.

e. LSD changes the victim’s perception of time, and can be used to go back
or forward in time in the mind. Under guidance, the programmer can
manipulate this ability to build into the mind false memories and images.

f. If "white noise", that is random background noise is placed into an

isolation tank trauma, the programmers have found that under LSD the brain
tries to make sense of the random sounds and projects the voice of God into
the random noise as a method to turn chaos into something
comprehendible. With the right dose, and under the right conditions, the
programmers can get the voice of "God" to say about anything they want.
Because the sense of hearing in the sensory deprivation tank is not feeding
the mind anything, the human brain under LSD can easily substitute in the
voice of God.

g. For girls, who have been determined to have personalities with low
sexual appetites, the sexual desires of certain alter personalities can be
manipulated during an LSD trip by having these alters hold the body and the
body go through exaggerated pelvic movements and other experiences. This
is an example of the type of training that Gittinger (see Vol. 2) discovered
was necessary in order to change thinking patterns within a person--in this
case with the MPD (DID), some alters can be radically changed from the
original personality.

The overall effect of such LSD programming on anyone, whether child or

adult, is that the mind at a deep level begins to doubt its ability to grasp
the real from the imaginary. Therapists sometimes wonder why alters are
not more anxious to determine reality. Part of this may be the side-effect at
a profound level of the brain beginning to doubt its abilities to separate
reality from fiction. If the LSD trips were not controlled by the
programmers, insanity could result for the victim. Further, the LSD trips
pose a danger that they could clutter the internal world of the victim and
splinter their mind uncontrollably. This is why the trips must be carefully
guided, controlled and monitored.

The brain when a child is born is like a computer which is ready to go, and
just needs the software loaded on. In other words, the brain is already a
functioning complicated programmed piece of hardware, it is not a blank
sheet. The mind is preprogrammed to carry out important instinctual
functions, such as drinking water, eating food and sleeping. Likewise, the
adult mother instinctively has maternal instincts. Selectively applied
chemical or electrical stimulations to the brain will elicit the instinctual
behaviors that are pre-programmed into the brain. A microinjection of a
soluble sex steroid into the anteromedial hypothalamus would likely trigger
the maternal instinct in a person. The various instinctual behaviors that are
triggered by microchemical injections or small select electrical shocks will
last for up to an hour. (A.E. Fisher was one of the principal researchers in
this line of research during the 50’s and 60’s.) For instance, A.E. Fisher and
E. Vaughan, discovered that the male instinct for sex could be stimulated by
a small shock to a specific part of the brain. (See "Male sexual behavior
induced by intracranial electrical stimulation", Science magazine, 1962, 137,
pp. 758-760.) Steroids are one of the chemicals that are used as well as
selective minute electrical shocks to trigger instinctual behaviors. Reliable
responses can be obtained from a victim, if the correct chemical is placed
at a place in the brain where the chemical will cause the brain to send an
electrical signal to trigger an instinctual behavior. A searching reaction can
be created so that a person or animal searches for something in his
surroundings by electrical stimulation of the hippocampus. Eating can be
reliably induced electronically or by drugs. Perfusate taken from ventricles
or neural tissue of a person who was starved before death, and placed into
the lateral hypothalamic area will cause the person to eat whether they are
hungry or full.


The users of slaves need some of the parts to be nymphomaniacs. In order

to program this type of behavior, the programmers not only use the reversal
effect when pain becomes pleasure (see Vol. 2), but they also use hormones
and drugs to make certain parts nymphomaniacs. If they were not artificially
stimulated they could not endure the over-use they are subjected to at



Part of the ability to do mind-control has to do with their ability to

synthesize the actual specific chemicals that the brain produces to alter
itself. When the brain wants to relax, or excite itself it uses certain
compounds. A large number of the brain’s chemicals have been cataloged
and can be reproduced in the lab. The messages the brain sends have to
jump from one neuron to another via transmitters. The rate that the brain
releases these transmitters can be both directly and indirectly changed by
drugs. In other words, one can tailor make moods and emotions in the brain

Page 36 ...

The term "Amines" (which are compounds that have a nitrogen atom that
can accept a proton) came to have a specific meaning for brain researchers.
The transmitters between neurons in the brain are Amines such as
dopamine, epinephrine, histamine, norepinephrine, octopamine, serotonin,
and tyramine. The principle method to synthesize these transmitter amines
is "decarboxylation of the parent amino acid." In other words, the chemist
takes Tyrosine and applies Tyrosine Hydroxylase (an enzyme) and produces
Dopa another similar compound; and then the enzyme Dopa Decarboxylase
is applied and from that the similar Dopamine amine is created. Then
Dopamine-Beta-oxidase (another enzyme) is applied in the final step of the
three enzyme steps to create Norepinephrine. Both Dopamine and
Norepinephrine are neural transmitters. If norepinephrine is diminished in
the brain, sedation occurs. Alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (as well as other
compounds) was found to be one of the things that would prevent the brain
from creating (synthesizing for itself) norepinephrine. Serotonin (5-
hydroxytryptamine) is created in a fashion similar to dopamine, in that
tryptophan is taken and acted upon by the enzyme Tryptophan hydroxylase
to get 5-hydroxytryptophan, and then a decarboxylase converts this
compound to serotonin. To reverse things, and prevent the brain from
having serotonin, they can prevent selective parts of the brain from creating
it with p-chlorphenylalanine.

ADRENALCHROME (Adrenal Chromaffin)

This naturally occurring yellowish brown drug was not mentioned in the Vol.
2 book, although it was mentioned in this author’s newsletters in ’93 and
May ’95 The drug is obtained by sacrificing a terrified person, perhaps by
plunging the athame into them, and then taking a hypodermic needle and
extracting the adrenalchrome from the base of the neck in the pineal gland.
A sacrificed person only yields about 10 c.c. so the drug is not only very
secret on the black market but very expensive. A Scientific American article
by Carmichael and Winkler is the best thing that I have discovered on the
adrenalchrome. The Max Planck Institute in Germany did research into
Adrenalchrome. Dirty law-enforcement officials and others have worked to
keep the existence of adrenalchrome a secret. It is not known if
Adrenalchrome has ever been used for programming, but it is a popular
secret drug of the elite Illuminati kingpins. For many years, they were not
able to synthetically produce the drug, and had to rely on human sacrifices
as their source. It is possible that in the last year or so, that some method
to synthesize the drug may have been found. Chromaffin cells secrete
adrenaline, noradrenaline and other substances into the bloodstream which
exert a great deal of control over tissue, and organs.

Another place that programmed DID Satanic Ritual Survivors may encounter
herbs is the use of herbal charms to enhance magic spells.


The Illuminati have also used oils for their powerful properties. Recently, a
doctor who was trained by the Freemasons has been helping people discover
the powerful properties of these oils. Christians also have been
rediscovering the powerful healing powers in pure Fennel, Frankincense,
Juniper, Lavender, Peppermint, Pane and other cold pressed Oils and
combinations of oils.

Summary of Major Point

The guided LSD trips in the sensory deprivation tanks are crucial for laying
in the foundational programming. Readers will learn more about guided LSD
trips & programming drugs throughout this book.

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