Y8 - Geography - Landforms & Landscapes Assessment Task
Y8 - Geography - Landforms & Landscapes Assessment Task
Y8 - Geography - Landforms & Landscapes Assessment Task
Geomorphic Hazard
Assessed outcomes
exploring the geomorphology of the land and how this affects the liveability of a place (VCGGC099)
investigating the natural causes and spatial distribution of a geomorphological hazard. For example, volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides and avalanches (VCGGC100)
creating annotated diagrams to show a landscape and its landform (VCGGC103)
interpreting topographic maps and digital terrain models, cross-sections or block diagrams to investigate landforms and their
features (VCGGC104)
describing how the effects caused by geomorphological hazards are influenced by social, cultural and economic factors. For
example, where people choose to live, poverty, and lack of infrastructure and resources to prepare and respond (VCGGK121)
researching how the application of principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness minimises the harmful effects of
geomorphological hazards (VCGGK121)
You are required to investigate one geomorphic hazard and associated geomorphic hazard event and
construct a poster of the chosen hazard to demonstrate an understanding of geomorphic processes and
Assessment checklist
PART A: Complete the investigation planner
PART B: Record all media/websites and photo sources in the reference list
PART C: Create a Poster
Check the marking guidelines, review and revise
Due Dates:
2 lessons of class time – Research
1 lesson of class time – Poster creation
You will have 3 lessons of class time to complete this task and will need to complete the rest of the work at
home. You will have 2 weeks in total for this task.
Year 8 Geography Assessment Task: Landscapes and Landforms
Use this planner to make sure you include all the information required to complete this task successfully:
Chosen geomorphic The geomorphic hazard that I woukd like to do my assement on is a tsunami.
hazard e.g.
1. Volcanic
2. Earthquake
3. Landslide
The nature and key A tsunami is caused by a series of waves caused by a large and sudden
characteristics of displacement of the ocean. Tsunamis discharge outwards in all directions from
type of geomorphic the disturbance and can move across whole entire ocean basins.
hazard being
The global spatial The great tsunami appeared along a highly stressed coastal segment of Chile's central
distribution of this seismic zone - extending from about 33oS to 37oS latitude It was where active, angled
diminution of the Nazca tectonic plate below South America took place at the high rate of
type of geomorphic up to 80 mm per year.
hazard. (You may
like to provide a
map here and
should use spatial
Location/s affected There were numerous areas that were impacted, such as Tirua to Pichilem and
damaged the port at Talcahuano. Unfortunately it also flooded areas of Llico.
Provide a map to
visually show the
impact of the event.
This should include
the ‘path’ or the
‘direction’ of travel
of the event, or the
destruction zone.
Year 8 Geography Assessment Task: Landscapes and Landforms
The reason for this tsunami was because it was caused by an 8.8 magnitude
Social: Who was Emergency services There were 156 deaths The loss of these people
impacted and how? responded immediately related to the tsunami has a huge impact on
How many lives to what could happen event. people long term
were lost (if any)? and the outcomes . wellbeing and can be
Have communities hard for people to get
recovered? this traumatic
experience. Although ten
years ago, people still
might be in the grieving
How did the event Th tsunami lasted for three minutes and It seems as though it did dissipate
dissipate? naturally.
- when
- naturally or Note: I did struggle to find an answer to the question so I did the best I could to
human give as much information as I could.
Risk mitigation Red cross advises that when in a tsunami take immediate action by moving to
higher ground or inland (which is away from water). If you are near the coast
Provide advice to and are experiencing shaking from an earthquake, drop, cover and protect
residents in hazard- yourself .
prone areas, about
how to be prepared
and decrease the
impact of your
chosen natural
Year 8 Geography Assessment Task: Landscapes and Landforms
Supporting images: Choose images that ‘speak a thousand words’! (Images that provide lots of extra
- at least 4 information that supports your information above and that you may use in your poster.)
- descriptive
- image source
Year 8 Geography Assessment Task: Landscapes and Landforms
Using your planning from Part A, you must now collate this information to create an informative poster on
your selected geomorphic hazard. Your poster must include all the key information below and should also be
engaging for audiences. You may include images/diagrams/3D aspects to your poster also.
Key characteristics
Event name and key dates
Map of the location event occurred including BOLTSS
Impacts – immediate/short/long term (SEE criteria)
Human responses
Risk mitigation strategies
Year 8 Geography Assessment Task: Landscapes and Landforms
Rubric Option 1: