Basics of Diffusion and Perfusion MRI
Basics of Diffusion and Perfusion MRI
Basics of Diffusion and Perfusion MRI
Adrian P. Crawley, PhD; Julien Poublanc, MA; Paul Ferrari, BA; and Timothy P.L. Roberts, PhD
erhaps no techniques better exemplify the successful transition from laboratory experiment to clinical routine than diffusion and perfusion-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Little more than a decade ago, these techniques were the exclusive province of esoteric physics. Yet, they have emerged as an invaluable asset to the neuroradiologist and neurologist alike; in some sense they can be considered to be at the forefront of the movement toward physiological, or functional, imaging. The purpose of this article is to review the physical basis of the techniques, to discuss their implementation and future potential, and to consider their principal application in the diagnosis and, importantly, characterization of acute cerebral ischemia.
Dr. Crawley is an Assistant Professor, Mr. Poublanc is a Research Assistant, Mr. Ferrari is a Research Assistant, and Dr. Roberts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto and University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
April 2003
FIGURE 1. Schematic of diffusion encoding with paired pulsed gradients. (A) Initially in-phase nuclear spins, acquire different precession rates (colors) in the presence of a spatially varying magnetic eld gradient. They dephase. In the absence of diffusion (or any motion), a second gradient pulse of equal and opposite magnitude leads to reversed precession rates and ultimately the spins rephase, leading to strong signal amplitude. (B) If after precessing during the rst gradient pulse, the spins (A, B, and C) relocate prior to the second gradient pulse, precession rate reversal is not achieved and rephasing is incomplete, leading to signal loss; the greater the translational movement, the greater the signal loss. This is the basis of diffusion-weighted imaging.
sion sensitivity of the sequence.6 Consider a T2-weighted MRIthe value of echo time (TE) effectively determines the sensitivity of the sequence to the process of T2-relaxation; analogously the b-value determines the sensitivity of a DWI to the process of diffusion: sequences with low b-values are relatively insensitive to diffusion; sequences with high b-values are sensitive to even minor water displacements. Typically encountered bvalues in clinical practice are of the order of
1000 sec/mm2. From observing the signal obtained with different b-values (typically b = 0 and b = 1000 sec/mm2), it is thus possible to estimate D. However, if it were truly water self-diffusion alone, this would be of rather limited biomedical interestthe selfdiffusion coefficient of a molecule depends on its molecular weight, which is constant for water (18) and the absolute temperature, T, which is also of rather limited variation in vivo (310 K, 37C). In fact, however, the physico-
chemical microenvironment of tissue prohibits free self-diffusion. Consequently, the parameter we derive from the above analysis is referred to as the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), which is related to microviscosity, organelle, membrane and molecular interactions, active transport mechanisms, perfusion, bulk ow, and, of course, the ensemble averaging of the many different water environments contained within an imaging voxel.7 By its nature, ADC is also extremely sensi-
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FIGURE 2. (A) Isotropic diffusion implies that there is no directional preference and can be visualized as a sphere of translational likelihood. (B) Anisotropic diffusion implies a preferred direction of diffusion and is best visualized as an ellipsoid, the radii of which represent diffusion coefcients in three orthogonal axes. The direction of the strongest diffusion preference forms the long axis of the ellipsoid. (C) By computing the difference between the diffusion coefficient in the preferred versus the second and third axes, a number of measures of the degree of anisotropy can be computed. In this example a white matter map (eg, corpus callosum, white arrow) is created by pixel-wise construction of the fractional anisotropy (FA). Note that anisotropy is markedly reduced in the presence of a tumor (dashed arrow).
tive to gross movement of the patient. Nonetheless, if gross motion is minimized (by physical restraint and ultrafast imaging), derivation of the ADC yields tantalizing insight into water molecule displacements on a micron (m) scale, several orders of magnitude smaller, in fact, than the nominal pixel, or spatial, resolution of the image.
Furthermore, while self-diffusion is an isotropic process (ie, there is an equivalent likelihood of molecular displacement in any given direction),
apparent diffusion may well exhibit a directional preference (consider, for example, a cylindrical microstructure in which motion is permitted along the long axis, but impeded in the crosssectional plane). Such directional preference is termed anisotropy and is a characteristic feature, for example, of white matter tracts in the brain. Anisotropy can be revealed via diffusion-weighted MRI by conducting separate experiments in which diffusion sensitivity or positional encoding/ decoding is applied in successive experiments in different directions (eg,
by rst using the x-axis gradients to encode displacement in the x-direction, then subsequently the y-axis gradients, and so on).7-9 In fact, the degree of anisotropy and its preferred direction (an example used by Prof. Jim Provenzale, Duke University Medical Center, is to consider the shape of an American football versus a soccer ball) can best be estimated by performing such directional displacement encoding in multiple ( 6) directions and describing the diffusion process as a 3 3 matrix, or tensor10 (Figure 2). Since this analysis can be performed on a
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FIGURE 3. (A) Diffusion-weighted image of acute ischemic stroke. Note the region of marked hyperintensity (right frontal). (B) A computed apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map conrms restricted (reduced ADC) diffusion.
voxel-by-voxel basis it is, thus, possible to ascertain for each image voxel both the degree of anisotropy (how elongated is the football) and its preferred direction (which way is it pointing). Recent sophisticated postprocessing techniques have used these properties to follow the arrows and essentially reconstruct the bers of white matter tracts.11
Diffusion in stroke
However, the predominant clinical indication for diffusion-weighted MRI remains the diagnosis of acute cerebral ischemia.12,13 While the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the diffusion changes remain the subject of debate, a simplistic description of the process is offered below: Arterial occlusion or sustained severe stenosis leads to hypoperfusion of the subserved vascular territory. Subject to such deprivation of essential nutrients,
energy-requiring cell membrane transporters (particularly the Na+/K+ATPase pump) begin to fail. The cells thus lose the ability to regulate their volume and there is an inux of extracellular uid into the intracellular spacethe cells swell, a condition referred to as cytotoxic edema. Whether diffusion is reduced because of reduced fraction (and increased tortuosity) of the relatively free diffusive environment of the extracellular space, or because of the increased volume fraction of the slower diffusive environment of the intracellular space, or because of reduced activity of membrane transporters due to energy deprivation, or all of the above, the net consequence is that the ADC may be reduced by up to 50% within minutes of the insult.14,15 As a consequence of reduced freedom of diffusion in this ischemic territory, the region appears
characteristically relatively hyperintense in comparison with healthy tissue on diffusion-weighted MRI (Figure 3). It is worth noting that a DWI formed by the application of pulsed gradients to a conventional spin-echo or spinecho echoplanar imaging (SE-EPI) sequence incurs both diffusion and T2sensitivity. Consequently, hyperintensity apparent on a DWI could, in principle, be attributed either to reduced diffusion, or simply to elevated T2 (so called T2-shine through). Consideration of a T2-weighted (but not diffusion-weighted) image (namely the control image acquired with b = 0) reveals the origin of the hyperintensity and construction of the synthesized ADC map (derived from two or more images with different b-values, typically b = 0 and b = 1000 sec/mm2) quantitatively eliminates any inuence of T2-weighting.16
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DIFFUSION AND PERFUSION MRI Table 1. Relevant diffusion and perfusion imaging acronyms
ADC AIF ASL AST BBB BOLD CASL CBF DSC DWI EPI Apparent diffusion coefficient Arterial input function Arterial spin labeling Arterial spin tagging Blood-brain barrier Blood-oxygen-level dependent Continuous arterial spin labeling Cerebral blood ow (CBV/MTT) Dynamic susceptibility Diffusion weighted imaging Echoplanar imaging
In the absence of adequate intervention, the pathophysiologic cascade continues and cell lysis ultimately occurs, leading to the observation that the area of reduced diffusion visualized by DWI predicts the area of ultimate infarct. So, while DWI is sensitive to the tissue or cellular consequences of hypoperfusion, the root of the problem lies in the effective delivery of blood to the tissue. Consequently, DWI is commonly accompanied by techniques that attempt to visualize and characterize perfusion itself.
From a physiological point of view, perfusion is an intuitively easy concept to grasp; for any volume of tissue under consideration, a measure of perfusion should estimate the volume of blood that passes through the capillary bed per unit time. It is this volume of blood that delivers nutrients to the tissue, whereas blood that travels straight through the volume of tissue within arteries or veins should not be included in the measurement. Thus, importantly, perfusion is not exactly the same as blood ow. For quantitative work in animal models, radioactively labeled microspheres are injected into the blood in order to mimic this delivery mechanism to the tissue. The diameter of the microspheres is selected so that they become trapped within the capillaries and the level of radioactivity is subsequently measured for each tissue of interest. Any noninvasive MRI method should aim to achieve a similarly meaningful estimation of perfusion. We have already shown how MRI can be made sufficiently sensitive to the random motion of water molecules across an applied magnetic-eld gradient to enable the apparent diffusion coefficient of water within the tissues to be imaged. As a rst step in directing the motion-sensitivity of the MRI signal specically toward ow through the capillaries, gradient pulses with a relatively small sensi-
EPISTAR Echoplanar imaging with signal targeting FAIR GE-EPI IR MTT OEF PASL QUIPSS Flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery Gradient-echo echoplanar imaging Inversion recovery Mean transit time Oxygen extraction fraction Pulsed arterial spin labeling Quantitative imaging of perfusion using a single subtraction Cerebral blood volume Spin-echo echoplanar imaging Echo time Inversion time Time of arrival Repetition time Time to peak
tivity to diffusion (rather low b-value) were applied in order to measure the component of apparent diffusion of ow through the quasi-random tortuosities of the capillary bed.17 In practice, a large number of scans over a range of b-values must be acquired in order to separate out this apparent diffusion component from the underlying smaller diffusion of the water molecules. Ultimately, the method is limited by the fact that the proportion of water within the capillary bed is only approximately 2%, making its contribution to overall apparent diffusion extremely hard to quantitate reliably above the noise in the images. In a quite different approach, the problem of sensitivity has been solved by employing an intravenous (IV) bolus injection of gadoliniumbased contrast agent that profoundly affects the signal (by up to 50%) on a gradient-echo (typically gradientecho echoplanar imaging [GE-EPI]) scan as it passes through the vasculature.18,19 A power injector may be used to achieve a very tight bolus, so that the signal loss during the rst pass through the tissue can be measured relative to an initial baseline by a high temporal resolution (approximately 1 to 2 sec) scan (repeated successively for a total scan time of approximately 1 min). Gadolinium is a paramagnetic substance, and in the chelated form in which it is employed as a contrast agent, it does not cross the normally intact blood-brain barrier (BBB) and, hence, remains intravascular within the brain. As the bolus passes through the blood vessels, a relatively large magnetic eld difference is created between the gadolinium-doped blood and the surrounding brain tissue. The different magnetic elds within each voxel cause the MRI signal to dephase, producing a progressive signal loss (characterized by a time constant T2*) over the TE. A gradient-echo scan with long echo-time (approximately 40 to 60 msec) is referred to as a T2*-weighted scan and is the basis of the dynamic sus-
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Gd = gadolinium; BBB = blood-brain barrier; QUIPSS = Quantitative imaging of perfusion using a single subtraction; TOA = time of arrival; MTT = mean transit time; EPI = echoplanar imaging; IR = inversion recovery; TI = inversion time; TE = echo time; TR = repetition time; AIF = arterial input function.
FIGURE 4. Perfusion schematic. (A) A bolus of contrast agent passing through an intact vasculature leads to transient signal loss via local eld inhomogeneity disturbance. In the presence of a vascular occlusion, no contrast agent transits through the vasculature, and, consequently, there is little or no signal loss. (B) Corresponding images show a time series visualizing contrast agent transit in a patient with an occlusion of the left internal carotid artery (leading to delayed and attenuated signal loss in the left hemisphere, compared with the right).
ceptibility contrast (DSC) approach to perfusion sensitive MRI20 (Figure 4). This kind of scan is extremely sensitive to the local eld inhomogeneities produced by the contrast agent, but this signal loss mechanism is not particularly specic to capillary vessels. Over
the last several years, it has become somewhat more common to opt for a T2-weighted spin-echo scan, which produces a signal loss that mostly arises from the passage of gadolinium through the capillaries rather than through the larger blood vessels within
the voxel.21 Since the spin-echo refocuses static eld inhomogeneity effects, the only remaining signal loss mechanism is that due to water diffusion through the susceptibility gradients. Since there is a limited time window (ie, the TE) for this process to
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FIGURE 5. Arterial spin labeling. (A) Schematically, arterial blood is tagged via a radiofrequency pulse. It then ows into the imaging slice, where its magnetization contributes to signal intensity. (B) A quantitative ow map can be derived from images acquired with and without such tagging.
proximal to the volume of interest, in order to label the water protons of the arterial blood by inverting their magnetization. While the blood is owing into the arterioles and then the capillary bed, the magnetization of the arterial blood undergoes longitudinal relaxation. After a certain delay of time when the blood has transited to the capillary bed and has perfused into the brain tissue, an image is acquired using a fast sequence, such as echoplanar or spiral imaging. The experiment is then repeated without inverting the arterial water protons and the two images are subtracted to give a map that should show the amount of blood that has perfused the mass of tissue contained in a voxel during the time between the tagging pulse and the image acquisition. Since the absolute signal intensity difference between the two scans (with/without arterial inversion) is very small, multiple images are averaged together and the perfusion map is calculated using models that relate the difference of magnetization to the regional cerebral blood ow.28,29
A CASL sequence uses basically the same principle as a PASL sequence, except that in a CASL sequence the blood is continuously tagged (for approximately 3 sec) on a much smaller region (approximately 1 cm) and farther away from the imaging slices (a gap of approximately 10 cm between the two regions). Problems and artifacts: Why quantitive ASL is not yet clinically routine In fact, ASL entails many problems and artifacts that have to be reduced in order to realize the promise of accurate ow quantitation. Tagging of a separate label slice or slab can be considered as off-resonance excitation for the imaging slice. Consequently, it may incur magnetization transfer signal loss in the presence of appropriate macromolecular entities in tissue.28 Since ASL techniques require a subtraction of a tagged image from a control one, care must be taken to have the same magnetization transfer inuence during both sequences (ie, the macromole-
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Ischemic tissue can maintain a reasonable CBF by dilatation of the precapillary resistance vessels, which
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Both diffusion and perfusion imaging techniques stand at the forefront of physiologically sensitive radiologic imaging, offering another tantalizing combination of integrated imaging of anatomy and function. Although the principal clinical indication is in the imaging of ischemia, applications are becoming more widespread and include a broad range of cerebrovascular diseases. Efforts to extract the maximal clinically relevant information from dynamic perfusion imaging center both on methods for accurate and precise quantitation of CBF as well as on intrinsic understanding of the covarying behavior of separate perfusion parametersCBV, delay of bolus arrival, etc. Surrogate estimates of the degree of collateral blood supply and distinction between good compensatory autoregulation and bad loss of vascular tone remain subjects of active research. The concept of monitoring vascular reactivity (ie, vascular function, not just vascular state) and indeed vascular integrity (via the extravasation of initially intravascular contrast agent, leading to estimates of microvascular permeability)44 offer considerable promise in the expanding clinical role of these methodologies. AR
FIGURE 6. A vascular reactivity map (acquired with blood oxygen level dependent [BOLD] contrast) during a re-breathing challenge. When pCO2 increases, the healthy vasculature in this volunteer reacts by increasing CBF, and consequently signal intensity. Thresholding of amount of signal increase allows delineation of gray matter (red overlay). Absence of reactivity would indicate compromised vascular function (perhaps associated with maximal vasodilatation distal to stenosis, or, in the presence of abnormal ow patterns associated with arteriovenous malformations).
causes an increase in CBV (hence the commonly observed normal or even elevated CBV measurement, despite ischemia). Eventually, this autoregulatory mechanism reaches some limit (referred to as the reserve capacity), and infarction is likely to occur. For a given vasodilatory challenge, there will be a signicant increase in CBF in healthy tissue but much lower reactivity in tissue with an exhausted reserve. These studies were pioneered using
transcranial Doppler ultrasound, and have become a fairly standard component of SPECT perfusion scanning.37-39 The feasibility of MRI reactivity scans has been demonstrated using both ASL and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) techniques40,41,42 (Figure 6). The latter uses a T2*-weighted EPI sequence (identical to that used in DSC imaging) and is sensitive to the susceptibility effect of deoxyhemoglobin, which is effectively an endogenous
1. Le Bihan D. Temperature Imaging by NMR. In: Le Bihan, ed. Diffusion and Perfusion Magnetic Resonance: Applications to Functional MRI. New York: Raven; 1995:181-187.
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