Sushma Arora Ch-1 ICA, 1872
Sushma Arora Ch-1 ICA, 1872
Sushma Arora Ch-1 ICA, 1872
The Indian Contract Act occupie_ the mostinportant place in the commercial
law. Without Contract Act, it would havë been difficult to carry on trade. It
is not only the business community which is concerned with the Contract
Act, but it affects everybody.
The objective of the Act is to ensure that rights and obligations arising out
of Dhe contract are honoured and that legal remedies are made available to
an aggrieved party against the party failing to honour his part of agreement
(guilty party). The Indian Contract Act makesit obligatory that this is done
and compels the defaulters to honour their commitments. According toSir
William Anson - "The objective of the law is to maintain order because only
in astate of order can'a man feelsate and secure".
What is a Contract ? follows :
experts have defined the çontract as binding
Various law "Contract is a'legally
n the words of Sir William
persons by which rights are
or noe
agreement made between two
acts or forbearances (abstaining trom
acquired by one or more others,"
doingsomething) on the part of at
"Every agreement and promise enforceabBe
According to Pollock
law is a contract."
Salmond"Contract is an agreement creatingand dehn1ng
" According to
obligations between the parties."
of ICA, 1872 "Contract is an agreemerntwhich
According to Sec. 2(h)
is enforceable by law."
the contract reveals that a contract must
Analvsis of the above definitions of
have following ivo elements :
!. Agreement, and.,
2. Enforceability/Enforceable by
We can summarize it as
Enforceability/Enforceable by law.
Contract = Agreement +
the terms.
Nowit is necessary to define both
What is an agreement?
"Every promise and every set
According toSection 2(e) of the ICA, 1872
for each other is an agreement."
of prornises forming the consideration
the promise.
Now it become_ necessary to define
proposal when accepted, be
According to Sec. 2(b) of the ICA, 1872, "A
Comes a promise."
We can summarize
Agreement - Offer (Proposal) + Acceptance of offer
offer and acceptance.
Thus an agreement is the sum total of wo terms,
Xoffer's to sell laptop: to Y for 0,000. Y. accepts this offer. This ofer af.
ter acceptance becomes promise and this PrÍmise is known as agréenent.
between XandY.
1872. 6
What is an Enforceability of an Agreement
if it gives rise to legal
An agreement is said to be enforceable by law presurmed that the
obligation. In commercial or business agreenents it is sociaB/domestic
parties intend to create legal relations. Whreas in case of
intend to
arrangernents, the usual presumption is that the parties do not
create legal relations:
Agreement + legal obligation contract
1. Apromises to sell his car to Bfor 10,000 received by hin as the price
of the car. This agreementgives rise to an obligation on the part of A to
deliver the car to B. This agreement is a contract.
2. :1father proniises to pay his son 1000every monthas pocket m0ney.
Later l:e refuses to pay. In this case the ugreenment is not a contract as social
obligaticn is involved.
Note: Example regarding legal obligation has been given in th» earlier
sectionin this chapter.
II. AlAgreements are not Contracts
Ån agreenent is ternmed as contract ondy when it is enforceable by law. AlI
agreements are not necessarily legally enforceable. It can rightly be said
that an agreement has a much wider scope than a contract. For example,
that agreements which are not legally binding are an invitation to birthday
paty or going for a morming walk and its acceptance.These are agreements
and not contracts.
Incommercial and business agreements the law presumes that the parties
entering into agreement intend those agreeménts to have legal consequences.
Agreements between husband and wife also Jack the intention tocreate legal
relationship and thus do not result in contracts. This provision will be clear
fron the following case lay:
CASE LAiBalfour v, B£lfour (1919)
Facts: Ahusband promised to pay his wife a household allowance of 30
pound every mouth. I.ater the parties separated and the husband failed to
pav the promised amount. Held, the wife will not succeed as thev did not
intend to create any legal relations or obligations.
Xis the ouner of hwo cars (i) Honda cit÷ and (ii) Santro. He does not specify
1which of thero cars he wants tosell to Y.Y inteDds tobuy Santro car. There
is no identilv of nind in this case therefore in the absence of consent there is
So it is clear from the above that the party must be of sound mind
and of age to enter intó a valid agreement.
6. Free Consent. According to Section 14,.consent is said to be ftce
when it is not caused bv:
(i) coercion
(ii) undue influence
(ii) fraud
(i") misrepresentation and
() mistake
If the contract is affected by any of the above four reasons then the
contract becomes voidable. If the consent is inducd by mistake then
the agreement would stand void, valid or voidable depending upon
the type of mistake. An agreement can be treated as valid, when the
consent of the parties are free and not under any undue influence,
tear or pressure etc. The consent of the parties must be genuine and
7. Legality of Object. The objective of the agreement must be legal or
lawfül. Any Act prohibited by law will not be valid and such agree
ments cannot be.treated as a valid contract.
Xrents out his flat for buusiness of prostitution or making bomb, the acts
performing these are unlaivful and cannot be treated as a valid contract.
Therefore the consideration as weil as the object of the,agreement
should be legal or lawful.
8. Certainty of Meaning in an Agreement. Wording of an
must be clear and not uncertain or vague.
1.Jagrees to sel! 500tones of.oil to. M. But, hat kind of oilis 2ot mentioned
clearly. So on the ground ofuricertainty, this agreement 'stands void.:
If the méaning of the agreenient can be made certain by the circu1nstances. It
could be treated as a valid contract.
2. If J is exclusive 'dealer of coconiut oil, the meaning of the agreeinent ca:
be made certain by the circumistanc and in that case, tlhe agreenent ca be.
treated as a valid contract.
Executed Executory
Partly executed &Partly Bilateral
Contra t
executarý/Unilateral contract Contract
Based on validity/Enforceability
Valid .Voi'
Voidable Illegal. Unenforceable
contract Contract Contract contract
13 CH. I- ICA, 1872: NATURE, ME:ANING, ETC. Para 1.3
i. Ciassificationof Contracts based on Creation or Fornation
On thisbasis the contracts may be placed into folloving categories :
(a) Express Contract. Express contract is one which is made by vods
spöken or written
Express contráct = Express offer +Express acceptance
(6) Implied Contract. An implied contráct is one which is made other
wise by vords spoken or written. It is inferred from the conduct of
the parties or the circumstances of the particular case
Impliedcontract =Implied offer + Implied acceptance
Note. The terms express + Implied offer and acceptance vill be dis
cussed in the Chapter 2.
There is an innplied contract ivhen A:
(i) gets into a public bus
- (ii) takes a cup of coffee in a restairant.
(ii) obtains a ticket from automatic weighing machine.
(iv) wihdraws noney from ATM.
X offers to sell his bike to Yfor 80,000, Yaccepts the offer Both the partiës
to the contract perform their respectiveobligations. It is an executed contract.
1. Acontracts to import goods from a foreign couniry may subsequently be
cOme void when war breaks out between the twO counties.
-* 2.X offers to marry Y, Yaccepts the offer. Later on Ydies in an acident, this
contract was valid at the timewhen itwasformed but becameyvoid when Ydied.
(c) Voidable Contract. As definedunder section 2(i) of 1CA, 1872 "void
able contract isone which isenforceable by lavw at the option of one
or more of the parties thereto but notat the optiog of oher or others":
In other words, voidable ontract is one in which consent of the othet
partyis not free i.e., it is induced by coercion, fraud, undçe infl:uende
may be punished.
Collateral transactions in
Eject on collat- ln case of void agrecment col-
eral transactions lateral transactiòns may not be case of illegal agreements
valid. For erample, -wagering ar tainted with illegality
agreement. In case of wagering and therefore illegal and
agreements. collateral· transac- void. For example, murder.
tion is alid. lncase of murder the col
lateral transaction is also