GSK Engineering 2023
GSK Engineering 2023
GSK Engineering 2023
Superviosr need
1. Delivery and unloading maetrials Use proper PPE (Safety Helmet, Goggles, wear
Mishandling monitor the unload 2 2 4
from truck gloves)
all the times
2. Using ladder Falling Hazard body injury Use proper buddy system 2 3 6
1. Using ladder Falling hazard Body Injury Use proper buddy system 2 3 6
2. Making pipe route by drilling Usage of unapproved/ defect Inspection against all equipment and tag with
Injury to person 2 2 4
bracket's wall plug holes equipment valid inspection stickers.
Dust gets into
Dust Use safety google 2 3 6
Sharp objects Hand inquiry Use hand glove and avoid sharp edges. 2 3 6
Use proper barricade and identify a better place
1 Obstruction storage area for 2 2 4
on storage and use proper signages
piping materials
Doc. No Revision Date
ACTIVITY : Laboratory Gas Piping, Wiring, Exhaust for ICP 1 1 8/17/2023
Assessed by: Lee See Loong Reviewed by:
Impact Risk Rating Legal Obligation Additional control
S.No Task Hazards Existing control / Risk reduction measures Residual Risk
Explanation S P R (LOR) measures
To ensure good housekeeping during and after
3. Housekeeping Slip, trip, obstruction Body Injury 2 2 4
the installation
E) Wiring Installation
1. Power wiring installation for Electricity Contact/ User safety glove, boots, tag out, delay start,
High voltage 3 4 12
60A/230V x 1 Fatal verify by chargeman before turn on,
2. Using ladder Falling Hazard Body Injury use proper buddy system 2 3 6
to ensure good housekeeping during and after
3. Housekeeping Slip, trip , obstruction Body Injury 2 2 4
the installation