GSK Engineering 2023

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Doc. No Revision Date

ACTIVITY : Laboratory Gas Piping, Wiring, Exhaust for ICP 1 1 8/17/2023
Assessed by: Lee See Loong Reviewed by:
Impact Risk Rating Legal Obligation Additional control
S.No Task Hazards Existing control / Risk reduction measures Residual Risk
Explanation S P R (LOR) measures
1. Gas Piping Installation works
A) Arrival of materials

Superviosr need
1. Delivery and unloading maetrials Use proper PPE (Safety Helmet, Goggles, wear
Mishandling monitor the unload 2 2 4
from truck gloves)
all the times

Heavy Load Use buddy system Practise good handling on unloading 2 2 4

Designated Use proper barricade and identify a better place

Obstruction 2 2 4
storage area on storage
To ensure good housekeeping during and after
2. House Keeping Slip, trip, obstruction Body injury 2 2 4
the installation

B) To open ceiling and install

bracket mounting and core hole.

1. Open ceiling, install bracket

Sharp objects Hand injury Use hand glove and avoid sharp edges. 2 2 4
mounting and core hole

2. Using ladder Falling Hazard body injury Use proper buddy system 2 3 6

C) Install gas piping and exhaust

inside of the laboratory.

1. Using ladder Falling hazard Body Injury Use proper buddy system 2 3 6

2. Making pipe route by drilling Usage of unapproved/ defect Inspection against all equipment and tag with
Injury to person 2 2 4
bracket's wall plug holes equipment valid inspection stickers.
Dust gets into
Dust Use safety google 2 3 6

Sharp objects Hand inquiry Use hand glove and avoid sharp edges. 2 3 6

3. SS316L 1/4"OD gas tube & 4"

Use poper tool and kept all loose items with
PVC exhaust pipe, regulator and Loose items dropping Body Injury 2 3 6
proper manner.
blower installing

Use proper barricade and identify a better place
1 Obstruction storage area for 2 2 4
on storage and use proper signages
piping materials
Doc. No Revision Date
ACTIVITY : Laboratory Gas Piping, Wiring, Exhaust for ICP 1 1 8/17/2023
Assessed by: Lee See Loong Reviewed by:
Impact Risk Rating Legal Obligation Additional control
S.No Task Hazards Existing control / Risk reduction measures Residual Risk
Explanation S P R (LOR) measures
To ensure good housekeeping during and after
3. Housekeeping Slip, trip, obstruction Body Injury 2 2 4
the installation

D) Gas Bubble Leak Test

To closely monitor if the gas leak bubble appear.

1. Nitrogen Gas Bubble leak test Gas leak, asphyxiation Suffocated If leaking is found, quickly shut off the gas and 2 3 6
rectify the souces.

E) Wiring Installation
1. Power wiring installation for Electricity Contact/ User safety glove, boots, tag out, delay start,
High voltage 3 4 12
60A/230V x 1 Fatal verify by chargeman before turn on,
2. Using ladder Falling Hazard Body Injury use proper buddy system 2 3 6
to ensure good housekeeping during and after
3. Housekeeping Slip, trip , obstruction Body Injury 2 2 4
the installation

Prepared By : Lee See Loong Checked by Approved By

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