Group 2 Fsa Mangin
Group 2 Fsa Mangin
Group 2 Fsa Mangin
soc log
what is sociology?
Sociology is a scientific study that examines human social life, groups, and
societies, examining the intricate patterns and structures that shape
Fo cu se
so ci al
s on th
e sig ni auguste comte herbert spencer
in te ra fic an ce
be ha vi ct io ns of sy mb
or an d in ol
so ci et y sh ap in g hu ma s an d Coined the term Pursued his work on his theory of Social
‘sociology’ Evolution and Organismic Analogy.
Believed that scientific Believed that society resembles an organism
Vi ew s
so ci et y methods can explain with its different parts and functions.
of in te as a co
rr mp le x
ma in ta el at ed pa rt s sy st social principles and
in so ci wo rk in em ma de up
al or de g to ge daily interactions.
r an d
st ab ili
th er to karl marx
"Father of Modern Sociology"
hi gh lig Emphasized the conflicts between social classes in capitalist
co nf lic s th e ro le of
t po societies, and believed in the struggle for control over the
st ru ct in sh ap in g so we r, in eq ua
ur es ci al re lit y, an
la tio ns
hi ps an
d means of production to bring about societal change.
social stigmatization, further perpetuating the cycle of
estimate of disadvantage and marginalization.
homeless children Sociology highlights social inequalities and structural factors contributing to child
In 2020
homelessness. By understanding root causes, policymakers and communities can develop
targeted interventions to address issues like poverty, affordable housing, education,
and career opportunities. Sociological awareness fosters social responsibility,
encouraging collaboration among government, organizations, and communities to
wi d
t i on e
provide support and resources for homeless youth.
dysfunctional families
without stable
families are
attributed to intergenerational patterns of dysfunction, inadequate
5X MORE parenting skills, substance abuse or addiction within the family, and
unresolved trauma or conflicts.
likely to Dysfunctional families cause emotional distress, low self-esteem, depression, and
anxiety in children. They may also lead to academic difficulties, risky behaviors,
live in and perpetuating the cycle of dysfunction into adulthood.
poverty and
Sociology offers insights into social dynamics and factors contributing to dysfunction,
commit leading to interventions promoting healthy family relationships and addressing issues like
crime neglect and abuse. Through research, education, and policy recommendations, sociology
breaks the cycle of dysfunction and supports individuals in overcoming challenges from
growing up in dysfunctional families.
or , break the
t th
e youth cycle