BT 131 Teaching Common Comp For Agri Fishery Arts
BT 131 Teaching Common Comp For Agri Fishery Arts
BT 131 Teaching Common Comp For Agri Fishery Arts
To prepare world-class leaders, scholars, innovators, educators and change agents; equipped with positive
values, appropriate training and skills; for social transformation and development.
The College of Education shall primarily give professional and technical training, and provide advanced and
specialized instruction to the scientific, social, economic and cultural assets of our country in the science and
arts, technology, engineering, humanities and education, to bring forth a culture of excellence and world class
In the year 2030, CSJP-II AS envisions itself to be:
1. One of the leading professional institution in the country through:
- Competency- and outcomes-based education, and
- A culture of innovation and continuous improvement;
2. An institution whose prominent graduates contribute to the welfare of society; and
3. A college of choice.
1. Committed to world class education by continuous improvement and strong industry partnership;
2. Empower individual in discovering distinct core gifts to nurture their full potential;
3. Foster life-long learning of students and teachers;
4. Encourage exploration of unlimited avenues of learning through first-hand experiences; and
5. Embrace spiritual growth through celebration of God's love.
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Prerequisite : None
Prerequisite to : None
Term / SY : SY 2018-2019
Course Description :
This course provides prospective teachers a foundation in teaching different competencies in Agri-Fishery
Arts track, including concepts that will help to develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform different tasks
on the track chosen. It covers common competencies on personal entrepreneurial competencies,
environment and market, and occupational safety and health. It also includes different exploratory courses of
Agri-Fishery Arts to give prospective teachers skills and knowledge on the track chosen.
Course Objectives :
Course Content :
Teaching and
Student Learning Evidence of
Content / Time Allotment Specific Objectives Assessment
Outcomes Outcomes
1. Assessment of
Recognize Personal
Competencies and Skills
(PECs) vis-à-vis PECs of a
Competencies and Skills
practicing entrepreneur/
(PECs) needed
1.1 Compare one’s
1.1 Characteristics The learners shall be
PECs with those of a Discussion and Instructor’s
1.2 Attributes able to create a
practitioner Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
1.3 Lifestyle business vicinity map
1.4 Skills reflective of the
1.2 Align one’s PECs Activities Result of Activities
1.5 Traits potential market in the
with those of a
2. Analysis of PECs
compared to
1.3 Assess one’s PECs
those of a practitioner
1.4 Assess practitioner’s
3. Align one’s PECs
based on
the results of the
Strengthening and Develop and strengthen The learners shall be Discussion and Instructor’s
Downloaded by patrick edward manatad ([email protected])
personal competencies
and skills (PECs)
2.1 Identify areas for
able to create a
improvement, Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
business vicinity map
developing further one’s development and growth
reflective of the
PECs 2.2 Align one’s PECs Activities Result of Activities
potential market in the
according to his/her
business/career choice
2.3 Create a plan of
action that ensures
success of his/her
Recognize and
Market (Town) understand the market The learners shall be
Discussion and Instructor’s
1. Key concepts of market 1.1 Identify the players/ able to create a
Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
2. Players in the market competitors within the business vicinity map
(competitors) town reflective of the
Activities Result of Activities
3. Products & services 1.2 Identify the different potential market in the
available in the market products/services locality/town.
available in the market
Market (customer)
Recognize the potential
1. Key concepts in
customer/ market
identifying and
2.1 Profile potential
understanding the The learners shall be
customers Discussion and Instructor’s
consumer able to create a
2.2 Identify the Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
2. Consumer analysis business vicinity map
customer’s needs and
through: reflective of the
wants through consumer Activities Result of Activities
2.1 Observation potential market in the
2.2 Interviews locality/town.
2.3 Conduct
2.3 Focus group discussion
2.4 Survey
Create new business
1. Generating business ideas
ideas 3.1 Explore ways of
1.1 Key concepts in generating business
generating business ideas from ones’ own The learners shall be
Discussion and Instructor’s
ideas characteristics/attributes able to create a
Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
1.2 Knowledge, skills, 3.2 Generate business business vicinity map
passions, and interests ideas using product reflective of the
Activities Result of Activities
1.3 New applications innovation from irritants, potential market in the
1.4 Irritants trends, and emerging locality/town.
1.5 Striking ideas (new needs
concepts) 3.3 Generate business
1.6 Serendipity Walk ideas using
Serendipity Walk
Develop a
1. Product development product/service
The learners shall be
2. Key concepts in 4.1 Identify what is of Discussion and Instructor’s
able to create a
developing a product “value” to the customer Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
business vicinity map
3. Finding Value 4.2 Identify the customer
reflective of the
4. Innovation 4.3 Explain what makes Activities Result of Activities
potential market in the
4.1 Unique Selling a product unique and
Proposition (USP) competitive
4.4 Apply creativity and
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innovative techniques to
develop marketable
4.5 Employ a USP to the
Select a business idea
based on the criteria and
techniques set
5.1 Enumerate various
criteria and steps in The learners shall be
1. Selecting business idea Discussion and Instructor’s
selecting a business able to create a
2. Key concepts in selecting Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
idea business vicinity map
a business idea
5.2 Apply the reflective of the
2.1 Criteria Activities Result of Activities
criteria/steps in selecting potential market in the
2.2 Techniques
a viable business idea locality/town.
5.3 Determine a
business idea based on
the criteria/techniques
Develop a brand for the The learners shall be Discussion and Instructor’s
product able to create a Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
6.1 Identify the benefits business vicinity map
of having a good brand reflective of the Activities Result of Activities
6.2 Enumerate potential market in the
Branding recognizable brands in locality/town.
the town/province
6.3 Enumerate criteria
for developing a brand
6.4 Generate a clear
Occupational health and Identify hazards and The learner Discussion and Instructor’s
safety procedures risks independently Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
1.1 Observing safety identifies hazards
work habits in correctly in Activities Result of Activities
the work place accordance with
1.2 Preventing hazards occupational
in the health and safety
workplace procedures.
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1. Use of farm tools,
equipment, and
2. Perform estimation
The learners
and calculation Discussion and Instructor’s
Exploratory Concepts in independently perform
3. Interpret and read Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
Agri-Crop Production NC I, the tasked prescribed
II, and III to acquire national
4. Apply safety Activities Result of Activities
measures in farm
5. Support horticultural
1. Apply safety
measures in
2. Using tools and The learners
Discussion and Instructor’s
equipment in fish independently perform
Exploratory Concepts in Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
capture the tasked prescribed
Fish Capture NC II
3. Perform basic to acquire national
Activities Result of Activities
estimates and certificate.
4. Applying food safety
and sanitation
1. Packaging
processed fish by
bottling The learners
Discussion and Instructor’s
Exploratory Concepts in 2. Packaging independently perform
Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
Fish Product Processing processed fish by the tasked prescribed
NC II canning to acquire national
Activities Result of Activities
3. Packaging certificate.
processed fish by
1. Landscape
2. Site clearing and The learners
Discussion and Instructor’s
Exploratory Concepts in grubbing independently perform
Oral Exam Evaluation (Grade)
Landscape Installation and 3. Site preparation the tasked prescribed
Maintenance NC II activities to acquire national
Activities Result of Activities
4. Install plant support certificate.
5. Maintenance
Assessment / Evaluation : Term Exam – 40% (10% per Term), Attendance – 5%,
Practical Exam/Projects – 40% (10%
per Term), Quizzes – 10%
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Laboratory / Equipment : Laboratory for Industrial Arts (working tables, tools and
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