Robot Mini Project
Robot Mini Project
Robot Mini Project
Date Of Submission:
Tuesday 6-6-2023
Supervisor Name:
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:Table of contents
1.3 Advantages of robots 7
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List of Tables and Figures:
Figure 1 8
Figure 2 9
Figure 3 10
Figure 4 11
Figure 5 12
Figure 6 12
Figure 7 12
Figure 8 13
Figure 9 14
Figure 10 14
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robot, any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it
may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a
humanlike manner. By extension, robotics is the engineering discipline dealing
with the design, construction, and operation of robots. The concept of artificial
humans predates recorded history (see automaton), but the modern
term robot derives from the Czech word robota (“forced labour” or “serf”),
used in Karel Čapek’s play R.U.R. (1920). The play’s robots were
manufactured humans, heartlessly exploited by factory owners until they
revolted and ultimately destroyed humanity. Whether they were biological, like
the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), or mechanical was not
specified, but the mechanical alternative inspired generations of inventors to
build electrical humanoids. The word robotics first appeared in Isaac Asimov’s
science-fiction story Runaround (1942). Along with Asimov’s later robot
stories, it set a new standard of plausibility about the likely difficulty of
developing intelligent robots and the technical and social problems that might
result. Runaround also contained Asimov’s famous Three Laws of Robotics:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict with the First or Second Law. [1]
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Numerous companies are working on consumer robots that can navigate their
surroundings, recognize common objects, and perform simple chores without
expert custom installation. Perhaps about the year 2020 the process will have
produced the first broadly competent “universal robots” with lizardlike minds
that can be programmed for almost any routine chore. With anticipated
increases in computing power, by 2030 second-generation robots with trainable
mouselike minds may become possible. Besides application programs, these
robots may host a suite of software “conditioning modules” that generate
positive- and negative-reinforcement signals in predefined circumstances. By
2040 computing power should make third-generation robots with monkeylike
minds possible. Such robots would learn from mental rehearsals in simulations
that would model physical, cultural, and psychological factors. Physical
properties would include shape, weight, strength, texture, and appearance of
things and knowledge of how to handle them. Cultural aspects would include a
thing’s name, value, proper location, and purpose. Psychological factors,
applied to humans and other robots, would include goals, beliefs, feelings, and
preferences. The simulation would track external events and would tune its
models to keep them faithful to reality. This should let a robot learn by imitation
and afford it a kind of consciousness. By the middle of the 21st century, fourth-
generation robots may exist with humanlike mental power able to abstract and
generalize. Researchers hope that such machines will result from melding
powerful reasoning programs to third-generation machines. Properly educated,
fourth-generation robots are likely to become intellectually formidable.[2]
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1.3 Advantages of robots:
Robots rarely make mistakes and are more precise than human workers.
They can work at a constant speed with no breaks, days off, or holi-
day time.
1.3.3 Savings:
They also reduce the amount of wasted material used due to their
Robots save companies money in the long run with quick ROIs (return on
investment), fewer worker injuries (reducing or eliminating worker’s
comp), and with using less materials.
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Chapter 2: The design and components of Robot:
It is what enables the robot to learn about the outside world, which represent the
senses In humans, the robot contains: Ultrasonic distance sensor and line
tracking sensor, in addition to a chip for receiving Bluetooth signals, As well as
on a remote control to control the robot remotely.
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2- line tracking sensor:
line sensors detect the presence of a black line by emitting infrared (IR) light
and detecting the light levels that return to the sensor. They do this using two
components: an emitter and a light sensor.
The Arduino Robot is the first official Arduino on wheels. The robot has two
processors, one on each of its two boards. The Motor Board controls the
motors, and the Control Board reads sensors and decides how to operate. Each
.of the boards is a full Arduino board programmable using the Arduino IDE
The Arduino Robot can be powered via the USB connection or with 4 AA
batteries. The power source is selected automatically. The battery holder holds
4 rechargeable NiMh AA batteries.
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The ATmega32u4 has 32 KB (with 4 KB used for the bootloader). It also has
2.5 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with
the EEPROM library). The Control Board has an extra 512 Kbit EEPROM that
can be accessed via I2C. There is an external SD card reader attached to the
GTFT screen that can be accessed by the Control Board's processor for
additional storage.
The Robot comes with a series of pre-soldered connectors. There are a number
of additional spots for you to install additional parts if needed. All the
connectors are labelled on the boards and mapped to named ports through
the Robot library allowing access to standard Arduino functions.
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mCore components and features:
- Loudspeaker bell
- 2 RGB LEDs
- Light sensor
- USB entrance
- button to press
They are the motors that enable the robot to move and move at angles
DC motors.
The robot was programmed using the Arduino IDE and the programming code
is as follows:
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Figure 9: programming code
What can we gain from this robot and how can we develop it?
We can use it in our current situation to know the colors that the robot
walks on, and finally to know the distances surrounding this robot.
But we can develop it and add more than one sensor, for example, a
sensor to know the humidity of the air, or a sensor that makes the
robot follow the lights, and each sensor that we add has its own uses.
Also, we can mix the sensors and make them work with each other
using programming. For example, we use the distance sensor with the
temperature sensor and the color sensor, so that if the temperature
surrounding the robot is between 20 to 40 degrees Celsius, and the
body on which the robot walks is red, the robot moves forward and
follows the specified path to If there is an object close to it, then it
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3.3 conclusion:
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3.4 References:
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