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Cisco Meeting Server

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7

MMP Command Line Reference

March 16, 2023

Cisco Systems, Inc.

Change History 5

1 Introduction 6
1.1 How to use this Document 6
1.2 Accessing the MMP 8
1.2.1 Cisco Meeting Server 2000 8
1.2.2 Virtualized deployments (Cisco Meeting Server 1000 and specification
based VM servers) 8
1.2.3 Differences in specific commands between Cisco Meeting Server platforms 8
1.3 Transferring files to and from the MMP 9
1.3.1 Which files you see in the SFTP client 9
1.4 What MMP Commands are Available? 9
1.5 Writing and Completing MMP Commands 10
1.6 Reserved Ports 11
1.7 Summary of MMP additions and changes 11

2 Network Commands 13
2.1 Network Interface (iface) Commands 13
2.2 IP Commands 13
2.2.1 IPv4 commands 13
2.2.2 IPv6 commands 14
2.3 Network Diagnostic Commands 15
2.3.1 IPv4 network diagnostic commands 15
2.3.2 IPv6 network diagnostic commands 16
2.3.3 Packet capture 16
2.4 QoS/DSCP Commands 17

3 DNS Commands 19

4 Firewall Commands 21

5 LDAP Commands 23

6 Scheduler Commands 26

7 Provisioning with Certificates 28

7.1 TLS Certificate Verification 33

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 2

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting Server 37
8.1 Federal Information Processing Standard 40

9 MMP User Account Commands 41

9.1 Password Rules 43
9.2 Common Access Card (CAC) Integration 45
9.2.1 SSH login configuration 47
9.3 Key-based SSH login 48
9.4 SSH fingerprint verification 48

10 Commands for Configuring the call bridge to update Jabber presence 49

11 Application Configuration Commands 50

11.1 Web Bridge 3 Commands 50
11.2 TURN Server Commands 52
11.3 Web Admin Interface Commands 54
11.4 Database Clustering Commands 54
11.5 Uploader Commands 57
11.6 Recorder Commands 59
11.7 Streamer Commands 60
11.8 MeetingApps Commands 60

12 Miscellaneous Commands 62
12.1 Model 62
12.2 Meeting Server’s Serial Number 62
12.3 Message of the Day 62
12.4 Pre-login Legal Warning Banner 62
12.5 SNMP Commands 63
12.5.1 General information 63
12.5.2 SNMP v1/2c commands 63
12.5.3 SNMP v3 commands 64
12.5.4 SNMP trap receiver configuration 64
12.6 Downloading the System Logs 64
12.7 Generating and downloading the Log Bundle 65
12.8 Disk Space Usage 66
12.9 Backup and Restore System Configuration 66
12.10 Upgrading the Meeting Server 67
12.11 Resetting the Meeting Server 68

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 3

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal 1

Cisco Legal Information 12

Cisco Trademark 13

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 4

Change History

Change History
Date Change Summary

March 16, 2023 New version for Cisco Meeting Server 3.7 software. See Summary of MMP
additions and changes.

October 19, 2022 Minor corrections.

August 23, 2022 New version for Meeting Server 3.6 software. See Summary of MMP additions
and changes.

April 20, 2022 New version for Meeting Server 3.5 software. See Summary of MMP additions
and changes.

December 21, 2021 Updated link for command description under TLS Certificate Verification sec-

December 15, 2021 New version for Meeting Server 3.4 software. See Summary of MMP additions
and changes.

August 24, 2021 New version for Meeting Server 3.3 software.

May 19, 2021 Updated the document with recommendations for Medium OVA Expressway.

April 16, 2021 Moved the MTU for an Interface command under section 2.1 Network Inter-
face (iface) Commands. Updated the note regarding MTU information.

April 09, 2021 New version for Meeting Server 3.2 software.

March 16, 2021 Updated the document for short term credentials on the Meeting Server being
a fully supported feature.

December 04, 2020 Added note to pcap section

November 30, 2020 New version for version 3.1 software.

October 15, 2020 Clarification note added re. MTU information.

Other minor corrections.

September 11, 2020 Minor correction.

August 21, 2020 Minor correction.

July 29, 2020 New version for version 3.0 software.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 5

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
The Cisco Meeting Server software can be hosted on specific servers based on Cisco Unified
Computing Server (UCS) technology or on a specification-based VM server. Cisco Meeting
Server is referred to as the Meeting Server throughout this document.

Note: Cisco Meeting Server software version 3.0 onwards does not support X-Series servers.

There are two layers to the Cisco Meeting Server: a platform and an application. The platform is
configured through the Mainboard Management Processor (MMP). The application runs on this
managed platform with configuration interfaces of its own.
The MMP is used for low level bootstrapping and configuration. It presents a command line
interface. On Cisco Meeting Server 2000, the MMP command line interface is accessed through
the Serial Over LAN connection. In virtualized deployments (the Cisco Meeting Server 1000, and
specification based VM servers) the MMP is accessed on virtual interface A.
Application level administration (call and media management) is undertaken via the API, or for
straightforward deployments, via the Web Admin Interface which can be configured to run on
any one of the available Ethernet interfaces.

Note: The Cisco Meeting Server software is referred to as the Meeting Server throughout the
remainder of this guide.

1.1 How to use this Document

This guide describes the MMP, and unless otherwise indicated, the information applies equally
to the Cisco Meeting Server 2000, the Cisco Meeting Server 1000 and virtualized deployments.
These documents can be found on

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 6

1 Introduction

Figure 1: Cisco Meeting Server documentation for version 3.7

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 7

1 Introduction

1.2 Accessing the MMP

1.2.1 Cisco Meeting Server 2000

The MMP command line interface is accessed via the Serial Over LAN connection on the Cisco
Meeting Server 2000. Before the MMP can be used, the Serial Over LAN connection must be
configured with an IP address and credentials. Refer to the Cisco Meeting Server 2000
Installation Guide for details on configuring the Serial Over LAN connection.
After initial configuration, use an SSH client to connect to the IP address of the Serial Over LAN
connection and login to the MMP using the credentials of the configured admin account.

1.2.2 Virtualized deployments (Cisco Meeting Server 1000 and specification based
VM servers)
In virtualized deployments, the MMP is accessed through the VSphere console tab (on virtual
interface A) and requires the login credentials of an MMP admin user (see MMP User Account
Commands). These are set up as part of the installation procedure; see the Cisco Meeting
Server Installation Guide for Virtualized Deployments.

1.2.3 Differences in specific commands between Cisco Meeting Server platforms

There are a few differences running a Cisco Meeting Server 2000 compared to a virtualized
Cisco Meeting Server.

on Cisco Meeting Server 1000

and virtualized Cisco Meeting
Command on Cisco Meeting Server 2000 Server

shutdown Not available through MMP. Use Do not use the vSphere power but-
Cisco UCS Manager to power ton. Use the shutdown com-
down blade servers before remov- mand instead.
ing power.

health Not available through MMP. Use Not available

Cisco UCS Manager.

serial Returns serial number of server. Not available

dns Do not specify an interface. Do not specify an interface.

For example For example

dns add forwardzone dns add forwardzone

<domain-name> <server <domain-name> <server
ip> ip>

user evict Available from version 2.9 Available

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 8

1 Introduction

1.3 Transferring files to and from the MMP

Files can be transferred to and from the MMP using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). On
Windows we recommend WinSCP (, although any client can
be used. SFTP is used for transferring the following files:
n Software upgrade images
n Configuration snapshots
n Security certificates
n License files
n System log files (as directed by Cisco Support)
n Crash diagnosis files (as directed by Cisco Support)

Connect your SFTP client to the IP address of the MMP which can be found using the ipv4
MMP or ipv6 MMP command (as appropriate). Log in using the credentials of an MMP admin
user (see MMP User Account Commands).

1.3.1 Which files you see in the SFTP client

After configuration you should see the following files listed when you access the MMP using
SFTP (bear in mind that you may have different names for everything other than license.dat but
the following are the example file names used in the installation and deployment guides):
n Server.crt, webbridge.crt
n license.dat (required name)
n boot.json and live.json
n server.key, webbridge.key
n cacert.pem, privkey.pem, server.pem

1.4 What MMP Commands are Available?

To see a list of commands that are available and their parameters type:

To see more details about one command type:

help <command name>
These commands are described in the following sections. All the commands are entered at the
MMP command line interface prompt. An example is:
iface (a|b|c|d) <speed> (on|off)
() indicates a choice of options, use one of them – without the brackets

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 9

1 Introduction

<> indicates a parameter that you must enter the appropriate value for
[ ] indicates an optional parameter
Some commands are followed by one or more examples in blue within the same table cell:

Command/Examples Description/Notes

iface (a|b|c|d) Displays the network interface configuration for the

specified interface

Note that the A, B, C and D interfaces are restricted to full

duplex auto negotiation.

1.5 Writing and Completing MMP Commands

The following functionality can be used in MMP commands:
n Tab: press the Tab key to auto-complete a command. For example pressing Tab after typing
help ti creates help timezone. However, if there is more than one possible command,
pressing tab a second time does not provide an alternative. For example pressing Tab after
help we provides help webadmin and pressing again does not provide help webbridge

n Left and right arrow keys move the cursor along the line of a typed command
n Up and down arrow keys cycle through the command history
n Quotation marks: to enter multiple word arguments use “” for example
pki csr demo CN:"" OU:"Cisco Support" O:Cisco L:"New
York" ST:NY C:US

Keyboard shortcuts can be used:

n CTRL-p: displays the previous command
n CTRL-n: displays the next command in the command history
n CTRL-d: deleted the character under cursor, or exits when used in an empty line
n CTRL-c: abort the current executing command
n CTRL-a: jumps to the beginning of the line
n CTRL-e: jumps to the end of the line
n CTRL-l: clears the terminal
n CTRL-k: deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line
n CTRL-m: equivalent to the Return key
n CTRL-w: deletes word left from cursor
n CTRL-u: deletes current line
n CTRL-f: moves forward a character

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 10

1 Introduction

n CTRL-b: moves backward a character

n CTRL-t: swaps current character with the previous character

1.6 Reserved Ports

Port 8081 is reserved on loopback if the webadmin is enabled, but is not reserved if the
webadmin is disabled. Port 8080 is always open.
Port 5060 is always open, while port 5061 is only open if certificates are applied to the Call

1.7 Summary of MMP additions and changes

Version 3.7 supports the MMP additions described in this section.
Updating status of jabber users while in a web app meeting
The Meeting Server and CUCM node configuration details are provided using the new MMP
commands listed below:

Command / Examples Description

callbridge ucm add <host- Adds a CUCM node to the Meeting Server. The command prompts the
name/IP> <axl_user> <pres- user to enter the password for the AXL user and presence user.

callbridge ucm del <host- Deletes the CUCM from the server.

callbridge ucm <hostname/IP> Validates the status of the AXL service. The command prompts the user
axl_service status to enter the password for the AXL user.

callbridge imps <hostname/IP> Validates the status of the presence service. The command prompts
<presence_user> presence_ser- the user to enter the password for the presence user.
vice status

callbridge ucm list Lists the details of the CUCM added to the Meeting Server along with
its hostname/IP, AXL user and presence user.

Enabling auto prioritization of audio and content share over video during web app meeting
Administrators can enable/ disable the auto prioritization of audio and content share over video:

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 11

1 Introduction

Command/Examples Description/Notes

webbridge3 Enables or disables the auto prioritization feature in web app. If the command is not
audiopriflag configured, this feature is enabled by default.
Enable - If enabled, web app turns off the video and content share in low bandwidth
Disable - If disabled, web app does not take any action in an unstable network.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 12

2 Network Commands

2 Network Commands

2.1 Network Interface (iface) Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

iface (a|b|c|d) Displays the network interface configuration for the

specified interface

Note that the A, B, C and D interfaces are restricted to full

duplex auto negotiation.

iface <interface> mtu <value> Sets the maximum transmission unit size in bytes for an
iface a mtu 1400 interface.

Note: In all Meeting Server 2000 deployments as well as

VM and Meeting Server 1000 deployments running
VMWare Version 6.7U2 and newer, the MTU applies to
both incoming and outgoing packets. Packets received
that are larger than the configured MTU will be dropped
by the interface, causing packet loss and poor quality and
in some rare cases, connection issues. In VM and
Meeting Server 1000 deployments running VMWare
versions prior to 6.7U2, the MTU only applies to outgoing
packets, allowing packets larger than the configured MTU
to still be received by the interface.
The default MTU is 1500 bytes.
MTU should be configured on the network to ensure
packets are not dropped by the interface due to these
MTU restrictions.

2.2 IP Commands

2.2.1 IPv4 commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) Lists configured and observed network values

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) dhcp Enables dhcp on the specified interface

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) (enable|disable) Enables/disables the specified interface

Note: This command does not clear the configuration, only
disables it.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 13

2 Network Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) add <server IP Configures the interface with an ipv4 address with specified
address>/<Prefix Length> prefix length and default gateway for egress packets. The
<Default Gateway> example configures A with address on subnet
ipv4 a add If there is no more specific route, packets
exiting via A will be sent via gateway

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) del <server IP Removes the IPv4 address on the specified interface

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) default Selects the interface of last resort for outbound
connections. When connecting to remote hosts it is not
always known from context which interface should be used.
By comparison, responses to connections initiated by remote
hosts will use the interface on which the connection was
accepted. This is sometimes referred to as the strong IP

ipv4 (a|b|c|d) route add Adds a static route so you can route a specific subnet out of
<address>/<prefix length> the specific interface. This is for unique routing scenarios
ipv4 (a|b|c|d) route del where multiple interfaces are enabled, and you want to
<address>/<prefix length> ensure that traffic for a specific subnet is routed out to the
gateway of that particular interface
Note: Generally manual configuration of a default route is not
required and may cause issues.

ipv4 b route add All traffic destined for 192.168.100.x will go out of interface
b to interface b’s gateway

2.2.2 IPv6 commands

The Meeting Server supports multiple IPv6 addresses per interface, and automatically
configured addresses and static addresses.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ipv6 (a|b|c|d) Lists configured and observed network values

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 14

2 Network Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ipv6 (a|b|c|d) enable Starts auto-configuration of the specified interface for IPv6.
A link-local address is generated. Duplicate Address
Detection (DAD) is completed and, if SLAAC is enabled, then
Router Solicitations are sent. If a Router Advertisement is
received, then
l any advertised prefixes are used to construct global
l any RDDNS options are used to configure DNS
l if the "managed" or "other" flags are set, then DHCPv6
is started. If Router Advertisements do not have the
"managed" or "other" bits set, then DHCPv6 will not be

If no Router Advertisement is received after three Router

Solicitations are sent, then DHCPv6 will start.

ipv6 (a|b|c|d) disable Disables IPv6 for the specified interface

ipv6 <interface> slaac Enables/disables SLAAC


ipv6 (a|b|c|d) add When SLAAC is disabled, it is necessary to add static

<address>/<prefix length> addresses and static router addresses. To add a static router,
ipv6 a add 2001::2/64 Note that SLAAC discovered addresses and routers can
coexist with statically configured addresses.
The Meeting Server supports automatically configured
addresses and static addresses. To statically configure an
IPv6 address on the specified interface use this command

ipv6 (a|b|c|d) del <address> Removes the IPv6 address

ipv6 a del 2001::2/64

ipv6 <interface> router add|del


2.3 Network Diagnostic Commands

2.3.1 IPv4 network diagnostic commands

After you have enabled IPv4, you can you use the following commands.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ping <target Ping from the Meeting Server to the target IP address or hostname

traceroute <target To traceroute from the Meeting Server to the target IP address or
address|hostname> hostname

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 15

2 Network Commands

2.3.2 IPv6 network diagnostic commands

After you have enabled IPv6, you can you use the following commands.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

ping6 <target Ping from the Meeting Server to the target IPv6 address or hostname

traceroute6 <target To traceroute from the Meeting Server to the target IPv6 address or
address|hostname> hostname

2.3.3 Packet capture

Note: Although packets can be captured by the Meeting Server, due to the high packet rate that
the Meeting Server operates at, packets may be dropped from the packet capture rather than
disturb the normal operation of the Meeting Server in handling calls. To avoid dropped packets
in the packet capture, Cisco recommends capturing packets at your network switch rather than
on the Meeting Server.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pcap (a|b|c|d) Starts immediate packet capture on the specified interface and stops
when you press Ctrl-C. The name of the pcap file is then displayed.
This file can then be downloaded via SFTP.
The pcap command captures packets in multiple files, on rotation.
When a pcap file size exceeds 500MB, the packets are captured in a
new file. Meeting server saves upto four pcap files with a total
maximum file size limit of 2GB at any given time. Once the fourth pcap
file size exceeds 500MB, the oldest pcap file is deleted and continues
to capture packets in the new file.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 16

2 Network Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pcap (a|b|c|d|any) any will allow packet capture on multiple interfaces, i.e. any enabled
[snaplen <n>] [filter interfaces (interfaces that are not enabled will be skipped).
<pcap-filter-expression>] Note: When capturing from multiple interfaces, this requires additional
disk space as each interface is captured to a separate temporary file
and the files are then merged when the capture is stopped. So the
available storage when capture on multiple interfaces is half what is
available when capturing on a single interface.

snaplen truncates each packet captured to the maximum number (n)

of bytes if it is longer. As a result, more packets can fit into the same
file-size limit.

filter selects only packets matching the criteria in the string. This
reduces the capture to only packets of interest, and avoids wasting
disk space on the others. The parsing of this string and the packet
filtering are performed with exactly the same underlying libraries as
used by tcpdump, so this has exactly the same expressive power and
performance. The filter expression can be up to around 4080
characters long, if required

snaplen and filter options added from version 3.1.

2.4 QoS/DSCP Commands

The Meeting Server supports QoS/DSCP values in DSCP Hex (not TOS). We follow the
requirement of US Federal government institutions to allow any DSCP value between 0 and 63
for backwards compatibility even though not every value is standard.
We support input as decimal, hexadecimal (case insensitive) and octal; enter 46, 0x2E (or
0x2e), or 056, respectively, with the same result.
For example, EF Audio, AF31 Signaling/Data, AF41 Video is:
EF = 0x2E DSCP Hex, AF31 = 0x1A DSCP Hex, AF41 = 0x22 DSCP Hex
DSCP settings can be defined with independent values for IPv4 and IPv6. For example, setting
oa&m to 0x4 for IPv4 and 0x6 for IPv6 results in SSH traffic being marked with 0x4 for IPv4
connections and 0x6 for IPv6 connections.

Note: A service restart is required for changes to take effect: we recommend rebooting the
Core server.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 17

2 Network Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

dscp (4|6) <traffic type> Sets the DSCP traffic . DSCP traffic categories and the traffic types
(<DSCP value>|none) within those categories are:
n signaling (SIP, AS-SIP signaling)
n assured-voice (any audio for AS-SIP)
n voice (any other audio)
n assured-multimedia (video for AS-SIP)
n multimedia (any other video)
n multimedia-streaming (webbridge media) (not currently used)
n low-latency (not currently used)
n oa&m (webadmin, LDAP, SSH, SFTP)

(oa&m = operations, administration and management)

dscp 4 voice 0x2E

dscp 4 voice 46

dscp 4 oa&m 0x22 Sets oa&m for IPv4

dscp 4 oa&m none Removes the setting

dscp assured (true|false) It is possible to configure both assured and non-assured DSCP
values for the "voice" and "multimedia" traffic types – see above.
Use this command to force the use of the assured or non-assured

dscp assured true For example, to force the use of the assured-voice and assured-
multimedia DSCP values for all voice and video data, use this

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 18

3 DNS Commands

3 DNS Commands
Command/Examples Description/Notes

dns Displays the current DNS configuration details

dns add forwardzone <domain-name> Configures a forward zone.

<server ip> A forward zone is a pair consisting of a domain name and at
dns add forwardzone least one server address. If a name is below the given domain name in the DNS hierarchy, then the DNS resolver
can query the given server. Multiple servers can be given
for any particular domain name to provide load balancing
and fail over. A common usage is to specify "." as the
domain name i.e. the root of the DNS hierarchy, which
matches every domain name.

dns del forwardzone <domain-name> Deletes a specified forward zone

<server ip>

dns add trustanchor <anchor> Adds a trust anchor for Domain Name System Security
Extensions (DNSSEC).
dnsadd trustanchor ". IN DS 19036 8 2 Trust anchors should be specified in DNS Resource Record
49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A4 form inside quotation marks – see the example. See [1] for
1855200FD2CE1CDDE32F24E8FB5" details.

dns del trustanchor <zonename> Removes a trust anchor.

dns del trustanchor The zonename is the domain name in the Resource Record
(RR) representing the anchor. The example removes the
trust anchor installed in the example above.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 19

3 DNS Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

dns add rr <DNS RR> To configure the DNS resolver(s) to return values which are
dns add rr "sipserver.local. IN A not configured in external DNS servers or which need to be" overridden, custom Resource Records (RRs) can be
dns add rr " configured which will be returned instead of querying
86400 IN SRV 0 5 5060 external DNS servers.
We accept RRs in quotation marks with the following

For example,
A records sipserver.local. IN A

AAAA records aaaa

SRV records 86400 IN SRV 0 5
5060 sipserver.local

Note: if you wish to create create multiple RRs for a single

record type then you need to create them using an external
DNS server. The Meeting Server does not support multiple
RRs for a single record type and will only save the latest RR.
For example, the Meeting Server will only save 1 SRV
record for
_sipinternaltls._tcp, will not save 2 different RRs for

dns del rr <owner-name> <type>

dns del rr SRV
dns del rr sipserver.local. A

dns lookup <a|aaaa|srv> The lookup "drills" through SRV results. That is, when an
<hostname> SRV record returns a domain name this is resolved by A and
dns lookup srv AAAA lookups.

dns flush This flushes the DNS cache of of the Meeting Server.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 20

4 Firewall Commands

4 Firewall Commands
The MMP supports the creation of simple firewall rules for the media interfaces. After setting up
the firewall rule on an interface, enable the firewall on that interface.

Note: This is not intended to be a substitute for a full standalone firewall solution.

Firewall rules must be specified separately for each interface.

Each firewall rule for an interface is identified by a tag. These can be seen in the status output,
for example:
Interface : a
Enabled : false
Default policy : allow

Tag Rule
--- ----
0 drop 80

CAUTION: We recommend using the serial console, if available, to configure the firewall,
because using SSH means that an error in the rules would make the SSH port inaccessible.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

firewall <iface> default Before the firewall can be enabled on an interface, a

(allow|deny) default policy must be set using this command.
The allow policy allows all packets that do not match any
rule, and the deny policy discards all packets that do not
firewall a default deny match any rule
When no rules are configured this will drop every packet
on interface a.

firewall <iface> enable Enables the firewall on the specified interface.

firewall <iface> disable Disables the firewall on the specified interface.

firewall <iface> Displays the current firewall settings for a given


firewall a Displays the status and rule set for the interface a

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 21

4 Firewall Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

firewall <iface> allow <port> Add rules with these commands.

[/<proto>] [from <host>[/<prefix>]] The <port> argument can be specified either as a
number (e.g. "80") or as service name from the IANA
firewall <iface> deny <port> service name registry (e.g. "http").
[/<proto>] [from <host>[/<prefix>]] The protocol argument is either tcp or udp. If omitted,
the rule matches both TCP and UDP packets.

firewall a allow http/tcp Allows TCP packets on port 80 on interface A

firewall a deny 678 Drops all packets on port 678 on media interface A

An optional from clause limits the hosts to which a rule

applies. This is specified as an IPv4 or IPv6 address with
an optional prefix length to denote a subnet.

firewall a allow ssh from Allows SSH access to interface a from the 256 IPv4
address between and

firewall <iface> delete <tag> To delete a rule, use its tag with this command.

firewall a delete 0 Deletes the single rule above this table.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 22

5 LDAP Commands

5 LDAP Commands
The new ldap option is added to user add MMP command enables configuring details of an
LDAP server, directory search parameters, TLS settings, and enabling or disabling LDAP
To enable adding LDAP users, a new option, [ldap] is added to the command:
user add <username> (admin|crypto|audit|appadmin|api) [ldap]

Note: Meeting Server API does not support access to users with LDAP authentication.

The output of the help ldap command is:

cms> help ldap

Configure LDAP client for MMP users

ldap server <hostname|address> <port>
ldap protocol (ldap|ldaps)
ldap binddn <username>
ldap basedn <base DN>
ldap login_attr <attribute>
ldap filter <filter>
ldap remove <binddn|filter|trust>
ldap trust <crt bundle>
ldap verify (enable|disable)
ldap min-tls-version <minimum version string>
ldap enable
ldap disable
ldap status

The user list MMP command is extended to include logged in LDAP users.
The only user rule parameters that apply to LDAP users are max_failed_logins, max_idle,
and max_sessions. Other parameters of this command do not apply to LDAP users.
The user expire MMP command is not supported for LDAP users.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 23

5 LDAP Commands

Command/Examples Description/ Notes

ldap Displays information about the ldap configuration.

ldap server <hostname|address> <port> Specifies the LDAP server with hostname or IP
address, and port number. This is mandatory.

ldap protocol (ldap|ldaps) Specifies the ldap protocol to use. To use a

secure connection to the LDAP server, ldaps must
be used. It is mandatory to specify the protocol.

ldap binddn <username> Adds the distinguished name with which to bind
ldap binddn to the directory server for lookups.The binddn
cn=binduser,oi=user,dc=domain,dc=com parameter is optional. If not specified, anonymous
bind requests are used.
ldap binddn "cn=bind user,o=My
Company,dc=domain,dc=com" The bind user must have search permission in the
directory. This command prompts for an optional
ldap binddn domain\\username
bind password.
If spaces are included in the argument, then the
argument has to be quoted. If backslashes are
included, they must be escaped with a preceding

ldap basedn <base DN> Specifies the base distinguished name to use as
search base. It is mandatory to specify basedn.
If spaces are included in the argument, then the
argument has to be quoted. If backslashes are
included, they must be escaped with a preceding

ldap login_attr <attribute> Specifies the LDAP attribute name such as uid,
userPrincipalName, or sAMAccountName, which
uniquely identifies users. The attribute value must
match the pre-configured MMP user name for
successful login. Specifying an attribute is

ldap filter <filter> Sets up an LDAP search filter. Specifying a filter is

ldap filter (&(objectClass=*) optional. If no filter is specified, the default value
(memberOf=CN=admins,DC=example,DC=com)) (objectClass=*) is used.
A valid LDAP filter syntax must be used and it
must be enclosed in parentheses.

ldap remove (binddn|filter|trust) Removes binddn, filter, or trust parameters that

have been set up earlier.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 24

5 LDAP Commands

Command/Examples Description/ Notes

ldap trust <crt bundle> Configures the system to use a particular bundle
of certificates to validate the certificate.
To use a secure connection to the LDAP server,
this must be configured with a trusted CA.

ldap verify (enable|disable) Enables or disables certificate verification for

connection to the LDAP server.
To use a secure connection to the LDAP server,
certificate validation must be enabled. When
disabled, Meeting Server does not request or
check the trust certificates.

ldap min-tls-version <minimum version string> Configures the minimum TLS version that the
system will use. Possible values are 1.0, 1.1, and
1.2. The default is version 1.2.

ldap enable Enables the LDAP service.

ldap disable Disables the LDAP service.

ldap status Displays the status of the ldap service as:

running - indicates that the service is running
not running - the service is enabled but not
running. Check the logs for more information.
disabled - the service is disabled

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 25

6 Scheduler Commands

6 Scheduler Commands
Scheduling meetings is enabled by the new Scheduler component, which can be configured by
the new scheduler MMP commands.
The configuration details of the email server are provided via the new scheduler MMP
commands listed below:

Command / Examples Description / Notes

scheduler Displays current status of the Scheduler.

scheduler status

scheduler (enable | disable) Enables or disables the Scheduler.

scheduler restart Restarts the Scheduler.

scheduler https listen <interface> Configures an interface:port pair for the Scheduler to listen
<port> on.

scheduler https listen none Disables the Scheduler's management API interface.

scheduler https certs <key-file> <crt- Configures the server certs used in the management API but
fullchain-file> also the certs used when making outbound connections.For
example, the c2w link or any API calls to the Call Bridge.

scheduler https certs none Removes certificate configuration for the management API.

scheduler c2w certs <key-file> <crt- Configures the certificate bundle presented to a Web Bridge
fullchain-file> 3.

scheduler c2w certs none Removes certificate configuration for the TLS connection to
Web Bridge 3.

scheduler c2w trust <crt-bundle> Configures the trust bundle for verifying connections to the
Web Bridges.

scheduler c2w trust none Removes the certificate bundle for the Web Bridge 3 from
the Scheduler's trust store.

scheduler email server <hostname | Configures the SMTP server to which the Scheduler will
address> <port> send emails.

scheduler email server none Removes email server configuration from the Scheduler.

scheduler email username <smtp user- Configures the email account used for authentication with
name> the SMTP server. This account must have appropriate
permissions to be able to send emails on behalf of the
meeting organizers.

Note: Emails to participants will not sent from the account

configured using this command, but will be sent using the
From address of the meeting organizer.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 26

6 Scheduler Commands

Command / Examples Description / Notes

scheduler email remove username Removes the email username configured for SMTP authen-

scheduler email protocol <smtp | Specifies the Scheduler's communication with the email
smtps> server as:
smtp: over plain text TCP (smtp)
smtps: over an encrypted TLS channel

scheduler email auth (enable | dis- Enables or disables SMTP authentication.


scheduler email starttls (enable | dis- Enables or disables opportunistic TLS for SMTP con-
able) nections.

scheduler email trust <bundle> | none (Optional) Allows configuration of a trust bundle for the
email server. If configured, verification is done for the
certificate of the email server using the configured bundle.
If not configured, verification of the certificate is not done.

scheduler email common-address Configures the common email address and a display name
<[email protected]> "<Display on the Meeting Server. The Scheduler sends the meeting
name>" invites from the common email address to the participants.
If left blank, the Scheduler sends the email invites from the
organizer’s email address.

scheduler email common-address Removes the common email address and display name that
none has been configured.

scheduler timedLogging Retrieves timed logging status.

scheduler timedLogging (webBridge|ap- Activates logging for the specified time period.
i|email) <time>

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 27

7 Provisioning with Certificates

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Use the following PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) commands.
The key file should contain an RSA or DSA key encoded as either PEM or DER with the file name
extension being .key, .pem, or .der . The certificate file should be an x509 certificate encoded as
PEM or DER with the file name extension being .crt, .cer, .pem, or .der.
File names can include alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscore characters followed
by one of the extensions above. You can choose the per-service certificate and key file names;
even using the same pair of files for every service.
The private key and certificate files should be uploaded via SFTP.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki Displays current PKI usage.

pki list Lists PKI files i.e. private keys, certificates and cer-
tificate signing requests (CSRs).

pki inspect <filename> Inspect a file and shows whether the file is a private
key, a certificate, a CSR or unknown. In the case of
certificates, various details are displayed. If the file
contains a bundle of certificates, information about
each element of the bundle is displayed.
Both PEM and DER format files are handled.

pki match <key> <certificate> This command checks whether the specified key and a
certificate on the system match. A private key and a cer-
tificate are two halves of one usable identity and must
match if they are to be used for a service e.g. HTTPS.

A certificate may signed by a certificate authority (CA)

pki verify <cert> <cert bundle/CA and the CA will provide a "certificate bundle" of
cert> [<CA cert>] intermediate CA certificates and perhaps a CA
certificate in its own file. To check that the certificate is
signed by the CA and that the certificate bundle can be
pki verify server.pem bundle.pem
used to assert this, use this command.
pki verify server.pem bundle.pem

pki unlock <key> Private keys are often provided with password-
protection. To be used in the Meeting Server, the key
must be unlocked.
This command prompts for a password to unlock the
target file. The locked name will be replaced by an
unlocked key with the same name

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 28

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki csr <key/cert basename> For users happy to trust that Cisco meets requirements
[<attribute>:<value>] for generation of private key material, private keys and
associated Certificate Signing Requests can be
pki csr dbserver generated. <key/cert basename> is a string identifying the new key and CSR (e.g. "new" results in "new.key" and
"new.csr" files)
Attributes for the CSR can be specified in pairs with the
attribute name and value separated by a colon (":").
Attributes are:
CN: commonName which should be on the certificate.
The commonName should be the DNS name for the
OU: Organizational Unit
O: Organization
L: Locality
C: Country
emailAddress: email address

The CSR file can be downloaded by SFTP and given to

a certificate authority (CA) to be signed. (Alternatively,
the CSR file can be used in the 'pki sign' command to
generate a certificate locally.) On return it must be
uploaded via SFTP. It can then be used as a certificate.
Note: pki csr <key/cert basename>
[<attribute>:<value>] takes subjectAltName
as an attribute. IP addresses and domain names are
supported for subjectAltName in a comma separated
list. For example:

pki csr test1
pki csr test2
C:US L:Purcellville O:Example OU:Support
pki csr test3
C:US L:Purcellville O:Example OU:Support
Keep the size of certificates and the number of
certificates in the chain to a minimum; otherwise TLS
handshake round trip times will become long.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 29

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki selfsigned <key/cert basename> You can use this command to generate self-signed
[<attribute>:<value>] certificates.
<key/cert basename> identifies the key and certificate
pki selfsigned dbca CN:"my company CA"
which will be generated, e.g. "pki selfsigned new"
OU:"My company" O:cms L:Raleigh ST:"North
Carolina" C:US creates new.key and new.crt (which is self-signed).
Attributes for the certificate can be specified in pairs
with the attribute name and value separated by a colon
(":"). Attributes are:
CN: commonName. If the certificate is used as end-
entity certificate, the commonName should be the DNS
name for the relevant service..
OU: Organizational Unit
O: Organization
L: Locality
C: Country
emailAddress: email address
Self-signed certificates can be used to sign CSRs.
They are useful to deploy on internal services such as
the database cluster. For external services such as Web
services, use an external CA.

pki sign <csr/cert basename> <CA This command signs the csr identified by <csr/cert
key/cert basename> basename> and generates a certificate with the same
basename, signed with the CA certificate and key
pki sign dbserver dbca
identified by <CA key/cert basename>.
pki sign dbclient dbca
The files <csr/cert basename> and <CA key/cert
basename> should have been generated by the
commands 'pki csr' and 'pki selfsigned' respectively.

pki pkcs12-to-ssh <username> Public SSH keys stored in PKCS#12 files can be used
but need to be processed first. This command extracts
a useable public key from a PKCS#12 file uploaded with
the name <username>.pub.You are prompted to enter
the password for the pkcs#12 file. After completion, the
pkcs#12 file is replaced with a useable key without
password protection.
Note: Any other data contained in the pkcs#12 file is

pki pkcs12-to-ssh john The key of an uploaded PKCS#12 file for user
john can be made useable by executing this command

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki Displays current PKI usage.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 30

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki list Lists PKI files i.e. private keys, certificates and certificate signing
requests (CSRs).

pki inspect <filename> Inspect a file and shows whether the file is a private key, a
certificate, a CSR or unknown. In the case of certificates, various
details are displayed. If the file contains a bundle of certificates,
information about each element of the bundle is displayed.
Both PEM and DER format files are handled.

pki match <key> <cer- This command checks whether the specified key and a certificate
tificate> on the system match. A private key and a certificate are two halves
of one usable identity and must match if they are to be used for a
service e.g. callbridge.

A certificate may signed by a certificate authority (CA) and the CA

pki verify <cert> <cert will provide a "certificate bundle" of intermediate CA certificates
bundle/CA cert> [<CA cert>] and perhaps a CA certificate in its own file. To check that the
certificate is signed by the CA and that the certificate bundle can
be used to assert this, use this command.
pki verify server.pem bundle.pem
pki verify server.pem bundle.pem

pki unlock <key> Private keys are often provided with password-protection. To be
used in the Meeting Server, the key must be unlocked.
This command prompts for a password to unlock the target file. The
locked name will be replaced by an unlocked key with the same

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 31

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki csr <key/cert basename> For users happy to trust that Cisco meets requirements for
[<attribute>:<value>] generation of private key material, private keys and associated
Certificate Signing Requests can be generated.
pki csr example <key/cert basename> is a string identifying the new key and CSR OU:"My Desk" (e.g. "new" results in "new.key" and "new.csr" files)
O:"My Office" L:"San Jose" Attributes for the CSR can be specified in pairs with the attribute
ST:California C:US name and value separated by a colon (":"). Attributes are:
CN: commonName which should be on the certificate. The
commonName should be the DNS name for the system.
OU: Organizational Unit
O: Organization
L: Locality
C: Country
emailAddress: email address

The CSR file can be downloaded by SFTP and given to a certificate

authority (CA) to be signed. (Alternatively, the CSR file can be used
in the 'pki sign' command to generate a certificate locally.) On
return it must be uploaded via SFTP. It can then be used as a
Note: Since 1.6.11 pki csr <key/cert basename>
[<attribute>:<value>] now takes subjectAltName as an
attribute. IP addresses and domain names are supported for
subjectAltName in a comma separated list. For example:

pki csr test1
pki csr test2
C:US L:Purcellville O:Example OU:Support
pki csr test3
C:US L:Purcellville O:Example OU:Support
Keep the size of certificates and the number of certificates in the
chain to a minimum; otherwise TLS handshake round trip times will
become long.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 32

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Command/Examples Description/Notes

pki selfsigned <key/cert You can use this command to generate self-signed certificates.
basename> <key/cert basename> identifies the key and certificate which will
[<attribute>:<value>] be generated, e.g. "pki selfsigned new" creates new.key and
new.crt (which is self-signed).
Attributes for the CSR can be specified in pairs with the attribute
name and value separated by a colon (":"). Attributes are:
CN: commonName which should be on the certificate. The
commonName should be the DNS name for the system.
OU: Organizational Unit
O: Organization
L: Locality
C: Country
emailAddress: email address
The CSR file can be downloaded by SFTP and given to a certificate
authority (CA) to be signed. On return it must be uploaded via
SFTP. It can then be used as a certificate.
Keep the size of certificates and the number of certificates in the
chain to a minimum; otherwise TLS handshake round trip times will
become long.

pki sign <csr/cert basename> This command signs the csr identified by <csr/cert basename> and
<CA key/cert basename> generates a certificate with the same basename, signed with the
CA certificate and key identified by <CA key/cert basename>.
The files <csr/cert basename> and <CA key/cert basename>
should have been generated by the commands 'pki csr' and 'pki
selfsigned' respectively.

pki pkcs12-to-ssh <username> Public SSH keys stored in PKCS#12 files can be used but need to
be processed first. This command extracts a useable public key
from a PKCS#12 file uploaded with the name <username>.pub.You
are prompted to enter the password for the pkcs#12 file. After
completion, the pkcs#12 file is replaced with a useable key without
password protection.
Note: Any other data contained in the pkcs#12 file is lost.

pki pkcs12-to-ssh john The key of an uploaded PKCS#12 file for user john can be
made useable by executing this command

7.1 TLS Certificate Verification

Note: If TLS certificate verification is enabled, ensure that the remote device’s certificate has
both Server and Client Authentication attributes defined. This will ensure both outgoing and
incoming TLS connections are accepted.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 33

7 Provisioning with Certificates

Note: When LDAP servers are configured with secure connection, connections are not fully
secure until TLS certificate verification has been configured using the tls ldap command on
the MMP.

Meeting Server uses a minimum of TLS 1.2 and DTLS 1.2 by default for all services: SIP, LDAP,
SYSLOG, HTTPS (inbound connections: API, Web Admin and Web Bridge 3; outbound
connections: CDRs) and RTMPS. If needed for interop with older software that has not
implemented TLS 1.2, a lower version of the protocol can be set as the minimum TLS version
for the SIP, LDAP and HTTPS services. See tls <service> min-tls-version <minimum
version string> and tls min-dtls-version <minimum version string> commands

Note: A Call Bridge restart is required for changes to the tls configuration to be applied.
However if the tls syslog configuration is modified, then the syslog service must be disabled
and enabled after the call bridge restart.

Note: A future version of Meeting Server may completely remove TLS 1.0.

mand/Examples Description/Notes

tls <service> Displays the configuration for a service , i.e. sip|ldap|syslog|dtls|webadmin|rtmps

(Note: RTMPS support from version 3.1.)

tls ldap Displays the setting for LDAP.

tls <service> Configures the system to use a particular bundle of certificates to validate the certificate
trust <crt of a remote service
tls ldap trust

tls <service> Enables/disables certificate verification for a service. When enabled, if the system fails to
verify verify the remote service's certificate, then the connection will be aborted.
(enable|dis- Enables verification with the additional requirement that the remote service returns a
able|ocsp) stapled OCSP response to ascertain certificate revocation status.
The connection to the remote service will be aborted if either the system fails to verify
the certificate validity or the certificate revocation status is unknown or revoked.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 34

7 Provisioning with Certificates

mand/Examples Description/Notes

tls sip ciphe See below for an explanation of when you might need to use the tls cipher command.
rs <cipher The cipher string format is a colon separated list of ciphers as used by OpenSSL
string> (
FORMAT). The current default for cipher support is:
A+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS:!3DES" (up to Version 2.4.2)
A+AESGCM:RSA+AES:!aNULL:!MD5:!DSS:!3DES:!aDH:!aECDH" (from version 2.4.3

Note: ":!aDH:!aECDH:!SEED:!eNULL:!aNULL:!ARIA:!AESCCM8" is automatically

appended to the configured cipher string to disallow very weak ciphers.

tls <service> Use this command to change the default TLS version used by the Meeting Server. (From
min-tls- version 2.3). Note: When you change the minimum version of TLS, you need to restart
version the Call bridge service using the command callbridge restart.
<minimum The Meeting Server uses a minimum of TLS 1.2 for all services. If needed for interop with
version older software that has not implemented TLS 1.2, the minimum TLS version for SIP, LDAP
string> and HTTPS can be configured to a lower version of the protocol.

tls sip min- Use TLS version 1.1 or later for SIP
tls-version 1.1

tls ldap min- Use TLS version 1.1 or later for LDAP
tls-version 1.1

tls min-dtls- Configures the minimum DTLS version that the system will use. (From version 2.3). Note:
version When you change the minimum version of DTLS, you need to restart the Call bridge
<minimum service using the command callbridge restart. (From version 2.3)
string> If needed for interop with older software that has not implemented DTLS 1.2, configure
tls min-dtls-
DTLS to use a lower version of the protocol.
version 1.1

By default, the Meeting Server only uses secure ciphers for any TLS connections, including SIP
TLS on tcp port 5061. However, this may mean that the Meeting Server may be unable to make
TLS calls with older, less secure devices. If your deployment has older kit, use this tls ciphers
command to specify a list of ciphers that is acceptable to the older devices. See the Openssl
guide for more information on ciphers.
Symptoms that a device cannot handle secure ciphers include:
n SIP TLS calls failing to the device,
n HTTPS access not working on the device,

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 35

7 Provisioning with Certificates

n errors appearing in the logs.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 36

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting Server

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting

Note: To determine the health of the Cisco Meeting Server 2000 use the Cisco UCS Manager.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

uptime Displays the time since the Meeting Server was last

shutdown Powers off the Meeting Server when you enter Y in

response to the prompt.

Note: shutdown is not available through the MMP on the

Cisco Meeting Server 2000. Use Cisco UCS Manager to
power down blade servers before removing power.

hostname <name> Sets the hostname for the server.

hostname mybox.mydomain Note: A reboot is required after issuing this command.

timezone Displays the currently configured timezone

timezone <timezone name> Sets the time zone for the Meeting Server. The Meeting
timezone Europe/London Server uses the standard IANA time zone database. See
this link for a list.
Note: A reboot is required after issuing this command.

timezone list Prints a full list of the available timezones.

Note: if you choose to use the timezone with offset
from GMT, Etc/GMT<offset>, the offset uses POSIX-
style signs. As a consequence the timezone for Hong
Kong is Etc/GMT-8, and NOT Etc/GMT+8.

ntp server add|del <host> Configures/deletes an NTP server. <host> can be a

name or IP address

ntp status Checks the status of the NTP servers

ntp server list Display a list of configured NTP servers

ntp groupkey <keyfile> Adds an NTPv4 group key for autokey support

ntp autokey (enable|disable) Enables or disables autokey support

ntp groupkey group.key For example, a group key file can be uploaded using
ntp autokey enable SFTP to "group.key" and configured with these

date Displays the current system (in UTC) and local time

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 37

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

date set <date> <time> Sets the date and time. This command should only be
necessary in virtualized deployments, and server
deployments that do not use an NTP server.
The accepted formats for date and time are:
l ISO 8601 format (%Y-%m-%d) plus 24-hour
time with hour separated by a space
l %m/%d/%y plus 24 hour time

Note: Users of systems with an NTP server should not

need to use this command.

date set 2013-08-17 13:04

reboot Reboots the Meeting Server.

Note: Rebooting the Meeting Server will disconnect any
calls. The process takes some minutes to complete.

license This command only applies on virtualized servers.

It checks the Meeting Server license status and displays
licensed features, e.g.:
Feature: callbridge status: Activated expiry: 2014-JUl-
01 (12 days remain)

callbridge Displays the current status

callbridge listen (interface allowed Configures one or more interfaces (chosen from A, B, C
list|none) or D) for the Call Bridge to listen on.
callbridge listen a

callbridge listen none Stops the Call Bridge and disables listening services;
however, the Call Bridge remains enabled.

callbridge prefer <interface> Choses one interface from the interface allowed list as
the "preferred" SIP interface: this interface is used as
the contact address when routing or heuristics cannot
be used to select a unique interface.

callbridge certs <key-file> <cert- Defines the names of the key file name and certificate
file>[<crt-bundle>] file name for the Meeting Server and, optionally, a CA
certificate bundle as provided by your CA. (Also see
Chapter 7.)

callbridge certs none Removes certificate configuration

callbridge trust cluster <trusted Configures the Call Bridge to use a particular bundle of
cluster certificate bundle> certificates to validate the identity of the Call Bridges in
the cluster. The bundle can be either a certificate chain,
or an allowed list of trusted certificates. (From version

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 38

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

callbridge trust cluster none Removes the certificate bundle for the Call Bridge
cluster from the Call Bridge trust store. (From version

callbridge trust branding <trusted Configures the Call Bridge to use the specified
branding server certificate whitel- certificate to validate against the branding server
ist> certificate. (From 3.5)
Note: If branding server hosted over HTTPS, the
Meeting Server and branding server certificates must be
signed by valid or same CA. Meeting Server may fail to
communicate with the branding server if the branding
server certificates are not signed by valid CA.

callbridge restart Restarts the core media services. Note: Rebooting the
Meeting Server will disconnect any calls. The process
takes some minutes to complete.

syslog server add <hostname> The Meeting Server can send its log files to a remote
[<port>] syslog server over TCP (not UDP)
syslog server del <hostname> The port defaults to 514
syslog server add To specify that TLS should be used to protect the
514 syslog data in transit, prefix the hostname/IP address of
the remote server with "tls:"

syslog Lists the current syslog configuration

syslog enable Enables the syslog mechanism

syslog disable
syslog audit add <hostname> Defines the server where the audit logs will be sent. The
syslog audit add audit log is a subset of the full system log and contains
syslog audit del <hostname> information on security events (logins, etc.) and
configuration changes.
Note: These syslog audit commands can only be run by
a user with the audit role.

audit http (enable|disable) Enables/disables detailed audit of HTTP transactions

syslog tail [<number of lines>] Shows the most recent log messages. By default this is
10 messages but the number can be changed with the
optional argument

syslog page Displays the complete log interactively. Press the Space-
bar to display the next page of log messages; press q to

syslog follow Displays log messages as they are written in real-time.

Ctrl+C stops the output and returns you to the admin

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 39

8 Commands for Configuring the Cisco Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

syslog search <string> Displays only those messages that match a certain
syslog search error pattern

Note: If the current user has the audit role then the tail
and search commands display audit log messages;
otherwise they display message from the system log.
See Section 12.6 for details on downloading the system

syslog rotate <filename> Saves the log file permanently to the file with the
syslog rotate mylog specified filename, and empties the active system log.
The saved file can be downloaded using SFTP.

version Displays the software release currently installed on the

Meeting Server.

8.1 Federal Information Processing Standard

The Meeting Server provides a FIPS 140-2 level 1 certified software cryptographic module
( For information on which Cisco Meeting Server
software releases are FIPS certified, click on this link.
By enabling FIPS mode, cryptographic operations are carried out using this module and
cryptographic operations are restricted to the FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

fips Displays whether FIPS mode is enabled

fips enable Enables the FIPS-140-2 mode cryptography for all

fips disable cryptographic operations for network traffic.
After enabling or disabling FIPS mode, a reboot is

fips test To run the built-in FIPS test

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 40

9 MMP User Account Commands

9 MMP User Account Commands

The MMP user account roles are:
n admin: MMP administrator; permitted to do all tasks
n crypto: MMP cryptography operator; permitted to do crypto-related tasks
n audit: To send audit logs to a Syslog server (refer to the Remote Syslog server section in the
deployment guide for guidance on how to do this)
n appadmin: Can perform application level configuration through the Web Admin Interface
n api: Can use the API. Note that the "api" user role was previously configured through the
Web Admin Interface
n ldap:The user added is a LDAP user.

Note: Do not confuse user accounts set up with the commands in this section, with accounts
which are set up using Active Directory and which let users log in on a Cisco Meeting App and
make calls.

Unless otherwise mentioned the following commands require you to be logged into an MMP
account with admin rights.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

user add <username> Creates a new MMP user of the specified type (see above)
(admin|crypto|audit|appadmin|api) or the user created is a LDAP user.
[ldap] Prompts for a password for the user which must be entered
twice to ensure that the intended password is configured.
On first login, the user will be asked to configure a new

CAUTION: User passwords expire after 6 months, except

for LDAP users.

user del <username> Deletes a user from the system.

CAUTION: user del <username> does not
automatically evict users already logged in. You are
advised to use user list to check whether they are
logged in, and if they are then use user evict
<username> to terminate all of their sessions before
deleting them.

user list Displays the list of users, their role, the expiry date of their
password and whether or not they are logged in.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 41

9 MMP User Account Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

user info <username> Displays user details including role, last login, number of
failed login attempts since last login, last time password
was changed, expiry date of password, if the account is
locked or not.

user evict <username> Logs a user out from their MMP session. Note: if you use
this command on a user who is currently active in a Web
Admin session, your MMP session will freeze and you will
need to relogin to the MMP.

Note: From version 2.9, this command is available on the

Cisco Meeting Server 2000.

user unlock <username> Removes a lock on logins for a user caused by exceeding
the maximum failed logins

passwd [<username>] Changes your password or another users password: follow

the instructions.
The username is optional: it allows an admin to reset
another user’s password. If executed with no argument,
the command changes the current user’s (your) password.
Authentication of the current user is required.

user expire <username> Forces a user to configure a new password on next login.
Note: this command does not apply to user type "api",
their passwords do expire over time, but they cannot be
forced to change their password via this command.

user host <username> add|del Restricts remote access for a user from hosts in an allowed
<hostname> list given as domain names or IP addresses.
Note: The user info command displays the current list
of allowed hosts (if any) – see above

user host bob add Adds to the list of acceptable source
addresses for remote hosts when bob tries to log in

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 42

9 MMP User Account Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

user duty <username> <duty hours> Restricts the duty hours of a user
user duty <username> none The duty hours parameter is used to indicate the times at
which a user can access the system. The format is a list of
day/time-range entries. Days are a sequence of two-
character representations: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su. All
weekdays (days excluding Saturday and Sunday) are
represented by Wk, the weekend days by Wd and all days
in the week by Al. Note that repeated days are unset MoMo
= no day, and MoWk = all weekdays except Monday.
A day/time-range prefixed with a '!' indicates "anything
but" e.g. !MoTu means anything but Monday and Tuesday.
The time-range is two 24-hour times HHMM, separated by
a hyphen '-', to indicate the start and finish time. A finish
time is earlier than the start time indicates that the duty
continues into the next day.
Multiple rules can be combined with the '|' symbol to mean
'or' e.g. MoTu1200-1400|We1400-1500 means Monday or
Tuesday between 1200 and 1400 or Wednesday between

user duty bob Wk0900-1700|Sa1200-1300 Allows bob access during office hours (9 to 5) on
weekdays and between 1200 and 1300 on a Saturday

9.1 Password Rules

Passwords can be enforced in two ways:
n To prevent weak passwords you can upload a dictionary against which each new password
will be checked. If the new password matches an entry in the dictionary it will be rejected:
l The dictionary must be a text file called dictionary with one word or phrase to each
l Each line must end with a single line-feed character rather than the Windows
carriage-return line-feed sequence
l Upload the dictionary using SFTP to enable the checking e.g.
sftp>put passwordlist.txt dictionary
n There are a number of commands which enforce more secure password usage. All these all
commands require admin level access.

CAUTION: Passwords expire after 6 months.

CAUTION: Do not reuse your admin credentials for any other configuration. For example, your
TURN server username and password must be unique.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 43

9 MMP User Account Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

user rule max_history Prevents password reuse by checking new passwords against that
<number> user’s previous number of passwords

user rule password_age Enforces a maximum age for passwords in days


user rule min_password_age Prevents the password history controls being circumvented, by
<number> setting a minimum interval before a password can be reset.
Note: This interval is overridden when an admin enters the "user
expire <username>" command.

user rule min_length Sets the minimum password length


user rule min_special Sets the minimum number of "special" characters: !@#$%^&*()_
<number> +=?><,."\/

user rule min_uppercase Sets the minimum uppercase letters in a password


user rule min_lowercase Sets the minimum lowercase letters in a password


user rule longest_digits_run Sets the maximum consecutive digits allowed in a password

user rule min_digits Sets the minimum number of digits in a password


user rule max_repeated_char Sets the maximum run of a repeated character


user rule min_changed_ Sets the minimum number of character positions in the new
characters <number> password which must differ from the old

user rule only_ascii Restricts passwords to ASCII characters


user rule no_username Prevents a password being set that contains the user name.

user rule no_palindrome Prevents a password being set that is a palindrome


Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 44

9 MMP User Account Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

user rule max_failed_logins Sets the number of failed logins allowed, before a 15 minute
<attempts> lockout for MMP users or Cisco Meeting App users that
authenticate via LDAP. Guest access to meetings held on the
Meeting Server are unaffected. If set to 0, this rule will lock out
users with valid credentials.

Note that the Call Bridge needs to be restarted for user rule max_
failed_logins <attempts> to take effect. Changes are immediately
applied to MMP users.

Locked MMP users can be unlocked by an MMP admin, but it is not

possible to unlock an LDAP user before the lockout timer expires.

If no maximum number of failed logins is configured, then the

lockout mechanism is disabled for MMP users, but it defaults to 20
failed login attempts for users that authenticate via LDAP.

user rule max_idle <number> Sets the maximum number of days that an account can be idle
before it is locked. The minimum value is 1.

Note: if no idle time is configured, then none is enforced.

user rule max_sessions Limits any user to <number> of simultaneous SSH or SFTP or Web
<number> Admin sessions.
For example, if the maximum number of sessions is configured as 5
then you can have 5 SSH, or 5 web admin, or 5 SFTP sessions

user rule max_sessions none Removes session restrictions

9.2 Common Access Card (CAC) Integration

The Common Access Card (CAC) is used as an authentication token to access computer
facilities. The CAC contains a private key which cannot be extracted but can be used by on-
card cryptographic hardware to prove the identity of the card holder. The Meeting Server
supports administrative logins to the SSH and Web Admin Interface using CAC.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 45

9 MMP User Account Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

cac Lists current configuration

cac enable|disable To enable CAC logins, execute cac enable
cac enable strict To make this the only allowed remote login method (excluding
using the recovery button), use cac enable strict. This command
disables normal logins using a serial cable.
Before enabling CAC logins, checks are made to ensure that the
service has been configured. We recommend using cac enable
without specifying “strict” to test whether the setup is correct
before turning off password logins with the "strict" option.
NOTE: The extension of certificate based access to client logins is
a beta feature, only use in a test environment, do not use in a
production environment.
- if cac is enabled, then it is possible to use certificate based logins
from suitable clients. Users connecting in this manner will not have
to enter a password to access the system.
- if cac enable strict has been applied, then users will need to login
via CAC before they are able to log in to the Cisco Meeting App.

cac issuer <issuer cert- To validate CAC users, an issuer certificate bundle needs to be
bundle> uploaded to the MMP using SFTP. Legitimate credentials will have
been cryptographically signed by one of the issuer certificates; if
not, then the login will fail. Contact your site cryptography officer
for more information

cac ocsp enable|disable Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is a mechanism for
checking the validity and revocation status of certificates. The
MMP can use this to work out whether the CAC used for a login is
valid and, in particular, has not been revoked.
If the MMP is configured to be in "strict" CAC mode (no password
logins allowed – see above), then access to the MMP can be
restricted centrally by revoking certificates.
OCSP can be enabled without special configuration. In this mode,
the URL of the OCSP responder will be read from the CAC
credentials presented to the MMP if present. If an OCSP responder
is not present, or the OCSP responder is not available (is down,
can't be routed to, etc.), then CAC logins fail.

cac ocsp responder To configure a URL for an OCSP responder, use this command.
<URL|none> This URL will override any provided by the CAC.

cac ocsp certs <key-file> Some OCSP responders require OCSP requests to be signed by
<crt-file> the requestor. This command specifies a private key and (matching)
public certificate for this operation:
It is likely that the OCSP responder will require that the signing
certificate is signed by a particular authority, perhaps the issuer of
the CAC certificates. This is a site-local consideration.

cac ocsp certs none Removes the certificate configuration

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 46

9 MMP User Account Commands

9.2.1 SSH login configuration

SSH login using CAC requires extra configuration steps because X509-based public key
exchange is not widely supported by SSH clients. The public X509 certificate from the CAC
needs to be extracted and uploaded by SFTP to the MMP as an SSH public key. There are
various methods to get the public X509 certificate from the CAC; one of the easiest is to use a
CAC-enabled web browser to export the key:
Firefox and Chrome:
In a Firefox or Chrome browser enter a url similar to
Follow the instructions to export the credentials.
After export, upload the pkcs#12 file to <username>.pub MMP using SFTP, where <username>
is the username of the associated user. Then execute the following command as explained
pki pkcs12-to-ssh <username>

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 47

9 MMP User Account Commands

Internet Explorer:
IE can export the CAC (public) credentials as X509 encoded as DER, which can be uploaded
and used without further steps (cf. pkcs#12)

9.3 Key-based SSH login

It is possible to install an SSH public key on Meeting Server so that SSH logins bypass password
authentication if the key-based authentication is successful.
Summary steps:
1. Name your public key <username>.pub (where <username> is an existing Meeting Server
MMP user who you wish to grant key based login to).
2. sftp the <username>.pub key to the <CMS mmp address>
3. Try to ssh <username>@<CMS mmp address> (it may ask you for a password first time, but
shouldn't need a password for subsequent logins).

9.4 SSH fingerprint verification

To verify the keys prompted by the Meeting Server against the retrieved keys, use the MMP
command, ssh server_key list.
The output displays a list of keys along with the size, type, and fingerprints for all existing keys in
the Meeting Server host, among the following keys:

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 48

10 Commands for Configuring the call bridge to update Jabber presence

10 Commands for Configuring the call bridge to

update Jabber presence
The following MMP commands are introduced for updating the user status on jabber.

Command / Examples Description

callbridge ucm add <host- Adds a CUCM node to the Meeting Server. The command prompts the
name/IP> <axl_user> <pres- user to enter the password for the AXL user and presence user.

callbridge ucm del <host- Deletes the CUCM from the server.

callbridge ucm <hostname/IP> Validates the status of the AXL service. The command prompts the user
axl_service status to enter the password for the AXL user.

callbridge imps <hostname/IP> Validates the status of the presence service. The command prompts
<presence_user> presence_ser- the user to enter the password for the presence user.
vice status

callbridge ucm list Lists the details of the CUCM added to the Meeting Server along with
its hostname/IP, AXL user and presence user.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 49

11 Application Configuration Commands

11 Application Configuration Commands

11.1 Web Bridge 3 Commands

Follow the instructions in the Deployment Guides to set up the Web Bridge 3. This section
provides a command reference only.

Note: "Call Bridge to Web Bridge" protocol (C2W) is the link between the callbridge and

The MMP commands to deploy Web Bridge 3 to use Cisco Meeting Server web app — the new
browser-based client for Cisco Meeting Server that lets users join meetings (audio and video) —
are listed in the table below.

Command Description

webbridge3 Displays the current set of values for Web Bridge 3

help webbridge3 Displays help with all the webbridge3


webbridge3 restart Restarts the Web Bridge 3

webbridge3 (enable|disable) Enables or disables the Web Bridge 3

webbridge3 https listen <interface:port Sets up the interface(s) and port(s) for the Web
allowed list> Bridge 3 to listen on. Enable the service to start
listening with the command webbridge3
enable. There is no default value for the port; it
needs to be specified.

webbridge3 https certs <key-file> <crt- Sets the HTTPS certificates for the Web Bridge 3.
fullchain-file> These are the certificates that will be presented to
web browsers so they need to be signed by a
certification authority (CA) and the
hostname/purpose etc needs to match. (The
certificate file is the full chain of certificates that
starts with the end entity certificate and finishes
with the root certificate.)

webbridge3 https certs none Removes HTTPS certificate configuration

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 50

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command Description

webbridge3 https frame-ancestors Allows administrators to specify a custom frame-

<frame-ancestors space-separated ancestors value to be returned in the content-
string> security-policy header allowing the web app to
be embedded in other web pages.
webbridge3 https frame-ancestors none
In a cluster setup, this command must be
configured on all Web Bridges in the deployment.
webbridge3 https frame-ancestors
Added from version 3.2.

webbridge3 http-redirect (enable (Optional) Enables/disables HTTP redirects by

[port]|disable) setting up a port for HTTP connections. This port
will be opened for all Meeting Server interfaces on
which the web app has been configured. Incoming
HTTP connections will be automatically redirected
to the matching HTTPS port for the interface they
arrived on. The default port, if you don't specify one
in webbridge3 http-redirect enable
[port], is 80.

webbridge3 c2w listen <interface:port Configures the C2W connection. Sets up the
allowed list> interface(s) and port(s) for the Web Bridge 3 to
listen on. You must enable the service to start
listening with the command webbridge3
enable. We recommend that you make this
address/port accessible from the Call Bridge(s)

webbridge3 c2w certs <key-file> <crt- Configures the C2W connection certificates — you
fullchain-file> need to configure the SSL Server certificates used
for the C2W connection. The C2W certificate is
only presented to Call Bridges connecting to the
C2W protocol connection port — the
hostname/purpose etc needs to match. (The
certificate file is the full chain of certificates that
starts with the end entity certificate and finishes
with the root certificate.)

webbridge3 c2w certs none Removes C2W connection certificate con-


webbridge3 c2w trust <crt-bundle> Sets the trust bundle that Web Bridge 3 C2W server
will verify the Call Bridge client certificate against
to determine whether to trust them or not.

webbridge3 c2w trust none Removes C2W connection trust bundle con-

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 51

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command Description

webbridge3 audiopriflag (enable|dis- Enables or disables the auto prioritization feature in

able) web app. If the command is not configured, this
feature is enabled by default.
Enable - web app turns off the video and content
share in low bandwidth scenarios.
Disable - web app does not take any action in an
unstable network.

webbridge3 options <space-separated Switches on the specified features, if more than

options> one feature is to be enabled then separate the fea-
ture_names with a space. Only use this command
under instruction from Cisco Support or Cisco EFT.
These features are not suitable for production use.
The features will remain enabled across reboots,
but will be automatically cleared when using the
upgrade command. (This command is currently not

webbridge3 options none Switches off all features that were previously
switched on using the webbridge options <feature_
name> command. Only use under instruction from
Cisco Support. (This command is currently not sup-

webbridge3 status Displays the current configuration for Web Bridge 3

11.2 TURN Server Commands

Expressway (Large OVA or CE1200) is the recommended solution for deployments with
medium web app scale requirements (i.e. 800 calls or less). Expressway (Medium OVA) is the
recommended solution for deployments with small web app scale requirements (i.e. 200 calls
or less). However, for deployments that need larger web app scale, from version 3.1 we
recommend Cisco Meeting Server web edge as the required solution.

Note: The TURN Server component is not available on the Cisco Meeting Server 2000.

Note: The TURN server component always supports the standard port 3478 for UDP.
When deploying Cisco Meeting Server web edge, the API node /turnServers "type"
parameter should be set to "cms". If this parameter is unset, it defaults to "standard", and tells
the clients to use TCP/UDP port 443 to connect to the TURN server. For more information on
the "type" parameter values, see the section Setting up and modifying TURN servers in Cisco
Meeting Server API Reference Guide.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 52

11 Application Configuration Commands

Setting up a TURN server is described in the Deployment Guides. This section provides a
command reference.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

turn restart Restarts the TURN server.

turn listen <interface allowed Sets up an allowed list of interfaces to listen on. To
list|none> start listening, you must enable the service with the
turn listen a b command turn enable.

turn listen none Stops the TURN server listening.

turn tls <port|none> Sets an additional port to be used for TURN, and
enables TCP usage for TURN.
Note: Set TURN to listen for TCP traffic as well as
UDP, on the port specified as well as port 3478, for all
three services. This option MUST be set for TURN to
listen on any service beside UDP, and for TURN to
listen on any port beside 3478.

turn certs <keyfile> <certificate Defines the name of the private key file and .crt file for
file> [<cert-bundle>] the Turn Server application and, optionally, a CA
certificate bundle as provided by your CA. (Also see
the section Provisioning with Certificates.)
This option is required if 'turn tls <port>' is in use.

turn certs none Removes certificate configuration.

turn (enable|disable) Enables or disables the TURN server.

turn credentials <username> Sets the long term credentials for the TURN server.
<password> <realm>
turn credentials myusername mypassword

turn public-ip <public ip> Sets up a public IP address for the TURN server.

turn delete public-ip Deletes the TURN server public IP address.

turn high-capacity-mode Implements support for increased web app scale

(enable|disable) (default enable) on the Meeting Server running TURN
and web app — it allows higher packet throughput
when using Meeting Server for web edge. Only
disable if advised to do so by Cisco Support. (from
version 3.1)

turn short_term_credentials_mode Toggles the TURN server between short- and long-
(enable|disable) term credential mode. Default is disable. (from ver-
sion 3.1)

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 53

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

turn short_term_credentials <shared Specifies the shared secret and realm required by the
secret> <realm> TURN server to use short-term credentials. (from ver-
sion 3.1)
turn short_term_credentials mysharedsecret

11.3 Web Admin Interface Commands

Note: Port 8081 is reserved on loopback if the webadmin is enabled, but is not reserved if the
webadmin is disabled. Port 8080 is always open.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

webadmin Displays the configuration

webadmin restart Restarts the Web Admin Interface

webadmin listen (a|b|c|d) [<port>] Sets up the interface for the Web Admin Interface to listen
webadmin listen a on. To start listening, you must enable the service with the
webadmin listen a 443 command webadmin enable.
The default is port 443.

webadmin listen none Stops the Web Admin Interface listening.

webadmin (enable|disable) Enables or disables the Web Admin Interface. When

enabling some checks are performed before launching the
service: that listening interfaces are configured, that the
certificates match and that ports do not clash with other

webadmin certs <keyfile-name> <crt Provides the name of the key file and .crt file for the Web
filename> [<crt-bundle>] Admin Interface and, optionally, a CA certificate bundle as
provided by your CA

webadmin certs none Removes certificate configuration

webadmin http-redirect Enables/disables HTTP redirects for the Web Admin

(enable|disable) Interface

webadmin status Displays the Web Admin Interface status

Note: MMP user accounts are also used to log in to the Web Admin Interface.

11.4 Database Clustering Commands

These database clustering commands are explained in the Scalability & Resilience Deployment
Guide and Certificate Guidelines.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 54

11 Application Configuration Commands

From version 2.7, database clusters require client and server certificates signed by the same CA
configured in each Meeting Server holding or connecting to a database in the cluster. Enforcing
the use of certificates ensures both confidentiality and authentication across the cluster.

CAUTION: If a database cluster was configured without certificates using an earlier version of
Meeting Server software which did not require certificates, then on upgrading to version 2.7 the
database will stop and remain unreachable until certificates are configured and the database
cluster is recreated.

Note: <ca_crt> is the database cluster CA certificate bundle. This is also used as a trust store, so
database connections that give a valid certificate name and a certificate chain that ends with a
root certificate present in the bundle will be accepted.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

database cluster status Displays the clustering status, from the perspective of
this database instance.
Note: From 2.7 this command will highlight the lack of
configured certificates.

database cluster localnode This command must be run on the server that will host
<interface> the initial primary database before initialising a new
database cluster.
The <interface> can be in the following formats:
[a|b|c|d] - the name of the interface (the first IPv6
address is preferred, otherwise the first IPv4 address is
chosen) e.g. database cluster localnode a
ipv4:[a|b|c|d] - the name of the interface, restricted to
IPv4 (the first IPv4 address is chosen) e.g. database
cluster localnode ipv4:a
ipv6:[a|b|c|d] - the name of the interface restricted to
IPv6 (the first IPv6 address is chosen) e.g. database
cluster localnode ipv6:a
<ipaddress> - a specific IP address, can be IPv4 or
IPv6 e.g. database cluster localnode

database cluster initialize Creates a new database cluster, with this server’s
current database contents as the one and only
database instance—the primary.
The command reconfigures postgres to cluster mode
- i.e. listens on external interface and uses SSL
Reconfigures and restarts the local Call Bridge (if it is
enabled) to use the database cluster.
Note: From 2.7 this command will not run without valid
certificates, keys and CA certificates uploaded to the
database clients and servers.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 55

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

database cluster join <hostname/IP Creates a new database instance as part of the cluster
address> copying the contents of the primary database to this
server and destroying the current contents of any
database on it.
<hostname/ip address> can be for any existing
database in the cluster.
Reconfigures and restarts the local Call Bridge (if it
exists and it is enabled) to use the database cluster
Note: From 2.7 this command will not run without valid
certificates, keys and CA certificates uploaded to the
database clients and servers.

database cluster connect <hostname/IP Connects a Call Bridge to a database cluster.

address> Reconfigures and restarts the Call Bridge (if it is
enabled) to use the database cluster. Disables the use
of any local database (on the same host server as the
Call Bridge), although the database content is
preserved and can be read after a database cluster
remove command is run on this host server (see
Note: From 2.7 this command will not run without valid
certificates, keys and CA certificates uploaded to the
database clients and servers.

database cluster certs <server_key> Configures the certificates used to secure the
<server_crt> <client_key> <client_ connections in a database cluster.
crt> <ca_crt> Certificates must be configured before the database
database cluster certs dbcluster_ cluster can be enabled.
server.key dbcluster_server.crt dbcluster_
dbcluster_client.crt dbcluster_ca.crt

database cluster certs <client_key> Configures the certificates used to secure the
<client_crt> <ca_crt> connections in a database cluster where there is no
database cluster certs dbcluster_ co-located database on the Call Bridge.
client.key dbcluster_client.crt dbcluster_

database cluster certs none Removes certificate configuration. Certificates will

need to be configured again before the database
cluster can be re-enabled.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 56

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

database cluster remove Removes one database from the cluster if run on a
database host server, “un-connects” a Call Bridge if
run on a host server with only a Call Bridge, or both if
the server hosts both a clustered database and a Call

database cluster upgrade_schema Upgrades the database schema version in the cluster
to the version this node expects. We recommend that
you run this command:
l on the primary database, but it can be run on any
database instance
l after every software upgrade on any server hosting
a database instance or Call Bridge

database cluster clear_error When a previous operation such as a schema upgrade

failed (see the previous command), this command
manually resets the state. This command should only
be run when instructed to do so by Cisco support.

database cluster verifymode <full/ca> Configures the database validation mode.

full - Meeting Server along with other validations,

verifies if the server identity matches with the name
stored in the server certificates.

ca - Meeting Server validates the node from the

certificate chain upto the root certificate without
validating the server identity.

If not specified, the verify mode defaults to ca.

11.5 Uploader Commands

Note: The Uploader is not available on the Cisco Meeting Server 2000.

Uploader simplifies using Vbrick Rev for video content management. This section provides a
command reference for the Uploader.

Commands Description

uploader (enable|disable) Enables or disables the uploader component. Before configuring

the Uploader, ensure the component is disabled.

uploader nfs <host- Specify the NFS that the Uploader will monitor.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 57

11 Application Configuration Commands

Commands Description

uploader (cms|rev) host <host- Configure the Uploader with the name of the host for the Meet-
name> ing Server (cms) and the host for the Vbrick Rev server. Default
port is 443.

uploader (cms|rev) port <port> Configure the Uploader with the port to use to connect to the
Meeting Server (cms) and the port for the Vbrick Rev server.
Default port is 443.

uploader (cms|rev) user <user- Configure the Uploader with the user that has access to the API
name> of the Meeting Server and the user with access to the Vbrick
Rev server.

uploader (cms|rev) password Configure the Uploader with the password for the specified Meet-
ing Server user and the Vbrick Rev user.

uploader (cms|rev) trust Upload the specified certificate bundle to the trust store on the
(<crt-bundle>|none) Meeting Server or the Vbrick Rev server. none removes the cer-
tificate bundle from the specified trust store. Note: the Uploader
will not work without a certificate bundle in the Meeting Server
trust store and the Vbrick Rev trust store.

uploader edit (<uploader-team Not supported in version 2.4.0.


uploader view (<uploader-team Not supported in version 2.4.0.


uploader access <Priv- Set access permission to the video recordings


uploader cospace_member_access Allows members of the space to view or edit the video record-
<view|edit|none> ings. none removes view or edit permissions for members of the

uploader recording_owned_by_ true selects the owner of the space as the single owner of
cospace_owner <true|false> these video recordings.

uploader fallback_owner (<user- Use the named user as the fallback owner of the video record-
name>|none) ings, if the owner of the space is not listed in VbrickRev. none
removes the fallback owner.

uploader comments (enable|dis- Enables or disables commenting on video recordings. Default is

able) disabled.

uploader ratings (enable|dis- Enables or disables video recording ratings. Default is disabled.

uploader downloads (enable|dis- Sets the download permission, enables or disables downloading
able) the video recordings.

uploader initial_state (<act- Set the initial state of the video recording when first uploaded to
ive|inactive>) Vbrick Rev. Default is active.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 58

11 Application Configuration Commands

Commands Description

uploader delete_after_upload Selects whether to delete the video recording from the NFS
(<true|false>) after upload is complete. Default is false.

Note: The uploader debug (<true|false>) command was removed in version 2.4,
debugging information is automatically sent to the syslog server.

11.6 Recorder Commands

Note: The Recorder is not available on the Cisco Meeting Server 2000.

This section provides a command reference for the Recorder. Follow the instructions in the
appropriate deployment guide to deploy the recorder.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

recorder restart Restarts the Recorder

recorder Displays the current configuration of the Recorder

recorder sip certs Allows you to configure a SIP certificate. (Added from ver-
sion 3.0.)

recorder sip listen <interface> The SIP recorder/streamer components do not need to
<tcp-port|none> <tls-port|none> listen for https connections, however, they do need to
listen for SIP connections. This new MMP command is
introduced for setting both TCP and TLS. (Added from
version 3.0.)

recorder sip trace Turns on logging of all SIP messages. All SIP messages
<1m|10m|30m|24h|on|off> will be logged on the recorder. Default is "off". You can
enable it permanently with "on" or for a fixed time period.
(Added from version 3.0.)

recorder limit <value|none> Sets the recorder limit to allow scalability. This is the limit
above which calls are rejected so that call control can fail
over to another device. (Added from version 3.0).

recorder (enable|disable) Enables or disables the Recorder

recorder nfs Provides the Recorder with details of the network file
<hostname/IP>:<directory> server (nfs) and folder to save the recording.

recorder resolution <audi- Sets the resolution that the recorder will record
o|720|1080> meetings. The default is 720p30. Selecting 1080 allows
the recorder to do p30. (From version 2.4.)

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 59

11 Application Configuration Commands

11.7 Streamer Commands

Note: The Streamer is not available on the Cisco Meeting Server 2000.

This section provides a command reference for the Streamer. Follow the instructions in the
appropriate deployment guide to deploy the streamer.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

streamer restart Restarts the Streamer

streamer Displays the current configuration of the Streamer

streamer sip certs Allows you to configure a SIP certificate. (Added from ver-
sion 3.0.)

streamer limit <value|none> Sets the streamer limit to allow scalability. This is the limit
above which calls are rejected so that call control can fail
over to another device. Added from version 3.0.

streamer sip listen <interface> The SIP recorder/streamer components do not need to
<tcp-port|none> <tls-port|none> listen for https connections, however, they do need to
listen for SIP connections. This new MMP command is
introduced for setting both TCP and TLS. (Added from ver-
sion 3.0.)

streamer (enable|disable) Enables or disables the Streamer. You need to disable the
Streamer before configuring it. After configuration, you
need to enable the Streamer.

11.8 MeetingApps Commands

MeetingApps service is implemented in Meeting Server to enable participants to share files in a
meeting. It must be configured on a stand alone Meeting Server node without any other
services. The web app communicates with the MeetingApps in a secure environment to access
the files stored on it.
This section lists the commands to configure the MeetingApps. The steps to configure the
MeetingApps and Web Bridge is described in the Deployment Guides.

Note: MeetingApps services cannot be configured on a Meeting Server 2000.

Command / Examples Description

meetingapps Displays the configured parameters of MeetingApps.

meetingapps https Configures the interface and port for the MeetingApps to listen on.
listen <inter-
face> <port>

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 60

11 Application Configuration Commands

Command / Examples Description

meetingapps https Removes the interface and port configuration for the MeetingApps.
listen none

meetingapps gen- Generates the key that will be used to authenticate the Web Bridge and MeetingApps
secret connection.

meetingapps https Configures the HTTPS certificates for the MeetingApps. It is recommended to use pub-
certs <key-file> licly trusted HTTPS certificate signed by a valid certification authority (CA).

meetingapps https Removes HTTPS certificate configuration.

certs none

meetingapps Enables or disables the MeetingApps.


meetingapps Restarts the MeetingApps services.


meetingapps Displays the status of MeetingApps. For example, Running, Starting.


webbridge3 Configures the MeetingApps hostname, port number, and the secret key generated
meetingapps add using the meetingapps gensecret command.
<hostname> <port>

webbridge3 Clears the MeetingApps configured on the Web Bridge.

meetingapps add

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 61

12 Miscellaneous Commands

12 Miscellaneous Commands

12.1 Model

Command/Examples Description/Notes

model Displays the Cisco Meeting Server deployment model.

Virtualized deployments show as CMS VM

12.2 Meeting Server’s Serial Number

Command/Examples Description/Notes

serial Displays the serial number of the Meeting Server.

Note that this command does not apply to the virtualized deployment.

12.3 Message of the Day

MMP users with admin rights can issue the commands in this section.

Note: motd commands are only supported on Meeting App versions prior to version 1.9.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

motd Displays the current message of the day, if any.

motd add "<message text>" Displays a banner with <message> after login
Alternatively, a message no larger than 2048 characters can be
configured by copying a file by SFTP to "motd".

motd del Removes the message of the day.

12.4 Pre-login Legal Warning Banner

If your organization requires a legal warning prior to login, MMP users with admin rights can use
the following commands:

Command/Examples Description/Notes

login_warning Displays the current login warning message, if any.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 62

12 Miscellaneous Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

login_warning add Displays a legal warning prior to login

"<message>" Alternatively, a message no larger than 2048 characters can be
configured by copying a file by SFTP to "login_warning".

login_warning del Deletes the legal warning

12.5 SNMP Commands

Note: Meeting Server 2000 does not support SNMP, therefore the snmp commands will not be

12.5.1 General information

MIBs can be downloaded from any Cisco Meeting Server using SFTP.
For a virtualized deployment (Cisco Meeting Server 1000, or specification based VM server) the
MIB files are:

Place these files on your SNMP implementation's search path Te.g. ~/.snmp/mibs for Net-

Note: The MIBs will be renamed in a future release to reflect the rebranding to Cisco Meeting

The MMP interface only provides a minimal amount of user configuration options. To handle
more complex requirements, use the MMP interface to create an initial user and then manage
the user database directly - for example with snmpusm from the Net-SNMP package.
The Meeting Server supports both SNMP versions 1/2c and 3: the configuration is different for
each. Be aware of the security implications of using SNMP version 1/2c: it does not support
robust authentication and therefore anyone who knows the community string can query the

12.5.2 SNMP v1/2c commands

Access control for v1/2c is based on "communities". These can be created via the MMP
interface when SNMP is disabled.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 63

12 Miscellaneous Commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

snmp community add <name> [IP Access control for v1/2c is based on
address/prefix] "communities". These can be created and deleted
snmp community del <name> via the MMP when SNMP is disabled.
Note: Only use alphanumeric and underscore in
the SNMP community name, other "special"
characters, including dash, will return an error

snmp community add public Allows access to the complete tree from anywhere
using the community string "public".

snmp community add local Allows access but only from the specified subnet.

snmp (enable|disable) Enables/disables SNMP v1/2c

12.5.3 SNMP v3 commands

Access control for v3 is based on users. These can be created from the MMP interface.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

snmp user add <name> Access control for v3 is based on users.

<password> (MD5|SHA) Creates a user with the specified password, using the "MD5" algorithm for
(DES|AES) authentication and the "DES" algorithm for encryption, with access to the
complete tree.
Note: Only use alphanumeric and underscore in the SNMP user name,
other "special" characters, including dash, will return an error message.

snmp user del <name> Deletes an SNMP user.

snmp (enable|disable) Enables/disable SNMP v3.

12.5.4 SNMP trap receiver configuration

Command/Examples Description/Notes

snmp trap enable Configures an SNMP trap receiver.

<hostname> <agent <hostname> is the hostname of machine that will receive traps, and
community string> <community string> is the community string that will be used
snmp trap disable
snmp trap enable mybox

12.6 Downloading the System Logs

The system log is 100MB maximum. When this limit is reached, the oldest messages are
discarded to make room for new ones. An SNMP trap is generated when the log reaches 75%

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 64

12 Miscellaneous Commands

of capacity.
If log data must be retained for compliance or other reasons, and a remote syslog server is not in
use, you can:
n Connect to the MMP using a SFTP tool and copy the system log file off the server to a local
file store. This leaves the current contents intact
n Save the log file permanently using the syslog rotate <filename> command. The active
system log is then emptied. This saved file can be downloaded using SFTP
For example: syslog rotate mylog
n A user with the audit role can save the audit log with syslog audit rotate <filename>

12.7 Generating and downloading the Log Bundle

Meeting Server can produce a log bundle containing the configuration and state of various
components in the Meeting Server. This log bundle includes the syslog and live.json files. If you
need to contact Cisco support with an issue, these files will aid them to speed up their analysis.
The Meeting Server log bundle is generated in the following ways:
l Meeting Server admin can initiate the log bundle download process by connecting the
SFTP client to the MMP IP address using the MMP admin user credentials. The system
generates and downloads a log bundle with file name logbundle.tar.gz.
l Alternatively, the admin can generate the log bundle before initiating the download
process using the generate_logbundle command. A log bundle with file name
generatedlogbundle.tar.gz is generated.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

generate_logbundle Generates the log bundle with the file name

generatedlogbundle.tar.gz on the respective meeting server.

Note: Each time this command is executed the latest log bundle
replaces the log bundle that was generated earlier.

Download the log bundle using the steps mentioned below:

1. Connect your SFTP client to the IP address of the MMP.
2. Log in using the credentials of an MMP admin user.
3. Run one of these commands in the location where the log bundle must be downloaded:
a. sftp get logbundle.tar.gz
b. sftp get generatedlogbundle.tar.gz
4. Copy the file logbundle.tar.gz/generatedlogbundle.tar.gz to a local folder.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 65

12 Miscellaneous Commands

5. Rename the file, changing the logbundle part of the filename to identify which server
produced the file. This is important in a multi-server deployment.
6. Send the renamed file to your Cisco Support contact for analysis.

Initial file size of the log bundle.tar.gz is 1 Kb, after transfer via SFTP the size will increase
depending on the number of files and their size.

Note: In the event that you are not able to download the logbundle due to a slow network
connection between a computer and the Meeting Server, you can download the log and
live.json files to send to Cisco Support.

12.8 Disk Space Usage

Command/Examples Description/Notes

df Displays disk usage for both the MMP and MODULE 0 as the percentage
usage per partition and the percentage inode usage.

12.9 Backup and Restore System Configuration

Note: Backup commands are also available on the virtualized solution.

Command/Examples Description/Notes

backup list Displays a list of any backup files on the server.

backup snapshot <name> Creates a full Meeting Server snapshot. A file <name>.bak is created
for download over SFTP. We strongly recommend using this command
regularly. The file name can have a maximum character limit of 256.

backup rollback <name> Restores the system for the backed up server, this involves rolling back
the configuration for the server. If not already on the Meeting Server
the backup file must be uploaded to the Meeting Server using SFTP
prior to running this rollback command. The file name can have a
maximum character limit of 256.
Note: This command overwrites the existing configuration as well as
the license.dat file and all certificates and private keys on the system
and reboots the Meeting Server. Therefore it should be used with
caution. If you restore this backup to another server, you must copy
your existing license.dat file and certificates beforehand because they
will be overwritten during the backup rollback process. The license.dat
file is keyed to the servers MAC address so will fail when restored from
a backup from another server and will need to be replaced after the
server is back online.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 66

12 Miscellaneous Commands

12.10 Upgrading the Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

upgrade [<filename>] Upgrades the Meeting Server. You must have uploaded the image file of
the version that you want to upgrade to before issuing this command.
When upgrading, a full system backup is created automatically. The
backup name is derived from the current software version. For example,
if the upgrade is from R2.9 to R3.0, the backup will be called 2_9.bak.
The default filename if one is not provided is upgrade.img
From version 3.0 this command performs signature and integrity checks
before proceeding with upgrading Meeting Server with the specified
image. The checks will be carried out even if the upgrade <name>
verify command has been previously run on that image. Updated from
version 3.0.
From version 3.7, Meeting Server identifies if the database cluster is
enabled in the server configuration and accordingly notifies the user to
uncluster the nodes before upgrading. Users can choose to abort the
upgrade process by pressing CTRL+C within 20 seconds.

upgrade <filename> [no- Use with caution.


upgrade list To get a list of the upgrade images on the system

upgrade delete <name> Upgrade images persist until they are deleted using SFTP or this CLI
upgrade delete upgrade.img command

upgrade <filename> verify Carries out all the integrity and signature checks normally done during
upgrade, but does not proceed with the upgrade. This command can
also be used to display the image type. Added from version 3.0.

authenticity Displays all information relating to software authenticity: how the run-
ning image was validated (key type and name), and the public keys cur-
rently loaded along with their details (type, name and source). It also
displays whether the keys are trusted: if a SPECIAL key is installed,
whether its signature has been verified with the MASTER key (other
keys are internal and always trusted). Added from version 3.0.

authenticity key add Installs a SPECIAL key. Only one SPECIAL key may be installed at a
<key-file> time. Added from version 3.0.

authenticity key none Removes the SPECIAL key currently installed. This command must be
used to remove a key before installing another, or when the key is no
longer in use. Added from version 3.0.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 67

12 Miscellaneous Commands

12.11 Resetting the Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

factory_reset (full|app) The "full" option removes all user configuration: any credentials
installed on the system will be lost. Afterwards, you must deploy the
Meeting Server again.
The "app" option removes Active Directory sync data and space
(coSpace), Lync and SIP configuration; but MMP configuration
After the command completes, the system will reboot.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 68

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

All MMP commands associated with the features and components that removed from Meeting
Server in 3.0 removed as follows:
l H.323 gateway commands (h323_gateway)
l Web Bridge 2 commands (webbridge)
l XMPP server commands (xmpp)
l XMPP multi-domains commands (xmpp multi_domain)
l XMPP resiliency commands (xmpp cluster)
l Load Balancer commands (loadbalancer)
l Trunk commands (trunk)
l SIP edge commands (sipedge and edge-related callbridge)
l Recorder and Streamer commands dependent upon XMPP
l MMP commands applicable to X-series server

Table 1: Removed commands for configuring the Meeting Server

Command/Examples Description/Notes

health Displays temperatures, voltages and other health

information about the Meeting Server.
Note: The health command is not available on a
virtualized deployment.

callbridge trust xmpp <trusted xmpp Configures the Call Bridge to use a particular allowed
certificate allowed list list of certificates to validate the identity of the XMPP
servers. (From version 2.4)

callbridge trust xmpp none Removes the XMPP certificate allowed list from the
Call Bridge trust store. (From version 2.4)

Table 2: Removed XMPP server commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp Displays the current configuration

xmpp status
xmpp restart Restarts the XMPP server
xmpp domain <domain-name> Creates a component secret for the XMPP server

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 1

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp listen <interface allowed Sets up an allowed list of interfaces to listen on. You must
list|none> enable the service in order to start listening with the
command xmpp enable
Stops the XMPP server listening

xmpp listen a b
xmpp listen none

xmpp (enable|disable) Enables or disables the XMMP server

xmpp certs <key-file> <crt-file> Defines the name of the key file and certificate file for the
[<crt-bundle>] XMPP server, and optionally, a CA certificate bundle as
provided by your CA.

xmpp certs none Removes certificate configuration

xmpp motd add <message> Configures a "message of the day" which will be displayed
when Cisco Meeting App or XMPP clients log in. ""

xmpp motd del Removes the message of the day.

Alternatively, a message no larger than 2048 characters

can be configured by copying a file by SFTP to
Modifying the xmpp.motd in any way causes the XMPP
server to restart.

Note: motd commands are only supported on Meeting

App versions prior to version 1.9.

xmpp max_sessions <number> Limits the number of simultaneous XMPP sessions that an
individual user can have with the XMPP server (and hence,
the number of simultaneous logins). This prevents a single
user from exhausting system resources.

xmpp max_sessions none Removes any restriction on the XMPP sessions per user.

xmpp max_sessions 3 If the expectation is that a user will have at most an iPad,
iPhone and PC login, then set the maximum sessions to

These xmpp callbridge commands are explained in the

Scalability & Resilience Deployment Guide

xmpp callbridge add <component Configures the XMPP server to allow connections from a
name> new Call Bridge. Note: a secret will be generated, this is
required if you set up XMPP resiliency. Now go to the Web
Admin Interface on that Call Bridge and configure it to
connect to the XMPP server.

xmpp callbridge del <component Stops a Call Bridge from accessing the XMPP server.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 2

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp callbridge list For each Call Bridge lists the domain, component_secret
and connection status

xmpp callbridge add-secret Required for XMPP resiliency. Used to add to the other
<callbridge> nodes in the XMPP cluster, the secrets generated from
connecting the Call Bridges to the first node in the cluster.

xmpp reset Returns an XMPP server to a standalone configuration

(removes any Call Bridges that have been added). Only use
this command if you need to restart configuration.

Table 3: Removed loadbalancer commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

loadbalancer list [<tag>] Lists the all the load balancer configurations or, if tag is
provided, just that load balancer’s configuration

loadbalancer (enable|disable) <tag> Enables or disables the load balancer

loadbalancer enable exampleEdge Note that the public port (see below) is not opened until
there are trunks to service connections.

loadbalancer create <tag> Creates a load balancer

loadbalancer create exampleEdge

loadbalancer trunk <tag> <iface> Configures the trunk interface and port
loadbalancer trunk exampleEdge a:3999 Configures the public interface and port (for accepting
loadbalancer public <tag> <iface> client connections)
[:<port allowed list>] In a common edge deployment, the Web Bridge is also
loadbalancer public exampleEdge b:5222 enabled and needs to make use of a Core to Edge trunk.
loadbalancer public exampleEdge b:5222 To allow this, configure the loopback interface as a public
lo:5222 interface

loadbalancer auth <tag> <key-file> Configures the private key and certificate used to
<cert-file> <trust-bundle> authenticate to the trunk, and the trusted certificates
loadbalancer auth exampleEdge acano.key which may be presented by the trunk.
acano.crt trust.pem If a trunk presents any of the certificates in the trust
bundle when creating the TLS connection and the trunk
accepts the certificate that the load balancer presents,
then the connection will succeed. Specifically, if the trust
bundle contains a valid chain of certificates, with the
presented certificate issued by a CA at the end of the
chain, then authentication will succeed. Otherwise, the
connection will be rejected. In particular, if self-signed
certificates are used, then the public certificate can be
put into the trust bundle and authentication will succeed.

loadbalancer delete <tag> Deletes the load balancer configuration.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 3

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Table 4: Removed Trunk commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

trunk list [<tag>] Lists the all the Core configurations or, if tag is
provided, just that Core’s configuration

trunk (enable|disable) <tag> Enables or disables the Core

trunk create <tag> <port or service Creates a trunk instance for XMPP.
trunk create trunktoExampleEdge xmpp

trunk edge <tag> <edge name|ip Configures the domain name or IP address of the
address>[:<port>] Edge to trunk to. Note that the domain name could
resolve to multiple IP addresses. In that case, a
connection is attempted to all addresses. If no port is
specified, it is assumed that the port can be
discovered by a DNS SRV lookup of the domain

trunk auth <tag> <key-file> <cert- Configures the private key and certificate used to
file> <trust-bundle> authenticate to the Edge server, and the trusted
certificates which may be presented by the Edge

trunk delete <tag> Deletes the Core configuration.

trunk debug <tag> This command is only to be used under the guidance
of Cisco Support. The diagnostics show:
l the DNS results for the Edge server name
l attempts to create the TLS connection and
authenticate to each address
l if successful, debug information from the Core
server, including:
l a list of "Core" connections (trunk to Edge
server connections) to the Edge server in

l the client connections currently being

serviced by that Edge server
l memory usage statistics for the Edge server

Table 5: Removed commands for supporting XMPP multi-domains

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 4

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp multi_domain add <domain name> Add another domain that the XMPP server will listen
<key-file> <crt-file> [<crt-bundle>] to. Specify the private key, certificate and optional
certificate bundle as provided by the CA. Restart the
XMPP server for this change to take effect. Note: the
XMPP server will not start if the private key or
certificate files are missing or invalid.

xmpp multi_domain del <domain name> Delete the domain that the XMPP server listens to.

xmpp multi_domain list List the domain that the XMPP server listens to.

Table 6: Removed XMPP resiliency commands

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp cluster enable|disable Enables/disables XMPP clustering. Enabling the

XMPP cluster must be done before enabling XMPP
on a node. If xmpp cluster is disabled and xmpp is
started, this will start the xmpp server in standalone

xmpp cluster trust <trustbundle.pem> Specifies the bundle of certificates that will be
trusted by the xmpp cluster. The <trustbundle.pem>
should contain all of the certificates for the xmpp
servers in the cluster. The certificates must already
have been applied to the xmpp servers using
the xmpp certs command. This mechanism ensures
that the different xmpp nodes in the cluster trust
each other, and enables the failover operation and
the forwarding of traffic between nodes.

xmpp cluster status Reports the live state of the xmpp cluster. If the
cluster has failed, then this command will return the
statistics of the xmpp server running on this Meeting
Server only. Use this command to try and help
diagnose connectivity problems.

xmpp cluster initialize Initializes a cluster. This command will create a 1

node live xmpp cluster, you can join other nodes
(xmpp servers) to this cluster.

xmpp cluster join <cluster> Add this node to the cluster. <cluster> is the IP
address of the first node in the cluster (see command
xmpp cluster initialize).

xmpp cluster remove Remove this node from the cluster. This requires the
node to be running.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 5

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

xmpp cluster remove <node> Removes the specified node from the cluster, where
<node> is either the IP address or a domain name for
the node. This allows you to remove a node from the
cluster if the node is unresponsive.

xmpp callbridge add-secret Add Call Bridge secret to XMPP server. Used to
<callbridge> configure the other nodes with the secrets created
when connecting the Call Bridges to the first XMPP
Please enter a secret: <secret>
server node in the cluster.
This command allows a Call Bridge to share
credentials with many XMPP servers.

Table 7: Removed Web Bridge commands (for setting up legacy Web Bridge 2)

Command/Examples Description/Notes

webbridge restart Restarts the Web Bridge

webbridge status Displays the current configuration

webbridge listen <a|b|c|d|none Sets up the interface(s) and port(s) for the Web Bridge to
[:<port>] allowed list> listen on. You must enable the service to start listening with
webbridge listen a b the command webbridge enable. The default for the optional
port argument is 443.

webbridge listen none Stops the Web Bridge listening.

webbridge (enable|disable) Enables or disables the Web Bridge

webbridge certs <keyfile-name> Provides the name of the key file and .crt file for the Web
<crt filename> [<crt-bundle>] Bridge and, optionally, a CA certificate bundle as provided by
your CA

webbridge certs none Removes certificate configuration

webbridge clickonce <url|none> Defines the clickonce link location. The url must be prefixed
by http://, https:// or ftp:// and be a valid url. If a user follows
a call invite link or coSpace web link (e.g. using
Internet Explorer (the only browser that we support for
clickonce), then we will attempt to redirect the user to the
configured clickonce location, rather than using the default.
When this redirect occurs, the PC Client starts automatically
(or is downloaded if it is not already installed) and the
call/coSpace will be dialed.

webbridge clickonce none Disables all clickonce redirect behavior

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 6

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

webbridge msi (<url>|none) Configures the download locations for Windows msi, Mac
webbridge dmg (<url>|none) OSX dmg and iOS installers which are presented to WebRTC
webbridge ios (<url>|none) users

webbridge ios none To deconfigure, use the appropriate command with the para-
meter none

webbridge trust <crt-bundle|crt- Controls which Call Bridge instances are allowed to
file> configure guest accounts and customizations (like
webbridge trust none background image).
If the trusted Call Bridge is running on the same server as the
Web Bridge, then issuing the webbridge trust command with
the name of the Call Bridge public certificate/certificate
bundle is sufficient. If the Call Bridge is running on another
server, the public certificate/certificate bundle of the Call
Bridge must first be copied to the Web Bridge server using
Note: In clustered Call Bridge deployments, if the Call
Bridges have different certificates then combine the
certificates into one bundle.

webbridge trust xmpp <trusted Configures the Web Bridge to use a particular allowed list of
xmpp certificate allowed list> certificates to validate the identity of the XMPP servers.
(From version 2.4)

webbridge trust xmpp none Removes the XMPP certificate allowed list from the Web
Bridge trust store. (From version 2.4)

webbridge http-redirect Enables/disables HTTP redirects


webbridge url-redirect Configures the URL redirect location. To deconfigure, use

(<url>|none) the command with the parameter none

webbridge options <feature_name1 Switches on the specified features, if more than one feature
feature_name2> is to be enabled then separate the feature_names with a
space. Only use this command under instruction from Cisco
webbridge options cma.webrtc.ios
Support or Cisco EFT. These features are not suitable for
production use.
The features will remain enabled across reboots, but will be
automatically cleared when using the upgrade command.
(From version 2.5).

webbridge options none Switches off all features that were previously switched on
using the webbridge options <feature_name> com-
mand. Only use under instruction from Cisco Support or
Cisco EFT. (From version 2.5).

Table 8: Removed commands to configure the SIP Edge component

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 7

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

callbridge add edge <ip Adds the SIP Edge for the Call Bridge to use.

callbridge del edge Removes the SIP Edge

callbridge trust edge <certificate Specify a certificate for the Call Bridge to trust for
file> connections to and from the SIP Edge. This is the
certificate of the SIP Edge.

sipedge private <interface>:<port> Specify the internal interface and port for connections
to and from the Call Bridge

sipedge public <interface>:<port> Specify the external interface and port for
connections to and from external systems

sipedge public-ip <address> Configure or remove the NAT address that the SIP
Edge can be reached at.
sipedge public-ip none

sipedge certs <key-file> <crt-file> Configure the private key and certificate for the SIP
<trusted-bundle> Edge along with a bundle of trusted certificates for the
connection from the Call Bridge

sipedge enable Enables or disables the SIP Edge component

sipedge disable

sipedge restart Restarts the SIP Edge component. Use this command
after you have changed the certificates on the SIP
edge. Do not use this command when important calls
are active.

Table 9: Removed commands to configure the Meeting Server to accept and send H.323 calls

Command/Examples Description/Notes

h323_gateway The gateway will not start unless it is configured properly.


h323_gateway certs <keyfile> Defines the name of the private key file and .crt file for the
<certificate file> [<cert- H.323 Gateway application and, optionally, a CA certificate
bundle>] bundle as provided by your CA. (Also see the section
Provisioning with Certificates.)

h323_gateway certs none Removes certificate configuration

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 8

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

h323_gateway h323_nexthop Connect to this IP address for all outgoing H.323 calls and let
<host/ip> the device at this IP address handle the routing. If this address
h323_gateway del h323_nexthop is not set, only IP dialing works.
Typically this IP address is a Cisco VCS/Polycom DMA, and an
H.323 trunk is established between the Cisco Meeting Server
H.323 Gateway and the third party device (H.323 Gatekeeper).
The H.323 Gateway does not register with the device, just
forwards calls to them – the device will need to be configured
appropriately to accept these calls.

h323_gateway default_uri <uri> Optional. If an incoming H.323 call has no destination

h323_gateway del default_uri (normally only the case when the H.323 Gateway has been
dialed by an IP address) the SIP call is made to whatever
default_uri is set. The default_uri may point to an IVR, or
directly into a coSpace. If it is not set, the call is rejected.

h323_gateway sip_domain <uri> Optional. If an incoming H.323 call is made to the gateway
without a domain in the destination address, @<sip_domain>
h323_gateway del sip_domain
will be appended to the destination address before the SIP call
to the Call Bridge is made.

h323_gateway sip_domain_strip If set to "yes" and "h323_gateway sip_domain" is set, when a

<yes/no> SIP call is made to the gateway the @<sip_domain> will be
stripped from the source address (if present) before making
the H.323 call.

h323_gateway h323_domain <uri> Optional. If an H.323 call is made to the gateway without
including a domain in the source address, @<h323_domain>
h323_gateway del h323_domain
will be appended to the source address before the SIP call is

h323_gateway h323_domain_strip If set to "yes" and "h323_gateway h323_domain" is set, when

<yes/no> a SIP call is made to the gateway the @<h323_domain> will be
stripped from the destination address (if present) before
making the H.323 call.

h323_gateway h323_interfaces Must be configured in order for gateway to start, but the actual
<interface list> setting is currently ignored.
h323_gateway sip_interfaces
<interface list>

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 9

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command/Examples Description/Notes

h323_gateway sip_port <port> Ports for the SIP side to listen on. The default is 6061.
Note: if you wish to change the default port from 6061, and if
the H.323 Gateway and Call Bridge are on the same server,
make sure you avoid port 5061 which is used by the Call
Bridge. Changes do not take place until the gateway is
The H.323 Gateway always expects TLS connections;
therefore, "Encrypted" should be selected on outbound dial
plan rules on the Call Bridge

h323_gateway sip_proxy <uri> Set this to the IP address of the Call Bridge, or for multiple Call
Bridges use the domain name (through DNS). All incoming
H.323 calls will be directed to this uri
If the Call Bridge and the H.323 Gateway are on the same host
then use IP address If the Call Bridge and the H.323
Gateway are on different hosts then use the IP address of the
Call Bridge.

h323_gateway restrict_codecs If set to yes, the H.323 Gateway is limited to a safe set of
<yes/no> codecs that are less likely to cause interoperability problems.
Currently this set is G.711/G.722/G.728/H.261/H.263/
Codecs disabled by this feature are G.722.1 and AAC.

h323_gateway disable_content If set to yes, H.239 content is disabled.


h323_gateway trace_level <level> Provides additional logging to aid troubleshooting by Cisco

support. You may be asked to provide traces for levels 0, 1, 2
or 3.

Table 10: Removed XMPP recorder commands

Command Description

recorder listen <a|b|c|d|lo|none Sets up the interface(s) and port(s) for the Recorder to
[:<port>] allowed list> listen on. You must enable the service to start listening with
recorder listen a b the command recorder enable. The default for the optional
port argument is 443.

recorder listen none Stops the Recorder listening.

recorder certs <keyfile-name>

<crt filename> [<crt-bundle>] Provides the name of the key file and .crt file for the
Recorder and, optionally, a CA certificate bundle as
provided by your CA

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 10

Appendix A Version 3.0 MMP command removal

Command Description

streamer certs none Deprecated from version 3.0(Beta2).

Removes certificate configuration

recorder certs none Removes certificate configuration

streamer trust <crt-bundle|crt- Controls which Call Bridge instances are allowed to
file> connect to the Recorder.
If the trusted Call Bridge is running on the same server as
the Recorder, then issuing the recorder trust command with
the name of the Call Bridge public certificate/certificate
bundle is sufficient. If the Call Bridge is running on another
server, the public certificate/certificate bundle of the Call
Bridge must first be copied to the server with the enabled
Recorder using SFTP.

Table 11: Removed XMPP streamer commands

Command Description

streamer listen <a|b|c|d|lo|none Sets up the interface(s) and port(s) for the Streamer to
[:<port>] allowed list> listen on. You must enable the service to start listening with
recorder listen a b the command streamer enable. The default for the optional
port argument is 443.

streamer certs none Removes certificate configuration

streamer certs <keyfile-name> Provides the name of the key file and .crt file for the
<crt filename> [<crt-bundle>] Streamer and, optionally, a CA certificate bundle as
provided by your CA

streamer trust <crt-bundle|crt- Controls which Call Bridge instances are allowed to
file> connect to the streamer.
If the trusted Call Bridge is running on the same server as
the streamer, then issuing the streamer trust command with
the name of the Call Bridge public certificate/certificate
bundle is sufficient. If the Call Bridge is running on another
server, the public certificate/certificate bundle of the Call
Bridge must first be copied to the server with the enabled
streamer using SFTP.

streamer trust none Deconfigures any trust settings.

streamer listen <a|b|c|d|lo|none Sets up the interface(s) and port(s) for the Streamer to
[:<port>] allowed list> listen on. You must enable the service to start listening with
recorder listen a b the command streamer enable. The default for the optional
port argument is 443.

Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 11

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The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program
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Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 12

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Cisco Meeting Server Release 3.7 : MMP Command Line Reference 13

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