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Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 20212021
6-10 October
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Organised by the National Group of Greece of IAEG

Congress Secretariat: 20, Eftichidou str, 11635, Athens, Greece •

Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Thank you to our sponsors

Under the auspices

Endorsed by

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is with great honor and responsibility to organize the 3rd European Regional
Conference of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the
Environment (IAEG) in Athens but also host the IAEG official meetings for 2021.
A regional conference of IAEG in Europe is essential for our International Association,
since almost half of IAEG National Groups and members come from the European
continent. Hence, the re-activation of the European Regional Conference (ERC) of
IAEG, to be taking place every 2 years, was proposed by Vassilis Marinos and Eugene
Vosnesensky- Vice Presidents for Europe. The last (2nd ERC) was held in Madrid back
in 2006. Therefore, when the IAEG National Group of Greece in collaboration with
IAEG’s Vice Presidents for Europe requested to organize the 3rd ERC in Athens Greece in
September 2020, EuroEngeo2020 was initiated.
My intention was to thoroughly discuss several issues regarding the promotion of
IAEG and to encourage the advancement of Engineering Geology in our region. As
part of this effort, several visits were scheduled in order to meet the presidents and
representatives of the IAEG coming from certain National Groups. Fortunately, most of
the promotional visits for IAEG were physically carried out in several countries, before
the imposed lockdowns in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while others were
eventually rescheduled in accordance with travel restrictions. Multiple meetings and
fruitful discussions took place during my visits in the European region.
We discussed about “Engineering Geology core values” and the trend of deviation of
Engineering Geology, as seen internationally. Cases are observed with departure from
the common ground in Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics.
Hence, an overall highlight from the meetings was that the definition and scope of
Engineering Geology needs to be revisited and revised. What happens so often to the
Geology that may be eclipsing in Engineering Geology? Where is the integration of
Geology to Engineering as seen in the research papers or applied papers in journals?
Such questions and more led to the idea of holding such conference, to service as a
productive and educative channel into validating, reconsidering and/or renewing our
values and definitions.
Meanwhile, the Covid-19 crisis came to our lives and we had to postpone the conference.
Twice. Still, the main goal of the IAEG and the organizing committee of the conference
was to host an event with physical presence and face to face effective discussions. We
defended this decision with all the uncertainties and risks. Given the latest hygiene
conditions and offered possibilities, the solution to make a hybrid event comprising both
in-person conference and plenary sessions in live streaming, was then established.
The conference aims to bring together leading experts from academia and the
industry in order to highlight the current milestones and analysis regarding the fields
of Engineering Geology and Geohazards. Solutions are proposed on preventing and
tackling challenges relating to landslides and geotechnical failures of all kinds, by
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

using new technological techniques and innovations. The global development of land
uses which have been inaccessible until recently, and the realization of demanding
infrastructure projects, bring focus to the topics of Geohazards and Geo-Engineering
risks. Research advancements and the study of the construction of tunnels is always
showcased. It is an object of ours with a lasting character.
Finally, another core subject present in the IAEG Conference is the role of Engineering
Geology in Geotechnical Engineering, as well as the respective environmental
In this point, we would like to sincerely thank all our Sponsors for contributing to
the organization of the EuroEngeo2020. The support of many companies was very
important due to the uncertainties we have been facing in organizing the conference.
The engineering geological - engineering community embraced our conference.
The Conference has been put under the aegis of the Ministry of Infrastructure
and Transport and the support of the City of Athens. Realization of the conference
objectives is underlined through the special interest shown by Ministry, Universities,
Institutes and Private Companies. We are grateful to them.
The Organizing committee is indebted to the International Association of Engineering
Geology, the President Rafig Azzam and the Secretary Faquan Wu for their support
and cooperation. Sincere thanks are expressed to the members of the Advisory and
Scientific Committee. We carry also our great gratitude to the participants, authors,
invited lecturers and chairmen for their contributions.
To organise a hybrid event is a real challenge in these times. There are many
opportunities to promote IAEG through hybrid events like this. Our wish though, is
to meet all again in person, discuss new ideas, create wonderful memories and built
stronger relations for well promoting IAEG. We are really happy to achieve an IAEG
event in person in Europe and we welcome all of you that came physically in Athens or
convene with us virtually.

With many thanks and gratitude,

Vassilis P. Marinos
Chairman of the 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG
Vice President of the IAEG for Europe

Organizing Committee
Vassilis Marinos Chairman of the Conference – Vice President of IAEG for Europe
Constantinos Loupasakis Co-Chairman of the Conference – President of Greek NG of IAEG
Charalambos Saroglou Co-Chairman of the Conference – Secretary of Greek NG of IAEG
Georgios Stoumpos Secretary of the Conference – NG of IAEG
Andreas Kaplanidis Treasurer of the Conference – NG of IAEG
Rafig Azzam President of IAEG – Germany
Faquan Wu Secretary of IAEG – China
Eugene Vosnesensky Vice President of IAEG for Europe-Russia
Louise Vick Chairman of YEG of IAEG – Norway
Stratis Karantanellis IAEG NG of Greece – YEG Chair
George Papathanassiou IAEG NG of Greece
Nikos Depountis IAEG NG of Greece

Advisory Committee
Ferentinou Maria Representative of IAEG NG of South Africa
Fleurisson Jean–Alain Treasurer of IAEG – France
Giordan Daniele President of Italian NG of IAEG
Hutchinson Jean Vice President of IAEG for N. America
Johnson Doug Vice President of IAEG for Australasia – IAEG NG of New Zealand
Kazilis Nikos IAEG NG of Greece
Kurosch Thuro Representative of IAEG NG of Germany
Reeves Helen Representative of IAEG NG of UK
Stavropoulou Maria IAEG NG of Greece
Ulusay Resat Editor in chief of BOEG- President of ISRM – IAEG NG of Turkey
Verhoef Peter Representative of IAEG NG of Nederland
Vlachopoulos Nikos Representative of IAEG NG of Canada
Waeber Julien Representative of IAEG NG of USA
Zanglern Christian Representative of IAEG NG of Austria
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel
Scientific Committee
Abolmasov Biljana Marinos Vassilis
Alexiadou Chara Mark Eggers
Ann Williams Mavrouli Olga
Azzam Rafig Mazzanti Paolo
Baynes Fred Murphy Bill
Benardos Andreas Ngan-Tillard Dominique
Bozzano Francesca Nikolaou Nikolaos
Burns Scott F. Nomikos Pavlos
Christaras Vassilis Nomikou Paraskevi
Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou Oliveira Ricardo
Cohen-Waeber Julien Papathanassiou George
Dahal Ranjan Kumar Papoutsis Ioannis
Delgado Carlos Parharidis Isaak
Depountis Nikos Perleros Vassilis
Dong, Jia-Jyun Rozos Dimitrios
Evelpidou Niki Sabatakakis Nikos
Giordan Daniele Saroglou Charalambos
Gkanas Athanassios Simeon Abam Tamunoene Kingdom
Gouvailas Alkis Stavropoulou Maria
Huiming Tang Steiakakis Manolis
Hutchinson Jean Stoumbos George
Jang Bo-An Torok Akos
Kaplanidis Andreas Ulusay Resat
Kazilis Nikos Vassilakis Manolis
Kiril Angelov Verhoef Peter
Kontoes Charalampos Vick Louise
Kosović, Ivan Vilneuve Marlene
Koukis George Vlachopoulos Nikos
Kurosch Thuro Vosnesensky Eugene
Lawrence James Wasoski Janusz
Lekkas Efthimios Wu Faquan
Lollino Giorgio Yiouta-Mitra Paraskevi
Loupasakis Constantinos Zanglern Christian
Marinos Paul

Dr. Dominique Ngan-Tillard

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology

Dr. Christian Zangerl

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
(BOKU), Institute of Applied Geology Department of Civil
Engineering and Natural Hazards

Professor D. Jean Hutchinson

Department of Geological Engineering at Queen’s
University, Kingston, Canada

Professor Reşat Ulusay

Department of Geological Engineering, Hacettepe
University and Middle East Technical University (METU),
Ankara, Turkey

Dr. Helen Reeves

Senior Associate Director for Engineering Geology, Jacobs

Professor Kurosch Thuro

Department of Engineering Geology, Technical University
of Munich, Germany
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Professor Simon Löw

Chair for Engineering Geology, Department of Earth
Sciences ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

Professor Eugene A. Voznesensky

Department of Engineering and Environmental Geology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Adjunct Professor Jonny Sjöberg

Department of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden General Manager,
Itasca Consultants AB, Sweden

Dr. Janusz Wasowski

Senior geologist at CNR-IRPI (National Research Council -
Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection) in Bari, Italy

Professor Neil Dixon

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering in the School
of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering at
Loughborough University, UK

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

6 October 2021 7 October 2021 8 October 2021
Room 1 2 1 2 1 2 3
Pre-conference workshops

09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony

Simon Loew - The biggest challenges in landslide

hazard analysis and mitigation.
10:00-10:45 RWP Winner Presentation
Richard Walters
prize contest (RWP)

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Exhibition - Posters Coffee Break

Janusz Wasowski
Christian Zangerl -
- Recent advances in
11:00-11:30 Investigation, monitoring
Remote Sensing for use
and modelling of landslides
in Engineering Geology
11:30-12:30 Recent Αdvances in
Analysis and Mitigation of Geomatics and Remote
Executive Office Meeting


12:30-13:00 Geohazards Sensing for use in

Engineering Geology
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break Lunch Break Exhibition - Posters Lunch Break
Council Meeting

Jonny Sjoberg -
Kurosch Thuro - Hazard
Engineering Geology
assessment and monitoring
for Civil and Mining
of landslide prone areas in
14:00-15:45 Engineering — Case
Medellín, Colombia
Examples from Sweden

Analysis and Μitigation of Engineering Geology for

Geo-hazards Engineering Works
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break Exhibition - Posters Coffee Break
Analysis and Μitigation of Engineering Geology for
16:30-18:00 Geo-hazards Engineering Works

18:00-19:00 IAEG Commissions Meetings YEG social event

20:00 Executive Office Dinner Council Dinner Official Dinner
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Saturday, Sunday,
9 October 2021 10 October 2021
1 2 3 4 1
Dominique NganTillard - Reşat Ulusay -Standardization

Field Trips - Technical visits

Engineering geology applied to and future trends in rock
archaeology at risk across the characterization and testing in Engineering Geology for
Dutch plain and archives geo-engineering Engineering Works (virtual
Engineering Geology and Characterisation and Behaviour
Cultural Heritage Protection of Soils and Rocks

Exhibition - Posters Coffee Break

Neil Dixon -Delivering Eugene A. Voznesensky -
sustainable infrastructure: Characterization and Behaviour
Global challenges, geosynthetic of Soils: Actual Objectives and
solutions and counting carbon Requirements
Analysis and Mitigation of
Geohazards (virtual only)
Environmental Engineering
Characterisation and Behaviour
Geology- Engineering Geology
of Soils and Rocks
for Engineering Works

Exhibition - Posters Lunch Break

Helen Reeves - Can Εngineering Jean Hutchinson - The
geologist contribute to importance of ground
international agendas truthing Engineering
& fundamental societial Geology innovations for Rock
Advances in Site Investigation challenges? Slope stability management
for Engineering Geology
Engineering Geology for the
Analysis and Mitigation of
Society & Engineering Geology
Geohazards (virtual only)
for Urban Environment

Exhibition - Posters Coffee Break

Characterisation and Behaviour
Environmental Engineering
of Soils and Rocks & Aggregates
and Construction Materials
Closing Ceremony

Keynote Lecture Conference session



09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony

Vassilios Marinos Chairman of the 3rd European Regional Conference of
Rafig Azzam IAEG President
Eugene Voznesensky IAEG VP Europe
Constantinos Loupasakis President of IAEG National Group of Greece
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Andreas Boudouvis Rector of NTUA
Evangelos Sapountzakis Vice rector of NTUA
Costas Papazachos President of the Department of Geology of the University
of Thessaloniki
Paris Xypolias President of the Department of Geology of the University
of Patras
Nikolaos Kouretas CEO and Vice chairman of the board of ATTIKO METRO S.A.
Evangelos Vlachos Representing the Municipality of Athens
Ioannis Fikiris Brief presentation of the World Tunnelling Conference in
Athens in 2023 (WTC2023
09:45-10:20 Opening Lecture: Simon Loew
The biggest challenges in landslide hazard analysis and mitigation
10:20-10:45 RWP Winner Presentation
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
11:00-13:00 Analysis and Mitigation of Geohazards
Chairs: Exarchou A., Depountis N.
11:00-11:30 Key Lecture: Christian Zangerl
Investigation, monitoring and modelling of landslides
11:30-11:45 Rock mass characterisation for rock slope instabilities using aerial
photogrammetry and 3D Point Cloud Model interpretation
C. Saroglou, D. Kong, F. Wu, V. Kallimogiannis, A. Tsirogianni, N. Bar
11:45-12:00 Investigation of deep geohazard sites with seismic and ambient noise
methods, combined with 3D Geomodelling
Hans-Balder Havenith, Lena Cauchie, Anne-Sophie Mreyen
12:00-12:15 Rockfalls occurrence administration along with the road network: an operative
methodology for local standardized management in alpine territory
Daniele Giordan, Martina Cignetti, Danilo Godone, Davide Bertolo, Marco Paganone
12:15-12:30 Implementing a novel ANN ensemble model based on machine learning
models for landslide susceptibility mapping
Paraskevas Tsangaratos, Anastasios Balampanis, Constantinos Loupasakis
12:30-12:45 Spatial characteristics of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation case
in Taiwan: insights from long-term, multiple types of geodetic surveys
Pai Chiao Lo, Ya Chu Chiu, Tai Tien Wang, Wei Lo
12:45-13:00 Sponsor Presentation - Metrica
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break - Exibition & Posters
14:00-16:00 Analysis and Mitigation of Geohazards
Chairs: Wasowksi J., Loupasakis K.
14:00-14:30 Key Lecture: Kurosch Thuro
Hazard assessment and monitoring of landslide prone areas in Medellín,
PROGRAM Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021



14:30-14:45 A multi-instrument and multidisciplinary landslide assessment:

The case of Monesi Landslide, Ligurian Alps (NW Italy)
Davide Notti, Aleksandra Wrzesniak, Niccolò Dematteis, Piernicola Lollino, Nunzio
Luciano Fazio, Francesco Zucca, and Daniele Giordan
14:45-15:00 Geohazard evaluation in central Nepal Himalaya with focus on landslide
Prem Bahadur Thapa
15:00-15:15 Real-time monitoring of landslides with the use of inclinometer and GNSS
Nikolaos Depountis, Katerina Kavoura, Nikolaos Sabatakakis,
Panagiotis Argyrakis, Kostas Chousianitis, George Drakatos
15:15-15:30 The application of empirical rainfall thresholds towards shallow
landslide probability estimation in fire-affected areas
Spyridon Lainas, Nikolaos Depountis, Nicholas Sabatakakis
15:30-15:45 Deep and remote monitoring approaches of large slope instabilities in Upper
Graveglia Valley (Ligurian Apennine, Italy)
Danilo Godone, Paolo Allasia, Marco Baldo, Davide Notti, Giorgio Lollino,
Francesco Faccini, Franco Marco Elter, Federico Mantovani, Flavio Poggi
15:45-16:00 Forest Fires’ impact on Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
Constantinos Nefros, Constantinos Loupasakis, Gianna Kitsara
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
16:15-18:00 Analysis and Mitigation of Geohazards
Chairs: Thuro K., Saroglou C.
16:15-16:30 Liquefaction phenomena triggered by the March 2021, Thessaly, Greece
seismic sequence
George Papathanassiou, Sotiris Valkaniotis, Athanassios Ganas, Riccardo Caputo
16:30-16:45 Vulnerability of road infrastructure exposed to earthquake-induced
landslides: a case study from Lefkada island, Greece
Sotirios A Argyroudis, George Papathanassiou, Sotiris Valkaniotis,
Vassilis Marinos, Mike G Winter
16:45-17:00 Effect of temperature on the evolution of post-earthquake landslides
Marco Loche, Luigi Lombardo, Ali P. Yunus, Filippo Catani, Hakan Tanyaş,
William Frodella, Xuanmei Fan, Gianvito Scaringi
17:00-17:15 State of knowledge delineation of Deep-seated Gravitational Slope
Deformation impact on anthropic elements: the Western Italian Alps case
Martina Cignetti, Danilo Godone, Francesco Zucca, Davide Bertolo, Daniele Giordan
17:15-17:30 Earthquake - induced landslides in the island of Lefkada triggered by the
November 17, 2015 event and assessment of landslide susceptibility
Aglaia Matsakou, Vassilis Marinos, George Papathanassiou, Sotirios Valkaniotis
Athanasios Ganas
17:30-17:45 Assessing the effect of the coefficients of restitution on rockfall trajectory
Pavlos Asteriou
17:45-18:00 Development of a web-based landslide inventory map of Attica Region, Greece
Nikolaos Tavoularis, Panagiotis Argyrakis, George Papathanassiou, Athanasios Ganas
18:00-19:00 IAEG Commissions Meetings
20:00 Official Dinner


10:45-11:00 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters

11:00-13:00 Recent Αdvances in Geomatics and Remote Sensing
for use in Engineering Geology
Chairs: Gokceoglou C., Papathanasiou G.
11:00-11:30 Key Lecture: Janusz Wasowski
Recent advances in Remote Sensing for use in Engineering Geology
11:30-11:45 InSAR in monitoring of underground civil works in urban areas. Case of
Glòries square, Barcelona
Joan Boteyi Bassols, Pierre Gerard, Enric Vàzquez-Suñé, Michele Crosetto,
Anna Barra
11:45-12:00 New ground truth and space borne data for the verification of land
subsidence occurring at the coastal zone of Athens, Greece
Agavni Kaitantzian, Constantinos Loupasakis, Ploutarchos Tzampoglou,
Issak Parcharidis
12:00-12:15 Integrating 3D point clouds and machine learning for intelligent rock slope
environments development
Ioannis Farmakis, David Bonneau, D. Jean Hutchinson, Nicholas Vlachopoulos
12:15-12:30 Rock strength of a rock cliff evaluated through infrared thermography
Marco Loche, Gianvito Scaringi, Jan Blahůt, Maria Teresa Melis, Antonio Funedda,
Stefania DaPelo, Ivan Erbì, Giacomo Deiana, Mattia Alessio Meloni,
Fabrizio Cocco
12:30-12:45 Rockmass characterization and evaluation of rock fall potential based on
traditional and SfM-based methods
George Papathanassiou, Adrían Riquelme, Theofilos Tzevelekis,
Evaggelos Evaggelou
12:45-13:00 An Integrated Object-Based Analysis with UAV Imagery and Machine
Learning for site-specific Mass Movement Assessment
Efstratios Karantanellis, Vasilis Marinos, Emanuel Vassilakis, Basile Christaras
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break - Exibition & Posters
14:00-16:00 Engineering Geology for Engineering Works
Chairs: Jean-Alain Fleurisson, Zangerl C.
14:00-14:30 Key Lecture: Jonny Sjöberg
Engineering geology for civil and mining engineering
— case examples from Sweden
14:30-14:45 Engineering Geological detailed aspects impacting on the foundation and
watertightness of the Julius Nyerere HPP Main RCC Dam, in Tanzania
Nikolaos Kazilis, Maria Kazili
PROGRAM Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021



14:45-15:00 The Application of Advanced Numerical Models in Capturing Complex

Rockmass Behaviour
Ioannis Vazaios, Anastasios Stavrou
15:00-15:15 A probabilistic approach to deal with uncertainty in tunnelling
Antonios Skolidis, Dr. Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou, Dr. Vassilis Marinos
15:15-15:30 Geotechnical Block Model (GBM) of Olympias Mine Using Q Classification
N. Grendas, E. Vagkli, M.Yumlu, G. Gkekas, D. Bogas
15:30-15:45 Stability Assessment of Fractured Dolomite and Marl Rock Masses in a Tunnel
Ákos Török, Péter Görög, László Rózsa
15:45-16:00 Sponsor Presentation - Geotest
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
16:15-18:00 Engineering Geology for Engineering Works
Chair: Stoumpos G.
16:15-16:30 Tunnel Collapse Due to the Insufficient Umbrella System: A Case Study
from Turkey
Ebu Bekir Aygar, Candan Gökçeoğlu
16:30-16:45 Subsoil litho-technical reconstruction via multivariate geostatistical tools
Giovanna Vessia, Diego Di Curzio
16:45-17:00 D8 motorway landslide: largest construction accident in recent Czech history
Jan Blahůt, Josef Stemberk, David Mašín, Jan Klimeš, Filip Hartvich, Josef Rott,
Jan Balek, Petr Tábořík and Michal Kusák
17:00-17:15 Investigating the impact of Geological Uncertainty in Cost Overruns of
Tunnelling Projects
Georgios Boutsis, Dr. Chrysothemis Praskevopoulou
17:15-17:30 Water level variation and slope stability analysis in a pit lake
E. Steiakakis, G. Syllignakis, M. Galetakis, D.Vavadakis
17:30-17:45 Proposed Engineering Measures and Analysis of Tunnel Portal Excavated in
Paleo-Landslide Deposits (Bahce – Nurdag Tunnel, Turkey)
Yunus Emre Özyürek, Aslı Can, Kemal Acar, Candan Gökçeoğlu
17:45-18:00 Investigation of the Effects of Hydraulic Connection Between Neighboring
Valleys and Geologic Structure on Dam Site Selection
R. Karagüzel, H. T. Yalçın, C. Yaltırak
18:00-19:00 YEG Event


09:00-10:45 Engineering Geology and Cultural Heritage Protection

Chairs: Kazilis N., Paraskevopoulou C.
09:00-9:30 Key Lecture: Dominique Ngan-Tillard
Engineering geology applied to archaeology at risk
across the Dutch plain and archives
09:30-9:45 Profiling of the recent deposits of Nafplio coastal plain (Greece) from
engineering geological modelling and geophysical surveys
C. Saroglou, F. Bozzano, S. Martino, Mouzakiotis, V. Karastathis, A. Tsirogianni, A.,
Antonielli B. , Ciampi P. , Fiorucci M., Iannucci R. , Inciocchi D. , C. Maniatakis,
S. Rivellino , A. Antoniou, A. Papadimitriou
09:45-10:00 Parametric simulations on the stability conditions of the masonry wall of
Nikolaos Antoniadis, Michaela-Maria Karathanou-Nicholaidi,
Constantinos Loupasakis
10:00-10:15 Structural analysis of Rock slopes, using UAV & LiDAR, in the Archaeological
site of Delphi, Greece
Kyriaki Devlioti, Basile Christaras, Vassilis Marinos, Konstantinos Vouvalidis,
Silvana Fais
10:15-10:30 Rehabilitation methods of Victorian Tunnels in the UK
Cameron Atkinson, Dr. Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou, Richard Miller
10:30-10:45 Sponsor Presentation - METRICA
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
11:00-13:00 Environmental Engineering Geology- Engineering Geology
for Engineering Works
Chairs: Nikolaou N., Kaplanidis A.
11:00-11:30 Key Lecture: Neil Dixon
Delivering sustainable infrastructure: Global challenges, geosynthetic
solutions and counting carbon
11:30-11:45 Engineering Geological Aspects of Pipelines, an Australian Prospective
Graeme Jardine
11:45-12:00 A comparative study of different biocementation implementation methods for
embankment foundation soil
M.U. Safdar, M. Mavroulidou, M.J. Gunn, D. Purchase, I. Payne, J. Garelick
12:00-12:15 The effectiveness of fibre reinforced soil for shallow slope failure stabilization
Richard Seddon, Mike G Winter, Ian M Nettleton, Jan Marsden
12:15-12:30 Performance of different chemical soil stabilisers in the presence of sulphates
Maria Mavroulidou, Chris Gray, Mike J. Gunn
12:30-12:45 The Kosova landslide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mike G Winter, Sarah J Reeves, Senad Smajlović, Gurmel Ghataora, Dželila Šehić,
Haris Zejnić
PROGRAM Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

12:45-13:00 Site evaluation for tunneling with an approach of engineering

geomorphology in nepal
Ranjan Kumar Dahal, Manita Timilsina, Shuichi Hasegawa
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break - Exibition & Posters
14:00-16:00 Advances in Site Investigation for Engineering Geology
Chairs: Voznesensky E., Tsifoutidis G.
14:00-14:15 Prediction of the hydrogeological conditions in the Snowy 2.0 deep tunnels
by means of temperature measurements
Antonio Dematteis, Manfred Thuering, Francisco Alvarado, Gabriele De Carli
14:15-14:30 Some empirical equations for estimating grout take amount: A case study
from Turkey
Ali Kayabasi, Candan Gokceoglu
14:30-14:45 Temperature and rock slope stability: a multi-sensor site monitoring
Ondřej Racek, Jan Blahůt, Filip Hartvich
14:45-15:00 Project, site and deliverables management systems integration for ground
investigation projects
Alkis Gkouvailas, Michael Blakely, Emmanouil Zervas, Tania Santiapillai,
Maryse Buot
15:00-15:15 Geomechanical evaluation of an abandoned chalk mine using in-situ
Temenuga Georgieva, Fanny Descamps, Sara Vandycke, George Ajdanlijsky,
Jean-Pierre Tshibangu
15:15-15:30 Layer interpolation with tomographic aid
Juan Chavez-Olalla
15:30-15:45 Variability of penetration rates (PRs) during open-hole drilling for different
geological formations in Doha, Qatar
Alkis P. Gkouvailas, Dafni E. Sifnioti, Julian Ashley, Francesco Barbagli,
Maryse Buot
15:45-16:00 Assessing the shrink swell potential of Highways England’s geotechnical assets
Jack Randall, Dr Christopher Power, James Codd
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
16:15-18:00 Environmental Engineering Geology
Chair: NganTillard D.
16:15-16:30 An IoT-enabled interactive platform for visualization and analysis of
regional-scale groundwater system
Chuen-Fa Ni, I-Hsien Lee, Yun-Chen Yu, Wei-Ci Li
16:30-16:45 Assessment of Human Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
in Groundwater near Municipal Landfills
Balint A.


16:45-17:00 Numerical assessment of groundwater flow and transport in fractured rocks:

Benchmark cases for concepts of DFN, ECPM, and Hybrid approaches
Yun-Chen Yu, I-Hsien Lee, Chuen-Fa Ni
17:00-17:15 Rock material reutilization from tunnel excavation with reference to long
tunnel structures
Voit Klaus, Erik Kuschel, Christian Zangerl
17:15-17:30 Decadal change in land use and land cover pattern and river dynamics in
Indrawati River, Central Nepal
Kumud Raj Kafle, Kevin Bajracharya, Simrik Bhandari, Benju Shrestha
17:30-17:45 The Behaviour of Sand Stabilized with Colloidal Silica in Triaxial
Compression and Extension
Eleni-Maria Pavlopoulou, Vassiliki Georgiannou, Filippos Chortis
18:00-19:00 Closing Ceremony
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Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

09:00-10:45 Characterisation and Behaviour of Soils and Rocks

Chairs: Vlachopoulos N., Christakis E.
09:00-9:30 Key Lecture: Reşat Ulusay
Standardization and future trends in rock characterization
and testing in geo-engineering
09:30-9:45 Sandstone Intact Rock Strength - A focus on the comparison between
uniaxial and triaxial laboratory tests in tunnelling design
Lorenzo Paolo Verzani, Giordano Russo
09:45-10:00 A visual and laboratory estimation of the Hoek-Brown constant mi for two
Anastasios Tsikrikis, Trevor G. Carter, Vassilis Marinos
10:00-10:15 Combination of cementitious and chemical grouting in the transition
zone of unlined and concrete-lined tunnel: a case from Upper Tamakoshi
Hydroelectric Project, Nepal
Sanjib Sapkota, Renos Christakis, Jharendra KC, Mahesh Raut
10:15-10:30 I.S.G.E.: An Integrated Spatial Geophysical & Geotechnical Evaluation tool
based on fuzzy logic
Christos Orfanos, Konstantinos Leontarakis, George Apostolopoulos,
Ioannis E. Zevgolis
10:30-10:45 A laboratory study on the brittle-ductile transition of four calcitic rocks
Anastasios Tsikrikis, Maria Tzilini, Theodosios Papaliangas, Vassilis Marinos
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
11:00-13:00 Characterisation and Behaviour of Soils and Rocks
Chairs: Oliveira R., Tsangaratos P.
11:00-11:30 Key Lecture: Eugene A. Voznesensky
Characterization and Behaviour of Soils: Actual Objectives and Requirements
11:30-11:45 Implications for TBM performance based on rock mass observations for the
Blue Lias Formation
Sarah Sissins, Dr. Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou
11:45-12:00 Investigation of tectonized limestones in western Lefkada Island with field
and laboratory testing and back-analyses of co-seismic landslides
Kallimogiannis V., Saroglou Ch., Palantzas G.
12:00-12:15 Effect of pore size on electro pulse drilling of rock
Nawnit Kumar, Xiaoli Liu
12:15-12:30 Investigation of time-dependent stress relaxation behaviour in rock materials
Chrysothemis Paraskevopoulou
12:30-12:45 The Quest for Rock Site Characterization for the Greek National
Seismic Network
Olga-Joan Ktenidou, Faidra Gkika, Christos Evangelidis


12:45-13:00 The effect of suction on differential weathering and stability of soft rock
cliffs on the example of Zenta Bay cliff (Split, Croatia)
Ana Raič, Nataša Štambuk Cvitanović, Goran Vlastelica
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break - Exibition & Posters
14:00-16:00 Engineering Geology for the Society & Engineering Geology for Urban
Chairs: Stavropoulou M., Hartvich F.
14:00-14:30 Key Lecture: Helen Reeves
Can Εngineering geologist contribute to international agendas &
fundamental societial challenges?
14:30-14:45 Landslide activity affected by sludge basin water: a 40-year history assessed
by interdisciplinary research
Filip Hartvich, Petr Tábořík, Jan Klimeš, Jan Blahůt, Ondřej Racek, Josef Stemberk,
Jan Balek
14:45-15:00 Engineering geological mapping of Moscow megacity area: from geological
maps to georisk maps
Olga Eremina, Irina Kozliakova
15:00-15:15 Engineering geological evaluation for urban land use planning
and engineering construction within a database environment,
a case study for the city of Thessaloniki, Northern Greece
Aliki Kokkala, Vassilis Marinos, Christaras Vasileios, Voudouris Konstantinos
15:15-15:30 From post-disaster landslides inventory to open landslides data
Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić
15:30-15:45 Investigation of the Kafireas Mountain landslide, in Evia Island, Greece
V. Perleros, A. Kalos, D. Georgiou, P. Marinos
15:45-16:00 Assessment of Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Risks in the Hills
of The Rohingya Refugee Camp Area, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh for
Sustainable Development
Hossain, ATMS., Dutta, T., Haque, M.E., Sayem, M.H.,Imam, H., Khatun, M.,
Jafrin, S.J., Khan, P. A. & Hasan, M.
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
16:15-18:00 Characterisation and Behaviour of Soils and Rocks & Aggregates and
Construction Materials
Chair: Gkouvailas A.
16:15-16:30 Predicting uniaxial compressive strength of evaporitic rocks from
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates-Phase I with unit weight values
Hasan Arman, Osman Abdelghany, Ala Aldahan
16:30-16:45 A Discretized Clay Shell Model (DCSM) for evaluating the effective stress
coefficient of clayey sandstone permeability
Pin Lun Tai, Jia Jyun Dong
PROGRAM Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

16:45-17:00 The influence of subjective factors on the accuracy of graphical

constructions to interpret the preconsolidation pressure in IL-tests
V.V. Matveev, V.V. Shanina
17:00-17:15 Geoengineering characterization of Lyulyakata limestone quarry,
NE Bulgaria
Temenuga Georgieva, George Ajdanlijsky, Fanny Descamps,
Jean-Pierre Tshibangu
17:15-17:30 A Soil Improvement Methodology for a Shallow Tunnel Excavated in
Extremely Weak Clay: A case study from Turkey
Arif Emre Kaan Gündoğdu, Aslı Can, Kemal Acar, Candan Gökçeoğlu
17:30-17:45 Importance of Engineering Geological Studies in Resource and Reserve
Reporting for Aggregates
Atiye Tuğrul, Murat Yilmaz


09:00-10:45 Engineering Geology for Engineering Works

09:00-9:15 Prehistoric Rock Slides In Dagestan (Caucasus, Russia):

Justification Of Their Seismic Triggering By Slopes’ Stability Back Analysis
Alexander Strom, Igor Fomenko, Vladislav Tarabukin, Oleg Zerkal
09:15-09:30 Bayesian probabilistic back-analysis and run-out prediction of landslides:
a case study in the Heifangtai, Gansu Province, China
Peng Zeng, Xiaoping Sun, Tianbin Li, Rafael Jimenez
09:30-09:45 The Effect of the Horizontal-Vertical Stress Ratio on the Deformations at the
T3 Tunnel (Çorum, Turkey) Entrance Section
Anıl Atakan, Murat Yilmaz, Atiye Tuğrul, Bora Arslan, Cemal Samur
09:45-10:00 Geotechnical Evaluation of Acıpayam Basin (Denizli-Turkey) by Using
A Geological and Geotechnical Information System (GEO-GIS)
H. Kumsar, T. Sarayköylü, Y. Say
10:00-10:15 Development of a low cost geosensor network for detection and monitoring
of rainfall induced landslides in soil
Dr. John Singer, Prof. Dr. Kurosch Thuro, Moritz Gamperl, Tamara Breuninger,
Dr. Bettina Menschik
10:15-10:30 Slope Stability Hazards Evaluation of Dammam Formation West of Karbala
Governorate-Middle of Iraq: Case study
Jaffar H.A. Al-Zubaydi
10:30-10:45 The effectiveness of willow poles for shallow slope failure stabilisation
Mike G Winter, Ian M Nettleton, Richard Seddon, Jan Marsden
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters
11:00-13:00 Analysis and Mitigation of Geohazards

11:00-11:15 Study on mechanism of loess landslide induced by train vibration combined

with water
Yuanjun Xu, Jiading Wang, Tianfeng Gu
11:15-11:30 Results of comprehensive monitoring activities on Umka landslide,
Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić
11:30-11:45 Geological Control on Large-scale Landslide in the Central Nepal Himalaya
Bikash Phuyal, Prem Bahadur Thapa
11:45-12:00 Forensic examination of critical special geotechnical measures
Mike G. Winter, Ian M. Nettleton, Michelle Duffy-Turner, Gillian Butler, Philip Liew
12:00-12:15 The effectiveness of Blastability Quality System on rock slopes. A case study
in a landslide restoration
Maria Chatziangelou, Costas Anagnostopoulos
PROGRAM Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
Divani Caravel Hotel

12:15-12:30 Stochastic approach for karst risk assessment of a motorway project

Fabrizio Peruzzo, Walter Giulietto, Mirko Vendramini, Attilio Eusebio
12:30-12:45 Prediction of Karst susceptibility combining GIS based modeling and
Remote Sensing data analysis
Mirko Vendramini, Walter Giulietto, Fabrizio Peruzzo, Attilio Eusebio
12:45-13:00 Roadmap to an early warning system in a large landslide near Tbilisi, Georgia
Klaus Keilig, Markus Bauer, Peter Neumann, Kurosch Thuro
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break - Exibition & Posters
14:00-16:00 Analysis and Mitigation of Geohazards

14:00-14:30 Key Lecture: Jean Hutchinson

The importance of ground truthing Engineering Geology innovations for
Rock Slope stability management
14:30-14:45 Engineering Geological Appreciation and Monitoring of Rockfall’s Dynamic,
Based on Multi-Temporal UAV and LiDaR Surveys in “Apothikes” Area,
Santorini Prefecture, Greece
Ioakeim Konstantinidis, Efstratios Karantanellis, Vassileios Marinos,
George Papathanassiou
14:45-15:00 A landslide in bentonitic clays in Paphos, Cyprus
Michael Bardanis, Evagelia Ioannou
15:00-15:15 Probabilistic rainfall thresholds for debris flow warning in Scotland
Mike G. Winter, Flora Ognissanto, Luke A. Martin
15:15-15:30 Long-term rockslope monitoring and rockfall prediction
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Marko Pejić, Jelka Krušić
15:30-15:45 Fault influence zones assessment and its accounting in site investigations
Olga Barykina, Oleg Zerkal, Ernest Kalinin
15:45-16:00 2D and 3D dynamic numerical modelling of seismically induced
rock slope failure
Anne-Sophie Mreyen, Emilie Lemaire, Hans-Balder Havenith
16:00-16:15 Coffee Break - Exibition & Posters

Analysis and Μitigation of Geo-hazards

Soil Liquefaction evidences during the November 26th 2019 Durres Earthquake,
Shkëlqim Daja, Besnik Ago, Çerçis Durmishi, Shaqir Nazaj, Arjol Lule, Neritan Shkodrani
Detecting early landslide phenomena after wildfires through UAV-
photogrammetric mapping
Aggelos Pallikarakis, Georgios Deligiannakis, Ioannis Papanikolaou
Comparing high accuracy tLiDAR and UAV-derived point clouds for change
detection in two semi-mountainous Mediterranean catchments in Central Evia
island, Greece
Simoni Alexiou, Georgios Deligiannakis, Aggelos Pallikarakis, Ioannis Papanikolaou,
Emmanouil Psomiadis, Klaus Reicherter
Projecting landslide susceptibility under Climate Change.
The case of Eastern Pelion, Greece
Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi, Ioanna Ilia, Paraskevas Tsangaratos
The tsunami component of the Hellenic Plate Observing System (HELPOS)
research infrastructure
Marinos Charalampakis, Nikos Kalligeris, George Drakatos, Akis Tselentis
Tsunami risk assessment in the framework of the GEORISK project
Marinos Charalampakis, Akis Tselentis, George Drakatos
Earthquake-generated tsunami hazard assessment for the Ionian Islands
Marinos Charalampakis, George Drakatos, Christos Evangelidis
Slope protection respectful of natural resources and landscape thanks to earth
retaining system
Gruslin Steve, Nola Domenico
Locating-allocating emergency response services facilities considering landslide
susceptibility assessments
Anastasios Balampanis, Paraskevas Tsangaratos, Constantinos Loupasakis,
Constantinos Athanassas
Investigation of land subsidence due to the overexploitation of the aquifer at the
Amyntaio basin, Greece
Ploutarchos Tzampoglou, Constantinos Loupasakis
Reducing uncertainties of landslide susceptibility assessment based on the
optimized frequency ratio method: a case study
Hengxing Lan, Yixing Zhang, Langping Li
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Assessing land subsidence phenomena with SAR Interferometry techniques

and hydrogeological data in the Thriassio plain
Agavni Kaitantzian, Constantinos Loupasakis, Issak Parcharidis
Inversion Method of Landslide Permeability Coefficient Based on Displacement
and Groundwater Level Monitoring Data
Lei LIU, Ningtao WANG, Xiaolin FU, Yong XU, Zhipeng LIAN, Jianmin TAN
Using systemic hazard concept in order to improve the quality
of lanslide hazard maps
Daniel Mihailescu, Emilia Milutinovici
Engineering geological study of rockfall phenomena and instability analysis in
Proussos Dipotama site, Central Greece, using terrestrial LIDAR and UAV platforms
Maria Dandika, Vassilis Marinos, Efstratios Karantanellis, George Papathanassiou,
Thomas Makedon

Characterisation and Behaviour of Soils and Rocks

Deformation stages of schists under uniaxial compression
Dimitrios Kotsanis, Pavlos Nomikos, Dimitrios Rozos
Evaluation of crack initiation stress of Volakas marble specimens
in uniaxial compression
Dimitrios Kotsanis, George Papantonopoulos, Pavlos Nomikos
Comparison of roughness indices on chalk and sandstone fractures
Marie-Laure Wattier, Sara Vandycke, Françoise Bergerat, Paul Wertz, Samir Mohammad,
Jean-Pierre Tshibangu
Liquefaction estimates at different earthquake magnitudes in the coastal area
of Kato Achaia, Greece with the use of CPT
V. Boumpoulis, O. Kontopidis, N. Depountis, N. Sabatakakis
Classification of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Mass under High In Situ Stress
Ning LIANG, Faquan WU
FS change of cut-slope reinforced with anchors due to decrease of anchor
tensile force
Jahe Jung, Oil Kwon, Jong -Hyun Lee

Case study of soil regression model for landslide-triggering factors in gneiss

and granite areas of South Korea
Man-Il Kim, Kyeong-Su Kim, Namgyn Kim, Jawhwan Kwak, Eui-Soon Hwag,
The effect of schistosity on the uniaxial compressive strength
of metamorphic rocks of northern Greece
Athanasia X. Liouka, Thomas Makedon, Anastasios Tsikrikis
Sensitive soils - Characteristic Values for geotechnical parameters
and their variability
Emilia Milutinovici, Daniel Mihăilescu
Internal erosion study of wide grading loose soil based on microscopic
pore distribution
Yanzhou Yin, Yifei Cui, Chaoxu Guo, Yao Jiang

Engineering Geology for Engineering Works

Assessment of biogrouting for fractured rocks with various treatment methods
Chuangzhou Wu, Bo-An Jang, Hyun-Sic Jang
Forensic examination of critical special geotechnical measures
Mike G Winter, Ian M Nettleton, Michelle Duffy-Turner, Gillian Butler, Philip Liew
Assessment of slope stability by monitoring change of tensile force of anchor
Oil Kwon, Jonghyun Lee, Byungsuk Park, Jahe Jung
Crack-able combined finite-discrete element algorithm and its application in
seabed ore body mining
Fengshan Ma, Gang Liu1, Jie Guo, Rong Lu
Engineering geological line selection method for transmission lines
in deep-incised valley
Yi Peng, QiHua Zhao, SheQin Peng
Dynamic and Probabilistic Multi-class Prediction of Tunnel Squeezing Intensity
Tianbin Li, Yu Chen, Peng Zeng
Rock mass excavatability assessment in tunnelling based on GSI.
The case of Tempi tunnels in Greece
Athina Tsirogianni, Haris Saroglou
Compactability and permeability of clay-gravel composites:
a laboratory evaluation
Yang Lu, Sihong Liu, Yonggan Zhang
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08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

Engineering Geological Assessment of the Louziki dam site suitability,

Chalkidiki, Greece
Antriana Gkorani, Thomas Makedon, Vassilis Marinos, Vasileios Christaras

Engineering Geology for the Society

Socio-economic impacts of landslides in Pelion district, Greece
Garyfalia Konstantopoulou
Analytical Hierarchical Procedure (AHP) applications in engineering geology
Sonja Đokanović

Engineering Geology for Urban Environment

Methodology for mapping geological risks.
Y. Mamaev, S. Kozlovsky, P. Stolnikova
The dynamic soil-construction interaction in seismic response
of the Immersed Tunnel
Vasiliki Paraskevi Manti

Environmental Engineering Geology

Dating of fault movements and earthquake recurrence near hard infrastructure
Kanavou K.V., Athanassas D.C., Mouslopoulou V., Aslanoglou X., Stamoulis K.
The secondary heavy metal pollution of rivers in the coal mine region
Nikolay Maksimovich, Olga Berezina, Artem Demenev, Vadim Khmurchik, Olga
Meshcheryakova, Alexey Sedinin
Correlation analysis between the outburst of the Diexi ancient dammed lake in
the upper reaches of the Minjiang River and the change in ancient culture on the
Chengdu Plain
WANG Xiao-qun , HUANG Xin , SHEN Man , ZHOU Zhou , WEI Jie
Estimation of the sediment yield in earth-fill dams with the use of the Revised
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Maria Michalopoulou, Nikolaos Depountis, Katerina Kavoura, Nikolaos Sabatakakis

Determining of the available soil water range for plant growing and a wind driving
irrigation technique of down-membrane water dropping
Jiang Ruijun, Li Tonglu
An experimental study to improve permeability and cleaning efficiency of oil
contaminated soil by plasma blasting
Bo-An Jang, Hyun-Sic Jang, Ahhyeon Kim, Injoon Baek

Marine Engineering Geology

Investigation to soil-pile interaction in open-ended piles installed in soft soils
M. Sc. Moritz Anton Loreth, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sascha Henke
Early warning system of the landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir area,
based on dynamic risk assessment
Ye Li, Kunlong Yin, Deying Li, Yang Wang, Lixia Chen

Recent Αdvances in Geomatics and Remote Sensing

for use in Engineering Geology
Investigation of the swelling/shrinkage phenomenon with the use of Earth
Observation techniques in Nicosia, Cyprus
Ploutarchos Tzampoglou, Dimitrios Loukidis, Niki Koulermou
Engineering geological appreciation on landslide and rockfall phenomena and
monitoring using LiDAR and UAV platforms in a case site at Perivoli, Greece
Apostolos Azas, Vasilis Marinos, Efstratios Karantanellis, George Papathanassiou
Landslide Change Detection Based on Multi-Temporal Digital Elevation Models
of Ropoto, Central Greece
Α. Vassou, V. Marinos, E. Karantanellis, S. Valkaniotis, G. Papathanasiou
Lithological discrimination using aster images in the coastal mountain chain of the
lampa sector, Santiago, Chile
Vidal V., Raúl Arriagada S., Hernán., Péndola R., Daniel. , Arotaipe Q., Rosmery
Landslide susceptibility assessment under seismic motion surveys:
a case in Melissoyrgoi, Epirus
P. Sotiriou, V. Marinos, E. Karantanellis, G. Papathanasiou
Automated 3D rock discontinuity surface mapping & characterization:
Not a plane segmentation problem 230
Ioannis Farmakis, Efstratios Karantanellis, Nicholas Vlachopoulos, Vassilis Marinos
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

The Congress will be held in Athens Greece at Divani Caravel Hotel
from the 6th to 10th of October 2021

English is the official language of the Congress.

Registration Fees
Registration Natural Presence: 300€
Virtual Registration authors – presenters: 200€
Virtual Registration with no publication: 150€
Students: 100€
Virtual Registration Students: 50€

Photography and Recording Policy

The Congress Organizers remind you that it is forbidden to install or use equipment
in a private place for observing, photographing, recording, amplifying or broadcasting
sounds or events without the consent of the person or persons entitled to privacy therein.
If you would like a copy of the presenter’s slides, lease feel free to contact the presenter
directly. Therefore, participants are asked to be respectful of their colleagues by turning
off all cell phones, PDA devices before entering the Congress halls. Cameras and all other
recording devices are strictly prohibited in all session halls, in the Exhibition Area,
and throughout the Poster Presentation Area.

Certificate of Attendance
Certificate of attendance of the EUROENGEO 2020 will be available on the last day
of the Meeting. A personalized certificate will be distributed to each registered
participant against his/her badge.
Leading to Innovative
Engineering Geology Practices
08-12 April 2021
6-10 October 2021
> Divani Caravel Hotel

The Congress Secretariat and Organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents,
nor loss of or damage to private property of participants, either during or directly arising
from the Congress. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to
health and travel insurance.

Congress Secretariat

20, Eftichidou str, 11635, Athens, Greece

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