Very Deep Learning

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Very Deep Learning

Lecture 09

Dr. Muhammad Zeshan Afzal, Prof. Didier Stricker

MindGarage, University of Kaiserslautern
[email protected]

M. Zeshan Afzal, Very Deep Learning Ch. 9


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Other Computer Vision Tasks
Semantic Classification Object Instance
Segmentation + Localization Detection Segmentation



No objects, just pixels Single Object Multiple Object This image is CC0 public domain

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◼ Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

^ Mapping Types
^ RNNs Basic
^ Gated RNNs
^ RNNs Applications

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Mapping Types
Application Scenarios

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Mapping Types

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Mapping types

◼ One to One

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Mapping types

◼ One to Many

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Mapping types

◼ Many to One

Image Source: Chen-Wen Outpatient Text Classification Using Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM for Robot-Assisted Servicing in Hospital

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Mapping types

◼ Many to Many

Image Source:

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Mapping types

◼ Many to Many

Image Source:

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Recurrent Neural Networks

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Recap: Computational Graph

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Feedforward vs Recurrent Neural Networks

◼ Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

^ Core idea: update hidden state h based on input and previous hidden state using same
update rule (same/shared parameters) at each time step
^ Allows for processing sequences of variable length, not only fixed-sized vectors
^ Infinite memory: h is function of all previous inputs (long-term dependencies)

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Basic Recurrent Neural Networks

◼ Basic RNNs
^ We use t as the time index (in feedforward networks we used i as layer index)
^ Important: fh and fy do not change over time, unlike in layers of feedforward net
^ General form does not specify the form of the hidden and output mappings

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Basic Recurrent Neural Networks

◼ Vanilla Single Layer RNN

^ Hidden state ht = linear combination of input xt and previous hidden state ht−1
^ Output ŷt = linear prediction based on current hidden state ht
^ tanh(·) is commonly used as activation function (data is in the range [−1, 1])
^ I Parameters Whh, Wxh, Why, b are constant over time (sequences may vary in length)

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Mapping Types

◼ RNNs allow for processing variable length inputs and outputs:

^ One to Many: Image captioning (image to sentence)
^ Many to One: Action recognition (video to action)
^ Many to Many: Machine translation (sentence to sentence)
^ Many to Many: Object tracking (video to object location per frame)
^ To determine the length of the output sequence, a stop symbol can be predicted

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Backpropagation through Time

◼ Backpropagation through Time

^ To train RNNs, we backpropagate gradients through time
^ As all hidden RNN cells share their parameters, gradients get accumulated
^ However, very quickly intractable (memory) for larger sequences (e.g., Wikipedia)

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Truncated Backpropagation through Time

◼ Truncated Backpropagation through Time

^ Thus, one typically uses truncated backpropagation through time in practice
^ Carry hidden states forward in time forever, but stop backpropagation earlier
^ Total loss is sum of individual loss functions (= negative log likelihood)

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Truncated Backpropagation through Time

◼ Truncated Backpropagation through Time

^ Thus, one typically uses truncated backpropagation through time in practice
^ Carry hidden states forward in time forever, but stop backpropagation earlier
^ Total loss is sum of individual loss functions (= negative log likelihood)

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Truncated Backpropagation through Time

◼ Truncated Backpropagation through Time

^ Thus, one typically uses truncated backpropagation through time in practice
^ Carry hidden states forward in time forever, but stop backpropagation earlier
^ Total loss is sum of individual loss functions (= negative log likelihood)

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Multilayer RNNs

◼ Multilayer RNNs
^ Deeper multi-layer RNNs can be constructed by stacking RNN layers
^ An alternative is to make each individual computation (=RNN cell) deeper

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Bidirectional RNNs

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Gated Recurrent Neural Networks

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^ The state update ht is modeled using a zero-centered tanh(·)

^ tanh(·) assumes that the processed data is in the range [−1, 1]
^ Remark: we omit the affine transformations and the output layer for clarity

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Vanishing / Exploding Gradients

◼ What is the problem with vanilla RNNs?

^ Let us consider an RNN with one dimensional hidden state i.e. it’s a real number
^ We have

^ Thus, the gradient vanishes if tanh(·) saturates as in feedforward networks

^ RNNs require careful initialization to avoid saturating activation functions
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Vanishing / Exploding Gradients

◼ However, gradients might still misbehave:

^ Let us now assume that the RNN has been initialized well such that the activation functions
are not saturated
^ We now have

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Vanishing / Exploding Gradients

◼ However, gradients might still misbehave:

^ Let us now assume that the RNN has been initialized well such that the activation functions
are not saturated
^ We now have

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Vanishing / Exploding Gradients

◼ For whh>1 gradients will explode (become very large, cause divergence)
^ Example: for whh = 1.1 and k = 100 we have wkhh = 13781
^ This problem is often addressed in practice using gradient clipping
^ Forward values do not explode due to bounded tanh(·) activation function
◼ For whh<1 gradients will vanish (no learning in earlier time steps):
^ Example: for whh = 0.9 and k = 100 we have wkhh = 0.0000266
^ Avoiding this problem requires an architectural change
^ But residual connections do not work here as the parameters are shared across time and
the input and desired output at each time step are different

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Vanishing / Exploding Gradients

◼ Similar situation for vector-valued hidden states

^ Let be the eigen decomposition of the square matrix
^ We have with diagonal eigenvalue matrix Λ
^ Components with eigenvalue < 1 ⇒ vanishing gradient
^ Components with eigenvalue > 1 ⇒ exploding gradient
^ Note that whh is shared across time (unlike in layers of a feedforward network)

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Gradient Clipping

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Gated Recurrent Unit

◼ UGRNN: Update Gate Recurrent Neural Network

◼ GRU: Gated Recurrent Unit
◼ LSTM: Long Short-Term Memory
◼ LSTM was the first and most transformative (revolutionized NLP in 2015, e.g.
at Google), but also most complex model. UGRNN and GRU work similarly
◼ Common to all architectures: gates for filtering information

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Update Gate RNN

◼ ut is called update gate as it determines if the hidden state h is updated or not

◼ st is the next target state that is added to ht−1 with element-wise weights ut
◼ Remark: Gates use sigmoid (∈ [0, 1]), state computation uses tanh (∈ [−1, 1])
◼ Where ʘ denotes the Hadamard product (elementwise product).

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Gradient Flow

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Gated Recurrent Unit

◼ Reset gate controls which parts of the state are used to compute next target
◼ Update gate controls how much information to pass from previous time step

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Long Short-Term Memory

◼ Passes along an additional cell state c in addition to the hidden state h. Has 3
◼ Forget gate determines information to erase from cell state
◼ Input gate determines which values of cell state to update
◼ Output gate determines which elements of cell state to reveal at time t
◼ Remark: Cell update tanh(·) creates new target values st for cell state

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One gate Two gate Three gate
Expose entire state Expose entire state Control exposure
Single update gate Single update gate Input/forget gates
Few parameters Medium parameters Many parameters

A systematic study [Collins et al., 2017] states:

“Our results point to the GRU as being the most learnable of gated RNNs for shallow architectures,
followed by the UGRNN.”

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Thanks a lot for your Attention

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