“We should all invest in children's education because they are the world's future.”
As a result, DepEd introduces the Oplan Kalusugan sa Department of Education (OK sa
DepEd), which is the culmination of DepEd's
The effective and efficient implementation of health programs, plans, policies, and activities at
the school level in collaboration with diverse stakeholders. The Department's Drug Education
Campaign is one of its main school health initiatives. On the other side, the national drug
education program seeks to incorporate drug education into the curriculum, a comprehensive
strategy to address the drug problem in the Philippines. Through the promotion of positive
values, attitudes, and behaviors as well as the empowerment of individuals to lead a healthy,
drug-free lifestyle, the National Drug Education Program also strives to prevent drug usage
among students. In response, Amayco Elementary School participates in putting "One Health
Week" into action. The schoolchildren, parents, and LGU officials, led by Brgy. The said event
includes a symposium against drugs, which is led by Kagawad George Guanzon, July C.
Bayudang, the principal of Amayco E/S, Police Chief Inspector Roberto V. Indiape Jr, the
commander of the Municipal Police Station, and teachers. They inform parents and students
about the two drug types—shabu and marijuana—as well as their effects. They contend that
when young people try with drugs, they put themselves in a high-risk group for later acquiring
drug tolerance, dependence, and addiction. Children are the future of our world and their
knowledge should be something that we all invest into. Proper education about substance
abuse is a crucial preventative measure for kids and teenagers. When adults share factual
information about substance abuse, it helps kids develop better sense of drug abuse
awareness. Without proper educational measures about the harmful effects of drugs, kids may
develop increased risks for becoming curious about drugs, falling prey to peer pressure, and try
drugs themselves. The program ended with a closing remark rendered by Mrs. Helen A.
Guanzon, NDEP Chairman. The said activity ended substantially. We should all invest in the
education of the next generation because they are the world's future. For kids and teenagers,
proper education regarding substance usage is a critical preventative tool. Children gain a better
understanding of drug abuse awareness when adults provide them with factual knowledge
regarding substance misuse. Kids may be more likely to have elevated risks for drug curiosities,
succumb to peer pressure, and use drugs themselves if there are inadequate instructional
measures regarding the hazardous effects of drugs. Mrs. Helen A. Guanzon, Chairman of
NDEP, gave a final statement to conclude the event. Essentially, the activity came to a halt.