Feeding Ecology and Length-Weight Relationship of Indian Glass Barb, Laubuka Laubuca (Hamilton 1822) at Maguru Oya Stream (Deduru Oya River Tributary), Sri Lanka
Feeding Ecology and Length-Weight Relationship of Indian Glass Barb, Laubuka Laubuca (Hamilton 1822) at Maguru Oya Stream (Deduru Oya River Tributary), Sri Lanka
Feeding Ecology and Length-Weight Relationship of Indian Glass Barb, Laubuka Laubuca (Hamilton 1822) at Maguru Oya Stream (Deduru Oya River Tributary), Sri Lanka
ISSN 0116-6514
Department of Zoology and Environmental management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 11600
Laubuka laubuca (Hamilton 1822) is a poorly studied freshwater fish found in South and
Southeast Asia. This study was conducted to investigate the feeding habit and length-weight
relationship of L. laubuca at Maguru Oya Stream, Sri Lanka. Gut contents of 180 fish were
analysed, and food particles identified were categorised into 15 broad taxonomic groups. Relative
abundance of each food category was calculated for 1-3, 3-5 and >5 cm length classes. Trophic
niche breadth, food electivity index and Fulton’s condition factor of L. laubuca were calculated.
Length-weight relationship was determined using the expression, W = aLb. Laubuka laubuca was a
euryphagous-planktivorous fish and it showed a size dependent feeding pattern. Young fish had
significantly broader (P<0.05) trophic niche breadth than that of adults. According to food electivity
indices L. laubuca preferred euglenoids, rotifers, insect larvae, crustacean larvae, arachnid larvae
and macrozoobenthos which were highly abundant in stream habitat. Laubuka laubuca showed a
positive allometric growth pattern with length-weight relationship of log W = -2.3684 + 3.3528 log
TL. Due to high availability of preferred food items in its habitat and positive allometiric growth L.
laubuca could be categorised under least concern category in the IUCN Red List.
Indian glass barb, Laubuka laubuca (Hamilton 1822) (Cyprinidae) (Junior synonym, Chela
laubuca; Kottelat 2013; Froese and Pauly 2016) is a freshwater fish found in Sri Lanka and many
other Asian countries (Froese and Pauly 2016). It inhabits the upper and middle depth water layers
of streams, small rivers, ponds, flood plains and reservoirs (Vishwanath 2010; Indra et al. 2011;
Froese and Pauly 2016). Laubuka laubuca is exploited as a tropical aquarium fish due to its small
size, yellowish fins, blue-green iridescent body colour and hardiness (Kulabtong et al. 2012). It
comprises an important component of riverine fisheries of India (Sugunan 1995), Bangladesh
(Hossain et al. 2009; Hossain et al. 2012) and Nepal (Oo 2002). Ethnic groups in Nepal and northern
India consume L. laubuca in sun dried form (Sarmah et al. 2014; Thapa 2016).
Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]
152 Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163
Other than for human consumption L. laubuca is suitable to produce feed for cultured aquatic
organisms as its flesh consists of more than 21% protein (Singh et al. 2012). Laubuka laubuca is
currently not exploited as a food fish in Sri Lanka, despite its high abundance of lentic and lotic
water bodies distributed across the country (De Silva and Sirisena 1987; Amarasinghe 1990;
Manchanayake and Madduma Bandara 1999; Amarasinghe and Weerakoon 2009; Amarasinghe et
al. 2016). According to Schiemer et al. (2001), Villanueva et al. (2008) and Amarasinghe et al.
(2014) exploitation of small indigenous species including L. labauca would pose little or no impact
on the trophic dynamics of reservoir ecosystems of Sri Lanka. However, no studies are reported on
the biological aspects of L. laubuca in the lotic habitats of Sri Lanka. Most of the riverine habitats in
Sri Lanka are among the highly threatened ecosystems, and existence of fish communities in these
habitats are severely threatened by anthropogenic activities (Pethiyagoda 2006).
Previous studies on L. laubuca report morphometric and meristic characters (Kulabtong et al.
2012), length-weight relationship and form factor (Hossain et al. 2011; Hossain et al. 2012; Kaushik
et al. 2015). The knowledge about trophic status of L. laubuca in stream habitats is important due to
the fact that this species is grouped into vulnerable category in Red Data Lists in some countries
such as Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh 2014) perhaps due to data deficiency. Therefore, the present
study was conducted to study the trophic ecology, length weight relationship and condition factor of
L. laubuca at Maguru Oya Stream (a tributary of Deduru Oya River), Kurunegala, Sri Lanka.
Sampling was conducted at three sampling sites each with 2 km distance apart at Maguru Oya
Stream, Kurunegala District in North Western Province, Sri Lanka (Fig. 1). Maguru Oya Stream is
one of the first order streams of Deduru Oya River which is the fourth largest river in the island. The
average depth and width of sampling sites varied from 0.78- 0.90 m and 7.2- 8.3 m, respectively.
The estimated terrain elevation above sea level of this freshwater stream is 82 m.
Fish were sampled using a cast net (mesh size 5 mm) at three selected sampling sites (A, B, C;
Fig. 1) at Maguru Oya Stream. Sampled fish were immediately preserved in 10% formalin and
brought to the laboratory for further analysis. The individual weight (digital balance; Sartorius, BS-
223 S, Germany) to the nearest 0.01 g and total length (vernier caliper; Mitutoyo) to the nearest 1
mm were measured and fish were categorised into three different length classes as 1-3, 3-5 and >5
cm. They were then stored separately in a refrigerator at the temperature of 2 °C until the gut content
analysis was carried out. In total, 180 fishes were collected for the gut content analysis from the
three sampling sites.
Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163 153
Fig.1. The locations of three sampling sites (A, B and C) for Indian glass barb, Laubuka laubuca at Maguru Oya Stream.
Length-weight relationship
The relationship between length and weight was calculated using the expression: W = aLb,
where, W is the total body weight (g), L the total length (mm), and the log-transformed version, log
W = log a + b log L where log a and b are intercept and slope, respectively. The slope of the
relationship (b) was compared with cube value using Student’s t-test to investigate whether L.
laubuca exhibits isometric (b=3.0), positive allometric (b>3.0), or negative allometric (b<3.0)
154 Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163
The Fulton’s condition factor (K) was calculated according to formula, K = (W/ L3) x 100
(Pauly 1983).
Individual fish were dissected and as cyprinids do not have well-developed stomach, the
contents of the first one third of the gut were considered as recently ingested food. These gut
contents were transferred to a fixed volume of distilled water. One milliliter of this suspension was
transferred to the Sedgwick rafter cell for quantitative determination of gut contents. The gut content
was examined using a light microscope at the magnifications of x10 and x40 and components of gut
content were identified up to generic level using standard keys (Abeywickrama and Abeywickrama
1986; Fernando and Weerawardhena 2002). Relative volume of each food item was determined
using arbitrarily a Pinnularia cell as the standard, and expressed as percentage bio-volume of total
food items in the gut contents (Hynes 1950). Individual food items identified were categorised into
15 broader taxonomic groups.
Plankton in the sampling sites were collected using a plankton net (mesh size: 50 µm).
Immediately after sampling, half of the sample was preserved in Lugol's iodine solution for
enumeration of phytoplankton and the rest in 5% formalin for zooplankton analysis. Both
phytoplankton and zooplankton were identified up to generic level and their relative volumes were
estimated and expressed as percentage of the total food items in the water according to the
procedure mentioned under the gut content analysis.
The Levins' measure of trophic niche breadth (B) of fish was estimated by B = 1/Σp j 2; where
pj is the proportion of individuals found in or using resource state, or fraction of items in the diet that
are of food category j (Levins 1966). B was divided by the total number of resource states after
correcting for a finite number of resources as suggested by Hurlbert (1978) for estimating the
standardised niche breadth, BA = (B – 1) / (n – 1) where n = number of possible resource states.
The food electivity index (E) of fish was estimated using the following formula, (E) = (ri - pi) /
(ri + pi), where ri is the relative abundance of prey item i in the gut (as a proportion of the total gut
contents) and pi is the relative abundance of the same prey item in the environment (Ivlev, 1961).
The index of electivity (E) has a possible range of -1 (strong negative selection or avoidance) via 0
(no selection or random selection) to +1 (strong positive selection) (Durbin 1979).
Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163 155
Statistical analysis
Mean dietary breadth in the three size groups of fish was compared using one-way ANOVA at
α = 0.05 level of significance. Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to summarise relative
importance of 15 food categories of fish in the three size classes. As proportions of food categories
range from very low to fairly high values, data were double square root transformed prior to MDS
analysis. One-way ANOVA was performed using the MINITAB (Version 14 for windows) and
PRIMER (Version 5.2.9 for windows; Clarke and Gorley 2001) statistical software was used for
MDS analysis.
The food items found in the gut contents of L. laubuca were categorised into 15 main broader
taxonomic groups as shown in Table 1. Laubuka laubuca can be considered as a planktivorous fish
as it feeds on both phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Table 1. Fifteen food categories and components found in the gut contents of Laubuka laubuca.
Relative importance of each food category, expressed as percentage proportions (%pi) in the
gut content of L. laubuca is given in Table 2. Relative importance of some food categories increased
(e.g., diatoms, protozoans, copepods, crustacean larvae, arachnid larvae, and macrozoobenthos) with
increasing body size while some food categories (e.g., blue green algae, green algae, golden brown
algae, filamentous algae, rotifers and cladocerans) decreased with increasing length of fish.
Table 2. Mean ± SE of relative importance (%Pi) of 15 food categories recorded in the gut contents of three different
length classes of Laubuka laubuca in Maguru Oya.
In the MDS plot, stress value is 0.01 (Clerk and Gorley 2001) showing that the dietary habits
of different length classes of L. laubuca were well separated in the two dimensional MDS plot (Fig.
Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163 157
Fig. 2. Two dimensional MDS plot of relative importance of dietary composition of three different length classes of
Laubuka laubuca (A, B, and C letters represent the three different study sites; 1-3, 3-5 and >5 represent three length
Mean ± SE of trophic niche breadths of L. laubuca are given in Table 3. The values were
significantly different among different length classes while niche breadth decreased with increasing
length of fish.
Table 3. Mean ± SE for niche breadth values for three length classes of Laubuka laubuca.
Euglenoids, rotifers, insect larvae, crustacean larvae, arachnid larvae and macrozoobenthos
were positively selected and green algae, diatoms, filamentous algae and copepods were negatively
selected by L. laubuca (Fig. 3).
158 Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163
Golden brown algae, unidentified algae and cladocerans were negatively selected by the fish
grouped into the largest length class while the same food categories were positively selected by fish
grouped into smaller length classes.
3 1-3cm 3-5cm
Food electivity index
Food category
Fig. 3. Ivlev’s electivity indices for food categories of three different length classes of Laubuka laubuca.
The length and weight of L. laubuca in Maguru Oya Stream ranged from 18.9- 58.5 mm and
0.02- 1.86 g, respectively. The length weight relationship of L. laubuca was log W = - 2.3684 +
3.3528 log L (R2=0.98, P<0.05) with W in mg and L in mm (Fig. 4). It had a positive allometric
growth pattern with a significant difference from cube value (Student’s t test, t = 0.7722; p < 0.05)
and the body condition factor was 0.76 mg.mm-3.
Log W
-1 y = 3.3528x - 2.3684
R² = 0.98
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Log TL
Fig. 4. The relationship of Log weight (W) and Log total length (TL) of Laubuka laubuca at Maguru Oya Stream.
Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163 159
Three length classes of L. laubuca were grouped into three clusters based on gut contents
showing its size-dependent dietary shift. Fish grouped into smaller length classes mainly fed on
algae, cladocerans and insect larvae. The dependence of young stages of freshwater fish species on
algae and cladocerans for their nutrient requirement has been previously observed by Lazzaro
(1987). Juveniles of two spot barb, Puntius bimaculatus (Bleeker 1863) inhabited in small creeks in
Sri Lanka also consumed high amount of algae compared to their adults (De Silva et al. 1977).
Because algae have no escape mechanisms, filter-feeding young fish require no specific capture
strategies to utilise them as food (Lazzaro 1987). Cladocerans (Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Moina)
may be preferred over copepods and rotifers by smaller fish due to their comparatively lower
swimming speed (Vijverberg et al. 2001), and slow prey avoidance response (Lazzaro 1987).
Mosquito fish, Gambusia holbrooki in Lake Nainital in India also showed higher preference for
cladocerans than copepods (Singh and Gupta 2010).
Insect larvae were found in relatively higher proportion in the diet of L. laubuca irrespective
of its length class as previously observed for Belontia signata (Gunther 1861), Puntius titteya
Deraniyagala 1929, Pethia nigrofasciata (Gunther 1868) (Wikramanayake and Moyle 1989) and
Puntius dorsalis (Jerdon 1849) (De Silva et al. 1996). Other than insect larvae, adult fish also fed on
crustacean larvae, arachnid larvae and macrozoobenthos. The relative proportions of these food
categories increased with body size of fish. The low relative importance of these food categories in
the gut contents of fish smaller than 3 cm showed selective feeding behaviour of L. laubuca during
juvenile stages.
The trophic niche breadth of L. laubuca was significantly broader in juveniles than that of
adults. This indicates that adult L. laubuca is relatively specialised, whereas young stages with wider
niche breadth are typically generalists. However, adult L. laubuca consumed a comparatively higher
amount of diatoms, which are highly abundant in Sri Lankan freshwaters (Silva 2006). Diatoms
consisted of a major part of the food in stream living fish in Sri Lanka including, P. bimaculatus,
Pethiya cumingi (Gunther 1868) (Wikramanayake and Moyle 1989) and P. nigrofasciata (De Silva
and Somarathna 1994). The highest length (58.5 mm) and weight (1.86 g) of L. laubuca recorded in
the present study were highly comparable with that of the same parameters recorded for the same
species in India (Kaushik et al. 2015).
160 Asian Fisheries Science 29 (2016):151-163
However, the highest length (105.4 mm) and weight (10.4 g) recorded for L. laubuca in
Pakistan (Hossain et al. 2009) were higher than the values recorded in the present study. Laubuka
laubuca showed a positive allometric growth as observed for the same species in India (Kaushik et
al. 2015) and Bangladesh (Hossain et al. 2011; Hossain et al. 2012). Therefore, stream habitat may
provide a conducive environment for the growth of L. laubuca. As such, L. laubuca can be treated in
the ‘least concern’ category of IUCN National Red Data list in Sri Lanka.
Laubuka laubuca in the stream habitats in Sri Lanka feed on plankton species which are
abundant in the habitat. Being a euryphagous- planktivorous fish species, it is unlikely that there will
be any potential threat to the existence of this species due to food limitations in the natural habitats.
Although adults are relatively stenophagous, the food items that they feed on are abundant in the
habitats. The body condition is high showing that the nutritive quality of ingested food items is
sufficient to maintain viable populations where they occur. The results of the present study therefore
imply that this species can be treated as ‘least concern’ in the IUCN National Red Data List of Sri
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