Sustainable Infrastructure and Public Utilities in Bulgaria

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The EBRD in

SDG contribution
Sustainable infrastructure
and public utilities

EBRD score
Bulgaria’s infrastructure lags that of other countries in the EU. The (1 = worst, 10 = best)
country needs good transport links to fully develop its economic
potential. The relatively low coverage of modern transport infrastructure, EBRD road connectivity
low absorption of EU funds and slow implementation of large transport
projects (rail and roads), part of the European core network, are
International logistics
hindering the country’s economic growth and affecting its capacity to preformance index
attract foreign direct investment. Moreover, a key challenge in Bulgaria is
the disparity between rural and urban areas. Access to adequate Non-road transport
infrastructure services, such as potable water, transportation services infrastructure
and district heating, varies widely between cities and rural regions. The
development of modern central and municipal infrastructure is a 1 6
OECD comparators Bulgaria
prerequisite to improving the quality of life, the environment and
fostering economic growth.

How we work The EBRD in Bulgaria Quick links

EBRD investments in municipal and
Total 2017-22  Municipal and environmental
environmental infrastructure lead to
cleaner air, better waste collection and
safer drinking water, a more reliable € 1.22 billion € 361 million  Infrastructure Project
supply of heating, improved urban mobility Net cumulative investment Preparation Facility
and increased access to modern hospital in sustainable infrastructure  EBRD Green Cities
care. We help utility companies to
modernise infrastructure after decades of
The EBRD Green
underinvestment. The EBRD Green Cities € 580 million
framework offers more than €3 billion of
€ 315 million €40 million Cities programme
Net cumulative investment in municipal strives to build a
EBRD and donor support to cities to better and more
and environmental infrastructure
address their environmental challenges sustainable future for
through targeted infrastructure cities and their
investments, policy actions and capacity residents. It achieves this by
building. In 2018, Sofia joined EBRD connecting cities’ environmental
Green Cities, while Varna joined in 2019. challenges with sustainable
infrastructure investments and policy
Achievements and results: Sustainable infrastructure and public
We promote better water infrastructure
Lower emissions
 working with water operators across By replacing diesel buses with EBRD-
Bulgaria (Rousse, Burgas, Smolyan, financed electric transport, the City of
Stara Zagora and Vratsa) and Sofia is expected to reduce the CO2
committing €34 million under the emissions of its fleet by about 54 per
ESIF Water Framework cent.
Read how the EBRD is supporting the
 improving sanitation infrastructure development of Sofia airport with an indirect
in large agglomerations through co- equity investment in SOF Connect, the company
financing the EU’s ESIF investment Climate resilience operating and managing the airport, through a
and helping to accommodate the The EBRD supported the city of Varna in concession agreement with the Bulgarian
absorption of more than €150 increasing the flood resilience of its roads government.
million in EU grants. and reducing air pollution.

“The Bulgarian water sector has been

We promote better transport by:
undergoing a major transformation in
 supporting the transformation of the past few years and the
Sofia Airport by providing €124.3 collaboration with EBRD provides a
million in funding (loans and equity), great opportunity for Bulgarian water
as well as assistance to the operators and other stakeholders to
share their experiences and learn.” Read how the EBRD is supporting better water
Bulgarian government to prepare services to comply with EU directives and
and tender the airport concession increase hygiene standards.
Ivan Ivanov, President of the Bulgarian
 supporting the City of Varna in the Water Association
upgrade of climate-resilient
infrastructure and the procurement
and deployment of 31 electric
vehicle charging stations
Better governance
 financing greener public transport in In Sofia, the EBRD helped the local
Sofia (for example, 15 electric buses authority to prepare and sign EU-
and 6 electric charging stations). compliant public service contracts with all
urban transport operators.
Read how Varna, Bulgaria’s port city and
We promote greener cities by: seaside resort, joined EBRD Green Cities in
2019. Varna is subject to intense road traffic
 welcoming Varna and Sofia into the Improved water and and congestion, resulting in air and noise
EBRD Green Cities programme, wastewater services pollution that impacts the city. By joining
EBRD Green Cities and adopting a Green City
which combines sustainable More than 1.2 million people are
Action Plan, Varna will be able to address
infrastructure investment and estimated to have benefited from access these environmental issues.
advisory to improved water and wastewater
services thanks to EBRD investments
 developing a Green City Action Plan
combined with EU funds. This includes
for Sofia and Varna to map out a
projects in Rousse (250,000 people),
systematic approach to addressing
Vratsa (170,000), Stara Zagora (300,000)
their urban environmental
and Burgas (420,000) and Smolyan
challenges, such as growth in road (100,000).
transportation, increasing fuel
consumption and cutting carbon
Water saved
EBRD projects under the ESIF framework Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital, cultural and
economic centre, joined EBRD Green Cities in
are estimated to save 19.2 million m3 of May 2018 with the goal of transforming the
water annually, equivalent to saving the city into a greener place to live for its
volume of 7,680 Olympic-sized swimming inhabitants.
pools every year.

Data on this page relate to EBRD activities in Bulgaria between 2017-2022, unless stated otherwise

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