UNDSELF - Prelims Revi
UNDSELF - Prelims Revi
UNDSELF - Prelims Revi
Medieval Philosophy
The Self from Various (500 AD to 1350 AD)
- From the scientific investigation on nature
Philosophy and search for happiness to the question
of life and salvation in another realm, in a
The self in a philosophical paradigm better world (i.e., the afterlife)
- There was an aim to merge philosophy
Ancient Triumvirate and religion (Christian, Jewish, Muslim)
St. Augustine
- “Know thy self”
- Integrates Platonic ideas with the tenets of
- “An unexamined life is not worth
- The self strives to achieve union with God
- Dualistic Reality: Body and Soul
through faith and reason
- “Our soul strives for wisdom and
St. Thomas Aquinas
- Self-knowledge is dependent on our
Plato experience of the world around us (objects
- 3-Part Soul/self (Psyche) = Reason, Physical in our environment)
Appetite & Spirit/Passion - The labels we attribute to ourselves are
taken from the things we encounter in our
Aristotle environment
- The mind (self) is a tabula rasa (a blank - “The things that we love tell us what we
tablet). are”
- Self is composed of matter and form - Experiencing that something exists
- The Process of Completion is through doesn’t tell us what it is
experiences - Knowing and learning about a thing
requires a long process of understanding;
Post-Aristotelians same with the mind and the self – with
experience and reason
- Apathy or indifference to pleasure
- Embracing Adversity Modern Philosophy
- It’s a philosophy designed to make us (14th Century to the Early 20th Century)
more resilient, happier, more virtuous and
more wise–and as a result, better people, Anthropocentric
better parents and better professionals. - Thinkers began to reject the scholastics’
(medieval thinkers) excessive reliance on
Hedonism authority
- “Eat, drink, and be happy. For tomorrow, - Period of radical, social, political and
you will die.” intellectual developments
- They believe that pleasure is the only good
in life, and pain is the only evil, and our René Descartes
life's goal should be to maximize pleasure - The self is a thinking thing, distinct from
and minimize pain. the body
- Moderate pleasure John Locke
- Being content with the simple things in - Personal identity is made possible by
life ensures that you will never be self-consciousness
David Hume
- There is no “self,” only a bundle of The Looking Glass Self
constantly changing perceptions passing
- Charles Horton Cooley
through the theater of our minds.
- A person’s self grows out of a person’s
social interactions with others
Immanuel Kant
- The view of ourselves comes from the
- The self is a unifying subject, an organizing
contemplation of personal qualities and
consciousness that makes intelligible
impressions of how others perceive us
experience possible.
- Actually, how we see ourselves does not
come from who we really are, but rather
Gilbert Ryle
from how we believe others see us
- The self is the way people behave
Digital Citizenship
Being Online
- Information related to how we engage and
exist online, it comprises three digital
domains: access and inclusion, learning
and creativity and media and information
Well-being Online
- Information related to how we feel online,
comprising another three digital domains:
ethics and empathy, health and
well-being, and e-presence and
Rights Online
- Information related to being accountable
online, comprising the final four digital
domains: active participation, rights and
responsibilities, privacy and security and
consumer awareness.