UNDSELF - Prelims Revi

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Medieval Philosophy
The Self from Various (500 AD to 1350 AD)

- From the scientific investigation on nature
Philosophy and search for happiness to the question
of life and salvation in another realm, in a
The self in a philosophical paradigm better world (i.e., the afterlife)
- There was an aim to merge philosophy
Ancient Triumvirate and religion (Christian, Jewish, Muslim)

St. Augustine
- “Know thy self”
- Integrates Platonic ideas with the tenets of
- “An unexamined life is not worth
- The self strives to achieve union with God
- Dualistic Reality: Body and Soul
through faith and reason
- “Our soul strives for wisdom and
St. Thomas Aquinas
- Self-knowledge is dependent on our
Plato experience of the world around us (objects
- 3-Part Soul/self (Psyche) = Reason, Physical in our environment)
Appetite & Spirit/Passion - The labels we attribute to ourselves are
taken from the things we encounter in our
Aristotle environment
- The mind (self) is a tabula rasa (a blank - “The things that we love tell us what we
tablet). are”
- Self is composed of matter and form - Experiencing that something exists
- The Process of Completion is through doesn’t tell us what it is
experiences - Knowing and learning about a thing
requires a long process of understanding;
Post-Aristotelians same with the mind and the self – with
experience and reason
- Apathy or indifference to pleasure
- Embracing Adversity Modern Philosophy
- It’s a philosophy designed to make us (14th Century to the Early 20th Century)
more resilient, happier, more virtuous and
more wise–and as a result, better people, Anthropocentric
better parents and better professionals. - Thinkers began to reject the scholastics’
(medieval thinkers) excessive reliance on
Hedonism authority
- “Eat, drink, and be happy. For tomorrow, - Period of radical, social, political and
you will die.” intellectual developments
- They believe that pleasure is the only good
in life, and pain is the only evil, and our René Descartes
life's goal should be to maximize pleasure - The self is a thinking thing, distinct from
and minimize pain. the body
- Moderate pleasure John Locke
- Being content with the simple things in - Personal identity is made possible by
life ensures that you will never be self-consciousness
David Hume
- There is no “self,” only a bundle of The Looking Glass Self
constantly changing perceptions passing
- Charles Horton Cooley
through the theater of our minds.
- A person’s self grows out of a person’s
social interactions with others
Immanuel Kant
- The view of ourselves comes from the
- The self is a unifying subject, an organizing
contemplation of personal qualities and
consciousness that makes intelligible
impressions of how others perceive us
experience possible.
- Actually, how we see ourselves does not
come from who we really are, but rather
Gilbert Ryle
from how we believe others see us
- The self is the way people behave

Paul & Patricia Churchland Johari Window

- The self is the brain. Mental states will be - Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham
superseded by brain states. - Technique used to enhance the
individual's perception of self and others.
Contemporary Philosophy
(Late 19th Century) Known to Self Not Known to Self

Known to Open/Arena Blindspot

Embodied Subjectivity Others
- Both Husserl and Merleau-Ponty agree
that our living body is a natural synthesis of Not Known Hidden/Facade Unknown
mind and biology. to Others

Phenomenological Approach Symbolic Interactionism

- Describes the phenomena of the lived
experience (reducing biases) by describing - George Herbert Mead
what your immediate responses are — - The self is created and developed through
physically, emotionally, cognitively. human interaction

Edmund Husserl “I and Me” Self

- We experience our self as a unity which - Sociologist George Herbert Mead argued
the in mental and physical are seamlessly that self-identity is formed from two parts:
woven together the I and the me. Social expectations— the
generalized other—inform the
development of the me part.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- Two aspects of self awareness:
- The self is embodied subjectivity
- The “me” is the socialized aspect of
the person
Sociology - The “I” is the active aspect of the
The self as a product of modern society among
other constructions
The Self in the Sociological Perspective The self based on psychoanalytic approach and
- Classical Sociological Perspective - the cognitive construction
self is a relatively stable set of perceptions
of who we are in relation to ourselves, The Self Based on Psychoanalytic
others, and to social systems
- The self is socially constructed in the sense
that it is shaped through interaction with Sigmund Freud
other people - Father of Psychoanalysis
- As with socialization in general, the - The self is multi-tiered/multi-layered:
individual is not a passive participant in - Conscious – refers to those thoughts
this process and have a powerful influence and feelings that we are aware of
over how this process and its - Preconscious – experiences that are
consequences develop unconscious but could become
conscious with little effort
- Unconscious – contains all drives,
urges or instincts that are beyond
our awareness but motivate our - When the scale is out of balance, it is the
feelings, thoughts and behavior responsibility of the EGO to mediate the
conflict between the ID and SUPEREGO
- Weak ego will lead to ANXIETY
- To protect the ego from anxiety, we use

Ego Defense Mechanisms

- Ways to behave or think to protect or
defend ourselves from anxieties
Structures of the Self
- How we distance ourselves from full
Id (Biological Self) awareness of unpleasant thoughts,
- Pleasure Principle feelings, and behaviors.
- Natural part of the self - Three group of defenses: Primitive, Less
- Animalistic nature of man primitive, Mature
- Pleasure seeking part of the personality
- Determined by the genetic code Denial (Primitive)
- Providing the raw materials - Refusal to accept reality or fact, acting as if
- Setting the boundary conditions for a painful event, thought, or feeling did not
development exist while being apparent to others
- The id represents the basic need of man. If - Considered as one of the most primitive
it is not satisfied, it could result in stress because it is characteristic of early
and tension. If satisfied, it could give you childhood development
comfort and joy. - Ignores the existence of something
- If the id is properly controlled, it
could bring warmth and comfort Regression (Primitive)
- If the id is angered or provoked, it - The ego may revert back to an earlier stage
could destroy not only himself but during times of stress or anxiety
also his surrounding - Reversion to an earlier stage of
development when faced with
Superego (Social Self) unacceptable, fearful, threatening
- Idealistic Principle thoughts or impulses
- The superego incorporates the values and - Ex: An adult curling up in fetal position
morals of society which are learned from when feeling threatened or afraid
one's parents and others
Acting Out (Primitive)
Ego (Psychological Self) - Performing an extreme behavior in order
- Reality Principle to express thoughts or feelings the person
- The only region of the mind that is in feels incapable of otherwise expressing
contact with reality; it operates to fulfill the - Ex: self-injury is expression through
reality principle physical pain of what can’t be stood to feel
- The ego constantly tries to reconciles the emotionally
irrational wants of the id and the superego
with the realistic demands of the world
Projection (Primitive)
- Attributing the unwanted impulse to
Id, Superego & Ego another person
- Misattribution of owns undesired
thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto
another person who does not have those
thoughts, feelings, or impulses
- To shift the problem outside of the self
- Ex: a spouse angry at significant other for
not listening, when in fact, it is he who is
not listening
- The job of the EGO, or self, is to balance the
aggressive/pleasure-seeking drives of the Reaction Formation (Primitive)
ID with the moral control of the - Converting unwanted or dangerous
SUPEREGO thoughts, feelings, or impulses into their
- Ex: Woman angry at boss and wanting to - Channeling of unacceptable and
quit becomes overly kind and generous potentially disruptive impulses, thoughts,
towards boss and express desire to keep or emotions into socially accepted
working there behavior
- Dealing with emotional stressors by using
Repression (Less Primitive, More Mature) the energy in other, usually constructive
- When the ego is threatened, it activities.
unconsciously forgets or block unpleasant - Ex: punching bag to channel anger
feelings impulses. Sports.
- Unconscious blocking / forgetting of
unacceptable and disturbing thoughts, Compensation (Mature)
feelings, and impulses - Psychologically counterbalancing
- Done unconsciously, thus little control over perceived weaknesses by emphasizing
it strength in other areas
- Repressed memories – but never retrieved - Ex: a physically unattractive adolescent
the same starts weightlifting. Or “I am not a fighter, I
am a lover.” Napoleonic Cmplx
Displacement (Less Primitive, More Mature)
- Redirecting unacceptable urges to less Affiliation (Mature)
threatening people or objects - Turning to others for help and support
- Redirecting thoughts, feelings, and - Sharing problems with others, but not
impulses from one person or object to trying to make someone else responsible
another who poses less threat for them
- Ex: unable to express to the boss for fear of - Ex: going to therapy, a support group,
being fired displaces anger into others: spiritual counsel
spouse, pet, etc.
Self-Assertion (Mature)
Intellectualization (Less Primitive, More - Being able to express your own opinions
Mature) and needs in a respectful and firm way.
- Dealing with emotional stressors by Not aggressively, coercively, or
excessive use of abstract thinking or manipulatively.
complex explanations to control or - Striking a balance between
minimize disturbing feelings communicating passively or aggressively.
- React in a cold way focusing on the - Listening empathically and expressing self
intellectual aspect only in a balanced way.
- Ex: husband constructing elaborate logical
explanations for wife’s recent paranoia Altruism (Mature)
ideas - Dealing with stressors by dedicating
yourself to meeting the needs of others
Rationalization (Less Primitive, More - Volunteer work
- Giving another interpretation to a situation Self Observation (Mature)
in the face of a changing reality - Dealing with stress by reflection on one’s
- Two types: Sweet Lemon – pretend to like feelings and then responding
something you do not like | Sour grapes – appropriately
pretending to dislike what you really like - Journaling, self exploration, therapy

Undoing (Less Primitive, More Mature) Suppression (Mature)

- An unconscious attempt to nullify / take - Dealing with stress by intentionally
back, or undo a thought or action that had avoiding thinking about disturbing
resulted in guilt or anxiety problems, wishes, feelings, or experiences.
- Ex: a husband who showers his wife with
roses and chocolates on Valentine’s Day Anticipation (Mature)
may be unconsciously seeking to undo a - Anticipating the consequences and
year of neglect feelings associated with future events and
considering realistic solutions
Sublimation (Mature)
- Suppression of unwanted impulses by The Self as a Cognitive Construction
substituting it with a creative cultural
Imaginary Audience
- Adolescents are thought to believe that Two Modes of Social Comparison
others are always watching and evaluating
them, and that they are special and unique Upward Social Comparison
- When we compare ourselves with those
Self Concept who we believe are better than us
- Often focus on the desire to improve our
- Mental representation
current level of ability
- What we look like
- A highly motivated person tends to
- How we feel in different types of
engage in upward comparisons, and
usually assume himself/herself as better or
- How we behave towards others
equal to the “best person”
- What do we do at work
- Studies have shown that if given a chance,
- What are the roles we have in the
people choose to make upward
family or society
comparisons instead of downward ones
- The self-concept is a knowledge
representation that contains knowledge
about us, including our beliefs about our Downward Social Comparison
personality traits, physical characteristics, - When we compare themselves to others
abilities, values, goals, and roles, as well as who are worse off than ourselves
the knowledge that we exist as individuals - Often centered on making ourselves feel
(Harter, 1999) better about our abilities
- A person who is unhappy or is
Self Esteem unmotivated usually engages in this to feel
better about himself/herself
- Used to describe a person's overall sense of
self-worth or personal value
- In other words, it refers to how much you Two Modes of Downward Social
appreciate and like yourself Comparison
- Self-esteem is often seen as a personality
trait, which means that it tends to be Passive Downward Comparison
stable and enduring - Happens when a person takes into
consideration the previous condition in
Real and Ideal Self making comparison
- Carl Rogers - Ex: A low performing student comparing
- A person's ideal self may not be consistent himself/herself with a worse off student
with what actually happens in life and
experiences of the person Active Downward Comparison
- Hence, a difference may exist between a - Happens when a person compares
person's ideal self and actual experience himself/herself with others by demeaning
- Carl Rogers believed that for a person to or causing harm to them
achieve self-actualization they must be in a - By derogating the target or causing harm
state of congruence to him/her, this person generates a
situation in which the target is worse off
than him/her, therefore giving him/her the
Self as defined by Social Comparison chance to make a downward comparison
- Leon Festinger
- Two types:
Self-Evaluation & Self Enhancement
- Temporal Comparison:
Considering your present condition - Motivation plays a role in this model and is
in relation to how you were in the manifested by self- evaluation and
past self-enhancement
- Social Comparison: Evaluating - Self-evaluation occurs when someone
yourself in comparison to others – looks for positive traits in himself/herself
using others as a basis for based on the best person he/she compares
evaluating your attributes himself/herself with
- How does the social comparison process - Self-enhancement, on the other hand,
work? occurs when the person questions which
- Depending on the level of aspects of himself/herself need to be
someone’s motivation, he/she may improved to reach the level of goodness of
have the tendency to compare the person he/she is comparing
himself/herself with others either in himself/herself with
of comparison
Reference Group - Working as a group
- Doing what’s best for society
- A group to which an individual or another
- Families and communities have a
group is compared
central role
- According to sociologists, a reference
group is any group that individuals use as
a standard for evaluating themselves and The Self in Oriental/Eastern
their own behavior.
The Creation of Identities The self as embedded in relationships and
through spiritual development in Confucian
One’s identity must balance the need to be
similar to one’s reference group with the need to
be a unique individual
- Children become aware of the need for a Asian Schools of Thought
group identity and are often afraid or Buddhism
acting differently - Siddharta Gautama
- Teens often seem torn between the need - The self is the source of all sufferings. It is
to assert their own individual identity and our quest to forget about the self, forget
the need to conform to their reference the cravings of the self, break the
group attachments you have with the world, and
- New identities are forged in relation to to renounce the self in order to attain the
work, parenthood, economic status, and state of Nirvana.
Anthropology - Fusion of various Indian cultures and
The self and person in contemporary - Hindus believe that an individual’s action
anthropology & the self being embedded in (karma) – the bad or good actions that the
culture individual performed in a previous life
determines his or her caste
Western Self vs. Non-Western Self
- Wolter (2013)
- Lao-Tzu
- Western Self: autonomous and egocentric
- Self does not exist without the existence of
- Non-Western/Eastern Self: identity shared
the other.
with others and derived from a culture
- Self as a separate identity is supported by
instead of a “self”
the equal and opposite sensation of
Individualism-Collectivism Model
- Markus & Kitayama (1991) Confucianism
- Confucius
Individualism - Filial piety is a foundational concept in the
- A human being has an individualistic thought of Confucius. It teaches how one
nature and is an independent part of the should properly act according to their
universe and the society relationship with other people; focused on
- Traits of Individualistic Cultures: having a harmonious social life.
- Self-Sufficiency
- Uniqueness
- Independence
Unpacking the Self
- Autonomy
Physical Self
- A human being is an integral part of the The self as impacted by the body
universe and the society
- People are fundamentally connected Physical Self
- Duty towards all others is a very important
- The concrete dimension, the tangible
aspect of the person that can be directly
- Traits of Collectivistic Cultures:
observed and examined.
- Social rules focus on promoting
- “Physical Self/Body is an initial source of - Characterized by loss of body weight and
sensation and necessary for the origin and refusal to eat. Appetite is usually intact.
maintenance of personality” – William
James Bulimia Nervosa
- Characterized by recurrent and frequent
binge eating with or without vomiting.
Psychosexual Theory of Development
- Sigmund Freud Body Dysmorphic Disorder (DSM-5)
- In the Psychoanalytical school, Sigmund - Characterized by a distressing and
Freud's construction of self and personality impairing preoccupation with an imagined
makes the physical body the core of or slight defect in appearance.
human experience.
- Psychosexual Stages of Personality
Development: Sexual Self
- Oral Stage (Birth-1.5 years)
Understanding one’s identity and sexuality
- Anal Stage (1.5-3 years)
- Phallic Stage (4-5 years)
- Latent Stage (5 years – puberty) Biological Perspective of One’s Sex
- Genital Stage (puberty) - At conception, egg and sperm unite to
create a new organism that incorporates
Psychosocial Theory of Development some characteristics of each parent.
- The first 22 pairs are called AUTOSOMES.
- Erik Erikson
The last pair is known as the SEX
- The role of bodily organs is especially
important in early developmental stages of
- Genetic basis for Sex Determination:
a person’s life.
- X Chromosome
- Later in life, the development of physical as
- Y Chromosome
well as intellectual skills help determine
whether the individual will achieve a sense
of competence and ability to choose Secondary Sex Characteristics
demanding roles in a complex society.
Male Female

Somatic Society - Facial Hair - Mature Breasts

- Enlarged Adam’s - Broader Hips
- Bryan Turner
Apple - Pubic Hair
- The sociology of the body became an - Broad Shoulders
established discipline in the 1990’s. - Increased Body Hair
- Bryan Turner, coined the term “somatic - Pubic Hair
society” which means the newfound - Mature Genital Organs
importance of the body in contemporary - Body More Muscular
- Ex/s: The obsession to have a
Erogenous Zones
beautiful face & body; The demand
for Cosmetic Surgery and Skin - Where the libido is centered (according to
Whiteners Freud)
- Parts of the body that experience
heightened sensitivity and/or signal sexual
Body Shaming arousal of some kind
- Criticizing your own appearance, through a - Needs stimulation by engaging the person
judgment or comparison to another in gratifying activities
person. - Hot Spots: Erogenous zones are parts of
- Criticizing another’s appearance in front of the body that are particularly responsive to
them stimulation, resulting often in sexual
- Criticizing another’s appearance without excitement.
their knowledge.

The Sexual Response Cycle

Physical Self Issues and Conflicts - model that describes the physiological
Eating Disorders (DSM-5) responses that occur during sexual activity

Anorexia Nervosa Stage 1: Excitement

- The beginning of sexual arousal, - Attraction involves the brain pathways that
preparation for intercourse control “reward” behavior, which partly
explains why the first few weeks or months
Stage 2: Plateau of a relationship can be so exhilarating and
- Physical arousal builds even all-consuming.
- High levels of dopamine
Stage 3: Orgasm and norepinephrine, are released during
- Third and shortest phase of the sexual attraction. These chemicals make us giddy,
response cycle energetic, and euphoric, even leading to
- Both men and women describe the decreased appetite and insomnia.
experience of orgasm in similar and - Chemistry: Dopamine, Norepinephrine &
positive terms Serotonin
- The vast majority of men experience one
intense orgasm, but many women are Attachment
capable of experiencing multiple orgasms - Attachment is the predominant factor in
- Males ejaculate while females experience long- term relationships. While lust and
vaginal contractions attraction are pretty much exclusive to
romantic entanglements, attachment
Stage 4: Resolution mediates friendships, parent-infant
- Arousal slowly subsides and returns to bonding, social cordiality, and many other
normal levels intimacies as well.
- Males experience a refractory period - Primary Hormones: Oxytocin &
during where they are incapable of having Vasopressin
another erection or orgasm - Oxytocin (cuddle hormone) is produced by
the hypothalamus and released in large
quantities during sex, breastfeeding, and
Love vs. Lust childbirth.
Love Lust
Sex vs. Gender
…is a DECISION (“making …is a FEELING, like
love” doesn’t make it love) infatuation Sex
- Sex (sometimes called biological sex,
…wants what’s best for the …tends to be more about anatomical sex, or physical sex)
other person “me”
- A person’s identity based on their physical
…protects others from …looks for what it can get, characteristics, genes and hormones.
harm, danger, or risk of not what it can give - Male: Penis
harm - Female: Vagina
- Intersex: chromosomes and
…is unconditional …is a “conditional love” (I hormones of a
love you if…)
female/male but external genital is
…shows “I will never do …says “Come on baby, isn’t like that of a male/female
anything to hurt you, and it time we showed each - Also refers to sexual acts, as in ‘having sex’
you will be a better person other how much we - Primary and Secondary Sex characteristics
because I loved you!” care?”
Chemistry of Lust, Attraction and - Refers to the attitudes, feelings and
behaviors that a given culture associates
with a person's biological sex.
- Behavior that is compatible with cultural
expectations is referred to as gender -
- Lust and attraction shut off the prefrontal
cortex of the brain, which includes rational
- Behaviors that are viewed as incompatible
with these expectations constitute gender
- The hypothalamus regulates the function
non - conformity (APA, 2012).
of the pituitary gland to secrete hormones.
- The hypothalamus of the brain plays a big
role in stimulating the production of the Sexual Diversity
sex hormones testosterone and estrogen - Sex and gender are often thought of as
from the testes and ovaries. binary categories; that is, we can be either
- Sex Hormones: Testosterone & Estrogen male or female, or feminine or masculine.
However, this is a FALSE assumption.
- Although sex can be quantified by DNA - the two primary purposes of sexual
and genetic testing, sometimes the results intercourse are:
are difficult to make sense of with regard - “UNITIVE” (unite the couple) and
to their social implications. - “PROCREATIVE” (create more
Gender Identity
- Who you think you are Pope Francis on Sexuality
- One's innermost concept of self as male, - Pope Francis has repeatedly spoken about
female, a blend of both or neither – how the need for the Catholic Church to
individuals perceive themselves and what welcome and love all people regardless of
they call themselves which can be the sexual orientation.
same or different from their sex assigned
at birth.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Gender identity, in nearly all instances, is
self- identified, as a result of a combination - 1984 First Case of HIV in the Philippines
of inherent and extrinsic or environmental - 1 million STI cases everyday worldwide
factors. (WHO, 2016)
- CISGENDER – A person whose gender - Estimated 357 million each year are
identity matches his or her assigned sex infected by 1 of 4 STIs: Chlamydia,
- TRANSGENDER – A person whose lived Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Trichomoniasis (WHO,
experiences do not match their assigned 2016)
sex - Drug resistance is a challenge esp. for
- Transwoman - person whose Gonorrhea (WHO, 2018)
assigned sex is male and identifies - Poor young females more vulnerable than
as a woman well-off counterparts (Abrigo, n.a.)
- Transman - person whose assigned - The Philippines has the fastest growing
sex is female and identifies as a HIV epidemic in Asia and the Pacific
man Region
- 237% increase in annual new HIV infections
Gender Expression from 2010 to 2020
- How you demonstrate who you are - AIDS-related death have increased by 315%
- Refers to the ways that humans choose to from 2010 to 2020
display their gender identity to the world - Total HIV prevalence in the Philippines is
usually expressed through: behavior, less than 1%
clothing, haircut, or voice and which - Total estimated number of Filipinos living
may/may not conform to socially defined with HIV in 2020 has reached 115,100
behaviors and characteristics typically - If rapid increase in new infections is
associated with being either masculine or sustained, estimated number of Filipinos
feminine. living with HIV will triple by 2030 reaching
over 330,000.
Sexual Orientation/Attraction
- Who you are romantically and sexually into HIV and AIDS
- Sexual orientation is all about who you are - TRANSMITTED THROUGH:
physically, spiritually, and emotionally - Unprotected sex
attracted to (specifically into sexual and - Drug addicts
romantic attraction), and the labels tend to - Blood transfusion
describe the relationships between your - Pregnancy
gender and the gender types you’re - Non-sterile instruments
- Straight (Heterosexual) - Attracted - Touching
to people of the opposite gender - Food
- Gay/Lesbian (Homosexual) - - Kissing
Attracted to people of the same - Insect bites
gender - Swimming in pools
- Bisexual - Can be attracted to both
men and women
- HIV is the virus that causes HIV infection
The Church and Sexuality - HIV damages the immune system by
killing CD4 cells
Sexual Intercourse
AIDS Material/Economic Self
- AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection
- As HIV infection advances into AIDS, the The Self in association to his/her possessions
amount of HIV in the body increases and
the number of CD4 cells decreases
- HIV medicines can stop HIV infection from
Spiritual Self
advancing into AIDS The practice of religion: belief in supernatural
- Without HIV medicines, HIV advances to being and power
AIDS in about 10 years

CD4 Cells Political Self

- CD4 cells are part of the immune system Developing a Filipino identity
- HIV attacks and kills CD4 cells
- Loss of CD4 cells makes it hard for the
body to fight off infections Digital Self
Self and identity in the cyberspace
Philippine Laws on HIV/AIDS
REPUBLIC ACT 8504 (RA 8504) Cyberpsychology
- Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control
- New field within applied psychology
Act of 1998
- Branch of psychology that examines:
- Public awareness of HIV/AIDS through
- how we interact with others using
comprehensive nationwide educational
and information campaigns
- how our behavior is influenced by
- Full protection of human rights and civil
liberties of every person suspected or
- how technology can be developed
known to have HIV/AIDS
to best suit our needs
- how our psychological states can
REPUBLIC ACT 11166 (RA 11166) be affected by technologies
- This new law attempts to address - Mainly focused in the world wide web
discrepancies of RA 8504 specifically Social Media Other
- It defines HIV and AIDS education as a technologies involved:
right, and also ensures free treatment - Online and offline gaming such as
provided and stricter policies to enact video games
against discrimination - Mobile computing
- Prohibits HIV-Related Discrimination such - Artificial intelligence
as in the workplace and in learning - Virtual reality
institutions - Augmented reality
- Allows minor from 15-17 years old to
undergo HIV testing without parental
consent with assistance of licensed health Self and Identity in the Cyberspace
or social worker - Identity – development of one’s
self-concept, including one’s thought and
How to Avoid STIs and AIDS feelings about oneself
- Online Anonymity – gives people the
Abstinence chance to present any of these three selves
- The most reliable way to avoid infection is and hence permits individuals to better
to not have sex (i.e., anal, vaginal or oral). present aspects of their true selves than
they would feel capable of doing in a
Mutual Monogamy face-to-face interaction
- Mutual monogamy means that you agree
to be sexually active with only one person,
Responsible Use of Social Media
who has agreed to be sexually active only
with you. - Setting Boundaries to your online self:
Smart Sharing
Vaccination - Guide Questions to consider before
- Vaccines are safe, effective, and posting:
recommended ways to prevent hepatitis B - Is this post/story necessary?
and HPV. - Is there a real benefit to this post –
is it funny, warm- hearted,
teachable – or am I just making
noise online without purpose? Internet Gaming Disorder
- is a pattern of excessive and prolonged
Netiquette Internet gaming that results in a cluster of
cognitive and behavioral symptoms,
- Netiquette means the correct or including progressive loss of control over
acceptable way of communicating on the gaming, tolerance, and withdrawal
internet. symptoms, analogous to the symptoms of
- The ABCs of Online School Etiquette substance use disorders.
(Reiner, 2020) - Conditions for further study (DSM-5)
- A is for Avoid Acronyms
- B is for Brevity
- C is for Courtesy
- D is for Ditching Distractions
- E is for Early
- F is for Focus and Friendships
- G is for Good Intentions

Digital Citizenship
Being Online
- Information related to how we engage and
exist online, it comprises three digital
domains: access and inclusion, learning
and creativity and media and information

Well-being Online
- Information related to how we feel online,
comprising another three digital domains:
ethics and empathy, health and
well-being, and e-presence and

Rights Online
- Information related to being accountable
online, comprising the final four digital
domains: active participation, rights and
responsibilities, privacy and security and
consumer awareness.

Digital World Issues and Conflicts

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)
- exists when an individual is anxious of
being left out and feels the constant need
to know what the others are doing
- It is an anxiety that emanates from the
feeling that you are not up to date because
of the phase social media and news pass
very quickly

Screen Dependency Disorder

- Emerging problem (not yet included in
DSM-5 and/or ICD-10)
- Dependent, problematic behavior,
including withdrawal symptoms,
increasing tolerance (for screen use),
- Failure to reduce or stop screen activities,
lying about the extent of use, loss of
outside interests, and continuation of
screen use despite adverse consequences.

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