FCP270 User Guide

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Foxboro Evo™

Process Automation System

Control Processor 270

(CP270) and Field Control
Processor 280 (CP280)
Integrated Control Software

*B0700AG* *V*


Rev V
September 25, 2017
Schneider Electric, Invensys, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, FoxCom, EXACT, I/A Series, SPECTRUM, Archestra,
FoxView, and InFusion are trademarks of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brands and names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright 2004-2017 Schneider Electric.

All rights reserved


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Figures................................................................................................................................. xiii

Tables.................................................................................................................................... xv

Safety Information ............................................................................................................... xix

Preface.................................................................................................................................. xxi
Revision Information ............................................................................................................. xxi
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ xxi
Conventions ......................................................................................................................... xxiii
Definitions and Acronyms .................................................................................................... xxiv

1. Compounds and Station Blocks......................................................................................... 1

Compound Functions ............................................................................................................... 2
Compound/Block Process Alarming .......................................................................................... 3
Compound/Block Phasing ........................................................................................................ 3
Compound Attributes ............................................................................................................... 3
Compound Naming for Interconnected Foxboro Evo Systems ............................................. 3
Compound Access ..................................................................................................................... 4
Compound/Block Parameters ................................................................................................... 4
Configurable Parameters ...................................................................................................... 4
Connectable Parameters ....................................................................................................... 4
Input Parameters ............................................................................................................. 5
Output Parameters .......................................................................................................... 5
Nonconnectable Parameters ................................................................................................. 6
Compound Parameters ......................................................................................................... 6
The Station Compound/Block .................................................................................................. 6
Dynamic Loading Calculations ............................................................................................ 6
Dynamic Overrun Variables ................................................................................................. 7
Dynamic Free Memory Variable .......................................................................................... 7
Peer-to-Peer Status ............................................................................................................... 8
Database Security ................................................................................................................. 8
Time/Date ........................................................................................................................... 8
Station Block Parameters ...................................................................................................... 8
Time Synchronization ............................................................................................................... 8
Overview .............................................................................................................................. 9
Internal Source Time Synchronization ............................................................................ 9
External Source Time Synchronization ............................................................................ 9

B0700AG – Rev V Contents

2. Blocks.............................................................................................................................. 11
Block Attributes ...................................................................................................................... 11
Block Access ............................................................................................................................ 11
Approximate Block Sizes ......................................................................................................... 12
Block Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 12
Common Parameters .......................................................................................................... 13
Editing Parameters ............................................................................................................. 14
Block Function Types ............................................................................................................. 15
Supervisory Set Point Control (SSC) .................................................................................. 24

3. Block Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 25

Block Initialization .................................................................................................................. 25
Implicit Initialization ......................................................................................................... 25
Explicit Initialization .......................................................................................................... 26
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 26
PRIBLK Parameter ........................................................................................................ 27
Configuring Cascade Schemes ................................................................................................. 31
Standard Cascade Configuration ........................................................................................ 31
External Integral Feedback ................................................................................................. 33
Error Handling ....................................................................................................................... 34
Clamping ................................................................................................................................ 35
Scaling .................................................................................................................................... 35
Secure/Release ......................................................................................................................... 36
Control Block Fail-safe Strategy .............................................................................................. 36
PID Hold Constraint .............................................................................................................. 37

4. Block States ..................................................................................................................... 39

Shutdown State ....................................................................................................................... 39
Define State ............................................................................................................................ 40
Bad State ................................................................................................................................. 40
Bad Detection .................................................................................................................... 40
Manual/Auto States ................................................................................................................. 42
BLKSTA – the Block Status Parameter ................................................................................... 43
Block Status ............................................................................................................................ 46
Status Indicators ................................................................................................................. 46
Status Events ...................................................................................................................... 47

5. Connections .................................................................................................................... 49
Shared Variables ...................................................................................................................... 49
Linkage Syntax ........................................................................................................................ 50

Contents B0700AG – Rev V

Boolean Connection Extensions .............................................................................................. 50

Connections to Source Data ............................................................................................... 51
Connections to Source Status ............................................................................................. 53
Connections to Status Parameters ....................................................................................... 53
Packed Boolean Connection Extensions .................................................................................. 56
Defaults for Integer and Real Connections .............................................................................. 57
Mixed Data Types ................................................................................................................... 57

6. Block Processing.............................................................................................................. 61
Scan Period ............................................................................................................................. 62
Scan Overrun ..................................................................................................................... 64
Block Phasing ..................................................................................................................... 64
Relationship Between Block Period and Phase .................................................................... 65
Scan Overload ............................................................................................................... 66
Block Phasing: Guidelines ............................................................................................. 68
Input/Output (I/O) Blocks ..................................................................................................... 70
I/O Block Processing .......................................................................................................... 70
I/O Block Status ................................................................................................................. 70
I/O Block Validation .......................................................................................................... 71
I/O Fail-safe Status ............................................................................................................. 71
Redundant I/O Blocks ....................................................................................................... 71
Redundant Input Block (AINR) .................................................................................... 71
Redundant Output Block (AOUTR) ............................................................................ 71
Redundant Contact Input Block (CINR) ...................................................................... 72
Redundant Contact Output (COUTR) ......................................................................... 72
Input Signal Conditioning ...................................................................................................... 72
Filtering ............................................................................................................................. 74
First or Second-Order .................................................................................................... 74
Contact Filtering ........................................................................................................... 74
Output Signal Conditioning ................................................................................................... 74

7. Block/Process Alarming................................................................................................... 77
Alarming Overview ................................................................................................................. 77
Process Alarm Generation .................................................................................................. 78
Common Process Alarm Features ............................................................................................ 78
Common Process Alarm Parameters ................................................................................... 79
Alarm Messages .................................................................................................................. 80
Alarm Status Parameter (ALMSTA) ................................................................................... 81
Alarm Option Parameter (ALMOPT) ................................................................................ 83
Discard Alarm Messages with Alarm Group 0 ............................................................... 84
Criticality and Priority Type .............................................................................................. 84
Alarm Inhibition ................................................................................................................ 85
INHALM ...................................................................................................................... 86
INHIB .......................................................................................................................... 87
INHOPT ...................................................................................................................... 87

B0700AG – Rev V Contents

INHPRT ....................................................................................................................... 88
CINHIB ........................................................................................................................ 88
INHSTA ....................................................................................................................... 89
Quality Status Parameter (QALSTA) ................................................................................. 90
Process Alarm Types ............................................................................................................... 90
Absolute Alarming .............................................................................................................. 91
High Absolute Alarming/High Output Alarming .......................................................... 91
Low Absolute Alarming/Low Output Alarming ............................................................. 92
Bad Input/Output Alarming .............................................................................................. 93
Deviation Alarming ............................................................................................................ 93
High Deviation Alarming .............................................................................................. 94
Low Deviation Alarming ............................................................................................... 95
Mismatch Alarming ........................................................................................................... 95
Out of Range Alarming ..................................................................................................... 95
Rate Of Change Alarming .................................................................................................. 96
Sequence Operational Error Alarming ................................................................................ 97
State Change Alarming Using STALM Block .................................................................... 97
State Alarming .................................................................................................................... 98
Trip Alarming ................................................................................................................... 98
Priority-Change-Based Alarm Message Regeneration .......................................................... 98
Time-Based Alarm Message Regeneration .......................................................................... 99
Time Stamping of Re-Alarmed Messages ............................................................................ 99
Nuisance Alarm Suppression – Analog Alarms ................................................................... 99
Alarm Flutter Suppression – Contact Alarms .................................................................... 102
Summary of Block Alarm Message Regeneration and Suppression ................................... 104
Preservation of Alarm Acknowledgement after Re-Alarming ............................................ 105
Preservation of Alarm Acknowledgement for Multiple Alarm Priority Types ............... 106

8. Ladder Logic Concepts .................................................................................................. 107

Ladder Logic Overview ......................................................................................................... 107
Ladder Diagram Functions ............................................................................................... 107
PLB Functions ................................................................................................................. 108
Ladder Diagram Description ................................................................................................. 109
Ladder Diagram Display .................................................................................................. 111
Ladder Diagram Execution ............................................................................................... 111
Ladder Diagram Construction Using the ICC .................................................................. 111
Symbols ....................................................................................................................... 112
Text and Numeric Entries ........................................................................................... 113
Ladder Diagram Elements ..................................................................................................... 115
Inputs (Contacts) ............................................................................................................ 115
Outputs (Coils) ................................................................................................................ 116
Counters and Timers ........................................................................................................ 117
Transition Counters .................................................................................................... 119
Retentive Timers ......................................................................................................... 119
Non-Retentive Timers ................................................................................................. 121
Timer/Counter Reset (RST) ........................................................................................ 121
Connector Symbols .......................................................................................................... 122

Contents B0700AG – Rev V

Blank Positions ................................................................................................................. 122

Program Flow Control ..................................................................................................... 122
Master Control Relay (MCR, NCR) ........................................................................... 123
Zone Control Logic (ZCL, NCL) ................................................................................ 123
Special Purpose Coils ....................................................................................................... 124
Initialization (INIT) .................................................................................................... 124
Communication Failure (COMMF) ........................................................................... 124
Power Fail (POWERF) ................................................................................................ 125
Fail-safe (FAILSF) ....................................................................................................... 125
Fanned Outputs .................................................................................................................... 125
Simple and Nested ZCLs ...................................................................................................... 126
Ladder Diagram Constraints ................................................................................................. 128
Programmable Logic Block Operation .................................................................................. 130
Ladder Logic Operation ........................................................................................................ 131
Ladder Logic Scan Cycle .................................................................................................. 132
Scan Phase 1 – Command Processing .......................................................................... 132
Scan Phase 2 – Inputs .................................................................................................. 133
Scan Phase 3 – Ladder Solution ................................................................................... 133
Scan Phase 4 – Outputs ............................................................................................... 133
Ladder Logic Modes of Operation .................................................................................... 134
Ladder Logic Status Byte .................................................................................................. 134
Run Flag ...................................................................................................................... 135
Test Flag ...................................................................................................................... 135
Connect Flag ............................................................................................................... 135
Fail-safe Flag ................................................................................................................ 135
Hold Flag .................................................................................................................... 136
Single Scan Flag ........................................................................................................... 136
INIT Flag .................................................................................................................... 136
Logic Machine Error Flag ............................................................................................ 136
PLB Editor Overview ........................................................................................................... 136
Configuration Example ......................................................................................................... 137

9. Sequence Logic .............................................................................................................. 141

Sequential Control Blocks ..................................................................................................... 141
Sequence Block ................................................................................................................ 142
Monitor Block .................................................................................................................. 145
Timer Block ..................................................................................................................... 146
Sequential Control Block States ............................................................................................ 146
Application States ............................................................................................................. 147
Auto State .................................................................................................................... 147
Semi-Auto State ........................................................................................................... 148
Manual State ............................................................................................................... 148
Auto/Manual Transitions ............................................................................................ 149
Sequence States ................................................................................................................ 150
Active State .................................................................................................................. 151

B0700AG – Rev V Contents

Inactive State ............................................................................................................... 151

Active/Inactive Transitions .......................................................................................... 151
Paused State ................................................................................................................ 151
Tripped State ............................................................................................................... 151
Transition States .............................................................................................................. 151
To_Inactive State ........................................................................................................ 151
To_Manual State ......................................................................................................... 152
To_Paused State .......................................................................................................... 152
Compound Sequence State ................................................................................................... 152
Sequence Processing .............................................................................................................. 152
Sequence Processing Overrun ........................................................................................... 153
Useful Hints on SBX Programming ...................................................................................... 154
Operational Error SBXs .................................................................................................... 154
SBX RETRY Logic ........................................................................................................... 155
Detected Operational Error Conditions Inside Subroutines ............................................. 156
Detected Operational Error Condition Inside State Change SBX ..................................... 157
Complex Statements ......................................................................................................... 157
Usage of the SUBR_LEVEL Standard Parameter ............................................................. 158

10. System/Control Configuration Concepts .................................................................... 159

Configurators ........................................................................................................................ 159
Foxboro Evo Control Editors ........................................................................................... 159
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) .................................................................. 160
Configuration Aids ................................................................................................................ 160
Help Screens .................................................................................................................... 161
Parameter List .................................................................................................................. 161
Sequential Control Block Reference Information ............................................................. 161
Hardware Interface ................................................................................................................ 161
User Interface ........................................................................................................................ 161
Software Interface ................................................................................................................. 161
Compound Summary Access ............................................................................................ 161
Software Processing .......................................................................................................... 162
System Monitor Interface ................................................................................................. 162
Control Processor Database Installer ................................................................................ 162
Configuration Target ............................................................................................................ 163
Control Station Configuration ......................................................................................... 163
Library Volume Configuration ......................................................................................... 163
Compound Configuration ................................................................................................ 163
Copying Compounds Between Configuration Targets .......................................................... 164
Checkpoint Files ................................................................................................................... 164
Compound and Block Name Conventions ............................................................................ 164
Compound Names ........................................................................................................... 164
Block Names .................................................................................................................... 164
Configurator Editing Modes ................................................................................................. 164

Contents B0700AG – Rev V

Active Editing .................................................................................................................. 165

Inactive Editing ................................................................................................................ 165
Configuration Validation ...................................................................................................... 165
Programmable Logic and Sequential Control Block Source Files ........................................... 167

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface........................................................ 169

The Interfaces – FBMs, FCMs, and ECBs ............................................................................ 169
FCP280 and Equipment Control Blocks .......................................................................... 177
I/O Fail-safe Strategy ........................................................................................................ 177
Cold Start .................................................................................................................... 178
Placing the FBM OnLine ............................................................................................ 178
FBM Exits the Fail-safe State ....................................................................................... 178
The Fail-safe Configuration ......................................................................................... 178
Events Leading to Fail-safe ............................................................................................... 179
FBM Download from System Manager or SMDH ...................................................... 180
Detected Fieldbus Communications Failure ................................................................ 180
EEPROM Update from System Manager or SMDH ................................................... 181
FBM Turned OffLine From System Manager or SMDH ............................................ 181
Detected Power Failure ............................................................................................... 181
FBM Turned Online from System Manager or SMDH ............................................... 181
Fieldbus Scanning ................................................................................................................. 182
Fieldbus Integration Time ..................................................................................................... 182
FBM201 to FBM205, FBM208, and FBM211 to FBM213 ............................................ 182
FBM01 to FBM05 ........................................................................................................... 183
Cluster I/O ....................................................................................................................... 183
FBM Rate of Change Monitoring ......................................................................................... 183
FBM Types ........................................................................................................................... 184
Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs) ....................................................................................... 184
Diagrams – ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and FBMs ............................................................ 185
ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and 200 Series FBMs ......................................................... 185
ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and 100 Series FBMs ......................................................... 196
Window Equipment Control Blocks ..................................................................................... 202
General Window ECB Concepts ........................................................................................... 202
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 202
Configuration ................................................................................................................... 202
Installation ....................................................................................................................... 203
Validation .................................................................................................................... 203
Initialization ................................................................................................................ 203
Real Time Input Points ............................................................................................... 203
Real Time Output Points ............................................................................................ 204
Shutdown .................................................................................................................... 205
Alarming ..................................................................................................................... 206
Device States and Status .............................................................................................. 206
Individual Window ECBs ..................................................................................................... 207

B0700AG – Rev V Contents

Intelligent Transmitter Window ECB (ECB18) ............................................................... 207

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes ......................................................................... 209

Input Signal Conditioning .................................................................................................... 209
FBM Input Signal Conditioning ...................................................................................... 209
Linear and Nonlinear Signal Conversion (FBM) ......................................................... 209
Pulse Rate (FBM) ........................................................................................................ 211
Thermocouples (FBM) ................................................................................................ 211
(FBM) Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) ...................................................... 213
Other Linear/Square Root SCIXs ................................................................................ 213
Standard Conversion Tables (for FBMs) ...................................................................... 214
Output Signal Conditioning ................................................................................................. 215
SCOs for FBMs ................................................................................................................ 215

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules.......................................................................................... 219

200 Series Fieldbus Module Types (FBMs) ........................................................................... 219
FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d (0 to 20 mA Inputs) .................................... 219
FBM202 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs) .............................................................................. 220
FBM203, FBM203b, FBM203c and FBM203d (RTD Inputs) ....................................... 221
FBM204 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs) ........................................................................... 222
FBM205 (Channel Isolated, Redundant 0 to 20 mA
Inputs/Outputs) ............................................................................................................... 224
FBM206 and FBM206b (Pulse Inputs) ............................................................................ 225
FBM207, FBM207b and FBM207c (Contact/dc Inputs) ................................................. 226
FBM208 and FBM208b (Channel Isolated, Redundant,
Readback, 0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs) ........................................................................... 227
FBM211 (16-Channel Differential-Isolated 0 to 20 mA Inputs) ...................................... 228
FBM212 (14-Channel Differential-Isolated Thermocouple Inputs) ................................. 229
FBM213 (8-Channel Differential-Isolated RTD Inputs) .................................................. 231
FBM214 and FBM214b (HART Communication Input Interface Module) .................... 232
FBM215 (HART Communication Output Interface Module) ......................................... 232
FBM216 and FBM216b (HART Communication Redundant
Input Interface Module) ................................................................................................... 232
FBM217 (32-Channel Group-Isolated Voltage Monitor Inputs) ...................................... 233
FBM218 (HART Communication Redundant Output Interface Module) ...................... 233
FBM219 (32-Channel Group-Isolated Discrete I/O Module) .......................................... 234
FBM220/221 FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Communications Interface Module ............ 235
FBM222, Redundant PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module ...................... 235
FBM223 (PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module) ....................................... 235
FBM224 (Modbus Communication Interface Module) ................................................... 235
FBM227 (Contact/dc I/O Interface Module with DPIDA and MDACT Support) .......... 236
FBM228 (Redundant 4-Channel Interface to FOUNDATION fieldbus) ........................ 237
FBM229 (DeviceNet™ Communication Interface Module) ........................................... 237
FBM230/231/232/233 (Field Device System Interface Modules) .................................... 237
FBM237 (Channel Isolated, Redundant-Ready 0 to 20 mA Outputs) .............................. 237
FBM238 – Group Isolated Digital I/O Mix Expander Module ........................................ 238
FBM239 – Group Isolated Digital I/O Mix Expander Module ........................................ 239

Contents B0700AG – Rev V

FBM240 (Channel Isolated, Redundant with Readback, Discrete Outputs) ..................... 240
FBM241 (Channel Isolated, Discrete Input/Output) ....................................................... 241
FBM242 (Channel Isolated, Discrete Outputs) ................................................................ 242
FBM243 and FBM243b (Channel Isolated FoxCom Dual Baud
Rate Intelligent Device Interface Module) ........................................................................ 243
FBM244 – 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module with HART® Support ............................. 244
FBM245 – Redundant 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module with HART® Support ........... 244
FBM246 and FBM246b (Channel Isolated FoxCom Redundant
Dual Baud Rate Intelligent Device Interface Module) ...................................................... 244
FBM247 – Current/Voltage Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O
Configurable Channel Interface Module with HART® Support ...................................... 246
FBM248 – Redundant Current/Voltage Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O
Configurable Channel Interface Module with HART® Support ...................................... 246
100 Series Fieldbus Module Types (FBMs) ........................................................................... 247
FBM01 (0 to 20 mA Inputs) ............................................................................................ 247
FBM02 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs) ................................................................................ 248
FBM03A ([3-wire] and 03B [4-wire] RTD Inputs) .......................................................... 249
FBM04 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs) .............................................................................. 250
FBM05 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs) for Redundant Applications .................................. 251
FBM06 (Pulse Inputs, 0 to 20 mA Outputs) .................................................................... 252
FBM17 (0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc Inputs/Outputs) ......................................................... 252
Analog Signals ............................................................................................................. 252
Digital Signals ............................................................................................................. 252
Analog Signal Specifications ........................................................................................ 254
Digital Signal Specifications ........................................................................................ 254
FBM18 (Intelligent Transmitter Interface) ....................................................................... 254
FBM07/12 (Contact/dc Inputs and Expansion Inputs) .................................................... 255
FBM08/13 (120 V ac Inputs and Expansion Inputs) ........................................................ 256
FBM09/14 (Contact/dc I/O and Expansion I/O) ............................................................. 257
FBM10/15 (120 V ac I/O and Expansion I/O) ................................................................ 258
FBM11/16 (240 V ac I/O and Expansion I/O) ................................................................ 259
FBM20/21 (240 V ac Inputs and Expansion Inputs) ........................................................ 259
FBM33A (3-wire RTD Inputs) and 33B (2- and 4-wire RTD Inputs) ............................. 260
FBM36 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs) ................................................................................ 261
FBM37 (0 to 20 mA Outputs) ......................................................................................... 262
Cluster I/O FBCs ............................................................................................................. 263

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference........................................................................ 265

Legacy FBMs and Equivalents ............................................................................................... 265
Fieldbus Processors ................................................................................................................ 272
Eckardt I/O Cards ................................................................................................................. 273
UCM/UIO ........................................................................................................................... 273
FIO ....................................................................................................................................... 275
UFM ..................................................................................................................................... 276
Fisher Series 20 Migration Cards ........................................................................................... 276

B0700AG – Rev V Contents

DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs and Equivalents .......................................................... 278
DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs ............................................................................... 278
Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem (ISCM) Cards .................................................................... 281
DCS FBMs for ABB/Taylor MOD300 Systems .................................................................... 282
DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems ............................................ 282
DCS FBMs for APACS+ Systems .......................................................................................... 285
Honeywell TDC2000 Migration Cards ................................................................................ 286
Honeywell TDC3000 Migration Cards ................................................................................ 290
FCMs and Equivalents .......................................................................................................... 291

Index .................................................................................................................................. 293

1-1. Compound/Block Relationship ..................................................................................... 2
2-1. Block Access ................................................................................................................ 12
2-2. Supervisory Set Point Control Concept ....................................................................... 24
3-1. PRIBLK Cascade Standard Configuration .................................................................. 26
3-2. PRIBLK Cascade Standard Configuration .................................................................. 31
3-3. Cascade Block Strategy with Feedback Control ........................................................... 32
3-4. Cascade Handling Between Two Compounds Across Stations .................................... 33
3-5. Cascade Block Strategy with Feedforward Control ...................................................... 33
4-1. Bad Detection ............................................................................................................. 41
4-2. Block State Transition Diagram .................................................................................. 43
6-1. The Block Processing Cycle ........................................................................................ 61
6-2. Example of Phased Execution ...................................................................................... 66
6-3. Phase Zero Overload ................................................................................................... 67
6-4. Example of Overrun .................................................................................................... 67
6-5. Avoiding Overrun ....................................................................................................... 68
6-6. Input Signal Conditioning .......................................................................................... 73
6-7. Output Signal Conditioning ....................................................................................... 75
7-1. Block Alarming ........................................................................................................... 77
7-2. INHIB, INHALM, and INHOPT Behavior ............................................................... 86
7-3. Absolute Alarming ...................................................................................................... 91
7-4. Deviation Alarming ..................................................................................................... 94
7-5. Out of Range Alarming ............................................................................................... 96
7-6. Rate of Change Alarming ............................................................................................ 96
7-7. Nuisance Alarm Suppression Disabled (NASTDB = 0, NASOPT is Ignored) ........... 100
7-8. Nuisance Alarm Suppression Enabled (NASTDB > 0) .............................................. 101
7-9. Delayed Analog Alarming (NASTDB >0, NASOPT=1) ........................................... 102
7-10. Alarm Flutter Suppression Enabled (NASTDB > 0) .................................................. 103
7-11. Delayed Contact Alarming (NASTDB >0, NASOPT=1) .......................................... 103
8-1. Ladder Logic Components (Simplified) .................................................................... 107
8-2. Simplified Ladder Logic Diagram ............................................................................. 109
8-3. Ladder Logic Contacts .............................................................................................. 110
8-4. Ladder Logic Connectors .......................................................................................... 110
8-5. Parallel Circuits in Ladder Logic ............................................................................... 110
8-6. Typical ICC Ladder Diagram Display ....................................................................... 111
8-7. ICC Ladder Diagram Work Area .............................................................................. 112
8-8. ICC Sample Ladder Diagram .................................................................................... 114
8-9. User-Defined Labelling ............................................................................................. 115
8-10. Retentive Time-On Delay Timing Chart .................................................................. 120
8-11. Retentive Time-Off Delay Timing Chart .................................................................. 121
8-12. COMMF Contact ..................................................................................................... 124
8-13. Fanned Outputs ........................................................................................................ 125
8-14. Zone Control Logic .................................................................................................. 126
8-15. Zone Control Logic (Continued) .............................................................................. 126
8-16. Zone Control Logic (Continued) .............................................................................. 127

B0700AG – Rev V Figures

8-17. Nested Zone Control Logic ....................................................................................... 127

8-18. Nested Zone Logic (Continued) ............................................................................... 128
8-19. Allowed/Not Allowed Connector Geometry ............................................................. 129
8-20. Programmable Logic Block (PLB) Block Diagram .................................................... 130
8-21. Ladder Logic Functions Diagram .............................................................................. 132
8-22. Typical Ladder Logic Application ............................................................................. 138
8-23. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued) ......................................................... 138
8-24. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued) ......................................................... 139
8-25. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued) ......................................................... 139
8-26. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued) ......................................................... 140
9-1. Processing Order Within a Scheduled BPC ............................................................... 153
11-1. Multiple FCP280s in The Foxboro Evo Control Network (Simplified) .................... 171
11-2. Typical FCP270 Network Configuration (Conceptual, Without Dual Baud) ........... 172
11-3. Example Network with FCP270 with Dual Baud Functionality
(Conceptual, With Dual Baud) ................................................................................. 173
11-4. Typical ZCP270 with FCM100Ets Network Configuration (Simplified) ................. 174
11-5. Typical ZCP270 with FCM100E Network Configuration (Simplified) .................... 175
11-6. Typical Control Scheme Using an FCP280 or FCP270 and 200 Series FBMs .......... 176
11-7. DIN Rail Mounted FBM Connections to ECBs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 53 ................... 186
11-8. Connections to ECB5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 23, 34 and 38R ..................................................... 187
11-9. FBM214, 214b, 216, 216b, 244 and 245 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202 ... 188
11-10. FBM215 and 218 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202 ....................................... 188
11-11. FBM220 and 221 Connections to ECB200 and 201 ................................................ 189
11-12. FBM222 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202 ..................................................... 189
11-13. FBM223, 230, 231, 232 and 233 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202 ............... 190
11-14. FBM224 Connections to ECB200 and 201 .............................................................. 191
11-15. FBM228 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202 ..................................................... 192
11-16. FBM229 Connections to ECB200 and 201 .............................................................. 193
11-17. Typical FBM243 and ECB73 Configuration ............................................................ 194
11-18. Typical FBM246 and ECB38R Configuration .......................................................... 195
11-19. Connections to ECB1/2/4/5/6/7 ............................................................................... 196
11-20. Connections to ECB8/9 ............................................................................................ 197
11-21. Connections to ECB19/20/21/22/23 ........................................................................ 198
11-22. Connections to ECB12/23/34/36/73 ........................................................................ 199
11-23. Connections to ECB38/52/53 .................................................................................. 200
11-24. Connections to ECB41/42/43/44/46 ........................................................................ 201

1-1. Load Value Accuracy ..................................................................................................... 7
4-1. BLKSTA-Assignable Bits ............................................................................................. 43
4-2. Parameter Status Bits ................................................................................................... 46
5-1. Block Status Symbols .................................................................................................. 54
5-2. Alarm Status Symbols ................................................................................................. 55
5-3. Data Conversion Clamping ......................................................................................... 58
5-4. Data Conversion Results ............................................................................................. 58
5-5. Peer-to-Peer Connections ............................................................................................ 59
6-1. Scan Periods for CP60, FCP270, ZCP270, FCP280, FDC280 ................................... 62
6-2. Allowable Scan Periods for Integrator and Gateway Blocks ......................................... 63
6-3. Valid Phase Values (BPC = 0.5 second) ....................................................................... 65
7-1. ALMSTA-Assignable Bits ............................................................................................ 81
7-2. ALMOPT-Assignable Bits ........................................................................................... 83
7-3. PRTYPE Indicators ..................................................................................................... 85
7-4. INHALM-Assignable Bits ........................................................................................... 87
7-5. INHOPT Values ......................................................................................................... 87
7-6. INHSTA-Assignable Bits ............................................................................................ 89
7-7. Block Alarm Message Regeneration and Suppression ................................................ 104
8-1. Ladder Symbols ......................................................................................................... 112
8-2. Text and Numeric Elements ..................................................................................... 114
8-3. Technical Identifiers .................................................................................................. 114
8-4. Ladder Inputs ............................................................................................................ 115
8-5. Ladder Coils .............................................................................................................. 117
8-6. Counters and Timers ................................................................................................ 117
8-7. Counter/Timer State Terminology ............................................................................ 118
8-8. Timer/Counter Registers and Flags ........................................................................... 118
8-9. RTO Truth Table ..................................................................................................... 119
8-10. RTF Truth Table ...................................................................................................... 120
8-11. Effects of MCR and ZCL on Ladder Operation ........................................................ 122
8-12. Ladder Logic Commands .......................................................................................... 132
8-13. Ladder Modes of Operation ...................................................................................... 134
9-1. Operational Modes ................................................................................................... 146
9-2. Sequence States ......................................................................................................... 150
9-3. Compound Sequence State ....................................................................................... 152
10-1. ERCODE Parameter Messages ................................................................................. 166
11-1. FSMM02 Coding ..................................................................................................... 179
11-2. Redundant Output Fallback Values .......................................................................... 179
11-3. FBM201 to FBM205 and FBM208 Integration Time Factors .................................. 182
11-4. FBM01 to FBM05 Integration Time Factors ............................................................ 183
11-5. Equipment Control Blocks ........................................................................................ 184
11-6. Window Equipment Control Blocks ......................................................................... 202
B-1. FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d Options ............................................... 219
B-2. FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d Conversion Time Factors ..................... 220
B-3. FBM202 Options ..................................................................................................... 220

B0700AG – Rev V Tables

B-4. FBM202 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 221

B-5. FBM203/b/c/d Options ............................................................................................ 222
B-6. FBM203/b/c/d Conversion Time Factors ................................................................. 222
B-7. FBM204 Options ..................................................................................................... 223
B-8. FBM204 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 223
B-9. FBM205 Options ..................................................................................................... 225
B-10. FBM205 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 225
B-11. FBM206b Options ................................................................................................... 226
B-12. FBM206 and FBM206b Conversion Time Factors ................................................... 226
B-13. FBM207 Options ..................................................................................................... 226
B-14. FBM208 and FBM208b Options ............................................................................. 228
B-15. FBM208 and FBM208b Conversion Time Factors ................................................... 228
B-16. FBM211 Options ..................................................................................................... 229
B-17. FBM211 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 229
B-18. FBM212 Options ..................................................................................................... 230
B-19. FBM212 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 230
B-20. FBM213 Options ..................................................................................................... 231
B-21. FBM213 Conversion Time Factors ........................................................................... 231
B-22. FBM217 Options ..................................................................................................... 233
B-23. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM217 ......................................... 233
B-24. FBM219 Digital Options .......................................................................................... 234
B-25. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM219 ......................................... 235
B-26. Modbus Function Codes for Modicon Programmable Controllers ............................ 236
B-27. FBM227 Options ..................................................................................................... 236
B-28. FBM237 Options ..................................................................................................... 238
B-29. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM238 ......................................... 239
B-30. FBM238 Digital Options .......................................................................................... 239
B-31. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM219 ......................................... 239
B-32. FBM239 Digital Options .......................................................................................... 240
B-33. FBM240 Options ..................................................................................................... 241
B-34. FBM241 Digital Options .......................................................................................... 242
B-35. FBM242 Digital Options .......................................................................................... 243
B-36. FBM01 Options ....................................................................................................... 248
B-37. FBM01 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 248
B-38. FBM02 Options ....................................................................................................... 249
B-39. FBM02 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 249
B-40. FBM03 Options ....................................................................................................... 250
B-41. FBM03 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 250
B-42. FBM04 Options ....................................................................................................... 251
B-43. FBM04 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 251
B-44. FBM06 Options ....................................................................................................... 252
B-45. FBM17 Analog Options ............................................................................................ 253
B-46. FBM17 Digital Options ............................................................................................ 253
B-47. FBM17 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 253
B-48. FBM07/12 Options .................................................................................................. 256
B-49. FBM08/13 Options .................................................................................................. 257
B-50. FBM09/14 Options .................................................................................................. 258
B-51. FBM10/15 Options .................................................................................................. 258

Tables B0700AG – Rev V

B-52. FBM11/16 Options .................................................................................................. 259

B-53. FBM20/21 Options .................................................................................................. 260
B-54. FBM33 Options ....................................................................................................... 261
B-55. FBM33 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 261
B-56. FBM36 Options ....................................................................................................... 262
B-57. FBM36 Conversion Time ......................................................................................... 262
B-58. FBM37 Options ....................................................................................................... 263
C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents ................................................................................... 265
C-2. Fieldbus Cluster Modules .......................................................................................... 272
C-3. Eckardt Rack I/O Cards ............................................................................................ 273
C-4. UCM or UIO Rack I/O Cards .................................................................................. 274
C-5. FIO Rack I/O Cards ................................................................................................. 275
C-6. UFM Rack I/O Cards ............................................................................................... 276
C-7. Fisher Series 20 Migration Cards ............................................................................... 277
C-8. 200 Series (DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs ..................................................................... 278
C-9. Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem (ISCM) Cards ........................................................ 281
C-10. ABB/Taylor MOD300 Systems Migration Cards ...................................................... 282
C-11. DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems ................................ 282
C-12. DCS FBMs for APACS+ Process Control Systems .................................................... 286
C-13. Honeywell TDC2000 Migration I/O Cards .............................................................. 287
C-14. Honeywell TDC3000 Migration I/O Cards .............................................................. 291
C-15. FCMs and Equivalents .............................................................................................. 291

B0700AG – Rev V Tables

Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to
become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, ser-
vice, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear
throughout this manual or on the equipment to warn of potential
hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
a procedure.

The addition of either symbol to a "Danger" or

"Warning" safety label indicates that an electrical
hazard exists which will result in personal injury if
the instructions are not followed.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to

potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages
that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and main-
tained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by
Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this

A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the con-
struction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has
received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.
This document is for process control and applications engineers. It provides theoretical, descrip-
tive, and conceptual information for process control and process control database configuration
including block processing cycles, phasing, equipment control blocks, compounds, and blocks.
You need to read this document prior to attempting any control configuration. Block descriptions
and lists of their parameters are found in Integrated Control Blocks Descriptions (B0193AX) and
Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control Blocks
This document describes control software concepts for the Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280)
and the Control Processor 270 (CP270). It includes information on new alarming features, con-
trol blocks, Fieldbus Modules, and other information.

For information on control software concepts for the Control Processor 60 (CP60)
or earlier control processors, refer to Integrated Control Software Concepts

Revision Information
For this revision of this document (B0700AG, Rev. V), these changes were made:
♦ Updated the document to implement new corporate and product branding.
♦ Rewrote all safety messages.
♦ Updated terminology to meet safety standards.
Chapter 5 “Connections”
♦ Updated the first paragraph in “Boolean Connection Extensions” on page 50.
Appendix B “Fieldbus Modules”
♦ Added the Compact FBM248 module to “FBM248 – Redundant Current/Voltage
Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O Configurable Channel Interface Module with HART®
Support” on page 246.

Reference Documents
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW)
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Control Network Interface (CNI) User's Guide (B0700GE)
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR)

B0700AG – Rev V Preface

♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User's Guide (B0700AN)
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) User’s Guide (B0700AH)
♦ FOUNDATION fieldbus User's Guide for the Redundant FBM228 Interface (B0700BA)
♦ FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Interface Module (FBM220/221) User Guide (B0400FD)
♦ PROFIBUS-DP™ Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s Guide
♦ HART® Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF)
♦ Intelligent Marshalling Fieldbus Modules - FBM247 and FBM248 (B0700GU)
♦ Modbus Communication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide (B0400FK)
♦ DCS Fieldbus Modules for APACS+ Systems User’s Guide (B0700BK)
♦ DCS Fieldbus Modules for Westinghouse WDPF Systems User's Guide (B0400BA)
♦ DCS Fieldbus Modules for ABB MOD300 Direct I/O Systems with HART I/O Capabil-
ity User's Guide (B0700AE)
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control Blocks
♦ Object Manager Calls (B0193BC)
♦ PLC™ Interface Block Descriptions (B0193YQ)
♦ Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
♦ High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User's Guide (B0400DF)
♦ PLC Interface Block Descriptions (B0193YQ)
♦ Time Synchronization User’s Guide (B0700AQ)
♦ System Manager (B0750AP)
♦ System Management Displays (B0193JC)
♦ Control Core Service V9.x System Error Messages (B0700AF)
♦ Measurement Integration (B0193RA)
♦ Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA)
♦ 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ)
For information on the I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) software, refer to these doc-
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
♦ Learning to Use IACC (B0400BT)
♦ Intelligent Design Studio (IDS) Library for IACC (B0400BQ)
For information on the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) software, refer to this document:
♦ Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)

Preface B0700AG – Rev V

Most of these documents are available on the Foxboro Evo Electronic Documentation media
(K0174MA). The latest revision of each document is available through our Global Customer
Support at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com
For information on the Foxboro Evo™ Control Software (formerly known as Foxboro® Control
Software, or FCS), refer to these documents:
♦ Foxboro Evo Process Automation System Deployment Guide (B0750BA) - Overview,
Read First
♦ Appearance Object Editor User's Guide (B0750AE)
♦ Bulk Data Editor User's Guide (B0750AF)
♦ Common Graphical Editor Features User's Guide (B0750AG)
♦ Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
♦ Control Database Deployment User's Guide (B0750AJ)
♦ PLB Ladder Logic Editor User's Guide (B0750AK)
♦Sequence Block HLBL Editor User's Guide (B0750AL)
♦ Sequence Block SFC Editor User's Guide(B0750AM)
♦ Strategy Editor User's Guide (B0750AN)
♦ Configuration Utilities User's Guide (B0750AZ)
♦ Logic Block Editor and Troubleshooting Tool (B0750BL)
♦ Scripting with Direct Access User's Guide (B0750BM)
♦ Implementing PROFIBUS Networks in Foxboro Evo Control Software Applications
♦ Implementing a DeviceNet Network on the Foxboro Evo Core Services Applications
♦ Using HART Instrumentation on Foxboro Evo Core Services with the Control Software
Field Device Manager (B0750CM)
♦ Implementing FOUNDATION fieldbus in Foxboro Evo Core Services Applications
These documents are available on the Foxboro Evo Control Software installation media kit (such
as K0203AW, shipped with Foxboro Evo Control Software v6.0). The latest revision of this docu-
ment is available through our Global Customer Support at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com

These conventions are used throughout this document:
♦ The Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280), Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270)
and the Z-module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) are generally referred to as
♦ The term “CP270” refers to either the FCP270 or the ZCP270.
♦ A bold sans-serif font is used to denote a command, for example: Show.
♦ A plain sans-serif font is used to denote a code, for example: SUBROUTINE SUBR3().
♦ Compounds, Blocks, and their parameters are denoted by UPPERCASE text.

B0700AG – Rev V Preface

Definitions and Acronyms

These terms provide a convenient summary of the definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations used
in this document.

Name Meaning
AW Application Workstation, a platform superceded by the WSTA70 and
WSRV70 platforms.
BPC Block Processing Cycle of the controller is the smallest resolution of time
in which the Compound Processor task can be scheduled to run
Control Core Refer to “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services” on page xxiv.
control network Formerly known as The Mesh control network, the Foxboro Evo Control
Network is a switch network that facilitates communications among Fox-
boro Evo workstations/servers and other stations.
CSA Compound Summary Access
DCI Distributed Control Interface
DCS Fieldbus Foxboro-provided Distributed Control System (DCS) FBMs - control
Modules and interface modules to third-party control solutions, such as Fisher's
PROVOX® Series 20 or Honeywell® TDC 2000 systems.
ECB Equipment Control Block
FBM Fieldbus Module
FCM Fieldbus Communication Module
FCP270 Field Control Processor 270
FCP280 Field Control Processor 280
FDSI Field Data System Integrator
Foxboro Evo Core software environment, formerly known as “I/A Series® (Intelligent
Control Core Automation Series) software”. A workstation which runs this software is
Services known as a “Foxboro Evo Control Core Services workstation”.
Foxboro Evo Formerly known as “FCS Configuration Tools”, “InFusion® Engineering
Control Editors Environment”, or “IEE”, these are the Control software engineering and
configuration tools built on the ArchestrA® Integrated Development
Environment (IDE).
Foxboro Evo Formerly known as “Foxboro Control Software (FCS)” and “InFusion”, a
Control Soft- suite of software built on the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environ-
ware ment (IDE) to operate with the Foxboro Evo Control Core Services.
Foxboro Evo An overall term used to refer to a system which may include either, or
Process Automa- both, Foxboro Evo Control Software and Foxboro Evo Control Core Ser-
tion System vices.
GPS Global Positioning System
HDLC High-level Data Link Control protocol is the Master/Slave Protocol used
on top of several physical layers for FBM communication
IACC I/A Series Configuration Component

Preface B0700AG – Rev V

Name Meaning
ICC Integrated Control Configurator
MTK Master TimeKeeper
OM Object Manager
PIO Peripheral I/O bus
“Secured” con- A “secured” connection means that the sink end of the connection cannot
nection be modified by the user. If a user wants to modify the sink end of a con-
nection, they must do so at the source end of that connection.
“Secured” A “secured” parameter is a parameter which cannot be modified (i.e., set
parameter by the user or an application) because it is either under control of the
block or a linkage to it exists.
STK Slave TimeKeeper
SMDH System Management Display Handler, the user interface for equipment
status and change actions
SOE Sequence of Events
The Control Refer to “Foxboro Evo Control Software” on page xxiv.
UTC Universal Coordinated Time
ZCP270 Z-module Field Control Processor 270

B0700AG – Rev V Preface

1. Compounds and Station Blocks
This chapter gives an overview of compounds and blocks, including compound functions,
attributes, and access, and compound/block alarming, phasing, and parameters. This chapter
also covers the station compound or block and shadow parameters.
Process control for Foxboro Evo™ Process Automation Systems is based on the concepts of com-
pounds and blocks. A compound is a logical collection of blocks that performs a control strategy.
A block is a member of a set of algorithms that performs a certain control task within the com-
pound structure. Figure 1-1 shows the compound/block relationship.
The compound provides the basis for the integration of:
♦ Continuous control
♦ Ladder logic
♦ Sequential control
Within this structure, any block in any compound can be connected to any other block in any
other compound in the system. The entire compound structure can be viewed through the work-
station FoxView™ display.
The block contains parameters that have values of the types: Real, Boolean, Packed Boolean,
Boolean Long, Integer, or String.

B0700AG – Rev V 1. Compounds and Station Blocks




1 2 n



Figure 1-1. Compound/Block Relationship

Compound Functions
The compound supports these functions for the related blocks:
♦ Process alarm priority, alarm inhibiting, and alarm grouping
♦ Sequence status notification (refer to “Sequential Control Block States” on page 146)
♦ Phasing for execution load leveling at execution time
The compound rules are:
♦ Multiple compounds can be executed within the same station
♦ A single compound cannot cross station boundaries
♦ Blocks in different compounds can be interconnected across station boundaries
♦ Every compound needs to have a unique name

1. Compounds and Station Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

Compound/Block Process Alarming

Alarms and status messages are generated by specific alarm blocks and by alarm options in selected
Alarms have five levels of priority, 1-5, (where 1 = highest priority) that enable you to quickly
focus on the vital plant alarm conditions. An alarm priority of 0 indicates the absence of any
These are summarized in a single alarm summary parameter for each compound. This parameter
contains the priority of the highest current alarm in that compound.
To reduce nuisance alarms, alarms can be inhibited at the compound level on a priority level basis.
Alarms can also be inhibited at the block level, on either an alarm type basis, or an overall basis.
Alarms are initiated by the blocks within the compound. Alarm messages are then sent to groups
of stations or applications (for example, workstations, historians, printers) according to config-
ured alarm groups. The UNACK alarm acknowledge output parameter allows you to propagate
alarm acknowledge actions to all blocks in a compound.
Stations, applications, and devices corresponding to various alarm destination groups are config-
ured at the compound level or at the station level in the case of station compounds.
Group numbers for individual block alarm types are configured at the block level.

Compound/Block Phasing
A user-defined phase number can be assigned to each compound using a range of integer values
that varies with assigned period.
Phasing allows the starting time of one compound/block to lead or lag the starting time of
another compound/block, thereby leveling the block processor load.

Compound Attributes
The compound has these attributes:

Name: User-defined name that needs to be system-unique and no more than 12

characters in length. The name can be any mix of numerics (0 to 9), upper
case alphabetics (A to Z), and the underscore (_).

Descriptor: 32-character field for user-defined identification.

On/Off: Parameter that enables or disables the execution of all blocks within the
compound, where: 1 = on; 0 = off.

Compound Naming for Interconnected Foxboro Evo Systems

When two Foxboro Evo or I/A Series systems are connected (using the Control Network Inter-
face, as described in Control Network Interface (CNI) User's Guide (B0700GE)), all compound
names needs to be unique across all inter-connected systems. If you have any compound names
which exist in both systems, you have to rename them to help ensure all compound names are

B0700AG – Rev V 1. Compounds and Station Blocks

If any compounds in two or more interconnected Foxboro Evo systems share the same name,
when a request is made to that compound, the system returns data from the local compound with
that name.

Compound Access
Both compounds and blocks have a set of parameters that comprise the user interface. To access a
compound parameter value, use these convention:
♦ Compound has (up to) a 12-character name
♦ Parameter has (up to) a 6-character name

Compound/Block Parameters
Compound and block parameters contain values that are of one of the types Real, String, Integer,
Short Integer, Long Integer, Boolean, Packed Boolean, Packed Long, or Character.
Additionally, parameters are defined as being configurable, and either connectable/settable, not
connectable/not settable, or a combination that is dependent upon the compound, block, and

Configurable Parameters
Configurable parameters are those parameters that can be defined through a control configurator.
They can be displayable only, or displayable and editable.

For I/A Series software v8.4-v8.8 and Foxboro Evo Control Core Services v9.0
(referred to as the Control Core Services) or later, any non-zero value entered for a
Boolean parameter results in the parameter value being set to one, without excep-
tion. The Boolean value in the controller is set to zero only when the user specifi-
cally configures a zero.
Also be aware that the ICC workfile value contains the value entered by the user, so
that if an “illegal” value (any value other than zero or one) is entered, there is a mis-
match between the content of the workfile and the value in the controller. This does
not affect the process.

Connectable Parameters
Connectable parameters are those parameters of the user interface in which the change-driven
connections that you have helped secure can be made between network stations, or as local direct
connections within the same station.
Each connection consists of a connectable source and a connectable sink. Output parameters (all
outputs are connectable) are sources, while input parameters may be a sink or a source, or both.
Certain parameters that may be considered functional inputs, such as SPT in the PID blocks, and
RATIO in the RATIO block, are settable but not connectable.

1. Compounds and Station Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

A connectable parameter has a value record that contains the parameter’s value, its status, and its
designated value type (Real, Boolean, or Integer). Its status consists of the following Boolean attri-

Out-of-Service (OOS)
Defines the validity of the data. This flag is set and reset by the block
algorithm. The OOS status usually originates from I/O type blocks (for
example, AIN, COUT) which detect abnormal I/O conditions, for exam-
ple, that the Fieldbus Module (FBM) is out-of-service, or that the com-
pound containing the block of the I/O parameter is turned OFF.

Secure Defines the conditional settability status of the parameter. The flag is set
and reset by the block algorithm which you have helped secure. A settable
parameter can only be written if you do not help to secure it. For example,
a remote set point, RSP, is unsecured and settable when it is not con-
nected. When connected, help secure the parameter which is not settable.

Bad Defines the validity of the data. This flag is set and reset by the block
algorithm. The Bad status usually originates from I/O type blocks (for
example, AIN, COUT) which detect abnormal I/O conditions such as a
bad FBM, type mismatch, bad channel status, or out-of-range conditions.
You can access certain status bits of a parameter value record as explicit connections in control
schemes, by using Boolean connection extensions. Certain CALC and LOGIC block instructions
also have this capability, and user tasks can access these variables implicitly within their specific
In addition, the BAD status of an I/O block’s value record is made available as a unique Boolean-
type connectable output parameter. This value can be accessed explicitly by any other block or

Input Parameters
Input parameters are connectable types that are the receivers of data from other connectable
parameters using a path connection.
If no source path is specified during configuration, then the resident data of the value record is the
actual “source” of data. It can be either the initial default or configured value, or a new value
through a SET call to the input parameter.
If a source path is specified, then the data value is an output parameter of the same or another
block, or a shared variable, thereby helping to secure the input. By linking a shared variable to a
block input during configuration, you can establish a long-term secured connection between a
remote application program and the block input.

Output Parameters
All output parameters are connectable data sources that have value records. There are two types:
settable and nonsettable.
The settability of a settable output is controlled by the secured status of the value record. The
secured status is dependent on whether the block’s operational mode is in Auto or Manual.
In either Auto or Manual, nonsettable output parameters cannot be written by any other source
under any conditions.

B0700AG – Rev V 1. Compounds and Station Blocks

Settable outputs may be conditionally released by the block algorithm in the Manual mode.
In Manual, the block unsecures settable output parameters. They can then be written by other
tasks using SET calls. When the block changes to Auto, the block helps to secure and update its
own output parameter(s).

Nonconnectable Parameters
Nonconnectable parameters have no value records and are not linkable. They mainly consist of
string-type variables like NAME, or nonsettable parameters that are used in the configurator only,
for example, block options. Local algorithm variables are also nonconnectable.
Nonconnectable parameters are generally accessible through GET calls.
There is also a class of nonconnectable input parameters that comprise the block user interface
which can be manipulated through SET calls. An example is an alarm deadband.

Compound Parameters
Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) and PLC Interface Block Descriptions
(B0193YQ) for a detailed description of specific compounds and their parameters.

The Station Compound/Block

A Station compound containing one Station block for each control station in a system, is installed
in a station automatically when a database is downloaded, even an “empty” database. This block
provides global data storage for station system functions. You can view the station block by calling
up its default display.
A Station Block provides information about the station’s resources. The station block for all
control stations are identical. Station blocks are used for each control station.
Each Station compound and block has a unique name in any Control Core Services network,
determined by embedding the station letterbug in the compound name as follows:
♦ Compound name is: <letterbug>_STA
♦ Block name is: STATION
♦ Full pathname is: <letterbug>_STA:STATION
The Station compound and block have these restrictions:
♦ The compound cannot be deleted or turned off.
♦ The block cannot be deleted.
♦ User-created blocks cannot be added to the compound.
♦ The compound is not run periodically by the Control Processor Task (CPT).
Refer to System Manager (B0750AP) and Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN) for station
block operational procedures and to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for a
detailed description of the station block and its parameters.

Dynamic Loading Calculations

The station, when enabled, performs several Dynamic Control Processor loading calculations.
The first is the I/O scan load. The second calculation is for the loading for continuous block pro-
cessing. The third calculation is for sequence processing.

1. Compounds and Station Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

Controller load is the total control block load, that is, the load value for continuous blocks,
sequence blocks, and I/O. When the station initializes, the load calculation switch is automati-
cally set to false and remains in that state under normal operation. You enable (or disable) the
loading calculations at the Station Block display by toggling the ACTIVE pick.
You may synchronize the calculations to start at a specified phase number, LODPHS, or to start at
the current phase. You request synchronization, at the block display, by setting the LODSYN
input to true and toggling the STATION block to INACTIVE then ACTIVE.
LODPHS is specified in phase numbers corresponding to one minute and normalized to the sys-
tem BPC. For example, the default system BPC is 0.5 seconds which normalizes the one minute
period to 120 frames, giving LODPHS a domain of 0 to 119 (modulo 120). Thus, each load out-
put is computed in the BPC frame equal to LODPHS plus their index.
You may also specify the sampling period, LODPER. The value limit is 10 * BPC to 3600 sec-
onds. Default is 10 * BPC.
The station calculates separate load values for ten consecutive BPCs. On the tenth cycle, the sta-
tion calculates two separate averages of the ten most recent cycles – one to calculate the load for
continuous blocks and the other for the station load (continuous and sequence blocks).
At this time, all 22 load values are copied to the Station block output parameters (connectable,
nonsettable). After the tenth cycle, the station suspends calculation until the sampling period
expires, when the calculation cycles begin again. The station makes these calculations every sam-
pling period until the loading calculations are disabled.
Since the real-time clock has a resolution of 10 ms, the load value accuracies are as follows:

Table 1-1. Load Value Accuracy

Maximum Error
BPC Percentage Usefulness
0.1 s 10.0% not very
0.2 s 5.0% marginal
0.5 s 2.0% useful
1.0 s 1.0% useful

Dynamic Overrun Variables

The Station block provides an output parameter, OVRRUN, that is set to true (or false) each
cycle to indicate when the Control Processor Task (CPT) processing does (or does not) overrun.
The station increments a separate overrun counter, CUMOVR, when an overrun cycle is
detected. CUMOVR is available as an output of the Station block. You reset this counter by set-
ting the block’s momentary input parameter, RESOVR, to true.

Dynamic Free Memory Variable

The Station block indicates the number of bytes of dynamic free memory available for the control
The station updates this value a minimum of every thirty seconds.

B0700AG – Rev V 1. Compounds and Station Blocks

Peer-to-Peer Status
The Station Block supplies status and performance data on the station’s peer-to-peer communica-
tions. The performance and status information provided is as follows:
♦ The current number of peer-to-peer control block input connections configured in
the control data base
♦ A counter that contains the current number of peer-to-peer connections that have not
been made
♦ A counter that contains the current number of peer-to-peer connections whose source
blocks or compounds have been deleted through a control configurator
♦ A counter that contains the current number of peer-to-peer connections that have
been disconnected due to a detected loss of peer-to-peer communications with the
source station
Deleted connection errors are temporary. When a station is checkpointed after the deletion of any
of its control blocks, the status of any peer-to-peer sink connections to these blocks in other sta-
tions are changed from deleted to not found, and the station updates the not found and deleted
counters accordingly.
The station software updates counters every two minutes.

Database Security
The Station block contains a database security parameter, Configuration Option (CFGOPT).
When CFGOPT is true, database changes to any active block or Equipment Control Block
(ECB) are disabled. The block is active if the compound in which it resides is ON, and the ECB
is active if it is ON.

The Station block contains five parameters, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, and MINUTE
which provide user access to the system clock. These parameters are updated every 30 seconds by
the station block software.

Station Block Parameters

Refer to the Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for a detailed description of the sta-
tion block and its parameters.

Time Synchronization
The Foxboro Evo Process Automation System supports time synchronization using either an
externally maintained source of Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) from Global Positioning Sys-
tem (GPS) satellites or an internal source using proprietary software. UTC is the international
time standard (commonly referred to as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT).
Time synchronization within a Control Core Services system synchronizes controllers/control
processors to provide timestamps for event and data reporting throughout the system. Time
stamping is used for Sequence of Events (SOE) evaluation, transient data recording (TDR), and
alarm messages.

1. Compounds and Station Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

A Master TimeKeeper (MTK), residing in an Application Workstation (AW), maintains the time
source and distributes the system time to all other stations on the control network. A Slave Time-
Keeper (STK) receives time information from the MTK and keeps itself synchronized with the
MTK, and thus with all other stations in the control network. STKs reside in all controller and
FCM100Et modules in the control network.
The MTK determines the time for synchronizing all slave stations by using either the AW’s real-
time clock (internal time source) or the optional GPS receiver and time strobe generator (external
time source).
For more information on time synchronization, refer to Time Synchronization User’s Guide

Internal Source Time Synchronization

For internal source time synchronization (standard), the MTK station uses time from the internal
clock in the hosting PC. The MTK distributes time as UTC to all stations on The Foxboro Evo
Control Network (referred to as the control network). This time is displayed as local time.
You enter the date and time in the MTK using the System Management Set Date and Time
display. At runtime, you can also change the time using the Set Date and Time display or allow
the time to continue to run on its internal clock.
For procedures on how to set the date and time using System Management, refer to System
Management Displays (B0193JC).

External Source Time Synchronization

For external source time synchronization (optional), the MTK station uses an externally main-
tained source of Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) from GPS satellites. Equipment to support
this option includes a GPS receiver and time strobe generator.
The MTK uses a hardware connection to the controller and FCM100Et modules to increase the
synchronization accuracy by providing a time strobe pulse, which is sent continuously by the
MTK at a precise time interval. The controller and FCM100Et modules have built-in hardware
to receive the sync pulses generated by the MTK.
When using GPS time synchronization, the ZCP270 plays the master timekeeper role for the
FCM100Ets in its I/O network. The FCM100Ets use their synchronized time to synchronize the

B0700AG – Rev V 1. Compounds and Station Blocks

2. Blocks
This chapter defines the path for block parameters, describes the common block parameters, lists
all block types, and lists the control stations that host each type of control block.
A block has one or more inputs/outputs and performs a predefined process function that has been
prespecified by an algorithm.
There are continuous, sequence, and ladder logic block function types that can be mixed and
matched to satisfy your integrated control needs.
For more information on the block set, refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

Block Attributes
A block has these attributes:

NAME Name is a user-defined string that needs to be unique within the com-
pound and up to 12 characters in length. The name can be any mix of
numerics (0 to 9), upper case alphabetics (A to Z), and the underscore (_).

TYPE Type is a system-defined name (up to six characters) that identifies the
algorithm control function.
In the Integrated Control Configurator, for example, you can enter the
block-type string (for example, MAIN) or you can select the desired type
from a block type list. To display the block type list, select SHOW from
the menu-bar and select BLOCK TYPE NAMES from the SHOW menu.
Type is entered as a string, but is stored in the database as an indexed inte-
ger. (The Object Manager (OM) Get command retrieves this integer
value, not the string.) Therefore, to be consistent with the database, the
parameter tables in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) list
the data type as an integer.

Block Access
To access a block parameter value from outside the resident compound, use the entire path:
Connectivity between blocks in different compounds is through this same convention, whether
the compounds are in the same or different stations.
To connect to either a block parameter value from another block within the same compound, or
to a parameter value from within the same block, you can use:
Since block names do not have to be unique across compounds, this example shows two com-
pounds, REFLUX and EN_BAL, each having a block called F100.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks


F100 L100 F100 T100

and so .OUT .OUT and so
forth. and so and so forth.
forth. forth.

Figure 2-1. Block Access

Approximate Block Sizes

Each control block uses a different amount of memory in a Control Processor. The type and
number of control blocks determines the Control Processor loading. Refer to these documents for
precise memory and loading calculations:
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ FDC280 Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook (B0700GS)
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook

Block Parameters
Like compounds, each block contains select parameters that serve as the inputs and outputs of
their respective functions. These parameters follow the same conventions as compound parame-
ters regarding their value types and connectability/settability.

For I/A Series software v8.4-v8.8 and Control Core Services v9.0 or later, any non-
zero value entered for a Boolean parameter results in the parameter value being set
to one, without exception. The Boolean value in the controller is set to zero only
when the user specifically configures a zero.
Also be aware that the ICC workfile value contains the value entered by the user, so
that if an “illegal” value (any value other than zero or one) is entered, there is a mis-
match between the content of the workfile and the value in the controller. This does
not affect the process.

For information on accessing block parameters from a user task, refer to Object Manager Calls

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

Common Parameters
All blocks, with exceptions as noted, have these common parameters:

NAME Name is a user-defined string of up to 12 characters, which needs to be

unique within the compound, used to access the block and its parameters.
The string can be any mix of numerics (0 to 9), upper case alphabetics
(A to Z), and the underscore (_).

TYPE Type is a system-defined name (up to six characters) that identifies the
algorithm control function.
Type is entered as a string, but is stored in the database as an indexed inte-
ger. (The Object Manager Get command actually retrieves this integer
value, not the string.) Therefore, to be consistent with the database, the
parameter tables in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) list
the TYPE parameter’s data type as an integer.

DESCRP Description is a user-defined string of up to 32 characters that describe the

block’s function (for example, “PLT 3 FURNACE 2 HEATER

PERIOD Period is an indexed, nonconnectable, input parameter that specifies the

block’s execution time base. Data Variable blocks (for example, BOOL,
LONG, and so forth.) do not have the PERIOD parameter.

PHASE Phase is an integer input that causes the block to execute at a specific BPC
within the time determined by the PERIOD. For instance, a block with
PERIOD of 3 (2.0 sec) can execute within the first, second, third, or
fourth BPC of the 2-second time period, assuming the BPC of the
Control Processor is 0.5 sec. “Block Phasing” on page 64 provides further

MA Manual/Auto is a connectable Boolean input that controls the

Manual/Automatic operating state (0 = False = Manual, 1 = True = Auto).
The BLNALM and Data Variable blocks do not have the MA parameter.

INITMA Initialize Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA input during
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = No change, except if a reboot, use the MA state specified in the check-
point file
The BLNALM and Data Variable blocks do not have the INITMA

LOOPID Loop Identifier is a configurable string of up to 32 characters which iden-

tify the loop or process with which the block is associated. It is displayed
on the detail display of the block, immediately below the faceplate. Data
Variable blocks do not have the LOOPID parameter.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

OWNER Owner is a settable string of up to 32 ASCII characters which are used to

allocate control blocks to applications. Attempts to set OWNER are suc-
cessful only if the present value of OWNER is the null string, an all-blank
string, or identical to the value in the set request. Otherwise the request is
rejected with a LOCKED_ACCESS error detected. OWNER can be
cleared by any application by setting it to the null string. This value is by
default accepted, regardless of the current value of OWNER. Once set to
the null string, the value can then be set as desired. The EVENT,
FBTUNE, FFTUNE, and Data Variable blocks do not have the OWNER

LOCKRQ Lock Request is a Boolean input which can be set true or false only by a set
command from the LOCK U/L toggle key on workstation displays. When
LOCKRQ is set true in this fashion a workstation identifier accompany-
ing the set command is entered into the LOCKID parameter of the block.
Thereafter, set requests to any of the block’s parameters are honored (sub-
ject to the usual access rules) only from the workstation whose identifier
matches the contents of LOCKID. LOCKRQ can be set false by any
workstation at any time, whereupon a new LOCKRQ is accepted, and a
new ownership workstation identifier written to LOCKID. The MSG and
DCI output blocks do not have the LOCKRQ parameter.

LOCKID Lock Identifier is a string identifying the workstation which has locked
access to the block using a successful setting of LOCKRQ. LOCKID has
the format LETTERBUG:DEVNAME, where LETTERBUG is the
6-character letterbug of the workstation and DEVNAME is the 1-6 char-
acter logical device name of the Display Manager task. The MSG and
DCI output blocks do not have the LOCKID parameter.

Editing Parameters
You may edit block parameters with a control configurator. Refer to the user document associated
with control configurator you are using for a description of compound and block editing

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

Block Function Types

This list gives a brief overview of all the Integrated Control software block function types. For a
detailed description of each, refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX), with the
exception of the blocks for FOUNDATION™ fieldbus (FF) devices, which are described in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control Blocks

ACCUM The ACCUM block integrates a real input (rate or pulse count) signal
(Accumulator) and scales it to produce a real output quantity of the running total.
Inputs are provided to let you clear, preset, and hold the accumulator
AI1, 2 The AI block connects to an AI function block in a FOUNDATION
(Analog Input) fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to read an analog measure-
ment input and status data. The AI block supports AI function block
configuration through parameters that are downloaded by the FBM228
into the AI function block in the FF H1 device. The AI block provides
absolute and bad point alarming of the analog input, and other stan-
dard input block alarm functions. It also provides a simulation option.
AIN The AIN block supports a single input from an analog-type FBM.
(Analog Input) Provisions exist to condition, scale, clamp, and filter the input, and
alarm the hardware status and output value.
AINR The AINR block supports a single input point from two redundant
(Redundant Analog analog-type FBMs. Provisions exist to condition, scale, clamp, and filter
Input) the selected input, and alarm the hardware status and output value.
ALMPRI The ALMPRI block is used to dynamically reassign the priority of an
(Alarm Priority Change) alarm point.
AO1, 2 The AO block connects to an AO function block in a FOUNDATION
(Analog Output) fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to write an analog output to
the AO function block. The AO block supports AO function block
configuration through parameters that are downloaded by the FBM228
into the AO function block in the FF H1 device. The AO block pro-
vides bad point alarming of the analog output readback value, and
other standard output block alarm functions. It also provides failsafe
and simulation options, and supports cascade initialization.
AOUT The AOUT block provides an auto/manual with bias (AMB) function.
(Analog Output) It biases, clamps, and conditions the input and drives a single output
point within an analog-type FBM. Provisions exist to alarm the hard-
ware status of the connected FBM.
AOUTR The AOUTR block provides an auto/manual with bias (AMB) func-
(Redundant Analog tion. It biases, clamps, and conditions the input and drives a single out-
Output) put point using a dual pair of redundant analog-type FBMs. Provisions
exist to alarm the hardware status when both FBMs have bad status.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

BIAS The BIAS block produces an output that is the sum of the two input
(Bias) values, MEAS and BIAS, each of which can be scaled independently.
The block supports measurement alarm messages. It does not support
output alarm messages. The BIAS block supports cascade
BIN The BIN block receives one binary value from an external device using
(Binary Input) a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
BINR The BINR block receives one binary value from an external device. The
(Binary Input, source of the value can be specified as either two or three redundant
Redundant) inputs. The redundant inputs can either be in the same device or in dif-
ferent devices. The block’s selection algorithm determines which of the
two or three input values is presented to the control strategy as the
block output. BINR supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations
to various FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
BLNALM This block provides independent state-change alarm messages for each
(Boolean Alarm) of eight Boolean-type inputs.
BOOL This block provides the capability of creating a settable and configu-
(Boolean Data Variable) rable boolean data value for use by other control blocks.
BOUT The BOUT block sends one binary value to an address in an external
(Binary Output) device. It also continuously reports, to the Foxboro Evo Process Auto-
mation System, any changes made by the device to the value at this
address. BOUT supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to
various FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
BOUTR1 The BOUTR block can send one binary value to either two or three
(Binary Output, redundant outputs. The outputs may be in the same or different exter-
Redundant) nal devices. An arbitration algorithm determines which of the two or
three readback values is to be used. The BOUTR block supports
connectivity of Foxboro control stations only to DCS FBMs for migra-
tion of APACS+ process automation systems.
CALC The Calculation block provides up to 50 sequentially executed arithme-
(Calculator) tic and logical operations. It has the capability of a programmable scien-
tific calculator.
CALCA The CALCA block adds dual-operand efficiency to many mathematical
(Advanced Calculation and logical calculation operations.
CHARC This block converts a real input to a real output using a table lookup of
(Characterizer) piecewise linear segments. Up to 20 segments can be used.
CIN The CIN block supports a single input point from a digital input type
(Contact Input) FBM. The block also provides an input inversion option.

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

CINR1 The CINR block receives redundant input values for a single digital
(Contact Input, input process point from two digital input type FBMs. Based on the
Redundant) quality of the two inputs and the user specification of a default selec-
tion, one of the inputs is chosen for use in the control strategy. The
CINR block provides bad point and state alarming of the digital input,
and other standard Control Core Services block alarm functions. The
block also provides input inversion and simulation options. The CINR
block supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to DCS FBMs
for migration of APACS+ process automation systems.
COUT The COUT block writes single output to a digital type FBM. The
(Contact Out) block also provides an output pulsing option.
COUTR1 The COUTR block drives a single contact output point to two digital
(Contact Out FBMs. It provides output pulsing and simulation mode options. Bad
Redundant) point alarming is indicated when both FBMs are bad or the primary
and secondary contact output readback point values are bad. Failsafe is
indicated when both outputs have been driven to failsafe. The block
also provides an option to use the last good value for the contact output
when the contact input has a detected error or is in a bad or out of ser-
vice state. The COUTR block supports connectivity of Foxboro con-
trol stations to redundant FBM240 modules and DCS FBMs for
migration of APACS+ process automation systems.
DEP This block contains user-programmable statements that can manipulate
(Dependent Sequence) compound or block parameters, or shared variables. It can also activate
other sequence and monitor blocks, along with sending messages to dis-
plays and historians.
A Dependent Sequence block’s execution is automatically delayed while
any Exception Sequence block in the same compound is running.
DGAP This block outputs two discrete output values that can be used for
(Differential Gap) on/off control of bi-state or tri-state actuated final actuator devices. The
outputs depend on the difference between the measurement, set point,
and detected adjustable error GAP. The DGAP block does not support
cascade initialization.
DI1, 2 The DI block connects to a DI function block in a FOUNDATION field-
(Digital Input) bus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to read a digital input and status
data. The DI block supports DI function block configuration through
parameters that are downloaded by the FBM228 into the DI function
block in the FF H1 device. The DI block provides bad point alarming
of the digital input and other standard Control Core Services block
alarm functions. It also provides a simulation option.
DO1, 2 The DO block connects to a DO function block in a FOUNDATION
(Digital Output) fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to write a digital output to
the DO function block. The DO block supports DO function block
configuration through parameters that are downloaded by the FBM228
into the DO function block in the FF H1 device. The DO block pro-
vides bad point alarming of the digital output readback value, and other
standard output block alarm functions. It also has failsafe and simula-
tion options, and supports cascade initialization.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

DTIME This block delays the input a specific length of time before making it
(Deadtime) available at the output. It is typically used to simulate process transport
delay and to compensate feed-forward signals.
EVENT The EVENT block provides message reporting for a sequence of state-
(Sequence of Events) change events detected in a contact input FBM. The connected FBM
needs to be an input-only type.
EXC This block contains user-programmable statements that can manipulate
(Exception Sequence) compound or block parameters, or shared variables. It can activate
other sequence and monitor blocks, along with sending messages to dis-
plays and historians.
When it activates, all Dependent Sequence blocks in the same com-
pound delay executing until the Exception Sequence block finishes its
FBTUNE The FBTUNE block is used to adaptively tune the proportional band,
(Feedback Self-Tuner) the integral time, derivative time, dead time, and the set-point-filter
lead-lag ratio of the PIDA block.
FFTUNE The FFTUNE block is used to adaptively tune the feedforward
(Feedforward Self-Tuner) compensators for the PIDA block.
GDEV This block provides Open/Close control of motor- or air-operated
(General Device) valves, and Run/Stop control of 2-wire, or 3-wire, motor circuits.
IIN The IIN block receives one integer value from an external device. The
(Integer Input) actual receipt and processing of this value is subject to the conditions
established by the Simulation Option and the Auto/Manual mode of
the IIN block. IIN supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to
various FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
IINR3 The IINR block reads one set of redundant integer input values from
(Integer Input an external device. The actual receipt and processing of this value is
Redundant) subject to the conditions established by the Simulation Option and the
Auto/Manual mode of this block. IINR supports connectivity of Fox-
boro control stations to various FBMs using a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI). It accepts redundant inputs from a single device
hosted by a DCI FBM (single or redundant), from separate devices
hosted by the same DCI FBM (single or redundant) or different non-
redundant DCI FBMs, or from the same device with redundant con-
nections to different non-redundant DCI FBMs. It provides a millisec-
onds-since-midnight timestamp for its values from FOUNDATION
fieldbus, dual or triple modular redundancy, and a simulation mode of
IND This block contains user-programmable statements that can manipulate
(Independent Sequence) compound or block parameters, or shared variables. It can also activate
other sequence and monitor blocks, along with sending messages to dis-
plays and historians. An Independent Sequence block does not affect
the execution of other sequence blocks nor does the execution of other
blocks affect the operation of Independent Sequence blocks.

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

IOUT The IOUT block sends one integer value to a field device. It also con-
(Integer Output) tinuously reports any changes made by the device. These reports are
made to the value at the same address. IOUT supports connectivity of
Foxboro control stations to various FBMs using a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI).
LIM The Limiter block provides a position and velocity limiter function for
(Limiter) a real input signal.
LLAG This block performs dynamic signal compensation by making the out-
(Lead-Lag) put dynamically lead or lag the input.
LOGIC The Logic block provides 15 sequentially-executed logical functions.
LONG This block provides the capability of creating a settable and configu-
(Long Integer Data rable long integer data value for use by other control blocks.
MAI1, 2 The MAI block connects to a MAI function block in a FOUNDATION
(Multiple AI) fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to read multiple analog
measurement inputs and status data. The MAI block supports MAI
function block configuration through parameters that are downloaded
by the FBM228 into the MAI function block in the FF H1 device. The
MAI block provides absolute and bad point alarming of the analog
inputs, and other standard input block alarm functions. It also provides
a simulation option. It provides up to eight milliseconds-since-mid-
night timestamps for its values from FOUNDATION fieldbus (one per
analog input and output).
MAIN The MAIN block supports up to 8 inputs from an analog-type FBM.
(Multiple Analog Input) An internal channel for a temperature reference sensor is also provided.
MAO1, 2 The MAO block connects to a MAO function block in a FOUNDA-
(Multiple AO) TION fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to write multiple ana-
log outputs to the MAO function block. The MAO block supports
MAO function block configuration through parameters that are down-
loaded by the FBM228 into the MAO function block in the FF H1
device. The MAO block provides bad point alarming of the analog out-
put readback values, and other standard output block alarm functions.
It also provides failsafe and simulation options, and supports cascade
initialization. It provides up to eight milliseconds-since-midnight time-
stamps for its values from FOUNDATION fieldbus (one per analog input
and output).
MATH The MATH block provides a set of mathematics functions for special-
(Mathematics) ized control needs.
MCIN The MCIN block supports up to 32 inputs from digital input type
(Multiple Contact Input) FBMs.
MCOUT The MCOUT block supports up to 16 digital outputs to a digital type
(Multiple Contact Out) FBM.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

MDI1, 2 The MDI block connects to a MDI function block in a FOUNDATION

(Multiple Discrete fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to read multiple discrete
Input) measurement inputs and status data. The MDI block supports MDI
function block configuration through parameters that are downloaded
by the FBM228 into the MDI function block in the FF H1 device. The
MDI block provides absolute and bad point alarming of the discrete
inputs, and other standard input block alarm functions. It also provides
a simulation option. It provides up to eight milliseconds-since-mid-
night timestamps for its values from FOUNDATION fieldbus (one per
discrete input and output).
MDO1, 2 The MDO block connects to a MDO function block in a FOUNDA-
(Multiple Discrete TION fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228 to write multiple dis-
Output) crete outputs to the MDI function block. The MDO block supports
MDO function block configuration through parameters that are down-
loaded by the FBM228 into the MDO function block in the FF H1
device. The MDO block provides bad point alarming of the discrete
output readback values, and other standard output block alarm func-
tions. It also provides failsafe and simulation options, and supports cas-
cade initialization. It provides up to eight milliseconds-since-midnight
timestamps for its values from FOUNDATION fieldbus (one per discrete
input and output).
MEALM The MEALM block serves as an alarm annunciator to activate the Fox-
(Measurement Alarm) boro alarm mechanism upon alarm conditions detected by an external
MON This block monitors up to 16 process conditions. It monitors parame-
(Monitor Sequence) ter values and Boolean expressions and triggers Exception, Dependent,
or Independent blocks.
MOVLV This block operates two related output contacts which open or close a
(Motor-Operated Valve) valve on an incremental basis. It supports optional feedback from one
or two contacts (limit switches) for mismatch alarming.
MSG The MSG block generates state change messages upon transitions of its
(Message Generator) Boolean inputs.
MTR This block performs both 2- and 3-wire motor control functions.
(Motor Controller)
OUTSEL The OUTSEL block controls strategies that need the higher or lower of
(Output Select) two input signals to be selected as the final output signal to the process,
while providing the appropriate handshake data to help prevent integral
action from “winding up” in the block containing the unselected signal.
The block also provides separate cascade initialization each of the two
upstream blocks.
PACK This block provides the capability of creating a settable and configu-
(Packed Long Data rable packed long data value for use by other control blocks.

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

PAKIN The PAKIN block reads up to 32 bits of discrete data from an external
(Packed Input) device. Each bit represents a binary value having opposing states, such
as ON and OFF, or START and STOP. The PAKIN block supports
connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various FBMs using a
Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
PAKINR3 The PAKINR block reads one set of redundant Packed Boolean inputs,
(Packed Input each up to 32 bits of discrete data from an external device. Each bit rep-
Redundant) resents a binary value having opposing states, such as ON and OFF, or
START and STOP. The PAKINR block supports connectivity of Fox-
boro control stations to various FBMs using a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI). It accepts redundant inputs from a single device
hosted by a DCI FBM (single or redundant), from separate devices
hosted by the same DCI FBM (single or redundant) or different non-
redundant DCI FBMs, or from the same device with redundant con-
nections to different non-redundant DCI FBMs. It provides a millisec-
onds-since-midnight timestamp for its values from FOUNDATION
fieldbus, dual or triple modular redundancy, and a simulation mode of
PAKOUT The PAKOUT writes up to 32 bits of discrete data to an external
(Packed Output) device. Each bit represents a binary value having opposing states, such
as ON and OFF, or START and STOP. The PAKOUT block supports
connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various FBMs using a
Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
PATALM This block compares the relationship of up to 16 Boolean inputs to a
(Pattern Alarm) user-specified pattern.
PATT The PATT block provides pattern matching capability for 16-bit
(Pattern Match) patterns.
PID The PID block provides the functions of the traditional interacting
(Proportional, Integral, 3-term controller. The PID block supports cascade initialization.
Derivative) We recommend the PIDA (with FBTUNE and FFTUNE when neces-
sary) for use in all PID applications. The PIDA block has all of the
functionality of the older PID algorithms plus additional functionality.
PIDA The PIDA block implements continuous PID or dead-time feedback
(Proportional, Integral, and additive and multiplicative feedforward control of an analog loop,
Derivative, Advanced) providing advanced features beyond those of the PID and PIDX blocks.
PIDE This block provides the same capability as the PID block with the addi-
(PID with EXACT™) tion of the EXACT Self-Tuning algorithm.
PIDFF1, 2 The PIDFF block acts as an interface to a PID function block in a
(FOUNDATION fieldbus FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) H1 device using an FBM228. The PID
Proportional, Integral, function block provides the functions of the traditional interacting
Derivative) 3-term controller and supports cascade initialization.
PIDX This block provides the same capability as the PID block, with optional
(PID Extended) capability for nonlinear gain compensation, sampling mode, and batch
control preload.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

PIDXE This block adds the EXACT algorithm to the PIDX block.
(PID Extended
with EXACT)
PLB The Programmable Logic Block supports ladder logic executing in an
(Programmable FBM. The block provides 32 input and 32 output parameters.
Logic Block)
PLSOUT The PLSOUT block allows the control strategy or operator to output
(Pulse Output) ON and OFF, or START and STOP, type commands through momen-
tary pulsed outputs on two separate lines, one for each state. PLSOUT
supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various FBMs
using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
PTC This block performs the functions of a proportional-time on/off con-
(Proportional Time troller. The PTC block does not support cascade initialization.
RAMP This block performs a general purpose ramp function.
RATIO This block computes an output that is the scaled multiplication of a
(Ratio) measurement input with a ratio set-point input. The RATIO block
supports cascade initialization.
REAL This block provides the capability of creating a settable and configu-
(Real Data Variable) rable real data value for use by other control blocks.
REALM The REALM block optionally supports three types of alarming:
(Real Alarm) ♦ High-low absolute alarming on the measurement
♦ Rate-of-change alarming on the measurement
♦ High-low deviation alarming on the difference between measure-
ment and set point
RIN The RIN block receives one real value from an external device. It pres-
(Real Input) ents that value, after input processing, at parameter RINP. The RIN
block supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various
FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
RINR The RINR block receives one real value from an external device. The
(Real Input, Redundant) source of the value can be specified as either two or three redundant
inputs. The redundant inputs can either be in the same device or in dif-
ferent devices. Each of the redundant inputs is independently scaled,
limited, and converted into engineering units before the block’s selec-
tion algorithm is invoked to determine which of the two or three inputs
is set into parameter RINP. The RINR block supports connectivity of
Foxboro control stations to various FBMs using a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI).
ROUT The ROUT block sends one real value to an address in an external
(Real Output) device. It also continuously reports any changes made by the device to
the value at this address. ROUT is used in a Distributed Control
Interface (DCI). DCI blocks support connectivity of Foxboro control
stations to various FBMs using a general purpose interface.

2. Blocks B0700AG – Rev V

ROUTR1 The ROUTR block can send one real value to either two or three
(Real Output, redundant outputs. The outputs may be in the same or different exter-
Redundant) nal devices. The output value is clamped or limited, and then converted
into engineering units before being sent to the redundant outputs. An
arbitration algorithm determines which of the two or three readback
values is used. The ROUTR block supports connectivity of Foxboro
control stations only to DCS FBMs for migration of APACS+ process
automation systems.
SIGSEL This block examines up to eight inputs and produces an output depen-
(Signal Selector) dent upon a relational selection option.
STALM The STALM block serves as an alarm annunciator to activate the Con-
(State Alarm) trol Core Services alarm mechanism upon alarm conditions detected by
an external source.
STATE The STATE block outputs selected 16-bit patterns.
STRIN The STRIN block receives one string value from an external device.
(String Input) STRIN supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various
FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
STRING This block provides the capability of creating a settable and configu-
(String Data Variable) rable string data value for use by other control blocks.
STROUT The STROUT block sends a string output to an external device.
(String Output) STROUT supports connectivity of Foxboro control stations to various
FBMs using a Distributed Control Interface (DCI).
SWCH This block selects either of two independent inputs. Each input can be
(Switch Position a real, integer, or Boolean variable. The SWCH block supports cascade
Selector) initialization.
TIM This block keeps track of time while control strategies are executing.
(Timer Sequence)
UNIVFF1, 2 The UNIVFF block provides an interface between the control proces-
(Universal sor and a resource, transducer or device function block operating in a
FOUNDATION fieldbus) FOUNDATION fieldbus (FF) H1 device. The function block type can be
any FOUNDATION fieldbus device block type not supported by a dedi-
cated FOUNDATION fieldbus function block such as AI or AO. (Refer
to Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Spe-
cific Control Blocks (B0700EC) for the list of dedicated FOUNDATION
fieldbus function blocks.) Communications are performed using an
VLV This block is typically used to operate two related output contacts
(On-Off Valve Control) which open or close a valve on an ON/OFF basis.
1. New blocks for use in the FCP280, FDC280, FCP270 and ZCP270.
New blocks for use with FOUNDATION fieldbus, and described in Integrated Control Block Descrip-
tions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control Blocks (B0700EC).
New blocks for use in FDSI.

B0700AG – Rev V 2. Blocks

Supervisory Set Point Control (SSC)

Supervisory Set Point Control (SSC) is supported in all the PID control blocks, RATIO, AOUT,
and AOUTR control blocks (Figure 2-2).
The station block Supervisory Groups display allows you to enable or disable control blocks
assigned to each of eight supervisory groups. In addition, the station block shows the fallback sta-
tus and fallback request status for each group, and the (enabled/disabled) running time and set
point for each fallback timer.
The supported control blocks include an option to allow the control processor to close supervi-
sory cascades automatically when the supervisory input is written without requiring an explicit
acknowledgement from an SSC-related application. This allows applications unable to send the
acknowledgement to use the Control Core Services SCC options without hindrance.
From the station block Supervisory Groups, you can:
♦ enable or disable SSC for any group
♦ request fallback status for a group
♦ enable or disable a fallback timer
SSC is supported in the FCP280, FDC280, FCP270 and ZCP270 control processors.

Digital Supervisory
Input Enable

From Process

IBlock Block

Figure 2-2. Supervisory Set Point Control Concept

3. Block Characteristics
This chapter describes common aspects of block characteristics, including implicit and explicit
block initialization, PRIBLK configuration, configuring cascade schemes, and detected error
handling, as well as clamping, scaling, secure/release, control block fail-safe strategy, and the
PID hold constraint.

Block Initialization
The need for block initialization exists when:
♦ Compounds switch from OFF to ON.
♦ Blocks recover from re-established connections or from bad process inputs.
♦ Blocks change modes (for example, from Manual to Auto).
♦ Controller blocks in cascade schemes return from open loop conditions.
♦ The Control Processor is rebooted.
♦ A block or compound is modified or added during online configuration while the
compound is ON.
♦ The Control Processor recovers from a detected power failure.
Initialization within controller-type blocks is performed without bumping the process. Achieving
proper initialization depends upon the features available in each type of block and how blocks are
interconnected in a particular control scheme.
There are two types of initialization, referred to as implicit and explicit. Implicit initialization is
the execution of block-specific start-up and validation logic which occurs whenever any block
begins execution within the control strategy, and not thereafter. Explicit initialization is the
bumpless return to control after any disruption of control. It is a process involving multiple
blocks within a cascade, and is a response to exception situations which can occur at any time. All
blocks support implicit initialization, but only controller and output-type blocks, which need the
bumpless transfer function, support both implicit and explicit initialization.

Implicit Initialization
All blocks perform implicit initialization when requested to start up. This occurs automatically
when the compound is first switched on, after a block is modified, on a reboot, after recovery
from a detected power failure, or when a block is added to an existing compound through the
online configuration process.
Validation logic is performed by the block to check the integrity of its block record. Critical, “con-
figuration only” (that is, nonconnectable/nonsettable) parameters are checked to make certain
that they are within acceptable values prior to start-up.
If any of these inputs are not within the acceptable range, the block is declared undefined and
enters the Undefined state (refer to “Block States” on page 39). In this state, the block is not pro-
cessed and the status of all its connectable parameters is set to Release and Bad.

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

INITMA sets a block’s MA parameter during the execution cycle in which the block implicitly
initializes. The default is 1 (Auto), but INITMA is overridden if the MA parameter has an estab-
lished linkage. The INITMA overrides the MA value set by a checkpoint file or by a power failure

Explicit Initialization
Controller-type and output-type blocks need to initialize to the current state of the process. This
means that output block reads back the current state of the device and causes the upstream blocks
control action to initialize to the present state of the process and/or manipulated variable.
The order in which cascaded blocks initialize is in the opposite order that they normally execute.
When controller-type and output-type blocks are cascaded in a control scheme, the open-loop
effects of any downstream block action needs to be propagated to upstream block(s). This helps to
ensure bumpless return to the current state when the downstream block returns to closed-loop
Blocks that support explicit cascade initialization have two connectable parameters. They are
BCALCI (back calculation in) and BCALCO (back calculation out) which are real input/output
parameters. These parameters have two status bits (INITU - Initialize Unconditional, and INITC
- Initialize Conditional) which are used to notify upstream blocks of the need for initialization
and a PRIBLK acknowledgment request bit (INITC) to help ensure that the upstream block does
not initialize until the downstream block acknowledges that it is initialized.
When a block sees one of these status bits (INITU or INITC) set in its BCALCI parameter, it
performs the specified initialization algorithm and sets one of the status bits in its BCALCO
parameter. The BCALCO parameter is connected to the BCALCI of an upstream block as shown
in Figure 3-1.



Manipulated Variable

Secondary Process Variable HW #204
Primary Process Variable

Figure 3-1. PRIBLK Cascade Standard Configuration

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

When an elaborate initialization scheme is needed, you can connect the INITU or INITC status
bits to Boolean logic.
To provide the bumpless transfer to normal, the BCALCO value of the downstream block is
passed to the BCALCI value of the upstream block when the latter executes.
PRIBLK is a block parameter that allows cascade schemes to initialize properly without bumping
the process during initial start-up and any return to closed-loop operation. These open loop con-
ditions can occur at any point within the cascade.
PRIBLK extends the Explicit Initialization logic to allow cascades to be configured between com-
pounds, between CPs, or between blocks having different block periods. Thus, there are no
boundary restrictions that affect the PRIBLK connections. Also, there is no limitation to the
block period assignment to each level of the cascade, other than process sampling considerations.
PRIBLK is supported by the:
AOUTR control blocks
♦ AO, DO, and PIDFF FOUNDATION fieldbus blocks
Configuring PRIBLK to a 0 initializes all blocks of the cascade in the same control processor, at
the configured BPC period for the block. For example, a three-level cascade as shown in
Figure 3-1containing a 30-second period primary block, a 10-second period intermediate block,
and a 1-second period secondary block, results in a delay of up to 40 seconds before the primary
block initializes after the secondary block, for example, switched from Manual to Auto.
Configuring PRIBLK to a 1, initializes blocks only one BPC later than the next lowest down-
stream block in a cascade, provided the upstream blocks are in the same control processor. In the
three-level cascade shown in Figure 3-1, the primary block initializes in 2 BPCs. This is referred to
as “fast initialization”, and is accomplished by forcing execution of the upstream block immedi-
ately when cascade initialization is under way, regardless of its period and phase.

PRIBLK Parameter
The PRIBLK parameter initializes a cascade scheme at start-up and any return to closed-loop
operation. A block with PRIBLK = 1 responds to each of these operational events by performing
two unique types of Explicit Initialization.
The types of Explicit Initialization action that PRIBLK enables in response to start-up and return
to closed-loop operation are referred to as Unconditional Initialization and Conditional Initializa-
tion, respectively.
PRIBLK initialization is based on a fixed coupling between each adjoining block of a cascade. At
any point along the cascade after the first controller, a given block can be viewed as a secondary to
its upstream block, and as a primary to its downstream block. The roles of primary and secondary
exchange as one moves along the cascade.
The standard connections shown in Figure 3-1 maintain the control/data flow of information
that allows initialization to be coordinated along the entire cascade.
Both types of Explicit Initialization progress from a secondary block to its upstream primary
block. Initialization may begin at any point along the cascade and proceeds to the next primary
block. Usually, the primary block needs to have PRIBLK set to zero. How far the rippling pro-

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

ceeds depends on the type of initialization and the mode of each primary block. Thus, the direc-
tion in which initialization is performed is opposite to the forward signal path of the cascade.
The amount of time that it takes for explicit initialization to ripple between any two blocks within
a cascade is dependent on the primary block’s PERIOD parameter and the transit time across a
station-to-station interface that may be between the two blocks. Thus, initialization occurs
naturally (that is, from the FBM to the beginning of the cascade) and is governed by the
PRIBLK affects the manner in which the incoming demand signal (for example, RSP for PIDs,
REMRAT for RATIO, RBIAS for BIAS, and MEAS for an AOUT or AOUTR) is handled. It
also affects the behavior of the BCALCO output, so that the proper initialization value is made
available to the primary block.

Start-up Initialization (Unconditional Initialization)

Unconditional Initialization occurs whenever a PRIBLK undergoes block initialization, which
occurs when:
♦ The compound makes a transition to ON.
♦ The controller reboots and the compound is ON.
♦ The controller recovers from a detected power failure and the compound is ON.
♦ The CIO Configurator performs an Add/Modify/Un-delete/LOADALL operation
with the compound ON.
In response to block initialization, the block’s INITMA option asserts the Manual/Auto state of
the block before unconditional initialization occurs.
A block performs unconditional initialization by forcing its OUT parameter to take on the value
of its BCALCI input. The OUT value may then be subjected to output clamping, depending on
the Manual/Auto mode and the configured MCLOPT option. For example, if the block initial-
izes in Manual, then it performs clamping only if MCLOPT is configured to 1. The block per-
forms clamping when it initializes in Auto Mode, by default.
Regardless of the state of its PRIBLK option, a block performs unconditional initialization when-
ever it starts up or receives by default, using the INITU bit of its BCALCI parameter, an uncondi-
tional initialization request from its downstream secondary. The block then requests initialization
to its upstream primary block through the status bits of its BCALCO parameter (INITU), for one
block period when PRIBLK = 0, or until the upstream primary block confirms initialization with
an ACK status bit passed to the downstream block’s set point inputs when PRIBLK = 1. Uncondi-
tional initialization continues to ripple backwards, until it terminates at the beginning of the
Since the upstream block specifically acknowledges receipt and action of the BCALCO status bit
from downstream, you need not connect BCALCO to multiple connections (to more than one
upstream block).
If all secondary blocks have their PRIBLK parameters configured to one, and a unconditional ini-
tialization sequence encounters either a block that is out-of-service or one in which the BCALCI
connections are in a detected error state (refer to “Security Aspects” on page 30), then the uncon-
ditional initialization request remains pending at the last primary block that successfully com-
pleted initialization. When the next primary block returns to normal operation, then the pending
request continues to ripple toward the beginning of the cascade. Therefore, unconditional initial-

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

ization is, by default, destined for completion and takes precedence over any operational state of a
block, including Manual.

Transfer-of-Control Initialization (Conditional Initialization)

Conditional Initialization is the action taken by a secondary block when control is transferred
back to its primary block, that is, a return to closed-loop operation. A transition to closed-loop
operation occurs whenever a secondary block that has its PRIBLK parameter configured to 1:
♦ Transfers from Manual to Auto, with its set point selected to Remote
♦ Transfers from Local to Remote set point, with the output in Auto and Controlling
♦ Experiences both of the above events simultaneously
♦ Undergoes a return-to-normal transition from a Bad I/O status (AOUT or AOUTR
A secondary block with its PRIBLK option configured to 1 attempts to return to closed-loop
operation by requesting conditional initialization to its primary block. While waiting for its pri-
mary block to respond, it continues controlling, using the Local set point value in SPT. While in
this state, it ignores its remote set point RSP, even though the controller is switched to Remote. In
addition, it switches the live back-calculated set point output BCALCO to the held SPT value.
Thus, it maintains local control and can minimize any load upsets, while it waits for the primary
to initialize.
The action taken by the primary block, in response to a conditional initialization request, depends
on its Manual/Auto mode. If it is in Manual, it does not honor the request. It only honors the
request if it is in Auto by performing the same action as described for the case of unconditional
initialization. Thus, the primary block sets its output to the held SPT of the secondary block.
Transfer to closed-loop operation is completed when the secondary receives acknowledgment,
using the BCALCO/BCALCI parameter, from the primary. When acknowledgment occurs, the
secondary begins tracking the RSP demand signal into its local set point SPT. In addition, the
BCALCO output switches from the held SPT value to the live back-calculated set point.
Therefore, transferring control to a primary block in Manual forces the secondary’s set point to
the Manual value. At the moment of transfer, any proportional action is transferred to the integral
term of the controller.
Transferring control to a primary block in Auto is performed bumplessly from the held set point
On a return to closed-loop transition, the RSP connection need not have any detectable errors,
that is, the status bits of RSP need to indicate that the primary is not Out-of-Service, Bad, or con-
nected with any OM scan errors detected. If any of these errors are detected, then the secondary
block with PRIBLK set to one continues to use the held local set point. When the detected error
condition returns to normal, the secondary block reasserts conditional initialization request to the
primary, if it is still switched to Remote and on Control.
Operation of the AOUT or AOUTR block during a transfer of control is analogous to the behav-
ior of a PID block, except that the roles of the MEAS and OUT are interchanged with those of
the RSP and SPT.
A transfer from Manual to Auto, Local to Remote, or Bad to Normal sets the appropriate
BCALCO status output to one. If PRIBLK is set to zero, the block resets the BCALCO status bit
to zero and resumes normal forward calculation at the next block period without waiting for

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

upstream blocks to initialize. However, an upstream block that is in Auto, and has the same
period, initializes properly.

Set Point Behavior

A secondary block, with its PRIBLK set to one and its LR input set to Remote, does not track the
remote set point RSP to the local set point SPT while it waits for initialization acknowledgment
from its primary. Thus, the set point remains in a “pseudo” remote mode until the primary
performs either unconditional or conditional initialization. This is not indicated at the display.
However, the graphics portion of the Select displays indicate the different values between the RSP
and SPT parameters, while the initialization is pending. The two parameters begin tracking as
soon as initialization is completed.

Security Aspects
The block checks the BCALCI input for open loop status and detected connection errors of the
downstream block. This helps to ensure proper handling of connections across compound and
station interfaces. The upstream block goes to the Hold state when the downstream block is either
Bad, Out-of-Service, or Disconnected.
If the secondary with PRIBLK detects an error condition on its RSP connection while it is closed
loop, the local set point holds the last good set point value until the connection returns to normal.
This action helps to prevent possible process upsets under disruptive conditions, such as, configu-
ration modification of an upstream block, compound initialization of an upstream block, or reset
of a remote station. Upon return to normal, the downstream block requests conditional initializa-

If a primary controller detects an error in its BCALCI connection, then it does not
honor any initialization requests from its secondary block.

Initializing PID Blocks in Auto/Manual

The PID blocks honor explicit initialization requests (that is, the BCALCI initialization status bits
set true) while in the Auto or Manual state, provided PRIBLK = 1 in the downstream block. The
process output initializes to the old value referenced by their BCALCI input parameter. The
sequence of events is as follows:
1. On the first execution cycle the block initializes and sets its OUT parameter to the
value of BCALCI. However, at this point the value of BCALCI from the downstream
block is left over from the last time the compound ran and thus, does not represent
the actual process output.
2. The downstream block is now processed and updates its BCALCO parameter to the
current process output value, setting its BCALCO initialization status bit to the PID
to request explicit unconditional initialization for the next BPC.
3. The PID runs on the next cycle, updates its output to the new BCALCI value, and
sets the Acknowledge bit in its output status.
4. The downstream block runs, detects the acknowledgment using its Measurement con-
nection, and bumplessly drives its output to the existing value.

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

Configuring Cascade Schemes

Standard Cascade Configuration
A cascade scheme consists of two or more blocks, with at least one having PRIBLK = 1, config-
ured in the manner depicted in Figure 3-2. Any number and consecutive combination of PID,
BIAS and RATIO blocks may be configured in a cascade. The cascade needs to have an AOUT
block at the end of the cascade. Figure 3-2 shows a typical two-loop PID cascade that illustrates
the standard connections needed to configure a cascade.





Manipulated Variable

Secondary Process Variable HW #204
Primary Process Variable

Figure 3-2. PRIBLK Cascade Standard Configuration

For examples of cascades for each of the FOUNDATION fieldbus blocks, refer to
Integrated Control Block Descriptions for FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Control Blocks

Each secondary block needs to be configured with its PRIBLK parameter set to one. The first
controller block at the beginning of the cascade has its PRIBLK set to zero. The AIN blocks have
no PRIBLK option.
Only two standard cascade connections between a primary (p) and a secondary (s) block are
OUT(p) ---> RSP(s)
BCALCO(s) ---> BCALCI(p)

In the case of a RATIO block, the RSP demand signal connection is replaced by OUT(p) --->
REMRAT(s); for an AOUT block, it is replaced by OUT(p) ---> MEAS(s); and for an BIAS
block, it is replaced by OUT(p) ---> RBIAS(s).
You set PRIBLK = 1 in all blocks after the primary controller, including the AOUT block. You set
PRIBLK = 0 in the primary controller. In each PID-type block, you connect FBK to the same sig-
nal as BCALCI.

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

Figure 3-3 shows the block connections for a normal cascade control scheme with feedback con-
trol. The AOUT block and the PID block interfacing to it have their PRIBLK option configured

from GC


Feedflow Valve

Figure 3-3. Cascade Block Strategy with Feedback Control

When the AOUT block goes back on control (from either a Manual or Bad state) it initializes and
sets its BCALCO - INITC status bit.
When the downstream PID is processed, its BCALCI - INITC input status bit is set, so it per-
forms its own initialization and back calculation and sets its BCALCO - INITC output status bit.
The upstream block is processed in the same manner. The BCALCO parameter of the PID block
at the top of the cascade is not connected because there is no need for further upstream
The feedback input can be connected to the block’s output. However, connect it to the same vari-
able as BCALCI.
When PRIBLK is set to zero in all blocks, bumpless initialization occurs when all blocks start in
Auto and have the same period.
Like any connectable parameter, the BCALCI and BCALCO parameters can pass data between
blocks in the same compound, in different compounds, or in different stations. You need to be
aware that connections between different stations adds to the time needed for communications.
Figure 3-4 shows how initialization occurs between blocks in compounds residing in separate sta-
tions. Communication between compounds occurs when the output (or source) change exceeds
the DELTI parameter of the sink. To avoid offset or limit cycle behavior, it may be necessary to set
DELTI to zero, or a very small value, in the sink block. For example, in Figure 3-5, the DELTI2
parameter in the RATIO block would be set to zero, or a small value, to help avoid a steady state
control error.

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

Station A Station B

from GC


Composition PNT PNT

Feedflow Valve


Figure 3-4. Cascade Handling Between Two Compounds Across Stations

Again, as in Figure 3-3, all the blocks except the first (primary) controller have their PRIBLK
option configured true.
Figure 3-5 shows the initialization connections for a cascade control scheme with feedforward

from GC




Composition PNT PNT

Feedflow Valve

Figure 3-5. Cascade Block Strategy with Feedforward Control

External Integral Feedback

The external integral feedback input FBK of a PID controller is decoupled from the BCALCI
input to provide the maximum flexibility for controlling PID integral action and anti-windup,
without having to compromise initialization requirements. Under almost all conditions, FBK and
BCALCI has to be linked to the same source variable.

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

Figure 3-2 shows the default FBK connection for obtaining external integral feedback, or PID
integral action. With this configuration, a PID controller provides integral action only as long as
its integral feedback loop remains closed and tracks its own output. Therefore, in a cascade
scheme, integral action at the primary block occurs only while the secondary controller’s measure-
ment tracks its remote set point.
When the integral feedback loop becomes open, the integral action of the primary block stops.
This behavior is an old analog scheme to help prevent integral windup of the primary controller.
It is especially useful in configurations where multiple primary controllers are fanned into a single
secondary controller using a SIGSEL block. When an OUTSEL block is used in conjunction
with PIDA blocks, help prevent the integral windup by transmitting logic signals with the
BCALCO/BCALCI connections, provided LIMOPT in the PIDA blocks is set to 1 or 2.
If you want to remove the external integral feedback behavior, then connect FBK to the PID’s
output. This connection provides classic integral action, since the external integral feedback loop
is closed when the controller output is not limited. This configuration is not ideal because it pro-
vides no primary integral windup protection for a non-PIDA or for a PIDA with LIMOPT = 3
when the secondary output is at its limit. Also, the primary loop cannot be tuned as tightly.
Integral windup is not a real concern when FBK and BCALCI are tied together in cascades that
utilize Explicit Initialization or the PRIBLK feature, since BCALCI forces the primary block to
track (in Auto) and initialize properly.

Error Handling
In general, error handling is resolved at the application level. It is accomplished through explicit
user configuration of alternate control strategies based upon specific error conditions that are
These detected error conditions are contained on a per-parameter basis within the status record
for connectable parameters and shared variables.
In the status record three variables provide information with regard to the validity of the data and
the validity of the connection. These are called Bad, Connect, and Out-of-Service.
The Bad status is set and reset by the block algorithm dependent upon block application.
The Out-of-Service status is set and reset by all blocks to indicate the unavailability of input data
or data dependent upon unavailable inputs.
The Connect status indicates whether any problem is detected in regard to the source of a con-
nected parameter. Such detected problems include deleted source blocks, nonexistence of source
compounds, or detected peer-to-peer path failures.
Detected implicit error handling is performed at the block level according to:
♦ If the data or the connection to the data is bad, or if the data is not updated, then cer-
tain controller type blocks (for example, PID, PTC) perform appropriate error
handling. This is dependent upon the specific parameter and algorithm application.
♦ Usually, control and I/O blocks support the Propagate Error Option (PROPT).
When true, this option sets the ERROR status of the primary output when the input
is in error.
♦ I/O-type blocks also have a connectable BAD parameter for explicit error-handling

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

♦ For some block types, the detected error status is not propagated to the output param-
eters. The user can explicitly program downstream blocks to react using the AIN
output parameters BAD, LOR, and HOR.
♦ Usually, DCI (Distributed Control Interface) blocks do not provide any alarm detec-
tion or reporting capabilities. For a list of blocks that support alarming, refer to
Table 7-7 on page 104.
Implicit error handling is coupled with the initialization parameters defined for the I/O and
Control-type blocks. The initialization status bits of BCALCO are set according to several algo-
rithm states, one of which is the error state.
In Figure 3-3, if the flow measurement becomes bad, then the AIN block does not update its out-
put and sets the corresponding bad status. If the LASTGV parameter in the AIN block is config-
ured true, the last good value and the detected error status are picked up by the flow PID
The PID algorithm performs its error logic, which consists of setting the INITU or INITC status
bit in the BCALCO parameter and transferring to a Hold or Manual state dependent upon the
option. The BCALCO parameter then explicitly propagates the notification about the detected
error to the upstream block.

Clamping is performed on certain parameters dependent on the specific function. Clamping is
performed as follows:
♦ For any parameter that has a system-specified range, the value written to the parame-
ter is clamped by the block within the specified range. The clamped value is
overwritten into the parameter and used by the algorithm.
♦ In general, clamping is only performed on block outputs. The actual clamped value is
at range ± output span variance (OSV). The default settings are 0-100% for the range,
and 2% for OSV. For the default settings, the actual clamp occurs between -2% and
102%. The maximum allowable value of OSV is 25%.
♦ The clamping of the OUT parameter in these blocks is performed in identical man-
algorithm is as follows:
Else if LOLIM > HSCO1 + OSV, set LOLIM to HSCO1 + OSV
After LOLIM is thereby brought into range, help prevent HOLIM from being less
than LOLIM:
If HOLIM < LOLIM, set HOLIM equal to LOLIM
Finally, help prevent HOLIM from exceeding the high end of the range:

Real-type data represents continuous-time process variable signals that relate to physical units and
range. Real-type parameters have associated user-specified range and unit parameters.

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

Certain blocks like AIN, PID, RATIO, BIAS, RIN and others need scaling when the output and
input engineering units differ.
Scaling factor parameters are incorporated into these blocks to enable the algorithm to account
for range differences. You can enter the appropriate scaling factors during configuration. Some are
user-specified, others are calculated by the block.
Ranges for associated parameters are by default stated. For example, set point needs to have the
same units and range as measurement and feedback the same units and range as output.

A secure/release mechanism is supported on a per-parameter basis. For connectable input parame-
ters (real, Boolean, integer), the secure/release mechanism is governed by the type of connection.
If the parameter has an established linkage, it is automatically helped to be secure. If there is no
linkage (connection), it is available to all users until someone helps to secure it.
It is the responsibility of the higher level task or program to arbitrate and helping to secure any
parameter at the source end. This is done automatically when parameters are opened in OM
Write lists.
The block algorithm helps to secure and release the outputs according to certain modes (for exam-
ple, M/A, L/R, and so forth) and definitions. Some parameters are not settable, therefore they are
helped to be secure. All primary outputs are governed by the Manual-Auto function.
Some specific actions involving block input parameters include:
♦ Unlinked inputs are released during controller reboot to allow for user access.
♦ If you help secure the linked inputs when a block initializes, they can no longer be
released by the user
♦ A Controller block which has its LOCSP option configured true, helps secure the LR
parameter when the block initializes. LOCSW and REMSW overrides have higher
precedence, but LR is helped to be secure when LOCSW and REMSW are no longer
Inputs to the ECBs are not secured. If two AOUT blocks are configured to control the same FBM
output channel, a notification message is displayed at the control configurator and/or the default
display, for each of the blocks. The application does not prevent the blocks from executing. How-
ever, since the duplicated output channel may be an intentional part of the control strategy. (The
two blocks may be in compounds which are not ON at the same time, for example.) If the dupli-
cation of the output channel is unintentional and the notification message is ignored, unpredict-
able results ensue, including possible process upset.

Control Block Fail-safe Strategy

Fail-safe Support is implemented in these blocks:
♦ AOUT or AOUTR block
♦ AO (FF) block
♦ Analog controller blocks (PIDs, PIDFF, RATIO, BIAS)
♦ Propagation through SWCH blocks

3. Block Characteristics B0700AG – Rev V

When the block processing logic detects that an FBM containing an analog output has asserted
Fail-safe, an FS Boolean output is set in any AOUT (AOUTR) block connected to that FBM.
Also the FS block status bit (bit 24 of BLKSTA) is set in the AOUT (AOUTR) block.
The Fail-safe status can be propagated upstream in a cascade to analog controller blocks using an
FS status bit (BCALCO.FS) in the BCALCO-BCALCI connection in analog controller blocks or
in a SWCH block.
The Manual Fail-safe (MANFS) option can be configured in AOUT (AOUTR) blocks and in
analog controller blocks. If the MANFS option is set, the block is set to the Manual mode when
Fail-safe is detected.
The FS BLKSTA bit is set in the analog controller blocks under these conditions:
♦ The analog controller block is in the Auto mode.
♦ The analog controller block is in the Manual mode and its MANFS option is set.
If PRIBLK is configured, the AOUT (AOUTR) block also requests the unconditional initializa-
tion of the upstream blocks through its BCALCO output when Fail-safe is detected.
Once set, the FS BLKSTA bit and the FS Boolean output remain set in the AOUT (AOUTR)
block until one of these events occurs:
♦ The block is in Manual, and the output parameter is changed by the you.
♦ The block makes a transition from Manual to Auto.
♦ PRIBLK is not configured and the block is in Auto.
♦ PRIBLK is configured and the initialization acknowledgment is received from the
upstream block.
Once set, the FS status bit remains set in the analog controller block until one of these events
♦ The block is in Manual and the output parameter is changed by the operator.
♦ The block is in Auto and the downstream cascade closes.
♦ The block makes a transition from Manual to Auto.

PID Hold Constraint

A PID block may optionally be driven to the Hold state, in which the block’s OUT parameter is
not changed by block action and is verified against setting, by two methods:
♦ Explicit Hold action, produced by the true state of the HOLD parameter. The block
goes into this explicit Hold state whenever HOLD is true, the block is in Auto, and
parameter MBADOP = 0.
♦ Implicit Hold action, which depends on the value of CEOPT. When CEOPT = 0,
there is no Implicit Hold action. When CEOPT = 1, the block goes into the Hold
state whenever a basic input parameter has Bad, Out-of-Service, or off-scan status.
When CEOPT = 2, the block goes into the Hold state whenever a basic input param-
eter has Bad, Out-of-Service, off-scan, or Error status detected. The basic input
parameters are MEAS, FBK, and BCALCI. As in the case of Explicit Hold, the action
needs that the block be in Auto, with MBADOP = 0.
Bad status for MEAS, when the PID block’s immediate upstream connection is an AIN, AINR, or
MAIN block, is in turn dependent on several factors, as follows:

B0700AG – Rev V 3. Block Characteristics

♦ If the FBM has Bad status, the output PNT or PNT_x has Bad status, and therefore
MEAS has Bad status.
♦ If the connected point in the FBM has Bad status, PNT or PNT_x and MEAS has
Bad status.
♦ If the measurement at the analog input point is determined by the AIN, AINR, or
MAIN block to be out-of-range, then HOR or LOR is set true, and, in some circum-
stances, PNT or PNT_x have Bad status. Parameter BADOPT in the AIN, AINR, or
MAIN block governs whether range violation causes Bad status, in accordance with
these rules:
♦ BADOPT = 0: Neither HOR nor LOR causes Bad status
♦ BADOPT = 1: LOR causes Bad status
♦ BADOPT = 2: HOR causes Bad status
♦ BADOPT = 3: Both HOR and LOR cause Bad status
In general, the signal values at which the input block declares the point status LOR or HOR, are
approximately lower range value for the low end, and approximately upper range value for the
high end, depending on the value of OSV. However, the actual determination of HOR/LOR sta-
tus depends on the details of the signal conditioning in use for the point. [Refer to Integrated Con-
trol Block Descriptions (B0193AX).]
For FBM types 1, 4, 201, 204 and 208 there is much greater latitude on the low end of the signal
span when you use elevated-zero signal conditioning (that is, 4 to 20 mA with an SCI of 3, 5, or
7). However, there is very little headroom on the high end of the signal span, regardless of ele-
vated-zero signal conditioning.
In the AIN, AINR, and MAIN blocks the Bad status of PNT or PNT_x is by default identical to
the block’s BAD output parameter.

4. Block States
This chapter describes various block states, including the shutdown, define, bad, and
manual/auto states, as well as the block status parameter (BLKSTA) and status indicators and
Block states comprise both System states and Application states. System states result from:
♦ Mismatching or undefined FBM/ECB identifiers
♦ Incorrect or out-of-range parameter values
♦ Offline/Online switching
♦ Any other action other than Manual/Auto switching
The System states are:
♦ Shutdown
♦ Define
♦ Bad
The Application states under block control are:
♦ Manual/Auto
♦ Local/Remote

Shutdown State
Shutdown is the state the block exhibits when its compound is offline, that is, it is turned off by
the compound processor (using Compound On/Off ). It is essentially a wait state until the com-
pound goes back online.
This event causes a state transition out of the Shutdown state to one of the application states,
Manual or Auto. The block initializes when it asserts this state transition.
Conversely, when the compound is turned off, it causes the block to make a transition out of its
present application state back to the Shutdown state.
In this state:
♦ All connectable parameters are released.
♦ The last values, or block history is saved and maintained.
♦ The Out-of-Service status of all value records is set true.
This action notifies other users, which have connections to this block, that the block has been
taken offline. At Shutdown, the previous history is saved.

B0700AG – Rev V 4. Block States

Define State
During initialization, the block validates necessary configuration parameters prior to performing a
state transition out of the shutdown state. If the validation is successful, the block reverts to an
Application state, Manual or Auto, depending on the value in INITMA. However, if any of these
particular parameters are not within their legal range, the block averts going online by performing
a state transition back to the Shutdown state and declaring itself Undefined.
During installation, a block is installed and placed in the Undefined state when an input connec-
tion, specified to a source block residing in the same station, experiences any of these detected
♦ The source parameter is nonconnectable.
♦ The source parameter name is invalid for its block type.

Bad State
The Bad state results from I/O-related detected errors, for example, mismatching FBM and ECB
identifiers, or bad inputs and handling, or non-operational FBMs.
This Bad status is included as a quality attribute (bad) of the output parameter of input-type
In the Bad state:
♦ The AOUT or AOUTR block’s BCALCO initialization status bit is set.
♦ The outputs are marked Bad and secured.
♦ The last driven state is retained.
When the data is validated and the block is not Bad, the outputs are reset, marked good, and the
block returns to either Manual or Auto.

Bad Detection
The first checks for a bad input take place in the FBM. Part of the FBM error detection includes
a “bad channel status” test that includes a check of the hardware signal to determine if that signal
exceeded the range of the A/D converter (that is, the signal value was at zero or at its maximum
value). Also included as part of the “bad channel status” test is a rate of change check (assuming
that the ROC parameter of the associated ECB block is a non-zero value) which detects when a
measurement value changes faster then the configured limit and consequently marks the input
channel bad. The “bad channel status” bit that is sent with the raw data value to the analog input
block (using the ECB) is an indicator of the results of these tests which includes other internal
FBM diagnostic checks for erroneous raw data conversion.
The ECB receives the raw data and the channel status, and adds an “ecb_status” which is resolved
at the ECB interface and indicates the availability of the FBM. “ecb_status” is set when the FBM
is not available because it is either not operational, or the path to it [the Peripheral I/O (PIO) bus]
is in a detected error state. These three entities, raw data, channel_status, and ecb_status are
directed to an analog input block (AIN, AINR, or MAIN). AIN, AINR, and MAIN blocks han-
dle Bad detection identically.

4. Block States B0700AG – Rev V

Data raw data raw data (ch.n)
Handling I channel_status channel_status
N ecb_status .
Raw Data raw data raw data (ch.1)
O-O-R channel_status channel_status
Lo Test OR ecb_status

bad status
0 bad_status AND BAD to
lor 1 bad_status + lor MA
hor 2 bad_status + hor pnt.bad other
3 bad_status + lor + hor

BADOPT bad = blocks

BLKSTA bit 12

Figure 4-1. Bad Detection

The AIN or AINR block uses the logical OR of the two status bits, channel_status and
ecb_status, to produce the internal signal, bad_status. If bad_status is true, the input is Bad for all
values of BADOPT, and, when the block is in Auto, the BAD output parameter, the PNT.Bad
status bit, and the BAD bit (bit 12) of the BLKSTA output are all set true.
The raw data goes to two functions.
The raw data goes to the data handling algorithm to produce an output value determined by the
input and the configuration. If the converted value exceeds the normalized signal span specified
by the HSCO, LSCO, and OSV parameters, output clamping occurs. This output clamping acti-
vates one of two signals to indicate that the output is clamped at the high, or low, end of the span.
The raw data also undergoes a raw data out-of-range test to help ensure that the data, as received
by the AIN or AINR block, is within the raw signal range in those cases (for example, square root
extraction or table lookup linearization) where an out-of-range input might not produce a limited
output. If the data is out-of-range, the block activates one of two signals to indicate that the input
is outside the high, or low, end of the input range.
The results of these two functions at each end of the span are combined to yield two out-of-range
signals. The signal that indicates the output is clamped at the high end, is OR’d with the signal
that indicates the input was too high, to produce the internal signal “hor” (high out-of-range).
Likewise, the two low indicators are OR’d, to produce the internal signal “lor” (low out-of-range).
One, or both, of these signals (“hor” or “lor”) may be included with the bad_status signal
(depending on the configuration of the BADOPT parameter) in the determination of a Bad
input. BADOPT (Bad and Out-Of-Range option) is a nonconnectable, nonsettable, integer
input that determines the conditions that, when the block is in Auto, make the BAD parameter
output, the PNT.Bad status bit, and bit 12 (BAD) of the BLKSTA output, all true.

B0700AG – Rev V 4. Block States

The BADOPT value ranges from 0 to 3 and map to these conditions:

0 Bad_status
1 Bad_status or Low Out-of-range
2 Bad_status or High Out-of-range
3 Bad_status or Low Out-of-range or High Out-of-range.

When an out-of-range condition causes a Bad input condition, the block takes these actions:
♦ Sets the appropriate HOR or LOR parameter
♦ Sets the point Bad status, the BAD output parameter, and the BAD bit in the
BLKSTA parameter
♦ Activates the BAD alarm, if configured
The default value of BADOPT is zero. The High and Low out-of-range conditions sets the BAD
output when the BADOPT parameter is defaulted.

Manual/Auto States
Manual/Auto are Application states. Usually, blocks support the parameter MA for their primary
outputs. MA is a Boolean input that controls the Manual/Auto operational state of the block’s
output(s). The nonsettable outputs of a block are not under MA control.
In Manual, the output is unsecured, which makes it an input or an independent variable from any
external process. In Manual, the block:
♦ Unsecures the settable output parameter(s)
♦ Retains real type output values from last values while in Auto. (Exceptions: Man
clamp and Man alarm options)
♦ Clears Boolean-type outputs on initial transition
In Manual, any task or process is allowed to write to settable outputs through SET calls. The out-
puts become available to all users.
In Auto, the block helps secure its settable outputs, which makes them dependent variables that
are determined by the substate of Auto (for example, Hold, Track, Control). On a transition to
Manual, the output is held for reals but is cleared for Booleans. In Auto the block:
♦ Helps secure its primary settable output parameter(s)
♦ Updates them according to the algorithm
Figure 4-2, shows a block state transition diagram.

4. Block States B0700AG – Rev V

System-Related States
Compound Turned On Operational States
Start Dependent)

Block Parameter Initialize Block MA

FBM Operational
Bad Validation Error or Bad IO
Error Channel
Undefined Connectable Bad
Parms MA Auto
Clear Define Primary
Output(s) Ok
Released, Bad
Connect- “Bad” &
Shutdown And Set
able Helped secure
Not Bad
Turned Update Block
Legend State
Off, Output to FBM
Compound Released Decision Read-Back Value
Turned Off Logic Condition
From Any State Action

Figure 4-2. Block State Transition Diagram

BLKSTA – the Block Status Parameter

Block Status (BLKSTA) is a connectable, 32-bit output that is bit mapped to indicate the block
operational states at the time the block status is read.
Each individual block description in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) identifies
the bits that make up the BLKSTA parameter for that block.
A list of all the bits that can be assigned to the BLKSTA parameter and their indicated block state

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Refer to Table 4-1 for BLKSTA bit assignments.

Table 4-1. BLKSTA-Assignable Bits

Bit Connection
Number1 Indicated Operational State Extension
31 (MSB) FLB Supervisory Control Fallback State BLKSTA.B1
30 SC Supervisor Control BLKSTA.B2
29 SE Supervisor Enabled BLKSTA.B3

B0700AG – Rev V 4. Block States

Table 4-1. BLKSTA-Assignable Bits (Continued)

Bit Connection
Number1 Indicated Operational State Extension
28 HOL High Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B4
27 LOL Low Output Limit (Clamped) BLKSTA.B5
26 MAO Manual/Auto Override BLKSTA.B6
25 LRO Local/Remote Override BLKSTA.B7
24 FS Fail-safe BLKSTA.B8
23 DSB Disabled; MO Manual Override (MDACT, DPIDA) BLKSTA.B9
22 DSR DSR Mismatch (GDEV); DF Device Fail BLKSTA.B10
(MDACT); LLO Downstream Limited Low (BIAS, PID,
21 ILK Interlock; LHI Downstream Limited High (BIAS, BLKSTA.B11
20 WLCK Workstation Lock BLKSTA.B12
19 SBX Executing SBX Statements (Sequence blocks); TEST BLKSTA.B13
Test Mode (PLB); HRQ Hold Request (MDACT);
DEV Redundant MEAS input deviation limit (DPIDA);
Set Point Ramp Up (PIDA)
18 PAUS Paused (DEP); SIM Simulation Mode (PLB); BLKSTA.B14
INER Input Error (OUTSEL)
17 TRIP Tripped (MON); FTN Feedforward Tune Active BLKSTA.B15
(PIDA, DPIDA); LM2 Limit Switch 2 On (GDEV);
RAMP Ramp Option (RAMP)
16 ACT Active/Inactive (Sequence blocks); FTNI Feedfor- BLKSTA.B16
ward Tune Inactive (PIDA, DPIDA); REPT Repeat
Option (RAMP); LM1 Limit Switch 1 On (GDEV)
15 ON Compound On BLKSTA.B17
14 UDEF Undefined BLKSTA.B18
13 (Unused) BLKSTA.B19
12 BAD Bad I/O (I/O Blocks only - block in BAD state) BLKSTA.B20
11 MA Manual(= false)/Auto(= true) BLKSTA.B21
10 LR Local(= false)/Remote(= true) BLKSTA.B22
9 STRK Set Point Tracking; FBMR Redundant FBM Fail BLKSTA.B23
8 FBM FBM Failure Detected BLKSTA.B24
7 HLD Holding BLKSTA.B25
6 TRK Tracking BLKSTA.B26
5 CTL Controlling; ACC Accumulating (ACCUM); RMP BLKSTA.B27
Ramp (RAMP)

4. Block States B0700AG – Rev V

Table 4-1. BLKSTA-Assignable Bits (Continued)

Bit Connection
Number1 Indicated Operational State Extension
4 FOL Follow; ASP Alternate Set Point (MDACT); DEV BLKSTA.B28
DEV Redundant I/O Deviation (DPIDA)
3 (Unused) BLKSTA.B29
2 PTN Pre-Tune Mode (EXACT tuning algorithm) BLKSTA.B30
1 STN Self-Tune Mode (EXACT tuning algorithm); BADR BLKSTA.B31
Bad Redundant I/O (AINR, AOUTR)
0 MTN Manual Tune Mode (EXACT tuning algorithm); BLKSTA.B32
SEL Redundant I/O Selected (AINR)
1. Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

BLKSTA provides bit-mapped status indication of bad I/O, Manual/Auto, and other block states.
1. HOL and LOL are mutually exclusive, set false on a transition to manual, and
updated when the block output is clamped.
2. ON is true whenever the compound that includes this block has its ON parameter set
3. UDEF indicates that, during initialization, the block was unable to validate necessary
configuration parameters, and returned to the shutdown state.
4. BAD is set true in an I/O block when the block detects a bad input channel or,
depending on the BADOPT configuration, data that is out-of-range.
5. MA indicates the Auto/Manual state of the block (true = 1 = Auto;
false = 0 = Manual).
6. LR and STRK are mutually exclusive, initialized to the appropriate set point state, and
updated when state transitions occur.
7. FBM is set true when the FBM is found to have bad status.
8. HLD, TRK, CTL, and FOL are mutually exclusive substates of the Auto state, initial-
ized to the appropriate block state and updated when block state transitions occur.
9. PTN, STN, and MTN are mutually exclusive, initialized to the appropriate tune state
and updated when tune state transitions occur.
The BLKSTA parameter is set to zero when a block initializes.
BLKSTA can be accessed by application programs. It can also be accessed by other blocks having
long (32 bits) integer inputs that can be handled as packed Booleans (for example, the MCIN
block when the IOMOPT option is configured false, or the CALC block).
Table 4-1 indicates, in alphabetical order, the literal names assigned to the individual bits of
BLKSTA. These names may be used in Boolean connection extensions (for example,

B0700AG – Rev V 4. Block States

Block Status
The two aspects of block status, indicators and events, are discussed here.
Control and I/O blocks are equipped with status indicators to:
♦ Indicate the current block status
♦ Indicate the nature of the event that caused that status
♦ Provide inputs to the control scheme that may initiate an appropriate response to that

Status Indicators
Three types of status indicators that Control and I/O blocks use are:
1. The BAD parameter – a dedicated boolean output of the AIN, AINR, AOUT,
MDACT, MTR, MOVLV, and VLV blocks. Control blocks typically use BAD as a
source parameter for determining control strategy.
2. Bits from a parameter’s value record status word. The only bits available as named
sources in Control Configurator connections are:

PARM..B (Bad)
PARM..E (Error)
PARM..O (Out-of-Service)
PARM..D (Disconnected)

(PARM represents the name of any parameter.) Refer to “Connections to Source Sta-
tus” on page 53.
In addition, user-written software applications may access any of the 16 bits of the
value record status word. These bits are defined as:

Table 4-2. Parameter Status Bits

Bit Status Signal Value

0-3 TYPE
4 Used only in setval call
5-7 OM
8 BAD 1= Bad I/O
9 SECURE/FS 1= Secure/Fail-safe
10 INITC/ACK 1= InitC Request/Acknowledge
11 OOS 1= Out-Of-Service
12 SHADOW 1= Shadow Parameter
13 LHI 1= Limited High
14 LLO 1= Limited Low
15 ERROR/INITU 1= Error/InitU Request

4. Block States B0700AG – Rev V

3. Bits from the 32-bit packed long status parameters, Block Status (BLKSTA) and
Alarm Status (ALMSTA).
These paragraphs provide some examples of the events that activate some of these indicators.
1. BAD parameter – Set TRUE when:
The FBM has failed, or the input point has bad status.
2. Parameter Value Record Status Bit – PARM..Bad
Set TRUE when:
a. An input block detects a bad I/O channel.
b. An AIN, AINR, or MAIN block detects an out-of-range value if BADOPT is
configured to respond to it.
c. An MCIN block receives an invalid BCD input.
Set FALSE when:
A compound owning an input/output parameter is turned ON.
3. Parameter Value Record Status Bit – PARM..Oos (Out-of-Service)
Set TRUE when:
a. A compound owning the input/output parameter is turned OFF.
b. The FBM is out-of-service.
Set FALSE when:
A compound owning an input/output parameter is turned ON.
4. BLKSTA Bit 8 – FBM Fail
Set TRUE when:
a. The block loses FBM communications or the FBM has failed.
5. BLKSTA Bit 12 – Bad I/O
Set TRUE when:
a. An input block detects a bad I/O channel.
b. An MCIN block receives an invalid BCD input.

Status Events
Among the events that activate these indicators are:
♦ Detected Loss of FBM communications (permanent or temporary)
♦ Compound turns OFF
♦ Compound turns ON with, or without, errors detected
♦ Block initializes with fatal validation errors detected
♦ An I/O block has an unresolved ECB linkage
♦ An I/O block receives a Bad ECB status
♦ An I/O block receives a Bad channel status
♦ An I/O block receives an out-of-range value
♦ Block has a source connection resolved

B0700AG – Rev V 4. Block States

♦ Block has a source connection deleted

♦ Block installation
♦ Block modification with, or without, specified linkage
♦ Download with resolved, or unresolved linkage
These provide examples of the block indications shown at some of these events.
1. Detected Loss of FBM communications.
a. The I/O blocks connected to the lost FBM set their BAD parameter true.
b. The I/O blocks connected to the lost FBM set their BLKSTA Bit 8 (FBM Fail)
c. The OOS bits in the input/output parameters of any connected blocks are set
d. The output I/O blocks connected to the lost FBM set the BCALCO initialization
status bit true.
2. Detected Loss of FBM communications – temporary (for example, PIO bus switch).
a. The I/O blocks connected to the lost FBM set their BLKSTA Bit 8 (FBM Fail)
b. The OOS bits in the input/output parameters of any connected blocks are set
c. The output I/O blocks connected to the lost FBM set the initialization status bit
of BCALCO true.
3. Compound turned OFF.
The OOS bits in the input/output parameter records of each block in the compound
are set true.
4. Compound turns ON (no block errors detected).
a. The OOS bits in the input/output parameter record of each block in the com-
pound are reset.
b. The BAD bit in each input/output parameter record is reset.
5. Compound ON and I/O block has a bad channel status.
BLKSTA Bit 12 (Bad I/O) is set.
6. Compound ON and AIN, AINR, or MAIN block receives out-of-range data.
BLKSTA Bit 12 (Bad I/O) is set if BADOPT configured correctly.
7. Source connection broken – for example, source deleted, source resides in a
nonexistent compound, or there is a detected peer-to-peer path failure.
The OOS bit in the sink parameter record is set.
8. Source compound turned OFF.
The OOS bit in the sink parameter record is set.
9. MCIN block receives an invalid BCD input.
Bit 12 (Bad I/O) in the block status parameter BLKSTA is set.

5. Connections
This chapter describes various aspects of process connections, including shared variables, linkage
syntax, boolean and packed boolean connection extensions, default values for integer and real
connections, and mixed data types.
Process connections between blocks, or blocks and shared variables, are long-term secured con-
nections that are established during control configuration.
A block output to an FBM point is not a secured connection. You need to confirm that no more
than one output block is attached to an FBM point at a time.
A local “block-to-block” parameter linkage is a direct connection from the source parameter to the
receiver in the local database and does not involve the Object Manager.
A remote connection between two parameters in different stations is established by the Object
Manager, which maintains a change-driven read connection from the source to the receiver.
Linkages from blocks in the compound database to application programs is through shared
Short-term connectionless access from application programs is established through GET/SET
calls. Access security is determined at the host or source by helping to set the Secure flag in the
shared variable status (GET/SET calls).
GET calls to any parameter in the database, including local algorithm variables, are allowed.
SET calls are monitored for validity of data type, range, setability attribute, and secured/released
If necessary, the data value may undergo algorithm validation, for example, clamping.
For more information on GET/SET calls, refer to Object Manager Calls (B0193BC).

Shared Variables
A shared variable acts as a unidirectional linkage between an application and the control database.
By linking a shared variable to a block input, the configurator can establish a long-term secured
connection between a remote application program and the compound processor database.
The actual connection is made by the Object Manager which establishes a change-driven read
connection to the block input from the application program using the shared variable.
The application program sets and resets the secure, bad, and on/off flags in the shared variable

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

Linkage Syntax
The general format of linkage specifications entered during control configuration is, as noted in
“Blocks” on page 11:
Compound:Block.Parameter (Cname:Bname.Pname)
or, if internal to one compound or one block:
:Block.Parameter (:Bname.Pname)

Boolean Connection Extensions

If the sink is of Boolean type, then the format:
may be used to refresh the sink with a wide variety of logical functions of bits within the source
parameter. The only allowable source types are Boolean, Integer, Long, Packed Boolean, or
Packed Long. Both local and peer-to-peer connections of this type may be made. Although cer-
tain restrictions apply based on the type of the source, these functions may be requested in the
general case, by appropriate “extension” syntaxes:
♦ Extract a specific bit from the source and copy it to the sink.
♦ Bitwise AND the source with a specific mask and copy the result to the sink.
♦ Bitwise XOR the source with a specific mask and copy the result to the sink.
♦ Perform the AND or XOR on only the high order integer of a Long or Packed Long
♦ Clear specific bits of the sink.
♦ Copy specific bits from the status word of the source value record.
♦ Copy the logical OR of various status bits from the source status word.
♦ Perform similar actions with named bits of source parameters BLKSTA, ALMSTA, or
♦ Invert the extracted result before using it.
♦ In connection with any of these options, specify a default/fallback value for the sink in
the event the connection is unresolved or the source is BAD or OOS. When the block
is installed, the sink value is initialized to this default (0/1) value.

By connecting the boolean input to itself and specifying a default value, you can
create a boolean constant of 0 or 1 that cannot be changed without reconfiguring
the connection. In addition, this feature may be used to pre-configure deterministic
fallback states for any boolean input that is connected peer-to-peer to a source
parameter in a different station.

If you enter invalid extension information, the connection is marked Unresolved, the block is set
Undefined, and the OM Scan status of the input is set to 0.

5. Connections B0700AG – Rev V

The general format of connections to Boolean inputs is one of these:

Cname.Pname.Extension (Connection to a compound parameter.)

Cname:Bname.Pname.Extension (Connection to a parameter in a different compound.)
:Bname.Pname.Extension (Connection to a parameter in another block of the
same compound or to another parameter of the same
block, or to itself.)

The general format of the Extension field is:

[ {{0,1} [.~], ~, [~]Bitmask, [~]{A,X}[H]mask, [.][~] symbol}]
[ ] = optional
{,} = select one
The syntax of the Extension field is better understood by noting the specific examples in these
paragraphs. These examples are subdivided into the categories Connections to Source Data, Con-
nections to Source Status, and Connections to Status Parameters.

All user documentation refers to the status bits as parameter.<name of status
bit>. That is, a reference to a status bit does not use the boolean extension syntax.

Connections to Source Data

The optional characters 0 or 1. at the beginning are used to specify an initial default and fallback
value for the sink. They may be used alone or in conjunction with other fields. When used alone,
the terminal period is deleted.

Cname:Bname.Pname.1 Set default result = 1. If connection broken, set result = 1.

Else set result = source.
The tilde (~) is used to invert the Boolean result.

Cname:Bname.Pname.~ If source = 0, set result = 1. If source non-zero, set result = 0.
Cname:Bname.Pname.1.~ Set default result = 1. If connection broken, set result =1.
Else if source = 0, set result = 1, and if source is non-zero,
set result = 0.

The selected option “Bbit” causes the result to be set equal to the specified bit of the source, where
B1 is the high-order bit. The “bit” specification indicates which bit is selected. There is no space
between “B” and “bit”. “Bit” needs to be a 1-or 2-digit decimal number which is in range for the
data type of the source (that is, no higher than 16 if the source is an Integer or Packed Boolean,
and no higher than 32 if it is a Long or Packed Long).
The only allowable source types are Integer, Long, Packed Boolean, or Packed Long.

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

The result is subject to optional inversion.


Cname:Bname.Pname.B12 Set result = Boolean 12 of source.

Cname:Bname.Pname.0.B12 Set default result = 0. If connection broken, set result = 0.
Else set result = Boolean 12 of source.
Cname:Bname.Pname.~B12 Set result = inverse of source Boolean 12.
Cname:Bname.Pname.0.~B12 Set default result = 0. If connection broken, set result = 0.
Else set result = inverse of source Boolean 12.

The selected option “Amask” or “Xmask”, where mask is a hexadecimal mask of 1 to 4 hexadeci-
mal digits, causes the sink to be set to the bitwise AND of the source value with the mask, or the
bitwise XOR of the source value with the mask, respectively. There is no space between the “A” or
“X” and the mask. The source needs to be of type Integer, Long, Packed Boolean, or Packed Long.
If the source is Long or Packed Long, the mask is applied to the low-order 16 bits. The result is
subject to optional inversion.

Cname:Bname.Pname.A30A0 Bitwise AND the low-order 16 bits of source with the

hexadecimal mask 30A0; if the result is non-zero, set
the sink to 1, else set the sink to 0.
Cname:Bname.Pname.~A30A0 Invert the result of the previous example, and set the
sink accordingly.
Cname:Bname.Pname.X30A0 Bitwise XOR the low-order 16 bits of source with the
hexa-decimal mask 30A0; if the result is non-zero, set
the sink to 1, else set the sink to 0.
Cname:Bname.Pname.~X30A0 Invert the result of the previous example, and set the
sink accordingly.

The option “H”, when it follows “A” or “X”, indicates that the specified operation is to be per-
formed on the high-order 16 bits of the source value. The only valid source types are Long or
Packed Long.

Cname:Bname.Pname.~XH30A0 Bitwise XOR the high-order 16 bits of the source

with hexadecimal mask 30A0. If the result is non-
zero, set the result = 0, else set the result = 1.
Cname:Bname.Pname.1.~XH30A0 Set the default result = 1. If the connection is
broken, set the result = 1. Else set the result as in
the previous example.

5. Connections B0700AG – Rev V

Connections to Source Status

You may connect to certain bits within the status of the source parameter by use of the syntax:
(Pname cannot be BLKSTA, ALMSTA, or INHSTA when using this format.)
“Symbol” is a 1- to 4-letter field which specifies various bits within the status field of the source
parameter. The sink is set to the logical OR of the specified bits. The meaning of the letters in
Symbol is as follows:

B 1 = Bad I/O
O 1 = Out-of-Service
D 1 = OM Off-Scan (“Disconnected”)
E 1 = Propagated Error

The results may be optionally inverted.


Cname:Bname.Pname..B Sink = Bad status bit of source.

Cname:Bname.Pname..~B Sink = Inverse of Bad status bit of source.
Cname:Bname.Pname..BOD Sink = Logical OR of Bad, OOS, and OM Off-Scan
status bits of source.
Cname:Bname.Pname..~BOD Sink = Inverted result of previous example.

Connections to Status Parameters

You may connect to any bits, or combinations of bits, within the status parameters BLKSTA,
ALMSTA, and INHSTA by using the syntax:
[Cname]:Bname.{BLKSTA, ALMSTA, INHSTA}.[{0,1}.]
{[~]Bbit,[~]{A,X}[H]mask, [~]symbol}
The meanings of B, A, X, and H are as already described. “Symbol”, in this format, refers to one
of the 2- to 4-letter symbolic names assigned to the bits within the status parameters.

Cname:Bname.BLKSTA.BAD Result = Value of the BAD bit within the source BLKSTA.
Cname:Bname.BLKSTA.~BAD Result = Invert of the previous example.

Cname:Bname.ALMSTA.LDA Result = Value of the LDA bit within the source ALMSTA.
Cname:Bname.ALMSTA.~LDA Result = Invert of the previous example.

Cname:Bname.INHSTA.HOA Result = Value of the HOA bit within the source INHSTA.
Cname:Bname.INHSTA.~HOA Result = Invert of the previous example.

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

Cname:Bname.BLKSTA.B12 Result = Boolean B12 of BLKSTA.

Cname:Bname.BLK- Result = Bitwise AND of the high-order 16 bits of BLKSTA
STA.AH30A0 with hexadecimal 30A0. (If the result is nonzero, set
sink = 1. Else set sink = 0.)

Table 5-1. Block Status Symbols

Symbol Meaning Bit Bbit

ACC 1 = Accumulating Bit 5 B27
ACT 1 = Active Bit 16 B16
ASP 1 = Alternate Set Point Bit 4 B28
BAD 1 = Bad I/O Bit 12 B20
BADR 1 = Bad Redundant I/O Bit 1 B31
CTL 1 = Control Bit 5 B27
DEV 1 = Redundant I/O Deviation Bit 4 B28
DF 1 = Device Fail Bit 22 B10
DSB 1 = Disabled Bit 23 B9
DSR 1 = DSR Mismatch Bit 22 B10
FBM 1 = FBM Failure Detected Bit 8 B24
FBMR 1 = Redundant FBM Fail Bit 9 B23
FLB 1 = Supervisory Control Fallback Bit 31 B1
FOL 1 = Follow Bit 4 B28
FS 1 = Fail-safe output Bit 24 B8
FTN 1 = Feedforward Tune Active Bit 17 B15
FTNI 1 = Feedforward Tune Inactive Bit 16 B16
HLD 1 = Hold Bit 7 B25
HOL 1 = Hi Output Limit Bit 28 B4
HRQ 1 = Hold Request Bit 19 B13
ILK 1 = Interlocked Bit 21 B11
INER 1 = Input Error Detected Bit 18 B14
LM1 1 = Limit Switch 1 On Bit 16 B16
LM2 1 = Limit Switch 2 On Bit 17 B15
LOL 1 = Lo Output Limit Bit 27 B5
LR 1 = Remote, 0= Local Bit 10 B22
LRO 1 = LR Override Bit 25 B7
MA 1 = Auto, 0= Manual Bit 11 B21
MAO 1 = MA Override Bit 26 B6
MO 1 = Manual Override Bit 23 B9
MTN 1 = Manual Tune Bit 0 B32
ON 1 = On Bit 15 B17

5. Connections B0700AG – Rev V

Table 5-1. Block Status Symbols (Continued)

Symbol Meaning Bit Bbit

PAUS 1 = Paused Bit 18 B14
PTN 1 = Pre-Tune Bit 2 B30
RAMP 1 = Ramp Option Bit 17 B15
RED 1 = Redundant Inputs Bit 21 B11
REPT 1 = Repeat Option Bit 16 B16
RMP 1 = Ramp Bit 5 B27
SBX 1 = Exec SBX statements Bit 19 B13
SC 1 = Supervisor Control Bit 30 B2
SE 1 = Supervisor Enabled Bit 29 B3
SEL 1 = Redundant I/O Selected Bit 0 B32
SIM 1 = PLB Simulation Mode Bit 18 B14
SPDN 1 = Set Point Ramp Down Bit 19 B13
SPUP 1 = Set Point Ramp Up Bit 18 B14
STN 1 = Self Tune Bit 1 B31
STRK 1 = Set Point Track Bit 9 B23
TEST 1 = PLB Test Mode Bit 19 B13
TRIP 1 = Tripped Bit 17 B15
TRK 1 = Track Bit 6 B26
UDEF 1 = Undefined Bit 14 B18
WLCK 1 = Workstation Lock Bit 20 B12

The Manual/Auto state of a block is presented in Bit 11 of BLKSTA, where Bit 0 is
the low-order bit. Boolean connection extensions refer to this bit as either
BLKSTA.MA or BLKSTA.B21. (Bit 31, the high-order bit, is referred to in Boolean
connection extensions as B1.) When you use the Amask or Xmask format, you need
to refer to the third column (“Bit”) and when you use the Bbit format, you need to
refer to the fourth column (“Bbit”). In order to help prevent parameter BLKSTA from
becoming unnecessarily long, certain bits are used in a block-dependent fashion,
thereby necessitating “alias” names for some bit positions. For example, ACT and

Table 5-2. Alarm Status Symbols

Symbol Meaning Bit Bbit

BAD 1 = I/O Bad Alarm Bit 22 B10
HDA 1 = Hi Deviation Alarm Bit 21 B11
HHA 1 = Hi Hi Abs Alarm Bit 25 B7
HMA 1 = Hi Meas Alarm Bit 17 B15
HOA 1 = Hi Output Alarm Bit 19 B13

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

Table 5-2. Alarm Status Symbols (Continued)

Symbol Meaning Bit Bbit

INH 1 = Alarms Inhibited Bit 29 B3
LDA 1 = Lo Deviation Alarm Bit 20 B12
LLA 1 = Lo Lo Abs Alarm Bit 24 B8
LMA 1 = Lo Meas Alarm Bit 16 B16
LOA 1 = Lo Output Alarm Bit 18 B14
OPER 1 = Operational Error Alarm Bit 27 B5
OOR 1 = Out of Range Alarm Bit 28 B4
PNT1 1 = Point 1 Alarm Bit 15 B17
PNT2 1 = Point 2 Alarm Bit 14 B18
PNT3 1 = Point 3 Alarm Bit 13 B19
PNT4 1 = Point 4 Alarm Bit 12 B20
PNT5 1 = Point 5 Alarm Bit 11 B21
PNT6 1 = Point 6 Alarm Bit 10 B22
PNT7 1 = Point 7 Alarm Bit 9 B23
PNT8 1 = Point 8 Alarm Bit 8 B24
PTRG 1 = Pre-Target Alarm Bit 19 B13
ROC 1 = Rate of Change Alarm Bit 23 B9
STA 1 = State Alarm Bit 26 B6
TARG 1 = Target Alarm Bit 25 B7
TRIP 1 = Trip Alarm Bit 31 B1
UNAK 1 = Unacknowledged Bit 30 B2

The boolean extension symbols for the inhibit status parameter INHSTA are the same as those for
the ALMSTA parameter, except for the UNAK symbol.

Packed Boolean Connection Extensions

If the sink is a Packed Boolean, then the syntax:
Cname:Bname.Pname.mask [where mask is a four-digit (xxxx) hexadecimal number]
may be used to set and reset specific bits of the sink.
If Pname is a boolean source parameter with a value of FALSE when the connection is refreshed,
then the bits of the sink corresponding to the 1-bits of the mask are cleared.
All other bits of the sink are unchanged. If Pname is TRUE at this time, the bits of the sink corre-
sponding to the 1-bits of the mask are set, and all other sink bits are unchanged.
If Pname is an integer, long integer, packed boolean or packed long, the bits of the low-order 16
bits of the source which correspond to 1-bits of the mask are copied into the sink. All other bits of
the sink are unchanged.
If Pname is a short integer, those bits of the source which correspond to 1-bits in the low-order
byte of the mask are copied to the sink. All other bits of the sink are unchanged.

5. Connections B0700AG – Rev V

If Pname is a real, then Pname is converted to an unsigned integer before the mask is applied.
You cannot set any sink bits which are specified in the mask for setting, clearing, or copying.
All other bits of the sink are settable.

Defaults for Integer and Real Connections

“Boolean Connection Extensions” on page 50 explains how default values may be specified for
inputs of boolean type. It is also possible to specify such default values for inputs of integer or real
type by configuring the connection according to this format:
where n is the desired default value.
If the sink is of integer type, n is an integer.
If the sink is of real type, then n is a real value in floating point or scientific notation.
The default value specified will only be used until the source value is available (that is, the connec-
tion is resolved and the source status is not BAD or OOS). When that happens, the source value
is copied into the input parameter, and the default value is lost. The block helps to secure the con-
nection while the specified default is in use.
If the input parameter is connected to itself, however, the default value specified in the connection
is preserved until the parameter is reconfigured. You may use this method of specifying defaults to
override the standard default for any parameter, as stated in the parameter tables.

Mixed Data Types

Local connections are input parameter connections to source parameters in the same controller
station. You can connect an input parameter to a source parameter of any data type in any block
in the same controller station.
The controller converts the data from the source format into the sink format when the data is
copied into the sink connection. This is done each block execution cycle prior to processing the
block algorithm.
Usually, data conversions conform to the standard “C” programming language conventions used
in assignment statements containing mixed data types.
For the cases shown in Table 5-3, however, the converted value is clamped at the specified maxi-
mum positive or minimum negative value. Table 5-4 summarizes the results of the conversion

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

Table 5-3. Data Conversion Clamping

Sink Value Source Value Maximum Minimum

Short Integer Integer 127 -128
Short Integer Long integer 127 -128
Short Integer Real value 127 -128
Integer Long integer 32767 -32768
Integer Real value 32767 -32768
Long Integer Real value 2147483647 -2147483648

Table 5-4. Data Conversion Results

Sink Value Source Value Results

Boolean Short integer, integer, long integer, If source not = 0, result = 1
real, packed boolean Else result = 0
Short Integer Boolean, packed boolean, packed long Low-order byte of source
Integer, long integer Clamped source
Real Converted clamped source
Integer Boolean Unsigned low-order byte of source
Short integer Extended low-order byte of source
Long integer Clamped source
Real Converted clamped source
Packed boolean Source
Packed long Unsigned low-order integer of source
Long Integer Boolean Unsigned low-order byte of source
Short integer Extended low-order byte of source
Packed boolean Unsigned low-order integer of source
Integer Extended low-order integer of source
Real Converted clamped source
Packed long Source
Real Boolean, short integer, integer Converted source
Long integer, packed long Converted truncated high-order source
Packed boolean Converted unsigned integer of source

5. Connections B0700AG – Rev V

Table 5-4. Data Conversion Results (Continued)

Sink Value Source Value Results

Packed Boolean Boolean If source = 0, mask bits cleared in sink
If source = 1, mask bits set in sink
(unmasked bits are unchanged)
Short integer Masked unsigned low-order byte of
source (unmasked bits are unchanged)
Integer, long integer, packed boolean, Masked unsigned low-order integer of
packed long source, (unmasked bits are unchanged)
Real Masked converted clamped integer of
source (unmasked bits are unchanged)
Packed Long Boolean If source = 0, clear all sink bits
If source = 1, set all sink bits
Short integer Unsigned low-order byte of source
Integer, packed boolean Unsigned low-order integer of source
Real Converted clamped long of source
Long integer Source

Peer-to-peer connections are input parameter connections to source parameters in different con-
troller stations.
Peer-to-peer connections support a mixture of these data types. The same conversions specified
for the mixed local connections in Table 5-4 are performed for the combinations of mixed peer-
to-peer connections listed in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5. Peer-to-Peer Connections

Source Value Sink Value

Long Integer Integer, short integer, boolean, packed boolean, packed long
Integer Long integer, short integer, boolean, packed boolean, packed long
Short Integer Long integer, integer, boolean, packed long

Peer-to-peer connections do not support a mixture of real and integer data types, or a mixed con-
nection to a boolean source.

B0700AG – Rev V 5. Connections

6. Block Processing
This chapter describes the compound processor’s actions in the block processing cycle (BPC). It
describes scanning, I/O blocks, and input and output signal conditioning.
The compound processor is a task scheduled by the operating system to run every block process-
ing cycle (BPC).
The BPC is the smallest resolution of time in which the compound processor can be scheduled to
run. It presently defaults to 0.5 second. Periods are resolved in multiples of the BPC.

Compound Processing

Commun- Inputs Continuous Sequence Continuous Outputs
ication from block block block to
ECB Algorithms processing algorithms ECB
(1st list) (2nd list)

Block Processing Tasks

One Block Processing Cycle (BPC)

Figure 6-1. The Block Processing Cycle

Within each BPC, the compound processor task processes the blocks in this order:
1. The first list of continuous blocks.
2. Monitor blocks and timer blocks.
3. Exception blocks.
4. Dependent and independent blocks.
5. The second list of continuous blocks.
Refer to Figure 6-1 for a BPC representation.
Ladder Logic processing takes place within the Fieldbus Modules.
After the first list of continuous blocks is processed, the sequence blocks are processed before the
second list of continuous blocks. Refer to “Sequential Control Blocks” on page 141 for details on
sequential control block processing.

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

Scan Period
For control processors, the scan period defined by the block processing PERIOD/PHASE of the
block. This includes:
♦ The block processing cycle (BPC) set for the control processor (one of these: 0.05 sec,
0.1 sec, 0.2 sec, 0.5 sec, or 1.0 sec)
♦ The PERIOD parameter (0-13) set for the control block.

The scan period is NOT defined by the block (or database) scanning cycle of the
OM scanner.

Table 6-1 lists the allowable user-specified scan periods for CP60s, FCP270s, ZCP270s,
FCP280s, and FDC280s based on these settings. For these CPs, PERIOD can be 0-13.

Table 6-1. Scan Periods for CP60, FCP270, ZCP270, FCP280, FDC280


PERIOD 0.05 sec 0.1 sec 0.2 sec 0.5 sec 1.0 sec
0 0.1 sec 0.1 sec 0.2 sec 0.5 sec 1.0 sec
1 (default) 0.5 sec 0.5 sec 0.6 sec 0.5 sec 1.0 sec
2 1.0 sec 1.0 sec 1.0 sec 1.0 sec 1.0 sec
3 2.0 sec 2.0 sec 2.0 sec 2.0 sec 2.0 sec
4 10 sec 10 sec 10 sec 10 sec 10 sec
5 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec
6 1.0 min 1.0 min 1.0 min 1.0 min 1.0 min
7 10 min 10 min 10 min 10 min 10 min
8 -11 60 min 60 min 60 min 60 min
9 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.5 sec 1.0 sec
10 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec
11 0.6 sec 0.6 sec 0.6 sec 0.5 sec2 1.0 sec
12 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec 5.0 sec
13 0.05 sec 0.1 sec 0.2 sec 0.5 sec 1.0 sec
This is a non-existent period.
2. Under certain circumstances, when the PERIOD is 11 and the BPC = 0.5 sec-
onds, the FCP280 may return the PERIOD value as “1”.

Integrator and Gateway blocks have different period values than shown here. Their values are
defined only by the PERIOD parameter, as shown in Table 6-2. For these Integrators and
Gateways, PERIOD can be 0-12.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

Table 6-2. Allowable Scan Periods for Integrator and Gateway Blocks

PERIOD Scan Period for Integrators and Gateways

0 0.1 second
1 0.5 second
2 1 second
3 2 seconds
4 4 seconds
5 8 seconds
6 16 seconds
7 32 seconds
8 64 seconds
9 128 seconds
10 256 seconds
11 512 seconds
12 1024 seconds

For the PERIOD for an Allen-Bradley Integrator 30B (AB3B) station, refer to
“Period Table” in Integrators for Allen-Bradley Controllers (B0193RG).
For the PERIOD for a Modbus Integrator 30 Style B (MG3B) station, refer to
“Period Table Used by the Integrators” in Integrators for Modbus and Modbus Plus
Devices (B0193RL).
For the PERIOD for the FDSCAN, FDMSBL blocks for a Device Integrator 30B
(FD3B) station, refer to “FDMSBL Block Data Elements” in Device Integrator 15
and Device Integrator 30 User's Guide (B0193RH).
For other integrators, refer to the applicable document for your integrator.

In general, a control block cannot be processed any faster than the BPC of the CP, so if the
PERIOD is configured faster than the BPC, then it will default to BPC.
Also, the configured PERIOD needs to be a multiple of the BPC. For example, if the BPC is
0.2 seconds and the PERIOD is 1 (0.5 seconds), you will not be able to get the scan rate of
0.5 seconds. 0.5 seconds is not evenly divisible by the BPC of 0.2 seconds; the closest is
0.6 seconds, which will be the scan period for the block.
To set the block processing cycle (BPC) for a control processor:
♦ In Foxboro Evo Control Editors (referred to as Control Editors), set the parameter
called “Basic Proc Cycle” in the Software tab for the control processor. Refer to “Con-
figuring Controllers - Software” in Hardware Configuration User's Guide (B0750BB).
♦ In IACC, set the BPC through the Parameter Editor invoked for the desired CP. Refer
to “Parameter Editor” in I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

♦ In System Definition, select the desired CP and set the parameter called “Basic Proc
Cycle x 10” from the Parameter Definition screen. Refer to “Assigning Parameter Def-
initions” in System Definition: A Step-By-Step Procedure (B0193WQ).
To set the PERIOD parameter for a control block:
♦ In the Control Editors, set the parameter “Block Sample Time” in the General tab for
the block. Refer to “Opening the Block Configurator” in Block Configurator User's
Guide (B0750AH).
♦ In IACC, set the parameter “Period” in the Properties dialog box for the block. Refer
to “Properties Dialog Box” in I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide
♦ In ICC, set the parameter “PERIOD” in the Block Parameters window. Refer to “Edit
Block Parameters Window” in Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV).
Compounds process in the order in which you install them (from top to bottom) in the control
configurator (Control Editors, IACC, or ICC), subject to variations due to differences in their
Within the compound, blocks also process in the order in which you install them. As with com-
pounds, you can modify the execution sequence by means of the period and phase parameters.
Block execution is initiated by the compound processor when a compound is turned on.
The compound period needs to be set to the Block Processing Cycle. A compound period of zero
implies an execution period equal to the BPC.
Phases (PHASE) and periods (PERIOD) can be adjusted in individual blocks to alleviate poten-
tial overrun situations.

Be aware that the fastest allowed ECB period for the HART™ FBMs is 100 milli-
seconds (PERIOD = 0). However, we recommend that you refer to the Sizing
Guidelines and Excel Workbook appropriate for your Control Processor to determine
the optimal BPC for this ECB in order to help prevent overloading.

Scan Overrun
A Scan Overrun occurs when a processor has more blocks than it can process within a single scan

Block Phasing
A block cannot be executed more frequently than the minimum Block Processing Cycle (BPC) of
the controller. A block with a period of zero (0) is executed as if the period were 0.5 second if the
BPC is 0.5 second.
The BPC default value is 0.5 second. However, the BPC can be set to 0.1 second or other values
with System Configurator/Definition.
Phasing is the distribution of the block processing over multiple BPCs. The object is to balance
the number of blocks scheduled for processing in any given BPC.
When the block period is equal to the BPC, the block is processed every cycle and there are no
phasing options.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

However, when the block period is greater than the BPC (processed less frequently), the block can
be phased to execute at some time other than the very beginning of the period. This feature is use-
ful in avoiding overruns. Overruns occur when too many blocks are scheduled for execution at the
same BPC.

Relationship Between Block Period and Phase

Block periods greater than the BPC are equal to an integral number of BPCs by default (for exam-
ple, when the BPC is 0.5 second, a block period of 2.0 seconds equals 4 BPCs).
Each block uses this integral multiple, N, to set up a modulo N counter that counts BPCs and
triggers block execution every Nth BPC. In the example where N equals 4, the block’s modulo
counter cycles through the counts 0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3-0-... , triggering block execution every
fourth cycle.
The block’s Phase value determines whether block execution occurs at the 0 count, the 1 count,
the 2 count, or the 3 count. A Phase value greater than three in this example exceeds the maxi-
mum modulo count and the block is not executed.
Generally, the valid phase values are the integers from 0 to N-1, where N equals the number of
BPCs in the Period. Table 6-3 lists the phase values for a controller that has a BPC of 0.5 seconds.

Table 6-3. Valid Phase Values (BPC = 0.5 second)


Value Length Values Value Length Values
0 0.5 sec [0] 7 10 min [0 - 1199]
1 0.5 sec [0] 8 60 min [0 - 7199]
2 1.0 sec [0,1] 9 0.5 sec [0]
3 2.0 sec [0,1,2,3] 10 5.0 sec [0 - 9]
4 10 sec [0 - 19] 11 0.5 sec [0]
5 30 sec [0 - 59] 12 5.0 sec [0 - 9]
6 1 min [0 - 119] 13 0.5 sec1 [0]
Available in FCP280, FDC280, FCP270 and ZCP270, when permitted by the
selected BPC.

Thus, a block having a PERIOD/PHASE assignment of 3/1 executes every 2.0 seconds in the
second BPC frame of the two second period.

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing


Do not assign a block phase value that is not shown in Table 6-3. Such
an improper assignment causes a notification message in the control
configurator and, if not corrected, causes the block to be undefined.
This results in the block not being processed.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

Assume a group of blocks all having a PERIOD value of 1, 2, or 3, and a PHASE value of 0. Exe-
cution of these blocks follow the patterns as shown in Figure 6-2.

Block Processing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycle (BPC)
(0.5 Sec)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PERIOD=1 (0.5 s)

0 1 0 1 0 1 0
PERIOD=2 (1.0 s)

0 1 2 3 0 1 2
PERIOD=3 (2.0 s)

Figure 6-2. Example of Phased Execution

A processor can be overloaded with more blocks than it can process in a single BPC. To help pre-
vent overloading, you can balance the block load within a single phase by changing a block(s) exe-
cution to another phase.

Scan Overload
When blocks are configured initially, they default to a phase of zero. As shown in Figure 6-2,
many blocks can be designated for execution in Phase 0 of a single BPC. When all blocks in a pro-
cessor have a phase of zero, they are processed during a single BPC. In such a case, the processor
needs to handle all the blocks in a single BPC, or scan overrun can occur.
For example, if the blocks in Figure 6-2 were equal in load, the controller’s total execution time
for each BPC would take the pattern shown in Figure 6-3. BPC0 and BPC4 begin to show the
effects of a Phase 0 pileup; the amount of time needed to process the blocks increases as more
blocks are added.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

1 3 5

Total Execute Time 0 2 4 6

Figure 6-3. Phase Zero Overload

A Scan Overrun occurs when a processor has more blocks that it can process within a single scan
cycle. During a scan overrun, the Compound Processor continues to process blocks even after the
allocated period for the cycle is over. It simply extends the scan cycle into the next BPC until it has
completed processing the remaining blocks. However, the processor does not perform any of the
operations scheduled for this overrun BPC. To help prevent the scan cycles from being offset, the
overrun BPC is ignored. When finished, the Compound Processor waits until the beginning of
the next scheduled BPC to begin the next execution.
This situation is illustrated in Figure 6-4. If you add CMP1, a large compound of blocks having a
PERIOD value of 3 and PHASE 0, to the blocks described in Figure 6-3, the PHASE 0 Total
Execute Time is large enough to cause an overrun and the PHASE 1 operation is delayed. The
next processing operation occurs at PHASE 2.

Added CMP1 Blocks

with PERIOD=3/ 1 2 3 1 2
PHASE=0 0 0

Total Execute Time 0 overrun 2 4 overrun 6
Figure 6-4. Example of Overrun

When the blocks are configured at longer periods, the Compound Processor may
still overrun intermittently due to a pileup at certain Phase 0 frames. Adjust the
phases to alleviate the scan overrun.

An overrun helps assure that the control operation goes to completion, but it also results in the
detected loss of a processing cycle and the skewing of succeeding cycles. An occasional overrun
may not affect control, but repeated occurrences eventually reduce process control.


To alleviate a potential scan overrun situation, the block phasing

needs to be adjusted for the extra blocks causing the scan overrun.
Configuring block phasing balances out the load on the controller’s
database by spreading block processing evenly throughout the BPCs.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

Using the same example, you can configure CMP1, the large added compound executing at
PHASE 0, to execute at other times (for example, Phases 1 and 3) and avoid the overruns that
occurred at BPC0 and BPC4 (PHASE 0).

Part of CMP1 Blocks

with PERIOD=3/
0 1 2 3 0 1 2

Part of CMP1 Blocks 0 1 2 3 0 1 2

with PERIOD=3/

Total Execute Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 6-5. Avoiding Overrun

This describes how to avoid scan overrun by configuring block phasing.

Block Phasing: Guidelines

Phase configuration needs to take into account a block’s position in the control scheme, its work
load, the number of active options, and so on. Some guidelines follow.

Compound Phasing
♦ The system defaults the Compound Period to the system BPC, and the Compound
Phase to 0.

ECB (Equipment Control Block) Phasing

♦ ECBs are configured with their own periods and phases. The “execution” of an ECB
at its configured period and phase refers only to the capture and storage of input data
from its associated FBM. This need not be done any more frequently than the input
data is needed by the connected control block(s).
♦ ECBs can be configured as part of any ordinary compound or as part of the station’s
ECB compound. Within any one BPC, the Compound Processor helps guarantee
that the scheduled ECBs are processed prior to the scheduled I/O blocks in that com-
pound. When the I/O block is processed, it receives the input data from the current
contents of the ECB, whether or not those contents were refreshed in the current
BPC. The writing of output data from an output block to its destination ECB is by
default controlled by the output block. After all the compound’s I/O control blocks
have been processed, those ECBs which have received fresh output data from the con-
trol blocks transmit the data to their connected FBMs, in the current BPC. Therefore,
output activity is not under control of periods and phases.
♦ Output blocks, such as AOUT or COUT write their values to their destination FBM
using their ECB during the BPC frame assigned to the block after the output block
executes. However, the readback of the FBM’s output registers is initially scanned by
the ECB before the output block executes. This is used to calculate the BCALCO.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

Control Block Phasing

♦ All block phasing is on a global basis. Phase 0 is common to all blocks, compounds
and ECBs.
♦ When you configure phasing, Block execution order and controller loading are the
major considerations. Block execution order in a control loop needs to be set up so
that the measurement input blocks execute immediately before the control blocks,
and the output blocks immediately follow the control blocks. If all blocks in a control
loop are in the proper order and have the same period and phase, then block initializa-
tions and bumpless transfers work properly, even when PRIBLK = 0.
♦ In cascade strategies, the primary blocks need to execute before the secondary blocks.
Execution of feedforward blocks needs to be sequential in the data flow direction.
♦ If a phase value, outside of the legal phase values for the assigned Period value, is con-
figured, the block, compound, or ECB is not processed. A notification message is
displayed in the control configurator and the block, compound, or ECB is set unde-
fined. If you reduce the Period value, the existing Phase value is verified to help ensure
that it is within the legal range for the new Period value.

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

Input/Output (I/O) Blocks

I/O blocks provide the application interface between the physical process inputs and outputs for
the system. They process as part of any compound.
The I/O blocks relate logical names (FLWTRNS100, for example) to physical hardware point
addresses, which are identified by the FBM device ID and point number.
All control references to I/O points (such as from displays or data logging) use the block name
rather than the physical address.
Input blocks have manual modes to enable you to disconnect control schemes from live FBMs for
simulation and checkout purposes.
Output blocks have Manual modes to enable operator intervention in controlling the process.
Analog input blocks convert raw data read from the FBMs to a real value in engineering units.
They also provide signal conditioning.
Piecewise linear characterization is performed for thermocouple conversion (Refer to “Signal
Conditioning Indexes” on page 209).
Different AIN blocks can be connected to the same FBM to provide conditioning to different
engineering units.
Redundant I/O blocks provide high availability by utilizing two separate FBMs to support a sin-
gle process point. (Refer to “Redundant I/O Blocks” on page 71).

I/O Block Processing

I/O processing takes place both in the Control Processors (FCP280, FCP270 and ZCP270) and
the Fieldbus Modules (FBMs). FBMs interface to the control system through Equipment Control
Blocks (ECBs), which are “holding places” for the FBM data.
Each Fieldbus Module has an accompanying ECB. ECBs are created through the control configu-
rator in the same manner as blocks.
The system monitor and the compound processor are responsible for maintaining this active
interface at the ECB level.
“Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface” on page 169 provides I/O Block, ECB, and
FBM application interface information. “Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs)” on page 184 and
“200 Series Fieldbus Module Types (FBMs)” on page 219 provides detailed information on ECBs
and FBMs.

I/O Block Status

A bad FBM or bad channel status combine to form a bad data status. This bad status is included
in the output value record of input type blocks.
For outputs, a check is made for a non-operational FBM, or detected loss of communication.
These are combined in a BAD output status which is available as a Boolean output for connection
into control strategies.
Output blocks also perform a readback of the FBM raw output values and this information is
made available in special output parameters. This allows live process values to be fed back into
control schemes for bumpless initialization purposes.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

I/O Block Validation

At the system level, a process input/output (PIO) maintenance task checks the status of each
installed FBM. This task runs periodically.
It establishes the operational status of each FBM and its related ECB.
At the application level, process input values are checked against fixed range through various
alarm options at the block level.
Analog Inputs:
♦ High/low sensor range check
♦ High/low alarm checks in engineering units
♦ Rate-of-change detection and alarming
Analog Outputs:
♦ Bad alarming

I/O Fail-safe Status

The desired fail-safe value of a particular FBM output channel can be configured.
An output point in an FBM can be configured on a per-type (analog or digital) basis to fail to a
fallback value or to maintain its current value. An analog output fails to a hold value or fails to a
configured value. A digital output fails to zero, one, or to a hold value. The individual FBM stores
the fail-safe values.
I/O fail-safe mode of operation can be caused by the detected loss of process I/O communications
or by internal FBM diagnostics. An FBM is reset from fail-safe status by an automatic I/O reset
request from the Control Processor.

Redundant I/O Blocks

Redundant I/O blocks are provided for applications that need higher system availability.

Redundant Input Block (AINR)

The Redundant Analog Input Block accepts inputs from two separate and separately named
FBMs. The user designates a primary and a secondary signal. Both signals are converted and vali-
dated but only the primary signal is presented to the block’s point output, unless a failure is
If a failure is detected and the secondary signal is healthy, that signal is used on the block’s point
When either signal fails or when they differ by more than a user-defined parameter, alarms are

Redundant Output Block (AOUTR)

The Redundant Analog Output Block connects to any pair of FBMs providing analog output,
providing they are of the same hardware and software types. For FBCs or any output FBMs
between FBM01 and FBM46, redundant operation is achieved when a special Termination Cable
Assembly (TCA) is installed. For DIN rail mounted FBMs, a Redundant Adapter is installed on
the Baseplate linking the redundant FBMs. Special TCAs or Redundant Adapters attach to the
pair of FBMs and use diodes to combine the pairs outputs into a single analog signal. There are

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

redundant TCAs available for FBMs 4, 5, 6, 37, and 39 (FBM04 and FBM06 use identical
TCAs). Redundant Adapters are available for FBM205, FBM208, and FBM237.
As noted in “Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface” on page 169, the special TCA and
Redundant Adapters provide redundancy correctly only when the fail-safe mask and fail-safe fall-
back values in both of the ECBs are configured to the needed values.
Alarms can be generated when either output fails.

Redundant Contact Input Block (CINR)

The Redundant Contact Input (CINR) block receives redundant input values for a single digital
input process point from two digital input type Fieldbus Modules (FBMs). The CINR block is
currently qualified for use only with DCS FBMs for Migration to APACS+ systems. Based on the
quality of the two inputs and the user specification of a default selection, one of the inputs is cho-
sen for use in the control strategy.
The CINR block offers Auto/Manual control and simulation mode capability. It also provides bad
point and state alarming of the digital input, and other standard block alarm functions. The block
also offers an input inversion option.

Redundant Contact Output (COUTR)

The Redundant Contact Output block (COUTR) provides the control strategy with redundant
digital output values for a single digital output point in any DCS FBM containing such points.
The COUTR block is currently qualified for use only with FBM240 and DCS FBMs for Migra-
tion to APACS+ systems. You can select a sustained output that follows the block input or a
pulsed output with a selectable pulse width. The block provides Auto/Manual/Auto Hold control
modes and simulation mode capability. It also provides bad alarming of the contact outputs read
back from the FBMs.
To provide bumpless transfer from Manual to Auto in cascade control loops, the COUTR block
alerts upstream blocks to open loop conditions using an initialization request output. It also indi-
cates when the contact outputs from both FBMs are in the failsafe state.

Input Signal Conditioning

The analog type I/O blocks support a set of signal conditioning algorithms, which are specified by
a set of index numbers.
The AIN reads the analog input point data from the FBM in raw counts. After status validation,
the raw counts are conditioned and converted to engineering units in floating point, according to
the specified conversion index and engineering units range. Refer to Figure 6-6 for an example of
input signal conditioning.
Usually, raw data is normalized in positive valued counts from 0 to 64,000 and can have a legal
converted value in the range of 0 to 65,535 counts.
The conditioned value is converted to the specified units using the high and low sensor range.
The data is then optionally filtered and made available at the output parameter.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

Physical Signal Compound A

(mA, V dc, mV dc, Hz, etc.)

Sensor or
Linear Raw Compound B
A/D Data &
Conversion Status AIN

Other Compounds
Process I/O Serial Bus (Fieldbus)
Data 0 to 64000 counts (normalized)

Figure 6-6. Input Signal Conditioning

Measurement values are linearized using linear/square root conversion, standard curves, and/or
piecewise-linear interpolation. This maintains the accuracy of the raw data over the entire range.
These types of signal conditioning are provided (for more information, refer to “Input Signal
Conditioning” on page 209):
♦ Default = 0, no conditioning
♦ 0 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Input 0 to 20 mA)
♦ 1600 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Input 0 to 10 V dc)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Input 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 0 to 64000 raw counts square root (Analog Input 0 to 20 mA)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts square root (Analog Input 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 0 to 64000 raw counts square root with low cutoff (Analog Input 0 to 20 mA)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts square root with low cutoff (Analog Input 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 1600 to 64000 raw counts linear with low cutoff (Analog Input 0 to 10 V dc)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts linear with low cutoff (Analog Input 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 14080 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Input 2 to 10 V dc)
♦ 14080 to 64000 raw counts square root with low cutoff (Analog Input 2 to 10 V dc)
♦ type E thermocouple
♦ type E thermocouple EA-2
♦ type J thermocouple
♦ type K thermocouple
♦ type R thermocouple
♦ type S thermocouple
♦ type T thermocouple
♦ type N thermocouple
♦ nickel RTD

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

♦ platinum RTD (SAMA)

♦ platinum RTD (DIN)
♦ platinum RTD (IEC)
♦ copper RTD
Every RTD/thermocouple “SCIX” (Signal Conditioning Index) has a table associated with it
(refer to Appendix A “Signal Conditioning Indexes” on page 209).
The CHARC block can be used to apply user defined piecewise-linear characterization to non-
standard inputs. This is accomplished by connecting the EXTBLK parameter of the input block
to the BLKSTA parameter of the CHARC block, and setting the EXTOPT parameter of the
CHARC block to 1. Configure the CHARC block segments as needed.
You can also use “special thermocouple” signal conversion for nonstandard thermocouple inputs
when the cold-junction compensation is accommodated by the CHARC block. To do this, con-
nect the EXTBLK parameter as described, but the EXTOPT parameter of the CHARC block
needs to be set to 2. First, the cold junction compensation temperature is converted by the
CHARC block from degrees Celsius into millivolts, using reverse interpolation. Then, the milli-
volt equivalent of the cold junction reference is added to the millivolt analog input point value,
and the sum is passed to the CHARC block for forward interpolation. This results in the genera-
tion of a compensated output value in degrees Celsius.

First or Second-Order
First- or second-order filter is provided on an optional basis:
0 = No filtering
1 = First order
2 = Second order Butterworth

Contact Filtering
Contact bounce is filtered by the FBM.

Output Signal Conditioning

Before an output block writes a value to an appropriate type FBM, it is converted to raw counts.
The analog value, which is written to an FBM point, is converted from engineering units to
counts, using the high and low output range. The processing is the inverse operation of signal
conditioning described for AIN blocks. This value is conditioned according to the applied condi-
tioning index. Refer to “Signal Conditioning Indexes” on page 209. The result is clamped
between the high and low actuator limit value.
Refer to Figure 6-7 for an example of output signal conditioning.

6. Block Processing B0700AG – Rev V

Change FBM
Driving COUNTS
Application COUNTS S
V dc, mA etc.

Figure 6-7. Output Signal Conditioning

This output Signal Conditioning options are applicable for analog output I/O blocks (for more
information, refer to “Output Signal Conditioning” on page 215):
♦ Default = 0, no conditioning
♦ 0 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Output 0 to 20 mA)
♦ 1600 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Output 0 to 10 V dc)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Output 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 0 to 64000 raw counts square root (Analog Output 0 to 20 mA)
♦ 12800 to 64000 raw counts square root (Analog Output 4 to 20 mA)
♦ 14080 to 64000 raw counts linear (Analog Output 2 to 10 V dc)
♦ 14080 to 64000 raw counts square root with low cutoff (Analog Output
2 to 10 V dc)

B0700AG – Rev V 6. Block Processing

7. Block/Process Alarming
This chapter provides details on block alarm processing, alarm states, and data recorded in
alarm messages.

Alarming Overview
Block alarming, or process alarming, is used to detect when a specific event or condition with
potentially nonoptimal consequences has occurred. This event or condition involves a change in
the operation of a monitored field device or block.
When an alarm is triggered in a block, notification is sent through the station block to the Alarm
Manager, which alerts the operator through a message on the process display, and/or a horn on an
annunciator keyboard. Usually, the station block can also send the alarm alert to an alarm printer
as well. The alarming system is shown in Figure 7-1.

Device or Block

Point Process Display

Alarming Alarm Manager
Goes into alarm condition

Device or Block Station

Alarming Alarm Printer
Goes into alarm condition Optional (not available
to all alarms)
Figure 7-1. Block Alarming

There are a number of different types of process alarming, each specific to a particular event or
condition. To enable each type of process alarm, determine and configure this information (using
alarm parameters specific to each block):
♦ which types of alarms you want to enable (alarm options), and which types of alarms
you want to inhibit
♦ the text that appears in the process display if the alarm is initiated
♦ the device group that you want each alarm message sent to
♦ the priority level you want to assign to each alarm
♦ any parameters specific to the alarm type, such as the limit at which the alarm is initi-
ated and the deadband that determines when the alarm condition returns to normal
Configuration procedures for process alarms are available in Process Operations and Displays

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Some blocks have alarming as their primary function, however, some can offer alarming on an
optional basis. Some blocks do not offer alarming features.
Alarming provides the basis for:
♦ Alarm detection through alarm output indicators (refer to “Process Alarm Genera-
tion” on page 78)
♦ Message generation, related to the value of certain parameters
♦ Guidance notification

Process Alarm Generation

Blocks typically generate process alarms by setting a bit in the alarm status parameter (ALMSTA),
which is a packed long value. Additionally, a user-defined message may be sent to the process dis-
plays, depending on whether this feature is inhibited or not. User-defined messages are not sent to
the alarm printer.
Usually, blocks have a Boolean parameter for each alarm which acts as an alarm indicator; that is,
a parameter set to true when the alarm is active, and false when it is not. Other continuous blocks,
sequence blocks, and applications can connect to output alarm indicators, to pass the alarm on to
the operator and control software.
Refer to “Common Process Alarm Features” on page 78 for more information on ALMSTA,
alarm inhibition, and other features common to all process alarms.

Common Process Alarm Features

These are the common features that block alarms share:
♦ “Common Process Alarm Parameters” on page 79 - alarm parameters that typically
exist in every block that supports alarms
♦ “Alarm Messages” on page 80 - reports on alarms
♦ “Alarm Status Parameter (ALMSTA)” on page 81 - reports the states of alarms
♦ “Alarm Option Parameter (ALMOPT)” on page 83 - indicates availability of alarms
♦ “Criticality and Priority Type” on page 84 - rate each alarm based on the system
importance of the alarm
♦ “Alarm Inhibition” on page 85 - helps prevent alarms from occurring or being
Detailed descriptions of the available types of process alarms are provided in “Process Alarm
Types” on page 90.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Common Process Alarm Parameters

Some examples of specific parameters related to the process alarm functions that are held in blocks
that support alarming, are provided here:
Per Alarm Point:

[Alarm Indicator]1 Set to true when a specific alarm point is in alarm. It can be connected
into control strategies.

[Group Number]1 Allows you to assign a group number from 1 to 8 for alarm device destina-
tion and distribution. You can specify up to eight destination devices for
each group between group number 1 and group number 3. You do this by
configuring the GRx and DVy parameters in the compound containing
the block. You can specify up to 16 destination devices for each group
between group number 4 and group number 8. You do this by configuring
the GRx and DVy parameters of the station block for the station contain-
ing the block.

[Priority Level of A priority level of 1-5 assigned for display and annunciation purposes,
Alarm]1 where:
1 = highest priority (0 = no alarm)
The block does not use this parameter. The alarm message processor uses
it as a filter for the Compound Inhibit (CINHIB) function.

[Alarm Text] A string that is sent to a process display when a specific alarm point is in
alarm (if uninhibited). In some blocks, a “return-to-normal” message may
also be available for when the point goes out of alarm. This string is sent
with the alarm message (refer to “Alarm Messages” on page 80).
One Per Block:

INHIB All alarms in the block are inhibited. The specific action taken depends on
the value of INHOPT in that block.

INHALM Contains packed Boolean values that represent alarm inhibit requests for
each type of alarm configured in the block. The specific action taken
depends on the value of INHOPT in that block.

INHOPT Defines the behaviors applied to inhibited and, optionally, uninhibited


More information on the INHIB, INHALM, and INHOPT parameters is available
in “Alarm Inhibition” on page 85.

CRIT Indicates the highest priority of all active alarms within the block.

Name varies, depending on the block in which it is used.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

UNACK A Boolean output parameter which is automatically set true (1) when a
block alarm becomes active. It is resettable, by an operator “acknowledge”
pick on a default or user display, or through a user task. It may also be
reset automatically when the alarm condition clears if that option is speci-
fied by the INHOPT parameter.

AMRTIN Alarm Regeneration Timer is a configurable, non-settable integer that

specifies the time interval for an alarm condition to exist continuously,
after which a new unacknowledged alarm condition and its associated
alarm message is generated. The parameter value ranges from zero
(default, no regeneration) to 32767 seconds.

NASTDB Alarm Deadband Timer is a configurable, non-settable long integer.

Depending on the value of NASOPT, it either specifies the deadband time
interval that needs to elapse before an alarm condition is allowed to return
to normal, or the length of a delay-on timer which specifies the amount of
time between an alarm’s detection and the announcement of the alarm.
The parameter value ranges from zero (default, no delay) to 2147483647

NASOPT Alarm Suppression Option is a configurable, non-settable Boolean that

specifies the method for delaying alarms. Alarms can be delayed by either
delaying the return-to-normal condition (default), or delaying detection
of the alarm itself, by the length of time specified in NASTDB.
Additional information is sent to the process display in each alarm message which is not user-

Alarm Messages
When an alarm is generated, an alarm message is sent to the configured device group. This alarm
message consists of this data:

These terms are used internally with the blocks and are not parameter names.

TIME Time of the message

DATE Date of the message

CNAME Compound name (for example, FURNACE)

BNAME Block name (for example, HEATXCHFLW)

PNAME Parameter name (for example, MEAS)

TYPE MSG Text indicating the type of check violated (for example, HI DEV) or
Fail Text (for example, PUMP FAILURE)
Be aware that this is not the alarm text configured for each block, but is
derived from a separate list.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

LIMIT Alarm limit value (usually derived from a user-configurable parameter)

VALUE Alarmed variable value

GROUP # Destination device (usually derived from a user-configurable parameter)

Alarm messages are shown on a process display, and can also be sent to a historian and/or a
printer. Alarm message data is derived from block parameters which have differing names specific
to each block. Refer to the “Station Block” chapter of Integrated Control Block Descriptions
(B0193AX) for information on configuring the station block to send alarm messages to their
proper device group.

Alarm Status Parameter (ALMSTA)

When an alarm condition is detected, the block sets the appropriate bits of the Alarm Status
(ALMSTA) parameter to true. When the alarm condition clears, the block resets this bit to false.
ALMSTA is a 32-bit block output parameter that is bit mapped to indicate these block alarm
states as they apply to those blocks that have alarming capability.
Blocks which do not have alarming capability have no ALMSTA parameter. Some blocks, such as
the DCI blocks, only support alarming on systems with I/A Series software v8.4-v8.8 and Con-
trol Core Services v9.0 or later.
The remaining blocks have one or more applicable bits. Each individual block description in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) identifies the bits that make up the ALMSTA
parameter for that block.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PNT4 B20
PNT5 B21
PNT6 B22
PNT7 B23
PNT8 B24
HOA2 B13
PNT1 B17
PNT2 B18
PNT3 B19




TARG in ACCUM block.
PTARG in ACCUM block.

A list of all the bits that can be assigned to the ALMSTA parameter and their indicated alarm state
is shown in Table 7-1:

Table 7-1. ALMSTA-Assignable Bits

Bit Connection
Number1 Indicated Alarm State Extension
31 (MSB) TRIP Trip Alarm ALMSTA.B1
30 UNACK (unacknowledged) ALMSTA.B2
29 INH Inhibit Alarm ALMSTA.B3
28 OOR Out of Range Alarm ALMSTA.B4

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Table 7-1. ALMSTA-Assignable Bits (Continued)

Bit Connection
Number1 Indicated Alarm State Extension
27 OPER Sequence Operational Error Alarm ALMSTA.B5
26 STAL State Change Alarm ALMSTA.B6
25 HHA High High Absolute (TARG in ACCUM block) ALMSTA.B7
24 LLA Low Low Absolute Alarm ALMSTA.B8
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm ALMSTA.B9
22 BAD Input/Output Bad (BAD output of block) ALMSTA.B10
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B11
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm ALMSTA.B12
19 HOA High Output Alarm (PTARG in ACCUM block) ALMSTA.B13
18 LOA Low Output Alarm ALMSTA.B14
17 HMA High Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B15
16 LMA Low Measurement Alarm ALMSTA.B16
15 to 8 PNT1 to PNT8 – Points in STATE Alarm (BLNALM) ALMSTA.B17 –
7 to 5 CRIT – Criticality (Range 0 to 5) ALMSTA.B25 –
4 to 0 PRTYPE – Priority Type (Range 0 to 9, 25) ALMSTA.B28 –
Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

Conditions that determine how these bits are updated include:

♦ CRIT and PRTYPE are updated when any alarm change occurs in the block.
♦ HMA and LMA are mutually exclusive, and are updated when High Absolute or Low
Absolute alarm status changes occur.
♦ HDA and LDA are mutually exclusive, and are updated when High Deviation or Low
Deviation alarm status changes occur.
♦ HOA and LOA are mutually exclusive, and are updated when High Output or Low
Output alarm status changes occur.
♦ HHA is updated when High High alarm status changes occur.
♦ RATE is updated when Rate alarm status changes occur.
♦ BAD is updated when I/O bad alarm changes occur.
♦ STAL is updated when State alarm changes occur.
♦ UNACK is updated every processing cycle. UNACK is set automatically when a new
alarm condition is detected. It is reset by the operator.
♦ TRIP is updated when a Trip alarm change occurs in an EVENT block.
♦ OOR is updated when a Range alarm change occurs in an AIN block.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

All block types update the alarm status each processing cycle in order to track user changes in the
UNACK status.
The ALMSTA parameter is set to zero when a block initializes.
ALMSTA for all block types except AOUT, COUT, and MCOUT is set to zero on an Auto to
Manual transition. ALMSTA can be accessed by application programs. It can also be accessed by
other blocks having long (32-bit) integer inputs that can be handled as packed Booleans (for
example, the MCIN block when the IOMOPT option is configured false, or the CALC block).
Table 7-1 indicates the literal names assigned to the individual bits of ALMSTA. These names can
be used in Boolean connection extensions (for example, ALMSTA.HHA).
Each block uses only certain bits of ALMSTA depending on the alarms available in the block. In
order for other blocks and applications to determine which alarms are available in each block, the
Alarm Option parameter is used.

Alarm Option Parameter (ALMOPT)

Alarm Option (ALMOPT) is a 32-bit block output parameter that is bit mapped to indicate
which alarms are configured for a particular block. ALMOPT is a non-settable, non-connectable
parameter. Each individual block description in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
identifies the specific bits that make up the ALMOPT parameter for that block.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Table 7-2 lists of all the bits that can be assigned to the ALMOPT parameter and their indicated
configured alarms.

Table 7-2. ALMOPT-Assignable Bits

Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection

Bit Number When True (B32 to B1)
28 Out-of-Range Alarm ALMOPT.B4
27 Operational Error Alarm ALMOPT.B5
26 State Alarm ALMOPT.B6
25 High-High Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B7
24 Low-Low Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B8
22 Bad I/O Alarm ALMOPT.B10
21 High Deviation Alarm ALMOPT.B11
20 Low Deviation Alarm ALMOPT.B12
19 High Output Alarm ALMOPT.B13
18 Low Output Alarm ALMOPT.B14
17 High Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B15
16 Low Absolute Alarm ALMOPT.B16

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Table 7-2. ALMOPT-Assignable Bits (Continued)

Configured Alarm Option Boolean Connection

Bit Number1 When True (B32 to B1)
7 Alarm Group 1 in Use ALMOPT.B25
1 Alarm Group 7 in Use ALMOPT.B31
0 Alarm Group 8 in Use ALMOPT.B32
1. Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

There are no mnemonic names for the individual bits of ALMOPT.

The alarms available in each block are ranked according to their importance in the system using
the criticality and priority type parameters which are described in “Criticality and Priority Type”
on page 84.

Discard Alarm Messages with Alarm Group 0

Foxboro Evo Control Software and Control Core Services normally only support Alarm Groups
1-8. Older configurators, such as ICC and IACC, did not check blocks to see if their alarm groups
were configured outside of the valid 1-8 range. Also, alarm group parameters are settable, i.e. they
can be changed by the user while the block is running. Therefore, logic in the control blocks
clamp the alarm group range automatically to help prevent a range check violation from stopping
the block execution. If Alarm Group 0 were set, it would be clamped to Alarm Group 1, and cor-
responding messages would be sent to Alarm Group 1 or would be discarded if Alarm Group 1
were undefined.
Later, it was discovered that by not defining an alarm destination for Alarm Group 1, setting an
alarm group parameter to 0 resulted in discarding the corresponding alarm message while con-
tinuing to perform the alarm detection. In some systems, this technique was preferable to using
the alarm inhibit function to discard the messages, since the alarms would not show up as inhib-
ited in any alarm display or summary.
In I/A Series software v8.6/InFusion v2.5, the control block logic was modified to add an option
to the CFGOPT parameter in the Station block (Bit 11) to specify discarding alarm messages for
any alarm whose alarm group is 0. If this option is not specified, using Alarm Group 0 will con-
tinue to send the alarm messages to all devices in Alarm Group 1 if Alarm Group 1 is defined.
To maintain backward compatibility, this feature is optional.

Criticality and Priority Type

The operator needs to be aware of which alarms take precedent over others. Each block uses the
criticality and priority type parameters to make this determination automatically for the operator.
Criticality (CRIT) is an integer output that indicates the priority of the block’s highest currently
active alarm. The integer is a value of 1 through 5 with 1 being the highest priority. An output of
zero indicates the absence of alarms.
Priority Type (PRTYPE) is an indexed output parameter that indicates the alarm type of the high-
est priority active alarm. The PRTYPE output includes the alarm types in Table 7-3.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Table 7-3. PRTYPE Indicators

Bit Number1 Description When True

25 Out of Range Alarm
9 State Alarm
8 Bad I/O Alarm
7 Rate of Change Alarm
6 Low Deviation Alarm
5 High Deviation Alarm
4 Low Low Absolute Alarm
3 High High Absolute Alarm
2 Low Absolute Alarm
1 High Absolute Alarm
0 No Active Alarm
1. Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

Together, PRTYPE and CRIT record the level and type of the highest alarm currently active. For
example, assume the Bad and State alarms are both active. If the Bad alarm has priority 3 and the
State alarm has priority 2, then CRIT = 2 and PRTYPE = 9. If the Bad alarm has priority 1 and
the State alarm has priority 4 then CRIT = 1 and PRTYPE = 8. If both alarms have priority 2,
then CRIT = 2 and PRTYPE = 8.
The compound processor maintains a compound criticality parameter in the compound header as
it is processing the blocks. This connectable parameter stores the criticality of the highest priority,
currently-active alarm in the compound, for the Alarm Manager to display.
Despite the priority level of each alarm, any alarm can be inhibited by the operator.

Alarm Inhibition
Block alarm inhibition is the process by which a block establishes a set of behaviors for specific
alarms, such as to help prevent the delivery of alarm messages to the process displays and, option-
ally, disabling alarm detection.
These parameters play key roles in inhibiting alarms:
♦ INHIB, INHALM, and INHOPT define the behaviors for the inhibited (and in
some cases, uninhibited) block alarms (refer to Figure 7-2)
♦ CINHIB (in the CMP block) inhibits alarm messaging and detection at the com-
pound level
♦ INHSTA records which alarms have been inhibited for a particular block.
Figure 7-2 illustrates how INHIB, INHALM, and INHOPT define block alarm inhibition.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Block alarm inhibition is a two step process:

1) Decide which alarms are inhibited: 2) Decide how inhibited and uninhibited
alarms behave, using INHOPT:
2 Inhibited Alarms,
Block Uninhibited Alarms
Alarms and their behaviors
0 0

INHIB = 1 inhibits all alarms.

* Refer to Table 8-5 “INHOPT Values” for
INHALM inhibits specific alarms
descriptions of these options.
(refer to block description).

Note: To perform these changes, refer to “Controlling Alarm States” in

Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN).

Figure 7-2. INHIB, INHALM, and INHOPT Behavior

These inhibiting parameters are described in detail here:

♦ “INHALM” page 86
♦ “INHIB” on page 87
♦ “INHOPT” on page 87
♦ “INHPRT” on page 88
♦ “CINHIB” on page 88
♦ “INHSTA” on page 89

INHALM is a 16-bit packed Boolean input parameter that is supported in the continuous blocks
that perform alarm detection for multiple alarm types or points. The packed Boolean values
specify the alarm types or points to inhibit in the block. INHALM is a configurable, settable, and
connectable parameter that is used in conjunction with the CINHIB compound parameter and
the INHIB block parameter to determine which alarm types and points to inhibit in the block.
INHALM is not supported in AOUT, COUT, CHARC, PATALM, or in sequential blocks (DEP,
IND, EXC, MON), since these blocks contain a single alarm that you inhibit by setting the
INHIB parameter in the block. Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) to iden-
tify the specific bits that make up the INHALM parameter for that block.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

A list of all the bits that can be assigned to the INHALM parameter and their indicated inhibited
alarms is shown in Table 7-4.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Table 7-4. INHALM-Assignable Bits

Boolean Connection
Bit Number1 Description When True (B16 to B1)
15 Trip Alarm INHALM.B1
14 Unacknowledged INHALM.B2
13 Inhibit Alarm INHALM.B3
12 Inhibit Out-of-Range Alarm INHALM.B4
11 Sequence Operational Error Alarm INHALM.B5
10 State Change Alarm INHALM.B6
9 Inhibit High-High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B7
8 Inhibit Low-Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B8
7 Rate of Change Alarm INHALM.B9
6 Inhibit Bad I/O Alarm INHALM.B10
5 High Deviation Alarm INHALM.B11
4 Low Deviation Alarm INHALM.B12
3 High Output Alarm INHALM.B13
2 Low Output Alarm INHALM.B14
1 Inhibit High Absolute Alarm INHALM.B15
0 Inhibit Low Absolute Alarm INHALM.B16
1. Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

There are no mnemonic names for the individual bits of INHALM.

Inhibit is a Boolean input. When true, it inhibits all block alarms; the alarm handling and detec-
tion functions are determined by the INHOPT setting. Alarms can also be inhibited based on
INHALM and the compound parameter CINHIB.

Inhibit Option specifies the actions in Table 7-5 that apply to all block alarms. Refer to Figure 7-2
for more information on the role of INHOPT in alarm inhibition.

Table 7-5. INHOPT Values

Value Alarm Inhibit Options

0 Inhibit alarm messages when alarms are detected. If an alarm occurs, flash the current
alarm display and the appropriate detail displays, and sound the annunciator horn, if
1 Inhibit the detection of process alarms and the generation of alarm messages. All existing
alarm states in the block are cleared automatically when the alarm is inhibited.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Table 7-5. INHOPT Values (Continued)

Value Alarm Inhibit Options

2 Inhibit alarm messages when alarms are detected. If an alarm occurs, flash the current
alarm display and the appropriate detail displays, and sound the annunciator horn, if
present (same as Value = 0) plus enable automatic acknowledgement of alarms when they
return to normal.
3 Inhibit the detection of process alarms and the generation of alarm messages. All existing
alarm states in the block are cleared automatically when the alarm is inhibited (same as
Value =1) plus enable automatic acknowledgement of alarms when they return to

The INHOPT parameter also has these attributes:

♦ The INHOPT parameter is configurable, but it is not settable or connectable.
♦ If INHOPT = 0 or 2, and alarms are inhibited, alarm detection is performed, but
alarm messages are disabled.
♦ If INHOPT = 1 or 3, and alarms are inhibited, alarm detection is disabled.
♦ If alarm detection is being performed and INHOPT = 0 or 1, alarms need to be
acknowledged by an explicit user ACK command to reset the UNACK parameter to
0. This needs to be done even after the alarm has returned to normal.
♦ If alarm detection is being performed and INHOPT = 2 or 3, alarms are acknowl-
edged automatically when all alarms return to normal. If all alarms have not returned
to normal, they may also may be acknowledged by an explicit user command to set
UNACK to 0. This means that the UNACK parameter will be cleared and the
UNACK Boolean reset in block status when all alarms in the block have returned to
normal. At that time, an ALARM_ACK message is sent to all reporting alarm devices
configured in the block and compound.

In the Station block, the Inhibit printer option (INHPRT) inhibits printing of station’s system

Compounds also support an alarm-inhibit parameter for the entire compound. The CINHIB
parameter is a connectable integer that sets the suppression level of all messages at and below the
specified priority level within the compound. The levels of each alarm are based on the value of
CRIT (refer to “Criticality and Priority Type” on page 84).
Compound Inhibit specifies the priority levels of alarm inhibition within the compound, where:
♦ 0 = no inhibit
♦ 1 = inhibit all inclusive
♦ 2 = inhibit levels 2-5 inclusive
♦ 3 = inhibit levels 3-5 inclusive
♦ 4 = inhibit levels 4-5 inclusive
♦ 5 = inhibit level 5.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Inhibit Status (INHSTA) is a 32-bit block output parameter that is bit mapped to indicate the
status of inhibited alarm options for a particular block. Refer to Integrated Control Block Descrip-
tions (B0193AX) to identify the specific bits that make up the INHALM parameter for that

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16







A list of all the bits that can be assigned to the INHSTA parameter and their alarm status are:

Table 7-6. INHSTA-Assignable Bits

Bit Number1 Name Description When True (B32 to B1)
31 TRIP Trip Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B1
30 UNACK Unacknowledged Inhibited INHSTA.B2
29 INH Inhibit Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B3
28 OOR Out-of-Range Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B4
27 OPER Sequence Operational Error Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B5
26 STAL State Change Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B6
25 HHA High-High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B7
24 LLA Low-Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B8
23 RATE Rate of Change Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B9
22 BAD Bad I/O Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B10
21 HDA High Deviation Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B11
20 LDA Low Deviation Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B12
19 HOA High Output Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B13
18 LOA Low Output Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B14
17 HMA High Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B15
16 LMA Low Absolute Alarm Inhibited INHSTA.B16
Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Quality Status Parameter (QALSTA)

Quality Status parameter (QALSTA) is a connectable packed boolean output parameter that is
provided as a single source for this information:
♦ The value status of the primary measurement/input of the input block or control
♦ A subset of block status (BLKSTA)
♦ The Manual status of the block - the inverse of the Manual/Auto status bit in the
block status parameter BLKSTA
♦ Alarm status (ALMSTA) data relevant to the primary measurement/input
QALSTA is non-configurable and non-settable, and is updated each block cycle after the block is
processed. It is only provided in the analog input blocks (AIN, AINR, RIN, and RINR), discrete
input blocks (CIN, CINR, BIN, and BINR), analog controllers (PID family, BIAS, and RATIO),
discrete controllers (DGAP, PTC, and MDACT), and the REALM block.
User written blocks (e.g. CALC, CALCA, MATH, LOGIC) may connect to the QALSTA param-
eter in the AIN, AINR, RIN, RINR, CIN, CINR, BIN, and BINR blocks.
Refer to the individual block description in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) to
identify the specific bits that make up the QALSTA parameter for that block. The available bits
vary depending on block type.

Process Alarm Types

These types of process alarms are used in the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System. A block
may have multiple types of process alarms, depending on the block:
♦ Absolute alarming (includes output alarming, pretarget alarming, and target alarming)
♦ Bad input/output (I/O) alarming - refer to page 93
♦ Deviation alarming - refer to page 93
♦ Mismatch alarming - refer to page 95
♦ Out of range alarming - refer to page 95
♦ Rate of change alarming - refer to page 96
♦ Sequence operational error alarming - refer to page 97
♦ State change alarming - refer to page 97
♦ Trip alarming - refer to page 98

Other forms of alarming are available as well, but only these types of alarming are
explicitly initiated by blocks. For examples of other types of alarming, such as
authorized/unauthorized movement alarming, density rate-of-change alarming, and
flow rate alarming, refer to Measurement Integration (B0193RA).

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Absolute Alarming
Absolute alarming produces alarms when the measurement has exceeded or dropped below a user
defined high or low limit. There are four types of predefined range that absolute alarming can
check for:
♦ High-High Absolute Alarming/Target Alarming2
♦ High Absolute Alarming/High Output Alarming2
♦ Low Absolute Alarming/Low Output Alarming2
♦ Low-Low Absolute Alarming
Figure 7-3 illustrates the principle of absolute alarming.

High absolute
alarm limit deadband

Low absolute deadband

alarm limit

HA=0 HA=0 HA=1 HA=0 HA=0
LA=1 LA=0 LA=0 LA=0 LA=1

HA = High Alarm Time

LA = Low Alarm
Figure 7-3. Absolute Alarming

There are two user defined settings that you need to configure: high and low alarms range. Each
set of defined range needs to also have a deadband setting associated with it. The deadband is an
absolute engineering unit that filters out signal jitter and helps the signal from bouncing in and
out of an alarm state. As the signal passes the defined range, the alarm is set accordingly.
These four types of absolute alarming are described here.

High Absolute Alarming/High Output Alarming

High absolute alarming is initiated after the signal has climbed above a predefined threshold.
High-high absolute alarming is generally initiated after a high absolute alarm to provide a notifi-
cation message that the signal has continued to climb after it crossed the high absolute threshold.

2. Different
names for the same sub-type of alarming, refer to “Low Absolute Alarming/Low Output
Alarming” on page 92 for more information.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

In ACCUM, this type of alarming is called target alarming.

Certain blocks, such as BIAS, perform high output alarming, which is identical in
function to high absolute alarming. However, high output alarming has its own cor-
responding bits in ALMSTA, ALMOPT, INHALM, and INHSTA.
In ACCUM, this type of alarming is called pretarget alarming, and is completely
identical to high absolute alarming.

In this type of alarming, the signal is compared to the high absolute (or output) alarm limit set for
the block. If the signal is greater than this limit, the block:
♦ sets its high absolute (or output) alarm indicator to true
♦ generates the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message that includes the user-defined high absolute (or output)
alarm text
When the signal falls to, or below, the alarm limit minus the signal deadband, the block sets the
appropriate high alarm indicator to false, resets the appropriate bit in the alarm status parameter,
and outputs a return-to-normal message.

Low Absolute Alarming/Low Output Alarming

Low absolute alarming is initiated after the signal has gone below a predefined threshold.
Low-low absolute alarming is generally initiated after a low absolute alarm to provide a notifica-
tion message that the signal has continued to drop after it crossed the low absolute threshold.

Certain blocks, such as BIAS, perform low output alarming, which is identical in
function to low absolute alarming. However, low output alarming has its own corre-
sponding bits in ALMSTA, ALMOPT, INHALM, and INHSTA.

In this type of alarming, the signal is compared to the low absolute (or output) alarm limit set for
the block. If the signal is less than this limit, the block:
♦ sets its low absolute (or output) alarm indicator to true
♦ generates the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message that includes the user-defined low absolute (or output)
alarm text
When the signal rises to, or above, the alarm limit (plus the signal deadband, in some cases), the
block sets its low alarm indicator to false, resets the appropriate bit in the alarm status parameter,
and outputs a return-to-normal message.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Bad Input/Output Alarming

Bad I/O alarming is initiated if the device to which the block is connected becomes non-opera-
tional (BAD). It is generated using the alarm status parameter.

There is some confusion about the difference between a Bad I/O alarm, and a BAD
status. For a given block, BAD is the status of a parameter which has its BAD bit
set. Status is separate from alarming; it is not an alarm condition. Refer to “Con-
nectable Parameters” on page 4 for more information on BAD (or IO BAD) status.

For blocks which receive redundant signals, such as CINR and DPIDA, the block generates a sep-
arate alarm message when any signal is bad, but it sets the Bad I/O Alarm state and BAD parame-
ter only when all of the signals are bad.
Additional events may occur in some blocks. For example, in MTR, the block enters the Bad state
and holds the outputs at the last known driven state of the device.
Bad alarming occurs when the Bad Alarm Option (BAO) is set and one or more FBM inputs are
bad. Bad alarm messages are generated for each input value independently when its status is Bad.
When the FBM input value becomes bad, a bad alarm message is sent to all devices in the bad
alarm group specified by the BAG parameter. This message contains a text string to identify the
bad input value. This message also contains the descriptive text in the BAT parameter and the
loop identifier in the LOOPID parameter.
When the FBM input value becomes good, a corresponding return-to-normal message is sent to
all devices in the bad alarm group.
Bad alarm status information, however, is generated only when the FBM input (or all redundant
FBM inputs) are bad. For these cases, the bad parameter (BAD) is set and the BAD bit is set in
the alarm status parameter (ALMSTA.BAD). If a State alarm of higher priority does not exist, the
CRIT parameter and its corresponding ALMSTA.CRIT field are set to the BAP parameter value,
and the PRTYPE parameter and its corresponding ALMSTA.PRTYPE field are set to the Bad
alarm type.
When the FBM input (or all redundant FBM inputs) have returned to good status, and if a State
alarm of higher priority does not exist, BAD, CRIT, PRTYPE and their corresponding fields in
ALMSTA are cleared.

Deviation Alarming
Deviation alarming checks if the difference between setpoint and measurement (deviation) has
exceeded a predefined limit. There are two types of predefined range for which deviation alarming
can check:
♦ High Deviation Alarming
♦ Low Deviation Alarming
Figure 7-4 illustrates the principle of deviation alarming.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming





HDA = High Deviation Alarm

LDA = Low Deviation Alarm

Figure 7-4. Deviation Alarming

In addition to setting the setpoint, you need to set both high and low limits range and the dead-
band. The deadband is an absolute engineering unit that filters out signal jitter and helps the sig-
nal from bouncing in and out of an alarm state. As the signal passes the defined range, the alarm is
set accordingly.
The two forms of deviation alarming are described here.

Deviation = MEAS - SPT and Error = SPT - MEAS

High Deviation Alarming

In high deviation alarming, the deviation (signal minus the set point) is compared to the high
deviation alarm limit set for the block. If the deviation is greater than this limit, the block:
♦ sets its high deviation alarm indicator true
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message that includes the user-defined high deviation alarm text
When the deviation falls to, or below, the high deviation alarm limit minus the deadband, the
block sets its high deviation alarm indicator to false, resets the appropriate bit in the alarm status
parameter, and outputs a return-to-normal message.
The alarm value field of the messages reports the deviation in absolute engineering units at the
instant the alarm condition changes to active.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Low Deviation Alarming

In low deviation alarming, the deviation (signal minus the setpoint) is compared to the low devia-
tion alarm limit set for the block. If the deviation is less than this limit, the block:
♦ sets its low deviation alarm indicator true
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message that includes the user-defined low deviation alarm text
When the deviation rises to, or above, the low deviation alarm limit plus the deadband, the block
sets its low deviation alarm indicator to false, resets the appropriate bit in the alarm status param-
eter, and outputs a return-to-normal message.
The alarm value field of the messages reports the deviation in absolute engineering units at the
instant the alarm condition changes to active.

Mismatch Alarming
Mismatch alarming initiates when the requested state of a device does not match the actual state
of a device within a time interval specified at the block level. The time at which the mismatch
timeout begins varies, depending on the block (refer to the MTR and VLV blocks for examples).

Mismatch alarming is reported by the block’s own logic, and not in the ALMSTA

When a mismatch alarm occurs, the mismatch alarm option parameter is set to true, causing the
AUTOPN or MANOPN parameter in the block to be reset to its original state. This allows you
to retry the original request action, without having to toggle the request parameter in the wrong
direction, by creating a leading edge for the timeout to begin again. Also, an alarm report is gener-
ated, using the text in the Name 0 and Name 1 parameters.
When the alarm is acknowledged by the operator, or the field input indicates that the device has
changed state as requested, the mismatch alarms are cleared, and return-to-normal messages are

Out of Range Alarming

Out of range alarming initiates when the output exceeds or drops below the specified range set for
the block. This type of alarming creates a single alarm when initiated.
However, it can be initiated if:
♦ The signal exceeds the high scale for output range value, and the high out of range
Boolean (HOR) is set, or
♦ The signal drops below the low scale for output range value, and the low out of range
Boolean (LOR) is set.
Figure 7-5 illustrates the principle of out of range alarming.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

OOR status bit in ALMSTA and HOR are set.

High Scale for

Output Range 1


Low Scale for

Output Range 1 OOR status bit in ALMSTA
and LOR are set.

Figure 7-5. Out of Range Alarming

When initiated, this alarm:

♦ Reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ Outputs an alarm message to the configured alarm group that includes the user-
defined alarm text, and the alarm priority
When the signal returns between the high and low alarm range, the block resets the appropriate
bit in the alarm status parameter, and outputs a return-to-normal message.

Rate Of Change Alarming

When enabled, rate of change alarming occurs when the magnitude of signal change per period
exceeds a configured delta in the rate-of-change limit for the configured ROCTIM. Figure 7-6
shows how the rate of change is determined for a signal value.





t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 tx

y = Signal change
t = time period Time

Figure 7-6. Rate of Change Alarming

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

If the rate of change exceeds the rate-of-change limit over a consecutive time period greater than
the ROCTIM time, the block:
♦ sets the rate of change indicator to true
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message to the configured alarm group that includes the user-
defined alarm text, and the alarm priority
When the rate of change no longer exceeds the rate-of-change limit over a consecutive period
greater than the ROCTIM time, the rate of change indicator is set to false and the block generates
a return-to-normal message.
If ROCTIM = 0 then the block compares changes over 1 time period. For example:
If y 1 – y 0 > ROCLIM then set the alarm. If y 2 – y 1 > ROCLIM then alarm stays on.
The alarm returns to normal if y 3 – y 2 < ROCLIM
If ROCTIM = 1 then the block compares changes over 2 time periods. For example:
If y 1 – y 0 > ROCLIM and y 2 – y 1 > ROCLIM then set the alarm.
The alarm returns to normal if y 3 – y 2 < ROCLIM
This type of alarming is performed in blocks such as MEALM.

Sequence Operational Error Alarming

Sequence operational error alarming is performed in sequence blocks, such as MON. MON con-
tains up to 16 user-defined Boolean expressions referred to as monitor cases. Monitor cases can be
defined such that when they are evaluated, either to True or to some BAD marked value, the
MON block activates a named sequence block, which can be an EXC, IND, or DEP block, or
even another MON block.
Sequence operational error alarming is initiated if a monitor case becomes tripped, but the
sequence block associated with the monitor case cannot be found. When initiated, the block:
♦ raises an operational error, and sets the operational error indicator to true
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message to the configured alarm group that includes the user-
defined alarm text, and the alarm priority
The alarm is discontinued and a return-to-normal message is issued when the needed sequence
block activates.

State Change Alarming Using STALM Block

State change alarming is the monitoring of state changes in another block. State change alarming
is performed by the STALM block and is initiated when the monitored indicator moves into an
alarm state. For example, STALM uses state change alarming to serve as alarm annunciator to
activate the Control Core Services alarm mechanism upon alarm conditions detected by an exter-
nal source.
When initiated, the block:
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message to the configured alarm group that includes the user-
defined alarm text, and the alarm priority

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

The alarm is discontinued and a return-to-normal message is issued when the block detects a tran-
sition out of alarm.

State Alarming
State alarming is available for the CIN and CINR contact input blocks. State alarming occurs
when the State Alarm Option (SAO) is set and the FBM input transitions from 0 to 1, or 1 to 0 if
INVALM is set to 1.
When the input value is in the alarm state, a state alarm message is sent to all devices in the alarm
group specified by the SAG parameter. This message also contains the descriptive text in the
NM1 parameter and the loop identifier in the LOOPID parameter.
When the input value is no longer in the alarm state, a corresponding return-to-normal message is
generated and sent to all devices in the state alarm group (SAG). This message contains the
descriptive text in the NM0 parameter.
When the state alarm exists, the SA bit is set in the alarm status parameter (ALMSTA.SA). If a
Bad alarm condition of a higher priority does not also exist, the CRIT parameter and its corre-
sponding ALMSTA.CRIT field are set to the SAP parameter value, and the PRTYPE parameter
and its corresponding ALMSTA.PRTYPE field are set to the State alarm type.
When the state alarm condition returns to normal status, and if a Bad alarm condition of higher
priority does not exist, ALMSTA.SA, CRIT, PRTYPE and their corresponding fields in ALMSTA
are cleared.

Trip Alarming
Trip alarming invokes a specific response which differs from block to block when a certain state
change occurs.
For EVENT, trip alarming indicates a state change in a Boolean output that is set true when the
block reads a new (unreported) event record from its associated FBM.
For MON, trip alarming indicates the BAD bit of a monitor case (refer to “Sequence Operational
Error Alarming” on page 97) is set.
Other blocks have alternate behaviors for trip alarming.
When initiated, the block:
♦ performs a specific block-dependent action (refer to the block description of the block
for more information)
♦ reports the alarm using the alarm status parameter
♦ outputs an alarm message to the configured alarm group that includes the user-
defined alarm text, and the alarm priority
The alarm is discontinued and a return-to-normal message is issued when the block detects a tran-
sition to the original state.

Priority-Change-Based Alarm Message Regeneration

Alarms generated from the control block re-alarm when the alarm priority (PRTYPE) of a block
alarm changes (up or down) while it is still active (acknowledged or not). The acknowledgement
status of an alarm is preserved if the alarm is changed from a higher to a lower priority. Refer to
“Preservation of Alarm Acknowledgement after Re-Alarming” on page 105.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

You enable alarm message regeneration based on alarm priority change by setting an option bit
(bit 3: 0x08) in the CFGOPT parameter in the Station block in the control processor.

Time-Based Alarm Message Regeneration

Alarms generated from the control block can optionally re-alarm when their re-alarm timer
expires while an alarm is still active (acknowledged or not). When the re-alarm message is sent,
the block returns to an unacknowledged alarm status. Alarm message regeneration is enabled or
disabled for the entire block, and the same time interval applies to all alarms in the block.
To support alarm message regeneration, the alarm message regeneration timer interval
(AMRTIN) parameter exists in most blocks that support alarming. This parameter and its attri-
butes are defined in “Common Process Alarm Parameters” on page 79. The user-specified
AMRTIN value is rounded to the nearest value that is a multiple of the station BPC for the block.
A value of zero disables alarm message regeneration in the entire block for all alarm types.
For blocks supporting multiple alarm types, a separate alarm message regeneration timer based on
AMRTIN is maintained for each alarm type listed in Table 7-7 to provide alarm message
regeneration by alarm type. For each block type, Table 7-7 specifies the alarm types for which
alarm message regeneration is supported.

Time Stamping of Re-Alarmed Messages

There is an option defined in the Station block (CFGOPT Bit 6 (0x40)). If set, this option speci-
fies that re-alarmed messages contain the original timestamp when:
♦ an alarm priority is changed. In this case, re-alarming is done only if the Station Block
CFGOPT bit 3 (0x08) is also set.
♦ a re-alarm timer (AMRTIN) expires.
When Bit 6 of the CFGOPT parameter is not set, the original timestamp of the alarm occurrence
is used in all re-alarmed messages sent in reply to a Current State Update (CSU) request.
In all other cases, re-alarmed messages contain new timestamps.

Nuisance Alarm Suppression – Analog Alarms

Nuisance alarm suppression is an optionally enabled feature that allows you to:
♦ Specify a time interval within which changes in the state of an analog alarm are
♦ Specify the method of delaying the alarm
Nuisance alarm suppression is implemented at the block level. To support nuisance alarm sup-
pression, the blocks specified in Table 7-7 now include two new parameters:
♦ the nuisance alarm suppression time deadband (NASTDB) - Depending on the value
of NASOPT, either specifies the deadband time interval that has to elapse before an
alarm condition is allowed to return to normal, or the length of a delay-on timer
which specifies the amount of time between an alarm’s detection and the announce-
ment of the alarm.
♦ the nuisance alarm suppression option (NASTOPT) - Specifies whether the nuisance
alarms will be suppressed by delaying the return-to-normal condition (NASOPT=0)
or by delaying the alarm detection (NASOPT=1) by the length of time specified in
NASTDB. NASTOPT is ignored when NASTDB is not greater than zero (0).

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

These parameters and their attributes are defined in “Common Process Alarm Parameters” on
page 79.

With NASOPT set to 0, nuisance alarm suppression is in addition to and somewhat
analogous to the current alarm deadband function. Prior to I/A Series software v8.4,
the alarm suppression was done only by delaying the return-to-normal.

You enable the nuisance alarm suppression by configuring NASTDB to a value greater than 0 ms.
This value is rounded to the nearest value that is a multiple of the station BPC for the block. Sup-
pression is enabled or disabled for the block as a whole.
For blocks that support multiple alarm types, a separate nuisance alarm message suppression timer
based on NASTDB and NASOPT is maintained for certain alarm types to provide nuisance
alarm message suppression by alarm type. The same time interval (NASTDB) applies to all sup-
ported alarm types in the block. Table 7-7 specifies the alarm types for which these NASTDB and
NASOPT features are supported for each block type.
Figure 7-7 shows the time history of a typical high level alarm without nuisance alarm suppres-
sion. In this scenario, four alarm active messages are sent. The active alarm messages at times T2
and T3 can be considered nuisance messages.

Return Alarm
Alarm Return


T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Figure 7-7. Nuisance Alarm Suppression Disabled (NASTDB = 0, NASOPT is Ignored)

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Figure 7-8 and Figure 7-9 show the effects of enabling nuisance alarm suppression.
For Figure 7-8, nuisance alarms are suppressed by delaying the return-to-normal condition
(NASOPT=0). The suppression deadband is set to a time indicated by the NASTDB parameter.
The nuisance messages are suppressed and only the two active messages at times T1 and T5 are
sent. Changes in the alarm state are ignored until the alarm condition has cleared continuously for
the specified NASTDB deadband time.



T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Figure 7-8. Nuisance Alarm Suppression Enabled (NASTDB > 0)

For Figure 7-9 nuisance alarms are suppressed by delaying the alarm detection (NASOPT=1).
The original analog alarm at time T1 remains undetected until the alarm condition exists contin-
uously for the specified NASTDB deadband time. When this happens at time T3, the alarm state
is created and the alarm message generated. The nuisance alarm messages are suppressed, and only
the two active messages at times T3 and T6 and the return-to-normal message at T4 are sent.

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Alarm Return Alarm




T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Figure 7-9. Delayed Analog Alarming (NASTDB >0, NASOPT=1)

Alarm Flutter Suppression – Contact Alarms

Nuisance alarms can be suppressed on all contact input alarms. The contact alarm flutter suppres-
sion is equivalent to the nuisance analog alarm suppression, as the same two parameters determine
the length of delay and the delay mechanism:
♦ the nuisance alarm suppression time deadband (NASTDB) - Depending on the value
of NASOPT, either specifies the deadband time interval that elapse before an alarm
condition is allowed to return to normal, or the length of a delay-on timer which spec-
ifies the amount of time between an alarm’s detection and the announcement of the
alarm. NASTDB also allows for flutter suppression of contact input alarms.
♦ the nuisance alarm suppression option (NASTOPT) - Specifies whether the nuisance
alarms will be suppressed by delaying the return-to-normal condition (NASOPT=0)
or by delaying the alarm detection (NASOPT=1) by the length of time specified in
NASTDB. NASTOPT is ignored when NASTDB is not greater than zero (0).
These parameters and their attributes are defined in “Common Process Alarm Parameters” on
page 79.
You enable contact alarm flutter suppression by configuring the NASTDB parameter to a value
greater than 0 ms. This value is rounded to the nearest value that is a multiple of the station BPC
in the block. Suppression is enabled or disabled for the block as a whole.
For blocks supporting multiple alarm types, a separate alarm flutter suppression timer is
maintained for each alarm type. Table 7-7 specifies the alarm types for which this feature is
supported for each block type.

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Figure 7-10 and Figure 7-11 show the effects of enabling nuisance alarm suppression.
For Figure 7-10, nuisance alarms are suppressed by delaying the return-to-normal condition
(NASOPT=0). In this example, an alarm message is sent at time T1. The subsequent
fluctuations do not cause additional changes in the alarm state until the alarm condition has
cleared continuously for the specified NASTDB deadband time. When this happens at time T4,
the alarm state is cleared and a return-to-normal message is generated. In the example, the alarm
reactivates at time T5.

Alarm Return Alarm


T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

Figure 7-10. Alarm Flutter Suppression Enabled (NASTDB > 0)

For Figure 7-11 nuisance alarms are suppressed by delaying the alarm detection (NASOPT=1).
Figure 7-11 shows the effect of enabling alarm flutter suppression by delaying the detection of a
contact alarm. The original alarm at time T1 remains undetected until the alarm condition exists
continuously for the specified NASTDB deadband time. When this happens at time T3, the
alarm state is created and the alarm message generated. In the example, the alarm reactivates at
time T5. The alarms that occur at time T1 and T2 are suppressed.

Alarm Return Alarm



T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Figure 7-11. Delayed Contact Alarming (NASTDB >0, NASOPT=1)

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Summary of Block Alarm Message Regeneration and Suppression

Table 7-7. Block Alarm Message Regeneration and Suppression

Alarm Regeneration
Alarm Suppression
Priority-Change Based Time-Based (NASOPT,
ACCUM HA (Pre-target Alarm), HA, HHA ----
HHA (Target Alarm)
BLNALM SA SA(8) ----

7. Block/Process Alarming B0700AG – Rev V

Table 7-7. Block Alarm Message Regeneration and Suppression (Continued)

Alarm Regeneration
Alarm Suppression
Priority-Change Based Time-Based (NASOPT,
BAD = Bad Alarm PTA = Pre-Target Alarm (High Absolute)
HA/LA = High/Low Absolute Alarm ROC = Rate-of-Change Alarm
HDA/LDA = High/Low Deviation Alarm SA = Discrete State Alarm
HHA/LLA = High-High/Low-Low Absolute Alarm TA = Target Alarm (High-High Absolute)
HOA/LOA = High/Low Output Alarm TRIPA = Trip Alarm
OOR = Out-of-Range Alarm

Preservation of Alarm Acknowledgement after Re-Alarming

In the FCP280 or CP270 database, every block that supports alarms contains a single Alarm
Acknowledge status. When a new alarm condition arises, this status is set to Unacknowledged
(UNACK = 1). When the operator acknowledges the alarm, this status is set to Acknowledged
(UNACK = 0).
Re-alarmed messages caused by a Current State Update (CSU) request preserve the Alarm
Acknowledge status of the block at the time of the CSU request. If the block had been Acknowl-
edged prior to the CSU request, it remains Acknowledged after the CSU request.
Re-alarmed messages caused by the expiration of the Alarm Message Regeneration Timer
(AMRTIN) are treated as new alarms and cause the Alarm Acknowledge status to be set to Unac-
knowledged (UNACK = 1). If the block had been Acknowledged prior to the expiration of the
timer, it becomes Unacknowledged after the timer expiration.
Re-alarmed messages caused by reprioritizing an alarm are treated as a new alarm and cause the
Alarm Acknowledge status to be set to Unacknowledged if the priority is raised (for example,
changed from 5 to 2). If the block had been Acknowledged prior to the reprioritization, it
becomes Unacknowledged after the reprioritization.
Re-alarmed messages caused by reprioritizing an alarm preserves the Alarm Acknowledge status of
the block if the priority is lowered (for example, changed from 1 to 3). If the block had been
Acknowledged prior to the reprioritization, it remains acknowledged after the reprioritization.
For example, if an alarm has been generated and acknowledged, lowering its priority preserves the
Acknowledged block alarm state, but raising its priority sets the block alarm state to

B0700AG – Rev V 7. Block/Process Alarming

Preservation of Alarm Acknowledgement for Multiple Alarm Priority

If more than one alarm priority type is enabled for a single block, there are cases where an
acknowledged alarm needs an additional operator acknowledgement if an alarm priority is low-
ered. This behavior occurs because a block has only one boolean acknowledgement status param-
eter but can have multiple alarms with different priorities.

AIN Block Example

For example, take a situation where an AIN block has multiple active acknowledged alarms
(UNACK=0). Raising one alarm’s priority causes the block to go to the unacknowledged state
(UNACK=1) as expected. Then, if you lower the priority of another alarm from the same block,
the unacknowledged state of the block that existed before alarm reprioritization is preserved,
UNACK=1. Therefore, changing the priority of the second alarm in this case has no effect on the
block alarm state; the block remains in the unacknowledged state and an operator acknowledge-
ment is needed. The event history follows:
1. The AIN block has these alarms tripped:
♦ High Absolute Alarm Indicator (HAI)
♦ High-High Absolute Alarm Indicator (HHAIND)
♦ High Out-of-Range Alarm (HOR)
♦ Bad input (BAD)
2. Alarms are acknowledged.
3. Out-of-Range alarm priority (ORAP) is raised from 3 to 2. This action causes the
block alarm state to be set to unacknowledged.
4. High/Low alarm priority (HLPR) is lowered from 2 to 3. This action has no effect on
the block alarm state, which remains unacknowledged.
When ORAP was raised, the unacknowledged state was set. Lowering HLPR does not change the
unacknowledged state of the block, which is preserved.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts
This chapter discusses ladder logic and ladder logic diagrams in depth, as well as fanned
outputs, zone control logic, programmable logic (PLB) block operation, and gives a PLB editor

Ladder Logic Overview

Ladder logic diagrams use symbols traditionally associated with relay circuits. These symbols, con-
sisting of contacts, timers, counters, and coils, are used to build rungs. The rungs are built into
Ladder logic capability is a configurable option in digital Fieldbus Modules, where the Ladder
diagrams are processed. A Programmable Logic Block (PLB) in the control processor supports lad-
der logic operation, integrating it with control block processing. Refer to Figure 8-1 for a simpli-
fied diagram showing the interaction of the main Ladder Logic components.


LOGIC External Flag
Physical I/O and BLOCK Parameters
External Flag
Other Blocks)
>>BLOCK Control
PROCESSING<< Processor

Contact Fieldbus
Input/Output Module
the Process) >>RUNG

Figure 8-1. Ladder Logic Components (Simplified)

Ladder Diagram Functions

Ladder diagram rungs sense the status of digital inputs and control the status of digital outputs.
Inputs to ladder logic come from physical input points connected to the field terminals of the
Fieldbus Module or from external input flags supplied by control processor blocks. Physical
inputs present process status information from devices such as limit switches, push buttons, and
pressure switches. External input flags allow continuous and sequential blocks and user tasks to
initiate or control ladder logic action.
Outputs from ladder logic go to physical output points connected to the field terminals of the
Fieldbus Module or to physical output parameters and external output flags supplied to control
processor blocks. Physical outputs control devices such as solenoids, motor starters, and indicator
lamps. Physical output parameters and external output flags allow continuous and sequential
blocks and user tasks to monitor ladder logic action.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

PLB Functions
A PLB block connects user tasks, other blocks, and other ladder diagrams with:
♦ A ladder diagram’s external I/O flags
♦ A digital Fieldbus Module’s physical inputs and outputs
Each PLB block defines a ladder diagram.
To create ladder logic and assign it to a PLB using the Control Editors, refer to PLB Ladder Logic
Editor User's Guide (B0750AK).
To create ladder logic and assign it to a PLB using the I/A Series Configuration Component
(IACC), refer to I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).
In the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC), creating a PLB establishes a ladder diagram source
file. Using this source file, the PLB ladder logic editor lets you construct a ladder diagram, check
it for syntax errors, and produce a printed copy for documentation. You can choose to have the
ladder diagram code installed in a digital Fieldbus Module or save the source file for later use. You
can develop a library of ladder diagrams and retrieve (copy) them for installation in multiple
Fieldbus Modules. You can also save ladder diagram source files (as part of a compound) on dis-
The ladder diagrams remain “generic”, independent of hardware, until the associated PLB block is
assigned to a specific Fieldbus Module. The elements then become bound to that hardware
Through the PLB block’s detail (default) display, you can monitor the status of ladder logic con-
tacts, timers, counters, and coils. Alternatively, you can create your own graphic displays. Displays
that you generate access the status of ladder logic elements through external flag parameters. The
PLB’s detail display allows you to force contacts and coils on or off to verify correct operation of
the logic under simulated process conditions.
The ladder logic editor configures and checks at the block level; not at the FBM level. Since up to
eight programmable logic blocks (PLBs) can be configured to run in the same FBM, you need to
consider certain interactions and constraints. These include:
♦ All ladders in a given FBM use a single coil table or table of parameter values. The
available ladder components or “technical identifiers” constitute a fixed pool of
resources associated with the final concatenated ladder. Help ensure that one ladder
does not conflict with the outputs of another, for example, by turning off an output
that another ladder has just turned on.
♦ FBM state control applies to all ladders in the FBM.
♦ The FBM’s 16 timer/counters are available to all ladders in the FBM. Plan for the
consistent use and selection of these 16 components across ladder boundaries. Reset
timers and counters prior to use.
♦ Once you configure a timer/counter with a specific technical ID, you cannot associate
that ID with a different timer/counter.
♦ The total number of ladder logic lines for all ladders in a given FBM needs to be less
than 98.
♦ The FBM can accommodate approximately 850 bytes of object code representing the
ladder logic. This can support about 390 user-entered ladder symbols. (Straight line
horizontal and vertical segments can be considered as using no memory.)

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Ladder Diagram Description

Input parameters are represented as contact symbols (Boolean inputs) on the ladder diagram.
Output parameters are represented as coil symbols, including relays, timers, counters, and condi-
tional coils.
Typical symbols:

––––|/|–––– Normally Closed Contact

––––| |–––– Normally Open Contact
––––( )–––– Coil

A ladder logic diagram is made up of rungs. A ladder rung is a logical element with one or more
input conditions and a single output value. (Outputs can be paralleled for fanout.)
When drawn, the logic consists of two conceptual vertical rails – power source on the left and
return on the right. (These rails do not appear visibly in ladder displays.) Coils, timers, and coun-
ters attach directly to the right-hand rail. Contacts finishes a power flow path from the left-hand
rail to the timer, counter, or coil.

Power rail Return

( )
Start Pump

Figure 8-2. Simplified Ladder Logic Diagram

Ladder logic is executed rung by rung from top to bottom of the ladder. Ladders are executed at
an average of 300 ladder logic symbols in 20 to 25 ms. During execution, each contact symbol in
the rung is examined and compared with the Boolean value referenced by its technical identifier.
Power flow is enabled through the contact in these situations:
♦ The contact is represented as normally-open on the ladder diagram and the referenced
input is true (present or active).
♦ The contact is represented as normally-closed on the ladder diagram and the refer-
enced input is false (not present or inactive).
Ladder logic flows from left to right, mimicking power flow from source to destination.
As each ladder logic rung is executed, if the enabled contacts provide a complete path from the left
margin (power rail) to the output coil (or paralleled coils) connected to the right margin (return
rail), then the coil is “activated” (that is, the Boolean value for its associated technical identifier is
set true). The coil remains active until the next cycle when that rung is scanned and the inputs are
again analyzed. If the power flow path no longer exists, the coil is deactivated, unless the coil is a
latching type.
Latching coils, once energized, remain active until an unlatching coil with the same technical
identifier is energized.
You place logic symbols strategically on the ladder rungs to depict a combination of conditions or
sequence of events. This placement determines the control logic.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

The contacts can be connected in series in a simple circuit where all conditions need to be met for
the path to be completed (ANDing of conditions). A normally open contact provides a path when
the condition for which it is named is true. A normally closed contact provides a path when the
condition for which it is named is false. In this series network, when all the conditions represented
by normally open contacts are true and all the conditions represented by normally closed contacts
are false, the path is completed.

/ ( )
Start Over Pump
PB Temp

Figure 8-3. Ladder Logic Contacts

A row contains up to seven contact symbols; the last position is reserved for a coil symbol. Hori-
zontal “connector” symbols provide power flow through positions in a row where no contact is
Rows may be interconnected through a vertical connector symbol. A ladder rung comprises all
rows (branches) connecting to a given coil, timer, or counter, or fanout of these. You can scroll
vertically to view a ladder diagram containing more rungs than the screen can display at one time.

Vertical Vertical
Connector, Connector,
Connector Symbol Up Symbol Down Symbol

Figure 8-4. Ladder Logic Connectors

The contacts can be connected in a series, parallel circuit where the parallel portion provides an
alternate set of conditions that allow the path to be completed (ORing of conditions). For
example, the main leg could provide for activating a coil, and the parallel leg provide a path to
keep it activated. When logic continuity exists in at least one path, the rung is true or has a GO

( )
Start Over Pump
PB Temp

Full Stop
Tank PB

Figure 8-5. Parallel Circuits in Ladder Logic

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Ladder Diagram Display

As displayed, the ladder diagram omits the left and right rails; their existence is implied.
This figure shows a typical ICC ladder diagram display.



CIN_10 CIN_15 CO_1

( )
Start Over Pump
PB Temp

CIN_14 CIN_11

Full Stop
Tank PB

Tank fill.

Figure 8-6. Typical ICC Ladder Diagram Display

Ladder Diagram Execution

The Fieldbus Module ladder logic executive performs logical operations based on the placement
of the contacts and coils in the ladder diagram.
Rungs are executed in sequence, in an infinite loop, from beginning to end of the ladder. Each
execution of the loop is termed a scan. As each rung is processed, contact status is evaluated and if
a path exists, the rung output is activated. The actual state of the physical input associated with
the contact is recognized when the rung is executed.
To allow for replacing the program without taking the control off line for an extended period, the
Fieldbus Module provides two application program spaces. This allows an existing program to
execute from one while a revised program is loaded into the other. When the download com-
pletes, the FBM software, at the end of a scan through the ladder, switches to the new logic.

Ladder Diagram Construction Using the ICC

To create ladder logic using the Control Editors, refer to PLB Ladder Logic Editor
User's Guide (B0750AK).
To create ladder logic using the IACC, refer to I/A Series Configuration Component
(IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).

In the ICC, you build your ladder diagram in a work area occupying all of the screen below the
menu bar, except for a column at the right for timer/counter preset and reset values. Figure 8-7
shows the work area that is reserved for the ladder rungs and the logic symbols.
The ladder logic editor lets you create ladder diagrams from a set of predefined symbols and iden-
tifiers, preset and reset values for counters and timers, and your choice of text labels for symbols
and rungs. A ladder diagram row accepts up to seven series-contacts and a coil.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

From the menu bar you can select SYMBOLS to display the symbols and function key assign-
ments which create these or HELP to display the instruction set and technical identifiers that can
be used for constructing a ladder.


work area

Figure 8-7. ICC Ladder Diagram Work Area

Table 8-1 shows the ladder instruction set used to implement ladder logic.

Table 8-1. Ladder Symbols

Symbol Name Description

Normally Open Contact Provides power flow from left to right when the
named signal is present (true state).
Normally Closed Contact Provides power flow from left to right when the
named signal is absent (false state).
——— Connector Provides power flow through a symbol position.

Vertical Connector (down) Joins two rows when used together with a matching
vertical connector (up).
Vertical Connector (up) Joins two rows when used with a vertical connector
(down). Used in pairs, vertical connectors provide
power flow vertically within a ladder diagram.
( ) Energize Coil Sets the Boolean value representing coil status true if
the rung has a power flow path. If the path is lost, the
Boolean value is set false.
( ) Write Not Coil Sets the Boolean value representing coil status false if
the rung has a power flow path. If the path is lost, the
Boolean value is set true.
—(L)— Latch Coil Sets the Boolean value representing coil status true if
the rung has a power flow path. If the path is lost after
the coil is set, the Boolean value remains true until the
associated Unlatch Coil is set.
—(U)— Unlatch Coil Unlatches an output that was previously set by a
Latch Coil instruction.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Table 8-1. Ladder Symbols (Continued)

Symbol Name Description

—(CTU)— Up Counter Increments a counter on off-to-on transitions.
—(CTD)— Down Counter Decrements a counter on off-to-on transitions.
—(RST)— Counter/Timer Reset Resets a counter or timer having the same technical
identifier as this symbol.
—(MCR)— Master Control Relay Enables the rungs between this symbol and the NCR
symbol to execute normally if the MCR rung condi-
tion is true. If MCR is false, the area rungs are not
executed and the nonretentive outputs within the area
are de-energized.
—(NCR)— End of Master Control Marks the end of the MCR conditional group of
Relay Zone rungs. This symbol needs to be alone on its rung.
—(ZCL)— Zone Control Logic Enables the rungs between this symbol and the NCL
symbol to execute normally if the ZCL rung condi-
tion is true. If ZCL is false, the rungs in the zone are
not executed and the outputs are held at their last
—(NCL)— End of Zone Control Marks the end of the ZCL conditional group of
Logic rungs. This symbol needs to be alone on its rung.
—(RTO)— Retentive timer-on delay Indicates the rung has been true (POWER TRUE)
for at least the specified delay period.
—(RTF)— Retentive timer-off delay Indicated the rung has been false (POWER FALSE)
for at least the specified delay period.
—(TON)— Non-retentive timer-on Same as RTO except that when the rung is false at any
delay time, the accumulated time is zeroed.
—(TOF)— Non-retentive timer-off Same as RTF except that when the rung is true at any
delay time, the accumulated time is zeroed.

Text and Numeric Entries

Two types of text entries identify each contact, coil, and timer or counter in a ladder diagram. A
technical identifier is placed above each symbol and a label for it is optionally placed below the
symbol. An optional rung descriptor can be placed beneath each rung as shown in Figure 8-8 (the
rung descriptor is “Schematic for blending initial ingredients”).
A set of numeric entries is associated with each counter (CTU or CTD) or timer symbol (RTO,
TON, RTF, or TOF). These entries, located in the right hand column of the ladder diagram con-
sist of a preset value identified by a “P” suffix, a reset value identified by an “R” suffix; and an
accumulated value identified by an “A” suffix. Accumulated values are not entered or displayed by
the PLB editor.
Table 8-2 describes the text and numeric elements briefly. Table 8-3 lists the technical identifiers.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts


CIN_11 IFL_31 TC01_S CIN_18 TC07_S

(RTO )
Timer1 Rinse Heat
Mixer Stir
Empty Mix


Schematic for blending initial ingredients

Figure 8-8. ICC Sample Ladder Diagram

Table 8-2. Text and Numeric Elements

Text and Numeric

Elements Description
Technical Identifier A single row of up to six upper case characters that identifies an
element by type and number (refer to Table 8-3).
Label Two rows of up to seven characters each, beneath the element.
Preset Value For timer or counter symbol, maximum value, up to 65,535. Timer
values represent tenths of seconds for up to 6553.5 seconds. Counter
values represent counts.
Reset Value For timer or counter symbol, minimum value, up to 65,535, set in at
reset time. Timer values represent tenths of seconds for up to 6553.5
seconds. Counter values represent counts.
Rung Descriptor Up to three lines of text with up to 60 characters in each. Used for
documentation as the previous diagram shows. Each ladder can have
up to twenty rung descriptors.

Inputs to and outputs from ladder logic are stored as Boolean values referenced by technical iden-
tifiers. These identifiers are chosen from a list of valid names (refer to Table 8-3).

Table 8-3. Technical Identifiers

Technical Identifiers Meaning

CIN_1 through CIN_32 Physical Inputs
CO_1 through CO_16 Physical Outputs
IFL_1 through IFL_32 External Input Flags
OFL_1 through OFL_32 External Output Flags
TC01_S through TC16_S Timer/Counter Coils
TC01_S through TC16_S Timer/Counter Status Contacts

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Table 8-3. Technical Identifiers (Continued)

Technical Identifiers Meaning

TC01_O through TC16_O Timer/Counter Overflow Contacts
INT_01 through INT_32 Internal Flags
INIT Initialize Flag
POWERF Power Fail Flag
COMMF Communications Failure Flag
FAILSF Fail-Safe Flag

The user-defined label consists of two text fields that may contain any comments (seven charac-
ters per field) to enhance the readability of the ladder diagram. Each label is associated with the
technical identifier, not with the symbol, as can be seen by this rung example.

CO_15 CO_15
/ ( )

Figure 8-9. User-Defined Labelling

Ladder Diagram Elements

Inputs (Contacts)
Ladder diagram inputs are represented as (relay type) contacts on the ladder diagram. These
inputs include these:
♦ External input flag
♦ Internal coils
♦ Contact input
♦ External output flag
♦ Contact output
♦ Timer/Counter flag
Within the ladder diagram, an input can be represented as a normally open (NO) or a normally
closed (NC) contact. The technical identifier assigned to the contact indicates the source of the
input, as shown in Table 8-4. The input (with its technical identifier) can be used in the ladder as
many times as desired in NO and NC states.

Table 8-4. Ladder Inputs

Type of Applicable Contact Technical

Input Instructions Symbols Identifier Source
External Normally Open -| |- IFL_nn Ladder Logic Interface Block
Input Normally Closed -|/|- (PLB Block).

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Table 8-4. Ladder Inputs (Continued)

Type of Applicable Contact Technical

Input Instructions Symbols Identifier Source
Contact Normally Open -| |- CIN_nn Fieldbus Module Physical Input.
Input Normally Closed -|/|-
Contact Normally Open -| |- CO_nn Energize Coil, Write Not Coil,
Output Normally Closed -|/|- and Latch Coil instructions.
Internal Normally Open -| |- INT_nn Energize Coil, Write Not Coil,
Flag Normally Closed -|/|- and Latch Coil instructions.
External Normally Open -| |- OFL_nn Energize Coil, Write Not Coil,
Output Normally Closed -|/|- and Latch Coil instructions.
Timer/ Normally Open -| |- TCnn_S Up Counter, Down Counter,
Counter Normally Closed -|/|- TCnn_O Retentive Timer On-Delay,
Retentive Timer Off-Delay,
Non-Retentive Timer
On-Delay, and Non-Retentive
Timer Off-Delay

The control processor can obtain the status of a ladder logic physical input through the CIN_nn
parameter of the PLB block.

Outputs (Coils)
Outputs are represented as coils (refer to Table 8-5). The symbol and technical identifier assigned
to the coil determines the type of output provided:
♦ Contact output
♦ External output flag
♦ Internal flag
♦ Timer
♦ Counter
Contact outputs control the status of Fieldbus Module output channels.
External output flags allow control processor blocks to monitor the status of a ladder rung.
Internal flags allow you to create AND conditions of more than seven elements in a single ladder
rung by cascading INT_nn elements.
Timer/counter flags allow you to condition rung outputs on the passage of a specified length of
time or the occurrence of a specified number of events.
Within the ladder diagram, any of these outputs can be represented as a normally open or a nor-
mally closed contact and used in both forms as many times as needed. However, a coil provides
only one physical output (CO_nn). To send output to an additional Fieldbus Module channel,
you would configure an additional coil, with its own technical identifier, in parallel with the first.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Table 8-5. Ladder Coils

Type of Coil Technical Primary

Output Applicable Instructions Symbols Identifier Destination
Contact Energize Coil -( )- CO_nn Fieldbus Module
Output Write Not Coil -(/)- physical output.
Latch Coil -(L)-
External Energize Coil -( )- OFL_nn Ladder Logic
Flag Output Write Not Coil -(/)- Interface block
(PLB Block).
Latch Coil -(L)-
Internal Flag Energize Coil -( )- INT_nn Internal
Write Not Coil -(/)-
Latch Coil -(L)-
Timer Retentive Timer-On Delay -(RTO)- TCnn_S Internal
Retentive Timer-Off Delay -(RTF)-
Non-retentive Timer-On -(TON)-
Non-retentive Timer-Off -(TOF)-
Counter Up Counter -(CTU)- TCnn_S Internal
Down Counter -(CTD)-

Counters and Timers

The ladder logic Fieldbus Module has timer/counter structures numbered 1 through 16. To
implement a timer or counter, you configure it as one of these:

Table 8-6. Counters and Timers

Category Type Symbol

Transition Counters Up Counter --(CTU)--
Down Counter --(CTD)--
Retentive Timers On Delay --(RTO)--
Off Delay --(RTF)--
Non-retentive Timers On Delay --(TON)--
Off Delay --(TOF)--

All timers and counters use a “TC” technical identifier prefix, followed by a number
from 01 through 16, inclusive. For example, TC01 or TC16.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Table 8-7. Counter/Timer State Terminology

Term Description
Ladder Rungs Evaluate to true or false.
Counters/Timers Are reset (contain the configured reset value), counting or timing,
count satisfied or delay timed out (at or above the configured preset
value), or overflow (at or beyond the maximum or minimum count
or time value)
Flags Are either true (raised, set, or 1-state) or false (lowered, reset,
cleared, 0-state).
Coils Are either Energized (activated) or De-energized (deactivated).

Associated with each timer/counter are two flags for communicating with the ladder and three
registers for controlling timer/counter operation.
Each timer or counter has a status flag and an overflow flag. The status flag is set when the pre-
specified count or time delay has been satisfied. The overflow flag is set when the maximum or
minimum count or delay time has been exceeded, and wrap has occurred.
Each timer or counter has three 16-bit registers, supporting counts from 0 to 65,535 and delay
times from 0 to 6,553.5 seconds. The registers store an initial value, a final value, and a current,
accumulated value. You specify initial and final values during configuration. Refer to Table 8-8.

Table 8-8. Timer/Counter Registers and Flags

Category Type Description

Registers Accumulated The number of counts or ticks since the last reset (not displayed)
Count/Time in the ladder editor.
Preset Value The target value for timers and counters; set through ladder
Reset Value The initial value for timers and up counters; set through ladder
configuration and loaded by an RST operation.
Flags Status Flag Set if the accumulated value is equal to or greater than the preset
value for a timer or up counter, or less than the preset value for a
down counter. The status flag remains set until the timer/counter
is reset.
Overflow Flag Set on transition from 65,535 to 0 when counting up (overflow)
or from 0 to 65,535 when counting down (underflow).
When overflow is set, counts continue to accumulate through
wrapping, but the status flag retains the value it had when the
overflow or underflow occurred. The overflow flag remains
set – and the status flag frozen – until the timer/counter is reset.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Transition Counters
Up counters operate on rung transitions from false to true. Starting from a configured reset value,
an Up counter increments on each transition toward a configured preset value.
Down counters operate on rung transitions from false to true. Down counters are SET immedi-
ately after a reset signal to reset its value. When the count decrements and counts past the preset
value, the status is set FALSE. Once the count has been satisfied, the counter’s status flag is set and
remains so until the Reset coil for that counter is energized.

Retentive Timers
A retentive timer indicates, through its status flag, that its rung has been in a particular state for at
least the specified delay period. The delay period is determined as the difference between the pre-
set and reset values configured for the timer. Starting from the reset value, the timer counts clock
pulses or ticks that occur every tenth of a second. This type of timer retains the accumulated
count during intervals when its rung state is false.
An on-delay timer counts ticks whenever its rung state is true. As long as the delay is in effect, the
timer’s status flag is false. When the accumulated count equals the preset value, the timer’s status
flag is set true.
An off-delay timer counts ticks whenever its rung state is false. As long as the delay is in effect, the
timer’s status flag is true. When the accumulated count equals the preset value, the timer’s status
flag is set false.
Once the delay has been satisfied, the timer’s status flag retains its state until the timer’s reset rung
is set true. Regardless of timer rung state, the count for either type of timer is forced to the reset
value and the timer’s status flag held false whenever the timer’s reset rung is true.
Table 8-9 for On-Delay and Table 8-10 for Off-Delay timers show the cause and effect relation-
ships among Reset coil state, timer rung state, accumulated tick count, and reset/preset values.
This section has two figures (for the On-Delay and the Off-Delay timers) that show the counting
action with various changes in timer rung state.

Table 8-9. RTO Truth Table

On-Delay Status Overflow

Reset Rung Timer Rung Accumulator Flag Timer Flag
(RST Coil) (RTO Coil) Register (_S Coil) Advance (_O Coil)
True* Don’t care = Reset Value* False* No False*
False True* > Reset Value False Yes* False
False False* > Reset Value False No* False
False True* > Reset Value False Yes* False
False True = Preset Value* True* Yes False
False True > 6,553.5* True Yes True*

* In each row, the emphasized entry initiates change in other asterisked entries in the same row.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

CIN_15 TC01_S

open input
contact (CIN_15)

Gated “Ticks”

Time < Preset Time >= Preset

Timer Status

Time >=
Timer Overflow 65535
(TC01_O) (6,553.5 S)

RST Coil

Figure 8-10. Retentive Time-On Delay Timing Chart

Table 8-10. RTF Truth Table

Reset Rung Off-Delay Timer Accumulator Status Flag Timer Overflow Flag
(RST Coil) Rung (RTF Coil) Register (_S Coil) Advance (_O Coil)
True* don’t care = Reset Value* False* No False*
False True* = Reset Value True* No False
False False* > Reset Value True Yes* False
False True* > Reset Value True No* False
False False = Preset Value* False* Yes False
False False > 6,553.5* False Yes True*

* In each row, the emphasized entry initiates change in other asterisked entries in the same row.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

CIN_15 TC01_S

open input
contact (CIN_15)

Gated “Ticks”

Time < Preset Time >= Preset

Timer Status

Time >=
Timer Overflow 65535
(TC01) (6,553.5 S)

RST Coil

Figure 8-11. Retentive Time-Off Delay Timing Chart

The coil symbol that you insert in the ladder determines whether a specific structure is treated as
a counter or a timer. You finish the definition by associating a technical identifier with the coil
symbol. To use a timer or counter to control a rung, you insert a contact symbol in the rung and
assign it the timer or counter identifier, together with an “_S” for the status flag or “_O” for the
overflow flag. To control the reset of a counter or timer, you build a rung that outputs to a Reset
coil that you give the same technical identifier as that of the counter or timer.
Counting, timing, and reset operations, including related changes in the status and overflow coils,
are performed when the corresponding symbols are encountered during ladder solution.
The tick interval is 0.1 seconds. This clock tick is a global Fieldbus Module function that is not
synchronized with ladder scans in any way. This means that turning a timer on and off rapidly to
accumulate short times may produce unpredictable results.

Non-Retentive Timers
The non-retentive on-delay timer (TON) is identical in operation to the RTO coil, except that
any period of false rung state is treated as if a Reset (RST) has occurred, that is, timing accumula-
tion does not bridge false-rung periods. Similarly, non-retentive off-delay timers (TOF) treat peri-
ods of true rung state as if a Reset had occurred.

Timer/Counter Reset (RST)

The timer/counter Reset instruction loads the configured reset value into a counter’s or timer’s
accumulator and resets the status and overflow flags. When configured, the timer/counter Reset
coil is given the same reference (technical identifier) as the timer or up/down counter coil it is to
reset. The block helps to prevent the referenced counter/timer from counting or timing by hold-
ing the reset rung in the “True” state.
To help ensure predictable operation, configure a reset value that is less than the preset value,
except for CTD coils.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Without a Reset (RST) instruction the counter’s accumulator starts at a zero value.
For the down counter, this means the first count rolls the counter over to 65,535
and sets the overflow flag. You need to configure a Reset for twice the counter struc-
tures you plan to use.

Connector Symbols
There are two types of symbols providing only power flow: horizontal connectors and vertical
Horizontal connector symbols provide power flow through symbol positions where no symbol is
Two different connector symbols are needed to connect two ladder rows in the form of a branch.
A down vertical connector needs to be attached to the upper ladder row. An up vertical connector
is inserted as the final element of the row beneath it. The vertical connectors need to meet one
another to form a single vertical line. The connectors are inserted equidistant between two sym-
bol’s positions.

Blank Positions
A blank in a symbol position interrupts rung power flow.

Program Flow Control

The program flow control instructions – Master Control Relay and Zone Control Logic – provide
a means of conditionally skipping execution of one or more ladder logic rungs within a ladder
logic diagram. These instructions come in pairs. The first one has a conditional input which
defines whether a zone of ladder rungs is to be processed. The second one (no conditional input)
is inserted to mark the end of the conditional group of rungs.
Each of these instructions when false causes a zone of ladder logic to be skipped. However, the
effect on outputs, counters, and timers differs according to the instruction used. Table 8-11 sum-
marizes the effects that Master Control Relay and Zone Control Logic have on the operation of
ladder logic.

Table 8-11. Effects of MCR and ZCL on Ladder Operation

Effect When Effect When

Ladder Element MCR False ZCL False
Non retentive outputs Set false Do not change
Retentive outputs Do not change Do not change
Counters Do not count transitions Still count transitions
Counter/timer registers Do not change Status and overflow reflect
and flags Counter/Timer changes

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

1. MCR is Master Control Relay; ZCL is Zone Control Logic.
2. MCR transitions do not cause counters to count.
3. MCR can affect ZCL rungs.
4. When MCR is false, the only coil that can be written true is MCR itself.

Master Control Relay (MCR, NCR)

You can use Master Control (MCR) and End of Master Control (NCR) coils to divide a ladder
diagram into several master control zones. An MCR coil marks the beginning of the zone and an
NCR coil marks the end.
MCR is a coil that is referenced by all output operations as they are encountered during the ladder
solution. MCR is set true at the top of each scan. At any point in the ladder, MCR can be written
in the same way as any other coil.
Ordinary contacts determine whether to set the MCR coil value true when the first rung in the
MCR zone is processed. The state of the MCR coil has these effects:
♦ MCR true – The rungs situated between the MCR coil and the End Master Control
Relay (NCR) coil are executed normally.
♦ MCR false – The rungs situated between the MCR coil and the NCR coil are not exe-
cuted. These additional effects take place:
♦ The states of non-retentive outputs within the zone are set false. Retentive outputs
within the zone are not affected.
♦ Counters do not count transitions.
♦ MCR transitions do not cause counters to count.
♦ Counter/timer registers and flags are not affected.
♦ The only coil that can be written true is MCR itself.
♦ A ZCL zone nested in a MCR is affected by the MCR as follows: if both zones are
off, the ZCL will not turn on until the MCR is true.
The ladder logic implementation allows nested and overlapping ZCLs and MCRs in any
MCR does not affect rungs inside a zone that is bypassed.

Zone Control Logic (ZCL, NCL)

You can use Zone Control (ZCL) and End of Zone Control (NCL) coils to divide a ladder dia-
gram into several zones. A ZCL coil marks the beginning of the zone and an NCL coil marks the
Ordinary contacts determine whether to set the ZCL coil value true when the first rung in the
ZCL zone is processed. The state of the ZCL coil has these effects:
♦ ZCL true – the rungs situated between the ZCL coil and the NCL coil are executed
♦ ZCL false – the rungs situated between the ZCL coil and the NCL coil are skipped
(not executed) and rung outputs within the zone do not change state.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

If the state of a timer rung is such that the timer is ticking, if the zone transitions to false, the tim-
ers cease operation.
The ladder logic implementation allows nested and overlapping ZCLs and MCRs in any

Special Purpose Coils

The special purpose instructions include these coils:
♦ Initialization
♦ Communication Failure
♦ Power fail
♦ Fail-safe

Initialization (INIT)
The INIT coil is global within the same FBM, that is, if there are multiple ladders
resident in a given FBM, activating the INIT coil in any one of those ladders initial-
izes all the ladders in the FBM.

The Initialization (INIT) coil has two functions:

1. When your program writes the INIT coil true, INIT forces the next scan to be an ini-
tialization cycle. This forces a reset of all timers, counters, and coils at the start of the
next scan. The INIT coil remains true for one scan.
2. After cold start or receipt of an initialize command, INIT is true for one scan. You can
reference INIT to initialize certain coils prior to beginning operation.

Communication Failure (COMMF)

Communications software sets Communication Failure (COMMF) false during exchanges with
the control processor as long as the communications timer has not timed out. If communications
fail, COMMF is set true and remains true until communications are restored.
COMMF does not indicate the type of messages received, control processor state, or whether
replies actually reach the control processor.
Use the COMMF contact to have your ladder respond to a detected communication failure
between the FBM and the control processor. For instance, Figure 8-12 will cause the ladder to fall
back to the fail-safe mode. (In addition, all other ladders in the FBM will go to fail-safe – refer to
the note under “Fail-safe (FAILSF)” on page 125.)

( )

Figure 8-12. COMMF Contact

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Power Fail (POWERF)

The Power Fail (POWERF) coil is false as long as the execution of the Fieldbus Module ladder
application is uninterrupted.
POWERF is set true after a warm start caused by either of these conditions:
♦ Recovery from a power interruption
♦ A command to the Fieldbus Module to go offline and back to online
POWERF is true for exactly one scan after recovery, and then becomes false. You cannot set or
reset POWERF. If a detected failure occurs in the middle of the processing of a rung, recovery
starts at the beginning of the ladder with POWERF true, and all input and output values are as
they were at the end of the last complete scan before the detected failure.

Fail-safe (FAILSF)
The FAILSF coil is global within the same FBM; that is, if there are multiple lad-
ders resident in a given FBM, activating the FAILSF coil in any one of those ladders
puts all the ladders in the FBM into the configured fail-safe mode.

Writing the Fail-safe (FAILSF) coil true forces physical outputs to the preconfigured fail-safe state.
It does not affect values in the coil table. During the output exchange portion of the scan cycle,
the value of the output coil is checked and the physical outputs are handled based on the values of
the fail-safe, connect, and hold flags. Writing the FAILSF coil true will not override a control pro-
cessor specification of disconnect-hold.

Fanned Outputs
Fanned outputs are supported when implemented as a single vertical column branching down
from the first line of the rung, immediately after the seventh element position. Refer to
Figure 8-13.

CIN_1 IFL_5 CIN_3 IFL_1 CIN_9 CIN_10 CIN_2 CO_1

/ ( )

CIN_16 CO_1 CIN_11 CIN_12 IFL_2

( )


( )

Figure 8-13. Fanned Outputs

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Simple and Nested ZCLs

Figure 8-14 through Figure 8-16 illustrate the use of simple Zone Control Logic, and Figure 8-17
through Figure 8-18 show the inclusion of a nested “Fast” zone within the “Manual” zone.


(executed only if
“MANUAL” is true)



(executed only if
“MANUAL” is false)


Figure 8-14. Zone Control Logic

( ZCL )



IFL_3 IFL_2 CO_7

( )

( NCL )


Figure 8-15. Zone Control Logic (Continued)

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

( ZCL )


IFL_5 CO_1
( )

( NCL )


Figure 8-16. Zone Control Logic (Continued)



(executed if
“MANUAL” is true)

Set status of “FAST” zone control coil


(executed only if
“FAST” is true)

Figure 8-17. Nested Zone Control Logic

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

( ZCL )



( )

[Additional rungs in “MANUAL” zone]

( ZCL )



( )

[Additional rungs in “FAST” zone within “MANUAL” zone]

( NCL )


( NCL )

Figure 8-18. Nested Zone Logic (Continued)

Ladder Diagram Constraints

The object code produced by ladder logic compilation is executable only in a Fieldbus Module
and cannot exceed 1K of FBM memory. The ladder logic editing process supports up to 32 con-
tact inputs, 16 contact outputs, and 16 timers/counters for a single Fieldbus Module.
The ladder logic compiler imposes these restrictions in the composition of a ladder diagram:
♦ All elements having the same technical identifier (one coil and multiple contacts) have
the same user label.
♦ Up to eight logic symbols (not including branches) can be inserted within a ladder
♦ Output symbols may appear only as the final element within a row.
♦ Fanned outputs need to be arranged in a vertical column.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

♦ MCR and ZCL symbols may not be included in an output fan.

♦ A rung that contains an NCL symbol (end of ZCL) may not include any other sym-
bols. Similarly for NCR symbols.
♦ There needs to be an equal number of ZCL and NCL symbols within a ladder
♦ This geometry is not allowed:

♦ This geometry is allowed only in the first line of a rung. This constraint disallows
nested branches, which are not supported in ladder diagrams:

♦ Use no more than two vertical connectors to link a row of adjoining symbols to a pre-
ceding ladder line.

( ) [Ladder line n]


[Ladder line n+1]

( ) [Ladder line n]

Not Allowed

[Ladder line n+1]

Figure 8-19. Allowed/Not Allowed Connector Geometry

These considerations relate to the use of overlapping technical identifiers in different segments of
the same composite ladder.
A given technical identifier (for example, OFL_1) may be entered in more than one ladder seg-
ment, but doing so does not create additional OFLs. There is only one OFL_1, with a single data
value, in the FBM. It may be entered as an output coil in multiple segments of the ladder, in
which case the final concatenated ladder will have more than one rung ending with symbol
OFL_1. When the OFL_1 value is transmitted to the control processor, its value will depend on
the evaluation of the highest-numbered rung ending in OFL_1, that is, the last calculation of
OFL_1 during the ladder scan. All PLBs connected to that FBM will receive this value of OFL_1
as an input. This implies that if the usage of technical identifiers is overlapped, a PLB block could
receive values of parameters from the FBM different from the ones expected on the basis of their
own ladder segments. The same considerations apply to overlapped usage of COs, TCs, and IFLs.
If any IFL is referenced in multiple segments of a composite ladder, the value sent down to the
FBM for use in solving the ladder will be the value of that IFL parameter in the PLB which is pro-
cessed last. This will depend on the zones, and positions within the zones, of the various PLBs
involved, as shown on the Block/ECB Functions screen of the Integrated Control Configurator.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Programmable Logic Block Operation

The programmable logic block (PLB), shown in the PLB Block Diagram, supports ladder logic
executing in a digital Fieldbus Module. The block executes at the interval you specify (one of 13
user-specified scan intervals from 50 ms to 1 hr; default of 500 ms). At the configured interval,
the PLB reads each physical I/O channel and each ladder logic external output flag reference from
the Fieldbus Module and updates the appropriate block parameter values. The block processor
writes each external input parameter value to the appropriate ladder logic external input flag refer-
ence in the Fieldbus Module. Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for
detailed information on block parameters.


Device ID

IFL_1 through IFL_32 LOGIC IFL_1 through IFL_32

CIN_1 through CIN_32 CIN_1 through CIN_32

CO_1 through CO_32 CO_1 through CO_32
Fieldbus Module Status
Block Status
Ladder Logic Status (BAD Parameter)

Figure 8-20. Programmable Logic Block (PLB) Block Diagram

As part of normal Fieldbus data input processing, all inputs and outputs are written to and read
from the Fieldbus Module in one transaction:
♦ The Interface block writes the current External Input Flags to the Fieldbus Module.
These are signals from other blocks to initiate or modify ladder logic actions.
♦ The Fieldbus Module returns its latest scanned data for:
♦ Fieldbus Module status
♦ External Output Flags
These are signals to other blocks of the results of ladder logic actions.
The Fieldbus Module ladder logic now executes the new External Input Flags.
The PLB has an Auto/Manual mode that determines control of block output parameters. Opera-
tionally, MA lets you change the control of block flag outputs and physical outputs from the lad-
der program (Auto) to the user (Manual).
In Auto, the block helps secure its own output parameters and updates them according to ladder
logic and Fieldbus Module inputs.
The block reads the ladder logic external output flag references from the Fieldbus Module and
updates the appropriate output parameters with these values. The block writes input parameter
values to the appropriate ladder logic external input flag references of the Fieldbus Module.

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

The input parameter values are written to the specified ladder logic input flag registers. If either
the Fieldbus Module is not operational or the ladder program is offline, the inputs are not written
and the outputs are not updated. The BAD parameter is updated and the BAD status of all out-
put flag records are set.
When the block is placed into Manual, the external output flag parameters from the ladder pro-
gram are updated by the block. The input flag parameters continue to be written to the external
input flags in the ladder program.
The Manual mode allows you to disconnect outputs from the Fieldbus Module ladder logic for
checkout or simulation from an external source. In Manual, the block unsecures its Boolean type
outputs. Any task or process is then allowed to use Set calls to write to the outputs.
Ladder segments in different Fieldbus Modules can communicate with each other through the
PLB input and output flag parameters. An external output flag from a ladder program in one
Fieldbus Module can be connected to an external input flag of a ladder program in another Field-
bus Module through the respective block’s output and input flag parameters. Switching the MA
state of the upstream block to manual would allow for the independent and isolated operation of
each flag under user control.
The physical inputs at the Fieldbus Module can be read by a CIN block. The physical outputs at
the Fieldbus Module can be read by a COUT block. Both physical inputs and physical outputs
are read by the PLB.
In Manual, the block writes ladder logic external output flags. The block supports Manual/Auto
mode for manually updating block outputs. Manual does not affect the operation of the input
parameters or external input flags. In the manual mode, the updating of the output parameters is
halted and control of the output parameters by workstations, other blocks, displays, and processes
(programs) is possible.
Various software subsystems access internal information to edit a ladder diagram, display rung
power flow, read and write timer/counter values, and control the modes of ladder logic operation.
Displays that you configure can access ladder logic through external flag parameters in PLBs.

Ladder Logic Operation

The ladder logic functions in the Fieldbus Module can be divided into two modes: foreground
and background. Communications and other interrupts are handled in the foreground. The cyclic
control function defined by the ladder program is handled in the background. The foreground
and background communicate through shared buffers. The background, when it needs to access
the shared buffers, locks out the foreground by shutting off interrupts for periods of up to 1 ms
(refer to Figure 8-21).

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Channel, Control, SHARED Process
and Security BUFFERS
Other interrupts
Ladder program

Coil, Register,
and Status Data




Figure 8-21. Ladder Logic Functions Diagram

Ladder Logic Scan Cycle

The Fieldbus Module ladder logic processor operates in a cycle referred to as a scan. Each scan
needs these four phases:
1. Processing commands from the control processor.
2. Reading inputs from physical and logical channels.
3. Solving the ladder.
4. Writing outputs to physical and logical channels.
These phases form an infinite loop. Once placed in run, the program repeats until halted. One
pass through the loop (one scan) typically takes from 10 to 30 ms. The actual scan time depends
on the complexity of the ladder program and the state of the logic.

Scan Phase 1 – Command Processing

Table 8-12 lists the commands that the control processor uses to direct ladder logic in the Field-
bus Module.
The control processor exchanges blocks of data with the Fieldbus Module. In Scan Phase 1, the
Fieldbus Module checks for the receipt of any commands that need mode changes. Executing
mode changes first avoids the inconsistency between blocks of data that would result from execut-
ing only a portion of the user program.

Table 8-12. Ladder Logic Commands

Command Description
1. Read Channel Data Read both the state of the physical I/O and the logical outputs
of the ladder.
2. Write Channel Data Write the external input flag values used by the ladder logic

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Table 8-12. Ladder Logic Commands (Continued)

Command Description
3. Object Code Download Download object code to the program code space that is not in
4. Switch Program Change the logic processor to the program code space that is
not in use.
5. Write Ladder Logic Status Determine the ladder logic operating mode.
6. Read Coil Table Data Read the Boolean state of all 255 coils to support displays. This
command also updates the register values read by the read
register data command.
7. Read Register Values Read the preset, reset, and accumulator register values to
support displays. The values supplied are those saved at the
time of the most recent read coil table request.
8. Write Register Values Change the values of the timer/counter preset and reset
registers to support displays.
9. Write Force On List Write the Fieldbus Module force-on list when the logic
processor is in test mode. All force lists are optionally erased
on exit from test mode.
10. Write Force Off List Write the Fieldbus Module force-off list when the ladder
processor is in test mode. All force lists are optionally erased
on exit from test mode.

Scan Phase 2 – Inputs

The inputs to the ladder logic come from two sources:
1. Physical inputs come from the process through channels provided by the Fieldbus
Module hardware.
2. Logical inputs come from control blocks and tasks through Ladder Logic Interface
blocks (PLB Blocks) in the control processor.
During the input phase of the scan cycle, the values associated with each input are transcribed
into fixed locations in the ladder logic coil memory.

Scan Phase 3 – Ladder Solution

The end of the input phase transfers control to rung evaluation software to execute the ladder pro-
gram. Execution starts at the beginning of the object code array and proceeds until the end of the
program is reached. The rung evaluation alters only local variables and has no effect on any phys-
ical I/O processes.

Scan Phase 4 – Outputs

Scan Phase 4, outputs, is the mirror image of the input phase. The outputs from the ladder logic
are handled two ways:
1. Physical outputs go to channels provided by Fieldbus Module hardware.
2. Logical outputs are provided to Ladder Logic Interface blocks (PLB Blocks) in the
control processor through the external flag buffer.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

The values in coil memory are transcribed to the corresponding Fieldbus Module external flag
buffer. External flag outputs await the control processor’s next communications request.
The ladder logic sets physical outputs as specified under one of these situations:
1. I/O connected and fail-safe false: The values in coil memory are transcribed to the
corresponding physical Fieldbus Module outputs.
2. Fail-safe true: The physical outputs are set to the preconfigured values specified by the
configuration table.
3. I/O not connected: The physical outputs are set as specified by the fail-safe and hold
During the output phase, the buffers that hold the data blocks for display support are also
updated. This buffering allows the foreground to handle all the normal communications messages
asynchronously with ladder evaluation.

Ladder Logic Modes of Operation

In conjunction with the Test and Install modes of the ladder logic configuration/operation soft-
ware, the control processor sends commands to the Fieldbus Module to establish ladder modes of
operation. In Test mode, you can operate the ladder program with I/O connected or disconnected
in continuous (Run) or Single Scan cycling. When you disconnect I/O, you can choose either the
hold or the fail-safe option for outputs. These choices are summarized as follows:

Table 8-13. Ladder Modes of Operation

I/O Connected I/O Disconnected

Run Run/Hold
Single Scan Single Scan/Hold
Single Scan/Fail-Safe

Ladder Logic Status Byte

When the Fieldbus Module is online, the logic status byte controls and reports the ladder modes
of operation. The effect and meaning of the flags in the status byte are defined individually in the
pages that follow. With the exception of the Hold flag, the functions controlled by these flags are

Logic Status Byte Flags

1. Run
2. Test
3. Connect
4. FailSafe
5. Hold
6. Single Scan
8. Logic Machine Error

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Run Flag
The Run flag defines whether the logic solving portion of the scan cycle is running.

Run Flag Set To One Run Flag Set To Zero

Ladder program executes. Ladder program does not execute.

The I/O exchange portions of the scan cycle occur by default. The Connect, Hold, and Fail-safe
flags determine behavior of the outputs as defined in these sections.

Test Flag
The ladder logic configuration/operation software in the control processor controls the Test flag.

Test Flag Set To One – The ladder logic performs these functions:
Accepts and processes force lists.
Writes to timer/counter accumulator registers.

The added processing needed to support force lists causes the cycle time performance of the lad-
der logic to be reduced when the Test flag is set to one.

Connect Flag
The state of the Connect flag determines whether the physical I/O is controlled by the ladder

Connect Flag Set To One Connect Flag Set To Zero

Outputs are connected to the Cycling the ladder logic has no effect on the
ladder logic. physical outputs.

In the Test mode of the ladder logic configuration/operation software in the control processor,
you select an operating mode that includes setting the state of the Connect flag to one.

Fail-safe Flag
When the Fail-safe flag is set to one, the physical outputs are driven to the state determined by the
Fieldbus Module configuration table (established through integrated control configuration).
Control of the Fail-safe flag depends upon the status of the Connect flag as follows:

Connect Flag Set To One Connect Flag Set To Zero

The fail-safe coil in the ladder controls The ladder logic configuration/operation software
the Fail-safe flag. in the control processor controls the Fail-safe flag.

The Fail-safe flag has priority over the Hold flag. If both are set to one, the result is fail-safe status.
Fail-safe status is the default if the control processor sets the Connect flag to zero without setting
either Fail-safe or Hold to one.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

Hold Flag
The Hold flag is recognized only if the Connect flag is set to zero. When the Hold flag is set to
one, the physical outputs are held at the state that was in effect at the time the flag was set to one.

Hold Flag Set To One Hold Flag Set To Zero

The physical outputs are held at the state in The physical outputs are either in fail-safe
effect at the time the flag is set to one. or are connected.

Single Scan Flag

The Single Scan flag is recognized only if the Run flag is not set to one. Other combinations are:

Single Scan Flag Set To One and Run Single Scan Flag Set To Zero and Run
Flag Set To One Flag Set To One
The Single Scan flag initiates a single scan. The ladder processor cycles continuously.
The scan sets the flag to zero.

If you choose to install the ladder in run mode and initialize on start up, the control processor sets
the INIT flag in the ladder status byte. The ladder program performs a cold start initialization of
the ladder prior to executing the first scan. All coils are reset, the INIT coil is set, and all
timer/counters are reset.
The ladder logic also sets the INIT flag any time a cold program start is requested by other soft-
ware in the control processor or the INIT coil is set by the internal logic. INIT is set to zero auto-
matically at the end of the first scan after initialization.

Logic Machine Error Flag

The Logic Machine Error flag is set if the ladder logic is ordered to change to a code buffer that
fails the checksum test. The ladder logic also sets fail-safe and halt status.
The only recovery from a logic machine error detected condition is to load a valid object program
and change to it. This sets the error flag to zero. You can then set the status as desired.
An additional FBM ladder operational mode exists, based on the configurable simulation option
SIMOPT, which is an ECB8 parameter. When downloaded to the FBM, SIMOPT causes the
ladder logic to disregard the physical contact inputs to the FBM in favor of the values specified by
the configurable and settable packed long parameter SIMCIN. SIMCIN is also an ECB8

PLB Editor Overview

The ladder logic domain of the PLB Editor in the ICC allows you to:
♦ Create or modify one ladder diagram segment
♦ Check for syntax errors in the existing ladder diagram source code
♦ Print a copy of the ladder diagram segment being edited

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

You can configure ladder logic from any system display station equipped with a keyboard and
pointer device. In the Edit mode of operation, you can insert, delete, and move symbols in the
As you construct a ladder diagram, the PLB editor builds a source file representing the desired
logic. The editing screen displays the ladder corresponding to the PLB name. An “empty” ladder
file causes a display of the ladder name only.
Editing consists of placing logic symbols that represent contacts, relays, timers, and counters
within the rungs of the ladder. If you elect to save the edited version, the original ladder is
replaced by the new. You can check your ladder for detected syntax errors at any point in your

For information on the Ladder Editor in IACC, refer to I/A Series Configuration
Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).

Configuration Example
When configuring PLBs for different segments of a single ladder diagram, avoid assigning an
external input flag to more than one block. If two PLBs were to update the same input flag, the
flag value received from the first block would be overwritten when the other block was processed.
The five-part diagram accompanying the configuration example shows part of a control strategy
to pump a fluid from either of two tanks. The first part shows the process, the next two show the
control blocks, the fourth shows the I/O table and flag table connections to the PLBs, and the
fifth shows a portion of the ladder diagram.
The example is not a practical application. It is meant only to show concepts associated with seg-
ments, while limiting each segment to one rung for simplicity. Arbitrarily, some of the control is
implemented through external I/O flags and some through physical I/O channels to demonstrate
the two methods of communicating with ladder logic.
In the example, an operator presses one of two switches to select a tank to supply fluid. If the
tank’s low level switch is not closed, the ladder logic output to an On/Off Valve controller (VLV)
block opens the tank’s drain valve. Ladder logic causes the pump to run if either tank valve is
Physical contact inputs are available to the ladder from input channels of the Fieldbus Module.
Contact inputs from the operator panel and from valve limit switches activate one of the module’s
physical output channels to operate a motor control relay in the process. To demonstrate another
input path, one input is routed through an MCIN block to the PLB as an external input flag to
the ladder. To demonstrate other output paths, the PLBs transfer external output flags from the
ladder to VLV blocks and a COUT block.

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts

P1 control
V2 control

V1 control

V1 position

V2 position

T2 empty

T1 empty Maint Disable

Drain T2
T1 T2 Panel
Tank Switch Tank Oper Drain T1
Low Level Low Level

Figure 8-22. Typical Ladder Logic Application

T1 Empty CIN_1
Drain T1 Module VLV
CIN_2 (Segment 1) To V1

T2 Empty CIN_3
Physical T2 PLB OFL_2
Input VLV To V2
Drain T2 (Segment 2)

(Segments 1, 2)

Figure 8-23. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued)

8. Ladder Logic Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

To pump
V2 Posit MOTOR
IFL_1 Channels CONTROL
Physical ALL PLB
Maint Input (Segment 3)
Disable Sw Channels MCIN COUT
(Segment 3)

Figure 8-24. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued)


CIN_2 CIN_4 CO_1 IFL_1

: : : :

(Tank 2 Logic)

(Tank 1 Logic)

Contact Input Output Contact

1 2 . . 32 Input 1 . . . 32 Flag Flag 1 2 . . 32 Output 1 . . . 32
Table Table Table Table

Figure 8-25. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued)

B0700AG – Rev V 8. Ladder Logic Concepts


[Tank 1] Drain Tank_1 Open

Tank_1 Empty Valve1


[Tank 2] Drain Tank_2 Open

Tank_2 Empty Valve2

OFL_1 CIN_5 IFL_1 CO_1

Open Valve2
Valve2 Open Pump On

Figure 8-26. Typical Ladder Logic Application (Continued)

9. Sequence Logic
This chapter covers sequence logic control: sequential control block types and their various
states, sequence processing, and SBX programming.
Sequence logic control complements continuous and ladder logic control with regulatory feed-
back applications at the equipment control level. For example, the sequential control software can
be used to supervise a sequence of activities such as filling a tank, blending its contents, and drain-
ing the tank.
The continuous control blocks have fixed algorithms whereas the sequence control blocks have
user-defined algorithms. Sequential control software enables you to:
♦ Define a sequence of events
♦ Monitor process conditions, taking corrective action when needed
♦ Time events
♦ Manipulate any compound or block parameter or any shared variable
♦ Output messages to any logical device or to the historian
To introduce sequential control to a control strategy, define sequential control blocks and add
them to compounds.
Sequential control blocks are configured through ICC or IACC just as continuous blocks are,
except that in addition to configuring parameters, you need to define sequence logic for the block.
You can choose either the ICC or IACC to configure sequence blocks, but blocks in a controller
configured with one configurator cannot be edited with the other configurator.
The ICC offers a series of menu functions for creating sequence logic. For more information refer
to Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV).
The IACC offers the ST Code Editor, ST Template Editor, and ST Templates for creating
sequence logic. For more information refer to I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's
Guide (B0700FE).
Sequence logic is created with the Sequence Language, a subset of the High Level Batch Language
(HLBL). The Sequence Language is a high level programming language resembling Pascal, but
specifically geared toward creating process control strategies. High Level Batch Language (HLBL)
is described in High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User’s Guide (B0400DF).

Sequential Control Blocks

Sequential control is performed at the compound level through sequential control blocks of these
♦ Sequence (IND, DEP, and EXC)
♦ Monitor (MON)
♦ Timer (TIM)

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

Sequence Block
There are three Sequence block types:
♦ Independent (IND)
♦ Dependent (DEP)
♦ Exception (EXC)
IND and EXC blocks run independently of other Sequence blocks in the same compound. DEP
blocks pause when an EXC block in the same compound is active.
This relationship between DEP and EXC blocks allows you to separate a sequence algorithm for
handling normal conditions from a sequence algorithm for handling alarm conditions. For exam-
ple, if a Monitor (MON) block detects an alarm condition and activates an EXC block to take
corrective action, the DEP block pauses until the corrective action is finished. When the EXC
block is done, the DEP block can finish executing its sequence algorithm.
A Sequence block contains a user-defined sequence algorithm. You can use a Sequence block to:
♦ Manipulate parameters and shared variables
Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL)
User’s Guide (B0400DF) for the maximum number of external references in each sub-
routine or in the main code and all SBXs.
♦ Change the flow of execution based on the state of parameters and shared variables
♦ Activate other Sequence and Monitor blocks
♦ Measure time
♦ Report to the Historian
♦ Send information to logical devices, such as printers.
Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL)
User’s Guide (B0400DF) for message related limits.
♦ Call a subroutine and pass arguments, if any
♦ Make calculations
♦ Simulate a process for testing purposes
A sequence block is composed of:
♦ Standard Parameters
♦ Block Type Identification
♦ Symbolic Constants
♦ Local Block Variables
Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL)
User’s Guide (B0400DF) for local variable related limits.
♦ User Labels
♦ Include Files
♦ Subroutines (variables and statements)
♦ Standard Block Exception Handlers
♦ Block Statements, grouped into Steps
Each statement, whether in the block’s main section, in its subroutines, or in its stan-
dard block exception handlers, may optionally have a label.

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL)
User’s Guide (B0400DF) for labels related limits.
Standard parameters show block operation details and allow you to control block operation and
connect the block in a control strategy that includes continuous blocks, ladder logic blocks, and
other sequence blocks.
Block Type identification is a small block of information at the start of the sequence language file
where you provide data such as block name, type, creator, revision level and date.
Symbolic constants are identifiers which represent constant values. They are used to indicate or
illustrate the meaning of such values. The constants are an aid in compiling sequence blocks.
Changing the value of a constant in an include file does not affect currently running or already
compiled sequence blocks automatically. After such a change, the blocks containing source code
in which the constants are used have to be recompiled to effect the change.
Block variables are local and are not accessible from outside the block. You define their number
and their size. There are no user labels for local block variables. Refer to them by their declared
names. You can use them in any HLBL expression and you can assign them to each other, to user
(array) parameters, and to external references.
Local block variables can be any of these types:
♦ Boolean and boolean array
♦ Long integer and long integer array
♦ Real and real array
♦ String and string array
For local variables there are three string lengths: short (6 characters), medium (12
characters), or long (80 characters).
All arrays in the local block variables and the local subroutine variables may be multi-dimensional,
with up to 256 dimensions.
When specifying the types of main section or subroutine local variables, you may use a comma-
separated list of variables before the type specification.
Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User’s Guide
(B0400DF) for the maximum number of comma-separated arguments before a data type specifi-



The type specifications for local block variables are:

B = Boolean
I = Long Integer
R = Real
S = String of 80 Characters

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

S6 = String of 6 Characters
S12 = String of 12 Characters

User-labeled parameters can be referenced by the Sequence block’s user-defined algorithm. There
are a fixed number of each of these types: real, long integer, Boolean, and string. All types except
string and the data store arrays can be linked with parameters in other blocks and compounds and
shared variables. The strings and data store arrays are settable but not connectable.
The standard parameters, all of which may be user-labelled, are:

BI0001 – BI0024: Boolean Inputs

II0001 – II0008: Long Integer Inputs
RI0001 – RI0015: Real Inputs
SN0001 – SN0010: Strings (up to 80 characters) *
BO0001 – BO0016: Boolean Outputs
IO0001 – IO0005: Long Integer Outputs *
RO0001 – RO0015: Real Outputs *
BA0001[16]: Boolean Array Data Store *
BA0002[16]: Boolean Array Data Store *
BA0003[16]: Boolean Array Data Store *
BA0004[16]: Boolean Array Data Store *
IA0001[16]: Long Integer Array Data Store *
RA0001[16]: Real Array Data Store *
RA0002[16]: Real Array Data Store *

* Not available in the Monitor (MON) block (refer to page 145).

Standard and user-labeled parameters are described in Integrated Control Block Descriptions
(B0193AX). Configuring parameters is described in Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV) or
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).
An include file can be any set of HLBL statements. Use include files to define specific constructs
such as sophisticated WAIT loops or complicated expressions of a set of parameters, or to define
objects with a global scope such as symbolic constants, subroutines, or standard block exception
handlers. You cannot compile include files separately.
The subroutine allows you to specify a general piece of control logic just once and apply it as often
as needed in the block algorithm. A subroutine is a sequence of HLBL user-defined statements
that can be called from the sequence block’s main code or from another subroutine. Subroutines
can use any HLBL statement except for standard block exception handlers.
You can use a user-defined number of arguments to parameterize a subroutine. The data types of
these arguments need to be one of the data types supported in HLBL for block parameters and
local variables.
You cannot install a sequence subroutine in a station as an independent entity and you cannot
access it from outside the sequence block in which it is installed.

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

An Independent, Dependent, or Exception block may have subroutines. Monitor and Timer
blocks do not support subroutines.
Refer to the table “Sequence Compiler Limits” in High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User’s Guide
(B0400DF) for subroutine related limits.
A Standard Block Exception Handler (SBX) is a user-specified section of HLBL statements that
allows the sequence block to react to a detected operational error during automatic execution or
to an outside interruption during normal block operation.
There are five events for which SBXs can be specified. Two are detected error handling SBXs:
♦ User errors (OP_ERR between 2000 and 3000)
♦ System errors (all other detected errors)
The other three are state change SBXs:
♦ Switch to Inactive
♦ Switch to Manual
♦ Switch to Paused
Sequence language statements define the sequential control algorithm, as specified by the user.
The Sequence language is described in High Level Batch Language (HLBL) User’s Guide

Monitor Block
A Monitor (MON) block contains up to 16 user-defined Boolean expressions called cases. The
result of the evaluation of a monitor case is stored in the associated boolean output parameter.
When one of the cases evaluates to true, the MON activates a sequence block (EXC, DEP, IND,
or MON). In this way, up to 16 blocks can be activated from the MON block.
A Monitor block is composed of:
♦ Standard Parameters
♦ Blocktype Identification
♦ Symbolic Constants
♦ User Labels
♦ Monitor Cases (up to 16)
User-labeled parameters can be referenced by the Monitor block’s user-defined algorithm. There
are a fixed number of each of these types: real, long integer, and boolean. All types can be linked
with parameters in other blocks and compounds and shared variables.
Standard and user-labeled parameters are listed and described in Integrated Control Block Descrip-
tions (B0193AX). Configuring parameters is described in Integrated Control Configurator
(B0193AV) or I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).
A monitor case consists of a monitor condition and an optional activation request that is per-
formed when the condition is true.
0001 WHEN level_hi DO :TANK_1:HI_LEVEL_EXC
♦ The case number is 0001.
♦ The condition is “level_hi”, where level_hi is a user labeled parameter.

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

♦ The request is “DO :TANK_1:HI_LEVEL_EXC”. “HI_LEVEL_EXC” is the block

name for a sequence block in the compound “TANK_1”. This block is activated
when the condition “WHEN level_hi” is evaluated true.
♦ When level_hi is true:
♦ The TRIPPD parameter of the block goes true and the faceplate indicates that the
block has a trip.
♦ The boolean output associated with the case is set, in this example, BO01.
♦ If the case is still true when HI_LEVEL_EXEC deactivates, the case trips again
and activates the block again.
♦ BOn and TRIPPD remain set as long as the activated block remains active, even if
it goes to manual.
♦ MON block parameter ACTPAT determines active patterns.

Timer Block
A Timer (TIM) block keeps track of time while control strategies are executed. It is composed of
standard parameters and four timers. TIM blocks do not contain any Sequence language
Standard parameters show block operation details and allow you to control block operation.
A timer is composed of a real and a Boolean parameter. The Boolean parameter value determines
whether the real parameter is updated or not when the block is processed. When the Boolean
value is true, the real parameter is updated. When the Boolean value is false, the real parameter is
not updated.
The TIM block is processed when the compound in which it resides is On and the block is in
Auto. When a TIM block is processed, timers that have been started are updated every scheduled
Block Processing Cycle (BPC). Timers are started by an external source, such as a statement in a
Sequence block.
Standard parameters are listed and described in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
Configuring parameters is described in Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV) or I/A Series
Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).

Sequential Control Block States

Block states describe the operational behavior of a block. All blocks have the Application states
Manual and Auto.
In addition to the Application states, the sequential control blocks have these Sequence states:
Active, Inactive, Paused, and Tripped. Tripped applies only to the Monitor block. The set of oper-
ational modes for sequential blocks include:

Table 9-1. Operational Modes

Application States Sequence States Transition

Auto Active To_Manual
Semi-Auto (Step Mode) Inactive To_Inactive
Manual Paused To_Paused

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

Table 9-1. Operational Modes (Continued)

Application States Sequence States Transition

Subr-Trace Tripped
SBX-Trace Suspended on SENDCONF

The Sequence states and the Application states control sequential control block algorithm execu-
tion and the operational state of block outputs.

Application States
The Application states, Auto, Semi-Auto, and Manual, control the operational state of a block’s
outputs. In conjunction with the Sequence states, they also control sequential control block algo-
rithm execution.
The Application state is determined by the value of the block’s MA parameter. When MA is true,
the block is in the Auto state. When MA is false, the block is in the Manual state.
Another block parameter, RSTMA, controls the value of the MA parameter when the compound
changes from Off to On. When RSTMA is 0, MA becomes false; when RSTMA is 1, MA
becomes true; when RSTMA is 2, MA does not change upon the compound switch. You set the
value of RSTMA during block configuration using a control configurator.

For the EXC, IND, DEP, MON, and TIM blocks, the state of RSTMA is ignored
when the Control Processor restarts because of an OnLine Upgrade (OLUG).

Auto State
In the Auto state, the block helps to secure its output parameters. This means that the block algo-
rithm is responsible for updating the output parameters. External sources (other blocks and appli-
cations) cannot write values to block output parameters.
Sequential control block algorithms are processed as follows in the Auto state:
♦ TIM block timers that have been started are updated once every scheduled BPC. A
timer is started with a START_TIMER statement in an IND, DEP, or EXC block.
♦ MON block cases are evaluated each scheduled BPC. If a case trips, it may lead to
activation of an EXC block. If the EXC block activated is remote, tripping and untrip-
ping may need several BPCs to finish.
♦ IND, DEP, and EXC blocks process the number of statements specified by the block’s
BPCSTM parameter each scheduled BPC. When a statement requiring suspension
such as WAIT or WAIT UNTIL executes, fewer statements may be processed than
the number specified by BPCSTM.
Since Sequence block algorithms vary in length, a block may execute completely in one BPC or it
may need several BPCs to execute completely.
Once all statements have been executed, the Sequence block is no longer processed unless a state-
ment in the user algorithm causes it to repeat.

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

If the sequence block contains state change logic, that logic will be executed if the block switches
from the Active/Auto mode to the Inactive, Manual, or Paused state. The logic for the state
changes are user-defined in SBXs 3, 4, and 5.
The order of statement execution can be altered while in the Auto state. An operator, at a user-
defined or default display, can redirect statement execution to a new start location by writing the
desired statement number to the STMRQ parameter.

Semi-Auto State
In Semi-Auto (or Step mode), the sequence block executes only the HLBL statements that belong
to a particular step. Statement execution stops when a step boundary is passed. Steps can be
requested in any order, at a user-defined or default display, by writing the desired step number to
the STEPRQ parameter. The block is divided into steps by means of the step labels in HLBL.
If the sequence block contains state change logic, the corresponding logic will be executed if the
block switches from the Active/Step mode to the Inactive, Manual, or Paused state.
The logic for the state changes are user-defined in SBXs 3, 4, and 5.

Manual State
In the Manual state, the block does not help to secure the output parameters. This means that
external sources (other blocks and applications) can write values to the block’s output parameters.
Unlike continuous control blocks, sequential control blocks may have their own statements write
to their own output parameters while the block is in Manual.
Sequential control block algorithms are processed as follows in the Manual state:
♦ TIM blocks are not processed.
♦ MON block cases are executed one at a time by user request. The user selects a case
for execution, from a user-defined or default display, by writing the desired case num-
ber to the CASERQ parameter.
If a requested case trips (that is, the evaluated condition is true), a block activation request is exe-
cuted. After the case has been processed completely (tripped and untripped), the standard param-
eter CASENO is set to indicate the number of the next case. The next case is not evaluated unless
requested. The TRPCHG parameter is incremented each time a case changes to or from the
tripped state.
The processing of EXC blocks already activated by tripped cases in the MON block are not
affected by other case evaluation requests to the MON block.
♦ IND, DEP, and EXC block statements are executed one at a time by request. You can
select a statement for execution from a user-defined or a default display by:
♦ Writing to the parameter STEPRQ the step number which begins with the
requested statement
♦ Writing to the parameter STMRQ the number of the requested statement
♦ Setting NXTSTM to true
A statement requiring several BPCs to execute, such as a WAIT statement, need only be requested
once to initiate execution.
Statement execution can be cancelled by requesting that another statement be executed. The stan-
dard parameter STMNO indicates the number of the statement currently executing. When the

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

statement finishes execution, STMNO is set to the number of the next statement dictated by exe-
cution flow. That statement is not executed unless requested by:
♦ Writing its number to the parameter STMRQ
♦ Setting NXTSTM to true
When the requested statement calls a subroutine, all the HLBL statements of that subroutine (and
any nested subroutine) are executed. The parameter SUBRNO indicates in which subroutine, if
any, the currently executed statements reside. The parameter STMNO indicates the statement
number within that subroutine.
The Subr-Trace and SBX-Trace modes enable you to single step through statements of subrou-
tines and SBXs. You can switch the block into one of the Trace modes only when the block is in
the Active/Manual state.
Subr-Trace is a substate of the Manual state that enables you to single-step through a subroutine.
You enter this substate by selecting the “SUBR TRACE” button in the ALL CODE display. This
enters the integer value “1” into the TRACRQ parameter which, in turn, sets the block into the
Subr-Trace mode when the block is in Manual. After granting the request, the block resets
TRACRQ to 0.
Once in the Subr-Trace mode, you “select” a subroutine by requesting a call-subroutine statement
in the block’s main section. The block is then idle before the first statement in the requested sub-
routine. You can then single-step through the subroutine statements by toggling the NXTSTM
parameter. STEPRQ and STMRQ cause the execution of a single statement in the block’s main
When you switch into the SBX-Trace mode, the block environment (that is, step, subroutine,
statement number) is saved. The block returns to this environment when you exit the SBX-Trace
Once in the SBX-Trace mode, you “select” an SBX by setting the SBXRQ parameter to a value of
1 to 4. SBX5 (a switch to Paused) applies only to the DEP block (the block ignores out of range
values). When you select an SBX, the block idles at the first statement within that SBX. You can
then single-step through the SBX statements by toggling the NXTSTM parameter. The block
ignores step- and statement-requests while it is in the SBX-Trace mode.
In the Manual, Subr-Trace, and SBX-Trace modes, the block does not help to secure its output
parameters. External sources (other blocks and applications) can write values to the block’s out-
puts. While the block is in one of these modes, the EXC, DEP, or IND block algorithm can
update its output parameters after a step-, statement-, or next-statement request.
To exit from the Trace mode, select the “TRACE” field in the faceplate.

Auto/Manual Transitions
You can change the block Auto/Manual state from external sources such as user-defined and
default displays, other blocks, and applications.
If a statement is in execution when you request a state change, the statement’s execution is com-
pleted as if it had begun in the requested state. Then any of these statements are executed as
appropriate for the requested state.

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

If one or more cases are making a transition from Active to Tripped (for example,
the blocks to be activated are remote blocks) when you change a MON block from
Automatic to Manual, then the block activation is completed but the cases do not

Sequence States
The Sequence states, Active, Inactive, Paused, and Tripped, in conjunction with the Application
states, control sequential control block algorithm execution. The Sequence states are determined
by the values of the block’s ACTIVE, PAUSED, and TRIPPD parameters. When ACTIVE is
true, the block is in the Active state. When ACTIVE is false, block is in the Inactive state.
Another block parameter, RSTACT, controls the value of the ACTIVE parameter when the com-
pound in which it resides changes from Off to On, or when the control processor in which it
resides undergoes a restart operation:
♦ RSTACT = 0: ACTIVE is false
♦ RSTACT = 1: ACTIVE is true
♦ RSTACT = 2: ACTIVE retains the value from the checkpoint file when the Control
Processor is restarted, or remains 0 when the compound makes a transition from Off
to On

For the EXC, IND, DEP, and MON blocks, the state of RSTACT is ignored when
the Control Processor restarts because of an OnLine Upgrade (OLUG).

When a DEP block is in the ACTIVE state, it may also be in the PAUSED state. A DEP block is
Paused when the PAUSED parameter is true.
When a MON block is in the Active state, it may also be in the Tripped state. A MON block is
tripped when the TRIPPD parameter is true.

Table 9-2. Sequence States

State Description
Inactive An IND, DEP, or EXC block is not executing any statements or a MON block
is not evaluating conditions.
Active An IND, DEP, or EXC block is executing statements or a MON block is
evaluating conditions.
Paused A DEP block’s execution is suspended because one or more EXC blocks in
the same compound are Active. The DEP block remains suspended until all
such EXC blocks are done executing.
Tripped A condition evaluated by a MON block causes it to activate other blocks. The
MON block remains tripped until all activated blocks are done executing.

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

Active State
In the Active state, an IND, DEP, EXC, or MON block is processed. (The TIM block does not
have an Active state. It is processed when the compound is On and the Application state is Auto.)
How statements are executed depends upon the Application states Auto, Step, and Manual.

Inactive State
In the Inactive state, an IND, DEP, EXC, or MON block is not processed. (TIM blocks do not
have an Inactive state. TIM blocks are not processed when the Application state is Manual.)

Active/Inactive Transitions
You can change the block Active/Inactive state from external sources such as user-defined and
default displays, other blocks, and applications.
The ACTIVE parameter is secured when a linkage to it exists. This means that you cannot access
the parameter directly. To activate or deactivate the block, you can:
♦ Access the ACTIVE parameter through the source of the linkage
♦ Write the number of a non-existing statement to STMRQ
Writing the number of a non-existing statement to STMRQ directs statement execution to the
end of the algorithm. Although the block is in effect deactivated, the ACTIVE parameter remains
true until it has been released. When released, it is automatically set to false.

Paused State
In the Paused state, DEP block statement execution is suspended due to active EXC blocks in the
same compound. The PAUSED parameter indicates whether a DEP block is in the Paused state.
When PAUSED is true, the block is in the Paused state.

Tripped State
In the Tripped state, a MON block has one or more cases tripped. A case trips when it is evaluated
as true and activates another block. The TRIPPD parameter indicates whether a MON block is in
the Tripped state. As long as at least one case is tripped, the TRIPPD parameter is true; otherwise,
TRIPPD is false.

Transition States
The Transition states, To_Inactive, To_Manual, and To_Paused, are intermediate states that the
Sequence Control block assumes while the block is executing one of the three standard block
exception handlers (SBXs 3, 4, and 5) that are provided for state change handling.

To_Inactive State
The To_Inactive state is an intermediate state that an IND, DEP, or EXC block assumes while
SBX 3 is executing. SBX 3 is the user-defined, user-enabled response to an externally initiated
change of block state from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step) state to the Inactive state.
The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Inactive state since they do not contain SBXs.

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

To_Manual State
The To_Manual state is an intermediate state that an IND, DEP, or EXC block assumes while
SBX 4 is executing. SBX 4 is the user-defined, user-enabled response to an externally initiated
change of block state from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step) state to the Manual state.
The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Manual state since they do not contain SBXs.

To_Paused State
The To_Paused state is an intermediate state that a DEP block assumes while SBX 5 is executing.
SBX 5 is the user-defined, user-enabled response to an externally initiated change of block state
from the Active/Auto (or Active/Step) state to the Paused state.
The IND and EXC blocks do not have a To_Paused state since they do not have a Paused state.
The MON and TIM blocks do not have a To_Paused state since they do not contain SBXs.

Compound Sequence State

The collective operational state of all sequential control blocks in a compound is represented by
the compound parameter SSTATE. SSTATE can be one of three values:
♦ SSTATE = 0 (Inactive)
♦ SSTATE = 1 (Active)
♦ SSTATE = 2 (Exception)
Refer to Table 9-3 for further definition.

Table 9-3. Compound Sequence State

SSTATE Value Description

Inactive All MON blocks and all Sequence blocks (IND, DEP, or EXC) in the
(SSTATE = 0) compound are Inactive.
Active One or more MON blocks and/or one or more Sequence blocks
(SSTATE = 1) (IND and DEP) in the compound are Active. No EXC blocks are active.
Exception One or more EXC blocks in the compound are Active. IND blocks may
(SSTATE = 2) be active; TIM blocks may be running.

When a compound is switched OFF, all the sequence blocks in that compound go to the Manual
state, thereby releasing their output parameters.

Sequence Processing
Sequential control blocks are processed every scheduled Block Processing Cycle (BPC) as defined
for the Control Processor in which they operate. Figure 9-1 shows the processing order within a
scheduled BPC.

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V


Compound A Continuous/LLI Continuous/LLI

Compound B Continuous/LLI Continuous/LLI
Compound C Continuous/LLI Continuous/LLI

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 9-1. Processing Order Within a Scheduled BPC

The scheduled BPC is determined by the block parameters PHASE and PERIOD. The PHASE
parameter specifies when a block needs to be executed relative to the other blocks in that
PERIOD. The PERIOD parameter specifies how frequently a block needs to be executed. For
more information, refer to “Block Phasing” on page 64, and “Relationship Between Block Period
and Phase” on page 65.
When a sequential control block is activated, it begins executing its block algorithm in the next
scheduled BPC as defined by the block parameters PERIOD and PHASE.
When a MON or TIM block is processed, its entire algorithm is executed each scheduled BPC
until deactivated.
When an IND, DEP, or EXC block is processed, a specified number of statements in the algo-
rithm are executed each BPC. The number of statements processed is determined by the value of
the block’s BPCSTM parameter. When the last statement is executed, the block automatically
deactivates itself.
Sequence language statements are executed in the order programmed by the user. Statement exe-
cution continues in a given BPC until:
♦ The number of statements specified by the BPCSTM parameter are executed in Auto,
or in Step mode.
♦ The last statement of a step is executed in Step mode.
♦ One statement is executed by request in Manual for an IND, DEP, or EXC block.
The number of statements executed in automatic may be less than the number specified by the
BPCSTM parameter if an executed statement needs more than one BPC to finish. For example:
♦ A statement makes a request to access a block parameter in a remote Control
♦ A WAIT or WAIT UNTIL statement has a wait condition exceeding the BPC.

Sequence Processing Overrun

If the block processor cannot process all scheduled blocks in a BPC, there is BPC overrun. In a
serious system overload, sequence (and continuous) blocks are processed, even if it delays the next
BPC for the remaining blocks not yet processed.

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

Useful Hints on SBX Programming

Only one exception handler needs to be active at any one time. Nested exception
handling can cause a system failure to be detected.

Operational Error SBXs

The sequence Interpreter has comprehensive error protection. In case of any detected operational
error, the parameter OP_ERR assumes an integer number that indicates the kind of failure
If OP_ERR has a value larger than 3000, a serious error is detected. When a serious error is
detected, be careful while defining SBX (exception logic) TO_SYS_ERROR. An attempt to con-
tinue to run or retry the same statement may cause memory violation, memory corruption, or
unpredictable control algorithm behavior. The nature of this kind of error is usually a detected
software or hardware problem. Therefore, use basic logic (no subroutine calls and external refer-
ences) to write OP_ERR, SBRNO, SBXNO, BLOCK_STMNO, and STMNO, then stop the
block, collect any related information, and report the information to Global Customer Support at
All other detected error conditions, including user errors (SBX TO_USR_ERROR: 2000 <
OP_ER < 3000), allow retrying the same statement. (If you do this, be careful to avoid infinite
loops.) Usually, “retry” does not resolve the detected error.
Example: OP_ERR 2314 “string type expected in string expression” does not go away after retry.
Remember, if you decide to continue you may end up with unexpected results.
STR1 := “:MAIN_LOOP.BO0001”;
STR1 is not a FPN (full path name) for a string type parameter. In this case LOC_VAR keeps its
value unchanged and CONTROLLER_1 BI0001 parameter is set to “TRUE”.
This example can cause detected problems in algorithm behavior:
II0002 := II;

RR : R;

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

RR := :WRONG:PATH.NAME; {* OP_ERR ‘-1’ *}

IO0003 := ROUND(RR);
{* All subroutines in the block share the same memory for local variables and
arguments. In the example, RR has a value of II0001 which is left after SUBR2
When II0001 is equal to ‘1’, ‘01 00 00 00’ is not a valid binary representation
of a float number.
{*Wrong practice: continue to run no matter what! *}
WAIT 0.1;
The FCP280, FCP270, and ZCP270 zero out denormalized values to help avoid a detected sys-
tem failure but this may cause unexpected algorithm behavior by using a value of zero instead of
what would be appropriate.
A common practice might be:
* TO_SYS_ERROR SBX – stop running if OP_ERROR > 3000
* TO_USR_ERROR SBX – stop running except OP_ERR 2401 if found necessary for
the algorithm strategy.
Be careful when continuing under detected error conditions triggered TO_SYS_ or


If you want the same number of retries on any HLBL statement which caused an operational
error, build the logic to properly reset the retry counter. Remember that each HLBL statement
can produce more than one detected error. Therefore, choose a proper limit for retries since the
RETRY instruction repeats the entire statement not just the non-functioning element. An exam-
ple of the proper implementation of the “retry” is as follows:
RETRY_CNT : I; {* to count retries on individual statements *}
SAVED_STMNO := -1; {* initialization to guarantee miscompare with


{* ERRx are errors to retry. For TO_SYS_ERROR SBX the statement
could be replaced with IF OP_ERR > 3000 THEN GOTO FINAL;

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

{* In some cases, you may want to add the “WAIT” statement at this
point. For example, OP_ERR ‘-1’ or ‘-45’
SENDMSG (“ERROR! op_err=”,OP_ERR,” stm=”, BLOCK_STMNO,
“ SBXNO=”,SBXNO) to SN0001; {* or to MSGGRx *}
The SBX design assumes that SAVED_STMNO has been initialized to -1:
1. In the first statement of the main code section, the first statement of each subroutine,
and the first statement of the state change SBX (TO_INACTIVE, TO_MANUAL,
2. In the last statement of the state change SBX unless the logic terminates the block.
3. In the first statement after any label which is used as the “GOTO” statement argu-
ment to change execution flow backwards or to jump from any type of SBX to the
block main section.

Detected Operational Error Conditions Inside Subroutines

Presently in an SBX there is no information about the subroutine number and statement number
of a subroutine which has triggered an SBX execution. BLOCK_STMNO refers to the main sec-
tion. In the SBX the STMNO refers to the current SBX statement, SUBRNO is 0 unless the SBX
itself calls a subroutine. To make the retry logic work properly, SAVED_STMNO needs to be
reset before each subroutine statement which may trigger the SBX retry logic. Usually, this results
in a significant overhead.
An alternative is to use a more elaborate approach which is primarily based on an assumption that
the retries make sense only on statements with external references. Related OP_ERRs which may
be fixed with retries are:
♦ All negative values. They are related only to external references outside the controller
or to targets which do not exist.
♦ “3”: Attempt to write a secured parameter (for example, an output parameter while
the block is in AUTO).
♦ “18”: Locked access (for example, the OWNER parameter of a block).
♦ “2401”: Attempt to set the ACTIVE parameter to a value that is already active.
The idea of the approach is to reset SAVED_STMNO inside subroutines before each statement
♦ External references (including ACTCASES, ABORT and ACTIVATE statements) to
a remote station database.
♦ Any of external sets including ABORT, and ACTIVATE statements which may pro-
duce OP_ERR 3, 18, or 2401 if retry is expected.
If speed and memory are not major issues detected, instead of resetting the SAVED_STMNO
multiple times for the kind of statement listed above, you may program HLBL logic to avoid
usage of this statement more than once inside of each subroutine. To remove multiple external
references from the subroutines, you can create a set of “set” and “get” subroutines to be called
when needed.

9. Sequence Logic B0700AG – Rev V

For SET_VALx() (where ‘x’ stands for R,I,B,S data type)
VAR := :’FPN’;


VAR := :’FPN’;
VAR := :’FPN’;

To continue after unsuccessful retries, you can help to secure the results by writing
the default value into VAR. Example:
VAR := :’FPN’;

Detected Operational Error Condition Inside State Change SBX

Presently in a detected operational error SBX there is no information about the state change SBX
which has triggered an operational error SBX execution. The situation is exactly the same as
described for subroutines. All recommendations for the retry logic which were given before are
suitable for the state change SBXs.

Complex Statements
You need to avoid complex HLBL statements such as these:
SAVED_STMNO := -1; {* the initialization is not needed for the main
code section. *}
This statement can produce OP_ERR “-1” twice and RETRY_CNT is not reset for the second
one. It is preferable to avoid usage of two or more external references in the single statement. You
need to use extra assignment statement instead:

B0700AG – Rev V 9. Sequence Logic

You may also double the number of retries by setting a proper value for LIMIT (the variable
LIMIT was used in the above example for SBX programming).

Usage of the SUBR_LEVEL Standard Parameter

Some applications use SBX logic to decide to “retry” or to “not retry” a particular HLBL state-
ment on a particular OP_ERR. Those applications may need more precise identification for sub-
routines which triggered the SBX. While the subroutine statement identification is the user’s
responsibility, there are ways to identify the subroutine.
The subroutine can be identified in the SBXs by the BLOCK_STMNO and SUBR_LEVEL stan-
dard parameters in cases when:
♦ HLBL logic does not have subroutine calls from other subroutines (the maximum
nesting level is one).
♦ All subroutines have not more than one call of another subroutine (no defined range
on the nesting level).
Remember that if the SBX does the identification inside a subroutine (the SBX calls another sub-
routine), the SUBR_LEVEL is incremented by one.
If subroutines are called from the state change SBXs and the block main section, user needs to set
the special flag at the beginning of the each state change SBX to be used in the detected opera-
tional error SBX to help ensure the correct subroutine identification. The flag needs to be cleared
at the end of the state change SBX.

10. System/Control Configuration
This chapter discusses various integrated control configurator concepts which are common to all
the system/control configurators; for example, hardware and software interfaces, and control
station, library volume, and compound configuration.

Schneider Electric provides a range of software packages to perform the system/control configura-
tion for your system, as listed here. Certain concepts are common to each of these configurators,
and these are described in the remainder of this chapter.
♦ System configuration is the configuration of the overall Foxboro Evo Process Automa-
tion System – the availability and relationships between the hardware – Foxboro Evo
Control Editors, IACC, and SysDef.
♦ Control configuration is the definition of the Process itself, or specifically, the Process
Control Database – control loops, blocks, etc. – Foxboro Evo Control Editors, IACC,
and ICC.

Foxboro Evo Control Editors

The Foxboro Evo Control Editors are a suite of engineering and configuration tools built on the
ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE). They provide a set of functionality for
configuring, operating and maintaining a Control Core Services system, including developing
control strategies from compounds, blocks and ladder logic, and building user displays.
For an overview of the available Control Editors packages (components), refer to Foxboro Evo Pro-
cess Automation System Deployment Guide (B0750BA).
The software packages which comprise the Control Editors functionality are described in the fol-
lowing documents:
♦ Appearance Object Editor User's Guide (B0750AE)
♦ Bulk Data Editor User's Guide (B0750AF)
♦ Common Graphical Editor Features User's Guide (B0750AG)
♦ Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
♦ Control Database Deployment User's Guide (B0750AJ)
♦ PLB Ladder Logic Editor User's Guide (B0750AK)
♦ Sequence Block HLBL Editor User's Guide (B0750AL)
♦ Sequence Block SFC Editor User's Guide(B0750AM)
♦ Strategy Editor User's Guide (B0750AN)
♦ Configuration Utilities User's Guide (B0750AZ)
♦ Logic Block Editor and Troubleshooting Tool (B0750BL)

B0700AG – Rev V 10. System/Control Configuration Concepts

♦ Scripting with Direct Access User's Guide (B0750BM)

I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC)

The I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) provides a graphical user interface for develop-
ing process control strategy diagrams (CSD), implementing CSD templates, configuring the
needed compounds, blocks and equipment control blocks, and downloading the configuration
database to the control processors. For more information on IACC, refer to these:
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE) and the latest
release notes
♦ Learning to Use IACC (B0400BT)
♦ Intelligent Design Studio (IDS) Library for IACC (B0400BQ)
Alternately, you can use the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) to configure your process
control system. This chapter provides an overview of the features and functions of the ICC, which
is both a configurator and a compound/block editor. As a configurator, it allows you to add or
modify Fieldbus Module (FBM) software data as necessary.
Hardware configuration takes place in the System Configurator as part of system startup, expan-
sion, or maintenance. A list of the configured modules is passed to the control configurator, where
it is accessible from the menu-bar function combination SHOW/Configured ECBs.
When you add an FBM to your system, you create an Equipment Control Block (ECB) for each
FBM selected. The ECB is the “holding place” for that FBM’s software data. ECBs are created
using the Insert Block/ECB function of the ICC main menu or the FBM/Fix All menu-bar
Additionally, database files are provided for each library volume as it is created in the system.
Once installed, these files can be identified by the lowercase characters “vol.”
All modifications to this physical data are made through the Integrated Control Configurator.
These modifications can be made to online stations or offline library volumes. As a com-
pound/block editor, the Integrated Control Configurator provides compound/block-building
templates along with a full range of editing functions.
With it you can:
♦ Create and integrate continuous, sequence, and ladder logic type blocks in a single
compound structure
♦ Group and connect compounds
♦ Modify, copy, and delete compounds and blocks
♦ Configure and modify Fieldbus modules
♦ Assign control schemes to stations in a distributed processing environment
♦ Build and maintain compound libraries
♦ Add device ECB blocks on line

Configuration Aids
Configurator selections are either from a menu bar along the top of the workstation screen, or
from menus that appear, making additional choices possible.

10. System/Control Configuration Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

From initial start-up, your directions on “what to do next” are provided by the logical structure of
the configurator.
As all-inclusive as the configurator program is, however, there are times when more information
and further assists are necessary. These aids provide that assistance.

Help Screens
Help screens provide necessary backup information. They provide help on detected issues such as
ranges, choices, and detected error messages. They also provide help on the help function itself.

Parameter List
When you edit a compound/block, you can select either the standard parameters, or the entire list
of parameters for that compound/block.

Sequential Control Block Reference Information

When a block is defined as one of the Sequence types, the configurator program transfers control
to the Sequence Environment. Selecting EDIT from this environment provides a character editor
for building and compiling source code for user-defined sequence blocks.
After the source code is compiled, control is again resumed by the configurator program.

Hardware Interface
The configurator operates with any Control Processor or any Application Workstation. It also
operates with any Workstation Processor supported by the Human Interface (HI) library.
The configurator needs to have a display screen and a keyboard.

User Interface
An alphanumeric keyboard is the primary input device.
A secondary input device is a mouse or trackball.

Software Interface
The configurator uses software processing routines to find:
♦ Control Processor letterbug names
♦ Fieldbus Module letterbug names for system-configured FBMs
♦ Control Processor database file (checkpointed) name
♦ Control Processor file status
♦ Control type availability for a Control Processor

Compound Summary Access

The Compound Summary Access (CSA) utility displays the list of active compounds and returns
the associated letterbug (if any) to the configurator. This provides a means of determining if a spe-
cific active compound name exists in the system.

B0700AG – Rev V 10. System/Control Configuration Concepts

CSA is a search and find utility and the “doorway” to the configurator.
Refer to Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV), Chapter 2, for more on CSA.

Software Processing
Software processing provides the functions to:
♦ Initialize the software processing facilities.
♦ Reset access to the local host.
♦ Determine the host associated with a specified Control Processor.
♦ Return a file containing the letterbug and note the installed (active) Control
♦ Return a file containing a list of the active printers.
♦ Return a file containing a list of the active Workstation Processors.
♦ Return a file containing a list of the active historians.
♦ Lock or permit access to the Control Station database file associated with a specified
Control Station letterbug.
♦ Lock or permit access to a library volume database.
♦ Unlock a Control Processor database.
♦ Return a list of FBMs, which were configured with the System Configurator, for a
specified Control Station letterbug.
♦ Return a list of the subset of the above System Configurator-configured FBMs which
have actually been created.
♦ Return a glossary of equipment configuration parameters for each FBM type, to aid
you in configuring an FBM which has not been pre-defined using the System

System Monitor Interface

The configurator requests a Control Processor database checkpoint of an active station in this
♦ The configurator finds the name of the system monitor responsible for the station.
♦ The configurator requests a checkpoint of the station from that system monitor.
♦ The system monitor responds when the checkpoint is in progress.
When the checkpoint is finished or the checkpoint fails (times - out), the system monitor sends a
message to the configurator indicating the result of the checkpoint. If so configured, the system
monitor creates a history of the event and prints a message to a communications server.

Control Processor Database Installer

This Control Processor-resident routine:
♦ Receives and acknowledges INSERT commands sent by the configurator, communi-
cated through an Interprocess Communication (IPC) interface.
♦ Updates the controller checkpoint file authorization code at the successful completion
of an INSERT command.

10. System/Control Configuration Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

♦ Initializes a compound or block after a modification is made.

♦ Provides single-channel, single-instance registration with the IPC subsystem, helps
guarantee that only one control configurator can connect to one controller at a time.

Configuration Target
You can select either a Control Station or a Library Volume as your configuration target.

Control Station Configuration

Before beginning an editing session with a new configuration target, the configurator:
♦ Retrieves all the appropriate station data
♦ Provides a list of the Control Stations that are configured for the system
♦ Compares the authorization codes of the resident controller database and the check-
pointed controller database
♦ Provides the means to make necessary adjustment(s) to mismatched, invalid data, or
disconnected hardware.
When you select DONE on the menu bar to exit the edit session, all data pertaining to the selected
station is validated and checkpointed.

Library Volume Configuration

Before beginning an editing session with a new Library Volume, the configurator provides a list of
volume letterbugs which have been configured for the user’s system. Once a volume letterbug has
been selected and the edit session initiated, the session status field displays INACTIVE, indicating
that there is no Control Station involved. The rest of the user interface is similar to that used for
Control Stations. When the user selects DONE from the menu bar, the volume data is validated and
the edit session is exited.

Compound Configuration
When you choose a Compound name, the configurator determines if the compound name exists,
is valid (up to 12 characters), and is unique in the system.
If the compound does not exist, the configurator assumes that you are attempting to add a com-
pound to the “working” library volume. It returns the letterbug of a default library volume, and
enters the INACTIVE editing mode.
If the compound does exist, the configurator displays the station or volume letterbug and the
compound name, along with a list of all the compounds in that Control Processor (in the leftmost
column on the screen). It then enters the ACTIVE mode.
You can also search for a selected compound name. This feature allows you to quickly find a spe-
cific compound from all the compounds in the defined domain. Once you make the selection, the
Compound Summary File informs the configurator in which checkpoint file the compound

B0700AG – Rev V 10. System/Control Configuration Concepts

Copying Compounds Between Configuration Targets

The configurator provides an editable area called a paste buffer. The paste buffer resembles a con-
ventional configurator volume, but its contents are not associated with a particular station or
library volume (targets).
The paste buffer allows you to copy compounds between stations or volumes. To do this, copy a
selected compound into the paste buffer.
Then choose a compound in the list and select PASTE to move the contents of the paste buffer
into the list just before the selected compound.
Since all compound names are unique within the system, rename the compound that you copied
into the paste buffer. You can copy more than one compound into the paste buffer. However, if
you are copying more than one compound, select PASTE AND APPEND rather than PASTE.
PASTE overwrites the contents of the buffer, while PASTE AND APPEND queues the com-
pounds in the buffer for later retrieval.

Checkpoint Files
You can request a Control Station database checkpoint during an edit session by selecting CHECK-
POINT from the menu bar. This checkpoints the entire database.

Compound and Block Name Conventions

Compound Names
Compound names are up to 12 characters in length and needs to be globally unique in the active
system. When you request that a new compound be added, the configurator station interface
checks to see if another compound by the same name exists. If the proposed compound name
already exists, the station interface returns a message that the compound cannot be added using
that name.
However, if the proposed compound name proves to be unique, the compound is added to the
Compound Summary File.
When you delete a compound, the compound is removed from the Compound Summary File.

Block Names
Block names, also up to 12 characters in length, need to be unique within a compound but not
necessarily throughout the system. The configurator displays a system message if you try to add a
block to a compound when another block by the same name already exists within that

Configurator Editing Modes

The configuration target determines the editing mode of the configurator. If the target is a library
volume, the editing mode is by default INACTIVE. If the target is a station, and an IPC connec-
tion can be established with the appropriate station database installer, the editing mode is

10. System/Control Configuration Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Active Editing
In the Active editing mode, the configurator is connected to a Control Station for interactive dis-
play and editing. In this mode you can:
♦ ADD and DELETE compounds, blocks, and ECBs
♦ MODIFY compound, block, and ECB parameters and connections
♦ COPY compounds to and from the paste buffer
♦ SAVE and LOAD compounds from floppy disk
♦ CHANGE Fieldbus Module per-unit and per-point parameters
When you finish modifying a block or another modifiable object definition, the configurator
automatically installs it when you select DONE.
The station returns acknowledgment messages on receipt of these commands informing the con-
figurator either of acceptance or rejection. The configurator maintains its station workfile to
reflect these results.
When you change a Fieldbus Module (FBM) configuration with the System Configurator, you
can optionally update the Control Station with the change. If the FBM is not known to the sta-
tion (no ECB present in the station checkpoint file), or the FBM data has either been deleted or
modified, you can use the configurator to produce appropriate insert commands so that the sta-
tion installs the appropriate ECB for the module.
The configurator makes a request to the system monitor to initiate a checkpoint operation and
the Control Station responds. When the operation is finished, the configurator is enabled for fur-
ther edit operations.
In addition, an ECB for a non-system configured FBM can be built from scratch, as in the case of
any other new block. The FBM corresponding to the new ECB is specified by entering the
DEV_ID parameter in the ECB configuration.

Inactive Editing
In this editing mode, the configurator is not connected to a station but modifies the database of a
Library Volume. Editing a Library Volume is essentially the same as editing a station. The internal
differences are that:
♦ There is no station in the communications loop.
♦ There is no validity checking for installation commands.
♦ There is no IPC linkage.
A workfile (which also exists for the active mode) substitutes as the station and adjusts the inactive
data base in response to changes.

Configuration Validation
Whenever you install a new block or modify the parameters of an existing block, certain parame-
ters of the affected block are validated according to block-specific rules. If a violation is detected, a
notification message is sent to the control configurator and displayed at the console. The same
message is shown on the primary page of the block’s detailed display. The string parameter
ERCODE is also set to contain the violation message. Certain violations are considered fatal
errors that are detected, and helps to prevent the block from being installed. Others are considered

B0700AG – Rev V 10. System/Control Configuration Concepts

only notification messages. These notification messages are handled the same way as detected
error messages, except that the incorrect configuration is preserved in the configuration work file.
This allows you to see the detected error that needs to be corrected. Validation of block parame-
ters does not proceed past the first error detected by the block logic. Table 10-1 shows the notifi-
cation messages. At present, all notification messages except “W59 – DUPLICATE OUTPUT
CHANNEL” cause the block to be marked Undefined.

Table 10-1. ERCODE Parameter Messages

Message Meaning
“W43 – INVALID PERIOD/PHASE PHASE does not exist for given block PERIOD, or block
COMBINATION” PERIOD not compatible with compound PERIOD.
“W44 – INVALID High range value is less than or equal to low range value.
“W45 – CONFIGURATION A parsing error has been detected in a CALC, CALCA,
ERROR IN STEP nn” LOGIC, or MATH block. nn identifies the step in
detected error.
“W46 – INVALID INPUT The source parameter specified in the input connection
CONNECTION” cannot be found in the source block, or the source
parameter is not connectable, or an invalid boolean
extension connection has been configured.
“W47 – INVALID PARAMETER A tuning block is connected to a PIDA block containing a
CONNECTION” connected tuning constant.
“W48 – INVALID BLOCK The configured value of a block option is illegal.
“W49 – INVALID BLOCK An illegal block extension has been configured for
block), or PIDBLK (FBTUNE, FFTUNE blocks).
“W50 – INVALID SIGNAL An SCI or SCO parameter setting is invalid.
“W51 – INVALID An I/O block is connected to an ECB or the wrong type.
“W52 – INVALID I/O An I/O block is connected to an ECB when the specified
CHANNEL/GROUP NUMBER” point number is invalid or when the specified group or
octet number is invalid.
“W53 – INVALID PARAMETER A parameter value is not in the acceptable range.
“W54 – ECB DOES NOT EXIST” An I/O block has a connection to an ECB that does not
exist or has not yet been installed. When the ECB is
installed, previously installed I/O blocks waiting for that
ECB will initialize automatically.

10. System/Control Configuration Concepts B0700AG – Rev V

Table 10-1. ERCODE Parameter Messages (Continued)

Message Meaning
“W55 – CONTROLLER DOES An FBTUNE or FFTUNE block has an unspecified or
NOT EXIST” unresolved extension connection to a PIDA controller
block. When the PIDA is installed, previously installed
tuning blocks waiting for that PIDA will initialize
“W56 – INVALID CONTROLLER An FBTUNE or FFTUNE block has an extension
MODE” connection to a PIDA block whose mode (MODOPT)
is not tunable.
“W57 – TUNING_CONSTANT An FBTUNE or FFTUNE block has an extension
LINKED” connection to a PIDA block that has a linked tuning
“W58 – INSTALL ERROR; A Database Installer error was detected.
“W59 – DUPLICATE OUTPUT This block and another output block are connected to
CHANNEL” the same output point. Since this may be intentional, this
message is only a notification message.

Programmable Logic and Sequential Control Block

Source Files
The Ladder Logic and Sequential control block types contain some fixed sets of parameters, but,
in addition, supply the Ladder Logic source code (for Ladder Logic), and/or Sequence Language
source code (for Sequence blocks). Either allows you to define the operation of the block.
When you define a block type as being either a Programmable Logic block (PLB) or one of the
Sequence types, additional functions highlight in the Block Functions menu, as appropriate.
They are:
♦ Edit Ladder Logic
♦ Edit Sequence Logic
Ladder Logic and Sequence Control Logic are described in “Ladder Logic Overview” on page 107
and “Sequential Control Blocks” on page 141, respectively.

B0700AG – Rev V 10. System/Control Configuration Concepts

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus
Application Interface
The communications network between the Foxboro Control Processor and the process
instrumentation consists of a hardware interface built around the Fieldbus Module (FBM) and
Fieldbus Communications Module (FCM) and a software interface centered about the
Equipment Control Block (ECB). This chapter discusses the interfaces – FBMs, FCMs and
ECBs, Fieldbus scanning, Fieldbus integration time, FBM types, and ECB types.

The Interfaces – FBMs, FCMs, and ECBs

The Fieldbus and the Fieldbus Modules or Fieldbus Communications Modules (FCMs) provide
the hardware interface between the process and the Control Processor. Process instrumentation
connects to the FBMs using field wiring. The ZCP270 needs a Fieldbus Communications Mod-
ule (FCM100Et or FCM100E - non-redundant or redundant) to interface with the FBMs. The
FCM100Et needs to be used when time synchronization of 1 ms is needed, Sequence of Events
(SOE) or Transient Data Recorder and Analyzer (TDR/TDA) will be used, or redundancy
requirements specify dual communication between each FCM and each controller. The
FCM100E can be used in all other cases.

The term “FBM” is used throughout this chapter to refer to all 200 Series FBMs
and DCS FBMs for migration to APACS+ systems and Westinghouse Process Con-
trol WPDF systems.
The term “FCM” is used throughout this chapter to refer to all different FCM types
(for example, DCMs, FBIs, FCM100 family, and so forth) unless otherwise noted.
For an entire list of FBMs, refer to Appendix C “FBM – ECB Cross Reference”.

For diagrams and an explanation on how the FCP280 connects to the process using a 2 Mbps
High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol Fieldbus that connects to 200 Series FBMs or
DCS FBMs, refer to Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW).
Figure 11-2 shows that the FCP270 connects to the process using a 2 Mbps High-level Data Link
Control (HDLC) protocol Fieldbus that connects to 200 Series FBMs or DCS FBMs. Refer to
Field Control Processor 270 User’s Guide (B0700AR) for additional information.
Figure 11-3 shows the FCP270 in a dual baud application. When used with properly installed
FBI200 modules, an FCP270 can communicate with 100 Series FBMs and 200 Series FBMs
simultaneously. The FBI200 modules receive signals from the 2 Mbps module Fieldbus and the
268 Kbps module Fieldbus, but filter out the 2 Mbps communications to help ensure the
100 Series FBMs and 100 Series-based migration modules only receive the 268 Kbps signals.
FBI200 modules also allow the 268 Kbps module Fieldbus to be extended over a twinaxial Field-
bus cable up to 1830 m (6000 ft). Field Control Processor 270 User’s Guide (B0700AR) and Stan-
dard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) provide additional information on
dual baud applications and Fieldbus extension of the FBI200.

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

Figure 11-4 shows that the ZCP270 Control Processor connects to FCM100Ets, and Figure 11-5
shows that the ZCP270 Control Processor connects to FCM100Es, using an Ethernet switch and
100 Mbps Ethernet Fieldbus. Each FCM100Et and FCM100E module connects to the process
using a 2 Mbps HDLC Fieldbus that connects to 200 Series FBMs or DCS FBMs. For more
information, refer to Z-Module Control Processor 270 User’s Guide (B0700AN).
System Definition restricts the number of FBMs up to:
♦ 128 of the 200 Series FBMs per FCP280 when the FCP280 is used with 200 Series
FBMs exclusively - up to 32 200 Series FBMs on each of the FCP280’s four Expanded
♦ 64 of the 100 Series FBMs per FCP280. (The FCP280 supports up to 128 100 Series
and 200 Series modules total. For an FCP280 supporting 100 Series FBMs, the
remainder of the 128 module limit may be 200 Series FBMs.)
♦ 32 of the 200 Series FBMs per FCP270
♦ 32 FCM100Ets or FCM100Es per ZCP270
♦ 32 of the 200 Series FBMs per FCM100Et (128 of the 200 Series FBMs per ZCP270
when using an FCM100Et)
♦ 32 of the 200 Series FBMs, 100 Series FBMs, or a combination of 100 and 200 Series
FBMs per FCM100E (128 total FBMs per ZCP270 when using an FCM100E)
The appropriate number of ECBs can be determined using the CP Sizing Spreadsheet and/or
Station Block. FBMs differ depending on the electrical nature and distribution of inputs and
outputs (FBM varieties are listed in “FBM Types” on page 184).
For sizing constraints that may affect the limits listed above, refer to:
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
The Equipment Control Block (ECB) provides the software interface between the FBM or FCM
and the I/O blocks.
ECBs differ depending on the FBM or FCM and its application [the varieties of ECBs are listed
in “Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs)” on page 184].
When you configure an FBM or FCM and its software application type, the System Configura-
tor/Definition automatically adds the appropriate ECB type.

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

The Foxboro Evo Control Network

Ethernet Fiber Switch Ethernet Fiber Switch

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


1 Gbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


100 Mbps Ethernet

Fiber Optic Cables
Tx & Rx (Redundant)

FCP280 Vertical Baseplate FCP280 Vertical Baseplate

To To Local/Remote
280 280 HDLC 280 280 Fieldbuses
Fieldbuses (200 Series
(200 Series or 100 Series
Fiber adapters* or 100 Series Fiber adapters* FBMs, etc.)
“A” and “B” FBMs, etc.) “A” and “B”

Note: For additional sizing information, refer to Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing
Guidelines and Excel Workbook (B0700FY).
For cabling connections to FBMs, refer to Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User’s Guide
* Copper adapters are also available for copper twinaxial cabling to The Foxboro Evo Control Network,
up to 100 m (328 ft).
Figure 11-1. Multiple FCP280s in The Foxboro Evo Control Network (Simplified)

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

The Foxboro Evo Control Network

Ethernet Fiber Switch Ethernet Fiber Switch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


1 Gbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


100 Mbps Ethernet

Fiber Optic Cables


FCP270 Only
Baseplate Splitter*
C C C C FCP270 Control Splitter*
P P FCP270 Control P P
Processor Processor
2 2 2 2
7 7 (Fault-Tolerant) 7 7 (Fault-Tolerant) F F
0 0 0 0 C C FCP270 Control
P P Processor
FCP270 Only 2 2
Baseplate 7 7 (Fault-Tolerant)
0 0
2 Mbps HDLC FCP270 Only
Module Fieldbus Baseplate
(Shielded Twisted
Pair Cables)
268 Kbps HDLC
Module Fieldbus
(Shielded Twisted
Pair Cables)

M M M Equipment Rack


















Up to 8 FBMs per Baseplate Competitive Migration Modules M M M
(Refer to B0400FA)
1x8 FBM Mounting
DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs
Up to 32 per FCP270 or FCP270 Pair Y-module FBMs or Migration Modules
(Refer to Note) Up to 64 Y-module FBMs per FCP270 or
FCP270 Pair (Refer to the Note below)

* Splitter/Combiner - not needed for FCP280, which uses network adapters instead.
Note: For additional sizing information, refer to Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing
Guidelines (B0700AV).
Figure 11-2. Typical FCP270 Network Configuration (Conceptual, Without Dual Baud)

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

Fault-Tolerant HDLC Module Fieldbus

FCP270s in Mix of 268 Kbps and 2 Mbps messages
Modular Baseplate (Shielded Twisted Pair Cables) 2 Mbps Module Fieldbus
Includes Fieldbus A and B (Shielded Twisted Pair Cables)

A ...
C C B ...
2 2
7 7 F F F F F F
0 0 B B B B B B

DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs

And 200 Series-based Migration Modules
Up to 32 per FCP270 or FCP270 Pair (Refer to the Note)
F F Other FBIs
FBI200s in I I Mounting Structure or
Two-Slot 200 200 Equipment Rack

100 Series
100 Series

100 Series
100 Series

100 Series
100 Series
100 Series





268 Kbps HDLC

Module Fieldbus Only Y-module FBMs or 100 Series based
(Shielded Twisted Migration Modules. Up to 64 Y-module
Pair Cables) FBMs per FCP270 or FCP270 Pair
(Refer to the Note below)

Other FBIs
1. For additional sizing information, refer to Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing
Guidelines (B0700AV).
2. For FBI200 installation instructions and other FBI200 configurations, refer to
Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) and Field Control
Processor 270 (FCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AR)

Figure 11-3. Example Network with FCP270 with Dual Baud Functionality
(Conceptual, With Dual Baud)

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface


100 Mbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables

100 Mbps
Splitter* ZCP270 Control Ethernet
Processor Fiber Optic
Splitter* (Fault-Tolerant) Fieldbus

Ethernet Ethernet
Fiber Switch The Foxboro Evo Control Network Fiber Switch


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1 Gbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16



100Mbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Fieldbus
(Redundant***) Splitter*

F F F F FCM100Et Fieldbus 100 Mbps

C C FCM100Et Fieldbus C C Communications Ethernet
M M Communications M M
100 100 Modules 100 100 Modules Fiber Optic
E E (Redundant***) E E (Redundant***) Fieldbus
t t t t (Redundant)
Equipment (Refer to
2 Mbps HDLC
Module Fieldbus
F F F (Shielded Twisted
B B B Pair Cables)

Baseplate Mounted Competitive

Equipment (Refer to B0400FA) Migration
DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs Modules
Up to 32 per FCM100Et or FCM100Et Pair** Equipment Rack
* Splitter/Combiner.
** For additional sizing information, refer to Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing
Guidelines (B0700AW).
*** ZCP270 supports either a non-redundant or redundant Fieldbus. Only one FCM100Et needed in
non-redundant configuration.
Figure 11-4. Typical ZCP270 with FCM100Ets Network Configuration (Simplified)

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V


100 Mbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables

100 Mbps
Splitter* ZCP270 Control Ethernet
Processor Fiber Optic
Splitter* (Fault-Tolerant) Fieldbus

Ethernet Ethernet
Fiber Switch The Foxboro Evo Control Network Fiber Switch


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1 Gbps Ethernet
Fiber Optic Cables



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


100 Mbps Ethernet

Fiber Optic Fieldbus (Redundant***)

C C Fieldbus Fieldbus C C Fieldbus
M M Communications M M Communications M M Communications
100 100 100 100 Modules 100 100 Modules
E Modules
E E E (Redundant***) E E (Redundant***)
Baseplate-Mounted Baseplate-Mounted
2 Mbps Equipment (Refer to Equipment (Refer to
B0400FA) B0400FA)
2 Mbps 268 Kbps
F F F 1x8 FBM MS
B B B To Other FBI
















Baseplate Mounted


Equipment (Refer to B0400FA)

Equipment Rack
200 Series FBMs
Up to 32 per FCM100E Competitive Migration Modules Y-module (100 Series) FBMs
or FCM100E Pair** Up to 128 per FCM100E
or FCM100E Pair**
* Splitter/Combiner.
** For additional sizing information, refer to Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing
Guidelines (B0700AW).
*** ZCP270 supports either a non-redundant or redundant Fieldbus. Only one FCM100E needed in
non-redundant configuration.
Figure 11-5. Typical ZCP270 with FCM100E Network Configuration (Simplified)

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

Figure 11-6 shows a typical control scheme using an FCP280 or FCP270 and 200 Series FBMs.
The ECB is the interface between the I/O blocks of a compound and the FBM data.

4-20 MA Remote Setpoint


4-20 MA Meas.

4-20 MA Output

Out Alarm
Status High
Contact FBM241 ECB5 Alarm
Out Status Low

Control Compound

(Note 3)

<Letterbug>_ECB Compound

FCP280 or FCP270 Controller

Control Core Services Enclosure

1. For ECB parameters definitions and ECB to FBM assignments, refer to
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
2. The Primary ECB(s) are automatically assigned to a compound named <Letterbug>_ECB,
for example, if an FCP letterbug is H51FCP, the compound name is H51FCP_ECB.
3. The FCP280 has four Primary ECBs - one for each of the HDLC fieldbuses (PIO channels)
that it supports.
Figure 11-6. Typical Control Scheme Using an FCP280 or FCP270 and 200 Series FBMs

When compound processing starts, each FBM or equivalent reads the I/O data (both input and
output channels) from the process instrumentation on a per-FBM basis. Any ECBs need to be
configured for a scan period equal to the fastest scan period specified for any Input-type I/O block
configured for that FBM. The FBM then conditions, digitizes, and normalizes the data, as neces-
sary, and stores the data and the status into its ECB.
As a control compound is processed, the input blocks retrieve the data from the ECB. Using this
new data, the Compound Processor generates new outputs which are forwarded to the appropri-
ate ECB. The ECB transmits the data to its FBM which converts the output value to a signal
(such as 4 to 20 mA or pulses) compatible with the process instrumentation.

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

FCP280 and Equipment Control Blocks

FCP280 control processors support four HDLC fieldbuses (PIO channels); this is also known as
the Expanded fieldbus. The FCP280’s baseplate has four Fieldbus ports, one for each HDLC
fieldbus. This is discussed in detail in Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide
Unlike previous control processors, the FCP280 has four Primary ECBs - one for each HDLC
fieldbus (PIO channel). Each one is assigned a number, equivalent to the number of the Fieldbus
port for which they are responsible. These are named PRIMARY_ECB, PRIMARY_ECB2,
PRIMARY_ECB3, and PRIMARY_ECB4; PRIMARY_ECB2 is associated with the HDLC
fieldbus off of Fieldbus port 2, etc.
For an FCP280, each of its FBM’s ECBs need to be assigned to the Primary ECB for the HDLC
fieldbus on which their FBM resides.
For Control Core Services v9.0 or later, the Primary ECB contains the BAUD2M parameter,
which is only used with the FCP280. This parameter defines the baud rate at which the HDLC
fieldbus associated with the Primary ECB will operate:
♦ 1 = 2 Mbps (default) - for 200 Series FBMs and similar modules
♦ 0 = 268 Kbps - for 100 Series FBMs and competitive migration modules
Verify that each FBM type is assigned to the appropriate HDLC fieldbus - 100 Series FBMs need
not be assigned to a 2 Mbps HDLC fieldbus, etc.
As well, for Control Core Services v9.0 or later, FBM ECBs (not device ECBs) contain the
CHAN parameter, a one-time only configurable parameter which has a value of 1-4 (1 is default),
representing the PIO channel number (i.e. the number of the Primary ECB) to which the FBM
ECB is assigned. CHAN needs to be set for its ECB when the ECB is created, and it cannot be
edited once set.
You need to set these parameters with your appropriate control configurator (Control Editors,
IACC, or ICC) in order to maintain proper communications between the FCP280 and their
FBMs. For control configuration details, refer to:
♦ Foxboro Evo Control Editors - refer to Block Configurator User's Guide (B0750AH)
and Hardware Configuration User's Guide (B0700BB)
♦ IACC - I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
♦ ICC - Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV)
The BAUD2M and CHAN parameters are not used with the FCP270/ZCP270 or earlier control
processors, or I/A Series software v8.8 or earlier.

I/O Fail-safe Strategy

Non-Ladder Logic FBMs use one of two strategies for obtaining output values:
♦ Normal strategy, in which the FBM uses the outputs received from the CP, as deter-
mined by the application software.
♦ Fail-safe strategy, in which the FBM uses outputs from its gate array registers. The
gate array registers contain:
♦ The current value for each of the FBM’s outputs
♦ A fallback value for each of the FBM’s outputs

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

♦ A hold/fallback bit for each output, to specify which of the two values each output
will take
Fail-safe is an FBM hardware logic state, designed to provide I/O security. This section describes
the events that place the FBM in the Fail-safe state, and the actions of the FBM while in the Fail-
safe state.
FBM fail-safe strategies are implemented by both software and hardware. The state of fail-safe is
indicated by the LEDs (Red/Green) on each FBM.
Whenever the Red LED is on, the I/O hardware has asserted Fail-safe. If the software is asserting
fail-safe, the Green LED is blinking on DIN FBMs.

Cold Start
(Red LED)
When the FBM is first powered up, the FBM firmware writes zeroes to the gate array registers and
places the FBM in its Fail-safe state. Since all the hold/fallback bits equal 0 (Fallback) and each
fallback value equals 0, each output is at its de-energized value of 0, waiting for the FBM to go

Placing the FBM OnLine

(Red/Green LED)
When the application software takes control it:
♦ Reads all the gate array registers
♦ Computes the current value of each I/O point
♦ Writes the current value into the Current Value register

FBM Exits the Fail-safe State

(Solid Green LED)
When the FBM receives the write message, it exits the Fail-safe state and:
♦ turns the Red LED to solid Green if it is on
♦ turns the blinking Green LED to solid green
In this state, the control strategy is sending its outputs to the FBM.
At this point, the application software maintains control until some event disrupts that control
and forces the FBM to Fail-safe.

The Fail-safe Configuration

The controller, as part of I/O hardware initialization, writes the ECB fail-safe configuration from
the ECB to the FBM gate array registers. For example, the controller implements the Fail-safe
configuration by writing the type 02 ECB parameters to a type 204 FBM:

FSMM02 Fail-safe Main Mask, ECB type 02 – provides the four bits to the
hold/fallback register that determine how the four output channels (05,
06, 07, and 08) respond during Fail-safe. If the bit = 1, the output goes to
hold and takes its value from the current value register. If the bit = 0, the
output goes to fallback and assumes the value from the fallback register.
FSMM02 is digitally coded as:

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

Table 11-1. FSMM02 Coding

Bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (LSB)

Channel number 08 07 06 05 xx xx xx xx

If, for example, channel 05 is to assume the fallback value in FS5D02

while channels 06, 07, and 08 hold their current value, then FSMM02
needs to = decimal 224, or hexadecimal E0 (bits 7, 6, and 5 = true).

FS5D02 Fail-safe, channel 5 Data, ECB type 2 – the fallback value for the
channel 5 output is written to the fallback value register.
The value represents the D/A raw count and needs to be related to the sig-
nal conditioning. For example, if this output is going to a 4-20 mA device
(raw count range: 12,800 to 64,000) then FS5D02 needs to be within
that range.
FS6D02, FS7D02, and FS8D02, the fallback values for channels 6, 7, and
8 are likewise written to the fallback value register.
You need to be especially careful when configuring the fail-safe mask and fail-safe values in ECBs
associated with redundant analog output FBMs. In addition to installing a special Termination
Cable Assembly (TCA) or Redundant Adapter, configure the ECB of each side so that its FBM
“fails low”. This is a constraint imposed by the hardware arrangement of the redundant-type TCA
or Redundant Adapter. Unless a failed FBM outputs 0 mA, the good side does not take over and
control the output correctly. This implies that the fail-safe mask of each ECB specifies Fallback for
each channel, rather than Hold. The Fallback value needs to be 0 raw counts for each channel,
even if the normal low end of the output span is 12,800 raw counts, corresponding to 4 mA.
Table 11-2 summarizes the needed ECB parameter values:

Table 11-2. Redundant Output Fallback Values

FBM ECB Mask Fallback Value

205 and 05 2 FSMM02 = 0 FS5D02 = 0, ... , FS8D02 = 0
208 2 FSMM02 = 0 FS5D02 = 0, ... , FS8D02 = 0
215 and 237 53 FSMM53 = 0 FS1D53 = 0, ... , FS8D53 = 0

Events Leading to Fail-safe

Some of the events that cause the FBM to transition from control to the fail-safe state include:
♦ Detected Software failures (SOFT):
♦ FBM download from the System Manager or legacy System Management Display
Handler (SMDH)
♦ EEPROM update from System Manager or SMDH
♦ FBM taken offline from System Manager or SMDH
♦ FBM turned online from System Manager or SMDH
♦ Detected Hardware failures (HARD):
♦ Detected Fieldbus Communications failure

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

♦ A detected Power failure

The FBM response to each of these events is described here.

FBM Download from System Manager or SMDH

(Previously Green LED)
The FBM goes to the hardware Fail-safe state (Red LED) and the FBM outputs assume the Fail-
safe configuration until the FBM is back online and the application software resumes control
(Green LED).

Detected Fieldbus Communications Failure

Detected Fieldbus Communications Failure or controller Failure:
Two ECB parameters determine the if and when of a detected communications failure between
the controller and the FBM configured in that ECB.

FSENAB Fail-safe Enable is a boolean parameter that, when true, enables the
FSDLAY timer. If communications fail with FSENAB false, there is no
fail-safe activity: the FBM continues to control the outputs using the cur-
rent values, which is equivalent to holding the outputs. The Green LED
remains on.

When FSENAB transitions to “false”, be aware that there is no immediate fail-safe
behavior initiated to recover from any hardware faults which may have been

FSDLAY Fail-safe Delay is a timer that, when enabled by FSENAB, specifies (in
units of 0.01 seconds) the length of time the FBM waits for a communica-
tion from the CP before entering a Commfail or software Fail-safe state
(in which outputs are under hardware control). This state asserts the out-
put values specified by the fail-safe (solid Red LED) configuration.
The default value of 1000 causes the FBM to wait 10 seconds between
controller communications before going to the Fail-safe state, if FSENAB
is set true.

When setting the Failsafe Delay value (FSDLAY) on a ZCP270 with associated
FCMs connected to the control network, remember that a CP hot-remarry or a net-
work re-span can each cause a detected loss of communication for up to one second.

The ECB parameter FSOPTN is the Fail-Safe Option and is a configurable option that specifies
the fail-safe conditions and action to be taken in an FBM for an output point in a ROUT block.

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

EEPROM Update from System Manager or SMDH

(Alternately flashing Red and Green LEDs)
The FBM goes to the Fail-safe state and the FBM outputs assume the Fail-safe configuration
defined by the gate array registers prior to the EEPROM update. The FBM maintains this defini-
tion until the EEPROM update is completed and the application software resumes control (Green

FBM Turned OffLine From System Manager or SMDH

If the FBM is taken offline from SMDH, the controller sends a message to the FBM as long as the
CP-to-FBM communications are good, shutting down the FBM. The FBM goes to the software
Fail-safe state (Green LED) and the outputs assume the fail-safe configuration values.
If the controller-to-FBM communications are bad, the FBM responds in one of two ways:
1. FSENAB is configured true. The FBM goes to software fail-safe state (solid Green
LED for FBMs, blinking Green LED for DIN FBMs) after the delay timer times out,
and the outputs assume the fail-safe configuration values.
2. FSENAB is configured false. The FBM, unaware of any communications breakdown,
continues to control the outputs using the current values – essentially a Hold state
(solid Green LED for FBMs, blinking Green LED for DIN FBMs).

Detected Power Failure

FBM01 to FBM46 and Equivalents
When the main power fails, 100 Series FBM outputs are de-energized (zero state) since it is the
main power that drives them. If the FBM has battery-backup, where the battery maintains the
hardware fail-safe configuration in the gate array registers, the LEDs are dark.
If main power returns while the FBM is still battery-backed, the FBM continues the fail-safe con-
figuration, now using the software. But if the main power returns after the backup battery dis-
charges, the fail-safe configuration is gone, and the FBM reverts to a Cold Start state.

FBM201 to FBM248 (200 Series FBMs and Equivalents)

When the main and secondary (if used) power fails, 200 Series FBM outputs are de-energized
(zero state) since it is the main and secondary (if used) power that drives them. If main or second-
ary (if used) power returns, the FBM reverts to a Cold Start state.

FBM Turned Online from System Manager or SMDH

(Red/Green to Green LED)
The manipulations associated with this state change do not bump the outputs. The outputs have
the values written to the hardware registers, by the application software, prior to transition to
restart. If the software is not run, the registers have the zero values received on power-up initializa-
tion, and the outputs are de-energized.

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

Fieldbus Scanning
Controller scan of a Fieldbus Module is performed on a per-FBM basis. For FBM01 to FBM46,
the Control Processor treats the Main digital type FBM and its Expansion Module as one FBM
when scanning the Fieldbus.
The ECB parameter, PERIOD, determines the period at which an FBM is scanned.
Fieldbus scanning of FBM data completes before block processing begins.
The Analog-type FBMs read in their Analog inputs every 25 or 50 ms, for purposes of
integration, independent of CP/Fieldbus scan intervals.

Fieldbus Integration Time

The FBM converts each analog input to a digital value within a time interval called the update
time, presently set to 25 ms.
The converted value at each update interval is summed and averaged over a specified time period
called the integration time or conversion time. This continuous integration technique provides a
filter time equal to the integration period.
A new value is available to the controller each update period. The value represents the average of
all the updated values over the last integration period.
The integration time needs to be twice the loop scan period for a better resolution and effective
anti-aliasing and filtering.

FBM201 to FBM205, FBM208, and FBM211 to FBM213

Analog input FBMs use a fixed resolution of 15 bits for each analog input. The Resolution (RES)
parameter for each ECB allows you to select a RES value of 1 to 5 which selects the conversion
time of the input. Conversion times of 50 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, 500 ms and 1000 ms can be spec-
ified for analog inputs. Specifying a longer conversion time gives more filtering by providing a
longer filter time constant.
Table 11-3 illustrates these time factors:

Table 11-3. FBM201 to FBM205 and FBM208 Integration Time Factors

Resolution Update Time Conversion Time RES Value

15 bits 25 ms 50 ms 5
15 bits 25 ms 100 ms 1
15 bits 25 ms 200 ms 2
15 bits 25 ms 500 ms 3
15 bits 25 ms 1000 ms 4

For example, for a 100 ms interval, a new analog value is converted every 25 ms. Each 25 ms sam-
ple is continuously averaged with the previous 25 ms samples over a 100 ms interval.
The higher 500 ms and 1000 ms conversion times are normally needed for the fixed span
thermocouple and RTD applications to meet the wider temperature spans (FBM202 and
FBM212 - Thermocouple Input, and FBM203 and FBM213 - RTD Input). Lower conversion
times (50 ms, 100 ms, or 200 ms) may result in unreliable measurement values.

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

FBM01 to FBM05
Resolutions of 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 bits can be specified for analog inputs. The greater the reso-
lution, the longer the conversion time. The Resolution (RES) parameter for each ECB allows you
to select a RES value of 1 to 5 which selects the resolution and integration time of the input. Spec-
ifying 15-bit resolution gives more filtering by providing a longer filter time constant.
Table 11-4 illustrates these time factors:

Table 11-4. FBM01 to FBM05 Integration Time Factors

Resolution Update Time Integration Time RES Value

11 bits 25 ms 50 ms 5
12 bits 25 ms 100 ms 1
131 25 ms 200 ms 2
14 25 ms 500 ms 3
15 25 ms 1000 ms 4
1. Default value for typical applications. 14-bit resolution is default for
thermocouple and RTD applications (FBM02 and FBM03).

For example, for a 12-bit specified resolution, a new analog value is converted to 12 bits every
25 ms. Each 25 ms sample is continuously averaged with previous 25 ms samples over a 100 ms
The higher 14-bit and 15-bit resolutions are normally needed for the fixed span thermocouple
and RTD applications to meet the wider temperature spans (14-bit resolution is the default value
for FBM02 – Thermocouple Input and FBM03 – RTD Input). Lower resolutions (12 or 13 bits)
may result in unreliable measurement values.

Cluster I/O
The three Cluster I/O analog input modules (FBC01, FBC17, and FBC21) provide 12-bit reso-
lution. No user options exist for Cluster I/O.

FBM Rate of Change Monitoring

FBMs containing analog input points perform rate-of-change checking on each such point by
using the configured ECB parameters ROCx, where x = 1, 2, ... The value of ROCx is the maxi-
mum rate of change for that channel, expressed in units of normalized raw counts per 100 ms. If
the input changes by more than that amount in 100 ms, the channel status is marked Bad.
The default value of zero for any ROC parameter inactivates rate-of-change checking for that
channel. (For ECB34 and 36, the parameters are labelled ROC1MD through ROC4MD. Cluster
I/O analog inputs do not have rate-of-change checking.)

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

FBM Types
Digital-type FBMs can execute four different applications or software types selected by configur-
ing the software type of ECB during System Configuration/Definition or Integrated Control
Configuration. These are:
♦ Digital Input/Digital Output
♦ Ladder Logic (LL)
♦ Sequence of Events (SOE)
♦ Pulse Counters (PC)
You need to select how a digital-type FBM is to function. It can operate in the Ladder Logic
mode, or in the Sequence of Events mode, or in the Pulse Counter mode, or in the Digital
Input/Digital Output mode, but it cannot combine modes. Cluster I/O FBCs of the digital type
(FBC07, FBC09, and FBC10) operate only in the Digital Input/Digital Output mode.
Digital inputs can be read by the controller as independent inputs, even though LL, SOE, or PCs
are executing in the FBM.
More than one type of I/O block can be connected to an FBM.
An FBM is identified by a user-defined, physical device ID label. This device ID label, referred to
as the “letterbug”, is used to relate the ECB to a specific FBM.
For a list of FBMs, refer to Appendix C “FBM – ECB Cross Reference”.

Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs)

When you configure an FBM, the System Configurator/Definition creates a file with the appro-
priate ECB (software) types, which is used by the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) and
I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC).
For the ICC, use the FBM Fix All function or the Insert Block/ECB function to add the ECB to
the control database and to specify or modify the parameter values for this added ECB.

Table 11-5. Equipment Control Blocks

ECB Number Description

ECB01 Analog Input
ECB02 Analog Input and Analog Output
ECB04 Pulse In and Analog Output
ECB05 Digital In, Sustained/Momentary, and Digital Out
ECB06 Sequence of Events Input
ECB07 Digital In and Pulse Count Input
ECB08 Ladder Logic
ECB09 Analog I/O, Digital I/O
ECB11 Reserved for Primary FBM
ECB18 Intelligent Transmitter 2 Interface (Child ECB)
ECB200 Parent ECB for Non-redundant DCI FBMs
ECB201 Child ECB for Non-redundant DCI FBMs

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

Table 11-5. Equipment Control Blocks (Continued)

ECB Number Description

ECB202 Parent ECB for Redundant DCI FBMs
ECB210 Fieldbus Communications Module FCM100Et and FCM100E
ECB23 Intelligent Field Device and Analog Output
ECB34 MDACT Feedback Lag, Tri-State
ECB36 MDACT Pulse Width, Tri-State
ECB38R Intelligent Field Device In and Analog Out, Dual Baud Rate, Redundant
ECB41 Analog Input, Cluster I/O
ECB42 Digital Input, Cluster I/O
ECB43 Analog Output, Cluster I/O
ECB44 Digital Output, Cluster I/O
ECB46 Digital I/O, Cluster I/O
ECB47 FBP10 Cluster I/O Interface
ECB52 DPIDA Interface
ECB53 Analog Output
ECB73 Parent ECB for FoxCom™ FBMs
ECB74 Child ECB for Intelligent Positioners
ECB110 FCM10
ECB210 FCM100

The ECB types listed in Table 11-5 include the ECB Primary (ECBP or ECB11). An ECBP is
associated with each Control Station and specifies Fieldbus communication parameters (for exam-
ple, bus switching and watch dog timer).
You can establish the ECB type during System Configuration/Definition when you select the
FBM Hardware/software type, or specify it when executing the ICC Insert Block/ECB function
to add the ECB. When adding an ECB in the ICC, specify the ECB type first, then define its
hardware and software type.
For a list the ECB Assignments by System Configurator/Definition, refer to Appendix C “FBM –
ECB Cross Reference”.

Diagrams – ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and FBMs

ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and 200 Series FBMs
This section uses a series of interface diagrams to show the relationship of the ECBs to the
I/O blocks at the Control interface, and to the 200 Series FBMs at the Process interface.
Each diagram shows all the I/O blocks and all the FBMs that connect to the ECB in the center of
the diagram.

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface



FBM203d FBM204
FBM212 FBM208




ECB4 FBM206 ECB53 FBM237




FBM207 FBM207c
FBM207c FBM219
FBM217 FBM238
FBM241d VLV FBM242

Figure 11-7. DIN Rail Mounted FBM Connections to ECBs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 53

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V



FBM207 ECB9 FBM227
ECB7 FBM207c


ECB23 FBM243b
ECB73 FBM243



ECB38R FBM246b

IT1 / IT2






Figure 11-8. Connections to ECB5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 23, 34 and 38R

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface






ECB200 FBM244

Figure 11-9. FBM214, 214b, 216, 216b, 244 and 245 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202






Figure 11-10. FBM215 and 218 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V





ECB201 ECB200


Figure 11-11. FBM220 and 221 Connections to ECB200 and 201






ECB200 FBM222









Figure 11-12. FBM222 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface






ECB200 FBM230





Figure 11-13. FBM223, 230, 231, 232 and 233 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V








RIN ECB201 ECB200 FBM224






Figure 11-14. FBM224 Connections to ECB200 and 201

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface







ECB200 FBM228






Figure 11-15. FBM228 Connections to ECB200, 201, and 202

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V













Figure 11-16. FBM229 Connections to ECB200 and 201

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface


or PID or
Optional Real (REALM) OUT or Optional Real (REALM)
or Measurement (MEALM) or Measurement (MEALM)
Alarm Block Alarm Block
To Displays and
Maintenance or
Data Collection

* The AIN block is only needed

in configurations in which you wish
ECB73 to incorporate filtering (for example,
for Intelligent Transmitters which
need signal conditioning).
** AOUT block is necessary to
characterize the output signal
IT to the Intelligent Positioner
(needs SCO = 14)


Intelligent Positioner Intelligent Transmitter

Figure 11-17. Typical FBM243 and ECB73 Configuration

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V


or PID or
Optional Real (REALM) OUT or Optional Real (REALM)
or Measurement (MEALM) or Measurement (MEALM)
Alarm Block Alarm Block
To Displays and
Maintenance or
Data Collection

* The AINR block is only needed

in configurations in which you wish
ECB38R to incorporate filtering (for example,
for Intelligent Transmitters which
need signal conditioning).
** AOUTR block is necessary to
characterize the output signal
IT to the Intelligent Positioner
(needs SCO = 14)


Intelligent Positioner Intelligent Transmitter

Figure 11-18. Typical FBM246 and ECB38R Configuration

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

ECB Interfaces to I/O Blocks and 100 Series FBMs

This section uses a series of interface diagrams to show the relationship of the ECBs to the
I/O blocks at the Control interface, and to the 100 series FBMs at the Process interface.
Each diagram shows all the I/O blocks and all the FBMs that connect to the ECB in the center of
the diagram.

ECB1 2
CIN 7,7A,7B,H7 12A, 12B
MAIN MCIN 8, H8 13
COUT 9,9A,9B, H9 14A, 14B
AIN MCOUT 10 14C, 14D
11 15
ECB5 20 16
ECB4 6
AINR 24A, 24B 21
MTR 24C 25A, 25B
MOVLV 26A, 26B 25C
AOUT VLV 26C 27A, 27B
GDEV 41A, 41C 27C
AOUTR 42A, 42C


7A 12A AINR 7A 12A

7B 12B 7B 12B

8 13 MAIN 8 13
20 21 CIN 20 21
24A 25A 24A 25A
24B 25B GDEV 24B 25B
24C 25C 24C 25C

Figure 11-19. Connections to ECB1/2/4/5/6/7

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V


LADDER LOGIC 7, 7A, 7B 12A, 12B
8 13 17A
PLB 9, 9A, 9B 14A, 14B 17B
10 14C, 14D 17C
11 15 17D
CIN ECB8 20 16 ECB9
24A, 24B 21
25A, 25B MTR
26A, 26B
27A, 27B VLV
41A, 41C
42A, 42C

Figure 11-20. Connections to ECB8/9

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface



D760 ECB19 760 FDBIN

D761 ECB21


38 AIN
ECB23 39



Figure 11-21. Connections to ECB19/20/21/22/23

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

17A 17A
17C 17C












AIN 43
ECB23 44



Figure 11-22. Connections to ECB12/23/34/36/73

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface


AIN 22


ECB38R 46
ECB53 37

Figure 11-23. Connections to ECB38/52/53

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V



















Figure 11-24. Connections to ECB41/42/43/44/46

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

Window Equipment Control Blocks

Window Equipment Control Blocks (window ECBs) provide an extended communications inter-
face between the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System and Intelligent Field Devices (IFDs),
the next generation of field devices. IFDs, as their name implies, incorporate intelligence at the
hardware device level, such as signal conditioning and even process control, and so need a new
software interface. This interface is the Window ECB, which integrates IFDs into the Foxboro-
Evo Process Automation System while providing access to the IFDs extended capabilities.
Window ECBs are device-specific and grow in number as the number of IFDs increases.
Table 11-6 lists the current Window ECBs and the specific devices they support.

Table 11-6. Window Equipment Control Blocks

Window ECB Supported Device

ECB18 The 820 Series and 860 Series Intelligent Transmitters and Vortex Meters

General Window ECB Concepts

Because IFDs are intelligent devices, the model of the FBM (hardware) and ECB (software) pro-
viding the device interface to the CP no longer holds in exactly the same way. Many of the func-
tions performed by CP blocks, such as signal conditioning and translation to engineering units,
may now be performed by the IFD. Accordingly, the software interface to the IFD, which the
window ECB provides, needs both less and more support from the CP. Some IFDs connect
directly to an FBM, others, to an intermediary device.
On the one hand, many of the functions previously performed by ECB and I/O blocks are now
performed directly by the device. Thus, many signals need only appropriate pass through to the
Foxboro Evo Process Automation System to be integrated into the control context. On the other
hand, because the devices themselves offer more configuration and reporting capabilities, the soft-
ware interface between the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System and the device make these
capabilities accessible from the CP. Thus, window ECBs perform two basic functions:
♦ The Window ECB offers access to IFD inputs and outputs as Control Core Services
parameters, allowing inputs to be set for simulation purposes and connected directly
to Control Core Services blocks, including control (for example, PIDE) and alarm
(MSG, STALM, and MEALM) blocks.
♦ The Window ECBs, through an extended, graphically-based interface—namely, the
window—provide access to the IFD’s sophisticated, on-board capabilities, ranging
from minimal amounts of device configuration to device-specific functions that go far
beyond the management of control-related contact points.
These subsections detail general Window ECB capabilities and requirements.

Window ECBs operate directly on the device for configuration. Configuration parameters are of
two types. The first group representing essentially non-dynamic data specifies the operation of the
window ECB, for example, period, phase, and source connections for outbound process data.

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

These parameters are configurable through the IACC or ICC in the same way as parameters of
standard blocks.
The second group of parameters represents dynamic, real time data, usually measurements or sta-
tus information (the parameter names and data types vary with each window ECB). These param-
eters are normally not settable, since they reflect current device values. However, a special BYPASS
switch allows for simulation setting.
To support device-specific alarm functions, window ECBs can be connected to other blocks, such

The window ECB presents the device as a group of Control Core Services parameters, providing
access to device-specific parameters, but also thereby integrating device outputs into the generic
parameter interface demanded by the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System. Accordingly, all
window ECBs, regardless of device, follow the same overall design. This description of the generic
window ECB also serves as a narrative of how the window ECB is installed, made active, operates,
and is shut down.

Window ECBs validate themselves only regarding normal connection. Device parameter valida-
tion is, for IFDs, device-resident and thus takes place prior to connection.

Initialization is invoked as part of the PIO Maintenance task based upon the generic flag request
mechanism. Initialization performs two basic functions:
1. The initialization needed by the window ECB’s processes (the connected dynamic
data). This initialization is executed before any other ECB code, allowing resetting the
ECB history of the previous cycle states.
2. The initialization of non-dynamic data by directly reading the device.
During initialization, all parameters are marked OOS (out of service), and remain OOS until the
first input/output scan.
The trigger event for start up initialization is the ECB offline to online transition. Upon comple-
tion, the static data upload function triggers the update of displays and other processes dependent
on the data. Device-specific window ECBs provide for multiple trigger events for complete and
partial re-initializations at times other than start up. For example, device reconfiguration and
detected communication failures (refer to the individual window ECBs for details).

Real Time Input Points

To provide real time input points, window ECBs present device values as Control Core Services
parameters of the appropriate type. Window ECBs thus include a portion of the functionality
usually provided by CIN and AIN blocks. In addition, window ECBs support simulation and
hardware testing.
The window ECB for Cluster I/O (ECB47) does not contain any real time input or output point
data. This dynamic data is contained in the ECBs for the separate FBCs attached to the cluster,
and these ECBs are not treated as window ECBs. ECB47, which serves the cluster’s communica-
tion interface, the FBP10, is considered a window ECB since it is treated as such by System Man-

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

agement and the CP I/O scan logic. The information in this section and the section on Real Time
Output Points does not apply to the ECB47 window.

Input Point Parameters

Each window ECB input point is associated with three parameters, DEVICE_VALUE,
♦ DEVICE_VALUE is the generic name for parameters IVAL1 to IVAL_3
♦ POINT_VALUE is the generic name for parameters MEAS1 to MEAS3
♦ BYPAS is the generic name for parameters BYP16
Up to three points can come from the device.
DEVICE_VALUE is always secured, since the value can be updated only from the device and
thus cannot be overwritten if data flow is interrupted. If the device can supply “bad” values, the
input point needs to have a “last good value” parameter.
POINT_VALUE is the value to which the control strategy connects. Its behavior is controlled by
the BYPASS parameter.
The BYPASS parameter is a single bit of a packed boolean or packed long parameter. By default, it
is set to Off, which enables direct copying of DEVICE_VALUE to POINT_VALUE, to be
updated every input cycle. When simulation is needed, however, you can set BYPASS to On, and
enable manual setting of the POINT_VALUE. The point’s DEVICE_VALUE parameter contin-
ues to reflect the real time value from the device, and is immediately copied to POINT_VALUE
upon turning BYPASS off.
The “last good value” parameter is needed if (and only if ) the device can supply “bad” values. It is
a packed boolean or packed long configurable parameter.

Input Point Scanning

Input points are updated through real time input scanning based on the window ECB’s period
and phase parameters. The scanning first sends data requests to the device, then processes the
communication responses from the device to update the input point parameters.
Updating a window ECB input point needs the simultaneous update of related status parameters,
to be consistent with Control Core Services conventions. These parameters help to ensure com-
♦ OM on scan, which is true unless the value is a sink for a broken or invalid
♦ ON control, which is true unless the window is Off.
♦ OOS (Out-Of-Service), set in all cases when fresh data is not available (for example,
communication interruption, during initialization, window Off ).
♦ BAD, which implies a fault or error condition to be detected.
♦ ERROR, which indicates a detected problem with the upstream data needed to com-
pute the value.

Real Time Output Points

The control system acts by manipulating output points for data that are sent to the device. The
output points are, however, more than the result of a conversion to the device’s signal conven-
tions. Rather, they are one of the means whereby the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

implements its control strategy, for events ranging from state transitions such as initialization to
detect communication failures and field device state changes.
Accordingly, the functionality associated with a point can range from a switch toggled from a pro-
cess operator display to a set point fed from a complex cascade. The former, a simple settable out-
put, is implemented with a single shadow parameter. The latter needs all the elements of the
Foxboro Evo Process Automation System cascade interface, including connection points for the
cascade’s INITI, BCALCI inputs and support for the PRIBLK handshake.

Output Point Parameters

These parameters support this wide range of output point functions:
♦ Device output point, a shadow parameter that associates two values with the same
name: a current field value and a hidden, “in-transit” write value.
♦ Control output point, the device output point’s point value parameter, to enable test,
simulation, and reconfiguration.
♦ R/L switch, to enable remote and local connections for output manipulation.
♦ Upstream BCALCI support, provided by the shadow parameter point in simple cases
and a device-supported parameter for complex cases, to be called BCALCO only in
this case.
♦ Upstream INITI support, expected to be connected to INITO, if any controller is to
be connected upstream.
♦ The PRIBLK handshake, to help ensure that the output value has been computed
before being output. A per-point enable is needed in multiple point contexts.

Output Point Scanning

As with input point scanning, a first phase constructs the outbound messages to the device, the
second phase interprets and acts on the replies. The write operation is the inverse of the data
transformation performed by input scanning. The model for state definition and transition logic
requirements is the AOUT block, which is the point of reference for the window ECB output
point parameters.
Initialization allows for outputs to be read back.
In the updating of shadow parameters the read half of the parameter is to be updated at the proper
control point in cases of a detected communication failure. In such cases, the value waiting to be
written back cannot necessarily simply be kept.
Device status requirements help to ensure that the output value is “good” before being sent to the
device, in cases where the device does not itself perform validation.

Commfail Issues Detected

For IFDs, detected communication failures need to be handled by the device, since all the Con-
trol Core Services can do is create alarms once a communication has been detected.

The trigger event for shutdown is the SMDH offline action. It is functionally similar to turning
off a compound: the window ECB goes OOS and real time scanning of the device is shut down.

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

The Foxboro Evo Process Automation System supports two families of alarms: process alarms and
system alarms. Process alarms highlight process conditions; system alarms report exception condi-
tions relating to the control system itself. IFDs, which include both diagnostic logic to report
hardware faults and application-level intelligence recognizing process exception conditions need
both process and system alarms.
Alarm blocks—STALM, MEALM, and MSG—provide Foxboro Evo Process Automation System
support for device-resident alarms, by converting the device’s detection of alarm conditions into a
parameter interface to the Control Core Services

Device States and Status

The ECBSTA parameter is designed to coordinate control actions with device states and status for
IFDs, whose device states are often complex.
The ECBSTA parameter has two portions, a generic control status section and a device-specific
section. The device-specific portion is defined by each particular window ECB.
The generic portion of ECBSTA provides information in three basic categories: window, device,
and data flow. Each is mutually exclusive and inherently hierarchical.

Window States
A window has two states, On and Off. Transitions are triggered by SMDH online and offline
Off shuts down all mechanisms associated with the window. All parameters are marked OOS.
Existing values are left unchanged. Where appropriate, output parameters are released.
On turns on all mechanisms associated with the window. With the window state on, the device’s
functions are part of the user’s real time control strategy. The device state needs to be ON_SCAN.

Device States
Devices have five explicit, mutually exclusive states. A sixth state, OFF, follows from the OFF
window state.
1. ON_SCAN, which is the device state that supports real time control. In the
ON_SCAN state, device parameters can be used by the Control Core Services.
2. COMM_FAIL, which is entered when communication is disrupted and left when
communication is resumed. In this state, window points are BAD and OOS.
3. DEVICE_FAILED, which is entered when the device detects a fatal hardware fault or
detects other fatal error condition, except a communication failure.
4. DEVICE_NOT_READY, which is the transition state, as in normal start-up.
5. DEVICE_OOS, a transition state set by the operator or other external control. The
device is healthy, but not to be used for its normal functions.

Data Flow Indicators

In the case of data flowing up from a device, the status section of the ECBSTA parameter provides
all necessary information for control and display purposes.
For data flowing down to the device, status alone does not suffice. To account for per-point status,
there is a packed boolean OUTSTA parameter. Each output point is assigned two bits. The first
bit, when set, indicates data is being held by the window Control Core Services output interface

11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface B0700AG – Rev V

logic. The second, when set, indicates that the output is not writable at the device level. OUTSTA
is marked OOS if the device is not ON_SCAN.

Additional Status Indicators

These are window-level device interface properties:
1. Window Configuration Detected Error, which indicates an invalid parameter connec-
tion, indicated in the ECBSTA parameter.
2. Initialization Complete, which indicates that the window’s support data from the
device is finished.
3. Simulation Active, which indicates that the window ECB is in simulation mode.
4. Bypass Active, which is set if any of the window BYPASS bits is set (it is the OR of all
per-point window BYPASS switches).
5. Output Point Open, which is set if any of the point OUTSTA parameters is set (it is
the OR of all window point OUTSTA parameters).
6. Fail-safe, which indicates that the device considers that Control Core Services’ Con-
trol has failed and is controlling Control Core Services outputs to itself.

Individual Window ECBs

Individual window ECBs conform to the general window ECB design presented earlier. The con-
ceptual features specific to the each window ECB are discussed here.

Intelligent Transmitter Window ECB (ECB18)

The Intelligent Transmitter window ECB (IT ECB) receives up to three measurement values and
status conditions from the device for integration into the control scheme. ECB18 is internally a
window ECB interface to the ECB12 parent IT ECB directly accepting communication variables,
information parameters, and bypass switches.
From the IT ECB, operators can set upper and lower range levels for each input. Status conditions
are also available, for display and for optional connections to the control scheme. The IT ECB
supports both hardware fault detection and bad measurement detection.
Optional features include marking primary measurements as bad when the temperature measure-
ment is out of range, and “last good value” retention.

B0700AG – Rev V 11. Control Processor/Fieldbus Application Interface

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning
This Appendix defines the conversion algorithms for signal conditioning indexes. These are
optionally offered for both the AIN and MAIN block types. The inverses of some of these
algorithms are available for use in the AOUT and AOUTR blocks.

Input Signal Conditioning

Each Signal Conditioning Input (SCI) index specifies a particular conversion algorithm that con-
verts the raw count data value to a real floating point value in the specified engineering units span.
This subsection describes the signal conditioning indexes for the 100 and 200 Series Fieldbus
Modules (FBMs).

FBM Input Signal Conditioning

Characterizer tables are used to convert raw data from either an FBM202, FBM212, or FBM02
and FBM36 Millivolt I/O Module (for thermocouple temperature measurements), or an
FBM203, FBM213, or FBM03 RTD I/O Module (for resistance temperature measurements).
Characterizer tables support various standard thermocouple and RTD sensor types for signal con-
version indexes in the range 20 through 39.
The thermocouple FBM provides a fixed millivolt range of -10.5 to 69.5 mV for 0 to 64,000
counts. The overall conversion resolution is 2.5 microvolts/count.
The RTD FBM provides a fixed resistance range of 0 to 320 Ohms for 0 to 64,000 counts. The
overall conversion resolution is 10 milliohms/count.
The engineering span is specified by the high scale and low scale parameters for the PNT output.
The high scale and low scale values correspond to the raw signal values of 64,000 counts and
0 counts, respectively. You can use the CHAR block extender to build custom piecewise linear

Linear and Nonlinear Signal Conversion (FBM)

SCI = 0: No Conditioning
converted_value = raw_value
SCI = 1: Linear 0 to 64000 raw counts
converted_value = (raw_value * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) / 64000) + LSCO1
SCI = 2: Linear 1600 to 64000 raw counts
converted_value = ((raw_value - 1600) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) / 62400) +
SCI = 3: Linear 12800 to 64000 raw counts
converted_value = ((raw_value - 12800) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) / 51200)
SCI = 4: Square Root 0 to 64000 raw counts

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes

converted_value = (SQRT(64000 * raw_value) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) /

64000) + LSCO1
SCI =5: Square Root 12800 to 64000 raw counts
IF raw_value <= 12800
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = (SQRT(51200 * (raw_value - 12800)) * (HSCO1 -
LSCO1) / 51200) + LSCO1;
SCI = 6: Square Root 0 to 64000 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 480
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = (SQRT(64000 * raw_value) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) /
64000) + LSCO1;
SCI = 7: Square Root 12800 to 64000 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 13184
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = (SQRT(51200 * (raw_value - 12800)) * (HSCO1-
LSCO1) / 51200) + LSCO1;
SCI = 9: Linear 1600 to 64000 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 1600
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = ((raw_value - 1600) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) / 62400)
+ LSCO1;
SCI = 10: Linear 12800 to 64000 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 12800
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = ((raw_value - 12800) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) /
51200) + LSCO1;
SCI = 12: Linear 14080 to 64000 raw counts
IF raw_value <= 14080
converted_value = ((raw_value - 14080) * (HSCO1 - LSCO1) /
49920) + LSCO1
SCI = 13: Square Root 14080 to 64000 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 14080
converted_value = LSCO1;
converted_value = (SQRT(49920 * (raw_value - 14080)) * (HSCO1
- LSCO1) / 49920) + LSCO1;

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes B0700AG – Rev V

Pulse Rate (FBM)

SCI = 8: Pulse Rate
SCI = 8, converts the incoming pulse rate raw value into the proper engineering units.
The FBM can measure a range of pulse rate frequencies from 1/(integration time) to the
maximum hardware limit 25 kHz for FBM206 or 12.5 kHz for FBM06.
A meter factor scaling constant (MTRF) is provided for the SCI 8 option. It can be used
to translate the measured pulse rate signal (Hz) to the desired rate measurement in the
chosen engineering units; for example, flow rate in gallons per minute.
Therefore, the possible span of the converted value can range between the low cutoff fre-
quency and the maximum FBM pulse rate frequency of 25 kHz (or 12.5 kHz).
MTRF has the units of the configured engineering units (EO) per Hz.
converted_value = MTRF * pulses_per_second (EO)
The assigned values for the output engineering range scale parameters, HSCO1 and
LSCO1, are not used during the conversion process, because the output span is not nor-
malized to the FBM’s conversion span. They are provided for display indication purposes
only, and are usually configured to represent the range of the measuring device; for exam-
ple, a flow meter. If the range of the measuring device is unknown, then they may be set to
the engineering units that correspond to the FBM’s conversion range, which ranges
between fco and 25 kHz (for FBM206, for example); that is,
HSCO1 = MTRF * 25,000
LSCO1 = MTRF * fco

Thermocouples (FBM)
SCI = 20: Type B Thermocouple

Material : Platinum-Platinum
Range : 0 to 1820 deg C
Curve : P331-0/68 (TI 15-18a)

SCI = 21: Type E Thermocouple

Material : Chromel™-Constantan
Range : -270 to 910 deg C
Curve : S303-0/68 (TI 5-17c)

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes

SCI 23: Type J Thermocouple

Material : Iron-Constantan
Range : -210 to 1200 deg C
Curve : S99J-0/68 (TI 5-12f )

SCI 24: Type K Thermocouple

Material : Chromel-Alumel™
Range : -270 to 1372 deg C
Curve : K223-0/68 (TI 5-13c)

SCI 25: Type N Thermocouple

Material : Nicrosil-Nisil
Range : -270 to 1300 deg C
Curve : IPTS-68 (TI 5-19)

SCI = 26: Type R Thermocouple

Material : Platinum-Platinum
Range : -50 to 1768 deg C
Curve : P329-0/68 (TI 5-14d)

SCI = 27: Type S Thermocouple

Material : Platinum-Platinum
Range : -50 to 1768 deg C
Curve : P307-0/68 (TI 5-15e)

SCI = 28: Type T Thermocouple

Material : Copper-Constantan
Range : -270 to 400 deg C
Curve : S233-0/68 (TI 5-11c)

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes B0700AG – Rev V

(FBM) Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

SCI = 40: Copper RTD (SAMA)

Material : Copper
Range : -70 to 150 deg C
Curve : CR-229 (TI 5-25a)

SCI = 41: Nickel RTD (SAMA)

Material : Nickel
Range : -100 to 160 deg C
Curve : NR-227 (SAMA) (TI 5-24a)

SCI = 42: Platinum RTD (100 Ohm DIN 43760-1968)

Material : Platinum
Range : 0 to 620 deg C
Curve : PR-238 (TI 5-26a)

SCI = 43: Platinum RTD (100 Ohm IEC) (DIN 43760-1980)

Material : Platinum
Range : -200 to 620 deg C
Curve : Foxboro drawing 10104MV (TI 5-28)

SCI = 44: Platinum RTD (100 Ohm SAMA)

Material : Platinum
Range : -200 to 600 deg C
Curve : PR-279 (SAMA) (TI 5-27a)

Other Linear/Square Root SCIXs

SCI = 50: Linear 0 to 65535 raw counts
Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 65535 ) + LSCO1
SCI = 51: Linear -32768 to 32767 raw counts
Conditioned = (( Raw + 32768 ) * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 65535 ) +
SCI = 52: Linear 0 to 32767 raw counts
Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 32767 ) + LSCO1
SCI = 53: Linear 0 to 1000 raw counts
Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 1000 ) + LSCO1

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes

SCI = 54: Linear 0 to 9999 raw counts

Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 9999 ) + LSCO1
SCI = 55: Linear 0 to 2048 raw counts
Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 2048 ) + LSCO1
SCI = 56: Linear 409 to 2048 raw counts
Conditioned = (( Raw - 409 ) * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 1639 ) +
SCI = 57: Square root 0 to 2048 raw counts
Conditioned = ( SQRT( 2048 * Raw ) * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 2048 ) +
SCI = 58: Square root 409 to 2048 raw counts with low cutoff
IF raw_value <= 409
Conditioned = LSCO1;
Conditioned = ( SQRT( 1639 * ( Raw - 409 ) ) * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
/ 1639 ) + LSCO1;
SCI = 59: Linear 0 to 4095 raw counts
Conditioned = ( Raw * ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) / 4095 ) + LSCO1

Standard Conversion Tables (for FBMs)

These Foxboro Technical Information sheets (TIs) contain the standard conversion tables.

TI # Title
5-18a Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Platinum-6% Rhodium vs. Platinum-30%
Rhodium Thermocouples, Type B
5-17c Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Nickel-Chromium vs. Copper-Nickel
(Chromel-Constantan) Thermocouples, Type E
5-34 Electromotive Force vs. Temperature For PRC Thermocouple Curve EA-2
5-12f Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Iron vs. Copper-Nickel (Iron-Constantan)
Thermocouples, Type J
5-13c Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Nickel-Chromium vs. Nickel-Aluminum
(Chromel-Alumel) Thermocouples, Type K
5-19 Temperature-Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables For Type N (Nicrosil vs. Nisil)
5-14d Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Platinum vs. Platinum-13% Rhodium
Thermocouples, Type R
5-15e Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Platinum vs. Platinum-10% Rhodium
Thermocouples, Type S
5-11c Thermocouple Temperature/mV Data For Copper vs. Copper-Nickel
(Copper-Constantan) Thermocouples, Type T
5-25a SAMA Copper RTD Temperature-Resistance Tables Curve CR-229
(Degrees C vs. Absolute Ohm) and Curve CR-228 (Degrees F vs. Absolute Ohm)

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes B0700AG – Rev V

TI # Title
5-24a SAMA Type II Nickel RTD Temperature-Resistance Tables Curve NR-227
(Degrees C vs. Absolute Ohm) and Curve NR-226 (Degrees F vs. Absolute Ohm)
5-26a DIN Platinum RTD Temperature-Resistance Tables Curve PR-238 (Degrees C vs.
Absolute Ohm) and Curve PR-239 (Degrees F vs. Absolute Ohm)
5-28 ASTM* and IEC* Platinum RTD Temperature-Resistance Tables (Degrees C vs.
Absolute Ohm and Degrees F vs. Absolute Ohm)
5-27a SAMA 100 Ohm (Nominal) Platinum RTD Temperature-Resistance Tables Curve
PR-279 (Degrees C vs. Absolute Ohm) and Curve PR-278 (Degrees F vs. Absolute Ohm)

Output Signal Conditioning

This subsection describes the output Signal Conditioning indexes (SCOs) for the 100 and
200 Series Fieldbus Modules.

SCOs for FBMs

Before an output block writes a value to an appropriate type FBM, it is converted to raw counts.
The analog value, which is written to an FBM point, is converted from engineering units to
counts using the high and low output range. The processing is the inverse operation of signal
conditioning the input (SCI). This value is conditioned according to the applied signal condition-
ing output (SCO) index. The result is clamped between the high and low actuator limit value.
If the output (OUT) of the block is sent to an FBM, then it needs to be converted, by the appli-
cation of signal conditioning, from engineering units within Range Output 1 (RO1) into raw
count, which is an integer value in the range used by the particular FBM. The value IOMOPT =
1 specifies that FBMs are connected.
You can also apply signal conditioning, for test purposes, when no FBMs are connected. You need
to configure IOMOPT = 0 in this case. The values of IOM_ID, IOMIDR, and PNT_NO are
The value IOMOPT = 2 indicates that there are no connected FBMs and signal conditioning is
not used. The values of IOM_ID, IOMIDR, PNT_NO, and SCO are all ignored.
The values of SCO, which need to be in the ranges 0 to 5 or 12 to 13, cause these inverse linear or
inverse square root signal conditioning to be applied to the scaled, balanced, and clamped input.
In each case, the input to the signal conditioning algorithm is the value of OUT, and the output
of the algorithm is stored in RAWC:
These output Signal Conditioning indices are applicable for analog output blocks used in con-
junction with FBMs:
SCO = 0: No Conditioning
raw count = output
SCO = 1: 0 to 64000 inverse linear
(Analog Output 0 to 20 mA)
raw count = (output - LSCO1) * 64000 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1)
SCO = 2: 1600 to 64000 inverse linear
(Analog Output 0 to 10 V dc)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 62400 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1) + 1600

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes

SCO = 3: 12800 to 64000 inverse linear

(Analog Output 4 to 20 mA)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 51200 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1) + 12800
SCO = 4: 0 to 64000 inverse square root
(Analog Output 0 to 20 mA)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 62400 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1))2 / 64000
SCO = 5: 12800 to 64000 inverse square root, clamped
(Analog Output 4 to 20 mA)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 51200 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1))2 / 51200 +
SCO = 12: 14080 to 64000 inverse linear
(Analog Output 2 to 10 V dc)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 49920 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1)) + 14080
SCO = 13: 14080 to 64000 inverse square root with low cutoff
(Analog Output 2 to 10 V dc)
raw count = ((output - LSCO1) * 49920 / (HSCO1 - LSCO1))2 / 49920 +
SCO = 14: Inverse linear ( 0 to 16383 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 16383 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 15: Inverse square root ( 1600 to 64000 )
RAWC = (( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 62400 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ))2 / 62400 +
SCO = 50: Inverse linear ( 0 to 65535 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 65535 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 51: Inverse linear ( -32768 to 32767 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 65535 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) - 32768
SCO = 52: Inverse linear ( 0 to 32767 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 32767 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 53: Inverse linear ( 0 to 1000 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 1000 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 54: Inverse linear ( 0 to 9999 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 9999 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 55: Inverse linear ( 0 to 2048 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 2048 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
SCO = 56: Inverse linear ( 409 to 2048 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 1639 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 ) + 409
SCO = 59: Inverse linear ( 0 to 4095 )
RAWC = ( OUT - LSCO1 ) * 4095 / ( HSCO1 - LSCO1 )
Each SCO value has an associated raw span, consisting of the difference between the upper and
lower range values of the raw value. For example, SCO = 2 has a raw span of 64000 minus 1600,
or 62400. The upper range value is 64000 by default for any nonzero SCO.
The effect of inverse linear signal conditioning is to place RAWC at the same relative position
within the raw span as OUT occupies within the engineering units span.

Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes B0700AG – Rev V

LSCO1 = 200C
HSCO1 = 900C
OUT = 500C
SCO =2

RAWC = ((50 - 20) * 62400 / (90 - 20)) + 1200
= (30 * 62400/70) + 1200 = 27943

Inverse square root signal conditioning is similar, but the relationship between RAWC and OUT
is non-linear.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix A. Signal Conditioning Indexes

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules
This appendix lists and describes Fieldbus Module types and their software configurable

200 Series Fieldbus Module Types (FBMs)

FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d (0 to 20 mA Inputs)
The Analog Input Interface Modules (FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d) contain eight
analog input channels, each channel accepting a 2-wire, dc input from an analog sensor such as a
4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5V transmitter, or a self-powered 20 mA source. Input ranges for each channel
♦ FBM201 - 0 to 20.4 mA dc - available in two versions, as explained in Standard and
Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
♦ FBM201b - 0 to 100 mV dc
♦ FBM201c - 0 to 5 V dc
♦ FBM201d - 0 to 10 V dc
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options for this program and their ranges follow.

Table B-1. FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM201/b/c/d Analog Input (0 to 20 mA, 0 to 100 mV, 0 to 5
V, 0 to 10 V dc) Interface Modules (PSS 31H-2Z1).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-2.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-2. FBM201, FBM201b, FBM201c, FBM201d Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution (Milliseconds) Update Time RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 100 25 ms 5
100 ms 15 bits 125 25 ms 1
200 ms 15 bits 200 25 ms 2
500 ms 15 bits 500 25 ms 3
1000 ms 15 bits 1000 25 ms 4
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

FBM202 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs)

The Thermocouple/mV Input Interface Module (FBM202) contains eight isolated thermocouple
input channels, and one isolated reference junction compensation channel (for terminal tempera-
ture sensing).
The FBM202 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
Each channel has a full scale indication on burnout feature (up-scale) and accepts standard ther-
mocouples for various temperature ranges.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the thermocouples to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-3. FBM202 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-9) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range: -10.5 to 78.125 mV dc equals 0 to 65535 raw counts.

Reference Junction:
For discrete and direct terminal connections, a 100 ohm platinum RTD is internally pro-
vided at the termination cable assembly.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

For a plug termination connection, the reference junction connection is provided with a
4-wire 100 ohm platinum RTD (IEC 751, Class B).
For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM202, Thermocouple/mV Input Interface Modules
(PSS 31H-2Z2).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-4.

Table B-4. FBM202 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution (Milliseconds) Update Time RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 100 25 ms 5
100 ms 15 bits 125 25 ms 1
200 ms 15 bits 200 25 ms 2
500 ms 15 bits 500 25 ms 3
1000 ms 15 bits 1000 25 ms 4
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

FBM203, FBM203b, FBM203c and FBM203d (RTD Inputs)

The Platinum and Nickel Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Input Interface Module con-
tains eight RTD input channels. Each channel accepts a 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTD sensor input:
♦ FBM203 - within a 0 to 320 ohm resistance range - available in two versions, as
explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
♦ FBM203b - within a 0 to 640 ohm resistance range
♦ FBM203c - within a 0 to 30 ohm resistance range
♦ FBM203d - within a 0 to 320 ohm resistance range
When used with termination assembly RH924EX (supersedes P0924EX), it supports
the functionality of a 100 Series FBM03 used with a 2-wire or 4-wire RTD sensor
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the RTD to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-5. FBM203/b/c/d Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range (each channel):

FBM203 and FBM203d: 0 to 320 ohms
FBM203b: 0 to 640 ohms
FBM203c: 0 to 30 ohms
Sensor Current:
FBM203 and FBM203d: 0.19 mA dc
FBM203b: 0.10 mA dc
FBM203c: 0.54 mA dc
For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM203/b/c/d Platinum/Nickel/Copper RTD Input Interface
Modules (PSS 31H-2Z3).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-6.

FBM204 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs)
Table B-6. FBM203/b/c/d Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution (Milliseconds) Update Time RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 100 25 ms 5
100 ms 15 bits 125 25 ms 1
200 ms 15 bits 200 25 ms 2
500 ms 15 bits 500 25 ms 3
1000 ms 15 bits 1000 25 ms 4
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

The Channel Isolated 0 to 20 mA Input/Output Interface Module contains four 20 mA dc ana-

log input channels and four 20 mA dc analog output channels.
The FBM204 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-pow-
ered 20 mA source.
Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA output.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output signals
from/to the field sensors to/from the redundant Fieldbus.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
I/O application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-7. FBM204 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms
Analog Output:
Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/ 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fallback on a per-channel basis)
Fallback Values (Channels 5-8) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM204, 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module (PSS 31H-2Z4).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-8.

Table B-8. FBM204 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 25 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 25 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 25 ms 200 2
500 ms 15 bits 25 ms 500 3
1000 ms 15 bits 25 ms 1000 4
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

FBM205 (Channel Isolated, Redundant 0 to 20 mA

The Channel Isolated, Redundant 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module (FBM205) contains four
isolated 0 to 20 mA dc analog input channels and four isolated 20 mA dc analog output channels.
Each input and output channel is galvanically isolated from the other channels and ground.
A redundant pair of the modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module (FBM)
level, with field I/O wired to one common termination assembly. Each module independently
attempts to hold the output(s) at its specified output value(s), and each independently reports its
observed value of the inputs. A redundant analog input and redundant analog output block in the
control software validates each input and output in conjunction with information to/from the
In the control processor, a redundant analog output function block, AOUTR, is used for each
redundant pair of outputs. The AOUTR block handles output writes and initialization logic for
the redundant channels. On each execution cycle of the AOUTR block, identical output writes
are sent to both FBMs in the redundant pair, fully exercising the communication path to the
FBMs and the logic circuitry of each FBM.
A redundant analog input function block, AINR, is used for each redundant pair of inputs. The
AINR block handles input reads and initialization logic for the redundant channels. On each exe-
cution cycle of the AINR block, identical read commands are sent to both FBMs in the redundant
pair, fully exercising the communication path to the FBMs and the logic circuitry of each FBM.
Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input, such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-
powered 20 mA source. Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA
output. Transmitter power from each module is diode OR’d together in the redundant adapter to
help assure redundant power. The microprocessor of each module executes the analog I/O appli-
cation program, plus security routines that validate the health of the FBM.
Input channel options include a configurable choice of analog input conversion time on a per
module basis. Input channel security is enhanced by redundantly powering the input current loop
from per-channel power supplies in each FBM of the pair.
The configurable options for output security and their ranges are listed in Table B-9. The Analog
Output Fail-safe Fallback Data option needs to be set for 0 mA output. This removes one of the
pair of redundant output channels from service for detected problems such as an FBM not prop-
erly receiving output writes, not passing security tests on FBM microprocessor writes to output
registers, detected failure of internal FBM diagnostics, or FBM module watchdog timer time-out.
Setting of the Output Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/Fallback) option for 0 mA output also mini-
mizes the possibility of a “fail high” result.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Table B-9. FBM205 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms
Analog Output:
Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/ 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fallback on a per-channel basis)
Fallback Values (Channels 5-8) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM205, 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module (Redundant)

(PSS 21H-2Z5 B4).
Conversion Times (software configurable) are listed in Table B-10.

Table B-10. FBM205 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 25 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 25 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 25 ms 200 2
500 ms 15 bits 25 ms 500 3
1000 ms 15 bits 25 ms 1000 4
Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

FBM206 and FBM206b (Pulse Inputs)

The Pulse Inputs Interface module (FBM206) contains multiple configurable pulse input chan-
FBM206 contains eight isolated, independent, configurable pulse input channels, each accepting
a pulse input with a maximum rate of 25 kHz.
FBM206b contains four isolated, independent, configurable pulse input channels, each accepting
a pulse input with a maximum rate of 25 kHz, as well as four isolated independent 0 to 20 mA
analog output channels, which are used when FBM206b replaces the 100 Series FBM06.
The input devices include vortex and turbine meters, solid state or electro-mechanical contacts
and other sensors with similar pulse outputs.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the field sensors from the redundant Fieldbus.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus, and executes the Pulse Input
application program.

Table B-11. FBM206b Options

Option Range
Analog Output Failsafe Configura- 0 = fallback;
tion (Hold/Fallback on a per channel 1 = hold
Fallback Values (Channels 5-8) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts

Conversion Times (software configurable) are listed in Table B-12.

Table B-12. FBM206 and FBM206b Conversion Time Factors

Conversion Time Update Time Settling Time Minimum

(Seconds) (Milliseconds) (Seconds) Frequency RES Value
0.1 10 0.25 8 Hz 1
0.2 10 0.5 4 Hz 2
0.5 20 1.0 2 Hz 3
1.0 20 2.0 1 Hz 4

FBM207, FBM207b and FBM207c (Contact/dc Inputs)

The Contact/dc Input Interface Module functions as a 16-channel dc voltage monitor (FBM207)
or 16-channel contact sensor (FBM207b or 207c).
The FBM207b is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Sub-
system User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
This set of modules perform the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off
state) electrical input signals from the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The modules independently connect to the Fieldbus.
The modules execute the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program. The configurable
options for the program are:

Table B-13. FBM207 Options

Option Range
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms

Input Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on).

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM207/b/c Voltage Monitor/Contact Sense Input Interface
Modules (PSS 31H-2Z7) or Compact FBM207/b/c Voltage Monitor/Contact Sense Input Interface
Modules (PSS 31H-2C207).

FBM208 and FBM208b (Channel Isolated, Redundant,

Readback, 0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs)
The Channel Isolated, Redundant with Readback, 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module
(FBM208/FBM208b) contains four isolated 0 to 20 mA dc analog input channels and four iso-
lated 20 mA dc analog output channels. Each input and output channel is galvanically isolated
from the other channels and ground.

The FBM208b may only be used to migrate field I/O wiring formerly used with the
100 Series FBM05 to the DIN rail mounted subsystem.

A pair of the modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module (FBM) level, with
field I/O wired to one common termination assembly. Each module independently attempts to
hold the output(s) at its specified output value(s), and each independently reports its observed
value of the inputs. A redundant analog input and redundant analog output block in the control
software validates each input and output in conjunction with information to/from the module.
In addition, each FBM208/FBM208b monitors its own input loop power supply and reports the
input as BAD if the supply voltage drops below minimum compliance levels, thereby helping to
prevent a possible fault which is to be detected.
A redundant analog input function block, AINR, is used for each redundant pair of inputs. The
AINR block handles input reads and initialization logic for the redundant channels. On each exe-
cution cycle of the AINR block, identical reads are sent to both modules, fully exercising the
Fieldbus and the logic circuitry of each module.
Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-pow-
ered 4 to 20 mA source. Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA
output. Transmitter power from each module is diode OR’d together in the redundant adapter to
help assure redundant power. The microprocessor of each module executes the analog I/O appli-
cation program, plus security routines that validate the health of the FBM.
Input channel options include a configurable choice of analog input conversion time on a per
module basis. Input channel security is enhanced by redundantly powering the input current loop
from per-channel power supplies in each FBM of the pair.
In the control processor, a redundant analog output block, AOUTR, is used for each redundant
pair of outputs. The AOUTR block handles output writes and initialization logic for the redun-
dant channels. On each execution cycle of the AOUTR block, identical output writes are sent to
both modules, fully exercising the Fieldbus and the logic circuitry of each module.
The FBM compares the output value with the current readback value. If the readback value differs
from the desired output by more than ± 2%, the output channel is marked BAD. In addition, if
the output value is greater than the desired output by more than +2%, the power to that channel
is shut off. This helps to prevent the bad channel from interfering with the control of that channel
by the redundant partner FBM. The power to a failed channel remains off until the FBM is
replaced or rebooted by the user.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

When the output channel is marked BAD, the CP presents that information to the system for dis-
play as a System Management alarm and a control block alarm.
Configurable options for output security and their ranges are listed in Table B-14. The Analog
Output Fail-Safe Fallback Data option needs to be set for 0 mA output. This removes one of the
pair of redundant output channels from service for problems to be detected such as a module not
properly receiving output writes or not passing security tests on FBM microprocessor writes to
output registers. Setting of the Analog Output Fail-Safe Fallback Data option for 0 mA output
also minimizes the possibility of a “fail high” result.

Table B-14. FBM208 and FBM208b Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms
Analog Output:
Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/ 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fallback on a per-channel basis)
Fallback Values (Channels 5-8) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM208/b, Redundant with Readback, 0 to 20 mA I/O Inter-
face Module (PSS 31H-2Z8).
Conversion Times (software configurable) are listed in Table B-15.

Table B-15. FBM208 and FBM208b Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 25 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 25 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 25 ms 200 2
500 ms 15 bits 25 ms 500 3
1000 ms 15 bits 25 ms 1000 4
Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

FBM211 (16-Channel Differential-Isolated 0 to 20 mA Inputs)

The 16-Channel Differential-Isolated Analog Input Module (0 to 20 mA) contains sixteen 0 to
20.4 mA dc analog input channels.
Each input channel accepts a 2-wire, field powered 0 to 20 mA source.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

The FBM211 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus. Differential-Isolated means that the inputs are electri-
cally separate module-to-module but not channel-to-channel on the same card.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-16. FBM211 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-16) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM211, 0 to 20 mA Input Interface Module (PSS 31H-2Z11)
or Compact FBM211, 0 to 20 mA Input Module (PSS 31H-2C211).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-17.

Table B-17. FBM211 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 50 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 50 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 50 ms 200 2
500 ms 15 bits 50 ms 500 3
1000 ms 15 bits 50 ms 1000 4
Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.

FBM212 (14-Channel Differential-Isolated Thermocouple

The 14-Channel Differential-Isolated Analog Input Fieldbus Module for Thermocouples con-
tains 14 analog single-ended input channels, and one isolated reference junction compensation
channel (for terminal temperature sensing).

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Each channel has a full scale indication on burnout feature (up-scale) and accepts standard ther-
mocouples for various temperature ranges.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the thermocouples to the redundant Fieldbus. Each channel has a differential input to allow volt-
age differences between channels without introducing errors to be detected. The channels are not
galvanically isolated from each other, but are galvanically isolated from ground and module logic.
Differential group isolated inputs and outputs use the FBM subsystem power supply for field
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-18. FBM212 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-14) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range: -10.5 to 78.125 mV dc.

Reference Junction:
For discrete and direct terminal connections, a 100 ohm platinum RTD is internally pro-
vided at the termination cable assembly.
For a wire termination connection, the reference junction connection is provided by the
user with a 4-wire 100 ohm platinum RTD (IEC 751, Class B).
For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM212 Thermocouple/mV Differential Input Interface Module
(PSS 31H-2Z12).
Conversion Time: Refer to Table B-19.

Table B-19. FBM212 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 50 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 50 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 50 ms 200 2
500 ms2 15 bits 50 ms 500 3
1000 ms2 15 bits 50 ms 1000 4
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.
Use 500 ms or 1000 ms conversion time for FBM212.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

FBM213 (8-Channel Differential-Isolated RTD Inputs)

The 8-Channel Differential-Isolated Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Input Interface
Module contains eight RTD input channels. Each channel accepts a 2- or 3-wire RTD sensor
input within a 0 to 320 ohm resistance range.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the RTD to the redundant Fieldbus. Each channel has a differential input to allow voltage differ-
ences between channels without introducing errors. The channels are not galvanically isolated
from each other, but are galvanically isolated from ground and module logic. Differential group
isolated inputs and outputs use the FBM subsystem power supply for field power.
The module independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module executes the Analog
Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-20. FBM213 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 50 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range (each channel): 0 to 320 ohms.

Sensor Current: 0.25 mA dc.
For accuracy specifications, refer to Differential Platinum/Nickel RTD Input Module (FBM213)
(PSS 21H-2Z13B4).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-21.

Table B-21. FBM213 Conversion Time Factors

Settling Time1
Conversion Time Resolution Update Time (Milliseconds) RES Value
50 ms 15 bits 50 ms 100 5
100 ms 15 bits 50 ms 125 1
200 ms 15 bits 50 ms 200 2
500 ms2 15 bits 50 ms 500 3
1000 ms2 15 bits 50 ms 1000 4
Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.
2. Use 500 ms or 1000 ms conversion time for FBM213.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

FBM214 and FBM214b (HART Communication Input Interface

The FBM214 and FBM214b provide analog and digital communications to and from HART
compliant field devices. They also support standard 4 to 20mA signals from analog devices.
The FBM214b is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Sub-
system User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
The FBM214 contains eight group isolated analog input channels and the FBM214b contains
eight individually isolated analog input channels. Each of their eight channels accepts a digital
HART Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog input signal.
Each channel provides bi-directional digital communications with a HART compliant field
device, and performs analog to digital conversion on the 4 to 20 mA input control signal from
that device. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

FBM215 (HART Communication Output Interface Module)

The FBM215 provides analog and digital communications to and from HART compliant field
devices. It also supports standard 4 to 20mA signals from analog devices.
The FBM215 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
The FBM215 contains eight channel-isolated output channels. Each of the eight channels accepts
a digital HART Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog out-
put signal. Each channel provides bi-directional digital communications with a HART compliant
actuator, and provides an output signal of 4 to 20 mA to the actuator. Refer to HART™ Commu-
nication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

FBM216 and FBM216b (HART Communication Redundant Input

Interface Module)
The FBM216 and FBM216b provide analog and digital communications to and from HART
compliant field devices. They also support standard 4 to 20mA signals from analog devices.
The FBM216b is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Sub-
system User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
The FBM216 contains eight group isolated analog input channels and the FBM216b contains
eight individually isolated analog input channels. Each of the eight channels accepts a digital
HART Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog input signal.
Each channel provides bi-directional digital communications with a HART compliant field
device, and performs analog to digital conversion on the 4 to 20 mA input control signal from
that device.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

A redundant pair of the modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module (FBM)
level. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

FBM217 (32-Channel Group-Isolated Voltage Monitor Inputs)

The 32-Channel Group-Isolated dc Input Module provides 32-channel digital voltage input
channels. It performs voltage or contact sensing (that is, on/off state).
The FBM217 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
It performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state) electrical
input signals from the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus. Group-Isolated means that the
inputs are electrically separate module-to-module but not channel-to-channel on the same card.
The module independently connects to the Fieldbus.
The module executes the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program. The configurable
options for the program are:
Table B-22. FBM217 Options

Option Range
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms

Input Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on).

FBM217 can replace these 100 Series Main/Expansion FBM pairs as well.
Table B-23. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM217

100 Series Main FBM 100 Series Expansion FBM Input Channels Output Channels
FBM07, FBM08, FBM12, FBM13, FBM21 or 1-32 None
FBM20 or FBM24 FBM25 (16CI)

Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) for more information on
the FBM217 when used to replace 100 Series FBMs.

FBM218 (HART Communication Redundant Output Interface

The FBM218 provides analog and digital communications to and from HART compliant field
devices. It also supports standard 4 to 20mA signals from analog devices.
The FBM218 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The FBM218 contains eight channel-isolated output channels. Each of the eight channels accepts
a digital HART Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) signal superimposed on a 4 to 20 mA analog out-
put signal. Each channel provides bi-directional digital communications with a HART compliant
actuator, and provides an output signal of 4 to 20 mA to the actuator.
A redundant pair of the modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module (FBM)
level. Refer to HART™ Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

FBM219 (32-Channel Group-Isolated Discrete I/O Module)

The 32-Channel Group-Isolated Discrete Input/output Module provides 24-channel digital input
channels and eight digital output channels. It performs voltage or contact sensing (that is, on/off
For input functions, all twenty-four input channels are used exclusively for either contact sensing
or voltage monitoring. For output functions, all eight output channels are used for dc output
switching, either with an internal or external power source.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the digital electrical input/output
signals from/to the field sensors/actuators to/from the redundant Fieldbus. Group-Isolated means
that the inputs are electrically separate module-to-module but not channel-to-channel on the
same card.
The module executes the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program. The configurable
options and their ranges follow.

Table B-24. FBM219 Digital Options

Option Range
All Applications
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
DI/DO; Ladder Logic Applications
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
DI/DO Applications Sustained or 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis)

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.
Input Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on).

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

FBM219 can replace these 100 Series Main/Expansion FBM pairs as well.
Table B-25. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM219

100 Series Main FBM 100 Series Expansion FBM Input Channels Output Channels
FBM07, FBM08, FBM14, FBM15, FBM16, 1-24 25-32
FBM20 or FBM24 FBM27 or FBM42 (8I/8O)

Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) for more information on
the FBM219 when used to replace 100 Series FBMs.

FBM220/221 FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Communications

Interface Module
FBM220/221 provide an interface between FOUNDATION fieldbus field devices and the Foxboro
Evo Process Automation System. FBM220 supports one H1 segment and FBM221 provides inte-
gration of four H1 channel isolated fieldbus segments. For detailed information, refer to FOUN-
DATION fieldbus H1 Communication Interface Modules (FBM220/FBM221) User’s Guide

FBM222, Redundant PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface

The Redundant PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM222) provides an
interface between the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System and PROFIBUSDP/PA slave
devices, including motor drives, I/O modules, and field I/O devices. The FBM222, which can be
used in a single or redundant configuration, supports two PROFIBUS links up to125 slave
devices per link when repeaters are utilized. The FBM222 connects the slave devices to the versa-
tile and robust Control Core Services system using Distributed Control Interface (DCI) blocks.
Physical PROFIBUS-DP wiring is in accordance with Electronic Industrial Association (EIA)
standard RS-485.

FBM223 (PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module)

The FBM223 provides an interface between Profibus-DP slave devices and the Foxboro Evo Pro-
cess Automation System. FBM223 supports two Profibus-DP communication buses, which are
galvanically isolated from the Control Core Services Ethernet Fieldbus and from each other. For
detailed information, refer to Profibus-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s
Guide (B0400FE).

FBM224 (Modbus Communication Interface Module)

The Modbus Communication Interface Module integrates third-party devices that have a
Modbus interface, into a Foxboro Evo Process Automation System. The FBM224 provides digital
communication to and from Modbus slave devices (input/output devices) on Modbus networks.
Devices with which the FBM224 can successfully communicate are those that support the appro-
priate Modbus function codes from the list in Table B-26 and operate in the Modbus RTU mode.
These devices respond as slave devices to some or all of the subset of commands of the Modbus
function codes as listed in Table B-26. Refer to Modbus Communication Interface Module
(FBM224) User’s Guide (B0400FK).

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-26. Modbus Function Codes for Modicon Programmable Controllers

Code Function
1 Read Coil Status
2 Read Input Status
3 Read Holding Registers
4 Read Input Registers
5 Force Single Coil
6 Preset Single Register
8 Loopback Diagnostic Test
15 Force Multiple Coils
16 Preset Multiple Registers

FBM227 (Contact/dc I/O Interface Module with DPIDA and

MDACT Support)
The FBM227 provides:
♦ four 0 to 10 V dc analog inputs
♦ two 0 to 10 V dc analog outputs
♦ four digital inputs
♦ two digital outputs
The analog inputs and outputs are individually isolated. The digital inputs and outputs are iso-
lated in pairs.
It executes either the Analog I/O or Digital I/O application program, and has support for
MDACT or DPIDA control.

Table B-27. FBM227 Options

ECB9 Option Range

Analog Input Conversion Time 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis) 1 = 100 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms conversion time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms
Digital and Analog Output Failsafe Con- 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
figuration (Hold/Fallback on a per chan-
nel basis)
Analog Fallback Values (Channels 5-6) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts
Digital Fallback Values (Channels 11-14) 0 or 1

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

FBM228 (Redundant 4-Channel Interface to FOUNDATION

The FBM228 Redundant 4-Channel Interface to FOUNDATION™ fieldbus is an Intelligent
Device Interface that input/outputs engineering units, device tag information and automatic Link
Active Scheduling (LAS). It is a single module or optionally redundant module. For more infor-
mation, refer to FOUNDATION™ fieldbus User’s Guide for the Redundant FBM228 Interface

FBM229 (DeviceNet™ Communication Interface Module)

The FBM229 DeviceNet Communication Interface Module provides a consistent, high-capacity
interface between DeviceNet devices and the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System. The
FBM229 supports a network of up to 64 devices (including the FBM itself, the slave I/O modules
and a third-party configuration workstation). For more information, refer to Implementing a
DeviceNet Network on the Foxboro Evo Core Services Applications (B0750CH).

FBM230/231/232/233 (Field Device System Interface Modules)

The FBM230/231/232/233 Field Device System Interface (FDSI) modules integrate third-party
field device protocols into a Foxboro Evo Process Automation System. The FBM230/231 pro-
vides digital communications to/from field devices (input/output devices) using RS-232, RS422,
or RS-485 communication standard and the FBM232/233 provides digital communications
to/from field devices (input/output devices) using Ethernet10/100 Mbps networks.
♦ The FBM230 has four serial ports that can be independently software configured for
RS-232, RS422, or RS-485 communication standard
♦ The FBM231, used in pairs, provides a redundant version of the FBM230
♦ The FBM232 has a single 10/100Mbps copper Ethernet connection to field devices
♦ FBM233, used in pairs, provides a redundant version of the FBM232
The FBM230/231/232/233 services all field devices and communicates with the devices on a
master/slave basis. As a master, the FBM230/231/232/233 initiates each data communication
exchange; the field devices can only send messages to the master when requested to do so. For
more information, refer to Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233) User's Guide

FBM237 (Channel Isolated, Redundant-Ready 0 to 20 mA

The Channel Isolated, Redundant-Ready 0 to 20 mA Output Interface Module (FBM237) con-
tains eight 0 to 20 mA dc analog output channels. The module can be used as a non-redundant
(single) module or as a redundant pair (two FBM237s). Each channel is galvanically isolated from
the other channels and ground.
The FBM237 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
When used as a redundant pair, the modules combine to provide redundancy at the FBM level,
with associated field I/O signals wired to one common termination assembly. Each module inde-

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

pendently attempts to hold the output(s) at its specified output value(s), and each independently
reports its observed value of the inputs. A redundant analog output (AOUTR) block in the con-
trol software validates each output in conjunction with information to/from the module.
In the control processor, a redundant analog output function block, AOUTR, is used for each
redundant pair of outputs. The AOUTR block handles output writes and initialization logic for
the redundant channels. On each execution cycle of the AOUTR block, identical output writes
are sent to both FBMs in the pair, fully exercising communication path to the FBMs and the logic
circuitry of each FBM.
Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA output. Transmitter
power from each module is diode OR’d together in the Redundant Adapter to help assure redun-
dant power from either module. The microprocessor of each module executes the Analog I/O
application program, plus security routines that validate the health of the module.
Configurable options in the modules for output security include Fail-Safe Action
(Hold/Fallback), Analog Output Fail-safe Fallback Data (on a per channel basis), Fieldbus Fail-
safe Enable, and Fieldbus Fail-safe Delay Time. The Analog Output Fail-safe Fallback Data
option needs to be set for 0 mA output. This removes one of the pair of redundant output chan-
nels from service for problems to be detected such as an FBM not properly receiving output
writes, not passing security tests on FBM microprocessor writes to output registers, detected fail-
ure of internal FBM diagnostics, or FBM module watchdog timer time-out. Setting of the Out-
put Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/Fallback) option for 0 mA output also minimizes the
possibility of a “fail high” result.
This module executes the Analog I/O application program. The configurable options and their
ranges follow.

Table B-28. FBM237 Options

Option Range
Analog Output:
Fail-safe Configuration 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(Hold/Fallback on a per-channel basis)
Fallback Values (Channels 1-8) 0 to 64000 Raw Counts

For accuracy specifications, refer to FBM237, 0 to 20 mA Output Interface Module (Redundant

Ready) (PSS 31H-2Z37).

FBM238 – Group Isolated Digital I/O Mix Expander Module

The FBM238 contains twenty-four digital inputs (voltage monitor or contact sense) with eight
digital output (external sourcing) channels, used for either output switching with an external
source only (e.g. to control powering of various external loads), or dc output switching with an
internal source only (e.g. to power external solid state relays or other similar devices). All its chan-
nels are group isolated from the ground. Its associated termination assemblies (TAs) provide for
discrete inputs of under 60 V ac, 120 V ac/125 V dc or 240 V ac. The module performs signal
conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from the field sensors to the Module
Depending on the type of I/O signal needed, its TAs contain current limiting devices, high volt-
age attenuation circuits, optical isolation and external power source connections.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

FBM238 can replace these 100 Series Main/Expansion FBM pairs as well.
Table B-29. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM238

100 Series Main FBM 100 Series Expansion FBM Input Channels Output Channels
FBM09, FBM10, FBM12, FBM13, FBM21 or 1-8, 17-32 9-16
FBM11, FBM26, FBM25 (16CI)
FBM41 or (8I/8O)

Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) for more information on
the FBM238 when used to replace 100 Series FBMs.

Table B-30. FBM238 Digital Options

Option Range
All Applications
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
DI/DO; Ladder Logic Applications
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
DI/DO Applications Sustained or 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis)

FBM239 – Group Isolated Digital I/O Mix Expander Module

The FBM239 contains sixteen digital inputs (voltage monitor or contact sense) with sixteen digi-
tal output (external sourcing) channels, used for either output switching with an external source
only (e.g. to control powering of various external loads), or dc output switching with an internal
source only (e.g. to power external solid state relays or other similar devices). All its channels are
group isolated from the ground. Its associated termination assemblies (TAs) provide for discrete
inputs of under 60 V ac, 120 V ac/125 V dc or 240 V ac. The module performs signal conversion
needed to interface the electrical input signals from the field sensors to the Module Fieldbus.
Depending on the type of I/O signal needed, its TAs contain current limiting devices, high volt-
age attenuation circuits, optical isolation and external power source connections.
FBM239 can replace these 100 Series Main/Expansion FBM pairs as well.
Table B-31. 100 Series Main/Expansion FBMs Replaced By FBM219

100 Series Main FBM 100 Series Expansion FBM Input Channels Output Channels
FBM09, FBM10, FBM14, FBM15, FBM16, 1-8, 17-24 9-16, 25-32
FBM11, FBM26, FBM27 or FBM42 (8I/8O)
FBM41 or (8I/8O)

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ) for more information on
the FBM239 when used to replace 100 Series FBMs.

Table B-32. FBM239 Digital Options

Option Range
All Applications
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
DI/DO; Ladder Logic Applications
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
DI/DO Applications Sustained or 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis)

FBM240 (Channel Isolated, Redundant with Readback, Discrete

The Channel Isolated, Redundant with Readback, Discrete Output Interface Module (FBM240)
has eight discrete output channels. Associated termination assemblies (TAs) support discrete out-
puts capable of switching 10 A at voltages up to 120 V ac, or 5 A at voltages up to 125 V dc, or
5 A at voltages up to 120 V ac.
The FBM240 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
A pair of the modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module (FBM) level, with
field I/O wired to one common termination assembly. Each module independently attempts to
hold the output(s) at its specified output value(s), and each independently reports its observed
value of the readback inputs. A redundant contact output block in the control software validates
each output in conjunction with information to/from the module.
In the control processor, a redundant contact output function block, COUTR, is used for each
redundant pair of outputs. The COUTR block handles output writes and initialization logic for
the redundant channels. On each write of the COUTR block, identical output writes are sent to
both modules, fully exercising the Fieldbus and the logic circuitry of each module. You can select
a sustained output that follows the block input or a pulsed output with a selectable pulse width.
When a failure is detected in one of the modules, its output is driven to the failsafe state and the
corresponding channel in the good module automatically continues selecting the proper discrete
Each output channel drives an externally powered load. Power for each FBM240 module is diode
OR’d together in the redundant adapter to help assure redundant power. The microprocessor of

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

each module executes the digital output application program, plus security routines that validate
the health of the FBM.
The FBM240 has eight internal readback channels to verify that the outputs have changed to the
requested state. If a readback differs from the desired output, that output channel is marked BAD.
When the output channel is marked BAD, the CP presents that information to the system for dis-
play as a System Management alarm and as a control block alarm.
Configurable options in the modules for output security include Fail-Safe Action. This removes
one of the pair of redundant output channels from service for problems to be detected such as a
module not properly receiving output writes or not passing security tests on FBM microprocessor
writes to output registers.
The module executes the Digital I/O application program. The configurable options for the pro-
gram are:

Table B-33. FBM240 Options

Option Range
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
Sustained or Momentary Output Configuration 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
(on a per-channel basis)

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.
Input Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on).

FBM241 (Channel Isolated, Discrete Input/Output)

The Channel Isolated Voltage Monitor/Contact Sense I/O Interface Module
(FBM241/FBM241b/FBM241c/FBM241d) functions as an eight-channel dc voltage monitor
with eight-channel output switching, or as an eight-channel contact sensor with eight-channel
output switching. The Module is available in four distinct types, to provide these discrete input
and output functions:
♦ FBM241 – Accepts eight inputs from a dc voltage source, and provides eight dc
switching outputs with an external source.
♦ FBM241b – Accepts eight inputs from a dc voltage source, and provides eight dc
switching outputs with an internal source.
♦ FBM241c – Accepts eight contact sensing inputs, and provides eight dc switching
outputs with an external source.
♦ FBM241d – Accepts eight contact sensing inputs, and provides eight dc switching
outputs with an internal source.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The FBM241 and FBM241c are available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact
200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
For input functions, all eight input channels are used exclusively for either contact sensing or volt-
age monitoring. For output functions, all eight output channels are used for dc output switching,
either with an internal or external power source.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the digital electrical input/output
signals from/to the field sensors/actuators to/from the redundant Fieldbus.
The module executes the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program. The configurable
options and their ranges follow.

Table B-34. FBM241 Digital Options

Option Range
All Applications
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
DI/DO; Ladder Logic Applications
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
DI/DO Applications Sustained or
Momentary Output Configuration 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
(on a per-channel basis)

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM242 (Channel Isolated, Discrete Outputs)

The Channel Isolated Digital Output Interface Module (FBM242) is a discrete output module
providing 16 outputs for dc voltage switching with an external power source. Each output is gal-
vanically isolated from other channels and ground. Field Outputs are wired to one common ter-
mination assembly.
The FBM242 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
The module performs the signal conversion needed to process the discrete outputs from a control
processor to electrical output signals compatible with the field actuators.
The module executes the Digital I/O and Sustained/Momentary (S/M) application program with
Ladder Logic support, and a Fail-Safe Configuration configurable option for its outputs.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Table B-35. FBM242 Digital Options

Option Range
All Applications
Input Filter Time 0 = none;
1 = 4 ms;
2 = 8 ms;
3 = 16 ms;
4 = 32 ms
DI/DO; Ladder Logic Applications
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
DI/DO Applications Sustained or
Momentary Output Configuration 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary
(on a per-channel basis)

If the Momentary configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is configurable in incre-
ments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM243 and FBM243b (Channel Isolated FoxCom Dual Baud

Rate Intelligent Device Interface Module)
The FBM243 contains eight individual channels that provide isolated power and FoxCom com-
munication capabilities to an Intelligent Transmitter/Positioner over a single twisted pair of wires.
The FBM243b contains four individual dual baud, FoxCom communication channels and four
0 to 20 mA analog outputs for similar field devices. Both modules allows the use of an external
power supply to power the IT. The use of an external power supply common to two or more loops
needs a Cable Balun Module to maintain communication signal line balance.
The modules provide bidirectional digital communications at 4800 baud rate between the Intelli-
gent Field Device and the system redundant Fieldbus, or provides bidirectional digital communi-
cations at 600 baud rate between the field device and the module while allowing a simultaneous
4 to 20 mA analog signal to an Emergency Shutdown System. The baud rate is determined by the
configuration of the field device connected to each channel, independently of the other channels.
The modules are IT hosts, enabling the system to receive digital messages from the transmitter in
engineering units. Each FoxCom message is received 10 times per second at 4800 baud, and two
times per second at 600 baud and contains:
♦ Up to three measured variables in IEEE 32-bit floating-point format
♦ Security information
♦ Diagnostics
♦ Message checking
This information is available to all elements of the system.
Since FoxCom communication is bidirectional, the system can display the output, transmitter
temperature (°C and °F), and continuous self-diagnostics. In addition, information that can be
displayed or reconfigured from the console or a Hand-Held Terminal (HHT) are:

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

♦ Output in engineering units

♦ Fail-safe status
♦ Tag number, name, and location
♦ Device name (letterbug)
♦ Last calibration date
♦ Two levels of upload/download capabilities

FBM244 – 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module with HART®

The FBM244 contains four 0 to 20 mA galvanically isolated analog input and output channels
(eight total). FBM244 supports any mix of standard 4 to 20 mA devices and HART devices.
Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-pow-
ered 20 mA source. Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA out-
put. The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output
signals from the field sensors and actuators to the redundant Fieldbus.
For detailed information, refer to HART Communication Interface Module User’s Guide

FBM245 – Redundant 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module with

HART® Support
Each FBM245 in a redundant pair contains four 0 to 20 mA galvanically isolated analog input
and output channels (eight total). They support any mix of standard 4 to 20 mA devices and
HART devices.
Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-pow-
ered 20 mA source. Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA out-
put. They perform the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output signals
from the field sensors and actuators to the redundant Fieldbus.
They connect to their TA using a redundant adapter (RH924DU (supersedes P0924DU)).
For detailed information, refer to HART Communication Interface Module User’s Guide

FBM246 and FBM246b (Channel Isolated FoxCom Redundant

Dual Baud Rate Intelligent Device Interface Module)
FBM246 contains eight individual FoxCom channels. Each FBM246b contains four dual baud,
FoxCom communication channels and four 0 to 20 mA analog output channels.
A pair of FBM246s provides a redundant version of the FBM243, and a pair of FBM246bs pro-
vides a redundant version of the FBM243b. Both support transmitters and valve positioners.
Their FoxCom channels can support any combination of these devices. Individual transmitters or
positioners may be in either analog or digital mode.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

FBM246 is primarily a digital interface and operation of all transmitters in digital
mode provides substantially better performance. Analog mode needs to be used only
for special applications (For example, when the measurement is needed for an
Emergency Shutdown System that needs 4 to 20 mA signals).

The pair of modules combine to provide redundancy at the FBM level. To achieve redundancy, a
Redundant Adapter module is placed on the two adjacent baseplate termination cable connectors
to provide a single termination cable connection. A single termination cable connects from the
Redundant Adapter to the associated termination assembly (TA).
The pair of FBM246s/FBM246bs supports transmitters and positioners, using ECB18 for trans-
mitters and ECB74 for positioners. Control blocks connect to the ECB18 and ECB74 child
ECBs in the same way the equivalent non-redundant strategy would be configured using an
FBM243, providing a redundant digital communications path to single FoxCom devices. The
connected device ECBs normally get their input data from the active member of the pair. They
use input data from the module in track mode, if this was the only good source of data. Output
writes to positioners are sent to both modules.
The ECB used with the pair of FBM246s/FBM246bs is ECB38R. The letterbug for the ECB38R
is the letterbug of the first member of the pair. This is the letterbug that is displayed in the icon on
the System Management Display Handler display.
The modules provide bidirectional communication at 4800 baud between the IT and the system
redundant Fieldbus, or provides bidirectional communications at 600 baud while allowing a
simultaneous 4 to 20 mA analog signal to an Emergency Shutdown System. The baud rate is
determined by the configuration of the field device connected to each channel independently of
the other channels.
The modules are IT hosts, enabling the system to receive digital messages from the transmitter in
engineering units. Each FoxCom message is received 10 times per second at 4800 baud, and two
times per second at 600 baud and contains:
♦ Up to three measured variables in IEEE 32-bit floating-point format
♦ Security information
♦ Diagnostics
♦ Message checking
This information is available to all elements of the system.
Since communication is bidirectional, the system can display the output, transmitter temperature
(°C and °F), and continuous self-diagnostics. In addition, information that can be displayed or
reconfigured from the console or a Hand-Held Terminal (HHT) are:
♦ Output in engineering units
♦ Fail-safe status
♦ Tag number, name, and location
♦ Device name (letterbug)
♦ Last calibration date
♦ Two levels of upload/download capabilities

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

FBM247 – Current/Voltage Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O

Configurable Channel Interface Module with HART® Support
The FBM247 contains eight individual channels which can be individually configured for a range
of analog, digital and pulse field I/O signals, including:
♦ HART Analog Input (AI)/Analog Output (AO) 4-20 mA
♦ 0-20 mA AI/AO, non-HART
♦ 0-10 V and 0-5 V AI, non-HART
♦ Digital dry contact sense 24 V dc
♦ Discrete voltage monitor, configurable 0 and 1 thresholds 0-10 V
♦ NAMUR sensor discrete input
♦ Signal level according to DIN EN 50227 (NAMUR)1:
♦ “On” switching threshold of 2.1 mA dc with short circuit detection at > 6 mA
♦ “Off ” switching threshold 1.2 mA dc with open detection at <0.25 mA
♦ Pulse count, frequency, acceleration and jerk, contact sense or voltage input
♦ Discrete Output 24 V, 20 mA current or solid state switch output
Each I/O channel performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output
signals from the field sensors and actuators to the redundant Fieldbus, and is galvanically isolated
from other channels and ground.
The FBM247 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
For more information, refer to Intelligent Marshalling Fieldbus Modules - FBM247 and FBM248
(B0700GU) - particularly the “Configuring Blocks for FBM247 and FBM248” section - and
Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).

FBM248 – Redundant Current/Voltage Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O

Configurable Channel Interface Module with HART® Support
The FBM248 is the redundant version of the FBM247. It contains eight individual channels
which can be individually configured for a range of analog, digital and pulse field I/O signals,
including these:
♦ HART Analog Input (AI)/Analog Output (AO) 4-20 mA
♦ 0-20 mA AI/AO, non-HART
♦ 0-10 V and 0-5 V AI, non-HART
♦ Digital dry contact sense 24 V dc
♦ Discrete voltage monitor, configurable 0 and 1 thresholds 0-10 V
♦ NAMUR sensor discrete input

1. Ashield terminal connection (SH) is provided for each I/O point. The shield terminals are con-
nected to the ground at the system power supply.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

♦ Signal level according to DIN EN 50227 (NAMUR)2:

♦ “On” switching threshold of 2.1 mA dc with short circuit detection at > 6 mA
♦ “Off ” switching threshold 1.2 mA dc with open detection at <0.25 mA
♦ Pulse count, frequency, acceleration and jerk, contact sense or voltage input
♦ Discrete Output 24 V, 20 mA current or solid state switch output
Each I/O channel performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output
signals from the field sensors and actuators to the redundant Fieldbus, and is galvanically isolated
from other channels and ground.
The FBM248 is available in two versions, as explained in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsys-
tem User's Guide (B0400FA):
♦ Compact 200 Series FBM version
♦ Standard 200 Series FBM version
For detailed information, refer to Intelligent Marshalling Fieldbus Modules - FBM247 and
FBM248 (B0700GU) - particularly the “Configuring Blocks for FBM247 and FBM248” section-
and Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User's Guide (B0400FA).

100 Series Fieldbus Module Types (FBMs)

For the list of 200 Series FBMs which can replace each of the 100 Series FBMs,
refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ).

FBM01 (0 to 20 mA Inputs)
The 0 to 20 mA Input Interface contains eight 20 mA dc analog input channels. Each channel
accepts a 2-wire, analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-powered 20 mA
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant
This module executes the Analog Input application program. The configurable options for this
program and their ranges follow.

2. Ashield terminal connection (SH) is provided for each I/O point. The shield terminals are con-
nected to the ground at the system power supply.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-36. FBM01 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range (each channel): 0 to 20.4 mA dc.

Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.05% of span.
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-37.

Table B-37. FBM01 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.05 0.125 0.0250 11
0.1 0.25 0.0125 12
0.2 0.50 0.0075 13
0.5 1.00 0.005 14
1.0 2.00 0.005 15
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.
2. Monotonic: helps assure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either
increases or remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM02 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs)

The Thermocouple/mV Input Interface contains eight isolated thermocouple input channels, and
one isolated reference junction compensation channel (for terminal temperature sensing).
Each channel has a full scale indication on burnout feature and accepts standard thermocouples
for various temperature ranges.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the thermocouples to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant Field-
bus. This module executes the Analog Input application program. The configurable options and
their ranges follow.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Table B-38. FBM02 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-9) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range: -10 to 70 mV dc.

Reference Junction:
For discrete and direct terminal connections, a 100 ohm platinum RTD is internally pro-
vided at the termination cable assembly.
For a plug termination connection, the reference junction connection is provided with a
4-wire 100 ohm platinum RTD (DIN 43760, Class B).
Rated Mean Accuracy: ± 0.025% of span.
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-39.

Table B-39. FBM02 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.05 0.125 0.0250 11
0.1 0.4 0.0125 12
0.2 0.6 0.0075 13
0.5 1.2 0.005 14
1.0 2.1 0.005 15
Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for an input step change of 0 to 60 mV.
2. Monotonic: helps assure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either increases
or remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM03A ([3-wire] and 03B [4-wire] RTD Inputs)

The RTD Input Interface contains eight Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) input channels.
Each channel accepts either a 2- and 4-wire RTD, or 3-wire RTD sensor input within a 0 to
320 ohm resistance range.
Within the same module, 3-wire RTDs may not be mixed with 2- or 4-wire RTDs.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the RTD to the redundant Fieldbus.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant
This module executes the Analog Input application program.
The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-40. FBM03 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range (each channel): 0 to 320 ohms.

Sensor Current: 0.25 mA dc.
Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.025% of span.
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-41.

Table B-41. FBM03 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.05 0.125 0.0250 11
0.1 0.4 0.0125 12
0.2 0.6 0.0075 13
0.5 1.2 0.005 14
1.0 2.4 0.005 15
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for an input step change of 30 to 320 ohms.
Monotonic: helps assure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either increases or
remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM04 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs)
The 0 to 20 mA Input/Output Interface contains four 20 mA dc analog input channels and four
20 mA dc analog output channels.
Each input channel accepts an analog sensor input such as a 4 to 20 mA transmitter or a self-
powered 20 mA source.
Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA output.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output signals
from/to the field sensors to/from the redundant Fieldbus.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant
This module executes the Analog I/O application program. The configurable options and their
ranges follow.

Table B-42. FBM04 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Analog Output: 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/Fall-
on a per-channel basis)
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.05% of span.

Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-43.

Table B-43. FBM04 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% Of Range) Bits
0.05 0.125 0.0250 11
0.1 0.25 0.0125 12
0.2 0.50 0.0075 13
0.5 1.00 0.005 14
1.0 2.00 0.005 15
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.
2. Monotonic: helps to ensure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either
increases or remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM05 (0 to 20 mA Inputs/Outputs) for Redundant Applications

The FBM05 provides redundant input capability using a single transmitter. The FBM05 is simi-
lar to the FBM04 module, except for the internal current sense resistor, which is absent from the
FBM05 inputs.
A special termination block is provided that includes a current sense resistor. This allows two
FBM05 modules to monitor the same transmitter.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The input accuracy for the FBM05 is 0.3% of span. This is based on 0.05% for the input module
and 0.25% for the external sense resistor. Otherwise, the FBM05 meets the same physical and
performance specifications as the FBM04.
The special termination block (TCA) also provides for each of the output points and its corre-
sponding point in the other member of the redundant pair to control a single process point.

FBM06 (Pulse Inputs, 0 to 20 mA Outputs)

The Pulse Input, 0 to 20 mA Output Interface, contains four configurable pulse input channels
and four 20 mA dc analog output channels.
Each input channel accepts a pulse input, with a maximum rate of 12.5 kHz.
The input devices include vortex and turbine meters, solid state or electro-mechanical contacts
and other sensors with similar pulse outputs.
Each output channel drives an external load and produces a 0 to 20 mA output.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input/output signals
from/to the field sensors to/from the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant
This module executes the Pulse Input/Analog Output application program.
The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Table B-44. FBM06 Options

Option Range
Analog Output: 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback
(on a per-channel basis)
Analog Output Fail-safe 0 to 64000 counts
Fallback Data (on a per-channel basis)

FBM17 (0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc Inputs/Outputs)

The 0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc Input/Output Interface Module is a non-expandable main module
that provides these input and output functions for analog and digital field signals.

Analog Signals
INPUTS – Four 0 to 10 V dc channels used collectively for either:
♦ dc voltage measuring only
♦ Slidewire (position) sensing only
OUTPUTS – Two 0 to 10 V ac channels used for driving positioners, controllers or remote

Digital Signals
INPUTS – 4 channels used collectively for either:
♦ Contact sensing only

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

♦ dc voltage monitoring only

OUTPUTS – 4 channels used collectively for either:
♦ dc output switching with an external source only (for example, to control powering of
various external loads)
♦ dc output switching with an internal source only (for example, to power external solid
state relays or similar devices)
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these analog and digital electrical
input/output signals from/to the field sensors/actuators to/from the redundant Fieldbus.
The configurable analog options and their ranges follow.

Table B-45. FBM17 Analog Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4
(on a per-module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Analog Output: 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback
(on a per-channel basis)
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-4) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

The configurable digital options and their ranges follow.

Table B-46. FBM17 Digital Options

Option Range
Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
Digital Output Fail-safe Specifiable per channel
Fallback Data (on a per-channel basis)

Analog Input Configurable Specifications: Refer to Table B-47.

Table B-47. FBM17 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.1 0.3 0.013 12
0.2 0.5 0.008 13

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-47. FBM17 Conversion Time (Continued)

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.5 1.1 0.005 14
1.0 2.1 0.005 15
Output value settles within a 1% band of steady state for a 10 to 90% input step change.
2. Monotonic (that is, the signal used for Fieldbus communications increases or remains the
same for increasing analog input signals).

Analog Signal Specifications

Voltage Measuring:
♦ Range (each channel): -0.2 to 10.2 V dc
♦Rated Mean Accuracy (each channel): ±0.025% of span
OUTPUTS (Output Drivers)
♦ Capacity: 2 independent channels
♦ Range (each channel): -0.2 to 10.2 V dc
♦ Current (each channel): 10 mA (maximum)
♦ Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.05% of span
♦ Settling Time: 10 ms (to 1% of final value for 10 to 90% step change)
♦ Detected Linearity Error: ±0.025% of span
♦ Resolution: 12 bits

Digital Signal Specifications

♦ Capacity: 4 independent channels
♦ Filter Time: Configurable (4, 8, 16, or 32 ms)
♦ Contact Sensor
♦ Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on)
♦ Output Switch (with external source)
♦ Output Switch (with internal source)

FBM18 (Intelligent Transmitter Interface)

The Intelligent Transmitter Interface contains eight individual channels, each providing isolated
power and communication capabilities to an Intelligent Transmitter over a single pair of wires.
The module provides bidirectional digital communications between the Intelligent Transmitter
and the system redundant Fieldbus.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

The module is a transmitter host, enabling the system to receive digital messages from the trans-
mitter in engineering units. Each measurement message is received ten times per second and
♦ Up to three measured variables, that is, primary pressure, static pressure (d/p cell
only), and sensor temperature in IEEE 32-Bit Floating Point
♦ Security information
♦ Diagnostics
♦ Message checking
This information is available to all elements of the system.
Since the communications are bidirectional, the generator can display the output, transmitter
serial number, sensor temperature (degrees C and F), and continuous self-diagnostics.
In addition, information that can be displayed or reconfigured from the console and/or a Hand-
Held Terminal is:
♦ Output in percent or engineering units
♦ Zero and Span
♦ Elevation or Suppression
♦ Linear or Square Root Output
♦ Damping
♦ Fail-safe
♦ Tag Number, Name, and Location
♦ Last calibration date
♦ Two levels of upload/download capabilities
This module executes the interface application program.

FBM07/12 (Contact/dc Inputs and Expansion Inputs)

The Contact/dc Input Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counterpart Con-
tact/dc Expansion Input Interface Module individually function as a 16-channel contact sensor or
16-channel dc voltage monitor.
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state)
electrical input signals from the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module.
The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using an appropriate main module and is func-
tionally dependent on the supporting main module.
The main module is capable of executing any one of the application programs identified in this
♦ When used alone or in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field
input signals only, the main module executes the Digital I/O, or Sequence of Events
Monitor, or Pulse Count Inputs, or Ladder Logic program.
♦ When used in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field input and
output signals, the main module executes either the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The configurable options for each program are:

Table B-48. FBM07/12 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time *
(DI/DO; Ladder Logic applications)
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
(DI/DO Applications)
Sustained or Momentary Output
Configuration (on a per-channel basis) 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.
Input Range (each channel): Contact open (off ) or closed (on).

Subject to prevalent wiring rules on mixing field wiring, FBM Main modules 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 20, 24, 26, and 41 can mix with expansion modules 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
21, and 42.

FBM08/13 (120 V ac Inputs and Expansion Inputs)

The 120 V ac Input Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counterpart 120 V ac
Expansion Input Interface Module each function as a 16-channel 120 volt ac monitor.
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state)
electrical input signals from the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module. The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using any
expandable main module and is functionally dependent on the supporting main module.
The main module is capable of executing any one of the application programs identified in this
♦ When used alone or in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field
input signals only, the main module executes either the Digital I/O, Sequence of
Events Monitor, Pulse Count Inputs or Ladder Logic program.
♦ When used in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field input and
output signals, the main module executes either the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic
The configurable options for each program are:

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Table B-49. FBM08/13 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Main Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
(on a per-channel basis)
Digital Output: Specifiable per channel
Fail-safe Fallback Data
(on a per-channel basis)
Sustained or Momentary Output
configuration (on a per-channel basis) 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM09/14 (Contact/dc I/O and Expansion I/O)

The Contact/dc Input/Output Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counter-
part Contact/dc Expansion Input/Output Interface Module each provide these I/O functions:
INPUTS – 8 channels used collectively for either:
♦ Contact sensing only
♦ dc voltage monitoring only.
OUTPUTS – 8 channels used collectively for either:
♦ dc output switching with an external source only (for example, to control powering of
various external loads)
♦ dc output switching with an internal source only (for example, to power external solid
state relays or other similar devices).
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital electrical input/out-
put signals from/to the field sensors or actuators to/from the redundant Fieldbus.
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module.
The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using any expandable main module and is func-
tionally dependent on the main module.
When used alone or in conjunction with any expansion module, the main module executes either
the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program.
The configurable options for each program are:

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-50. FBM09/14 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Main Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM10/15 (120 V ac I/O and Expansion I/O)

The 120 V ac Input/Output Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counterpart
120 V ac Expansion Input/Output Module each provide these functions:
♦ 8 input channels for 120 Volt ac voltage monitoring
♦ 8 output channels for 120 Volt ac output switching with current overload protection.
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state)
electrical input/output signals from/to the field sensors or actuators to/from the redundant Field-
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module.
The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using any expandable main module and is func-
tionally dependent on the supporting module.
When used alone or in conjunction with any expansion module, the main module executes either
the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program.
The configurable options for each program are specified in Table B-51.

Table B-51. FBM10/15 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Main Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback (on a per-channel basis) 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Digital Output: Fail-safe Fallback Data (on a per-channel basis) Specifiable per channel
(DI/DO applications)
Sustained or Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis) 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM11/16 (240 V ac I/O and Expansion I/O)

The 240 V ac Input/Output Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counterpart
240 V ac Expansion Input/Output Module each provide these functions:
♦ 8 input channels for 240 Volt ac voltage monitoring
♦ 8 output channels for 240 Volt ac output switching with current overload protection
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state)
electrical input/output signals from/to the field sensors or actuators to/from the redundant Field-
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module.
The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using any expandable main module and is func-
tionally dependent on the supporting main module.
When used alone or in conjunction with any expansion module, the main module executes either
the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic application program.
The configurable options for each program are:

Table B-52. FBM11/16 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Main Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback (on a per-channel basis) 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Digital Output: Fail-safe Fallback Data (on a per-channel basis) Specifiable per channel
(DI/DO application)
Sustained or Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis) 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM20/21 (240 V ac Inputs and Expansion Inputs)

The 240 V ac Input Interface Module (an expandable main module) and its counterpart 240 V ac
Expansion Input Interface Module each function as a 16-channel 240 Volt ac monitor.
Each module performs the signal conversion needed to interface these digital (that is, on/off state)
electrical input signals from the field sensors to the redundant Fieldbus.
The expandable main module independently connects to the Fieldbus and is capable of support-
ing a single expansion module.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

The expansion module connects to the Fieldbus using any expandable main module and is func-
tionally dependent on the supporting main module.
The main module is capable of executing any one of the application programs identified in this
♦ When used alone or in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field
input signals only, the main module executes either the Digital I/O, Sequence of
Events Monitor, Pulse Count Inputs, or Ladder Logic program.
♦ When used in conjunction with an expansion module that interfaces field input and
output signals, the main module executes either the Digital I/O or Ladder Logic
The configurable options for each program are:

Table B-53. FBM20/21 Options

Option Range
(All applications)
Main Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Expansion Input Filter Time 0 = 4 ms; 1 = 8 ms;
2 = 16 ms; 3 = 32 ms
Digital Output:
Fail-safe Configuration Hold/Fallback (on a per-channel basis) 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
Digital Output: Fail-safe Fallback Data (on a per-channel basis) Specifiable per channel
(DI/DO application)
Sustained or Momentary Output Configuration
(on a per-channel basis) 0 = sustained; 1 = momentary

If the Momentary Output configuration is selected, then the Output Interval is also configurable
in increments of 10 ms with a 50% duty cycle.

FBM33A (3-wire RTD Inputs) and 33B (2- and 4-wire RTD
The Copper RTD Input Interface contains eight Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) input
channels. Each channel accepts either a 2- and 4-wire copper RTD or a 3-wire copper RTD sen-
sor input within a 0 to 30 ohm resistance range.
Within the same module, 3-wire RTDs may not be mixed with 2- or 4-wire RTDs.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the RTDs to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a non-expandable main type, and independently connects to the redundant
This module executes the Analog Input application program.
The configurable options and their ranges follow.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

Table B-54. FBM33 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(on a per module basis)
1 = 100 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
2 = 200 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
3 = 500 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
4 = 1000 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
5 = 50 ms integration time, 25 ms update period
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-8) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range (each channel): 0 to 30 ohms.

Sensor Current: 0.25 mA dc.
Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.125% of span (±0.04 ohms).
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-55.

Table B-55. FBM33 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.05 0.2 0.125 11
0.1 0.4 0.0625 12
0.2 0.6 0.0375 13
0.5 1.2 0.025 14
1.0 2.4 0.025 15
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for an input step change of 3 to 30 ohms.
2. Monotonic: helps assure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either increases or
remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM36 (Thermocouple/mV Inputs)

The Thermocouple/mV Input Interface contains eight isolated thermocouple input channels, and
one isolated RTD reference junction compensation channel (for terminal temperature sensing).
Each thermocouple/mV channel has a full scale indication on burnout feature and accepts Type R
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical input signals from
the thermocouples to the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a main type, and independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus. This module
executes the Analog Input application program. The configurable options and their ranges follow.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Table B-56. FBM36 Options

Option Range
Analog Input Resolution 0 to 21.1 mV
(on a per-module basis)
Rate of Change Limits (Channels 1-9) Normalized Raw Counts/100 ms

Input Range: 0.1 to 21.1 mV.

Reference Junction:
For discrete and direct terminal connections, a 100 ohm platinum RTD is internally pro-
vided at the termination cable assembly.
For a plug termination connection, the reference junction connection is provided by the
user with a 4-wire 100 ohm platinum RTD (DIN 43760, Class B).
Rated Mean Accuracy: ± 0.025% of span.
Conversion Time (software configurable): Refer to Table B-57.

Table B-57. FBM36 Conversion Time

Conversion Time Settling Time1 Linearity Error2 Resolution

(Seconds) (Seconds) (% of Range) Bits
0.05 0.2 0.1 11
0.1 0.4 0.05 12
0.2 0.6 0.03 13
0.5 1.2 0.02 14
1.0 2.1 0.02 15
1. Value settles within a 1% band of steady state for an input step change of 10 to 90%.
2. Monotonic: helps assure that the signal for Fieldbus communications either increases
or remains the same for increasing analog input signals.

FBM37 (0 to 20 mA Outputs)
The Redundant 0 to 20 mA Output Interface Module (FBM37) consists of a pair of Fieldbus
Modules (two FBM237s), each of which contains eight 0 to 20 mA dc analog output channels.
The module can be used as a nonredundant (single) module or as a redundant pair (two) mod-
ules. The pair of Fieldbus Modules combine to provide redundancy at the Fieldbus Module level,
with associated field output signals wired to two termination assemblies. Each redundant Fieldbus
Module independently attempts to hold the output(s) at its specified output value(s). A redun-
dant analog output (AOUTR) block in the control software validates each output in conjunction
with information from the Fieldbus Module.
The module performs the signal conversion needed to interface the electrical output signals to the
field sensors from the redundant Fieldbus.
The module is a main type, and independently connects to the redundant Fieldbus.

Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules B0700AG – Rev V

This module executes the Analog Output application program. The configurable options and
their ranges follow.

Table B-58. FBM37 Options

Option Range
Analog Output:
Fail-safe Configuration (Hold/Fallback 0 = fallback; 1 = hold
on a per-channel basis)

Rated Mean Accuracy: ±0.05% of span.

Cluster I/O FBCs

Refer to Fieldbus Cluster I/O User’s Guide (B0193RB) for hardware specifications of the Fieldbus
Cluster modules (FBCs) currently available to Control Core Services users.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix B. Fieldbus Modules

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross
These tables present the entire list of all types of 200 Series FBMs, DCS Fieldbus Modules for
Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems, and DCS Fieldbus Modules for APACS+ Sys-
tems. All of these modules and processors interface to control processors.

Legacy FBMs and Equivalents

This is a list of legacy FBMs and equivalents. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type
♦ EXP – Expander type
♦ Notes – Additional ECBs in use on this FBM

For the list of 200 Series FBMs which can replace each of the I/A Series 100 Series
FBMs, refer to 100 Series Fieldbus Module Upgrade User's Guide (B0700BQ).

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM01 0 to 20 mA Input 8A 1 IOM1 1
BAMM01 Bailey RTD 4A 1 IOM1 1
0-320 Ohms
BASM01 Bailey 4 to 20 mA, 16A 47,1,1 IOM56 52,1,1
1 to 5 V dc, 0 to 10 V dc,
-10 to +10 Vdc
BASI01 Bailey 4 to 20 mA, 15A 47,1,1 IOM56 52,1,1
0 to 5 V dc, 0 to 10 V dc,
-10 to 10 V dc, 0 to 1 V dc
F1M01A Fisher™ Series 10 8A 1 IOM1 1
1-5 Vdc, 4-20 mA
F1M01C Fisher Series 10 4A 1 IOM1 1
1-5 Vdc, 4-20 mA, ISO

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
F1M01E Fisher Series 10 8A 1 IOM1 1
0-10 V dc
F1M01F Fisher Series 10 4A 1 IOM1 1
0-10 V dc ISO
FBM02 Thermocouple/mV Input 8A 1 IOM1 2
BASM02 Bailey thermocouple, +/- 8A 1 IOM1 2
100 mV
F1M02 Fisher Series10 4A 1 IOM1 2
-10.2 to 70 mV,
5 kinds of ISO
FBM03 RTD Input 8A 1 IOM1 3
0-320 Ohms
BASI03 Bailey mV, TC, RTD, 16A 47,1,1 IOM55 52,2,2
BASM03 Bailey RTD 8A 1 IOM1 3
platinum, nickel
0-320 Ohms
BASM33 Bailey RTD copper 8A 1 IOM1 3
0-30 ohms
F1M03A Fisher Series 10 RTD 4A 1 IOM1 3
-50 to 200 F
F1M03C Fisher Series 10 RTD 4A 1 IOM1 3
100 to 500 F
F1M03D Fisher Series 10 RTD 4A 1 IOM1 3
FBM03A RTD 3 wire 8A 1 IOM1 3
(uses FBM03)
FBM03B RTD 4 wire 8A 1 IOM1 3
(uses FBM03)
FBM04 0 to 20 mA 4A 4A 2,52 IOM2,52 4 PID -
Input/Output ECB52
F1M04A Fisher Series 10 4A 1 IOM2 4
1-5 V dc
F1M04B Fisher Series 10 4A 1 IOM2 4
4-20 mA
FBM05 Redundant 4A 4A 2 IOM2 5
0 to 20 mA Input/Output
FBM06 Pulse Input, 4P 4A 4 IOM4 6
0 to 20 mA Output
BDSM06 Bailey pulse 8P 47,4,4 IOM4 52,6,6
F1M06 Fisher Series 10 4P 4 IOM4 6 3 types
4-30 V dc,
dry contacts,
or current pulse
FBM07 Contact/dc input 16D 5 IOM5 7
BSEM01 Bailey 24 V dc, 16D 6 IOM6 7 14
48 Vdc, 120 V ac/dc SOE
BDSI07 Bailey 24 V dc, 16D 5 IOM5 7
125 V ac/dc

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM07A 15 to 130 V dc 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 7 SOE-
(uses FBM07) ECB6,
FBM07B 24 V dc Contact Sense 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 7 SOE-
Input ECB6,
(uses FBM07) pulse
F1M07 Fisher Series 8D 5-8 IOM5-8 7 SOE-
104-30 V dc, ECB6,
dry contact, 120 V ac pulse
FBM08 120 V ac Input 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 SOE-
FBM09 Contact/dc Input/Output 8D 8D 5 IOM5 9
BDSM09 Bailey 24 V dc solid state 16D 5 IOM5 9 14
BDSM9A Bailey 24 V dc, 8D 8D 5 IOM5 9
125 V ac/dc/24 V dc
BDSM9B Bailey 24 Vdc 16D 16D 5 IOM5 9 14
F1M09 Fisher Series 10 FET 8D 5 IOM5 9 3 types
4-30 V dc,
relay or relay external
FBM09A Voltage Monitor 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 9 ladder-
- 15 to 130 V dc Input, ECB8
60 V dc @ 0.5 mV Output
FBM09B Voltage Monitor 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 9 ladder-
- 15 to 130 V dc Input, ECB8
0 to 10 V dc Output
FBM09C Contact Sense - 24 V dc 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 9 ladder-
Input, 60 V dc @ 0.5 mV ECB8
FBM09D Contact Sense 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 9 ladder-
- 24 V dc Input, ECB8
0 to 10 V dc Output
FBM10 120 V ac Input/Output 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 ladder-
BDSO10 Bailey 24-240 V dc solid 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 10 14 ladder-
state ECB8

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM11 240 V ac 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 11 ladder-
Input/Output ECB8
FBM12 FBM07 Expander 16D refer 12
FBM12A FBM07A Expander 16D refer 12
FBM12B FBM07B Expander 16D refer 12
FBM13 FBM08 Expander 16D refer 13
FBM14 FBM09 Expander 8D 8D refer 14
FBM14A FBM09A Expander 8D 8D refer 14
FBM14B FBM09B Expander 8D 8D refer 14
FBM14C FBM09C Expander 8D 8D refer 14
FBM14D FBM09D Expander 8D 8D refer 14
FBM15 FBM10 Expander 8D 8D refer 15
FBM16 FBM11 Expander 8D 8D refer 16
FBM17 0 to 10 V dc, 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT-
Contact/dc Input/Output 4D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
FBM17A 15 to 130 V dc Input, 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT-
60 V dc @ 0.5 mV Output 4D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
FBM17B 15 to 130 V dc Input, 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT -
0 to 10 V dc 4D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
Output MDPulse -
FBM17C 24 V dc Input, 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT-
60 V dc @ 0.5 mV Output 4D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
MDPulse -

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM17D 24 V dc Input, 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT-
0 to 10 V dc 4D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
Output MDPulse-
BCOM17 0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc 4A, 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT -
Input/Output 3D 4D 36,52 36,52 ECB34,
MDPulse -
FBM18 Intelligent Transmitter 8 In 12 IOM12 18
FBM19 Analog Input ?A 1 IOM1 19
FBM20 240 V ac Input 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 20 SOE-
FBM21 FBM20 Expander 16D refer 21
FBM22 Single 0 to 20 mA 1A 1A 9,52 IOM9,52 22 PID-
Input/Output Auto/Manual ECB52
FBM23 HTG Interface Unit 32D 13 IOM13 23
FBM24 Contact/125 V dc Input - 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 24 SOE-
External Power ECB6,
FBM24A 24 to 125 V dc 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 24 SOE-
Input/Output ECB6,
FBM24B Contact Sense 16D 5-8 IOM5-8 24 SOE-
Input/Output ECB6,

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM24C Contact Sense Input/Out- 15D 5-8 IOM5-8 24 SOE-
put - External Power ECB6,
(16th=power connection) pulse
FBM25 FBM24 Expander 16D refer 25
FBM25A FBM24A Expander 16D refer 25
FBM25B FBM24B Expander 16D refer 25
FBM25C FBM24C Expander 16D refer 25
FBM26 Contact/125 V dc Input/ 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 ladder-
Output - External ECB8
BDSO26 Bailey 4 -50 V dc solid 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 14 ladder-
state ECB8
FBM26A 24 to 125 V dc Input 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 ladder-
(uses FBM26) ECB8
FBM26B Contact Sense Input 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 ladder-
(uses FBM26) ECB8
FBM26C Contact Sense Input - 7D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 ladder-
External Power ECB8
(8th=external power)
FBM27 FBM26 Expander 8D 8D refer 27
FBM27A FBM26A Expander 8D 8D refer 27
FBM27B FBM26B Expander 8D 8D refer 27
FBM27C FBM26C Expander 8D 8D refer 27
FBM33 Copper RTD Input, 8A 1 IOM1 33
Expanded Range
FBM33A Expanded Range Copper 8A 1 IOM1 33
RTD 3-wire
FBM33B Expanded Range Copper 8A 1 IOM1 33
2- and 4-wire
FBM36 Type R 8A 1 IOM1 36
Thermocouple/mV Input
FBM37 0-20 mA Output 8A 53 IOM53 37
BAS037 Bailey 1 to 5 V dc, 14A 47,53, IOM56 52,
4 to 20 mA 53 37,37
BAOM37 Bailey 0 to 10 V dc, 8A 53 IOM53 37
1 to 5 V dc,
4 to 20 mA
FBM38 Coriolis Mass Flow Coriolis 22 IOM22

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-1. Legacy FBMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT EXP Notes
FBM39 Intelligent Transmitter 4 IT 4A 23 IOM23 39
0 to 20 mA Out
FBM41 Isolated Contact 24 V dc 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 41 ladder-
In/0 to 60 V dc Out ECB8
BDSO41 Bailey 5-160 dc solid state 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 41 14 ladder-
FBM41A 15 to 60 V dc Input, 0 to 60 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 41 ladder-
V dc @ 2.25 A Output ECB8
FBM41C 24 V dc Contact Sense 8D 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 41 ladder-
Input, ECB8
0 to 60 V dc @ 2.25 A
FBM42 FBM41 Expander 8D 8D refer 42
FBM42A FBM41A Expander 8D 8D refer 42
FBM42C FBM41C Expander 8D 8D refer 42
FBM43 Dual Baud Rate Intelligent 8 IT 12,73 IOM37, 43 FoxCom -
Device Interface 73 ECB73
(parent of
18, 43),
(parent of
FBM44 Dual Baud Rate 4 IT 4A 23,38 IOM23,38 44 multi-
IT/0 to 20 mA Out baud-
Redundant Output ECB38
FBM45 Gas Gas 39 IOM39 45
Chromatograph Chro-
FBM46 Dual Baud Rate 4 IT 4A 38R IOM49 98 FoxCom-
IT/0 to 20 mA In/Out (parent of
Redundant 18)
PDISP Panel Display - - 14 IOM14 28 This is not
a real
FBM, but
I/A Series
treats it as

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Fieldbus Processors
This is a list of fieldbus processors. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBP Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBP
♦ In – Number of input channels (dependent on I/O cards)
♦ Out – Number of output channels (dependent on I/O cards)
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM Number – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

Table C-2. Fieldbus Cluster Modules

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT
FBP10 Eckardt Migration 47 IOM42 52
FBP10R Eckardt Migration 47R IOM47 87
FBP11 Spectrum UCM 48 IOM43 53
FBP11R Spectrum UCM 48R IOM48 88
FBP12 Spectrum FIO™ N/A N/A 44 IOM44 54
FBP13 Spectrum UFM™ N/A N/A 45 IOM45 55
FBP14 Spectrum UIO 46 IOM46 56

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Eckardt I/O Cards

This is a list of I/O cards that are found in Eckardt racks.The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBP Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBP
♦ In – Number of input channels (dependent on I/O cards)
♦ Out – Number of output channels (dependent on I/O cards)
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

Table C-3. Eckardt Rack I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out SW ECB# HWT

FBC01 0 to 20 mA Inputs 32A 41 58
FBC01R 0 to 20 mA (Redundant) 32A 41 90
FBC02 Thermocouple Inputs 32A 41 63
FBC02R Thermocouple (Redundant) 32A 41 95
FBC04 0 to 20 mA Outputs 16A 43 61
FBC04R 0 to 20 mA (Redundant) 16A 43 93
FBC07A/B Contact/dc Inputs 32D 42 60
FBC07R Contact/dc (Redundant) 32D 42 92
FBC09 Contact/dc Outputs 32D 44 62
FBC09R Contact/dc (Redundant) 32D 44 94
FBC10 Contact/dc Input/Output 32D 32D 46 86
FBC10R Contact/dc (Redundant) 32D 32D 46 97
FBC17 0 to 10 V dc Inputs 32A 41 59
FBC17R 0 to 10 V dc (Redundant) 32A 41 91
FBC21 0 to 20 mA Inputs 16A 41 57
FBC21R 0 to 20 mA (Redundant) 16A 41 89

This is a list of I/O cards that can be found in either UCM or UIO racks. The table heading defi-
nitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-4. UCM or UIO Rack I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# HWT
3A2-V2D High Level ISO 2A 41 65
3A2-V3D High Level 2A 41 65
3A2-E2D ac Voltage input 2A 41 65
3A2-I2D ISO Current Input 2A 41 65
3A2-I2DA ISO High Level 2A 41 65
3A2-I3D Current Input 2A 41 65
3A2-I3DA High Level 2A 41 65
3A2-H3D High Level 2A 41 65
3A4-I2D Quad Current In 4A 41 66
3A2-M2D MV/TC Adj Range 2A 41 65
3A2-T2DJ1 Thermocouple Input 2A 41 68
3A2-T2DJ2 Thermocouple Input 2A 41 68
3A2-T2DK1 Thermocouple Input 2A 41 68
3A2-T2DK2 Thermocouple Input 2A 41 68
3A4-M2DA1 Millivolt/TC Input 2A 41 69
3A4-M2DA2 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A4-M2DA3 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A4-M2DA4 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A4-M2DA5 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A4-M2DA6 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A4-M2DA7 Millivolt/TC Input (4 channel UCM ONLY) 4A 41 69
3A2-R2DC Copper RTD 2A 41 71
3A2-R2DN Nickel RTD 2A 41 71
3A2-R2DP Platinum 1 RTD 2A 41 71
3A2-R2DP Platinum 2 RTD 2A 41 71
3A2-R2DP Platinum 3 RTD 2A 41 71
3A2-R2DP2 Platinum RTD 2A 41 71
3C8-C3D Octal Contact In 8D 42 77
3C8-E2D Octal Line V Monitor 8D 42 77
3A2-F2D Pulse Rate Counter 2P 41 75
3A2-Q2D Pulse Input Count 2P 41 73
3A2-D3V Dual Voltage Out 2A 43 78
3A2-D2I Dual Current Out 2A 43 78
3A2-D3I Dual Current Out 2A 43 78
3C4-D2CS dc Switch Out 4D 44 80
3C4-D2KS ac Switch Out 4D 44 80
3C8-D2CS Octal Contact Out 8D 44 81
3C4-D2VS dc Volt Out 4D 44 80
3C4-D2CP dc Pulse Out 4D 44 82
3C4-D2KP ac Pulse Out 4P 44 82
3C4-D2VP dc Pulse Out 4P 44 82
3AS-I2I Single Loop I/O 1A 1A 45 84
3AS-I3I Single Loop I/O 1A 2A 45 84
3AD-I3I Dual Loop I/O (4 channel UCM ONLY) 2A 2A 45 85

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

This is a list of I/O cards that can be found in FIO racks. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

Table C-5. FIO Rack I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# HWT
3F8-V2DA1 Octal High Level 8A 41 67
3F8-V2DA2 Octal High Level 8A 41 67
3F8-V2DA Octal High Level 8A 41 67
3F4-I2D1A Quad 0-20 mA dc, 16V 4A 41 66
3F4-I2D2A Quad 0-20 mA dc, 22V 4A 41 66
3F8-I2DA Octal High Level 8A 41 67
3F8-H2DA Octal High Level 8A 41 67
3F8-T2DA1 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA2 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA3 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA4 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA5 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA6 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-T2DA7 Octal Thermocouple 8A 41 70
3F8-M2DA1 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA2 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA3 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA4 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA5 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA6 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-M2DA7 Octal Millivolt 8A 41 67
3F8-R2DCA Octal RTD (Copper) 8A 41 72
3F8-R2DNA Octal RTD (Nickel) 8A 41 72
3F8-R2DPA1 Octal RTD (Platinum 1) 8A 41 72
3F8-R2DPA2 Octal RTD (Platinum 2) 8A 41 72
3F8-R2DPA3 Octal RTD (Platinum 3) 8A 41 72
3F8-C2DCA Octal Contact 8D 42 77
3F8-C2DNA Octal Prox Sensor 8D 42 77
3F8-E2DA Octal HL Digital 8D 42 77
3F4-F2DA Quad Pulse Rate 4P 41 76
3F4-Q2DA Quad Pulse Counter 4P 41 74
3F4-D2VA Quad High Level Out 4A 43 79
3F4-D2IA Quad High Level Out 4A 43 79

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-5. FIO Rack I/O Cards (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# HWT
3F8-D2CSA Octal dc Switch 8D 44 81
3F8-D2ZA Octal Solenoid Dvr 8D 44 81
3F8-D2KSA Octal ac Switch 8D 44 81
3F4-D2WA Quad Solenoid Dvr 4D 44 80
3F8-D2CPA Octal dc Pulse Sw 8P 44 83
3F8-D2KPA Octal ac Pulse Sw 8P 44 83

This is a list of I/O cards that can be found in UFM racks. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

Table C-6. UFM Rack I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# HWT
3A8-V2D1 Octal High Level 41 67
3A8-I2D1 Octal High Level 41 67
3A8-M2D1 Octal Millivolt 41 67
3A8-M2D2 Octal Millivolt 41 67
3A8-M2D3 Octal Millivolt 41 67
3A8-T2D1 Octal Thermocouple 41 70
3A8-T2D2 Octal Thermocouple 41 70
3A8-T2D3 Octal Thermocouple 41 70
3A8-R2DC1 Octal RTD (Copper) 41 72
3A8-R2DN1 Octal RTD (Nickel) 41 72
3A8-R2DP1 Octal RTD (Platinum 1) 41 72
3A8-R2DP2 Octal RTD (Platinum 2) 41 72
3A8-R2DP3 Octal RTD (Platinum 3) 41 72
3D8-C2D1 Octal Contact 42 77

Fisher Series 20 Migration Cards

This is a list of Fisher Series 20 migration cards. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

♦ In – Number of input channels

♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type
♦ Notes – Additional ECBs in use on this FBM

Table C-7. Fisher Series 20 Migration Cards

Type Signal Description In Out 1 IOM# HWT Notes
F2M214 Two FBM214 modules 8A x 2 - 200, IOM214 214 Configured as two
(16A 201 FBM214 modules,
Total) each with 8 analog
HART inputs
F2M215 One FBM215 module - 8A2 200, IOM215 215
F2M239 One FBM239 module Up to Up to 5 IOM79 239 16 I/O channels -
16D 16D Jumper for either input
or output only
F2M67A Fisher Series 20 FBP10, Up to Up to 47,5 IOM59 52,9 16 I/O channels -
(Legacy) FBM09 16D 16D Jumper for either input
(Replaced by F2M239) or output only
F2M68A Fisher Series 20 FBP10, 16A 8A 47,1, IOM58 52,1,37 Inputs and Outputs are
(Legacy) 2 FBM01s, FBM37 53 independent and both
(Analog inputs replaced may be used
by F2M214, analog out-
puts replaced by
FRM701 Fisher Controller 4A, 2D 1A, 7D 47,9 IOM57 52,17
Configurable FBP10,
1 or 2 FBM17s
FRM711 Fisher Controller 5A, 4D 2A, 2D 47,9 IOM57 52,17
Computing FBP10,
1 or 2 FBM17s
FRMMPU Fisher Controller 10A, 3A, 4D 47,9,1 IOM57 52,17,1
FBP10, 2 FBM17, 4D

1. Refer to “DCS Fieldbus Module Control Schemes” in DCS Fieldbus Modules for Fisher PROVOX®
Series 20 Systems User’s Guide (B0193YV) for details on how to configure the blocks for these devices.
2. F2M215 has HART output channels.

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs and Equivalents

DIN Rail Mounted 200 Series FBMs
Table C-8 lists the 200 Series (DIN rail mounted) FBMs. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type
♦ Notes – Additional ECBs in use on this FBM

Table C-8. 200 Series (DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
FBM201/ 8 Input, 0-20 mA 8 AI 1 IOM83 201
FBM201b 8 Input, 0-100mV 8 AI 1 IOM83 201
FBM201c 8 Input, 0-5 V 8 AI 1 IOM83 201
FBM201d 8 Input 0-10 V 8 AI 1 IOM83 201
FBM202 8 Input, 8 AI 1 IOM84 202
FBM203 8 Input, RTD 8 AI 1 IOM85 203
(Pt, Ni)
FBM203b 8 Input, RTD (Pt,Ni) 8 AI 1 IOM85 203
Extended Range
FBM203c 8 Input, RTD 8 AI 1 IOM85 203
FBM203d 8 Input 4 wire RTD (Pt, 8 AI 1 IOM85 203
Ni, Cu)
FBM204 4 Input, 0-20 mA / 4 AI 4 AO 2 IOM86 204
4 Output, 0-20 mA
FBM204b 4 Input, 0-20 mA / 4 AI 4 AO 2 IOM86 204
4 Output, 0-20 mA
FBM205 4 Input, 0-20 mA / 4 AI 4 AO 2 IOM87 205
4 Output, 0-20 mA
(Redundant capable)
FBM206 8 Input, Pulse 8 PI 4 IOM88 206
FBM206b 4 Input, Pulse / 4 PI 4 AO 4 IOM88 206
4 Output, 0-20 mA
FBM207 16 Input, 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
Voltage Monitor pulse count-ECB7,
FBM207b 16 Input, 24 V dc Con- 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
tact Sense pulse count-ECB7,

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-8. 200 Series (DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
FBM207c 16 Input, 48 V dc Con- 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
tact Sense pulse count-ECB7,
FBM208 0 to 20 mA Redundant 4 AI 4 AO 2 IOM80 208
with readback
FBM208b 0 to 20 mA Redundant 4 AI 4 AO 2 IOM80 208 Replaces FBM05
with readback to non-HART
devices - no TA
FBM211 16 Input, 0-20 mA 16 AI 1 IOM90 211
FBM212 16 Input, Thermocou- 14 AI 1 IOM91 212
ple/mV Differential
FBM213 8 Input, RTD 8 AI 1 IOM92 213
(Pt, Ni) Differential
FBM214 8 Communication, 8 AI or 200/ IOM214 214
HART Input HART 201
FBM214b 8 Communication, 8 AI or 200/ IOM214 214
HART Input HART 201
FBM215 8 Communication, 8 AO or 200/ IOM215 215
HART Output HART 201
FBM216 8 Communication, 8 AI or 201/ IOM216 216
HART Input HART 202
FBM216b 8 Communication, 8 AI or 201/ IOM216 216
HART Input HART 202
FBM217 32 Input, Voltage Moni- 32 DI 5-8 IOM96 217 SOE-ECB6,
tor (Group Isolated) pulse count-ECB7,
FBM218 8 Communication, HART 8 AO or 201/ IOM218 218
Output (Redundant) HART 202
FBM219 24 Input, Voltage Moni- 24 DI 8 DO 5,8 IOM98 219 ladder-ECB8
tor/8 Output, Switch
(External Source)
FBM220 1 Communication Port, 1 FF 1 FF 200/ IOM220 220
Fieldbus Foundation 201
FBM221 4 Communication Ports, 4 FF 4 FF 200/ IOM221 221
Fieldbus Foundation 201
FBM222 2 Communication Ports, 2 Profibus 2 Profi- 200/ IOM222 222 Redundant mod-
Profibus DP bus 202 ules use ECB 202
FBM223 2 Communication Ports, 2 Profibus 2 Profi- 200/ IOM223 223
Profibus DP bus 201
FBM224 4 Communication Ports, 4 Modbus 4 Mod- 200/ IOM224 224 2000 pts/
Modbus (Redundant bus 201 64 devices
FBM227 4 0 to 10 V dc and 4 0-10V dc 2 0- 9 IOM77 227
4 Discrete Input and 10V dc
2 0 to 10 V dc and 4 Discrete and
4 Discrete Output 4 Dis-

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-8. 200 Series (DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
FBM228 4 Communication Ports, 4 FF 4 FF 200/ IOM228 228 Redundant mod-
Fieldbus Foundation 201/ ules use ECBs
(Single or Redundant) 202 202/201
FBM229 1-Channel Interface to Supports I/O for a net- 200/ IOM229 229
DeviceNet Devices work of up to 64 Devi- 201
ceNet devices
(including the FBM
itself, the slave I/O
modules and a third-
party configuration
FBM230 4 Serial Ports, RS-232, 4 Serial 4 Serial 200/ IOM230 230
RS-422, or RS-485 201
FBM231 4 Serial Ports, RS-232, 4 Serial 4 Serial 202/ IOM231 231
RS-422, or RS-485 201
FBM232 1 Ethernet Port 1 Ethernet 1 Ether- 200/ IOM232 232
net 201
FBM233 1 Ethernet Port 1 Ethernet 1 Ether- 202/ IOM233 233
(Redundant) net 201
FBM237 8 Output, 0-20 mA 8 AO 53 IOM93 237
FBM238 24 Input, Voltage Moni- 24 DI 8 Dis- 5-8 IOM78 238
tor (Group Isolated) and crete
8 Discrete Output
FBM239 16 Input, Voltage Monitor 16 DI 16 5-8 IOM79 239
(Group Isolated) and Discrete
16 Discrete Output
FBM240 8 Output, Switched 8 DO 5 IOM81 240
120v ac or 125 V dc,
with Readback
FBM241 8 Input, Voltage Moni- 8 DI 8 DO 5,8 IOM94 241 ladder-ECB8
tor/8 Output, Switch
(External Source)
FBM241b 8 Input, Voltage Moni- 8 DI 8 DO 5,8 IOM94 241 ladder-ECB8
tor/8 Output, Switch
(Internal Source)
FBM241c 8 Input, Contact Sense/8 8 DI 8 DO 5,8 IOM94 241 ladder-ECB8
Output, Switch (External
FBM241d 8 Input, Contact Sense/8 8 DI 8 DO 5,8 IOM94 241 ladder-ECB8
Output, Switch (Internal
FBM242 16 Output, DC Switch 16 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder-ECB8
(External Source)
FBM243 8 Channel Isolated, dual 8 FoxCom 8 Fox- 73/18 IOM97 243
baud rate FoxCom (Intel- Com or 74
ligent Device)
FBM243b 4 Channel Isolated, dual 4 FoxCom 4 AO 23 IOM97 243
baud rate FoxCom (Intel-
ligent Device) and
4 Output, 0-20 mA

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-8. 200 Series (DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
FBM244 4 Input, 0-20 mA, 4 AI 4 AO 200/ IOM244 244
4 Output, 0-20 mA 201
(HART Support)
FBM245 4 Input, 0-20 mA, 4 AI 4 AO 202/ IOM245 245
4 Output, 0-20 mA 201
Redundant (HART
FBM246 4 Redundant Channel 4 FoxCom 4 Fox- 38R/18 IOM97 246
Isolated, dual baud rate Com or 74
FoxCom (Intelligent
FBM246b 4 Redundant Channel 4 FoxCom 4 AO 38R/18 IOM97 246
Isolated, dual baud rate
FoxCom (Intelligent
Device) and
4 Output, 0-20 mA
FBM247 8-Channel Current/Volt- 8 Configurable I/O 200/ IOM247 247 Eight channels can
age Analog/Digi- Channels 201 be configured as
tal/Pulse I/O input or output for
Configurable Channel a variety of chan-
Interface Module (with nel types, with or
HART® Support on All without HART sup-
Channels) - Includes port - refer to
support for additional page 246
communication types

Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem (ISCM) Cards

Table C-9 lists the appropriate Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs) for use in conjunction with the
ISCM cards.

Table C-9. Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem (ISCM) Cards

P+F Model SW Software I/O

No. Description ECB HWT Type Block
ISCM8100 Intrinsically Safe Communication 200 250 250 none
Module for Zone 2 applications
(LB-style), nonredundant
ISCM8200 Intrinsically Safe Communication 200 250 250 none
Module for Zone 1 applications
(FB-style), nonredundant
ISCM8100 Intrinsically Safe Communication 202 250 250 none
Module for Zone 2 applications
(LB-style), redundant
ISCM8200 Intrinsically Safe Communication 202 250 250 none
Module for Zone 1 applications
(FB-style), redundant

For the ISCM and available P+F I/O modules and base/extension units which can be used with
the Foxboro Evo Process Automation System, refer to Intrinsically Safe I/O Subsystem User’s Guide

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

(B0700DP). The Foxboro Evo Process Automation System views the P+F I/O modules as
200 Series FBMs.

DCS FBMs for ABB/Taylor MOD300 Systems

Table C-10 lists the DCS FBMs for migration of ABB/Taylor MOD300 Systems. Each DCS
FBM is electrically equivalent to a 200 Series FBM, as indicated by the software type (IOM#) and
hardware type (HWT).

Table C-10. ABB/Taylor MOD300 Systems Migration Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT
DIO214 8 Communication, 8 AI or 200/ IOM214 214
HART Input HART 201
DIO215 8 Communication, 8 AO or 200/ IOM215 215
HART Output HART 201
DIO216 8 Communication, 8 AI or 201/ IOM216 216
HART Input (Redundant) HART 202
DIO218 8 Communication, HART 8 AO or 201/ IOM218 218
Output (Redundant) HART 202
DIOSDM MOD300 digital migration Up to 48D Up to 200/ IOM215 236
48D,P 201
DIOSDM MOD300 digital migration Up to 48D Up to 200/ IOM215 236
(redundant) 48D,P 202 (2 sets)

Refer to DCS Fieldbus Modules for ABB MOD300 Direct I/O Systems with HART I/O Capability
User's Guide (B0700AE) for additional information on configuring these DCS FBMs.

DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF

Table C-11 lists the DCS FBMs for migration of Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems.
Each DCS FBM is electrically equivalent to a 200 Series FBM, as indicated by the software type
(IOM#) and hardware type (HWT).

Table C-11. DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
WAI01A Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM83 201
-512 to +512 mV dc
WAI01B Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM83 201
-1.02 to +1.02 V dc
WAI01C Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM83 201
-10.24 to +10.24 V dc
WAI01D Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 20.48 mA
WAW01A Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 1.02 V dc

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-11. DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
WAW01B Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 5.12 V dc
WAW01C Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 10.24 V dc
WAW01D Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 20.48 mA
WAW01E Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 20.48 mA
WAW01F Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM83 201
0 to 51.2 mA
WAX01A Westinghouse 12 AI 1 IOM83 (2) 201
0 to 1.02 V dc
WAX01B Westinghouse 12 AI 1 IOM83 (2) 201
0 to 5.12 V dc
WAX01C Westinghouse 12 AI 1 IOM83 (2) 201
0 to 10.24 V dc
WAI02A Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM84 202
-100 to +100 mV thermo
WAV02A Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM84 202
-100 to +100 mV thermo
WAX02A Westinghouse 12 AI 1 IOM84 (2) 202
-100 to +100 mV thermo
WRF03A Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM85 203
0 to 640 ohm RTD
WRF03B Westinghouse 6 AI 1 IOM85 203
0 to 320 ohm RTD
WRT03A Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM85 203
0 to 30 ohm RTD
WRT03B Westinghouse 4 AI 1 IOM85 203
0 to 320 ohm RTD
WLJ04A Westinghouse 3 AI 1 AO 2 IOM86 204
0 to 10.24 V dc
WLJ04B Westinghouse 3 AI 1 AO 2 IOM86 204
0 to 5.12 V dc/10.24 V dc
WLJ04C Westinghouse 3 AI 1 AO 2 IOM86 204
0 to 20.48 mA
WPA06A Westinghouse Pulse 4 DI 4 IOM88 206
WCI07A Westinghouse Contact 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE - ECB6,
48 V dc self powered pulse count - ECB7,
ladder - ECB8
WDI07A Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
5 V dc pulse count-ECB7,
WDI07B Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
24 V ac/dc pulse count-ECB7,
WDI07C Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
48 V ac/dc pulse count-ECB7,

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-11. DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
WDI07D Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
120 V ac/dc pulse count-ECB7,
WDI07E Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
12 V dc pulse count-ECB7,
WID07A Westinghouse 5 V dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07B Westinghouse 24 V ac/dc 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07C Westinghouse 24 V ac/dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07D Westinghouse 48 V ac/dc 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07E Westinghouse 48 V ac/dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07F Westinghouse 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
120 V ac/dc pulse count-ECB7,
WID07G Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
120 V ac/dc pulse count-ECB7,
WID07H Westinghouse 12 V dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07I Westinghouse 12 V ac/dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07J Westinghouse 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
48 V dc pulse pulse count-ECB7,
WID07K Westinghouse 120 V ac, 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
high threshold pulse count-ECB7,
WID07L Westinghouse 120 V ac 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07M Westinghouse 220 V ac 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07N Westinghouse 220 V ac 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WID07O Westinghouse 220 V dc 8 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-11. DCS FBMs for Westinghouse Process Control WPDF Systems (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
WID07P Westinghouse 220 V dc 16 DI 5-8 IOM89 207 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
WAH01A Westinghouse 8 AI 1 IOM90 211
-10.24 to +10.24 V dc
WAH01B Westinghouse 8 AI 1 IOM90 211
-5.12 to +5.12 V dc
WAH01C Westinghouse 8 AI 1 IOM90 211
0 to +10.24 V dc
WAH01D Westinghouse 8 AI 1 IOM90 211
0 to +5.12 V dc
WAO37A Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
0 to 20.48 mA
WAO37B Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
0 to 10.24 V dc
WAO37C Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
-10.24 to 10.24 V dc
WAO37D Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
0 to 5.12 V dc
WAO37E Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
-5.12 to 5.12 V dc
WAO37F Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
-10.24 to 10.24 V dc
WAO37G Westinghouse 4 AO 53 IOM93 237
0 to 20.48 mA
WBO09A Westinghouse 60 V dc 16 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder - ECB8
WBO09B Westinghouse 20 V dc 16 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder - ECB8
WRO09A Westinghouse inductive, 8 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder-ECB8
WRO09B Westinghouse non- 8 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder-ECB8
inductive, mercury
WRO09C Westinghouse inductive, 8 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder-ECB8
solid state
WRO09D Westinghouse non- 8 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder - ECB8
inductive, solid state
WTO09A Westinghouse triac 8 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder - ECB8

DCS FBMs for APACS+ Systems

Table C-12 lists the DCS FBMs for migration of APACS+ Process Automation Systems. Each
DCS FBM is electrically equivalent to a 200 Series FBM, as indicated by the software type
(IOM#) and hardware type (HWT).

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-12. DCS FBMs for APACS+ Process Control Systems

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
AVI202 APACS+, Voltage Input, 16 AI 1 IOM84 (2) 202
ART203 APACS+, RTD 16 AI 1 IOM85 (2) 203
ASA211 APACS+, 0 to 5 V dc, 32 AI 1 IOM90 (2) 211
0 to 20 mA
AHF214 APACS+ 16 AI or 200/ IOM214 (2) 214
4 to 20 mA, HART HART 201
AHF216 APACS+, 16 AI or 201/ IOM216 (2) 216
1 to 5 V dc, Redundant HART 202
AID115 APACS+, 115 V ac 32 DI 5-8 IOM96 217 SOE-ECB6,
Digital Input pulse count-ECB7,
AID230 APACS+, 230 V ac 32 DI 5-8 IOM96 217 SOE-ECB6,
pulse count-ECB7,
AEAM01 APACS+, Analog/Digital 16 AI, 16 AO, 200/ IOM234 234
Input/Output, Pulse Input DI, PI* DO* 201
ASAM01 APACS+, Analog/Digital 32 AI, 32 AO, 200/ IOM235 235
Input/Output DI* DO* 201
ASDM24 APACS+, 24 V dc, Digital 32 DI** 32 200/ IOM236 236
Input/Output DO** 201
ASDM48 APACS+, 48 V dc, Digital 32 DI** 32 200/ IOM236 236
Input/Output DO** 201
ADO125 APACS+, 125 V dc 16 DO 5,8 IOM95 242 ladder-ECB8
Digital Output
AOD115 APACS+, 115 V ac 32 DO 5,8 IOM95 (2) 242 ladder-ECB8
Digital Output
AOD230 APACS+, 230 V ac 32 DO 5,8 IOM95 (2) 242 ladder-ECB8
Digital Output
* Each point can be configured as analog or digital, input or output.
** Each point can be configured as input or output.

Honeywell TDC2000 Migration Cards

This is a list of Honeywell™ TDC2000 migration cards. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type
♦ Notes – Additional ECBs in use on this FBM

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-13. Honeywell TDC2000 Migration I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
H2214A Honeywell TDC2000 8 AI 200/ IOM214 214 BC, MFC
(8) 4-20 mA or HART 201
H2214B Honeywell TDC2000 8 AI 200/ IOM214 214 HLPIU
(8) 4-20 mA or HART 201
H2215A Honeywell TDC2000 8 AO 200/ IOM215 214 BC, MFC
(8) 4-20 mA or HART 201
H2215B Honeywell TDC2000 4 AO 200/ IOM215 214 HLPIU
(4) 4-20 mA or HART 201
H2242 Honeywell TDC2000 16D 5 or 8 IOM95 242
(16) 60 V dc contact
H2C02A Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA,
(4) 5 V dc or +/- 5 V dc
H2C02B Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA,
(4) 40 V dc or +/- 40 V dc
H2C02D Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA, (4) 0-1 mA
H2C02E Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA, (4) 0-10 mA
H2C02F Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA,
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc
H2C02G Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA,
(4) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt
H2C02H Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 4-20.4 mA, (4) 1 V dc or
+/- 1 V dc
H2C02J Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA,
(4) 5 V dc or +/- 5 V dc
H2C02K Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA,
(4) 40 V dc or +/- 40 V dc
H2C02L Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA, (4) 4-20.4 mA
H2C02M Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(8) 0-1 mA
H2C02N Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA, (4) 0-10 mA
H2C02P Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA, (4) -10.5-71.419
or 0-100 or +/-100 mV dc
H2C02Q Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA, (4) 0-30 ohm Cu,
120 ohm Ni or 320 ohm Pt

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-13. Honeywell TDC2000 Migration I/O Cards (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
H2C02R Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-1 mA, (4) 1 Vdc or
+/- 1 V dc
H2C02S Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 5 V dc or
+/- 5 V dc
H2C02T Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 40 V dc or
+/- 40 V dc
H2C02U Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 4-20.4 mA
H2C02V Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 0-1 mA
H2C02W Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(8) 0-10 mA
H2C02X Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) -10.5-71.419
or 0-100 or +/-100 mV dc
H2C02Y Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 0-30 ohm
Cu, 120 ohm Ni or
320 ohm Pt
H2C02Z Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) 0-10 mA, (4) 1 Vdc or
+/- 1 V dc
H2D02A Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 5 V dc
H2D02B Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 40 V dc
H2D02C Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 4-20.4 mA
H2D02D Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 0-1 mA
H2D02E Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 0-10 mA
H2D02G Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 30ohm Cu,
120ohm Ni or 320ohm Pt
H2D02H Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc, (4) 1 V dc or
+/- 1 V dc
H2J02A Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) Ref RTD for TC, (4) 5 V dc
or +/- 5 V dc

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

Table C-13. Honeywell TDC2000 Migration I/O Cards (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
H2J02B Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
(4) Ref RTD for TC,
(4) 40 V dc or +/- 40 V dc
H2J02C Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) Ref RTD for TC,
(4) 4-20.4 mA
H2J02D Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) Ref RTD for TC,
(4) 0-1 mA
H2J02E Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
(4) Ref RTD for TC,
(4) 0-10 mA
H2J02F Honeywell TDC2000 (4) Ref 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
RTD for TC,
(4) -10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or
+/-100 mV dc
H2J02G Honeywell TDC2000 (4) Ref 8A 1 IOM1 2
RTD for TC, (4) 0-30 ohm Cu,
120 ohm Ni or 320 ohm Pt
H2J02H Honeywell TDC2000 (4) Ref 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
RTD for TC, (4) 1 V dc or
+/- 1 V dc
H2M01A Honeywell TDC2000 5 V dc 8A 1,3 IOM1,3 2
or 1-5 V dc or +/- 5 V dc
H2M01B Honeywell TDC2000 4-20 8A 1 IOM1 2
H2M01C Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
4-20 mA (powered)
H2M01D Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 2
4-20 mA
H2M02 Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
-10.5-71.419 or 0-100 or +/-
100 mV dc
H2M02A Honeywell TDC2000 5 V dc 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
or +/- 5 V dc
H2M02B Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
40 V dc or +/- 40 V dc
H2M02E Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 2
-10.5-71.419 or
0-100 or +/-100 mV dc (on
card cold junc sense)
H2M03 Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 3
(4) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt, (4) 5 V dc or
+/- 5 V dc
H2M03A Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 3
(4) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt, (4) 40 V dc or
+/- 40 V dc
H2M03B Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 3
(4) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt, (4) 4-20.4 mA

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-13. Honeywell TDC2000 Migration I/O Cards (Continued)

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
H2M03C Honeywell TDC2000 (4) 0-30 8A 1 IOM1 3
ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni or 320
ohm Pt, (4) 0-1 mA
H2M03D Honeywell TDC2000 (4) 0-30 8A 1 IOM1 3
ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni or 320
ohm Pt, (4) 0-10 mA
H2M03E Honeywell TDC2000 (4) 0-30 8A 1,3 IOM1 3
ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni or 320
ohm Pt, (4) -10.5-71.419 or
0-100 or +/-100 mV dc
H2M03F Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1 IOM1 3
(8) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt
H2M03G Honeywell TDC2000 8A 1,3 IOM1 3
(4) 0-30 ohm Cu, 120 ohm Ni
or 320 ohm Pt Ref RTD for
TC, (4) 1 V dc or +/- 1 V dc
H2M04 Honeywell TDC2000 4A 1 IOM2 4
0-20.4 mA
H2M06 Honeywell TDC2000 24 V dc 4P 4 IOM4 6
or 48 V dc external pulse
H2M06A Honeywell TDC2000 4P 4 IOM4 6
125 V dc external pulse
H2M07 Honeywell TDC2000 5 V dc 16D 5 IOM5 7
(jumper input source or
power bus)
H2M07E Honeywell TDC2000 16D 5 IOM5 7
24 V dc (supplied at term.)
H2M09 Honeywell TDC2000 60 V dc 8D 5 IOM5 9
H2M17 Honeywell TDC2000 4A 2A, 9,34, IOM9,34, 17 MDACT-
5 V dc in, 4D 36, 36, ECB34,
(2) 0-20.4 mA 52 52 MDPulse-
(4) 60 Vdc out ECB36,
H2M24 Honeywell TDC2000 16D 5-8 IOM 24 SOE-ECB6,
125 V dc contact (external 5-8 pulse count-
power) ECB7,
H2M26 Honeywell TDC2000 8D 5,8 IOM5,8 26 ladder-ECB8
125 V dc

Honeywell TDC3000 Migration Cards

This is a list of Honeywell TDC3000 migration cards. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ In – Number of input channels
♦ Out – Number of output channels

Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference B0700AG – Rev V

♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type
♦ Notes – Additional ECBs in use on this FBM

Table C-14. Honeywell TDC3000 Migration I/O Cards

Type Signal Description In Out ECB# IOM# HWT Notes
H3M01 Honeywell TDC3000 16A 1,47 IOM01, 1,52 sw type is
0 to 5 V dc, 1 to 5 V dc, IOM54 42 before
4 to 20 mA 6.1.1
H3M03 Honeywell TDC3000 8A 3 IOM01 2
-10.5-+71.4 mV, 0-5 V, 0-100 mV,
thermoc, RTD
H3M06 Honeywell TDC3000 8P 4 IOM04 6 dual
pulse input FTAs FBM06s
H3M07 Honeywell TDC3000 32D 6 IOM05 7
digital input FTAs
H3M09 Honeywell TDC3000 16D 5 IOM05 9
digital output FTAs
H3M37 Honeywell TDC3000 analog out- 8A 53 IOM53 37
put FTAs 0 to 20.4 mA

FCMs and Equivalents

This is a list of FCMs and equivalents. The table heading definitions are:
♦ Type – FBM Type
♦ Signal Description – Purpose of FBM
♦ SW ECB# – Equipment control block software type used for this FBM
♦ IOM – The software that is downloaded to this FBM
♦ HWT – Hardware type

Table C-15. FCMs and Equivalents

Type Signal Description SW ECB# IOM# HWT

WFCM10E Westinghouse DIN/copper version of FCM 110 IOM82 200
WFCM10Ef Westinghouse fiber version of FCM 110 IOM82 200
DCM10E DIN rail mount version of FCM 110 IOM82 200
FBI10E 268 Kb HDLC, 10 Mbaud copper Ethernet, 110 IOM82 200
copper, half-Y-module form factor
FCM100Et Fieldbus Communications Module 100Et, 210 IOM210 210
2 Mb HDLC, 100 Mbaud dual fiber Ethernet
FCM100E Fieldbus Communications Module 100E, 210 IOM210E 210
2 Mb/268 Kb HDLC, 100 Mbaud single fiber
FEM100 4-to-1 fieldbus multiplexer for Expanded None None -
fieldbus support for the FCP270

B0700AG – Rev V Appendix C. FBM – ECB Cross Reference

Table C-15. FCMs and Equivalents (Continued)

Type Signal Description SW ECB# IOM# HWT

FBI 268 Kb half-Y-module bus extender None None -
(100 Series FBMs only)
FBI100 2 Mb Fieldbus Extender/Isolator None None -
FBI200 2 Mb and 268 Kb Fieldbus Extender None None -
FCM2F2 2 Mb HDLC Fiber Fieldbus Extender, None None -
2 km (1.24 mi)
FCM2F4 2 Mb HDLC Fiber Fieldbus Extender, None None -
4 km (2.5 mi)
FCM2F10 2 Mb HDLC Fiber Fieldbus Extender, None None -
10 km (6.2 mi)

A PID blocks in manual state 30
Absolute alarming 91 Block parameters 12
Alarm acknowledgement 105 editable parameters 14
Alarm flutter suppression Block states
contact alarms 102 bad state 40
Alarm message regeneration define state 40
alarm status 99 manual/auto states 42
Alarm suppression shutdown state 39
analog alarms 99 Block status
Alarm types events 47
absolute 91 indicators 46
block 77 Block Status (BLKSTA) 43
deviation 93 BPC
mismatch 95 block algorithm schedules 147
out of range 95 overruns 153
output 91 processing order 152
pretarget 92
process 77, 90 C
rate of change 96 Cable Balun 243
sequence operational error 97 Cascade
state change 97 operational description 27
trip 98 standard configuration 31
Alarms CHAN parameter 177
Alarm Status (ALMSTA) 81, 83, 86, 89 Clamping 35
indicators 78 Communication Failure (COMMF) 124
messages 80 Communications
peer-to-peer 8
Application states
about 147 Compound
access 4
auto 147
attributes 3
auto/manual transitions 149
functions 2
manual 148
process alarming 3
semi-auto 148
rules 2
B Compound parameters 6, 8
Balun 243 Compound phasing 68
Basic Processing Cycle (BPC) 61 Compound/block parameters 4
BAUD2M parameter 177 configurable 4
Block connectable 4
access 11 nonconnectable 6
attributes 11 Compound/block phasing 3
function types 15 Compound/block relationship 1
sizes 12 Control block phasing 69
Control schemes
Block alarming 77
typical 176
Block initialization
explicit 25, 26

B0700AG – Rev V Index

D display 111
Database security, (CFGOPT) 8 execution 111
Deviation alarming 93 fanned outputs 125
Distributed 35 functions 107
Distributed Control Interface blocks 35 PLB functions 108
Dynamic loading calculations Zoned Control Logic 126
BP load 6 Ladder logic
LODPER 7 configurator overview 136
LODPHS 7 scan cycle 132
LODSYN 7 status byte 134
station load 7 technical identifiers 114
timer/counter structures 117
Equipment Control Block (ECB) phasing 68 M
Equipment Control Blocks 184 Master TimeKeeper 9
Error handling 34 Mismatch alarming 95
External timing 9 Module
Cable Balun 243
Monitor block 145
Fail Safe (FAILSF) 125
Failsafe N
events leading to 179 Nuisance alarm suppression 99
support 36
FBM types 184 O
FBM, ECB and I/O block interface diagrams Object Manager
185, 196 OM 46
Fieldbus application interface 169 Out of range alarming 95
Equipment Control Blocks (ECBs) 170 Output alarming 91
Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) 169 Output signal conditioning 74
Flutter suppression 102
FoxCom 243, 244 P
Peer-to-peer communications 8
I PID hold constraint 37
INITC 46 PLB functions 108
Initialization coil 124 Power Fail (POWERF) 125
INITU 46 Pretarget alarming 92
Input signal conditioning 72 PRIBLK
Input/Output (I/O) blocks 70 cascade standard configuration 31
Integrated control configurator 160 initial startup 28
configuration target 163 security 30
editing modes 164 set point behavior 30
software processing 162 transfer of control 29
Intelligent Transmitter (IT) ECB 207 Process alarming 77
Internal timing 9 Process connections 49
shared variables 49
Program flow control
Ladder diagram Master Control Relay (MCR) 122
constraints 128
Zone Control Logic (ZCL) 122
construction 111
Programmable logic block (PLB)
contact inputs 115 diagram 130
description 109

Index B0700AG – Rev V

R Transition states
Rate of change alarming 96 about 151
Re-Alarm acknowledgement to_inactive 151
realarm alarms 105 to_manual 152
Re-Alarmed alarms to_paused 152
message time stamp 99 Trip alarming 98
Redundant I/O blocks 71
Redundant Input block (AINR) 71 W
Redundant output block (AOUTR) 71 Window ECBs 202
Resistance temperature detector, see RTD 221
RTD in FBM203 221

Scan Period 62
scan overrun 64, 66
Secure/release mechanism 36
Security, database 8
Sequence block types 142
Sequence logic 141
Sequence operational error alarming 97
Sequence processing 152
Sequence states
about 150
active 151
active/inactive transitions 151
inactive 151
paused 151
tripped 151
Sequential control blocks 141
block states 146
Shadow parameters 8
Slave TimeKeeper 9
State change alarming 97
Station block
free memory variable 7
overrun variables 7
peer-to-peer connection 8
Station compound/block 6
Supervisory Enable
SE 46

Time stamping 99
Time synchronization 8
Time-based alarm, 99
Timer block 146
Timer/counter structures 117
external 9
internal 9

Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
38 Neponset Avenue
Foxborough, MA 02035-2037
United States of America

Global Customer Support

Inside US: 1-866-746-6477
Outside US: 1-508-549-2424

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