Manual Recloser Powersys en
Manual Recloser Powersys en
Manual Recloser Powersys en
1. Notices 1
1.1 Scope of this Manual 1
1.2 Limitations 1
1.3 Disclaimer 1
1.4 Copyright 1
3. Contents 3
4. General description 4
4.1 Scope of this manual 4
4.2 Introduction of switch unit 5
4.3 Introduction of controller 7
4.4 Receiving, handling and storage 8
5.2 Dimensions 10
6. Installation 11
6.1 Check the data 11
6.2 Perform withstand Voltage tests 11
6.3 Install the recloser 11
6.3.1 Moving the Recloser 11
6.3.2 Lifting the Recloser 11
7. Controller Manual
This manual describes the installation and
maintenance of the ACR-Series Automatic Circuit
Recloser and the Controller.
ACR -1
ACR -2 ACR -3
ACR-Series AutomaticCircuit
ACR-Series Automatic Circuit Recloser
Recloser ACR-1
800A 800A 800A
POWERSYS ACR series Reclosers are used in distribution systems. Like circuit breakers,
reclosers are used to make and break normal and fault currents. Reclosers are fully equipped
with sensors and a controller to provide a means of protection and control. In case of a line fault,
reclosers can break and make currents several times, thus avoiding longer network interruptions
due to temporary faults.
The manufacture, design and testing of the vacuum recloser is based on current standards
IEC 62271-111 and IEEE C37.60.
The type
type ACR
ACR vacuum
vacuum recloser
recloser is
is equipped
equipped with
with one
one integrated
current transformer
transformer per per pole.
pole. The
The current
current transformer
transformer has
has aa ratio
of 800
800 A:1
A:1 A.
A. ItIt is
is for
for protection
protection purposes
purposes and and optimized
optimized for
operation with the controller
with the controller
Clearance, phase-to-phase
Rated continuous current
Ir Tk Isc Ud
A s kA kV pCi mm mm mm kg A A ms
ACR-1 630-12N 630 3 12.5 31.5 110 50 50 850 320 270 130 2 10 60/60
ACR-1 800-12N 800 3 12.5 110 130 10 60/60
ACR-1 630-16N 630 3 16 40 110 50 50 850 320 270 130 2 10 60/60
ACR-1 800-16N 800 16 40 110 50 50 850 320 270 130 2 10 60/60
Ir Tk lsc Ima Up Ud
A s kA kA kV kV pCl mm mm mm kg A A ms
ACR-2 630-12N 630 3 12.5 31.5 125 60 50 850 320 270 140 5 25 60/60
ACR-2 800-12N 800 3 12.5 31.5 125 60 50 850 320 270 140 5 60/60
ACR-2 630-16N 630 3 16 40 125 60 50 850 320 270 140 5 25 60/60
Ir Tk Isc Ima Up Ud
A s kA kA kV kV RFI mm mm mm kg A A ms
ACR-3 630-12N 630 3 12.5 31.5 150 70 50 1290 320 350 150 5 40 60/60
ACR-3 800-12N 800 3 12.5 31.5 150 70 50 1290 320 350 150 5 60/60
Ratings and specifications
Figure 8: Dimensions
1 L mm 850 239 508 460 575
1 L mm 850 239 508 460 575
1 L mm 970 320 590 512 627
17 IL mm 970 320 590 512 627
Creepage distance(mm)
Prior to installing the ACR recloser, perform voltage
withstand tests. Refer to the Service Information section
for voltage withstands test procedures.
Caution !
Before installing the product, please read the instructions.
Please check if all the control power, current, voltage are off before
connecting or taking apart.
1. Safety Information
2. Introduction ························································································ 1
2.1. Summary ··········································································································· 1
2.2. Main functions and features ······································································· 1
- 6 -
4) I/O Point Modify View ·········································································································· 110
8.2.5 Sequence of creating a new map file ············································································· 112
8.2.6 Sequence of loading a saved map file on PC ····························································· 113
8.2.7 Export a map file as Excel format ···················································································· 113
8.2.8 Sequence of writing a map file to device ····································································· 114
- 7 -
2. Introduction
2.1. Summary
Reclosers are used in distribution system. In case of line fault, due to temporarily
overcurrent, Reclosers can break and make currents several times, thus avoiding longer
network interruptions due to temporary faults. But, in case of permanent fault, because
fault current is still detected after trip and reclosing actions of pre-set sequences, Recloser
is locked out finally as opened.
The pre-set sequences are available to set five times, and for both phase and ground, the
combined operations are possible within the range of 5 instantaneous or 5 times delayed
operating. The first interruption of a fault regarding instantaneous operation, is done
quickly and instantaneously, so that even the fuses in the system do not operate. After
setting time, it recloses back on. And the next interruption has a definite or inverse time
delay. Thus downstream fuses or other protection devices in the network have the chance
to operate and isolate the affected network section, restoring normal operation in the
remaining work. Therefore reclosers make the range of fault section to be limited.
Mainly Reclosers which are installed in overhead distribution line, provide the measurement
of electric current flowing in the distribution line. In case of load current occurrence and
fault detection, it opens and recloses repeatedly according to setting sequence, and at the
sametime, it transmits the status/receives the command to/from HOST and remote controls
of opening/reclosing to minimize the accident. Besides, it stores the whole events in
distribution line, provides the fault causes, and it performs remote monitoring and controls
by transmitting data through DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-101, IEC60870-5-104 protocols.
- 1 -
- Additionally user defined 4 types of curves available
- 3 steps protection characteristics implementable, established with definite time elements
and high-current elements
◆ Measuring Function
- Current, voltage magnitude and phase angle
- Symmetrical component about 3-phase voltage and current
- Active, reactive, apparent power, and power factor
- Active and reactive energy
- Frequency
- Power quality information : THD, sag/swell, harmonic 2~32th
◆ Control Function
- Recloser switch Open / Close control
- Battery Test control
- Preparatory control
- 2 -
◎ Fault Event
It stores and manages various fault information(occurred time, type of fault, operation
relaying element) during distribution line accidents up to 1024 cases in time sequence.
3. Technical Data
3.1. Power and Input/Output
◆ Power Supply
- 3 -
◆ Voltage Input
6 channels
(Va,Vb,Vc, Rated voltage : 4V (Max : ~8V) Under 0.1VA
◆ Digital Input
Debounce Delay
Opto-Isolation 10 Port DC 24V Input Biased
◆ Digital Output
100mA/250VAC 5A/250VAC
Function Description
Input Physical input, virtual input,
Output Physical output, virtual output
AND For two inputs, AND gate
OR For two inputs, OR gate
NOT For one inputs, NOT gate
NAND For two inputs, NAND gate
XOR For two inputs, XOR gate
SR Latch of Set / Reset
Timer Timer with settings of Set, Reset, On/Off Delay Timer
D Flip-Flop To maintain froze the input signal for one PLC cycle
- 4 -
3.2. Environmental
Items Spec
Radiated -
IEC60255-22-4 10V/m
electromagnetic field
- 5 -
3.3. Communication
◆ System Interface Port1
Items Spec
DCD(1), RX(2), TX(3), DTR(4), GND(5)
9 Pin Signal
DSR(6), RTS(7), CTS(8), NC(9)
RS232C Speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
Items Spec
RX(2), TX(3), GND(5)
9 Pin Signal
RTS(7), CTS(8),
RS232C Speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
- 6 -
◆ System Interface Port3(option)
Items Spec
10/100 Base-T
Tr Isolation Circuit
◆ Maintenance Port
Items Spec
3.4. Measurements
kW,kVar,kVA 2% 0~99MW
THD 2% 0~200%
- 7 -
3.5. Mechanical Performance and Size
◆ Weight : 3.5 kg
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
- 11 -
◆ Terminal Arrangement
DI (Status) Connector
DO (Control) Connector
ETHERNET Connector
AI(Voltage) Connector
AI(Current) Connector
- 12 -
◆ Pin Assignment(Up Side View)
1) Control Power Connector
4 3
24G 24VIN
2 1
2) DI (Status) Connector
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
DI10 DI9 DI8 DI7
(Spare2) (Spare1) (Gas Low) Lock)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
(Door (Charger DI_COM1
Open) Fail) (Batt Low) (AC Loss) (Close) (Open)
3) DO (Control) Connector
12 11 10 9 8 7
DO6- DO6+ DO3- DO3+
(Rec (Rec DO4- DO4+
Close) Close) (Bat Test-) (Bat Test+)
6 5 4 3 2 1
DO5- DO5+ DO2- DO2+ DO1- DO1+
(Rec (Rec
Open) Open) (Close-) (Close+) (Open-) (Open+)
4) AI(Voltage) Connector
10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 2 1
5) AI(Current) Connector
6 5 4 3 2 1
IN(0)- IN(0)+ Icom IC IB IA
- 13 -
- 14 -
IN(0)- IN(0)+ Icom IC IB IA
DO6- DO6+ DO4- DO4+ DO3- DO3+ DI10 DI_COM2 DI9 DI_COM1 DI8 DI7
(Rec Close) (Rec Close) (Bat Test-) (Bat Test+) DI_COM3 (Spare2) (Spare1) (GasLow) (HandleLock) 24G 24VIN
DO5- DO5+ DO2- DO2+ DO1- DO1+ DI6 DI5 DI_COM1 DI4 DI3 DI2 DI1
(Rec Open) (Rec Open) (Close-) (Close+) (Open-) (Open+) (Door Open) (Charger Fail) (Batt Low) (ACLoss) (Close) (Open) FG FG
◆ Assembly Drawing
- 15 -
◆ Controller
- 16 -
◆ Dimensions
90.0 5.0
50.0 50.0
- 17 -
4. Installation Instructions
4.1. Front Panel and names of each part
4 5
7 10
8 9
11 14
12 13
2) LCD
It shows EPIC-R300’s measuring, setting, stored information, and search information.
- 18 -
It is convenient 20*4 character module LCD to move the screen through controling
manipulation button.
5) Manipulation Button
Button which controls LCD screen.
- Menu(M) Button : Button which moves to upper menu
- Up(▲) Button : Button which increases set value or moves the menu upwards
- Down(▼) Button : Button which decreases set value or moves the menu downwards
- Enter(⤶) Button : Button which enters the menu or saves set value
- 19 -
- Power flow LED(Reverse) : LED which shows whether forward or reverse power
- 20 -
15) Maintenance Port (RS232C)
It is RS232C port for maintenance. It uses MODBUS-RTU protocol as well as a special S/W
provided by NEOPIS.
o REMOTE CONTROL (R/C) Button : It is a button which selects remote and local control
mode. If you push the button, remote and local mode select are toggled. If REMOTE LED
is on, which means remote control mode is on so it is not possible to operate on local.
In order for local control, push the button to turn off REMOTE LED. Then operate at the
local as using OPEN/ CLOSE button on the side.
o OPEN Button : It is a button to open Recloser on local. If OPEN LED is turned on,
which means Recloser’s status is changed.
o CLOSE Button : It is a button to close Recloser on Local. CLOSE LED is turned off when
Recloser’s status is changed.
Buttons Function
Return to upper menu
Cancel setting
Increase set value
Move to upwards of menu
Decrease set value
Move to downwards of menu
Move to lower menu
Enter(⤶) Save set value
Choose set value
- 21 -
4.2.2 LCD Display during Power Up
When EPIC-R300’s power is connected, the product name, EPIC-R300, and company name
is on LCD for a second. Then measuring screen shows voltage and current.
E P I C R 3 0 0
Without controling key, the main measurement menu always returns to top screen 10
minutes later.
[ R/ C Con t r o l l e r ] Ia : 0 . 0 0 0. 00 / 0. 0 0
S e q N: 0 R /C : U n k n o wn Ib : 0 . 0 0 0. 00 / 0. 0 0
Rc l T : 0 Re s e t T : 0 Ic : 0 . 0 0 0. 00 / 0. 0 0
< No t Re a d y > In : 0 . 0 0 <AB C / RS T >
- 22 -
4.2.3 LCD Menu Operation
DI Status DI status
- 23 -
Fast Time Add Set fast operating value time delayed
Fast Min Response Set fast operating value min. response time
- 24 -
Set fast operating value min. response
Fast Min Response
Fast Reset Time Set fast reset time of definite time
- 25 -
Inrush Time Set inrush operating time
Count SEF Fast Cnt Set fast operating counts for SEF fault
Trip & Rec Time 1st Set 1st reclosing operating time
- 26 -
Set whether open line function is
Use Func
Save Set save open line set value
Set sync check phase difference
Phase Off
permission setting
Set sync check phase difference delay
Delay Time
Sync Check time setting
Set whether sync check function is
Use Func
Save Set save sync check set value
- 27 -
Save Set Save close interlock set value
- 28 -
Set Switch Cnt Set number of switch operation
Set/Cle Clear Event Clear event information
ar Clear Fault Clear fault information
- 29 -
Set phase current level for Analog
Phase Current
High Alarm function
Set ground current level for Analog
Ground Current
High Alarm function
Set phase voltage level for Analog
Analog Phase Voltage
High Alarm function
Set system power level for Analog
Alm System Power
High Alarm function
Select whether Analog High Alm
Enable High Alarm
function is available
Save config set value for Analog High
Save Config
Set phase current level for Analog Low
Phase Current
Alarm function
Set ground current level for Analog
Ground Current
Low Alarm function
Set phase voltage level for Analog
Analog Phase Voltage
Low Alarm function
Low Set system power level for Analog
System Power
Alm Low Alarm function
Select whether analog low alm
Enable Low Alarm
function is available
Save config set value for Analog Low
Save Config
- 30 -
SBO Timeout Set select before operation timeout
- 31 -
DNS1 IP Addr Set DNS1 IP address
- 32 -
5. LCD Menu
5.1. Display
5.1.1. Display operation
Moving on display items is like below.
[ D I S P L A Y M E N U ]
-> 1 . P o w e r
2 . E n e r g y
3 . V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t
4 . T H D
5 . P h a s e D i f f
6 . R e s e t / S W C o u n t
7 . F a u l t C o u n t
8 . V I W e a r C o u n t
9 . D I S t a t u s
1 0 . S e l f - D i a g n o s i s
1 1 . D e v i c e I n f o
- 33 -
becomes clear to 0.
3) Voltage/Current : display items like Voltage (Va, Vb, Vc) and Current (Ia, Ib, Ic)’s
Positive Sequence, Negative Sequence, Zero Sequence
4) THD : display Voltage(Va, Vb, Vc) and Current(Ia, Ib, Ic)’s Total Harmonic Distortion value
(measure up to h=2~32th)
5) Phase Diff : display Voltage(Va, Vb, Vc) and Current(Ia, Ib, Ic)’s phase difference
6) Reset / SW Count : display Power On Reset Count and Watchdog Reset Count. display
the number of Switch’s On/Off
7) Fault Count : display each phase’s fault count and total fault count
9) DI Status : DI Status display. it shows 4 items at once. In order to see the next item,
use Up/Down Key to move. Display items are below,
- Open, Close, Handle Lock, External AC Fail, Over Discharge, Door, Charger fail
- Spare1,2, DI status. If DI status is Enable it shows 1.
11) Device Info : device’s information(name of the device, manufacturer, program version,
Web site display
- 34 -
⓷ 2 ND
⓽ 5 th
TRIP - 3 rd
The following figure shows the successful reclosing case that Recloser operates twice of
fast action and inputted. After the lapse of set-Reset Time, Recloser returns, and then
display of LED and LCD are changed from Progress into Ready status. If a fault occurs
again during Reset Time, when the counts of reclosing action reaches to total counts
which shall be calculated from remaining fault counts, the Recloser becomes locked out.
- 35 -
Recloser) after fault current. After detecting zero voltage, EPIC-R300 generates FI. With
protective device’s reclosing success, normal current and voltage are returned. If FI Auto
Reset was set, FI is reset automatically.
If not, push FI reset button on the front or it is reset with transmitted FI reset order in
remote. R300 is designed to generate FI not only for the case that R300 becomes tripped
itself against a fault, but also that other protection devices are tripped.
- Temporary Fault
- Permanent
Protection set value divides into 4 Groups to manage. Choose applied group through
Active Group setting.
- 36 -
[ S e t t i n g ME N U ] [ F u n c S e t t i n g ]
→ 1 . F u n c G r o u p 1 → 1 . P h a s e F a u l t
2 . F u n c G r o u p 2 2 . G r o u n d F a u l t
3 . F u n c G r o u p 3 3 . S E F F a u l t
4 . F u n c G r o u p 4 4 . T r i p & R e c l o s e
5 . S e l e c t G r o u p 5 . A u x i l i a r y F u n c
- 37 -
Trip Direction OFF/FWD/REV OFF Selection of phase fault direction
Set positive sequence voltage
3V1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %
operating value
Fault Set positive sequence current
3I1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 %
Direction operating value
Set positive sequence current
3I1 Angle 0~359 300 1 °
operating angle
Dir Block OC NO/YES NO Set direction function block
1) Fast Operation
This menu is for setting “FAST” among Recloser’s operation sequence
2) Delay Operation
This menu is for setting “Delay” among Recloser’s operation sequence
3) Delay DT Protection
This menu is for setting Delay Definite Time regardless of targeted section among
Recloser’s operation sequence
4) HCT Protection
This menu is for setting the protection against the high current trip of Recloser
- 38 -
6) Inrush Restraint
When the circuit breaker is putted in order to supply the electricity to a load, Inrush
current is generated in a short time. Inrush restraint is a function to prevent Recloser’s
mis-operation of fault detection elements due to that kind of inrush current at the time of
energization in the line. Inrush restraint can be achieved by two methods ; multiplier can
be applied to pick-up current, and another way is, in case that 1st and 2nd harmonics
contents of generated current is over the constant current, to restrain current for the
setting time.
In order to detect Phase Fault, setting items and ranges are like below. The order to set is
like below.
1) Choose the menu with Up/Down Key. Press Enter Key to enter the menu.
[[ FF uu nn cc SS ee tt t t i i nngg] ] [ P h a s e F a u l t ]
→ 1 . P
P hh aa ss ee FF aa uu l l t t → 1 . Op L e vv e l & T i me
2 . G
G rr oo uu nn dd FF aa uu l l t t 2 . B l o c k F l t P i c k u p
3 . SS EE FF FF aa uu l l tt 3 . F a u l t D i r e c t i o n
4 . TT rr ii pp &
& RR ee cc l l oos s ee
5 . A
A uu xx ii ll ii aa rr yy FF uunnc c
2) On Phase Fault menu, choose the setting item you want with Up/Down Key. Press Enter
Key to enter the setting item.
[ O P L e v e l & T i m e ] [ P i c k u p L e v e l ]
→1 . P i c k u p L e v e l S E T : 4 0 0 A
2 . F a s t C u r v e
3 . F a s t Mu l t i p l i e r ( 1 0 - 2 0 0 0 A : 1 A )
4 . F a s t T i m e A d d
5 . F a s t Mi n R e s p o n s e
6 . F a s t R e s e t T i m e
7 . D e l a y C u r v e
8 . D e l a y Mu l t i P l i e r
9 . D e l a y T i m e A d d
1 0 . D e l a y Mi n R e s p
1 1 . D e l a y R e s e t T i m e
1 2 . D e l a y D T L e v e l
1 3 . D e l a y D T T i m e
1 4 . H C T L e v e l
1 5 . H C T T i m e
1 6 . F u n c I n U s e
1 7 . S a v e S e t
- 39 -
3) Change set value with Up/Down Key. Press Enter Key to confirm. If you want to cancel
the changed set value, press M Key.
4) When the setting is completed, choose 17. Save Set to save the set value in backup
memory and come out from the item. Then the set value is applied to the device.
[ O P L e v e l & T i m e ]
→1 . P i c k u p L e v e l [ U p d a t e S e t t i n g ]
2 . F a s t C u r v e
3 . F a s t Mu l t i p l i e r → P r e s s E n t e r
4 . F a s t T i m e A d d
5 . F a s t Mi n R e s p o n s e
6 . F a s t R e s e t T i m e
7 . D e l a y C u r v e
8 . D e l a y Mu l t i P l i e r
9 . D e l a y T i m e A d d
1 0 . D e l a y Mi n R e s p
1 1 . D e l a y R e s e t T i m e
1 2 . D e l a y D T L e v e l
1 3 . D e l a y D T T i m e
1 4 . H C T L e v e l
1 5 . H C T T i m e
1 6 . F u n c I n U s e
1 7 . S a v e S e t
- 40 -
Delay DT Level 25~10000 OFF 1 A Set operating value at delay DT level
Delay DT Time 0.01~2 2.00 0.01 sec Set operating time at delay DT time
Set operating value at high current
HCT Level 25~10000 OFF 1 A
trip level
Set operating time at high current
HCT Time 0.01~1 0.04 0.01 sec
trip time
Func In Use NO/YES YES Set phase fault operation functions
A multiplier to prevent the
mis-recognizing as a fault by
Cold Load Multi 1~10 2 1
increasing a multiply of pick-up level
under cold load condition.
Set the return current of restraining
Return Normal I 0~30 0.3 0.01 sec
operation against cold load
Cold Load Time 0~180 3 1 min Set restraining time of cold load
Use Cold Load NO/YES NO Set cold load Use/Not use
Block flt
A multiplier to prevent the
Pickup mis-recognizing as a fault by
Inrush Multiply 1~10 2 1
increasing a multiple of pick-up level
under inrush condition
Inrush Time 0~30S 0.02 0.01 sec Set restraining time of Inrush
Use Inrush NO/YES NO Set inrush Use/Not use
2nd Harmonic 1-50 20 1 % A level of regarding 2nd harmonic as inrush
Use 2nd
0.02~1 0.02 0.01 sec Set 2nd harmonics Use/Not use
Trip Direction OFF/FWD/REV OFF Selection of ground fault direction
3V1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 % Set zero sequence voltage operating value
3I1 Threshold 0~100 20 1 % Set zero sequence current operating value
3I1 Angle 0~359 300 1 ° Set zero sequence current operating angle
Dir Block OC NO/YES NO Set direction function block
To detect SEF Fault, setting items and ranges are like below.
3I0 Pickup 0.1~20 5.0 0.1 A Set 3I0 current operation value
-3V0 Pickup 0~80 30 1 % Set 3V0 voltage operation value
Op Level
SEF Reset Time 0.00~1.00 0.00 0.01 sec Set SEF reset time of definite time
& Time
Func In Use OFF Set SEF fault operation functions
- 41 -
Inrush Multiply 1~10 2 1 Set inrush control multiplier
Inrush Time 0~30 0.02 0.01 sec Set inrush operating time
Block Flt Use Inrush NO/YES NO Set phase fault inrush Use/Not use
Pickup 2nd Harmonic 1~50% 20 1 % Set 2nd harmonic inrush control level
2nd_H Detect Time 0.02~1 0.02 0.01 sec Set 2nd harmonic time level
Use 2nd Harmonic NO/YES NO Set 2nd harmonic inrush Use/Not use
Fault Op Angle 0~345 90 1 ° Set operating angle
Direction Op Time 0.1~30 1.0 0.1 sec Set operating time
5) Sequence Coordination
When operating with 2 or more Recloser connected in series in distribution line, in order
to prevent the operation of all Reclosers’ being opened at the same time which are
installed both in power supply side and in load side, the Sequence Coordination function
is used to. This function is that, when multiple Reclosers in load side are connected to
- 42 -
one Recloser on the power supply side, only the Recloser experienced a fault is set to
perform the opening operation.
As shown below, if the Recloser in power supply is Active state in Sequence Coordination
mode, in case of line fault, while Recloser in power supply detects the fault current and
operates the opening delayed action, it returns to normal situation by the operation of
Recloser in load side, and then Recloser in power supply will increase the operation
sequence only by one time. Therefore, only sequence of Recloser(power supply side) is in
progress without opening operation, so that even when load Recloser operates to delay
action, Recloser from supply side does not progress the other instantaneous actions in
sequence, but operates to delay action in the same way with load Recloser. If the
reclosing function is restrained, the Sequence Coordination function does not work.
1) All Reclosers both in supply side and the load must be set at same instantaneous time,
delay characteristics and the same minimum operating Pickup current value. (If the
minimum operating pickup current is wrongly set, the pickup value of power supply must
be larger than the load)
3) Recloser in supply should resume 100ms or more of delay time than load Recloser, or
the value of the minimum operating pickup current must be larger than that of load
4) The reset time of power supply Recloser must be set longer than the longest reclosing
time of the load Recloser. This is to prevent Recloser in supply side to be reset mode
during reclosing of load Recloser.
- 43 -
The setting items and ranges of Trip & Recloser are as follows.
2) Sync Check : To check the voltage synchronization of the Source and Load side.
Once the voltages of the Source side and Load side are maintained for the set time,
within the setting range, the Sync Check is “OK”.
- 44 -
If the voltages of Source and Load sides are out of phase setting range, Sync Fail occurs
and then sync LED operates.
9) Close Interlock : Settings associated with the function of inhibiting the input depending
on the situation of power system, when Recloser is applied.
For the case of Live Load function with “Enable”, it inhibits the input only when the
voltage is applied to both Source side and Load side. And, in case of Sync Fail function
with “Enable”, it inhibits the input when the synchronization of voltage on the Source side
and Load side is not suitable.
10) Loop Automation : When a fault occurs in a distribution line, protection device
- 45 -
perfoms protecton operation and the load in the lower side of protection devise will
experience a power outage. Thus, the blackout range of the distribution line are spread
to normal condition section as well as fault occurrence section.
For coping with those case, loop control function will operate in the way of separating the
fault section, and supplying power to normal section, then it helps to minimize the outage
EPIC-R300 provides those loop control function which is operable in service only by using
the information about voltage, current, and operating state.
Depending on the configuration of recloser being installed, 3 modes of loop control can
be selected.
- Feeder recloser : the recloser is installed near the substation or inside.
- Midpoint recloser : installation point is between feeder recloser and tie recloser.
- Tie-point recloser : the recloser are usually installed at tie point where two distribution
lines are interconnected.
1) feeder recloser
Protection elements are generally operate when downstream fault occurs in the distribution
line. If it detects voltage loss at power supply, recloser will trip after set time.
In both cases that trip by protection elements and remote operation, loop control function
is automatically stopped.
2) Mid point recloser
Protection elements are generally operate when downstream fault occurs in the distribution
line. If, due to the action at power source side, it detects voltage loss at both sides, it
shall be automatically changed into another setting group after set time.
After downstream recloser or tie point recloser’s operation, the power supply starts to
provide from reverse side. For this moment, the reclosing action shall be hold for a certain
period of time.
3) Tie-point recloser
When voltage loss is detected in the set side, it close after the set time.
After closing, when the fault is detected, it stops and holds reclosing for a sertain period
of time.
The operation by protection elements is possible after normalization of reclosing element.
The activated operation group shall be changed according to feeding direction or setting
- 46 -
- “Tie SW open time”
This is the time required to open a “Tie Sw open” in order to repair the distribution lines
to the normal state, if power is supplied from both Tie Sw after the fault is recovered.
- “Tie Sw Source”
It is used to determine the conditions of Tie Sw closing.
BOTH : If any loss for both side, it operates after Tie Sw closing time.
ABC : ABS side is power side, and when RST side is de-energized, then it closes after the
close time.
RST : RST side is power side, when RST side is de-energized, then it closes after the close
1) Feeder recloser trips when the voltage at power supply side is lost.
2) Mid recloser changes to Alt group setting when the voltage of power supply and load
side is dead due to the trip of protection device at power supply, and also changes to
the single shot mode which does not operate reclosing.
3) Tie recloser closes if one side voltage is lost.
4) Feeder recloser closed when the voltage at power supply become live after it is
5) Mid recloser closes when the voltage is supplied to both side.
6) Tie recloser opens when the voltage is supplied to both ends.
- 47 -
Set negative OC fault operation
functions, No Use/Alarm/Trip
U-V Pickup 30~98 75 1 % Set pickup level for under voltage
Under U-V Op Time 0.1~100 3 0.1 sec Set operation time for under voltage
Voltage Set whether under voltage function is
O-V Pickup 102~150 120 1 % Set pickup level for over voltage
Over O-V Op Time 0.1~100 3 0.1 sec Set operation time for over voltage
Voltage Set whether over voltage function is
U-F Pickup 47~59.98 49.8 0.01 Hz Set pickup level for under frequency
Set operation time for under
Under U-F Op Time 0.1~60 1 0.1 sec
Set whether under frequency function
is available
O-F Pickup 50.02~63.00 60.02 0.01 Hz Set pickup level for over frequency
Over O-F Op Time 0.1~60 1 0.1 sec Set operation time for over frequency
Frequency Set whether over frequency function is
Close Live Load NO/YES NO Select whether live load is available
Interlock Sync Fail NO/YES NO Select whether sync fail is available
Loop Selection OFF Select operating mode for the recloser
Deadbus Open Set open time for determining
0~600 0 1 sec
Time distribution line’s dead line state
Tie Sw Open
Loop 0~600 0 1 sec Set open time for tie sw
Tie Sw Source BOTH/ABC/RST BOTH Select whether Tie sw source is ABC or RST
Tie Sw Close
0~600 0 1 sec Set close time for tie sw
Use Auto Return Select whether Auto Return Func is
Func available
[ P r i ma r y G r o u p ]
S E T : 1
( 1 - 4 : 1 )
- 48 -
5.3. Configuration Menu
It provides menus for analog current and voltage input related setting, Debounce Time
setting to prevent DI chattering, DO output pulse adjustment related setting, Event Log
information setting and clear related setting.
5.3.1. Analog
Analog voltage / current input related setting items and ranges are like below.
2) On Analog menu, choose the item you want with Up/Down Key. Press Enter Key to
enter the item.
- 49 -
[ A n a l o g Me n u ]
->1 . L i n e C o n f i g
2 . F r e q u e n c y
3 . R a t e d V o l t
4 . C T r a t i o
5 . N CTT r a t i o
6 . A v g I n t e r v a l
7 . S e l e c t F I R e s e t
8 . D i s p l a y V o l t a g e
9 . P h a s e P o s i t i o n
1 0 . P h a s e R o t a t i o n
1 1 . S o u r c e S i d e
1 2 . E n e r g y L o g D u t y
1 3 . C l o s i n g D e l a y [ L I N E C O N F I G ]
1 4 . C h e c k V f o r F I S E T : 3 P 4 W
1 5 . R e c l a i m T f o r F I
1 6 . I mp o r t K e y D e l a y ( 3 P 4 W/ 3 P 3 W)
1 7 . F a i l V S e n s o r
1 8 . S a v e C o n f i g
3) Change set value with Up/Down Key. Press Enter Key to check. If you want to cancel
the changed set value, press M Key.
4) After change, choose 18. Save Config to save the set value in backup memory and
come out from the item. Then the set value is applied to the device.
[ A n a l o g Me n u ]
->1 . L i n e C o n f i g
2 . F r e q u e n c y
3 . R a t e d V o l t
4 . C T r a t i o
5 . N CTT r a t i o
6 . A v g I n t e r v a l
7 . S e l e c t F I R e s e t
8 . D i s p l a y V o l t a g e
9 . P h a s e P o s i t i o n
1 0 . P h a s e R o t a t i o n
1 1 . S o u r c e S i d e
1 2 . E n e r g y L o g D u t y
1 3 . C l o s i n g D e l a y [ U p d a t e S e t t i n g ]
1 4 . C h e c k V f o r F I
1 5 . R e c l a i m T f o r F I - > P r e s s E n t e r
1 6 . I mp o r t K e y D e l a y
1 7 . F a i l V S e n s o r
1 8 . S a v e C o n f i g
- 50 -
5.3.2. DI Debounce Time
It is a menu to set debounce time to prevent DI Chattering. It is available to set on each channel.
During set time, DI status value should be kept to be considered with the changed value.
- 51 -
Ic Gain Adjust 10~2000 0 1 A Adjust current Ic’s gain
In Gain Adjust 10~2000 0 1 A Adjust current In’s gain
Va Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Va’s gain
Vb Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Vb’s gain
Vc Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Vc’s gain
Vr Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Vr’s gain
Vs Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Vs’s gain
Vt Gain Adjust 1~66 13.2 0.01 kV Adjust voltage Vt’s gain
The way to set is identical with 5.3.1
5.3.6. Waveform
Settings associated with the condition of capturing the waveform and storing it.
“1. sample rate” : to select the sample rate which saves a waveform per one cycle.
“2. Record size” : to select the length of the waveform.
“3. Pre-cycle” : to set the stotage size before a failure occurance as a ratio of the total
“4. Post-cycle” : to set the stotage size after a failure occurance as a ratio of the total
- 52 -
Item Range Default Step Unit Explanation
V unbalance 0~100 0 1 % Set unbalance level for voltage
V unbalance time 0.1~60 0.1 0.1 sec Set unbalance time for voltage
I unbalance 0~100 0 1 % Set unbalance level for current
I unbalance time 0.1~60 0.1 0.1 sec Set unbalance time for current
5.3.9. Sag/Swell
Settings related to the level and operating time to detect Sag, Swell, and Interuption.
5.3.11. VI Wear
Select VI type which is used in the recloser, and it displays residual contact wear for each
phase’ VI and total operation times.
- 53 -
Settings relating to the alarm level and operating time of the Voltage/Current’s THD(Total
HArmonic Distortion).
- 54 -
Comm Parity NO/EVEN/ODD NO Serial communication parity setting
Slave/DL Address 0~65534 2 1 DNP slave or IEC-101 D/L address setting
0~65534 2 1 ASDU common address setting
DNP/DNP-TCP/IEC- DNP3.0 and DNP-TCP and IEC870-5-101
Protocol DNP
101/IEC-104/ protocol and IEC870-5-104 protocol setting
Full Map/Down
Select Prot Map Full Map Protocol map type setting
Select SCADA RS232_1/2/RS485/E
RS232_1 Select SCADA Port
Port TH
The way to set is identical with 5.3.1
RTS Off Delay 10~500 100 10 ms After TX completion, delay setting for RTS Off
CTS Time out 0~255 3 1 s After RTS enable, CTS waiting time setting
DCD Time out 0.1~30 10 0.1 s TX waiting time when DCD is enable on 2 Line
The way to set is identical with 5.3.1
D/L Retry 0~2 0 1 Set the number of data link layer retry
D/L Confirm Choose if data link layer ask confirm is used
A/L Retry 0~2 0 1 Set the number of application link layer retry
- 55 -
DNP Port Num 0~65534 20000 1 Set DNP Port Num
- 56 -
Subnet Mask 0~255 1 Set subnet mask bits
Gateway 0~255 1 Set gateway address
The way to set is identical with 5.3.1
- 57 -
SNTP Cyclic 1~24 1 1 hour Set SNTP cycle duty
UTC-12:00 ~ UTC+09:0
Time Zone Select time zone
UTC+14:00 0 SEOUL
The way to set is identical with 5.3.1
1) Press Enter Key to change the time. Then the cursor blinks on the year you want to change.
Press Up/Down Key to change.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
2) To change the month, press Enter Key. Then the cursor blinks.
Press Up/Down Key to change.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
3) To change the date, press Enter Key then the cursor blinks.
Press Up/Down Key to change.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 9
T i m e : 1 5 : 2 2 : 1 1
4) To change the time, press Enter Key. Then the cursor blinks.
Press Up/Down Key to change.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 9
T i m e : 1 5 : 3 0 : 2 6
- 58 -
<Figure 5-21> Time Set-hour
5) To change the minute, press Enter Key. Then the cursor blinks.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 9
T i m e : 1 5 : 2 2 : 2 6
6) To change the second, press Enter Key. Then the cursor blinks.
Press Up/Down Key to change.
N o w : 2 0 1 2 / 0 9 / 2 7
T i m e : 1 4 : 3 0 : 2 6
E d i t : 2 0 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 9
T i m e : 1 5 : 2 2 : 1 1
7) After changing, press Enter Key then the menu below shows. Press Enter Key again
then the edited time is saved.
[ U p d a t e S e t t i n g ]
- > P r e s s E n t e r
- 59 -
5.6. Event View Menu
It is a menu to check various recorded information in EPIC-R300. Event List shows in a
chronological order from the latest one. You can check information with Up/Down Key.
There is information of Event List and maximum number of storage below.
- 60 -
6. DNP V3.0 Protocol
6.1. Object Index Table
6.1.1 BI Inputs
- 61 -
6.1.2 BO Outputs
- 62 -
6.1.3 AI Inputs
- 63 -
6.1.4 AO Outputs
- 64 -
Sync Fail Phase Difference 40 Static
Sync Fail Delay Time 41 Static
Sync Fail Func On/Off 42 Static
Live Voltage Level 43 Static
Live Detect Time 44 Static
Fault COUNT Level 45 Static
Reset Time 46 Static
Tie SW Closing(On/Off) 47 Static
Tie SW Source(Both/ABC/RST) 48 Static
Tie SW Closing Time(30~600s) 49 Static
SEC Func On/Off 50 Static
Pickup I2/I1 Level 51 Static
I2/I1 Delay Time 52 Static
Use Negative OC 53 Static
UV Pickup Level 54 Static
UV Delay Time 55 Static
Use UV Func 56 Static
OV Pickup Level 57 Static
OV Delay Time 58 Static
Use OV Func 59 Static
UF Pickip Level(47~59.98) 60 Static
UF Delay Time 61 Static 40/2
Use UF Func 62 Static 41/2
OF Pickup Level(50.02~63.00) 63 Static
OF Delay Time 64 Static
Use OF Func 65 Static
Live Load(Y/N) 66 Static
Sync Fail 67 Static
Group 2
Phase Fault Pickup Current 68 Static
Phase Operation Time 69 Static
Phase Reset Time 70 Static
Phase Fault Coldload Multiplier 71 Static
Phase Fault Coldload Time 72 Static
Phase Fault-2nd Harmonic 73 Static
Phase 3V1 Level 74 Static
Phase 3I1 75 Static
Phase 3I1 Max Torque Angle 76 Static
Phase Fault
77 Static
Phase Fault Func On/OFF 78 Static 0
Ground Fault Pickup Current 79 Static 41/2
Ground Operation Time 80 Static
Ground Reset Time 81 Static
Ground Coldload Multiplier 82 Static
Ground Coldload Time 83 Static
Ground Fault-2nd Harmonic
Restraint 84 Static
Ground 3V0 Level 85 Static
Ground 3I0 86 Static
Ground 3V0 Max Torque Angle 87 Static
Ground Fault 88 Static
- 65 -
Ground Fault Func On/OFF 89 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Current 90 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Voltage 91 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Angle 92 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Time 93 Static
SEF> Fault Func NO/YES 94 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Current2 95 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Voltage2 96 Static
SEF>> Fault Operation Angle 97 Static
SEF>> Fault Operation Time 98 Static
SEF>> Fault Func 99 Static
SEF Fault-2nd Harmonic Restraint 100 Static
2nd Inrush Harmonic Level 101 Static
2nd Inrush Operation Time 102 Static
2nd Inrush Func On/Off 103 Static
Phase Loss Voltage On Level 104 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Off Level 105 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Operation
Time 106 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Func On/Off 107 Static
Sync Fail Phase Difference 108 Static 40/2
Sync Fail Delay Time 109 Static 0
Sync Fail Func On/Off 110 Static
Live Voltage Level 111 Static
Live Detect Time 112 Static
Fault COUNT Level 113 Static
Reset Time 114 Static
Tie SW Closing(On/Off) 115 Static
Tie SW Source(Both/ABC/RST) 116 Static
Tie SW Closing Time(30~600s) 117 Static
SEC Func On/Off 118 Static
Pickup I2/I1 Level 119 Static
I2/I1 Delay Time 120 Static
Use Negative OC 121 Static
UV Pickup Level 122 Static
UV Delay Time 123 Static
Use UV Func 124 Static
OV Pickup Level 125 Static
OV Delay Time 126 Static
Use OV Func 127 Static
UF Pickip Level(47~59.98) 128 Static
UF Delay Time 129 Static 40/2
Use UF Func 130 Static 41/2
OF Pickup Level(50.02~63.00) 131 Static
OF Delay Time 132 Static
Use OF Func 133 Static
Live Load(Y/N) 134 Static
Sync Fail 135 Static
Group 3
Phase Fault Pickup Current 136 Static 40/2
Phase Operation Time 137 Static 0
Phase Reset Time 138 Static 41/2
- 66 -
Phase Fault Coldload Multiplier 139 Static
Phase Fault Coldload Time 140 Static
Phase Fault-2nd Harmonic
Restraint 141 Static
Phase 3V1 Level 142 Static
Phase 3I1 143 Static
Phase 3I1 Max Torque Angle 144 Static
Phase Fault 145 Static
Phase Fault Func On/OFF 146 Static
Ground Fault Pickup Current 147 Static
Ground Operation Time 148 Static
Ground Reset Time 149 Static
Ground Coldload Multiplier 150 Static
Ground Coldload Time 151 Static
Ground Fault-2nd Harmonic
152 Static
Ground 3V0 Level 153 Static
Ground 3I0 154 Static
Ground 3V0 Max Torque Angle 155 Static
Ground Fault
Direction(OFF/FWD/REV) 156 Static
Ground Fault Func On/OFF 157 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Current 158 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Voltage 159 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Angle 160 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Time 161 Static
SEF> Fault Func NO/YES 162 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Current2 163 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Voltage2 164 Static
SEF>> Fault Operation Angle 165 Static
SEF>> Fault Operation Time 166 Static
SEF>> Fault Func
167 Static
SEF Fault-2nd Harmonic Restraint 168 Static
2nd Inrush Harmonic Level 169 Static
2nd Inrush Operation Time 170 Static
2nd Inrush Func On/Off 171 Static
Phase Loss Voltage On Level 172 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Off Level 173 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Operation 174 Static
Time 40/2
Phase Loss Voltage Func On/Off 175 Static 41/2
Sync Fail Phase Difference 176 Static
Sync Fail Delay Time 177 Static
Sync Fail Func On/Off 178 Static
Live Voltage Level 179 Static
Live Detect Time 180 Static
Fault COUNT Level 181 Static
Reset Time 182 Static
Tie SW Closing(On/Off) 183 Static
Tie SW Source(Both/ABC/RST) 184 Static
Tie SW Closing Time(30~600s) 185 Static
SEC Func On/Off 186 Static
- 67 -
Pickup I2/I1 Level 187 Static
I2/I1 Delay Time 188 Static
Use Negative OC 189 Static
UV Pickup Level 190 Static
UV Delay Time 191 Static
Use UV Func 192 Static
OV Pickup Level 193 Static
OV Delay Time 194 Static
Use OV Func 195 Static
UF Pickip Level(47~59.98) 196 Static
UF Delay Time 197 Static 40/2
Use UF Func 198 Static 41/2
OF Pickup Level(50.02~63.00) 199 Static
OF Delay Time 200 Static
Use OF Func 201 Static
Live Load(Y/N) 202 Static
Sync Fail 203 Static
Group 4
Phase Fault Pickup Current 204 Static
Phase Operation Time 205 Static
Phase Reset Time 206 Static
Phase Fault Coldload Multiplier 207 Static
Phase Fault Coldload Time 208 Static
Phase Fault-2nd Harmonic 209 Static
Phase 3V1 Level 210 Static
Phase 3I1 211 Static
Phase 3I1 Max Torque Angle 212 Static
Phase Fault
213 Static
Phase Fault Func On/OFF 214 Static
Ground Fault Pickup Current 215 Static
Ground Operation Time 216 Static
Ground Reset Time 217 Static 40/2
Ground Coldload Multiplier 218 Static 41/2
Ground Coldload Time 219 Static
Ground Fault-2nd Harmonic 220 Static
Ground 3V0 Level 221 Static
Ground 3I0 222 Static
Ground 3V0 Max Torque Angle 223 Static
Ground Fault
224 Static
Ground Fault Func On/OFF 225 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Current 226 Static
SEF> Fault Pickup Voltage 227 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Angle 228 Static
SEF> Fault Operation Time 229 Static
SEF> Fault Func NO/YES 230 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Current2 231 Static
SEF>> Fault Pickup Voltage2 232 Static
SEF>> Fault Operation Angle 233 Static 40/2
SEF>> Fault Operation Time 234 Static 41/2
SEF>> Fault Func 235 Static
- 68 -
SEF Fault-2nd Harmonic Restraint 236 Static
2nd Inrush Harmonic Level 237 Static
2nd Inrush Operation Time 238 Static
2nd Inrush Func On/Off 239 Static
Phase Loss Voltage On Level 240 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Off Level 241 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Operation
242 Static
Phase Loss Voltage Func On/Off 243 Static
Sync Fail Phase Difference 244 Static
Sync Fail Delay Time 245 Static
Sync Fail Func On/Off 246 Static
Live Voltage Level 247 Static
Live Detect Time 248 Static
Fault COUNT Level 249 Static
Reset Time 250 Static
Tie SW Closing(On/Off) 251 Static
Tie SW Source(Both/ABC/RST) 252 Static
Tie SW Closing Time(30~600s) 253 Static
SEC Func On/Off 254 Static
Pickup I2/I1 Level 255 Static
I2/I1 Delay Time 256 Static
Use Negative OC 257 Static
UV Pickup Level 258 Static
UV Delay Time 259 Static
Use UV Func 260 Static
OV Pickup Level 261 Static
OV Delay Time 262 Static
Use OV Func 263 Static
UF Pickip Level(47~59.98) 264 Static
UF Delay Time 265 Static 40/2
Use UF Func 266 Static 41/2
OF Pickup Level(50.02~63.00) 267 Static
OF Delay Time 268 Static
Use OF Func 269 Static
Live Load(Y/N) 270 Static
Sync Fail 271 Static
Common Setting
GROUP Primary Select 272 Static
Automatic Group Selection 273 Static 40/2
GROUP Reserved Select 274 Static 41/2
- 69 -
6.1.5 Counters
- 70 -
6.2. Device Profile
DNP V3.00
This document must be accompanied by a table having the following headings:
Notable objects, functions, and/or qualifiers supported in addition to the Highest DNP
Levels Supported (the complete list is described in the attached table):
□ None □ None
□ Fixed at _______________________ ▣ Configurable, range 0 to 3
▣ Configurable, range 0 to 3 (Fixed is not permitted)
- 71 -
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:
Sometimes If 'Sometimes', when? _____________________________
Always (not recommended)
▣ When reporting Event Data (Slave devices only)
When sending multi-fragment responses (Slave devices only)
Others ______________________________________________________________
Attach explanation if ' Variable ' or ' Configurable ' was checked for any timeout
- 72 -
DIRECT OPERATE □ Never □ Always ▣ Sometimes □
DIRECT OPERATE - NO ACK ▣ Never □ Always □ Sometimes □
Attach explanation if ' Sometimes ' or ' Configurable ' was checked for any operation.
Reports Binary Input Change Events when Reports time-tagged Binary Input Change
no specific variation requested: Events when no specific variation requested:
▣ Never ▣ Never
□ Only time-tagged □ Binary Input Change With Time
□ Only non-time-tagged □ Binary Input Change With Relative Time
□ Configurable to send both, one or □ Configurable (attach explanation)
□ the other (attach explanation)
- 73 -
□ Never ▣ Never
▣ Configurable (attach explanation) □ When Device Restarts
□ Only certain objects □ When Status Flags Change
□ Sometimes (attach explanation)
No other options are permitted.
Function codes supported
- 74 -
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Func Func
Qual Codes Qual Codes
Obj Var Description Codes Codes
(hex) (hex)
(dec) (dec)
20 5 32-bit Binary Counter without Flag
20 6 16-bit Binary Counter without Flag 1,7,8,9,10 00,01,06 129,130 00,01
20 7 32-bit Delta Counter without Flag
20 8 16-bit Delta Counter without Flag
21 0 Frozen Counters - All Variations
21 1 32-bit Frozen Counter
21 2 16-bit Frozen Counter
21 3 32-bit Frozen Delta Counter
21 4 16-bit Frozen Delta Counter
32-bit Frozen Counter with
21 5
Time of Freeze
16-bit Frozen Counter with
21 6
Time of Freeze
21 7 32-bit Frozen Delta Counter
with Time of Freeze
21 8 16-bit Frozen Delta Counter
with Time of Freeze
21 9 32-bit Frozen Counter without Flag
21 10 16-bit Frozen Counter without Flag 1 00,01,06 129 00,01
21 11 32-bit Frozen Delta Counter
without Flag
21 12 16-bit Frozen Delta Counter
without Flag
Counter Change Event - All
22 0 Variations 1 06,07,08
32-Bit Counter Change Event
22 1 without Time
16-Bit Counter Change Event
22 2
without Time
32-Bit Delta Counter Change
22 3
Event without Time
22 4 16-Bit Delta Counter Change
Event without Time
22 5 32-Bit Counter Change Event
with Time
16-Bit Counter Change Event
22 6 with Time
32-Bit Delta Counter Change
22 7 Event with Time
16-Bit Delta Counter Change
22 8 1 06,07,08 129,130 17,28
Event with Time
Frozen Counter Events - All
23 0
23 1 32-Bit Frozen Counter Event
without Time
23 2 16-Bit Frozen Counter Event
without Time
32-Bit Frozen Delta Counter
23 3 Event without Time
16-Bit Frozen Delta Counter
23 4 Event without Time
- 75 -
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Func Func
Qual Codes Qual Codes
Obj Var Description Codes Codes
(hex) (hex)
(dec) (dec)
23 5 32-Bit Frozen Counter Event
with Time
16-Bit Frozen Counter Event
23 6 with Time
32-Bit Frozen Delta Counter
23 7 Event with Time
16-Bit Frozen Delta Counter
23 8
Event with Time
30 0 Analog Input - All Variations 1 00,01,06
30 1 32-Bit Analog Input
30 2 16-Bit Analog Input 1 00,01,06 129 00,01
30 3 32-Bit Analog Input without Flag
30 4 16-Bit Analog Input without Flag 1 00,01,06 129 00,01
31 0 Frozen Analog Input - All Variations
31 1 32-Bit Frozen Analog Input
31 2 16-Bit Frozen Analog Input
32-Bit Frozen Analog Input with
31 3 Time of Freeze
16-Bit Frozen Analog Input with
31 4
Time of Freeze
32-Bit Frozen Analog Input
31 5
without Flag
31 6 16-Bit Frozen Analog Input
without Flag
32 0 Analog Change Event - All 1 06,07,08
32-Bit Analog Change Event
32 1 without Time
16-Bit Analog Change Event
32 2 without Time 1 06,07,08 129,130 17,28
32-Bit Analog Change Event
32 3
with Time
16-Bit Analog Change Event
32 4 1 06,07,08 129,130 17,28
with Time
33 0 Frozen Analog Event - All
32-Bit Frozen Analog Event
33 1
without Time
16-Bit Frozen Analog Event
33 2
without Time
33 3 32-Bit Frozen Analog Event with Time
33 4 16-Bit Frozen Analog Event with Time
40 0 Analog Output Sataus - All Variations 1 00,01,06
40 1 32-Bit Analog Output Sataus
40 2 16-Bit Analog Output Sataus 1 00,01,06 129 00,01
41 0 Analog Output Block - All Variations
41 1 32-Bit Analog Output Block
41 2 16-Bit Analog Output Block 3,4,5,6 17,28 129 echo of request
50 0 Time and Date - All Variations
50 1 Time and Date 2 07quantity=1
- 76 -
(slave must parse) (master must parse)
Func Func
Qual Codes Qual Codes
Obj Var Description Codes Codes
(hex) (hex)
(dec) (dec)
1 07quantity=1 129
50 2 Time and Date with Interval
51 0 Time and Date CTO - All Variations
51 1 Time and Date CTO 129
51 2 Unsynchronized Time and Date CTO 129
52 0 Time Delay - All Variations
52 1 Time Delay Coarse 129
52 2 Time Delay Fine 129
60 0 Not Defined
60 1 Class 0 Data 1 06
1 06,07,08
60 2 Class 1 Data
20,21 06
1 06,07,08
60 3 Class 2 Data
20,21 06
1 06,07,08
60 4 Class 3 Data
20,21 06
70 1 File Identifier Refer to the DNP Index Table.
80 1 Internal Indicaitons 2
81 1 Storage Object
82 1 Device Profile
83 1 Private Registration Object
Provate Registration Object
83 2
90 1 Application Identifier
100 1 Shot Floating Point
100 2 Long Floating Point
100 3 Extended Floating Point
101 1 Small Packed Binary-Coded
Medium Packed Binary-Coded
101 2 Decimal
Large Packed Binary-Coded
101 3 Decimal
No Object 13
No Object 14
No Object 23
- 77 -
7. IEC60870-5-101 Protocol/104 Protocol
- 78 -
8. Guide for maintenance and configuration via terminal port
8.1 Configurations Software
The Configuration of Device uses a CAMia setting program provided by NEOPIS, through
RS-485, RS-232 port or TCP/IP port. The CAMia performs a read or write of setting
information, and provides the saving as a portable file and can be downloaded and
uploaded by user as needed. Specifically, it provides reading and saving functions for
EVENT(Operation, Fault, Load profile, etc) saved in device. In addition, it provides the
overall functionality needed for other device operations so that device can be managed
efficiently by providing, it is also useful as a post-failure analysis and maintenance.
CAMia specification
Memory 128MB
Graphic 8
Version 1.0
8.1.2 Installation
CAMia installer is provided on the installation CD, or on our web-site. Installation process
shall be in accordance with the instructions of the installer.
- 79 -
8.1.3 Start CAMia
In order to start the CAMia, login should be done first. The login ID is fixed to
“Manager”, and the default password is “0000”. The password can be changed by user
after login completes.
8.1.4 Menu
There are eight(8) menu groups as “File”, “Comm”, “Command”, “Tool”, “Account”, “Log”,
“Language”, “Help”. For detailed descriptions of each menu item, please refer to the tables
(Note) Each menu item is enabled and disabled depending on the device type(RELAY,
RTU, METER, etc.). Also, in order to prevent the malfunction due to human error, the
available menus are different, depending on the user account privileges.
1) File Menu
The File menu includes the functions of file loading and saving needed for device
operation, a pop-up functionality of displaying user convenience. The detail description of
each function is shown in the table below.
- 80 -
<Figure 8-3> File menu
File Menu
2) Comm Menu
Comm menu is composed of functions handling of the communication with devices, such
as connect to server, disconnect to server, and so on. The description of each item is
shown in the table below.
- 81 -
Comm Menu
Tool Menu
Custom curve Editor Run the custom curve editor that is used to modify and
create the user defined curve.
Run the wave viewer used to analyze the waveform
Wave Viewer
information which is read from the device.
Run the logic editor used to configure the logic
Logic Editor information for relays
Run the I/O map editor which is necessary for
I/O Map Editor configuring the communication map used to
communicate with the device
- 82 -
4) Account Menu
The Account menu consists of functions that handle the user account such as creating,
modifying, changing PW of an account. The description of each item is shown in the
table below.
Account Menu
Create account To create the user account for CAMia
Modify account To modify user account information
Change password To change the password of currently logged in account
5) Command Menu
The Command menu consists of functions handling the reading and writing from/to the
device. The description of each item is shown in the table below.
Write custom curve to device To write all data of user defined curves which is
currently loaded in the CAMia.
Change Device Password To change the device password.
- 83 -
6) Log Menu
The Log menu contains commands about handing of communication log such as show,
stop, clear log. The description of each item is shown in the table below.
Log Menu
7) Language Menu
CAMia supports English and Korean. After selecting language, CAMia should be restarted.
The description of each item is shown in the table below.
Language Menu
8) Help Menu
The Help menu includes the information of CAMia and Device such as version, provider,
H/W specification. The description of each item is shown in the table below.
- 84 -
<Figure 8-10> Help Menu
Help Menu
The figure below is the device information window when the device is connected to CAMia.
In order to show the device information, connection must be done first.
- 85 -
8.1.5 Connect to device
The setting of communication must be done prior to connecting to device. There are
two(2) communication option groups (Serial and TCP). To connect through front RS-232 or
RS-485 port, it shall be set the relevant settings after selecting Serial on window of
Communication Option. To connect by using LAN port, the IP address and Port should be
Miscellaneous items are to process the exceptions which occur during communication with
the device. The Retry Count items are to set the number of times for re-transmission
when communication fails, and it attempts to resend by the number of times. For the
Timeout Interval, if there is no response from the device within the set time, it is treated
as an error.
After all settings are completed, click the “Connect” button to connect to device.
- 86 -
8.1.6 Read from device
In order to read various information from the device, the login and connection should be
preceded. Once the connection is done, after selecting the desired item from the “Device
Function Tree”, click the “Read from Device” button on the toolbar or “Comm” menu.
However, the items as Measurement, Status, Vector diagram, etc performs an automatic
Read command from the device at the time of switching to the appropriate screen. The
result of Read command is updated in real time on the screen, Read command success
can be identified through the “Communication Log” in the bottom of the program.
(Note) For the writing function of setting, because all the items displayed on the current
screen shall be transferring, unless the special case, it is recommended to select each item
- 87 -
<Figure 8-14> Write to device
(Note) All the settings are displayed with the default values after the program starts. The
actual settings stored on the device must be updated through Read function.
- 88 -
Relay elements are divided into four groups of Function Group1, Function Group2,
Function Group3, Function Group4. Each group is composed of detail Functions (Phase,
Fault, Ground Fault, Sectionalizer, etc) provided by device. For the desired setting screen,
select it from “Device Function Tree” in the left of the program. Once selecting it, the
screen will be switched to fit to selected Function.
The device system setting is composed of the System Config, DI Debounce, DO Pulse
Width, Communication-related settings, and so on. Each setting item should be modified
to fit the power system conditions.
- 89 -
The communication setting is composed of the SCADA Port setting, IEC-101 & 104
Setting, DNP Setting, and so on.
- 90 -
The Event group determines the various event information which are generated in the
device. The Write function is not supported, only the Read function is capable. At the top
of the Event Viewer window, the numbers of events that occurred shall be displayed. To
read event from the target device, click the “Read” button on menu or toolbar. It may
take a few minutes to read all the information depending on event occurrence. The
numbers of events should be entering at the time of “Read” proceeding, when a certain
number is required, enter the desired numbers to retrieve from the device.
The figure below is the screen when reading is finished, the event information is sorted
by time of occurrence. By default, the latest information is displayed on the top of the
- 91 -
Measurement items display the measured values which device has received from CT & PT,
all items of device measuring can be monitored in real time. This is composed of General
measure group and Vector Diagram. As shown in figure below, the General measure
group displays all items including current, voltage, power, energy, quality which are
measured in device on one screen. What is displayed on the screen is automatically
updated without any separate read process.
The Vector Diagram is a screen that displays the scalar value such as voltage, current
together with vector diagram, and it is shown in figure below.
- 92 -
6) Control & Status
In Control & Status view, the device states of operation are monitored and control
commands are performed. Control & Status View is same as the device front. Each
operating state is automatically updated according to the operating state of the device.
For the control commands, use the button located on the bottom of the program, the
control result is shown in a message box, the Communication Log window also shows the
(Note) The status monitoring and the operation screen can be changed according to the
device type.
- 93 -
7) Wave
In the Wave view, the waveform reading from the device is performed. The number of
current stored fault waveform is displayed on the top of screen. For identifying the
waveform currently occurred, click the “Read” button located in the menu or toolbar. If
the reading of waveform list is successful, double-click the cell on the “Read Column” of
desired item, a progress box will appear as the following screen.
The full process of reading the waveform is “Read waveform list → Select waveform →
Double-click Read Column → Set the storage path of waveform → Read processing”. It
may take two or three minutes, depending on the size of the waveform. Upon the
completion of reading the waveform, the waveform analyzer runs automatically. The
waveform file is stored in COMTRADE( C37.111 ) format. COMTRADE stands for Common
format for Transient Data Exchange, and defines a common format for power quality
event (disturbance) data in order to simplify retrieval, analysis and exchange of disturbance
data between multiple sources and vendors.
- 94 -
The waveform file is composed of two files, as follows:
By storing as COMTRADE, any COMTRADE viewer may be used to view and analyze the
waveform. The figure below is a waveform analysis program that runs automatically after
the completion of reading the waveform.
For additional information regarding COMTRADE, please refer to the following:
- IEEE C37.111, IEEE Standard Format for Transient Data Exchange.
- IEC-60255-24 Common Format for transient data exchange( COMTRADE ) for power
systems.(IEC website
- Appendix A : COMTRADE Files’ Formats( Page 43 )
- 95 -
8.1.9 Additional Function
CAMia provides additional functions those help users to perform the device configuration
more conveniently. The functions include Saving and Loading settings, Capture, Account
Management, Excel Save, and so on. The description of each function is as follows.
1) Save Configuration
For saving of settings, click the “Save Setting” button on the toolbar located at the top of
CAMia program or select the “Save Setting” button on File menu. After clicking the
button, set the desired path, then click the OK button. The figure belows shows the
storage process.
- 96 -
2) Load Configuration
For loading of saved setting file, click “Load Setting” button located at the top CAMia
program, or select the “Load Setting” of the File menu. Before loading, the current
information should be saved, because those contents of working would be disappeared
during loading the setting file. After loading the configuration file as shown below, it
should undergo the process of the re-program login.
- 97 -
The figure below shows the results of reading fault event from the device in Excel file.
The figure below shows the results of saving device configuration in Excel file.
- 98 -
4) Account Manager
CAMia provides account manager to handle user account such as creating, deleting,
modifying user account. Account manager enable to limit the available functions for each
user. Through this feature, it can block some specific functions which general users should
not use to prevent the accidents due to the pre-set mistakes. Such functions are account
add, modify, and delete can be only provided for “Manager” authority or equivalent
authority. The PW of regular user account can be changed after login. The figure below
shows the user account creation screen. In the screen, enter the user information (ID,
Password), then select the available functions. The user account can be created only when
the “Manager account password” is entered accurately. To open the account creation view,
click the “Create account” button on Account Menu.
- 99 -
In Account manager view, the manager user can modify and delete a registered account.
To open the Account manager view, click the “Modify account” button on Account Menu.
The available function list of Manager Account can not be modified, only password
changing is supported. Regular user accounts can be modified the password and function
list. After finishing modifying an account, click the “Save” button. To delete an account,
select the account from the account tree, then click the “Delete” button.
To change the PW of current account, click “Change password” in Account menu. The
figure below shows the view of changing the current account PW.
- 100 -
5) TC Curve View
CAMia provides TC Curve View in order to check the coordination of each relay element
in function group. When a Tm value or curve type is changed Curve window will be
updated on current values. The full process of coordinating TC curve is “File Menu →
Show Curve Window → Changing Tm Value or curve type on setting view → Updating
curve window”
(Note) Some devices does not support TC Curve. In this case, TC Curve View will not
display any curve.
- 101 -
8.2 RTU Communication map editor (MapEditor)
8.2.1 Introduction
I/O Map Editor is used to create and modify communication map file. Map file is binary
file used for RTU communication (IEC 60870-5-101, 104 and DNP 3.0). The created map
file is downloaded to RTU through front port(RS-232). After map file being downloaded to
device, RTU will response in the same way as a defined map file. The figure below shows
the main window of I/O MapEditor software.
Menu groups are largely divided into three groups as “File”, “Comm” and “Help”. For such
detailed descriptions of each menu item, please refer to the table below.
1) File Menu
File menu consists of Exit function and map file manipulating functions such as New, Save
Map, Load Map, Export Map.
- 102 -
File Menu
2) Comm. Menu
It is composed of functions necessary to communicate to device, such as communication
link, reading and writing. The descriptions of each item are shown as below.
Comm Menu
3) Help
Help menu contains the information of I/O MapEditor copyright and version.
- 103 -
8.2.2 Prerequisite
- Computer that has RS-232C ports or USB to serial converter cable.
- 104 -
8.2.3 Connection
The setting of communication must be done prior to connecting to device. There are
two(2) communication option groups (Serial and TCP). To connect through front RS-232 or
RS-485 port, it shall be set the relevant settings after selecting Serial on window of
Communication Option. To connect by using LAN port, the IP address and Port should be
Miscellaneous items are to process the exceptions which occur during communication with
the device. The Retry Count items are to set the number of times for re-transmission
when communication fails, and it attempts to resend by the number of times. For the
Timeout Interval, if there is no response from the device within the set time, it is treated
as an error.
After all settings are completed, click the “Connect” button to connect to device.
- 105 -
8.2.4 I/O MapEditor main views
I/O MapEditor has five main views as “I/O Map File Information”, “I/O Point Type”,
“Communication Option”, “I/O Point Pool”, and “I/O Point Modify View”. The description of
each details is as shown below.
- 106 -
(Note) The last item (Point Address) of “point type tree” is not a point type. It is used for
defining starting index each point type. When clicking the Point Address item, the I/O
MapEditor views will appears as following table.
In case of selecting Point Address item, adding or deleting in I/O Point Pool view is not
allowed. To modify the starting index of a point type in I/O Point Modify View, click the
Point Address cell of the point type, then enter new starting index. The Point Addresses
of two point types are not allowed to be duplicated.
For example, if the point address of MSP (Single point DI) is 100, and the selected point
names of MSP are as followed.
- 107 -
Then the real indexes which are used for communication are as followed.
The figure below shows the results screen after selecting some points from Point Pool.
- 108 -
To select/unselect multiple Point Names at the same time, drag the mouse over the Point
Names, then right click, a menu will appear, choose Add Points (to select the
points)/Delete Points (to unselect the points).
To select all Point Names, click the top checkbox. To unselect, click the checkbox one
more time.
- 109 -
4) I/O Point Modify View
In the I/O Point Modify View, the modification of the indexes, the group, the scaled value
and some other features of each selected point would be performed. For example, to add
Point Name DI1 (SW Open) into the Group 1 (G1), double click the checkbox of DI1 in
the column G1. Double click one more time to remove the Point Name DI1 (SW Open)
from group G1.
To add/remove multiple Point Names to Multiple groups at the same time, drag the
mouse over the checkboxes, then right click, a menu will appear, choose Check
All/Uncheck All to add/remove the Point Names to/from the groups.
- 110 -
To enable cyclic data transmission of a point, double click the checkbox in Cyclic column
as shown in the figure below.
To set up value to the sub points of Double Point DI (or DO), click the list box of Sub
Point 1 to select the value, then the value of Sub Point 2 will be automatically changed
- If Sub Point 1 is OPEN, the Sub Point 2 will be CLOSE and vice versa.
- If Sub Point 1 is LOCAL, the Sub Point 2 will be REMOTE and vice versa.
To set up the scaled value and deadband of point(Measured Scaled Value Point Type),
click the combo box of the MME point in the Scale column. It can be set multiple point
in the similar method as multiple group selection also.
- 111 -
<Figure 8-55> I/O point modify view5
To change the index of each point, click the button on the toolbar in I/O Modify View.
The description of each button is shown as table below.
ICON Meaning
To move a clicked Point Name to the top of point list.
- 112 -
- Change starting address of each point type( Refer to 3.4.2)
Step 6. Modify point information which is index, group, scale value, etc. (refer to 3.4.4)
Step 7. Click the ‘Save map’ button on toolbar( or File menu → Save map)
Step 2. File -> Load map or click icon ‘Load map’ on Tool bar.
Step 3. ‘File -> Export map’ or click the icon Export map on the Tool bar to export the
map. Then save the export file in the memory.
- 113 -
8.2.8 Sequence of writing a map file to device
Before writing a map file to device, prepare ‘USB to serial Cable’ and ‘RS-232 Cross
Gender’ and the map file. (refer to 3.2 and 3.5)
- 114 -
Step 2. Use an RS-232 cable to connect PC to device. The figure below is a complete
view of the connection between the EPIC-R300.
Step 3. Click the ‘Connect’ button to start the connection to the device.
Step 4. The full process of writing the map file is “Click the Write to device
button → Select the map file on PC → Wait until write file → Check
completion message” It may take five or ten seconds, depending on the size of
the map file. Upon completion of writing the map file, the completion message
pop-up automatically,
EPIC-R300 Front LCD → Top Menu → Comm Set → SCADA Port → Select Port Map →
Down Map → Save
- 115 -
The COMTRADE record generated by your device consist of two files: the configuration
file (*.cfg) and the data file (*.dat). These files are structured as described in IEEE Power
Engineering Society C37.111 COMTRADE data format. Please refer to the IEC website for
the most up-to-date COMTRADE data format information.
- 116 -
- 117 -
Configuration field details
The following table describes the channel identifier(ch_id) and channel phase identification
(ph) values:
- 118 -
Example - configuration file
- 119 -
1. TC Curve
The EPIC-R300 supports analog recloser curves, IEC curves, ANSI/IEEE curves, and KEPCO
curves, The list is as follows.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TC Curve A B C D E K L M N P
No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
TC Curve R T V W Y Z 1 2 3 4
No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
TC Curve 5 6 7 8 8* 9 11 13 14 15
No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
◆ TC curve equation
The equation of TC curve supported by EPIC-R300 is as follows.
- I = Fault current
- I> = Pick up current setting value
- k = Multiplier setting value
Standard Curve A B C
Normal Inverse(NI) 0.14 0.02
Very Inverse(VI) 13.5 1
IEC Extremely Inverse(EI) 80 2
Long-time Inverse(LI) 120 1
Short-time Inverse(SI) 0.05 0.04
Moderately Inverse(MI) 0.0515 0.114 0.02
Very Inverse(VI) 19.61 0.491 2
Extremely Inverse(EI) 28.2 0.1217 2
Normal Inverse(NI) 0.0086 0.0185 0.02
Long-time Inverse(U8) 5.95 0.18 2
Short-time Inverse(U2) 0.2394 0.0169 0.02
Normal Inverse(NI) 0.011 0.042 0.02
Very Inverse(VI) 3.985 0.1084 1.95
- 120 -
2. TC Curve 1~4
102 4
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 121 -
3. TC Curve 5~8
102 8
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 122 -
4. TC Curve 8*~13
102 13
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 123 -
5. TC Curve 14~18
102 18
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 124 -
6. TC Curve A~D
102 D
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 125 -
7. TC Curve E~M
102 M
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 126 -
8. TC Curve N~T
102 T
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 127 -
9. TC Curve V~Z
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 128 -
10. TC Curve IEC NI~SI
104 IEC LI
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 129 -
11. TC Curve IEEE MI~NI
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 130 -
12. TC Curve ANSI U8, U2
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 131 -
13. TC Curve ES NI, VI
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 132 -
14. TC Curve KEPCO N1~N4
102 N4
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 133 -
15. TC Curve DEF 1S, 10S
100 101
Current In Multiplies of Setting
- 134 -