Comparing Raspberry Pi Zero W and ESP32
Comparing Raspberry Pi Zero W and ESP32
Comparing Raspberry Pi Zero W and ESP32
Beemoc Beehive Systems (BBS) is a small company based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. BBS’s
microcontroller-based systems allow beekeepers to remotely monitor the physical conditions
of their beehives online. BBS supports beekeepers’ efforts to conserve local bee populations,
whose declining numbers pose a threat to agriculture and native ecosystems (TWD, n.d.). In
consideration of the feedback from our beekeeping partners, BBS wants to reevaluate the
microcontroller used in our system. This report will consider the Raspberry Pi Zero W (Figure 1)
and the ESP32 (Figure 2), which are both relatively small microcontrollers with built-in Wi-Fi
and Bluetooth that can connect to the system’s monitoring website. While the Raspberry Pi
hosts better performance and flexible ADC resolution, the ESP32 is more affordable and
features a low-powered operational mode that is better suited to our clients who manage
smaller-scale apiaries.
While each microcontroller has its respective areas of strength, the one best suited for Beemoc
Beehive Systems at present is the ESP32 microcontroller. Our current business size and clientele
do not necessarily require the performance and precision of the Raspberry Pi, while the low-
power and cost-efficiency is more suitable. However, the Raspberry Pi Zero W is certainly a
reasonable option to consider in the future, should BBS expand its business to more regions
and target larger beekeeping companies.
Works Cited
AB Electronics UK. (n.d.). ADC Pi - ADC converter for the Raspberry Pi.
Adafruit Industries. (n.d.). Raspberry Pi Zero W. Adafruit.
Adafruit Industries. (n.d.). TinyPICO - ESP32 Development Board. Adafruit.
Espressif Systems. (2021, March 19). ESP32 Series Datasheet.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation. (n.d.). Buy a Raspberry Pi Zero W – Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi.
Spectrum. (n.d.). ADC and Resolution | Spectrum.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. (n.d.). Native Pollinators & Private Lands: Bumble Bee
Conservation in Texas. Texas Parks & Wildlife (TPW).