Health Education-Sas12

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Health Education

Module #12 Student Activity Sheet


The instructor will prepare questions that can enhance critical thinking skills. Students will work by themselves to answer
these questions and write the rationale for each question.

CHARACTERICTICS Moral Model Medical and Disabilities Model

1.Views disabilities as sin

2. Embraces disability as a normal part of life
3. The belief that people with disabilities must
be “cured” /
4. Old model that persists in some cultures
5. Views social discrimination as the problem
6. View disabilities as problems
requiring intervention to cure /
7. Individuals and their families may
experience guilt, shame, denial of care.
8. Is the most influential on current
thinking model /
9. United Nations established Standard Rules
on the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities specifying
fundamental right of access to care.

10. Disability as defect/sickness/ disability

as deficiency /

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