Driving Incident Damage Transportation QRG v3.1
Driving Incident Damage Transportation QRG v3.1
Driving Incident Damage Transportation QRG v3.1
Driving incidents may be recorded as A driving incident will usually involve ‘damage’ ‘Transportation’ must be selected in the
a near miss (Incident without and/or an ‘injury’. Assets tab for the Driving incident to
consequence), or an incident with report correctly in Group metrics which are
If recording a vehicle accident you MUST
consequence, if there was any reported internally & externally.
ensure that the ‘damage’ incident group
damage, a release or injury. Any has been selected (even if no actual damage If the incident recorder specified the
incident type that involves driving was sustained). incident as a driving incident then a
requires the following information. transportation asset is defaulted for you. You
Asset tab: Involvement table - Involvement must still check and update the relevant details.
Beware – Please conduct a QA/QC check Classification: You must select Damage
whether the driving incident has originally
been captured on the simple entry screen
under Equipment or Property. If you, as the IIM
discover that this is the issue, please reallocate
the driving incident under Transport. The following fields identify the record as a
Mainitaining a Driving incident under the driving incident for Group reporting purposes:
Equipment or Property will detrimentaly affect Activity in progress: ‘Driving a Vehicle’.
Complete the transportation details:
the driving accident reports . ‘Transportation’ is selected in the Assets tab 1. Transportation description* (free text).
If the incident occurred offsite, e.g. public road, 2. Transportation type (click ).
Basic information
check the ‘location’ has been entered correctly. 3. Transportation subtype* (click ).
Open the incident and select the relevant
4. Manufacturer (free text).
incident groups.
Transportation (asset) details 5. Model (free text).
Go to the tab. 6. Unique number (free text).
Click and select ‘Transportation’. If you select transportation type ‘road’
there are additional fields to complete.
Press ‘enter’ to display these fields.
Transportation type ‘road’:
Driving incident QRG v 3.1 Record | Report | Learn Updated: 19 March 2018 Page 1 of 3
Enter additional information Adding multiple involvement
Use the additional information section to enter ‘Driver’ determines whether the vehicle was You can add multiple types of involvement for
any further information you have available. operated by an employee, contractor or third each vehicle (for example, a ‘failure’ that
party. resulted in ‘damage’.
Enter the employee name (if available and
legally allowed), or enter generic names such Click to create a new row then enter the
appropriate involvement classification and type.
as ‘contractor’ or ‘third party’.
Add involvement
Next, use the involvement table to specify how Adding multiple vehicles
It is important that every vehicle involved in the
the asset was involved in the incident.
incident is separately included in the Assets tab
even if they belong to a third party.
Complete the additional information: 1. Click to create a new row.
1. BP owned (yes/no). You can add multiple vehicles (or other assets)
2. Still operational (yes/no). to the record, for example, third party vehicles.
3. Driver (click ).
4. Additional description (free text). Click and select ‘transportation’ (or
5. Vehicle officially parked (yes/no). equipment or property as required).
6. Material involved (click ).
2. Click in the involvement classification
The ‘still operational’ (and ‘officially field and select ‘damage’ or ‘failure’
Roll over incidents
parked’) field is specific to the ‘road’ 3. Click in the involvement type field and
A vehicle rollover is a vehicle accident
transportation type. A vehicle is deemed ‘not select “Collision” as the type of
where the vehicle has flipped onto its
operational’ when the damage requires the involvement.
side, top or rolled 360 degrees via any axis.
motor vehicle to be recovered from the scene
(i.e. disabling damage). To record a roll over incident, use the ‘roll over’
involvement subtype:
4. Click in the involvement subtype field and 1. Click in the involvement classification
Field: Driver
select the subtype (if applicable). field and select ‘damage’.
The addition of the name of the Driver is
mandatory if you select additional information. 2. Click in the involvement type field and
Entering a name for the driver in this section select the ‘collision’.
will automatically update the People tab and 3. Click in the involvement subtype field and
the name & role ‘Driver‘ will appear select the ‘roll over’.
Driving incident QRG v 3.1 Record | Report | Learn Updated: 19 March2018 Page 2 of 3
Roll overs are HiPo (high potential) events so
Severity If the incident occurred offsite, e.g.
Incidents with consequence require both an public road, check the ‘location’ has
the following severity should be recorded as a
actual and potential severity rating. been entered correctly.
Actual: F or above. Incidents without consequence (near misses)
only require a potential severity rating. Once you have updated the driving incident,
Potential: E or above.
remember to click to update the
Use the scenarios in the vehicle accident
incident record.
Refer to the risk matrix in BP Policy 000030 recording matrix to determine and select the
appropriate severity levels. See tables 1 and 2.
Risk Management.
A vehicle accident recorded with an actual
Recording Severity if incident is an severity rating of A –G will be counted as a
SVA: Severe Vehicle Accident in HSSE reports.
You must record the severity against HSSE if
the incident is to be recorded as a SVA. If you Save record
record the severity against any other category Before you save the Driving record, please
i.e. Financial – this will not register the incident check the following:
as a SVA
If recording a vehicle accident you must
select the ‘damage’ incident group
Injury (even if no actual damage was
Any injury to a BP employee or contractor must sustained).
be recorded. Check that the Driving incident has not
been captured via the Equipment or
Refer to the ‘injury /illness’ quick reference
Property screens – this will impact the
guide if required.
SVA calculation
If a third party was involved in a collision and If you have completed the field ‘Driver’
sustained an injury, this must be recorded as then be aware that the format you
well. chose to record the details of the
vehicle driver will also populate the
People tab in the same naming format
Driving incident QRG v 3.1 Record | Report | Learn Updated: 19 March2018 Page 3 of 3